Do-it-yourself band sawmills for wood. Making a sawmill at home

Not each of us will be able to immediately answer the question, what is it? Although, in principle, everyone has heard of a band saw (more often it is called a machine). This is nothing more than an ordinary (small) sawmill. For the owner of a private building, and even living in a rural area, a thing more than necessary (and for a city dweller, it will not be superfluous on the farm).

With its help, you can not only solve many everyday issues. A band saw with a reasonable approach becomes a reliable source of additional income.

Such a machine, if there is a desire, the appropriate skills and tools, can be made with your own hands. But so that the reader does not delude himself in advance with the easy prospect of its construction, one should immediately stipulate that this is a rather complicated matter, since a number of problems will arise that will have to be solved.

Organizational activities

  1. You will need a separate room or free area for backyard territory... As practice shows, for normal operation of a band sawmill, at least 18 m² is required. In size it is large room in a city apartment.
  2. Taking into account the weight of the workpieces (logs, beams) with which you will have to work, you need to ensure the maximum stability of the entire structure. So it makes no sense to install the machine “just on a wooden floor”. We'll have to take care of a solid base.
  3. The greatest difficulty is the "design" of the adjustment mechanism. Without it, all boards will "come out" of only one standard thickness. We'll have to figure out the specifics of its device.
  4. Debugging the entire mechanism requires some knowledge of mechanics. In addition, you need to master the technique of sharpening the saw and its distribution.
  5. It is necessary to take appropriate measures in order to comply with safety measures. Including, when installing the sawmill in a closed room - arrangement of forced draft.
  6. Naturally, you need to have on hand necessary tools and equipment - a hammer drill and a number of others.

If the reader is not afraid of all this, then we will continue the story. By the way, the band saw is considered the ideal "unit" for precise cutting of boards of any thickness. There is an abundance of various designs (drawings, diagrams) of the sawmill. Good host he himself will be able to choose the best option.

We will consider a specific model, and by its example it will be easy to understand all the features of the assembly of band saws. All dimensions shown are in "mm".

So that after reading the "Instructions" additional questions do not arise, it is first advisable to dwell on some general points.

The principle of operation of the band sawmill

The saw mechanism itself is in a stationary, fixed position. The workpiece, intended for cutting, is placed on a trolley, which is moved manually.

Location cutting tool can be both vertical and horizontal. The setting depends on what kind of work is supposed to be done - sawing logs into pieces or "dissolving" them into planks.

Materials and fixtures

There are many different recommendations on the Internet, including for assembling a desktop from wood and PCB elements. But how reliable will such a design be, taking into account the weight of the samples "for sawing"? Plus - what will be the period of use, since any wood, no matter how you process it, is subject to decay.

Outside the premises, it is definitely metal. The design will turn out to be much more reliable if you use materials such as a channel, an angle, a steel strip for all its elements.

In some models offered for self-production, a chainsaw is used as a cutting mechanism. But how advisable is it, if we take into account the width of the cut and, as a consequence, the increased consumption of wood (increase in the mass of sawdust)? Therefore, it is better to install a suitably prepared steel sheet.

Alternatively - from a mechanical hacksaw. Besides belt structure allows you to work with workpieces with a larger diameter.

Depending on what is supposed to be "produced" - a board or slats, with what types of wood to work with, the engine model is also selected (pos. 10). For small sawmills, an engine with a power of 2.5 - 3 kW is sufficient.

Assembly order


Its dimensions (pos. 9) and the frame (pos. 2) can be chosen arbitrarily. In the offered model they are 500 x 420 (mm). As a rod (pos. 7), a channel (no. 8) was used, prepared for the installation of all elements.

Its attachment to the table is a corner ("forty").


The dimensions are given in the figures (pos. 11). For the upper (pos. 8) and lower (pos. 1) they are the same.

In order to ensure safe operation sawmills, the upper pulley must be covered with a cover.


Its task is to "damp" vibrations (pos. 5). Since the pulleys are the same, the gear ratio = 1.


Provides centering of the workpiece, which is fed "to the saw" (pos. 6). In this case, it is a metal corner. Cutouts and grooves allow for repositioning (adjustment).


