Currant cultivation and care. Black currant: care and cultivation in the open field

Growing currants on the site is considered one of the easiest, since this culture grows successfully on any soil and in almost any climate. Planting black and red currants can be done not only in spring, but also in autumn. It should be borne in mind that planting seedlings in the ground has certain features, depending on the season and crop variety.

In this article, we will look at the main methods and features of planting black, red and golden currants in autumn and spring, and also give the basic rules for caring for shrubs after planting.

Planting currants in spring

Spring is not considered the most suitable time for planting, as this procedure is best done in early autumn.

However, if you bought seedlings in the spring and do not have the opportunity to store them in suitable conditions before autumn, landing can be carried out after the snow has melted. In this case, certain features of planting seedlings in spring should be taken into account.


With proper care, a shrub can grow and bear fruit successfully in one area for up to 15 years, so the place for planting must be chosen very carefully. Well-lit areas without drafts are suitable for this. The soil should not be too acidic or moist.

Note: If possible, it is better to drain the soil in the garden so that moisture does not stagnate near the roots and cause them to rot.

For spring planting, two-year-old seedlings with well-formed skeletal branches and a developed root system are best suited (Figure 1). Before transferring the plant to the ground, it is imperative to inspect and remove all dry or damaged parts of branches and roots.

Figure 1. Stages of planting seedlings in open ground

When replanting a culture in the ground in the spring, you need to strictly observe the time frame. The disembarkation must be completed before the kidneys awaken. Otherwise, the culture simply will not take root in a new place. In addition, it is advisable to prepare the wells in advance so that the soil in them has time to settle a little.

The ways

You can grow currants not only with seedlings bought in nurseries or stores, but also with planting material grown on your own.

Among the most popular planting methods, there are such(picture 2):

  • Lignified cuttings: they are harvested at the beginning of winter, and rooting in the ground is carried out both in autumn and spring;
  • Green cuttings: it is better to root them in a greenhouse or greenhouse so that the branches can grow a strong root system. Only then can they be planted in the ground;
  • Layers: a branch growing close to the surface of the earth is used as a seedling. It is bent to the ground, a groove is dug into which the branch is immersed so that its tip protrudes slightly above the soil. In the summer, the seedling is regularly watered, and already on next year the branch can be separated from the mother bush and transplanted to a permanent place if necessary.

Figure 2. Methods of culture propagation: cuttings, dividing the bush and layering

Planting with seedlings is more often practiced for rare breeding varieties, although many gardeners prefer not to waste time and plant ready-made seedlings from the nursery.

Planting rules: distance between bushes

Growing and caring for a crop in open ground assumes compliance with certain rules regarding the placement of bushes on the site.

Firstly, it should be borne in mind that the size of the hole should be approximately 55 * 55 cm with a depth of 45 cm. It is necessary to arrange seedlings at a distance of one and a half to two meters from each other. The same gap is observed for the row spacing (Figure 3).

Currants, planting and care, pruning: video

The author of the video will tell you how to properly plant a crop in the ground and how to care for seedlings in the future.

When to plant currants in spring, in what month

As mentioned above, spring is not considered the best time to disembark. This is due to the fact that this crop is characterized by an early start of the growing season, so it is very easy to miss the right time.

Figure 3. Layout of bushes on the site

Experienced gardeners recommend preparing holes for spring planting even in the fall, so that the soil in the pits had time to settle and warmed up earlier after the snow melted. The disembarkation is carried out in early spring when the snow is gone, but the buds have not yet awakened. If you plant seedlings in the ground, in which sap flow has already begun, they will not take root well in a new place or even die, without having time to form a strong root system.

Planting and caring for currants in the open field

Black currant is a common garden crop. This is not surprising, because this unpretentious plant does not require special care and can successfully grow and bear fruit for 15 years.

In this case, it is advisable to observe certain rules caring for shrubs so that they regularly bring a rich harvest and are not exposed to diseases and pests.


There are certain rules for planting a crop. First of all, they relate to the timing of disembarkation. It is better to carry out the procedure in the fall, late September or early October.

Note: The plant quickly takes root in a new place and tolerates winter well, and the shrubs that awaken in spring quickly begin to grow.

This requirement applies only to open-root seedlings. For plants grown in a container, there are no such restrictions: they can be planted in the ground at any time of the year, except for winter.

As a rule, the bushes are located at a distance of one and a half meters from each other. In such conditions, plants grow rapidly, and the branches are better warmed up by the sun. This allows you to get a more plentiful harvest of large berries. On small areas the distance between bushes can be reduced. In this case, the fruiting of crops will begin earlier, but the life of the shrubs will be reduced.

It is best to choose a well-lit area with light loamy soil. The culture does not tolerate stagnant moisture, so it is not recommended to plant it in swampy lowlands, or in areas with a close location of groundwater.

Black currant: planting and care

If the culture was planted in the fall, you need to start caring for the plants in the spring. First of all, you need to inspect the shrubs and remove all damaged and dry branches. Also, in the spring, fertilizing with nitrogen fertilizers and shallow loosening of the soil is carried out (Figure 4).

In summer, the bushes are regularly watered, but so that moisture does not stagnate at the roots. As a rule, for successful fruiting of the plant, natural precipitation is enough, but during a drought it is necessary to control the moisture content of the soil and carry out root watering while reducing the water content in the soil.

Figure 4. Currant care in spring, summer and autumn

In autumn, the ground around the bushes needs to be slightly dug up. Moreover, it must be left in lumps so that moisture does not evaporate from the soil during the cold season. You can also apply potash and phosphorus fertilizers under each shrub. They will not only provide the plants with the nutrients they need for wintering, but will also accelerate the awakening of the buds in spring.


Currant belongs to unpretentious garden crops, so there are few features of caring for it. First, you need to ensure that the site is not overgrown with weeds, as they can become a potential source of diseases and pests.

Secondly, the culture is very sensitive to a lack of moisture, therefore, during the period of intensive growth and fruiting, regular watering is carried out.

