How to install air conditioner split yourself. How to install split system with your own hands Alternative installation of the outdoor unit split system

To deliver air conditioning, as a rule, you need to call specialists who, at the end of the installation of the equipment, will give you a document indicating correctly done. When installing the System Split with your own hands, you lose the right to maintain warranty. But in order to save finances, many homemade craftsmen are trying to make an air conditioner installation with their own hands. It is worth considering one point: in order to combine the external block of the system with the internal, and then start the unit to work, you will need to purchase pretty expensive equipment. In addition, the installation of the split system is a rather troublesome case if it is conducted independently. The purchase of equipment is appropriate in the following cases:

  • you plan to transfer one or more aggregates to new places;
  • if you have acquired several aggregates;
  • you are planning a serious repair in the apartment, implying a complete disassembly, and then the reverse installation of the split system;
  • you want to help install split system to your friends or relatives;
  • if you use this set of tools to repair the automotive air conditioner.

In other cases, the installation of the air conditioner in the apartment is not an advantage in the apartment.

The standard bundle-system package usually includes such components.

Important! To install the air conditioner with your own hands and run it to work, you need to supplement the standard set of device.

Materials and installation tools

To independently install split system, you will need to purchase the following materials.

Without a special tool, it is also not to do:

  • pipe bender (how to use, shown in video);
  • rimmer stripping;
  • truborez (how to use it, you can learn from the video);
  • valtsovka (see video);
  • manometer collector;
  • vacuum pump.

Choosing a place of installation for the indoor unit

The location of the inner module should be such that during its operation you have not experienced discomfort from the stream of cool air. If you look at the next drawing, it will become clear without words that exist perfect options Installation of air conditioning in the apartment.

When placing the module over the headboard, the flow of cold air will not fall into the recreation area and will not harm health. Workplace It is recommended to arrange so that the air flow is either side or behind. If the table you work is under the air conditioner in an apartment or office, you can install a special screen under the hair dryer to direct the stream along the ceiling.

Installation Requirements for the Inner Block

There are the following rules for the placement of the internal unit of the air conditioner in the room:

  • the distance between the hairdryer and the ceiling must be at least 15 cm (some models are installed at a distance from the ceiling of 20-30 cm);
  • distance OT installed block to the wall on the right or left - at least 30 cm;
  • the obstacle on the path of the air flow should be not closer to 150 cm.

Sometimes the question arises: what height hang the internal module if there are high ceilings in the room? On average, hang air conditioning on the wall can be at the height 280 cm from the floor, as it shown on the picture.

The following figure shows examples. different options Installations, clearly showing how to better install air conditioning.

Installation Requirements Outdoor Block

External unit module is customary to install under the window, near the window or on the balcony. If the balcony fence is strong enough, then you can fix the module and on it.

If the apartment is located on the first floorT. outdoor block It is required to have at an altitude of at least 2 meters from the ground, following the rules: the outer block must be installed slightly below the internal or at the same level with it.

When installing the split system modules should be remembered for the values \u200b\u200bof the minimum and maximum distance between them. These values \u200b\u200bmay differ from different manufacturers Climate machinery. For example, for Panasonic Split systems, the minimum distance between modules can be 3 meters, and for Daikin - from 1.5 to 2.5 meters.

Some manufacturers do not indicate the minimum distance at all. In this case, blocks can be placed on the principle of "back to back".

The maximum length of the route between modules is usually equal to 6 meters. Allowed and more, but in such a situation it will be necessary freon refuelingWhat entails additional material investments. Therefore, if produced independent installation Air conditioner, it is better not to exceed the designated 6 meters.

Installation order

The installation order of the air conditioner, including inverter air conditioner, implies phased mount All his modules and highways. Installation must be performed by following step-by-step instructions.

The installation rules of the air conditioner say that at the first stage, the installation of the inner block (hair dryer) of the air conditioner will be required. To do this, follow these steps.

  1. To correctly install the air conditioner, take the steel frame and apply it to the wall at the site of the intended mounting of the hair dryer (taking into account all distances described above). It is important that the frame for mounting the air conditioner was placed. strictly horizontally (Use the construction level).
  2. Camerate places for fastening.
  3. Using the perforator, do the holes in the wall and score plastic dowels in them.
  4. Attach the plate to the wall and secure it with self-draws.
  5. The hairdryer is hanging on the mount (plate) for air conditioning, after which it is necessary to check the horizontal. If you allow the intercession of the air conditioner in the room in the opposite direction from the drainage channel, the liquid will accumulate in the pallet and drain along the walls.

Preparation of communication channels

Installing the air conditioner with your own hands continues to prepare the channel under the highway. To remove the freon contour tube, feed cables and drainage, it is necessary to make a hole of the corresponding diameter in the wall. For this, the perforator with a long brown is used. For the free outflow of condensate to the street, you need to do when drilling the wall a small bias

Installation of the outer block

Installing an external air conditioner unit is considered the most time-consuming process when installing split-systems. The difficulties are associated with the fact that the weight of the module can reach 20 kg and more due to the compressor placed in it. In addition, most often the external module is installed at high altitude.

To begin with, make marking using the level. After that, with the help of the perforator, do the holes. Further, the anchor bolts are screwed in them, and the brackets themselves are screwed into them with nuts. After the brackets are securely fixed, the external module is installed on them.

When installing the air conditioner, especially the outdoor unit, you will need help at least one person.. If the module is installed at high altitude, you will not be able to install air conditioning yourself. It is better to use the services of climbers to hang this module.

The outer module is attached to the brackets with bolts. It is recommended to pave thick rubber under the paws to reduce vibration.

Communication block connection

To continue the installation of split system with your own hands, you need to connect both modules with each other.

