Do-it-yourself insulation of a balcony with stone wool. Loggia insulation technology with mineral wool

To convert a balcony from a ski, bicycle and storage warehouse into a cozy living space that you can use at your own discretion all year round, it it is necessary to isolate as much as possible from the influence of external factors, that is, to insulate.

You need to start with glazing, closing the space between the upper edge of the parapet and the top plate with high-quality energy-saving window frames. metal-plastic structures... Then, it is necessary to effectively insulate the remaining external balcony surfaces, thereby protecting the now residential balcony from external temperature extremes and street noise.

For these purposes, you can use several types thermal insulation materials , one of which is mineral wool. The main characteristics of this heat insulator, as well as how to make a balcony insulation with mineral wool with your own hands, will be discussed further.

Advantages and disadvantages of mineral wool

This heat insulator is produced by melting certain types of minerals, followed by the formation of a fibrous structure. Previously, glass or raw materials for its production were used as raw materials, which is why the insulation was called glass wool. This insulation had good performance characteristics, however, was extremely uncomfortable at work.

Now they use basalt rocks and blast furnace slag... Thanks to this, mineral wool causes less discomfort when working with it, while maintaining excellent heat and sound insulation properties.

This material comes in different densities. Less dense cotton wool has a loose structure. It goes on sale rolled into rolls, and is usually used for internal insulation, as well as for thermal insulation of ceilings with your own hands from the side of the attic space.

High-density wool is usually used as an external heat insulator and less often as a floor insulation. Available in the form of rectangular sheets different thickness... It comes on sale in the form of packs in which several mats of material are laid.

Mineral wool has the following positive qualities:

  • minimum thermal conductivity;
  • absolute incombustibility;
  • high vapor permeability;
  • non-toxicity.

This insulating material has and weak sides, namely:

  • high hygroscopicity;
  • tendency to caking (with low density cotton wool);
  • uncomfortable at work, especially when insulating ceilings from inside the building.

It should be noted that the listed disadvantages are relative. So that the mineral wool does not absorb moisture, you need to ensure effective waterproofing... In order to protect yourself from contact with fragments of insulation fibers, it is necessary to use overalls and personal protective equipment (gloves, respirator, goggles).

Thermal insulation of the balcony mineral wool, process description

You can make thermal insulation of balcony surfaces by using high-density mineral wool, followed by plastering or using loose roll insulation under cladding with plastic or wooden lining, moisture resistant gypsum plasterboard on a pre-made crate. Both options are good and worth considering.

Insulation for plastering.

  1. To prepare work surface parapet and upper slab (ceiling). To do this, you need to clean it of dust and weak fragments and soak it with a high-quality primer.
  2. Cover the indicated areas with sheets of high density mineral wool. For this, a special glue is used. It must be diluted in the proportions indicated by the manufacturer. The glue is applied to the working side of the mineral wool sheet, first in a continuous thin layer, after which "slides" of the glue mass are formed in the corners of the mat, between them and in the center. After that, the insulation sheet is glued under the control of verticality (or horizontal, if on the ceiling).
  3. After the glue mass has completely hardened (24 hours), the insulation sheets are additionally fixed with dowels with a wide head (umbrellas). Umbrellas are installed between the corners of the mats so that one hat simultaneously attracts both adjacent pieces of insulation. One dowel is attached to the middle of the mat.
  4. Now the surface of the insulation needs to be covered with a leveling layer of a special plaster mortar using reinforcing fiberglass mesh. After hardening, another thin layer of mortar is applied. Then you can apply some decorative plaster as a finish.

Insulation under the cladding.

  1. You need to start with waterproofing balcony surfaces. To do this, they are treated with any available waterproofing agent ( bituminous mastic, for example).
  2. Now you need to build a crate of wooden bars or a galvanized metal profile.
  3. A roll heat insulator is placed in the space between the balcony surfaces and the future cladding.
  4. On top of the insulation, a waterproofing film (polyethylene can be used) or penofol (with foil inside the balcony) is fixed.
  5. It remains to make the trimming the finishing material.

Do-it-yourself floor insulation on the balcony

You can also make an insulated floor on the balcony in at least two ways:

  • make an insulated screed, followed by coating with a finishing floor material;
  • build a wooden floor on logs with insulation.

