Polyurethane foam how to use. Cons of applying polyurethane foam without using a gun

V modern world used in almost all types of repair and construction work. It is used during the installation of doors, windows and window sills, plumbing fixtures. Also this building material found wide application as a heater - it is used to seal up cracks and cracks; it is used to make sandwich panels and various heaters.

The main advantage of polyurethane foam is convenience and ease of use.

Types of polyurethane foam

In order to figure out how to properly use polyurethane foam, consider its varieties. Today, modern industry produces three types of this material: professional and household cylinders, as well as two-component polyurethane foam (we will not consider it in this article, since it is used only in industrial conditions). What is the difference between them? Which type to give preference to? How to use a cylinder with polyurethane foam The main criterion for choosing this material is its purpose.

Professional foam (pistol)

This material is sold in cylinders of 1.5 liters and differs in that it can only be used with. It is used, as a rule, professional builders because this design allows you to easily and quickly get the job done.

The use of a pistol greatly facilitates the dispensing of the material. For one-time work in a domestic environment, the material is not very convenient, because after application you need to wash the gun, and this is an additional financial cost. There are manufacturers who complete the cylinders with a spray tube. But it is not economical to apply professional foam from it, since a strong pressure increases its consumption.

Foam for household use

It is sold in tubes with a capacity of 0.6-0.8 liters, and is completed with a straw. It is intended for single use. Convenient to fill small spaces and fixes for various assembly flaws. Household polyurethane foam has the same properties as professional use. The set includes a straw. If necessary, you can use both a cylinder and a pistol.

The cost of professional foam is much higher than that of household foam, and this is mainly due to the difference in their volume.

Pistol design

Before you learn how to use a can of polyurethane foam, first let's look at the design of the gun. Regardless of the manufacturer? its structure is the same and quite simple:

  • If household foam is supplied through a PVC tube, then in a gun it is carried out through a metal one with a special tip - a nozzle. The tip hole is 5 times smaller than the feed tube section, which increases the working pressure of the mixture.
  • The cylinder is connected through an adapter - an adapter, which is attached to the gun body.
  • The purpose of the adjusting screw is to dose the mixture output.
  • A pen this instrument it can be aluminum or plastic. It is attached to the barrel with a nut. Thanks to the collapsible design, the gun can be easily cleaned from solidified residues.
  • The trigger serves to supply the mixture from the cylinder.

How to install a can on a gun

In order to learn how to properly use a polyurethane foam gun, let's first consider how to insert it:

  • The first thing to do is to warm up the foam cylinder in hot water until room temperature and shake thoroughly for 20-25 seconds to homogenize the polyurethane foam. The foam will come out with a uniform consistency and in full.

  • The container is closed from above with a protective cap, which must be removed before installation. Then position the pistol with the handle down. When connecting, firmly hold the device with one hand by the handle, and with the other rotary movements screw the cylinder onto the adapter. The hiss will be evidence of the connection, which indicates the receipt of foam. If this sound did not exist, this indicates a malfunction of the inlet ball valve or the expiration of the foam itself. To eliminate such a problem, the gun will have to be disassembled and cleaned of dried old material.
  • After shaking, the device is placed in the working position with the handle down. The adjusting screw is turned a quarter of a turn and the trigger is pulled, directing the barrel into the bag. When the consistency of the foam is normal, they begin to work.

Assembly foam: how to use a spray can with a gun?

No special skills are required to work with polyurethane foam. It will be enough just once or twice to try something zapin, and everything will work out. Consider the order of work and some of the nuances:

Polyurethane foam is sensitive to ultraviolet rays material that under their influence collapses, changes color and crumbles. If used outdoors, then after complete drying and removal of excess, you need to cover it up cement mortar.

How to use polyurethane foam with a straw?

If a gun is not provided for the cylinder (in household foam), then instead of it a PVC tube is included, which is screwed onto the adapter. The principle of operation is identical to professional foaming. It is not always convenient to work with such a cylinder, but it is excellent for one-time use. This option will be ideal in that situation if small seams are planned to be closed.

