What way is better to boot a well on the water. Water well drilling

Let's look at the technology of drilling well on water, as such work is being performed today, and how these knowledge can help the non-professional.

What you need to know about wells

Of course, it would be unwise to learn for a long time, learning all the subtleties of creating wells, in order for someone else to do this work, and this is not needed by personal participation in the works. Nevertheless, the drilling technology at least in a simplified form is needed, because it will be protected from errors, and from the deception of unscrupulous performers.

Consider three main drilling methods:

  1. Screw.
  2. Rotor.
  3. Shock-cable.

They differ in methods for the destruction of the soil in the well, as well as methods, the extraction of the breed. This, of course, affects the cost of work, and on how the site will look like after each type of equipment. Let's stop at the technology in more detail.

This method is rightfully considered the cheapest and simple. Therefore, the demand for him is higher, which affected the formation of a brigade, whose representatives will insist on such a drilling, because in case of refusal, they will remain without work, as other equipment, often not available.

This technology is acceptable only for soft soil rocks.

For work, a small-sized drilling rig is applied, to deliver a small truck. Having gathered for a quarter of an hour, the brigade immediately proceeds to work. The auger enters the ground, and due to the fact that this is a kind of screw, the earth rises without problems to the surface of his blades. The landscape remains practically intact, and the brigade will not work in order, especially when the well is less than 10 m. And work was performed without drilling fluids.

Drilling with a rotary way

Now this technology is the most common way of water wells to water. What does she represent? A special drill pipe is used, inside which is a rotating shaft with a tip - chisel. It is this tip that plunges deep into. The system works using a hydraulic installation. This method allows you to drill almost any breed even at great depth.

The principle of operation of such a drilling rig is based on the destruction of the brown of the soil layer inside casing tubes, and flushing it from a well with a drill solution. With the help of such technology, even fragments of underground rocks are destroyed.

For better opening of the aquifer and the receipt of greater returns will be required to be flushing.

Already 2-3 weeks after the start of the work, it is possible to analyze artesian water, which should be enough for one home ownership with excess.

However, this aspanits are the most time consuming, and is performed on more complex equipment. For this reason, the drilling of wells using the reverse flushing is usually expensive. This setting is it large weightTherefore, it is placed on the platform of powerful trucks MAZ, ZIL and them like. Movement of heavy equipment pomidery Very will change his appearance.

This technology allows you to break through the aquifer with great efforts. Although this method is very old and not high-speed, nevertheless it remains the most qualitative way of the well device.

The essence of this method is that the soil is destroyed by a heavy shell, which falls from a certain height, and crashes into the ground. When pulling the projectile, the inner cavity is cleaned, and the process is repeated. If the soil stayed in the well, then the venture is used, but most often they are combined in one projectile.

Works are carried out until the water layer is sufficiently revealed.

The advantage of such drilling is that the "dry" operation occurs, since the solution is not applied. This contributes to a more accurate opening of the aquifer and provides the highest possible efficient service life of more than 50 years.

Drilling wells with water is also called a row. This method resembles the usual cable-rotational drilling. During operation, the ground on the plot is blurred under water pressure. This method is used far from each case, it is possible to boot only loose soil, sandy, sandy soils. For drilling hard and rock breeds will have to turn to traditional complex methods. Water drilling technology is absolutely not suitable when it is required to pass clay layers. Therefore, before starting work, it is necessary to carry out a hydrogeological study, which will show how the specified method is applicable for this site.

The process of drilling well water is simple. To work in advance you need to prepare the equipment and the casing, which will descend in the well. We also need water for drilling. Her hydrochloric acid is added to it, the concentration of which will be 1: 20,000. This avoids possible soil pollution during drilling and aquifer.

Time to drill well water takes a bit, but it is important to prepare everything and calculate in advance. The maximum depth of the well, which is obtained as a result of using this method, is 15 m. The diameter can be from 50 mm and up to 300 mm. After all the casing tubes are mounted, it is necessary to cement the outer part of the well to the depth of up to 3 m.

Features of the wellbore water pressure head

For drilling well water used simple technology. First you need to equip the cabriks, in which water will come for drilling. They must be approximately 1-1.5 m from the future well.

