Olive oil - the benefits and harm of the product for the body. The benefits and harm of olive oil


A drop of olive oil works wonders. This is sure nutritionists, cosmetologists and doctors are sure. Residents of Spain, Italy and Greece confirm this axiom. Beautiful leather, well-groomed and thick hair, lack of "goose paws" under the eyes. This is what every second woman looks like in countries where Oliva grows. Tree fruits delicious, useful and oily. Hood from olives is nutritious and filled with useful substances. The composition does not compare with other oils. Olive oil is the only bold product allowed by children from infant age. Many factors speak about the benefits of elastic fruits. What kind of useful properties is olive oil and where is it used?

Composition of olive oil

The useful properties of the means must be the content of fatty acids and the substances necessary for the body. The hood from fruits is a source of strength, beauty, youth and good mood.

The composition of olive oil includes such components:

Vitamin E. is responsible for the rejuvenating effect. The task of vitamin includes giving the skin of elasticity, elasticity. Olive oil It goes into cosmetics for women over 25 years old. From this age the first wrinkles appear. Task tools to stop the aging process and extend the life of the cells.
Fatty acid. Normalize digestion, help the absorption of products. Hood of Greek fruit - favorite product of nutritionists. Many diets begin with an empty stomach olive oil. Before proceeding with such a procedure, consult your doctor. When cholecystitis and other diseases are prohibited by the use of olive oil in therapeutic purposes.
Antioxidants. The main task is to remove free radicals that are a source of dangerous diseases. The oil comes into effect independently of the application form. Olive extracts are used as a refueling for salads, an empty stomach is used in medicinal purposes, rubs into the skin or hair.

In addition to the main components, olive oil is saturated with vitamins. Among them are useful for the skin and human health vitamins A, D. The remedy is the source of iron required for the cardiovascular system, rich in micro and macroelements.

Useful properties of olive oil

Feature tools consists in easy absorption. When using olive extracts, a person receives all substances and vitamins that are part of the fruit. Improvement occurs after 30 days of application.

The high result is achieved due to the beneficial properties of olive oil:

Responsible for the balance of substances and elements in the human body. Natural product does not contain cholesterol. The agent is recommended to people with diabetes and patients suffering from cardiovascular diseases.
Posseably affects the digestive organs. The chair comes back. Olive oil heals stomach ulcers.
Sembirs appetite. Fatty acids included in the drawing are well absorbed and saturated with the body. A person does not feel a sense of hunger, consumes less products.
Rejuvenating and firming effect. The walls of the vessels become elastic. Regular use of olive oil can slow down the aging processes. It turns out the overall positive effect on the body. The formation of immunity and its strengthening occurs.

Regenerating properties of the product and anti-inflammatory effects allow the use of a means for wound healing. The oil is pleasantly acting, not a forcelet skin, because it has an anesthetic effect. Recent studies have shown that olive oil will save the skin and chest cancer. Useful properties are used in cooking, actively apply in medicine and cosmetology.

Application of olive oil for leather

In therapeutic purposes take a daily spoon of olive oil. To obtain silk and smooth skin, regular applying is also important. Olive extract is used to combat cellulite, helps to eliminate dryness and peeling. The means is used separately or included in the masks, balms, creams.

With prolonged exposure, users notice such an effect:

the skin becomes soft, dried dry zones;
stretching decreases formed by loss of extra kilograms or during pregnancy;
masks and face creams based on olive oil rejuvenate the skin, align the contour, remove swelling;
small wrinkles are eliminated, located on the face, around the eyes, the appearance of new ones is prevented.

The effect of application is noticeable not only to users, but also around. The face changes the color, breathes health, and the skin becomes pleasant to the touch.

Application of hair olive oil

Natural products in the form of braverains of herbs or home masks always affect the strands. But, when using oil you have to be cautious. The incorrect recipe or incorrectly chosen ingredient will lead to color loss, loss of curls and excessive fat. Olive oil and here is an exception. It is used for all types of hair. The main thing is correct to flush the tool and combine with suitable ingredients. The result will not wait for a long time. Locks become dense, shiny and silky.