(Pos. 3). If it is not possible to purchase a factory-made product, then you can make it from steel (cold-rolled - 65G or U8, 10). The thickness of the leaf depends on the type of wood. For soft rocks, it is recommended from 0.2 to 0.4; for solid - from 0.4 to 0.8.

It is necessary to cut teeth on it, and then solder into a ring. How to do this, as well as sharpen, is a question that requires separate consideration.

Tension mechanism

Details not noted in the text:

  • V-belt (item 4);
  • emphasis (pos. 12);
  • support (item 14);
  • adjustment element (item 15);
  • slider (pos. 16).

It remains to add that all moving elements are mounted on bearings and shafts. There is no point in explaining how to choose them correctly according to the existing drawings.

This design will solve many economic problems - cut the board, trim it, dissolve it into slats, and the like.

Wood is widely used in everyday life in production various structures, their finishing and other work. The owners of a private plot are constantly conducting construction work: make an extension, renovate a fence, improve the reliability of structures, and so on. The ease of workability, as well as the availability of wood, initially determined their popularity. Many owners of private houses and plots in their own practice have determined that it is much cheaper to purchase logs and get a board, timber, sawn timber from them than to buy ready-made sawn timber. Also, do not forget that sometimes the length and thickness, the width of the boards or timber used are important. Therefore, their own production can significantly reduce money and time costs.

A band saw is often used to cut lumber from a log or other piece of material. The popularity of this equipment determined the appearance huge amount various machines, some of them are compact and designed for installation in the home workshop. However, the cost of household options is quite high, it is advisable to buy them only in the case of streaming production of lumber or other wood products. That is why many people decide to do homemade construction. Band sawmill it is created with your own hands in a short period of time, for which you should know: what parts are needed for this, how the assembly is carried out.

Cost and efficiency of industrial options

Why is there a great desire to create a homemade version of the machine? An example is the Taiga band sawmill, the cost of which, depending on performance, can vary in the region of 112-165 thousand rubles. Even the simplest version, which does not have great performance, will cost at least 90 thousand rubles. A homemade band sawmill will cost several times cheaper. The DIY machine is suitable for occasional use.

Difficulties in the independent manufacture of the machine

The device of the band sawmill is rather complicated. The performance of the band sawmill, service life without breakdowns and much more depends on the quality of the assembly being carried out. You should start making your machine after considering the following points:

  1. Installation work is carried out using welding. Therefore, it is practically impossible to carry out work on the creation of a frame and other elements without a welding machine. To change the shape and size of structural elements, you will need a power tool and a milling machine. Of course, the creation of some elements can be entrusted to professionals, but this will significantly increase the cost of the work.
  2. During operation, a heavy load is placed on the band sawmill. Therefore, the structure must be stable and durable. For this, the structure is fastened to the base, and the frame and other elements are made taking into account the possible weight of the processed logs of about 300 kilograms.
  3. If a homemade gasoline band sawmill is created, then the need to carry out work on sharpening the saw and distributing the working part should be taken into account.
  4. There are quite a few various designs, which allow you to specify the thickness of the resulting product.
  5. Consideration should be given to the safety of using the equipment. An installed saw and band can seriously harm human health.

It should be borne in mind that the design of homemade band sawmills is only suitable for cutting boards of various lengths and widths.

There is enough a large number of versions of homemade band sawmills, the drawings of which are based on the use of electric and gasoline engines. At the same time, electrical versions are very popular due to the best performance and ease of use. But not in all cases you can use Electrical engine as driving force, since electricity is not available on all land plots.

Conduct an examination of specific machines, the drawings of which have exact dimensions. After all, every production requires a table different sizes, as well as an electric motor of different power.

The procedure for making a homemade band sawmill

The above points indicate the main points for making a homemade sawmill. You can make a band sawmill yourself when minimum cost... After all, you need to buy or find only an engine, pulleys and rollers, find a metal profile for the frame and a saw blade. The reliability of the structure depends on the technical condition of all units and the quality of their connection. Therefore, check the sawmill carefully before using it.

The band sawmill is quite often used in small farms, private houses for wood processing, and in considerable quantities. This is a simple and reliable tool (with a competent approach to its creation), which will cost much less than the purchased option. In order for a homemade woodworking structure to work really efficiently, you should have an idea of ​​how to properly do it yourself. Further details about this.

