Sheet piling of a foundation pit. How to install a tongue-and-groove fence for foundation pits with your own hands

Sheet piles are piles driven into the ground along the entire perimeter of the excavation, made of wood or metal.

The installation of such structures is carried out in those places where it is impossible to carry out work on the slopes.

Purpose of structures- this is the protection of the foundation pit and the lives of workers from the collapse of the ground. The soil is securely held and does not collapse during the construction of even the most difficult objects.

Larsen sheet pile

Protection against storm and groundwater, as well as from the collapse of the soil is carried out by special piles - Larsen tongue... They bear the name of their founder and developer of such technology.

The Larsen sheet pile is a particularly spatial element with a box section and locking elements at the edges of the product.

When immersed in the ground, the retainer on one element is installed in a special groove in the other. Such an implementation of the structure guarantees a secure docking.

Construction sheet piles are made of durable metal with carbon impurities. To protect against corrosion, manufacturers add copper particles to the metal product.

If necessary, save you can use sheet piles made of polyvinyl chloride, which are not inferior in strength and reliability to metal and reinforced concrete structures.

Among main advantages Larsen tongue and groove can be distinguished by the convenience when installing the material on site.

With its high strength and resistance to external factors, Larsen sheet piles, unlike conventional sheet piles, are used in the construction of complex objects. Among application examples the following can be noted:

  • cleaning facilities;
  • protection of sites for construction works from water;
  • strengthening the coastline of rivers and reservoirs;
  • fencing of places with walls with industrial waste;
  • construction of dams, bridges and berths;
  • soil strengthening with the threat of landslide.

Reliability is achieved due to the manufacture of a sheet pile from alloy steel, which has increased strength... Manufacturers set the thickness of the sheet pile differently during manufacture. Have famous brands it varies from 15 to 23 mm.

Sometimes during operation unforeseen situations happen, and the product, immersed in heavy soil, begins to malfunction: the joints in the locking elements are deformed, and the structure itself is bent.

There is only one way out for the masters - cut off part of the structure autogenous installation and leave at the work site.

The immersion of the Larsen sheet pile is carried out using special equipment by shock and vibration... installation is a lot like installing fence piles.

Diving with the use of a vibrating element is carried out by means of the attachment module, through which the load is transferred to the head of the attachment element.

Additional equipment for installation is axial technology, allowing you to insert the pile into the soil, liquefied under the influence of a vibration machine.

Reinforced concrete piles

Reinforced concrete piles installed with locks sealing the entire structure. Trapezoidal grooves and grooves are the constituent elements of the lock. Piles during installation work are installed by the method one into the other.

The installation of piles is carried out using driven equipment with increased technical capacity... Reinforced concrete piles are not removed for rework as they serve as the outer shell of the foundation.

Such piles are often used in the construction of bridges and dams. Transportation aggravated by cracking on the surface of the product. such products do not exceed sixteen meters.

Steel sheet piling

Metal material used repeatedly and, moreover, it is easy to transport and install at a new facility. Sheet pile supports made of steel are used in modern construction, guided by a number of reasons:

  1. High strength to mechanical damage.
  2. Convenient transportation and installation, compared to reinforced concrete structures.
  3. Reusable and easy to remove from soil.
  4. Wide range of materials from a profile, price-oriented different kinds object in complexity.
  5. The installation of the profiles is carried out using vibration and shock technology.

Installation of sheet piling of a pit made of pipes

Sheet piling a pit made of pipes is made at the initial stage of construction work in a transport, residential or hydraulic structure.

At the initial stage of work the pit may crumble and damage builders and equipment.

Prevention of such situations is successfully achieved pipe sheet piling technique, consisting of a dense wall, where the fastening elements are interconnected by locks in the grooves.

Carrying out work on the foundation pit consists in installing a structure for a support, it can be a Larsen trough-shaped sheet pile or a tubular sheet pile.

The pipe sheet pile has the only drawback in which it is inferior to the Larsen sheet pile - high cost of metal products with increased weight, and in other indicators better protection the pit cannot be found.

Main advantages installation of sheet piles from pipes in the pit:

  • high stability the product allows the use of tubular sheet piling as a permanent formwork;
  • installation becomes more convenient due to the ability to crush boulders and other foreign bodies inside the pipe;
  • stability is much higher than that of the Larsen sheet pile;
  • the ability to install additional beams and channels inside the pipe;
  • Used pipes can be dismantled and used in other construction work or sold on the secondary market.

