Home-made construction hay press. How to choose a baler

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Any car enthusiast, and even a garage master, is familiar with the situation when it is necessary to press out any part from the shell, be it a bearing or a silent block. Someone needs to stack cardboard more compactly, and maybe even make fuel briquettes. But necessary tool or the equipment may not always be at hand. Let's try to figure out how difficult it is to make a press with our own hands and whether it is possible. And if possible, what material will be required and what is the algorithm for such work. To begin with, let's clarify what a press is and what it is intended for.

Factory made hydraulic press

What is the purpose and function of the press in everyday life and its types

Such devices have a very wide range of applications. This can be not only squeezing out various parts, but also a device for a walk-behind tractor that collects hay and places it in even rolls. Perhaps the manufacture of some durable concrete products is required, or maybe a lot of sawdust has accumulated, from which good fuel can be obtained.

Consider the main work that a press can perform in Everyday life... This equipment can be divided into several types. The device of some types is similar, while others have fundamental design differences.

Press for extruding parts from any base or shell

Such equipment will come in handy in a garage environment. It is not profitable for an ordinary motorist to acquire it, because the cost is quite high, and he rarely performs work. But to make a press in the garage with your own hands at minimum costs is quite acceptable.

You can use a similar press for silent blocks or bearings, i.e. for those parts, installation and dismantling of which is not amenable handmade... After spending a little time, you can design and assemble a device, the cost of which in a store can exceed 50,000 rubles.

A device for compacting various materials to the state of dense briquettes

Such a device will help to use old newspapers, which will make good fuel for the furnace. The waste paper press will help you save on the purchase of coal or firewood. In addition, the need to dispose of unnecessary correspondence disappears, which many have accumulated great amount.

A sawdust press can also be made using approximately the same principle. An excellent fuel that will be obtained when using it has proven itself well not only in stove heating but also even on vacation. Long burning, high heat and lack of smoke - these advantages and helped to gain popularity made with the help of the press fuel briquettes... A kebab, barbecue or a hot fire with minimal flame - what else do you need for a good rest?

There is another option to compress coal chips instead of sawdust. In this case, it will be a fuel that burns for a very long time and generates a huge amount of heat. And there is usually a lot of such a crumb in the coal sheds of houses that they heat. So why not use it too?

Press for recycling plastic and cardboard

Surely many have seen carton boxes that are tightly squeezed into a tight pile. This is also the work of the press. After all, it is much more convenient to export such material when it is compactly packed. A cardboard press is one of the easiest to make with your own hands. Other solid materials can be disposed of in much the same way. For example, using a press, plastic bottles are transformed into neat layers that are easy to transport.

Still, pressing plants bring the greatest help in agriculture.

Harvesting Helper

Optimal use for collecting post-harvest straw or forage hay in the field homemade press pick-up. Moreover, it will not only make work easier. Neat dense rolls will roll from the straw, which is convenient for both transportation and storage.

In the drawings of the hay press with your own hands, it is imperative to indicate the dimensions - this will help in the end to assemble everything correctly. Although there are options for very simple units, but more on that below.

Well, first, before proceeding with self-made such a unit, it is important to understand the structures of its various types, understand their differences and decide on the necessary material.

What is the basic design of the press and its different types

Many may say that there is no point in wasting time on design and assembly and it is much easier to buy a hydraulic press or its mechanical version, but this is fundamentally wrong. Of course, if it is used, for example, in a car service, etc., perhaps the unit will pay for itself after some time. But for home use and performing one-time works, the acquisition will be a very irrational spending of funds.

For a complete understanding of the essence of the work, consider design features some types of similar units. And you should start with the possibility of making a vacuum press with your own hands.

The main thing that should be said about this device is that it practically does not find use in everyday life. The fact is that a thermal vacuum press is used most often for the manufacture of doors and window frames as well as various furniture facades. It is with his help that the parts are covered with film (NDF). In fact, it is a great laminating machine.

