How to keep the house warm. How to make a house warm - simple solutions and simple execution

Heating season has not yet begun, and is it already noticeably colder in the house? Or maybe cash heating appliances just not enough to heat your home, especially in energy saving mode? It is not important why you have to chatter your teeth: what is important is that it is time for you to think about how to use heat more rationally.

How warm it will be depends on the house itself and many of its features. You can enjoy warmth with a minimum of power heating appliances, but you can heat with might and main, and still not know winter evenings without a sweater.


  • First of all, it is important to insulate the house itself. If you are seriously thinking about saving heat and using it rationally, pay attention to the thickness of the walls of your home. If the wall is 40 cm thick, then no wonder what you expect winter period with horror: you will have to insulate the walls with foam or other material that has a low thermal conductivity. If the house itself becomes a "thermos", then it will not be very hot in the heat, but it will not get cold in winter frosts.
  • The next nuance of the house is the windows. Large windows are a lot daylight... They are also a colossal source of heat loss. Modern fashion"Glass" houses and floor-to-ceiling windows have their downside: incredible fuel costs for heating such a house. Therefore, it will not be easy to keep warm in the house without insulating windows and eliminating cracks.

If the windows are wooden, then you have 2 ways: rational, but costly, and long, but economical. Following the first path, you once change all windows to metal-plastic at least three-chamber, thereby reducing heat losses several times and eliminating the very concept of drafts. Unnecessary spaces are simply bricked up. The second way is the annual red tape with the insulation of windows, plugging them with foam rubber, pasting with a film (by the way, a window curtained on both sides with an ordinary polyethylene garden film keeps heat no worse than metal-plastic. Appearance- this is not for everybody), curtain them with blackout curtains.

  • Make the most of outdoor heat and sunlight. During the day, remove from window sills and windows everything that prevents light from entering. In the evening, curtain the windows with shower curtains or film: it will attract sunlight and heat, and at the same time prevent drafts. The doors, by the way, can also be covered with foil: when you enter the house, less cold air will flow there.
  • Try to insulate the ceiling of the house, if the house is private: after all, warm air rises up, leaving through the attic. Place Styrofoam or drywall, at worst, an old thick carpet on the floor of your attic.
  • Insulate the floor: a carpet on the floor will greatly increase walking comfort.
  • Use incandescent bulbs for heating: they generate up to 90% of heat during operation, and only 10% goes to glow. Electricity costs will increase, but without a heater, the house will be warmer.
  • Close rooms you are not using. If the house is two-story, it makes sense to heat only the part of the house that you use, and the largest rooms in terms of area should be closed and curtained altogether.


  • If it is still very cold outside, you can light a fire in the yard. It is used to heat stones (dense in structure, not building brick), and bring them into the house. For some time the stones will give off heat no worse than the stove.
  • Try to stay in small rooms: breathe them faster.
  • Light candles, if any. Candles give off some heat.
  • Use a hair dryer to dry your hair: use it to warm your laundry and clothes. You can also heat the bed, but manually: the veins are never left covered, otherwise it may catch fire.
  • Cook food in the oven. Together with delicious dish get a heated kitchen. But dishes, when cooking a lot of steam, it is better not to cook: they increase the humidity in the room.
  • Dress in multiple layers of clothing. Oddly enough, the proverb "why do I need your casing if I have 3 bathrobes-ta-ta-ta" makes sense: several light sweaters are warmer than one thick one. Wear slippers and woolen socks: if your feet are warm, it is easier to keep warm. In severe cold, wear a hat: a large percentage of the heat goes through the head.
  • Sleep in warm fluffy pajamas: this is the thing!
  • One more thing - warm downy sleeping bag... Hikers successfully use this achievement, and nothing bothers you: it perfectly warms and retains the heat of your body. By the way, you cannot climb into it very warmly dressed: a down sleeping bag reliably stores the heat of your body, which is not released through three sweaters and a jacket.
  • Put a heating pad in bed: heat water and pour into regular plastic bottles... Such a heating pad will perfectly warm the bed. You can also heat the pillow with rice inside in the microwave: it also keeps warm for a long time.
  • Drink hot drinks: tea with ginger - wonderful way get warm.
  • Let warm pets into your home. A cat in bed or on hands successfully replaces a heating pad.
  • Hug: the coldest evenings are better spent together than alone!

