Warming of houses from ceramic blocks. How to build a house from ceramic blocks? Do I need to warm the house from warm ceramics

Many are faced with the problem of heat loss in the house. During construction, it is necessary to pay special attention to eliminate this trouble. After all, heat loss occurs not only through the walls, but also windows, roof, basement

First of all, it should be found with the material for construction, and then select the appropriate proper design To preserve heat in accordance with energy saving standards.

Often the question arises when using hollowly invoked ceramic blocks - is it necessary to insulate the walls when using such blocks? To get the right answer, you should find out what the width of the units used and how they were erected.

Walls during construction from hollows are divided into two types: single-layer (consisting of some blocks) and multilayer. The latter, in turn, are divided into two-layer (block and insulation), and three-layer (block, insulation and facial brick). For the construction of single-layer walls, the blocks 38, 44, 50, 50 cm are most often used. Regarding insulation, it can be said that it is not advisable to insulate such walls, since the material has a sufficient coefficient of heat transfer. Of course, if the construction refers not to the class - economy, and climatic zone Not from favorable, why not inspire.

Sometimes the walls of their ceramic invoked widths of 25 and 30 cm. Basically it happens when construction works already underway, and the wall material is not yet selected. Walls from ceramic blocks better insulate with plates from mineral woolwhich possess good vapor permeability. To the wall, the insulation is attached to glue or dowels so that it fits tightly to the wall surface. Further wall decoration is made at your discretion, such as outdoor decorative plaster, clinker brick, siding, tree. As for the thickness of the insulation, it is 100 mm for a block of a width of 25 cm, for a block of 30 cm wide - 60 mm.

Another important momentto be taken into account when insulation at home - this is use when laying the blocks of "light" ("warm") malanted solution. In such a solution, there is also a cement that performs the function of the binding substance. As thermal insulation material - aggregate applied - perlite or clay sand. If you replace cement - sandy solution to "light", then the heat engineering characteristics of the wall will improve by 17% due to a large difference in the thermal conductivity of these solutions. To the "light" masonry solutions include dry hydrophobized construction mixtureconsisting of mineral binding and mineral fillers, including perlite. When mixed with water, it forms a homogeneous gray mass. This solution is designed for laying and connecting walls from high thermal insulation properties. The masonry solution is recommended to apply on a ceramic layer with a layer with a thickness of 8 to 15 mm.

There are not many ways to combine carrying construction With thermal insulation, so the paved ceramic blocks definitely deserve attention. Today we will talk about the properties of this building material, features working with it, masonry technique and decoration of walls of buildings of different floors.

The situation with the paired ceramic blocks has developed quite ambiguous. Distributors praise warm ceramics, at the same time, some benevolers wrap it. Let's try to get to the truth, not in vain because these blocks received such widespread.

Personal blocks: characteristics and essence of material

The main problem in the production of red building bricks A high degree of marriage has always been considered: in the process of firing the clay mass, it is necessary to effectively change linear dimensions and deform, moreover, a considerable amount of battle is formed during the transportation process. Create from such a material building blocks large sizes Until some, it was a very difficult task.

The question was solved by the method of extrusion molding by a crushed clay mixture. The composition of the latter may vary depending on the addition of mineral type and pore-forming inclusions. Thus, in addition to the presence of large vertical channels, extending the path of heat outflow, the birro itself can have micropores that increase the heat transfer resistance.

In essence, warm ceramics is nothing but a kind of hollow brick. Here are just the linear dimensions of the blocks at nine or more more larger, which gives a tangible increase to the velocity of the walls. Emptiness is also much higher and can reach 80%, this is a huge plus in terms of thermal conductivity and in terms of reduced construction load on the foundation.

Large blocks, oddly enough, are not distinguished by high dimensional tolerances. First of all, because the cellular format in aggregate with mineral and poroid additives negates the shrinkage during the firing, besides, some varieties of warm ceramics may have observed ends. In general, the deviation from the claimed dimensions is up to 2-3 mm for each block. The material is fusing on cargo pallets, not in bulk, so the amount of battle during transportation is minimized.

Varieties and formats of blocks

There are two main types of PKB - for insulation and masonry carrier layer. The addition of flouring flour to clay at the preparation phase is poured into its burnout during the firing. The brick becomes fragile and for the device of the carrier layer is not suitable (M30-M50 strength stamp).

