How to choose a pan: Tips, types, brands. Guide for choosing a good universal frying pan

Many cooks tend to believe that the masterpiece can be prepared on anything, but it is possible to do it quickly and without risk only subject to the use of high-quality and safe dishes. Good frying pan modern market It seems not to be uncommon, but to recognize it among hundreds of options is quite difficult. Portal Mark.Guru was prepared rating of dishes for frying and extinguishing from various manufacturers. Readers will receive maximum useful information The choice, learn what is the best frying pan, get acquainted with the characteristics of popular models, their advantages and disadvantages according to specialists, experienced cooks, as well as users who left feedback on popular resources.

The frying pan of the pan is retail, one can be ideal for frying and extinguishing, but the other only for the scrambled eggs and will fit. There are important characteristics that cannot be forgotten under any circumstances.

  1. DNA thickness. This is the most important indicator of uniform warming up products and competent preparations on slow heat. As a rule, the most severe with a bottom of 1.5 and more centimeters will be a high-quality cast iron frying pan. Such dishes are not afraid of damage, but often does not have a non-stick coverage because of which the hostesses underestimate. In handling it will not be equal, so it is worth paying attention.
  2. Type of coating. In stores you can see the mass of non-stick coatings of different price levels. This is a cheap teflon, and the ceramics of the middle segment, titanium, marble and even pearl, but should not pay attention to modern marketing tricks. A qualitatively covered in the ceramics of the pan will fully satisfy the need for both the price and properties. For those who are planning too actively use the dishes, it is worth paying attention to Titan, it is an order of magnitude more expensive, however, it is enough for many years.
  3. Shape and length of handle - Characteristic individual. It is worth experimenting in the store. If you have uncomfortable at the time of purchase, it is hardly possible to change after. If the handle is convenient, and also also removable, it will probably prefer to other options. For frying meat and bringing to readiness already in the oven - this is a great option that provides a minimum of the dishes.
  4. Form of the frying pan. Many scenery, hollows, grills and pancakes give fantasies to get raised, make it difficult to choose. It is worth thinking about what is preparing more often, based on this and make a choice.

And now more about which frying pan offers consumers famous manufacturers of dishes for cooking.

1. Tefal

The rating leader was a popular French brand. He earned the first place due to the quality of products, its availability and a thoughtful approach to the cooking process. Do not think that dark coating inside is a classic Teflon. Not at all, these are modern coatings PowerGlide, Titanium Pro, Titanium Excellence, Prometal Pro, which the company is constantly improving and seeks to make more resistant to any mechanical impact. The frying pan with a non-stick coating from the tefal is perfect, ready for extreme temperatures, allow you to prepare without the use of fat and oils.

The business card of the brand is the thermo-spot indicator that signals sufficiently heating the frying pan to start frying.

In stores you can meet both budget aluminum models and unique from of stainless steel With ceramics and sapphire dust for induction plates and ovens, which are completely not afraid of metal blades and knives. The price range is great, but the frying pan of the average price segment from 1500 to 4,000 rubles remain the most popular.

  • reliability and safety of materials used;
  • uniform warming of products;
  • the presence of temperature indication;
  • stylish modern design.

Cons: on glossy models quickly burns paint.

Prices TEFAL EXTRA 28 cm frying:

2. Kukmara.

The brand comes from Kazan, in fact, this is the name of the area in which more than 60 years are made by the pan, cauldron and frying panities of excellent quality. Products have reasonable prices and characteristics. last trend World of dishes. In the catalog, you can meet the most diverse utensils: it is a pan, and brazier, skewers and mangals, and of course, the great variety of pans with non-stick, ceramic and decorative coating. Many hostesses appreciate this brand for durability and quality of execution.

The best frying pan can stay in everyday life even after 10 years of active use.

At the same time, the price range pleases the eye: small panns can do in 400-600 rubles, and a large cashewrine with a thick bottom, a comfortable lid and a ceramic coating from 1500 to 2500.

  • quality and durability;
  • variety of models and sizes;
  • low price;
  • accessibility of acquisition.

Cons: All coatings require careful circulation.

Prices Kukmara marble frying pan 26 cm with removable handle:

3. biol

Since 1999, the Ukrainian company has been engaged in the production of aluminum and cast-iron dishes with modern coatings and without them. Wide distribution have cast iron, pancakes and deep skills.

Most of the Biol frying pan has non-heated silicone or wooden handles With removable mounting mechanisms, which allows them to be used in the oven and compactly store.

All materials used in production are safe and environmentally friendly. Adds attractiveness price, deep frying pan with a non-stick coating and a glass lid will cost less than 2000 rubles.

  • simplicity and availability of products;
  • only safe aluminum and cast iron coated and without;
  • thickened bottom;
  • low price.

Cons: a thin layer of ceramic spraying is quickly thinned and loses properties.

