How to whitewash the ceiling with a vacuum cleaner: surface preparation, options for preparing the solution, the instruction on the whitewash. What is better and how can you beat the ceiling? Better to whiten the ceiling

/ Labor Automation - Teaches with a vacuum cleaner or collapse?

Labor Automation - Teaches with a vacuum cleaner or collapse?

Whatever modern, the options for finishing the ceilings, many still use the old methods of bringing the ceiling surface to the proper look. Under such methods, as a rule, the whitening of ceiling using chalk or lime blots is understood.

But the process is quite difficult and vigorous. To make it easier for work, many use mechanized staining methods, applying the most ordinary vacuum cleaners or special sprayers for these purposes.

What is kraskopult

Technique still does not like to stand like creative process Inventors who have invented a fairly simple and inexpensive device, a significantly facilitating process of applying paints on the surface. This device, called the paintopult.

The paintopult is essentially a sprayer in which air under pressure is injected. Through the nozzle of the sprayer, the air leaves at high speed and strength, fascinating the paint particles, which settles on the stained surface.

Previously, ordinary vacuum cleaner was often used for these purposes. In the configuration of many of them, even special hose nozzles were allowed to use the unit itself, as a large pressure supercharger. The nozzle dressed on a jar in which a sprayed solution was located.

In the video below, you can see how the vacuum cleaner or the spray gun. This method did not lose the relevance and now, so if necessary, it is possible to easily collect something similar at home, making the paintopult with your own hands.

Since then, the paintopult has changed outwardly, but the principle of its work is unchanged. It can be like with the manual pumping of the desired pressure, and with an electric motor that ensures the desired pressure in the system.

Use of vacuum cleaner

Not suitable every vacuum cleaner. This model is needed that has a blowing hole for air, where the hose is connected. In such a state, the vacuum cleaner becomes not suction dust by the unit, but a compressor.

The nozzle must be put on a jar with a solution. It is predeforeced to be strain, through a gauze, folded in three layers.

The better it will be done, the less you will have to clean the scoring nozzle. In addition, if it is possible to adjust the diameter of the nozzle, it will be possible to choose the smallest, which ensures the highest possible spraying of the composition.

Inside the bank, two tubes will be, one of which must be immersed in the sprayed composition. On the upper part of it, you can detect another hole that serves so that the process of staining can be interrupted without turning off the vacuum cleaner. It will be useful if you need to move work from one piece of ceiling, to another.

IN cylindrical hole Nozzles, the end of the hose is inserted, reaching the blowing hole of the vacuum cleaner.

You can turn on the vacuum cleaner, and try the collected device in action.

Use manual sprayer

If the desired model of the vacuum cleaner was not at hand, and the special electric sprayer turned out to be expensive or just to buy it, you can use the mechanical model. The principle of operation will be the same, but, in the role of pumping the right pressure of the unit, the second person will speak.

Very often, the mechanical modifications of this device are completed with a long barbell on which the nozzle is installed. It is also called "rod".

Electrical model

Electric sprayer for plating the ceiling, can not only apply a smooth layer whipping, but also to adjust the intensity of spraying composition.

This is done by increasing or decreased pressure in the system. As well as the regulation of spray density by means of the nozzle. All these wisdom only seem complex. In fact, everything can be mastered within a few minutes.

The function is unconditionally useful, but many, not knowing how to adjust the sprayer to optimal pressure, the solution is applied unevenly. There are spots with a more thick layer and properly with thin.

To avoid similar errors, you need to practice a little on any free sector of the ceiling or rebuild material.

How does the deposit

A solution is applied, regardless of the device used, from a distance of 50 to 80 centimeters from the surface of the surface. The desired value depends on the power of the unit used, and on the quality of the solution.

Pokes sprayed from a cloud nozzle, which is called "torch". For optimal spraying of the composition, the "torch" must have a length of 70 to 100 centimeters. The pressure in the system must correspond 3 to 4 atmospheres.

If the whims turned out to be too liquid, then in order for it to spray and put it in the best way, it is necessary to reduce the pressure in the system. And on the contrary, if the solution is thick, the pressure must be increased.

Keep the sprayer must be strictly perpendicular to the treated surface. Pick up best distance From the plane to the spraying part of the apparatus, it is possible to experimentally, but usually, it is no more than 100 centimeters.

