What you need to solder a soldering iron. How to solder a soldering iron with rosin

If in Soviet times there was a game for schoolchildren, the essence of which was to solder "on the knee" a radio-electronic chipself, that they were successfully done, now many questions about how to use the soldering iron, puts in a predicable position. Although learn to solder the soldering iron is not so difficult and, having mastered the foundations for "kettles", it will be possible to carry out simple works, without referring to the specialists.

Soldering soldering iron

In order to start a soldering, you must prepare workplace and required tool. Regardless of the type of alleged work, the following requirements are presented to the workplace:

  • Availability good lighting will allow not only to work with comfort, but also to notice small flaws in the paved details, which is difficult with a lack of light;
  • Lack of flammable items;
  • Free workspace on which you can easily place the soldered part;
  • The presence of ventilation will make the work not only more comfortable, but also safer, inhalation of the molten rosin adversely affects the respiratory system;
  • Magnifying glass makes it possible to work even with small parts and thin wires;
  • A simple stand solves the problem with the placement of the heated soldering iron.

The next phase of preparation will be the choice of the instrument, and before the newcomer always arises the question of what is needed for soldering the soldering iron.

The basis of high-quality soldering is to warm the metal parts to the dawn temperature, respectively, for each type of work it is recommended to use solders of different capacities:

  • For soldering radio components and chips, it is best to use a soldering iron with a power of no more than 60 watts, otherwise it is possible to cut the part or simply melted it;
  • Details up to 1 mm thick will better warmly when using an 80-100 watt tool;
  • Details with a wall of up to 2 mm require large capacities and a certain experience in work, therefore, in this article, the soldering of such details will not be considered.

After selecting the power of the soldering iron, you should prepare it to work, more precisely, prepare a tip. There are soldering iron with replaceable stages that are suitable for different species work. There are also models with copper sting, which can be sharpened or with a hammer to give any fit form. A serious disadvantage of such tips is the need to constantly strift them, so that the oxide film preventing the piano does not appear on the surface. Also producers produce more expensive option With nickel-plated coating, but it is afraid of overheating and requires careful circulation.

What else is needed for soldering

In addition to the soldering iron for soldering, the following is necessary:

  • solder;
  • rosin;
  • soldering acids or fluxes.

Solder is binder material Between the soldiers, and it will not work without it. Now in stores sell specially prepared solders in the form of wires twisted into the spiral of various diameters, from which it is convenient to "pinch up" the necessary stubborn piece, but you can use as a staring as a solder slice of tinbut it will not work so comfortable.

Rosin is used to prepare the surface to apply solder. Solder with rosin is distributed evenly, in the absence of the latter, it is rolled into drops, and some surfaces do not stick at all.

Soldering acid, or flux is necessary to prepare contacts to spawn. The newcomer should be aware that the flux for each soldered material is different, and aluminum cannot be used on a copper wire, otherwise the solder simply does not fall.

The basis of any soldering is high-quality warming up of soldered parts With the subsequent fixing them with solder. Technologically possible is allocated two types of soldering: Using flux or with rosin.

Learning to solder a soldering iron with a rosiner harder, but, mastering this skill, it will be possible to perform 90 percent of the work.

Consider on the example of soldering the wires to the board. First, it is necessary to warm up the wire, for this staring the heated soldering iron we apply a plane (better if it is a sting in the form of a screwdriver), pressing as much as possible. After a few seconds, the wire with pressed to it falls into the rosin, which, boiling, evenly distributes along all the wires of the wire. So the wire is prepared for the application of solder. Putting the soldering iron take a small part of the solder and a thin layer we apply it to the wire. At the same time, there should be no drops or unaffected areas, ideally the same wire is obtained, but in Tin.

We purify the sting of the soldering iron using a metal sponge or cloth and, touching the stall of the rosin, spend the surface at the board, while the finest layer of rosin on the surface remains. Surfaces are prepared. Providing maximum contact of the wires and boards, press the wire sting with a thin layer of solder and several times "stroke" the place of the spike soldering iron for better warm-up. After that let me cool and check the contact for strength.

