What can be made of stupid. Related bread, reptile bread

Do not rush to get rid of old bread. In many countries, bread is a vital product, and throw it - very bad sign. Bread is the whole head, even if he is no longer so fresh as yesterday.
1. Instant Pizza
Need to cut the squares of stale bread, tightly put it on the baking sheet, lubricate tomato paste, put any stuffing and sprinkle with cheese.
Such a pizza will be no less tasty than the original. After 15 minutes, she will smoke on your table.

2. Fried eggs with bread
Cut bread without crusts, fry it on creamy oil and pour eggs. It turns out a hearty and delicious breakfast.
Tomatoes, various spices and herbs, as well as greens and onions, you can add to such an ovagnets.

3. Sweet carrot casserole
Cherry pieces of bread should be soaked in milk, then squeeze and mix with grated carrots, sugar to taste, whipped egg. Next you need to mix everything until uniformity and bake as any casserole. The same can be done with an apple, dried fruits.

4. Pudding from white bread
You need to soak in milk a stale wheat bread and to withstand for an hour, add egg yolks, sugar, crushed raspberry, mix. Enter, cautiously stirring, whipped egg whites, lay out in a lubricated oil and gramed with ground crops. Cook in water bath 40-50 minutes. Finished pudding lay out from the form on the dish, sprinkle with powdered sugar or pouring fruit syrup.

5. Called bread with whipped cream
Fry on the oil grated wheat stale bread on the grater. Cream whipped into a magnificent mass with the addition of powdered sugar. To decompose into the vase toasted bread, on it - whipped cream, pour jam.

Source: LH3.GoogleUserContent.com.
6. Kvass
Slow slices of stale rye bread. Fold in non-oxidizing dishes, pour boiling water and, when cooling up to tempera 35 ° C, introduce radiance dissolved in the bread. Cover with a lid, put two days in a warm place, strain through the gauze. Add sugar, raisins and insist for another 12 hours. Pour into bottles to clog and put on the cold.

Attention! Proportion: rye bread - 1 boob, water - 5 l., Raisin - 0.5 glasses, sugar - 1 cup.

7. Greens with garlic
Cut up rye stale bread with thin slices, fry with vegetable oil and sprinkle with a crumpled garlic with salt. Everything is elementary simply, and most importantly - very tasty!

8. Cold Bread Soup
Pour boiled cold salted water slices of rye rusty bread, add vegetable oil, finely sliced green Luc, citric acid and sprinkle with dill.

9. Tyury Dairy (Children's)
We take the white bread, cut, cut a crust. Milk can be heated, you can take, on the contrary, cold, but ideally use the pair! We put bread on the baking sheet and put in the heated oven (at the maximum temperature for 5-7 minutes). After that, we cut bread on the cubes, pour milk and add honey or jam.

The bread on Rus was always treated with reverence and reverence, and no one would need to throw off the dried loaf. "Bread is the whole head," our ancestors said, eating all the bread to the last crumb, and only the wealthy citizens could be touched by fresh, and the poor could be content with yesterday's buns. Interestingly, in Ancient Greece The bread was specially dried, as dishes from stale bread were used to treat gastrointestinal diseases, and modern nutritionists recommend to eat only that baking, which was prepared for at least eight hours ago. Sad, almost 30 kilograms of bakery products thrown on average for its lives, since we are not taught, what to do with stale bread.

How to revive a worn bread?

The dried bread did not necessarily deteriorate - just the moisture came out of it, as it happens with bread prepared in the toaster. There are effective ways to return freshness and softness to the stalewind:

  • Hold the bread chopped into pieces in a double boiler or on a water bath for 5-15 minutes.
  • Wrap the bread in a wet towel and put the oven in heated to 150 degrees.
  • Storm baking in the microwave in the cellophane package for 10-30 seconds.
  • Mix the pieces of bread with water or milk, put on a warm dry frying pan and close the lid.

What to cook from a worm bread?

A stale bread does not lose any vitamins or a nutritional value, so you can prepare the most different dishes - Soups, side dishes, desserts and drinks, many of which will surprise you ease of preparation and original taste.

  • The easiest way to how to use a stale bread is to make crackers - ordinary, salted and garlic, which are customary to add to soups and salads.
  • From the dried and ground bread, you can cook breadcrumbs, enriching them marine Solu and spicy herbs. If you add crumbs into meat and fish cutlets, you can get new shades of taste and save on mince.
  • Delicious croutons for breakfast are cut from cut to the slices of a stalking base, which are preparing in five minutes: the bread needs to be dipped into a mixture of eggs whipped with eggs and fry on cream oil.
  • From the dried bread crusts make amazing, the recipes of which are presented in abundance on the Internet.

