Standard masonry walls. Comparison of indicators Internal load-bearing walls


Hello, Elena.

The construction proposed for implementation with the use of a slotted 2nd brick will not meet SNiP " Thermal protection buildings "for the city of Rostov-on-Don.

I give below heat engineering calculation, prepared according to the SNiP methodology "Thermal protection of buildings" for 2 options outer walls:

1. using double slot porous bricks, with a total wall thickness of 510 mm (the heat engineering calculation was prepared for a heat-efficient ceramic 2nd brick, porous and with a voidness of more than 50%, if an ordinary slot brick is used, the result will be even more deplorable;

2. using the Kerakam Kaiman 30 heat-efficient ceramic block, faced with bricks, with a total wall thickness of 430mm.

When designing our houses, we use the most modern and economically sound technologies, in particular, the most heat-efficient ceramic blocks among those produced in Russia are used as load-bearing walls. Kerakam Kaiman 30.

The cost of the Kerakam Kaiman30 block with delivery to the facility in the Rostov region is 106 rubles.

Below is the calculation of the costs of building the house you are considering for two options for external walls.

Looking ahead, I report that the increase in the cost of building the house you are considering when choosing the option for erecting external walls from double bricks will be 168 216 rubles.

Below is a heat engineering calculation performed according to the method described in the SNiP "Thermal protection of buildings". As well as the economic rationale for the use of the Kerakam Kaiman 30 ceramic block when comparing the costs of building the house in question from a double slotted brick.

To begin with, we will determine the required thermal resistance for the external walls of residential buildings for the city of Rostov-on-Don, as well as the thermal resistance created by the structures under consideration.

The ability of a structure to retain heat is determined by such a physical parameter as the thermal resistance of the structure ( R, m 2 * C / W).

Determine the degree-day of the heating period, ° С ∙ day / year, according to the formula (SNiP "Thermal protection of buildings") for the city Rostov-on-Don.

GSOP = (t in - t from) z from,

t v- the design temperature of the internal air of the building, ° С, taken when calculating the enclosing structures of the groups of buildings indicated in table 3 (SNiP "Thermal protection of buildings"): according to pos. 1 - by minimum values optimal temperature corresponding buildings in accordance with GOST 30494 (in the interval 20 - 22 ° C);
t from - average temperature outside air, ° С during the cold period, for g. Rostov-on-Don meaning -0,1 ° C;
z from- the duration, day / year, of the heating period, adopted according to the set of rules for the period with an average daily outside air temperature of no more than 8 ° С, for the city Rostov-on-Don meaning 166 days.

GSOP = (20- (-0.1)) * 166 = 3336.60 ° С * day.

The value of the required thermal resistance for the external walls of residential buildings is determined by the formula (SNiP "Thermal protection of buildings)

R tr 0 = a * GSOP + b

R tr 0- required thermal resistance;
a and b- the coefficients, the values ​​of which should be taken according to table No. 3 of SNiP "Thermal protection of buildings" for the corresponding groups of buildings, for residential buildings the value a should be taken equal to 0.00035, the value b - 1,4

R tr 0 = 0.00035 * 3 336.60 + 1.4 = 2.5678 m 2 * C / W

The formula for calculating the conditional thermal resistance of the structure under consideration:

R 0 = Σ δ n n + 0,158

Σ - symbol of summation of layers for multilayer structures;
δ - layer thickness in meters;
λ - coefficient of thermal conductivity of the layer material, subject to operating humidity;
n- layer number (for multilayer structures);
0.158 is a correction factor, which for simplicity can be taken as a constant.

Formula for calculating the reduced thermal resistance.

R r 0 = R 0 x r

r- coefficient of thermal engineering homogeneity of structures with heterogeneous areas (joints, heat-conducting inclusions, porches, etc.)

According to the standard STO 00044807-001-2006 according to Table No. 8 the value of the coefficient of heat engineering uniformity r for masonry from large-sized hollow porous ceramic stones and gas silicate blocks should be taken equal to 0,98 .

At the same time, I draw your attention to the fact that this coefficient does not take into account the fact that

  1. we recommend laying the masonry using a warm masonry mortar (this significantly eliminates the heterogeneity at the joints);
  2. as the connections of the bearing wall and the front masonry, we use not metal, but basalt-plastic ties, which conduct heat literally 100 times less than steel ties (this significantly eliminates the inhomogeneities formed due to heat-conducting inclusions);
  3. window slopes and doorways, according to our design documentation, they are additionally insulated with extruded polystyrene foam (which levels the heterogeneity in the places of window and door openings, porches).
From which we can conclude that when the instructions of our working documentation are fulfilled, the masonry uniformity coefficient tends to one. But in calculating the reduced thermal resistance R r 0 we will still use the table value 0.98.

R r 0 must be greater than or equal to R 0 required.

We determine the mode of operation of the building in order to understand what is the coefficient of thermal conductivity λ a or λ in take when calculating the conditional thermal resistance.

The method for determining the operating mode is described in detail in SNiP "Thermal protection of buildings" ... Based on the specified normative document, follow the step-by-step instructions.

1st step. We define sonu humidity of the region of development - Rostov-on-Don using Appendix B SNiP "Thermal protection of buildings".