If the soldering is carried out correctly, the surface is glitter, and the compound has a maximum strength. If the surface will look like matte and loose, it means that the soldering rules of the soldering iron have been violated and the connection is not so durable. But in some cases such a result suits.

Soldering with flux

For soldering with flux you just need to take a flux, plunge into it with a brush and apply on the soldered surface. After that, you can apply solder or solder immediately. Despite the seeming simplicity, working with acid has many nuances:

  1. For each material there is a flux and they are not interchangeable, and in some cases even give the opposite effect;
  2. It is impossible to use too active fluxes on chips, as they may burn metal tracks;
  3. If after work does not remove the flux from the surface or make it an irregular reagent, it will continue to destroy the metal;
  4. The copper sting of the soldering iron, especially if it is sharply sharpened, is destroyed under the influence of acid, and it is necessary to constant it.

In addition to knowledge, working with a soldering iron requires accuracy and accuracy, and having learned to solder simple detailsIt is not difficult to switch to the solder of thinner boards of chips, or, on the contrary, thick wires, various elements, rhinestones, and subsequently even solder plates with each other.

Soldering - technological process Compounds of metal parts that exist no one millennium. Initially, it was used by jewelers to create jewelry. After all, the birth welding already known in those days was not suitable for jewelry, and the process of the soldering of metals with the help of low-melting alloys-soldiers was not possible by the way. Gold soldered with the help of Silver-copper solders, silver - copper-zinc, and for copper the most the best composition It turned out to be alloy tin and lead.

After time, with the development of electrical engineering, and then radio electronics, soldering began, and remains today, the main method of mounting parts for creating various schemes. Robotic conveyor systems appeared, automatically, without the involvement of manual labor, producing hundreds of printed circuit boards and components of modern equipment, the main assembly method of which is soldering. But the good old hand soldering iron did not lose its relevance today.

And for many years he has undergone many changes and improvements.

  1. It all began with a long time ago with massive soldering iron-hammers heated on fire or coals. Widely distributed gasoline soldering lamps even had special holders from above to heat these hammers. Such a soldering iron was quite possible to panic a teapot or samovar. And fishermen amateurs, who independently made themselves all the equipment in those days, were made with their help glitter and smelters, which provided catches no worse than modern wobblers and twisters.
  2. In the 20s of the 20th century, when the widespread distribution of radio and electrical equipment began, the soldering iron was invented. At first, he also looked like a hammer, but then came to his classic core form, which still exists.
  3. It is a handle from the heat and electrically insulating material through which it passes electric wire, connected with a tubular heating element, fixed at its other end. In the tubular heater is inserted a sting rod, with the help of which, actually, and soldered. As heating element Traditionally, the nichrome spiral is used, wound on the layer of asbestos insulator. Powered - copper rod, sharpened at the end accordingly.

  4. The classic design of the electric desk lasted for quite a long time. It is good for the heater capacities in the range of 25 ~ 200 W. But miniaturization of radio-electronic equipment has set new requirements before these devices. There was a need for small power tools, quickly heated and allowing instantly adjusting the temperature of the sting.
  5. Therefore, in a traditional electric staircase, the inertial nichrome thermoelement was replaced with ceramic. In such devices, the hollow from one end is sungled on a preheated ceramic rod. Due to good thermal contact and low heat scattering, the sting is heated almost instantly, and the temperature meter from it is in close proximity, allows you to establish a heating degree with high accuracy.

    In addition, these patterns of the soldiers are much more durable than usual, which is very important for the conveyor assembly of radio equipment.

  6. The very popularity of pulse solders were purchased, in which the sting is a part of the secondary transformer winding circuit, wound up very thick wire. The voltage in such a winding is very small, but it flows through it by force in several amps, which leads to a strong heating.
  7. They are usually performed in the form of a gun with a smoking toggle switch, which allows you to enable current passage for a few seconds. This is enough to exit sting at the operating temperature. The lack of such devices is the impossibility of accurate temperature adjustment yet for household use they are quite comfortable.