  1. First of all, remove the protective plastic covers on the terminals of the external block. Using the instructions, connect control and power cables to them, which go from the inner module.
  2. Gently to further connect modules, make mounting the route Your air conditioner, the heat insulation is pre-dressed on the tube (the ends are fixed by the reinforced scotch). So that in the tube did not hit the garbage, also creep their ends of the scotch. The track is attached with the help of clamps, screwed to the wall. After that, measure the length of the line and cut the tubes, leaving the reserve at 10 cm. Put on them the naughty nuts and root the ends. Using the Rimmer, remove the chamfer. The gasket of the track (highway) under the air conditioner can be carried out both outside the room, and inside, if for aesthetic reasons it is forbidden to post any communication on the facade of the building.
  3. With the help of cape nuts, screw the tubes first to the fittings of the external module, then to the internal fittings.
  4. Secure the drainage tube using plastic clamps.

The following is the scheme of connecting the split system modules.


Without vacuuming, the highway cannot be launched into the refrigerant system. For this procedure, you will need a vacuum pump and a manometer collector. The pump is connected to the filling station through the collector, as shown in the figure below (the valves at the collector should be in the "closed" position), after which it turns on at 20-30 minutes. To remove air residual residues.

After turning on the vacuum pump, it is required to open a handle under pressure gauge low pressure. After a short period of time, the arrow on the manometer will begin to fall and reaches zero, within 30 seconds or more. The pumping time depends on the length of the highway and the diameter of the tubes. The position of the arrow on zero means that in the highway vacuum was formed.

Do not turn off the pump at this stage. Continue vacuuming about 30 minutes. After the specified time, first the crane at the collector should be overlap, and only then turn off the pump. If the kraist is not closed, the air drum will occur.

Filling Freonon

Freon starts in the system without disconnecting the hoseconnected to the service port valve. If this is done before the refrigerant is launched, air will enter the highway.

To start the refrigerant independently, it is required to, using the hex key, slowly open the valve on the liquid valve. After filling the route with a refrigerant, you can unscrew the hose attached to the service port located on the gas valve.

Attention! When disconnecting the hose, it is possible to release freon, which is capable of frozen hands and damage the eyes. It is recommended to wear safety glasses, and on the hands - gloves. The face is required to keep away from the fitting.

Unscrew the fitting from the valve as quickly as possible to reduce the loss of freon. Do not scare a loud hiss. Nut when leaving the refrigerant can be covered with it. Do not touch her without gloves so as not to get a burn.

All connections for checking leakage can be wrapped. After checking, tighten all the plugs on the valves of the valves, without applying great effort, but quite good. If you spin them weakly, it is possible that in winter happen freon leak.

After you were convinced of the tightness of the highway, turn on the split system for a while, then check all the connections again. At this stage, the installation of a wall air conditioner is considered complete.

Lends permission

People often ask if a permission is needed to install a split system, and is it possible to install it without negotiation with the authorities? Based on the practice, the permission to install the air conditioner is not required. An exception may be cases when it is necessary to coordinate the installation of climate equipment with the authorities, in buildings that are architectural monuments Or having historical, aesthetic value. In other cases, approval is not required for installation of climate equipment.

Now everything more people They want to buy and install the split system in their apartment. And it is not just air conditioning. Split system allows you to better refresh air in rooms. What is its advantage? First of all, it does not light up natural light, because it does not crash in window Rama. The second advantage - it does not depend on common system Air conditioning house as a whole. And last - it consists of only two blocks: internal and external. The only reason why a large number of Consumers are not solved to acquire a split system - this is the ignorance of the rules of its installation. Consider in order all the steps and tell how to install the split system itself.


First of all, you need to know what this air conditioning system consists of. Its package includes two separate blocks: an outdoor - capacitor, and an internal - evaporator. They communicate with each other by means electric wires and two tubes made of copper, according to which the refrigerant circulates. Moreover, internal block It is equipped with a thin plastic tube that performs a drainage function, i.e., with a condensed moisture from the system. According to the rules, it must be connected to a special reservoir for draining or to sewage pipeBut for some reason, most often it turns out to be extended, and water drips from it right on the head or under the legs passersby.

Principle of operation

It is quite simple and is that if the room needs to be cooled, then Freon on the copper tube from the heat exchanger of the external block flows into the internal heat exchanger. Thus, the refrigerant is processed by a fan, and from the inside of the air conditioner is already cold air.

If, on the contrary, the room is required to heat, then the heat pump of an external capacitor begins to work as an evaporator, and the evaporator, in turn, performs the functions of the condenser. Also, the split system is equipped with a compressor located in the external block. Its main function is the compression of freon, which contributes to a significant increase in the efficiency of the air conditioner.

Methods of fastening

Internal blocks of split-systems can be both wall-mounted and outdoor ceiling. The latter can be successfully fixed to the ceiling, and to the floor. Most often in apartments multi-storey houses Apply wall blocks. They are equipped with mobile blinds, with which you can change the direction of the flux of air masses.

The power of wall blocks by the manufacturers themselves is limited specifically, since when the cooled air is too strong in small room She can in the literal way to blow all that is located there. In the event that the room is quite spacious, for example, this is an office or workshop, then a more powerful split system is installed in it with an outdoor ceiling internal unit.

Tools for mounting

In order to establish a split system with your own hands, you will need whole line The devices that you have to purchase or rent. From what tool during the installation process you will use, directly depends on the quality of the work performed and the durability of your air conditioner. You will need:

● Perforator with a set of chops. It will come in handy in order to make holes in the overhaul.

● Armature detector. It may be needed if the walls in the house are made of concrete. If during drilling the tool will fall onto the reinforcement, then you will have to do another hole.

● Kit for rolling tubes. We will not succeed in reservoir tools to make this job, as it will be impossible to achieve complete tightness.