Closer to the mouth mounted a drill unit, which will ensure the flow under water under pressure. An additionally constructed a small veil-filter, which with the rest is communicated with the help of a trench.

The pump for water supply is placed near the mouth, one hose falls into the pit, and the second is at the drill, it will fall into the trunk. The message between the tip and swivel is carried out by a bar.

In order not to spend too much time, you should pre-order hydrogeological research. It will show if there is a aquifer on the plot, at what depth it lies.

Need to make sure exactly suits this technology For the type of soil, which is on the plot.

For work, a fairly simple drilling rig is used. It consists of a feed pump, hoses for feeding and removing the drilling fluid, swivel. Around the well will have to make several pitches that perform the role of filters and removal of spent solutions.

In order not to pollute the soil, a special solution is used that does not cause any harm not only soil, but also aquifer. Water remains clean and suitable for drinking. It must be remembered that the maximum depth of the source will be 15 m, i.e. the well is obtained in the sand. All this requires permanent care Behind the source.

Drilling technology

For drilling well water used specific technology. The following stages of work are complied with:

  1. First, it is necessary to properly collect the drill bit, prepare a mixture for washing, a clay solution.
  2. Water is used to wash the soil. A clay solution is a substance that will help strengthen the walls after the well is ready. The drilling fluid itself must be selected depending on what kind of ground in the site. Specialists who will conduct a preliminary study on the presence of aquifer on the site can help.
  3. If a preparatory work Completed (casing, solution and clay are prepared), you can start assembling the drilling installation.
  4. Through the pump, the solution is beginning to flow into the hoses, then the swivel is taken, which provides the water supply to the tip. Under the strong pressure, the water destroys the ground, begins to flush up the breed.
  5. The spent solution is sent to the pit, here the destroyed soil immediately sends to the bottom, and the solution itself falls into the earthen bowl, goes into the ground, and then reaches the tip of the drilling rig.
  6. The drilling of the well pressure continues, gradually all the breed is made. It is important to monitor that the clay and boulders do not come across the passage. In this case, drilling must be carried out with traditional method, i.e. Bura.
  7. As the trunk passes, it is necessary to lower the casing. It strengthens the walls, prevents sweeping soil.
  8. When the necessary depth is reached and water comes from the aquifer, the drilling process is necessary.

When the well is ready, cementing is performed on 3 m deep into the top.

It serves as a fortification. Upstairs, the caisson should be installed, if necessary, automatics, hydroaccumulator immediately mounted.

Repair of well

When using wells and wells, the situation often occurs when water quality deteriorates either performance descends to the level that makes the use of the source difficult. In this case, the repair is required, you can do it with your own hands.

The reasons for the failure of the well, among them it is necessary to note:

  1. The installed filters are clogged. Repair is required only when pollution has become too strong, and water ceases to flow upstairs. If you do not forget about regular inspections of equipment and maintenance, then clogging will occur much less frequently. The filter may fail and due to the sand seal, if the well is used only in summer.
  2. If you do not conduct regular cleaning and care for sources, then water can become dirty, not suitable for drinking. Causes are pollution of pipes, aquifer. To accurately determine the cause, you need to call specialists who will determine which measures are required for cleaning.
  3. If the trunk was heavily polluted, then it is necessary to perform work on its flushing. To do this, water should be downloaded under pressure in the well to wash the entire dirt upstairs. It is important to immediately foresee the removal of dirty water away from the source so as not to pollute it again.
  4. Cleaning can be done with air, which is also fed under pressure. In order for such pressure to ensure, the use of special equipment, compressor will be required.
  5. The easiest and most advantageous method is the injection of water and its subsequent pumping with a small and specifically for this intended pump. The method is simple, water under pressure is pumped, and then output.

Hourbrutation is a method that is good for loose or sandy soil. There can be almost any, time and strength to do this well on it.

The most efficient and economical design for the extraction of groundwater is a borehole. it excellent alternative centralized water supply for agricultural, gardening or country house.

Build a well on water different ways. Consider the main drilling technologies and focus on general Recommendations To create your own autonomous source of drinking water.

Choose the type of well on the water

The drilling of the well on water is a rather laborious process requiring certain knowledge and skills from the artist. Depending on the geological characteristics of the soil and the estimated need for water should be chosen optimal type Wells and technology of its arrangement.