  8. A more exotic option is induction soldering, in which heating of ferrite thermal service is carried out by high-frequency induction currents. Adjusting the temperature in them automatically due to the change in the magnetic permeability of the rod when heated to the Curie point.
  9. Development of the initial heating idea of \u200b\u200bthe burner soldering lamp become modern models gas solders. In them, the heating of the sting is carried out by a gas burner located directly in the body of the tubular rod. Gas comes from the refueling can be in the handle.
  10. They are good for autonomous work in the absence of electricity. Sting in such soldering iron lungs, when removing it, the device turns into a miniature gas burner.which can be soldered by high-temperature solder.

As mentioned above, the combination of parts for the soldering is made using special alloys of metals - soldiers, which there is a great set, for all occasions. But basically they can be divided into two large classes:

  1. Low-temperature or soft. Melting point is less than 350 ° C. In turn, are divided into several types:
  • Tiny-lead. The digit in their designation shows the percentage of tin: Pos-18 (melting point - 277 ° C), Pos-30 (256 ° C), PR-40 (235 ° C), Pos-50 (222 ° C), 61 (190 ° C), POS-90 (222 ° C). For the installation of radio-electronic products, POS-61 is most widely used, or its imported analogs, for example, 60/40 ALLOY. For other applications, including household, not requiring very high quality compounds, the POS-30 is used most often.
  • Wonderful - lead (327 ° C), lead-silver (304 ° C).
  • Lightweight - Woodwood alloys (60.5 ° C), d'Asanval (79.0 ° C), rose (97.3 ° C).
  • SpecialFor example, for soldering aluminum - air-1 (200 ° C), Avia-2 (250 ° C).
  • High temperature or solid. Their melting point is greater than 350 ° C, so they do not apply when working with electric devices. It is appropriate for soldering copper alloys, silver, steel. Give a very high strength of the connection.
  • Represented by several classes:

    • Copper (1083 ° C)
    • Copper-zinc or brass (830 ~ 870 ° C)
    • Copper-phosphorus (700 ~ 830 ° C)
    • Silver (720 ~ 830 ° C)

    Tiny-lead solders are most widely used in many areas of industry and life. They are produced in the form of rods or wire. For use in the installation of radio-electronic products, tubular solders are used in the form of a wire with a filler-flux in the middle.

    Fluses are special compositionsintended for cleaning and tinning surfaces of parts connected by soldering. Lunetration is the process of pre-covering parts by a rotation that facilitates their final connection. It is necessary and recommended in the technology of soldering, since the surfaces covered with layers of oxides and contaminants will not give a reliable compound with the solder, but, it means a qualitative result of the solder connection. To remove such oxides and pollution and fluxes are used:

    1. Non-acid. The most famous and, perhaps, still one of the best fluxes and the usual rosin remains, or purified pine resin. It contains most of the special fluxes produced for use in the radio electronic industry. For soldering of electronic circuits, nothing is still invented. It is the rosin contained inside the rod solder. The advantage of her is that after soldering it is easily removed and does not create an aggressive medium, destructively acting over time on a soldering connection.
    2. Chemically active. It contains acids, so require careful washing of the connection after soldering. Most of the well-known compositions contain zinc chloride. It is used mainly to combine products from black and non-ferrous metals.

    To solder with rosin can be used as in initial formand alcohol solution. It is contained in the radiotechnical fluxes "LTI-120", "Kanifol-gel", etc.

    From active fluxes, F-34A, FSHL, Glycerin-hydrazine, etc. can be called.

    Auxiliary materials

    Getting started to solder radio components, you should carefully prepare a workplace. It should be well lit and have good ventilation, so on. With this work, quite a lot of caustic smoke and gases are usually distinguished.