In addition, shrubs, like other plants in the garden, need to be pruned regularly. This procedure not only allows you to rejuvenate the bushes, but also to protect them from diseases and pests, since damaged branches can potentially become sources of infection.

You will find more information on caring for shrubs in the video.


The rules for caring for the crop are quite simple. In the spring, a small amount of nitrogen fertilizers is applied under each bush (about 150 grams per bush). During the summer, they also carry out several dressings with mineral and organic fertilizers, as well as inspect shrubs in order to detect possible diseases in time and carry out appropriate processing.

Pruning should also be done regularly. Sanitary is carried out in the spring, removing all frost-bitten or dry shoots. In the fall, the formation of bushes and thinning of the crown are carried out. Summer pruning rarely practiced, but if the plant has been damaged by a disease, the branches are removed immediately to prevent the spread of the pathology.


Currants begin to bear fruit the next year after being transferred to open ground. Therefore, it is necessary to strictly follow the scheme for placing plants on the site so that they quickly acclimatize in a new place and begin to bear fruit earlier.

First of all, you need to choose a place suitable for the shrub. Well-lit areas protected from drafts are suitable for this. You can also plant in a slightly shaded part of the garden. It is important that the soil is not too moist and dense.

Figure 5. Scheme of planting seedlings in the ground

The pits should be located at a distance of 100-150 cm from each other, but in small areas they can be placed more compactly: with a gap of 70-80 cm (Figure 5).

Boarding time

Since currants begin to wake up early, it is better to plant them in the fall, in September or early October. In the spring, you can plant only those seedlings that were grown in containers.

The advantage is given to the autumn planting, since after winter it is easy to miss the time when the earth has already thawed, but the buds have not yet awakened. When planting in the fall, the seedlings will have time to take root and get stronger before the onset of cold weather, and next spring they will actively grow.

Planting black currants in autumn

Autumn, namely September and early October, is considered best time for planting seedlings in open ground. For this, two-year-old seedlings with a well-developed root system and strong skeletal branches are selected.

Note: It is better to prepare wells in advance, since spring. But if planting material appeared unexpectedly, you can do with recently dug holes.

The soil in the selected area is dug up to a depth of 20-25 cm and organic fertilizers are applied (2-4 kg per square meter), as well as granular superphosphate (150 grams per square meter) and 20-30 grams of potassium salt or wood ash.


First of all, you need to choose a well-lit area, protected from drafts. The depth of the holes should be 45 cm, and the width and length should be 55 cm each. The holes should be placed at a distance of one and a half meters from each other so that root system plants received enough nutrients from the soil, and the seedlings could develop normally.

Figure 6. Scheme of placing red currants in the ground

Organic and mineral fertilizers... So that they do not cause a burn of the roots, sprinkle them on top with a small layer of soil. The seedlings are placed in the holes at an angle of 45 degrees so that the bark collar is under the surface of the soil at a depth of 5 cm. This is necessary for the bush to actively branch during the growth process.

Planting red currants in autumn

Red currants, like black currants, are best planted in the fall. But in extreme cases, the movement of seedlings, the soil can be postponed to April. In this case, the holes are prepared in the fall so that the earth has time to settle in them.

Planting red-fruited varieties in the fall has certain features, which will be discussed below.


Red currants are very demanding on lighting, so they are planted in sunny areas with good ventilation. It is best to choose a place with black soil, forest soil or light loam.

Otherwise, planting a culture does not differ from activities that are carried out with black-fruited varieties.


To grow a healthy and productive bush, you must follow certain planting rules.

The layout of culture seedlings on the site includes several important points (Figure 6):

  • In about 2-3 weeks, holes are prepared with a depth of 40 cm and a width of 50-60 cm;
  • The soil from the bottom of the pit is mixed with peat (8-10 kg), superphosphate (200 g) and wood ash (40 g);
  • Plants are placed at a distance of one and a half to two meters from each other, so that in the future they can form a strong root system;
  • When the earth settles in the hole, a seedling is lowered into it and its roots are spread;
  • The seedling should be placed at a slight incline so that the root collar is 5 cm below the soil surface.

The hole is covered with earth, periodically shaking the seedling so that there are no voids around the roots. Then the soil is compacted, watered and covered with a layer of mulch. It is also advisable to cut off the branches, leaving 2-3 strong buds on each, so that the root system of the bush becomes strong, and the plant itself becomes branched.

Golden currant: planting and care

Golden currant attracts not only with its unusual color of berries, but also with numerous useful properties. It is in the berries of this culture that the most useful substances and vitamins are contained, in comparison with ordinary varieties.

Moreover, the cultivation of this variety is associated with certain difficulties, which relate, first of all, to the selection of the correct time for planting and optimal care behind the bushes.

Description of the variety

Externally, the bushes of golden currants are slightly different from ordinary varieties. Firstly, this shrub is more compact and does not grow in width. Secondly, its leaves are smaller in size and outwardly resemble gooseberry leaves (Figure 7).

In addition, the flowers have a pronounced aroma, and the berries are distinguished by a rich taste and unusual color.

Planting and care rules

Planting golden varieties can be carried out both in early spring (before the buds awaken) and in autumn. However, when planting in autumn, it should be borne in mind that the interval before the onset of frost should be as long as possible so that the plants have time to take root and get stronger.

Figure 7. Growing golden currant in the country

Golden currant is distinguished by its unpretentiousness to climatic and soil conditions, so it can be planted in almost any part of the garden. The only requirement is that the site must be well lit so that the fruits are large and ripen evenly.

Note: The pit should be 50 cm wide and 60 cm long, and they must be placed a meter apart with a row spacing of two meters. This will speed up the rooting of the crop and enable it to grow a strong root system and healthy shoots.

Care for golden currants is quite simple. Once a year, the soil in the aisles is dug up and freed from weeds. In the warm season, fertilizers are applied: nitrogen fertilizers in the spring, and potash, phosphorus and organic fertilizers - in the summer and autumn. You also need to periodically prune the shrub so that its crown does not thicken.