Prices Frying pan biool 0126 26 cm:

4. Rondell

The German brand redeemed by the Chinese in the early 2000s, however, the quality and materials did not change too much since then. Many cooks still recommend Rondell as the best professional frying pan presented on the market. In the rules, many models made of stainless steel and aluminum with a non-stick coating.

Business card brand - three-layer stamped bottom for better and uniform heat transfer.

One more distinctive trait - Long and pretty heavy handles, which are installed even on light pancakes and small pancakes for the scrambled eggs - the dishes becomes unstable and strives to turn over. Prices are fully dependent on the premiums of the line and materials. For example, a shill with a lid and a non-stick coating will cost a minimum of 5,000 rubles.

  • safe materials;
  • a variety of forms and models;
  • coating resistant;
  • three-layer bottom.

Cons: overpriced price.

Prices Rondell Mocco rda-276 frying pan-276:

5. Nevva-Metal Dishes

Durable cast coated tableware - Profile of the St. Petersburg Plant. Tolstone frying pan is not subject to strain, active wear. excellent quality Coatings has a long-term warranty.

In the series "Titan" and "Almaz", the manufacturer gives 3 years warranty even when using metal devices during preparation, and on the line of pancakes with a classic non-stick coating - 1 year.

Nevertheless, buyers note that even when erasing a ceramic or titanium layer, the dishes do not lose its qualities and the products are not burning and all are also warming up evenly.

The cost of the popular deep frying pan with titanium coating ranges from 1200 to 1700 rubles.

  • high quality products;
  • long warranty period;
  • safe materials;
  • abrasion-resistant coverage.

Minuses: the lineup limited.

Prices Frying pan neva metal dishes special 9026 26 cm:

6. Fissler

German quality Brand's dishes with a flawless reputation - expensive, and in all senses. Many cooks tend to believe that their best frying pan was the name of a talented entrepreneur high levels Production of dishes.

Each frying pan has its own passport and a warranty for a period of 5 years. And everyone who dealt with this brand knows that properly operationAs a base and a non-stick coating, will serve much longer, fully justified its price.

In the rules you can meet models from cast aluminum and stainless steel with copyright teflon, steel and ceramic coating. The cost of running models is from 6,000 to 10,000 rubles.

  • infinite set of lines with different characteristics;
  • unsurpassed German quality;
  • modern design;
  • safe materials.

Cons: High price.

Prices Fissler Sensored 26 cm frying:

7. TVS.

Italian utensils at affordable prices - the dream of any mistress. For several decades, the brand has plentless of high-quality products with excellent non-stick properties and a uniform distribution of heat. Among the popular ceramics, titanium coatings, granite were launched by TVS among the first. International Standards Quality and security, diplomas of various contests - all this is absolutely deserved.

A wide range of available aluminum frying pan with removable handles for the oven.

The average price of brand products ranges from 1500-2500 rubles.

  • excellent performance quality;
  • safe durable materials;
  • variety of models;
  • affordable prices.

Cons: Heavy Handles, can benged small ingredients of small diameter.

Prices TVS VINCI frying pan 24 cm:

Swiss embodiment of quality and durability.

The basis of the brand-cast aluminum frying pan with the addition of silicon, and the internal diamond coating is the author's patented invention of the company.

It is practically not exposed to external influence and is considered the most durable of all existing. The brand appeared on the market in 2001 and managed to conquer its product quality and continuous improvement of technologies. Already in 2010, SWISS Diamond experts managed to increase the strength without the impressive coverage properties.

A huge number of models allows you to choose optimal size And the form for each particular dish and cook.

The cost of deep frying pan with a lid may vary from 7,000 to 13,000 rubles.

  • durability of the coating;
  • not inclined to deformation and abrasion materials;
  • swiss quality;
  • rich variety of models.

Cons: High price.


9. Gipfel.

This is an international brand that has success around the world due to the high quality of the dishes, copyrighted sustainable coverage, as well as original design and many modern models.

The best company frying pan can wash in dishwashersuse metal devices - It is almost impossible to damage them.

Most of the mashed aluminum dishes are made, some rules are made of cast iron and stainless steel. German quality can not be cheap, especially, we are talking about a brand with a world name, therefore, there is a variation of prices for popular models from 6,000 to 10,000 rubles.

  • high quality;
  • author's sustainable covers based on titanium and ceramics;
  • thick walls that preserve heat;
  • resistant to machine wash.

Cons: riveted handles can be loosened over time.

Prices Gipfel Gemiola 24 cm frying:

10. Vitesse.

This is budget dishes made using modern technologies production.

In most of these aluminum frying pan with a ceramic coating, they can be found in most of the shops.

