How to calculate paint consumption for metal structures. How to determine the paint consumption for metal per square meter? Alkyd paint consumption rate

PAINT "Serebryanka" BT-177 (GOST 5631-79) is used for painting structures and products operated outside in atmospheric conditions.

Assigning material

The paint BT 177 (silver) is intended for the protection and decoration of metal, wood, concrete structure and products that are used in an open atmosphere.


BT 177 is a paint with the following advantages:

- it is able to give the surface decorative view;
- to provide surface protection from negative atmospheric influences;
- has an anti-corrosion effect;
- drying is fast enough;
- the coating can be used for correct painting for 2.5 years.

Main characteristics and properties of the material

BT 177 - paint (enamel), which includes two main components: BT-577 varnish and aluminum powder. They are mixed before use. This paint is a material that is sufficiently resistant to weathering. It is applied both as a primed surface and without pretreatment.

The paint has excellent adhesion to metal, when it dries, it is possible to obtain a shiny, mirror-like, elastic, temperature-resistant coating that can withstand temperatures of 200 C, among other things, it perfectly protects against rust, high humidity air and the action of solutions of complex substances contained in water on the painted surface. BT 177 is a paint that is applied with a brush, roller or sprayed onto a product. Drying of paint occurs both naturally and using hot drying.

Appearance of coatings

After the paint dries, the surface becomes silvery in color with an even structure that does not have any wrinkles or pockmarks.


These paints and varnishes, if necessary, are diluted with white spirit, solvent, turpentine, or their mixture in the desired ratio (1: 1).

Applying paint to the product

The product should be prepared before applying the paint. If it has been previously painted, then it should be cleaned and dried. Only after completing these steps can the surface be painted with a roller, brush or spray. These paints and varnishes are applied in one or two layers, the air temperature during paint application can vary from +5 to + 35C and a maximum humidity of 80%.

When using paint at a low temperature, it should be noted that the temperature of the material must be at least + 15C.

How much paint is consumed per layer

On a painted surface measuring 1 sq. m. will require from 110 to 130 grams. Consumption paints per 1 sq. m of surface, primer enamel emacout? The actual consumption, as a rule, depends on how well the surface to be painted is prepared, what method of painting is used and what the professionalism of the staff is.

One layer of paint is 20-25 microns thick and depends on the method of painting and the qualifications of the personnel.

How to dry a painted product?

The drying time of the paint at an air temperature of 20-22C is 15-16 hours; at a temperature of 100-110 C, the paint is dried for 30 minutes, preliminary coating should be kept for 30 minutes at room temperature... After baking, before use, the painted coating should be kept for at least 3 hours in air, the temperature of which is 18-22 ° C.

Service life of coatings

If all the requirements for surface preparation, paint application (a primer layer and 2 paint coats), as well as drying of a painted product are met, the operation of the coating in a temperate climate is possible for up to 2.5 years.

Main technical characteristics

BT 177 dye has the following characteristics:

  • Drying at a temperature of 20-22 ° C to the third degree is no more than 16 hours.
  • At an air temperature from 100 to 110 ° C - no more than 30 minutes.
  • Flexural elasticity of the film is no more than 1 mm.
  • Undried film has a spreading rate of no more than 30 g / m2.

With BT 177 paint, the characteristics of which are indicated above, metal products are painted as follows:

  • 1 layer - primer (eg GF) on a corroded Unicor surface, or using one layer of a corrosion converter;
  • 2nd layer - one (or two) layers of this type of paint.

If no primer is available, you can simply apply two coats of paint.

How should it be stored properly?

The components of the paint (varnish and duralumin powder) will be stored in a hermetically sealed container, protected from moisture, exposure to temperature influences (direct sunlight and heat) at an air temperature from minus 40C to plus 40 C.

In what container is it produced?

The varnish that the paint consists of is sold in cans or industrial containers; aluminum powder - in drums. Packages are large, which contain 15, 25, 57 kg, or small, weighing from 0.8 to 2.8 kg.