Gourmet bread from bread

  • Fritters made of belly bread with apples - a simple and original dessert that can be prepared between the case. For this cube, the white bread is swollen in milk, mixed with eggs, flour and grated apples, and then pancakes are baked from the dough and served with sour cream.
  • Preparing the same as the usual version of the charlotte, but with the addition of scrambled in milk slices of bread. On this principle, any cakes and casserokes with bread are being prepared in which fruits, berries, carrots, pumpkins and other vegetables can be added.
  • Bread soup is distinguished by a bright unforgettable taste, and many gourmets do not wait for bread, and they dry him yourself to enjoy a delicacy. Bread crops are poured with boiling water, half an hour are insisted, wipe through sieve and boil with sugar, dried, raisins, prunes with cinnamon adding, and a cold cream soup is supplied.
  • Bread pizza is distinguished by a pleasant taste if the bread is pre-mixed with water or milk, and then use as base.
  • Among the dishes from black worm bread is the most popular meat bread, which is a beef mince, mixed with rye crumbs, eggs, onions, thyme and tomato paste.

If you do not attract the idea of \u200b\u200bcooking dishes from a stale bread, you can periodically feed his birds or put pieces of bread in the refrigerator to vegetables and fruits to keep their freshness. Many hostesses mix bread crumbs with the ground when planting plants to feed and retain moisture, and someone makes out of the broken bowlish hair mask. You can come up with your recipe for the use of stale bread, so as not to throw out this valuable product and do not replenish the sad statistics, because, according to our great-grandfathers, "Kalach comes, and the bread never" ...

Bread baked in a good bakery or at home from good flour, without using preservatives, is considered the most delicious and healthy. Nevertheless, it is characterized by a short shelf life. The reason for this is a rapid deal. Various research Indicate the existence of mechanisms that slow down this process. Great value Here have various chemical components used in production. Why does it happen, how to avoid this and what to cook from a stalk bread? These and other issues will be discussed below.

Herbal use

Currently, this product is one of the most important and basic grain products in your diet. very high, it contains various nutrients and vitamins. Every year, on average, people in our territories eat about 40-50 kg of this product. Over the centuries was on the tables of people from around the world in various forms. In addition, continuous research and development of new recipes allow you to satisfy the growing needs of consumers. It enriches his taste and prolongs its storage.

Currently, various additives are used in bakeries, including dairy fats, grains, fillers and others to obtain an acceptable end product in the production process. Quality control of this product takes into account nutritional value, taste qualities, Freshness, shelf life and consumer tastes. Bread is an unstable product, and adverse physical changes may occur immediately after baking. This, in turn, causes a rapid deterioration in the mead structure, which negatively affects its quality. Usually this product has short term Sucidity. This is due to loss of moisture, drying, and what is even worse - with increasing yeast and mold, and the process of worrying. As a rule, however, products from rye flour, and baking from flour with a high protein containing more slowly.

Related from the point of view of chemical processes, why bread is worn?

The process of dealing is negative changes occurring without the participation of microorganisms. They concern the structure and mechanical characteristics of the ball and crust, as well as a decrease in the solubility of starch with the simultaneous increase in its recrystallization and reduce the ability to bind the water contained in the crush. This in turn leads to an increase in the hardness and fragility of dry bowkish and loss of flexibility, a decrease in the brittleness of the crust and fragrance loss. Realization can be caused due to moisture migration from the center in crust as a result of changes in colloidal systems. However scientific research Another factor was also discovered, namely the change in starch fractions. In addition, the formation of complexes from starch polymers, fats and proteins inhibits the aggregation of amylose and amylopectin. In this way, large quantity These components prolongs the shelf life. Consequently, cakes or cookies with higher fatness have more shelf life for consumption, but they may be more sensitive to the oxidation of lipids and the formation of a voiced taste.

Recent studies show that the meal hardening mechanism is associated with the transformation of starch and amylopectin crystallization. Starch in the cheese raw dough temperature is present in a native form, in the process of baking becomes adhesive, and during storage at low temperature changes in the presence of amylose. Wax starch and amylopectin varies slower due to the spatial branchedness of the molecule. The gelatinization process leads to starch hydration and an increase in the volume of starch granules, their rupture. Over time, the starch molecules are again combined, which can lead to a more compact structure, which leads to an increase in the hardness and loss of the elasticity of the ball. In addition, the change in amylopectin allows you to increase the rigidity of the meat structure. Currently, scanning calorimetry and methods of light microscopy make it possible to monitor the change in gluten, fats, salts and sugars. In addition, gluten proteins (glyadin and glutenin) are created after moisturizing spongy structures, which are polymerized during heating and switch from gel into ash.

Starch steals water

Scientists also believe that water affects the series of bread. Nevertheless, this process is not due to its lack of. The dough contains about 40-60% of water, and its content increases along with an increase in the amount of protein and starch. Water is very well absorbed by starch. The product of flour with a high gluten content with a higher water content is slower thanks and retains the quality longer. Thus, in the process of dealing, water affects the migration from gluten in starch, and vice versa, and this depends on the degree of hydration, degradation of desert oligosaccharides, from the presence of lipids, penosenov. During storage, bread also loses the aroma and taste, which is associated with a change in carbonyl compounds and a significant decrease in the content of aldehydes.