But there are exclusive thick-walled ruins from cast iron and attractive stainless steel models. You can choose from dozens of classic models for extinguishing and frying, as well as look at grills with a non-stick coating, bright skewers with color enamel. Vitesse bribes the variety of forms, characteristics and amazingly low price, which does not exceed 2000 or 3000 rubles, and the running models are even cheaper - 1000 or 1700.

  • safe materials;
  • a wide range of dishes;
  • high-quality execution;
  • comfortable handles.

Cons: Coatings require a careful relationship.

Prices Frying pan VITESSE GRANITE VS-4013 26 cm:


Top 10 most reliable and famous manufacturers The frying pan for the preparation of various dishes presented the main features of each brand products. We hope that the positive and negative aspects of popular brands will help choose high-quality dishes for the house and, most importantly, the most secure as possible.

The frying pan is an indispensable thing in any kitchen. With it, you can prepare the most unusual dishes in many ways. In the old days, the frying pan did not differ in diversity and most often passed "inheritance" from the older hostess in the kitchen to the younger. Now everything is different: the assortment of the pan is so great that there is a lot of questions at once. How to choose a frying pan? What is better suitable for frying vegetables or pancakes? And which is capable of withstanding long heat loads And live for many years? We will answer all questions and tell how to choose good frying pan For home and what better to buy.

For hosts acquisition kitchen utensils - A very responsible step, because the frying pan in the kitchen is an indispensable "weapon" of any culinary, even a beginner. Therefore, not only the appearance and ease of use is important, but also functionality and quality. Consider the main characteristics of pans affecting the duration of their service and the quality of the prepared food:

  • Weight. The greater the weight of the frying pan, the more high-quality it is, and therefore the service life will be considerable.
  • The size. Small frying pan are very compact, quickly warmed up. This is an excellent option for small families from 1-2 people. Large skins are suitable for numerous families or as dishes for the preparation of large festive dishes. The solution is optimal in this situation will be at once a few pan. This will help not only speed up the cooking process, but will be more practical.

  • A pen. The frying pan may have a removable handle, screwed or monolithic. It is noted that the coating of the screw handle is deformed more often than that of monolithic. Frying pan with a removable handle will be good for cooking dishes baked in the oven.
  • Coating. We are talking about long-known and loved by Teflon and ceramic coatings, which allow you to get a well-rooted product that has been managed from all sides.

Council. If in the store you saw 2 with sight of absolutely identical frying pan, differing only in the thick walls, then do not think - boldly take the one that is squeezed.

On which plate to be preparing and what exactly

Yes, really, from type kitchen Plate A lot of frying pan depends. So, if you are the owner of the usual gas stove, then the size of the pan and the metal, from which it is done does not play a special role.

If the electric stove costs in your kitchen, then you should focus on frying of any metal, except aluminum. To reduce the duration of the cooking process and make it more pleasant, choose a frying pan with a bottom diameter that coincides with the size of the burner.

For cooking on an induction plate, experts advise to acquire steel and cast-iron pans, that is, magnetic. The ideal option is considered to be a frying pan with a special bottom made of ferromagnetic alloys. True, the price of such a product "bites", and it is out of order in several years. So it is: good marketing stroke or necessity? This is already to solve you.

Products that are most often prepared also to a certain extent affect the choice of frying pan. Ideally, the hostess in the kitchen should be "grated" a few rugs different sizes and out various material To perform a variety of functions. For example, to fry a pair of croutons and eggs in the morning, you do not need a large cast iron frying pan. For these purposes, small sinks of a frying pan with an angitar coating are quite suitable.

If you often extinguish or frift products, take care of having a massive frying pan with high sides, a comfortable handle and necessarily a high-quality lid.

For lovers of pancakes an indispensable assistant There will be a special pancake frying pan - she has very little weight and low side.

The grill is remarkably suitable for the preparation of meat and fish steaks, chops and roasted vegetables. It is usually different large size, rectangular shape and ribbed inner surface.

Types of materials

The frying pan may differ in form and sizes, but the main difference is the material from which they are made because the functionality of the product depends on it. Consider the classification of pan, depending on the material used:

  • Cast iron frying pan. Very high quality and reliable. Suitable for cooking, requiring long-term heat treatment, as cast iron is an excellent heat conductor. That is, the cast iron frying pan is quickly and strongly warmed, but it does not give food to the goods. This is quite simple: the cast iron has a porous structure, so during cooking on the surface of the frying pan protective film out of fat. The first plus cast iron pan is that they are not terrible acid, that is, the dish can add lemon juice or fry products containing in large quantities Acid. But here the various abrasives in no way should be used to purify the cast-iron frying pan, as they deprive its natural fat protection.

Council. So that the cast-iron frying pan served you for many years, never keep food, water and do not drop it on the floor, because cast iron, oddly enough - very fragile, and the pan can burst.

