Lunar calendar haircuts for November. Following the natural rhythms of nature, people in all centuries used the magic of the moon for performing health and cosmetic manipulations, as well as hair haircut

What kind of stone is suitable for cancer? It is not at all difficult to guess that for these very characteristic representatives of the water element, beautiful talismans will be pebbles of any shades, one way or another related to water. In addition, one of best talisman stones For cancers, those amulets are considered to symbolize the moon.

By the horoscope, cancer should have versatile characteristics. First of all, pebble should be able to calm the storm of negative emotions, which are so easy to cause this emotional zodiac sign.

The neutralization of the impact of the control planet - the moon will also be a beneficial property - the influence of which is not always favorable.

And, as always, any person needs protection in the very wide sense of this word. Considering all these features, the site invites you to familiarize yourself with precious stones For crayfish suitable for them: which will not only "distil out" everything is bad, but also "attracted" everything is good.

Cancer Stone - Emerald

Horoscope for every day

1 h. Ago

One of the most important talisman stones for cancer is valuable emerald. This first-order precious pebble refers to beryllam and symbolizes water, so the cancer will have to be likewise.

As Ragemus has already told, Emerald has one amazing quality - it is able to clear the mind of his owner from anxiety and the seals and help him concentrate on truly important things.

In addition to such a striking property, Emerald is also a powerful faith, especially for long trips and travels. Do not forget that the pebbles are able to attract wealth to their owner.

Cancer Stone - Moonstone

Moonstone for the sign of the zodiac cancer can be called, perhaps, the most obvious talisman. It is worth stopping my choice first of all those who are very strongly influenced by changing lunar phases On well-being.

But this is not the only valuable feature of the amulet. An important property is considered to be his ability to literally attract the owner of love.

In addition, the lunar pebbles perfectly calms the nerves and even gives some serenity.

Cancer Stone - Pearls

Pearls are no less important moon talisman. Properties It is largely similar to the lunar - it is also capable of soothing too strong emotions.

Pearls can be safely called the feminine faith, because, among other things, he is considered ancient times the symbol of marriage and fertility. The useful property of the amulet is that it helps in cure from eye disease.

Moreover, suitable stone For cancers is Ruby.

Around the world, cancers are considered a delicacy. Their gentle meat contains easily absorbed protein. Four crayfish ate to maintain vital energy And to restore immunity after illness. The catch season of cancers lasts only three months - from the end of July to October, and it is now on them to pay attention to them. In the midst of the season of cancer Marina Gladku Telted a new chef - Cook of the restaurant Terracota Hotel Premier Palace Sergey Bolotov.

- When do you catch the most delicious cancers?

- And with us, and in Finland, where they also love crayfish, the season lasts only three months, from the end of July to the end of October. In early spring Cancer drops the shell, it begins to build it up to the summer. The better the shell, the more nutrients In the meat of artistic, and this peak falls at the end of the summer - the beginning of autumn. Cancer managed to eat plenty of useful summer food, guided the weight and enriched with nutrients.

- Cracks hard to catch?

- Wild crayfish is not easy, they are hiding, you have to remove them from the water one by one. In the farms of cancer, they catch networks or traps in which garlic or fish are put. Cancer attract strong smells. Traps are safer than networks, they help to select cancers only the desired caliber. The traps are arranged in such a way that the most delicious raks come there - 8-10 cm long, no more and no less.

- How do cancers cook?

There is a lot of cooking methods, not only with the usual dill. For example, if you boil cancer in milk, you can add etaragon, it is Tarkhun. If in white wine, then the bay leaf and fragrant pepper. Cancer is often boiled in beer or in a cucumber brine. It will be just great if in the brine, in addition to lavra leaf, dry branches of dill and fragrant pepper, you will add ketchup - it makes the sauce beautiful and gives the dish spicy notes. Cancers are put in salads, they prepare soups with them or just eat as an independent snack.

- What is crayfish not suitable for food?

- Before cooking, it is important to make two things. First, wash the crayfish well - they should get into the pan with absolutely clean, without sand, sludge and any dark spots. Often, you need a urine or brush. Second important moment - intestine. It must be removed until the cancer is alive, otherwise it will be cooked with uncleanness and there will be little use in meat. It is categorically impossible to eat my head. Cancer is so remarkably arranged that everything unnecessary from him focuses in one place - in the head.

- What are the most delicious parts?