Miscellaneous mineral supplements that have good sketching along with clay can increase strength to M100 brand, which makes warm ceramics suitable for masonry whole external and internal carriers. The thermal conductivity of such blocks is higher, but this is eliminated with a relatively thin outer layer of insulating cladding.

In construction practice in one wall, materials are made to combine. The inner carrier layer takes 50-70% of the total thickness of the wall, it is laid out by blocks of increased strength. It goes a layer of 20-30% of the total thickness with high heat transfer resistance and completes the design to the exterior cladding in half of the fine-sized brick with voidness of about 30%. This scheme is considered to be generally accepted, and later we describe its advantages.

Ceramic blocks have a wide selection of formats. Regardless of the material, structures, blocks are divided into basic masonry and fair facing. Both types have strict direction of the masonry: the tipped side face complicate the heat outflow convection, and such a connection of blocks of one row is required. Choosing a format in advance, you can focus on the final thickness of the bearing walls 25, 38, 44 and 51 cm. Facing blocks Provide the thickness of the heat shield layer at 8, 12 and 20 cm. For the end of the masonry to each format, there are corresponding sizes of good elements.

Use Caution: How to Avoid Building Defects

The main argument of critics of the reciprocated ceramic blocks is an insufficient tensile strength. "Experts" peculiar to compare incomparable and produce low strength of insulation blocks for the total technological unusability of the material as a whole. However, combination different marks Allows you to correctly distribute the load on the wall: its main part is assumed by the inner carrier layer, and outdoor facing although it does not perceive the axial vector directly, but serves for general strengthening Array.

Technically such three-layer wall is equivalent to two and a half forty bricks Brand 100, while in the thermal conductivity, it corresponds to 60-80 cm of the hollow brick. Therefore, the construction of the PCB in four floors (including attic and basement) with proper design is quite real. If the building is built on a reinforced concrete frame, there are no restrictions on the storey.

Another argument against warm ceramics is insufficient fastener. Blocks are really fragile and practically do not hold standard dowel-nails, which makes it difficult to finish using attachments. Special fasteners for cellular concrete come to revenue and chemical anchors: As a result, they are not much more expensive, while at the same time the benefit from light and warm walls is much more important.

One of the specific subtleties of working with the PKB is a cutting strobe for the installation of electricians or pipes. A widespread error is a stroke of a perforator in a shock mode, leading to a strong clarification of a porous wall. It is necessary to work only with strokes or an ushm, but it is better to hollow out the channels manually - a chisel and a hammer, it is not much longer, but will save from the formation of dust.

It is impossible to argue with the fact that the PKB requires the involvement of qualified personnel for the construction of walls. Warm ceramics is only part of the technology, but not its basis. The material must be high-quality and certified, it is not even discussed. But the Masonry technique, the final protective facing, the use of special materials - all this has no less importance so that the walls of warm ceramics are truly warm and corresponded to the stated characteristics.

Proper Masonry Masonry

One of the alleged deficiencies of the invoked blocks is partial elimination of porosity in the masonry process due to the cement mortar wakeful in cells. This phenomenon is excluded when using a special grid, which is placed in each aisle and delays a binder. The usual fiberglass mesh for facade plaster can be used, but experts recommend using basalt to increase the homogeneity of the masonry array.

Strictly speaking, cement mortar or sandbetone in the laying of warm ceramics is not used. They have insufficiently high heat transfer resistance, so liquid glue mixtures for polished blocks are used in technological construction and mortar For unlocked. Dry block dip in solution or adhesive mix, the layer is quite enough for reliable bonding of the rows.

Cold bridges are not completely excluded, but their number is minimized. To complete the thermal conductivity between layers of masonry, it is customary to lay 30-50 mm extruded polystyrene or cheaper PBS. At the same time, the vapor permeability of the wall is artificially limited by membranes different types, and from the outside of the separator there is 30-50 mm clearance for production. If there is no insulation between the layers, the layer of each row rolls 10 cm with a lane from foamed polyethylene.