According to the table city Rostov-on-Don located in zone 3 (dry climate). We take the value 2 - dry climate.

2nd step. According to Table No. 1 of SNiP "Thermal protection of buildings" we determine the humidity regime in the room.

At the same time, I draw your attention to heating season the air humidity in the room drops to 15-20%. During the heating period, the air humidity must be raised to at least 35-40%. Humidity of 40-50% is considered comfortable for humans.
In order to raise the humidity level, it is necessary to ventilate the room, you can use air humidifiers, the installation of an aquarium will help.

According to Table 1, the humidity regime in the room during the heating period at an air temperature of 12 to 24 degrees and a relative humidity of up to 50% - dry.

3rd step. According to Table No. 2 of SNiP "Thermal protection of buildings", we determine the operating conditions.

To do this, we find the intersection of the line with the value of the humidity regime in the room, in our case it is dry, with a humidity column for the city Rostov-on-Don, as it was found out earlier, this is the value dry.

According to the SNiP methodology "Thermal protection of buildings" in the calculation of the conventional thermal resistance ( R 0) the value should be applied under operating conditions A, i.e. it is necessary to use the coefficient of thermal conductivity λ a.

Here you can see Thermal conductivity test report for ceramic blocks Kerakam Kaiman 30 .
The value of the coefficient of thermal conductivity λ a You can find it at the end of the document.

Consider the laying of an external wall, using Kerakam Kaiman 30 ceramic blocks and double ceramic brick... We use facing ceramic bricks as facade finishing.

For the ceramic block use case Kerakam Kaiman 30 total wall thickness excluding plaster layer 430mm (300mm ceramic block Kerakam Kaiman 30+ 10mm technological gap filled with cement-perlite mortar + 120mm front masonry).

1 layer
2 layer(item 2) - 300mm wall masonry using a block Kerakam Kaiman 30(coefficient of thermal conductivity of masonry in the operational state A 0.094 W / m * C).
3 layer(item 4) - 10mm ( SuperThermo30) a light cement-perlite mixture between the ceramic block masonry and the front masonry (density 200 kg / m3, thermal conductivity coefficient at operating humidity less than 0.12 W / m * C).
4 layer

Pos. 3 - warm masonry mortar
pos. 6 - colored masonry mortar.

Consider the masonry of an external wall, using double slotted bricks, lined with ceramic hollow porous bricks.

For the option of using a double slotted brick, the total wall thickness excluding the plaster layer is 510mm (380mm double slotted brick + 10mm filled with cement-perlite mortar + 120mm facing masonry).

1 layer(item 1) - 20mm heat-insulating cement-perlite plaster (thermal conductivity coefficient 0.18 W / m * C).
2 layer(item 2) - 380mm wall masonry using double slot porous brick (thermal conductivity coefficient masonry on warm solution in the operational state 0.247 W / m * C).
3 layer(pos. 4) - 10mm (SuperTermo30) light cement-perlite mixture between the ceramic block masonry and the front masonry (density 200 kg / m3, thermal conductivity coefficient at operating humidity less than 0.12 W / m * C).
4 layer(item 5) - 120mm wall masonry using slotted facing bricks (thermal conductivity coefficient of the masonry in the operational state is 0.45 W / m * C.

We consider the conditional thermal resistance R 0 for the structures under consideration.

Kerakam Kaiman 30

R 0 = 0.020 / 0.18 + 0.300 / 0.094 + 0.01 / 0.12 + 0.12 / 0.45 + 0.158 = 3.8128 m 2 * C / W

External wall construction using double slot porous brick

R 0 = 0.020 / 0.18 + 0.380 / 0.247 + 0.01 / 0.12 + 0.12 / 0.45 + 0.158 = 2.1576 m 2 * C / W

We consider the reduced thermal resistance R r 0 of the structures under consideration.

External wall structure in which the unit is used Kerakam Kaiman 30

R r 0 Art30 =3.8128 m 2 * C / W * 0.98 = 3.7365 m 2 * C / W

External wall structure using double ceramic bricks

R r 0 D500= 2.6839 m 2 * C / W * 0.98 = 2.1144 m 2 * C / W

The reduced thermal resistance of the structure in which the Kerakam Kaiman 30 ceramic block is installed is higher than the required thermal resistance for the city of Rostov-on-Don.

The outer wall, erected using double slotted porous bricks, on the contrary, does not respondSNiP "Thermal protection of buildings" for the city of Rostov-on-Don.

Above, by a calculation prepared according to the SNiP method "Thermal protection of buildings", the required thermal resistance for the outer walls of residential buildings for the city of Rostov-on-Don was determined, which amounted to - 2.5678 m 2 * C / W.

Below is a comparative calculation of the construction costs of the house you are considering for two variants of the material of the bearing walls: ceramic double porous bricks 2nf and ceramic large-format blocks Kerakam Kaiman 30.

Initial conditions.

Total area of ​​the house - 241.90 m2.
window and doorways - 222 m2.
The perimeter of the foundation tape for the outer walls and the wall separating the garage - 55 , 00 running meters.

The foundation is monolithic reinforced concrete.

Facade decoration - facing brick .