Note! Such a press is very difficult to manufacture. Some craftsmen say that on self-production they spent more money on such a device than would have been spent on the purchase. It is because of the great complexity and small area of ​​application that we will not dwell on such a press in detail. It will be much more interesting to consider a baler capable of compacting and collecting hay or straw into bales.

Hay baler design features

A similar simplest installation is assembled from boards and is very useful in the household, because compressed straw during storage takes up much less space and at the same time neat "briquettes" will be conveniently stored.

A similar mechanical press is a wooden box measuring 80 X 80 cm and 3 m in length. On one end there is a hatch with a lock, and on the other there is a wooden platform with a long lever, by means of which the hay is pressed. In order to more fully understand the principle of operation and the device of such an installation, you can view short video below.

Surely, after watching it, it became clear that such a press does not even require preliminary drawings. As for the press for the walk-behind tractor, there are no fundamental differences between them, with the only difference that the second option does not have a lever. Pressing is carried out using the same pressure platform, but through a cable drive, i.e. the second option is just a more mechanized version of the first.

Video: with homemade bale press

The compact press for everyday small jobs

For home use, a desktop hand press has proven itself very well. Of course, it can also be made in a hydraulic version, but we will consider more complex units a little later. Therefore, now let's try to understand what is the principle of operation of a mechanical table press.

Such an installation is a frame welded from shaped iron and reinforced with stiffening ribs. A manual jack is usually attached from above in such a way that when the handle is rotated, it moves towards the lower platform. The rig itself is bolted to the workbench.

Thus, it turns out that by placing a part in the lower part of the steel frame, for example by placing a tube under it, you can easily squeeze out the middle part by rotating the jack handle. This is how the car silent blocks or bearings, etc. are squeezed out, or vice versa, are pressed into place. similar details in their seats. The main thing is to ensure that there is no distortion under pressure.

You can make a similar desktop or floor press, if necessary large sizes... But at the same time, do not forget that in this case you will need a more powerful jack, or the installation of a gearbox to increase the pressure force.

A compaction press or how to assemble a roller-based device

Sometimes it is necessary to roll the wire or make a plate thinner. This is where a roller press comes in handy. The principle of its operation is easy to understand for those who remember the old hand-spinning washing machines. Excess moisture from the linen was removed in them by passing the thing between two rollers. Rotating the handle caused them to rotate in opposite directions.

This is exactly how a mechanical roller press works, with the only difference that it is possible to adjust the distance between the shafts, and there is also a gearbox that reduces the rotation speed, increasing power - after all, metal is much tougher than fabric. Such mechanisms can be made both with a manual, mechanical drive, and with an electric one. In this case, instead of a handle through a chain drive, it is necessary to connect asynchronous motor... The gearbox with this connection will be slightly different. In addition, it is better to connect the motor through a frequency converter. This ensures a smoother start-up, energy savings and durability of the motor.

Manufacturing of reinforced concrete products - what is needed for this?

Someone may ask - what does it have to do with it? concrete products when it comes to the press. It turns out that the connection is direct. It is for the strengthening of products such as cinder block, etc. a vibropress is used. A mixture of cement, sand, etc. is placed inside such a device, where the mold is located, after which it is pressed by a press and vibration is turned on. As a result, excess air is removed, and the product acquires the necessary strength.

Making such a vibrating press with your own hands is quite possible, although it will require a lot of time, effort and knowledge. Usually, when it comes to paving slabs or something similar, DIYers prefer to make an ordinary vibrating table. In fact, there will not be much difference if the solution in the molds is not subjected to pressure, but simply loses unnecessary, excess air in the process of vibration.

Hydraulics as the most common form of pressurization

The most interesting and common type of such units is an electrically driven hydraulic press. The principle of operation of such a device is as simple as it is complex - and it really is. The low viscosity engine oil flows through a pump driven by an electric motor and into the cylinder. It creates high pressure which pushes the piston.

Of course, the drive can also be mechanical, without the involvement of an electric motor and an oil pump. This is what will be the most common type of press, which is made by hand. For work in the garage, such a device, at times, becomes simply irreplaceable. And, besides, following some tips, even a beginner master who has basic skills in working with welding machine or making bolted connections.

