Homemade acrylic insert in the bath. Installing acrylic inserts in the bath: everything is easier than you thought! Phased instructions for installing acrylic inserts

Surround or later, the enamel on the bath is gray, covered with spots, chips appear. Replacement often entails almost complete repair, and this is solid money. There are several ways to update the bath and one of them - acrylic insert in the bath. It should be simply "put" on a special foam and the bath will again be as new.

Types of acrylic inserts in the bathroom

There are two technologies for the production of acrylic liners in the bathroom. The first technology is the molding of the liner from the preheated sheet of sanitary acrylic in a special mold. These liners are called still. Second technology - composite (combined) liners. The foundation is made ABS plastic, after which the inner surface is covered with a thin layer of acrylic.

Acrylic insert in the bath - fast way Refresh coat

Cast inserts

The cast acrylic insert in the bath has a very smooth and smooth surface, for which it is easy to care - pores acrylic small, pollution in them penetrate badly, and what remains on the surface is easily flushed. If everything is done using technology, it may stop such a liner to 10 years or more. The disadvantage is a high price, as the sanitary acrylic himself costs a lot, and even the equipment on which they do expensive. So it turns out that cast acrylic liner in the bath is about 30% of the cost of a new bath.

But buying cheap liners, which are also called licams. They are usually made from very thin sheets acrylic. Then in those places where the stretching when molding the maximum (bottom and corners) of the walls are obtained very thin, quickly rub rapidly, sometimes break.

Also to reduce costs can use low-quality acrylic (not sanitary). It has wider pores and its color is not white, but with some touch - grayish or pinkish. Such liners are very bad: dirt clogs in the pores, and then it is very difficult to "get it" from there - acrylic baths can only be washed special compositions With a soft texture, hard brushes cannot be used. In general, the use of such a low-quality liner is very problematic.


Composite liners are made of two materials - the basis of ABS plastic, on top of which the slim layer of acrylic is applied. Externally, they differ little from fully acrylic, but it is much less. But they also serve less, since the thin layer of acrylic from the most loaded places is rapidly erased. The service life of such a liner is 5-6 years and it is with good quality.

Worse and in operation - acrylic can be scratched, and close it is difficult. If the cast acrylic liner can be updated using grinding, then composite is not. To restore the surface, a complex technology is applied that does not always give good result. Maybe the composite acrylic inserts still have another problem - the detachment acrylic from the base. Such a defect is manifested in violation of manufacturing technology. Therefore, despite the lower price, the installation of such an acrylic insert in the bath will extend the life of its service to the maximum for several years.

What to pay attention to when choosing

So choosing a litter acrylic insert in the bath, pay attention to:

If you externally arranged everything, you can buy. It is possible, however, try to find out from what specifically acrylic are made inserts for the bathroom and what thickness they have the walls. Normal thickness - 4-5 mm. More few people do - it turns out too much. If you were not given a response, it is better to search for another seller or other products.

Main points of installation

First of all, it must be said that acrylic liners can be found only for standard baths. So that everything worked for a long coincidence of the form should be ideal, because they are formulated by sample. In essence, they make the same bath, but from the polymer. Therefore, this technology is called the "bath in the bath". If you decide to improve the appearance of your bath along this technology, you will need to measure it accurately, and with these data to seek the liner.

In addition, the bath must be standard, it should have thick walls and a very small change in size when the load changes. Ideal case - cast iron baths. With its thick walls and a large mass, they are the best support for acrylic insert.

You can put an acrylic liner and in a steel bath, but only if it begins very slightly. The thing is that when changes in the size of acrylic also begged. If the bends are too significant, then after some time the liner crashes. Because if your old bath Be sure to give up the idea to put an acrylic liner, it can better have another option in this case - to make a hard pedestal under the bath (from bricks, for example), which will not let her be fed.

Bath preparation

Before starting work, the bath must be carefully cleaned. If she is declected by the side, the finish must be removed. If the finish is a side of the tile, it can not be removed if the edge remains at least 1 cm. After that, it is necessary to carefully remove traces of silicone, cement, glue - in general, clean the board to pure enamel.