Ceramic block price Kerakam Kaiman 30 including delivery to the Rostov region Rub 106 / pc.

In the calculation we will take the cost double porous ceramic bricks 2nf including delivery equal Rub 14 / pc.

We consider the cost of erecting one square meter of an external wall using compared materials, as well as the difference in the cost of the foundation, since when choosing ceramic bricks, the total thickness of the outer wall will increase by 8 cm, as a result, the thickness of the foundation wall will also increase by 80 mm.

Comparison of construction costs of Kerakam Kaiman 30 ceramic blocks and double ceramic bricks
Double ceramic brick (380mm) Ceramic block Kerakam Kaiman 30(300mm)
Brick / ceramic block cost
at 1m 2 masonry
1m 2 masonry - 78 double bricks
brick price with delivery 14 rubles
1m 2 = 14 x 78 = 1,092.00 rub / m 2
1m 2 masonry - 17.1 pieces of blocks
block price with delivery to the Rostov region106 rubles / piece
1m 2 = 17.1 x 106 = RUB 1,812.60 / m 2
Solution cost
at 1m 2 masonry
580 rub / m 2 240 rub / m 2
Cost of anchors for
connectionsload-bearing wall with
face masonry

1m 2 = 6.40 x 5 = 32,0 0 rub / m 2
the cost of the anchor 6,40 rubles / piece
number of anchors per 1m 2 - 5 pcs
1m 2 = 6.40 x 5 = 32,0 0 rub / m 2
Perlite cost
filling solution
technological void
between load-bearing wall and
face masonry
at 1m 2 masonry

and cement, when filling a joint of 10mm,
price - 25 rub / m 2
the solution is prepared on site,
perlite sand is used
and cement, when filling a joint of 10mm,
price - 25 rub / m 2
Mesh cost,
necessary to save
masonry mortar
1 m 2 masonry

price - 42 rub / m 2
used by plaster mesh with a cell 5x5mm,
price - 33 rub / m 2
Cost of materials
for masonry reinforcement
at 1m 2 masonry

145 rubles / m2.

in every second row,
will require 69.45 m 2 of basalt-plastic

one square meter:
((145 rubles / m2 + 50 rubles / m2) x 69.45 m2) / 222 m2 = 61 rubles / m 2 .

Basalt plastic mesh cost
145 rubles / m2.
According to the instructions, it should be reinforced
masonry corners, laying ready-made maps
in every second row,
will require 54.6 m 2 of basalt-plastic

The cost of laying the mesh
for reinforcement 50 rubles / m 2.

The cost of reinforcing masonry
one square meter:
((145 rubles / m2 + 50 rubles / m2) x 54.6 m2) / 222 m2 = 48 rubles / m2

The cost of work on
masonry 1 m 2outer wall.
Masonry cost - 3 200 rubles / m 3
Masonry cost 1 m 2
3 200 rubles / m 3 x 0.38 meters = 1 216 rub / m 2
Masonry cost - 2,500 rubles / m 3
Masonry cost 1 m 2
2 500 rubles / m 3 x 0.3 meters = 75 0 rub / m 2
Additional expenses
for foundation work,
caused bythe fact that the thickness
outer wall of
double brick 8cm more
Difference in thickness of the outer wall
0.08 meters.
Accordingly, by the same amount
the foundation wall increases.
The height of the foundation wall is 2.8 meters.
Foundation perimeter for external
walls 55.00 linear meters
Additional amount of m 3 of concrete
0.08 x 2.8 x 55 = 12.30 m 3
The cost of concrete B22.5 - 3 800 rubles / m 3
Cost in pounds. works - 5,000 rubles / m 3
Additional foundation costs
12.30 x (3800 + 5000) = 108 240 rubles
House project cost Base project cost
36,000 rubles
project for free
Total: external wall area minus

222 x (1 092.00 + 580 + 32 + 25 + 42 +
+ 61 + 1 216) = 6 76 656 rubles
additional costs for the foundation - 108 240 rubles
house project costs - 36,000 rubles
676 656 + 108 240 + 36 000 =
820 896 rubles
external wall area minus
window and door openings - 222 m 2
costs for wall materials and work
222 x (1 812.00 + 240 + 32.00 + 25+
+ 33 + 48 + 750) = 652 680 rubles

652 680 rubles

Total, refusal to use modern wall materials- ceramic blocks Kerakam Kaiman 30 in favor of double ceramic bricks, during construction in Rostov region houses on the project 87-54, will lead to an increase in construction costs by 168,216 rubles!

All projects included in the House project are presented for free on the page

At the rhythm modern life all more people on weekends, and often to permanent residence, they move from stuffy city apartments to their country houses and cottages. It's good if this house has already been built and you don't need to know what walls are. But most often, the owners build and equip their home for recreation on their own.

Brick houses are considered the warmest and most durable in use, although such construction is not cheap.

You can build a lightweight prefabricated slit house or similar structures and enjoy nature all summer long. But for the winter, this option is definitely not suitable.

If you are going to visit Vacation home year-round or to live there permanently, then the ideal design of the outer walls of your home will be.