If you are afraid for the result, start using the addition of several drops into the shampoo. The effect will not significantly notice after a week of use. If there are no rash, unpleasant sensations or negative impact On the hair, go to the manufacture of home cosmetics.

Olive oil solves the main problems faced by the owners of lush hair. Impact ambient, installation tools, incorrectly chosen shampoo or balm lead to the fact that the strands lose their natural beauty and strength. The hair begins to "be sick", secting tips appear, the loss of curls occurs, dandruff is formed. For recovery requires natural and safe tool. Olive oil, penetrating the hair structure, shares with each strand of moisture, vitamins and fixes the result. Covers curl protective film. Hair loss stops, the head of the head is moistened ,. Achieve a magical result is easy, learn how to prepare therapeutic balms.

Masks with face olive oil

First of all, you need to choose the main ingredient correctly. The best is olive oil made using cold spin technology. Means saves beneficial featuresIt does not add third-party impurities. On high-quality olive oil there is an EXTRA mark. Before use, you do not need to heat the hood from green fruits. Oil is confused by healing properties.

At home, the following masks with olive oil for the face are manufactured:

With vitamin E. According to the additional ingredient it becomes clear that vitamin complex Apply against skin aging. Mask is manufactured by mixing vitamin E and Oliva oil. One part of the vitamin is added to five spoons of the main component. The resulting means is liquid, therefore it is applied using a cotton swab. Oil residues are removed with a dry napkin after 15 minutes.
With lemon juice. Mask is struggling with rashes on the skin. Recommended for people with a fatty or combined skin type. The tool is prepared before applying. The juice of one lemon is squeezed into a bowl with olive oil. Liquid is applied with light movements. Avoid sites around the eyes. Washed off the mask with water or shakes with a paper towel.

Fruit. With the arrival of cold weather, the fight against vitaminosis begins. By the end of the winter, the body is squandered by the stock of vitamins, their absence affects the overall state of health and skin. Gray face, circles under the eyes are eliminated using a fruit mask. Any fruit will be suitable as mashed. The ratio of the exhaust of olive and fruits is equal. The mixture moisturizes the epidermis, eliminates the dry areas, saturates the skin with vitamins.

Masks with olive oil for hair

Means are good in that include ingredients that will be found in any refrigerator. Oils included in the composition are sold in pharmacies or specialized stores. The easiest recipe comes down to applying oil on the skin and strands. Next, follow the situation. If you make a mask in the evening, then warm your hair and go to bed. Oil wash in the morning, wellwashing strands with water with shampoo. If urgent resuscitation of the hair is needed, then withstand the tool for 40 minutes. Repeat procedure in 2 days. This recipe is used as a prophylactic agent.

In therapeutic purposes, such masks with olive hair oil are manufactured:

Based on egg yolk. There are several recipes. The first is used for curls prone to fatty. Any fermented product (sour cream, kefir) and a spoon of oil is added to the composition. Components are thoroughly mixed. The mixture is applied from the roots to the tips of the hair. Half an hour exposure is enough to deliver the hair from the pluraling shine and give a healthy look. The second recipe is used for damaged strands that require urgent recovery. The main ingredients remain, and sour cream is replaced by vinegar (desirable apple). Before applying, make sure that the composition room temperature.

Olive oil and honey. Classic tandem used in cosmetology. Honey before administration melts and becomes cold. If in the hot ingredient introduce an exhaust olive, then the healing effect will be lost. It turns out a viscous mass that is difficult to apply. First, handle damaged strands. For the convenience of applying hands, periodically wipe with water. After 40 minutes. The mask is washed off with warm water. The result is thick, fragrant and obedient curls.
With colorless henna. One package is taken for the recipe. Initially, the contents of the package falls into the bowl. Powder is divorced by water, a thick mass should be obtained. Then olive oil is introduced. The composition is mixed and applied to the hair. The resulting mass is mild and pleasant to the touch. It helps to saturate dry curls, strengthens strands. For better effect, spread your hair after applying the mask. Washed off with water and shampoo.