Most varieties are disease resistant, but preventive treatments hot water or special chemical means still worth pursuing.

How to store currant seedlings before planting

There are often situations when a seedling appeared unexpectedly, but there is no way to plant it in the ground. This can happen in the spring, when most plants have already started sap flow. Experienced gardeners, in this case, are advised to keep the planting material until autumn.

It is autumn that is considered the best time for planting currants in the ground, so you must definitely know how to preserve them until the moment is suitable for planting.


Regardless of when you received the seedling, you need to take into account some of the features of its storage until the moment of planting. First, it is imperative to inspect the roots and branches of the plant and carefully remove the dry parts.

Figure 8. Storage options for seedlings

Secondly, you need to provide the seedling with an optimal temperature and humidity. In order for the plant to remain viable until it moves into the ground, but at the same time does not release buds, try to maintain a cool temperature, and constantly moisten the roots with water.

Storage rules

There are certain rules, following which you can keep the seedlings healthy until they are planted in the ground. First of all, they need to be examined and the damaged parts of the roots cut off. Next, the roots of the seedlings are watered and wrapped in a damp cloth. This way they will receive the necessary nutrients and water in a stable way.

The seedlings can be buried in a cool, ventilated basement or garden (Figure 8). In the latter case, sandy soil is used, and the plants are sprinkled with spruce branches on top. However, it must be remembered that this method is not suitable for regions with harsh winters.

You can save seedlings in a city apartment. The roots are also wrapped with a damp cloth, and the branches - with paper. In this state, the plants are stored on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. The planting material is periodically inspected, and the fabric is moistened.

Of all the varieties of currants, it is black that is considered the most useful and fragrant. But in order for the plant to flourish and enjoy a good harvest, it is important to observe simple rules care and know the little tricks when planting it. Below we will talk in detail about where, how and when it is better to plant blackcurrant seedlings, as well as about the features of pruning and fertilizing this berry bush.

What to consider when boarding?

Planting black currants is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. The main thing is to choose the right time and place for disembarkation, as well as prepare the ground. First, we will discuss the features of the soil that is optimal for black currant.


Loamy soils are ideal for currants. It grows poorly on sour and swampy ones, so additional preparatory work... To lower the acidity, you must first add slaked lime or wood ash to the ground when digging in spring or autumn.


For the bush to bear fruit well, and the berries are ripe and sweet, the plant needs a lot of sun. Therefore, when choosing a place for planting, you should give preference to well-lit areas of the garden.


Currants tend to grow into large and wide bushes, and this is good, because the larger the bush, the more berries it has. Large shrubs usually have a well-branched root system, which means they need sufficient distance between the plants. It is recommended to plant them in rows, with a distance between them not less than 1, 8 meters, and between bushes in a row - not less than 70 centimeters. Then the plants will have enough space and nutrients.


Fertilizer can be applied both in the fall, when preparing the site, and immediately before planting currants. In the second case, it is better to do it in one - one and a half weeks, so that minerals managed to soak into the soil and did not burn the roots of the plant. In the most urgent case, fertilizer can be applied a couple of days before planting and mixed well with the substrate. It is risky to place fertilizer directly into the holes, as it can seriously damage the roots.

Fertilizers can be both organic (humus, manure, chicken droppings) and mineral - complex or containing one of the essential minerals such as phosphorus, potassium or nitrogen.

Drop off time

The most favorable time for disembarkation is late autumn, somewhere two to three weeks before the onset of cold weather. Usually, planting of black currants in autumn is carried out in late October - early November.

When planting in spring, it is important not to miss the right moment- currants are one of the first to bloom, so it must be planted as early as possible.

Planting: a step-by-step guide

The first thing we do is form a hole in the chosen place in the dug and weed-free soil. To do this, you need to dig a hole, up to half a meter deep and in width corresponding to the size of the root system. If it is decided to apply fertilizer to the hole itself, then we do this and wait another week. When planting in spring, you need to start preparing the pit in the fall.

Now you can start planting. It is important that the roots of the plant are kept moist until and during planting. It is best to put the roots in water 2-3 hours before planting so that they are saturated with water.

It doesn't matter if you are planting a thin twig or a small bush, you need to do it at an angle. Place the plant in the hole at about 60 degrees so that the bottom three buds end up in the ground. Such a planting will contribute to the fact that the bush becomes wide and gives more shoots.

Having sprinkled the roots with earth, you need to slightly compact (but not tamp!) upper layer soil and water the bush abundantly. The aerial part of the shoot must be cut off, leaving only the three lower buds. Such pruning will prevent premature aging of the bush.

Above, we discussed how black currant seedlings are planted. . But there is another way of propagation of this plant - by cuttings.

To do this, we need cuttings with three to four buds, 18-20 cm long. They need to be cut in spring or autumn.

Then they are planted in prepared and weed-free soil, with a distance of 12-15 centimeters between them. Only one bud is left above the ground. Planting black currant cuttings is a common method of plant propagation.

Currant care

It is not enough to plant black currants correctly, because without proper care, even the strongest plant can die. That is why it is important not only correct fit but also care.


Currants are very fond of moisture, so timely watering is the basis for the prosperity of the bush on your site. Watering is especially important during the ripening of the berries - then they will be large and juicy. Otherwise, even with abundant flowering you can get shriveled, small and sour berries.
True, it is also important to observe the measure here - too abundant watering on loamy soils can lead to decay of the roots.

Loosening and mulching

Loosening is equally important. By keeping the topsoil loose, you ensure that the roots of the plant are getting enough oxygen. It is also good to carry out weed control.

Mulching (covering) the topsoil will retain as much moisture as possible and prevent weed growth. As mulch, you can use hay, newspapers, chopped tops of weeds, tomatoes, fallen leaves, etc. Do not use foliage with walnut and coniferous sawdust, as they can impair the properties of the soil. Using newspapers as mulch, you need to remember that during flowering they need to be removed, because during this period insects useful for the plant come to the surface.


