The project is my pedigree in Dow. Short-term project "My pedigree

The role of the family in the upbringing of the child, Vesphron, Great. It is at this institute that the basis of the personality is laid. From how education will be, further building a child's model of his own family depends.

Children, like a sponge, absorb samples of behavior. These are their parents first. How do you need to build family upbringing, then not to regret the consequences later?

If initially in the family has developed an incorrect relationship, then as the result of education - naughty, compacted and problem children. This fact can be explained. The fact is that difficult children become not because of their own character.

The child projects relations in the family on his identity. Hence the problems arising in the upbringing and moral children. But not always in a good and harmonious family all safely. Even in this case, the child can grow problem if the influence of external negative factors will be too strong.

Psychologists note that the role of the family in the education of a child is Great. Its inner world is based on external factors. The child can be represented as a wood branch. The emergence of problems will depend on whether everything is well in the soil on which it has grown.

The baby needs to constantly sign parental love so that he can cope with all the difficulties. Nobody else can replace the family. It is in it that the system of values \u200b\u200bis laid. The family becomes the base for the formation of attitude towards himself and others. It occurs in the formation of a person.

Consider how a family can affect the last of the factors listed above. This may be the unconscious learning of the principles of life and behavior of parents. The child has an impact of the atmosphere in the family, the emotional interaction of its members. These stereotypes kid assimilate from early childhood.

If you remember an example from psychology, where the hatched Gusenok just tied to that subject thing that was first in his field of view. And it does not matter whether it will be animated or not, the main thing is that the object moves. This moment lasts only a few seconds.

The same happens with the child. In a difficult period, he wants to get the love and care of the parents, to attract their attention to his person. This is the moment that should not be overlooked, since in the future they will have to re-educate children. And this may be impossible.

If the parents did not turn out next, when the child was attention to the child, he will fill this mental emptiness by someone else. And it's not a fact that it will be a decent person. Therefore, to cost and pay attention to their children at least a little time.

The child also affects the words spoken by their parents. Therefore, adults need to be careful when communicating. If you do not want to subsequently blush for a child before unauthorized people, watch your speech. Everything that will be said by you will be learned by the baby with ease.

Crocha every day observes the relationship between mother and father. He sees how they communicate, what emotions are experiencing towards each other. It forms his idea of \u200b\u200bthe relationship between a man and a woman. Than a harmonious family, the more positive ideas about the future relationships in the child.

As a rule, the mother should be feminine, and the father is courageous. If the family has an inverse situation, this leads to the fact that in the future the child may have problems with building their own relations. It can lead to various psychological violations.

The role of the family in the upbringing of children is also in the formation of a sense of security by the surrounding world. IN adverse conditionsOn the contrary, there is a sense of distrust of people. In the future, it can lead to the emergence of difficulties in communication, interaction, relationships. The world will be perceived as a hostile object.

The family binds a certain behavior of the child. On how it will be positive or negative, it affects the use of encouragement or punishment. Parents should clearly know what should be condemned, and what stereotypes can be supported.

The family forms the life experience of children. It depends on the diversity of experienced situations that teach to cope with difficulties. Children with rich life experience, as a rule, in the future are able to make compromises, rejoice, find a common language with people, forgive. Such children are faster than others learn to adapt to an unfamiliar situation. They are able to adequately react to those changes that can occur in life.

In the family, the child knows various emotions, begins to understand their relevance in one situation or another. If adults contain them or prohibit express, then emotional sphere The child will be formed on the basis of the basic indicators. In other words, the ability to express your emotions to the child borrow from his own family.

What the child comes from, building the presentation of the family

The model of building a private family in a child is based on parental relationships. That is, the base of the established principles, values \u200b\u200band installations it transfers to the future possible family. Let's try to figure it out more.

If there were harmonious relationships and complete mutual understanding between mom and dad, then the person (child) will strive for the same harmony. Seeing the relationship between parents, still small he builds the standard of an ideal family. He transfers it to his own interaction with the opposite sex and future children.

In the event that there are no respect between parents, you may have two options in building a child's future family. In the first case, seeing the disrespectful attitude of the father and mother to each other, the kid projects them on his own family, considering such a behavior of the norm. The second option involves the exact opposite development of events. Father's disrespect for the mother or vice versa gives rise to a child's consciousness about how not to build his own family. That is, the baby does not take an example from Pope (Mom), but considers it (her) behavior unacceptable, on the basis of which the model of his future family is built.