If you bring the sprayer too close, droplets will form on the surface, and if it is far away, a significant part of the blotch does not reach the surface and will be lost.

It is processed by the entire ceiling, smooth layer. You can combine the use of the brush, and the mechanized way of applying whitewash.

In this case, you should first use the brush, and then when the coating dry, apply the paintopult, for the ceiling surface with the finish layer.


You can act in the old manner ,. But, much faster, and most importantly - more qualitative, you can apply a solution using a mechanized sprayer.

There is no difference, what will be the selected model - electrical, mechanical, or even, the vacuum cleaner will be used. The main thing is simplicity and the resulting high-quality, smooth surface of the ceiling.

Today, the whirlwinds are considered one of the very usual and economical ways to repair the ceiling. In most cases, when packed, they use harated lime or chalk.

By the way, the most simple in the blotch is contained in the pre-step, when the surface of the ceiling for painting is clean. To do this, it is required first to scrape outdated pharps or wash it off with water. Then you should close the permissible cracks in the ceiling and to crate the plaster.

Before closeing all the cracks, take off the hammer plaster, which falls off from the plane, expand it with a spatula. And after - to smear the dissolve.

How to whiten the paint ceiling on a water-based basis

Pooks with a ceiling paint on a water-emulsion basis - the most simpled view Give a ceiling fresh look. But also there will be concrete differences that need to be very carefully executed.

Paints on a waterimulsion basis can be different species: mineral, acrylic, silicone and silicate, among which acrylic is the most budget view for whitewashing. Just do not make the whipping quickly, on another ceiling will look bad.

Dilute the emulsion with water only if the manufacturer advises this in the instruction. Work with the ceiling surface perfectly with a painting roller, and the paint vessel on a water-based basis is good with a large surface.

The technique of the whitewash is simple: placing the pharin on the roller equally and put on the ceiling surface with parallel stripes, slowly shifting into the side of a not colored plane. After that, apply the paint layer perpendicular to the past.

How to beat the ceiling chalk

Another past type of whitewash is contained in the independent cooking of the chalk solution. To do this, you need to have: chalk, water, vessel for the coming solution, gauze, oilcloth, blue and polyethylene film.

First purchase the chalk paste either powder on the market. Determine the required number of chalk for the repair of the ceiling (approximately 0.5 liters of fluid composition of chalk and water per square meter). Before you have to beat, experience a trial whitewash. So you can install the consumption of the chalk solution.

The mix of chalk and water is manufactured in the following proportions: three liters of water from 1.5 to two kilograms of chalk. Perfectly stir the solution so that there is no lumps, then strain through the dual layer of gauze. The resulting mixing is similar to sour cream. Sinky add, for example, you want to give a slight blue tone solution.

How to bother the ceiling with a vacuum cleaner

Making the color of the ceiling with a roller or brush - an ordinary option, but there are more sophisticated ways, like, for example, whitening the ceiling with a vacuum cleaner. A good option - Application of outdated Soviet Vichr's vacuum cleaners or "rocket", but it is quite possible to take the current vacuum cleaner. In most cases, a nozzle is a nozzle as a polyethylene cover with 2 tubes. Such a nozzle can be used as a sprayer.

So how do you still beat the ceiling with a vacuum cleaner? The different scheme: in the hole, after which air blows, add a hose, and at its end we attach the nozzle, which was discussed above. Fill in a jar for two-third paint and cover the jar with this nozzle (the cover-nozzle has the same dimensions as the simple polyethylene cover for glass cans). Everything, after that you can create a ceiling color! Move on the surface of the ceiling with soft circular movements and carefully at the same time see the intensity of the color.

Try all the same to acquire an outdated vacuum cleaner of Soviet times, because actually there is such a nozzle in its configuration - in new and modern vacuum cleaners, to great regret, there are others.

We honestly keep the hope that our note with the video was able to help you answer the question how to competently blame the ceiling.

If you decide to whitewash the ceiling, and not paint, salary tiles, wallpaper or mounted stretch cloth, then following unacceptable instructions, you are without special costs You can upgrade repair yourself.

The plains of the ceiling with their own hands - it's a simple, but requiring some skills. In addition, this is the most common way to finish, which was used for decades. This method still remains popular, despite the rapidly developing construction market and finishing materials. And he does not lose relevance for a number of reasons:

  1. It is very cheap way Refresh the ceiling.
  2. No other material ensures such environmental friendliness and safety.
  3. The process does not require special knowledge and skills.
  4. As a result, a neat clean surface is obtained.