Next, my bath itself. Moreover, it must not only wash away from pollution, but also carefully degreased. Can be laundered with ordinary detergent For a bath or toilet, the enamel is no need to take care, it is important that the surface is clean - to improve the clutch. Then, thoroughly wipe it with a sponge with food soda. It is necessary to rub each centimeter carefully, including board. After all wash off and the bath is dried.

Prepared Bath - Emale

The second way of preparing the bath to install the liner is to remove enamel. It is possible to do this manually with the help of sandpaper fixed on the bar, or with the help of a grinder (the petal emery circle works best). After the enamel is removed, we must wash everything, then degreased and dry.

Which of the ways is more reliable? Second. But this preparation takes a lot of time and effort. The first way, if you do everything correctly, it works no worse.

Recently, we remove the strapping - connected plums. Copy there dirt also remove on the same technology, then dried. Now the bath is cooking for installing an acrylic liner.

Training insert

Prepare an acrylic insert into the bathroom - it means to cut its board to the necessary sizes and do in right places holes. To do this, put the liner in the bath, mark all the necessary lines, take out.

Although the liner and light, but volumetric. To put and remove it is very uncomfortable - to grab not for what. If there are knobs on suckers (for carrying glass), you can use them if not, at this stage a wide luggage tape can help under the bottom.

Pulling out the liner, cut it on the outlined lines. It can be done with an electric bike or hacksaw. The canvas is desirable to find a special - for plastic, but you can try the usual metal. The main condition - the edge must be even, without a burr. If necessary, the edge can be treated with sandpaper, but it is impossible to scratch the fitting surfaces of the bathroom.

You can use a grinder for trimming the edge only if you own it virtuoso and can cut exactly along the planted line. For cutting holes, it is very useful. It will be necessary to find crowns of the appropriate size and with their help in the right places make holes for drain and overflow.

Installation of the liner

An acrylic insert in the bath on a two-component mounting foam is installed. An ordinary construction cannot be used - it will not give the desired effect. But first, the technological holes for drain and overflow are fought by a layer silicone sealant. In this place, tightness is very important, since many problems arise exactly due to the fact that water penetrates between the liner and the bath case. Therefore, the sealant does not regret, put a thick roller. It is better to impose it with two rings - for the suspension.

After that, two-component foam create a grille over the entire surface of the bath. The distance between the strips of a two-component foam is about 10 cm, at the bottom - a little less. Application scheme arbitrary, but the substance should be distributed evenly. You can take the photo. The foam must be applied quickly - the start time of the polymerization is 15 minutes, until this time you need to install the liner in place.

The next step is to install drain and overflow. Overflow can be left for later, but it will be necessary to set the drain. Siphon, most likely, have to be changed - usually lacks the thread for its installation in the bathroom with insert. So note to note - count in advance whether your plums will be with such a thickness.

After the drain is installed, the bath is filled with water almost to the overflowing hole and leave it until the end of the polymerization. A specific period depends on foam, it can be found on the package. Water poured so that the expanding foam does not argue the liner.

While the foam is polymerized, close the mix of insert and the bathroom around the perimeter. For this take silicone white or transparent sealant (not acrylic) and they smear the jack. In order to subsequent Silicon did not darke it or did not have funguff or mold in it, look for compositions with antibacterial components. You can also use sealant for aquariums. He is definitely not amazed by fungi. Verified. After that, you can restore.

Actually, everything, the acrylic insert in the bath is installed, after the polymerization of the foam, it is ready for use.

Dismantling inserts in the bath

Violations in the installation technology lead to unpleasant phenomena:

In these cases, there is a need to remove the liner. Do it with the help of a grinder and a small cutting circle. Cut insert in some places, fashioning acrylic, remove it.

Bath replacement, especially, the cast iron is a laborious and expensive process for financial standards. First, weight this material very large, the mass of one such a bath can exceed one hundred kilograms, so its dismantle is physically very difficult to commit, secondly, this process is accompanied by a violation of masonry decorative tileThat is also undesirable and leads to an even greater cost of expenses. But this process has an alternative to the restoration of plumbing. The most optimal and widespread way is the repair of the cast-iron bath acrylic. There are two main ways to perform a bath update with a acrylic: insert in cast-iron bath And the covering of the cast-iron bath acrylic.

