Hydrophole flooring floors. GVL for the floor: pros and cons

For a long time, the tile is used as facing material. This natural finishing material has won wide popularity due to important properties As durability, wear resistance, moisture resistance and fire resistance. If earlier the area of \u200b\u200bapplication of the tile did not go beyond the limits of the bathroom and the kitchen, today many want to see the tile as an outdoor coating and in the rest of the houses or apartments. Often, in the repair process, the question arises: Is it possible to lay tiles on the wooden floor?

On technology, tile is not recommended to lay on a wooden floor. It is believed that such a design does not have stiffness and not solid enough, therefore it will be mobile. As a result, a cement screed, laid on the wooden floor, will quickly collapse, and the tile cracks, or fall off. In addition, the wooden base under the tile can be quickly controversial. But do not rush to despair: today new technologies have appeared and modern materialswhich make it easy to solve the problem of laying ceramic tiles on the wooden floor. Most. an important point This case is a qualitative preparation of the foundation.

Preliminary preparation of a wooden base

How to start this work? The primary task is to correct the disadvantages of the wooden floor, as a result of which it will acquire rigidity, hardness and strength.

Preparation of wooden base under the tile

A reliable base will be the key to the durability of the coating of ceramic tiles. Check the condition of the wooden floor:

  • We remove the available coating. If the boards do not creak, do not bend, we leave them as a basis. But still it is better to go through them, because it is possible that lags were laid enough often or not in terms of level.
  • We check the horizontal of the lag using the level, if necessary - align. It is important to obtain an absolutely smooth surface. Do not forget to leave between the walls and the draft floor of 1 cm, which is then hydroizing mounting foam. We embarrass between lags Keramzit, which will additionally perform the function of heat and sound insulation. We put the plaques removed earlier (provided that they are in a satisfactory condition) or moisture-resistant phaneer with a thickness of 12 mm on aligned lags. Plywood is suitable as a base under the tile: it will not bend under her weight.
  • To protect the lag and black floor from mold and rotting, we proceed with special protective impregnations.
  • We fix the scores of the board or sheets of plywood to lags, leaving the gaps between them 5 mm width for ventilation from the bottom to the tree "breathing".
  • In order to avoid moisture from entering the earthen, concrete or wooden base on the substrate, the stance on the draft floor pair-or waterproofing (polyethylene or parchment or bitumen paper). We can also use special mastic.

Methods of the base device under the tile

First method . We make a traditional screed, only thinner and easy. On the waterproofing, we laid the metal grid, which is converted to the rough floor by self-draws. I exhibit in the level of beacons, pour a cement screed with a thickness of 3 mm. You can use a self-leveling solution instead of screed.

Screed wooden floor by self-leveling mixture

Second way . We strengthen the base with two-component polyurethane glue or COP glue (its base is liquid glass). When the glue is drying along the top of the draft floor, a waterproofing film is formed. Manufacturers argue that these compositions protect tiles from cracking in the event of a wooden base deformation. Since this method is not so common, it's hard to judge about its reliability. Of course, it is better to arrange a tough, durable base. But if there is no such possibility, it is possible to exit the position using polyurethane compositions.

Third way . We are placed on the waterproofing of the CSP (cement-chipboard), G CLE (sheets of moisture-resistant drywall) or GVL (gypsum fiber sheets). Gvl sheets are more preferred, as they are plastic and stronger than drywall, as well as the easier and cheaper CSP plates. In addition, GVL is distinguished by increased sound and heat insulating characteristics, and a special hydrophobic impregnation makes them moisture resistant.

Installation of gypsum fiber sheets on a wooden base

Sheets are fastened to the rough floor by self-draws. It is necessary to trace the joints between sheets over the boards, and not over the slits, otherwise the base will be fragile. Seams are squeaking with special glue for GWL or GLK. If the floor seems not hard enough, put the second layer, while monitoring the second layer seams in the middle of the first layer sheets.

Laying on a wooden base of plywood sheets

Sheets laid and secured. Now cover them with ground penetration. We are waiting for when it dries, and proceed to laying the tile.

Laying tiles on wooden floor step by step

Tile on the wooden floor is laid only after checking the surface level. We do it with the help level. If the surface is perfectly smooth, no deviations, then you can proceed to direct installation of the tile, which consists of the stages listed below:

The following tools will be needed for laying:

  • a toothed spatula for applying glue;
  • rubber spatula for seaming seams;
  • slab chores or glass cutter;
  • capacities for glue and clutter composition;
  • rubber hammer for tapping tiles;
  • roulette, level and marking cord.

To work with glue, you must need gloves to protect your fingertips.

Preparation of tile

Before laying, we decorate the tile, check its quality and appearance

  1. Calculate how much tiles are needed. To do this, we divide the floor area of \u200b\u200bthe room, where we will lay the tile, on the area 1 tiles. We also reverse to the resulting result of 10% for a possible fight and on trimming. When buying tiles, it is important not to imagine a wall with outdoor. Although externally, they are similar, the floor tile is still more durable, and its surface passes a special processing for giving it an anti-slip effect.
  2. We decline the tile throughout the area, we conduct control of its appearance and quality. We make holes in the tiles that will be laid near the pipes, in accordance with the diameter of these pipes.
  3. It is necessary to make sure that the pre-latched tile does not interfere with the door open. Otherwise, remove the door with the loops, hang it on the bottom.
  4. To displacing air from the tile, we lower it into the water for 15-20 minutes. Sometimes on its front side under the influence of water, stains are formed. Such a tile is not withstanding in water, but simply wipe with an inner side with a moistened brush.

Paul marking

With the help of a coated cord, we carry out a line connecting the middle of the long walls. By the same line we combine the middle of the short walls. Lines intersect in the center of the floor. Focusing on them, the tiles are laying out in such a way that there is a minimum of chopped tiles near the walls.

Paul Markup Scheme when laying tiles

If we put the tile diagonally, it will not be possible to avoid cutting the tiles. When placing the whole tile along the walls, work is starting from the opposite to the entrance to the floor of the floor. The window line must be parallel to the tile line. On the axes we can also decompose the ranks perpendicular to each other. By inserting crossbars between the tiles, determine the distance of the seams.

Preparation of adhesive composition

Tile laying on a wooden base is recommended to be carried out using a special cement glue. Dry mixture mix with water (we take the amount of water in line with the manufacturer's recommendations). To increase the adhesion of tiles with adhesive mortar, add 10-15% of plasticizers to it. We prepare small portions of the adhesive composition, since the mixture will dry in 3-4 hours. To obtain a homogeneous composition, we stirred it with the help of a construction mixer.

Adhesive solution is mixed with a construction mixer

Important! Choosing tile glue, you need to pay attention, whether it is suitable for

works on GVL or GLC.

The adhesive composition is applied to the toothed spatula on the adhesive dry surface of the floor. Glue apply smooth stripes, starting from any angle in the center of the room. The size of the spatula teeth depends on the magnitude of the tile (for example, for the tile, the dimensions of 30x30cm will need a spatula with teeth from 8 mm to one centimeter). Ready glue solution He dries in 10-15 minutes, so we applied it to a small area (no more than 1 m2) and quickly perform corrective actions.

Attention! In the process of laying the tile, it is extremely important to adhere to the recommendations of manufacturers not only to ceramic tiles, but also used materials - adhesive mixtures, thull, mastic, primer.

