What is better: brick or aerated concrete. Personal brick or aerated concrete: Select the wall material Comparative characteristics of bricks aerated concrete blocks

The construction of any building requires the selection of high-quality and reliable materials. Most builders concerns a dilemma: brick or aerated concrete? Each material has its pros and cons who are worth knowing.

The process of the construction of walls is a complex and painstaking work, because the service life of the building depends on the choice of material and the quality of its laying. Among many builders, the question of choosing a wall stone is often faced. The main types of stone will be brick or aerated concrete blocks.

Brick properties and its types

The building materials market is ready to offer several brick options today. Each of the products is suitable for different needs. For example, silicate brick is very popular among summer residents and lovers. His low price makes it suitable option For the construction of walls country houses and garages. The use of silicate brick is unacceptable when erecting furnaces, foundations and fireplaces. This type of product is only suitable for external arrangement, as well as internal interior walls.

Ceramic brick should be selected. It is suitable for building any objects. It is produced by firing various clay species, which allows him to be quite fire-resistant. Ceramic, as well as silicate brick, is full and hollow. The second form is significantly cheaper due to the presence of voids, but is characterized by low heat-saving indicators.

Attention! When the brick wall is erected, it is necessary to think about the laying of thermal insulation. It is better to use special plates with thermal insulation material.

Facing brick, although it is designed to decorate objects, but it can often be used to build walls. In addition to the described types of bricks, you can allocate double, clinker and chammed stone. The latter is considered refractory and perfectly suitable for building stoves. The stove from such a stone heats up quite slowly, but it is capable of giving heat for a long time, which allows air in the room to remain comfortable.

Features and benefits of aerated concrete

The block of is one of the types of cellular concrete. The gas-concrete unit is obtained by curing under the action of pressure in the autoclave. It consists of a mixture of cement, quartz sand, ordinary lime, aluminum and water powders. All components are pre-mixed and loaded into the autoclave. The autoclave is the formation of foam and curing. The main advantage of aerated concrete before foam concrete is the possibility of obtaining a product with a predetermined set of properties and quality characteristics. From aerated concrete today, wall blocks, overlapping plates, steps for stairs are produced.

Advantages of aerated concrete:

    The natural nature of the material (in the manufacture of the unit only natural components apply);


    High thermal insulation indicators allow you to save on additional insulation;

    Easy to handle;

    Has low weight;

    Characterized by high bearing capacity and vapor permeability;

    Resistant to negative air temperature;

    Characterized by different density;

    Inexpensive building material.

Aerated concrete is divided into structural (grade D 700), heat-insulating (grade D 500 - D 600) and structural-heat insulating (D 400). Figures indicate density indicators. For the construction of the house it is worth choosing blocks with a good carrier and thermal insulation capacity. Such requirements correspond to blocks of cellular concrete obtained in the autoclave, the brand D 500. From such a block, you can build a house with a height of up to three floors. The carrying capacity of such a brand of concrete is able to withstand the load of the entire house and some slabs of overlapping.

To plain plate The overlap could not cut off the wall from the aerated concrete unit. It is worth further to create a reinforced belt or lay the reinforced concrete pillow.

Due to the ability of blocks to absorption moisture open use No additional protection is not recommended. If you need a frost-resistant block, then the material should be selected with high density indicators. The presence of lime in the block contributes to the development of corrosion processes in metal elements, therefore, it is better to use fiberglass as fittings, and the pipes of choosing polyethylene or polypropylene.

Comparative characteristic of brick-alend concrete

A comparison of various indicators will allow you to determine why aerated concrete is better than brick or whether to give preference to a traditional ceramic or gas-silicate option. The following indicators will be checked:

    compressive strength;

    wall mass;

    water absorption coefficient;

    coefficient of thermal conductivity;

    frost resistance;

    fire resistance.

The first point will be the determination of the strength to compress the building material. This value will show which weight is able to withstand a brick or aerated concrete. The indicator affects the strength of the entire design of the "box". For ceramic brick This value is 110-220 kg / cm2, for aerated concrete - 25-50 kg / cm2. The disintegration in the values \u200b\u200bis quite large. For single-storey buildings, you can use a wall unit for two-storey houses With plates of overlapping, it is still building walls from ordinary ceramic bricks. Of course, you can build bearing walls from aerated concrete blocks, but then you need to additionally reinitive blocks in the corners, places of door, window openings.

Tip! To be confident in choosing a material for the "box", you should contact the designer to calculate the exemplary load on the wall of your home.

Conducting a comparison by such a parameter as the mass of the wall, even without testing it is noticeable that the aerated concrete is lighter than bricks. Wall weight affects the choice of the foundation type. The smaller the weight of the wall, the smaller the load will be subject to the foundation. For brick walls, monolithic or ordinary ribbon foundation. For walls from aerated concubop, you can build a columnar or fine-breeding belt foundation, provided that the building under construction will be small and one-storey.

When comparing the thermal conductivity coefficient of two materials, aerated concrete is won. Its value of the thermal conductivity coefficient is almost 4 times less than that of the brick. This saves on thermal insulation materials. Due to the high thermal conductivity of bricks, it is recommended to build brick walls One meter thick, and aerated wall-concrete walls - 0.5 meters.

The value of the water absorption coefficient will show how the material is able to absorb, and also hold water. The indicator for aerated concrete is one and a half times more, which makes it possible to determine that the walls from aerated concrete are facing.

The frost resistance of the building material shows how many freeze-defrost cycles withstands the stone. For brick, the value is 50-100 cycles, for aerated concrete - 50. Despite the values, the walls of both materials are needed in additional thermal insulation.

The degree of resistance to the effects of fire in the conditions of a fire in a brick, aerated concrete blocks are the same. They belong to the first grade of fire resistance. Such an indicator indicates the ability of walls to resist fire within 2.5 hours.

What better aerated concrete or brick?

After bringing the comparative characterization, many builders have remained the same question. or brick? If you build a house in several floors using slabs of overlapping, it is worth staying on brick walls. In case of construction of a bath, a cottage house, a two-story house with wooden overlapping Or a garage, you can use a fuel-concrete block. In thermal insulation, both materials are needed, as in the facade facing. According to the standards of the walls of the bricks, there should be a thickness of aerated concrete, but in practice no one builds meter brick walls. There is a question about the cost of building materials, the cubic meter wall block From the aerated concrete will be much cheaper than the "cube" of the brick. When choosing between brick and aerated concrete, the time spent on the wall laying should also be taken into account. Blocks are larger in size and put much faster.

The above material will help determine why the aerated concrete is better than any kind of brick and in what cases it is still worth using a brick-tested time.