So, what are the disadvantages of polyurethane foam? We have already figured out how to use it. Now let's look at the cons of such a material:

  • It is impossible to dose the supply of the contents of the container, which increases the consumption of polyurethane foam.
  • Inconvenience of working with this tool. Holding the cylinder upside down by hand is quite tedious and even inconvenient. The arm often gets tired and regular breaks are needed.

Using polyurethane foam without a gun and straw

Sometimes professional polyurethane foam can be used without a gun. How to use a balloon? In this situation, you will have to pick up the foam tube yourself and figure out how to press the valve. Figuratively, this process can be represented as follows: you need to release the air so that it can all get to the desired point and at the same time does not catch your hands.

In this case, a tube is chosen from 3 parts: the first and third are flexible, and the second is solid. The valve is pressed in the middle part, the first prevents the foam from splashing, and the third already brings it to the place of processing.


So, we have considered the foam assembly. We have also learned how to use such material. But do not forget about protecting your hands and face, since the foam is rather difficult to wash. It is much cheaper to buy an extra pair of gloves than to buy thinner or walk around with your hands dirty.

Polyurethane foam is one of the most popular materials on the market. We have made a selection of various tricks and life hacks that will make it easier and more comfortable to work with it, as well as find new areas of application for it.

  1. The main components of polyurethane foam are polyol and diisocyanate, which react to form a prepolymer. Polyurethane foam requires moisture to harden, which is usually taken from the ambient air. According to some estimates, it takes about 40 ml of water to harden the foam from a 750 ml cylinder. Based on this, we can make the first conclusion that the presence of moisture (up to a certain threshold) promotes the early hardening of the foam and prevents its further expansion. Therefore, it is recommended to pre-moisten the places where the foam is applied with water. In addition, it will improve the adhesion of the foam to the applied surface.

  1. There is a long-standing love of rodents for polyurethane foam, which they easily turn into dust. But at the moment, compositions began to appear on the market that rodents do not like.

  1. Since the foam cylinder must be held upside down during operation, with the PVC tube extension, you can easily handle even cracks in the ceiling or in any hard-to-reach places.

  1. Acetone, as well as solvents based on it, can easily clean the surface of uncured foam. But with a frozen number, such a number will no longer work.
  2. The older the foam in the cylinder, the higher its viscosity. Its expansion coefficient and total volume are reduced accordingly. So that the viscosity of the foam does not grow so quickly over time, manufacturers make special additives, therefore, it is recommended to shake the contents of the container thoroughly before starting work.
  3. The gun will allow you to more accurately dispense foam, thereby gaining additional convenience and savings. It will also be convenient for a large amount of work. High-quality models can be left without rinsing for a month or more. In other cases, a cylinder with a special flushing liquid should be used.
  4. In the assortment of some manufacturers there are black foam cylinders. It is also perfect for landscaping. For example, to fix stones on alpine slide... If only direct sunlight does not fall on it.

  1. If you need to apply foam in several layers to close large openings, manufacturers recommend waiting an hour or two between laying each new layer. But if each layer is slightly moistened with a spray bottle, then the waiting hours can be reduced to 10-15 minutes.
  2. In the absence of an appropriate filler, polyurethane foam will also help when transporting fragile items. To do this, you need to line the box cling film, fill it a third with foam, put a layer of film on which to lay a fragile thing. Then another layer of film on top, which is also covered with foam. As a result, the foam will easily split into two parts, which will simplify unpacking.

  1. For foaming gaps in window and doorways foam with a minimum expansion coefficient should be used, otherwise it may be difficult to open windows and doors. Typically, this foam is labeled as window foam. But if you don't have one at hand, it is better to apply the foam in two layers. First, a small amount of foam is placed deep into the gap, to which, after the final expansion and hardening, you can add another layer if necessary.
  2. In the absence of acetone, you can rinse the plastic tube-nozzle using a carburetor cleaner (it also contains acetone). You can buy it at any auto parts store. But this should be done immediately after use, until the remaining foam has hardened.

  1. Winter foam can be used at temperatures down to -10 C °, and certain types and up to -20 C °. But at the same time, the foam cylinder itself must have a temperature of at least +5 C °. To quickly warm up the cylinder, you can use hot water, but under no circumstances should it be placed in an open fire or other rapid heating methods should be used. Otherwise, the result can be sad.