Emotional contact between parents and the child plays the last role in building a possible relationship. If the mother and dad were kept in the manifestation of feelings, then the baby will most likely postpone such a model of relationships on its own family. It will sincerely consider it right.

Two options for developing events are possible and in the case of their use as a punishment of a child of tough measures. Often, the fathers raise their sons with the help of angle and belt, believing that such measures will definitely make a person from it. But this is not always the case. A child either projects these attitudes on his own family, or believes that such a manifestation of cruelty is unacceptable.

Always remember that you are an example for your children. Therefore, before building your own family, pushing out some of the prevailing principles, think how the baby will behave in the future. Possible various options Event development. But know that they will take place only thanks to you yourself and your behavior and family vision.

1. The first school of life for the child is the family in which he grown. Parents are an example for the baby. Therefore, it is important to remember that if you want to grow your child right and happy, make sure that harmony rear in your family.

2. Treat your children as you want, so that they relate to their offspring. The constructing model of its own family depends first of all of which relationships were between his parents.

3. If your child complained, do not rush to punish it. Get better by self-education.

4. The role of the family in raising children is primary and multifaceted. Think about the relationship between its members. It depends on this whether your children will be happy in their own family life.

Let's make a conclusion from what has been said.

It is impossible to replace the family. It is she who is the basis of life and upbringing for a child. It is important that parents show warmth and love towards their children.

The family is a place where the basis of the person is laid. Holly, its development depends on parents and their efforts to raise the child. The prosperous future of the baby depends primarily from the family.

Interesting program on family traditions

- What do you need to avoid parents when raising children?
- This is a very big topic, and I, without having experience, can hardly say something special. There is one general principleThat is known to everyone: it is impossible to raise the child to someone who is not raised. Therefore, sometimes it is necessary to pronounce such not quite decent words: "It is impossible, being a devil, to raise an angel."
And indeed, if everyone lives in his desires and tastes, not believing with others; If there are permanent quarrels, rude cries, dirty words, wild music, everywhere mess, everything is scattered; If children do not teach to work (remove the room, wash the dishes, clean the shoes, etc.); If all the concerns of parents about children is only to feed, drink, dress, arrange a school, institute, and at the same time not paying attention to the moral side of their life, on what they are interested in the Internet, which look, read, - What kind of education can we talk about what good can you expect from children?

Always and everyone knew that one of the most effective tools To spoil, corrupt the child is permissiveness and impunity. This is perfectly understood and the enemies of mankind, therefore, at present, by all means, including legislative, they are implementing the principles of the notorious juvenile justice, the main position of which is: a child is a god, and parents are slaves, obliged to fulfill all his desires and whims. So decompose children, destroy the foundations of the family.

To a vastity, the spiritual and moral deposit of the child is determined by the spiritual state of his parents. St. Gregory Nissky warned that, according to the law of nature, a passionate is born, from a sinful sinner. Alexy Burg's priest even wrote: "Inherited, not only the features of the person and the peculiarities of the physical organization, but also the mental properties and the inclination of the nearest and remote ancestors are transmitted. "Based on the often repeated in the Bible of the saying that God punishes the sins of fathers to the third and fourth sort (Ex. 20, 5; 34, 7; Deutility 5, 9), lies the idea that sin in life is not only individual, but also by the birth, why and manifests itself not only in the ancestor, but also in descending members of the genus. In life, only more often are examples of pathological heredity: the hereditary transfer of alcoholism and other passions, diseases and mental disorders, even passion for crimes, is known.

And of course, an example of the life of parents, the nature of communicating among themselves and behavior with other people always turns out to be the most important in the upbringing of children. Another ancient Greek philosopher Democrite said: "Fathers habits turn into flavors of children."

Fathers' vices really affect the hereditary properties of descendants, upsetting their body and soul. This manifests itself in a different way. The impact of drug addicts, alcoholics on the body and the psyche of their children are obvious to all. The impact of criminal acts and dark passions of parents on the spiritual and moral properties of the future child, which manifest themselves in the form of a particular thrust, inflamed passionate attraction to any sin are also the impact of criminal acts. Hence it is clear how attentive parents should be to their moral life if they want to have happy children.