Laying tiles

The adhesive solution was applied, formed the structure of the floor with the help of cross, evenly located along the entire surface, then we can continue to move to the direct laying of tiles on a wooden base. We apply the tile to the surface, press it, tapping a slightly rubber hammer to improve the fit. In this way, we peel the entire surface that was previously treated with glue, and only then go to the next section. So that the distances between the tiles were the same, we use remote separators from plastic.

Laying tiles on a wooden floor - check the surface level

During the performance of work, constantly monitor the level of laid tiles using a rule or construction level, since after 10 minutes, when the glue dries, the position of the tile that was laid incorrectly cannot be corrected. If necessary, add or we reduce the adhesive solution under the tiles.

After all the whole tiles have posted, proceed to filling out free spaces between the floor and the walls. Cut slices tile of the desired size Using special tiles.

Important! At the thresholds, walls and around the pipes, the boundary tropped tiles must lie tightly into their places, but when they are styling it is not necessary to make efforts.

When the tile laying over the entire surface of the floor, we clean it with a rag from excess glue. Two days later, the tile will be held as much as possible. Then and proceed to final stage - sealing seams.

Sealing seams

Properly completed sealing of the seams of floor tiles gives the finish aesthetic appearance, effectively hides the possible disadvantages of laying.

Floor tile seams

The gaps formed during the styling process between the tiles fill in special grouts (fugars). Most of the rates are designed for seams with a width of up to 6 mm. First, we moisturize the seams with the help of a brush, and then we apply a grout with diagonal movements with a special rubber spatula.

Attention! Instead of the traditional grout for seaming, specialists are advised to better use a new agent - elastic color silicone.

Fill in this way all intercutric gaps, removing excess the fugues. Drying seams takes place from 20 to 30 minutes. When this time has expired, carefully wipe the tile with a damp cloth, and in an hour - dry flannel cloth. The work is done.

Cutted tile wet wet

If you have an interest in this case, you can make sure that putting the tile on the wooden floor, covered with chipboard, plywood, GKVL or GVL, perhaps it is not so difficult.

Instructions for laying tiles on a wooden floor

Technology laying tiles on the wooden floor Phased: preparation of wooden base, tiles, floor marking, laying of tiles, seaming seams.

How to avoid mistakes during tile laying on a tree floor?

Ceramic tile in a wooden house: prepare the base

  1. To start checking the floor. Determine its condition. First of all, it is necessary to remove the available coating on the base and the substrate. If boards and lags in excellent condition - do not spring and do not creak while walking, then you can leave them as the basis - GVL. However, it is best to sort out the floor, in order to accurately make sure of his quality, as the lags could have grown. In addition, they could initially lay insufficiently often and smoothly.
  2. The lags are then exhibited horizontally with a level. They are styled by pre-neatly removed black coating boards, if they are in excellent condition, or phaneer (GVL) with a thickness of at least 12 mm. It is best that she was moisture-resistant. Then it will not be fed under the weight of the tile.
  3. Black coating and lags are treated with protective impregnation, especially in a house with high humidity. It protects them from the formation of mold, rotting and destruction. Before top corner Between the lags, a small grazit is poured.
  4. Next stage. With the help of self-tapping screws, but only not nails fasten to Phaneru (GVL) or a black board across the lag. Between the sheets of plywood or boards, it is best to leave the gaps of 5mm or drill holes in the surface - for natural ventilation. This is done so that the tree is free to breathe.
  5. Then it is necessary to put any hydraulic and vapor barrier - pergamine, paraffinated, parchment or bitumen paper or in the end of polyethylene. In this case, the wooden floor will be protected from moisture. In addition to the filling materials for waterproofing surfaces from a tree, as well as GVL in the house, special mastic and solutions can be used.

Tile on the wooden floor: Determine with the choice of base

After the preparatory work is completed, you can choose one of several options for creating a durable coating. The first method is most close to the traditional screed. But, it is necessary to be prepared for the fact that it will be thinner and easy than the usual one.

How to put the tile on a wooden surface

Sheets of the selected material as the base to the floor are screwed up with self-draws. At the same time, the joints between plywood should be located above the boards, and not above the slits, otherwise the surface will not be sufficiently strong. For the reliability of the seams are sampled with special glue for GCL or GVL. The usual thickness of the GLC is only 10 mm. But if necessary, in order to increase the rigidity of the base, it can be put in several layers.

How to put a tile on the wooden floor: technology and secrets of laying

How to put a tile on the wooden floor, do not know everything that does not allow you to perform work on the floor lining in a wooden house correctly. As a result, the tile on the floor begins to crack,

Laying tiles on the wooden floor: base preparation

Laying tiles on the wooden floor - not the most the best way For many criteria. It's all about completely different characteristics of two materials - ceramics and wood:

  • For ceramics, a strong static base is required, and wood with changes in humidity and temperature changes its dimensions along significant limits. As a result, the tile with active progresses is separated or cracking.
  • For normal operation, the wood requires air, which does not pass through dense tiles and water-repellent glue. This situation leads to the fact that wood is quickly destroyed.

On such a floor, put the tile is impossible: half a while falling

So if you have a choice, try to refuse this idea. If still decided to lay a tile on the wooden floor, be prepared for the fact that the scope of work will be great.

First an important rule: Tile does not put on a new wooden floor, in a new building or on a new overlap. It must pass at least for several years (one, and better - two years), during which the main shrinkage occurs.

If the foundation is not durable enough, the boards will turn, and the tile will bounce

Before laying tiles on the floor must be held preparatory work. Their main task is to create conditions acceptable and for wood, and for ceramics. The steps will be several, and as a result, the foundation must meet the following requirements:

  • Available air access to wood.
  • The load is uniformly and is not excessive.
  • The base is motionless.

In the baths most often the need for laying tiles occurs in the washing: permanent humidity creates ideal conditions for the development of rot and fungi. Therefore, they try to protect wood with ceramics. In other rooms it is better to consider other options for flooring.

Insufficiently well made waterproofing will lead to the fact that the boards and league are rotted

We estimate the state

The first thing in the room where you plan to lay the tile on the wooden floor, this floor needs to be disassembled: Remove the boards. This requires a careful and picky inspection of all components of the design: beams, lags, boards, insulation, hydro and vapor-insulation. All components of the cake.

If there are some signs of destruction, it is necessary to eliminate them. When viewing wood to see you can the following:

  • Rot. Types of this lesion a lot: dry, white, soft. This is the result of the vital activity of tiny mushrooms. The type of destruction has different, but in any case the tree becomes soft. The status is simply checked: if you see any changes in color or structure, drive the silence in this place. If it enters and comes easily - the wood is destroyed. From the affected areas it is necessary to get rid of. If a small fragment is spoiled, remove it, capturing some of the healthy fabrics, then handle everything with anti-grapple compositions. If the lesions are significant, the elements of the design are completely removed, adjacent and new wood is also treated with antiseptics.
  • Beetles-woods. Destroy the tree mostly larvae. They break out numerous moves, significantly reducing strength. The approach to the problem is similar if the destruction is significant, the fragment of the floor is changed by conducting careful processing special compositions. And all the holes-exits of bugs are very carefully processed.