- Oddly enough, it's claws. Meat inside the culley gentle, juicy. Tail or, more correctly, cancer - more, but rougher, meat in it is tougher. Paws in cancer - like a fillet minion in the bulls, this is the most tender part. For cancers, they still did not come up with special devices, as for lobsters, so they eat them with their hands.

- Cracks often lose claws in battles?

"Indeed, there are gourmets that appreciate the claws in cancers, and farmers learned to grow these arthropods without loss of their valuable part. They studied the habits of their pets well. Crayfish - Hermits, they are unpleasant to any neighborhood. Cancer is building a house, takes his fence and never waits for guests. Usually, cancer leaves the dwelling reluctantly, only in order to dine. Especially he likes fir and mosquito larvae. Cancer does not paralyze his prey. With indifferent calm, he clinging her and eats slowly, biting a piece of pie. Lickery he can eat a minute for two minutes. Outside the house, most often during meals, cancer and gets involved in fights. If there is a strong opponent in front of him - the cancer is five back and hides in the hole, if someone is relaxing, the cancer sets him a loan. Here and happen losses of valuable gourmets.

- And how to avoid losses?

- Farmers noticed that a diet affects the character of cancers. For example, these arthropods are glad to eat grass, love nettle, alder leaves, pea stalks, potatoes - and in periods of vegetarianism become completely indifferent to someone else's presence. There are many crayfish in the reservoirs in the reservoirs, and if it were not for a diet, they would all overtake and crippled each other. But during herbal diet, miracles occur. Cancers, like lambs, graze with packs in the world and harmony. However, it is worth only to appear. Falls or luxurious fish will be replaced by chopped fish - bloody disassembly begins for a rack piece.

- Cracks easy to transport?

- This is a gentle nature. Like all the creations seeking solitude, they are subject to stress. The slightest wrong turn of events leads to full outcome. Maximum, for which they are enough when the situation is changed, is three days. Cancers are transported in accordance with strict rules: for example, they love to live in water, but to travel - without it, in wicker baskets, eliminated by their beloved grass. Cancer is important to breathe and be in the shade. If access sun ray It is impossible to limit, in the containers put ice pieces.

- For what signs you can make sure as cancers?

- You can determine the quality by the tail. Even the boiled cancer, he should be like a tight ring - you will not disperse it, it, like a spring, will return to the place. If the cancer fell alive in a saucepan, then it managed to strain the muscles. Sleepy cancer or completely unsuitable in food, even in a boiled form, will give the tail - it will be sluggish, not spring.

Among the many other products, meat is highlighted - the source of protein and the basis for many delicious dishes. Speaking of him, you can keep in mind different types This product:
1) Beef.
2) Pork.
3) chicken.
4) rabbit.
5) Utyatin.
And many other types of meat that people eat in food.
Going to buy meat, you should know about it useful properties. It is important to understand that, depending on the animal, the properties of the product will change, as well as recommendations for cooking. For example, pork is best suited for kebabs, and the feed meat is perfect for people who are sitting on a diet.

How to choose meat?

Before making a purchase, you need to know the rules for choosing this product. They will not be the same for all types of meat, so it should be relying first on the animal, the part of which you are going to purchase:
1) purchasing such meat in Kiev, like beef, pay attention to the following
Factors: Color - It should be rich and red. Dark meat - indicator
The fact that the product is old, so the dish from it will be tough. Fat color must
Be whit. It is also important that the meat is dry, it is pleasant to smell, be elastic.
2) The chicken is best acquired entirely. It will cost cheaper, but when
the need to buy individual parts of the animal for some kind of dish,
Look carefully on: the color that the skin should be light pink, but on
Meat - gently red; Pleasant, fresh smell; Size - do not take unnatural
large parts of the carcass, it can be an indicator that the product is pumped with water,
Or when cultivated, the chicken has reborn with vitamins. It is also important to
The packaging of the goods was indicated by the date and time of the searches.
3) If you are interested in such meat in Ukraine, like pork, look at the color of meat and fat,
Elasticity, smell of product. Especially pay attention to the color of fat, because
To hide the smell of overdue goods, it is often treated by manganese.
It is the reddish fat that will become a marker of the dismantle of the merchant.
According to a similar principle, it is necessary to choose other types of meat. Remember that it is better to acquire a chilled product than frozen. It is worthwhile to avoid shopping in the heat, and it is better to abandon the venture if the goods cause you doubts, even if prices are fresh meat attract your attention to a low level. It is better to spend more, but save your health than to save, and as a result, get to the hospital with food poisoning.