Manufacturer's shelf life

The guaranteed shelf life of the varnish from the day it was made is six months, and aluminum powder is stored for one year from the date of manufacture.

Additional Information:

Serebryanka- paint prepared by mixing paint or varnish with aluminum pigment powder. Often the very aluminum powder is popularly called silver. For painting metal surfaces, silverfish is diluted with BT-577 or BT-5100 varnish; for painting structures used in atmospheric conditions, BT-177 paint is used in a mixture with aluminum powder. Also, to obtain silver, aluminum powder can be mixed with drying oil of synthetic origin. It is forbidden to mix silver powder with oil and alkyd based paints. Also, prepared silver can not be applied to surfaces previously painted with these paints.

Therefore, surface preparation before applying silver should be reduced to a complete cleaning of the metal.

Metal surfaces are painted to give them an aesthetic appearance and to protect them from the destructive effects of corrosion. Mostly iron, galvanized and non-ferrous metals are painted. Exterior galvanized metal paints? In any of these cases, it is required to determine the consumption of paint for metal per m2 in order to calculate the total volume required to perform the work. There are several ways to get the information you are looking for.

The easiest one is to look at the packaging of the mixture - here manufacturers often indicate how much composition is required to paint one square. The average consumption rate of paint for metal per 1 m2 is 110-150 grams. But there are many factors that can change it up or down.

The consumption rate of one or another paint per 1 square meter is indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging, but most often it is calculated based on the ideal application conditions. In this article, we will consider the calculation of paint for metal, the most popular dyes will be taken into account.

On the back of the can is the paint consumption per square meter or how much wall and ceiling surface can be covered with 1 liter of material. On front side tare volume is written in kg. Coloring pigments and most fillers are heavier than water. It is necessary to determine how many kg are in 1 liter of the composition. Anti-corrosion paints for metal on zinc?

For NTs-132, PF-115, oil enamels, silicone and silicate - this coefficient is about 1.5. Weight of water-dispersion and water-based paint less, in 1 liter about 1, 4 kg.

3) Right choice brushes save money consumable... (Fig. 2) Natural bristles absorb well and evenly distribute paint over the surface (with the exception of water-dispersible compositions). A quality tool should have a wide handle, good thickness and no nylon winding.

  1. Base color: to obtain light shades without gaps, it will be necessary to paint in several layers. For example, the average consumption rate per 1m 2 white is about 110 gr., and black - 60 gr.
  2. Application method: the spray gun is the most economical and evenly dispensing, but not suitable for every type of substance. When using a brush and a roller, the consumption volume will be several times higher, and drips may also form.

Before purchasing paints and varnishes, it is reasonable to calculate the required volume. Many people believe that you can just focus on these labels. However, the consumption rate may depend not only on the type of enamel and its hiding power - oil, water-based, acrylic or alkyd enamel - but also on the base material. Let's look at how to correctly calculate the volume.

First, let's talk about general principles calculation, and then go through the types of coatings and surfaces.

Determine the coverage area

From the school mathematics course, everyone remembers that to determine the surface area, you need to multiply its length by width. For example, the length of the wall is 5 m, the height is 3 m. The area of ​​the wall is 15 sq. M.

Similar calculations need to be made for all rooms and surfaces that you are going to paint - walls, ceilings, floors. For paints different color and the calculation, of course, must be done separately. For example, you can add up the areas of all ceilings that will be painted white and separately the areas of the walls that will be painted beige.

When implementing design ideas (a combination of a painted surface with wallpaper, etc.), the calculation becomes more complicated, but the principle remains the same - we calculate the area of ​​only the surface to be painted.

We calculate the paint consumption

Having received information about the working area, we look at the label. Branded products usually have hiding power and dry residue indicated on them. Hiding power is the ability of a material to overlap the color of the substrate when applied uniformly in one coat. Dry residue - those substances that will remain on work surface after the enamel has dried. Usually it allows you to assess the content of water and solvents in the composition of paintwork materials (paints and varnishes).