    It is not bad to have small visks in tools, a magnifying glass with a clip "Third hand", vacuum suction for solder. You also need to keep the tweezers, spice, pliers or cliffs, pliers, picker, small file, slices, chips and sponge. Before starting the soldering, it is convenient to decompose all tools, devices and reagents in the workplace.

    Pike temperature

    The soldering temperature should not exceed 250 ° C, when soldering radio components, the heating of the sting should not rise above 300 ° C. Soldering iron without a temperature controller may long work and races of network voltage to heat up to 400 ° C. If there is no special soldering station as part of the equipment, it is desirable to reduce the temperature to purchase an ordinary dimmer in the store of electrical equipment used to adjust the brightness of light. Especially since with a widespread transition to economylampa, which does not work with it, the demand for it, and respectively, prices are reduced.

    In the usual, copper, without a special coating of sting when soldering, especially at an overestimated temperature, the copper oxide formed on the rod is dissolved in a mixture of solder and flux. At the working end, letters and sinks are formed, due to which its destruction is even more accelerated, and the quality of the soldering is worse.

    Therefore, before working with the soldering iron and in its process they need to be deleted. To do this, it is necessary to clean the working part of the sting with a file, giving it the necessary form: a cone, a flat pumping or a bevelled cut.

    Turning on the soldering iron into the network and waiting for it warmly, stronged to the red copper color, you must regret. It is not so hard. Enough, dipping its working end in rosin, melt a small piece of solder, put on the soldering iron stand or another metal surface.

    Then in the molten solder to lose the structures of the stand in the metal, while the end of the rod does not cover the smooth and uniform layer of solder. The soldering iron must be warm enough, a sign of which it serves a light and fast softening, both rosin and solder.

    As soon as you start working the sting of the soldering iron gradually begins to burn, even if you do everything right. This is evidenced by its blaracing and the coating of the scale, so the process of cleaning and tinning should be repeated periodically. In order not to remove a lot of copper with a file, it is possible to clean the rod at this time, losing it on a piece of sandpaper, unfolded on the table, and then re-send.

    All this does not concern special elaborate rods. They cannot be cleaned with a file. More in addition, their nickel-plated brilliant layer is carefully protected from damage and scratches. Nevertheless, such soldering iron also need to be listed when working. But for them this procedure is not so simple and requires skill.

    To do this, it is necessary to clean them from the fall generated when high temperaturesStrongly losing about a special sponge, or a slightly wet piece of terry towels, and then immediately dip in the rosin and in its melt, to lose about the sting of the solder's rod.

    Preparation of parts for soldering

    In order to glue two details to high quality, you need to lubricate them with glue, wait a bit, lubricate again, and then squeeze hard. The same in the process of soldering: to obtain a high-quality connection, the details should first be fed - covered with a thin layer of solder. This process requires certain experience and knowledge. For each type of material connected by soldering, there is its own technology.

    Lunetration - an integral part of the process

    The conclusions of most radio components to facilitate their installation overlook the factory already listed. Nevertheless, before starting the installation on a board, they should be coated with a layer of solder. It is no longer necessary to inspire again, just taking a drop of solder on the sting of the soldering iron, evenly distribute it from the conclusions of the parts.

    In order to high quality and solder copper wires, It should be started with mezzani without isolation. They should be predetermined by sandpaper, then lowering the rosin or, lubricating it with an alcohol solution, coat the molten solder.

    Copper wire in enamel isolation, it is necessary to pre-clean, removing the coating of sandpaper or scraping the knife blade. For thin wires to do it is not so simple. Their insulation can be burned in a flame burner or lighter, but it significantly worsens the strength of the wire itself.

    You can use the proven method: put the end of the wire to the tablet of the domestic aspirin (imported most often is not suitable) and pressing the heated steering of the soldering iron to drag several times on the molten preparation.

    I must say that such a procedure literally eats the sorry of the soldering iron. In addition, it stands out very caustic smoke, inspiring which you can burn the breathing organs, so you need to resort to this method in the most extreme case.