Splits for wells are several types:

  1. straightening (artesian);
  2. filter (sand wells);
  3. wells.

Drilling artesian wells It is carried out to porous limestone, the depth of which is more than 150 meters. The artesian well is capable of providing several country houses Uninterrupted water supply round year (In such slaves, water does not freeze). The period of operation of the straftime artesian well reaches 50 years.

Depth of drilling wells for water filter type (on sand) is 15-30 meters. The sandy well device is a swelled pipe, at the end of which is a filter, selecting large sand fractions. Such a well enough for a small country house or cottage plot.

The dignity of the well on the sand includes:

  • simplicity drilling;
  • low value of the wellbore.

Disadvantages of filter wells in the sand:

  • low performance (about 1 m3 per hour);
  • service life - up to 10 years;
  • high probability of casing;
  • fit in the bottom of surface and groundwater.

Tubular (Abyssinian) Well It has a depth of 8-12 meters, constructed with the use of concrete factory rings. If there is a good spring on the site, the well is rapidly filled and accumulates water (average capacity - 2 m3 of water).

Choosing the design of the wellbore for the well, it is necessary to take into account the estimated need for water and the regularity of its consumption. For the summer cottage, the filter barrel is suitable for the cottage, and to ensure the water of a large private house it is necessary to equip the artesian well - the most reliable option autonomous water supply.

Water well drilling: Reviews and well-type tips

Water drilling methods for water: technology, advantages and disadvantages of the method

You can classify drilling methods in two main criteria.

  1. According to the mechanisms used:
    • manual drilling;
    • mechanical drilling.
  2. According to the principle of drilling tools:
    • shock method;
    • rotational method;
    • shock-rotational.

Consider the most demanded ways of drilling wells for water.

Manual way of drilling wells

You can manually try a well whose depth will not exceed 25 meters. Drilling to be done until the waterproof layer is reached.

For manual drilling Water wells use such equipment:

In the event that the depth of the well is small, then manually controlling the drill column. Rods for drilling can be made of pipes by connecting them with a thread or veneer. The drilling head is attached to the end of the lower rod.

All technological process Hand drilling well can be divided into several stages:

For complete water purification, it is usually enough to pump 2-3 buckets of dirty groundwater. For this you can use a submersible type pump

Manual drilling has both advantages and disadvantages. The advantages of the method include:

  • low cost of work;
  • the invariance of the structure of the undergoing soil.

Disadvantages of the method:

  • limited drilling depth;
  • a small debt debit due to the small diameter of the structure;
  • the service life of the "manual" well from 2 to 10 years (depending on the operating conditions).

Rotary method: reverse and straight flushing

Rotational (rotary) drilling method The most common way to arrange deep wells for water.

The rotational method implies the use of special installations. Water well drilling is carried out using equipment:

Installations for drilling are equipped with a special pipe, in the cavities of which there is a rotating shaft with a bit. Due to the hydraulic installation, the impact on chisel is created. The soil from the well is washed with a drilling solution.

Distinguish two technologies for drilling well water:

Straight flushing. The liquid is fed along the wellbore in the direction from top to bottom. The solution, leaning the breed, comes out through the annulus space.

The advantages of the rotary method of direct flushing include:

  • the versatility of the method (you can create a well of any depth);
  • big debit well, due to big diameter drilling.

The lack of direct flushing is to erode the aquifer.

Reverse flushing. The drill solution is seed in the annular space. Subsequently, the solution is bucked with the pump.

The advantage of drilling a well pressure of water with reverse flushing - the maximum opening of the aquifer provides maximum flow rate.

The main disadvantage of this method is its high cost. For work it is necessary to attract complex equipment and qualified specialists.

Water well drilling: video

Shock-rope drilling

With a shock-rope method of drilling a well on the water, the soil breakdown is achieved due to falling from a severe tool (clogged glass).

With independent drilling, you can use homemade drilling rigs and additional tools (bottom glass, rope, inventory for the extraction of soil).

Shock-rope drilling sequence:

To drill deep wells with a shock-channel method, it is necessary to attract special installations: UKS-22M2, UGB-1VS, UGB-50.

Auke well arrangement

The main working tool when auger drilling Speakers classic archimedean screw (auger). The blade is welded to the drilling rods that rotate the breed to the surface.