Bath restoration methods acrylic

You should stay in more detail on each of the Plumbing Restoration methods.

Installation of acrylic liner

Acrylic liner is a plastic pad on a cast-iron bath, which has a thickness of the walls in four to six, on the bottom - one or two millimeters.

Pluses setting the liner:

  • cover the cast-iron bath with acrylic can be very fast;
  • the cost of restoration of the product is significantly less, in comparison with the dismantling of the bath and the purchase of new plumbing equipment;
  • acrylic pad on the cast-iron bath does not darken, perfectly clean, retains warmth well;
  • the pad on the bath is not corrosion.

However, the reviews of people who faced some problems during the installation of equipment lead a number of arguments against such a way of restoring plumbing:

  • the liner is almost impossible to establish independently;
  • acrylic insertion into the cast-iron bath quickly scratches;
  • wash acrylic liner in a cast-iron bath can be only special non-aggressive means;
  • insert reduces the inner volume of the product, which makes it uncomfortable in operation.

As can be seen, this method of restoration has both its fans and opponents. Therefore, it is worthwhile to deal more with the process of installing this equipment.

Acrylic liner in the cast-iron bathroom is mounted as follows:

  1. Insert an acrylic bath in the cast-iron can only be made after the manufacture of inserts according to individual sizes;
  2. After that, the finished acrylic lining is installed in the bath on the adhesive composition;
  3. If necessary, the liner is cut in accordance with the tile level adjacent to the bath;
  4. The drain holes of the acrylic lining and the plumbing product are knocked down, after which they are fastened with a special adhesive solution;
  5. At the final stage of installation drain system Connect from the sewage, after which the joints of the acrylic lining with the tile are poured with silicone for sealing.

Important! All the work on the installation of this equipment must make knowledgeable people, otherwise the life of the bath may not justify your expectations, because any violation of technology can lead to the appearance of cracks on the liner and development of fungus.

The installation process itself occupies three hours from the strength, at the end of which the bath is filled cold water And leave in this form for a day. After that, you can safely use a bath for its intended purpose.

How to refresh the cast-iron bath with liquid acrylic?

Pouring the cast-iron bath acrylic is an alternative quick way of restoration of plumbing equipment. This method is used not only to restore baths, but also for painting enameled washbasins and other plumbers.

Advantages of bath restoration technology with liquid acrylic:

  • less thermal conductivity, due to which the water in the bath is slower than cooling;
  • acrylic coating For pig-iron bath smooth, and therefore does not have a yellow plaque even with long-term use of plumbing;
  • high strength and durability of acrylic coating;
  • covering cast-iron baths acrylic does not imply in the future special care for plumbing;

But this method of restoration of the coating of the bath involves the perfect fulfillment of all stages of work, in otherwisemay find out that:

  • bath coating cracks;
  • the restoration of the cast-iron bath liquid acrylic was not crowned with success due to the appearance on the surface of the freshers and strips;
  • there was a peeling of the coating from the walls of the product.

Therefore, it is worth paying attention to the fact that the restoration of the cast-iron bath with a liquid acrylic process is very laborious and responsible.

Before repairing cast iron baths with liquid acrylic, you need to pull the surface of the plumbing surface:

  1. With the help of a grinder and metal nozzle removed old layer Enamel from a plumbing product;
  2. After that you need to degrease all interior surface Plumbing with a vehicle exposed in acetone;
  3. The baths of the bath with a tiled should be sampled by a painting ribbon so as not to blur their surface.

Repair of cast iron baths acrylic involves strict adherence to all technologies that in the future will provide for a long time of plumbing. It is worth noting that the exposure time of the liquid acrylic with the hardener depends not only from the manufacturer's company, but also on the temperature in the room. If the temperature ranges from fifteen to twenty degrees, exposure will be twenty minutes, with an increase in temperature, the exposure time will decrease.

In order to answer the question of how to update the cast-iron bath with acrylic, you need to master the bulk method of restoring plumbing surfaces. He assumes the execution of several consecutive stages of the work:

  1. Using comfortable container (Cropped bottle of hardener), should be evenly applied acryl on board the product;
  2. If the liquid composition on the walls of the bath has been unevenly distributed, you need to use soft rubber spatulaWith which it is necessary to mark the required places to miss acrylic;
  3. If bubbles are formed on the surface, use a brush to eliminate them;
  4. After full injection of the bath with acrylic, you need to wait for the hardening of the material for 48 hours.