What is the structure of a hydraulic press and how to make it

A hydraulic press is generally irreplaceable in rural areas. And it was invented back in 1975. The principle of its operation is to use communicating cylinders with pistons. different diameters... Moreover, the less pressing, i.e. the hydraulic pump and the more receiving - the hydraulic cylinder, the stronger the pressure will be created with less effort. In fact, this can be compared to the movement of a car in a low gear.

The most common form of hydraulic press, as already mentioned, is the rectangular frame. And the main task in its manufacture is accurate calculations... The first step is, of course, to draw up a diagram of the future press, because without it, it will be difficult to deal with all the connections. The quality and speed of assembly of the unit depends on how detailed it will be.

All structural elements must be made of steel, at least 15 mm thick. This is done so that the frame does not lead during work, because the effort will be significant. The main thing to think about is the design itself. It should be remembered that hydraulic jacks are designed specifically to work in a vertical position and cannot be laid on their side, as well as installed with the stem down.

Ideally, you should get the following construction. The rectangular frame extending upwards is fixed to the bed. Inside the frame, vertically along the edges, there are 2 guides along which the horizontal bar goes up and down. On it, on top, a hydraulic jack is fixed, and the cross beam itself is suspended from the top of the frame by springs that provide a reverse spin crossbeam when loosening the jack.

The hydraulic press produced in this way will press down when the jack is "inflated" and rise up when it is loosened by the springs. A large nut can be welded to the bottom of the beam, where various tips necessary for this or that work will be screwed in the future.

If you have a separate hydraulic cylinder and a hydraulic pump at hand, then you can make a more convenient unit. Indeed, in this case, it becomes possible to install a pedal, and during the work, both hands remain free, which is sometimes extremely necessary.

In general, how to make a hydraulic press is everyone's business. And the answer to this question is limited only by the imagination and wishes of the master. A bit of ingenuity and now an exclusive device is ready that meets all the requirements for convenience.

The Importance of Drawing a DIY Hydraulic Press

The main task in such work is accuracy and attentiveness. And if the dimensions, for example, of the vertical struts do not match, the unit may push a little to the side, which in some cases can be critical. And for that, drawing up drawings of a manual hydraulic press with your own hands is very important. Moreover, all sizes on them must be spelled out and calculated to the millimeter. And during manufacturing, deviation from the drawing is unacceptable.

The press, the hydraulic drawing of which is drawn up correctly and will function perfectly. For conventional garage installations perfect size there will be a supporting frame 50 cm wide and up to 1 m high.

DIY hydraulic press - how long will such work take and which connections are better

It is best to assemble a frame for a hydraulic press with your own hands for welding joints. In this case, the seams must be of high quality. Of course, if a jack for 3 tons is installed, super-efforts will not be applied to the frame, but it is still better to play it safe.

But what will happen if the weak seams do not hold up and the structure "leads"? Let's look at something like this with an example. It is necessary to replace the failed motor bearing. It is pressed into a duralumin cover, and therefore it is necessary to work with a homemade hydraulic press to remove it. And if, during its extrusion, the frame of the structure leads, the force on the bearing arrives unevenly in a circle. As a result, the duralumin engine cover breaks. Have arrived. Now, in addition to the bearing, it is necessary to purchase a cover for an induction motor (well, or a generator, the meaning does not change from this).

That is why, before making a press with your own hands, you should think about the connections. If you are not confident in your ability to make high-quality welds, then it is better either to turn to a professional, or to stay at bolted connections... But even with this type of installation, you need to be careful. It is not worth spending 2-3 small-diameter bolts on one connection, this will not make it stronger. The best thing for a garage hydraulic press is a single but thick bolt connection.


Mowers, rakes, baler for a walk-behind tractor - these are devices that greatly increase the functionality of the unit, allowing it to perform a wide range of agricultural work. Harvesting hay and cleaning lawns are the main areas of work where you cannot do without a mower and other equipment on the site.