What makes manufacturers make bread not worried

All these chemical processes forcing manufacturers to use various methodswhich increase the stability of bread. They include the addition of enzyme preparations, emulsifiers, hydrocolloids of lipid compounds, proteins, necropal carbohydrates and packaging methods in a modified atmosphere.

Enzyme preparations include: amylases that slow down the collapse of starch. We also use proteases with gluten, thereby improving the consistency and increasing the volume of the product. Cellulates, in turn, reduces hardness. In contrast, lipases can cause the release of fat, mono- and diglycerides, improving the softness, decrease in coherence and hardening. Malt and malt extracts are also added to the flour, which, by increasing the potential of yeast fermentation affects the quality of the product. Also add soy flour.

Beneficially affects the quality and durability of the bread substance surfactant. The best emulsifier is lecithin, soy and rapeseed, which forms a strong bond with protein and strengthens the structure of the test. Hydrocolloids have a high ability to absorb water, such as vegetable gum, meal.

Freezing holbe

Highly effective method Extension of the shelf life is its freezing at temperatures below 15 ° C. Recent studies show that the ability to baking frozen dough can improve honey and vegetable oil, and the corresponding choice of yeast resistant to damage during freezing. A technology based on partial pastries, freezing, storage, and then proscitting after thawing became recently very popular. The time of the oxide after freezing is 74-88% of the time required for complete baking.

Based on several studies, it can be concluded that a significant increase in freshness of bread provides its packaging in a modified atmosphere. First of all, carbon dioxide is used, which inhibits the growth of microorganisms. Mixtures containing 60-80% CO2 and 20-40% N2. In addition, the packaging in a modified atmosphere allows it to be stored for 13 weeks at 4 ° C, since this method inhibits the growth of bacteria.

The quality of this product depends on many factors, primarily from the flour used and its quality, the method of production, technological parameters, recipe, type of packaging, dough composition and storage conditions.

Recipes from worm bread

Traditions tell us that it is impossible to throw bread, because he occupies a special place in our culture. And we must respect it. Thus, it is not necessary to throw away even small, solid and dry crusts. How to use stale bread? It is not necessary to throw it back and because we can prepare quite tasty dishes from a worm bread and it will not take us a lot of time and strength.

Greki from stale bread with cheese

Probably the simplest thing to be cooked from a stale bread is a dish that many of us resembles the days of childhood. Slices of yesterday's bread fried in a frying pan in oils that can be sized with garlic, cheese or other additives. Slices should be lubricated with oil on both sides. Thus, the prepared slices need to fry on the one hand on the dry frying pan on medium heat until they are slightly smoothed. After turning over them to the other side, the thick slice of the cheese is put on the already roasting side and, pressing it, fry, until the lower side of the crouton is twisted. Then, the crouton turn over again so that the cheese is downstairs and eat strongly for a few seconds, but not longer so that the cheese does not stay at the bottom of the pan. Hot crowns of stale bread are the most delicious with a tomato slice, sprinkled with salt. Tomatoes can be replaced by ketchup.

Of course, such croutons also have beautiful tasteif you submit them with arugula, dried tomatoes, anchovies, ham, salami, etc.

We can also make crispy toasts or "closed" sandwiches, croutons, small crackers made of stale bread for soups and salads, can be prepared from them soup. From a stalking bread, you can bake buns and sweet fruit puddings. Baking from stale bread is very tasty and will help you save a little.

To make a stale bread to make soft, you need to soak pieces in a whipper egg and fry in oil, you can cook sweet and salty versions.

What to cook from a stale black bread

A stale black bread made of non-refined flour is the main component of kvass. This is a healthy, refreshing drink and an excellent source of thickening thirst. Fascinated stale pieces are suitable for thickening soups and sauces, giving them a deep, pleasant fragrance and a pleasant texture of the ball. You can throw them in the form of crackers in a boiling dish so that they dissolve after a few minutes and attached the taste and aroma dish.

From a stale white bread, which is too dry, to cook sandwiches from it, you can cook crucks for breading the kitlet and fish, sprinkling the beam in front of baking, drying and grinding them.

Bread soup recipe with bacon

This soup is delicious, satisfying and fragrant. Soup recipe is quite simple. For him, a stivery piece of bread takes, you can collect pieces every day, drying them and folding into the container. You can add to the dish Bacon, but not necessarily. In the soup you can add a little red wine it will give him a good taste.


  • Black stale bread - 200g,
  • 1 big bulb,
  • 1 liter of burst of vegetables (you can 2 liters),
  • salt and pepper,
  • 1 tablespoon of cumin,
  • 1/2 tablespoons of mayoran,
  • 2 eggs,
  • sour cream,
  • 100g bacon.