It is necessary to feed black currants not only in spring, but also at important stages of the plant's seasonal life: flowering and berry formation. You can use chicken manure dissolved in water, ash or complex fertilizer in granules as a supplementary feed. When using the latter, it is better to cover the granules with a layer of soil or mulch.


Cutting bushes is best late autumn or early spring. This achieves three important goals - thinning the bush, rejuvenating and removing diseased shoots.

Thinning will keep the bush not thickened, provide good access sunlight to all shoots, which means better ripening of berries. For this, about 20 percent of the shoots are removed from the middle of the bush. The need for thinning can be easily identified visually.

The rejuvenation of the bush is carried out by removing old branches. Thus, space is freed up for young shoots and the plant bears fruit longer and more efficiently.

By removing diseased shoots, you prevent infection of nearby healthy shoots, and thus heal the bush. Most often, diseased shoots are also easy to identify by their appearance. You can spot them even during flowering and fruiting. If there were almost no flowers and berries on the shoot, then most likely it is sick and you can safely remove it.

The currant belongs to the gooseberry family, in which there are up to two hundred species, and about fifty are common in the Northern Hemisphere. It first appeared in Russia in monastic gardens, then it spread throughout the country. Currant berries are popular in the horticultural circle in Russia. Today, there are still white and golden currants, but still the black currants are considered the most tasty and healthy. Currants can be used to cook jams, compotes, make wines, liqueurs. In medicine, currants are also popular; they are used in the pharmaceutical industry.

All about currant bushes

Currant is a shrub plant that lives for many years. The bush can be small or voluminous, reaching a height of one to two meters. Shoots are pale green, but brown over time. Each year, new shoots appear from dormant buds. The root of the shrub is powerful.

The diameter of the leaves is from 3 cm to 12, they are green on top, and on the lower side they have fluff along the veins. Bell-shaped flowers are collected in hanging inflorescences.

Fruit - delicious berry... The size and color of the berry is determined by the variety of currant.

May-June is the time of flowering, and the fruits can be harvested in July-August.

Begins to bear fruit the next year after it has been planted.

Red and black currants: planting and care

If you care for the currant bush correctly, then it will bring a healthy berry for a long time, more than fifteen years. Consider the main points of how to plant and care for currants so that they smell fragrant for as long as possible. It is better to plant currants at the very beginning of autumn, but sometimes it is possible in the spring. Seedlings for planting need two years old, with three branched roots. When buying, they need to be carefully considered so as not to acquire a diseased bush.

The best place to plant is where there is more sun and less wind, and the soil is not sour, drained. If the soil is acidic, then you need to pour lime from 300 to 800 g per square meter into the digging. It will also take a few pounds. organic fertilizer... When digging, a depth of 20 cm is needed.

When planting currants, the fall pit should be 50 by 50 cm, and the depth - 45 cm. The distance between the pits is 1.5-2 meters. Humus is poured into the pit - one bucket, superphosphate 100 g and potassium chloride 45 g. Sprinkle it all over with earth so as not to burn the root. Pits can be made and fertilized several weeks before planting. The seedlings are lowered into the hole at an angle of 45 degrees, but so that the neck of the root is 5 cm underground.In order for additional roots to form, and the bush is strong and lush, the roots must be carefully straightened. Then you need to sprinkle with earth, press down, water and fill the hole to the end. Then a furrow is made around the bush and water is poured into it. At the end of planting, the shoots of the seedling are cut 10-15 cm from the ground, but it is necessary that there are 4-5 buds on the short residues.

Plant currants in spring it is necessary until the buds on the seedlings are still closed. The disadvantage of planting in the spring is that the currants begin to grow rapidly, and the earth may not yet have the temperature required for the seedling. It's good if the hole has been dug and fertilized since the fall.

How to care

Currant care in spring is quite simple:

  • If the kidneys have been affected by a tick, then they are removed, but if the kidney has been affected large quantity, then shoots are removed.
  • It is imperative to dig up the soil around the bush and fertilize with manure.
  • Currants, planting and caring for which begins in spring, need abundant watering.
  • You should regularly loosen the ground under the bush and remove all weeds.
  • Caring for currants after harvesting for recreational purposes consists in spraying the bushes with 1% Bordeaux liquid. The treatment should be repeated once more after two weeks.
  • Currant care includes pruning everything that is superfluous after winter.
  • In the spring, plants must be treated against pests and diseases.
  • In May, red and black currants, the planting and care of which are discussed in this article, needs to be inspected for the presence of double flowering bushes. If there are any, cut it out, if the terry is abundant, uproot the bush, otherwise all plants will be affected.
  • Currant care involves feeding the plant with fertilizers that contain nitrogen.

In the summer, watering is of particular importance. At this time of the year, caring for black currants also includes the introduction of organic fertilizers into the soil. You need to monitor the condition of the bushes. In no case should a bush be treated with chemicals less than three weeks before harvest. The berries should be picked as they ripen.

In autumn, careful watering of the plant and loosening of the soil is also necessary. By the end of September, the currants are fed with fertilizers and unnecessary branches are removed. Also during this period, you can plant bushes.

That this fruit crop I was able to please with delicious and healthy bountiful harvest, it should be properly looked after. Processing and caring for currants after harvest - very important stage this process.

Currant pruning

Currants, planting and caring for which are not at all difficult, needs pruning. If you remove all unnecessary from the bush in time, then it will delight with the berry long years... It is necessary to cut off diseased, damaged, dried branches.

The most basic removal occurs in the fall, when all the leaves have fallen off. In the spring, shoots that have been damaged during the winter, as well as dry, broken branches, are shortened. Currants, which are very important to take care of after harvest, are also pruned in summer to give the bush a splendor. Broken, blackened stems and thickening branches are removed.


  • Propagation by cuttings.