In the dressing of elements of one row, no binder applies. Technically, such a wall remains blowable, so the presence of facade plastering 30 mm thick or plated by traditional brick on cement mortar. Sometimes this rule is retreating in low-rise construction, and outer layer Walls made of insulation blocks are derived by finishing masonry. In the absence of insulation between the layers of the wall, from the inside the slit between the blocks is filled with polyurethane foam, the consumption of which is minimal due to the exact fit of the blocks.

Despite the small weight, the walls from the recipient ceramic blocks are not recommended to load the collection and monolithic reinforced concrete floors in buildings with a height of more than two floors. Much more correctly arrange frame overlap on the wooden farms or beams.

There is a myth that the reinforced crown is required under the overlap. However, it is still necessary to distribute the load on the bar. Crown has minimal thick: 12 mm of reinforcement and two protective layers of 30 mm. In multilayer walls, it is cast on a shield formwork attached with innerOutside the fence is insulating masonry.

For single-layer walls used special trays of warm ceramics by type unloading formwork. They not only provide overlapping protection, but also create a homogeneous surface with front face building.

Finish finished Wall From ceramic blocks are designed to increase the operational properties of the wall and give the facade and the interior of an expressive appearance. Consider the options for the outer and interior decoration of ceramic blocks.

Outdoor decoration of walls. The use of ceramic blocks as wall material imposes minimal restrictions on the choice of methods facade finish.

Traditional facing facial brick is the most tested in practice. Proportionality of ceramic blocks and bricks designed for use in one dimensional grid 250mm, it allows you to simultaneously lead the masonry of ceramic blocks and the facade brick layer. At the same time, mortgage elements are used to communicate the wall and facade masonry. This option allows you to reduce the total costs of time and funds due to the combination of masonry work by the forms of one brigade - it will not be necessary to divide the masonry of the carrier wall and the facial layer in time, double-to-lay the scaffolding, arrange additional elements Mechanical communication of the carrier wall and facial masonry. Positive Moment It is an opportunity to accurately coordinate the design of window, door and technological outlook during the work. Use traditional facade facade facing facial brick makes sense if the ceramic blocks used for the carrier wall are guaranteed to comply with heat engineering requirements. Laying blocks should be kept on the "warm" solutions recommended by the manufacturer.

Simple plaster Walls from ceramic blocks is the most budget decision. To resort to this method makes sense only in the case of a sufficient wall thickness providing regulatory heat engineering. Simple single-layer plaster can be qualitatively applied even without specialized training. Availability on the market big choice Ready plaster dry mixtures and colorful compositions allows you to quickly, small forces and means to give the construction an acceptable view. However, a slight service life of such a finish will require periodically (once every 5-7 years) cosmetic repairs.

Warming plasters - a popular facade solution representing the improvement of simple plaster. To improve the heat engineering parameters of the walls between the bearing wall base and the outer protective-decorative plastering layer, plates are placed or mats thermal insulation materials. The insulation is attached to the carrier wall with the help of dowels and adhesive compositions, top covered in several reinforced layers Plasters designed to protect the insulation and ensure the attractiveness of the structure. As a heater uses mineral wool materials and polystyrene polystyrene foams. Proper selection The thicknesses of the walls of ceramic blocks and their competent embodiments make the use of insulating plasters with an ineffective solution, since the provision of heat engineering parameters of the enclosing structure is fully entrusted to the ceramic blocks themselves. The use of insulation plasters in combination with the ceramic unit should be recognized justified in the only case - if you got ready (or unfinished house) from ceramic blocks with walls of low thickness (250-380 mm).

Ventilated facades are taken to be the most progressive option. outdoor decoration walls. The main design idea is the separation of a solid vertical air gap of the facade "shield" and insulated any insulation of the carrier wall. Due to natural convection in the air gap, the air is constantly moving, carrying out an excess of water vapor, leakage from the room, and reducing moisture condensation inside wall design. Manufacturers of ceramic blocks recommend applying ventilated facades of two main varieties:

Well masonry involves the construction of a separate front wall of bricks or other piece materials. The purpose of this wall is to protect the underlying insulation from destructive effects ambient And give the structure of a solid "brick" view. The front wall toughly binds to carrier wall using special mortgage parts or anchor elements;

Hinged facade It is distinguished by the fact that auxiliary guides are attached to the bearing wall, which, at some distance from the insulation, the protective and decorative plates are hung.