Each wishes to build own house I had to make a choice of building materials. Someone recommended to acquire a brick, someone liked the aerated concrete elements, there were those who recommended combining both material.

Under the construction of the box What is better - brick or aerated concrete? To find the right answer to the question, it is necessary to study the features and characteristic differences specified materials. The fact is that even professional masters do not have a general opinion.

Each species is characterized by positive and negative moments that are recommended to be considered.

Characteristics of bricks

Before choosing "Brick - aerated concrete", consider the characteristics of the first of the materials. It is an eco-friendly, has a sufficient level of strength, a long period is able to be operated.

The building built of bricks is like not less than a hundred years.

It uses reinforced concrete slabs as overlappings for such walls, allowing the premises of large sizes and build multi-storey objects.

Two types of brick material are known - silicate and ceramic.

The first option is made of sand, lime and water. Production forms filled with raw materials are placed in the autoclave installation and are burned under pressure.

A silicate material made on the basis of technology is characterized by a large density value, durability and ability to resist cold and atmospheric precipitation.

Ceramic brick material is made of clay. The burning is carried out in the temperature chambers, the strength of the material and frost resistance depend on it.

Ceramic brick happens:

Characteristic of aerated concrete

A comparison of brick and aerated concrete is possible only if all the features of the blocks are known. To date, they have become popular in the construction sector.

For production use:

  • quartz sand;
  • powder aluminum;
  • cement;
  • lime Neganese;
  • water.

Some manufacturers, seeking to increase income, mix slag, ash and other production waste into the initial raw materials.

In the process of manufacturing, the components are mixed, water is added, and the finished mass is bottled in forms. Due to water and aluminum, a reaction occurs, the result of which numerous pores are considered. The mixture is increased in volumes at this time, it begins to harden. Billets are cut into blocks and sent to autoclave plants to impart final strength.

The porosity of the structure allows thermal insulation qualities several times to exceed the brick material. Light blocks, so the wall of brick and aerated concrete will be the most successful choice.

Aerated concrete blocks are characterized by good sound insulation ability. Its characteristics the material is similar to wood - breathes, keeps heat, is environmentally safe.

Advantages and disadvantages

For the final choice between brick or aerated concrete, it is recommended to compare their positive and negative qualities.

Silicate brick material is different:

  • environmental purity;
  • excellent sound insulation properties;
  • resistance to low temperature regime;
  • long service life;
  • an assortment of color shades, which allows it to be used as finishing raw materials.

Disadvantage - low level of resistance to water and high temperatures.

The material does not apply in the construction of furnaces, wells, chimneys, foundation grounds, fireplaces.

Ceramic brick is well opposed to frosts, protects against foreign horses. Its advantages include low moisture absorption, high-quality adhesion to plastering and putty layers. The material is durable, confronts the impacts of an external nature, has many textured and color solutions.

It is expensive. For this reason, the question is that cheaper, brick or aerated concrete, does not even occur.

When conducting facing work The brick used should be from one batch.

Aerated concrete blocks are characterized by environmental cleanliness, the ability to maintain heat and protect against extraneous noise. The material is durable, the shrinkage does not give, it is easy to handle.

As minuses, fragility and ability to absorb water are noted. Blocks are recommended to use in low-rise objects, since load bearing capacity Brick and aerated concrete is significantly different.

Difference of bricks from aerated concrete

To finally decide what is better, aerated concrete or brick for building a house, you need to compare these materials.

Compression strength

This parameter will determine the strength of the facility under construction and the maximum load that walls can withstand. For brick, this value is from 110 to 220 kg per see quarter. And aerated concrete can boast only an indicator of 25 - 50. From here it is concluded that the foam block for the construction of the bearing wall is not suitable.

The ability to conduct heat

The thickness of the wall from the brick material should be at least fifty centimeters. This will be enough to heat insulation within the normal range. To enhance this parameter, it is allowed to arrange a thermal layer.

Block walls with a similar effect have a fortyxantimeter thickness. And if you have to live in the regions with cold climatic conditions, it is better to understand which house is better, from aerated concrete or brick, you can no problem.

Resistance to reduced temperatures

This value is characterized by the ability of the building material to maintain its initial properties with numerous freezing and defrosting cycles and is able high humidity.

Brick resists with sharp temperature fluctuations up to five dozen cycles, for aerated concrete This indicator is 25 - 30 periods. It turns out that in this respect brick serves longer.

Moisture absorption

This parameter determines the duration of the operating period of the object. With a significant absorption, water accumulates in the pores, the fungus and mold appear.

For a gas-concrete block, this indicator is 100%, the brick can boast a value of 6 to 14%.

Lower the absorption of water by the block possible, separating the surface of the walls waterproofing material and plastering.

Construction work of this nature is carried out exclusively with dry weather.

Fire resistance

All the materials under consideration refer to the group of non-combustible with the assignment of class A.


The aerated concrete blocks of this characteristic are susceptible, from which cracks may appear on the walls of the walls. For a brick wall, this phenomenon is not typical if a solid foundation base has been prepared.

Weight cubic masonry meter

The mass of the building is the determining parameter in selecting the species and parameters of the foundation base. The walls erected from the brick material by weight significantly exceed the aerated concrete counterparts, so the base for them will differ in massiveness.

The brickwork in 1 meter cubic has an effort equal to 1.2 - 2 tons, for a gas-concrete unit, this figure is 0.2 - 0.9 t. It turns out that with the same size of the building, the object from the foam block is easier to brick buildings at six - ten times.

So, what is better, a house of brick or aerated concrete? Blocks are better stored heat, vapor permeability. However, the brick material is characterized by compressive strength, wins resistant to water and low temperatures. Consequently, its operating period is much more.

However, a house of aerated concrete or brick is only for you. The fact is that the shortcomings of the blocks are removed by a qualitative facing, preventing the process of wetting. In addition, a wet aerated concrete keeps the heat.

The blocks differ in large sizes, which allows you to build the box quickly, and the geometry of the material is better. Only seams between block rows should be done thin to reduce heat loss.

If a house is built from aerated concrete blocks, reinforcement is recommended. For brickwork, this feature is not characteristic.

It suggests that the conclusion is assumed that the unambiguous solution to the problematic question associated with the choice of material is not.

Source: http://betonov.com/vidy-betona/sravnenie/kirpich-chto-gazobeton-chto-luchshe.html.

Brick or aerated concrete: We choose the material for the construction of the house

The choice of material for the construction of the house is the case responsible. It is important to take into account all the features of the components used so that in the house it was warm, dry and comfortable. Next, we will compare brick and aerated concrete and identify the main features of these materials in order to understand which of the materials is better suitable for the construction of the walls.

