When is it better to pour boiling water over currants and why do bushes need such treatment? Rejuvenating currants How to properly pour boiling water over currant bushes.

To spare your berry bush from unnecessary problems, it is very important to use modern insecticidal and fungicidal preparations... However, do not forget and folk ways processing currants. One of such well-known methods of pest and disease control is the treatment of currant bushes with boiling water. in early spring.

Why process currants in spring with boiling water:what pests and diseases helps to fight

Spraying currants in spring with boiling water serves the following purposes:

Of course, the most important advantage of currant irrigation with boiling water is the indisputable fact that it is a relatively safe and one might say "ecological" method of treatment against pests and diseases (as opposed to chemicals).

But! It should be understood that the real effectiveness of this procedure is much lower than the use of chemical insecticides and fungicides.

On the Internet you can find very positive reviews, in addition, some summer residents do only such processing at all and their bushes are clean, and the harvest is excellent. But, whatever one may say, only boiling water will not be able to rid your bushes of pests and diseases even by 90%!

Therefore, be sure to do it.

Video: boiling currant treatment for powdery mildew

When to process currants with boiling water in spring: timing

Advice! But still desirable carry out such processing when there is still snow on the street. And all because so as not to knead the dirt after the beginning of its convergence (melting).

At this moment, the plant is still guaranteed to be in hibernation, and it still does not show signs of the beginning of life (sap flow has not begun, the buds are also sleeping; as a maximum, they have just begun to swell).

Note! If you are late and the buds have already begun to bloom, then in this case there will be a high probability of damaging the buds themselves and causing serious damage (burns) to your shrub.

Thus, when choosing the date for the processing of currants with boiling water, first of all, you need to focus on the state of the bush: it should not wake up, or even more so, buds bloom.

Concerning approximate processing time, then, for example, for the Middle Lane - this is the end-March-first half of April, for the Leningrad Region - the second half of April. In the South of Russia, even earlier - in March, and in Siberia and the Urals - at the end of April.

But! Once at a time it is not necessary - spring comes unexpectedly every year, therefore, first of all, focus on the appearance of the shrub.

Video: processing currant bushes in early spring with boiling water

Interesting! It is believed that the treatment of currant bushes with boiling water in the fall (in October, when the bushes are already completely naked) can cause serious damage to aphids and powdery mildew spores. However, you will not be able to get a currant tick in the fall, because he hid in a tightly closed kidney.

Technology of processing currants in spring with boiling water from pests and diseases

Spring pouring boiling water over currant bushes should not be carried out spontaneously, but ahead of time, carefully preparing and planning the event.

How to properly handle currants with boiling water in spring? Let's figure it out!

How to prepare for boiling currant processing:

  • Carry out if you haven't, of course.
  • Attentively examine bushes for abnormally swollen buds (mite buds) and remove them mechanically, i.e. manually pinch off all infected kidneys.

Of course, boiling water will work on them too, but hand picking is guaranteed to get rid of the tick. Naturally, all collected kidneys must be taken away and burned.

  • Prepare an iron or plastic spray can.

As a rule, modern plastic watering cans are rated for 100-degree liquids, but it is better to check (usually permissible temperatures indicated on the bottom).

  • So that boiling water gets to all problem areas and destroys all pests, it is desirable tie all branches into a single sheaf(tie the bushes with a rope in a circle and pull them together).

This will reduce the consumption of the boiling water itself and make the procedure more effective.

  • Some gardeners believe that it is necessary to additionally protect the root system and lay boards, plastic oilcloth under the bush, and mulch. However, this is completely pointless. When watering the roots with boiling water, you will not damage in any way since it is not boiling water that will reach them, but just warm water.
  • And the most important thing is to prepare boiling water!
  • While you boil the water, pour it into the watering can, bring it to the place and begin the process of spilling the bushes, the water will cool down somewhat. This is normal (70-80 degrees).

How to directly process currants with boiling water:

  • With confident movements of the watering can up and down, go around the bush from all sides, evenly irrigating the branches, while the exposure time on one area should not exceed 3-5 seconds.

Important! During processing, it should be controlled that all branches are evenly watered hot water.

  • As for the consumption of boiling water for 1 bush, it is important to pour over all the branches.

Video: processing currant bush in early spring with boiling water

Video: the result of pouring hot water over currants

Alternative methods of heat treatment of currants

Inventive gardeners use other methods of exposing currant bushes to high temperatures:

  • For example, it is believed that using steam generator and it will be more economical at all.
  • Some cultivate bushes at all blowtorch(lightly burn).