These are those "surprises" that you can see by removing the floorboard

Many types of mushrooms that destroy the wood can develop only in conditions of a sufficiently high humidity - at least 20%. In dry rooms, this happens with unsuccessful waterproofing. Therefore, we check the condition of waterproofing materials along the way. If there are damage somewhere, eliminate them, if necessary, lay / apply another layer of insulating materials. Only with an effective waterproofing, the wooden floor will serve for a long time: fungi with insufficient humidity simply do not develop, even if there are disputes in the wood.

Strengthening, alignment and processing

If lags are laid in increasing more than 50 cm, it is necessary to install additional, otherwise the design will not stand the weight of the new floor covering. By installing new elements, do not forget to be processed by antiseptics and fungicides.

Next check the floor to horizontality. This is done with the help of a good construction level. Usually deviations are available: shrinkage usually comes uneven, somewhere else will see, somewhere less. All deviations are adjusted: lags are aligned. The excess is shy up by the plane, to increase the level, clogs are clogged under the lags or linen pieces of bricks, other materials. In some cases, nothing to push down does not work, then the board is stuffed from above, cleaning the height of the plane.

Lags need to be aligned by level

The next step is antibacterial and anti-grapple processing. For wooden floor under the tile, it is necessary to find the composition, with the longest period between two treatments. Then all the wooden elements are required to process all the rules.

For the bath, many prefer to use only natural impregnations. Most reliable way - impregnation of hot oil. For normal protection, it must be carried out several times. At least three, and better five. A new layer of hot olifa is applied after the old dried. You can check it on the touch: the surface should not stick.

Treatment of hot oil - effective method Anti-grapple processing

When processing, watches so that the olifa does not cooled. In a hot form, it destroys disputes, bacteria, larvae, and also becomes more fluid, penetrating deeper. So that heat - Pledge of efficient protection.

When heated, the oils be attentive: even pairs can flash. Therefore, they warm the Olifa not on the tile, but over Tile, and hold a piece of tarpaulin or felt, to quickly cover the broken capacity. As soon as the smell of olifa increases sharply, remove the heat source - a couple more moments and pairs will flare up.

Preparation of boards

While driving / absorbed antibacterial processing, it is necessary to handle floorboards. If serving earlier are in normal condition, they can be installed again. But be sure to remove the varnish or paint with which they were covered.

If there is a grinding machine, remove the paint is not a problem

Removal paint coating Perhaps using:

  • Building hair dryer. Set the temperature of the order of 200-250 ° C and direct the air flow to the surface. The paint swells with bubbles, they immediately come up with a spatula, a knife with a wide blade, a scraper. Using soldering lamp It is undesirable: the wood overheats, loses its properties and quickly destroys.
  • Chemical washes. They are in a wide range in any construction store or on the market. Represent a gel mass. Applied to the surface with a spatula or brush. After the time interval, the paint softened and removed the spatula. It's not bad, but if you need to handle a large area, a lot is required, and it is not suiced.
  • Believe the spatula or sandpaper. This is the cheapest, but also the most inefficient way. In the sense of ineffective, that time and physical effort requires a lot. Paint is filmed faster if there is a grinding machine.

It is definitely necessary to use the bobbed or damaged by pests. It is better to replace them. Paint paint, boards are also exposed to antibacterial processing. After drying, you can fit the draft floor under the tile.

Blood flooring

First of all, it is necessary to carry out insulation. The main requirement for insulation (except low thermal conductivity): non-mentioned material. So that fungi and mold develop under the floor should be dry. Second - it should be easy: we need to make a load as little as possible. These qualities have extruded pennate. Plus, bacteria and fungi do not multiply on it: there is no nutrient medium for them. From the disadvantages of this material - its unfulfilled origin, the fact that it does not carry air and is worth it.

The second material that can be used is clay. It is, of course, heavier is peopped, moreover, more hygroscopic. But natural and carries out air.

The most frequent insulation when furnaces in a bath - Ceramzit

Selecting the insulation, it is layered on top of the waterproofing layer. The thickness is such that to the boards laid on the lags there was a distance of 5-7 mm. This is a ventilation gap that will provide the wood normal conditions will allow excess moisture.

The floor will now be Chernov - it will be laid finishing coating. Processed old boards - excellent option. They are laid across the lag, but not close, as before, and leaving the slot 3-4 mm. Around the perimeter, along the walls, also leave ventilation clearance: approximately in the width centimeter. These distances will allow wood to expand when changing conditions, and the slits are then closed by plinths.

Fasteners should be moisture-resistant: stainless or galvanized nails or self-tapping screws. In places of attachment to extreme lags, they are clogged or twisted two pieces, for all other points is enough one.

Putted boards, if necessary, put sand, then far away with the grinding machine. Now all the gaps close up by mounting foam: it is solid enough to bring the weight of the tile and glue and is enough elastic so that the wood can expand and shrink. After drying the foam, it is cut into the floss with a floor.

Waterproofing floor under the tile

The next step is to ensure tightness. The floor is impregnated several times a hot oil or covered with latex impregnation. It is necessary to do it thoroughly, do not regret the materials: waterproofing should be reliable. While the impregnation did not dry, roll over the painting grid on top. The edges come one to another by about 5-10 cm. It will be reinforcing that will reduce the effect of wood shifts on the tile.

Alternatively, rolled waterproofing materials can be used. Frequently put parchment paper, polyethylene film, use bitumen or paraffin materials. They are also placed to the mustache, overlapping the edges by 10-15 cm and sinking them with scotch.

Chernovaya screed

Now we need to create a tight base under the tile - a rough screed. To do this, on the prepared wooden floor, on top of the waterproofing layer laid a metal reinforcing mesh in a step of 20 cm from a wire of 3-5 mm. Poured a thin layer of solution. What is the minimum screed layer? Not less than 3 cm. A more subtle base will be crazy.

Wet and semi-dry screed

You can use standard cement-sandy solution. It is possible to enhance its elasticity and strength to enter additives or add fiberglass. For the washing room in the bath, you can choose additives that simultaneously make concrete water-repellent.

Polymer screeds have good characteristics, but their attractive appearance as a rough coating for nothing. And the high price sets the expediency of their use in doubt.

When using a conventional solution to wait until the screed causes 3-4 weeks

One of the compositions of the polymer screed is with liquid glass - you can make it yourself. For this take:

  • two parts of liquid glass;
  • two parts of washed and sifted coarse sand;
  • one part of the water.

Everyone is stirred and floor flooded with this composition. As a result, the coating is sufficiently elastic in order to compensate for the movement of wood. Instead of liquid glass, two-component polyurethane glue can be used.

Placeing the screed, try to make the surface as smooth as possible. According to modern construction standards, we can only put the tile on the perfectly level base. If the floor do in a washing or shower, then there will be a bias towards the runoff. And it is formed at this stage.

Adding plasticizers to the composition, much reduces the amount of water. Because of this, the time "setting" cement is reduced to several days

Read more about how to make a concrete screed read in the article "The concrete screed of the floor with your own hands."

In order to work easier with concrete, plasticizers are added to the solution. If the surface is not smooth enough, you will have to level it (remove the irregularities and filling the depressions) and apply a layer of self-leveling mixture. In order for the solution to become more homogeneous, it is desirable to handle a vibrator for concrete.

After drying the screed (takes a few weeks), the preparation of the wooden floor under the tile is completed. You can start styling.