Onions and bread finely crumble and fasten to brown in fat. Place them in a saucepan and pour the decoction or broth, approximately 2l. Add Tsmin, Majorane and Pepper, Salt. Boil on medium heat for about 15 minutes. Mix thoroughly and wipe through the sieve. Before feeding, add a fried chopped bacon and a spoon of sour cream. You can sprinkle with your favorite herbs. Optionally, you can add an egg, it must be taken carefully and add to the soup.

What can be made of stale bread - Sweet balls

Such a dessert of stale bread, like bread balls, delicious and can be quickly cooked. Just moisten bread in milk, press it and mix with a banana. Add to the mass of flour and some oatmeal to be able to form balls. Balls are fooled into sugar, mixed with cinnamon, and fry shortly in a frying pan.

Dessert is very tasty, amazing in its form and is simple option What to prepare from a stale white bread. This is something average between French Tosts, Praline and Little Talkers.

Cake from a stalking bread with onions, carrots and salt cucumbers

Cooking method

Onions, garlic, cleaning carrots. Cut onions and garlic and fry in oil. Carrots cut into slices and fry with the rest of vegetables. Cut bacon, fry with onions and carrots. Salted or sauer cucumbers cut into plates. Bottom of fire-resistant shape lubricate a small amount olive oil, then lay out stalking slices. Beat the fork eggs, add mustard and yogurt, season with salt and pepper. Pour each slice prepared by a mixture. I spread the sliced \u200b\u200bcucumbers on the bread, they are fried from vegetables, sprinkled with rosemary. From above, we put pieces of cheese and sprinkled with grated cheese. This vegetable casserole is baked from a stalk bread for about 30 minutes. at 180 ° C.

Barette Bread Pate


  • 1/2 kg of non-refined flour bread - better home rye bread on Zakvask,
  • milk, soybean or other vegetable - 600-700 ml,
  • 3-4 tablespoons of flour,
  • 100 ml of oil + oil for frying,
  • 1/2 kg of mushrooms,
  • 4 bulbs,
  • handful or two sunflower seeds,
  • handwood sesame
  • spices - a mixture of cumin, mayoran, thyme, coriander and nutmeg,
  • salt and pepper to taste.


Bread cut into slices and soak in milk. Press the excess milk. Fry onions and mushrooms. Grind everything in the kitchen process. Add flour, oil, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds and spices. Mix everything. The shape for the cakes weft paper for baking and bake a pate about 1-1.5 hours in a preheated oven at 180 C.

Pizza from stale bread - ready after 15 minutes

You will eat this pizza less than 20 minutes after removing the first component from the refrigerator. And you do not need yeast. To make this dish of stale white bread or gray you need an egg and favorite supplements to pizza. A stale bread after soaking in the egg comes fluffy and soft, competing with pizza on a thick yeast dough.

Ingredients for pizza baking

  • slices of stalking bread,
  • 1 egg,
  • 50 ml of milk,
  • tomato sauce,
  • grated cheese
  • 2 ham slices.

In a large, flat bowl, boil the egg with milk, plunge the bread for 3 minutes on each side. Preheat oven to 180 degrees, baking sheets to fasten with parchment paper for baking. From bread, make the basis for pizza, laying pieces tightly one near the other, squeeze tomato sauce, add ham, sprinkle with cheese. Put in the oven for 10 minutes.

How to make a stale bread soft in the microwave and oven

  • To refresh the worn bread, you need to sprinkle it with water and put on a minute into the microwave. A stale bread in the microwave will become soft and tasty.
  • You can refresh the stale bread in the oven by sprinkling it with water, and putting it in the oven for 150-170 degrees for 10-15 minutes.

Thus, there are many ways to soften a stale bread so as not to throw it out and cook it. tasty dish. Delicious recipes From a stalking bread will allow the best way to dispose of this product.

Any woman can prepare a delicious dish of black bread. Sandwiches, canapes, quarreling, crackers - all this will appeal to households and guests.

IN Ancient Russia People baked bread from the future, then froze it and warmed up before use in a Russian oven. Now the hostess can also do so, and you can warm up in the oven, but in a closed dish.

  • If the bread is stored at room temperature, then he will begin to stalk after 12 hours
  • Therefore, in every house in the bread, there is half a loaf of bread or baguette, which no longer wants to eat, but also to throw out sorry
  • A stale bread can be used to prepare delicious snacks and other dishes.

Crhinkles are popular food in Russia. They can be prepared for breakfast or snack during the day. Such a dish is convenient to take with you to work or on a trip.