Meat in Kiev

From the place of purchase depends on how much the quality product will fall to you on the table, so you should not neglect the choice of the store. In Ukraine, many sellers are ready to offer you a desired product, but only by contacting the Internet meat store, you can be sure that the dish of beef or pork will like in terms of taste and quality. In addition, here you can order various dishes ready with delivery in Kiev. Chefs Mountains - best masters Your business that will fulfill all the wishes of customers.

November - the darker month of the year, the body suffers from the lack of sunlight, it is subject to stress, and it is negatively affected by hair.

They begin to decide even more, break and fall out. In order to avoid such trouble, hairdressers recommend to carry out treatment, nutrition, moisturizing, ionization and lamination.

However, in order for the effect of any procedures, as well as from the haircut and from staining to be optimal, before going to the hairdresser, check with our lunar calendar Stregging for November 2013. And then your hair will definitely remain healthy, shiny and silky even in the most immentable days.

By tradition, explain how to use our calendar. The first thing to pay attention to is the time to which the lunar day lasts (it is indicated in brackets). If it ends, for example, in two or three o'clock in the morning, then immediately see the recommendations for the next date. That is, the number remains the same, and the astrological influence changes.

It also happens that the morning hours are completely not suitable for a visit to the master, but the haircut made after noon will bring exclusively good and you, and your hair.

For clarity we will examine November 5, 2013. Until 10:53 (Moscow time) It is not recommended that it is not recommended - you can confuse a positive program for the whole moon month. But after 10:53, it becomes quite favorable to visit the hairdressing salon and for experiments with it. Moreover, the haircut will attract love and vivid impressions into your life.

First decade of November

November 1, Friday, 27th Lunar Day (until 5:43, later focus on the 28th lunar day), the moon in the scales.

Today, a suitable day for haircuts is also recommended for the ionization and rinsing procedures based on grasses that grow high in the mountains. The change of the image will also provide a very beneficial effect on your hair, and on your life in general. In addition, the update of the image will strengthen your intuition. However, while avoiding staining in heavy, dark tones - in black and dark chestnut, it is fraught with the appearance of negative thoughts.

November 2, Saturday, 28th lunar day (up to 7:01, later focus on the 29th and 30th lunar day), Moon in Scorpio.

Today is a neutral day for visiting the hairdresser. If it is very necessary, you are trying to try and dye your hair, it does not bring damage. However, it is recommended to listen to your inner voice and follow his prompts, but the advice of others is better not to trust - this will lead to an unsatisfactory result.

November 3, Sunday, 29th lunar day until 8:20, 30th lunar day (up to 16:50, later focus on the 1st lunar day), new moon, ring complete solar eclipse, moon in scorpion.

This day is absolutely not suitable for the haircut - not only that you can "concentrate" health and good luck, so also recovery you will be very long; And painting will fasten the problems in your life with whom you are trying to figure out. Therefore, if possible, avoid any hairdressing procedures, including nutritional masks - they will also play the role of "secure" trouble.

November 4, Monday, 1st Lunar Day (until 9:39, Later, focus on the 2nd lunar day), Moon in Scorpio.

Another opportunity day to visit the hairdresser. But it is simply created in order to start planning his future image, choose a haircut and color, as well as to make up what you expect from changes in your appearance. For example, you can "accommodate" a passionate love.

November 5, Tuesday, 2nd lunar day (until 10:53, later focus on the 3rd lunar day), Moon in Sagittarius.

This day is also not suitable for the haircut and for staining. But you can sign up for the master and, like the day before, consider what you would like to see on your head.

November 6, Wednesday, 3rd Lunar Day (until 11:58, later focus on the 4th lunar day), Moon in Sagittarius.

Today is a great day for all hairdressers. Haircut hot scissors will attract into your life mutual love, positive emotions and exciting travels, and coloring in a new color will help get rid of some old problems. In addition, warm hair masks and any kinds of both long-term and short-term curling are recommended.

November 7, Thursday, 4th lunar day (until 12:52, later focus on the 5th lunar day), Moon in Capricorn.