The described Plumbing Restoration methods are financially available, but the installation of acrylic liner is almost impossible without the participation of professionals. If you want to repair yourself, it is better to apply the second method of restoring sanitary equipment. In any case, both methods will be financially much more profitable, in comparison with the purchase new plumbing dubious quality.

By installing an acrylic insert in the bath with your own hands, you will relieve yourself from buying a new and expensive product. Yes, and the replacement of the bath is accompanied by complex preparation. And here everything is simple! Let's study together how to spend work.

Installing an acrylic liner is not the only way to restore old bath. We will analyze all the restoration options to know exactly which methods will suit you. The first option is the enameling of the bath. The advantages of this method include the affordable cost of enamel, the possibility of restoration without removing borders, as well as long term New coverage services - about 12 years. But a lot and disadvantages. For example, if you make enamelings with violation of technology, the service life can be reduced to 5 years.

The second option is to use. The warranty is about 20 years, the surface after processing will be smooth and without inclination, in addition, to perform the restoration, it is not necessary to shoot flights, which eliminates the risk of damage to the tile. True, you need to remember about the minuses of the bulk bath. For example, this material is very capricious, and its proper application requires dexterity and experience.

Bully bath

The last option is to install an acrylic insert. The most important advantages of this method of restoration can be called accessibility and simplicity of installation - you quickly spend your work with your own hands, not even by a specialist. To install the liner, you do not need to dismantle the drain, since it is enough just to remove the lid. But here it did not cost without minuses. For example, you will have to shoot a border, as a result of which you can damage the tile. The second minus is that acrylic inserts can not always be accurately approached in size, which means you have to use foam correction.

Acrylic liner has others important features. For example, the product is not afraid of rust. Simple and care for the updated product - Cover the coating with a damp cloth and try not to soak clothes from very colorful fabrics for a long time. If you are going to install an acrylic insert for updating metal bath, There are a number and other advantages. For instance, water treatments It will become much more comfortable, since acrylic is a material with a low level of thermal conductivity. Water in such a bath will cool much slower.

First you need to find exactly the liner in size so that you do not hold the adjustment. You can spend measurements and with your own hands, there is nothing complicated here - you need to know only three parameters:

  • the total length of the bath, including the length of the side;
  • bath depth - Put the bar across the bath in the center and measure the distance from it to the bottom;
  • the inner width of the bath, while the distance between the sides should be measured twice - at the location of the drain and from the opposite edge.

Acrylic bath insert

After that, proceed to the preparation. The first thing we need to do is remove the tiles and borders adjacent to the bath. It is necessary to have access to the edges around the perimeter of the bath. After that, we clean the old coating. You can use the coarse sandpaper: for convenience, fasten it on a plastic holder. Cleaning old enamel sandpaper will help you improve the coupling old surface with acrylic liner. Wash the bath thoroughly, removing dust, dirt, fragments of the old coating.

And only after that you can dismantle the siphon, without forgetting to close the resulting hole with painting scotch, so that during the installation of the acrylic liner, the foam has not leaked to the floor.

How to properly install an acrylic liner with your own hands?

Installation of the liner occupies a few hours if you have at hand step-by-step plan Performance. Just follow our advice to get a good result.

How to make an acrylic liner with your own hands - a step-by-step scheme

After that, we mount the liner itself, tightly pressing it to the bath. For greater efficiency, fix the product with clamps by putting thin boards under them to avoid damage to the fragile acrylic. You can spend your work with your own hands, but it is better to call an assistant. The last step is to install a siphon, which should also be sealant.

Step 3: Check the quality of work

Close the drain plumper and type water in the bath. Moreover, it is necessary to fill it so that the water does not reach the edge of about 3 cm. Such a burden on the liner is needed to ensure better fixation of products and rapid polymerization of foam. Water can be merged somewhere after 6 hours, and you can use the renewed bathroom after the day after the completion of the work.