Well combines olive exhaust with other oils. Strengthening the firming effect, coconut - saturates with nutrients, castor - eliminate seborrhea. All recipes are made quickly and simple. The result of homemade masks is superior to all expectations - elastic, elastic leather and healthy, silky hair.

December 24, 2013, 18:05

Each time, coming to the store to buy olive oil, I'm slightly falling into a stupor, looking at all these a variety of bottles and tin jars and not knowing what to choose. I think that I am not alone faced with this problem.

AIF.RU Agreed to advise on this issue the famous taster and owner of olive groves Senor Massey Giovanni.

1. Hierarchy of olive oils

Mr. Massey: First of all, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that it should be not just "olive oil", but before adding Extra Virgin. In Italy, if you come to the store and say simply "olive oil", then you will bring oil for sewing machine (laughs).

Extra Virgin means oil that was obtained using olive spin (without the use of chemical and biochemical additives). This is the highest quality oil and, as a rule, is added already in finished dishes. Olive oil Extra Virgin Olive Oil - The most natural category of olive oil with perfect aroma and taste. Acidity does not exceed 0.8%.

International Olive Oil Council, in addition to Extra Virgin, divides the oil into the following categories:

FINE VIRGIN OLIVE OIL - Cold spin oil with impeccable taste and aroma and maximum acidity. Acidity from 0.8 to 1.5%. Semi-Fine Virgin Olive Oil - Cold spin oil with a pleasant taste and aroma. Acidity from 1.5 to 3%. Olive oil from immature olives - Oil of the first harvest, produced in a limited amount of fruits collected from the best olive.

Olive oil - It consists exclusively of oil obtained from olive fruits. Olio Vergine. - manufactured by pressing olives mechanical method and Olio di Sansa di Oliva - It is done from the residues of the pulp and fragments of the bones, and then mixed with Vergine. Due to the fact that such olive oil is practically devoid of a characteristic smell, it is best used for frying. Purified Olive Oil (Refined Olive Oil) - Wirgin oil (Virgin), past cleaning - refining.

The percentage of natural juice of olives (Virgin Olive Oil (Virgin)) is small in it, the inscription on the "Olive Oil" package should not be misleading you. Aromatized olive oil - Used in almost all national kitchens in the world. It gives a pleasant flavor dishes.

To the last two categories that are just bringing you for a sewing machine include a lamp olive oil category. vergine (Olio Vergine Lampante) and refined Olive Oil (Olio Di Oliva Raffinato) . These two categories are not suitable for eating due to organoleptic defects and are intended for refining or for industrial use.

2. Mysterious letters

AIF.RU: Senor Giovanni, what do DOP / IGP / PDO abbreviations, which can be seen on bottles with olive oil?

Mr. Massey:As for the abbreviation, they denote oil with a protected name of origin / indicating the geographical location of production. There is another third category - biological olive oil obtained by the method of "biological" (environmentally friendly) production, which is also confirmed by the corresponding certificate. To this category, for example, the olive oil "Diavolocane", where it is written on the bottle. All these gradations apply only to cold spin oil.

AIF.RU: Tell me, and how to understand whether the quality of quality is good, and whether the cases of its fakes occur, as, for example, with alcohol?

Mr. Massey: In Italy, for this kind of fake, criminal punishment is provided, so no. In addition, the DOP / IGP / PDO and the name "biological" olive oil are a guarantee of fake. Oil can be poor quality only in two cases: due to weather conditions, which led to a bad harvest or, if it was not assembled on time. In this case, in olives, there are few pulp and bones give bitterness. Unlike other fruits, there is no clear ripening time with olives: this year the harvest can shoot in mid-September, and in the next - two weeks before or later, and it is very important not to miss this moment.

3. We have a road everywhere

AIF.RU: Continuing the topic of wine, can I say about olive oil, that the bottle of this year is better not to take?

Mr. Massey: In this sense, olive oil from wine is different. The rule "the older, the more tastier" here should be read "than the younger, the more useful." One of the most important things when buying olive oil is the production date and shelf life, so read the label carefully. Combating manufacturers always put a date. The shelf life of the oil from the date of production should not exceed 18 months, so you look for more "young" oil.