Both options successfully solve the task of ensuring excellent external view House I. regulatory indicators Heat insulation. At the same time, due to the use of light insulation, ceramic blocks of less thickness can be used to build the carrier wall, which makes it possible to reduce the costs of ceramic blocks and reduce the load on the foundation. However, these external finishing methods have features that need to be considered.

Availability large number The emptiness in the body of ceramic blocks and a small wall thickness between the channels (about 10 mm) dramatically limits the spectrum of permissible mechanical fasteners. In both cases, they will have to use the dowels specially designed for this purpose. High hygroscopicity of ceramic blocks makes them excellent moisture accumulators, so they will have to monitor the correctness and thoroughness of waterproofing measures in the walls of the wall to the roof and the elements of the drain and, especially, in the belt of the walls on the base part of the building.

Interior decoration of walls. At the stage of the device of walls from ceramic blocks, it is important to determine what interior decoration Rooms: Walls from the inside will be plastering, sewing drywall on glue or mount plasterboard plaster on a special profile system. The surface of the masonry from ceramic blocks does not differ from the surface of the usual brick masonryTherefore, it has a high affinity with all kinds of famous plasters: cement-sand, lime, plaster. If the walls of the house will simply be placed, there are no restrictions that should be taken into account when erecting the wall itself. The choice of plaster will be dictated by the requirements of the finish decorative finish.

Practice modern construction In increasingly, it prefers "dry plaster" - rapidly contaminated structures using drywall sheets. The main advantage of such systems is great quality finished surface, High mounting speed, no "wet" processes. IN large houses Cartoon plastering systems can be applied with metal profiles. With a significant size of the premises of "Losses" 2-3 m2 may be invisible. If the house is small and each square meter useful Square on account, profile plasterboard design May be inappropriate. In this case, you should agree with the fastening option plasterboard sheets On the layer of adhesive composition, which will minimize the loss of squares.

Installation of plasterboard sheets on the profile system requires special attention. Inter-frequency ceramic partitions in thin and fragile blocks. When installing metal profiles Be sure to use special dowels intended for such cases.

The single-layer wall of ceramics has substantial advantages over two-layer walls. Porous ceramic blocks - very durable material, the lifetime of the wall from a similar material by specialists is estimated from 100 years and more.

If it is directly compared with two-layer wall structures, then them overhaul It will be necessary very soon, the forecast period is 30 - 35 years, and even 20 years - for poor-quality peopolisters. Normal cheap insulation This period fails and mainly loses its unique properties.

Other advantages of a wall of ceramics in one layer

Single-layer ceramic Wall Much more stable for all sorts of damage than two-layer. Disorders of the facade finish will not lead to such consequences as if disrupting the finish over mineral wool or polystyrene foam.

  • There is no risk of moisture in violation of the construction technology or damage to the layers. Indeed, if you break the principles of insulation in two-layer walls, you can easily moisten the design.
  • the single-layer wall is generally cheaper. If the quality of the materials is comparable, then in any case the design in one layer will have a smaller final price.
  • it is easier, faster constructed. During construction, simplicity and processability are often dictated by the design features. You need to look for insulation professionals to make the second layer correctly, etc. These questions simply disappear.

What is known

From blocks of paired ceramics, you can build a single-layer wall with satisfactory heat-saving properties for a moderate and warm climate.

But in the cold regions, a single-layer wall of blocks cannot provide the necessary heat insulation.

There it is necessary (it becomes more profitable) to build two-layer walls in which the carrier layer is covered with insulation.

Heat-saving properties of ceramic blocks

Reducing the thermal conductivity in products from the picked ceramics is achieved due to the presence of a plurality of closed cavities with air. The production of ceramic blocks is largely similar to the manufacture of ordinary brick, but components are added to the material, which in the firing burn, forming pores.

From such a mass form hollow blocks and bricks with large internal cavities. As a result, the thermal conductivity coefficient of the ceramic block is 0.15 - 0.17 W / MK, and for the hollow brick - 0.2 W / MK.

Humidity affects these values, but to a much lesser extent than for aerated concrete blocks, which have less porosity, and the number of pores is greater.