Acrylic insert in the bathroom is often called acrylic insert. The price of the liner is about 4500-7500 rubles. This bath restoration method has a lot positive feedback. We have prepared instructions independent installation acrylic liner. There are situations such when at the moment overhaul Not included in plans, but an old bath, which has an unsightly kind, I want to change. Then new people can come to the rescue innovative technologies. They solve this problem without dismantling plumbing equipment. You can update it by restoring the lost appearance. The restoration of the bathroom can be carried out by:

  • Enameling;
  • Coatings with liquid acrylic;
  • Installation of acrylic liner.

The first two ways of cosmetic update costly time and more workflows. Installing acrylic liner in the bathroom today allows you to get a great desired result in a short time.

Acrylic inserts are becoming very popular due to:

  • Democratic price;
  • Rapid installation;
  • Excellent appearance updated plumbing;
  • Large service life.

Inserts are installed inside the old cast iron or steel constructionwhich is an excellent reliable frame for them. They are:

  • Fully retain all the advantages acrylic bath;
  • Well hold warm;
  • Characterized by sufficient impact resistance, heat resistance and ease of care.
  • 1 What is an acrylic insert
  • 2 where to start
    • 2.1 Preparation of the base for installing acrylic coating
    • 2.2 Video Instruction Bath Coating Liquid Acrylic
  • 3 Mounting insert
    • 3.1 Montaja video
  • 4 Operating Recommendations
  • 5 Conclusion

What is an acrylic insert

Acrylic inserts in the bathroom represents molded products of a certain size, made of two-layer plumbing acrylic reinforced with reinforced fiberglass. Their forms and dimensions correspond to the baths of the Soviet and russian production. These auxiliary plumbing products are lightweight, durable, practical.

Acrylic, which is the main component of inserts, is polymer polymethyl methacrylate. By technical characteristics It is two times easier than ordinary silicate glass. Therefore, it is widely used for the production of composite glasses for aircraft industry.

According to its metabolism, this material is close to the human body, so it is used in the production of dentures. Due to the totality of these factors, Akryl, a man, licking into an acrylic bath, is experiencing comfortable sensations.

Today, biocidal additives are added to the production of acrylic liners in their main polymer material, which prevent the reproduction of bacteria and pathogenic microorganisms.

Just such a sanitary acrylic is top layer liner. For its constructive amplification to bend, the lower layer is represented by elastic acrylonitrilbutadienestyrene (ABS) plastic.

The optimal thickness of the acrylic liner, which ensures its normal long-term operation, is 6 millimeters.

Where to start

Before choosing the liner in the bathroom from acrylic, you need to know the size and type of the main cast iron. Old steel and cast iron baths soviet production Produced according to the standards and requirements of GOST. Therefore, acrylic coating elements are made according to the same sizes. These are basically with sides, made direct or ellips-shaped, length from 1.5 to 1.7 meters.

In addition to the length and type of bath, you need to know it:

  • Width over the upper inside on both sides;
  • The length of the inside;
  • Common outdoor width from the line of extreme sides;
  • Depth in the drain zone.

For bathrooms, ellips-shaped form additionally need to know two more upper size of the width of sides:

  1. At the headboard.
  2. Above the drain.

Preparation of the base for installation of acrylic coating

Preparatory work before the start of the main installation of the liner must be manufactured in such a sequence.

  1. Initially, you need to remove the bath and wall inspection zone tile tile, plastic panels or other finishing material And clean from the garbage all this workspace.
  2. The inner surface of the bath must be cleared with coarser-grained abrasive material or grinder, to give the old enamel of roughness. It is necessary to improve adhesion mounting foam With the surface of the old bath.
  3. Then you need to dismantle drain hole Bathroom and proceed to the siphon.
  4. The adjacent crossliner must be carefully removed, without knocking it.
  5. Next, the overflow canal is released and the main nut is removed.
  6. Here on the place of overflow, you need to pay attention to the type of thread, to then install the adapter and the new nut.
  7. The final operation after stripping the bathroom is to prepare the field of action to work. The inner surface should be carefully cleaned from the garbage, dust and degreased with acetone, white spirit or alcohol.

Video Instruction Bath Coating Liquid Acrylic

Installation of the liner

Bathroom liner must be installed with special attention to perform the process of its fit.