Production and size

The first indicator, according to which the comparison, the size of the building elements and the material of their manufacture.


Ceramic brick produce from natural clay by molding and firing. To manufacture the silicate element, up to 90% of quartz sand, a 10% mixture of lime and water are used.

Ceramics has high strength and frost resistance, especially if there are pores and emptiness in the product. The characteristics affects the grade clay, time and firing temperature. Silicate brick is a popular material for the construction of residential buildings up to 5 floors, it is similar to ceramic on operational qualities, but less presentable externally and does not particularly like moisture.

Aerated concrete block

For the manufacture of aerated concrete blocks, they take quartz sand, cement, water, lime and powder aluminum. After mixing the components of aluminum, interacting with water and pitching, begins to highlight hydrogen, forming pores in the body body.


The following parameter is the performance indicators. It is them that takes into account when designing the future at home. Personged brick or aerated concrete to choose for construction? Compare Characteristics:

The characteristics of the materials may vary depending on the size of the elements: the aerated concrete blocks have a different shape and a wide dimensional line. Bricks are full and hollow, single, one-time, double. This affects the dimensions and mass of products.

What is warmer: brick or aerated concrete?

This is an important parameter on which the wall thickness depends, the need for additional insulation. As can be seen from the table, the lowest thermal conductivity of the gas-concrete block is 0.1 W / m * p. This means that the element is almost not carved, the losses are extremely insignificant.

This makes the material to the leader among the components of the carrier exterior walls. Ceramic brick has an average thermal conductivity value - to 0.4. This figure depends on the structure of the unit: full of white saves heat worse than porous and hollow.

An independent wall without additional insulation should have a thickness of at least 510 or 640 mm.


Third, but the decisive parameter for comparison is the price of materials.

The average cost of 1 m³ of ceramic bricks - from 3500 rubles.

Aerated concrete unit can be bought from 2500 rubles.

The question is brewing: why from aerated concrete cheaper than to build a house from a brick?

The price is due to several factors:

  • Brick is a small piece material in comparison with large blocks. Its production requires high costs for firing, molding bricks takes longer.
  • The thermal conductivity of aerated concrete and brick causes the second factor - concrete blocks less paste the heated air, respectively, the thickness of the walls is less brick, less material is required;
  • Labor costs. The construction of the house from small blocks requires more time malanted solution, forces and verification. Therefore, the cost of laying a cubic meter of the wall reaches 100% of the cubic meter price of the brick. With a gas-block, the designs are folded faster, the solution is less, the cost of installation is an order of magnitude lower.


What to choose: a house of brick or aerated concrete - what is better?

It is better not, there are different features. Both materials have the right to exist, they consist of environmentally friendly components and are safe in use. It should be borne in mind that the thickness of the wall of ceramics without additional thermal insulation is 510 ... 640 mm, and this is a large load.

The foundation should be solid, it increases the cost of construction. On the other hand, the aerated concrete without finishing looks inactively and collapsed over time. Rationally combine the tandem of both these material: the block serves as the basis that keeps heat, and the brick is facing the facade.

Source: http://stroikadialog.ru/articles/stenovoi_komplekt1/kirpich_ili_gazobeton_sravnenie.

Brick or gas chamber: What is better to build a house?

To date, two types of bricks are used in construction: ceramic and silicate. Raw materials for the production of silicate brick serve quartz sand, lime and water. Brick forms are loaded into the autoclave and are exposed to thermal processing - exposure to high pressure of saturated water vapor at a temperature of about 200 degrees.

It is necessary to approach the choice of material seriously, the final form of the structure depends on the material.

Made of lime and sand using technology, long ago famous humanity, silicate brick is an environmentally friendly building material having good sound insulation.

Silicate brick in comparison with ceramic has a greater density, and in terms of strength and frost resistance left far behind the existing brand of lung concrete.

It is enough to say that the builders give a guarantee of 50 years and more on the walls of the walls.

At the same time, buildings from silicate brick are unpretentious and resistant to nature whims. The walls laid out of it retain their color for a long time except when they are subjected to long-term exposure to high humidity.

It should be noted that with all its advantages, silicate brick has a low water and heat resistance, so it cannot be used in the construction of foundations, sewage wells, as well as furnaces and chimneys.

One of the most durable and frost-resistant building materials today.

The burned (ceramic) brick in the construction of housing was used by humanity already in the III-II Millennium BC. In Russia, burned brick is used since the end of the 20th century. During this time, he passed a long way from an exotic stranger to a proven and reliable assistant.

It is clear that at the beginning of its path, he was significantly different from a well-known brick today. The technology of its manufacturing was updated in accordance with the requirements of time, and no wonder today around the world builders appreciate the brick for greater strength and durability.

The raw material for the production of ceramic bricks is an ordinary clay. Depending on its composition - natural or artificially saturated - make various types of ceramic bricks. Clay burn in drying chamber.

Firing technology (fluctuation of moisture moisture, temperature fluctuations, firing duration) are developed for each clay individually.

It is from the firing temperature and its duration dependent strength and frost resistance of the finished brick.

A significant disadvantage of brick is its small size, which increases the construction time.

Ceramic brick is divided into ordinary (its production technology is described above) and facial, which is manufactured by special technology, due to which additional strength and striking resistance to adverse effects are acquired ambient.

Both types of ceramic bricks have significant frost resistance, high strength and stability.

A ceramic brick made of clay is an environmentally friendly building material, it absorbs moisture a little, and in cases where this happens, quickly dries and does not give in to deformation.

And he has a high density, which allows it to withstand significant loads, and is a fairly good soundproofer.

Specificity of aerated concrete

Gasoblock (or aerated concrete) in last years became one of the most popular building materials. He has a number of advantages, but before talking about his advantages, let's figure it out in the fact that the gasoblock is.

The small weight of aerated concrete will save on the foundation design.

Aerated concrete is a kind of cellular concrete, artificial material with evenly placed on the body by balloons.

An ordinary gas-block consists of quartz sand, aluminum powder, lime, cement and water. Some manufacturers add production to this composition: ash, slags, etc.

What significantly reduces the cost of production, but ultimately adversely affects quality.

Aerated concrete production technology is simple: the composition is mixed with water and poured into the form. In this case, the gas formator (aluminum powder) with water react with lime.

The consequence of this reaction is the release of hydrogen, which forms pores. Due to this, the mixture rises like yeast dough, after which she hardens.

The resulting mass is cut into blocks, which then "reach" under pressure in the autoclave.