Types of materials

Brickwork is done using two materials: mortar and brick. The brick is usually used silicate or ceramic. Silicate has the following parameters: 250 x 120 x 88 mm. Ceramic (clay) has other parameters: 250 x 120 x 65 mm. All brick faces have separate names:

  • spoons - edge 250 x 65 mm;
  • butt - edge 120 x 65 mm;
  • bed - with an edge of 250-120 mm.

The brand is the main indicator of the strength of a brick, it testifies to its strength in compression. For the construction of external walls of a small structure, a country or private house, a brick grade of 100 or 75 is suitable. Clay (ceramic) material is used to make basement walls, basements, external walls and internal partitions of a building, as well as stoves. Silicate material is used more often for external walls of household and utility structures.

Between carrier brick wall and the outer layer must provide space for insulation. The thickness of the load-bearing brick wall depends on climatic conditions and design features building.

Before starting to erect the first row, it is necessary to correctly calculate the thickness of the outer walls, taking into account the number of storeys and structure and climatic conditions of the region. The thickness of the outer walls is a multiple of half the length of one face of the brick plus the thickness of the masonry joints:

  • wall thickness 250 mm - 1 brick masonry;
  • wall thickness 380 mm - 1.5 bricks;
  • wall thickness 510 mm - 2 bricks;
  • wall thickness 640 mm - 2.5 bricks.

Depending on the chosen masonry design, the material consumption is approximately equal to 1 sq. M .; 50-55 pcs. The wall will turn out beautiful if the material is of the correct shape, without cracks, with straight edges and will not have other defects. To increase the thermal performance and reduce the weight of the structure of the outer walls, a lightweight hollow brick is used, the weight of this is 20% less solid brick.

Masonry mortars

There are three types:

Cement-based mortars are prepared from cement and sand in a ratio of 1: 3 to 1: 6, depending on the required grade of cement for the construction of the structure. To do this, knead the dry mixture in the required ratio, mix thoroughly, add water and stir until smooth. It is more convenient to use a concrete mixer.

The mortar for laying bricks must be mixed before use so that it does not lose its plasticity.

It must be taken into account that the masonry of the outer walls, laid out on cement mortar- cold. In addition, it is quite tough.

Lime mortar is warm, but its strength is inferior to cement mortar. Based on the rules, to prepare the lime mixture, it is necessary to strain the milk of lime through a sieve, add the sifted fine sand there.

Stir the mixture thoroughly and add water in small portions. The density depends on the amount of water. For 1 part of slaked lime, it is recommended to add no more than 2-3 parts of sand. To increase the strength of the mortar, you can add a small amount of clay or cement to it. The construction of external walls for a residential building on such a solution is rarely used; this mixture is more suitable for laying stoves.

Taking these rules as a basis, the cement-lime mortar is kneaded in the same way as lime, but clean sand is replaced by a dry mixture of cement and sand in the right proportion. The excellent plasticity of the cement-lime mortar is suitable for almost all types of masonry. A device of this design will be reliable and warm.

Methods and types of masonry

There are the following masonry methods:

  • interspersed;
  • undercut with trimming;
  • half-assed (zabutka);
  • press.

When choosing a method, it is necessary to take into account the plasticity of the solution, the moisture content of the material, the season, as well as the requirements for outward appearance facade. Each has its own characteristics and rules.

The sequence of actions when laying by the adhesion method: a - spoon row; b - butt row.

When using the sprinkling method, a layer of cement-sand mixture is laid out evenly, approximately 3 cm thick, leaving a small ridge at the edge of the wall to fill the vertical joints. In order to carry out the masonry, it is necessary to take 2 bricks and lay them flat at a slight slope at a distance of 10 cm from the already laid bricks. Turning carefully, move the bricks towards the already laid ones. When moving with the front edge, a ridge of mortar is obtained, filling the vertical and horizontal seams.

A brickwork device with undercutting is used when the masonry joints are completely filled with their subsequent jointing. The cement-sand mixture is laid out with an indent of 10-15 cm, and the brick is laid using the same technology as in the screed. The excess solution is removed. The cement mortar in this form is required rather hard, since a more plastic cement-sand mixture is difficult to quickly remove when installing bricks. A row of such a design turns out to be even and beautiful.

Pressing brickwork takes a lot of time, but makes the structure more durable.

Laying out the row with the help of masonry in a press, on the basis of the rules, the butt and spoon bricks are laid. The solution is leveled immediately for a large number bricks (5 butt or 3 spoon). When laying a row, you should observe an indent from the wall of 10-15 cm. To lay out the first row, you need to level the cement-sand mixture with one hand, and take a brick in the other. Collect a small part of the lying mortar and press it with a trowel to the edge of the laid brick. Further, the new brick that makes up this row is laid and slightly pushed up to the established one. The excess mixture of cement and sand is removed. The process is quite laborious, but this design is the most durable.

The device for laying bricks in a half-line has a different design. The solution is laid out between the inner and outer versts. A verst is the outer or inner edge of the wall. It is leveled and executed in a zabutku. Zabutka is the gap between the inner and outer verst. Both and spoon will be appropriate. The design features make it possible to simultaneously lay two bricks.

There are several ways to bandage brickwork: a - chain; b - wild; c - cross; g - gothic; d - Brandenburg; e - spoon.