  1. Start this operation from the edges. The plated coating in the bath bowl is delineated by the perimeter with a marker or pencil. Then the tab is removed, extra plastic is cut.
  2. After you need to cut two main openings: overflow and drain. For them, special crowns are used, which, when reinforcing the acrylic coating, print the necessary contours on its outer surface.
  3. The designated meta is neatly drilled for future holes, their edges are aligned and cleaned.
  4. After all the adjustments, the final fit is carried out and eliminate the flaws that have arisen.
  5. When installing, it is necessary to consider that the level of slope of the bowl to the drain opening must correspond to the ratio of 1.5: 3.
  6. Before the final installation, the scurrous surface of the bowl is once again degreased, wipe dry and dry.
  7. When all preparatory work is made, the liner is ready for installation, a two-component mounting foam can be applied to the bowl.
  8. First, it is applied fastened around the overflow and drain holes.
  9. Then the foam must be distributed along the bottom of the Bowl with strips with an interval of 4-5 centimeters.
  10. The board of the bowl from the bottom to the top is also processed by foam with the same strips and distance.
  11. Since foam has a property quickly stuck, its application must be performed quickly, without tightening time.
  12. After machining the foam bath, the liner is inserted, the siphon of a drain hole is quickly assembled, which is additionally sealed with silicone sealant.
  13. After installing the acrylic liner into the bathroom, its bowl is filled with water at 3 - 5 cm below the overflowing hole. This is done to create a uniform load on the coating, the distribution of foam, it is frozen within 24 hours until complete readiness.

Video Montaja

The installed acrylic coating is full alternative option acrylic bath. Due to its structure, it is:

  • Completed from environmentally friendly material;
  • Do not rust, does not darken, does not yellow, does not release harmful toxic substances;
  • It keeps the temperature well;
  • Light scratches on its surface are easily slummed by special pastes;
  • Pollution on the surface without effort is washed off by a soft sponge with a household soap.

As restrictions, to extend the service life and operation, recommended in such baths:

  • Do not bathe cats and dogs;
  • Do not use the vanatus when clogging sewage pipes, which can lead to depressurization of the drain hole;
  • Do not get involved hot waterSince acrylic is afraid of boiling water and can be deformed.


Today offers to use new technologies during the restoration of old, but more strong-quality baths, Soviet production. The easiest and most cheap way to update them are acrylic inserts in the bathroom.

They have excellent designer, high-quality and functional properties similar modern baths From acrylic. Low price, safety for health and ambient Make these products most popular among the average inhabitants of our country.

These inserts cover the defects of old cast iron or steel baths as:

  • SCOL;
  • Scratches;
  • Darkened areas;
  • Scuffs;
  • Rusty spots.

Their installation always gives an excellent result, takes a little time, gives the corner of the bathroom quite a decent and decent view. Acrylic liner allows a person to feel in the old bath, as in the new one. At the same time enjoying her smooth surface, pleasant warmth, beautiful appearance.

The replacement of the bath can be attributed to the largest "repair shocks". Especially when common repair Already made. Replacement work will lead to its violation, so the owners will have to either put up with a partially blocked tiled on the floor and on the walls, or to plant a full-fledged update of the whole room.

To avoid these difficulties, many prefer instead of replacing an old bath to hold her restoration. This can be done with the help of special paint, liquid acrylic, but the most qualitative way to "breathe new life»The product is the installation of an acrylic liner, about whose features we will talk in this article.

What is an acrylic liner?

Scheme of installation and attachment of acrylic liner

Acrylic liner is, in fact, a complete acrylic bath. The only difference is that it is not installed on the floor, but in an existing bath. Such technology is quite often the name "Bath Bath", which is not better reflecting the essence of the process.

Advantages and disadvantages

Acrylic liners have many advantages, and compared not only with other ways of restoration, but also with some new baths.