Norms in the technological map and SNIP

The norms for the sheet piling method are prescribed in technological map.

The map was developed based on the experience of construction on similar objects with a repeating structure of buildings, structures with parts, as well as for buildings with unified schemes in terms of dimensions and typical structures.

In it covers the basics of quality work, fire and environmental safety and others important points and questions arising during construction work of increased complexity.

The map is designed for foremen, construction contractors and engineers involved in the technical aspect of sheet piling.

The quality of the work carried out assessed by SNIP- "building codes", according to which you can navigate and talk about the literacy of work and the construction of a fence in the pit.

It reflects the requirements for fire and environmental safety of work and the material and technical component, which must necessarily be directed precisely at the norm, and not at deviations from it.

Formula for calculation

When excavating the soil, the balance of forces in the interaction is significantly disturbed. The pressure when removing the soil increases from the side of the cooling of the walls.

The prevention of wall collapse by the fence should be calculated using specific design characteristics: fences, the depth to which the material is immersed, the dimensions of the tongue and the forces of interaction.

The calculation is carried out graphically and analytically (example in the photo below) or according to a certain formula. A special program is used for counting. Technical information required for correct device and immersion of the tool is given in paragraph 3.02.01-87 SNIP.

Specifications taken into account in the formula:

  1. Tipping soil pressure.
  2. Vertical soil pressure.
  3. Counteraction to a rotating element.
  4. Selected pit depth.

Calculation formula strength looks like this: М1 ≤ m / γ * M2, where

  • M1- the highlight of the overturning force.
  • M2- counteraction to the overturning force (holding moment).
  • m- coefficient of working conditions (in the general order, it is equal to 0.95, for weak soils 0,7)
  • γ - the coefficient of reliability (1.1 for the area covered with water).

The main points of strength can be calculated based on the formula:

  • M1 (overturning moment) = Ea * Ca.
  • M2 (holding moment) = En * Cn.
  • Ea and En - diagrammatic resultant pressures active and passive types; Ca and Cn are the resultant shoulders in relation to point 0.

The calculation is carried out on the basis of the lowest point of the tongue, since at a height it can undergo a turn or overturn.

Calculation example

According to the calculated data for sheet piling fences with the number of tiers equal to two or more "VSN 136-78", for sandy soil the coefficient of active lateral soil pressure is 0.7, passive 1.42, the distance from the top of the tongue to the bottom of the layer will be 9 m.

For a minimum sheet pile depth of 28.9 m, the lateral pressure diagrams are: active 16.6 tf / m2, active 23.8 tf / m2.

Installation and strengthening of Larsen sheet piling

Larsen sheet piles are easy to install and fasten, but installation will require the help of special equipment... Before starting the installation, you need to invite a team of workers of three, and preferably four people, trained in the skills of carrying out such work.

During installation, you cannot do without a vibrator. If the vibrator is not available, the use of a vibratory hammer is allowed... This is a device without which no work on driving piles or strengthening a fence is complete.

If financial capabilities do not allow you to purchase such useful equipment, you can rent it.

With the help of such a hammer, the tongue is immersed in the ground. Due to the sharp impact and technical force, the need to use heavy equipment disappears.

Sheet piles installed sequentially, so that the second clearly fits into the groove to the first. In this case, a turn is needed within a radius of 180 degrees in relation to the first with the formation of a continuous structure.

The technology of high-quality indentation of the tongue is the most acceptable installation technique. It does not cause significant damage to the soil and nearby buildings, which cannot be avoided with the use of a hammer.

The process of driving and removing the sheet pile is shown in the video below:

Larsen sheet piles have been used in industrial construction for over a hundred years. The compact profile with rounded trough-shaped edges is a metal pile for reinforcing a variety of building structures exceeding it many times. The tongue-and-groove piles are reliably connected by locks, ensuring tightness, and resistance to corrosion and strength makes them an indispensable element in construction.

For driving the sheet piles are used various technologies , such as:

The choice of a specific technology is determined by the geophysical characteristics and the location of the construction site.