Useful Tips

Before you start to learn all the secrets of keeping warm in the house, it is worth paying attention to how heat escapes from our house (percentage of all losses in a normal panel house):

* Walls and doors - 42%

* Ventilation - 30%

* Windows - 16%

* Basements - 5%

* Roof - 7%

How to keep your home warm

1. Open curtains and / or blinds in the morning to allow sunlight to enter your home. Glass in the window allows light to pass in, but not back out. In a home, light accumulates by bouncing off walls and furniture, and ultimately turns into heat.

2. At night, use thick curtains to prevent heat from escaping through the windows. Without sunlight windows become your enemy. Create a thick wallpaper to keep the heat from escaping.

* You can use just a thick blanket to which a rod or stick is attached to maintain its shape.

Measure your window and find something solid, such as a stiff rod or a sturdy stick, that you can then wrap the curtain around. You can also use an old curtain rod (if you have one).

* You can also use two pieces of heavyweight fabric. There is an instruction for this:

2.1 Prepare two pieces of thick fabric. Put both pieces of fabric one on top of the other patterned to each other. Secure everything with pins and cut so that you end up with a size several centimeters larger than the size of the window.

2.2 Sew all layers on three sides. On the last 4th side, sew a third of the entire length from each end (it turns out that there will be one third unstitched in the middle). Use the non-sewn part to turn fabrics inside out.

2.3 Insert a pin into the hole and secure it with a stitch, and sew the fabrics to the end.

* If the curtains are long and cover the batteries, attach loops to the bottom edge of the curtain, and sew buttons in the middle of the curtain. This will allow you to string the buttonholes while raising the curtains over the battery.

3. Seal old window frames to avoid heat leakage. You don't have to spend a lot - you can find inexpensive sealant at any hardware store. It also takes very little time for you.

4. If you still have bubble wrap from the goods that were wrapped in it, cut the size you need. It should be noted that this film can be purchased separately. Spray a little water on the window and place the film with bubbles against the window - the water will serve as glue for the film, and then there will be no stains. This way you can reduce heat loss by 50%.

How to make the floor warmer

5. Cover the floors with carpets. There is nothing more frustrating than becoming bare feet on the cold floor in the morning. In addition to a pleasant feeling, carpets also create an additional insulating layer that keeps the cold air from rising from the floor, which means your feet will be grateful to you.

6. Use a sealing gasket (cotton wool or foam, for example) to close all gaps in the windows. After that, cover the slots with strips of cotton fabric (each strip is 4-5 cm wide). This will keep the warmth from escaping your home.

7. It is advisable to have thick, massive doors in the house that will keep you a lot of heat. You can also upholster an old front door with leatherette filled with a foam pad.

It is advisable to plaster all the cracks. polyurethane foam... If you decide to install new door, then see if you can save the old one, tk. two entrance doors create an air spacer between themselves, and it insulates the heat.

How to keep your home warm

8. Attach a sheet of foil behind the radiator and it will reflect heat back into the room, with little heat escaping through the wall. It should be noted that the gap between the foil and the battery must be at least 3 cm.

9. If for one reason or another it is impossible to attach a screen made of metal foil, try to insulate the house from the outside. Order insulation end wall(as a rule, this is done with special plates).

10. Take a shower with open door(if possible). Warmth and wet air created during bathing will raise the air temperature throughout the house.

11. Dry things in the house. Just like bathing with the door open, this method increases the humidity in the air and makes you more pleasant and comfortable.

Do-it-yourself home insulation

12. Rearrange the furniture

Can't afford to insulate your walls from the outside? Then try rearranging the furniture. For example, put a large cabinet near the coldest wall. Note, however, that the sofa should not be placed near the battery, because you will disrupt air exchange.

13. If you have cracked windows, be sure to replace them.

14. If you decide to bake something, leave the kitchen door open so that the heat of the oven and / or stovetop spreads throughout the house.

15. Last but not least, you can purchase a heater.

How to choose a heater

There are a few things to know before purchasing a heater.

First you need to decide what you need it for. Based on this, it is worth choosing how powerful a heater is required. Find out the area of ​​the room (room). Ordinary apartment with ceilings 2.75 - 2.8 m needs a heater with a capacity of at least 1 kW for every 10 sq. m.

A big plus will be the presence of a temperature and power regulator in the heater. There are several types of heaters:

15.1 Oil heater

How does he work:

Inside such a heater there are 2 or 3 heating elements, which are used to heat mineral oil. This oil has quite heat boiling and when it heats up, then heat is given off throughout metal surface apparatus.

With the help of such a heater, the air heats up quite quickly, besides oil heater does not dry out the air. It can be equipped with a thermostat that switches off the heater when the temperature reaches a set level.