We list all the attachments for the walk-behind tractor, which are designed to facilitate the work of storing feed for livestock and caring for lawns:

  1. Mowers.
  2. Trimmers.
  3. Rake.
  4. Balers.
  5. Tedders.

We offer you a more complete acquaintance with the varieties of each category of attachments.

Mowers for walk-behind tractors

More and more often you can see how the owners of summer cottages and small farms carry out haymaking with a walk-behind tractor. There are several varieties of this equipment, which differ not only in appearance, but also in the principle of operation.

On the market you can find and pick up the following modifications:

  1. rotary mowers;
  2. frontal;

Frontal models fall into two categories:

  1. segment;
  2. flail.

Rotary mower with walk-behind tractor

By choosing attachments for yourself, it is worth considering the following features:

How the grass will be laid:

  • into rolls - this option will allow you to quickly form a stack without the involvement of additional equipment (rake);
  • in the mowing - the grass covers the lawn in an even layer, additional equipment will be required for its collection and laying;
  • mulching - the grass is crushed, becoming a natural fertilizer for plants (shrubs, trees, etc.).

Bevel height:

  • 5 cm;
  • up to 20 cm.

Grip width- depends on the specific model.

Aggregation method with motorized device:

  • in front of the walk-behind tractor - the most demanded option;
  • behind - these are flail lawn mowers, used more and more for lawn cultivation;
  • on the side (semi-mounted) - the support wheel takes over the bulk of the mower's weight, such models are more relevant for mini-tractors.
  • The power of the mowing unit. The higher it is, the more functional the attachment is - with its help it will be possible to mow not only grass, but also shrubs, growth of young trees up to 3.5 cm in diameter.
  • The frequencies of rotation of the working bodies of the mower.

Rotary mower

The rotary attachment to the walk-behind tractor can be attached in all three ways (back, front, side), depending on the location of the cutting bodies for a particular mower model.

The attachment is used in conjunction with an adapter that turns the walk-behind tractor into a mini-tractor. The working body is raised with a lever and lowered by it. Work is carried out with the rake down.

Installation of this canopy is possible, as in the front of the walk-behind tractor (there is a special swivel mechanism) and in the back of it. The rake is made of durable steel, protected by a special anti-corrosion coating, has long term service.

If desired, the owners garden equipment can make a rake for a walk-behind tractor with their own hands, for this there are many descriptions, detailed drawings and videos on the Internet.

Rake "Sun"

The tedder rake for the "Sun" walk-behind tractor consists of a tubular frame, on which from two to four independently rotating discs can be mounted. These tedders are ideal for areas with uneven terrain.
The discs are equipped with high quality bearings and are fixed to the frame with special holders. The processing width can reach more than 2 m. This equipment is attached to the rear of the walk-behind tractor and is suitable for both domestic units and Chinese equipment. If desired, the "Sun" rake can be aggregated with a small tractor.

A short video will tell you how these tedders for a walk-behind tractor work:

Belt rake

The belt rake also belongs to the tedder category. They can be purchased in stores, or made with your own hands from scrap materials. How to make a rake on a walk-behind tractor with his own hand will tell and show a video:

This equipment allows you to quickly form a haystack, grabbing and transferring cut grass, hay and even dried forage crops.

The tedders, whether "Sun" or of the belt type, are much more efficient than their transverse counterparts, their design is more complex, and the requirements for operation are increased. In addition, it is important to use them for throwing hay from one side (dried) to the other, for faster drying.


This device allows the owner of the land plot not only to carefully select the mown hay or grass, freeing up the soil for further processing, but also to compactly pack them and prepare them for further transportation. A baler for a walk-behind tractor can be of two types:

  1. Tyukovy.
  2. Rolled.

Basically, due to the more compact size and simpler design, in private households they prefer to use roll-up sheds. Bales are more common on farms.

Round baler

A round baler for a walk-behind tractor forms bales of hay or straw.