4. Storage rules

AIF.RU: Are there any rules how to store olive oil.

Mr. Massey: Olive oil should not be put next to the stove or in the refrigerator. It should be stored in a dry dark place at a temperature of from 10 to 15 degrees Celsius. It also does not like light. If you look, all the bottles are made of dark glass. In Italy, olive oil is often stored in the same compartment as the garbage bin (laughs). And in Russia the same?

AIF.RU: No, in Russia to olive oil are respectful: it is not so cheap to keep it in such a non-super-fair place.

Mr. Massey: And one more rule: olive oil can not be held long open, so that when connecting with air it does not oxidize. Open the bottle, pour required amount Oils and immediately close it with a lid.

Today we will talk about the tool, which deservedly received the status of "liquid gold" in the circles of culinary, cosmetologists, doctors, phytotherapists, namely, about olive oil.

This remedy did not waste its popularity, passing through the millennium of application. Multifunctionality this substance So eloquent that it really appreciated in ancient times by weight of gold. The first product was assessed by the ancient Greeks, and from them information about the unique tool was separated worldwide.

Consider more, what is the use of olives oil, as in which purpose it is used, what the features of its chemical composition and analyze the possibilities for its use in different areas vital activity of man.

Chemical composition

Olive oil has a type of translucent liquid and is vegetable fat. "Liquid gold" is obtained from the fruits of oliv European (oilseeds). These fruits can be painted in green or black (olives) color.

Did you know? Duration of life olive tree The average is about 500 years. But the units that lived and 1500 years have also been known. Long-livers in their form are trees whose age is over 2000. They grow on the oilseed mountain in Jerusalem. According to legend, it was under these ancient trees before a terrible execution prayed Jesus.

Both those and others are useful for obtaining a multifunctional product. For its seizure, the fruits pass the cold prescript procedure. So that the fluid is high quality, it must be squeezed exclusively with the fruits collected from November to March.

The uniqueness of the composition of the product lies in the fact that it does not contain proteins and carbohydrates, its main component - fatty acids. In addition, this healing agent has many vitamins, minerals, useful trace elements:

  • the obstacle on the way to the aging processes will be the presence of phenols, phenolic acids and polyphenols in olive oil;
  • stabilize the level of sugar will help admission to the blood of terpene alcohols and tocopherols, which are contained in such a kind of medicine. And the presence will help prevent the development of diabetes, atherosclerosis and obesity;
  • oleic acids accelerate the metabolism and strengthen the walls of the vessels;
  • olive oil effectively in the prevention of oncological diseases, especially in the field of gynecology;
  • the presence in the composition of the product of linoleic acid is a high-quality instrument in the struggle for visual acuity, therefore it is especially valuable in ophthalmology;
  • the remedy is rich in vitamins: which are known for the intestine, bones, leather.

Important! An oil liquid differs in particular quality and even elitism, which is obtained as a result of the so-called "cold spin". Its essence lies in the fact that the crushed raw material is exposed to anneal in temperature conditions not higher than +25 ... + 27° FROM.

What is useful olive oil

The spectrum of use of this fund is quite extensive and impressive. If we use it correctly, you can avoid multiple health problems, and there are no age limitations.

For men

It is the opinion that men who live on the motherland of olives practically do not know what sexual problems are. They are distinguished by their passionism and fermented temperament. A man who is in the food of Maslins is not familiar with the diseases of the genitourinary system.
And such problems are not only a physical, but also a severe psychological blow. Olive oil use helps men again taste all the delights of saturated sexual life, believe in itself and their strength.

The presence of a vitamin product is useful for normalizing the metabolic process in the body of a man, helps to create a correct hormonal picture, promotes high-quality testosterone production (hormone, thanks to which a man feels a man), increases the tone of vessels, contributes to a quality tide to the sexual body, which, In turn, strengthens the quality of the erection.

In addition to the listed advantages, the product is cleaning the liver, destroys cholesterol, outputs free radicals from the body.