● Truboresis. Under no circumstances, it is impossible to dump the tubes for which the refrigerant circulates, the usual hacksaw for metal. The list always remains a copper crumb, which may later lead to the compressor breakdown.

● Shabmer. This tool is used to stripping the sliced \u200b\u200bends of the pipes. The usual file or the feet for this purpose are not suitable precisely because of sawdust.

● Pressure gauge. It will be needed to measure the refrigerant pressure in the system.

● Vacuum pump. It is necessary for processing the system before filling it. Quite often you can hear the Council that it can be washed with a refrigerant. This is rooted incorrect, as it does not remove moisture and spoil the compressor, as well as the metal crumb.

● Manual bicycle pump. It is used to check the system for tightness.

● Tester and phase indicator. These devices are needed for electrical work.

Tubes and work with them

Experts recommend buying a copper in the store a copper tube at home, and it does not matter if it remains superfluous. It can be applied somewhere else. But if iron sawdust will remain in the circumcision tube, you risk the compressor of your air conditioner. Also, when purchasing it, it is necessary to make sure that there are no visible cracks and dents on the surface, and its ends are roasted by the manufacturer's plant.

Before installing the split system itself, it is necessary to practice in the collapse of the tubes. It is worth noting that this procedure is made only by a special tool and anything else.

To exercise in working with the collapse, you need to get the same small trim together with the tube in the store, but does not touch the bay itself. At the same time it will be possible to try to trim the tube with a circular motion, as well as make rolling the product, holding it end down.


To produce quality mounting Split systems with your own hands, you need to know the sequence of action. Professionals recommend installing air conditioners only before or during repairs, as they still have to hammer the walls, laying the electrical wiring and attach the brackets. If the repair was already produced, then all communications can be hidden using outdoor boxes, but this is how you yourself understand, the interior will not improve. How to install the split system itself correctly, will help you understand phased execution This work.

Stage first: wiring

If you take even the most low-power modern air conditioner, which consumes 1.5 kW of electricity, then it needs a laying of separate wiring with a cross section of at least 1.5 square meters. mm. In addition, you will need a shutdown machine.
Connecting wires to the introductory shield, it is necessary to find where the phase and zero are located, a special indicator, and after the definition, designate them from two ends.

Stage Second: External Block

It is categorically not recommended to install an independently outdoor split-system unit, if your apartment is not on the first floor, since there is a risk of falling from a height. But on the other hand, due to the presence of loggias and balconies on the upper floors of this problem, there is practically no. In addition, maintenance and repair of air conditioners in such cases become more convenient.

Typically, the installation of the split system is made from the eastern or northern side of the house. But even if I had to attach the outdoor unit from the south, then the visor of the balcony will still protect it from direct exposure sun rays.

Stage Three: Internal Block

In order for the installation of the Split system with their own hands, it is successful, it is necessary to strictly observe the sequence of actions. First, with the help of screws attach special brackets to the ceiling (if it is an outdoor ceiling air conditioning) or to the wall ( wall system). Having finished this work, it is necessary to check the strength of the attachment, namely install the internal block and connect it. If the design does not stick and do not vibrate, it means that the brackets are securely fixed.

Install the split system with an outdoor unit is the easiest way, since it usually does not need fasteners. But still, with its location, you need to decide finally, because after laying communications it will be impossible to rearrange it.

Stage Fourth: Punching Grooves

If you doubt your knowledge or something is not sure, you can always get advice from a specialist who will tell you how to install the split system yourself and attach the tubes with freon and electric wires, Thereby connecting two blocks with each other. For this, special gutters are usually made on the ceiling or walls, but only if you need to pave a hidden highway.

If you do not want to drop, then there is another option. All wires can be closed using plinths or decorative plastic boxes.

If a multi-storey building It consists of blocks, then before starting punching the hole in the wall, it is necessary to determine the places where the iron core occurs. It is impossible to cut the reinforcement in any case, as it is located in the outer bearing wall. According to the standard, the hole diameter should be at least 80 mm. Sometimes you can hear recommendations and about 50-60 cm, but here it was clearly not taken into account the thickness of thermal insulation.

In addition, you will surely need an assistant to stand below and warned the people passing nearby, as a piece of brick or concrete, who has fallen from height, can injure someone. Such an incident may be too expensive to do the owner.

Stage Fifth: Connecting Pipelines

In order not to make a mistake and correctly connect all the tubes, you need to expect instructions well on how to properly install the split system. To begin, it is necessary to measure the desired length of the tube and cut it off with a reserve at least 1 m. All overlays will go on bends.

Professionals warn that bending the tubes is needed with great care, as they can go on a break, and sometimes wrinkles are formed on their surface. They create obstacles to the free passage of the refrigerant flow, which leads to a significant increase in electricity consumption. The minimum allowable bending radius is 100 mm.

Then the hoses from polyurethane foam or thermal insulation from the flex are put on the tubes. Apply foam rubber is extremely undesirable. After that, the flanges are put on them with threads, and the ends are fragile. Next, pipelines are connected to the fitters. In this work, the main thing is not to confuse the connection. Most air conditioners made cold and hot noctors in diameter.

For drainage system It will take a piece of plastic reinforced tube. It is connected to the wastewall using a heat shrinkable tube or thread flange. Drainage must be installed under the tilt of at least 5-10 mm. It is necessary for natural water drain.

Sometimes for some reason this slope is impossible. In this case, you will have to additionally install a special pump for pumping moisture. It must be said that his purchase can do about $ 70-200. The price depends on the pump model.

Stage Six: Sealing and vacuuming

The easiest I. reliable way Sealing checks - soap solution. To make it cooking, you need to buy half liters of distilled water in the pharmacy and heat it, then throw a chips of the household soap.