Round baler

  • The material is captured by the pick-up and enters the drum compartment, where it is rolled into a roll under the influence of the grate.
  • A sound signal will notify the walk-behind tractor operator that the roll has reached the required size and density.
  • The roll is tied with twine, after which the rear wall of the drum is opened and the finished product is rolled out.
  • The outer part of the roll is denser than the inner part, which provides excellent air circulation. In addition, the rolls have the same weight and dimensions.

At a price, a roll hay baler is more affordable than a bale one; if you wish, you can purchase a mini baler for a walk-behind tractor, which will allow owners summer cottages and private estates to improve the procedure for the procurement of feed for livestock.

How all this happens will help you understand the video:

Square baler

The baler for a bale-type walk-behind tractor works according to a different principle. The hay enters the bale chamber in the same way with the help of the auger, then the chamber is filled to the stop and the knitting mechanism starts - two threads tie a rectangular bale, after which it is pushed out. The bale-type units have the ability to adjust the density and height of the finished bale, in addition, rectangular blocks of hay or straw are more convenient to store and transport.

We offer you to watch a video review of the work of the square baler:

Another useful canopy powered by a walk-behind tractor is a do-it-yourself straw chopper. It will help you grind the feed just before serving it to your pets. The walk-behind tractor drives the cutting knives.

How it happens - we suggest watching the video:

Most people prefer to harvest hay for the winter in the form of many bulk sheaves, which require large areas and cannot be stored well without a hermetic covering, which requires the use of dense plastic film, which, by the way, is not at all a panacea for dampness inside the stack and does not at all guarantee the complete safety of the workpiece. In the meantime, it is much more practical and convenient to store hay in small briquettes made in the form of a rectangular bar, which will require a special hay press to form. It is as easy as shelling pears to make this device with your own hands, and the costs for translating this great idea into reality will be minimal, because you can use any available tools and materials available on the farm. Among other things, it should be borne in mind that the hay press can be made in three versions.

So, the first two of them can be presented in the form of a wooden or metal body with a folding piston, or as a press performing compaction through the operation of a walk-behind tractor. This article will provide detailed description production of the first option (wooden press), as the lightest and does not require the use of gas welding. The very design of such a homemade press is a tall wooden box of rectangular shape, seated on a rigid frame made of timber or metal profiles with a folding wicket door without a roof. It is quite simple to knock it together, you just need to use pre-sanded and polished wooden planks connected by metal corners and fixing bolts. To increase the strength of the structure, it must be wrapped around the perimeter in the upper and lower parts with metal slats.

In this case, the area of ​​the door remains not captured, since the screed will prevent it from opening, therefore, the reinforcement should be duplicated in the inner part of the box, using flat metal slats at the very top, while the lower part of the structure is fixed in a single position using the bottom, seated on a rigid frame. You can make a swing gate using conventional door hinges, but in order to force it to be held in a closed position while pressing dry hay, the side metal slats should protrude beyond the edge wooden box and have two deep notches, in which a long wooden or steel bolt, made in the form of a thin rigid rail, a rod or a bar (at choice), can freely fit.

The size of the projected gap in the rails protruding beyond the edge of the box, which in parallel act as an auxiliary retainer for the entire structure, completely depends on the thickness of the side edge of the bolt. After the completion of the main work, they proceed to the implementation of the most important element of this device, which is a folding wooden or metal press. For this, its base is attached to the back of the box in the form of a long bar extending upward far beyond its limits, to which, in turn, two auxiliary parallel beams are screwed. At a certain distance from the base of the press, a new bar is placed between these beams, which can make half-turns along its axis forward and backward. By exactly the same principle, the end of this bar is equipped with a press sole, which has the ability to make the same half-turns.

The area and shape of this sole must exactly repeat the cross-section of a wooden box, taking into account the minimum gaps on each side of 5 to 8 millimeters in size, which are necessary for the free movement of the "piston" in the inner part of the structure in order to perform high-quality compaction of the workpiece. For additional convenience, a spool with thick fishing line or synthetic whip is placed on the back of the wooden box, and in the front door there are two longitudinal holes for a bundle of already compressed hay briquette. The pressing process itself is usually carried out in four stages, of which the first three involve laying and tamping hay in the box by throwing the sole of the press and directing it into it. interior, as well as strapping the resulting briquette while it is in the device with a press lowered from above.