Dry screed under the tile

Not in all rooms must use "wet" screeds. For dry, you can prepare the floor under the tile using:

  • moisture-proof drywall (the most fragile of all the proposed material, use only in extreme cases);
  • gWL plates (gypsum fiber sheets);
  • CSP (cement-chipboard);
  • moisture-resistant plywood.

But this version of the preparation of the floor under the tile is suitable only for dry rooms - locker rooms or relaxing rooms in a bath, a corridor or hallway in a wooden house. Putting the pile of a washing bath, in the bathroom or kitchen it is necessary solely on the "wet" or "semi-dry" (with additives) tie.

Under the tile some fit and GVL, Phaneur, CSP

Using sheet materials, Laying of GVL, CSP, etc. Has general rules. It is necessary to fill them in such a way that sheets of sheets did not coincide with the joints of the boards or lags. This is only possible if they have an angle of 30-45 ° to the boards. Moreover, the laying should go to the rotor - sheets to shift one relative to the other.

Mixed slab materials are fixed around the perimeter and in the center of self-drawing. The distance between the fastener is 25-30 cm. The seams are then filled with compositions designed for moisture-resistant drywall. After drying, the seams are grouped. We can assume that the preparation is over: proceed to laying tiles.

Floor preparation options for tile

Sketchy image of "cake" for the preparation of the floor under the tile

As you can see, properly put the tile on the wooden floor is not easy. Work a lot and time required a lot. Is it possible to somehow speed up and facilitate the process? Skip any steps is extremely undesirable. There is only one option: if disassembling part of the floor, you found that there are no "sores" and no trouble. The floor at the same time is insulated, it is smooth and align it is not necessary. Then you can immediately begin to lay the draft floor from the boards, but it is necessary to take paint or varnish. It is impossible to miss the impregnation of protective compositions and the creation of a waterproofing layer.

You can slightly accelerate the process of laying the draft floor, if you use not old boards (we do not use new - they can still crack), and slab materials. Not everyone trust them: It is not known how the same GVL or CSP will behave under the tile, and even in a wet room. Therefore, to use them or not - decide for yourself.

If the draft floor under the tile will do from cement-chipboard, plywood or GVL, they are placed in disintegration: so that the seams overlap. There are several millimeters gap between the plates - to compensate for the movement of wood. They are then close to the compositions for working with plasterboard. Fasten them with galvanized self-drawers, the caps are interinted into the material. When impregnating, the creation of a reinforcing belt is excessive - the stiffness of the slabs themselves is sufficient, but the waterproofing is required to pay more attention: so as not to create conditions for destruction.

Laying tiles on the wooden floor requires serious training. There are many works, they are diverse, require significant means and time spending. Nevertheless, everything needs to be done correctly, otherwise or wood rotates, or the tile will bounce and crack.

How to put a tile on the wooden floor: preparation, alignment, screed

Laying ceramic tiles on the wooden floor with their own hands - a difficult task, requiring serious training. Paul under the tile must be prepared: process,

Smooth floors are pledge long time Outdoor coating services and lack of furniture distortions and other interior items on the basis. It's not so difficult to achieve an ideally smooth floor surface in the apartment, if you know how it is done. Many will immediately recall the fill, but it is possible to align the base without using this long and costly method. You can use GBL for the floor, which is especially important for those types of grounds that high load are contraindicated.

Before it comes to how to align the floors with the help of GWL, it should be more closely familiar with this material. Abbreviation "GVL" is decrypted as a gypsumole sheet. Unlike drywall, the material does not have a cardboard shell. It is not difficult to guess that GVL is a material based on plaster, mixed with various modifying and reinforcing additives, including conventional cellulose. Each sheet is impregnated with a hydrophobizer that performs the role of a peculiar primer. The result of the entire production technology is large or medium-sized white sheets having a homogeneous structure, rather durable and reliable, non-combustible and low thermal conductivity.

On a note! Interestingly, the gypsumless sheet is a kind of "descendant" of dry plaster.

GVL is often confused with plasterboard, but it is two different materials. The first is significantly superior to the second in its technical characteristics - for example, by density. Each sheet of GVL after the manufacture passes a number of checks on the suitability and no marriage, only after that the material receives a certificate of conformity that can be requested from the seller when buying.

Material appointment information

After GVL saw the world for the first time, he was widely used in various construction spheres. The material is suitable for the floor - used to create a dry screed, which differs from traditional in that it does not require a long drying time and can be used even where the load on the overlap should not be significant.

Sheets of gypsum is used to arrange a rough floor as overlaps from concrete and above made from wooden materialsmay fit and over the finished cement screed for its additional alignment. The screed based on GBL or simply laid over the finished base sheets will allow immediately to start laying a pure floor covering.

On a note! The screed from GWL is ideal for laying laminate, carpet, parquet and linoleum.

GVL is not only leveling, but also soundproofing and to some extent heating saving material. However, at the same time, he perfectly "breathes", that is, it passes the air, which means that it helps maintain the optimal microclimate indoors. The material is also capable of absorbing the surplus of moisture in the air of the room.

Another important advantage of GVL is the possibility of installing floor heating systems, although water, even electric, and their combination with it. The density of sheets allows it to do this, while it is enough to use sheets with a thickness of only 10-12 mm. The material under the influence of temperature is not deformed and does not destroy.

Note! GVL is applied not only for the arrangement of floors, but also for plating walls, ceilings, design of window or doorways, to create boxes for communications, internal partitions in the premises.

Technical characteristics of material

Some information about what is a gypsum fiber leaf is given above in the article, but the material has certain characteristics.

Table. Technical characteristics of shests of gypsumoles.

On a note! Length, width and thickness of GVL sheets may differ from those specified in the table.

Sheets are used to base from the gypsum different sizes. For example, there are sheets standard, which resemble an externally ordinary plasterboard. Their sizes are 1200x1500 mm. Thes of them are determined by GOST R 51829-2001. They are suitable for creating interior partitions. Lovers can be used to arrange smooth base, which are two reliably bonded with each other with a special glue of ordinary sheets. At the same time, the central axes of sheets can not coincide with each other, they will definitely be displaced, therefore folders are formed - one of the simple variants of the castle system facilitating the installation and providing a simple and convenient connection of several floor elements. The dimensions of small format sheets are 1200x600 and 1500x500 mm.

GOST R 51829-2001. Sheets are gypsum fiber. Technical conditions. A download file (click on the link to open the PDF file in a new window).

On a note! During alignment of draft floors, sheets of different sizes can be used. The first layer is usually created from a small formal option, and standard sheets of gypsum fiber are stacked as the second.

Advantages and disadvantages of GVL slabs

Like any other material, GVL has its advantages and disadvantages that will definitely affect the solution - choose or not to choose such a choice of floor alignment in each case.

Advantages of using GVL:

  • versatility of material;
  • ease of installation;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • high speed and possibility immediately after laying to continue to repair;
  • accountability during installation;
  • high strength and the ability to withstand a significant load;
  • the ability to withstand moisture effects;
  • nonbitating, no deformation processes when exposed to temperature.

Disadvantages of plates of GVL:

  • enough large massthat requires an invitation to help another person;
  • fragility during installation under the condition of improper work with the material;
  • significant cost.

On the construction market There were a lot of fakes, and therefore it is important to acquire GVL only from proven manufacturers and in the presence of certificates confirming the quality and compliance with the requirements of GOST.