A screw method is suitable for drilling shallow wells (no more than 10 meters)

To implement this method, small-sized lung drilling rigs are used.

The advantages of the auger drilling method:

  • efficiency and efficiency of the method when drilling small wells (up to 50 meters) on sand-clay soils;
  • availability of the method;
  • soil layers do not blur.

Disadvantages of the screw method of arrangement of wells for water:

  • suitable only for sandy soil;
  • if the screw strengthened during the work, the process will have to stop, and start drilling elsewhere.

Column drilling method

The column method is rarely used for drilling wells for water. More often it is used as a method of engineering and geological and hydrogeological research.

Drilling uses equipment (ZIF 650, ZIF 1200) with an annular carbide or diamond crown. In the process of drilling, through the corona cavity, it is possible to extract the breed column and determine the presence of certain natural fossils.

When drilling a column method, ring destruction and subsequent washing of soil occurs

The advantages of the column method:

  • high well arrangement of the well;
  • the possibility of drilling very solid soil;
  • drilling rigs are compact and can be used in hard-to-reach metas.

Disadvantages of the column method:

  • the rapid staging of the working crown;
  • a small cross section (about 150 mm) does not allow using powerful submersible pumps.

Regardless of the drilling method, the water well must comply with certain requirements:

  • the aquifer should be disclosed qualitatively with the minimum resistance of the filtering zones;
  • the content of metal elements in the design is minimal;
  • if different aquifers are not operated together, they need to be isolated from each other;
  • the possibility of carrying out repair work;
  • well reliability.

Drilling well on water is a complex technological process, the competent execution of which will be the key to the uninterrupted supply of high-quality water throughout the life of the well.

Well on the water with their own hands is real way provide water plot within the private house, thereby building reliable water supply to perspective country plotwhere there is no centralized water supply.

Arrangement of such a water source requires essential financial and labor costs. For drilling, special devices and equipment will be required, but with the right organization of work, everything can be done independently and reliably.

In order to equip your own well on the water, it is necessary find the desired water reservoir, Identify the depth of its location and driving in the ground channel (well barrel), which is included in this productive layer. The main drilling methods are considered below.

Screw method

For such drilling used drill (auger) in the form of a rod with a cutter on the end and bladesLocated on the screw line. Elementary auger can be considered garden or fishing boos.

The essence of the technology is through the tool into the ground By rotating and extracting land when it is asked. The process can be carried out manually or mechanical way. Manually auke You can drill a well to the depth 8-10 m.

This technique is considered the simplest and affordable, but it can only be used if there is enough soft or bulk soil. It is impossible to use it in the presence of floors and rock outputs. If there is a more solid soil or with deeper drilling, it is necessary mechanization of rotation of the tool. As the reefing of the trunk, the auger is screwed to the section of the drill pipe (columns).

Hydroburation (hydrodynamic drilling)

Turban technology

The method is based on longitudinal promotion of drill bit, rotational motion that provides Turbobour. All this is located on the immersed column, which is increasing with rods as the trunk is deepened.

The main element - Turbobur is an engine that is immersed in a bottom zone, i.e. Does not rotate the entire drill string. Drilling can be provided by low-speed (120-300 rpm) and high-speed (450-600 rpm) engines, while in motion they leads hydrodynamic force, created by the fluid flow acting on the engine blades.


This technology is not fundamentally different from turbine drilling. In this case, instead of a turbarway with blades in the disease zone asynchronous type electric motor immersed. Using electric drive Allows you to abandon the drill column in the form of pipes and lower the electrical trains on the cable-rope.

The main drawback is reduced performance Cable in boreholes with frequent scene-lifting operations.

Screw engines

These are modern, improved drives, descended into the bottom zone. They are volumetric, hydraulic installation of rotor type. Their rotation is provided by drilling fluids, and efficiency increases with low and high pressure chambers.

Important. The choice of drilling method depends on the depth of the productive, water reservoir, the characteristics of the soil and the presence of complex areas in the penetration zone, as well as the planned flow rate and the availability of equipment and financial capabilities.

How do boreholes for water supply?

Any well designed to raise water From the deep water formation to the surface. Its principle of operation is based on the arrangement of the barrel in the form of a pipeline due to the installation of the casing (pipe) so that the bottom-up part with the filter rough Cleaning It turned out inside the water source, while the lifting of the liquid is provided by the submersible or surface type pump.