On this day, it is better to refrain from visiting the salon - the haircut is fraught with problems in business sphereAnd staining can cause allergies. But very favorable of different kind Wraps for hair and nutritious masks based on plant components and minerals. The main thing is to carry out these procedures at home.

November 8, Friday, 5th Lunar Day (until 13:35, later focus on the 6th lunar day), Moon in Capricorn.

Another day, when the hike to the hairdresser is recommended to refrain - the hair after the haircut and after staining will become more brittle. But today is a very suitable moment for compiling herbal blends For therapeutic masks and for rinsing.

November 9, Saturday, 6th lunar day (until 14:08, later focus on the 7th lunar day), Moon in Aquarius.

Today is a great day for the haircut and for staining. Moreover, even if you are not going to the hairdresser, then at home hang at least the tips of the hair - it will contribute to the update of your own energy and will attract the energy of the cosmos. You can challenge the negative, and in return get a charge of cheerfulness and optimism.

In addition, these lunar days are excellent for the manifestation of your own fantasy, but at the same time it is better to refrain from the cardinal change of imagine.

November 10, Sunday, 7th lunar day (until 14:36, later focus on the 8th lunar day), 1st quarter, Moon in Aquarius.

This day is unfavorable to visit the cabin - the haircut is fraught with problems in all areas of your life, health can be affected. In addition, these lunar days are sufficiently provocative, that is, you can easily agree on the master of the master "Try something new", and as a result, you will become the owner of a completely inconvenient hairstyle.

The second decade of November

November 11, Monday, 8th Lunar Day (until 14:59, later focus on the 9th lunar day), the moon in the fish.

Today, the haircuts and dyeing is better to refrain. This day is unfavorable and for lamination (glazing). But it is great for food and moisturizing hair, as well as for any medicinal procedures aimed at improving the scalp.

If you want to independently make some interesting laying - do not deny yourself in this pleasure. Especially beneficial will affect your life hot envy at home.

November 12, Tuesday, 9th lunar day (until 15:20, later focus on the 10th lunar day), the moon in the fish.

This day is not at all suitable for visiting the hairdresser. A haircut can return to your life problems from which you seemed to have got rid of you, and staining will fix the negative. But today it is especially recommended rinsing silver water and purebra or nettle decractions. It will relieve you from negative energy and from someone else's unkind exposure.

November 13, Wednesday, 10th Lunar Day (until 15:41, later focus on the 11th lunar day), Moon in Aries.

Today, too, an unfavorable day for the haircut and for staining - any mechanical and chemical impact on the hair is fraught with trouble. If possible, the head is better to leave alone alone and do not use sharp hairpins and hairpins - there is a chance of injury.

November 14, Thursday, 11th Lunar Day (until 16:02, later focus on the 12th lunar day), Moon in the Aries.

Another opportunity day for a visit to the salon. In addition, refrain from the use of hairdryers, forceps for curling, iron and romance with sharp teeth are not excluded burns and injuries of the scalp.

November 15, Friday, 12th lunar day (until 16:26, later focus on the 13th lunar day), Moon in Taurus.

Today is not a very favorable day for a haircut, but it is great for staining. However, while avoiding creative combinations of colors, give preference to natural shades and such technicians as a two-color seeling, bouquet and tent.

November 16, Saturday, 13th Lunar Day (until 16:52, later focus on the 14th lunar day), Moon in Taurus.

This day is quite favorable for the haircut, moreover, curling with silk proteins will be successful. However, if you have unpleasant memories with some kind of success, it is better not to do it, in otherwise It will happen that you once disappeared.

For staining too good time, most importantly, do not use excessively bright colorsOtherwise provoke conflicts with others, especially with the older generation.

November 17, Sunday, 14th Lunar Day (until 17:24, later focus on the 15th lunar day), full moon, moon in Taurus.

Today is a completely wrong day for a haircut and for staining. Both will deprive you physical and mental strength, and also provokes financial losses. But these lunar days are very favorable for therapeutic procedures - Turn the hair and the skin of the head with masks based on olive oil.

November 18, Monday, 15th Lunar Day (until 18:01, later focus on the 16th lunar day), the moon in the twins.

Another unfavorable day for any hairdresser's procedures. The haircut can provoke trouble, and painting will attract envy to you. In addition, because of someone else's intervention in your energy you will easily fall under negative influence Putting people.

November 19, Tuesday, 16th Lunar Day (until 18:46, later focus on the 17th lunar day), the moon in the twins.