Varieties of plates of GVL

GVL sheets in their technical characteristics are divided into two types - moisture resistant and ordinary, standard. Ordinary are used more often for all works produced indoors, the main thing is that the rooms are dry air and the optimal temperature mode. But moisture-resistant, which are marked as GVLV, have a special impregnation, providing the possibility of using material in rooms that are not distinguished by the optimal humidity of air - bathrooms, saunas, on ground floors etc.

Important! When buying moisture-resistant sheets, you should check all the elements of the material in a pack for the presence of marking, saying that the sheet is precisely moisture-resistant, since the negligent sellers can easily shifted the GWL with GVLV, which is not always noticeable immediately when buying, and is detected after delivery Material in place. Unlikely extra hassle Sheet exchange is needed to those who perform repair work.

Technology dry tie.

Since GVL is most often used to create a dry screed option, consider that it represents from what it consists of. Typically, the installation of this type of base begins with styling polystyrene foam - insulation material. It is usually placed on a submission, for example, from clay.

There are three main types of screed, which can be performed using GVL sheets.

In general, the dry screed consists of several layers. Her structure is such.

  1. Vapor insulating / waterproofing layer - The lowest, preventing the penetration of moisture, coming from the overlap, to the rough floor. As waterproofing on a concrete overlap, polyethylene thickness of at least 200 microns can be made, and pergamine is best suited for the wooden floor. By the way, vaporizolation is usually used only on the upper floors, it is better to apply waterproofing materials on the base, since moisture there is much more.
  2. Compensation gasket, which is a ribbon fixed around the perimeter of the entire room at the floor. It can be made of polystylene, isolon and other materials. The material compensates for any expansion of the base that take place when the moisture and temperature drops. Also, this tape provides additional absorption of noise. Her surplus, protruding on the level of laid GVL, is cut after the end of the installation.
  3. Alignment layerWhich will be made from GWL or other leveling materials (for example, plywood).
  4. GWL plates act as prefinishing floor finish. They can be additionally laid on top of plywood or other leveling material. The material is attached to the base with self-draws or with the help of special glue.

On a note! If the floors have drops of a height of 10 cm and more, then it is necessary to mount the third layer of GVL, which is exactly the same thickness as the two previous in the amount.

Some information about the use of material

To properly put GBL on the floor, you need to know some nuances that will provide an excellent final result of the work. For example, special sheets having a thickness of 10 mm are produced for floors - it is better to use them. Before laying sheets of GVL, it is important for the basis of pouring a layer of clay. It will provide additional floor alignment and will help insulate the base. This is the most affordable and cheap option. The optimal size of clay fractions is 5 mm.

Also on the basis of the guides that play two roles are mounted:

  • landmark when subfolding. In this case, the ceramzite is poured to the edges of the guides, trambed and aligns with the help of a long rule;
  • support for sheets of GVL. Stying will be performed professional if the material will have a support and place for fastening.

If the installation of GVL will be produced on a wooden base, then pre-such floors are important to prepare properly. Preparation includes checking the flooring for strength and, if necessary, replacing them. Paul screed is performed if between individual elements Significant gaps are marked. Although some wizards do not produce the screed, arguing that in the presence of slots the floors will be better ventilated. So you can avoid this stage.

Also, HBL sheets on a wooden foundation should be sure to fit into two layers, which will make the basis of reliable and durable. The HBLE sheets on the tree are usually mounted in the event that it is necessary to lay a floor covering, which requires that the foundation requires - for example, ceramic tiles, laminate. In other cases, the wooden base can not be aligned. The GVL layers are fixed as follows - the first is attached to the self-tapping screw, and the second is mounted on the first with the help of PVA glue (in this case, the excess glue, speaking between the seams, is immediately removed). However, it will not be superfluous to consolidate it also with self-draws. Laying of two layers is required to rotate that the seams do not coincide with each other. It is necessary to shift the sheets by about 20-30 cm. Thus it turns out to ensure that the base will be as strong as possible.

Important! When laying sheets of GVL it is important to ensure that the gaps between the sheets do not make up more than 2 mm. Also, if laminate or carpet, the cracks will be performed as a finishing coating.

And one more condition that should be respected during the installation of GVL sheets if they have false. At the extreme row, which is located at the walls, they must trim. Moreover, the trimming is made in the already laid sheets.

The floor is much more than just the surface with which each of us comes into contact every day. From the point of view of professionals, the floor is a complex design consisting of a draft base that levels the layer and finishing coating. The formation of the leveling layer is a time-consuming task, on the quality of the implementation of which the final result depends. And if earlier the most common option for creating a screed was considered a "wet" method, having, by the way, a lot of minuses, then the floor from GWL appears in the role of a profitable alternative.

What is GVL?

GVL (Hypanoloconse sheets) - finishing material, which is made of reinforced plaster and fluster cellulose. Features of raw materials - a homogeneous structure and high density. This combination has a lot of advantages compared to drywall and fiberboard. In terms of moisture resistance and ecology, GVL has no equal, which is why dry floors from GVL are used in modern construction more and more.

GVL demonstrates beautiful heat saving and soundproofing characteristics And it is the best substrate and under carpet, and under laminate, and under linoleum. Suppose the installation of the "Warm floor" system. Due to the fact that the GWL flooring device is made according to the "dry" principle, you save time, strength and money.

The advantages of gypsumless sheets

GVL sheets for sex have numerous advantages that explain the increased interest in this material.

  • strength. High concentration of cellulose, acting as a reliable binding element, makes sheets strong and durable;
  • fire safety. Hypus fiber is resistant to ignition - only the top layer suffers when exposed to fire. However, it does not light up, but is charred;
  • universality. You can put GBL on the wooden floor or on reinforced concrete structures, and then cover with parquet board, porcelain stoneware, laminate or linoleum;

  • easy installation. Laying is made in the minimum time. In addition, work will be held without unnecessary dust and dirt;
  • under the sheets it is easy to hide engineering communications;
  • light weight makes it easier to transport and laying;
  • floors from GBL do not creak, do not knock, do not bend and able to withstand heavy loads.

Technical specifications

Gypsumless sheets are presented in 2 variations: simple and moisture resistant. Simple optimal for interior decoration with normal level humidity, and moisture-resistant will become a profitable solution where the hydrophobic layer is necessary (in the kitchens, bathrooms, bathrooms).

In addition, there is another distinction. Depending on the size, standard and low-format GVL distinguish. The first is used not only to improve the floor, but also for the formation of partitions, alignment of the walls, creating a variety of architectural elements. Dimensions 1200x1500 mm. The second is 2 sheets with intersecting central axes, which are shifted in vector directions. So a simple locking system is formed - folding. Such GVL for sex sizes have 1500x500 or 1200x600.

As for the technical characteristics, they are as follows:

  • mass - no more than 18 kg;
  • width - up to 50 mm, length - 1.5 m, thickness - up to 20 mm;
  • useful area - up to 75 sq.m;
  • hardness - from 20 MPa;
  • thermal conductivity - up to 0.36 W / m.

Transport GWL is simple - the material is packaged and on special pallets is delivered to the destination. Store sheets is recommended indoors with low humidity, cutting - in a horizontal position on a flat surface.

Varieties of dry screed from GVL

  • basic height band 2 cm. Recommended if the base is insulated and does not have significant drops in height;
  • black floors coated with foam (2-3 cm). Optimal option in the presence of irregularities and the need for insulation;
  • the flooring floor on polystyrene plates laid on a 2-cm thick clamp layer. Such a scheme is good for floors with significant differences in height.