Thus, water penetrates through the holes at the bottom of the column and forcibly rises along the well barrel to the surface.


With considering constructive features And the depths are distinguished by the following types of water wells:

  1. Abyssinian Square (tubular well). It is constructed by climbing the pipe into the ground, and therefore the depth is no more 6-10 M.. Water rises from the highest formation ( groundwater) And has significant pollution. It can be used in technical purposes Or for drinking, but only after boiling.
  2. Well in the sand. She ruins the depth 14-25 M.What allows you to use any way of drilling. Usually it creates a pipe with a diameter of 12-20 cm. The flow rate of such a well is small and it is intended for small farms. In operation is used centrifugal pumpinstalled on the surface.
  3. Artesian well Wall to the lower, productive water reservoir at depth more than 50 meters. Water in it is absolutely clean and used for drinking. The rise from it can be carried out only with the help of the submersible pump.

Functional nodes

Any well, regardless of depth and varieties, has the following functional zones and nodes:

  1. Flood zone or water intake. This is the bottom of the well, which is located in the aquatic layer. Here, through perforation, water enters inside the casing. Mandatory element - filter.
  2. Casual Column (Pipe) or suction hint. Her task to provide a sealed canal for water from a bottomhole zone to the entrance to the pump (pump water intake), which is required supplied check valve To prevent the return water stream.
  3. Pump. It provides water lift, which creates a certain pressure.
  4. Hydroaccumulator or cumulative tank. This node is responsible for protecting the equipment. from hydraulic strikesproviding water reserve and create the desired pressure in the plumbing pipeline.
  5. Pressure switch and controlling equipment.
  6. Holy leaps. This is the upper, ground part of the well, providing its protection against contamination from above, freezing and distributing the raised water.


To improve the well to water, such an inventory and equipment are needed:

  1. Pump. It is selected taking into account the depth and productivity of the well, the sizes of the casing, length plumbing highway. At the depth of the trunk to 10-12 m, the surface, centrifugal pump of the desired power is used. For deep wells, a submersible type pump is used. For it, a carrier, safety cable and submersible electrocabel needed.
  2. Pumping station with the system automatic control process. It requires controlling devices and overload protection devices.
  3. Hydropneummobac. It is designed to maintain stable pressure in the system and optimizing the pump operation. A permanent level of water in it is supported using a level relay. The size of the reservoir depend on the capacity of the equipment and the flow rate. The volume can fluctuate in wide range from 20-30 to 1000 liters. The optimal is the capacity of about 100-150 liters.
  4. Caisson. Downhole fellow It can be equipped in different ways, but the most popular caisson, which is a metal box (tank), a sealing of the wellbore. It is mounted with a slight blowjob (up to 1-1.2 m) and has dimensions sufficient to accommodate the connecting equipment and the serving person.
  5. Communications. Cable, wire to ensure reliable power supply and water pipes From caisson to water consumption points.


The upper part of the well and plumbing is in the zone of ground freezing, and therefore they must be safely insulated.

Montage sequence

Submersible pump is mounted in such a sequence:

  • installation of the check valve (if it is not included in the pump);
  • fastening on the cable and cable connection;
  • immersion of the pump to the desired depth;
  • installation and connection of the hydroaccumulator (hydropneumobacial);
  • connecting and adjusting the control and control system;
  • installation and connection of fine cleaning filters;
  • connecting to consumption points (heating equipment, mixers, etc.).

Scheme of a well device

A standard deep well device with a submersible pump has such basic design:

  • perforated waterfront of the casing with a sump;
  • coarse water purification filter;
  • submersible pump with check valve and water intake;
  • water truck or pipe (hose) for water lifting, connected to the pump;
  • waterproof pump power cable;
  • borehole well or extended top of a wellbar;
  • headband, caisson;
  • locking equipment (ball type faucet);
  • controlling devices, pressure gauge (up to 8-10 bar);
  • mechanism pumping with ball valve.

The well scheme of the well is sufficiently standard:

  1. Water under the pressure of the reservoir seeps into the sump and accumulates in it.
  2. When the pump is turned on, water rises along the casing, enters the pumping water intake and is directed up the water duty.
  3. In Kesson, water is sent to the hydroaccumulator, where its defined stock is created, after which it enters the water supply.