  • Stainless steel frying pan (stainless steel). With their help you can cook delicious and healthy food. After all, the stainless steel is made in such a way that it does not interact with any material during operation, so the taste of the products will not deteriorate, and oxides will not fall into the body.
  • Aluminum frying pan Very lungs, possess good thermal conductivity and are relatively inexpensive. But at the same time they have substantial minuses: metal is easy to scratch with metal cutlery, it is not suitable for frying and baking - products are simply inhaling, and most likely already forever. Also, aluminum frying pan are unsuitable for cooking, requiring long-term heat treatment - with overheating, the metal may be deformed.

  • Teflon Flashes. At one time, Teflon produced a real furyor in the kitchen product market. It is resistant to acids, alkalis and long-term effects. But at the same time, the Teflon coating is "afraid of" metal cutlery, overheating (at 200 degrees, the Teflon becomes gaseous). Teflon frying pans are quite quickly wear out: their service life is no longer than 5 years.
  • Ceramic frying pan. According to its properties, ceramic frying pan is very similar to Teflon, with the difference that it can easily carry high temperatures (even up to 450 degrees), during overheating does not change its physical condition, does not highlight harmful substances And in most cases, it is quite normal in contact with metal cutlery.
  • Titanium coated frying pan - "Newbies" in the kitchen utensil market. They have a set of characteristics of cast iron and do not rust, but the price of them is appropriate. It should be clarified that titanium frying pan consists of it not completely - only the top layer is covered with a titanium sheath - "filling" can be any.

We offer you at last a few tips for choosing a frying pan, which will help you "not be lost" among the shop manifold:

  1. If you choose on an aluminum frying pan with a non-stick coating, then give preference to cast structures with thickened walls and bottom.
  2. When you determine for yourself the optimal diameter of the frying pan, then learn that the number indicated by the manufacturer is the diameter of the outer part of the frying pan.
  3. You practically decided on the model, but next to you like you still have a few of the same type of pan? The output is simple: Choose the one in which the walls and the bottom are most thickened and there are several non-stick layers.
  4. When choosing a pancake frying pan, pay attention to the product handle: it must be removable, or in extremely metallic.
  5. If you have a glass-ceramic panel, then exclude from the list of possible models of aluminum and copper frying pots - they can ruin working surface Plates.
  6. If we are talking about a high-quality pan, then you should understand that it will clearly not cost 500 rubles, but a little more.

We have told you a lot of useful about how to choose for home use Qualitative frying pan, and also shared tips on which models are best suited for certain cooking processes. Let your choice be successful!

How to choose a pan: video

How to choose a pan for home: photo

The frying pan is an indispensable object of dishes in any kitchen. If you choose it correctly, you can significantly simplify my life. With a good and comfortable frying pan, the cooking process will become pleasant and fast.

Rating 9 best frying pan

For those who want to purchase high-quality and proven frying pan in the kitchen, let's consider the rating of the most popular models. After all, their assortment is so great that you can get confused when choosing. When choosing this dish, you need to pay attention to:

  • brand;
  • direct purpose;
  • materials manufacturing.

Modern frying pan can be a ceramic coating, with teflon, from minerals, cast-iron.

Best Ceramic Frying Frying

When choosing ceramic dishes, you need to pay attention to:

  • thickness of the product;
  • availability of quality certificate;
  • cost;
  • appearance.

Ceramic coating products meet the requirements of professional kitchens. Their main advantages can be attributed:

  • the presence of a two-layer ceramic coating;
  • uniform and rapid warming;
  • the possibility of cooking without vegetable oil;
  • preventing the burning of food;
  • ability to withstand a larger temperature.

Important: Ceramic coating pans are afraid of sudden temperature drops.

Bergner BG 6787.

Attention: acquiring ceramic products It is worth remembering that this material needs special care. Ceramics easily scratched and exposed to mechanical effects.

The Bergner BG 6787 model is made in Austria. Studying specifications need to be noted:

  • product size - 28 cm;
  • height - 7.5 cm;
  • production material: aluminum with two-layer coating;
  • features: The presence of two removable handles and color heat-resistant coating.

This model is popular thanks to its practicality, convenience and affordable cost.

Gipfel Zenit.

Basic technical characteristics are:

  • size: 28 cm;
  • material: cast aluminum;
  • features: Fast and uniform heating of food, the presence of heat-resistant handle and multilayer induction bottom.

Important: This model has a non-removable handle and does not have a lid.

The best cast iron frying pan

The advantages of pig-iron products include:

  • the presence of a non-stick coating;
  • long service life;
  • practicality and reliability.

Biol 0120.

  • diameter - 20 cm;
  • height - 4.5 cm;
  • weight of 1.5 kg.

This model has a cast case. The presence of a small removable handle makes it possible to prepare food on the stove or in the oven.

The benefits of the shopping bags of the brand Biol include:

  • excellent characteristics of heat capacity;
  • chemical inertness;
  • high-quality surface.