    For the fault of parts from ferrous metals, bronze and others it is necessary to use active fluxes. For such compounds, low-melting and high-quality radio engineering solders are not required - it is possible to use the usual, cheapest, pos-30.

    Thoroughly sanding the surface before soldering, you need to cover them with a flux, for example, a zinc chloride, warm and warm and highlight the places of compounds. After that, once again heating together both connectable surfaces, suck them, firmly pressing each other, and then fix the cooling of the solder. The more massive items, the more powerful you need a soldering iron. During the soldering, you need to try not to move them, as the massive parts hold the temperature for a long time.

    Aluminum should be sold by special solders using special fluxes. True, having a little experience, you can connect and the usual solder. But it passes only for pure metal, and many aluminum alloys are very difficult to solder.

    Consider the machine soldering soldering iron Read more

    Radio components, prepared for the soldering, you need to insert into the openings of the board, shorten the impressions to the desired length and, warm the soldering iron along with the track pCB, To bring the solder's rods to them, and when a drop of it will cut a smooth layer at the site of the soldering, remove the soldering iron and wait for the cooling of the solder, trying also at this time do not move the details from the place.

    The soldering of miniature transistors and chips should be performed especially carefully, trying to prevent their overheating. When installing chips, the pins and "land" are best soldered, wait for the reliable soldering of the solder and only then, touching the soldering iron and the solder bar for a split second, to spill all other contacts. You can pre-give the place of soldering with alcoholic rosin solution, it will significantly increase the quality of the compounds.

    The main conditions of high-quality soldering are good stripping and serving in front of the connection, good warm-up during it. Solder of the seats at the site of the soldering should be completely melted on both parts - it will ensure a reliable connection. But at the same time it should not be overheated. The skill of good soldering is to find that optimal balance that will ensure the highest quality of work.

    Safety measures for soldering

    The separation of caustic gases during the soldering has already been said. Place of work should be well ventilated and ventilated. The process of soldering can be accompanied by splashes of hot solder and flux, so burns should be watched, and especially to take care of the eye. It is best to use protective glasses for this. Yes, and simply with an unexpected touch of open parts of the body to a split tool, you can get a strong burn.

    Most electrical soldering plans, in addition to batteries and low-voltage, act from network voltage, so when working with them, it is strictly necessary to comply with all the rules of electrical safety.

    You should not disassemble the soldering iron - then, after assembly, there is a danger of impaired isolation and a high voltage breakdown on its body, and this is already extremely dangerous.

    When working, it is also necessary to monitor the power supply of the soldering iron. His getting on a split sting can cause damage to the insulation of the wire and the risk of electrical shock. It can also lead to a short circuit and to a fire.

    Learn to work correctly with a soldering iron from this video.

    The most interesting thing is that all the varieties of the soldiers that appear for all the time of their existence are applied today.

    How to combine soldering two massive parts in field conditionsWhen electricity is not available, or does not suitable electrical soldering iron? Helmet will be able to hammer soldering iron heated on the bore or with a soldering lamp.

    And the old 100-W dusty in the storage room, unsuitable for working with modern electronic circuits, is quite cope with the repair of brass or bronze products or jewelry.

    The same who is fond of independent manufacture Jewelry, an indispensable assistant It will be a universal gas soldering iron burner.

    How to solder tin? Soldering - the formation of mechanical contact between metal surfaces. Tin often acts as solder - "gaskets" between the surfaces of parts, which bonds them. To solder two details, it is not enough to heat the surface with a tin, and to attach the second part to it, like glue.

    The temperature of the surfaces must be necessarily different. It is better to purchase a soldering station. The price of it is about 1000 rubles and higher. You can get such advantages if you do not work as a soldering iron, but by a soldering station:

    1. the soldering station is regulated by heating temperature;
    2. the sting does not burn out, so the set temperature when working constantly holds;
    3. soldering station, as a rule, heat-resistant sting;
    4. there are antistatic soldering stations. This property is indispensable if you are going to solder field items. It is worth an antistatic soldering station $ 150-200;

    What is needed for soldering tin

    In addition to the soldering iron, you also need a flux to remove oxides. Well, the tin will be shown - thereby "glue" for connecting metal parts.