How is the well shut down?

When reached in the process of drilling a productive reservoir - waterproof, the stage of arrangement of water well begins. Initially, the bottom filtering column is lowered into the trunk, which is a pipe with a perforated tip, a seduction chamber and a filter of several grids, which prevent the penetration of large fractions of impurities.

Next, the entire casing column is mounted, and the gap between it and the soil falls asleep with sand and crushed fine fraction. At the same time, a well pumping is carried out with a mixture of a mixture by supplying water with mouth sealing.

After cleaning the slaughter on the cable, the submersible pump is lowered with a connected hydrody with a diameter of 25-50 mm depending on the flow rate. The casing and auxous protection is made on the ledge. A shut-off valve is installed in the discharge system. The caisson combines a waterway and water pipeline.

The well is enough complex hydraulic constructionsbut when it proper arrangement A reliable own water supply appears. All operations, starting with the drilling of the trunk, can be carried out with their own hands, but for this it is necessary to comply with all the recommendations of specialists and use standard equipment.

Useful videos

The cheapest and simple in the manufacture of hydrobur and its test during the drilling of aquifer:

The well on the plot is a comfortable structure that allows you to provide fresh water to the whole house. Drilling wells under the water with their own hands is a completely solved task for those who are not afraid of painstaking work, it is important only to take into account the nuances of this process and stock up the equipment.

Types of wells

Features of the aquifer and soil characteristics determine the choice of a method for arranging one of the types of wells:

  • artesian;
  • filter;
  • abyssinian Well.

The Abyssinian Wells makes itself in places from a small depth of breaking the aquifer. Filter wells are made on sandy soil, perfectly treated. As a rule, the depth of such structures does not exceed 30 meters. The deadline for the operation of the filter well is about 30-40 years, with incorrect maintenance and absence of care, this term is significantly reduced. Artesian wells are considered the most reliable, as water is formed by the cracks of the rock. Drilling depth - from 20 to 110 meters.

When choosing a drilling method, it is necessary to take into account the features of the soil. So, wet sand is easily disarmed by almost any known method, but pebble sediments and gravel with sand and sludge must be pierced with the venture. As for clay or loam, the auger or a glass can cope with them.

Professional brigades have special equipment that helps to make a deep construction for short term. Drilling well on water is most often produced by a screw method, other methods that do not require special skills of work and expensive tool can be applied.

Screw method

This is a rotational way of drilling, for which the drill or auger is used, large stones in the process of work are divided by a special chisel. The auger looks like a rod with a working tool, the device is screwed into the soil, and special blades extract the cutting breed. In the process of work also applied special equipmenthelps to keep the roe in the right position.

The screw drilling occurs in this way: in the ground is a deepening, in the process of work the bur is lowered and rises from the hole. The bar is gradually increasing with threaded compoundThe walls of the holes are protected by casing pipes. The process of drilling a well on the water with their own hands a screw method occurs until the water layer appears, to which it is necessary to deepen at about half the meter. After that, the burden is extracted from the soil, and the filter is lowered into the well. Note that the casing should not be restricted into the ground, so it needs to raise a bit. The well remains only to pump, and then omit the pump into it.

Note that the casing device is recommended to be performed before drilling. The screw method is the cheapest and affordable, it is perfect for clay and driving soils. The diameter obtained by this method of the well can vary from 50 to 750 millimeters. A screw method can be drilled yourself up to 20 meters per day.

Video of drilling well to water auger:

Rotary way

Rotary drilling is performed using special drilling rigs. In this way, specialists are often used to get filtering wells. The breed is destroyed by a special bit, loose soil is removed by flushing or blowing the hole. The rotary method involves the use of special equipment: drilling equipment, fixtures for cleaning the structure. During the operation of the Bura, various unforeseen situations occur (for example, jamming of the device in the breed), which you need to be able to solve. That is why the rotary method is rarely used as a non-professional drilling method.