This method of propagation is carried out from two types of cuttings - green and lignified. Lignified cuttings - the lightest and affordable way... It can be used both in autumn and spring. Cuttings must be harvested before frost to preserve the buds. To preserve them until the planting season, you need to solder the ends with paraffin or pitch so that moisture remains in them. Store such a workpiece in the cold. Such harvested cuttings are planted in early spring at an angle of 45 degrees, and there should be a distance of 15 cm between them, and 20 between the rows. The lower end of the cuttings is cut obliquely and stuck into the ground so that there are two buds above the ground. The beds are watered and fertilized. From above, the cuttings are covered with polyethylene until the first leaves appear. It is impossible for the earth to dry out; it must be watered regularly. With proper care, 30-50 cm seedlings are formed by the fall. The stronger ones can be planted in a permanent place, the rest can be left to grow for another year.

  • Reproduction by green cuttings.

These cuttings can only be grown in a greenhouse. But there is also such a method. From well-developed shoots, cuttings are taken, the length of which is 5-10 cm, they are placed in water, then a root is formed. After they are planted in bags with earth. You need to water the cuttings every 2-3 times a day so that the earth is the consistency of a cream. After a week, no more watering. It is necessary for the earth to become of usual density. Cuttings are planted in May. The package is cut, and the cuttings are buried in the ground, deeper than they were in the package.

  • Reproduction by layering.

The simplest and reliable way... In this way, you can get healthy and strong seedlings in a year. A healthy two-year-old branch growing obliquely serves as a layering, which can be bent easily to the ground. Under such a branch, you need to dig a 10 cm furrow, bend it down and put the branch in the furrow so that it protrudes 20-30 cm. The middle part must be fixed in the ground. Fill the furrow, water it. And in the fall, you can dig out and plant a seedling in a permanent place, which will turn out in this way. Moreover, the seedling will already have excellent roots and several branches.


Black and red currants, which are not properly cared for (or if the bush has poor heredity), may have the following diseases:

  • the leaves dry and fall off, this is due to the fact that brown spots with tubercles have appeared on them;
  • spots on the leaves, round or angular, brown, brighten in the process, berries can also become infected;
  • pillows with fungus spores, yellowish;
  • currants do not bear fruit, loses their aroma, double flowers appear;
  • brown spots appear on the leaves, sometimes wood suffers, mold occurs;
  • small specks of yellow appear on the top of the leaf, on the bottom there are growths with spores in the form of yellow-orange hairs;
  • the bark cracks, the branches dry, elasticity is lost;
  • a pattern is visible around the yellow veins;
  • a velvet-like plaque appears, then a brown film forms;
  • branches and shoots dry.

Diseases cannot always be cured. Moreover, if they are running. It is better to avoid them and care for the currants in full.


Currants have a lot of pests. You can fight them only when they appeared on the bush. There are a lot of funds for this. You can also use recipes from the people. It is quite possible to avoid the appearance of pests on the bush. Just carry out prevention and process the bushes in the fall, spring and before the onset of cold weather. And then, perhaps, pests will bypass you.


Currant varieties are divided into early, medium and late, they differ in the color of the berries and the time of their ripening.

Increasingly, gardeners are attracted to a new species such as golden currant. Its allure is in decorativeness and uniqueness.

Planting and caring for black currants requires certain knowledge and skills. To get a rich harvest, it is important to comply with all the recommendations for planting and caring for young blackcurrant seedlings as much as possible.

Blackcurrant bushes are planted in spring or autumn. In the spring, the process is carried out before the sap begins to move in the plant and the buds open. In the autumn, the crop is planted in the ground in September or October. Autumn is considered the ideal time for planting currants, because a plant planted at this time of the year actively grows in spring.

Soil selection

The culture is considered unpretentious in terms of soil and a certain area in the garden. It will thrive in the sun, in the shade and on wet soils (they should not be waterlogged).

However, it is better to find the optimal comfortable place for the shrub in order to get more harvest.

People choose:

  1. Fertile land.
  2. Protected from the wind.
  3. A place with ample space, but also a bit darkened.
  4. Allowed to land on a hill.
  5. Requires soil with an acidity level of 6 - 6.5 pH.
  6. It is not recommended to select too moist soils, where groundwater pass close to the surface.
  7. You can plant a crop separately from other plants, or you can allocate a place for it between the rows.

How to choose seedlings?

When buying, pay attention to the root system. It should be strong and strong, with two or three main branches, which can be up to 25 centimeters long.

There should be no dry and diseased roots with damage. Quality seedlings have fresh, wrinkle-free bark. Pinch off a little bark: if there is a green trunk under it, then the seedling is alive, and if the trunk is brown, you are offered already dead plant.

Planting instructions

The preparatory work and the planting process itself include the following steps:

  1. Dig holes 40 by 40 centimeters in size, about a meter apart.
  2. Add a bucket of humus, 150 grams of superphosphate, 300 grams of wood ash, and limestone to the pit.
  3. Mix all fertilizer with soil and water.
  4. Lower the seedling into the prepared hole, tilting it at an angle of forty-five degrees.
  5. Spread out the roots.
  6. Cover the root system with an earthy mixture, making sure that all the voids are filled.
  7. Pour ordinary earth on top of the hole.
  8. Water the planting and mulch.

Spring care

The awakening of black currants from hibernation occurs very early, so the gardener must catch the time before the buds swell in order to get rid of damaged and diseased branches, as well as remove the buds injured by the kidney mite.

In spring, in addition to sanitary pruning, pruning is performed, with the help of which the bush is given the necessary shape. If hilling was carried out before winter, now you need to remove the soil from the trunk circle.

The soil is carefully dug up and covered with mulch with a layer of 5 - 10 centimeters. As mulch, you can use humus or manure, which is laid out around the plant, observing a distance of 20 centimeters from the branches of the bush. Germinating weeds are removed in a timely manner.

Black currant belongs to moisture-loving crops, so it must be watered regularly, especially in the case of a snowy winter and dry spring without precipitation. After watering, it is convenient to immediately weed and loosen the soil. Loosening is carried out about two to three times a week, but the mulched soil can be loosened less often.

Since currants wake up early, they are threatened by return spring frosts... Gardeners protect the crop from sudden temperature changes with polyethylene film.

After the beginning of flowering, the bush is carefully examined for the subsequent removal of branches that were struck by terry (the flowers changed shape: instead of bell-shaped ones, they became dividing ones). Supports are installed if the shrub clearly needs them.