With the help of a rubber hose of a manual cycling pump connected to the exhaust nipple nozzle, you can easily check the quality of sealing. This is done like this: one employee pumps the air, and another tassel wipes the soap solution to the threaded connection and monitors the appearance of bubbles. When they stop swollen, tighten another 1/8 turn. After completing the work, the soapfile is cleaned with a damp cloth.

Having finished verification of sealing, the system needs to be evacuated, i.e., remove moisture from it that fell there dust and air. To do this, return the nipple in place and delay. Next, connect the vacuum pump and swing for about an hour. During this time, moisture from the system should evaporate along with air residues.

Final Stage: Testing

For testing, the split-system of the refrigerant from the cylinder is filled through a special adapter on which a pressure gauge is installed. Waiting until the pressure gauge shows the pressure indicated in the instructions. It is worth noting that air conditioners running on Freon can not be filled with chladone, and vice versa.

During testing, the automatic disconnector includes, and the air conditioner should enter the mode itself. If this did not happen, you need to try to run a test with the remote control remote control. If it did not help, you will have to still call specialists, but know that all the installation warranties are already lost.

In the case when the test passed successfully, the cold air went and the blinds were set in the right position, you can safely tell yourself and others that you now know how to install the split system yourself. And the last barcode - you need to close the hole in the wall. And not foam, but capital.

Translated by S. english word Split means "crack", but there are other, less common translation options, namely "separation". This article describes the installation of the air conditioner with your own hands, and specifically split the system that consists of separated blocks. Since the installation of the air conditioning system itself is a fairly expensive event, it will be useful to find out how to install on your own.

Installation of air conditioning system is not easy. In order to connect everything correctly, you need to know how it all functions:

- Through the fiber (nozzle in the form of a narrow hole) into the chamber of the evaporator under pressure, the rapidly boiling liquid, used to cool the air, is a refrigerant. In the chamber, the fluid expands, boils, evaporates and thereby consumes a large number warm air.

- On the heater of the evaporator, water condensate is settled during the work. It flows into a special reservoir, from which the drainage tube comes out (outside).

- Compressor, like a vacuum pump, constantly pumps the refrigerant pairs from the evaporator chamber. From high pressure The refrigerant temperature rises to such an extent that it goes into a supercritical state similar to a very dense fog.

- The refrigerant passes into the condensation chamber, in which there is a heater blowing down by a fan. Cold air the refrigerant temperature changes critically, this time it is cooled and turns into a liquid.

- Liquid refrigerant across the nozzle again enters the evaporator and the cycle is constantly repeated.

Which helps and that interferes with the operation of the air conditioner

In order for the SPLIT system to function properly and at the same time saved electricity when installing it is important to perform the following conditions:

- Do not allow the penetration of warm air into the equipment - when contacting the cold and hot zones, electricity consumption is greatly increasing. In this situation, the compressor is forced to distinguish heat inside the system, and these are additional costs.

- observe the tightness of the system - due to its depressurization, quickly boiling liquids can simply evaporate. It can happen even through the smallest hole.

- The external unit must be placed lower than the inner - this will create a thermosphonic effect (warm liquid rises), which makes the compressor work easier. If this is not done, then there will be no excessive consumption of electricity, since the liquid will rise, overcoming the inverse thermosphonic effect.

- The external unit must be placed in a cool place, in the shade - additional heating from the outside increases the consumption of electricity to cool the system.

- It is impossible to allow the drainage tube to be bent up, since such gyruses are instantly populated by microbes and mold, and as a result become a source of contagion.

What is the air split

The split system from the domestic, conventional air conditioner is characterized in that it consists of separated blocks. One of them is external, a compressor works in it, and condensate is going. The second block is internal, in which the evaporation of the thermostatic fluid occurs. Many modern split systems not only cool the air indoors, but also heated it to necessary temperature. When the air is heated, the cycle runs on the contrary, and the refrigerant is condensed in the internal, evaporation occurs in the external block. For this reason, mostly blocks are simply referred to as external (outdoor) and internal.

It also happens that with one external block runs several internal. At the same time, they can work separately, and cool, and heat the air. But it is found only in expensive split-systems models. Such air conditioning systems are expensive, in the process of work are more economical than their cheaper fellow fellow. This is because in such a situation, heat exchange inside the room does not interfere, but helps the air conditioner in the work.

When the air conditioning is installed

The installation of split system in the house will be better carried out during the repair period. There is a lot of work on replacing and installing wiring. It is good that before installing the installation of the walls has not yet been completed. IN otherwise There will be expenses associated with re-internal finishing.

Required tools

So that the installation of the Split system has passed without delay, and after a few days, the equipment did not fail, it is necessary to use high-quality tools when working. For installation you will need:

- Perforator with a set of chops - the holes in the wall in a diameter of up to 10 centimeters will have to be done.

- the reinforced concrete room (in case the wall of the reinforced concrete) - if the perforator falls into the reinforcement, the hole will have to be punched again.

- Truborez - cut the tubes only to them. If you cut the tubes for refrigerant with simple hacksaw, then particles will definitely be left at the edges metal chipwhich will cause a compressor malfunction.

- A set for rolling tubes - if you try to bend the edges of the tube with appliant tools, it will not be possible to achieve complete symmetry.

- Shabrovka is a tool that is used to stripping the ends of the tubes. The file for these purposes is not suitable due to the danger of entering small particles inside the compressor.

- Manual pump (cycling) - it is useful for checking the system for tightness.

- Vacuum pump - applies to create a vacuum system before filling it. Many specialists advise just to wash the refrigerant, but it does not remove moisture remnants, and as a result, the compressor may be damaged, similarly to the situation with the metal chips.

- Phase indicator and tester - these devices will be useful when replacing wiring.

- Manometer.

- Pipeline.