Video of drilling well rotary way

Shock-rope drilling

This drilling method involves the use of iron and scoring glasses. The method is very complex and time consuming, however, with its help, deep holes will be deplished from 40 to 100 meters. The shock-rope method does not need to wash the hole with water. For him, the masters often use portable settings, the drilling of the well with their own hands produced in stages:

  1. A hole is made in the soil the garden brown, over which the tripod is installed with a special unit.
  2. The jacket with a cable rushes into a mine from a height of about 1-2 meters.
  3. The edge of the venture destroys the breed that remains in the valve.
  4. The jelly gets out of the hole, gets rid of the soil, and then rushes again. To simplify the process, the cable can be combined with a winch equipped with a motor.
  5. In the process of deepening into the ground, a casing is installed, which must be increased during the work.

The shock-rope method of drilling the water well is used by people from ancient times, which is explained by its simplicity and reliability. At the same time, the method is time consuming and requires a lot of time: the process can take 2-3 months. For a shock-rope method, a scoring glass is also used - a pipe with a pointed edge processing the ground. Cleansing from rocks is carried out by parts of reinforcement or other infrident materials. A simple design is not equipped with a valve that distinguishes it from the ulute. The scoring glass is designed to handle viscous soil.

Video of the shock-cableway drilling of wells for water:

For independent manufacture Iron can be used metal pipe The desired diameter. The optimal is the length of 2-3 meters, the thickness is about 10 millimeters. Such instrument indicators will allow him to have a sufficient mass to ensure the process of drilling. The lower part of the pipe must be sharpened inside, the round plate with a spring is also joined to it. It is recommended to attach sharp pieces of metal to the edge, as well as weld to the handle the protective grid of the wire.


Drilling wells for water on this technology involves the erosion of the soil large quantity water. This method Used for sands and loose soils. Drilling occurs pretty quickly. Previously, it is necessary to prepare a casing, after the installation of which the well post is cemented with outside pipes. For operation, water is used with hydrochloric acid content, which prevents the contamination of the aquifer. The technology of hydraulication allows you to get a well of a small depth of about 10-15 meters.

Video about manual hydrobone well on water:


For this method, drilling rigs or hollow rods with a clock are applied. The treated soil is removed from the well with a special solution. A bentonite clay is added to the water, which helps strengthen the well and protect it from collapse. It can be said that the process is carried out by recycling water. After drilling, a plastic filter is placed in the hole and a pipe with a diameter of about 120 millimeters. The diameter of the well is about 50 millimeters more, a crushed stone is embanked to the resulting space, which helps increase the life of the structure. Drilling is produced in the sand, the depth of the well does not exceed 30 meters.

Creating an Abyssinian well

Such a well has a different name - a well-needle, which is associated with the similarity of the pipe with a sharp metal rod. If the aquifer is close to the surface, then you can get water on the plot in just a few hours of operation. To drill the Abyssinian Well, it follows:

  1. Make a hole in 6-8 centimeters, for this auger is taken.
  2. Place a casing with a filter with a large number of holes and a sharp edge into the hole. The filter is wrapped with a grid that prevents the penetration of sand.
  3. Screw the pipe and build it until the water is obtained.
  4. Lower surface pumpwhich will be quite enough for a shallow well.

To clog pipes, such simple tools like a rod or grandmother are used. The rod looks like a simple metal rod with a diameter of about 20 millimeters, if necessary, it is increased during the drilling process. A barbell is made by the tip on which the load is accounted for during the process. The load in the drilling process is distributed more competently when using special cargo with holes - grandmother. Blows are applied by the ledge placed on the pipe. To avoid such a complicating situation, as a torn pipe, it is necessary to apply only qualitative materials. For example, shockproof coaxial threads that do not break in the process.

Video on how to make an Abyssinian well per day, alone:

The Abyssinian Well has many advantages, while it is easier to make it easier than driving a deeper well. Thanks to the compact dimensions, it is possible to equip it even in the basement of the house, the service life is 5-25 years. The capacity of such a well is quite enough to provide a large family with water, while it is characterized by good quality.

After independent drilling Wells must be maintained in working condition. So that the water is fresh, you should create ventilation holesthat will provide air flow. The upper part of the structure should be covered with a lid, which can be opened to explore the well or get a pump. After the drilling of wells on the water is completed with their own hands, it is necessary to analyze the fluid for the presence of impurities. Make it follows a couple of weeks after work so that water can be cleaned of contamination, which causes the drilling process.