15.2 Convector

How does he work:

Cold air is passed through the heating element and heats up, and then exits through the grates located in the upper part of the device. An additional source of heat is the convector body, which also heats up. But the heater should be placed away from the furniture, because a warm housing may ruin it.

Convectors can be fixed to the wall or placed on special legs. The device is quite safe, because his heating element hidden inside the case. If the convector has a thermostat, it can work continuously.

The only negative is that the heater heats up the room slowly. It should be used to maintain the correct temperature.

15.3 Fan heater

How does he work:

There is a thin spiral inside this heater, which gets very hot. The heat generated by the heating of the coil is distributed throughout the room by a fan.

The air in the room heats up quite quickly, besides, the device itself is easy to carry, because it's pretty lightweight. Typically a thermal fan is used in offices.

But it should be noted that the device dries up the air, which in turn is harmful to health. It is undesirable to use a heat fan where there is an asthmatic. Another disadvantage of such a device is the constant noise during its operation.

15.4 Infrared heater (quartz radiator)

How does he work:

This device, unlike others, heats objects around it, not the air. Further, the room is heated thanks to the heat emanating from the heated floors, walls and furniture. This saves electricity as the appliance itself may not work, and the room is still warm.

If in the first place - savings, then it is worth choosing just such a heater. But it is worth knowing that infrared quartz emitters are the most expensive and you need a specialist to install them.

Everyone knows that a comfortable stay at home is not possible without warmth. Being in a room at a low temperature, you constantly catch yourself thinking that you need to somehow warm up. A good heater will only temporarily help get rid of such sensations, but the problem should be solved radically - need to make the house warm.

Today, thanks to the "care" of the so-called democrats, the constant increase in energy prices and Construction Materials forces private owners to toughly save on literally everything. Including in the heat. Over the past few years, domestic and global industry has developed to solve this issue row complex systems insulation of houses.

To date, technologies for insulating existing houses are available:

  • made of wood;
  • brick;
  • frame and concrete buildings.

If possible, such methods of insulation should be applied even at the stage of construction of a private house - design solutions of this type already exist, for example "thermohome".

It's no secret that the walls of a building are the weakest point in retaining heat. It is through them that the greatest losses occur (more than 50%). Knowing this, any economical owner, willy-nilly wondering how to make the house warm, starts work from the walls of the building's facade, and, if possible, is engaged in the insulation of the walls from the inside.

External insulation of houses.

External insulation of a private house involves the use of mineral wool and polyurethane foam as insulation. These materials are versatile and have a number of positive properties.

Read also: Canadian technology building houses

Mineral wool is an environmentally clean material with excellent thermal insulation characteristics and increased durability. It is also important that the properties inherent in it do not allow the material to maintain and propagate combustion.

In most cases, when equipping a house from the facade, mineral wool is placed in the cavity. frame floor... However, there is another way of attaching to external walls - using special anchor dowels.

Polyurethane foam differs in low weight, but at the same time has good strength characteristics, and at the same time a wide range of applications.

The polyurethane foam is attached to the facade with glue, and then, in addition, it is fixed with anchor dowels. Unlike mineral wool this material combustible. To prevent fire, outside plaster on the grid.

How to make a wooden house warmer.

The reason for significant heat loss in wooden houses occurs due to thermal radiation through basements, roofs, walls and windows. Moreover, more than 30% falls on the walls of the building and 30% on the windows and ceiling. This fact suggests that the insulation of the walls of the house should be made a priority.

With the onset of winter months, the consumption of heat carriers increases sharply. The lower the temperature outside the window, the more difficult it is to heat the room. But in last years prices for basic heating fluids began to rise. And the forecast for the future is disappointing. Winters won't get any shorter, gas won't get cheaper. After a long winter this year, many had to think about how to heat a private house so that the family budget does not suffer.

In the past, everyone tried to connect the house to gas and use it for heating. This possibility does not always exist. Some homeowners have calculated that it is now more profitable to change the heating system. There are other ways to reduce heating costs. Let's talk about everything in order.

Insulate the walls of the building

Before discussing heating options for a private building, it should be noted that a lot of heat is wasted. You burn gas, consume electricity, heat water. And the heat escapes through the walls and roof. Don't believe me? Walk down a private sector street in winter. Has the snow melted on the roofs of many houses? Why?

The heated air becomes lighter and rises upward. If the ceiling and roof are not insulated, heat penetrates outside, melts the snow on the roof, heats the air around the building. The heat in the house does not linger and you have to constantly turn on gas burner... And the walls of the foundation conduct cold and moisture. The room is constantly damp and cold.