After haymaking in a meadow of several tens of hectares, it is very difficult to collect grass by hand; it is better to use a press for heavy motoblocks. Especially if it is automatic.

Tying the hay into a compact briquette takes a lot of work and the likelihood that the result will be satisfactory is extremely low. The fact is that the mowed grass, even when dried, is very loose and crumpled into a dense ball is quite difficult. In large farms, a stationary press or a mobile press clinging to a tractor with a pick-up is used to obtain briquettes or bales of hay. The latter has spring tines that collect grass cuttings that have dried right in the meadow, which are then sent to the auger (screw conveyor). Then the hay goes into a special chamber, the design of which depends on the type of press.

Mobile baler clutching to the tractor

There are roll and bale types of pick-ups, and for walk-behind tractors, models of the first type are mainly suitable, since they need less power of the transmission shaft... On average, 350-500 rpm is sufficient for the operation of such devices, which is quite affordable when using uniaxial traction equipment of a heavy class. In particular, the Neva TT-30 is capable of providing torque with a maximum frequency of 4000 rpm. However, it should be borne in mind that even for mini balers, only the heaviest motoblocks are suitable, the power of which reaches 12-16 liters. with., since the smallest hay tying machines have a mass of 350 kilograms or more.

Small-scale hay presses are usually disdainful of small hay presses by owners of large farms, as their productivity is rather low. If a large baler for a large tractor is capable of delivering more than 1000 bales per full daylight hours, then the device for a walk-behind tractor binds from 6 to 10 bales per hour. That is, you shouldn't expect more than 100 bales of hay a day. However, there is a definite advantage to using mini-balers. First of all, these are the dimensions of the bale into which dried grass or straw is pressed.

Mini pick-up for walk-behind tractor

As a rule, a bale or roll, which is tied by a large machine, is itself rather big, from 1.5 meters in diameter or more. The length is also appropriate, as is the weight of the package, so such bales can only be moved with a forklift. A mini baler used for a walk-behind tractor binds straw or hay into much more compact bales, the diameter of which rarely exceeds 0.5 meters. The weight of such bales is about 15–20 kilograms, which allows them to be carried by one person without resorting to equipment. However, nothing prevents you from transporting ready-made dried briquettes on a platform trolley.

First of all, it should be remembered that not a single press will be able to pick up the grass that is scattered across the field, it must be raked into a kind of ridge. A special mechanism, which is a rotating drum with spring teeth, catches the crop shaft as it moves along it and feeds it onto the conveyor, as mentioned earlier. Next is the feed drum with a pressure grid that crushes dry grass or straw. Further, the hay is either in the storage compartment or directly in the cylindrical bale chamber.

Round baler operation

Rolls are located around the entire circumference, connected by a belt or chain drive of rotation to the drive shaft. When the hay compacted with a grate enters the cylindrical chamber and rolls onto the moving conveyor, it begins to roll towards the center, thereby curling into a bale. The thicker the roll becomes, the more it crushes the newly arriving belt of plant mass and gradually becomes denser. Having reached the preset size, the bale begins to press on the limiting bar, which turns on the tying mechanism, if the press is fully automated, or gives a signal to the driver, if it is a semi-automatic. Then the back wall of the chamber is opened and the roll is rolled out to the ground.

To begin with, such balers are too cumbersome to move around the area behind the walk-behind tractor, but in a stationary position they can be used. To do this, it is enough to provide the supply of hay directly to the receiver, and the uniaxial traction device, the heaviest available, will be able to rotate the mechanism by means of the power take-off shaft (PTO). The hay can be tossed under the pick-up tines manually, or a short, flanged conveyor can be fitted across the width of the pick-up drum to prevent the crop from scattering as it moves towards the spring tines. In general, the principle of operation of a baler is similar to that of a round baler, but only at the stage when dry grass or straw enters the bunker.