Sheet piling technologies

Vibration and vibration shock methods

Sheet piling in such ways is produced on sandy and soft soils using vibratory drivers (electromechanical vibration machines).

Fencing of a pit by vibration driving methods is most effective on water-saturated non-cohesive soils. A more universal vibro-shock immersion method is carried out using vibratory hammers, depending on the type of drive, they are with an internal combustion engine, pneumatic, electric, hydraulic.

Indentation and vibration indentation

Installations acting on the pile with mass or simultaneously with mass and vibration, usually consist of two mechanisms, which are equipped with a base plate, a cap, a guide frame, transmitting pressure and an indentation chain hoist. The advantage of this method is the ease of installation on the construction site, and the disadvantage is low maneuverability and, therefore, low productivity.

The method of vibrational indentation of sheet piles turns out to be more effective. The impact of the vibrator and the unit's winch leads to the immersion of the Larsen sheet pile due to the mass of the vibrator, its own mass, the mass of the tractor, which is transferred to the pile by the pressing rope. At the same time, vibration from the low-frequency submersible with a sprung plate acts on the sheet pile.

See also:

Dipping the sheet piles by screwing

This method is most effective for creating foundations for power transmission line masts, it is carried out using mechanisms equipped with four outriggers (outriggers), a rotation and tilt drive, a hydraulic system, a control panel and auxiliary equipment.

These machines are pulling in screw pile together with the inventory metal shell inside and immersed in the ground at a predetermined angle. Rotation while diving is combined with axial thrust.

Wash immersion technology

Before the immersion begins, the soil is loosened and partly washed out by jets of water from the pipes fixed on the tongue. In this case, the resistance of the soil decreases at the tip of the pile, the steel sheet pile is washed out by water. If necessary, the jetting tubes are located at the side or in the center, with the lateral arrangement, they can be deformed or filled with soil.

With this technology, it is important to control the uniformity of erosion so that the sheet piles do not deviate from the design position. Water is supplied to the tubes at a pressure of 0.5 MPa. This technology is not applicable when there is a threat of subsidence of buildings located nearby.


As the others construction processes, tongue-and-groove driving is carried out in full accordance with regulatory documents, which describe the basic rules for the conduct and acceptance of work. The organization of the process of immersion of sheet piles must be described in the technological map and PPR - a project for the production of work, which is described in detail in SNiP 3.01.01 - 85 and a supporting guide to this document.

A significant number of reference books, standards and laws are presented on the portal " Help according to GOSTs»(Site of statehelp ru).

Most requested when making an estimate, project documentation, logging are:

  • SNiP 3.02.01 - 87 and SP 45.13 330-2012"Earthen structures, foundations and foundations"
  • SP 50.101-2004"Design and construction of foundations and foundations of buildings and structures" and other documents

It should be noted that the production of Larsen sheet piles and sheet piles must be carried out in full accordance with GOST R 53 629-2009, which contains all the standards, material parameters, product turnover.

* We never have substandard pile foundation projects. We fully monitor and comply with everything design solutions... Our work fully complies with the requirements of the set of rules for design and construction, as well as the rules for the design of foundations.

Cost of work


Dynamic driving (driving) of a single pileStatic indentation (immersion) of a single pilePile dynamic load tests (one test)Pile static load tests (one test)Relocation of construction equipmentSheet piling of foundation pitsInstallation of bored piles


running meters running meters 1 unit 1 unit 1 unit

cost (rub.) including VAT *

from 260 from 600 10 000 65 000 from 90,000 negotiable negotiable

Larsen sheet pile driving method

Dowel piling. It is carried out when working outside the city or in the city at a sufficient distance from residential buildings.

For work, pile drivers are used, usually self-propelled units with any kind shock mechanisms: diesel hammers, hydraulic, mechanical, steam-air, electric shock, vibration shock, etc.

This method is the cheapest, fastest, but at the same time the noisiest. Shock waves in the ground do not allow using it near valuable buildings, directly near residential buildings and underground structures - communication channels, sewer pipelines etc.

You can rent any of our piling machines from us. We will coordinate with you more costly to operate on your construction site.

Larssen Dowel Dipping Video

Other ways of immersing the Larsen sheet pile

From multiple immersion methods Larsen sheet piles, used quite often, the most modern methods are vibration immersion, indentation and hammering.