Separately, I would like to dwell on the vault, which includes several layers:

  • vapor and waterproof layers that share overlaps of the outdoor "cake";

It is important!
If the overlaps are from reinforced concrete, then a polyethylene film protrudes in the role of a layer, if the wooden floor is laid, then parchment.

  • compensation and noise insulating gasket. The edge tape is fixed with screws or glued. Ribbons are produced from various materials: from basalt wool, isolon, pennut;
  • aligning layer;
  • gWL plates laid in 2 layers, and pulled by self-drawing.

Gypsum Floor Floor

Work begins with standard surface preparation. The draft floor is repaired and grind. If the base is wooden, then check the reliability of the lag fastening, the horizontality of all components of the design.

Small irregularities can be eliminated with the help of the repair solution, which are filled with cracks and gaps. For the leveling of the depression, more than 20 mm use small clay. Next, the waterproofing is filling on the draft floor. Polyethylene 0.2 mm is suitable for concrete floor, laid by penetration, for wooden - vapor-permeable materials (pergamine, paraffinated or corrugated paper).

By the contour of the floor, an insulating tape of mineral wool or polystyrene with a thickness of 1 cm and a width of 0.1 m is glued.

It is important!
The insulating tape is necessary to eliminate the swelling and cracking of the GWL sheets.

It is then made with a cutting of the gypsum, taking into account the edge gaps and the insulation is poured. Better if it is a fine-meal ceramzite, career or river sand. The amorphous insulation is aligned with the label levels accounted for. The minimum backfill thickness is 20 mm.

The resulting layers are insulated with glass gamble or polystyrene, cut into small blocks. On top of the "cake", the plates of GVL are mounted, while the gap between the gypsum-binding components should not exceed 1 mm.

If the laying begins onto the wall, which is opposite the door, so as not to injure the insulating layer from the plates, you should build a kind of "islands" to move. Installation of an aligning system from GWL is recommended to start from the opposite wall.

After the first layer of the screed is laid, the HBL sheets are covered with PVA dispersion or adhesive mastic. From above the second layer of dry screed is laid.

It is important!
The elements of the second layer are mounted perpendicular to the elements of the first.

To connect large-format sheets (in addition to glue), screws are used (step 30 cm). Little-format sheets are lubricated by the perimeter with glue and also fasten with self-draws, but already in 20 cm. Please note that fasteners intended for simple drywall is not suitable, screws are needed with a device for self-charge and double thread.

It is not worth worrying about the large consumption of a small format material, because Trimming, resulting in the pairing area, is transferred to the next row. The Laying of the GBL on the floor is complete, it remains only to seal the joints and installations for the installation of self-tapping screws, remove the remains of the protruding edge tape and waterproofing.

Some features of mounting

Sheets sue only after the last row is laid. In other words, the wall opposite to the one where the work began. This will allow you to achieve 25 cm in every layer at least, which is the main condition for high-quality laying. In the first layer, the width between the seams should not exceed 2 mm.

Double dry floors glued in production, on the principle of installation resemble small format plates. With the help of the folds that the glue is applied, the docking of the GWL occurs. Falves coming on the walls are trimmed, the plates are tightened with fasteners.

  • cut the GWL is better on a solid surface using a hacksaw or a construction knife;
  • when departing should take into account the gaps on the edge of the insulating tape;
  • if you need to create curly holes, make the pinches in the tile and use round cutters;
  • sheets of sheets to process primer. For the reinforcement, the edges are most often used serpanka (sticky fiberglass grid). The spacure is applied in 2 layers.

GWL floor - a great opportunity to get a perfectly smooth surface on which you can easily lay any finish material. It does not matter this tile, parquet or - a flawless result is guaranteed, because the GWL slab, no doubt, will cope with the task of arranging the draft floor better than other materials! It remains to be convinced of this in practice!

GVL (Hypus fiber sheets) - a decoration material for alignment of the floor, made of plaster, reinforced with reinforcing additives and flushing fibers of cellulose.

Acquired special popularity due to excellent technical and operational characteristics.

Figure 1. Device base from GVL

The advantages of gypsum fiber sheets

Hypus fiber sheets have many advantages, most importantly of which - Ecological cleanliness and fire safety. The material is capable of adjusting the microclimate in the room, absorbing excess water at high humidity And giving it back during the overwhelming air.

Other advantages:

  • high density and strength;
  • easy styling and installation speed;
  • low weight does not require the reinforcement;
  • good moisture resistance, compared with DVP and GLK;
  • installation eliminates wet and dirty processes;
  • easily cutting with a hacksaw or electric jigsaw;
  • not bend under the influence of loads;
  • increased sound insulation;
  • frost resistance, allowing you to withstand up to sixteen frost and defrost cycles;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • lack of waste and garbage when installing.

GVLDLA device of a warm floor system is perfect.

Along with the advantages, GVL is sensitive to humidity, therefore, attention to the waterproof activities.

This is a rather fragile material requiring accuracy during transportation and installation.

When buying drywall, choose material only proven manufacturers.

Professionals prefer products from Knauf, due to high quality and affordable prices.

Top 3 best products according to buyers

Types of GVL

Hypus fiber sheets are produced by ordinary - GVL, and moisture-resistant - GVLV, impregnated with hydrophobic primers.

They can be distinguished by labeling caused to sheets.

An example of marking: GVLV-B-FC-1500 * 500 * 15 means:

  1. GVLV - The symbol of "B" speaks of moisture resistance of the sheet:
  2. "B" - the accuracy of manufacture. Marking "A" means the high accuracy of the sheet. The "B" symbol shows that the sheet is made with large deviations.
  3. FC is a fold edge. PC denotes a straight edge. Direct edge sheets are used to align the floor, with a folded edge is used for walls.
  4. 1500 * 500 * 15 - length, width and thickness of the sheet.

Conventional sheets are used in dry residential premises, where there is no risk of leaks. Moisture-resistant sheets are used in wet and unheated premises.

Standard GVL sizes for gender:

  • length 1500 and 2500 millimeters;
  • width 1200 and 1000 millimeters;
  • thickness 10 and 12 millimeters.

Figure 2. Standard Dimensions of GVL.

Prefabricated elements for the floor are released by standard sizes 1500 * 500 millimeters. The thickness of the GWL for the floor of the collection of construction is 200 millimeters. Sheets have folds for fastening elements among themselves.

Figure 3. Precast elements for the floor.

Manufacturers make other sizes of plates, by order of consumers.

Distinctive features

In appearance and sizes, GVL is similar to plasterboard. The difference from the last, manufactured in the form of a sandwich, when the layer of gypsum is groping between two layers of cardboard, has a homogeneous monolithic structure.

Sheets are ground from one side and saturated with water-repellent primer.

Figure 4. GVL sheets.

Increased strength is due to the reinforcing additives from flocculation pulp, evenly distributed in the layer of plaster.

Hypus fiber sheets can be cut with any tool, you can screw the screws and pick up nails. They will not crumble when processing, unlike drywall. You can fix it decorative elements interior.

When processing and cutting sheets, clean the electric bissing or hacksaws with water, to prevent the formation of gypsum dust.

Depending on the properties, GKC is painted in different colors. For example, moisture resistant have green color.