  1. To get rid of spilled or splashed foam after it has set, you can use special cleaning gels designed for foam. They soften it, after which the foam can be easily removed.
  2. Remember to wear gloves when handling foam, otherwise the foam on your skin will stain it for a couple of days.

Polyurethane-based polyurethane foam is indispensable for sealing cracks, holes, joints, heat and noise insulation, as well as for gluing different surfaces... It does not apply to surfaces made of polypropylene, polyethylene, Teflon, silicone and wax. To understand how to use polyurethane foam, you just need to learn the rules.

Assortment for choosing a worthy option

Two types of polyurethane foam - semi-professional (household) and professional (pistol). Depending on the temperature conditions pick up winter, summer or off-season.

For a small volume of uncomplicated works will do relatively cheap household. It is sold with a plastic tube, the outlet volume is smaller and is intended for single use, since after opening the cylinder, its contents dry out within 24 hours.


More expensive professional assembly mixture is sold complete with a special gun. It is reusable and precisely controls the volume of sealant delivered.

Sealant with gun

Quality pistols are made of metal and are completely collapsible. Turning the adjusting screw located on the handle clockwise decreases the thickness of the supplied jet, counterclockwise increases it.

The device of a special gun for polyurethane foam

This point is important because the optimal diameter of one applied layer after hardening is in the region of 3 cm.If a space of a larger volume is filled, then the sealant is applied in two or three layers with interruptions to dry each of the applied layers.

They take into account the fact that professional sealant gives less shrinkage compared to household .

Preparatory stage

To use assembly sealant gave an effect, spend preliminary preparation which includes the following:

  • Surfaces before applying sealant to them are cleaned of dust and debris. If necessary, degrease with acetone or solvent.
  • For good interaction of the sealant with the surface, the latter is abundantly moistened, but at the same time it is made sure that no drops of moisture form on the surface to be treated.
  • The temperature of the cylinder is adapted to the temperature of the room in which the finishing is carried out. To speed up this process, if the balloon is brought from the cold, it is placed in warm water for an hour and a half.
  • Before use, the can is shaken vigorously 20-30 times in order to mix the components of the sealant. Then remove the protective cap and screw the tube to it, and if it is a professional composition, screw the cylinder to the gun. Make sure that at the time of installation, the tube or nozzle of the gun does not point towards people nearby.
  • Wear a work suit, protective gloves and goggles.

Preparing to work with polyurethane foam

When working with a professional compound that is used in a set with a gun, before proceeding with sealing, regulate the supply of sealant. The jet is adjusted during use by changing the pressure on the cap at the base of the tube.

Hardening occurs at temperatures from +5 to + 35 ° C, air humidity of at least 60%. When working in a cold or dry space, hardening occurs if there are special additives in the composition. In this case, the sealant will harden at air temperatures of -10, or in conditions where the air humidity reaches only 35%.

Rules and techniques for working with foam

To understand how to properly use foam, you need to remember the rules.

Polyurethane foam is applied in measured, smooth movements from left to right and from bottom to top. The openings are not completely filled, but by about half or by one third, depending on the degree of shrinkage.

The length of one applied strip does not exceed 10 centimeters. During operation, the balloon is held vertically with the bottom up. In the case when they perform work on the ceiling, which causes difficulty in observing the last rule, they buy special composition that works in any position. Another option for solving this problem is that the nozzle of the gun or the main tube is extended using flexible pipes so that the inverted cylinder does not rest against the ceiling during operation. If necessary, it is better to start work from the ceiling, since the pressure in the cylinder is the maximum possible.

Sealing cracks with a pistol

During hardening, polyurethane foam begins to exert pressure on the adjacent surfaces, which causes their deformation. Therefore, if it is necessary to fill the gaps on both sides, as when installing doors, windows, the assembly mixture is used on one side. On the other, the slit is filled with a silicone compound.

At the time of applying the polyurethane foam to the surfaces to be treated, make sure that the tip of the tube or gun is constantly inside the foam itself. Periodically remove the material adhering to the gun nozzle using a cloth soaked in acetone or solvent. For a long period of operation, the balloon is periodically shaken. For deep seams, extension adapters are used.