In the first case, it is more expedient to use moisture-resistant polymer extruded polystyrene foam as a heat insulator.

Mineral wool can be used under the wooden floor. To do this, do the following with your own hands.

  1. Make waterproofing balcony slab by treating with bituminous mastic.
  2. Install lags. Their height should be slightly more than the thickness of the insulation.
  3. Place mineral wool between the lags.
  4. Fasten on top of a layer of any of the above-mentioned waterproofing material.
  5. Sew a board.

For reading 8 min.

All residents of apartments with a balcony or loggia sooner or later think about the fact that it would be nice to insulate the room. In summer, on the balcony, you can calmly rest or even sleep without fear of freezing. But with the arrival of winter, it will no longer be possible to use an uninsulated balcony as an additional room. In addition, if old windows in poor condition are added to the lack of insulation, the cold from the street makes its way into the room itself.

In order to be able to rationally use the entire area of ​​housing, and save on heating, it is worth insulating the balcony. There are various Construction Materials for work of this kind. However, the most popular among them are mineral wool, which will be discussed in this article.

Advantages and disadvantages of mineral wool as a material for insulation

The name "mineral wool" combines several materials that are almost identical to each other both in structure and in production technology. The properties of these materials are also similar, so you can describe them as a whole.

Positive aspects of using mineral wool:

  • excellent sound insulation, which will especially appeal to people living near noisy roads or in houses with large courtyards;
  • insulation with this material can be done at any time of the year;
  • a fairly simple installation method, so even a non-professional can handle it;
  • good thermal insulation qualities;
  • this material not subject to fire;
  • light weight, which is convenient both for transporting material and for carrying out work.

In addition to a number of advantages, this material also has its disadvantages, which you should definitely familiarize yourself with before proceeding with repair work on the balcony.

Here are the main disadvantages of mineral wool:

  • instability to moisture. When liquid gets in, the material is simply deformed and crumpled;
  • cotton wool tends to crumble while working with it, so you need to be careful. In addition, after the completion of the work, a lot of small debris will remain, and additional time will be required for cleaning;
  • work with this material is possible only with special clothing, as well as glasses, gloves and a respirator mask. And after the installation is complete, you must immediately carefully clean the balcony using a vacuum cleaner.

Preparatory work before installing mineral wool

Before proceeding with the work, it is necessary to carefully prepare the balcony itself and evaluate it Current state... V otherwise the installation may turn out to be of poor quality, and the insulation will not bring the expected effect.

The main stages of preparation for the insulation of the balcony:

Installation of insulation in the surface of the balcony

The process of insulating a balcony with mineral wool itself takes place in several stages. It is very important to strictly adhere to each of them, since compliance with all the rules is a guarantee of quality and long service the work done.

Such an insulated and heated balcony will help expand the area of ​​the apartment: it can be turned into a full-fledged small room. Depending on the size, it can accommodate a couple of chairs and a table. You will get a cozy place to relax. True, in this case, you will also have to take care of the lighting.

Also, the insulated balcony becomes an excellent place for, and with the proper level of heating and sufficient space, you can make additional sleeping place... This solution will be especially relevant for small and one-room apartments.

Warming with a rolled type of mineral wool is more difficult - but it is still possible, see how this is done in our video:

The loggia has an area that is winter time it is desirable to make it comfortable for living. To do this, it is necessary to insulate it. One longitudinal side of the loggia borders on your apartment, the other goes out onto the street, the sides adjoin the walls of neighbors. Based on this, Special attention should be given to the open side on which the windows will be located.


Most of the heat escapes through the window space. With this in mind, it is necessary to supply quality windows. Best to choose plastic windows with two double-glazed windows. They are durable, practical, and have good soundproofing properties. Their only drawback is that they do not allow air to enter the room, which can lead to an increase in condensation. To avoid this, it is necessary to ventilate the loggia more often.