Support Such foods:

  • Black Bread - 0.5 Baton
  • Solid cheese - 100 grams
  • Eggs - 3 pieces
  • Milk - 50 ml
  • Tomatoes - 1-2 pieces
  • Greens - a few leaves
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  1. Wear an egg whisk, add a little salt
  2. Continuing to beat, pour milk
  3. Mix the mass again well, and break it into a wide and flat dishes
  4. Cut with thin pieces of bread, and put slices into the prepared mass to be soaked
  5. Put the frying pan on fire, add some vegetable oil
  6. At this time, cook cheese, soda it on a shallow grater. Finely chop the greens and mix it with grated cheese
  7. On a preheated frying pan, put impregnated pieces of bread and fry from two sides to 2 minutes
  8. Finished croutons put on a plate. Decorate tomato and cheese with greens. Crowns are ready to eat. Optionally, you can warm up the resulting dish in the microwave - cheese melts and beautifully spread through the sandwich

Sharp croutons are often served in a cafe to beer or as a snack to other drinks. But such sandwiches can be cooked at home, and please our home or surprise guests.

It will take some such ingredients:

  • Black bread - any amount
  • Roasting
  • Garlic and salt to taste


  1. Bread Cut long slices
  2. Fry them on a hot frying pan with the addition of vegetable oil
  3. Place the finished croutons on a paper towel to remove excess fat
  4. Mischievous garlic
  5. Hot croutons Sprinkle salt and garlic to taste

Kvass is a favorite drink of absolutely all people, especially in the hot season. A glass of such a cool drink refreshes and perfectly quenched thirst.


  • Black bread - 0,5 bells
  • Sugar - 4 tablespoons
  • Yeast - 20 grams


  1. Cut the bread with small slices and put in the oven to get crackers (temperature - 180-200 degrees)
  2. Boil the water, pour it into a 3-liter jar on "Holders"
  3. Grind crackers on a coffee grinder or in a blender, and pour them into a jar with water
  4. 30-40 minutes when the water cools up to a temperature of 37-40 degrees, straighten the water from swollen superstars
  5. Add sugar and yeast, mix well
  6. Cover the jar of folded gauze into several layers, and leave the kvass to wander for a month and a half
  7. Ready kvass bully bottles, add a few raisins or a piece of apple, and put in the refrigerator for storage

And adults, and children love to taste different snacks from the supermarket: nuts, chips or crackers. Everyone knows that manufacturers add to these products taste amplifiers and other preservatives. But such goodies can be cooked at home, and they will not differ from the shop.


  • Black bread - 0,5 bells
  • Salt and greens to taste
  • Cheese - 50 grams
  • Creamy oil - 50 grams
  • Dry mushrooms - 100 grams

Cooking crackers with greens and salt:

  1. Cut the bread into small pieces
  2. Mix some vegetable oil with salt, chopped greens and a pinch of black hammer pepper
  3. Sweep slices of bread in the oven. Remove them and sprinkle with a prepared mixture. Mix well and leave cool

Cooking crayons with cheese:

  • Cut bread and sprinkle slices, spices
  • Sprinkle slices with vegetable oil, spray with grated cheese and send the workpiece into the oven
  • After 20 minutes, ready-made crackers get out of the oven and lay out on a plate

Cooking creamy crackers:

  1. Cut the bread first to large slices. Spread their layer of cream oil
  2. Then cut these pieces on small squares
  3. Fold them on the tray and put in the oven (200 degrees) for 20-25 minutes
  4. So that moisture evaporated well from bread, on the last 10 minutes of drying, open the door of the oven - this technique will make crackers with crispy and delicious

Cooking crackers with mushrooms:

  1. Cut bread into pieces
  2. Grind in a blender dried mushrooms, dry or fresh garlic. Mix well and add salt and pepper
  3. Sprinkle with a mixture of bread slices and mix well, watering with a small amount of vegetable oil
  4. Explore the prepared slices of bread on the baking sheet and put in the oven for 20-30 minutes at 180-200 degrees

For itself, a stable bread is nestless, but if it is properly cooked, it will turn out the original snack, which you can surprise people who came to visit. For example, households and guests will like black bread with garlic and cheese.


  • Cherry Black Bread - 0.5 -1 Bullet
  • Salt and garlic to taste
  • Cheese - 100 grams


  1. Fry on a special frying pan with non-stick coating, slices of bread required size. Pre-lubricate them from two sides butter and suck salt to taste
  2. When the bread roars on the one hand, turn over, and put a thick piece of cheese on a slice
  3. When the bottom side of the bread is twisted, turn the cheese down and fry for another 30 seconds, but not longer, otherwise the cheese will stick to the pan
  4. Finished croutons put on a plate and sprinkle with garlic juice

Ordinary sandwiches are now unlikely to surprise someone, but small canapes will enjoy everything without exception. Rye bread is ideal for making canapes. They can be submitted to guests for a holiday or prepare their family for dinner.