Select the necessary tubes

For security better decision will purchase a whole bay copper tube. This is justified, since a small chop can remain in the circumcision tube, which in the process of work can derive the compressor. In addition, it is necessary to trace that the factory ripples in the edges be on the edges of the tube, and cracks, chances and other defects were absent on the tube. With the help of a long pipeline, you can omit the external unit is much lower than the internal one. In this case, the material overrun will quickly pay off, since the effect of the thermosifone will reduce the cost of energy consumption of equipment.

Pruning, cleaning and giving shaped tubes

Before starting the installation of the air conditioner, it is necessary to make a trial collapse, tank and trimming tube. A special tool is used for the collapse, before work you need to carefully inspect and explore its device, possible defects when used, and know what the end result looks like. When buying a whole bay, it is best to purchase a small trim for trial work, as the bay is not recommended for these purposes. Trimming the tube is made by a circular movement of the pipeline. Next, you need to make a rig, at which the tube must be ended down to cut the tubes to the lumen and inside.

Installation of an external bloc

Independent installation of the air conditioner in the apartment on the floors above the second, namely the outer block, is considered life-threatening and inexpedient. On the upper floors you can do installation only in the presence of a balcony or loggia. The external unit is easily and conveniently installed on the balcony on small and shallow brackets. The balcony is generally a comfortable place to install the air conditioner, because it has a northern or oriental side, which are simply ideal for mounting. But in the south, the installation of the split system is not as terrible, since the roof or visor will protect the external block from overheating under the scorching sun even on the hottest day. It is on such a day the air conditioner work is very relevant.

Before installing brackets, it is necessary to remove the glass for the installation period, and holders themselves to drive into the lower part of the frame. In order not to spoil the lizgia's ligation, you can burn the holders in the form of letters "P" arranged horizontally.

Installing Split System

Professional installation of split-system in the house passes in a strict sequence:

- choice of place for the indoor unit,
- laying and replacing the wiring of the power grid,
- installation of an external block,
- performing the hole in the wall under the tube,
- paving the pipeline,
- electrical unit connections in blocks,
- checking the tightness of the air conditioner,
- vacuuming system,
- filling system,
power connection,
- Test starts system sleeps,
- Isolation of inter-block harnesses,
- Capital sealing holes,
- Pleasant use.

Below more details are considered some important stages of the split system.

Select the location of the internal blocks

There are a number of places in which the internal block split system cannot be installed:

- over heating devices;

- where there is no air access - behind the curtains, partitions, shirms and others at first glance, insignificant obstacles;

- In rooms, where there is equipment causing electric interference: workshops with power tools, kitchens with induction and microwave ovens, electric windscreens. If this is neglected, then the block processor will fail on the radiation.

Attention! Air conditioning in the kitchen is not installed. Cooling the air and the influx of the new one goes at the expense of its own general of the house ventilation.

Features of electrical wiring

The power of the smallest air conditioner is 1.5 kW. For this reason, for the air conditioning system, it is simply necessary to pave a separate cable with a cable thickness of at least 2.5 kV. mm. In addition, it is important to establish an automatic that can turn off the electricity in the event of an overload.

When connecting wires to the power shield you need yellow wire With a green stripe over the entire length, connect to N ( zero wire). Using the phase indicator, you need to determine the phase and zero.

How to drill holes in the wall

It is important to correctly determine the position of the reinforcement in the wall. In the event that it happened to the reinforcement, it will not be possible to do anything. You will have to drill a new hole. Damage to fittings is unacceptable, as it contradicts construction standards. In addition to the situation described, there is another moment. For this stage, the second person will be required, which will prevent the people undergoing the people about the possible fall of pieces of concrete or brick. This cannot be ignored, because if the random fragment falls per person, then the consequences can be very serious, up to prison.

The hole must be made with a diameter of more than 80 mm. Come on 50-60 mm tips are most likely not taken into account thermal insulation.

Installation of tubes

First you need to trim the tube of the required length with a margin of about one meter. Then you can proceed to bending the pipeline. This is done very carefully so that there is no breakdown or wrinkle. The bending of the tube must correspond to a radius of 100 mm and not less. In the event of wrinkles, they will create an unnecessary resistance of the coolant and as a result will increase the consumption of electricity.

The next step is the heat insulation of the tube. For this, the polyurethane (flex) slog is put on it. Other insulation makes no sense to apply, as they are short-lived and will come into disrepair through the season.

After that, on the tube it is necessary to wear the flanges by carving to the ends of the tube and make the ruin.

Next, alternately connect the tubes to the existing fittings. At this stage, it is necessary to be attentive and traced that the cold fitting of the indoor unit cannot be connected to the hot fitting of the outer block. Sometimes cold and hot fittings have various diameters.

Nuts on the fittings must be safely tightened, but not too tight, because it will be necessary to test the nuts to tighten the nuts during sealing.

As a drainage, a part of the reinforced plastic tube can be used. It is connected to the sewage or threaded nut. Also help can segment a heat shrinkable tube. It is easily heated by a soldering iron, a little touching the tube sting.

How to connect the air conditioner to the mains

To connect blocks, the multi-divine insulated wires with a thickness of 2.5 square meters will be needed. mm. They combine block terminals (internal and outdoor), most often the terminals are the same. If the names of the terminals are distinguished, then it is necessary to study the instructions in detail and get advice from a specialist. All wires, by analogy with tubes, are skipped through the previously done holes in the wall.


For sealing, a soap solution is used. To do this, you must purchase distilled water in the pharmacy and heat it up to the state of the steam. Then neatly stirring, it is necessary to dissolve a tablespoon of a disturbed economic soap in it.

Two people should work here. It is necessary to remove the outlet nipple, and the rubber hose from the cycling pump is to attach it to its nozzle. The assistant gently pumps the air, another on all threaded compounds causes a brush with a soap solution.