Completion of work

It is important not only to know how to use polyurethane foam, but also how to properly complete such work. Wait until the sealant has completely hardened. This usually happens within 6-12 hours. At the same time, it is undesirable to touch the assembly mixture, as this will disrupt the structure of the material. After that, the excess formations are carefully cut off with a sharp knife or a hacksaw for metal.

Removing excess foam with a sharp knife

Although the cured polyurethane foam can withstand temperature drops from -40 to + 90 ° C, it is sensitive to ultraviolet radiation... To neutralize this factor, the surplus that is under such influence is covered with a layer of plaster, covered with cement mortar, painted or sewn up with platbands.

The video demonstrates the stages of working with foam and how the gun is cleaned:

After using professional foam, clean the gun inside and out. For this, together with the gun, a special flushing fluid is purchased. The rest of the material that has fallen on the hands is washed off with a solvent. It is better to remove foam residues from surfaces immediately with a sponge soaked in solvent or acetone. If the foam has already hardened, it is removed mechanically.

When applying these simple rules, self-sealing of all kinds of seams and cracks, insulation of the distribution network and other things will not be difficult even for someone who has never done this before.

Such sealing is effective for spaces from 1 to 8 cm, no more. Smaller slots are sealed with ordinary putty, and for larger ones, additional static materials are laid inside the empty space - polystyrene, wooden blocks or bricks.

In contact with

Polyurethane foam is not an easy material. Frequent question people who want to independently conduct construction works, - is it possible to use polyurethane foam if there is no gun. To do this, you need to know its properties and basic rules of application.

In contact with

Polyurethane foam with a straw

First, you need to determine which type will be used for repairs. There are two types of foam you can see in hardware stores:

  • household;
  • professional.

There are two types of foam you can see in hardware stores.

How to choose the right composition? For large areas, consider the volume of the balloon. The quality of the household composition is worse than that of professional brands. In this regard, for serious repairs, foam for professionals is required.

Here are the basic instructions on how to use polyurethane foam with a straw:

  • Need first shake the balloon for 30 seconds, ensuring the mixing of the material inside it to homogeneity and thereby increasing the output intensity.
  • The cap is removed, a PVC tube is attached to the valve. It is included if it is a household type sealant. For a professional cylinder, the tube will need to be purchased separately.
  • The free end is brought to the place where the sealant is to be applied. The gap is filled by 30-50%. Composition after application increases in volume as it dries. Partial filling reduces consumption. When used correctly, the gap will eventually fill up to 100%.
  • If the foam dries up and it becomes clear that there is not enough of it, you can apply another layer. But it is better to seal without a gun the first time, because the composition comes out in excess and is less susceptible to accurate dosing.
  • The material enters first into the tube, and then into Right place after pressing the cylinder valve.

If the gun is not at hand, this does not mean that work will have to be postponed. You can use foam without a gun in the following ways:

  1. You need a tube for premium material, but high pressure a lot of excess composition can come out, increasing consumption and thereby costs. To avoid this effect, you can take two tubes with different diameters lumen... First put a tube on the balloon larger diameter, then it is good to fix a tube of a smaller diameter in it. This reduces pressure and helps save material.
  2. Household polyurethane foam without a gun is already equipped with a special plastic tube.

If the gun is not at hand, this does not mean that work will have to be postponed.

Rules for working with polyurethane foam

Foam handling is pretty straightforward. The main thing is to follow the detailed instructions:

  1. Gloves are worn to prevent the sealant from coming into contact with the skin, as it is difficult to remove.
  2. The place where the sealant will be laid, first carefully freed from debris and dust... When the gap great depth and width, first it is laid in small pieces of foam.
  3. Shake the can according to the instructions in the instructions, usually 30-60 seconds. Thanks to this, the composition becomes homogeneous, it comes out better, which simplifies the work several times.
  4. The planes inside the groove are wetted, but moderately, water should not flow along the walls.
  5. The cap is removed from the cylinder, which limits its operation unnecessarily. A tube is put on the protrusion, replacing the pistol.
  6. The free edge of the plastic tube is brought to the hole at a distance of 5 cm, now press the valve. The hole is filled in half or a little less, since the volume increases when it dries.
  7. After 30 minutes, you should carefully examine the place of foaming. If pits or empty cavities are visible there, add mortar.