Alexy Bourgov, with sweating. Orthodox-dogmatic doctrine of original sin. Kiev, 1904. P. 146.
Ibid. P. 43.

Perhaps we recognize that the school program is not needed, but you need a certificate, and for this you need to pass the school curriculum. Perhaps we believe that knowledge is not unnecessary, and the school program is not so bad. In any case, the child must somehow comprehend it. At school, this mission is assigned to teachers / teachers. And if the child does not attend school, how to be?

Speaking about school and teacher, we usually present that teacher at the board and active "infusion" of knowledge in the head of the child. I remember your childish experience or a hopeless attempt to express your loved one - while there is still a schoolboy in mathematics ... In the thought that this will have to do every day for a few hours, some parents begin nervous tick.

I have a hurry to calm down. There are many options not to do it. But before I call them, I suggest a little think about the role of the teacher in the full sense of the word. Who is a teacher and what is his role? What do children actually study at school? What do we want from education?

I suggest to do in this place a pause and think about it seriously, in wide sense. Wanting to give your child a good education, we most often mean the knowledge that the child will allow the child to choose the case, to make money well and get a good job in life. We will not forget about the development of personal qualities, values, worldview. It is assumed that the teacher conveys the child knowledge of some particular subject.

However, I think any parent, watching your child or for other children, already realized that the quality of information transfer strongly depends on the identity of the teacher himself and his contact with the child. We want this or not, the teacher's work goes beyond his subject: the teacher conveys not only knowledge, but also information about himself, its attitude and views. Teachers affect the formation of worldview and values. The fate of the lessons and the item itself depends on the teacher's personality. The professional teacher, the child broadcasts the child, the love of his subject and work. Loser - fatigue from life, negative, irritation ...

  1. From birth, the child is passionately trying to independently know the world around him: looks, he touches, listening, throws, asks many questions, conducts experiments .... Going to school, the child unexpectedly gets a "program", patterns of solutions, the need to sit and listen. Now his own desire to recognize becomes "out of law", his interests are no longer worried or there is no time for them, it should be obedient, abide by discipline and respond what is in the program. He is not interested ...
  2. The child grows, develops and learns, regardless of whether it is "teaching" if it is "developing". He learns and develops in any case, the question is only in the direction. The more qualitatively and diverse the environment and sources of information are available, the more knowledge of yourself will get small man And the easier it will be for him to find his place in life. Wednesday affects the child.
  3. Significant adult has the ability to influence the result. A positive emotional response inspires to continue, negative reaction or indifference is hampered. His reaction forms an idea of \u200b\u200bitself in the child. He wants to be heard, understandable, accepted. And at the same time - independent. The child wants to live his life himself, feeling the support of a person important for him.

Thus, if it is responsible to approach the issue of growing up, further formation of the personality of the child and education, it is necessary to pay attention to three things:

  1. diverse environment
  2. opportunity for independent creativity and free search
  3. personality teacher

And what about "knowledge"? Outside the window of the XXI century and fortunately for us, anyone has unlimited access to information in all types over the Internet or books. I do not even talk about specialized subjects (although you can actually find literally everything) - we are talking about school. Absolutely all information on the school program is in open access.

If a child has freedom to choose which knowledge he wants to get, and there is access to information, the best thing that the teacher can support, it is possible to help with the direction and help the child to master necessary tools: Sources of information, search methods, sorting, etc. Of course, the teacher himself can still be a source of information if it is necessary for the child. In fact, any attentive parent is a teacher for his child.

School teachers play their role in the conditions of the school system, discipline, schedules, programs, school walls. 10-12 years. 3/4 of the active time of the day. The measure of understanding and adoption becomes "Evaluation". Most of the time the child obeys the system and is a passive participant in an indifferent system process. Is it possible in such conditions the desired result of education?

There may be doubts for sure. Free development, creativity and all that ... This is all good. So, now to exclude school in general, it is not enough to wait for a sideways, wait until I ask and not intervene? Understanding the relationship of the child, teacher and school, we can accept a conscious and weighted decision regarding its education as a whole, the educational environment, the role of adults, teachers, parents and the degree of their participation in the process.