Moisture-resistant GVL can only be distinguished by labeling.

Hypus fiber sheets are not flexible, unlike GLC, so they are not used for the manufacture of curvilinear structures.

They have greater weight and higher cost than plasterboard.

Application area

Hypus fiber sheets can not only replace plasterboard, but also to significantly expand the scope of application.

They can be used for different purposes:

  • alignment of floors by insulation from clay and others bulk materials;
  • styling on plates of polystyrene and on the system of warm floors;
  • mount on wooden lags and coating from boards;
  • devices of the base under finish finish Paul on concrete or wooden overlap;
  • finishing structures unheated premises basements, balconies, terraces, attic and mansard.

Moisture-resistant GVL for the floor is well suited for finishing unheated and wet premisessince it does not lose its properties in conditions negative temperatures and high humidity.

Features of laying GVL

When laying, sheets need to be placed with a displacement of 20 - 25 centimeters relative to each other, like brick masonry, To obtain the most durable and durable design.

Figure 5. The layout of the GWL layout.


When laying dry-fiber sheets on a concrete base or a screed, wait for the complete drying of the concrete coating.

In elements adjacent to the wall, it is necessary to remove the folds to prevent the placement during operation.

Stacking must be started from the wall with a doorway, right to left, cutped side to the wall.

The seams between the sheets should be at least 1-2 millimeters.

When the floor is insulated in a layer of thermal insulation from bulk mixtures, more than ten centimeters thick, it is recommended to lay drying sheets in three layers. In this case, the lower layers should consist of more small detailsAnd the top can be placed from large sheets, more than two meters long.

Heattel under GVL

Three main types of pipelines under GVL are distinguished:

  1. Dry belling from clay or slag crushed stone made by concrete or wooden base.
  2. Heat insulating layer from foam or polystyrene foam. May fit in concrete base or as an additional layer of clay.
  3. Plates made of glass or mineral wool, stacked on a wooden or concrete base between lags.

Figure 6. Mineral wool for floor insulation in a wooden house.

Technology device of floors from GWL on concrete

High-quality I. reliable base Under any fixture coating, you can get a clearly observing technology and a sequence of work:

1. Preparation of the foundation

Before the work began, we dismantle the old floor coverings, thermal insulation layers and the destroyed tie reinforced concrete plate Overlapping. We remove the construction garbage and dust.

2. Repair of overlaps

Close up the seams between the slabs with the solution. Cracks in concrete are expanding and close by repair makeup. The surface is processed by special penetrating primers for concrete.

3. Light

We make the layout of the filling level and the top level of the screed using a laser or water level.

For this, around the perimeter of the room we apply the horizon line. It can be located at an altitude of 50-100 centimeters from overlap.

From the horizon line, we make promresses, and determine the highest overlap point.

From this point, we note the thickness of the backfill and carry on the walls around the perimeter of the room.

Similarly, determine the tie height mark.

Backgrounds and height of screwing the walls with the painted cord.

Figure 7. Marking of the screed level.

4. Headproofing grounds.

Concrete floors We drag the polyethylene film, a density of 200 microns. The canvases are placed on the whisk, overlapping each other by 20 - 25 centimeter and tightening the scotch. Will we start on the walls, 5-10 centimeters above the level of the screed and fix the scotch.

On the perimeter of the premises, foaming damping tape from foamed polyethylene, above the height of the screed, to mitigate the deformation seas and sound insulation of the floor walls.

Figure 8. Waterproofing floor with a damper tape device.

5. Configure communications

For the device for communications under the coating of GVL, wires and cables, we start in a protective corrugation. The thermal insulation layer above the corrugation must be at least 20 millimeters.

6. Development of Mayakov

To perform a uniform layer, we set the guide lighthouses from wooden plates or metal profiles. We impose their horizontality strictly by marks. Krepim to the base for cement or gypsum Solution.

7. Development of thermal insulation

A dry mixture of grainzit of different fractions we fall asleep with a uniform layer, moving and tamping between beacons. Special attention Detach the walls to the walls and doorway.

Figure 9. Laying of clamzit under beacons.

Work in the respirator, to prevent clay dust to prevent the respiratory tract.

After completion of the work, we remove the guides and fall asleep the formed emptiness by clay.

For the insulation of the floor over the unheated basement, you can additionally be insulated with an inferno, pre-laying plasterboard sheets on the ceramzite.

8. Development of coating of gypsum fiber sheets

Stacking GWL is starting from the far corner from the door.

Fold edges with PVA glue and put sheets, fixing additionally with self-draws, a length of at least two centimeters. Self-tapping screws in a screwdriver around the perimeter of each sheet, with a step of 15 centimeters, hacking the caps into the surface of the material.

Figure 10. Fastening of gypsum fiber sheets on glue and screws.

The second row of sheets are placed on glue, with a displacement, not less than 20 centimeters, like brickwork. Fix the perimeter of each sheet with glue and self-drawing.

Self-tapping caps must be poured into the stove to prevent damage to the finishing finish.

After completing the laying of GVL, the seams between the sheets and the deepening from the self-tapping screws close by putty.

On the perimeter of the wall we cut a protruding damper tape and waterproofing.

Figure 11. Scheme of flooring device with GWL on concrete overlap.

Works on the finish finish of the floors can be started on the next day, after drying the glue and putty.

The base of gypsum fiber sheets is suitable for any material of the floor coating.

When laying parquet, laminate or linoleum, you can additionally put a special substrate.

Laying GVL on wooden lagas

Hard dry-fiber sheets perfectly welded wood alignment.

Before the start of the work, check the condition of wooden structures.

If necessary, we replace the elements damaged by rot, add lags.

Check the horizontal of floors with a building level. Correct the deviation, laying a wedge or removing irregularities to the Rubank.

Everything wooden designs We proceed with antiseptic compositions.

We put stearazolation of the parameter paper or pergamine.

To prevent deformations around the perimeter, secure damper tape.

We are placing thermal insulation from mineral wool, laid tight between lags or fall asleep dry mixture of clay.

Hypus fiber sheets lay on lags.

Figure 12. Laying of GVL on wooden lags.

Between the sheets, glitter and fasten with self-draws.

The second layer of GLC is better to packagendiculously first, for glue.

Upper layer We sample on folds and fasten self-drawers, having hats into sheets.

Seams and hats of self-tapping screws close by putty, getting a rigid monolithic coating, ready for decoration.

Montage errors

When furnaces from GWL, it is necessary to clearly comply with the sequence of performance and installation rules to avoid possible defects:

  • flooring, if you have not cut off the folded edge of gypsum fiber sheets at the walls;
  • uneven seeding of the floor from the shrinkage of clamzit, if the lighthouses were not removed;
  • deformation, in the case of laying on a wet clay, not performing technological gaps between sheets and in places of adjustment to the walls.

Following our recommendations and observing the technology, you can independently perform the installation of the base from GWL or check the work of contractors. Having received a durable, durable, perfectly even base for any finishing floor finish.

Combination modern technologies and new materials - an indispensable condition for the effectiveness of any production.

The optimal choice of these components is the path of modernization and development.

Thus, a new, more perfect material - a gypsumless sheet came to replace the plasterboard - a gypsumless sheet or - GVL, and a new promising technology of a dry band screed for any type of coatings appeared.

They allow them to restore the floors, align, lay them again, solving insulation issues, fire safety and comfort.