Choosing a method of insulation

It is necessary to decide on the method of insulation: outside or inside. When choosing an option, you should consider where the dew point will be. The dew point is the temperature at which water vapor condenses on the colder side. With external insulation, the wall remains warm, the living space inside the room is not lost. Outdoor way much more effective than internal. But this option is fraught with technical difficulties, since it can only be performed by industrial climbers. When insulating from the inside, the thickness of the selected material should be increased, and the work itself should be done by hand.

Material selection

The choice of materials for insulation is very large. It can be various types of foam, mineral wool, foamed polyethylene. Most cheap way- insulation of the loggia with mineral wool. Cotton wool is a fibrous material obtained by melting of various kinds raw materials. This can be glass, volcanic rocks, or blast furnace slag. In this regard, there are several types of this insulation: glass wool, stone or basalt wool and slag. These materials are good insulation materials, have good sound absorption, are light and easy to install, but are susceptible to moisture.

Glass wool

Glass wool has a large wet wrinkle, increased fragility of fibers. The smallest fragments of glass wool can penetrate the lungs, eyes, and get on the skin, so this material must be tightly packed in plastic bags. For safety reasons, when working with it, you must use gloves, glasses, a respirator, overalls. Cotton wool can be produced in rolls, mats and slabs.

Stone wool

Stone or basalt wool is of the highest quality. It is not flammable, durable, resistant to deformation, easy to install, more dense. Its shrinkage is no more than 5%. Mainly produced in slabs. It is advisable to stop your choice on her. Use boards with a thickness of 50-100 mm.

Slag wool

Slag wool for insulation is not bad, but it is very hygroscopic and has low vibration resistance, which is why its durability is low. Therefore, it is in less demand.

Floor insulation

The floor slab is first of all cleared of debris. Waterproofing is placed on the cleaned floor. It can be thick polyethylene or roofing felt. On top of the waterproofing layer, a lathing made of wooden beams is attached, having the same thickness as the material. It needs to be processed
antiseptic. The crate is attached to the floor slab with dowels. Then, insulation is placed in it, between the bars. It should be borne in mind that mineral wool with a low density will shrink. Therefore, the dimensions of its sheets should be larger in terms of the area of ​​the space where it is inserted. The inserted insulation is covered with polyethylene, which is fastened to the bars with a stapler.
The floor covering can be made: - with a floorboard, treated with penotex, which will preserve its characteristics. It is advisable to use a grooved board that has grooves and projections; - OSB board. We nail the plate or attach it to the crate with self-tapping screws. We lay the laminate on it. It can be covered with linoleum or carpet after the walls and ceiling have been insulated.

Insulation of the ceiling and walls

If the floor of your neighbor on top of the loggia is insulated, then the insulation of the ceiling of your loggia disappears, but its lining is better done. The wall adjacent to the living room need not be insulated, as it is warm. It is better to carry out electrical wiring on it for the installation of outlets and a switch.
To insulate the ceiling and walls, it is necessary to make a lathing from a bar with a section of 50x40 mm in increments of about 500 mm. The installation of the bars must be started from the corners of the loggia. Attach the bars to the ceiling and walls with self-tapping screws and treat with an antiseptic. Then start the insulation itself. Cut sheets of mineral wool are glued special glue to the wall and ceiling of the loggia. The glue should have the consistency of sour cream. They need to generously lubricate the bonding surface. Additionally, sheets of insulation can be attached with dowels "fungi".
The next stage of insulation is vapor barrier. It can be done with dense polyethylene, but better with foamed polyethylene foam. The foil should face the inside of the loggia to keep it warm. After warming, we carry out the final work. We nail the topcoat to the bars of the ceiling and walls. It can be PVC lining, wooden lining or other materials. We fix the plinths on the floor, and install special corners to the corners of the walls and between the walls and the ceiling.
The insulation of the loggia with mineral wool has been successfully completed and your loggia is ready to live in the cold season.

If you want your balcony or loggia to be usable all year round, an important milestone the solution of the problem becomes the insulation of this space. Note that the improvement possibilities for a loggia are much wider than for a balcony. Firstly, the loggia is initially a more closed place, which is much easier to work with, and secondly, it is able to withstand much greater loads due to the presence of side walls. This implies more wide choose materials for its insulation and decoration. A universal solution would be to insulate the balcony with mineral wool, which is perfect for insulating a loggia. This is one of the most demanded materials, so its properties and installation rules deserve attention.