Cast-iron products are easy and easy to care for. If such dishes to care for such disadvantages, it will last you for more than a century.

Also, this manufacturer can select the cast-iron frying pan with a lid of 1028c. It has good technical qualities:

  • diameter: 28 cm;
  • height - 4.5 cm;
  • weight 4, 9 kg.

The characteristics of the model include: the presence of two removable pens from metal and wood. This dishes can be used for all types of plates. The presence of a calene glass cover allows you to prepare delicious dishes in the oven.

The frying pan of Biol 1020 with pleases the owners of high quality. Special thermal processing of the product significantly increases its characteristics. This model has a ribbed surface, which allows you to prepare juicy and appetizing dishes.

The best models with teflon coating

Teflon coating utensils gives housewives to save time on cooking. Choosing decent patterns of pans, pay attention to the manufacturer of the Neva - metal.

The advantages of this product include:

  • high quality;
  • long rock guarantee;
  • the use of safe and environmentally friendly materials;
  • resistance to abrasion.

Caution: Teflonso coatings can not be overheated and exposed to mechanical effects.

German frying pan Fissler Protect Alux Premium 28cm with Teflon coating Protectal Plus:

  • suitable for electrical, gas and induction plates;
  • the presence of a thicken bottom prevents burning food and guarantees a uniform distribution of heat and rapidize dishes.
  • it has a unique non-stick coating Protectal Plus, which is applied to several layers in the innovative method. This coating makes dishes to an environmentally friendly and resistant to negative factors.

The Rondell Stern RDS-092 model is made of stainless steel with non-stick teflon coating. Initially, the brand was founded in Germany, but now the dishes are made in China. The features of this dishes include availability:

  • non-stick coating;
  • triple stamped fused bottom;
  • long warranty from 2 to 20 years.

Model Ballarini 76547A.24 from the "Professional" series is different:

  • safety;
  • practicality;
  • aesthetic appearance.

ViteSse Madaleine VS-1154 frying pan:

  • made of aluminum;
  • equipped with a three-layer non-stick coating;
  • it has a transparent shockproof glass. This allows you to keep track of cooking.

This model is equipped with a removable bakelite handle and is suitable for using all types of plates. The diameter of the product is 26 cm, the height is 5 cm, the length of the handle is 20 cm.

Mineral Paints Coated

Mineral products are not only distinguished by high technical characteristics, but also a flawless appearance. These products have high non-stick characteristics and withstand high temperatures. Since inside the product is slippery, it can be prepared on it without oil.

The panliner Haus 1297 28 cm frying pan is made of cast aluminum and has a non-stick marble coating. This coating prevents burning food and eliminates mechanical damage from spoons and metal blades. This dishes are intended for all types of furnaces, including induction. Its features include:

  • the presence of marble coating;
  • the presence of a three-layer bottom;
  • interesting design;
  • ergonomic handle;
  • the ability to wash in dishwashers.

The Zenit model of GIPFEL meets all consumer requirements. The presence of marble coating guarantees:

  • uniform heating of food;
  • durability and reliability of dishes;
  • easy to use and care.

This model has a convenient handle that does not slide and securely holds in the hand.

Important: The greater the coating layers in marble products, the longer the life of the dishes.

Summing up, it is worth noting that on what kind of option you did not choose, competently approach the manufacturer's choice. Trust only proven brands, read reviews of previous buyers and make your choice. Observing the requirements of manufacturers, the chosen frying pan model will serve you for many years.

A variety of frying pan is also very large. In the past few years, enjoy specially popular Ceramic frying pan. There are many advertising noise around their functional characteristics. This greatly complicates the process of choice. Therefore, it is important to understand in all the peculiarities of such frying pan, and not make a mistake with the choice.

Pros and cons of cooking in a frying pan with a ceramic coating

Around the ceramic pan are disputes: how safe is their use, and whether the taste of food is not spoiled after cooking. The basis of the coating of the product is ceramics (a mixture of sand and water). Components are fused at temperatures +1000 about S.. According to experts, chlorine is added to it for the basis of a frying pan. It is believed that when preparing dishes in a pan with such a coating chlorine enters the food. This is not true. It all depends on the quality of the pan.

This dish has its advantages that facilitate cooking.

Pluses frying pan:

  • It can be washed with detergents.
  • During cooking, metal blades can be used.
  • Due to the dense structure, scratches and damage can be avoided.
  • Ceramics is well staining. You can choose the fisker of suitable color.
  • Due to the rapid heating of the surface, the time is saved for cooking.
  • Heat is evenly distributed and held for a long time.
  • Even if the ceramic surface is damaged, there is no danger to health when using dishes.

In a frying pan with a coating of ceramics, you can cook dishes without adding. Thanks to this, they are obtained with healthier and dietary. After all, fried oil is a strong carcinogen. Therefore, people who watch their health and weight are useful to fry food in a ceramic frying pan.