    What flux to choose? Previously soldered the rosin. Only here to wash off the remnants of rosin, especially if the fee is sold, hard. Especially if the gaps are small: the dendrites grow.

    On the modern market You can easily find big choice Alternative rosin fluxes. They are cleaned with water, do not harm the sorry of the soldering iron. Such fluxes for convenience also in the syringes are packaged. And the price may be different - it is quite possible to find inexpensive.
    Pure tin solder is practically not used now. Multichannel solders are sold in motges and bobins. This means that inside the tin wire there is already a flux!

    And in small jars you can find an activator of sting. Before starting the soldering, it is necessary to post it. It is also necessary to do it after soldering.

    Also for soldering Tin will need a knife and passage. We start cooking workplace. Take a disposable plate. It will serve for waste. Take care of lighting. Finish the contact surfaces of the details. You need to take flux, and then apply tin using a soldering iron. Tin from the soldering iron Complete the contact site already with light touch, if the temperature was correctly chosen. Remove the flux residues.

    The ability to solder is quite difficult to solder. It will be practiced, but the result is worth it.

    We hope you now know how to solder Tin or at least we helped the Council. If you have any questions, ask them in the comments.

    One of best ways Connections copper wires Is soldering. It provides high strength and electrical conductivity. In this case, the soldering is easier to carry out than welding, and it is more reliable than a simple twist. Although B. distribution boxes Wires are often connected using self-arms of WAGO type terminals, the soldering techniques will not hurt to know any electrician.

    Learn to solder copper wires in a few minutes, having everything necessary materials and appliances.

    The essence of the soldering process is that the metals are connected with each other with a alloy having a melting point below the melting point of the interconnected substances.

    During soldering, materials are heated to the melting point of the solder. It provides very strong adhesion (adhesion) - the property of materials to adapt to each other at the molecular level.

    However, it does not melt the main parts and mixing them with the solder material, as happens when welding using a twisted material.

    Soldering iron and solder

    Soldiers are traditionally used for soldering copper wires. There are several of their species, including electrical and gas. Soldering copper wires is carried out with the help of an electric soldering iron with a copper sting. This tool is a copper rod, sometimes with a nickel coating, which is installed in the housing of the heating element.

    The heating element is running from direct or alternating current. The supply voltage can vary from 12 to 220 V. For soldering of copper wires of electrical wiring in the house, the most ordinary soldering iron with a capacity of 60 W is suitable. If you need to solder thin electrical appliances, then a less powerful tool is suitable. It is important that he warmer well copper Material and melted solder.

    To ensure the high quality soldering and the strength of the compound, immobility is needed during the cooling of the molten solder. Wires can be kept hands, but it is more convenient to use tweezers or clamps.

    For soldering copper wires apply tin-lead solder. Most often it is POS-61, but you can take Pos-40. The marking indicates the composition - solder tin-lead with a tin content of 61%.

    Solder is usually produced in the rods with a diameter of about 8 mm or in the form of a soldering wire with a diameter of 2 mm. Often use the universal solder for soldering copper wires, which looks like a hollow tube of tin alloy. Inside such a tube there is a flux powder.

    Flus use

    In order for the solder and the material of the wires to interact with each other, and the connection turned out to be high-quality, the wires must be cleaned from the oxide film and only after that solder them. Can be used for cleaning emery paper, And for subsequent processing, take a special substance - flux.

    Flux will not only clean the copper wires, but will create a thin protective filmpreventing the oxidation of the material.

    It is allowed to apply as a solid flux - pine rosin and liquid - different kinds Soldane acids or homemade composition.