Before foaming the gap, you need to make sure that the temperature environment complies with the recommendations in the instructions for the sealant. It is necessary to carry out work when the ambient air temperature within 5-20 degrees Celsius.

Before foaming the gap, you need to make sure that the ambient temperature complies with the recommendations in the instructions for the sealant.

Important! In the heat above 30 degrees, work should be postponed, and in severe frost you can use a special

During application, you need to constantly adjust the pressure so that it is uniform and the contents from the container come out in equal parts. If it hits any surface, the composition is poorly cleaned, there is a risk of damage to the coating. When applied to the desired areas, it must be given time to harden, only then cut off the excess. The composition contains poisonous components, so the working the space must be thoroughly ventilated.

Complete solidification of the composition occurs after 8 hours. No need to worry if bulges have formed at the processing site - they can be easily cut off with a clerical knife.

How to remove foam from floors or walls where it should not be? Once hardened, this can be done with acetone. As a precaution, you should protect your eyes by wearing clear glasses. Gloves are suitable to protect your hands, because the composition has excellent grip on the skin of the hands... Removing it will be painful and traumatic.

During application, you need to constantly adjust the pressure so that it is uniform and the contents from the container come out in equal parts.

Reusing the balloon

If you need to reuse the cylinder without a gun, for example, within a month, then you need to bend the tube, fixing the fold with tape. Then push the valve down to keep the pressure in the tube... So a cylinder with polyurethane foam can be used for 2 months without any problems.

If the cylinder is needed again only after 5–6 months, there is another way of storage. Acetone can be used. The tube is carefully removed from the cylinder and rinsed with acetone. They are also dripped into the valve opening. Repeat the manipulation two or better three times. So the balloon will stand up to six months.

To work with a balloon professional type without a gun, you first need to choose a suitable plastic tube, figure out how to press the valve.

For this purpose, a hand-made tube of 3 parts is suitable:

  • the first is flexible;
  • the second is solid;
  • the third is flexible.

The first part presses on the valve, the second helps prevent splashing, and the third directs the foam stream to the desired location.

To work with a professional-type cylinder without a pistol, you will first need to select a suitable plastic tube.

Prices for polyurethane foam with a straw

polyurethane foam with a straw

Do-it-yourself pistol

You can make a gun for polyurethane foam from a pneumatic spray gun and a failed pistol... They are combined and a well-functioning device is obtained. Here's a quick guide on how to make a foam gun:

  1. The essence of the connection of these structures is to replace the paint tank at the pneumatic spray gun. Instead, a sealant cylinder is screwed on. To do this, first attach the cylinder connector removed from the broken polyurethane foam gun.
  2. But the thread of the connections does not match, therefore, to fix and secure the connection, use epoxy after cleaning both threads.
  3. To prevent the glue from filling the threads and not getting into the desired holes, they are pre-plugged with hot glue. When the required holes are plugged, you can design further.
  4. Epoxy glue is diluted according to the instructions: 10 parts of resin per part of the hardener. A regular 10 ml syringe is filled with 10 ml of heated resin, and then 1 ml of hardener. Mix everything thoroughly, heating as needed. First, the resulting glue is applied to the thread of the connector so that there are no empty spaces left.
  5. The body of the spray gun is securely installed, and into it the connector is glued... All is ready.
  6. The final step in how to make a foam gun is to heat the joint to a temperature so that the hot melt glue that clogs the holes melts and flows out.

Important! The sealant is flammable and must not be exposed to fire.

Useful video: how to reuse a foam cylinder with a straw

For fast execution renovation works a sealant is used efficiently and at the lowest possible cost. But first it is important to calculate the approximate volume necessary material... For simple jobs sometimes even one household cylinder is enough around the house - it is used with a tube that comes with the kit, which greatly simplifies operation and reduces the time of work. If the finish is large-scale, it is recommended to purchase a professional composition. In any case, such a sealant is most conveniently used with a pistol, but if it is not there, then improvised structures will do.