How to make warm all the masonry and wall

Ceramic blocks of high accuracy of manufacture, with an inaccuracy of size in height not more than 1 mm (polished), can be laid on a thin layer of glue or on a special adhesive foam.

In these cases, the thermal conductivity coefficient of the finished masonry from ceramic blocks is not significantly increased compared to the blocks themselves.

The masonry and wall may lose the possible heat-saving properties, unless applied a conventional heavy solution with a thick layer. Then the resulting large-scale bridges of cold, simply level the achievements of warm ceramics.

Selection of blocks and thermal lines

Blocks are usually produced in length 25, 38, 44 and 51 cm. They are laid across the wall, the embossed side surface to neighboring blocks. Then the wall thickness is equal to the length of the block.

Consider an example. For the region of Moscow, the required resistance of the heat transfer of the walls of the house is at least 3.15 m2 * K / W. Approximately the same value in masonry from ceramic blocks with a thickness of 51 cm made on the heat-saving solution or on glue.

But if you apply a conventional cement-lime solution, then the heat transfer resistance of the wall will be 2.7 - 2.8 m2 * K / W.

For the construction of private houses up to 3 floors in a non-cool climate, it is more profitable to use blocks instead of bricks, the laying of which is more expensive and much colder.

Reduce the number of good blocks

Vertical seams between blocks with a puzzle side surface with a solution are not filled. Their filling is necessary in the case of the use of good blocks with even edges or bricks.

A large number of such blocks can be in the corners, wall bends, near the openings.
If the vertical seams are filled with a solution between the blocks the thermal conductivity of the wall will increase. The number of such places needs to be minimized.

Projects of houses from ceramic blocks include multiple multi-block distances, so the use of good minimizes.
To increase the heat maintenance, it is recommended to build a house in accordance with the project.

What size ceramic blocks choose

The wall of ceramic blocks with unfilled vertical seams should be placed on both sides to reduce air permeal.

Outside, only a special vapor-permeable plaster layer. You can further increase the heat-saving properties of the wall, if you apply a warm layer from 4 cm with a thick stucco outside.

The technology at which the wall of ceramic blocks is placed by hollow facade bricks. The laying is carried out without leaving the air gap. The wall thickness increases at least 12 cm. In this case, slightly and thermal insulation characteristics increase.

Therefore, for the southern regions and in Ukraine, ceramic blocks 38 cm long (masonry thickness 38 cm) are used outside the plastered layer outside warm plaster 4 -7 cm, or covered with hollow facade bricks. Such a wall will have satisfactory heat saving properties for regions with soft winters.

Expedient Width of the Wall

If the resistance of the heat transfer of the walls will be lower than the recommendations of SNiP 23.02.2003, then fill the shortage and lead the general heat loss of the building in accordance with the requirements of the standards, it is possible by increasing the warming of other building structures, in accordance with the design solutions.

It should be borne in mind that the wide wall places increased requirements for strength and sizes to the foundation.

The wall of the blocking ceramics can be wider than the base of no more than 20%, and up to 30% when confirmed by the calculation of the strength in the project.

The wall of ceramics is wider than 63 cm (51 + 12), it is not economically profitable to build, as a significant amount of expensive will be spent on insulation durable material (Personal ceramics) in which there is no need for the requirements of strength.

Actually this is a condition for the transition to the construction of two-layer walls with a narrow bearing layer in the northern regions.

The design of the insulation of a wall of ceramblocks, thermal insulation activities in various places of masonry

In the wall of ceramic blocks, reinforced concrete and metal structural elements are embedded, which have much greater thermal conductivity than the wall itself, so they are necessarily fencing from the street with an additional layer of insulation.

  • Over the windows or doorways Rigels are installed - reinforced concrete beams jumpers. These are standard elements specially designed for openings in wide Walls. From the outdoor, they are protected by at least 10 cm layer of mineral wool and a thin layer of ceramics.
  • Overlapping on the floors and bar Maurylalat for the roof should be based on the reinforced concrete frame made as a solid design over all carrion walls at the floor level, and evenly distributing loads on the walls. This reinforced concrete frame (concrete belt) is protected by the street at least 10 cm tempered by mineral wool hard insulation and voluntary ceramic blocks.
  • Internal bearing walls are tied with masonry with outer walls. The blocks of the inner walls from the street are fencing similarly.
  • Reinforced concrete base on which carrying walls are based on (the laying of ceramic blocks can only be restored on the monolithic ribbon foundation sufficient rigidity according to the project), the extruded polystyrene foam is protected from the outside (usually at least 8 cm thick according to the calculation) or a foam glass with a thickness of 12 cm.