Video: what needs to be done with currant bushes in spring - processing the bushes with a blowtorch

Thus, watering and spraying currants with boiling water in early spring is a relatively effective and free old method of combating pests and fungal diseases of the shrub. In addition, such an effect can increase the protective properties of a culture (its immunity - resistance to various diseases).

And still! Scalding currants with boiling water is only one of the components of the package of measures for processing currants in spring, in other words, it is not a panacea from all pests and diseases.

Video: processing currants from kidney mites and other pests by pouring hot water over the bushes in early spring

In contact with

Black currant grown in Russia since ancient times. And this is not surprising, because besides great taste and the aroma of currant berries have useful properties... They contain especially a lot of vitamin C and ascorbic acid. In medicine, currants are used to treat diseases such as influenza, vitamin deficiency, atherosclerosis and many others, including several types of cancer. It is extremely beneficial for heart, kidney, brain and skin health. Black currants are not very whimsical, but still needs basic care from their owners. And if you put in a little effort, later they will pay off with interest. generous harvest. So, a little information on what includes the basic spring care for currants: Spring work with currants begins when the snow completely melts and the air temperature stops dropping below + 6 ° C. It is important to have time to complete all necessary work by pruning until the buds begin to bloom.

Insulated bushes

If the currants were insulated for the winter (covered, buried in earth, bent down), now it is necessary to bring it to former appearance... The insulation is removed, the dug-in branches are freed from the ground, the bush itself is brought into its usual, vertical position. All this must be done carefully so as not to injure fragile twigs. All debris from under the bush should be collected and destroyed, preferably burned.

Loosening technique

It is very important for currant roots to get sufficient oxygen, and this is facilitated by the systematic loosening of the earth under the bush. At the same time, weeding is performed - all excess vegetation around the bush is removed. When loosening, you need to try to work out a layer of earth with a depth of 0.2 meters. It is necessary to loosen it very carefully so as not to damage the roots and cause harm instead of benefit.

How important is mulching, or how many birds with one stone you can kill

Soil mulch is like a garment for the body: it protects the soil from overheating and drying out, smooths out the sharpness of temperature fluctuations and structures the soil, providing it with natural looseness, air and water permeability. After all, if the ground is not loose enough, water does not penetrate to the roots of the plant to the required depth.

More articles on black currant:

Mulch well with straw. It is usually laid out in an even layer over the entire surface of the soil where it is required. The thickness of the straw layer should be on average 15 centimeters or slightly less. Over time, the layer settles 2 - 3 times. Straw stabilizes soil temperature well, minimizes moisture evaporation, and weeds grow surprisingly poorly underneath.

How often to water the bushes

Currants love water. To get really good harvest, you need to water it properly - but not daily. When watering a bush, about three buckets of water are consumed, watering is carried out once a week. Water temperature for irrigation should be room temperature.

Top dressing and fertilization

For full development, currants must be fed in the spring. mineral fertilizers... Then her bushes will be strong and healthy. But if you neglect the dosage and "overfeed" the bush, it will never bear fruit, but instead will be overgrown with a cap of gorgeous greenery.

Pruning black currant bushes

Currants are usually cut off in March, in the second half of it, before the buds begin to swell. The pruning tool should be very sharp and easy to cut through branches. Before starting cutting, it is disinfected with potassium permanganate. Then they get to work. The plant is removed from dry, frozen, damaged parts and shoots that have overcome the milestone of 5 or more years of existence. Outdated shoots can be easily identified by outward appearance: they are very dark color and are often overgrown with lichens. Also, all the "tops" (thin twigs that direct their growth towards the sky along a strict vertical), horizontal shoots lying or almost already lying on the ground, and those that are bent inside the bush are mercilessly cut out - they will not be fruitful. As a result, no more than 5 shoots should remain in the cut bush, young and up to 4 years old. The tops of the remaining shoots are cut off for a couple - three buds. Currants of other colors (red, white, and so on) are cut in a completely different way.

Currants grow on almost every garden or summer cottage... The taste of this berry is familiar to most of us since childhood. But in order to get a good harvest and tasty fruits, you need to constantly look after the plants. The cause of a crop failure may be violations of agricultural technology, but most often greatest harm inflicted by pests. Many of them easily endure the winter, and in the spring they begin to destroy the currants.

You can learn how to protect raspberry bushes from diseases and pests.

Watering currants with boiling water: why and when is it better to carry out?

Berry bushes are a good refuge for pest larvae and fungal spores. Therefore, currants constantly need processing from the very different kinds pests and diseases. There are several dozen of them in total.