    Sometimes to correctly and firmly solder copper wires to each other or to any metallic subjectUse only liquid flux. It can be prepared by solving the usual pine rosin in ethyl alcohol. The soldering acid is prepared independently, dissolving zinc granules in hydrochloric acid in proportion of 412 grams of zinc per 1 liter of acid. But it is better to still buy a finished flux corresponding to all quality standards, since the brings acidic compounds for copper wires is undesirable.

    How to fly

    To securely solder wires from copper, you need to prepare a soldering iron. If you do not lose sting before work, then the solder will not adhere, but roll with balls from the rod. This happens because the sting is covered with a layer of copper oxide and a nagar formed during the previous soldering.

    Preparation of soldering iron

    Some specialists for the convenience of work accurately sting with a flat file to give it a shape of a blade or flat screwdriver. The sharpening angle must be 45-60 degrees.

    The non-rootable sting (eternal) cannot be accurate, special sponges are used for it.

    Purified mechanical method The sting you need to heat, and then fill. It is covered with flux for this.

    If the flux is solid (rosin), it is enough to immerse the tip in it. Riniphol melts and covers a preheated surface. After that, the soldering iron needs to touch the rod of the solder and warm it up. Melted solder will cover the sting, protecting it from further oxidation.

    The treatment of the soldering iron must be repeated as Nagara is based on it. This happens because the temperature of the stall is much higher than the melting temperature of the solder, and over time it begins to burn. To reduce the likelihood of such a phenomenon, it is recommended to use a soldering iron with temperature adjustment.

    Preparation of wires

    Connected copper wires also need to be prepared for soldering. First, the insulation is removed from the ends at a distance of about 4 cm, cleaned, twisted with each other and conduct tinnitus. Copper wires can be listed as follows:

    • heat the twist soldering iron;
    • coat with flux;
    • apply a small amount of solder, distributing it on the surface of the wire.

    Actions are similar to what they are committed during the tiniest of the soldering iron. If you have to have a soldering of multiple copper wires, then it is necessary to stock up with a liquid flux, as it will be very difficult to cover the entire surface of copper "hairs" molten solid rosin. To get a high-quality connection, you need to heat the stranded wire and then omitted it into a liquid flux that moisten the entire surface intended for the soldering.

    Next, the soldering of multicore and single-core copper wires is equally. Two or more connected conductor are heated together, and solder is applied to them. After applying it, it is necessary for the cooling time to ensure the connection of the connection. It is not allowed to accelerate the cooling by wetting or blowing air.

    Compound of copper and aluminum

    When connecting the soldering of copper and aluminum wires, you can face a variety of difficulties, to overcome which will be possible only by applying alternative methods connections.

    The fact is that both aluminum and copper are coated in the air oxide film. And if these films themselves do not affect the condition of the conductor and even provide quite good conductivity, connecting together, they contribute to the emergence of powerful chemical reaction. Under the action of moisture contained in the air, the electrolysis process begins, that is, it is formed at the point of contact of aluminum oxides and copper. electricity Due to the fact that the ions of both materials have different electrical potentials.

    The electric current is the movement of charged particles - ions and with their movement, the metals are destroyed at the point of contact. At the same time, aluminum is stronger. Destruction causes a deterioration in contact, and subsequently increases electrical resistance Connections and it is heated. With a strong corrosion when immediate contact between two materials is already lost, arises electric arcwhich trusts destruction.

    Knowledge of how to solder, are needed not only by radio amateurs and specialists in the installation of electrical appliances. To each homemade Master It is necessary to deal with the need for soldering when repairing electrical appliances.

    Preparation of the soldering iron to work

    Before soldering a soldering iron, you should properly prepare it for work. In everyday life use electric soldering iron With a copper sting, which, during storage and operation, gradually covers the layer of oxide and is subject to mechanical damage. To get a solder joint good quality The training of the soldering iron to work is carried out in such a sequence:

    1. The file with a shallow notch is cleaned with a working part of the sting for a length of 1 cm from the edge. After stripping, the instrument must acquire a reddish color, characteristic of copper, and a metal shine. During stripping, the porch gives a wedge-shaped, bevented, cone-shaped form to discourage what to master.
    2. The soldering iron is included in the network and warm up to the operating temperature.
    3. The sting must be seen, covered with a thin layer of tin - the same solder than to solder the connected conductors. For this, the tip of the tool is immersed in rosin, and then spend on it a piece of solder. You should not apply for the meadow of the soldering iron from a solder with a rosin inside. To evenly distribute the solder, the working edges will lose about the metal surface.