The transverse seams of the structure must be filled completely. If you get a row where the vertical seams are not completely filled, then they must be filled when laying the next rows. The types of masonry include:

  • spoon - with front side bricks are laid out only with the spoon side, sometimes with an offset of 1/2 and 1/4 part;
  • gothic - alternation of spoon and butt bricks;
  • cross - the spoon and butt row alternates;
  • chaotic - an arbitrary alternation of spoon and stick bricks, etc.

Ordering technology and tools

The rules for the construction of external walls imply the use of the following tools:

  • trowel (trowel);
  • hammer pick;
  • jointing for masonry joints;
  • a plumb line to check the verticality of the walls being erected;
  • level;
  • lace.

The necessary tools and materials should be at hand so that you do not have to waste time looking for the right item. Materials:

  • bricks;
  • solution;
  • masonry mesh.

Before you start laying out the first row, you should prepare the base of the future wall and mark out the contours on it. Experienced builders the contours are marked with a lace.

In order for each row to be even, the bricks must be laid out along a pre-stretched cord.

Masonry is carried out from the corners of the house to the end of the wall. First, guides or extreme bricks are laid on the cement mortar, which should be connected with a cord, along which the rest of the row is laid. The lace determines both the height of the row and the correct location of the bricks. When done with a thickness of up to 30 cm, the lace is pulled on one side, and when laying thicker walls - on both sides. When the lace is stretched, spread a mixture of cement and sand with a trowel and distribute it so that a layer 1.5 - 1.8 cm thick is obtained.

The cement mortar is spread at a distance of 2 cm from the front surface of the masonry (outer verst). Fulfillment of this condition contributes to the non-leakage of mortar from the seams, and, as a result, significant efforts will not be required to clean the masonry. Try to lay out the first row as well as possible. Check horizontal and vertical edges against the level. After all, the entire wall will be based on this particular row.

Usually the row runs from left to right. Starting a new row, a brick is laid out on the mortar so as to overlap the connecting seams of the lower layer. Press a little on the material and tap it with the handle of the trowel. The solution flowing out of the seams is carefully removed with a trowel and dropped into a jar. After laying a new row, check the horizontal position of the rows and the verticality of the outer surface of the wall. For this, a construction plumb line is usually used.

For greater structural strength, after overlapping the forgetting with a spoon row, it is recommended to lay a masonry mesh with a 5x5 cm cell. Correctly laid brick walls will protect and warm you and your family for many years.

Layout of the first row of masonry

Construction brick house involves laying on different schemes, based different sizes products and the estimated thickness of the walls of the building. If you need a masonry of 2 bricks, then it can be used when erecting load-bearing walls that are experiencing loads from the weight of the house. But sometimes such masonry is used during construction. interior walls and even interior partitions- in the event that the walls will take on heavy loads - not only from the weight of the furniture or household appliances suspended from them, but also from interfloor or ceiling ceilings.

Technical parameters - wall thickness, ultimate loads, product size, etc. - are stipulated in technological maps and regulatory construction documents: SNiP 3.03.01–87, SNiP 12-01-2004, SNiP 12-03-2001, SNiP II– 22–81, GOST 530–2012 and others. Due to the large number of rules and regulations, it will be correct to study the main points of the construction process - this is laying a corner of 2 bricks, laying a wall, reinforcement and the main requirements for materials.

Preparatory work, tools and materials

Without specialized tools and construction tools not enough. How much and what is needed can be seen from the table below. The lack of one or another tool will slow down your work, so you need to try to stock up on everything you need from the list:

Required tools
Construction, entrenching, measuring instruments and accessories Appointment
Scaffolding or goats For masonry taller than human height
Trowels, spatulas, trowels For laying, leveling and cutting mortar
Metallic square with divisions The angle of the masonry is checked
Roulette 10 m For marking and controlling the dimensions of walls or partitions
Building level For checking horizontal and vertical masonry levels
Rule, plumb Examination vertical level surface
Furnace hammer, pickaxe Splitting and shaping to the desired shape
Shovel Mixing the solution, transferring to the bucket
Clamp and wooden lath measuring 5 x 5 or 7 x 5 cm, length 2 m - ordering. On the rail, after 7.7 cm, serifs are applied corresponding to the width of the masonry. 7.7 cm is the height of the stone 6.5 cm plus and the thickness of the mortar joint is 1.2 cm Ordering - marking the rows, clamp - fixing the order
Cord Checking the level of the wall horizontally
Template from strips for marking window and door openings -
Iron capacity - tub, bucket, barrel For supplying the solution to the masonry site
Traverse with pallet Iron platform for supplying materials to scaffolding
  1. Bricklaying begins after site preparation - clearing of construction debris and unnecessary items. And also it is necessary to check the surface of the foundation for the absence of deviations vertically and horizontally;
  2. Further it is procured construction material in the required quantity, tool, goats are installed or scaffolding is collected.

Double Format Ceramic Red Brick

Wall thickness can vary from 12 cm to 64 cm within the following limits:

  1. Half brick wall - 120 mm;
  2. One brick thickness - 250 mm;
  3. One and a half bricks - the thickness of the masonry is 380 mm;
  4. Two brick laying - 510 mm;
  5. A wall of two and a half bricks is 640 mm thick.