We calculate the approximate volume using the following formula:

(Covering rate / Dry residue) * 100

If you need to paint a wall with an area of ​​15 square meters, then with a covering rate of the material 120g / m2 and a dry residue of 60%, the paint consumption per square meter will be equal to:

(120/60) * 100 = 200 g / m2

We get the total consumption: 200 * 15 = 3 kg.

It is also necessary to take into account the density of the composition. For example, the density of the coating is 1.4 g / cm3. To calculate the paint consumption per square meter, divide the mass (3 kg) by the density (1.4 g / cm3) and get 2.1 liters. This means that you need 2 cans of paintwork materials, 1 liter each.

Depending on the type base surface and properties of a particular coating, this figure can be +/- 20%. For example, to paint a concrete wall, as well as a brick or plastered wall, you will need 10-15% more paint than for wood or metal surfaces. To reduce the consumption of material, the walls can be pre-treated with a primer.

Consumption rates of oil paint per 1 m2

On average, 110-130 gr is required for painting a surface in one layer. coverage for 1 square meter.

However, the consumption of oil paint on wood and metal, as well as other surfaces, can vary significantly. However, the differences can be significant for different ways application, and in different climates.

For example, during outdoor work, the consumption of oil paint will be lower in dry weather (than during internal works) and higher in rain and strong wind... In the latter case, the consumption of oil paint per square meter can be twice as high as in the production of interior work.

Second point. Since wood absorbs more metal, the consumption of oil paint on wood will be higher than on metal. The difference can be up to 2 times.

In addition, the amount of coverage required depends on its color. So, dark

enamel (black, brown, blue, green) you need 1 m2 more than light (white, yellow, blue). In this case, the consumption of oil paint per 1 m2 for non-ferrous metal will be higher than for galvanized iron or ferrous metal.

Finally, the brush always takes up more material, whether the bristle is natural or artificial. When using a roller, the consumption of oil paint is 1 m2 less. The silicone roller is ideal for painting metal surfaces.

Consumption rate of water-based paint per 1 m2

The average value per square meter is 140-160 g. This applies to one layer. At high rate hiding power is enough to apply 2 layers. Lower quality paints may require 3 or more coats. So before you buy cheap enamel, you should think - you will spend more of it, and labor costs will be more significant. So is your savings worth it.

The consumption of facade water-based paint per 1 m2 is usually higher than when painting walls and ceilings indoors. Since this type of coating contains water, outside, especially in windy conditions, it evaporates faster than inside, and as a result of uneven drying, additional layers have to be applied.

The consumption of water-based paint for wallpaper will also be higher, since the paper has good absorbent properties.

The required volume may vary depending on the type of water-based paint. Check out the table. It provides an approximate amount.

Acrylic paint consumption rate

Average consumption of acrylic paint for interior work (painting ceilings and walls) - 130-200 g / m2. Painting the facade, especially in wet windy weather, may require more material. On plastered walls, brick and concrete, the consumption of acrylic paint per m2 is higher than on wood or metal.

Alkyd paint consumption rate

The average is 150 g / m2. One liter is usually enough for 10 square meters. However, these indicators may vary depending on what and in what proportions you dilute the composition - linseed oil, kerosene or turpentine. Also, the consumption of alkyd enamel per 1m2 depends largely on the structure and porosity of the base surface. So, the consumption of alkyd paint for metal will be less than for wood or concrete.

The main thing to remember is that it is better to calculate everything in advance than then run around in search of the desired shade or lament about overpaying for extra material.

Consumption of oil paint per 1m2

Oil paints are used for painting walls, floors, windows and ceilings. The amount of material used depends on the size of the area that needs to be painted, as well as on the factor of the color of the base and the paintwork itself. If you want a layer to be opaque, it must have a certain thickness. Hiding power of a material is a value that determines the thickness of a dry opaque layer on an already painted surface.