Did you know? Since ancient times, this remedy is considered the "gift of gods" or "blood of the earth". According to one of the myths, the Olive tree created Athena Pallada. In this regard, the ancient Greeks sanctified the temples using the oil fluid obtained from olive fruits, and the Jews used this fluid for ritual rites.

For women

For both male and for female health (and even beauty) Oil olive liquid is extremely useful. This agent is used for hair regeneration, skin, nails, it has a positive effect on the female organism as a whole, serves as a preventive tool to prevent cancer.

It is especially useful for a woman who shelters the baby, as well as during the lactation period. And for the representatives of the beautiful gender, which put their goal to achieve the cherished model parameters and lose weight, such a means is a real find.

For kids

Information about the fact that the growing body of the child needs huge quantities Vitamins, biologically active useful substancesah - no secret for anyone. In this case, oil from olive fruit is an indispensable product in the kid's diet.

It is extremely useful for the formation of a child's musculoskeletal system, favorably affects the development of a strong bone system in its body.
In addition, the product contains trace elements that contribute to the development of memory and thinking of the baby, the reaction speeds, soothe the nervous system, effectively affect vision.

For older people

We have already mentioned that in oil fluid from olive fruits, enzymes are contained, which increase and maintain memory, and, accordingly, the sober mind. Today, it often sounds information that people aged became students of the university and successfully obtained a higher education.

Oddly enough, but for achieving such a goal will be perfectly served by olive oil, because the trace elements that are contained in it increase the ability to learn. But this is not all: the product is a preventive tool to prevent Alzheimer's disease. Well, how not to mention its rejuvenating properties and fighting wrinkles.

Did you know?The world-famous Cleopatra has always taken dairy baths with Olive fruit oil, because there was an oil fluid with a real elixir of youth.

Lit can

Of course, the reception of any drug is accompanied by a number of issues, as to whether it is possible to consume a substance under what conditions and in what quantities. We will try to give exhaustive answers to the most relevant of them.


Not only possible, but also need. Olive oil is a source of a set of necessary useful substances, which are so necessary and the body of the woman itself, and the emerging organism of the fetus. It has favorably affects proper development The brain of the future little man fills the body and the baby, and the mother of the desired vitamins and the useful substances.

Reception of "liquid gold" is essential if there is a threat of interrupting pregnancy. It saturates the body with vitamins, and, accordingly, the future mommy will decrease appetite, and it will not suffer from excess weightWhat is fraught with for a baby.
Not all pregnant women suffer from toxicosis, but practically everyone has problems with the intestines, often suffer from constipation and hemorrhoids, as well as various diseases that appear against the background of the decline in immunity. To maintain the body, Olive oil is a real elixir.

Important! Gynecologists often advise their pregnant patients to take the "gift of the gods" before childbirth, since the enzymes contained in it contribute to the disclosure of the cervix.

Nursing breasts

The body of a woman who feeds breasts is often at the stage of exhaustion. In such an aspect, the reception of the young mammy "liquid gold" will be very relevant because it will supply nursing necessary for the resumption of the forces with vitamins and substances. What is interesting, vitamins with milk will go to the body of the child.

Also, this tool will be appropriate and in the case when a young mother suffers from postpartum hemorrhoids and constipation, and her little child is from Colik. The enzymes contained in it, if the named problems do not completely eliminate, then at least qualitatively reduce their symptoms.

When weight loss

Headache almost every woman is extra centimeters on the waist. They appear without problems, but eliminate such unexpected guests And to achieve cherished parameters - extremely difficult. The assistant in the fight against extra kilograms can serve as the "blood of the Earth".

Despite the fact that the tool is not low-calorie (120 kcal / 1 Art. L.), It is due to its chemical composition, Capably eliminate defects of the figure. The fact is that oleic acid contained in the product, mixing with gastric juicy And bile, contributes to the acceleration of metabolism.

Products are fast digested, and the brain receives a signal that the body is fed, respectively, the subsequent feeling of hunger is reduced.