Given the low heat-conducting properties of red ceramic stone, v geographic areas with a temperate climate, the walls are made with a thickness of 510–640 mm, that is, a wall is laid out in 2 bricks or 2.5 in width. In addition, after raising the walls, the wall must be additionally insulated.

Dimensions of bricks from Russian manufacturing companies
Constructive name Dimensions and dimensions in mm Marking
Single brick 1-HF 250 x 120 x 65 O
Eurobrick 0,7-HF 250 x 85 x 65 E
Single modular building stone 1,3-HF 288 x 138 x 65 M
One and a half brick 1,4-HF 250 x 120 x 88 Have
Thickened with voids horizontally 1,4-HF 250 x 120 x 88 UG
Double 2,1-HF 250 x 120 x 140 K
3,7-HF 288 x 288 x 88
2.9-HF 288 x 138 x 140
1,8-HF 288 x 138 x 88
4,5-HF 250 x 250 x 140
3,2-HF 250 x 180 x 140
Large format porous ceramic 14,3-HF 510 x 250 x 219 KK
11,2-HF 398 x 250 x 219
10,7-HF 380 x 250 x 219
9,3-HF 380 x 255 x 188
6,8-HF 380 x 250 x 140
4,9-HF 380 x 180 x 140
6,0-HF 250 x 250 x 188
With voids horizontally 1,8-HF 250 x 200 x 70 KG

As an example: Grade 2,1NF means a larger 2.1 times the volume of the product in comparison with the standard grade NF, which has dimensions of 250 x 120 x 65 mm, plus a layer of mortar. Due to the increased dimensions of the products, the number of construction operations is minimized.

Basic principles of masonry

It will take two people to lay out a wall or load-bearing partition in two bricks. The process is carried out according to technological map, which properly organizes and optimizes work. For 1 m 3 of the wall, according to calculations, 140 units of standard ceramic stone, 121 units facing stone, 190 kg of sand and cement mortar, 9.5 kg of reinforcing bars.

  1. An order is attached to the base, a cord is pulled along the foundation or markings for the wall, materials are laid out at the masonry sites. The prepared mortar must be mixed again before being fed to the masonry site, served to the bricklayer, who will lay it out and level it over the surface. A brick is laid on the mortar, after the end of two rows, the seams are sewn;
  2. To ensure the continuity of masonry operations, you need to put two pallets every 3-4 meters - one for ordinary bricks, the second for facing. Containers with mortar are placed between the pallets - they should be spaced from the wall at a distance of 50-60 cm so that the masons can walk freely along the rows.
  3. The construction team consists of two workers: the first is an assistant bricklayer who will supply bricks, refresh cement mix, lay out on pallets different brands bricks. The installation is carried out by a suitably qualified bricklayer.

External and internal verst - these are the extreme rows in the wall: the outer verst is on the front side of the house, the inner one is on the side of the room. The outer verst is laid out of ceramic stone, which must be prepared in advance, and for convenience, place it inside the base or room. When laying a spoon row, the building material is placed along the wall, two units in a pack, or one at an angle to each other. When laying the butt row, the blocks are prepared in pairs, at an angle of 90 0 to the wall surface. The distance between the packs is half a brick, or 120 mm. The spoon is the long, narrow side of the item, the poke is the short, narrow side, and the bed is the long, wide side of the item.

  1. Brick laying, the thickness of which is the same as the thickness of an ordinary ordinary product, is carried out as follows: the utility man spreads the mortar, retreating from the outer part of the wall by 10-15 cm. It is more convenient to lay on a poke by applying mortar through the front of the wall, in a bed up to 20 cm long.After that, a qualified bricklayer must level the mortar and lay the brick on the bed, press it against the mortar in the center of the stone block and move it to the previously laid stone product;
  2. The brick must be laid in accordance with the order so that the thickness of the seam is not disturbed. The excess squeezed out solution is trimmed and placed again on the surface of the row;
  3. To lay out solid masonry in two bricks, the first row is laid on a poke. Multi-row dressing requires the alternation of the butt and spoon rows: the butt is laid in five spoons. After laying out the outer verst, the backing-laying of the middle row begins, which is carried out according to the same principle, that is, the layout pattern is repeated;
  4. The spoon and butt rows in the zabutka relative to the outer verst are carried out the other way around - the first row serves as the spoon, after which five butt rows are laid out.

In addition to the clamp, in practice, several more methods of erecting walls in two bricks are implemented. The building ceramic block is pressed when raising the outer verst, and when filling and raising the inner verst, a slightly different masonry scheme works.

Milestones are laid out "tightly", "wasted", "close-ended" and "half-closed". The second and third methods can be carried out by cutting the mortar mixture. Zabutovka is laid out "in a half-shot". "Pressing" the wall rises on a hard cement mortar, while the seams are filled to the maximum, followed by joining. "Press-on" laying is the most laborious.