As a construction material of the gasoblock is sufficiently young - the first successful experience of the production of aerated concrete was carried out 85 years ago. Due to its porous structure, the gasoblock has high thermal insulation qualities.

These properties are several times higher than that of bricks and heavy concrete. According to mine physical properties The gas chamber is similar to the tree: environmentally friendly, breathable and warm material. It, like a tree, is pretty easy to cut, drill, etc.

At the same time, aerated concrete (in contrast to the tree) is resistant to rotting and fire-resistant.

The finely porous structure of the aerated concrete creates a good sound insulation of the walls.

The gasoblock is a fairly durable building material that allows for building buildings and structures. From gasoblocks you can build a building with different thickness Walls and with different thermal conductivity. But at the same time it should be borne in mind that the buildings are above three floors to build entirely from gas blocks.

The average gasoblock weighs about 22 kg, while its size is several times more than the size of the brick. For comparison: the volume of the brick volume will weigh about 64 kg.

At the same time, a cellular aerated concrete 10 times better brickand absorbs the sound, in connection with which the need for additional sound insulation is eliminated.

Aerated concrete (as well as brick) - the material is not a combustible, not emitting toxic elements in the fire.

Comparative technical characteristics of brick and aerated concrete

The strength of compressiveness for ceramic brick is 110-120 kg / cm2;, for gas-blocks - 25-50 kg / cm2;.

Mass of 1 m3; Walls brick - 1200-2000 kg, gas block - 200-900 kg.

Acquaintance with the table presented in the photo will allow you to navigate in the choice of material.

The thermal conductivity for brickwork is 0.32-0.46 W / mk, for masonry from gas blocks - 0.09-0.12 W / mk.

Frost resistance: Brick - 75-100 cycles, gasoblock - 50 cycles.

Water absorption for brickwork - 8-12% by weight, for aerated concrete - 20% by weight.

Fire resistance: Brickwork - 1 (lower) class, masonry made of gas blocks - 1 class.

Product size: Brick - 65x120x250 mm, gasoblock - 200x300x600 mm.

Weight: for bricks - 1800 kg / m3;, for aerated concrete - 400 kg / m3;.

Quantity: Brick - 380 pcs / m3;, gasoblock - 28 pcs / m3;.

Knowing these characteristics, it is possible to determine with greater accuracy, whether the material you have chosen is suitable for the construction of your home.

It is logical that there is a big difference between the two-storey residential mansion in the north and summer cottage in the south.

To finally clarify this issue, consider each indicator and how it will affect the strength, stability and durability of the house built.

Coefficient of strength to compress

A wide selection of forms and sizes of aerated concrete will make it easy to choose the option required for the construction of any part of the building.

The strength of the house is directly dependent on the compressive strength directly. The more floors in the house under construction and the heavier interhesive floors, the indicator of the compression strength should be higher.

Suppose you want to build a two-storey cottage with basement. The height of each floor is 2.5 m. Interlets are made of reinforced concrete plates.

In this case, the outer (carriers) walls must be performed only from the brick, because it will easily endure weight carriers and laid on them between the interlentication. But the walls from aerated concrete the same load will hardly be solved, cracks can go on the walls.

But self-supporting (such that transmit only its own weight) and non-carriers (for example, interior partitions) The walls in this example can be built from both bricks and gas block.

It is necessary to emphasize that it is possible to determine the weight that the carrier wall, "on the eye" you can only approximately. So that you have absolute confidence in the correctness of the material selection, when designing a house, let the task of your designer make the necessary calculations.

Wall mass coefficient

The feature of the foam block is lightweight, which will allow you to adjust its size for any needs.

Such an indicator as the mass of the wall determines the weight that is transmitted by the foundation of the wall and inter-storey overlap. From the correct definition of this indicator, the type of foundation of the house under construction directly depends.

Of the above comparative characteristics, it can be seen that the mass of the brick exceeds a lot of aerated concrete 20 times.

Hence the logical conclusion: the foundation for brick walls should be done more durable, therefore, more expensive than under the walls of gas blocks.

Unlike the brick, the aerated concrete absorbs moisture, so it should be plastered.

The thermal conductivity coefficient determines the body's ability to pass through itself heat. Than he is above heat insulating properties The material is worse. Of the above comparative characteristics, it can be seen that the thermal conductivity coefficient of the brick is higher than that of the gasoblock, almost four times.

In practice, in modern construction The masonry of the brick wall is rarely more than 25 cm, and to reduce the thermal conductivity of the brick, use more internal and external thermal insulation materialsthan when the walls of gas blocks are erected.

Water absorption coefficient

The absorption coefficient is determined by the ability of the material to choose water and hold it inside. Water absorption worsens the properties of the material, reduces its strength.

From comparative characteristics it is clear that the gas supply is absorbed by 1.5 times more moisture than the brick.

In practice, this means that additional protection is needed to the outer walls from the gasoblock, and it is necessary to facilitate the facade of the house.

The coefficient of frost resistance

The frost resistance of the material shows the ability of a wet material to maintain strength when alternating freezing cycles and thawing. Of the comparative characteristics, it can be seen that the coefficient of frost resistance in the brick is higher than that of the aerated concrete, therefore, built from aerated concrete buildings, additional insulation and insulation from temperature drops are necessary.

Fire resistance coefficient

Both brick and aerated concrete have a high class of fire resistance and are able to withstand open fire at least 2.5 hours.

Fire resistance coefficient is the ability of the material to resist the impact of high temperature.

Simply put, this indicator shows what time the design of this material collapses in a fire.

In accordance with the current fireproof standards and brick, and the gasoblock refer to the first grade of fire resistance and have a reserve of time to fight fire at least 2.5 hours.

Finally, one more important moment. In our consciousness, a persistent belief is formed that good house You can build only bricks. And the confirmation of this is the stored several centuries and the buildings perfectly preserved to this day.

Of course, traditions, including in construction, is wonderful, but at the same time do not forget that time does not stand still, and that once a brick was also a newcomer in construction. Modern technologies allow you to build houses faster, easier, cheaper.

The main thing is that the use of new building materials was not a tribute to fashion, but a thoughtful and suspended solution.

Brick or aerated concrete: What is better?

In fact, one brick is 13 times less than one gasoblock, and weighs 3-4 times more. 1 m³ of masonry from aerated concrete Weighs 400 kg, and the same volume of brickwork - 1800 kg. In practice, it means that on the trampling of the box of the house from the gasoblocks will be twice as much as the time than for the trampling of the brick box.