How to find out the expense

Consumption of oil paint per 1m2 may change after it dries. The index of stubbornness, as well as the dry residue for oil paint, is in construction manual, but most often this information is indicated in the instructions or on the label. Sometimes the manufacturer can indicate how many square meters can be covered with 1 kg of material. Some companies indicate how much area can be painted with a liter of this paintwork.

The consumption of oil paint per 1m2, calculated in grams, is the most convenient indicator, since most often we know the information about the surface area in advance. The area must be calculated, taking into account all the irregularities, the level of the degree of absorption, then how many layers need to be applied.

Approximate miscalculations

If we talk about the average consumption of material, it can be from 110 to 130 grams (per m2). It should be noted that it is indicated taking into account the moment that paintwork will be applied in only one layer.

As mentioned above, paint consumption depends on its color, so let's consider how much material is required to paint the surface of paintwork materials in different shades.

White coating colors from 7 to 10 m2

Black paint can paint up to 20 m2

Green colors from 11 to 14 m2

Brown - from 13 to 16 m2

Blue - 12 to 17 m2

Consumption of red and yellow from 5 to 10 m2.

These data are indicated for one liter of paint that has already been diluted. It can be diluted in two formulations, white spirit or solvent will do. If you have solvents, use them; mix in equal proportions.

If you are going to paint the surface, keep in mind that you need to apply the coating in at least two layers, each of them should dry for about a day.

Decide on the tool

The amount of paintwork used depends on the tool used to apply it. If you do not want extra expenses, use a spray gun. After him, the honorable second place is taken by an ordinary roller, and the most consumable tool is a brush. Walls made of brick or concrete, which are pre-coated with plaster, absorb as much as 10% more than other types of surfaces.

Surface preparation before painting

It is very important that the surface is free of residues before painting. old paint, for this we recommend using chemical removers.

Front paint consumption per 1m2

Today there are many types facade paint... It differs in composition and viscosity, which affects the consumption when painting. For household needs, oil and alkyd paints are the most popular. But depending on the circumstances, water-based paints may be used.

Front paint consumption per 1m2

The most common is water-based paint, which is not inferior to oil paint. It contains water with the smallest particles of coloring pigment dissolved in it. After application, the water evaporates, and the coloring pigment hardens, forming a matte film with high protective properties on the surface.

High performance indicators allow the use of water-based paint for painting not only internal, but also external surfaces. When painting in two layers, the consumption of water-based paint per 1 m2 will be 200-300 grams. Drying time for each layer is one hour. In addition, water-based paints do not possess, unlike oil and alkyd paints, odor and can be easily removed with water.

Oil paints consist of drying oil, coloring composition and filler. They are produced in two forms - ready-to-use and in the form of a thick paste, which must be diluted with linseed oil to the desired consistency. The consumption of oil paint directly depends on the color, the lighter the tone, the higher the consumption. The average consumption is from 100 to 200 grams per 1 m2.

Alkyd paints are composed of alkyd resin, coloring pigment and special additives that affect the drying time. This kind paints, if necessary, diluted with turpentine or white spirit. Alkyd paints are distinguished by a long-lasting gloss, reliable protection from moisture and corrosion. Recommended for all types of painted surfaces. Consumption depends on the color and texture of the surface, as well as on the method of application. The average consumption of acrylic paint is 150 grams per 1 m2.

Modern technologies production of all types of paint, relatively low price and ease of application make painting of any surfaces the most in an accessible way protect it from moisture and corrosion, as well as give it an attractive appearance. The variety of offered types of paints will allow you to choose the most suitable option for finishing various surfaces and structures, and simple ways application will allow you to do the work yourself.