Did you know?Only the aroma of the Gift of the Gods is capable of fucked by the feeling of hunger, since it increases the level of serotonin in the blood.

Application in different spheres

"Liquid gold" is in great demand not only in medical circles, but also in cosmetology and culinary.

In cooking

Olive oil is one of the fundamental components in the cooking of many countries. It is used both to impart extraordinary taste with various cold dishes and salads (as refueling) and for frying.

Olive refueling gives cold dishes, salads, souces truly Divine taste and aroma. As for the frying, it should be observed temperature modes Cooking dishes with the "gift of the gods", and it is necessary to pay attention to the view of the oil itself.

So, in the preparation of dishes using an unrefined fluid of the highest quality (first spin), it is recommended to adhere to the temperature in +160 ° C, and the dishes using the olive refined oil are adjusted at a temperature of +200 ... + 240 ° C.

Important!This component can become unsurpassed refueling for ordinary macaroni, or an integral element Excellent sauce, for the preparation of which they need a basil, garlic, lemon. Such a sauce will be able to qualitatively diversify your everyday menu.

In cosmetology

With this product, almost every woman who wants to look like a queen, as it has a multitude of useful properties and is widely used in cosmetology. On its basis, a variety of skin care products, hair, nails are manufactured.

Dry skin mask

If your skin suffers from excessive dryness, it is useful to "moistry" the next mask: stir "liquid gold" and clay in equal proportions (it turns out something similar to sour cream) and apply it to problem areas. The duration of such a kind of cosmetology procedure should be fifteen minutes. Wash off such a mask with warm water.

Mask for split hair tips

Long, shiny, healthy hair, without disheveled sticking tips - the dream of every woman. Oddly enough, but the "gift of the gods" will help to realize such a dream into reality. Make a mask using this product is quite easy: just apply a mixture of 2 tbsp. l. Oil fluid mixed with 1 yolk and 1 tbsp. l. vinegar, full length of its curls.

Before applying the mixture is heated in a water bath. In order to wash the fat from the head, it is necessary to use a large amount of shampoo. Literally for several sessions of such therapy, your hair will surprise you with their luxury and glitter, and their shabby tips will be completely restored.

But on such original therapy you need to spend time - the duration of the procedure is 30 minutes a day.

Body Scrub

Elastic and healthy skin of their own body is another thing of women's dreams. Body scrub, prepared on the basis of the "god gods", coffee grounds, a hammer of oatmeal, sugar, salt, will help to implement a cherished desire. essential oils In the same proportions. Scrub is recommended to apply 2 times a week (half-hour session) and rinse with warm water.

Important!The effect of the scrub is that it contributes to the exfoliation of dead cells, and its oil components penetrate into the epidermis layers and restore them.

In folk medicine

Folk medicine has its own view on the use of the "blood of the earth". Let us consider in more detail, as from what problems, according to Varkharai, the product can heal a person.

With inflammation of the gums

To eliminate the inflammation of the gums, it is recommended to make a toothbrush (it is important that its bristles are mild) into the oil liquid of the olive fruit and rub it into the infused gums. The procedure should take 7-10 minutes. There is no need to swallow liquid.

With a bricken disease

The characteristics are recommended to fight stones in bile ducts, conducting the procedure of the cleansing enema. To fill the enema, you will need 1 cup of mixture made of "liquid gold" and lemon juice in the same proportions. It is advised to conduct an enema two hours after meals, best in the morning.

Important!It is the opinion that the human body is best assisted by vitamin substances after a person woke up. Therefore, medications are recommended to take in the morning. Preparations using the "Dara of Gods" - no exception.

For diseases of the compositions

If you are worried about the problems with joints, you need to go through a two-week treatment course with the following drug: 4 weeks to insist the mixture, which includes 60 g of the Flowers of the Hypericum and 0.8 liters of oil. After 4 weeks, stretch the medicine and squeeze flowers. Take the drug is necessary inside, 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day.