1. Vibration immersion- the most productive, fastest and sometimes no alternative way.

It will be the only one only on sandy soils saturated and oversaturated with water.

For it are used: submersible vibratory installations, which are either hung on a conventional crane or excavator, or are part of a special self-propelled vibrating machine. Most often this is one of the varieties piling rigs.

In this method, the sheet pile is installed vertically with a crane, fastening the slings to special mounting holes, which are made at the factory at a distance of 0.5 m from each end of the sheet pile. By special order of the consumer, holes of a special shape can be made at the ends for fastening the vibrator.

Having installed the vibrator and, controlling the verticality of the sheet pile, the first sheet pile is immersed to the depth specified by the sheet pile design. The second sheet pile is inserted into the lock of the first and the vibrator is turned on. The rest of the sheet pile wall elements are immersed in the same way.

Not only Larsen dowels are immersed in a vibration manner, but also steel tubes almost any diameter, I-beams, rails, reinforced concrete piles and other metal products.

Of those listed in the article, the vibration method has the highest cost.

2.Immersion immersion.
It is used on construction sites within the city or other settlement. The unconditional use of this method is necessary in conditions of dense or historically valuable buildings, when even vibrations, not to mention shocks, can cause irreparable damage to historical buildings or structures.

Sometimes the term "indentation" is replaced by "crush".

For indentation, a static force is used, created by a pile-pressing installation (SVU). It consists of a hydraulic press that grips the top end of the sheet pile and submerges it into the soil. The movement of the IED across the territory of the future pile field is carried out on tracks or wide wheels. Installations with a large pressing force have a large self-weight, so their movement is provided by a "walking" mechanism.

IEDs are used without creating leader wells, that is, without drilling a well under the sheet pile.

The sheet pile wall is arranged with single sheet piles or interlocked in several pieces.

What dowels are there?

When building foundations in pits dug on loose, and especially on watered soils, or to strengthen the shores of seas, rivers, canals, etc., protective walls are built from a special metal profile, which is called the "Larsen tongue". The properties of a protective wall made of sheet piles under certain conditions are such that anti-seepage walls are erected from any varieties of Larsen sheet piles that do not allow water to pass through.

Sheet piles are made of carbon steel by hot rolling. The main regulatory document for production - GOST 4781-85, which stipulates the main technical requirements for hot rolled steel sections used as sheet piles. In addition to protective walls, these products can be used for the construction of cellular structures, for example, formwork for the construction of a concrete support for a road or railway bridge, supports for masts, etc.

The tongue is trough, Z-shaped and / or flat. Its name - "Larsen's groove" received at the beginning of the twentieth century in Germany by the name of its inventor - Bremen (Germany), the chief city state engineer Tryggve Larsen. In 1902, he proposed to connect U-shaped sheet piles into a wall using rivets. Later, in 1914, he improved the connection - on the lateral sides he began to make locks, with the help of which the tongue-and-groove profiles are still connected to each other. The connection can be made before the dowel piles are immersed or the hammered dowel pile can be connected to the already submerged one.

Larsen dowels are marked as follows:

Larsen sheet pile L5-UM.

In addition to GOST, Larsen sheet piles are produced according to TU ( technical specifications manufacturing plants):

TU 12-2-879-89 - Larsen type piles;

TU 14-102-147-93 - Larsen sheet pile L2-U, trough-type section;

TU 14-102-8-2010.

For more than 100 years, the design of locks (sheet piles) has been significantly improved.

Nowadays sheet piles of various sections are produced: flat, S-, L-, U-, Z-, Ʊ-shaped, etc. These sheet piles have quite different specifications that will allow you to achieve your goals.

In our company you can order design pile foundation or sheet piling according to SNiP 2.02.03-85, as well as

Trench sheet piling technology

Sheet piles are used to shield pits. They are steel or wood piles driven into the ground.

These fences are used only in cases where it is not possible to carry out work in the pits located in the slopes. Sheet piles reliably protect the ground, preventing it from collapsing during the construction of even the most serious structures.