Consumption of oil paint per 1m2

Before naming specific figures, I would like to say that the calculation of the consumption of oil paint will largely depend on the conditions for its application. Moreover, this difference can be very significant. That is why, to begin with, I will give an approximate figure for the general case when there is no a large number factors that strongly influence both an increase and a decrease in consumption. On average, 110 to 130 grams of paint per 1 square meter are spent in one layer to paint a surface. And then I will tell you in more detail what conditions are needed to reduce the consumption, and which ones can lead to its increase.

Consumption of oil paint per 1m2 has its own norms. When calculating the average consumption rate, it is necessary to take into account such factors as: the viscosity of the paint, the quality of the surface and even its original color, the method of applying the paint (spray gun, roller or brush), as well as the place of work (room, street, weather conditions).

Oil paint on metal is consumed the fastest due to wastage associated with conditions environment... So, for example, more paint is consumed per 1 m2 indoors than in dry, warm weather outdoors. But at the same time, if the weather worsens, then the loss of paint on the street increases many times over. In strong wind, rain, fog, paint is consumed faster than indoors.

As an example, we will consider the paint PF 115.

PF 115 paint: characteristics and consumption

PF 115 paint is used for both exterior and interior work. It is an enamel paint designed mainly for metal work. The paint box indicates that it is weather resistant, wind, moisture and solar radiation... But is it? Partially yes. The fact is that paint acquires such properties only after application and complete drying. In the process of application, the paint is influenced by all environmental conditions and its consumption increases most of all in strong winds and bright sun.

Consumption will differ for this type of paint. Depending on the color of the enamel, 1 liter of paint can be painted:

Black: 17 to 20 m2

Blue: 12 to 17 m2

Brown: 13 to 16 m2

Green: 11 to 14 m2

White: 7 to 10 m2

Yellow: 5 to 10 m2

This type of paint, which has not yet dried, literally evaporates in the sun. And the consumption can increase significantly.

In concrete figures, these will be very large indicators, you may need twice as much paint as when working indoors, or, say, in calm cloudy weather. A smooth glossy uniform coating is formed only when the paint is completely dry. At the same time, if you apply too much paint in the sun, the coating will be sloppy and rough, and subsequently may begin to flake off.

Best of all, such an enamel paint is suitable for painting galvanized iron, ferrous metals. But it can be successfully applied to non-ferrous metals. True, in the latter case, paint consumption increases.

Painting tool

A lot also depends on what kind of material the paint is applied to the surface. A paint brush, whether natural or artificial, consumes more paint than a roller. This is easily explained - the brush is literally soaked in paint. And the roller, especially on a silicone base, on the contrary, is ideal material for painting metal surfaces.

If you have followed all the recommendations, and the paint consumption still exceeds all conceivable and inconceivable norms - think about it - maybe it's the paint itself? This sometimes happens with cheap, low-quality paint. The manufacturer sets the price lower in the expectation that the consumption of this paint will be colossal, and ultimately benefits from this. Therefore, make sure that the paint is really high quality, and only then proceed to painting.

This article provides information on the consumption of paint per square meter, as well as the conditions on which the consumption of paint depends. We will touch on the types of paint, such as: oil, water-dispersion and water-based, facade. Let's also talk about the consumption of enamels, in particular about pf-115. Let's analyze the consumption of drying oil.

Try to calculate your consumption in the extended version of the paint consumption calculator, you can also read the article on the consumption of plastering materials and calculate the consumption of plaster for walls in the calculator.

Walls Paint type: Room length (m) Room width (m) Wall height (m) Surface type: Ceiling Paint type: Room length (m) Room width (m) Oil paint consumption

V oil paints Linseed oil is used as a binder, which polymerizes after being applied to the surface. Consumption can vary from 140 grams per meter to 250. Let's take a closer look: We need about 150 grams per meter of white paint for a flat surface, that is, we can paint about 6.5 meters with a kilogram can. On a rough surface, more will be required, about 160 g / m2. Colored paint for 1m2 will require 130-140 grams.