Band sawmill: features, principle of operation

The band sawmill provides sufficient simple design, which is based on a sawing band made of tool steel. This element is located between two units of the sawmill, which, when rotating, ensure high-quality and constant movement of the blade when working with wood.

The band saw design allows you to work through rough material properly, properly preparing the logs, adjusting them to the overall size and shape. Also, the considered tool for working with wood allows you to cut logs according to a clearly defined scheme after correctly setting up the equipment.

Belt-type structures are very popular among builders for several reasons:

  • After sawing the material, a negligible cut is formed, which makes it possible to achieve a high yield of the finished material from the initial rough workpiece (the yield of the finished product is about 75%);

Sawmill device diagram

  • Convenience of work on a sawmill with a large-diameter workpiece;
  • Convenience of selection of the optimal cutting thickness of the initial material;
  • The purity and sufficient smoothness of the final product.

Attention! Exceptionally well-dried wood (except coniferous) is suitable for working with a band-type sawing structure. The first type of wood makes the job more difficult, the second leads to strong adhesion of the resin to the saw blades.

To homemade sawmill could effectively perform its functions, it is necessary to ensure the loading and stability of the movement of logs, the weight of which can reach 300 kg, as well as the adjustment of the cutting thickness.

Construction assembly process

The type of materials for creating a sawmill of the required quality is selected depending on whether there are drawings on hand and how complex they are. So, to one degree or another, you will need the following materials:

  • Pipes of various diameters;
  • Pulleys (both new and previously used are suitable);
  • Profile pipes (for sleepers);
  • Channel;
  • Rails (you can use corners instead).

For work, you will also need a set of certain tools: a milling machine, a clamp, a grinder, an electric drill, welding machine, fasteners, levels, etc.

Advice. Collecting a homemade sawmill is not an easy process, so only those who have some experience with such structures should take on making it at home. It is also important to understand that setting up such a design for such a product will require a lot of effort.

After preparing all the necessary elements, you can proceed directly to assembling the main parts of the sawmill together (check the photo and video materials first):

  1. The first step is to prepare the bed (fixed part). To create it, two channels / rails are suitable). When using the rails, it is necessary to install them so that the sole is at the top. If a channel is used, then its height should be at least 14 cm, and its length should be about 8 m.
  2. Along the entire length of the bed, holes must be made in increments of about 1.5 m.
  3. The channels are pulled together using pipes about 25 cm long. Bolts or threaded rods are suitable as fasteners.
  4. The next step is the racks on which it will be installed finished structure... Their number directly depends on the length and complexity of the design. So, for a standard 8-meter sawmill, 4 racks will be enough.
  5. To add rigidity to the sawmill, braces are added to the structure.
  6. The last step is collecting the mobile cart. Its dimensions directly depend on the width of the bed. It is important that the cart protrudes slightly from the bed on both sides.

To improve the efficiency of the band-type sawmill, you should follow a few simple but effective rules:

  • The structure should be created taking into account the future load, which means that it must be stable and strong enough.
  • Since the assembled sawmill is very massive and differs in considerable weight, its assembly should be carried out directly in the place where it will be used for its intended purpose.
  • Keep in mind that a self-made sawmill "scatters" wood chips, so it will need an additional structure or you will have to constantly remove garbage after the work process.
  • Before using the sawmill, the saw should be carefully sharpened, and the teeth should be diluted.
  • The optimal engine for starting the sawmill is gasoline. You can use a chainsaw, and its blade will be suitable as a tape for a future woodworking structure.

  • For more effective work wood tool shims / plates should be used. The gaskets must be 0.5 cm thicker than the channel.

These are all the nuances that should be considered in order to create a reliable and efficient band sawmill. Be attentive to detail and accurate in your work. Good luck!

Assembling a band sawmill with your own hands is quite real. If you look at what constitutes the price of wood, then the need for such a device when working with wood becomes obvious. The price of wood includes the price of the tree itself, the cost of processing, delivery. Almost all of these points can be avoided if you have a sawmill at your disposal.

General design information

It is worth starting with what is on the market construction tools and accessories, there are quite a few different modifications of this equipment. But since we are talking about assembling a band sawmill with your own hands, only one option is available. In this case, the machine has a saw, which is fixed in a certain position, and the bed (trolley) moves with the workpiece located on it. This model is quite enough for full-fledged work with wood. All other modifications only simplify the work of staff by automating the process.