Then tightens the nuts to the complete cessation of the appearance of bubbles, and plus 1/8 turns from above. The soap fleece is considered a wet cloth.

The process of vacuum cleaning

The next step is the process of vacuuming. It needs the system to be cleared of dust and moisture that are removed along with air. For this, nipple is screwed into its place and a vacuum pump is joined to it. It must be firmly tightened. Then for an hour you need to swing air. As a result, the entire residual moisture will evaporate.

Filling system

Came a turn of the refrigerant, which must be fill in the system. For this, the coolant cylinder is connected to the system through the adapter with a pressure gauge. Fill out until the pressure of the specified in the documentation is reached.

Important! Air conditioners that work on Freon are forbidden to fill in a refrigerant and vice versa.

Test inclusion

When you turn on the machine, the split system must enter the test mode. If this does not happen, then you need to run the test from the remote control. If this time does not go out, this means that the installation was incorrect and to finally not derive the equipment, you need to call a specialist.

Finishing strokes

If the test switch has passed successfully, the blinds are set to the correct position and begin to vouch. Harness, located between blocks from above you need to wind aluminum foil. This will serve as a thermal screen that will save up to 3% of electricity. The second layer is harvested together with a drainage tube, wrapped with moisture resistant insulating tape. Latest stroke is the capital seal of the hole in the wall. No need to do this foam. This can be summarized at this that the split system is installed independently and works properly.

Video on "How to install air conditioning yourself"

Split system for air conditioning indoors is a more complex system than the usual air conditioner. But it is worth noting that the installation of the split system with its own hands is a fully feasible process for each owner of this device.

Installation instructions

Installation instructions Split systems includes the following items:

  1. Selection of space for the system.
  2. Installation of air conditioner.
  3. Installing the internal compartment of the system.
  4. First, trial start.

Of course, today there are many specialized firms engaged in the installation and maintenance of air conditioning systems in the room. But most of the owners, in order to save it, they prefer to mount the device on the spot on their own, and subsequently and engage in its service, it is possible, even if before that you did not have any skills and did not come across this equipment. It's just worth considering one factor when you install and configure a new system yourself, keep in mind that the store's guarantee for such equipment will not spread.

Selecting a place for the system

The air conditioning system must be located in such a place, which will not be climbing anything. Air intakes and air distribution holes should be fully available.

Outdoor and internal blocks should be preferably at one level. If this is not feasible, the maximum permissible drop in the height difference should be no more than 5 meters.

As for the wall on which you will hang blocks, it should be quite smooth and strong in order to withstand a rather big weight of the design. That is why it is worth avoiding the installation of the air conditioner on interior partitions.

Mounting rules Split systems completely exclude direct sunlight on the internal unit of the device. Immediately the condenser grille itself must be completely protected from direct rays. If the outdoor device is installed on the roof, then it front side Must be rotated in the shadow side.

The conditions for the device of the drainage system, which is necessary for the condensation formed during the installation of the installation, will be provided to the outdoor unit.

Plastic, from which the block is most often located, is very sensitive to famous lamps. daylightTherefore, it is desirable to install the device in a place that is far from them.

And one more important condition. Internal compartment should be not closer than 1 meter from microwave ovenSince the radiation that gives the microwave when working, negatively affects the installation of the installation and cause interference.

Select Place for Outdoor Block

When installing the outer compartment, the most important thing is a durable mount. The wall should be smooth, fastening in the form of special brackets must be installed so as to maximize the vibration that occurs during the device operation.

Conduct installation split system itself is necessary so that the outer part of the system is located in a place available for subsequent installation and servicing work. Of course, all the air intakes should not be something forced.

Installation of air conditioner

Before installing the air conditioner, you need to take care of the presence of the necessary tools. Tool for mounting split systems You will need the following:

  • drilling hammer;
  • truboresis;
  • tool for rolling;
  • pump;
  • device measuring fluid pressure.

Installation of the device includes the following operations:

  1. Initially, you should open the front panel and unscrew the screws from the lid, which closes the electrical block, it must be pulled out.
  2. An electrical cable is connected to the installation, and the lid is installed in place. A pair of useful notes, the unit itself should not be below 2m 30 cm from the floor surface, the socket must be close to the element, and have a ground.

Mounting drainage system

The drainage system hose must pass under the connecting pipe. It should not bother or bend. In the future, the hose must be wrapped with thermal insulation materials. Where the drainage track passes back to the wall, it is advisable to pave an insertion from heat insulating material. And the highway itself is usually wrapped with felt ribbon.

Be sure to check the reliability of the connection joints of the drainage system, since it may subsequently lead to leaks. Further, the pipe is carried out through the hole in the wall, and the block that will be inside the room hanging on the wall.

Experts are recommended to adhere to the following restrictions when connecting the pipeline. FROM inner The number of possible bends of the track should not be in total to exceed 10. The radius of the most possible bending should not have a large value of 10 cm.

The plug from the evaporative tube must be deleted only immediately before assembly work. First the air is produced, then the nut is unscrewed on the evaporator connective tube. At the location of the connection must be applied oil.

Tightness of the holes

Independent installation of split system should be accompanied by a thorough sealing of all docking holes. It all begins with the sealing of the hole in the wall. For this, the usual standard putty is suitable.

The pipe of the drainage system is usually tightly fixed using a special clamp. As for the electrical connection and cable connecting blocks for data transmission, they must be connected according to a special scheme. Usually it is attached to the passport of the device. Depending on the type of installation and the manufacturer, the connection must be performed.

Cable and data line are connected to the appropriate terminals that are usually labeled different color. Cables connecting two blocks should also be fixed using a special clamp.