  • Black bread - a few slices
  • Cucumber (Fresh or Salted)
  • Selenge fillet - 100-150 grams
  • Mustard - 1 teaspoon
  • Creamy butter - 50 grams
  • Olives without seeds - 7-10 pieces
  • Greens - a few leaves


  1. With 5x5 cm bread pieces cut crust. You can cut bread with triangles or rhombuses, depending on personal preferences.
  2. Mix every piece of mustard to taste
  3. Now prepare the oil mixture for Canape: Cut the finely greens and mix it with creamy oil. To taste you can add other spices that are suitable for fish: black ground pepper, coriander
  4. Lubricate this mixture of bread slices with mustard
  5. Top to put a slice of cucumber
  6. Cleaning from the bones of herring fillet do small pieces. Put a piece of fillet on the cucumber, top of the leaf of parsley and the half of the olive
  7. Insert the toothpick and fold the sandwiches on a large plate

Sprots are useful product Food containing different nutritional trace elements. They are often used to prepare snacks in the form of sandwiches. Serve them to hot meat or fish dishes, as well as as an independent dish to the hard drinks.


  • Black Bread - 1 Bullet
  • Sprots - 1 bank
  • Mayonnaise - 2 tablespoons
  • Cucumber Salted or Fresh - 2 pieces
  • Greens for decoration


  1. Cut bread into pieces diagonally. It turns on triangular bread slices
  2. Fry them in a toaster or in a frying pan with the addition of a small amount of vegetable oil
  3. Bread pieces in hot melt garlic cluster
  4. For each piece of a teaspoon distribute not a large number of mayonnaise
  5. Top to put a slice of cucumber, fish and green leaves

Many hostesses are confident that sandwiches with red fish can be done only using white bread, but it is not. There are many recipes of sandwiches with this kind of fish, where it is rusty bread. Here is one of them - with a slice of cheese.


  • Baton or baguette rye bread - 1 piece
  • Low-salted Red Fish - 300 grams
  • Brynza - 200 grams
  • Tomatoes - 2-3 pieces
  • Lemon, Oil and Dill Lines for Decoration


  • Baguette cut into pieces. If you bought a loaf, then from his pieces with a glass cut out even round slices
  • Cucumber and tomato Cut on round slices, cheese on thin squares
  • Now put on bread for a tomato slice, the square of the cheese and twisted a piece of fish. Fish can also be just twice
  • Stick to the sandwich toothpick, and put on her folded cucumber lolk and half of the oline
  • Decorate a sandwich branches of dill and a piece of lemon

Such a recipe will like rye bread lovers. This salad can be used as a snack during the day.

  • Bread black - 1 piece
  • Tomato - 1 piece
  • Onion-repka - 1 piece
  • Vegetable oil - 2-3 tablespoons


  1. Bread cut into cubes
  2. Tomato Cut into small slices, and onions - half rings or quarters (who like it)
  3. Stir the ingredients, and fill the salad with vegetable oil

Almost every woman follows his weight, and not to recover, it does not eat extra and trying not to use too calorie dishes. But sometimes you want to please yourself delicious.

Tip: Use black bread-based dessert recipes. They have few calories, but a lot of benefits.


  • Apples - 3 pieces
  • Sugar Sand - 100 grams
  • Vanillin on taste
  • Nuts - 2 tablespoons
  • Black bread (stale and rubbed) - 300-400 grams
  • Vegetable oil - 1 tablespoon
  • Cedar Half Lemon, Orange Peel


  1. Clean apples from the peel and the middle, and cut on the slices
  2. Sprinkle them with sugar, add nuts, finely cut orange crusts
  3. Extinguish these ingredients on slow fire 10-15 minutes. Solk apples must be integer - not digest
  4. Bread mix with vegetable oil. Add lemon zest and vanillin
  5. Lubricate the shape of the creamy oil. Put half the bread mass in it, then the apple mixture, and the remaining bread
  6. Bake the charlotte in the oven 40-60 minutes at 180 degrees
  7. When applying for a table, pour it from cranberry sauce

Often a woman wants to cook anything, but there are no necessary ingredients in the house. For example, you need to fry meat cutlets, and the White Baton ended yesterday, but a piece of rye bread remained. The question immediately arises: can I add black bread into the cutlets?

Any professional cook will respond to this question. Definitely: "Yes." Cutlets will turn out original and juicy, and no one will notice the difference.

IMPORTANT: When cooking a boiler with the addition of black bread, soak his ball in hot milk. Also in minced mend, add 1 canona tablespoon.

The use of black bread is known to people for a long time. it this source Health, which is popular and today.

Rye baking recipe contains minimum fats. Due to this, it turns out delicious and useful, and a large amount of fiber helps good intestinal work.

It is worth noting and the benefits of black bread with butter and honey. Many people are accustomed to doing sweet sandwiches made of white bread, oil and some jam with sugar.

Important: It is the use of honey and black bread in a daily diet will help to lose weight, improve the complexion of the face and prevent the development of diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.