From the article "Polyurethane foam: professional advice" you have already learned how to choose a quality product. The only thing left to do is to use it correctly. In this article, we will help you choose an assembly gun, and we will show you how to use it economically and remove foam residues from your hands and clothes.

Despite the fact that assembly foam is in demand for arrangement and repair, do not forget that this is far from a universal insulating material. It all depends on the size of the gaps and voids that need to be filled:

· Small cracks up to 1 cm are best eliminated with sealants or fillers. They are more flexible and will not give side effect as a secondary extension.

· Holes over 10 cm wide are recommended to be filled with static materials - bricks, wooden blocks or with insulation (for example, foam), and only then additionally treat it with polyurethane foam.

· For the insulation of medium-sized cracks, it is optimal to use polyurethane foam - household or professional.

Polyurethane foam sealant (polyurethane foam) has excellent adhesion to the absolute majority building materials, however, there are cases when it is useless: the foam will not stick to various types of polyethylene, Teflon, silicone, as well as to any greasy or dusty surfaces. These nuances must be taken into account in order to obtain effective insulation.

Foam with a straw - the threat of expansion

The main disadvantage of household foam with a straw is a significant secondary expansion. When hardening, it can increase several times, so it is extremely important to comply with all conditions of use.

The instructions for using household foam can be seen on the back of the cylinder, but we will consider it in more detail and step by step:

· Cleaning and surface preparation. Before applying the foam, it is necessary to carefully check all cracks and holes for small debris and, if necessary, degrease the surface with acetone.

· Moistening the surface. Polyurethane foam requires contact with moist air, therefore, before using the spray, the surfaces must be moistened - a conventional spray gun is quite suitable for this purpose.

· Preparing the foam cylinder. A little trick - before using the foam, you need to hold it for several hours in water with a temperature of about 20 ° C - after such a procedure, it will lie down better. Before starting work, shake the can for a minute so that all components are evenly mixed, this will ensure maximum foam yield.

· Attaching the tube or gun to the cylinder. The tube is simply screwed onto the valve, but with a pistol the situation is somewhat more complicated - we will consider the issue of its choice and use below.

Foam handling. By the right technology the polyurethane foam is applied in small sections (about 10 cm) from bottom to top - this helps to avoid unnecessary spreading of the material. It is necessary to ensure that the gap is not filled by more than 50% - during hardening, the volume will greatly increase, which can lead to damage to the treated structure. It is extremely important not to touch the uncured foam - any physical impact and violation of the structure worsens the solidification and negatively affects the volume and density.

It is necessary to ensure that the balloon is always in the "upside down" position - this will ensure the most complete consumption of foam.

Difficult moments:

Problem when using

How to solve

Foam opening more than 3 cm wide

Polyurethane foam must be applied in several steps, waiting for each of the layers to harden. Before reapplying the foam, it is imperative to moisten the hardened base.

Through slots

In no case should such holes be filled with foam from both sides - this can lead to severe deformation of the structure. Foam is used on one side only, the back side is usually filled with silicone sealant.

Installation of door and window frames

To reduce the pressure on the structure, it is recommended to use dowels and additional spacers (they are removed after hardening). V otherwise the foam expanding can fundamentally warp the frames of doors and windows.

A cylinder of household foam must be used completely, otherwise, during storage, the composition will harden and be unusable. There are no such problems with professional foam, but there are some nuances.

Assembly gun: price or quality

A professional gun provides precise and metered application of polyurethane foam, reusable balloon and accuracy during work. There are many modifications of such a tool, however, the scheme of the device and the principle of operation are approximately the same:

· The tip of the gun - as a rule, its diameter is several times smaller than the diameter of the tube itself. This feature allows the pressure at the outlet of the foam to be increased many times over, which, in turn, guarantees a good volume.

· Barrel (tube) - the channel through which the foam comes out. It can be one-piece or collapsible (two-piece), which simplifies the maintenance of the instrument.

· Adapter - an adapter for connecting to the neck of the foam cylinder. Teflon coated in quality models.

· Adjustment unit - allows you to meter out the foam and its pressure.

· Mounting nut - with its help the barrel is attached to the handle. This design allows the tube to be removed for cleaning or replacement.

· The trigger - serves to adjust the supply of polyurethane foam.