Design features

When assembling a band sawmill with your own hands, you should immediately think about its dimensions. They will depend on the place where the device will be located. There is some problem in this, since each private house or summer cottage has its own plot size, and therefore the dimensions for the equipment will have to be determined individually. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that assembling a band sawmill with your own hands takes place according to certain drawings. However, they serve only as guidelines for connecting individual parts. The final model may differ depending on the raw materials to be handled. Most often, such equipment is used for breaking up logs and trimming boards.

What you need to know when designing

The very first thing worth highlighting is the possibility of constant addition and improvement of the design, even after the end of the assembly process.

The assembly of a homemade band sawmill takes place according to a block-modular scheme. If there is no practical experience in the field of assembling complex mechanisms, then it is recommended to start with the manufacture of the simplest version. If initially the device had a manual drive, then later it is quite simple to re-equip it and increase the automation of the wood production process. For these reasons, initially it is worth collecting simplest option homemade band sawmill.

It is also necessary to approach the assembly issue from a certain side. The first thing to decide is in which plane the cut will be made. This will determine the position of the working tool. The second question that needs to be resolved right away is whether the equipment should be universal or whether the work will be the same type all the time. In addition, experts recommend making the frame mobile, that is, it can be reinstalled.

Beginning of work. Seat selection

It should be noted right away that if there is not enough space, then you can design a mini-band sawmill.

Sufficient space for placing powerful equipment is considered 18 square meters... This is enough to dissolve even large logs. Since not everyone has a large empty building to house the device, many simply install it on the street. However, constantly flying sawdust in large quantities forces, in this case, to enclose the site with a fence, making it a small workshop. In addition, it greatly increases the relevance of the belt-type mini-sawmill.

In addition to the fact that you need a site to install the device itself, you will also need a place for storing finished wood.

Selection of materials and accessories

The engine is, of course, the basis of the whole structure. Most often, either gasoline or electric is used. Of course, the main requirement is sufficient power to carry out the operations that the owner plans. It should be added that the leader, in terms of practicality, is the asynchronous electric motor. There are several reasons for this. The first lies in the fact that the issue of connecting to a home electrical network is completely solvable. The second reason is the absence of the need for maintenance that a gasoline unit needs. The third reason is to maintain a constantly high speed of the working tool, which guarantees a high-quality cut.

As for materials, only metal is used here. This is due to the fact that the weight of the structure itself and the weight of the logs are quite large. However, here you need to know which metal will fit where. As a moving part, that is, a trolley, you can use a thick-walled profiled pipe of rectangular or square cross-section. For example, a support frame for a band sawmill with your own hands at home can only be assembled from a channel. The rails for the trolley can be constructed from a clearance angle of at least 45 0. However, a channel can also be used here, but with less linear characteristics.

Tools, equipment. Design features

As for the tools, everything is pretty short here. Use bolted connections or any others are not allowed. You will definitely need a welding machine. Following the assembly according to the drawings of the band sawmill with your own hands, it is quite simple to assemble the finished equipment. The main snag lies only in adjusting the dimensions to the desired parameters.

The assembly starts from the base frame. A trolley with wood will also move along this part. In addition, not only the moving part will be attached to the rails, but also the frame on which the working tool - the saw - will be located. The main requirement that must be met is the high reliability of the bed. In addition, its horizontal plane must be fairly flat. To ensure high reliability of the device, it must be mounted either on a foundation, for example, columnar, or on racks dug into the soil.

Laying rail guides

A fairly simple model is considered to be one that uses wheels from passenger car... It is also the most common among homemade ones. The dimensions of the band sawmill will be slightly larger than with the bed.

It is important to know here that if corners with dimensions of 50x50 mm are used as rails, then they must be laid with the rib angle upwards. This increases the rigidity of the entire structure as a whole, and also helps to reduce wear on parts. If rolled metal with flanges of 100 mm is used as guide rails, then the corners are installed in any convenient position. Here you can add that the channel is considered the most successful element for the manufacture of a rail. In addition, a square profile with a minimum width of 25 mm is used as "sleepers". All components must be connected to each other using electric welding.