Advantages and disadvantages of mineral wool

If you decide to insulate the loggia with mineral wool, then first you must learn better about this material. Mineral wool is called several materials that are similar in manufacturing technology and structure; their set of properties is also almost the same.

Among positive qualities you can mention:

  • excellent heat and sound insulation;
  • light weight;
  • form convenient for installation;
  • incombustibility.

How important the weight parameters are for balcony structures has already been discussed. Noise protection, in addition to keeping warmth, is very useful and relevant when converting a balcony into a living space. Fire safety is one of the justified requirements for the materials that are used in finishing the balcony, and the mineral wool is fully consistent with it.

But the objective characterization of the material implies an analysis of not only its pluses, but also minuses. Mineral wool has two main disadvantages. First, it absorbs moisture, deforming under its influence and losing beneficial features... Secondly, mineral wool crumbles quite easily, forming dust harmful to the respiratory system. To solve the first problem, it is necessary to provide the insulation with high-quality waterproofing. On the second point, we note that laid and closed decorative trim mineral wool poses no danger. Installation is recommended to be carried out in protective clothing, including gloves, in a respirator and goggles, and after completion of work, the room should be thoroughly vacuumed and washed.

Works on the balcony using mineral wool

Obviously, work on the improvement of the balcony is not limited to the installation of thermal insulation materials. And it is important to understand that the effectiveness of insulation largely depends on the quality of work at other stages. Therefore, we will begin the description not with the installation of the insulation, but with the previous stage, at which the base surfaces are prepared.

Stages preceding insulation

Before you start insulating the balcony with mineral wool, you need to complete all the necessary measurements. At the same time, it is recommended to immediately remove all unnecessary from the balcony so that nothing interferes with measurements and repair work. If you have a balcony, not a loggia, then in addition to taking measurements, it is necessary to assess whether the slab will withstand the expected load, and, if necessary, adjust the plans. The transformation of a balcony or loggia into a closed space begins with glazing. On the loggia, the fence is usually concrete or brick, that is, quite reliable, but on the balcony it most often has to be supplemented or even replaced. Glazing in most cases is performed using plastic frames with double-glazed windows.

Preparation base surfaces It has great importance to achieve the desired result. They must provide primary protection from cold and moisture, so all joints and gaps need to be filled, usually this is used for this polyurethane foam... In addition to performing standard repair procedures for cleaning old finish and subsequent priming, before laying the insulation, the surface must be waterproofed. This primarily applies to the floor, but the treatment of walls and ceilings is also desirable, especially on the balcony, which is less protected from external environment than a loggia. Waterproofing agents can be rolled or coated, usually based on bitumen or polyurethane. Protection from moisture is very important if mineral wool is used as insulation, which loses its desired properties from water.

Warming the loggia with mineral wool begins with the manufacture of the crate, for which they are usually used wooden bar... For walls and, most importantly, for the floor, it is better to take a timber with a thickness of 0.5-1 cm more than that of mineral wool slabs, this will help create an additional air gap... Sometimes, instead of a bar, it is used metallic profile although this is less rational. The elements of the lathing must be positioned in such a way that the width of the resulting cells is about 1 cm less than that of the insulation boards. This is to avoid the appearance of voids after shrinkage of the material.

First, the insulation is mounted on the ceiling, then on the walls and, finally, on the floor. For the ceiling, it is better to choose a denser type of material. You need to apply special glue to the plate and install it in place. Plates located on the ceiling and walls can be fixed for greater reliability using dowels-fungi or rails, which are fixed on the crate with screws or brackets. So that the slats do not protrude, in the right places make notches on the bar. There is no need to additionally fix the insulation on the floor. It is important to remember that you cannot step on mineral wool, therefore, when laying it on the floor, it is recommended to put a board on the crate so that it is comfortable to walk. The joints of the slabs can be coated with the same glue that was used earlier. If a gap has formed somewhere, it must be filled with mineral wool by cutting out a piece of the appropriate size.