Before you bother the ceiling by whiten, you need to remove from it old layer Finishes and prepare a solution for work. It is also important to prepare a room for the upcoming alteration and assemble in a bunch, and if necessary, to buy the missing inventory.

To work, you will need a wide brush with a soft pile, a roller with a tray, a bucket for a cooling solution or a Soviet sample vacuum cleaner with a nozzle for spraying and half a liter can. Do not forget to prepare a stirrer so that you should not construct traumatic designs from stools and chairs. It will not be superfluous that you should take care of the choice of special protective clothing: gloves, hats or scarves, jackets.

All items and things from the room must be taken out, and if it is impossible, it is to bite them with a glue or film, newspapers. After washing the old layer of blinking or dismantling other ceiling coating, Start the surface of the surface. As soon as the surface heats up, and stains will disappear on it, you can proceed to whitewash.

Selection of material

To date, all three ways are successfully applied, because each of these materials has good qualities.

Mel is known for ensuring deep white color The ceiling, it is perfect for finishing both small and spacious rooms, because visually makes the room above and lighter. Chalk is natural material. It is absolutely harmless and does not provoke allergies.

Lime gives an antibacterial effect and is able to leak into small clefts, bonding them and making invisible. However, such material is used mainly to whiten non-residential premisesBecause hated lime is an allergen. To achieve the best effect in it, they add a blue, which gives the ceiling surface a nice bluish tint.

Note! If the ceiling was bitten by lime, it is not recommended to cover it with chalk. Otherwise, you will get an abundance of dark circles on its surface.

Paints based on water emulsions are also perfectly suitable for ceiling whitewash. In addition, this method is considered today the most advanced, because the paint holds longer compared to chalk or lime.

Note! To determine what the ceiling is, you need to spend on the surface with your hand, since the chalk is dumping, traces will remain on hand. And you can also lose your wet with a wet finger, and if a trace of water appears on it, and the finger will remain clean, then in front of you.

How to prepare a solution

It is obvious that the quality of the solution depends on the proportions in it selected components. For the preparation of the chalk solution (by 12-15 m²), it will be necessary to pour five liters of warm water to the container, add approximately 30 grams of glue and gradually, in several techniques, pour 3-3.5 kg of chalk. Note how to properly prepare chalk: it should be predetermined through a sieve to avoid sorneons from entering, which will subsequently stand out on the ceiling.

In the finished solution, silk is often added, but a little - gram 15-20. It will prevent the appearance of unwanted yellow on the sea ceiling and give him a rich snow-white color. But be careful not to overdo it with blue, otherwise you will get a blue room.

Note! The resulting solution is preferably skipped through gauze to prevent badly stirred lumps.

Check the desired consistency of the mixture will help an ordinary knife. If the whirlpool flows completely with the knife blade - the solution is not suitable, it is too liquid. Correct easily - add chalk or give to settle a day solution. The chalk drops to the bottom, and the surface will be excessive water, which will need to carefully delete.

For lime solutions It is necessary to pre-dock 100 grams of the table salt. Then heat one liter of water and breed in it 2-3 kg of lime. Add salt, aluminum alum and dye to liquid, at will. Mix it pretty well and dilute warm waterBut not immediately, and gradually, bringing the total volume of the solution to 10 liters.

Whole technology

The prepared solution of chalk or lime can be applied manually, as well as using a spacing. It will be easier to work if it is pre-conditionally divide the entire ceiling on the sector.

In the first case, you need to take a brush, to dip it into a whitewash and uniform smears cover the entire surface. It is better to start with an angle and move towards the window to the output. Move the brush is needed in one direction, excluding circular and arbitrary strokes. The second layer starts to start in the opposite direction - from the doors to the window. Outbalances are perpendicular to apply the first layer. It is important to do so that the traces of the brushes do not remain, then the surface will look impeccable. For blissing, experts advise you to choose a wide brush (200 mm), pre-sparkled in warm water. Instead of brush, the roller is perfect, preferably wide on a long handle.

Use of vacuum cleaner

Poles the ceiling can be carried out with a vacuum cleaner. This will reduce not only the time of whitewash, but also reduce the complexity of the process. It is advisable to use the old vacuum cleaner of the Soviet assembly to work, as it is equipped with a special spray nozzle.