Bale machine

After passing the accumulation chamber (also called the receiving chamber) and the feeder, the hay enters the rectangular compartment, which is gradually filled with loose plant matter. Further, a special molding piston crushes grass or straw into a dense briquette, which is tied with twines. Usually, the dimensions of the bale correspond to the width of the chamber and the length, measured by a special limiter, which is set in advance in the desired position. Continuing to move, the piston pushes the finished briquette into the depth of the chamber, which pushes the previous one onto an inclined platform behind the baler, from where the tied plant mass falls to the ground. Twine is usually used 2, or 4 in pairs, for this, the appropriate number of coils is installed in a special compartment.

Interestingly, the piston on the side of the storage chamber is equipped with a knife, the second blade is located on the edge of the chamber itself. The resulting semblance of scissors cuts off excess plant mass, due to which the briquette is very neat. The main thing is to correctly adjust the knives, the distance between which should not be more than 0.5 millimeters. The blades are fixed with bolts that can be loosened, then a plate of appropriate thickness is inserted between them and the knife plates move as tightly as possible. The second thing that requires adjustment is the needles, they should not protrude beyond the piston teeth beyond 9 millimeters, this distance is also calibrated with bolts.

So, we found out that only a round mini pick-up can be connected to a single-axle traction unit due to its small size and lower requirements for the number of revolutions of the transmission shaft. By the way, the front PTO is usually used, for this there is quite a a large number of hay-tying attachments different brands... However, if you retrofit the walk-behind tractor with a front adapter, which will turn the uniaxial technique into, it will be possible to connect a press to the rear transmission shaft.

Connecting the press to a one-drive mini-tractor

It should be noted that the use of the front pick-up is very convenient due to the two lateral disc rakes, which prevent the crop ridge from spreading to the sides when moving along it. There is another feature of such models - the control is for the most part exclusively manual, although there are devices with an automatic start of twine wrapping. For packing hay, a roll of special polyethylene net is used, which wraps the finished bale on the last stage, during idle rotation, when the vehicle has already stopped moving. With such a winding, the loss of dry plant matter is minimal.

Almost all models are protected from damage to the most vulnerable components thanks to fuses - shear bolts, which are destroyed under too heavy loads and must be replaced after the problem is corrected.

The most popular models for use with a walk-behind tractor

The most simple and a budget option- press PPR-50 produced in Ukraine, which is distinguished by an almost completely open roll-down mechanism. In other words, the forming chamber does not have a casing around the circumference, which is why a part of the plant mass is often thrown out through the rollers. Another disadvantage is the absence of side disc rakes, which makes the ridge of the plant mass quickly fall apart. The pick-up tines on the pick-up usually cannot handle large amounts of hay, which requires rationing the pre-placement of cut grass. To work with such a mini bale machine, a walk-behind tractor with a capacity of 10 liters is enough. with., the output turns out rolls weighing about 25-30 kilograms.

The Italian mini pre-picker for the powerful Mini R500 walk-behind tractor is more convenient in operation, the main camera of which consists of two parts: a fixed front and a folding rear. Both are covered with a casing, with the exception of small area in the back where the open shafts are. This 520 kg unit is fully automated. For work, it is enough to have a walk-behind tractor with a capacity of 11 liters. with., while the rear power take-off shaft should give out 540 rpm. By the way, the connection with the rear shaft is not difficult, since the drawbar and its own drive shaft with which the press is equipped are rather long.

Another Italian pick-up, more precisely, a whole line of the Caeb brand, may be of greatest interest to owners of low-power motoblocks. A number of models are connected to the front PTO shaft, which allows pushing the baler instead of pulling, for which 7–8 hp is enough. with. and even less if high speed is not required. The pick-up of this brand, in particular the Caeb MP550, has its own control in the form of a lever with one stick. The camera opens with another lever on the side of the walk-behind tractor, which is not very convenient, but the platform allows you to push the finished roll to the side. This press weighs about 280 kg and is capable of moving at a speed of about 4 km per hour.