What is better to build your home? This is an exceptional choice, and no one will do it for you. But it can be eased, carefully examined all the advantages and disadvantages of the other material. Here is a brief summary of our study:

  1. Good gasobel cheaper than good brick. Besides found today good brick - The task is archent.
  2. Ceramic brick as a building material for about 500 years; The gasoblock in construction is used not more than 80 years. As saved brick buildings, built 100-200 years ago, well known. How to behave at the same time the building from aerated concrete, no one knows yet.
  3. According to the technical characteristics of the gasoblock, the warmer brick. 40 cm Masonry from a gas block covering by brick does not need additional insulation, 60 cm brickwork such insulation requires.
  4. Although the heat supply heat transfer is significantly better bricks, but the brick is significantly better in heat capacity. Simply put, in insulated brick house The heat will stay longer in the walls, slower going out.
  5. Brick carrying capacity is higher than the gasoblock. But the time for brickwork requires significantly more. Yes, and plaster on the brick wall will go much more than the same wall made of gas block.

What out of all of what is said suggests? Give an unambiguous answer, which is better - brick or aerated concrete - almost impossible. In one case, you can only use brick, in the other - only a gasoblock, in the third - both brick and gasoblock. But from what kind of material your home is built, it is important that he gives his warm and comfort to you and your loved ones.

Source: https://1pokirpichy.ru/vidy/gazoblok-ili-kirpich.html

Aerated concrete or brick?

During the construction of the house you need to determine which material will be built from the walls. At the same time, the building should be durable, reliable, and construction - inexpensive. Most often for these purposes, brick and aerated concrete are used. Before you decide, choose a brick or aerated concrete, consider the features of each building material.

Features of bricks and varieties

Brick is distinguished by high ecology, durability, durability. For its manufacture, natural materials are used, such as water, lime and quartz sand (for silicate) or clay (for a ceramic product). For the manufacture of species, materials with different dispersion is used, from which the strength of the finished product depends.

Brick features high strength and maximum service life. In terms of cost, it is more expensive than aerated concrete.

To obtain a material, lime and sand or clay are mixed with water. After pre-drying, the production is made by firing. The process is quite complicated and durable. From how correctly it will be chosen and accurately withstand the firing temperature and in the drying chamber, the mechanical properties (strength and frost resistance) of the product obtained will depend on.

Classification for silicate and ceramic is made according to the main component of the mixture used for manufacture. Both of these species can be both ordinary and passable, that is, with slots.

The rapid brick is as close as possible by some indicators to the aerated concrete. It is used to masonry internal and outer walls, carrying boxes of the building and rebuilding, as a finishing or intermediate building material. Features of the hollow ceramic product - low weight, environmental friendliness and high strength characteristics.


Silicate material is characterized by greater density, soundproofing, durability, frost resistance, wear resistance. For these parameters, the product exceeds ceramic and block building materials.

For the manufacture of silicate stone, a mixture of 9 volumes of quartz sand is used for one volume of air lime. The composition in semi-dry form is pressed into the form and is burned in an autoclave at 170-200 ⁰C and 8-12 atmospheric pressure. To increase resistance to external influencesFor staining or resistance to alkali of the finished product, special impurities are added to the mixture.

Scope of application:

  • construction and decoration of bearing walls and self-supporting partitions;
  • facing the outer parts of chimneys and furnaces;
  • laying of fences;
  • sealing niches and openings.

Dimensional classification of standard bricks:

  • single - 25 x 12 x 6.5 cm;
  • double (M150) - 25 x 12 x 13.8 cm.

Brick different marks The frost resistance of F15-F50 is characteristic, thermal conductivity - 0.39-0.60 W / m C, density - 1330-1890 kg / m3. Silicat is not placed. If for any reason it is necessary, it is applied to the silicate masonry special composition, after drying which the plaster layer is applied.

Advantages of silicate:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • good sound insulation qualities;
  • high frost resistance;
  • durability (the facades made from it can serve up to 50 years);
  • a large assortment color Gamma. and invoices that expands the scope of use as a finishing material.

The disadvantages of silicate is low moisture resistance and instability to high temperatures. Therefore, such material is not used as the main furnaces, fireplaces, wells, chimneys and underground foundations.


Scope of application of ceramic products:

  • masonry and facing of bearing walls and self-supporting partitions;
  • the structure of chimneys, stoves;
  • laying of fences;
  • construction of foundations;
  • sealing openings, niche.

When combining aerated concrete, the ceramic stone serves as the basis of the design. Color saturation, shape and texture, strength, refractory, resistance to weathering and the durability of ceramic products depend on its type and method of production.

The required degree of sintering form is achieved at 8-15 hours of firing under conditions of constant temperatures in the range of 900-1150 0s. The temperature is selected depending on the grade of clay. After the firing, the ceramic product is slowly cooled. Density finished material - 1950kg / m3.

When using manual forming, this value reaches 2000kg / m3.

Types of ceramic brick:

  • facial or facing;
  • private or construction.

The sizes of the ordinary product differ in the thickness of the product:

  • single - 25 x 12 x 6.5 cm;
  • half - 25 x 12 x 8.8 cm;
  • double - 25 x 12 x 10.3 cm.


  • high frost resistance;
  • increased sound insulation;
  • the low degree of water absorption (in the usual - 14%, in ceramic - no more than 3%);
  • good adhesion to plaster and putty;
  • diverse texture and color gamma;
  • high strength and resistance to external influences.


  • high cost in comparison with block materials and silicate bricks;
  • evolving formations;
  • the need to use alone batch products for cladding.

Features aerated concrete

Aerated concrete has a cellular structure, therefore it is characterized by high thermal conductivity, sound insulation with a small mass. Despite the hollow structure, the material is characterized by sufficient strength for the construction of three-storey buildings. Aerated concrete comes in the form of foam blocks.

For the manufacture of products, a mixture of cement, lime, sand, aluminum powder and water is needed. Slag, ash or other production waste are added if necessary.

However, these materials though reduce the cost of blocks, but poorly affect the strength indicators. The resulting mixture is burned in the autoclave when increased pressure and temperature.

This allows you to get a homogeneous solid macrostructure.

The blocks of aerated concrete have large sizes than brick. For example, 1 foam block is 7-8 units of silicate. Consequently, construction from foam blocks is faster, it takes less masonry solution and the most building material. Foottonal blocks can be used as structural material and thermal insulation at the same time.

Comparison of characteristics

To determine what is better, aerated concrete or brick, you need to carefully compare their main characteristics.

Compression strength coefficient

This parameter determines the strength of the building of the building and characterizes the limit value of the load, which is capable of withstanding the wall material without tangible external influences.

The coefficient of compression strength of the brick is 110-220 kg / cm², and aerated concrete - 25-50 kg / cm².