Today is a great day to visit the hairdresser. Any procedures are welcome - haircut, staining, curling, ionization. If you want to bring ease into your life, then make a carving, and if you dream about a love adventure, then order creative hairstyle. In addition, these lunar days are simply created for experiments - even the most extreme image change will benefit you. However, it is recommended to apply only to a proven master.

November 20, Wednesday, 17th Lunar Day (until 19:38, later focus on the 18th lunar day), the moon in cancer.

This day is not very suitable for the haircut - the hairstyle will then be bad. However, if you are going to take a hair very, very short, then better moment In November you will not find for this. As for staining, the data of the lunar day is quite favorable for this procedure, the main thing, refrain from the use of unnatural tones, but within the framework of the natural palette you can afford any experiments.

Third decade of November

November 21, Thursday, 18th Lunar Day (until 20:35, later focus on the 19th lunar day), the moon in cancer.

Today it is possible and cutting, and paint, moreover, you can express your current mood through the selection and tone of paint and convey what you feel in relation to others. If you have long hair, then refer to retro images, it will add you a unique charm.

November 22, Friday, 19th Lunar Day (until 21:37, later focus on the 20th lunar day), the moon in cancer.

This day is completely not suitable for visiting the master. Energy data lunar days So negative that the haircut provokes and health problems, and trouble in all other spheres of your life. A person during this period is extended to such an extent emotionally, which very sensitively perceives any negative.

November 23, Saturday, 20th Lunar Day (until 22:42, later focus on the 21st lunar day), the moon in Lev.

Today, a great day for a visit to hairdresser salon. All you do with your own hair will bring you subsequently and profit, and a tide of creative forces, and vivid impressions, and passionate love. In addition, your hair will lie just perfectly, will become healthier and shiny. Especially if you also order lamination, and some wellness treatments along with a haircut and staining.

November 24, Sunday, 21st Lunar Day (until 23:48, later focus on the 22nd lunar day), Moon in Lev.

Another excellent day for a haircut and for staining. The trend of previous lunar days is maintained, and any experiments with your image will be successful.

If you have long wanted to try on some other way, but did not decide to do it, then use the favorable moment - the new hairstyle will harmoniously emphasize all your advantages and, if necessary, hobs flaws. In addition, changes in appearance will attract the attention of the one who you like.

Today, a completelyaking day for a haircut, it is fraught with problems in the business sphere and cash loss. But this is a great time for nutrient masks based on vegetable components, as well as for therapeutic wraps with dried wild herbs, bred boiling water or milk.

November 26, Tuesday, the 22nd lunar day continues (until 0:56, later focus on the 23rd lunar day), Moon in Virgo.

This day is quite favorable to visit the hairdresser, especially if you like when the hair grows slowly. The haircut made today will preserve its original shape for a long time, and the paint will hold very well. In addition, these lunar days are suitable for long-term chemical curling.

November 27, Wednesday, 23rd Moon Day (up to 2:06, Later, focus on the 24th lunar day), Moon in Virgin.

Today, a completelyaking day for a haircut and for dyeing - cutting off the hair, you can provoke a disease, as well as for a long time to lose physical forces and mental equilibrium.

November 28, Thursday, 24th Lunar Day (until 3:18, Later, focus on the 25th lunar day), the moon in the scales.

This day is perfect for any hair manipulations, but it is advisable to think in advance what you want to do, and what procedures are going to order. In addition, it is recommended to apply a creative or intuitive approach to creating a new image, then you unmistakably choose what will truly decorate you.

November 29, Friday, 25th Lunar Day (up to 4:33, Later, focus on the 26th lunar day), the moon in the scales.

Today is a neutral day for visiting the hairdresser. If you clearly know what you want, you can cut and stain your hair - it will not be harmful. The main thing is to refrain from the experiments - in these lunar days it is better not to start anything new.

November 30, Saturday, 26th lunar day (until 5:51, later, focus on the 27th lunar day), Moon in Scorpio.

This day is absolutely not suitable for hairdressers and in general for any hair manipulations, if possible, do not let them touch even close people - it will negatively affect your well-being.

Haircut and staining are fraught with complications in communicating with others. In addition, the Master's nervousness and your impulsiveness, provoked by the energy of these lunar days, can cause injuries and cuts. The only thing is that it is recommended today - rinsing the hair with a decoction of the Zverboard or water infused on silver.