Early spring processing of currants includes two main stages. It is necessary first of all to burn the plant debris, and then dig up the soil around the bushes and in the aisles. This gives a good result.

But the larvae and spores are found on the bushes themselves. There are several ways to get rid of them. For example, treat the currants with boiling water before the buds bloom on it. This is a well-known and effective pest control method that is used in late February - early March. This procedure is also useful in that it increases the immunity of the currant. V middle lane It is better to pour boiling water over currants in Russia in early March. The snow had already melted at this time, and the buds on the bushes had not yet blossomed. If the leaves have already appeared, then it is impossible to pour boiling water over the bushes, so as not to burn them. It is necessary to ensure that the boiled water cools down to 80-90 degrees.

The greatest harm to currants is caused by a tick that wakes up in the spring after hibernation. The wind, birds can transfer the infection from soil to bush or from bush to bush, and people themselves can become carriers of larvae and spores in the garden. The female ticks begin laying eggs after the buds begin to open. And after about two weeks, already disfigured leaves appear in their place. By pouring hot water on currant branches, you eliminate the tick and thus interrupt its reproduction.

If you do not process the plant on time, then in the fall, harmful creatures again penetrate the buds to survive the winter. As a result, swollen formations appear on the currant bushes, which are easily distinguishable on black currants, but are completely invisible on red ones. During this period, it is useless to use boiling water for processing currant bushes, since the protective shell of the kidneys in which the ticks are hidden is strong. It will withstand such treatment, and the pests will remain intact.

When the buds begin to swell, it is necessary to very carefully and carefully examine all the bushes. The overly enlarged bud contains thousands of mites that can only be seen with a strong magnifying glass. Larvae emerge from eggs laid by females. The process is repeated, and the kidneys affected by them dry up. The deformed buds should be plucked out, and if there are several such swollen buds on one branch, then it is better to cut it off. Then all this must be burned.

Among other things, a tick that has settled on currants is the cause of terry. This is a dangerous viral disease of the berry that affects the entire bush. Currant flowers are spliced, and when infected with a virus, they become divisible, seemingly double. The flowers stretch out, acquire a lilac hue, and no longer form an ovary. As a result, the bush stops bearing fruit.

With the disposal of the tick, powdery mildew fungi are also destroyed during treatment with boiling water. This is the causative agent of another disease - powdery mildew of plants. The disease leads to the fact that the growth of the plant stops, and it dies.

Some gardeners and gardeners do boiling water treatment at the end of October, but this is not as effective. The fact is that aphid eggs have a strong protective shell in the fall, and the method using boiling water may not work.

How to water currants with boiling water?

For watering with boiling water, it is best to use a metal watering can. Plastic watering cans are undesirable as they can deform from hot water. And when using a bucket, you will need too much hot water, which is irrational. Experienced gardeners it is recommended to add salt to boiling water, as well as manganese or copper sulfate in small quantities. The processing efficiency of the addition of these ingredients will only increase. Prepare pruning shears, buckets and scissors as an auxiliary inventory.

To save gas, it is best to boil water over a fire, using available means. Can be adapted iron barrel, drilling two holes in the middle on the sides, and then pushing iron rods into them. Light a fire below them, and put a container on top of them.

After boiling water, begin to scald currant branches evenly. It is necessary to ensure that each branch is treated with boiling water. The procedure must be carried out quickly so that the water does not cool down. Ten liters of boiling water is enough for about three currant bushes, each of which has up to 15-16 branches.

The root system of the currant can be close to the soil surface, so it is necessary to put sheets of plywood, boards or other auxiliary material under the bushes. If none of this is at hand, sprinkle with earth to protect the roots from boiling water.

Boiling water is a simple and universal remedy for currant pests

Using boiling water to kill pests provides gardeners with a number of other benefits. Treated at the end of winter or at the very beginning of spring, the bushes practically do not get sick in summer. They are juicy and fresh. Immunity rises: increased resistance to disease helps currants to more easily tolerate temperature extremes and other adverse weather conditions. The yield of currant bushes becomes higher, improves taste qualities berries.

Almost every self-respecting summer resident, gardener-gardener has several bushes of red or black currants on the site. And everyone wants to get the largest possible harvest with minimal maintenance and without spraying with various chemicals from diseases and pests. Is it possible? Yes, it is possible. If at a certain time you use boiling water for watering currants.

What is this operation for?

Everyone knows that currants are "loved" by many diseases and pests, such as powdery mildew, aphids, ticks and many other diseases and harmful insects... If sprayed chemical means to combat pests and diseases, then the harvest will seem to be, but it is no longer possible to eat it, since it is poisoned with pesticides. And watering with boiling water (rather, not boiling water, but very hot water) will help rid the currants of pathogens and various pests without any chemicals.