How to heat the walls from blocks in a cold climate

In the cold climate, the walls of the raised ceramics of reasonable thickness cannot satisfy the requirements for heat saving, therefore, they must be isolated by an additional (second) layer of insulation.

At the same time, the carrier layer of the recipient ceramics is made relatively not wide, usually the width of the masonry is from 25 cm. A more vapor-permeable layers of insulation from mineral wool or a low-density aerated concrete layers are used as a heater for blocks.

The use of steam-eyed materials - foam plastic, polystyrene extruded, foam glass, creates the risks of wetting the most carrier wall.

What insulation apply

The following insulation are used for insulation of walls from ceramic blocks.

  • Hard plates of mineral wool density from 125 kg / m cube and more. They stick to the masonry, it is placed on top with a thin layer of steam transparent plaster.
  • Flexible mineral wool plates with a density of 45 - 80 kg / m cubic meters. They are placed under the facade trim, covered with parodiffusion membrane, are additionally attached to dowels.
  • Rigid plates of a commercial density of 100 - 200 kg / m cubic meter.

Recently, learned to make a low-density autoclave gas-container with a thermal conductivity coefficient of 0.05 - 0.06 W / IOC and sufficient structural strength, class B1.0 (compressive strength from 10 kg / m3, ParPromation coefficient of 0.28 mg / (m * Year * PA).

How to make insulation

The plates are placed by masonry on the foundation (starting bar) and glued to the carrying layer, plastering with a steam milling plaster with a fiberglass mesh.

These insulation can be bred by ceramic bricks with leaving the ventilation gap, while the wall will be already three-layer, since the layer of brick will be self-supported, relies on the foundation.

Between the insulation and brick facing, the ventilation gap is left and an upward air movement is provided by analogy with a ventilated facade.

When choosing a heater for walls from ceramic blocks, the main factor remains the durability of the material.

For hard mineral wool plates from famous manufacturers The service life of 35 years is established. But for aerated concrete blocks, this figure is greater. Therefore, recently, aerated concrete becomes a weighty alternative to mineral wad.

Since the basis for which the first number of blocks is postponed is never smooth, then the first row is put on the leveling layer.
To begin with the surface of the base, a thin layer of waterproof solution is applied to the surface area of \u200b\u200bthe future masonry. Then rolls the layer rolled waterproofing, observing the rule - flush with the surface of the future external Wall and 2 - 3 centimeter release inside, under the inner walls the release is arranged from two sides.
The next step is caused a thicker layer of a masonry solution, which is aligned to ensure a single level. Before installing blocks, a thin layer of pure cement should be applied to the surface of the leveling layer. It will not allow the slotted block to be immersed in a relatively soft solution, which will be reduced. pre-work on the preparation of the leveling layer.
After preparatory work Embed to the installation of angular blocks, applying the level and rubber image. Next, the distance between the angles is measured, and the first number of blocks is fully laid out, and the blocks are not allowed, each block along the direction of the groove ridge is moved from above.
After the masonry of the entire perimeter, the wall of the work is stopped for 12 hours. And begins again with the installation of angular blocks. The position of each block is checked with a level and guide of the lace, the position is corrected using rubber Cyanika. It is also necessary to check the vertical masonry level and plumb.
If necessary, it is possible to give blocks the necessary size using a saber saw or a type of alligator type, more about this in the article How to cut ceramic blocks.
Bringing the outer wall with inner walls and partitions is performed using steel perforated anchors laid in the pastel seam of each second row.
So that in the future the load from the overlap is not transferred to partitions, it is important to comply with the rule - non-carrier walls must be 1-2 cm. Below the bearing walls. In the future, the gap can be filled with mounting foam.
Every day, at the end of the work, it is necessary to cover the masonry of the slot blocks with tarpaulin or by observing films, otherwise, in case of rain, the voids of the invoked blocks will be filled with water.