Therefore, foam blocks are unsuitable for masonry bearing walls and the construction of multi-storey structures, as they will not stand their own mass, the weight of the slabs of the overlap.

Thermal conductivity

Comparison of the characteristics of aerated concrete, brick and ceramic block.

When building brick walls, the masonry thickness is 50 cm. This value is sufficient to ensure normal heat insulation.

In order to increase the parameter, the insulation layer is allowed. Block walls with a similar heat insulating effect, like a 50 cm brickwork, have a thickness of 40 cm.

Frost resistance

The magnitude of the frost resistance characterizes the ability of building materials to maintain the original strength properties with several cycles of frost and defrost, as well as in a wet state.

Brick has a resistance to sharp drops temperatures for 50 cycles, aerated concrete - 25-30.

Consequently, the walls on the brick will last longer, retaining its initial properties.

Water absorption

This indicator determines the operational period of the building. With high water supply moisture accumulates in a porous structure, which leads to the formation of fungus and mold.

The absorption of moisture in aerated concrete is 100%, the brick is 6-14%. It is possible to reduce the moisture permeability of the foam block, if we use plaster and waterproofer as finishing.

At the same time, construction work should be carried out in dry weather.

Fire resistance

Both building materials refer to non-combustible products of class A according to fire resistance.


Aerated concrete gives shrinkage over time, which leads to the formation of cracks. The brick walls of this phenomenon is not observed with a good foundation.

Mass 1 m³ masonry

The weight of the building is a decisive value when choosing the type and width of the foundation. Brick walls will weigh more aerated concrete, so a massive basis will be required.

The wall force rendered to brick masonry in 1 m³ is 1200-2000 kg, aerated concrete masonry - 200-900 kg / m³.

Therefore, with the same dimensions, the building of the brick foam block is 6-10 times lighter than a brick building.

What is better to choose?

To better understand what to choose, summarize. Flooded houses are built faster, do not require a powerful foundation. At the same time, the wall material is significantly saved due to the size: the dimensions of one block of aerated concrete 4 times more bricks.

The cost of buildings from aerated concrete by 25-30% cheaper brick. For the construction of walls warm house One masonry foam block accounts for three-layer brickwork.However for block walls It will take an additional layer of waterproofing, and they will not be so durable as the brick. Brick houses cost more than 100 years, which can not be said about aerated concrete.


It is impossible to unambiguously say that choose - a brick or aerated concrete. However, to build a durable multi-storey building on a high-quality foundation it is better to use bricks.

To build a warm house for a maximum of three floors and save on consumable material And construction time, it is recommended to use aerated concrete blocks.

Before proceeding to the construction of the house, everyone wonder: what material to stop your choice? Each building material has its advantages and some drawbacks. Let's try to determine what is better: brick or aerated concrete? Durable, reliable and fire-resistant authority construction market Or his younger, but very promising analogue?

Rapid development construction technologies It has one main goal - reducing the construction time of buildings without loss of quality indicators. Today, there are many interesting building materials at the disposal of future homeowners, among which the most optimal ratio of physico-technical and consumer characteristics has a brick and aerated concrete.

Brick: a real wagon

- Untreating building material. Already many centuries in a row from it are really strong, reliable, tested by the building of the building. And even against the background of the existence of many other materials and the tireless appearance of new alternatives, the brick reserves the right to be called the most popular assistant to builders.

Not in vain brick houses They are considered the most common, because at least one "copy" from this material will be found in every city of the world. The secret of the popularity of brickwork is simple:

  • high fire resistance;
  • practically complete indifference to the evils of nature and various biological factors;
  • high durability and strength of structures;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • immaculate in terms of building physics (a brick house "breathes", adjusting the air-humid mode of the rooms);
  • a variety of forms, textures and colors expanding architectural possibilities.

It would seem that there are ideal building materials and disadvantages. High thermal conductivity, the need to build a powerful foundation due to the high weight of brick masonry, high construction dates and high costs compared with wood, gas and foam concrete.

Video: Brick House - Owner Reviews

The last decade was marked by the appearance of a picked brick, which made it possible to increase the thermal insulation quality of the walls. Possessing all the advantages of traditional ceramic MaterialsIt shortens the laying time, the solution consumption, the dissolve seams and the number of cold bridges, makes the walls warmer, and at home is cheaper in operation.

Aerated concrete: Profi with quality sign

The rapidly gaining popularity of aerated concrete is a unique material that managed to combine top Qualities Tree and stone. Stepping on the heels of brick, it is already confidently wearing the status of the "sales leader" and is simply with colossal demand! What is his secret? In the presence of masses of pleasant and useful advantages, among which:

  • low cost of building buildings (about one third less than in the case of brick or stone);
  • high thermal insulation indicators (aerated concrete at 85-90% "air");
  • soundproofing and fire safety;
  • vapor permeability and environmental friendliness;
  • precision geometry.

The main drawback of aerated concrete is a low strength indicator that limits its application in multi-storey construction. Fortunately, this problem affected only those products that they have a small compressive strength coefficient.

Video: House made of aerated concrete - Owner reviews

So, aerated concrete in many of its characteristics exceeds the classic types of wall building materials. Having similar wood specifications And the reaction to the influence of the environment, this product exceeds it in many respects, as it exists a complete indifference to mold, burning and rotting.

Brick or aerated concrete?

We will be impartial by comparing these materials in several parameters.

1. About the harm of excess weight. Aerated concrete minimally loads the foundation, having an average density of only 500 kg \\ m3. Choosing this product, you can confine ourselves to an inexpensive columnar or lightweight belt foundation.

Brick, in turn, weigh four times more of his opponent and needs a capital support - a ribbon in-depth basement or a monolithic plate.

2. About cool summer and warm winter. The lower the thermal conductivity of the material, the less you will need to spend money on the heat insulation of the house. The thermal conductivity of the brick is significantly higher than the thermal conductivity of the aerated concrete, which means that the brickwork must be thicker. Build wall width of more than two meters expensive, long and tedious, so you have to get a good thermal insulating material or make a bet on aerated concrete.

3. About fear of fire. With regard to the ability to resist high temperatures during a fire, aerated concrete and brick is almost equal, which allowed experts to attribute them to the first class of fire resistance.

4. About high-speed qualities. Everyone knows that it is difficult to work with brick and for a long time, and with aerated concrete "quickly and fun," because we have already mentioned the perfect geometry and lightness of aerated concrete blocks.

5. About cost. Aerated concrete costs cheaper bricks. In addition, it does not need to be insulated, plastering and putty.