  1. Easy installation. This, probably, can be considered one of the main advantages. The entire installation process takes just a couple of hours, and the existing repair is practically not violated.
  2. The advantages of acrylic in combination with the cast iron fortress. As a result of the installation of the acrylic liner, you will get all the advantages of a full-fledged acrylic bath in combination with a strength and reliability of a cast-iron or steel base.
  3. The effect of the thermos. Considering that the bath after installing the liner will represent three-layer construction (Metallic base, adhesive foam, acrylic liner), which performs the role of a kind of thermos, water in such a bath cools much longer than just in acrylic or metallic.
  4. Low cost. Despite the fact that the cost of the liner itself is comparable to the cost of an inexpensive acrylic bath, work on its installation will cost you much cheaper. And considering that as a result you will get a full-fledged acrylic bath, superior to its qualities cheap analogs, savings becomes obvious.
  5. And, undoubtedly, the main advantage is the ability to perfectly restore even the most "killed" bath.

Acrylic liner "will return to life" even the oldest bath

But along with a lot of advantages, acrylic liners have several drawbacks:

  • first, acrylic liners exist not for all types of baths;

There are liners for all "Soviet" bath models, with the exception of the so-called "sitting". But for the baths of imported production to find a suitable liner can be quite problematic.

  • secondly, in violation of the insert installation technology, after a while, it may begin to creak or even break;
  • and finally, this is the most expensive way to restore the old bath.

Installation technology

Technology installation of an acrylic liner at first glance may seem fairly simple. But in the case of inaccurate observance, unpleasant consequences are possible. Therefore, if you decide to install an acrylic liner with your own hands, we recommend that you follow the instructions.

Choosing an acrylic liner

In order to determine which of eight existing types The liners are suitable for you, it is necessary to carry out a number of measurements.

In order to choose a suitable liner, you need to make measurements in five places

For high-quality measurements of one roulette not enough. A rake will also need from any negligent material, the length of which is slightly larger than the width of your bath.

Five measurements should be made:

  • length of the outer side of the bath;
  • length indoor space Baths over the drain;
  • bath width over drain;
  • bath width at the site of the narrowing of sides, opposite to the plum;
  • height over the drain (this measurement is better to do from the staring rack installed above the drain).

For greater clarity, we depicted all the venues of the necessary measurements in the following figure.

For clarity, we offer you a chart of frozen bath

Using the received data, you can either choose your own liner in the provider directory, or simply report this information to the representative of the company in which you are going to acquire it.

When buying, be sure to pay attention to the bottom. It must have additional strengthening of fiberglass. If it is not, then such a liner is quite unreliable and it is not worth purchased.

Required tools and materials

In addition to the acrylic liner you will need:

  • two-component foam. There are several manufacturers of such a product, but we recommend that you use Purfoam -2K foam liner from the Dutch company Den Braven. It has been repeatedly verified and approved by most of the installers of acrylic liners. It is necessary to use only high-quality two-component foam. It does not give a shrinkage and secondary expansion, perfectly "grasped" on enamelled surfaces and is characterized by high resistance to mechanical pressures;

Note that the service life of the acrylic liner depends on the quality of the foam.

PURFOAM -2K Foam from Dutch company DEN BRAVEN
  • silicone sealant;
  • new siphon plum-overflow;
  • decorative screen and sides (if required);
  • coarse sandpaper or abrasive nozzle on a drill;
  • crown on a drill, diameter corresponding to holes of plum and overflow;

The diameter of the crown must correspond to the diameter of the holes of the drain
  • electrolovka with plates for metal or small Bulgarian;
  • the chisel or chisel to remove the tile on the edge of the bath (if required);
  • dumping, passage and keys to dismantle and install the siphon;

For fixing the liner is best to use clamps
  • clamps for fixing edges of the bath;
  • building pencil for marking.

Bath preparation

Before installing the bath liner must be prepared.

If the tile is laid on the edge of the bath, then it must be knocked down
  1. Fully freeing the edges of the bath from tiles, decorative sides, mounted shelves, etc.
  2. Remove the siphon of plum-overflow.
  3. Clean the inner surface of the bath. For this purpose, you can use coarse-grained emery paperwrapped around a small wooden bar. But it is better to take advantage of a special abrasive nozzle for electric drills.
  4. Thoroughly wash the bath, pre-removed from it dust and trash formed during stripping.

Since the new siphon will be installed in the future, when dismantling you can not particularly take care of the safety of the old.