Does this specific child need active adult intervention in the process of his adults? Does the circle of his interests with the school program coincide? How much? Can they
School teachers give what he needed? If not, who can? How important is the side information of the school system? Does the child love the frame and does it need a clear organization of his own life? Or is he a bird of freestyle flight? .. The difference between school and homeskling is that education outside of school walls, free education, assumes including freedom in choosing the methods of education of your child. And the mental peace of parents plays a far from the last role!

Do not want to be school teacher? Not necessary. Much depends on the presence of external pressure in the form of school certifications. And parental relationships to the need and depth of studying school items, especially "unloved." They have the importance of the sphere of professional and personal interests of the parents themselves.

With all this, the teacher's parent task may have several solutions (there may be other options).

  1. Find tutor
  2. Contact her grandpa / grandfather / friend / familiar professional, etc.
  3. Go to the circle / courses
  4. Sign up for an online school with a teacher or only with "control"
  5. Try yourself in the full role of the teacher, remember the program along with the child: what if you like it?
  6. Show your child the opportunity to independently learning and finding the necessary information: YouTube, Google, books, questions adults, etc.
  7. Take on the trimmed role of the teacher, leaving, for example, only the function of controlling or submitting new information
  8. Transfer all the powers to the child along with the possibility of filling a pair of certification and responsibility for it
  9. Provide complete freedom and exclude certification. Given all the factors of homesking in my family, we have most options.

Very important question! We are indisputable by the fact that a lot of mental development depends on parents and becoming a child as a person. In the first years of adults, this role is almost absolute. The initial choice, the direction of the child, assistance in execution, as well as support - these are all the keys to a common excellent result, grow decent, educated person. Of course you can rely on knowledge from books and special literature, master new modern methods and ways of upbringing, but it is necessary to see the main aspect - a good parent is a sincere parent, who, with the help of good motives, forms a child, as a versatile person. Parents themselves also should not shift responsibility for child Education on the educational institutionWhen performing the role of simply passive listeners and observers for the educational and educational process of children. And they must comply with their immediate duties, participate in the mutual life of the student and schools, and also to explain to the child how to constructively behave in society, plus to this instill a sense of importance and significance of training. It is important for your parent to create all the conditions for the student to have a desire to get and learn knowledge. Considering the fact that the current training programs have become much more complicated, and the time for their assimilation on the contrary, it was reduced, of course, it is necessary to create a moment of support and assistance for students from parents in the development of a new material: after all, a student is difficult at the initial stage to independently form necessary skills and skills. It is important to praise and encourage successful moments, and on the contrary, do not focus on the fact that it turns out poorly. It is necessary to correctly understand the child that the errors are allowed, but they need to be corrected.

Over the years there is a complication process school program learning and loads for children. Often a child who has not understood a new topic is forced to perform more homework on it. Therefore, in this situation, the parent need to help solve problems.

Regarding the process of the education of children, the parent need to develop interest in the learning process. Here can help new educational sitewebsite. More than 1,000 thoughtful and developing tasks on two main disciplines are available on the site. The tasks are presented in the form of tests and therefore are convenient and interesting in solutions. Parents also impresses such an interactive approach to the study of these disciplines, since the intellectual load on the child is simultaneously reduced due to gaming form filing, but nevertheless, in the course of solving tasks in children, everyone is absorbed necessary knowledge. Such innovative method learning attracts increasing attention from not only parents, but also educational institution. The students in turn choose occupations on system, because it is interesting, informative and entertaining. Children begin to perform tasks with

Vakhnina Julia Igorevna,


Madou d / s №101 of Tyumen

Pedagogical experience of 2.5 years

Age group: Preparatory to school Group (6-7 years)
IN children's garden No. 101 of the city of Tyumen, in the preparatory for school, the group "Dragonfly", as part of the topic "My family," the project "My Genealogical Tree" was created. This and their parents took an active part in the implementation of this project.

The relevance of the project.The content of moral education of preschoolers includes a solution to a variety of tasks, including the upbringing of love for homeland, family, respectful attitude towards their parents. For the child, the family is a place of birth and the main development environment. It defines a lot in the child's life. In the past, each family you can find a lot of interesting and useful. Family history is a pedigree. Pedigree - the word about childbirth. Rod - all relatives who have general ancestor. All relatives can be listed in a special table, which is called the "Genealogical Table", or "Genealogical Tree".