Any nutritionist will disable the use of white bread, if a person wants to lose weight, because it is very calorie. But this food can be replaced with bread baked from rye flour. The caloric content of black bread is only 174 kcal per 100 grams. It is two times less than the calorie content of white bread.

Snack in the form of sandwicher from black bread is excellent alternative Harmful fast food. Prepare a sandwich in advance and boldly go to work, for a walk or on a trip. Such a dish is perfectly quenched hunger and will not harm health.

Video: Easy mini pizza (on a piece of black bread)

After 12 hours from the moment of baking in bakery products, the process of retrogradation of starch is activated - a complex carbohydrate, highlighting moisture, returns to the crystalline state. Myakish is losing elasticity and begins to crumble, but change physical properties Not accompanied by a decrease in the number of trace elements and vitamins contained in it. Non-lethal Baton - an indispensable culinary ingredient; Confirm these remedies below, which can be made of stale bread.

Fillings different, taste equally unprofitable

Original bakery sprinkle cakes - satisfying baking capable of replacing a full dinner (lunch). It is spent on cooking a minimum of time, and all members of the family will be satisfied with the result.

To bake a sweet cake from a habitant bread with a hazelnut (you can oven and with walnut), required:

  • 6 pieces of rye roll thickness up to 6 mm;
  • 2 glasses of nuts (walnuts and forests in equal proportions);
  • 7 eggs (proteins should be separated from yolks in advance);
  • a glass of sugar;
  • 5 g of salts (half of the teaspoon).

Before starting work, it is necessary to turn on the oven (it should warm up to 160-170 degrees). Cooled in the refrigerator proteins are whipped with salt, the yolks are tried with sugar. A mixture of chopped nuts is slightly roasted on a hot frying pan without adding oil. Bread is crushed into the crumb with a meat grinder or a kitchen combine.

All prepared products are neatly mixed (proteins are introduced into the mass last), the resulting dough is transfused into the baking tank. Cooking time - 60-70 minutes.

For the summer indirect cake from dried bread and cottage cheese, you will need:

  • Cream - 1 cup.
  • Sugar sand - 100 g
  • Fresh berries (raspberry, currant), rubbed with sugar, in the amount of one and a half glasses.
  • Sugar powder - 2 tbsp. l.
  • 400 g chopped on a grater of bread and cottage cheese.
  • A special aroma dessert will give cinnamon (no more than ½ tsp).

Creams are whipped with powder, bread is mixed with sugar and cinnamon. Cottage cheese is overwhelmed through the sieve until the air homogeneous mass is obtained.

In the glass container, the prepared ingredients are laid out in the following order: first bread, then berries, top - cottage cheese and whipped cream. The layers are repeated another one. For impregnation, the cake should be withstanding in the refrigerator 30-60 minutes.

Recipes from stale bread will help the hostesses not only to pamper the sweet bowls, but also to please baking lovers with meat filling. Bright confirmation of this - layered cake with minced meat. This dish is prepared from the baton, milk (0.8-1 l) and 4 eggs (2 of them need to be screwed by screwed). For the filling it will take half a kilogram of meat minced meat, 1 major bulb.

Bread - baking base - it is necessary to cut 1-1.5 cm with slices; sole pour the mixture from raw Yaitz And milk. The resulting mass will perform and salts to taste.

Boiled eggs and onions should be chopped with small cubes, combine with a stuffed minced meat with a fry.

The form for baking should be abundantly lubricated with butter. The container is shifted well so-soaked with milk with milk a stivest baton (part of pieces is recommended to lay sides of the dishes), which is covered with a layer of warm minced. The cake surface is formed from the remaining bread slices, watering the remains of the egg-milk mixture.

The dish must be baked until golden color.

In the post and holiday: briefly about cakes

Delicious desserts that can be prepared from stale bread are classified into 2 groups: traditional and lean, containing products of only vegetable origin.

A classic cake recipe that is resolved in days of temporary abstinence from certain types of food is presented below.

Ingredients: dried fruits, water, jam, bread. Some hostesses complement the listed ingredients with ground nuts.

Cooking method:

  • Dried fruits rinse and soak.
  • Lust of stupid bread - necessarily black - should be crushed, the pieces obtained completely dry. Twist in a meat grinder.
  • Jam breed with water. The crumbs are well impregnated with the resulting liquid.
  • Lay out the layers, alternating bread and dried fruits.
  • Passed Masters to remove for 5-6 hours in the refrigerator.

Recipes of conventional cakes that can be prepared from a stupid, saturated baton - a lot. The most popular in economical owners became a "minute" and "sugar" desserts.

The first is prepared from 0.6 liters of sour cream, 300 g of chopped rye bread, 6 tbsp. Sugar, 1 lemon (need zest and fruit juice), 6 eggs. Components are mixed. The resulting dough is laying out in a lubricated piece of butter and richly sprinkled with breadcrumbs, put in the oven. Served warm.