Types of fences of this type

They are usually divided into several types:

  • Larsen sheet pile can rightfully be considered the most used in practice. This tongue is made in the form of a high quality metal profile. It has a groove-like shape, and its ends are rounded. They are also called "locks" due to the fact that when connected, they reliably protect the soil in the pit from landslides and similar phenomena during construction.
    These profiles form a kind of wall that will serve reliable protection during the construction of bridges, dams, berths and other types of work in need of fencing.
  • Ordinary iron dowels... Since Larsen's tongue means complex structure and is somewhat costly, more than cheap analogs.
    Iron dowels are versatile in nature. After the end of the construction, they are removed from the ground and can be used for other work. This is the low cost of this method: such dowels are not disposable, unlike the first type.
  • Concrete sheet piles are somewhat more expensive than the iron ones. They are not removed at the end of the work, and they become one with the foundation of the future building. This type is almost constantly used during the construction of multi-storey buildings.
  • Wooden dowels although economical, they have repeatedly confirmed their uselessness: they cannot be reused.

Larsen sheet pile

Depending on the type of sheet piling, the question of how the sheet pile is immersed in the ground is also appropriate. There are only four of them:
  • shock method(it is used regardless of the type of soil, the most versatile, it is carried out by driving piles into the ground with hammers);
  • vibration method(piles are immersed in the ground using a vibratory pile driver). This method is indispensable when working with dry, sandy soil;
  • pressing piles into the ground(used when driving piles into soil, mainly of clay and liquid type);
  • method of combined vibration pressing(carried out due to the mixture of the vibration method with the addition of weight from the machine that will perform the work). Suitable for soft and plastic soils.

Dipping the sheet pile into the ground

Sheet piling device

The design of such a fence will depend on the material from which it is built.

Wooden sheet piling is used only when you are sure that there are no stones, tree debris and other things in the ground. The depth to which the fence will be driven cannot be more than 6 meters. V otherwise it can be ineffective. The grooves are immersed in the ground close to each other for their entire length. It is very important to exclude the presence of even small cracks. When using a double rail, the width between the dowels should not exceed 1 meter.

If the sheet pile is immersed on the bottom of the river, then the depth should not be less than 2 meters. In order to minimize or completely exclude cases of washing out of the backfill, you need to take care of the outer row of the tongue, which must be tight. If the depth fluctuates within 3-5 meters, then the grooves between the walls of the sheet piling are filled with a mixture with a clay content of at least 15%.

Steel sheet piles are used for fencing only in solid ground. It is desirable to hammer them to a depth of at least 7 meters. Steel sheet piling is suitable for reuse if it is used strictly for its intended purpose and removed immediately after the end of construction work. When hammering in the dowels, one must not forget about the tightness of the fit along the entire perimeter of the fence. Usually, such fences are placed in such a way that the groundwater level is half a meter lower, and in relation to the water horizon - by 0.7 meters.

Sheet piles can be disassembled quite simply: with the help of harness belts, which are placed around the perimeter of the pit, and spacers located at the corners.

The fastening process takes place strictly depending on the method of soil development, and fastenings are installed depending on the depth of the pit. In order to facilitate the fastening process, it is advisable to use a railing in the form of a cylinder rather than a rectangle. They are made of steel and do not have cross braces.

With the help of mathematical calculations, you can easily determine how many belts you need to use, design their structure. It is also necessary to determine the installation locations depending on the height of the pit.

When installing sheet pile fences, one must not forget that they must be stable and durable not only during the removal of earth and liquid from the pit, but also during backfilling of the earth. Stability when removing the mount is also important.

Fences that are driven into the sand must be resistant to the possibility of an influx of water or soil into the pit, therefore, you need to check how deep the tongue is driven.

For fencing pits, prefabricated and collapsible lintels made of wood, metal or wood-metal are also used, which are located along the perimeter of the fastening and indicate the direction in which it is worth immersing the piles. Such lintels are disposable, and therefore their bottom contains wooden or metal holes for piles with a diameter greater than the diameter of the piles by 5 centimeters. The shields are supported on the bottom console, which is attached to the lintel so that there is no difficulty in disconnecting the lintel, and then it can be left in place at the end of all work. It is recommended to completely insulate the lower part of the lintel so that the concrete layer and shields have less adhesion to each other.