Working with rollers

As roller parts, you can use either components turned on lathe, or conventional ball bearing models. If the work proceeds according to the first option, then the bearing must necessarily have holes for installing the rotation unit, and they must also be hardened. If the second option is used, then you must have one element bigger size and two more bearings of smaller size, but identical to each other. Naturally, it must be remembered that the inner diameter of the bearings must be the same. The shaft must be machined with a stop flange on one side, and also with a thread for attaching the rollers on the other.

Saw frame

How to make a band sawmill? The process of assembling the saw frame begins with the preparation of two vertical guide elements. Racks, as well as sliders, are best made of steel pipes, the gap between which should be the smallest possible. After that, you can start assembling the rectangular frame of the cart. The upper and lower sliders must be welded to the sides of this element. Since the wheels will be attached to the lower cross member, it must be made of a channel or a rigid square profile.

The sawmill body itself is very easy to make, since it consists of paired vertical racks, as well as paired horizontal parts that are attached to each other at right angles. Practice shows that a good strong bed will turn out if you use a steel square profile width, at least 50 mm. Rolled metal is also used as spacers, but with less thickness.

Castors must be installed at the bottom of the frame. Before that, you need to determine the distance between the stop walls. It must match the width of the rail tracks.

It should be noted here that if not used for assembly shaped tube, and a steel corner, then each joint must be additionally reinforced with a steel brace with a thickness of 2 mm. Thus, it is quite possible to assemble a band sawmill with your own hands at home.

Assembling the device correctly is only half the battle. It is quite important to use the equipment correctly. It is important to know what to pull. saw blade you need to be very careful and correct. Pulling it too tightly will significantly reduce the tool life. In addition, it is not worth operating the saw for more than two hours in a row. After this period, work should be stopped, remove the saw and hang it to relieve residual stress.

It is imperative to use lubricants for the band blade. In the warm season, the usual mixture of water and detergent... V winter period you will have to use a mixture of kerosene and engine oil, or diesel fuel with oil. Mixing ratio 5: 1.

After the work has been completed, release the tension on the saw. This will help to avoid fatigue on its surface, which will increase the service life.

You can also add that you can make a belt, that is, a working tool from this unit is used.

The band sawmill provides cutting of wood for its subsequent use for repair, construction, production of various wooden products... The assembled band sawmill with your own hands allows you to replace factory machines, the line of which is presented in an extensive price range.

Every experienced frame maker for a band sawmill should know how this device functions, what parts are used, how to change these parts, etc. Without this, work even on a mini machine is unacceptable. The instruction must be strictly followed, whether it is a mini or industrial unit.

  • The sawmill design consists of two rotating components. They are pulleys. Moreover, often instead of pulleys, car wheels are installed. The advantage of wheels is that they are easily accessible; some do not have to spend money on buying wheels when assembling their own sawmill with their own hands. Specialized pulleys are more expensive;
  • The saw is pulled between the pulleys or wheels of the sawmill;
  • The sawmill coils rotate, due to which the pulleys reciprocate for the saw. This ensures cutting of the workpiece;
  • The factory, as well as the self-made band sawmill functions in the horizontal plane;
  • The cutting part of the sawmill is fixed on a trolley, which is movable;
  • The mobile cart moves along the special rails of the sawmill. This distance is equal to the length of the processed tree;
  • Fastening the log to the frame tape machine carried out in a stationary state. To ensure the fixation of the wood correctly, it is necessary to provide for the clamps in the design. They fix the log, allowing the machine to cut it;
  • The length of processing directly depends on how long the sawmill rails are designed to move the carriage;
  • The limiting width is formed due to the distance available between the tension components of the cutting tool of the band machine.

A skilful frame maker for a band sawmill is able to make a full-fledged machine with his own hands, on which you can effectively cut wood elements or whole logs. It all depends on what type of wood you need to work with. Some drawings allow you to make a mini machine for work at home. Alternatively, large models can be made. Typically, such designs are chosen by experienced sawmill operators who need to process a large amount of wood. Based on the drawings, it is worth additionally consulting with specialists, watching video tutorials on assembling a large or mini machine.

Instructions for working on a sawmill are not complicated, although a frame maker for a band sawmill must know literally everything about the tool on which he works. How to change parts, how the carriage is correctly adjusted, how to work on wood of different species.