Enamel consumption pf-115

The most popular is PF-115 pentaphthalic enamel. The film formed by this enamel has a homogeneous structure, does not delaminate. The average consumption is 110-130 g / m2 per one-layer coating. Depending on the color used, 1 kg of enamel is sufficient to paint a surface with:

1. White - 7-10 m

2, black - 17-20 m / light blue - 12-17 m - 11-14 m

5.brown - 13-16 m

6.yellow / red - 5-10 m

The enamel can be diluted with a solvent or white spirit or their mixture 1: 1. The paint is applied with a brush or roller in several layers; the drying time of each layer is about a day.

Consumption of acrylic-based water-dispersion paint

Acrylic-based water-based paints are used both indoors and when working with facades. They have a matte appearance, tinted with color pastes. Give large palette colors that do not fade in the sun. The manufacturer indicates the consumption of up to 8 m2 per 1 liter, but in practice the spreading rate is usually 115 g / m2 (i.e. 1 liter per 6-7 m2). The fact is that the manufacturer indicates the given consumption rates in a thin layer, on a smooth surface, under ideal conditions. In practice, a lot depends on the absorbency and roughness of the surface. The method of application also matters. For example, when using a spray gun, paint will go away less than when using a roller. Again, a roller is more economical than a brush. Assume that your paint will take 5-15% more than indicated on the package. Are applied acrylic paints 2-3 coats on a clean, dry surface. Moreover, a high-quality composition will overlap the color of the base in 2 layers, in a cheaper version you will need 3 layers. Thus, cheap paint can be more expensive in practice.

The color can last on concrete without visible changes for up to 5 years, then darkens and after 2-3 years it can begin to peel off. If such paint is applied to plaster, cement, etc. , then priming can be done with it, diluting up to 10% with water. Then a layer of undiluted paint is applied.

Consumption of water-based paint

Water-based paints are used for finishing the ceiling and any other surfaces, except for those that were previously painted with glossy paint. When calculating the consumption of paint, it is necessary to be guided by the consumption per square meter indicated by the manufacturer. On average, it is 1 liter per 7-11 m2. For some water-based paints, one liter is enough for 14-18 m2 in one layer. But the indicated consumption may not coincide with the actual one, the absorbency of the surface should be taken into account. To reduce paint consumption and increase the service life, it is recommended to treat the surface with a hardening primer. Do not apply thick layers of water-based paint. Most often, 2-3 layers are made, each subsequent one is applied after the previous one has dried, after 1.5-2 hours. Paints based on styrene-butadiene are highly resistant to moisture, but may turn yellow when exposed to light.

Front paint consumption per 1m2

Almost all types of paints can be used as facade paint from this conclusion that there is a consumption for a particular type. Approximate consumption values ​​are from 160 to 250 grams per square meter, while the consumption of white paint is always higher than that of other colors. Painting the facade will protect it well and preserve it; therefore, the work should be done carefully and not try to save money.

Drying oil consumption per 1m2

The drying oil consumption ranges from 100 to 130 grams per square meter. Pre-capping wooden surface drying oil, you can save paints by 10-15%

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for increase ]

Calculating paint correctly is a challenge, even for professionals. Despite the fact that paint consumption rates for metal are quite accessible to every user, required amount composition in each case can vary constantly. (Fig1).

Factors affecting paint consumption rates for metal:

The quality of the paint;

Surface condition;

Coating method;

Ambient temperature;

Humidity level;

The presence of a draft or wind;

And many other nuances.


Corrosion protection of metal surfaces
First, let's understand the meaning of the word itself - corrosion. Literal meaning when translated from Latin means corrosive

BT 177 paint: characteristics and application
BT 177 paint, the characteristics of which are specially selected to protect metal structures and other products from the influence of the atmosphere and aggressive environments on the chemically active surfaces of ferrous metals and other materials

Hammerite paint for metal. Description and application
The surface on which Hameright metal paint is applied, not only does not require cleaning from rust, but also does not require preliminary priming.