· Handle - made of different types plastic and metals. Aluminum handles are considered the most reliable and comfortable.

The principle of action assembly gun simple mechanics are laid: after attaching to the cylinder, the foam passes through the supply valve into the barrel, where it is until the trigger is pressed. Pulling the trigger opens a valve on the tip, releasing foam. The regulating mechanism allows you to control the volume of foam delivery.

Since there is nothing superfluous in the design of the pistol, choosing such a tool is quite simple. There are only a few factors to consider:

The quality of the materials from which the gun is made. It is best if it is made entirely of hard metals. There are high-quality plastic models, but this is very rare.

Collapsible design: Monolithic pistols are cheaper, but the price of a collapsible tool will pay off many times when cleaning and replacing parts.

Working pressure in the gun. This characteristic cannot be checked in the store, but there is a little trick. When buying a gun, immediately purchase a can of cleaner (it contains acetone). At home, you need to screw the pistol onto a bottle of cleaning liquid, pull it inside by pressing the trigger, then remove it and leave it for a couple of days. If, after this time, acetone shoots out when the trigger is pulled, the pressure is normal. If not, you can return low-quality goods to the store, acetone does not leave any traces on the surface of the barrel.

Gun Foam - Professional Use for Beginners

With the right gun and related products (foam remover / cleaner and petroleum jelly) selected, you're ready to go.

Initial gun installation

To install the gun, unscrew the fastening screw all the way, lubricate the socket with technical vaseline and secure the cylinder. It is important to ensure that the adjusting unit is at a minimum foam consumption. Then the cylinder is turned over to the working position (upside down) and the composition supply is regulated - a couple of test presses are made to release excess air and check the pressure.

The rules for applying the foam remain the same: in small stripes from bottom to top. However, professional foam has practically no secondary expansion, which greatly simplifies the calculation of the required volume. The main thing is to make sure that the cylinder is not in a horizontal position both during use and during breaks.

Replacing the foam cylinder

Before putting a new cylinder or putting the gun in storage, it is necessary to thoroughly clean all surfaces from residues old foam... For this purpose, a cleaner (wash) is used:

· to release the pressure, pull the trigger of the pistol;

· fix the bottle with the cleaner to the gun;

· turning the cylinder over, press the trigger for 10 seconds;

· repeat several times until clear liquid comes out of the tube;

· lubricate the gun parts with petroleum jelly.

When storing the assembly gun, it is necessary to repeat the lubrication procedure approximately once every one and a half to two months.

When working with foam, it is important to consider such points as its chemical composition and increased "stickiness" to different surfaces... Therefore, it is imperative to use protective equipment such as a work suit and gloves.

We sweep the traces

Polyurethane foam is one of the most difficult to remove materials: once it gets on fabric, leather or other surfaces, it is quite difficult to clean them. But it's worth a try.


Fresh foam

Cured foam

Hand skin

Gently removed with a sponge, residues are removed with improvised means - scrub, acetone, solvent, gasoline, saturated saline solution

It can be removed only mechanically. Usually loses its properties and falls off after 2-3 days


It is collected with a stick, the remains are removed with a cleaner.
Important! Stains may occur when processing fabric!

If possible, large pieces are cut off, and the remains are treated with a special solvent for cured foam, white spirit or gasoline. Remove stains that appear with stain removers

PVC (frames, window sills)

Carefully removed, the surface is wiped with a special cleaner for PVC

Carefully cut, the surface is wiped with a special cleaner for PVC (usually marked - for installing windows)

Floor covering (linoleum, laminate, parquet)

Remove foam with a spatula, collect the rest with a sponge soaked in cleaner. Stains may appear! WITH wooden surfaces they are removed by grinding, the varnished coatings cannot be cleaned - they will have to be replaced.

After cutting off the foam, the residues are carefully dissolved with a special cleaner or the drug "Dimexid" (sold in pharmacies). It is necessary to work with such substances with gloves - strong components can cause burns!

As you already know, polyurethane foam is not intended for sealing holes less than 1 cm in size - it is better to fill such gaps with silicone sealants.

Alexander Birzhin, rmnt.ru

http://www.rmnt.ru/ - site RMNT.ru