Genealogy - a science of a human pedigree. Knowing your family tree has always been considered necessary for development, because the person without the past has no future.

The genealogical tree was and is one of the most valuable relics in the family - nothing can be more valuable about my childhood, about those from whom we have happened.

Having studied the topic of the project, I was indicated by me problem: Not many children know the history of family creation, their pedigree. A little developed sense of pride in his family.

Hypothesis: Knowledge of its genealogical tree will help children learn the history of creating their family, their pedigree will form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe family and family traditions in children.

Objective of the project:Expanding the ideas of children about the history of family, pedigree, family traditions.


1. To form in children an idea of \u200b\u200bthe family, about moral terms of family traditions, to expand the knowledge of the neighboring environment, to teach to understand the related links.

2. Rail in children love and respect for family members, to show the value of the family for each person and take care of their relatives.

3. With the help of parents to create genealogical trees of their families, promote development creative abilities in the process of joint activity.

Our project is a research and creative, calculated for a period of 2 weeks for children preparatory group (6-7 years), teachers and parents, including several stages.

Stage 1: Preparatory

  • Defining the purpose and objectives of the project
  • Familiarization of children and parents for the purpose of the project
  • Creature required conditions For project implementation
  • Collection of information about the genealogical tree

On the preparatory StageBy analyzing the methodological and fiction on this topic, Namibili defines the purpose and objectives of the project. I got acquainted parents with the goal and objectives of the project. They attracted parents to create the necessary conditions for the implementation of the project (registration of the group on the topic "My family", an exhibition of visual and didactic material on the topic "My family").

Stage 2: Basic

  • Development of advice for parents "What is a genealogical tree?"
  • Creating a folder - Movement "Mystery name"
  • Reading fiction on the topic "My family"
  • Development of abstract educational activities on "What is a genealogical tree"
  • Conducting conversations on this topic
  • Creating with children and parents of the album "My family"

At the main stage, consultation was developed for parents "What is a genealogical tree?" And the folder is moving the "Secret name". For children, the works of fiction on the topic "My Family" were selected: "Blue Cup" M. Matveev, "Warm Bread" K. Powest, "Tale of smart Mouse»S. Marshak," Flower-Semitionetics "V. Kataev," Mint Work "by E. Permyak," What the crafts smelled "D. Terry," Mine daughter "V. Belov," Bone "K. Shushinsky," Old grandfather and The granddaughters "L. Tolstoy," as Vovka grandmothers helped "A. Barto," the grandmother trembled hands "V.Somhelinsky," Kidnapped name "T.A.Shoryagina. Organized educational activities" What is a genealogical tree? " And conversations: "Weekend in my family", "As I help at home", "Who your parents work", "how we rest" helped to form an idea of \u200b\u200bchildbirth and genealogy, about the origin of the surname. Children together with their parents made the album "My Family".

3 Stage: Final

  • Exhibition of children's drawings "My family"
  • Generalization of the Project Implementation Material

On the final stage An exhibition of children's creativity "My Family" was organized. Children together with their parents made their genealogical trees and presented their work with a small story about their family.


As a result of the project, the children expanded the idea of \u200b\u200btheir family, a moral attitude to family traditions. Formed an idea of \u200b\u200bthe world of the family, as well as people living together and loving each other. I got acquainted with the concepts of genus, relatives, genealogies, a genealogical tree. Also during the project, creative and research abilities of children developed. Children acquired the search and collection skills, acquired the ability to analyze and present their work. All this contributed to the development of goodwill, understanding, mutual assistance, as well as improved interest in the history of the origin of their family.

The hypothesis of our project was confirmed: the knowledge of his genealogical tree, helped to find out the history of the creation of soy family, their pedigree, formed an idea of \u200b\u200bfamily and family traditions in children.


  1. Verasaks N. E., Verasx A. N. Project activities of preschoolers. Manual for teachers preschool institutions. - M.:.: Mosaic-synthesis, 2008;

We invite teachers preschool education Tyumen region, YanaA and KhMAO-Ugra publish their own methodical material:
- Pedagogical experience, copyright programs, methodical manuals, presentations for classes, electronic games;
- Personally developed abstracts and scenarios of educational activities, projects, master classes (including video), Forms of work with family and teachers.

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