6. Some clothes meet. It would seem what the difference exactly how will one or another building material be packaged? Still, it is nice that manufacturers put several aerated concrete blocks on the pallet, close them from moisture by the company "hat" and tighten with polyethylene ribbons. And we have already used to buy a brick without packing, which often ends with damage and financial losses.

In the end, we note that the sensitivity of the aerated concrete requires a special approach to the installation of windows and doors, but drill and saw it, of course, is easier than brick. At the same time, only brick walls can boast huge number Finishing options, so an unambiguous answer to the question of which of these materials is better to use in your construction, without your participation not to find!

What is better to choose to build a house: Bar or log?

Ceramic blocks or warm ceramics This is essentially large brick, with similar characteristics, so when choosing a wall material, you can be guided by the qualities of any of these materials. The difference will be only in the speed of masonry and in the fact that for walls of warm ceramics will require less masonry solution.

Ten years ago, the question is that to choose a porous brick or aerated concrete was not relevant. Aerated concrete and ceramzite concrete were the only representatives on russian market. But today warm ceramics is also widely represented in the market, as well as the above materials. Therefore, there is a choice and make it right, you can only get acquainted with the characteristics of each of the materials.

Compare important characteristics for Russian conditions

  • Teplockotieri. None of the homeowners do not want to pull the street, so the task to reduce heating costs for long seasons with negative temperatures More than relevant. The air is a unique thermal insulator and with an increase in the percentage of the material, its heat shielding properties grow. It is due to the large porosity and the presence of emptiness in the body of the block, warm ceramics has a minimum thermal conductivity coefficient, only 0.16 W / (M × ° C). The coefficient value in aerated concrete is somewhat lower, about 0.12 W / (M × ° C), which allows you to make the walls thinner. But today, some POROTHERM ceramic blocks have a coefficient of 0.12. Therefore, in relation to the conservation of heat in your home, the chances are practically equal.
  • Frost resistance. In warm ceramics, the F50 indicator, which means that ceramic blocks are suitable for construction and in the northern regions. Same high indicator Frost resistance and aerated concrete.
  • Durability. Warm ceramics This is the same well-known brick of burned clay, only with improved characteristics. The preserved buildings from the red brick of centuries-old prescription speak for themselves. To judge the durability of the aerated concrete is still early since the term of its appearance on the light has not yet stepped over the age-old mark. The oldest buildings are not more than 70 years.
  • Ecology. Warm ceramics is clay, the most that neither is environmentally friendly natural material and nothing more. Aerated concrete material created artificially, but based on natural materials. For its manufacture, sand, water, cement and aluminum powder are used. Therefore, a big plus according to this indicator in favor of the picked brick and ceramic blocks.

Why, during many almost equal indicators, to choose what to choose a raised brick or aerated concrete, experts give an answer in favor of the first material?

Under equal operating conditions under the influence of high temperatures, high humidity, etc. No harmful discharge from ceramics will be guaranteed. Aerated concrete adsorbs moisture well, therefore there is a risk of reducing its heat engineering characteristics, additional protection against moisture is mandatory. With high humidity, a deformation may arise in which to restore the internal and exterior decoration We'll have to lay out an extra, sometimes a considerable amount. That's why we also recommend and offer you warm ceramics.

In this article under gas concrete We will understand the type of cellular concrete, which is obtained from a mixture of cement, sand, water and gas-forming additives that form in concrete bubbles that make the density and thermal conductivity of concrete below.

Under the brick is meant familiar to everyone, ceramic building material produced by roasting different clay mixtures.

And the usual brick and aerated concrete have a number of specific characteristics by which they can be compared. Among them:

  1. weight;
  2. compressive strength;
  3. thermal conductivity;
  4. frost resistance;
  5. fire resistance;
  7. moisture absorption.

Having information about the above mentioned indicators, you can already judge whether you will suit you this material Taking into account the location and purpose of the future building. Therefore, then we will tell you in detail about each parameter.

Mass material

The mass of individual fragments forms the mass of the walls, but it should be considered when choosing the type of layered foundation.

For these reasons, brick walls require a more complex, and therefore more expensive foundation (mainly monolithic or tape), but the aerated concrete walls in this regard are less demanding.

But, aerated concrete, unlike brick, a very weak bending strength, which means that shrinkage foundation should be very well done.

A good foundation for aerated concrete should not give a shrinkage, and frosty meal should not shift it. Therefore, much attention should be paid to the drainage of the foundation and the subfillation from non-empty fillers (sand and rubble).

In principle, on good soils A low-profiled foundation with a warmed celestience is suitable, for more complex soils it is better to carry out the geology of the soil.

In any case, the choice of one or another foundation depends on the severity of the whole building of the type of soil, from the depths of freezing and from the level groundwater. And the expectation of all this, the case is complex, which is better to provide specialists.

Comparison of aerated concrete and ceramic blocks (video)

Geometry of gas blocks and bricks

Gas blocks are much larger and even more bricks, which of this is to conclude? But what: the box of the gasoblock is built much faster. The seams between gas blocks are obtained about 2 mm, which reduces to a minimum of heat loss through the seam. It should be noted that each row of the gasoblock must be aligned to the plane to be perfect, and the seam is uniform, it is very important. Rows of the gasoblock are matured to the grater very quickly and simply, so it's not worth it fear.

Also, some rows of aerated concrete need to be reinforced. For more information about the reinforcement of aerated concrete masonry, see our article.

Aerated concrete is autoclave and non-autoclave, let's immediately say that autoclave aerated concrete is better in all indicators, including the geometry of blocks, but autoclave is more expensive. Read more about the differences in autoclave and non-autoclave aerated concrete in our article by reference.

There are no such requirements for seams in brickwork. It should also be noted that in the house of aerated concrete, the presence of monolithic reinforced concrete armojois. And as you understand, Aropoyas is a difficult design, requiring a lot of time and money. The time saved on the laying of aerated concrete will select somewhat during the Armopoyas device.

As you can guess, this parameter indicates how the level of load is capable of withstanding material; It is calculated in kilograms by 1 cm². The total strength of the design significantly depends on compressive strength.

What the walls of the building are higher, the more harder, and the load on the blocks (on compression) increases, and the requirements for compressive strength increases. Compressive strength is customary to be denoted by classes ( from B0.5 to B60) and for aerated concrete this indicator may be within B0.5 to B20.

For example, a quality aerated concrete brand D500. compression strength class equals B3.5. What corresponds to the load 46 kg / cm².