Training insert

Acrylic liners are covered with inner Special protective film. During preparatory work It is not recommended to remove it.

If one or more sides of the bath can be adjusted close to the wall, the bending edges of the liner will need to be trimmed with an electric bollard or a grinder.

The edges of the liner that interfere with its normal landing are trimmed with a baccoon or electric bike

If there is an opportunity to move the bath a little, thereby giving the liner to "sit down" from all sides, then it is better to do without trimming.

After the liner sits freely in the bath, you need to outline the locations of the holes for drain and overflow. This can be done in two ways.

  1. If there is access to holes with outside Baths, you can simply make the corresponding marker marker or construction pencil through them.
  2. If there is no access to holes, then you need to carefully circle their edges with a pencil from the inner part of the bath and again install insert in it. The remaining traces will be located in those places where it is necessary to make holes.

Do not attempt to determine the holes for the holes with the help of industrial. Remember that an error even a few millimeters will damage the liner.

Upon finished marks using a crown of the corresponding diameter in the liner, holes are made under the drain and overflow.

Hole to drain better drill on the inside of the liner

When the bath and the liner are ready, you can proceed directly to the installation.

Apply the sealant on the edges of the drain holes and overflow, as well as to the places on which the liner was cut. The sealant is applied to the bath, and not to the liner.

Sealant 'generous' is applied around drain holes and overflow

On the entire inner surface of the bath, apply two-component foams as follows: on the upper sides, on the side from top to bottom, on the bottom of the bath in length. Note that if the distance between the foam strips on the side of the bath can be 10-15 centimeters, then on its bottom, the foam should be laid with a solid layer. Otherwise, even after the foam dispels a little, emptiness may form under the liner. This can lead to the appearance of an unpleasant violin or even to break the product.

The bottom of the bath must be completely covered with foam

As practice shows, two cylinders of a two-component foam take place for normal processing of the standard bath. Do not try to save on the material, since the arrival of the liner into disrepair as a result of the formation of voids will reduce "no" all the cost of the restoration of the bath.

The acrylic liner itself is installed on the foam. The protective film from the inside is not yet removed.

After applying the foam, install the liner is needed no later than 10-15 minutes

Please note that a two-component foam freezes much faster than usual, so after applying the liner must be installed no later than 10-15 minutes. After it is necessary to install a new siphon and fix it in the holes of the plum and overflow.

The edges of the liner and baths are fixed using clamps. The foam spoke from under them is pre-removed with a cloth. Ensure that the foam does not remain on the outside of the liner, because it will be removed without damaging the acrylic coating, it will later be very problematic.

So that the clamps do not damage the acrylic coating, under them from the outside of the liner it is worth putting flat pieces of wood, plastic or acrylic, which remained from trimming the liner.

The final stage is the filling of the bath with water in order to provide a uniform load on its entire surface for normal shrinkage of the liner and frosting foam.

To ensure uniform pressure on the adhesive foam, the bath is filled with water

After the foam is completely dried (as practice shows, it is necessary 24 hours), water from the bathroom is drained, protective film. Remove and proceed to installing decorative screen and sidebar.

As portors, you can use acrylic overlays, a narrow tile or special corners for baths on a self-adhesive basis. Whatever the type of sides you choose, it is necessary to carefully close the joints between the wall and the bathroom with a sealant.

Caring for acrylic liner

In conclusion, let's say a few words about the care of acrylic liner.

Since acrylic is an unpaid material, you can use almost any means to wash it, for example, which you wash dishes. The only one, in no case cannot be washing the bath with metal washcloths or brushes, because they are quite highly likely to leave the traces of acrylic.

Also in order to avoid education scratches it is not recommended to bathe in a acrylic bath of large pets without a special rug.

But if damage still appeared, you can get rid of them with the help of liquid acrylic, which you can easily find in any modern construction supermarket.

With the help of liquid acrylic and a specially polishing mixture of chip and cracks on an acrylic bath can be eliminated without a trace

Installing acrylic liner (video)

As you can see, the installation of an acrylic liner is not a particularly difficult thing. The main thing is to use it only qualitative materials And strictly follow the installation recommendations. And in this case, we are sure your old bath will really get a "new life" and will serve you again long years. Good luck to you!

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