  • With sharp drops of temperature, the coating is quickly wearing. Therefore, it is impossible to put a hot frying pan in cold water.
  • If it is long enough to pump out the product, it quickly comes in disrepair.
  • It is impossible to use a ceramic frying pan on the cooking panels, induction plates. For them you need dishes with a metal magnetic bottom
  • The cost of such a frying pan is high enough compared to Teflon.

Every time the hot frying pan and cold food intended for frying, on the surface of the product will be formed millegate microcracks. Gradually raise the non-stick properties of the product. Products will begin to stick stronger to the surface. And the washing of the dishes will become more difficult.

How to choose a good frying pan with a ceramic coating

First of all, it is necessary to determine the objectives for which the pan will be intended. For pancakes, for example, the product should be with low sidelights and bottom of the middle thickness. If frying juicy chops or, beam to take a thick heavy dishes with the embossed bottom. Ideally for home cooking is enough 3-5 skin for a different purpose.

What are common criteria Selection of ceramic pans?


Be sure to pay attention to the manufacturer. Acquire better product famous marks. High-quality frying pan should cost from 1000 rubles. Budget analogs of unknown TMs have already been able to fail, the coating begins to crack themselves.

The right to production of ceramic coverage has brands CERALON, THERMOLON, WHITFORD FUSION, GREBLON CERAM. There are many brands that produce dishes with spraying from ceramics. But the qualitative can be considered those that use the coating of the above grades. It is better to give up the purchase if there is no enough information about the manufacturer.


Before buying, you should ask the seller product quality certificate. There must be written confirmation that the products of this manufacturer are suitable for cooking, and are not dangerous to health.

DNA thickness and weight

The thicker walls in the frying pan, the longer the life of its operation. With a thickness of the bottom from 4 mm, more uniform heating occurs. The dishes are not deformed. The optimal option for home use is a frying pan with 4 mm wall thickness and 7 mm - bottom. Thanks to such parameters, strain can be avoided with sharp temperature differences.

It is better to choose a frying pan with cast handle. Due to the solid holder, you can ensure reliability in the operation of the device. So that the handle does not heat up, and it was convenient to take it in the hands, without fear of burn, it should be covered with heat-resistant material. If it is planned to buy products in the oven, it is better to buy a pan with a removable holder or with a handle from the food stainless steel brand 18/10.

Basic material

Ceramics is only a frying pan cover. And the basis of it can be made of aluminum, stainless steel, cast iron. They have different performance characteristics, quality and cost.

Aluminum product has high heat distribution on the surface. But they are more prone deformation than cast iron frying pan or stainless steel. Cookware from cast iron is the most reliable and durable. This material is the hardest. The cost of such frying pan is higher than stainless steel or aluminum.

It is better to choose a litter, and not a stamped frying pan, from which material it would not be manufactured.


When choosing a frying pan with a ceramic coating, you need to look at the price tag. There is direct dependence of the price and quality. So that the dishes serve longer, it is impossible to buy her cheap options. A good frying pan cannot cost less than 1000 rubles.

Overview of popular models and varieties

Samples pan with ceramic coating a lot. Products are presented on the market TM Vitesse, Gipfel, Lacor, Fissler, Berghoff, Moneta etc.

If the manufacturer uses the stamp coating, which was mentioned above ( CERALON, THERMOLON, WHITFORD FUSION, GREBLON CERAM), this is an additional guarantee of the quality of the goods.

Ballarini (Italy)

The range is represented by the Cortina and Cortin series. The coating is manufactured by the proprietary rapid heating technology. It is considered one of the best marks in terms of product quality. Pans are like standard heightSo higher to extinguish vegetables and meat. A heating indicator is installed on the handle of this TM.

Gipfel (Germany)

Different with a variety of design skin. In the manufacture of products using Greblon or EXSILON spraying. The base of cast aluminum. High price categories can be used for plates of different types. You can wash them in the dishwasher.

Fissman (Denmark)

Refers to the segment of the average price category. For spraying, the composition of Bioceramic, which is applied to the aluminum base of the Olympic series. Biscuit frying pan for grill is equipped with an induction bottom.

Bergner (Austria)

The base is cast aluminum. Frying pans are included with covers with holes for steam out. Pens - rubberized from the Bakelite.

Maestro (China)

Among Asian models in the budget segment is quite good quality. For spraying, Quantanium material is used. Included with a frying pan comes the lid (except for a pannitz). Pens go both removable and cast. Forms and shades of products are different.

TVS (Italy)

To spray the housing, a double CeraMit coating is used. Bianca, Eco Chic are considered the most demanded series. This dishes can be cleaned in the dishwasher.

Almost in any household appliance store there is always a huge selection of pans. To the choice of this kitchen item you need to approach extremely seriously. Currently popular frying pan is highly popular.