GVL is a compressed finishing material in which the gypsum acts as a binder rejected by the fibers of chopped cellulose.

In the factory conditions, the surface of the sheets is polished and subjected to latex processing, which gives them moisture resistance and tolerance to painting and other finishing processes without pre-primer.

The hydrophobic impregnation of latex or the absence of it allows producing GBL of two species:

  1. An ordinary drying sheet - for premises with a normal and dry microclimate, in accordance with SNiP II-3-79;
  2. Moisture-proof GVL - for civil and production premises with high humidity.

Product standards

For convenience practical application GVL produces two formats:

  1. Standard (2500x1200x10);
  2. Small-sized (1500x1000x10).

Thickness can vary up to 19mm; At the edges, the sheet is blocked, which eliminates the little.

The sheets of double thickness of the factory gluing with self-locking fold are also available.

In the commercial form, for the convenience of transportation, the sheets are packed in waterproof packets of 40-50 each. The company "Knauf" produces packages by 98 sheets.

When transporting GWL, pallets and gaskets are used to ensure the integrity of the edges and protection against water.

Material is environmentally friendly, fires, frost, is durable and easy to process, can adjust the humidity in environment, accumulating it or giving.

It is stored only a year since the manufacture of and - only in a dry room.

The use of gypsum fiber sheets

GVL has wide applications and in construction, and in reconstruction, and in ensuring the safety of technical and domestic premises. Sheets, in addition to their use for flooring, are used for wall partitions, cladding ceilings.

Residential and sanitary premises, household stores and attics, attic and cellars. The main condition is no higher than 70% humidity.

The opposition to open fire makes GVL indispensable in the equipment of elevator mines, moisture resistance - in the equipment of bathrooms and garages, strength - in the equipment of sports halls and courts.


The basis for hydro fiber sheets can be reinforced concrete, and wooden floor. They can act as a substrate under the facial coating, like a heater or a draft floor.

Such contribute to this specifications, as:

  • increased hardness and strength;
  • simplicity in processing;
  • thermal insulation properties;
  • fire resistance;
  • frost resistance;
  • good sound insulation qualities;
  • maintenance of moderate humidity indoors;
  • departure in working with it.

Device "dry" floors using GBL

The screed is the main type of floor preparation, ensuring the alignment, the necessary rigidity, insulation, sound insulation.

Chatting from cement-sand mixture is always conjugate with mud, large volume handmade And the need to wait to the complete drying of the solution used.

And if the screed in two layers - the waiting period is doubled. In the completed form, it takes on a 25% of the carrier overlap. In addition, the costs will be needed. additional materials for water waterproofing, viscosity, etc.

An indisputable recognition in construction received a dry screed based on GVL.

It is indispensable in the device:

  • base floor on the clamping intake in 2 cm with sufficient insulation;
  • rough floor, using insulation, up to 3 cm - for alignment and insulation;
  • team screed with additional to the ceramisitu insulation in the form polystyrene foam plates - With serious light irregularities and increased requirements for its insulation.

The dry screed allows you to immediately go to laying the facial floor covering.

The technical characteristics of GVL allow, to use glue, mastic that do not contradict the chemical properties of the sheet.

Floor mounting technology using gypsum solid sheets

  1. Surface preparation

If you make styling on wooden flooring, strengthen movable floorboards, eliminate the causes of the screenshot;

Concrete overlap is enough to clean from garbage;

How to lay GWL sheets on the floor?

  1. To put on the perimeter of the room with a 10x10 mm mounting tape (from polystylene, isolon or basalt wool) for sound and noise absorption and in case of deformation, due to temperature fluctuations;
  1. Disseminate the brass through the entire surface of the floor polyethylene film for;
  1. Fix the guides from an aluminum profile or lags from the tree, which will contribute to the uniform distribution of clay and will continue to fit the GWL;
  1. To do

Take slag pums, clay sand or compavita and align with level.

You can use foamed or fibrous insulation.

At the time of this operation are possible mounting work By wiring of communications under the floor or the device of a warm floor system.

  1. First layer

For this layer, you will need little format gypsum solid sheets. They are placed along the length of the room, from the angle, close to the door (if the insulation is bulk) and from the opposite wall (with other types of insulation).

Sheets are fixed with self-drawers (the length of the self-press \u003d sheet thickness) "flush". Trimming with a hacksaw or jigsaw produced at the end of the row.

The following rows are laid, shifting by 30-40 cm. If the mounting tape performs above the level of the sheet, it is cut. The glue compound of sheets with each other admits the seams of no more than 2 mm, the glue squeezed with compression is cleaned.

  1. Second layer

This layer of standard GVL is placed on the surface of the first, the surface of the first, the laying - sheets of the first and second layer is placed relative to each other at right angles relative to each other;

It is possible to immediately use a two-layer coating of factory gluing; If the edges of the sheets have folders, the assembly is maintained as with;

If the third layer is stimulated, then it is composed of standard size sheets with an additional layer of foamed materials.

The thickness of this layer must correspond to the sum of the values \u200b\u200bof the thickness of the lower layers.

  1. In conclusion

The heads of the screws and the seams are spitting, the entire surface is grounded to create a flawlessly smooth base and the facial floor is laid, carpet, laminate, linoleum, parquet, porcelain tile or tile.

The advantages of the floor on the dry tie

The main advantage is universality.

Dry screed based on GVL sheets allows you to arrange the floors of any kind and with any coating, providing a strength
The base and lightness of the design.

The device of floors from GVL:

  • mounted at the initial stage before finishing;
  • mounted easily and quickly with weight sheets of about 18kg;
  • technologically publicly available;
  • provides the perfect level and docking sheets for any type of coating;
  • environmental, in terms of acidity, comparable to human skin;
  • wear-resistant;
  • its installation does not cause inconvenience during the cold season;
  • able to withstand essential point loads;
  • serves an obstacle to spread fire at the level of overlaps;
  • no restrictions on application.

Correct sheet selection - warranty of successful completion of work

Rule number 1

  1. On the russian market The most authoritative is the German firm "Knauf".

Since 1993, it has been widely investing building materials on enterprises of the Russian Federation and the CIS.

The international group "Knauf" rose from the family business in the north of Bavaria and became the leading manufacturer of leafy building materials.

Its products are marked with a blue incommable stamp indicating the type of sheets, edges, dimensions according to the standard.

  1. Dear representative in the building materials market and the Scandinavian company "Gyproc", which produces GVL of increased strength reinforced with mineral additives.
  1. In our country, the range of sheet products for construction produces Gypsum OJSC from Volgograd.

Rule number 2.

Check out product characteristics and marking. This will give you information about the technological compatibility of GVL with the related process, which will affect the efficiency of the work and service life;

Rule number 3.

Floor quality depends on the artist, and its durability.

Choose performers with professional skills and work experience. Do not trust random people who know about the process of the floor of the floor to be bleak.

The calculation of the material and the determination of the work of work make production firms on the installation of sex. Only they can be entrusted hidden wiring and placement of elements of a warm floor system.

Rule number 4.

Examine the proposals market to choose the most economical. The price varies not only from the quality and manufacturer of the material, but also from the sales region and even sales offices.

What is the scatter of prices for GVL for the floor to count on?

Gypsum natural organic mineral, it is environmentally friendly and strong. GVL - economical, easy to install and reliable.