Table, compression strength (aerated concrete)
Mark of aerated concrete Compression strength class Average strength (kg / cm²)
D300 (300 kg / m³) B0.75 - B1. 10 - 15
B1,5 - B2.5 25 -32
D500. B1,5 - B3.5 25 - 46
D600. B2 - B4. 30 - 55
D700 B2 - B5. 30 - 65
D800. B3,5 - B7.5 46 - 98
D900. B3.5 - B10 46 - 13
D1000. B7.5 - B12.5 98 - 164
D1100 B10 - B15. 131 - 196
D1200. B15 - B20. 196 - 262

Brick also has its own stroking for strength (from M50 before M300). For example, brand brick M100 corresponds to the class of compression strength - B7.5. What corresponds to the load in 100 kg / cm².

Thermal conductivity

The coefficient of thermal conductivity indicates the material's abilities to conduct heat through itself. This indicator means the amount of heat that passes through an hour through the time through 1 m³ of material with a single temperature difference on opposite surfaces. That is, the coefficient is higher, the worse thermal insulation.

In the photo from the thermal imager it can be seen, what surface temperature in which areas than brighter colorThe worse in the area of \u200b\u200bthermal insulation.

Table of thermal conductivity of aerated concrete

Comparative thermal conductivity of bricks and aerated concrete

So, according to the schedule, it is clearly seen a difference in thermal conductivity between various bricks and gazabetones, for example, thermal conductivity of aerated concrete D500 4-5 times lower than that of red full-time brick. But these are all laboratory figures, in fact, in the masonry, the difference between thermal conductivity changes somewhat, and the thermal conductivity will differ no longer as 4-5 times, but only three.

The reason for this is the so-called " bridges Cold ", Under which the layers of the solution between the parts of the masonry are meant.

In the case of aerated concrete blocks, a special glue for thin seams is used, which reduces the heat loss of the design, but still, the actual indicators of the laying of aerated concrete on heat resistance lower than those presented in the table above.

It should also be noted that the thickness of the seams in the aerated concrete masonry should be as small as possible, ideally (1-3 mm). Thick seams in aerated concrete reduced all its thermal dignity to a minimum.

Another factor that worsens thermal insulation is the humidity of the blocks than the humidity is higher, the worse. And the porous aerated and from that well absorbs water.

On thermal standards, warm brick walls must have a solid thickness (1 m), whereas for freewood walls There are enough thickness of 0.3-0.5 m. For the coldest regions, a laying of aerated concrete can be required with a thickness of 600 mm.

In general, the thickness of the wall, the thinner of the seams and the smaller the moisture of the wall, the better the heat inside the room will be maintained and the more you will save on the heating of the house.

Repeat that aerated concrete is of different brands, ranging from D200. And finishing D1200.. The number in this case shows the density of the material. The density is higher, the fact the block is stronger, but at the same time its thermal insulation properties are worse.

The D200-D300 magazines are used as thermal insulator, and the blocks of the D400 and above are used as structural blocks for walls.

Currently, the construction of brick walls with a thickness of 1 m is a rarity, because it is too consistent and for money, and in terms of time spent, and by labor resources.

Most often brick walls are built in one and a half or two bricks with a thickness of 38-50 cm, and for thermal insulation, they use much thicker layer of thermal insulation materials than when laying aerated concrete walls.

Frost resistance

This indicator demonstrates the resistance of the wedd material when exposed minus temperatures. It shows how well the material can maintain its strength when recurring freezing and thawing.

Frost resistance is denoted by the letter "F", the number shows the number of cycles that the material must withstand.

As a rule, the brick has a much higher coefficient of frost resistance than aerated concrete, that is, the brick is more resistant to the frost material, and on the more durable.

Moisture absorption

The moisture absorption indicator indicates the ability of the material to absorb and holding moisture. The water absorption is negatively reflected on the strength of the materials, the thermal conductivity also increases.

Since the aerated concrete blocks are capable of absorbing 4-5 times more moisture compared to brick, the walls from the gas block should be additionally protected from water from entering, which, of course, goes to minus a gas concrete.

Moisture testing was carried out by placing blocks into water containers. After a day, blocks and bricks got and weighed. The difference between the initial and ultimate mass was translated into interest.

For example, a 10x10 cm aerated cube was taken, its weight was 592 grams, which corresponds to the D600 brand. After 18 hours wetting, the weight of the cube was 869 grams. That is, aerated concrete absorbed 277 grams of water, which is 47% of its initial mass. Many manufacturers of aerated concrete write that the moisture absorption of their blocks is only 20%, but something weakly believe it is believed after such testing.

Fire resistance of aerated concrete and brick

This parameter shows the ability to resist building materials when direct exposure High temperatures from open fire. Depends on the degree of fire resistance how long building structure It will be able to stand before the appearance of cracks and the occurrence of collaps during a fire.

In this regard, brick and aerated concrete do not have special differences, since both materials are included in the first grade of fire resistance (limit 2.5). Materials of both species are good enough, if it comes to confrontation of fire.


Aerated concrete preserves heat, and he better permeabilitythan a brick. But brick is several times more stronger on compression and break. By moisture resistance and frost resistance also wins brick. It becomes clear that the brick is more durable, and a brick house can stand much longer.

But many disadvantages of aerated concrete will remove the quality facade facing, which will prevent the wetting of gas blocks. Moreover, wet aerated concrete is worse maintaining heat.

Aerated concrete blocks possess big sizesAs a result, to build the box of them faster, also has a geometry of aerated concrete. But the seams between the blocks of aerated concrete should be very thin (1-3 mm), otherwise there will be large heat loss.

Also in a house of aerated concrete, reinforced concrete armoomas is required, and in brickwork it is not obligatory.

Fundamental walls are very afraid of the uneven shrinkage of the foundation and can give cracks. So it is desirable, under aerated concrete, make a heavy and very high-quality foundation and additionally give it time to launch a basic shrinkage.

We accounted for a comparative schedule of various indicators in which than the column is higher, the better.

In other words, a unambiguous solution to the problem of choice between brick and aerated concrete does not exist, since both materials have their advantages and disadvantages. When choosing, it is necessary to repel, first of all, from the project of the future building, as in some cases there will be much more efficient to use aerated concrete, and in other it is possible to better apply an old good brick.

But in the realities of the twenty-first century, when the price of electricity and other heating sources are very high, we would have chosen a gasket with a thickness of 400 mm, followed by cladding. Such thickness is enough to ensure good thermal insulation without using additional insulation.

In the case of brick, when laying at 0.4 meters, it is necessary to use about 10-15 cm with additional thermal insulation by foam, minvata or other materials. But, the brick is tested by time, and buildings from it are worth a hundred years or more, it is connected with good frost resistance of bricks and high compressive strength.