Note! Not only vacuum cleaner will help to achieve an excellent result, but also other devices intended for these purposes.

The nozzle is a lid that puts on a jar. For best fastening The lid stands in water. Typically, the jar take half-liter so that it was not hard to keep it on weight, the solution is poured there and include a vacuum cleaner.

Working with a vacuum cleaner, a sprayer should be kept at a distance of 50 cm from the ceiling surface. If you get closer, there is a risk of dropping drops from an excess solution if the sprayer is far from being located - the mixture will be dissipated. As soon as the first layer gets up, you can start applying the following and so on until the entire ceiling is 3-4 times. As a result, a dense film is formed, which will hide small defects.

With this method of blissing it is important to protect your face and airways From lime or chalk particles. Therefore, use the respirator or gauze bandage, glasses and gloves.

Though the ceiling, although a rather labor-intensive process, each can master it. Additional information You can get, looking at the video where it is clearly shown, what and how to do.


In this training video, the painting (whitewasure) ceiling and plinths are shown:

Packers of the ceiling and walls - one of best ways Make these surfaces look clean, carefully and neat. But first it is necessary to prepare a stream and walls to whitewash, and then you have to beat, while choosing the best way.

Preparation of the surface of the ceiling (walls) for whitewash do it yourself

Before the start of blissing, of course, it is necessary to prepare the surface to further work. For example, you wanted to use a lime blotch, and your ceiling or walls are covered with chalk, in which case it will be logical to remove the old chalk bliss And only then apply lime.

How to wash off old bliss From the ceiling? First of all, it is necessary to moisten the entire surface of the ceiling with water, and then with the help of a rubber and spatula, clean and wash off whitening soapy water.

If there is a desire only slightly update the ceiling. those. Make the repair of the whitewashed ceiling, then first carefully view the entire ceiling for cracks, and then with a spatula, you can be sealed with spacure based on cement.

The seams of the ceiling need to be punctured by a special, similar to the grid, ribbon, and then scream. When the ceiling is driving, it must be treated with sandpaper. Next again we apply primer, and after drying it (after 24 hours) you can proceed directly to the whitewash.

What is better to bother the ceiling?

Currently use two main types of environmentally friendly. pure Materials For whitames, the ceiling and walls are chalk and lime.

Operatoes ceiling lime

Lime has an advantage, it has bactericidal properties, and also has the ability to tighten the gap, as if closing them.

Poles the ceiling chalk

At the same time, some people have lime can cause allergic reactions, then in this case, of course, it is better to use a chalk, which gives an excellent white color when parsing (although the lime is no worse).

Please note that if earlier the ceiling whitening was made of lime, it is recommended and subsequently use it so that there are no ugly divorces and stains.

Preparation of a solution for plating a ceiling chalk

The grinding solution is preparing for 5 liters. Water add 30 gr. joinery glue, 15 gr. Sinky (for giving a solo white) and 3 kg of chalk. The cooked solution is enough for 10 sq.m.

You can check the consistency of the solution using a knife. If the solution flows freely on the knife, it means that the solution has insufficient viscosity. Then it is necessary to add a chalk still there, but gradually, in small portions, so that the solution is not turned out too thick.

Preparing a solution for plating ceiling Lime

The solution for limeplains is preparing like this: in one liter of water stir 2-3 kg of lime, add 100 gr. Salt, 200 gr. Aluminum Komasans. Mix thoroughly, and then dilute with warm water (up to 10 liters). If you want to change the shade, you can add 200-500 ml of dye.

When paving leverage surfaces must be moistened, then the lime falls at exactly, not leaving the divorces.

How to determine what the ceiling or walls before the repair

Sometimes we do not know than previously the walls or ceiling were whiten, in this case it can be easily checked. Welcomeing any section with water if the whitewas was lime, then the wet surface will darken and if it is lost this place with your finger, it will not be painted.

How to perform the plain ceiling (walls) with your own hands

Use with whitewash an auxiliary tools: brush, roller or vacuum cleaner. It is easiest to operate with a roller, and the surface is white and smooth (for the brush and the vacuum cleaner you still need experience).

Before starting work, it is necessary to thoroughly stir the solution, and then put the blade with a roller at least two times. The first layer should be given to dry, and then apply a repeated layer.