Quick-drying paint for metal. Description and application
Today on construction market can be purchased fast drying paints for metal in conventional packaging and in aerosol cans

Refractory paint for metal. Criterias of choice
Application of fire retardant thin-layer intumescent paints to the structure - effective and modern method protection

Spray paint for metal. Description and application
Spray paint for metals of the first and second types is applied to a clean, dry, pre-sanded base

When renovating, it is advisable to correctly calculate the paint consumption per m2 and the entire room. If you buy a little, you will have to spend time on a trip to the store and the tone may differ. The excess is also not needed, the money was spent, and the composition will disappear before you need to paint something again. Leading paint manufacturers, such as Tikkurila, Dulux, Tex, propose to define the right amount finishing material upon purchase. For this, there are electronic calculators.

On each jar with the composition of NTs enamel, water-dispersion, mineral and other types, the coverage rates are indicated by one kg or a liter per m2 of wall or floor. These are the numbers for a smooth firm horizontal plane with a good 2 coats primer. How much material is needed in a particular case is determined taking into account a number of factors.

For convenience, we count the squares in meters

I am often asked how to calculate paint consumption in order to determine how much will be needed for repairs. You should start by determining the surface area in m2 for painting. You need to measure the perimeter of the room and the height of the walls from floor to ceiling. For floors and single-tiered ceilings, it is sufficient to multiply the length by the width. All surface area calculations should be done in meters.

To determine the area of ​​the walls, consider:

  • niches;
  • half columns;
  • protrusions;
  • bay windows.

On the back of the can is the paint consumption per square meter or how much wall and ceiling surfaces can be covered with 1 liter of material. On the front side of the container, the volume is written in kg. Coloring pigments and most fillers are heavier than water. It is necessary to determine how many kg are in 1 liter of the composition. For NTs-132, PF-115, oil enamels, silicone and silicate - this coefficient is about 1.5. The weight of water-dispersion and water-based paint is less, in 1 liter about 1, 4 kg.

Hiding power depends on the basis of the composition and additives

We paint ourselves

Having calculated the area of ​​walls and other surfaces for painting in m2, you can determine the paint consumption for the entire repair. This should be done specifically for the selected material. For example, the products of Dulux and Tikkurila are more expensive, but more economical in work, they are applied in a thinner layer whiter. Water-based formulations cover a large wall surface area of ​​1 kg of substance. NTs-132 and PF-115 create a strong film, but more of them are required per 1m2.

The hiding power of the paint depends on the substrate. For comparison, the table shows the average figures for the formulations Dulux and Tikkuril.

Separate tables have been created for NTs-132 and PF-115 paints, since their weight in 1 liter and consumption depend on color pigments.

When calculating the amount of material, it is necessary to take into account how many layers will need to be applied for a high-quality coating of a given surface.

Dependence on texture and texture

Paint consumption for finishing 1 square meter of surface

Consumption rates are indicated on the packaging for an ideal surface. For walls, it is a smooth sanded plaster with a double primer coat. You can determine how much paint you really need, taking into account:

  • surface density;
  • textures;
  • roughness;
  • curvature;
  • preliminary preparation;
  • tool.

The table shows the consumption rates of universal paint on surfaces with different densities.

Spray coating is considered economical due to obtaining a thin layer. At the same time, NTs-132 is mixed for more liquid state half and half with thinner. When working with a brush, paint is consumed by 3 - 5% more.

Color matters

Mineral-based mixtures are tinted in the store using a computer, they have hundreds of shades. Tonality does not affect opacity. How many meters of walls can be painted with NTs-132 and PF-115 depends on the color. Pigments and additives have different specific gravity... The mixes are sold ready-to-use and come in a limited number of shades.

The table shows all the colors and consumption of PF-115.

The composition of NTs-132 has a palette of about 30 colors, many gray tones, bright shades are limited to blue and green.

Several similar colors are shown in the table for comparison of application rates.