When laying a brick on a butt, the mortar must be scooped up with a spoon surface to fill the seam, and the brick settles on the surface. This method is quite easy, but masonry with unfilled joints will be less durable, which should not be allowed in regions with earthquake zones or when building a house on weak heaving soils... Moreover, the "close-on" brick laying method is categorically not permitted. When erecting a wall in two bricks, this method is used only to raise the inner verst.

The "butt-in with undercut" method is a combined masonry scheme "pressed-on" and "wasted", in the implementation of which the seams are completely filled. The method provides for laying the mortar on the bed "close-in", and the brick is laid "close-in".

When laying using the "half-notch" method, it is convenient to keep a backing row. This scheme differs from the previous ones in that the solution is consumed less, and the vertical seams are not completely filled with the solution, and the remaining part of the empty seam is filled by 50% during the laying of the upper brick rows. In this case, the transverse seams are completely clogged with mortar.

How to lay out a blind partition

Lay out a deaf brick partition if you have a 2–4 ​​grade of a bricklayer. The thickness of the partition is half a brick, because the brick is laid on the spoon surface of the product. Since the partition is most often erected with a single brick, it is easy to calculate the consumption of stone and mortar: for 1 m 3, you need to stock up on 50 units of bricks and 0.02 m 3 of cement-sand mortar.

During the construction of a wide partition, bricks are laid out using the "press-on" method, with a single-row chain dressing of mortar joints. The seams are sewn on one side one by one - the vertical joints are sewn first, then the horizontal ones. After each jointing of any joint, the surface must be wiped with a cloth or rag.

Sequence of operations during construction internal partition next:

The floor and ceiling of the room are marked, the order is attached and the mooring cord is pulled. On the cleared workplace an ordinary brick is laid out, the solution is mixed for the last time, and laid out on the initial surface. For convenient and quick laying, you will need to immediately install two pallets with bricks - they are placed on opposite sides of the workplace, at a distance of 60–70 cm from the load-bearing walls. A container with cement mortar must fit between the pallets.

If the partition is not load-bearing, then its supporting surface will be much, almost two times less than that of load-bearing walls. Therefore, the entire process of erecting a partition should be aimed at strengthening it. Next, the laying of the first row of bricks begins. There are some nuances to consider. Since the partition has too small, compared to the load-bearing wall, the support area, all actions are aimed at ensuring the stability of the structure.

After laying the first row, three more rows of bricks are raised, and the evenness of the masonry is checked - horizontal and vertical. At this level, the bricks of the partition are rigidly connected to the load-bearing wall using L-shaped steel plates or inserted into drilled holes reinforcement rods. One side of the bent plate is nailed to the supporting wall with dowels, the other is embedded in the partition during laying. In the same way, the partition is attached to the floor and ceiling.

When plastering, the plates are masked with a layer of mortar. To strengthen the partition, a horizontal reinforcement mesh, and it is desirable that its level coincides with the level of reinforcement in the load-bearing wall.

Greetings to all readers! What should be the thickness of the brick exterior walls - the topic of today's article. The most commonly used small stone walls are brick walls. This is due to the fact that the use of bricks solves the issues of creating buildings and structures of almost any architectural form.

Starting to carry out a project, the design firm calculates all structural elements- including the calculation of the thickness of the brick exterior walls.

The walls in the building have different functions:

  • If the walls are only a building envelope- in this case, they must meet the thermal insulation requirements in order to ensure a constant temperature and humidity microclimate, as well as have sound insulating qualities.
  • Load-bearing walls must be distinguished by the necessary strength and stability, but also as enclosing, have heat-shielding properties. In addition, based on the purpose of the building, its class, the thickness of the bearing walls must correspond to the technical indicators of its durability and fire resistance.

Features of calculating wall thickness

  • The thickness of the walls according to the heat engineering calculation does not always coincide with the calculation of the value according to the strength characteristics. Naturally, the more severe the climate, the thicker the wall should be in terms of thermal performance.
  • But according to the conditions of strength, for example, it is enough to lay out the outer walls in one brick or one and a half. This is where it turns out "nonsense" - the thickness of the masonry, determined heat engineering calculation, often, due to the strength requirements, it turns out to be excessive.
  • Therefore, laying a solid brickwork of solid brick walls in terms of material costs and provided that its strength is 100% use should be done only in the lower floors of high-rise buildings.
  • In low-rise buildings, as well as in the upper floors of high-rise buildings, hollow or lightweight bricks should be used for external masonry, lightweight masonry can be used.
  • This does not apply to external walls in buildings where there is a high percentage of humidity (for example, in laundries, baths). They are usually erected with a protective layer of vapor barrier material inside and out of full-bodied clay material.

Now I will tell you about the calculation of the thickness of the outer walls.

It is determined by the formula:

B = 130 * n -10, where

B - wall thickness in millimeters

130 - the size of half of the brick, taking into account the seam (vertical = 10mm)

n - an integer of a half brick (= 120mm)

The size of the solid masonry obtained by calculation is rounded up to an integer number of half-bricks.

Based on this, the following values ​​(in mm) of brick walls are obtained:

  • 120 (brick floor, but this is considered a partition);
  • 250 (into one);
  • 380 (one and a half);
  • 510 (at two);
  • 640 (two and a half);
  • 770 (at three o'clok).