First of all, you need to pay attention to the size. Most often hostess acquire a kitchen tool middle sizewhich has laid edges with a depth of 6-8 centimeters. It is also recommended to buy with a long handle. In such an item, it will be convenient to prepare most dishes. Even experienced cooks prefer frying pan sizes. It is best to navigate the size of the burners. The frying pan should not greatly exceed the size of the heat source. Otherwise, burning food will occur in the center, and in the edges it will remain unfaded. It is also worth considering that the diameter of the bottom of the frying pan should not be less than the diameter of the burner.

Next, you need to pay attention to the weight. Good should be severe. It is a large weight that gives it good stability on the stove and provides uniform heating. Also on this issue can be focused on the price. Heavy pans have a higher. Of the minuses of lungs and subtle these items, it is possible to note the deformation and constant burning of food. The frying pan will serve for many years.

Pig-iron frying pan prefer many people. It is believed that it is for them that the most delicious dishes are obtained. It's all about the uniqueness of the material. He has good heat-conducting qualities. Cast iron can heat up slowly and evenly. Therefore, it can be used both for long extinguishing on weak heat and for quickly toasting food. Such a frying pan can withstand high temperature. It is not exposed to deformation. Consider the cooked food is not recommended to keep on, as it can purchase a metal taste. Cast iron utensils has a rough surface. That is why it is necessary carefully. Otherwise, corrosion may appear. Salts of iron will destroy vitamins.

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Frying frying pans differ from each other price, size, weight, view protective coating And even a form - at your service not only classic round, but also square products. Considering all these criteria, you can choose the best way.

Materials for the manufacture of frying pan

First of all, it is worth paying attention to the material from which the product is made. Gas owners I. electric stoves They can choose any options, but those who acquired or the glass-ceramic model should pay attention to steel products and delete all aluminum frying pan from the list.

One of the most reliable options is a frying pan of cast iron. Such a subject is ideal for products, since the material from which it is manufactured, provides uniform surface heating. In addition, iron frying pan is unpretentious in care and durable. However, it is important to remember that they are characterized by a lot of weight. If you want to purchase a item easier, pay attention to other options.

Aluminum models, on the contrary, are distinguished by a slight weight. They are easy and convenient to use. In addition, such frying pan stand pretty cheap, which makes them available for a wide range of buyers. However, it is important to understand that aluminum items serve relatively long, especially if they differ in a small thickness. Such products are easily deformed under the influence of high temperature.

High-quality Teflon - the perfect option for those who adhere to the principles of healthy nutrition. Such a product allows you to fry products without oil, while maintaining them beneficial features. However, it should be remembered that frying pan with teflon coating is difficult to care: they are easy to scratch, and therefore clean such products and prepare with their help with caution.

If you need a frying pan for quick frying products, choose a model with a ceramic coating. It has excellent non-stick properties and can warm up to 450 degrees Celsius. However, it is important to understand that the low quality of the coating can cause a rap of frying pan. Cracks, deformation, constantly burning products - all these problems are characteristic of cheap pans from unreliable manufacturers.

What you need to pay attention to the choice of frying pan

If you plan to use a frying pan for cooking in the oven, choose a model with a removable handle. If it is enough to use the product on hobs, frying pan with a monolithic handle.

The larger the frying pan, the more food can be prepared with it at a time. But the small products are easier to store, and their weight is relatively small.

Tip 4: Best Fibers: Ranking, Reviews of Manufacturers

Comfortable and cozy atmosphere of the house are largely due to the joy from the possibility to taste delicious dishes, the preparation of which directly depends on the kitchen appliances and dishes. And in this list of the necessary utensils, the pan is one of the leading places. But in order for a frying pan or a set of a pan to bring real satisfaction in the preparation of culinary sizes, it is necessary to take a very careful choice from the variety of represented instances.

In order to consciously choose the correct frying pan, you must take into account a few simple rules.

First, you need to pay attention to the bottom. In no case should not be thin. Most optimal option It is worth considering the bottom thickness within 5-6 mm. In addition, its diameter in the ideal variant should coincide with the diameter of the burner on which it is planned to prepare food. And the presence of a relief bottom involves the maximum amount of its individual fragments. Compliance with these uncomplicated rules when choosing a frying pan will evenly distribute the minimum amount of heat on its surface for convenient cooking of favorite dishes.

Secondly, the quality of the handle is of great importance. The optimal handle must be comfortably kept in the palm of palm. It can not be thin or thick, light or heavy. Smooth surface and durable fastening (concerns and removable option), excluding any passion, should also be taken into account.

Thirdly, the priority is the average frying pan, regardless of the size and volume, which, in turn, must comply with the destination.