With constractions

Constipation is a day punishment that entails hemorrhoids. Doctors from the people recommend getting rid of the constipation with such a medicine: cut 4-5 lettuce of lettuce, 8-10 olives, add a teaspoon of lemon juice and a tablespoon of "Dara of Gods". Take such a medicine recommended on an empty stomach in the morning an hour before meals, as well as in the evening for one week.

Refined or unrefined?

Worth the question of which olive oil is to buy, - refined or unrefined - you need to clearly decide why you need it: if for refueling salads and cold snacks, then, of course, unrefined because it has excellent taste qualities and aroma.
If for frying is refined, as it does not smoke and does not foam.

Important! For medical purposes, it is necessary to use an exceptionally unrefined product, preferably the first spin, which has a complete set of beneficial substances.

How to choose and distinguish fake

One of the main criteria for the choice of "liquid gold" is free acidity, that is, the presence of oxidized substances in it, which suggest how rapidly the product can be spoiled when exposed to fresh air and light. The less acids, the more value the product.

Check the quality of olive oil can be used at home: high quality fluid is motionable, if they put it in the refrigerator, and will again gain a seamless view when moving into room conditions.

Another criteria for choosing a natural olive product is its smell: really high-quality oil fluid is distinguished by a saturated aroma. Natural olive oil is lit at a temperature of over 240 degrees. Particularly responsible and carefully, you need to choose this product of the EXTRA VIRGIN quality, which is not only the highest quality, but also an impressive price. In this regard, the product is often trying to fake.

As for this this subspecies, the bottle label filled with this fluid should be an emblem with EU symbols and letters PDO, PGI, which indicate that olive oil is really done from qualitative Olives According to old recipes.

How to store at home

We have already mentioned that the oil flies at a time when the acid contained in it react with air and light. Therefore, the main product storage rule: a hermetically closed container and a place where the light does not have access. Temperature should be some medium arithmetic between the room and the fact that in the refrigerator.

Important!Over time, the product crashes his useful qualitiesTherefore, it is recommended to use it three or four weeks after opening the factory packaging (banks).

Contraindications and harm

Today there are no products that would be useful to everyone and everywhere. So in the case of oil olives. Despite the luggage benefits, it has a minor cons and contraindications. It may not be so much a product as its excessive consumption.

Olive oil abuse can lead to deplorable results: obesity, problems with the digestive system, liver infiltration. It is also worth remembering that with frying it is squanding its useful qualities and properties.

Important!People suffering from cholecystitis, diarrhea, obesity, gastric or intestinal infections, as well as in poisoning and other disorders of the digestive organs, the use of olive oil is contraindicated.

As you can see, we are surrounded by many useful productsYou only need to be able to recognize them and correctly use it. One of these products is olive oil.
This tool received recognition in medicine, cosmetology, nutrition, cooking and other life spheres. If you approach its use moderately and correctly - it can turn into a real elixir of health and beauty.

Olive oil is obtained from olive tree fruits (olive european), mainly in the Mediterranean regions. It was used by humanity over the centuries. Oil is obtained by pressing integers. It is usually used in cooking, both for frying and for salads. Olive oil is also used in cosmetics, pharmaceutical preparations and soap, as well as fuel for traditional oil lamps and has additional applications in some religions.

Olive oil is one of the three main herbal products in the Mediterranean cuisine; Two others - wheat and.

Olive trees are grown in areas Mediterranean Sea From the 8th millennium BC. Spain is the largest manufacturer Olive oil, followed by Italy and Greece. Nevertheless, the consumption per capita is the highest in Greece, the Spain, Italy and Morocco follow him. Consumption B. North America And Northern Europe is much smaller, but steadily growing.

The composition of olive oil varies depending on the variety, height above sea level, harvest time and extraction process. It consists mainly of oleic acid (up to 83%) with fewer fatty acids, including linoleic acid (up to 21%) and palmitic acid (up to 20%). Olive oil "Extra Virgin" must have no more than 0.8% free acidity and, as it is believed to have favorable taste. ()

Nutritional value, composition and calorie content of olive oil

100 grams of olive oil contains (% of the recommended daily norm consumption) ():

  • Calorie: 884 kcal (44%).
  • