Bulk insulation for roof. Overview of abundance of inspection

For insulation of walls, overlappings and other structural parts of buildings, various types of insulation are used. It is more profitable to use a bulk insulation, which is much cheaper with an equal effectiveness of traditional slab and rolled materials. In addition, such material is much easier to mount.

Warming at home is very an important stage Upon completion of construction. The main task of this procedure is a significant reduction in the level of heat loss, which will allow to save on insulation, you only need to correctly select the heat-insulating material. In addition to low thermal conductivity bulk materialsTheir contributing to their special popularity, they have other indisputable advantages:

  • differ in good resistance to temperature fluctuations;
  • have a sufficiently low weight, creating a minimum load on the walls or overlap;
  • represent environmentally friendly and fireproof material;
  • well hold warm in the premises;
  • different durability.

It is easy to work with bulk materials, their laying does not require special skills and expensive tools. Delivery of bulk insulation in bags does not require special equipment or manipulator. Bring such high quality modern thermal insulation You can in the usual car trailer and even in the trunk. The flowing insulation when laying with ease fills any space, not leaving voids and cracks, it is important only to choose the necessary fraction.

Floor insulation

Bulk insulation for sex apply very often.

The most popular material is ceramzite.

Its production is quite simple, the advantages of the clamzite can be attributed low price And high quality, moreover, such material is environmentally friendly, no moisture is afraid and is quite frosty. Depending on the required insulation area, it is possible to purchase clamzite both in bags and the ominance, which is much more economical.

For insulation of floors in rooms with high humidity, a falling insulation of perlite produced from mountain volcanic rocks is recommended. Natural material with a high degree of environmental purity is chemically inert and fires, is able to withstand a very high temperature. Due to its porosity, perlite is an excellent insulating material.

Filing thermal insulation from natural raw materials, with high fire resistance and hardness is characterized by a significant coefficient of moisture absorption, chemical and bacteriological resistance. It will not develop mold and pathogenic microorganisms, and the load on the foundation from structures with such a type of insulation will be minimal.

Fruit of such a cheaper and common sawn timber, as ordinary sawdust, allows you to apply it after special antiseptic treatment for floor insulation.

Warming of walls and ceilings

So that the house was warm and comfortable, it is necessary to warm the outer walls. For this purpose, foam glass, granular eco-friendly materialderived from raw fractions by foaming. Such a heater for the walls is chemically stable and can be the basis heat insulating plaster. The foam glass is ideal for the insulation of the walls of basements and foundations, since it is not terrible soil waters.

Granule from foamed polymers is the basis of the fastener, lightweight and moisture-resistant thermal insulation material. This heat-insulator does not have a very wide range of operating temperatures, so it is not recommended to use it for insulation. Penoplex may easily fall enough frame walls. Granules are filled with the smallest emptiness.

Mineral wool for insulation of walls can be used not only in the form of usual plates or rolls, but also in the form of granules the size of more than 10 mm. Such a bulk insulation vapor permanent and fires, not afraid high temperatures. In addition to thermal insulation propertiesGranulated mineral wool is characterized by good sound insulation properties. When laying mineral wool, it is necessary to provide skin protection and respiratory tract.

Mineral wool for insulation of walls can be used not only in the form of usual plates or rolls, but also in the form of granules the size of more than 10 mm.

To preserve heat in the premises, the heat insulation of the ceiling is often performed. Recently, the popularity has received foamizol, outwardly resembling a crumb of foam. This lightweight material with low density is characterized by increased biological resistance. In such heat insulating layer Rodents and mold will not lead.

When choosing heat-insulating bulk materials, attention should be paid to such characteristics such as thermal conductivity, density, moisture absorption, weight and fraction size. Most of the bulk insulation can be delivered and mounted independently, which will significantly reduce the cost of work on insulation, which is especially relevant for the owners of cottages and small country houses.

Interesting reasoning compared to two types of insulation:

An important point in the construction of the house is its proper and effective insulation. Especially it concerns wooden housesSince their isolation is performed according to special rules. This affects the characteristics of the tree. Wooden house well protects vermiculite insulation. It consists of special materials that are absolutely harmless to health. Usually, the insulation is produced in the form of characteristic plates, but also it can be represented as a powder or pasta.

The best insulation: 4 characteristics

Usually vermiculite is used to insulate walls and floors wooden house. The material is characterized by its chemical neutrality and security. Release the insulation in various states: plates, powder, thick paste.

The thickness of the insulation in the form of plates can range from 20 mm to 60 mm. Petes can be safely cutting on the necessary pieces using a conventional building knife.

To insulate the house of Rosser Vermiculita can be one person. The thermal conductivity of the vermiculite significantly exceeds the thermal conductivity of the heat transfer. The thermal insulation properties material has due to its high density.

Verminiculite characteristics:

  • High degree of strength;
  • High density of the internal structure;
  • Ease of installation;
  • High moisture resistance.

In the production of heat-insulating material uses special technology, which involves the presence of cavities having closed contours. Such a structure makes the material very moisture-resistant during the entire operational period. Vermiculitis, intended for floor insulation, walls and ceiling, has a rather large value.

Features of the best insulation for walls and houses

One of the most pressing issues in the construction and repair of the house - high-quality and reliable insulation walls and floors. This question is relevant for homes that are only elevated, and for those who have already been commissioned. When using a scattered vermiculite, insulation can be performed in the most short times, and the question is solved with great economic benefits.

Vermiculite contributes to the high-quality conservation of heat, which, in turn, leads to a significant cost savings on the heating of the premises.

The porous structure of the expanded vermiculite is scaly pieces, characterized by a silver or yellowish tint. Made insulation on special accelerated firing technology. The material is non-toxic, not subject to the processes of rotting, does not smell and resistant to the appearance and reproduction of mushrooms and mold.

Features of vermiculite:

  • Provides a high degree of flame retardant.
  • It has sound and sound-absorbing abilities.
  • Reduces the thermal conductivity of the floor and walls.
  • Improves the moisture resistance of the entire building.
  • Chemically inert.

If the fire begins in the room, then when exposed to high temperatures, the vermiculite does not release toxic gases, harmful to health. This insulation is used in almost all sectors of construction, as it is not exposed to fire. When the surface insulation, the vermiculite penetrates deep in emptiness due to a sufficient yield strength.

Bulk insulation: features

Recently, vermiculite has become still used as insulating material. It is a rash thermal insulation, which is made from mica. Mica is a ore mined in a quarry. This ore is broken into small particles and heat up to 700 degrees.

High temperature leads to the evaporation of moisture, and this, in turn, leads to a swelling, in which the fractions increase their volume.

Material is different for a long time Services, since its composition does not include adhesive impurities, so the material cannot be spoiled. Vermikulite has a number of distinctive characteristics that make it so popular and in demand. It is dense, refractory, non-toxic, passes steam and resistant to moisture. His falling ability is very large.

Features of vermiculite:

  • It has high air permeability of isolation. The material has a porous structure, then allows the walls and sex to "breathe". The material does not interfere with the air naturally circulate, which provides a healthy microclimate indoors.
  • The material does not represent health hazards, as it is clear.
  • Vermiculite does not burn, do not release toxins when exposed to high temperatures.
  • Isolation is not afraid of mold, insect fungi and rodents.

With the help of vermiculite, you can independently insulate the room: this does not need special experience, knowledge and tools. It is enough to fall asleep the material layer and compact it. Vermikulite has debts life - not less than 50 years.

Insulation, not absorbing moisture: use options

Thermal insulation is an important stage in the construction of the house. Especially often vermiculite is used to insulate wooden buildings, as it has moisture-resistant properties. Vermiculitis produced from mica. In the material there is a liquid that evaporates with severe heating, it leads to expansion of the material.

Bulk dry material is not afraid of rodents, insects and birds. In the dry material there may not be pathogenic microorganisms.

Material has unique properties: He takes extra moisture, while deeply remains completely dry. Sometimes at home are strengthened with a mixture of vermiculite and sawdust. Sawders are characterized by good thermal insulation properties, but mushrooms and mold can be started.

What can be used vermiculite:

  • Styrofoam;
  • Sawdust;
  • Plasterboard;
  • Warm plaster.

Vermiculitis is often used for insulation of walls, when erecting a new building. This type of thermal insulation material is sometimes used as a filler in the production of heat-resistant concrete. The material is also used for plastering walls and ceilings. Granular vermiculite perfectly fills emptiness of different depths. The type of vermiculite does not affect its functionality.

Properties of vermiculite:

  • Reliability;
  • Strength;
  • Durability.

When using the material it is important to remember that the heat insulation must be carried out in all the rules, otherwise even the most reliable material May be spoiled. By performing thermal insulation with the material of this species, we should not forget about the mandatory waterproofing and vaporizolation. A very important stage is the placement of layers - it must be performed correctly. It is worth noting, then when the roof is insulation, the vermiculite is put in the granules on vapor insulation film. Vermiculite is widely used in construction, during its existence due to its unique properties, he gained wide fame and popularity.

Characteristics of the insulation vermiculite (video)

Vermiculite and Perlite use not only for insulation of houses, but also when leaving for plants. Both materials are environmentally friendly and safe. Vermikulite is a modern material that is widely used in construction, especially as thermal insulation material. What kind of vermiculite are, you can study in detail on the Internet. But it is worth noting that the type of vermiculite does not affect its properties. Vermiculitis is a dense and reliable material. Even the thinnest layer will protect the house from the penetration of rodents and insects. Sold with loose vermiculitis in bags of various weights.

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What is the insulation for the ceiling to choose or 3 available method independent insulation Ceiling

When the question arises about the maintenance of heat in the house, the first thing I immediately remembers a common personThis is insulation of walls and gender. But such a one-sided approach is not faithful, because still from the school course of physics everyone knows that warm air Rises up and if you do not take the ceiling, then all other efforts and investment will be in vain. In this article, I will tell you what the insulation for the ceiling is better to use and how in three different ways to insulate the ceiling in the house.

What should be considered when choosing a material

When choosing a insulation, there are several basic evaluation criteria - it is the level of vapor permeability, flammability, weight and strength of the material itself, there is also a price, but it is rather personal.

The ceilings only at first glance is not dedicated to a person may seem different, in fact there are only 2 types of overlaps - concrete and wooden:

  • With concrete slabs overlap everything is simple, they do not burn and distinguished enviable carrier ability. By itself, concrete is considered partially vapor permeable. But at the slab overlap, this figure is so low that when choosing which insulation is better to equip the ceiling, it can be simply not taken into account;
  • Attic overlaps in private homes are often mounted on wooden basedAnd the tree, as is known, the material is alive, which is well lit and passes quite well. So if you cover the access of air, then rafters will start rotting sooner or later. At the same time, the combustible insulation under the arch of a wooden house is dangerous.

Now we reached one of the main parameters, which directly affects how to choose a heater. This is the location of the insulation layer. After all, the overlap can be insulated both from the inside of the room, and on top, that is, from the side of the unheated.

For an amateur, the easiest, affordable and inexpensive option This is the arrangement of the attic overlap. You will agree, here a person does not need to "burn" improvised forests and balancing on them, labeling the ceiling from below.

In addition, the question of which thickness should be the insulation, with an outdoor installation actually disappears, there the more, the better, there is enough space. Moreover, you can use both slab and bulk material.

A completely different installation from the inside of the room. In our homes are not so often there are really high ceilings, which means each centimeter will have to borrow from the living space. In my experience, the owners rarely agree to "lower" the ceiling by more than 150 mm. Accordingly, the insulation must be selected lightweight, durable and possessing the highest possible thermal conductivity.

Now let's consider the materials that are most often used in construction, and at the same time analyze which of them are suitable for insulation in certain situations.

Foam insulation

Polyfoam at the moment beats all records of popularity in the household sector. The material is really light, affordable, and most importantly inexpensive. In our case, the strength of the foam is more than enough. The insulation of the ceiling by foam does not require transcendental knowledge and highly qualified builder.

But there is a couple of unpleasant moments in this big honey barrel. The vapor permeability of the foam is not much higher than that of the same concrete, plus the material is pretty good.

Is it possible to sew a wooden ceiling from the inside or outside, the question is controversial. Theoretically, the installation of foam from the inside on wood is possible, because in this case, there will be free access to overlapping. But why build an environmentally friendly, breathable house, to then climb the ceilings with a waterproofer?

Stop foaming with a solid layer above also undesirable. Then the warm and wet air will now go, and he will accumulate in a tree, from here mold, fungus, etc.

Some masters mount a foam between carriage beams of overlapping, but I am against this approach. The minimum beam thickness starts from 150 mm and if it is tightly closed with waterproofing material on both sides, it will simply do not cope with the ignition of moisture from the bottom and starts to be cooked.

Therefore, we conclude, the foam is perfect for insulation reinforced concrete plates overlap, and both outside and inside. When it comes to wooden overlapThe use of polyfoam is undesirable.

Here I want to mention such a popular current material as extruded polystyrene foam. In order not to go into the intricacies of technology, I just say that, figuratively speaking, the elder brother of foam.

He absolutely does not miss moisture and is better to hold warmth. Therefore, it can be considered only as a more effective alternative to foam in the insulation from within the concrete overlap. There is an opportunity to do the lesser sheet thickness.

If you insulate concrete overlap Foam from the inside, then you can do the thickness of the plates of 50 - 75 mm. In the case when the overlap is insulated outside, minimal thickness will be 100 mm.

Mineral wool as insulation

Mineral wool in terms of ceiling warming is considered a more efficient alternative to foam. The range here is much wider. We are produced both soft elastic mats, and cotton plates with a fairly high density.

In the past, there was only one species of such a heater - glass gamble. Although the characteristics of the glass gambles are very mediocre, due to the low cost it is still used. But I do not advise you if you do not spin in a tight jumpsuit, after "communication" with a glass gamble, you will be another day 3.

In a cheap segment you can use mineral wool mild mats, they are no longer so dangerous. Although I prefer to work with tight plates from basalt wool, they are universal, they can be stacked on any surface.

Mounting cotton with your own hands is no more difficult than working with foam, in weight it is also not much harder than the competitor, and most importantly, wool is absolutely non-flammable, plus it has a high level of vapor permeability.

But mineral wool has one very significant disadvantage. Along with high vapor permeability, it is capable of accumulating moisture. Moreover, if the dense stoves can still be dried somehow, then soft cottage mats after drying almost completely lose the same volume, and therefore thermal insulation characteristics.

It is believed that the coefficient of thermal conductivity of the wool varies in the range of 0.3 - 0.4W / MC, that is, at about the same level as the polyfoam. But these are tabular, laboratory data, due to the ability to gain moisture in real conditions of the residential premises, this very coefficient of thermal conductivity has several times higher.

Minvati thickness when mounting on the ceiling, compared to the same foam, must be a third more, and if we are talking about the insulation of a cold attic overlap, then the slab thickness is taken about 150 mm and higher.

Do not think that I discard you from using your wool. Mineral wool insulation ceilings very conveniently, and most importantly effective. It can be mounted on any kind of overlap, both from the inside and outside.

Simply this material, figuratively speaking, requires respect. The instruction must be observed strictly and then the positive result will not wait.

Bulk insulation

As you apparently understand, only attic floors on top can be insulated with bulk materials. Currently, the leader in this direction is clay.

Ceramizite granules are produced in three types of fractions. The smallest fraction is called sand and in diameter does not exceed 5 mm. Larger and driving granules have a diameter of up to 20 mm, they are called gravel. The so-called clay crushed stone is granules with a diameter of 20 - 40 mm.

In terms of its characteristics, they are absolutely the same, the difference is only in size.

It is worth a ceramzit relatively inexpensive. Compared to other bulk materials, not much dust from it. The big plus is that the rodents are often indifferent to the ceramisit.

Any bulk insulation, including clamzite, is afraid of high humidity, as they are all able to recruit moisture.

Another inexpensive but enough effective insulation are wood sawdust. About the fact that the price of them is kopeck, I think everyone knows. But there is one nuance, sawdust can not be used fresh or pure.

In order for the rodent in such a dumping, it is necessary that the sawdresses are cut in a dry room for about a year. After that, they are mixed with the so-called "fusion" (powder hated lime) in proportion 8: 2 (lime sawdust).

Of the same sealing sawdust you can also make insulation plates. This is certainly not basalt wool, but the effectiveness of such plates is quite high. Manufacturing technology is extremely simple:

  • In proportion 9: 1: 1, layers of lime and cement are mixed;
  • All this mass is well moistened, after which it falls asleep in pre-harvested forms and slightly tamper;
  • For room temperatureIn a week, the plates are dry and will be ready to use.

New technologies to help you

Of the most common new-fashioned insulation, 3 main applicants can be distinguished:

  • Polyurethane foam is a new and fairly expensive material. In terms of its characteristics, he partly resembles extruded expanded polystyrene foam. This material is not afraid of moisture and is considered rather durable. Manufacturers give a warranty for 50 years.
    But polyurethane foam as well as extruded polystyrene foam is a waterproofer and taking into account the fact that it is applied with a solid layer, it is not suitable for a wooden ceiling;

  • Well-advertised today, foamizole, is also a new development, but the usual foam foam is foaming, only in liquid state. In addition to the above-mentioned foam populations, foamizol is applied with a solid layer without gaps, which means that this material is also desirable to use only for the insulation of concrete floors;

  • In our case, the most suitable option is an eclawa. It is done on the basis of natural cellulose with the addition of binder, flames and antiseptics. Ecowat is certainly afraid of water, but the level of water absorption is much lower than that for mineral wool. While the vapor permeability and thermal conductivity they approximately at one level.

All the above, the listed foam insulation can be applied only with expensive compressor equipment prepared by people. To some extent, the exception is only an eclaw, it is possible to fall asleep it in a dry state on a not insulated attic. When it comes to spraying from the inside, the eco-engine has a compressor.

Main stages of mounting ceiling insulation

As I mentioned above, the ceiling can be insulated from the inside or outside. Accordingly, the technologies will be different.

To talk about how to span insulation foam, I see no sense, because you will not buy a compressor you will not. it professional technique And it costs the transcendental money. Therefore, we will focus on three main ways that are available for independent arrangement.

Method number 1. Foam insulation

  • The insulation of the ceiling from the inside by foam is not complicated task. The concrete slabs of overlappings, for which it is most often used, for the most part, there is often no problems with equalizing plane, except that the seams between these slabs will need to sharpen or better appreciate the mounting foam, so faster;

  • The next stage of our work will be double covering the ceiling with soil deep penetration. Even a child will cope with such work, but I do not advise you to skip this stage, the adhesion in the smooth concrete is low and without soil in any way;
  • Now we take in advance harvested sheets, smear them with glue and glue to the ceiling. Some advise to put sheets to each other as close as possible, without gaps.

But I act differently. As you do not try, and the gaps will remain in any case, so it is better to immediately glue the sheets with a gap of 5 - 7 mm. After the glue grabbies, I fill these foam clearances. Thus, I get a really solid coating;

Separately, I want to say about glues. This goods in the markets are enough. But the masters for the most part enjoy three options:

  1. The glue "Liquid nails" is good, but after applying you need to apply to the surface, then immediately tear off and wait until it is 5 - 7 minutes will be tested. And only then he reliably take;
  2. Well in this regard has proven ordinary mounting foam. Put on a sheet "Pattern" from foam and apply foam to the ceiling. Only here will have several times within an hour to press the sheet, because the foam expands and until this process is completed, the sheet will gradually move away;
  3. For myself, I chose dry construction mixture Ceresit CT83. It simply spread it according to the instructions, put on the leaf with a toothed spatula and glued. There is no gentle spatula at hand, the same does not matter, you need to put a few "buns" at several points and glue.

  • But so to leave the foam cannot be left, first, it is flammable, and secondly, it's just ugly. The ceiling will need to be placed. To do this, I apply a spatula on the ceiling with a layer of 3 - 4 mm Ceresit CT83 and immediately interpret sickle in it (reinforcing fiberglass mesh);

  • Next, we need to be reinforced. High-quality glue is good, but the foam must be additionally fixed on the ceiling with umbrella dowels.
    Without a perforator, you can not do here. Drove through the foam in the concrete hole, insert a plastic dowel into it and score a central rod. Consumption - on 1mqm about 5 dowels;
  • When all this dries can be applied with a layer of decorative finish plaster. If you do not want to buy Ceresit CT83, take any starting plaster, only in this case the foam will need to be preloaded.

If you decide on the insulation of the ceiling by foam in wooden house, then there the material should be laid between the beams, all their depths, and the gaps of gate. From below, you will be laid ceiling, and it is desirable to fill the draft floor from above, because you need to somehow move around the attic. No vaporizolation in this case is not necessary, foam and so much moisture is afraid.

Method # 2. Mounting mineral wool from the inside

Now let's talk about how to insulate the ceiling by the Minvata. From the inside of the ministerial ceiling can be insulated in two ways.

About the first I have already actually told you. The fact is that the tight plates of mineral wool are glued and plastering on the ceiling just like foam. There is nothing to add here, except that without a toothed spatula you can not do.

The second no less common way is internal mounting Under the hinged crate. Such a crate can be equipped both on wooden ceilings and on concrete.

The frame of such a crate can be collected from wooden bars or from UD and CD profiles. My advice to you, learn immediately on metal profiles, does not lead them from the temperature difference, and most importantly, such a skill can be useful yet.

  • First you need to beat off the horizontal line around the perimeter of the room, at the level of the future ceiling. The easiest way to do laser level, but if it was not nearby, use the hydrorem (long soft tube with rewarded tips, working on the principle of communicating vessels);
  • Further, on this markup, on two more long Walls, two UD profiles are mounted;
  • Now, perpendicular to these profiles on the ceiling must be placed how CD profiles will be held. It is usually done about half a meter;

  • On this markup with an interval in the meter, kpripim dowels perforated suspensions and immediately bend down the wings of these suspensions;
  • After that, you can glue cotton plates to the ceiling. Under the wings of the suspension, the plates simply cut through with a knife;
  • Further in UD profiles insert CD profiles and fix them with self-draws among themselves and to suspensions. In principle, this is all, you can now svew or what you like.

Method number 3. Ceiling insulation from above

This is the easiest option. If you deal with a concrete slab overlapping or the beams of a wooden ceiling already sewn and you do not want to touch them, then in the attic you will need to lay the crate.

As a crate, a wooden beam with a thickness of 50 mm is usually used. Brous tire, which will simultaneously be a depth of the crate, is calculated on the principle: thickness of future insulation, plus 30 mm on ventilation gap.

Now the entire space of the attic on top of the crate is covered with a parobararier. Do not forget that the membrane of the Parobarmer misses couples only in one direction and move the pair should be up. There are always marks on such membranes, indicating which side is vapor permeable. The membrane is fixed on the furniture latch.

Now you can fit or fall asleep the insulation itself. With bulk materials, everything seemed to understand, poured, scattered and ready. It is worth saying how to lay slab insulation, For example, the same mineral wool.

To cotton mats or stoves come in between wooden guides tightly, they must be 20 - 30 mm wider than the gap. And so that it does not work out the bridges of cold at the joints of these plates. The material is usually placed in 2 layers.

In the case of cotton, the plates are 100 mm thick and first fit into one layer. Next, it is stacked by the same layer, but the kennels of the lower and upper layers Do not coincide with each other. So you get monolithic insulation. The last stroke in such a design will be a rough flooring over the crate.


What insulation is better to work, of course you decide. I tried to tell about my most simple waysIn my opinion, accessible even for the amateur.

September 6, 2016.

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The popularity of insulation in the form of mats or slabs is clear - they are easy to transport them, it is convenient to work with them, while saving time. But often builders use another type of thermal insulation - flowing. It differs from foam or mineral wool plates with its structure. Perhaps for some works, flowing insulation will be more preferable.

The insulation is a porous low density material, the granules of which are made by roasting the foamed raw materials at high temperatures. The simplicity of manufacture was reflected in the low cost of thermal insulation, and the structure saves also on labor costs.

The minuses of falling insulation are:

  • their shrinkage by 10-15% of the initial volume;
  • loss of thermal insulation properties during wetting.

Used bent insulation usually for horizontal surfaces. The work seems simple, but requires careful preparation. For example, when heating the floor in buildings without basements, the soil is pre-tumped and covered with a screed. Next on the last fell waterproofing materialAnd the insulation is poured on it. It looks like the case is with the insulation of the roof, only the screed is not required. Instead, a layer of vaporizolation is stacked over a falling material.

When the walls are trimmed, a framework consisting of durable leaf elements is built in advance. After that, the insulation was covered inside the resulting design.

Types of falling insulation

Hundreds of years ago, during the construction of wooden houses from a bar or logs, the very first belling insulation was used - wood sawdust. Like modern counterparts, they were quite good from the point of view of thermal conductivity, but they gave shrinkage or lost their properties during wetting. Today's materials are more perfect in many criteria. The most popular of them are discussed in detail below.

Insulation, the basis of which is the clay. It is used as an independent heat insulator for the premises of residential or production buildings and in combination with concrete (a ceramzite concrete is obtained). Today it is obtained by firing clay shale.

Production technology varies depending on the required sizes of end granules.

Having studied the marking of a flowing insulation, you can understand what size of the material granules and for which areas of the house it is suitable. For example, clay sand is used as a heat insulator for the floor or acts composite element Concrete sheat. Granules with a diameter of 5-10 mm are suitable for scanty and flat roofs, gender, attic; more than 15 mm - for insulation basement or foundation.

Ceramzite inevitably settles as exploit, so it is necessary to minimize the shrinkage in the primary installation. The material is recommended to warm the walls only in the regions where the temperature in winter does not fall below -20 degrees.

The insulation is made from silicate volcanic stone rocks by the same technology as the ceramzite. When heated to 1000-1200 degrees, moisture is evaporated from the surface of the stones, leaving air inside them. As a result, white or gray granules with a diameter of 1 to 10 mm are obtained. Perlite density ranges from 75 to 150 kg / m3, and for its color it is also called the "glass insulation".

Minimal granules (1-2 mm) form perlite sand used in such spheres:

  1. insulation of premises of residential buildings;
  2. production of acoustic materials;
  3. production of insulation plaster;
  4. creation of fire-resistant concrete.

The granules filled with air, weigh less clay, so suitable for the heat insulation of the walls. In addition, the material will remind mineral wool, because besides the conservation of heat will prevent penetration foreign noise room.

The stripped material from hydrated mica, by means of heat treatment, increasing in the amount of 15-20 times. It has increased fire-resistant properties, at the expense of which it is used when installing chimneys. Ideal for floors and walls.

Thin layer of vermiculite 5 cm thick will save up to 70% of the heat of the room. This is enough for the insulation of the roof. For walls, gender and foundation, it is recommended to do a two times larger layer of material.

The density of the vermiculite is lower than the ceramisite or perlite - the largest bulk mass is 100 kg / m3. This flowing insulation is supplied with bags of a certain volume, and it is used in almost all rooms of the residential building.

The advantages of vermiculite include:

  1. low thermal conductivity coefficient (0.04-0.06), comparable to foam and mineral wool;
  2. the absence of the likelihood of voids and seams;
  3. high melting point (1400 degrees);
  4. the absence of toxic materials;
  5. biological resistance (prevents mold, fungus, does not represent interest for rodents);
  6. good noise insulation;
  7. ease of material that allows you to use it in frame houses, on carrier systems or foundations;
  8. ease of insulation and time saving.

Relatively new material, only 10 years ago originated on the market. It is made from secondary paper raw materials, flame retardants (substances that obstruct fire), antiseptics. Safe for a person, resistant to rotting, is not a spreader of fire. It is more often used in the insulation of walls, attic or roofs of complex design.

Scope of flowing insulation

Since the material under consideration is easy and almost does not waste the design, it is used usually when the inclined roof is trimmed. Also finds use when insulation of such sites of houses:

  • attic overlaps;
  • mansard;
  • framework structures (walls);
  • floor, foundation;
  • horizontal partitions between the floors;
  • brick walls.

The optimal combination, prices, quality, as well as the combination of ease with reliable thermal insulation contributed to the growth of demand for the considered flowing insulation. If the house is required good defense From the cold, and there is little time to work, ceramzite, perlite, vermiculitis and eco-art will perform excellent assistants in the implementation of the planned plans.

For insulation of walls, overlappings and other structural parts of buildings, various types of insulation are used. It is more profitable to use a bulk insulation, which is much cheaper with an equal effectiveness of traditional slab and rolled materials. In addition, such material is much easier to mount.

Advantages of a rash insulation

Warming at home is a very important stage at the completion of construction. The main task of this procedure is a significant reduction in the level of heat loss, which will allow to save on insulation, you only need to correctly select the heat-insulating material. In addition to the low thermal conductivity of bulk materials, which causes their special popularity, they have other indisputable advantages:

  • differ in good resistance to temperature fluctuations;
  • have a sufficiently low weight, creating a minimum load on the walls or overlap;
  • represent environmentally friendly and fireproof material;
  • well hold warm in the premises;
  • different durability.

It is easy to work with bulk materials, their laying does not require special skills and expensive tools. Delivery of bulk insulation in bags does not require special equipment or manipulator. You can bring such high-quality modern thermal insulation in the usual car trailer and even in the trunk. The flowing insulation when laying with ease fills any space, not leaving voids and cracks, it is important only to choose the necessary fraction.

Floor insulation

Bulk insulation for sex apply very often.

The most popular material is ceramzite.

Its production is quite simple, a low price and high quality can be attributed to the benefits of clamzite, moreover, such material is environmentally friendly, the moisture is not afraid and is sufficiently frostable. Depending on the required insulation area, it is possible to purchase clamzite both in bags and the ominance, which is much more economical.

For insulation of floors in rooms with high humidity, a falling insulation of perlite produced from mountain volcanic rocks is recommended. Natural material with a high degree of environmental purity is chemically inert and fires, is able to withstand a very high temperature. Due to its porosity, perlite is an excellent insulating material.

Verminiculitis, flowing insulation from natural raw materials, with high fire resistance and hardness is characterized by a significant coefficient of moisture absorption, chemical and bacteriological resistance. It will not develop mold and pathogenic microorganisms, and the load on the foundation from structures with such a type of insulation will be minimal.

Fruit of such a cheaper and common sawn timber, as ordinary sawdust, allows you to apply it after special antiseptic treatment for floor insulation.

Warming of walls and ceilings

So that the house was warm and comfortable, it is necessary to warm the outer walls. For this purpose, foam glass, granulated eco-friendly material obtained from raw fractions by foaming can be used. Such a heater for the walls is chemically stable and can be the basis of thermal insulating plaster. The foam glass is ideal for the insulation of the walls of basements and foundations, since it is not terrible soil waters.

Granule from foamed polymers is the basis of the fastener, lightweight and moisture-resistant thermal insulation material. This heat-insulator does not have a very wide range of operating temperatures, so it is not recommended to use it for insulation. Penoplex can easily fallinate the frame walls. Granules are filled with the smallest emptiness.

Mineral wool for insulation of walls can be used not only in the form of usual plates or rolls, but also in the form of granules the size of more than 10 mm. Such a bulk insulation is vapor permanent and fires, not afraid of high temperatures. In addition to thermal insulation properties, the granulated mineral wool is characterized by good sound insulation properties. When laying mineral wool, it is necessary to provide protection for the skin and respiratory tract.

Mineral wool for insulation of walls can be used not only in the form of usual plates or rolls, but also in the form of granules the size of more than 10 mm.

To preserve heat in the premises, the heat insulation of the ceiling is often performed. Recently, the popularity has received foamizol, outwardly resembling a crumb of foam. This lightweight material with low density is characterized by increased biological resistance. In such a heat insulating layer, rodents and mold will not be headed.

When choosing heat-insulating bulk materials, attention should be paid to such characteristics such as thermal conductivity, density, moisture absorption, weight and fraction size. Most of the bulk insulation can be delivered and mounted independently, which will significantly reduce the cost of work on insulation, which is especially relevant for the owners of cottages and small country houses.

Bulk insulation: species and characteristics

Types of bulk insulation. Ceramzit, vermiculitis and minvat in granules. Choosing a flowing insulation according to the characteristics for floors and walls.

Bulk insulation: species, use

Today we will tell you about the bulk insulation, which is represented by eight different types. The variety is simply impressive, as they are made of paper, stone, resin, polymers, and even clay. Each material has its strengths and weaknesses, although there are those who are not so much that, even if I wanted. All bulk insulation can be placed in two methods: manually or with a compressor. Such materials are good because they fill all the gaps and emptiness. And the negative qualities can be attributed to the shrinkage, which is inherent in all insulation from this cohort.

Crumb of polystyrene foam

The first bulk insulation, which we will look at is a foam. If you look close to the polystyrene leaf, you can see that it consists of a variety of balls. These components may not be fastened, and their density decreases. If you take a sheet of polystyrene and break it on separate balls, then they will occupy much more places. Naturally, with a decrease in density, the resistance of the material to heat transmission is somewhat reduced, so if there is no extreme necessity, it is better to use sheets.

The bulk insulation for walls of foam spheres is applied only when you need to fill the cavities of the already built structures. The babies simply bloom with the help of a special car, trying to achieve maximum density. The lack of crumbs is that the insulation can give shrinkage. In addition, material:

  • burning;
  • allocates poisonous smoke;
  • it feels perfectly feeling rodents.

This bulk insulation for walls is transported in polyethylene bags. It can be used for floor insulation, ceiling, pitched roofs.

Ruspy Penosop

At foaming flakes, an arbitrary form.

It looks like Penizol like a crumb of foam, but if you look closely, there is a difference. Despite visual similarity - these are two absolutely different materials. Penaisul more reminiscent of snow flakes, it does not have perfect form Bowl, this material is softer. Penosol is used as a falling insulation for walls and horizontal overlaps. In addition, it is also produced in sheets, but is mainly used in liquid form. Unlike foam, foamizol:

The characteristics of the thermal conductivity in both the material is almost equal.

Beep insulation for the walls of foams are made of resin. The quality of the material primarily depends on the quality of the resin used for the production of resin.

First, the liquid substance is poured into blocks, approximately meter per meter. Then the blocks cut onto sheets, and only then the sheets crumble. Installation is carried out using a polar machine or manually. In the paper you need to control the degree of material density.

Foam glass in granules

Foam's factions are different size, right up to rubble.

It is made from the battle of glass, which is crushed to the smallest fractions, melted and mixed with coal. As a result, carbon dioxide begins to leave the material, which forms air spheres in the structure of foam glass. This is a very expensive material, the ego is used on industrial facilities or during the construction of high-rise buildings. In private construction, it is extremely rare, as not everyone pulls such a cost. Apply both bulk insulation for the ceiling, floor and walls and in the form of plates or blocks. Bulk is a different fraction based on this, it has the form:

The bulk insulation from the foam glass has the following characteristics:

  • does not absorb water;
  • does not burn;
  • thermal conductivity 0.04-0.08 W / m * C;
  • steam does not miss;
  • high compressive strength of 4 MPa;
  • the bending strength is even greater than 0.6 MPa;
  • temperature mode from -250 to +500 degrees.

The peculiarity of the use of a bulk insulation for the floor is that the foam glass can be part of cement solutions that poured the screed. The same when pouring foundations, instead of ordinary rubble, you can use foam glass.

Ceramzit is an ugly, but tested time.

Probably the most longtime and well-known sleepy insulation is a ceramzite. It is made of clay, by firing.

It should be noted that the clamzite is much cheaper than its competitors, namely, perlite and vermiculite, which we will tell a little later. The density of the material may vary in the range of 250-800 kg / m. cube The degree of thermal conductivity ranges from 0.10 to 0.18 W / m * s.

Ceramzite practically does not absorb moisture, this process is very slow. But by taking water, he is very reluctant to break up with it, which cannot but affect its characteristics.

It is used as a bulk insulation for walls, gender, ceiling and roofs. Also read "Application of claying for arrangement of roofs". He does not enter into any chemical reactionsIt does not start mold, and the mice do not live in it. Since the initial material for the manufacture is clay, clamzite has all its positive qualities:

Ceramzite can be mixed with wood sawdusts, but at the same time the layer of the insulation must be a little more, since the tree has a resistance to heat transmission somewhat lower.

Bulk thermal insulation Ekwata

Equata was developed under the Waste Disposal Program.

This type of insulation was designed in Europe, as part of a recycling program. That is, the main goal is to recycle garbage with the benefit. It is made exclusively from the newspapers, no more than 10% of cardboard is allowed. To make an eco-eyewater, microorganisms did not start in it and it did not bite the mouse into the detailed newspaper paper, drill and boric acid add.

It is used as a bulk insulation for floors and walls, installation is carried out by dry and wet method. Density when joining the machine - in the wall 65 kg / m. Cube, overlap 45 kg / m. Cube, density with manual laying - up to 90 kg / m. cube Thanks to the antipiren, the material does not burn, but it is successfully smoldering.

The service life of the Equata produced in the Omsk and Tomsk region, 10-12 years. Western manufacturers declare that the material will serve all 50 years. But they are given such forecasts based on the climatic conditions of their region, where the temperature differences are smaller, respectively and less moisture in the insulation (due to the dew point). For Russia with its cold and humidity, these forecasts are hardly justified.

Thermal conductivity is an EcoWhat 0.037-0.042 W / m * p. She easily absorbs moisture and also easily gives her.

Wet, she gets harder that leads to a shrinkage, which is inevitable. In fact, there is no ecology in ecology. She just stuffed chemistry and apply it we do not recommend.

Bulk insulation Perlit

Perlite is always white.

Perlite is a volcanic ore (sour glass). For insulation, construction perlite is used, the fraction of which varies from 0.16 to 1.25 mm. After the mining of ore, it is crushed and heated to 1 thousand degrees. It is important that the heating is carried out sharply, while the water that is in the structure of the breed begins to evaporate. As a result of this process, perlite is swept and reaches porosity of 70-90%.

  • thermal conductivity 0.04-0.05 W / m * k;
  • does not burn;
  • does not absorb moisture;
  • misses couples;
  • chemically inert.

The density of the insulation in the wall varies from 60 to 100 kg / m. cube When installing, membranes cannot be used, since they are quickly clogged during operation. For laying on the pitched roofs, a perlite treated with bitumen is used. After a solvent is added to bitumenized perlite, it becomes a sticky, and after it freezes, forms a single insulating layer of any form.

Beep insulation vermiculite

Vermikulite has become very popular lately.

The bulk thermal insulation vermiculite is made from mica - this is the ore that is mined on quarries. The ore is divided into small fractions, which subsequently heated to 700 degrees intensively and because of the evaporation of moisture, the fraction occurs, naturally, the fraction increases in the amount. If you gradually heat the mica fractions, the moisture will slowly evaporate and the swelling will not happen.

The service life is unlimited, because there are no adhesive impurities in it, there is just nothing to deteriorate. Product characteristics:

  • thermal conductivity 0.048-0.06 W / m * k;
  • density of 65-150 kg / m. cube
  • does not burn;
  • not toxic;
  • misses couples;
  • at moisturizing, 15% does not lose thermal insulation properties.

Vermikulitis is well transported and distributes fluids. This means that even with an intense, intentional moisture of a separate section perlite will evenly distribute moisture in all its area, and then it will bring it out at all. Such a property allows minimizing the consequences of wetting insulation. It is worth vermiculite almost equally with an eclaw (about 4500 rolls per cubic meter). It can be mixed with wood sawdust in a proportion of 50/50.

Wood sawdust

Heat conductivity of wood sawdust 0.07-0.08 W / m * p. As an independent heater, the sawdust is rarely applied, since they are prone to absorb moisture and further heard. Therefore, they are mixed with other materials:

The ability of these materials to output moisture does not give soles to recry even when laying with a thick layer. By the way, you can use only small sawdust, which are obtained when processing wood on modern machines with high revs.

Having considered all types of bulk insulation, it can be concluded that thermal insulators from rock and clay were proven best of themselves. Prices / practicality / heat transfer resistance optimal option - Penosole. The outsider of our Eco-star rating is no otherwise.

Types of bulk insulation for ceiling, insulation of walls

There are eight types of bulk insulation. It is used for thermal insulation of walls, floor, ceiling, pitched roofs. Technical characteristics of the bulk insulation.

Bulk insulation - material properties and installation features

Energy-saving internal and external cladding can be performed using bulk insulating materials. Manufacturers offer a large selection of this insulation option.

What is the bulk insulation of the walls are preferable? And what variant of the heat insulation of the floor will be optimal when choosing a bulk insulation?

Budget version of insulation - bulk isolation

A variety of insulation sacking

Installation and leveling of thermal insulation

The construction market shows a large selection of bulk granulated heat insulators:

  • Ceramzit;
  • Penoeton crumb;
  • Equata;
  • Traditional sawdust and sand;
  • Boiler slag;
  • Vermiculitis.

Let's try to understand the advantages and disadvantages, as well as in the main specifications These materials.

This bulk thermal insulator is lightweight and has a porous structure. Ceramzite is produced by firing alloy clay. Therefore, it is absolutely safe and environmentally friendly thermal insulator.

  • Ceramzite sand
  • Ceramzite gravel

Floor insulation by clamzit - " last century"Or modern technologies).

Ceramzite can be produced in three versions:

  • Ceramzite sand - It has a particle size from 0.14 to 5 millimeters. It is used mainly to fill lightweight concrete and as a bulk insulation for the floor;
  • Running clay crusp - Granules from 5 to 40 millimeters. Excellent option of thermal insulation of foundations and floors of residential buildings;
  • Ceramzite gravel - It has a rounded shape of the granules. Since the surface of the granules was melted, the material acquires a porous structure. Due to this property, claymzite gravel has elevated frost resistance and resistance to exposure to open fire. The size of the granules ranges from 5 to 40 millimeters.

Granulated expanded polystyrene

the insulation of the attic floors, since the material has a low weight and low thermal conductivity. The device of the energy-saving layer on the semi attic is easy to perform with your own hands.

The marking of the clamzite fraction indicates the size of the granules:

  • Fractions from 5 to 10 millimeters are recommended for heat insulation of floors and roofs;
  • Ceramzite fractions from 10 to 20 millimeters - perfect thermal insulation For baths and saunas. This type of insulation is able to maintain a certain temperature and humidity indoors;
  • Granules Over 20 millimeters are used for thermal insulation of foundations and basements.

Important. Performing insulation with bulk materials, it should be borne in mind that such insulation is settled over time. Therefore, the instruction on the installation of granular ceramisite recommends thoroughly tampering the insulation layer.

Below is a comparative table of insulation thickness depending on the middle winter temperatures.

Granulated expanded polystyrene

Regarding this insulation between specialists, disputes are still being conducted. On the one hand, it is lightweight material that is used as a backfill, when the walls and roofing are insulated, or are used as an additive to concrete insulation mixtures.

Opponents of this insulation are talking about its toxicity and flammability. And recommend applying as an external and internal heat insulator granulated foamglo. But this insulation is relatively new and its properties are not yet sufficiently tested in various temperature modes.

By combining two of these opposite opinions, it can be concluded that it is reasonable - golden mean. In addition, the price of granular expanded polystyrene is low. Therefore, it can be used for the insulation of the walls by the method of well masonry.

Or add as an additional thermal insulation in concrete mixes For finishing basements and foundations.


Laying of the layer of vermiculite with heat insulation

This thermal insulation material is based on mica, has a layered structure. In the process of producing vermiculite, chemical additives and impurities do not apply, so this insulation can be used, performing the insulation of the loggia, the external and internal energy-saving lining of residential premises.

Freshping with a vermiculite with a thickness of five centimeters reduces heat loss by 75 percent, and the thickness of the layer in 10 centimeters guarantees a decrease in heat loss by 92 percent.

The advantages of this contemporary insulation include the following characteristics:

  • The high porosity of the material provides air permeability of isolation, which allows the walls to "breathe" under the finish. This type of vermiculite provides a comfortable indoor microclimate;
  • Vermiculite is environmentally safe and does not release toxic substances;
  • This is non-combustible material (combustible group - G1);
  • Isolation is resistant to fungi and mold. And rodents and insects do not spoil this isolation;

Location of insulation layers

  • Beep insulation for vermiculite walls does not require special skills when installing. It is enough to fall asleep layer of insulation and compact the insulation. When installing, no additional fasteners are needed;
  • The service life of this isolation is at least fifty years, and the price is quite democratic.

Important. The insulation instruction on thermal insulation recommends insulation of the walls of the layer of frighting at ten centimeters. And for thermal insulation of attic and roofing and inter-storey overlaps Enough frills in five centimeters. To protect the insulation from moisture, it is recommended to lay a layer of vapor barrier film.

Wood sawdust and sand

Heat insulation attic sawdust

Traditional insulating materialsused for energy-saving trim basements and attic. These bulk floor insulation are traditionally applied for more than one century. But there are many modern, more comfortable materials in the installation that have low thermal conductivity and good water repellent characteristics.

insulation materials used for energy-saving trims of basements and attic. These bulk floor insulation are traditionally applied for more than one century. But there are many modern, more comfortable materials in the installation that have low thermal conductivity and good water repellent characteristics.

Cellulose insulation - Eco

Bulk insulator produced from crushed newspaper paper (81 percent), antiseptics (12 percent) and antipirens (7 percent). In world construction practice, such a composition of insulation is applied for more than eighty years, but the construction market of Russia and the CIS appeared ten years ago.

As an antiseptic, boric acid is included in the insulation, and as an antipyrin - a bora. So you can talk with confidence about the environmental safety of the material.

Due to the fact that the fibers of the material fill out all empties in the energy-saving finish, it can be recommended for the insulation of complex building structures.

Features of mounting bulk insulation materials

Laying of bulk insulation for a scope roof

  • Insulation shelter roofs With bulk materials, for example, clay, occurs outside, after laying vaporizolation. For uniform distribution of insulation along the slope, it is necessary to establish between the rafters of the transverse limiters;
  • A bulk insulation for the floor and the basement must be tamped after laying. This is necessary in order to avoid shrinkage of isolation and strain deformation;
  • When carrying out insulation of premises with high humidity (bath, saunas) it is necessary to provide high-quality hydro and vaporizoation of the insulation layer;
  • Bulk insulation stacked in such a way as to avoid waking up isolation through slots and cracks in the finish.

There are several basic montage rules for bulk materials. But experts recommend primarily guided by the requirements that regulate the instructions for laying one or another insulation.

Bulk insulation for walls, floor: bulk, falling, video instruction on insulation do it yourself, photo and price

Bulk insulation for walls, floor: bulk, falling, video instruction on insulation do it yourself, photo and price

Once again about falling down insulation

A variety of flowing insulation

The differences in bulk thermal insulators from rolled, tile and other insulation in a moderate, affordable price, in simple laying technology. It is only necessary to distribute it evenly, taking into account proper vaporizolation . As a rule, only a falling insulation leaves no cracks, penetrates in hard-to-reach areas. However, the variety of material dictates its rules - how not to be mistaken, take into account all the advantages and disadvantages and choose the one that is ideal for your home? The comparison after the review presented below will certainly facilitate this task.