    When working in the middle, it will be burning and wearing, so the soldering iron will have to be cleaned and brought during the soldering process several times. Clear the sting can be about a piece of emery skirt.

    If the wizard is to use a tool with a nickel-free rod, it is necessary to clean it with a special sponge or damp cloth. Such a sting in the melt of the rosin, spending on it a piece of solder.

    Soldering can be learned only in the process of work, but it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the main operations.

    Flus Processing or Mud

    Traditional and most affordable flux - rosin. If desired, you can solder with a solid substance or its alcohol solution (SCF, rosin gel, etc.), as well as flux Tags.

    The legs of radio components or chips are covered in the plant. But to get rid of oxides, it is possible to send them again before installing them, lubricating with a liquid flux and coating the uniform layer of molten solder.

    Copper wire before treating flux or tinnitus cleaned with shallow emery skurt. In this case, a layer of oxide or enamel isolation is removed. The liquid flux is applied with a tassel, and then hear the place of the spike soldering iron and covers it with a thin layer of tin. The mud in the solid rosin is produced like this:

    • a piece of substance melted on the stand and warm the conductor in it;
    • saving a solder bar and evenly distribute the molten metal on the wire.

    Right massive copper, bronze or steel parts are needed using active fluxes that contain acids (F-34A, glycerin-hydrazine, etc.). They will help create a uniform layer of the seats and firmly connect the parts of large items. On the extensive surfaces of tin they apply a soldering iron, evenly smearing the solder on them. After working with an active flux, neutralize the residues of the acid with an alkaline solution (for example, soda).

    Heating and temperature selection

    Beginners are difficult to determine at what temperature tool temperature can be started. Select the degree of heating follows depending on the type of material:

    • soldering microcircuits requires heating not higher than to + 250 ° C, otherwise parts may be damaged;
    • large separate radio components can withstand heating to + 300 ° C;
    • the mud and the compound of copper wire can occur at + 400 ° C or slightly lower;
    • massive parts can be warm at the maximum power of the soldering iron (about + 400 ° C).

    Many tool models have a thermostat, and determine the degree of heating easily. But in the absence of the sensor, it should be borne in mind that the household soldering iron will be warm up to heat up to + 350 ... + 400 ° C. Working with the tool can be started if the rosin and solder melted within 1-2 seconds. Most soldiers of the POS brand have a melting point of about + 250 ° C.

    Even W. experienced Masters It will not work correctly soldering a soldering iron that is not heated enough. With weak heating, the solder structure after frozen becomes spongy or granulated. Soldering does not have sufficient strength and does not provide good contact details, and such work is considered marriage.

    Work with the prowla

    With sufficient heating, the melted solder should become fluid. With minor work, you can take on the sting of the tool to a drop of alloy and transfer it to the parts connected. But it is more convenient to use a thin wire (rod) of different sections. Often, inside the wire contains a layer of rosin, which helps to solve the soldering iron without distracting from the process.

    With this method, the hot tool warms the surface of the connected conductors or parts. The end of the solder bar is summarized to the stall and a little (by 1-3 mm) are pushed under it. Metal instantly melts, after which the rest of the bar is removed, and the solder is warm by a soldering iron until it acquires a bright shine.

    When working with radio components, it is necessary to take into account that the heating is dangerous for them. All operations are performed within 1-2 seconds.

    During the soldering of unwitting wires of large cross-section, you can use a thick bar. With sufficient heating of the tool, it also melts quickly, but it is possible to distribute it along the soldered surfaces, trying to fill all the bruises of the twist.