Comparison of materials from Dulux, Tikkurila and other popular manufacturers

Each manufacturer improves specifications material with its specific additives. As a result, the hiding power of similar compositions in different companies is different. The table shows white matt paint for the ceiling.

Firm The foundation Coating rates 1 liter, in m2
Dulux latex 9 — 13
Dulux water soluble 7
Marshal of VD water-dispersive 7 — 9
Tikkurila Finkolor water-dispersive 7 — 9
Tex water soluble 4 — 6
Tex based on latex and acrylic 9 — 12
Beckers latex 8 — 12
Beckers water-based 7 — 10

When buying paint, add to the estimated amount the cost of losses of 5 - 7%, depending on experience and on the location of the surface. Smallest for the floor, as there is nowhere to drip or drain. For walls, consider the tool.

Modern primer-enamel for metal is used to protect and paint various metal surfaces. It is designed to cover both clean and rusted objects. The enamel protects coatings with a thickness of dense rust up to 100 microns.

Anti-corrosion primer-enamel for metal "ANTI-COR 3 in 1"

It has the qualities of an anti-corrosive primer, decorative enamel and rust remover. The main purpose of such paint is to cover surfaces that cannot be completely cleaned of rust. For example, this applies to very large items of irregular shape.


The primer-enamel contains pigment suspensions, fillers in epoxy resins, organic solvents and various targeted additives. The main active ingredients of the enamel are stabilizers for products formed as a result of corrosion, as well as corrosion inhibitors. These substances form a waterproof and chemical resistant coating on the surface to be painted.

Positive qualities of the primer enamel

  • fast drying;
  • high resistance to salt water and adverse weather conditions and mineral oils;
  • resistance of the surface covered with enamel to large temperature extremes (from -50 to +100 degrees);
  • the presence in the composition of high-quality anticorrosive pigments that prevent further progression of corrosion;
  • high adhesion to metal, which does not require the use of a primer;
  • high quality dispersion pigments providing excellent decorative characteristics;
  • ease of use;
  • the possibility of applying by pneumatic spraying;
  • low consumption, which ranges from 80 to 120 ml / m2, depending on the need;
  • high painting characteristics;
  • the possibility of painting at temperatures up to -10 degrees.

Rules for the use of primer-enamel to reduce consumption

First, you need to calculate how much paint is consumed per square meter.

Before using paint, it is necessary to calculate its consumption for the painted surface. To do this, you need to know the rates of enamel consumption per 1 m2, which is indicated by the manufacturer.

Stir well immediately before use. Next, surface preparation is carried out, which includes cleaning metal surface from dirt, dust and rust. Also, if necessary, degrease the surface.

If the metal coating was previously painted with oil or alkyd paint, then it is better to clean it to matte appearance... In addition, in order to further reduce paint consumption, experts recommend doing a test painting. This procedure will help you to see the areas of detachment and bulging, and if necessary, remove them.

It must be remembered that the primer-enamel for metal or wood cannot be applied to a surface that was previously painted with a nitro-containing paint and varnish coating. To reduce the consumption of enamel, it should be applied at temperatures from -10 to +30 degrees. As a tool, you can take a regular brush or roller. However, the most economical method of applying white enamel is air spraying.

Before painting with this method, it is recommended to dilute the enamel with special solvents or xylene. They can be used to clean tools or accidental stains. It is advisable to apply the enamel in two layers, making gaps between them for at least an hour.

After applying the primer enamel and drying it, any type of paint can be applied to the surface. If all these rules for applying primer-enamel are observed, the consumption will be minimal within 80 ml per 1 m2, which is the most profitable from an economic point of view.

Scope of application of white enamel for metal:

  • painting of fences, metal structures, garages and other objects that are operated in harsh atmospheric conditions;
  • painting rusty car surfaces such as fenders, underbody and so on.

Thus, the primer-enamel is a reliable coating for metal structures with a layer of rust. This enamel will provide maximum protection against corrosion and create a primer layer for subsequent paint application.