Vermiculitis (flowing)

The heat insulation flowing vermiculite belongs to natural materialsSince this is the mineral of the group of hydroslyud, past firing. The thermal conductivity depends on the size of the fractions. For falling insulation in civil engineering, the stripped vermiculite of a large fraction is used to 1 cm with characteristic of mica shine and a scaly structure. The firing makes it possible to increase the volume of the feedstock of 7-10 times, its bulk weight is about 90kg per cubic meter. The layer of thermal insulator does not fit, easily gives absorbent moisture. Used to insulate overlaps, roofs, inter-space, foam blocks.

The most positive moment in its environmental friendly - when heated, the vermiculitis does not allocate toxins, does not smell. It is bioette, fireproof, breathability favorably affects the formation of a microclimate of premises warmed by falling by a dumping vermiculite. Vermiculite does not prevent the natural circulation of air (not to be confused with drafts and convection). Used as an additive in cement solutions, in finishing materials. High cost does not always serve as a positive point when choosing.

Aerated concrete crumb (flowing)

Aerated concrete crumb, this is a mixture of porous rubble and sand , Received after crushing aerated concrete. Non-uniformity fractions up to 30mm, wrong forms Particles form a layer that does not lose the shape given to it. It is used as a bulk insulation, an additional subftift for sound insulation in building structures (walls, overlap). In demand as a monascate roof insulation with a small angle of inclination. Does not violate the natural circulation, providing optimal humidity and gas exchange. Filing aerated concrete crumb is used instead of clay in light concrete, when filling the foundation. In this case, aerated concrete crushed stone insulates the foundation, due to the low thermal conductivity, also contributes to its opposition. Inexpensive drainage and insulation for road surfaces. The disadvantage is the dust of small fractions during the backfill.

Ceramzite (Filing)

Ceramizite, traditional flowing insulator. The firing of low power clay allows to obtain oval granules of various fractions. Porous structure, low weight of hardened foam clay, the natural base will still hold this material on the bulk insulation market. Although it is widely used in filling light concrete, as a drainage. Fireproof, racks to rot. Its cost is equal to the cost of draft building materials. It is widely used for ceiling insulation, but there is necessary to take into account the disadvantages of clay. He is fragile, easily absorbing moisture, it gives it hard. It is necessary to ensure reliable waterproofing, it is undesirable to fall asleep on the overlap itself. A vapor barrier substrate and mandatory waterproofing will slightly increase the cost of such insulation. Possible shrinkage. Ceramzite gravel of large fractions up to 20mm is suitable for the insulation of the sauna, bath. For foundations and basements, largerly fractional material is recommended, which can be attributed to the rubble.

Penodoneglo (flowing insulation)

Foamglass. As a falling insulation, it happens a few species and is connected with the various technologies of its manufacture. It:

  • fillation from foam glass
  • polyconucel crushed stone obtained by foaming an array and sharp cooling. This leads to destruction, an additional mechanical crushing gives a crushed stone at the outlet without an outer melted layer;
  • granulated foam glass, which has been widely used in the construction market, both independent frustration, as well as the basis of thermal insulation plasters.

Granulated foam glass is obtained from foamed raw granules. In essence, it is a glass foam with an outer surface. The porous structure at a melted surface gives unique properties inorganic insulation. It is hard, with high compressive strength, waterproof, is not subject to chemical and bacteriological destruction. Environmental. It practically does not have temperature restrictions during operation (from -200, up to + 500 ° C.). Great for the arrangement and insulation of the inversion roof, insulation of basements, foundations, because it is not afraid of external and groundwater. Repeated and multiple use, the thermal conductivity coefficient remains unchanged (0.05-0.07 W / (M · ° C)). It can be used as a falling insulation in the floors and walls. But this is not a budget option.

Penoplex or foam (flowing)

Light air (of foamed polymers) spherical form granules are often pressed into the stove, which simplifies the installation of the heat shielding layer. Penoplex, foam, expanded polystyrene. But unfinished granules or polystyrene foam crumb after disposal of substantia-drawing sheets are used as an independent heat insulator and as an additive in concrete (polystyrene poly). Such a heater does not have absorbent properties - does not absorb moisture, high depreciation capabilities of the polystyrene granules layer (remember the "live" bedroom chairs, a bag filled with such a backfill). The crumb is always cheaper than granules, but its properties are not regulated strictly. Very lightweight material in need of protection from sun ray, chemical and temperature influences. Easy "rises" by air flow. The material is relatively new, its properties are not tested by time and often cause disputes, both among builders and consumers. The trend on the arrangement of environmentally friendly housing, here clearly plays against. Although manufacturers declared heat and soundproof properties are high and the price is available for budget construction.

Mineral wool (flowing)

Raw materials for mineral wool serves a number of rocks, slags of metallurgy, quartz (fiberglass). The slag minvat is inferior in the quality and characteristics of the heat insulator from the melt of rocks. Since mineral wool fibers affect mucous membranes and respiratory tracts, the production process does not always stop on obtaining fibers and their deposition. WATT is either glued with polymer resins (plates, rolled insulation) or granulated mechanical method. Refrigerated mineral wool include both fibers and granules. The loose mineral wool is not always convenient for isolation, because the rambling breaks the fiber structure and the risk of shrinkage remains. And it is difficult to work with it, protective measures are needed for the skin and respiratory tract. Granulated Minvat is recommended as an effective isolation of technological equipment, chimneys, it is resistant to high temperatures (stability threshold 1090 ° C), not combustible and has a smaller weight in volume (250kg / 1m3) than loose. The size of the granules is usually 10-15mm. Minerals are not typical of bio-destruction, so Minvat does not rot, she has good vapor permeability, But when wetting, thermal insulation properties are reduced. Mineral wool dries hard.

Cellulose insulation (Equata)

Eco-wise is recommended as an excellent insulation and soundproofing material For any designs. But having a wood base - recycled pulp treated with borates, ideal for wooden structures, as it has 100% compatibility of characteristics with a tree. This avoids many problems of incompatibility of contacting materials. Widely used in low-rise frame construction As a falling insulator for walls, roofs and floors. Ecologically pure Material, not subject to rotting, opposes fire. Equata Right insulation for houses with natural ventilation, without the risk of exposure to volatile toxins. Removes the question of the appearance of rodent populations. Along with the benefits, flowing eco-show has drawn. Manual laying A very laborious process in which it is difficult to adhere to the recommended density. She is "dust" because it has a fibrous structure of a tree fluff. The cost of insulation of the house of the house is desirable to lay down and install the layer installation service with a mechanized manner (under extinct pressure and with a blowing machine). But eco-insulationit is produced once, it does not reduce its thermal insulation properties under the influence of time and external factors, the entire service life of the house.

How to choose the best bulk insulation for your home?

Varieties of flowing insulation, scope of bulk thermal insulators, properties