Photo of sheet piling made of pipes

What SNiP tells us

The main requirements of SNiP for sheet piling are as follows:

  1. The equipment is selected in accordance with the length of the pile components. If they reach a length of 26 meters, then it is necessary to provide the foundation with special marks for sheet piles. The equipment used for driving the sheet piles can be selected using computer programs, which give the result depending on the theory of the impact of waves.
  2. Measures such as flushing or leader wells are not recommended to be used arbitrarily. They help to facilitate piling and sheet piling, but should be coordinated with the project organization if the vibration speed is less than 5 centimeters per minute or if elements fail less than 0.2 centimeters.
  3. Wash used for comfortable immersion sheet piles is possible only in areas that are located far from buildings. The minimum distance is 20 meters. The immersion depth should be at least double. After the piles are submerged, the underflow must be removed, and the sheet pile is submerged with a hammer or vibrator to the desired depth.
  4. If the distance is less than 5 meters, then the immersion of piles with a dignity of 40 by 40 centimeters is strictly prohibited. Sheet piles with a section of 1 meter and empty round piles with a diameter of less than 0.7 m are not allowed to steel pipelines with a pressure of not more than 2 MPa. If the pressure is higher, then the piles and sheet piles should be immersed at shorter distances only during the survey.
    An important stage There is also an assessment of the risk of dynamic impact on buildings from the use of a vibratory driver required for the installation of piles. The assessment takes place depending on the distortion of the soil, the quality of technological tools and the acceptability of fluctuations in sanitary requirements.
  5. The following types of piles are subject to inspection: up to 8 m long, underloaded by more than 10% of the planned immersion. The reasons for the difficulty of the descent are found out, and a verdict is made on the use of other tongue-and-groove piles or the use of additional ones.
  6. Work related to the device pile foundations and pile fences must be strictly controlled in accordance with the necessary standards.

Fencing mounting technology

Installation of pipes in the wells can be done in different ways, but in any of them the first stage will be drilling of literary wells.

The most common drilling method is screw and ball... In these types, the walls of the wells are anchored using a clay mud at a certain pressure level. Greater packing density of the pipe will be ensured thanks to the clay. The price for this type of work will depend on the depth to which the pipes will be lowered, the quality of the soil and labor intensity. The quality of installation directly depends on the way the sheet piles are immersed.

There are the following methods of dipping sheet piles:

  • The sheet pile is driven in with pile drivers. For example, a pendulum pile driver. But it is not used in the city due to the dense arrangement of buildings.
  • The sheet pile is immersed in pre-drilled wells.
  • The tongue is screwed and pressed. In this case, it is a steel pipe.
  • The sheet pile is lowered into a pre-drilled well, which is simultaneously filled with cement.

The video shows the process of vibrating the sheet pile into the ground:

Example of calculation of sheet piling

Calculations are carried out at all stages of work in order to reliably verify the reliability of raw materials and the structure as a whole.

The overturning strength of the fence is found as follows: the calculated overturning moment of the forces must be less than the ratio of the work data coefficient, divided by the safety coefficient for the intended purpose and multiplied by the calculated instant of the holding forces.

In order to check the tongue for hardness, you need to check wall, logs and strapping.

How strong the sheet pile wall is, you can find out in this way: the ratio of the moment in the section of the sheet pile wall from the calculated loads to the moment of resistance must be less than or equal to the calculated resistance of the strapping material multiplied by the coefficient of working conditions.

After that, you need to check the strength of the strapping: the ratio of the compressive force in the strapping to the cross-sectional area of ​​the strapping, plus the ratio of the instant in the section to the moment of resistance of the strapping, should be less than or equal to the calculated resistance of the strapping material multiplied by the coefficient of working conditions.

Next, it is necessary to check the tongue of the cylindrical fence for the rupture of the locks: the calculated horizontal radial force in the fence contour must be less than or equal to the ratio of the working conditions factor multiplied by design resistance rupture to the safety factor.

It must be remembered that the amount of horizontal pressure on the pit wall can only be determined based on soil data. The pressure for sandy and clay soil is somewhat different.

A completely different situation of calculations in the case of immersion of the sheet pile in the sand. We must not forget that the sheet pile wall will perceive all the effects of water from the outside. For strength testing, the sheet pile wall is calculated to find bending moments and shear forces in beams or supports. If it is necessary to find bending moments in supports, then the force method is used.

If the sheet pile is immersed in clay, then it is believed that the pressure on its wall is caused only by the pressure of water, which penetrates to a certain depth, which can also be calculated: you need to multiply 0.7 by the depth of immersion of the sheet pile.

Driving depth is determined in exactly the same way as wall stability. The equation will be solved until a suitable loading depth is found.

How strong the fence wall is, and whether it can withstand the pressure, is tested by considering the wall as a beam with two or more supports. The pressure of water and earth can be calculated by multiplying their standard pressures by the safety factors under the current load. They are constant values: 1.2 - if the ground pressure is active, 0.8 - if it is passive.

Whatever the result of the calculations, but the depth of driving for clay and sandy soil should be taken at least 2 meters, and in a fence with a layer of concrete - at least 1 meter. Stability should be checked in advance, while pumping out water from the pit.

The construction company BEST-STROY performs the installation of sheet piling of a foundation pit made of pipes and Larsen sheet piles at construction sites in Moscow, the region and other regions of Russia.


The price of the pit sheet piling is from 550 rubles. for 1 running meter... Taking into account the turnover of the sheet pile. We are ready to work on FER.

Order for your object!

The final estimate can be optimized when performed by the company a full cycle of work on the foundation.

Work Sheet piling device Development of a pit Pile driving Vibro-immersion of piles Pressing piles
Unit rev. r.m. cub.m r.m. r.m. r.m.
price, rub. from 550 from 450 from 500 from 650 from 750

Types of sheet piling

Based on soil conditions, features construction site, configuration and depth of the pit - various types of sheet piling can be used. In some cases - wooden or reinforced concrete piles, driven by driving. But in mass construction, sheet piling made of pipes and Larsen profiles are most widely used.

Pipe groove

An excerpt of the pit after it was fastened with pipes

The use of a pipe sheet pile is justified for economic reasons in the absence of the need for dewatering since this profile does not provide airtightness. Metal tubular sheet piling with a diameter of 300-500 mm is an affordable material with a high turnover rate. It is unpretentious in storage, transportation and in the immersion methods used.

Due to the lack of coupling, sheet pile pipes provide sufficient strength of the fence wall under additional conditions (shallow excavation, low load, or the installation of reinforcing belts, spacers, ground anchors, spacer systems), the need for which is determined based on the results of calculations. Fencing the walls of the excavation from pipes differs in relative simplicity and economy. Sheet piling elements, as a rule, in shallow excavations in solid soils, are immersed at significant intervals. At the same time, soil spillage is insignificant, and the speed of work is high while ensuring sufficient strength of the fence.

Often sheet piling of the pit and picking up from boards applied simultaneously (based on a technical and economic comparison different options execution of the fence), which ensures cost reduction. The submerged sheet pile ensures the strength of the pit wall, and the boards made of boards protect against spilling of loose or even clayey rock.

Larsen sheet piling

Larsen sheet piling in stock

The desire to provide acceptable strength of pits in difficult geological conditions of construction led to the creation of a sheet pile with locks, first proposed by the German engineer Larsen at the beginning of the last century.

The main advantage of Larsen sheet piling in additional strength due to the interlocking coupling of the elements. This makes it possible to develop foundation pits great depth with a high load from sedimentary rocks, as well as in dense buildings with a high load from neighboring structures. A fence made of this sheet pile does not differ from other sheet piling elements in its simplicity of work, but is significantly higher in terms of load capacity.

Larssen sheet piling device

An additional advantage of this sheet pile is its tightness, due to which it becomes possible to carry out dewatering simultaneously with the installation of the fence.

The Larsen tongue and groove is a metal U-shaped profile of a special cross-sectional configuration with strong locking grooves, symmetrical in cross-section. Each subsequent sheet pile, when immersed in the ground, is rotated 180 degrees about the vertical axis, brought into adhesion with the previous one and buried. This creates a strong, unbreakable sheet pile wall.

The most common types of elements in mass construction Larsen sheet pile L5 and L4 are made up to 466 mm wide and up to 24 m long, the dimensions and design of which are specified in TU 14-2-879-89. The sheet pile L5 and L4 can be immersed repeatedly, on the basis of which they have good performance turnover.