In order to save material resources (brick, mortar, fittings, etc.), the number of machine - clock mechanisms, the calculation of the thickness of the walls is tied to bearing capacity building. And the heat engineering component is obtained by insulating the facades of buildings.

How can you insulate the outer walls of a brick building? In the article on insulating a house with expanded polystyrene outside, I indicated the reasons why brick walls should not be insulated with this material. Check out the article.

The point is that brick is a porous and permeable material. And the absorbency of expanded polystyrene is zero, which prevents moisture migration outward. That is why it is advisable to insulate a brick wall thermal insulation plaster or mineral wool slabs, the nature of which is vapor-permeable. Expanded polystyrene is suitable for insulating a base made of concrete or reinforced concrete. "The nature of the insulation must match the nature of the load-bearing wall."

There are a lot of heat-insulating plasters- the difference lies in the components. But the principle of application is the same. It is carried out in layers and the total thickness can reach 150 mm (with a large value, reinforcement is required). In most cases, this value is 50 - 80 mm. It depends on the climatic zone, the thickness of the walls of the base, and other factors. I will not dwell in detail, since this is a topic for another article. We return to our bricks.

The average wall thickness for ordinary clay brick, depending on the area and climatic conditions of the area at the average winter ambient temperature, looks like this in millimeters:

  1. - 5 degrees - thickness = 250;
  2. - 10 degrees = 380;
  3. - 20 degrees = 510;
  4. - 30 degrees = 640.

I would like to summarize the above. The thickness of the outer brick walls is calculated based on the strength characteristics, and the heat engineering side of the issue is solved by the method of wall insulation. As a rule, the design firm calculates the external walls without the use of insulation. If the house is uncomfortably cold and there is a need for insulation, then carefully consider the selection of insulation.

The thickness of a brick wall usually ranges from 120 mm (half brick) to 800 mm (3 bricks). Moreover, 800 mm is very rare, more often walls are up to 510 mm thick (2 bricks). According to the experience of our calculations (geographically - on the area of ​​the former USSR), there are no regions in which walls of 2 bricks (510 mm) would not need additional insulation... This also applies to the warm Black Sea coast (there are minimal requirements for the resistance to heat transfer of walls). Thus, the standard outer wall brick (120-510 mm) should be insulated almost always. The thickness of the insulation is selected by calculation, depending on climatic zone construction site and wall thickness (refer to the section).

Insulation of a brick wall should be done correctly from the outside. When, in most cases, a situation arises when the condensation point () is on inner surface walls, or in a layer internal insulation... This leads to wetting both the walls and the insulation, the appearance of fungus and mold. According to the experience of our calculations, in 99% of cases (in regions of different climates and with brick walls of different thickness), such walls could only be insulated from the outside, from the inside it was categorically impossible.

For insulation of a brick wall, mineral wool, fiberglass wool, polystyrene foam, EPS, various bulk insulation (perlite, vermiculite, bulk foam glass) can be used. What kind of insulation, and what density, will depend on what kind of insulation scheme is used.

Brick wall insulation schemes

Insulation under the plaster on the insulation

More details about such a facade can be found in the article. Insulation in this case: mineral wool, foam or EPS (optional). Mineral wool density 135-145 kg / m3 (special item for exterior plaster), polystyrene density 20-25 kg / m3, EPSP density 30-35 kg / m3.

Insulation for siding (ventilation facade)

Siding type cladding, etc. You can read about such a facade (device) in two articles and. Insulation in this case is mineral wool or fiberglass wool. Mineral wool density 40-60 kg / m3, fiberglass wool density 17-20 kg / m3.

Insulation under facing with facing bricks

In this version, there should be a place in the thickness of the base for such a lining. Most likely, if you like this option, you will have to top up the foundation under the lining (in thickness). You can read about this facade in the topic. Insulation in this case: mineral wool, polystyrene, EPS, bulk insulation (optional). Mineral wool density 40-60 kg / m3, foam plastic density 20-25 kg / m3, EPSP density 30-35 kg / m3. Bulk insulation: perlite, vermiculite, foam glass.

In this option, it will depend on the type of insulation whether there is a gap between the insulation and the facing wall. There is no gap when using foam or EPS. When using mineral wool, there is a gap, 2-3 cm. When using bulk insulation, there is no gap.

Important! For this option of insulation, there must be a place in the thickness of the base for such a lining (100-120 mm). Most likely, if you like this option, you will have to top up the foundation under the lining (in thickness).

Will the insulated brick wall be vapor-permeable?

As you know, brick is a vapor-permeable material, and, therefore, a brick wall is also vapor-permeable, “breathable”. When we insulate a brick wall, you can leave it vapor-permeable, you can leave it alone, and make it vapor-permeable. Everything will depend on the vapor permeability of the insulation and decoration materials. In general, if the wall is insulated with mineral wool, fiberglass wool or bulk insulation- it will remain vapor-permeable. If Brick wall insulated with foam, EPSP - it will become vapor-tight.

Note. This is important to understand, since the required power depends on which walls (vapor-permeable or not) in the house. For vapor-permeable walls this power is less, for vapor-tight walls it is more, on average by 10-15%, you need to determine by calculation for each situation (refer to the section).