Choosing a frying pan for the purpose and type of coating

The choice of frying pan should first of all navigate its purpose. That is, the universal nature or preparation of certain dishes should in this case determine the parameters of this dish. In this context of a frying pan with thick walls and the bottom will be the ideal option For extinguishing and taking food, it is better for frying that the dishes are suitable with thin walls and bottom. Moreover, for frying and meat, and vegetables, the optimal option will be the use of ceramic frying pan. But the pancakes, pancakes and other products from flour better to fry on Teflon dishes.

It is important to take into account and cover the frying pan, since the quality of cooking is directly dependent on this.

Ceramic coating ensures uniform surface heating. It is safe and durable, both when used for cooking and with care for it.

Teflon is characterized by excellent non-stick characteristics. However, it requires enough careful care, as the coating damage will lead to the toxicity of the dishes.

Titanium type of coating is made of absolutely environmentally friendly material, which is also characterized by special durability and wear resistance. However, such a frying pan is an order of magnitude more expensive than the average, which is quite justified by the duration of use.

Enamelled coating is the most traditional and democratic option. However, it is quickly exposed to deformation.

Considering into account all the above, it becomes clear that it is ceramic and teflon coatings today enjoy the greatest demand among consumers.

Ceramic and Teflon Spags

The ceramic coating is applied, as a rule, on a cast iron, steel or aluminum base. Since it is made of chemically active substances, then safety can be guaranteed only when proper use and care.

It is important to understand that ceramic frying pan should not be used with heat treatment with oil and oil. Their coating allows you to do without additional surface lubrication. And the care must necessarily be careful, eliminating rigid lips and brushes, as well as cleaning products containing acidic or alkaline components. In addition, the cooking process must completely eliminate sharp drops temperatures, for example, when the cold frying pan is placed on a preheated plate.

It is necessary to remember about the cutlery, excluding the use of metal spoons and blades. Also ceramic frying pan is not suitable for induction plates and warm panels. When choosing a ceramic frying pan, it is necessary to navigate at prices, since cheap "ceramics" from brand producers cannot be determined. The recognized segment leaders include TVS trademarks (Italy), Beka (Belgium), Patlon (Japan).

Non-stick (teflon) frying panities are very comfortable and safe to use at temperatures up to +200 degrees Celsius. If cooking is involved in more serious heating, then such a type of pan should be excluded from use, since in this case the Teflon will begin to allocate evaporation harmful to health. In other cases, this non-stick coating is absolutely ecologically. pure MaterialThe use of which is practically justified. Care for such fryingrs is exactly the same as behind ceramic products. It is important to remember that Teflon dishes with a disturbed coating cannot be used.

Among famous brands Teflon pan must be noted TEFAL, TVS, Kulinar, Burletti, Epicure and Ballarini.

Skin Rating and Manufacturers

The appearance and purpose of the frying pan are determining parameters for its choice. Despite the fact that today there are universal samples, all the same orientation on certain types of heat treatment and even characteristic priority dishes. It is useful in the varieties of this dish that can easily choose the desired option.

According to the manufacturing material, frying pan is divided into cast iron, steel, titanium, aluminum, ceramic and teflon. But that's not all. There are such a frying pan as pancake, grill and wok.

The first differed quite thick and completely flat bottom with low sidelights. Also a constructive feature of this dish is the presence of a long handle, which makes it very convenient for the preparation of culinary sizes from flour.

The grill frying pan has a specific ribbed bottom, which does not allow products to be soaked in oil, which forms a crunchy crust. A feature of this dishes is a quadrangular shape and tangible weight.

Wok frying pan has a flat bottom and expanding edges, as well as two handles. It can be prepared for exotic dishes from Asian cuisine on any hob or stove.

By producing a detailed analysis of pans of various shapes and species, as well as the materials used, it is possible to output a certain rating in descending order.

So, the very popular Basics: cast iron, titanium, steel, aluminum.

The most popular coverage market: ceramic, teflon.

The most popular kinds of frying pan include the following: pancake, grill, wok.

The most frequent use is observed for frying and carcush products.

Popular conformity: bottom diameter dishes and burners, material with frying pan and stove type.

And the necessary additions to this type of dishes are the lid and handle.

Based on the popularity of trademarks, frying pan can withdraw the following rating of manufacturers:

Swiss Diamond;


Dishes. Biol.

What kinds of frying pan can buy

As detailed review frying pan and manufacturers according to their ratings was produced above, then for justice it is required in the very general To mention the negative parameters of this kitchen utensils, which can be detected with attentive inspection of the outer and inside.

The surface should exclude scratches, chips and cracks.

The drawing is not necessary when contacting with hand to stratum.

If the bottom of the dishes has a embossed pattern, then it must be uniform, eliminating sharply released elements.

Pen and cover frying pan must have the appropriate quality implies the absence of marriage in seams and cracks.

The product should not have a sharp or unpleasant smell.

It is necessary to avoid purchases on the action when the goods with defects are implemented. After all, this will be a direct cause for damaging human health.