For cortery, the "sugar" cake will need:

  • 5 eggs;
  • a glass of sugar;
  • a glass of grumbling in the meat grinder of supersers.

Egg proteins you need to beat a strong foam; Bread crumbs mix with yolks. Bake a lot of 40 minutes at a temperature of 200ºC (shape should be thoroughly lubricated, sprinkled with breadcrumbs). The cooled crude is cut into 2 parts, wrapped with cream - condensed milk, whipped with butter in proportion 2: 1.

Simple versions of the original breakfast

Dish from stale bread is not too common in everyday practice. Meanwhile, some options for breakfasts from pre-dried and crushed bread slices in combination with an egg-milk mixture, meat, berries or vegetables can compete with traditional omelets and porridge.

The scheme of their preparation is very simple: bread crumbs or pieces of non-darling baton with a thickness of no more than 1.5 cm are laid out by a dense layer in baking tank, lubricated with oil. The filling and the rest of the bread is placed on top. The mass is poured with eggs whipped with milk, baked in the oven (at a temperature of no more than 200 ° C). In some recipes, all ingredients are mixed and laid out into the form.

Cooking time varies depending on the type of minced. The main sign of the finished dish is a beautiful ruddy crust.

To please closest stuffing stratum (this is the name of the casserole in foreign kitchen) For breakfast, you will need:

  • 0.3 kg of breasts;
  • polkylogram of stale white bread cut into cubes;
  • 6 eggs;
  • 0.3 l of milk;
  • 200 g of grated cheese;
  • little pinch of salt, parsley greens and black peppers to taste.

Breast need to grind, slightly fry, mix with bread and 150 g of cheese. Mass pour eggs, whipped with milk, salt and pepper, to withstand in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes. Impregnated components lay out in the form, to sprinkle, sprinkle with the remaining cheese. The dishes, covering the foil, should be sent to the oven for half an hour (cooking temperature - 180ºС); After the specified time, the sheet should be removed and bake for another 10 minutes.

For the original strata with wine and canned fruits, there will be 2 glasses of ground superstars and a similar amount of pears (peaches, apricots), 3 tbsp. Spoons of margarine and sugar, 2 eggs, a tablespoon of flour. Among the additional ingredients - 2 tbsp. l. Dry wine, chopping soda, cinnamon.

Eggs beat with most sugar to foam. Add margarine, flour, redeemed by 2 drops of vinegar soda and crushed non-baking bread, mix. Pour wine. Half a thoroughly mixed mass to put in a lubricated oil, sprinkled with breadcrumbs. Fruits cut, decompose on top. To cover the remaining part of the bread with eggs and flour, sprinkle with sugar connected to cinnamon. Bake the stress in the oven at the above temperature of 30 minutes.

You can cook a rich breakfast from ½ non-pecked white bell and carrots (2 pcs.). Bread, pre-closed in a glass of milk, you need to connect with 2 crawled with sugar (the amount of sand - 2 tbsp.) Yellow and 2 whipped squirrels, pinch of salt. Mass stir, lay out in shape, bake. This dish is recommended to serve to the table with sour cream.

Stuffing for strata can also be prepared from the following components:

  • Minced meat (fish, meat), roasted in a frying pan until half-ready with onions, pepper, salt.
  • Finely chopped vegetables.
  • Mixtures of mushrooms with onions.

Another version of black bread casserole is a quarreling for many. Faster a dish is prepared at the following recipe:

One stale Baton (better white) cut into pieces is not thicker 1 cm, peeled from the core (peel) apples chick. Slices of fruits are suspended by sugar, if desired, add a little cinnamon.

In the prepared form, first lay out half of the crushed bread, pour its ½ milk-egg mixture, cover with apples. The surface of the dish is formed from the remaining pieces of the baton. Pour into the container the second part of the eggs whipped with milk, bake.

Required amount of ingredients for quarreling: 2 eggs, compatible sugar, 200 ml of milk, 4 medium apples. To prepare dishes for baking to work, it will take 1 tbsp. l. Suhares (ground), 50 g of butter.

Properly prepare all the dishes described will help recipes with photos posted on our website.

Cakes, pancakes or pancakes?

Amazing Fact: A stale bread can be the basis for desserts belonging to traditional Russian cuisine.

So, for cooking oldes should be taken:

  • 200 g of nonsense bread;
  • 1 tbsp. heated milk;
  • egg;
  • pinch salts;
  • 3 tbsp. l. Flour (preferably pancake).

Bread, operated in milk, need to squeeze slightly, mix with the rest of the specified ingredients and add bakery powder for pomp (0.5 h.). The latter can be replaced by a mixture of soda with lemon Acid In proportion 1: 1. Mix the dough to obtain a homogeneous mass. Fry on vegetable oil as ordinary fritters.