Summer care

Summer care includes timely watering, followed by subsequent loosening and weeding. At this time, organic fertilizers are applied at the root.

You can resort to spraying the leaves with special foliar fertilizers: currants respond well to such feeding. In different containers, 3 grams of boric acid, 5 grams of potassium permanganate and 40 grams are diluted in water copper sulfate.

Then all the components are mixed together in 10 liters of water and poured into a bottle with a spray bottle, with which the bushes are thoroughly sprayed. The procedure is carried out in the morning or in the evening, well processing the leaves on both sides.

If you notice traces of a moth moth on the currant, immediately destroy its nests. Be prepared for the invasion of sawflies, from which they are saved by treatment with special preparations, for example, "Aktellik" or "Karbofos".

In July and August, it is time to harvest a juicy crop. The technology for picking black currants is different from the principles of harvesting red berries.

The fruits of black currant ripen at different times, so the crop is harvested selectively, and not with whole clusters. Select the container carefully. Wide baskets and boxes with a shallow depth are preferred so that the berries do not crumple under their own weight. After the harvest is complete, the bushes are watered abundantly, and after the soil dries out, they are thoroughly loosened.

Autumn care

In September or October, the currants are fed with fertilizers of a mineral or organic nature, then watered abundantly, and then dug up so that the fertilizers get into the soil. Autumn time involves the implementation of sanitary pruning.

Remove branches that thicken the shrub. They will serve as an excellent planting material that can be rooted in the fall. At this time, they are planted on a permanent plot of layering, dug in in the spring.

If there is little rainfall in the fall, water it abundantly before winter so that the plant can stock up on life-giving moisture.

Watering features

Black currant grows well in loose soil, which acquires such a structure with abundant watering, combined with loosening. If the shrub receives an insufficient amount of moisture, shoots and branches stop growing, the crop becomes shallow and crumbles.

Watering at the beginning of summer, when the bush is actively growing and forming ovaries, is of great importance. During the period when fruits appear, that is, in June and July, great attention should be paid to watering. The soil should be moistened by about 35 - 45 centimeters, that is, to the entire depth of the root system. About 20-30 liters of water are consumed per square meter of land.

Around the bush, at a distance of 30 - 40 centimeters from the base, peculiar grooves are dug to a depth of 10 - 15 centimeters. If the currants are planted in rows, furrows can be made along the row spacing.

Water is poured into these grooves and beards during irrigation. After the soil dries up, it is loosened. The mulched area has to be loosened, weeded and watered much less often.

Nuances of feeding

In the planting season, if the hole was prepared according to all the rules, feeding will not be required. Starting from the second year of growth, it is necessary to add 40-50 grams of urea under each bush.

You can treat the bushes themselves with a 7% concentration of urea solution, but only before the juices begin to move through the plant. Adult shrubs, which are more than four years old, are fertilized with less urea. Under each bush, 25 to 40 grams of urea is applied, distributing this volume into two doses.

In the autumn, they resort to using organic fertilizers, applying 10-15 kilograms of manure, compost or poultry droppings per crop. From fertilizers of a mineral nature, 10 - 20 grams of potassium sulfate and 50 grams of superphosphate are consumed for each plant.

If in the spring the site was mulched with organic fertilizer, in the fall, the application of this type of fertilizer can be neglected. In the case when the currants were fed with humus in the fall, nitrogen fertilization is passed in the spring.

How to prune black currants?

The newly planted plants are shortened so that no more than two or three buds remain on each branch. On a culture that has been growing for the second year, from three to five of the strongest and most powerful shoots should remain, which in the future will form the skeleton of the bush. The remaining small and weak branches are cut off.

In the middle of the growing season, that is, in summer, pinching is carried out on exactly two buds. This is necessary so that new shoots grow actively and fruit branches appear. In three-year and four-year-old bushes, currants are left from three to six of the strongest branches, the rest are removed.

The tips of the shoots that grew last year are pinched. When the fourth year of the life of the currant culture comes to an end, the bush is considered an adult and fully formed. After the fifth year, the plant requires anti-aging pruning, which consists in cutting out the oldest shoots.

If in the spring you have done all the necessary pruning, in the fall you just have to remove the damaged and diseased branches, that is, to carry out pruning for sanitary and thinning purposes.

If in the spring it did not work out to carry out all the measures, carry out the pruning according to the above scheme in the fall, when the currants have lost all the leaves. Dried branches are allowed to be removed at any time of the year, but it is recommended to pinch the tops in the middle of summer. For pruning, use sterile pruning shears, garden knives or brush cutters.


You can propagate a culture in several ways: by cuttings, layering and dividing the bush. With the help of seeds, you can also grow a new bush, but there is no guarantee that it will inherit everything varietal characteristics parent plant. In addition, this method takes much longer than the ones listed above.


Cuttings are most often used to get a new currant bush. Shoots of the first year of life, growing at the very roots, are suitable for making cuttings. Cut the cuttings from 15 to 20 centimeters long, making sure that the thickness of the branches is at least 7 millimeters.

In the same autumn, the cuttings are placed in the ground. If during this period it is not possible to find a new place for future young plants, planting can be postponed until spring.

The ends of the planting material should be dipped in a garden pitch, the cuttings should be tied together, put in damp paper and plastic wrap, and then stored in the refrigerator or buried in the snow.

In spring, cuttings are planted in open ground using the same technology that applies to adult currants. A polyethylene greenhouse is erected above them and they are waiting for rooting. Cuttings, which already have roots, are regularly watered, preventing the soil from drying out. As soon as they have one or two shoots, the cuttings are moved to a permanent place.


The method of propagation with the help of layering is considered the simplest and most effective, since the gardener manages to obtain seedlings with a strong root system in just a year.

In early spring, next to the currant bush, dig a hole 10 centimeters deep. On the side of the bush, select a powerful, healthy branch that is already two years old, lower it to the ground and place the middle of the branch in the hole, making sure that 20-30 centimeters of the shoot remain above the surface.