Fencing sheet piling immersion technology

Finished wall of the groove, secured with a pipe sheet pile

There are 5 main technologies of immersion of the sheet piling of the pit fencing:

  • vibrator for sheet piling- the most widespread technology, due to the high speed of installation, and therefore productivity. A vibratory pile driver is a basic machine (excavator, crane or tractor) with suspended equipment (a vibratory pile driver itself, consisting of hydraulic motors with eccentrics mounted on a frame and a hydraulic station),
  • static indentation of tongue- the quietest and most gentle to the strength properties of the soil and to the foundations of nearby buildings, the sheet pile is immersed in a pile-pressing installation,
  • hammering and preliminary leadership sheet piling, or without drilling - the most affordable way when using a piling rig with a diesel hammer,
  • and a little more expensive, but more controlled in the process - hammering the sheet pile with a hydraulic hammer,
  • screwing and indentation of the tubular sheet pile with a pile drilling rig.

The immersion of the fence sheet pile into the ground occurs before digging a pit on a leveled construction site around the perimeter of the future excavation. In solid soils, drilling under the sheet pile is preliminarily performed, which ensures a guaranteed achievement of the design depth, a decrease in the dynamic impact through the soil on the foundations of neighboring buildings, the use of less powerful (and therefore less expensive to operate) equipment and acceleration of the immersion operation.

Hammering the sheet pile without drilling the leaders is the easiest and most inexpensive way to construct sheet pile fences. It is used most often when there are no special requirements for the noise level and dynamic effects on the foundations of nearby buildings through the ground. Performed by pile drivers.

Vibration driving of sheet piling

At high blood pressure from sedimentary rocks and, moreover, under the load from the soil under closely located buildings, the usual sheet piling may be insufficient to properly strengthen the wall of the excavation. In these cases, additional measuresfastening the walls of the pit... Designers and builders have at their disposal a wide range of methods and technical solutions:

  • installation of a longitudinal belt from a metal profile (channel, I-beam),
  • the use of reinforcing struts made of rolled metal, abutting one end against the bottom of the pit, and the other against the wall,
  • the use of spacer systems from a metal profile - their designs can be varied in complexity and design,
  • installation of ground anchors - reinforced concrete anchors buried in the soil.

Calculation of the sheet piling of the excavation

Calculation of sheet piling is carried out in accordance with regulatory documents in construction, SNiPs, SP and GOSTs based on the design parameters of the depth and configuration of the pit, data from geological and hydrotechnical surveys on the territory of the construction site. The types and types of soil, their strength, angle are taken into account natural slope, humidity, groundwater level, features of sheet piling immersion technologies. The sheet piling of the excavation is mandatory in any soil conditions at a depth of more than 5 meters. And with sandy and other types of weak, crumbling soils - and with a shallower excavation depth.

In the case of watered soils and at the level of aquifers above the depth of trenches and pits - Special attention paid to dewatering. This is achieved different methods, among which preference is given to the immersion of the Larsen sheet pile into the underlying layer, which provides not only excellent strength of the fence, but also its tightness.

Dewatering in a pit

Increased protection against powerful filtration of groundwater is achieved by using sealing compounds manually applied to the tongue and groove locks before they are immersed in the ground. Removing the sealant-reinforced sheet pile after completion of the building is too time consuming. In such situations, the sheet pile wall is not removable.

The output data of the calculations, the guiding documents for the construction are POS (work organization project), PPR (work production project). They take into account preparatory work, materials and equipment used, methods and sequence of sheet piling works, sheet piling immersion and, if necessary, its extraction from the ground, safety precautions.

Sheet piling equipment

Fencing of the pit with a sheet pile is carried out using modern special equipment. We use the following equipment:

Strengthening the sheet pile wall

In cases where additional strength is required, the sheet pile wall is reinforced with a profile-rolled belt, ground anchors or a spacer system. If anchors or spacers are performed, then a belt is required. The spacer system is easier and cheaper to install, but it takes away inner space pit and reduces the mobility of work, which can affect the production time. Or it requires a larger excavation area, which leads to additional costs for digging. In this sense, ground anchors are more convenient, although their construction is more expensive.

We know how to make strong tongue-and-groove walls of foundation pits and at the same time invest in an estimate. If you need a sheet pile fence for a foundation pit - BEST-STROY (Moscow) will perform it reliably and on time, in compliance with the project and SNiPs.

Order a calculation of the cost of sheet piling

Fill in the data and send - in response you will receive a calculation of the cost of sheet piling in the first approximation. The final cost may depend on the specifics of the project.