Scientists have calculated that half home warmth goes out through the structure of the building. It will not be possible to insulate the building 100 percent. After all, the house must breathe. but insulation works may well reduce heat loss by half.

There are many insulation options. For example, you can pump liquid foam insulation by drilling holes between the rows brickwork... Can be insulated external walls foam or mineral wool. A layer of expanded clay can be poured onto the ceiling.

The choice of materials for insulation is also constantly increasing. Styrofoam and mineral wool are cheap. However, other materials can be used, such as glass wool or polyurethane foam. In some cases, straw, hay, sawdust are used as insulation.

If the house has heating batteries, glue the walls behind the radiator with reflective foil. The heat will not heat the wall, but will reflect off the foil and heat the room.

If you use gas for heating, be sure to install a gas meter. You will be able to control the gas consumption.

We heat the house with wood

Many are looking for an alternative gas heating... But is it possible to heat with wood modern house... This, of course, is not about the traditional Russian oven, on which our grandmothers cooked. Now there are cast iron and steel furnaces that can be heated with coal or wood. Outwardly, they resemble the famous potbelly stove, but they have a number of advantages. Immediately, we note that the cast iron construction is more reliable.

Wood stove sellers claim that they can heat the house completely, that such heating will be cheaper than gas heating. Can you believe it? For such a stove to work at full capacity, special wood is needed. Perfectly dry logs are required. It is also best to purchase only hardwoods. Pine or maple logs will not work. You will have to buy oak or beech wood. Other firewood will also burn in this stove, but the heat from their combustion will be much less.


Now let's analyze the disadvantages of such heating. The stove will have to be installed in one room, which will heat up as much as possible. The rest of the rooms will receive less heat. With gas heating, you distribute the body evenly in all rooms.

By turning on a double-circuit electric boiler, you can not only warm up the house. You will have hot water in the bathroom and in the kitchen. And you cannot connect a wooden heating to a shower cabin.

Firewood will have to be stored and stored in a separate room. In order to maintain a pleasant temperature in the house, you will have to throw firewood several times a day. Ash also needs to be scooped up and taken out into the street.

Now about smoke and combustion products. Ventilation must be provided for them. Otherwise, there will be a threat to health or even life. It will not be possible to leave the oven unattended, otherwise a fire may occur if a spark falls on the floor or clothing ignites from a hot surface.

You can purchase a boiler that runs on compressed sawdust. This stove is expensive, but it has a number of advantages:

  • fuel can be tossed up every 3 days;
  • little ash is formed, it can be removed after a week or two;
  • heat transfer from this structure at the level of a wood-burning stove;
  • sawdust cylinders are very lightweight and take up little space.

Candle Heater

Sometimes there is a need to heat only one room or workplace... Can I recommend purchasing thermal device Doyle Doss. The American named his invention "The Heat Trap". The source of heat is a burning candle. It turns out that when a candle burns, a lot of heat is generated, but it dissipates.

The heating device allows you to capture heated air. A special ceramic hood is positioned over the flame. Its task is to collect and accumulate warm air... The heat heats up the ceramic hood, which heats up the room.

This is what the Dosa heater looks like.

Surely you shouldn't expect such a heater to solve the heating problem. Experience has shown that a ceramic radiator is able to warm up small room not earlier than 10 hours. If the house is connected to electricity, it is best to use an oil cooler.

If you need to heat a separate room or small area rooms, better to buy infrared heater... It starts working immediately and does not consume a lot of electricity.

Previously, many were afraid that this type of radiation could be bad for health. It turned out that infrared rays have even healing effect... This type of radiation is used to prevent colds.

Experience of European countries

If you have not yet decided how best to heat a private house, ask how they approach this problem in European countries. In many of these countries, the prices for heat transfer fluids are very high. Therefore, they have been looking for methods for a long time on how to reduce gas and electricity consumption when heating premises.

In Finland, they began to build "passive" houses. This type of building allows you to consume a minimum amount of energy from external sources... A little later, such buildings began to appear in Germany. Non-volatile buildings can reduce heating costs.

An example of a European non-volatile home.

If the building is located in the south, where there are many sunny days, electricity is obtained thanks to solar panels... In northern countries, the sun cannot provide enough energy. Windmills are being built. The heat of the earth is also often used. Indeed, at a certain depth, even in the winter months, there is a lot of heat.

A system of heat exchangers is arranged in the ground. Ground air and heat pumps... During the winter months, the water is heated by the heat of the earth. It must be said that such a system requires large installation costs and pays off in several decades. If you really decide on such an experiment, then it is imperative to insulate all structures of the house, starting with the walls of the foundation and ending with the ceiling and roof of the building.