One of the fastest and effective ways Poins are the use of a vacuum cleaner that is almost in every home.

For proper bliss, the vacuum cleaner is needed, which must "be able to" blow air, and not blow (not all models have such a function), and among the nozzles it should have a special polyethylene cover with a set of tubular.

This cover should be put on a liter or one and a half-liter jar, and all this is connected to the blowing hole in the vacuum cleaner.

The air under pressure will go through the hose, fall into the sprayer, tightening the mixture from the can, pulling through the tube and spraying the solution over the surface.

The supply of the solution is regulated using another opening that closes with a finger.

In order for the whirlwinds evenly, you need to make smooth circular movements. The spray nozzle must be about 80-100 cm from the surface. You can repeat the procedure several times to achieve an optimal result.

Observe the elementary safety rules when paving the ceiling (walls) with your own hands

During whitewashing the ceiling or walls, you need to get dressed in protective clothing and use security measures: on the face - bandage, eye - protective glasses, on hand - rubber gloves.

If you want the ceilings for many years to please you with your cleanliness and whiteness, you can safely begin whitening the walls and the ceilings with your own hands, taking into service this instruction!

Poles the ceiling chalk is the cheapest and simple way Ceiling surface processing. This method and today remains popular among our population. Many still believe that such a ceiling finish makes it visually above and lighter.

Poles the ceiling with your own hands

You can bother with lime and chalk ceiling. We will consider the second option, how to whiten the ceiling with chalk, as it is more familiar to us.

Selection of workers' inventory

First you need to decide on the work inventory, which will be useful to us during the repair process.

Set of inventory for plain ceiling chalk

When creating a solution, we will need:

  • Oilcloth;
  • Bucket (or other capacity);
  • Gauze.

These components will be needed at the first stage. Also does not hurt the stepladder, so as not to build pyramids from chairs and stools. For the whiteness itself, you can use a brush or roller. By the way, if the latter is on a long handle, the staircase may not need.

Ingredients for making a solution

For the preparation of the solution, we need:

  • Chalk (at least 3 kg);
  • Rastered laundry soap (50 g);
  • Carpentry glue (100 g);
  • Xinka (10 g thanks to this ingredient, the whitewash will remain more white without changing the color).

For each square meter The ceiling will be needed 0.5 liters of the mixture. Therefore, it can be easily calculated how many finished solutions you need. If you purchased in the ingredients more laid, then do not worry, they do not deteriorate, do not lose their properties and can be stored a long period of time.

"Little trick. Before you begin to prepare a solution, the chalk must be sifted, so we will remove hardened particles and garbage "

We proceed to the preparation of the solution.

In a bucket or other capacity, we pour approximately 3 kg of chalk and pour over three liters of warm water. Stirring, gradually add other ingredients and continue to interfere, but more thoroughly.

"If you have a drill, you can attach a special nozzle to it - it will speed up much and simplifies the process"

The resulting mixture must be filtered, passing through the gauze. This is done to remove not soluble lumps that can spoil appearance Ceiling.

How to make sure the solution is ready?

We lower the iron or plastic object in the bucket, then remove and look like liquid behaves. If runs - this means that much water. The problem can be solved as follows. Just leave the mix for a couple of days. Chalk will fall a little, and not the necessary water will appear outside, after which you can easily delete it.

Observe the safety technique

Of course, with any repair work It is necessary to comply with safety equipment to protect yourself from various kinds of injuries.

Be sure to prepare protective equipment:

  • gloves;
  • headdress;
  • points.

Check the reliability of your stepladder, whether it stands firmly, it does not walk and do not go back to her legs.

Preparatory work on the ceiling whitewash

An example of removing the top ball whipped spatula

Before you to bother your own ceiling, it must be cleaned.

Preparation of workspace

  • To begin with, transfer all the furniture that can be shifted.
  • Be sure to remove the chandelier and twist the sconce.
  • All the remaining furniture and outdoor surface Shipping with loafs, rags or newspapers. This will make it easy to make the cleaning process.

"Special solution will help to believe the old whitewash (sold in business stores). You can do without it without it dissolving a little soap in water. When removing the old surface, it is more convenient to use spatulas of different sizes "

Get all the gaps, recesses and correct the irregularities. After the ceiling can be driving, you can proceed to the process itself.