Quality cut conditions

In order for the work of the band saw to be carried out correctly, the sawmill operators indicate the need to comply with several conditions:

  • The log must be securely fixed to the band sawmill. The instruction clearly prescribes this, otherwise it will not be possible to cut the workpiece correctly and safely;
  • Gradation has been completed, for which an electronic ruler is suitable, all cutoff parameters are set;
  • Make a tension check band saw, make sure no sharpening is required;
  • Make sure the cutting tool matches the material to be cut.

Sharpening should be done periodically, as the instructions say. Correct sharpening ensures the preservation of the cutting properties of the saw band, and also guarantees efficient processing of logs and wood.

The electronic ruler is a purely individual choice. Experienced sawmill operators claim that they do not need an electronic ruler due to their experience. Although if the frame maker has high hopes for the band sawmill as a tool capable of making the most accurate cutting of a log, it is better that an electronic ruler is installed.

Sawing and its stages

If you do not know how a band sawmill works, the video will help you get a visual understanding. The work takes place in three stages.

  1. It is necessary to sort the wood, disassembling it by length, diameter, etc. Manually, the frame operator on the band sawmill adjusts the dimensions of the wood to the capabilities of the device.
  2. Sawing is in progress. But before the very first cut, sawmill operators are obliged to check whether the sharpening has been completed, whether the electronic ruler is working, whether all settings are set. Only then can the log be cut, make the required cuts on your industrial or mini machine.
  3. The logs are finished by hand. If the band sawmill Cedar can give a sufficiently accurate processing result, then the work homemade devices has certain deviations. Therefore, at home, it is not uncommon for you to modify products with your own hands, using a plane, a grinder and other tools.

DIY assembly

If you need high-quality, high-performance sawing of logs, wood, you should pay attention to factory models of machines. The band sawmill MV 2000 is in noticeable demand, although the Baikal band sawmill is not much inferior to it.

If you want to make a device with your own hands, no one will prohibit it. But you need to familiarize yourself with the basic principles of assembly.

Start with blueprints. Drawings can be done by hand, or you can find ready-made options... They should indicate all dimensions, length, width, parameters of the future machine, its specifications... This way you will know what materials you need for assembly and how much money will be spent on it.

Among the main units of the future design, it should be noted:

  • Ramu;
  • Guides for moving the saw element;
  • Screw assembly for the movement of the cutting band;
  • Spring for tensioning the saw;
  • Pulleys - stationary and movable;
  • Protective case;
  • Transfer units;
  • Electric motor (can be replaced with gasoline);
  • Capacity with liquid for the cooling system;
  • Stopper;
  • Devices for fixing workpieces to be processed.

Pay attention to the cutting element. Many sawmill operators use electric and gasoline saws to create homemade mini saws. They are great when you have a small amount of work to do.

The use of wheels can replace pulleys. The main thing is to correctly select the size of the wheels so that they firmly and effectively hold and tighten the saw element.

  1. The rails are assembled first. The approximate length is 8 meters. In order not to deform them under the weight of the log, reinforce the structure with metal legs. If you plan to work with large workpieces, it will be correct to install the machine permanently, to make a foundation for it.
  2. A seamless steel plate will act as a movable cart. It is 60 centimeters long and 80 mm wider than the track width.
  3. The movable carriage, aka trolley, is also designed for mounting wheels or pulleys. One of the wheels is fixed in a stationary state, and the other will be movable.
  4. It is not recommended to stir the pulleys parallel to each other. Better to make a deviation of 4 degrees in the vertical plane. This will prevent the tape from flying out of place while the device is running. Not every instruction indicates this, although the recommendation is important.
  5. If possible, complete the control box for the sawmill. But on simple models a steering wheel is used, the movement from which can be transmitted through a metal target.
  6. The assembly is completed by installing the clamps on the sawmill.
  7. Leave the installation of the saw blade and electric motor for last.

As you upgrade your homemade tape device it may have an electronic ruler, a more powerful engine, all kinds of spare parts. Also, some expand the dimensions of the machine, which ensures work with larger workpieces on the sawmill.

If you don't want to assemble the band sawmill yourself, the instructions seem complicated, then choose the factory models. The Baikal band sawmill, which is in impressive demand, costs about 150-200 thousand rubles. The price is not small, but the capabilities of the machine are enormous.