In the installation process, it will be necessary to pay attention to the following factors:

  • The electroble must be securely fixed and closed. If this condition is not fulfilled, then the risk of electric shock or elementary ignition increases, since dust, dirt or water is easily behaved.
  • An electrical connecting cable in no case should not go with the cold painter. The cable for which Freon passes, in the process of operation of the installation heats up, so contact them should be excluded.

How to put air

Installation of split system with their own hands implies that and bring the system itself in working condition You will also have their own hands. Initially, it is necessary to get rid of the enforcement of the system. To do this, you will need to make air from the system.

  1. The nuthouse of the service nozzle, as well as the plugs on fluid and gas valves, you need to unscrew.
  2. To do this, you need a regular hexagon to turn the gas valve for 90 degrees. counterclock-wise. After counting about 10 s. Turn back and close it. Then apply a conventional soap solution to check the absence of gaseous substance leaks.
  3. If the leaks you do not find, repeat the procedure again, but after 10 seconds it does not close it back, but click on the nozzle for service work. Must go steam signifying that air began to go out of the system.

Additional refueling freon

The maximum length of the connecting hoses for which freon motion occurs, should not be more than 7 meters. But in the case when a different installation of a system for one reason or another is impossible, it is necessary to increase the length of the refrigerant's track. In this case, the obligatory refueling of freon into the system will be required.

When all the work is performed and made, if necessary, an additional refueling of freon into the system, the next step will be the need to make a trial start of installation.

It is desirable before this action be sure to take care of the proprietary technique. Pressing the forced start button will activate the system. Sometimes when you turn on the system makes a double beep. This suggests that you can control the device using a remote control point. In order to check its work, it should also be pressed alternately on the remote control buttons.

Air conditioning should be chosen and installed in advance, without waiting for the summer heat. So you can save a considerable amount, especially if you perform. In order for the equipment to work without failures, the installation of the air conditioner should be carried out strictly according to the instructions, in the right place. Inconsistency technical Conditions Or the wrong selection of parts will lead to a quick breakage of the split system.

To establish everything correctly, you should have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe device and the principle of operation of the air conditioner. It consists of a compressor and evaporative block interconnected by tubes. The compressor is mounted on the outside of the wall, and the evaporator is installed indoors. Dear models have not one internal block, but several that are connected to one compressor.

In the evaporative block through the nozzle is fed under high pressure refrigerant. It falls into the chamber of the evaporator, it expands there, boils, and his couples begin to absorb heat intensively. During this process, water condensate is allocated and settled on the radiator of the evaporative unit. From there, the moisture is sent to the tank and on the tube is output outside the building.

All this time, the compressor pumped up the evaporation of the refrigerant from the chamber, increasing the pressure behind the pump. As a result, the refrigerant is heated and the liquid turns into a high density fog. In this state, the refrigerant enters the chamber equipped with a radiator for condensate, cooled by a fan and turns into a liquid again. In this form, it is again fed under pressure in the evaporator nozzle and the workflow is repeated.

The efficiency of the equipment and the consumption of electricity directly depend on the operating conditions. If there is some kind of air conditioning heating deviceThe compressor spends and more often fails. Cause a breakdown can and ordinary dust that fell inside the system, and therefore wet cleaning It should be regularly and very carefully. You can not put the surface of the block various objects, as well as to cover with anything.

To exclude the evaporation of the refrigerant, when installing, it is necessary to thoroughly seal all the joints and connections. The outer block must be located lower than the internal and as possible in the cooler place. Well, if the block is constantly in the shade of the coating of the roof or walls. Compliance with these conditions will provide uninterrupted work Air conditioner and a comfortable climate in the premises.

Detail of air conditionerDescription
1. Fan.creates a stream of air blowing capacitor
2. Condenserthe radiator in which the cooling and condensation of freon occurs. Blowing through the condenser air, respectively, heats up
3. Compressorsqueezes Freon and maintains its movement along the refrigerator. The compressor is piston or spiral (scroll) type. Piston compressors Cheaper, but less reliable than spiral, especially in low-temperature external temperatures
4. Management boardit is installed only on inverter air conditioners. In not inverter models, all electronics are trying to post in the inner block, because
Large drops of temperature and humidity reduce the reliability of electronic components
5. Four-way valveit is installed in reversible (heat - cold) air conditioners. In heating mode, this valve changes the direction of movement of freon. At the same time, the internal and outdoor block is changed in places: the internal unit works on heating, and outdoor - for cooling
6. Equipment compoundsthey are connected to them copper pipesconnecting outdoor and internal blocks
7. Freon Filter It is installed before the input of the compressor and protects it from copper crumbs and other small particles that can enter the system when mounting the air conditioner. Of course, if the installation is made with a violation of technology and a large amount of garbage fell into the system, the filter will not help
8. Protective rapid covercloses the fitting connections and terminal blocks used to connect electrical cables. In some models, the protective cover closes only a terminal bar, and the fitting connections remain outside

1. Front panelit is a plastic lattice through which air flows inside the block. The panel is easily removed to maintain the air conditioner (filter cleaning, etc.)
2. Filter coarse cleaningis a plastic mesh and is designed to delay large dust, animal wool, etc. For normal operation of the air conditioner, the filter must be cleaned at least twice a month
3. Filter of fine cleaningit happens different types: coal (removes unpleasant
Smells), electrostatic (delays small dust), etc. The presence or absence of fine cleaning filters no effect does not affect the operation of the air conditioner
4. Fan Has 3 - 4 rotational speeds
5. Evaporatorthe radiator in which the heating of cold freon and its evaporation occurs. Blowing through the radiator air, respectively, cooled
6. Horizontal blindsthe direction of the air flow vertically is adjusted. These blinds have an electric drive and their position can be adjusted from the remote control. In addition, blinds can automatically perform oscillatory movements for uniform distribution of air flow by room
7. Indicator panelon the front of the air conditioner installed indicators (LEDs), showing the operating mode of the air conditioner and signaling about possible faults.
8. Vertical blindsserve to adjust the direction of the air flow horizontally. In domestic air conditioners, the position of these blinds can be adjusted only manually. Ability to adjust from the remote control only in some models of premium air conditioners
Pallet for condensatelocated under the evaporator and serves to collect condensate (water generated on the surface of a cold evaporator). From the pallet, water is displayed out through the drainage hose
Control boardit is usually located on the right side of the indoor unit. The electronics block with the central microprocessor is placed on this board.
Equipmentlocated at the bottom rear of the indoor unit. These are connected copper pipes connecting outdoor and internal blocks