How to bother the ceiling without divorce

Visually divide the shelves on the sector. So it will be easier, and most importantly all stages will be carried out evenly. It will correct to start from the window and move to the door.

An example of applying a chalk solution on the ceiling with a roller on a long handle

After processing the first layer, it makes sense to dry, for re-applying perpendicular to the first. Thus, the whitening will fall evenly and the number of divorces will decrease. And the irregularities that remained after the first time are groaning.

Perhaps you have to smalle more than two times, it all depends on the level of surface and experience in this is not an easy business. The main thing is not rushing, and all the steps are gradually. So that the whits did not sleep, take care that there were no drafts and direct sun ray. How to beat the ceiling See the following video

How to bother the ceiling with a vacuum cleaner

You can blame the ceiling with your own hands not only with a brush or roller. A great way to whiten the ceiling with a vacuum cleaner. The stages of the preparation of the solution and surface preparation we have passed. Therefore, we turn to the process how to bother the ceiling with a vacuum cleaner.

To begin with, it must be prepared. To spray the solution, you need special nozzle. You can use the aggregate of Soviet times, where this item should go bundled.

Soviet Sample Vacuum Cleaner With Spots Hole

In extreme cases, it can be purchased.

The pulverizer is:

  • The usual floor is a liter jar that dresses as a cap nozzle.
  • Under the lid is the first tube supplying solution from the can.
  • The second tube plays the role of the sprayer.
  • The base of the nozzle is attached to the hose of the vacuum cleaner, which in turn should be attached to the hole where the air comes from.

Spray gun assembly

Before starting work, make sure that all the details are secure and correctly fixed. Check the stirrer stability. Do not forget about the means of protection. When everything is ready to turn on the vacuum cleaner.

"Make sure that between the ceiling and the pulverizer is a distance of 30 cm, press the hole on the cover (until you do this, the spraying will not begin) and evenly apply a solution with circular motions."

Such a way to whiten the ceiling is very practical. The liquid is applied evenly over the entire surface. But you do not need to forget to control the distance. If you bring the sprayer close - the drops will remain, if further - the layer will be scattered. It is best to start the process from any corner of the room.

How to whiten the ceiling of water-level paint

One of the most sought-after ways to whiten the ceiling is its painting with a water-emulsion. Today it is fashionable to use various designs and finishing regiments. It can be PVC panels, MDF, ceiling tile, drywall patterns on concrete Wall. After putting the surfaces of such surfaces, it is advisable to paint the ceilings with water-level paint.

To paint the ceiling we will need:

  1. Water emulsion (producers mass and quality approximately the same)
  2. Primer
  3. Roller
  4. Paint bath
  5. A set of tassels
  6. Malyan Scotch

If you paint the ceiling is not white, then you will need a color. Select it in the shade of the color you want to get.

How to bother the ceiling of water-emulsion paint

The process of aligning the ceiling with a spatula before painting

To do this, this process must be divided into several stages:

  • The most important is the process of training and primer.
  • Since the surface should be polished and even. For grinding use a special mesh or very fine emery paper. They dress on the grater and are attached to special clamps.
  • Wait for disappearance dark spots After putty. This will mean that the surface dried.
  • Pour into the bowl or bucket.
  • Take malyary Valik. Roller can be both foam and woolen. Also for this process you can use Maclavitsa.
  • Apply a liquid to the ceiling by uniform movements.
  • After that, let's time for drying.

"Important Council: Primer, when dries, is very hardwheeling, so it is stuck everything you need, and tools after use immediately soak in water. Otherwise, rollers and tassels can be immediately thrown out. "

Apparently closer to the Painting Stope:

  • We advise you to choose a woolen roller. Thanks to its texture, paint falls smoothly.
  • Without leaving behind herself, drowshes and other traces.

The process of painting the ceiling water-emulsion paint

If you decide to make a ceiling of another color Add to the bucket color. Carefully stirre up consistency, bringing it homogeneous color. Before painting, try on the ceiling, is it suitable for your shade. Just be sure to dry it, for the violation of natural color. You can paint B. different colors. And in order for color faces not to cross each other, use the greasy tape.

"When you use a color, make color on the entire volume. Otherwise, if the paints do not have enough, this color you will never achieve when re-kneading "

As you have already convinced the ceiling whirlpool is painstaking work. But if you approach this case with all seriousness, perseverance and follow the instructions, you will succeed.