To gently insert the mineral wool slab into the cell, you need to bend it slightly (it will be more convenient to install it this way), and straighten it in place. You can evenly press it over the entire surface using a piece of plywood cut in advance to the size of the cell. After fixing such a piece on the crate, you will ensure that the insulation is fixed in place until the glue dries.

Completion of work

After the insulation is installed, it is necessary to provide a vapor barrier from the inside of the room. The best way- penofol, it not only protects from steam, but also serves as an additional layer of thermal insulation. This material is mounted end-to-end, with a foil layer inside the room. The joints are sealed with aluminum tape. Ordinary polyethylene can be used to solve the problem. It can be laid end-to-end or overlapped, and its wide enough width allows the number of seams to be kept to a minimum. And the final stage is the installation of the topcoat.

So, the insulation of the balcony with mineral wool has many advantages, and the disadvantages can be neutralized with the help correct installation... And now you know how to do it. It is modern, comfortable and effective method insulation. It is perfect for thermal insulation of a balcony, where it is highly undesirable to use heavy materials.

The development of the window industry has led to the emergence of profile structures for balcony frames that can effectively retain heat in a room, with a high degree of noise absorption from the street and protection from precipitation and dust.

In this regard, the homeowners have an excellent opportunity not only to use the balcony room for a comfortable exit outside the apartment at any time of the year, but also to use it as a living room. Many, after insulating the balcony with mineral wool or foam, remove the balcony door leaf, thereby increasing the volume of usable living space. The resulting space is used for their own purposes - they take out a refrigerator to the balcony or loggia, hob and lockers, make of them a workshop or study.

To achieve maximum effect keeping warm in the room, along with the right choice balcony frame, it is equally important to decide how to insulate the balcony from the inside, that is, choose a heater.

In the construction industry, two types of insulating material are equally widely used - expanded polystyrene (foam) and mineral wool, each has its own technological advantages and disadvantages.

Fig. 1 Do-it-yourself balcony insulation with mineral wool

A loggia or balcony insulated from the inside belongs to the category of residential premises, therefore, increased requirements are imposed on the material of the insulation. The main criteria for comparing foam and mineral wool can be the following parameters materials:

Thermal conductivity

Insulation materials should be highly consistent with their name. Low thermal conductivity will not only save material, reducing the cost of purchasing it, but also thermal and electrical energy for heating, for which you have to pay. Less heat-conducting material will take up less volume with the same characteristics as its counterpart - this is important when used on a small balcony.

Environmental friendliness

The main requirement for all materials used in the decoration of residential premises, because health is the most precious thing.

Fire safety

For balcony heaters, it is important to be protected from matches or cigarettes falling from above, but their falling on an unprotected surface is unlikely - the insulation of loggias with mineral wool and foam after installation undergoes a surface finish. In case of fire, resistance to ignition and the absence of harmful and toxic waste products when exposed to direct fire or high temperatures on the material are equally important.

Sound insulating properties

Insulation mounted on the walls of a balcony or loggia affects sound absorption to a much lesser extent than balcony frame therefore the parameter is not so important.

Rice 2 Basalt mineral wool

Hygroscopicity and vapor permeability. Insulation mounted on concrete walls of balconies and loggias should not absorb and accumulate moisture from the slabs. Its steam permeability, which contributes to the ventilation of the premises, is not so important - the material undergoes a surface finish.

Life time. The insulation should not decompose and lose its physical (shrinkage) and chemical (decomposition) properties for a long time and from the influence of climatic factors.

Ease of installation. The insulation material should be easy to process and install, it is desirable that its surface is flat and smooth to facilitate further finishing.

Biological stability. The material must not promote the formation of mold and mildew.

Price. The price of insulation for finishing a balcony is not so significant due to the low consumption of material due to the small area of ​​the room.

The main parameters of mineral wool

Rice. 3 Insulation of the loggia with mineral wool in rolls

The industry produces several types of mineral wool for insulating building facades and interior walls premises:

Glass wool

Made of 5 - 15 micron thin glass filaments. length 15 - 50 mm., has a thermal conductivity of 0.038-0.052 W / m. * K., resistant to high temperatures up to 450 C, does not burn. Currently, it is morally obsolete and is not used for household insulation due to its harmful properties - volatile sharp glass (a respirator and protective clothing are required for work.)