To prevent the escape from getting out of the ground, fix it with a wire and cover it with soil. The cuttings need to be watered regularly, then by the fall it will have a developed root system and two thick branches. So strong young plant can be separated from an adult bush and planted in a new place.

Dividing the bush

They are engaged in dividing the bush in the spring or autumn, when they are going to transplant an adult specimen. The bush is removed from the ground and, using a sterile ax, is divided into several parts. Each division must have a developed and powerful root system and strong shoots.

Places of cuts are processed charcoal, young shoots are shortened by 30 centimeters, and diseased and damaged roots are removed. Delenki are planted in the ground and watered abundantly. The harvest from such young plants can be obtained after a year.

Black currant is considered relatively unpretentious plant therefore, with the least amount of effort, you can get a rich harvest of sweet and healthy berries.

Black currant- popular garden culture, extremely healthy and tasty. Currants are widely used in households: they are eaten fresh, jam, jams, jellies are made, and canned.

Berries are used to prepare compotes and juices, various tinctures, liqueurs and wines. From the article you will learn when and how to plant currants, avoiding planting to picking berries, proper pruning of bushes, propagation by cuttings, pest control, popular varieties of currants.

Perennial shrub from the gooseberry family. The height of the bushes is up to 2 meters with fluffy pale green shoots that change color with age to brown.

The root system is fibrous, reaching a depth of 20-40 cm.

The currant bush consists of branches different ages, located at different levels, thanks to this, currants bear fruit for 12-15 years.

In the spring, at a temperature of +5 degrees, the buds swell, flowering appears at +11 +15 degrees, because of this it is affected by spring frosts.

Most of the varieties of currants do not need pollination, they are also frost-resistant. Currant leaves are used in conservation (very fragrant), and they are also used for brewing tea.

The berries are sweet and sour in taste, with a strong aroma, rich in vitamins and microelements. The high content of vitamin C makes currant berries very healthy, good remedy for the prevention of diseases.

Planting currants

When to plant black currant cuttings

Currant propagates by cuttings, layering, dividing the bush. Young green cuttings take root and begin to grow at any time during the growing season of the plant.

How to plant seedlings in the fall

It is best to plant black currants in the fall, at the beginning of October. Before the onset of spring, the seedlings will take root and quickly grow.

Fertile soil is suitable for currants, best of all light loams with a slightly alkaline reaction. It is better to plant seedlings in lighted places, if the shading of the berries is not sweet and the amount of harvest decreases.

Before planting, the soil is dug to a depth of 20-22 cm and fertilizers are applied: 2-4 kg of organic, 100-150 g of superphosphate, 20-30 g of sulfuric acid potassium per 1 m 2 of the site.

A pit for planting with a diameter of 50 cm and a depth of 40 cm, the distance between the bushes is 1.5 meters. Pour half a bucket of water into the hole, plant a seedling so that the root collar is at a depth of 5 cm, straighten the roots. Sprinkle a little earth on the roots, pour half a bucket of water and fill the hole to the top.

Mulch the soil from above with humus or peat. Cut off the shoots of seedlings at a height of 10-15 cm from the ground, leaving only 4-5 buds.

How to care for black currants

Plant care in spring is not difficult and consists in the following:

Remove the kidneys affected by the mite;

Dig in the bushes and cover the soil with humus or manure around the bushes;

Provide adequate watering during growth and flowering;

Remove weeds and loosen the soil under the plants to a depth of 6 cm, 2-3 times a week. If the soil around the bush is mulched, loosening is not required;

After winter, carry out sanitary pruning of currants;

In early spring, treat bushes from pests and diseases;

Apply nitrogen fertilizers;

During the flowering period, observe and inspect the flowers. If double inflorescences are found, remove them to avoid spreading to other bushes.

Summer currant care

Watering plays an important role in the care of currants in hot summer. Also keep an eye on the cleanliness between the bushes, remove weeds on time. Fertilize with organic fertilizers, together with watering. Inspect the bushes all the time, and if pests or diseases are detected, take action, but do not treat with chemicals three weeks before the berries ripen, do folk remedies... When the berries begin to sing, they need to be picked individually and selectively - only ripe as they ripen.

Currant care in autumn

After harvesting, be sure to water the currants, you also need to loosen the soil. In the second half of September, apply fertilizers: organic and mineral, also carry out formative pruning of currant bushes. In the fall, you need to do the reproduction and planting of currants. For the winter, they carry out preventive treatment against pests and diseases.

Treatment against pests and diseases

In early spring, even before the kidneys swell, treat with a 1% solution of karbofos, copper sulfate or Bordeaux liquid. The soil also needs to be processed. In autumn, remove all fallen leaves from the area with currants, pests will not be bred in them. Carry out preventive treatment with the same drugs in the fall.

Watering currants

After a snowy winter, plants do not need abundant watering. Otherwise, if there was little snow, it is necessary to water it regularly. During the period of growth, formation of ovaries and ripening of berries, water the plants warm water every 5 days. Water consumption is approximately 20-30 liters per 1 m 2 of the plot, the soil should be soaked to a depth of 40 cm. In case of dry autumn, water the currants abundantly for the winter.

Feeding currants

New bushes planted this year have enough fertilizer for growth and development, but when they are 2 or more years old, they need to be fertilized regularly. Apply nitrogen fertilizers in the spring. For two-year-old plants: 40-50 g of urea, for 4-year-olds or more, 20 g will be enough.

In the fall, apply 4-6 kg of organic fertilizer under each bush - manure, compost, chicken droppings... To organic add 50 g of superphosphate and 15 g of potassium sulfate.

Experts recommend that in the summer (June-July) foliar dressing be carried out three times with the following solution: dilute separately 3 g of boric acid, 35 g of copper sulfate, 5 g of potassium permanganate, mix everything with 10 liters of water. After sunset or a cloudy day, spray the bushes with the composition.