Air Conditioning Mounting Tools

Going to install air conditioning yourself, you need to prepare all the tools in advance that you may need:

In addition, you will need a whole bay of the copper tube with the ends spangled in factory defines. The presence of scratches, dents and similar defects are not allowed.

Installing the air conditioner is best during overhaul, because you have to break through the wall and damage the finish.

Video - the principle of operation of the air conditioner

Prices for accessories for air conditioners

Accessories for air conditioners

Installation instructions for air conditioning

If the tools are purchased, the air conditioner is delivered and unpacked, you can proceed to work. The first is the outer block, and then mount the system indoors. During the installation process, it is impossible to forget about safety technician, especially if the work is made at the level of the second floor and above.

Fastening the outer block

When installing the air conditioner in a private house of special difficulties for placing an outdoor unit, but the place must be chosen very carefully. The block of the block should not be blown up the kind of neighbors, and the condensate should not flock along the wall of the house. At the same time, the air conditioner should be attached within reach of the balcony, since such equipment needs periodic maintenance.

It is best if the block is fixed with the eastern or northern side of the window or balcony, and preferably in its lower part. So he will not interfere with anyone, and it is possible to reach it without difficulty through an open window. Using the level, place the places of attachment of the brackets and drill holes in the wall under the anchor bolts. For laying inter-block communications drilled through hole with a diameter of 80 mm. IN brick wall It is recommended to drill on a seam between bricks - it will take less time and the hole will be careful.

Brackets are installed on the markup, align and securely twist the bolts. The outer block itself is fixed so that between the radiator and the wall surface remains at least 10 cm. The connection is made a little later, then they close the formed clearances. If the unit is securely fixed on vertical surface, You can go to the next step.

The internal unit is forbidden to be mounted behind the curtains, above the battery and in rooms with electrical sources that can cause damage to the block processor. After choosing a place, be sure to check the wall on the absence of already laid communications - electric wiring, plumbing or heating pipes.

If the site is free, mount the mounting plate: retreat from the ceiling 10 cm, from the angle of the wall 5 cm and mark the horizontal line with a pencil. Drill holes under the fasteners and securely screw the plate. The inside block of the air conditioner is mounted on the plate, after which the hole for communication on the connection - electrical wiring, pipes, hoses for the condensate hoses are drilled in the side wall.

Connecting electrical wiring

For the indoor unit, they pave their, the minimum cross section is 1.5 square meters. mm. Be sure to install a shutdown machine. When the wiring is laid, it is connected to the shield on entering: wire yellow color With a green strip connected to zero wire. To determine zero and phases, use the indicator.

After that isolated stranded wires Connect the terminals of both blocks, passing them through the hole in the wall. The names of the terminals must necessarily coincide with the wires, all clearly painted in the instructions attached to the air conditioner.

Copper tubes must be cut, leaving the margin of bends around the meter. When disinhibited tubes, special tools are used that allow you to avoid wrinkles, dents and tightening metal. On the prepared tubes, heat insulation are insulation - polyurethane foam hoses. Porolon is not suitable as a seal, as it has short term operation.

Threaded flanges are dressed on insulated pipes, while the thread should be located at the end of the tube. The next stage is the rolling of the tubes. It is necessary to perform the flaws very carefully so that cracks and grooves are not formed on the tubes. The nut should be easily dressing on the rolling, and it is better to produce a dynamometric tightening of a key - this will eliminate the extrusion of fragrant compounds from the nut.

Alternately fasten pipelines to the corresponding fittings, which are difficult to confuse due different diameters. The flanges are twisted on the fittings so that the connection is dense, but not shifted, otherwise there is a risk of damaging the phone. In conclusion, a segment of a plastic tube with a reinforced housing is connected to the flow nozzle. Mounting is performed by a piece of heat-insulated tube or a threaded flange if it is included. Drainage tube should be left from carrier wall as far as possible.

Now the pipes are hardened in the hole, align, from the outdoor side it is fixed tightly to the wall with clamps. The wiring cable is recorded next to, the pipeline is connected to the external block. The hole is placed mounting foam Or fill with silicone. All external connections are checked with a cycling pump and soap solution on tightness. If somewhere passes the air, the threads are tightened denser. After checking, the soapfile is erased with a thread with a clean cloth.

System vacuuming

Wakuuming the system makes it possible to remove the smallest particles of dust and moisture. This process is performed after sealing threaded connectionsotherwise completely digging the air will not work. To do this, connect the vacuum pump to the system and the air is pumped out for an hour.

Filling and testing air conditioning

The refrigerant of the cylinder must be downloaded. The adapter and pressure gauge are connected to the cylinder, and then, strictly follow the pressure, fill the tank. When the process is completed, an air conditioner includes an indoor disconnecting, after which the system independently enters the test mode. If everything works without failures, and cold air circulation becomes uniform, you can close the hole in the wall, remove the effects of mounting and enjoy cool.

Find out how it is held, and also familiarize yourself with step by step leadership, from our new article.

Prices for model range of air conditioners


Video - installation of air conditioning with your own hands