It is obtained by processing blast-furnace slag into fine fibers 16 mm long. and a diameter of 4 - 12 microns. The material absorbs moisture well and is caustic, non-flammable, emits harmful substances, therefore it is not used for external insulation and in living quarters. Has a thermal conductivity of 0.46 - 0.48 W / (m * K) and withstands temperatures up to 250 C, forms acid when moisture gets in, corroding metal structures.

Basalt (stone) wool

Insulation made of rock basalt made of thin BTF (thickness 5 - 15 microns.) Or superthin STBF (thickness 1 - 3 microns.) Fiber is designed for use inside residential premises (insulation of the floor, walls and ceiling), is produced in the form of rolls, mats or slabs.

Rice. 4 Thermal insulation of the balcony floor stone wool in sheets

To insulate balconies, it is more practical to use slabs with a thickness of 50 mm., Which are easily mounted on umbrellas or glue and are easier to give exterior decoration Unlike roll types requiring the installation of the frame.

The main specifications fine fiber basalt slabs:

Thermal conductivity. The thermal conductivity coefficient of a stone slab is 0.46 - 0.48 W / (m * K).

Soundproofing. Fine fiber stone slabs have a maximum sound absorption coefficient of 0.80 - 0.95%.

Hydrophobicity. The structure of the board allows it to absorb moisture, which fills the air voids between the fibers, without being absorbed into the material.

Flammability. The material is not flammable, the melting point of basalt fiber is about 1000 C.

Water vapor permeability. Basalt mineral wool is good for air permeability.

Biological and chemical resistance. Basalt does not contain organics that contribute to the formation of mold and mildew. The material is not afraid of acids.

Treatment. Plates are easily cut with a hacksaw and adhere well to the walls, their surface, when applying the mesh, perfectly holds plaster solutions.

Physical characteristics. Stone wool slabs have a density of up to 400 kg / cm. cubic meters, thanks to which they retain their geometry and are not subject to stalling and shrinkage.

Environmental friendliness. Like all natural materials basalt is harmless to human health.

Properties of Styrofoam (Styrofoam)

Fig 5. The structure of the foam

The material is a pressed polystyrene foam granules with a diameter of 5 - 15 mm. Foam plastic is 98% composed of air enclosed in granules; pressed plates with a thickness of 30 or 50 mm are used to insulate balconies. with a density of 25 - 35 kg / m3 (this parameter is indicated in the marking of the foam - PSB 15,25,35). The densest foam grade PSB-35 in accordance with GOST-15588-86 has the following physical characteristics:

Thermal conductivity. In foam, it is considered lower than mineral wool, its maximum value is 0.037 W / m * K.

Hydrophobicity. The material practically does not absorb water, water absorption is 2% of its mass.

Noise isolation. The material is not very high rate absorption of noise, reducing its level by an average of 4 dB.

Temperature resistance. Polyfoam is classified as a combustible material of 3 - 4 classes, its melting point is 270 C. It ignites at a temperature of +491 C. and does not support combustion, having a self-extinguishing time of about 4 seconds (for fire resistance, the antiprene indicated in the marking with the letter C is added to its composition) ...

Resistant to chemicals and bacteria. The material is resistant to most household chemical substances, does not support the formation of mold and colonies of microorganisms.

Environmental friendliness. According to the manufacturer, the material is inert and does not emit substances harmful to health. There is a different opinion, according to which the foam gives off styrene and mass. harmful substances during oxidation.

Mounting. Styrofoam is excellently processed, its even and smooth surface is good for applying finishing materials.

Price. Polyfoam is 2 - 2.5 times cheaper than mineral wool.

Rice. 6 Thermal insulation of the balcony floor with foam from the inside

When deciding what is the best way to insulate the balcony - with foam or mineral wool, in the case of concrete walls, you can give preference to dense foam (PSB-35) - the material is cheaper, lends itself well to processing and finishing, has a lower thermal conductivity. In addition, basalt wool, when installed on concrete plates without vapor barrier, it can absorb moisture from them - this significantly reduces its heat-shielding parameters.

If a balcony with a metal fence is insulated, it is preferable to use stone wool, which has high sound-absorbing properties.