When and how to cut currants

Spring currant pruning- carry out to achieve good harvests, remove unnecessary and weak shoots, so the plant does not expend energy on them. Last year's growths on branches 4-5 years old bring the most ovaries. Branches over 6 years old should be pruned. Dried and diseased branches are pruned. In the spring, before the buds bloom, the shoots of frozen and broken branches are shortened, and the main pruning is carried out in the fall, after the leaves have fallen off.

Pruning in the fall- the shoot of the first year is cut at a height of 10-15 cm from the soil level. Biennial bushes free from zero shoots, leaving 3-5 strong branches. 3- and 4-year-old bushes are freed from zero shoots, leaving 3-6 most developed ones. Try to cut underdeveloped and weak shoots in the middle of the bushes. On last year's branches, the tops are pruned, 2 and 3-year-old branches are left with 3-4 buds on each branch, the rest is cut off. Branches over 6 years old are removed completely. The pruning diagram is shown.

Correct pruning of currants - video

Black currants are propagated by lignified or green cuttings.

Lignified cuttings

This is the most affordable and convenient way - there is planting material at any time of the year. You can plant cuttings for rooting from spring to autumn. The length of the cut cuttings is about 20 cm and 8-10 mm thick (the middle of annual shoots, shoots growing from the root or 3-year-old branches are suitable), preferably cut from healthy plants.

When cutting cuttings, the upper cut is made above the bud at a distance of 1 cm with a sharp secateurs, below the cut is under the lower bud.

Most often, cuttings are planted in the spring, but it is better to plant cuttings in the fall, when the buds enter a dormant period: for black currants, this is mid-September - early October.

Cuttings are planted at a distance of 10-15 cm between plants and 40 between the rows, this makes it possible to care for currants in the summer and it is convenient to dig them out for planting in a permanent place. It is better to mulch the soil with humus 3-5 cm, so you will prevent the soil from drying out. Also good option there will be use of a film in which holes for the cuttings are pre-made. Watering is needed in moderation, do not allow the soil to dry out. In the summer, remember to feed the beds with mullein and weed.

If the bushes have time to form by the fall, they can be transplanted to a permanent place, if not, leave it for another season.

Green cuttings

Green cuttings are rooted only in a greenhouse. Cutting length 5-10 cm with three green leaves. Cuttings are placed in water to form roots and after 2 weeks are transplanted into a light peat soil mixture. During the first 3 weeks, spray the cuttings with water for better survival. After 1 month, the film can be removed, if the leaves remain green and elastic, the film is removed completely.

Fight against diseases and pests of black currant

Diseases of the currant

List of common currant diseases:

-- septoria- white spot, angular or round spots on the leaves, first brown, then light with a dark border;
-- anthracnose- small spots with small tubercles of brown color, the leaves dry and fall off starting from the lower branches;
-- terry- you can see the ugly flowers of a lilac hue, and the leaves on the young shoots have become dark, the currants cease to bear fruit;
-- gray rot- brown spots on currant leaves;
-- powdery mildew- white loose bloom on berries and leaves, which turns into a brown film;
-- striped mosaic- you can see a yellow pattern on the leaves around the main veins;
-- columnar rust- appears on the leaves: on the upper side there are small yellow specks, on the lower side growths with spores yellow color in the form of hairs.

Treatment can not always give a result - viral diseases are not cured. Better prevention proper care for currants throughout the season and responding to the slightest manifestations of diseases. For prophylaxis, spray the soil and black currant bushes with solutions of Bordeaux liquid, karbofos or copper sulfate in early spring before the buds swell.

Currant pests

Pests of currants, the types that can be found often:

-- pale-footed sawfly- its caterpillars dine on the leaves, leaving only veins;
-- biennial leaf roll- damage buds and berries;
-- fire- berries that are damaged ripen ahead of schedule;
-- shoot aphid- damages leaves by feeding on sap. Leaves curl, dry, shoots stop growing, bend;
-- kidney mite- damages the kidneys, climbing into them for the winter and eating away from the inside;
-- spider mite - leaves of steel of marble color, dry up and fall off;
-- gall midges- they eat out currant shoots from the inside, which leads to their death. Flower gall midges damage the buds, after which they fall off;
-- fruit sawfly- Causes damage to black currant berries, the berries take a faceted shape.

Each type of pest is fought as soon as they appear on the bushes. Means for processing can be folk, or chemicals - decide what to choose for yourself. But after carrying out prevention in early spring, when all the snow has not yet melted (the buds are still at rest), pour boiling water over the currant bushes from the watering can. Thus, you will destroy pests on the branches and in the ground under the bushes. After the snow melts, process the soil and bushes with Bordeaux liquid or copper sulfate.

Care and pest control without chemicals - video

Winter-hardy varieties are suitable for growing in the northern regions - Kent Goliath, Leah fertile, Neapolitan.

It can also be divided into early, middle and late varieties by maturity.

The most popular varieties:

-- Belarusian sweet- early, self-fertile variety with large berries, resistant to kidney mites and anthracnose;
-- Premiere- an early variety with large berries of a dessert flavor. High productivity. Resistant to ticks;
-- Moscow- early variety, hardy, self-fertile with large berries and average yield;
-- Boscopic giant- mid-early variety with large sweet and sour berries;
-- Primorsky champion- an early variety with powerful bushes, wrinkled leaves and large round fruits on long clusters. Have winter hardiness and high productivity;
-- Enchantress- the average ripening period of berries, a low bush with large shiny fruits. High productivity, resistant to pests and diseases;
-- Treasure- a medium variety with a short bush and tasty, large berries. High-yielding variety. Medium resistant to powdery mildew, and a kidney mite;
-- Oryol Serenade- medium late grade with berries of medium size, high yield. Resistant to diseases and pests;
-- Gross- late variety with a higher than average bush height. Large berries weighing 5 g, high yield. Resistant to fungal diseases and moderately resistant to ticks;
-- Kent- late variety with undersized spreading bushes and large leaves. Berries are large and sour in taste, high yield.

This is a small part of the listed varieties of black currant from the whole variety, you make a choice based on the weather conditions in your region.

Good yields of berries!