In addition, the bushes treated in this way are distinguished by good immunity, are less susceptible to various diseases and are much easier than untreated plants to tolerate spring temperature drops and night frosts. And such an operation also affects the yield, there are much more berries than on the bushes, which were not watered with hot water. By the way, as an experiment, you can water some of the bushes on the site, and leave some unprocessed.

When to process?

The processing of currant bushes should be carried out in early spring, when the buds have not yet swollen, and the snow has barely come off the ground. In principle, you don't need to wait for the complete melting of snow, it will not interfere with processing. In terms of time, this is approximately the end of March - mid-April. Be careful, if you carry out the treatment in a warm season, then you can simply destroy the bushes by scalding them almost and the root system. So if for some reason you do not have time to water on time, then it is better to postpone it for another time.

But if you did not have time to carry out the processing in the spring, then do not worry, this year the harvest of berries will, of course, be smaller, and the bushes can hurt, but prepare for next year you can by watering with boiling water late autumn when it gets cold. However, be careful! If leaves remain on the bush at the time of processing, then with a probability of 99% they will be burned with hot water.

How to properly pour boiling water?

First, prepare a large container for boiling water. Calculate the amount of boiling water you need, based on the fact that one currant bush will require an average of 5 liters of water. Also prepare a metal watering can (you should not use a plastic one, as too hot water can lead to its deterioration), salt or potassium permanganate, they will need to be added to the water right before watering. By the way, it is not necessary to heat water on a gas or electric stove, you can make a fire in the yard and warm it on it. Firstly, savings, and secondly, you will not need to constantly run from home to street and vice versa. In addition to all of the above, we need a thermometer for water, since the water temperature for irrigation should not be higher than sixty-five degrees.

So, we put the water to warm up, bring it to a boil. Why not immediately warm up to the desired temperature of 65 degrees? Because when overflowing from the boiling tank and walking down the street to the site with currants, some of the heat will be lost. Immediately after boiling, pour into a metal watering can and go to process the bushes. Be sure to measure the temperature of the water before watering, if it is still too hot, then the date it will cool down to the desired temperature.

Gently pour over the whole bush, thoroughly. Not missing a single twig, so as not to leave the pests a single chance of survival. Process each shoot (bush) for no more than five seconds. Please note that reprocessing is not allowed! So if, for some reason, you missed a few branches when watering, then do not repeat the operation, otherwise you can ruin the currants.

Watering currants with boiling water is effective in combating currant bud mites, which is the main distributor of terry. It settles in the buds of the plant. early autumn and takes refuge in them throughout the winter. As soon as the kidneys begin to wake up, the mites begin their activity. Females lay eggs, and after two weeks, disfigured leaves appear on the site of the buds, similar to miniature bitten cabbage heads. After another three weeks, the currant takes on a miserable look: there is almost no greenery, the remaining leaves are faded and underdeveloped, new shoots do not develop. With the beginning of autumn, the ticks again move to the buds, and everything repeats. Watering currant branches with boiling water allows you to destroy tick individuals, thereby interrupting the process of its reproduction.

When to process currants with boiling water?

Watering currants in autumn with boiling water will not give the expected result, since at this time the buds in which the pests have settled are covered with a dense crust. This will prevent the hot water from reaching its target and the mites will remain unharmed. Processing is carried out in early spring, when the buds have not yet begun to swell, but already respond to warming with a slight color change. This may even be during a period when the snow has not yet completely melted. Later, when the buds begin to bloom, it is impossible to process the bushes, since boiling water can not only destroy pests, but also suppress the growth of leaves and shoots.

How to pour boiling water over currants?

Before starting work, the bushes that you will water are determined and the order of work is outlined so that the whole procedure is carried out smoothly and quickly until the water has cooled down. If root system is located close to the soil surface, it is covered with auxiliary materials - boards, plywood sheets or slate, it can also be sprinkled with earth.

It is most convenient to water with boiling water from a metal watering can with a strainer on the spout. Because plastic watering can it can deform from hot water, you should not use it, and it is irrational to water from a bucket - too much boiling water consumption. If in hot water add salt, a little manganese or copper sulfate, the processing efficiency will increase.

On a stove or on a fire, the water is brought to a boil and poured into a watering can and the processing of plants begins immediately. The branches are scalded as evenly as possible, without missing anything, but also without staying in one place for a long time, without stopping for more than five seconds in one place.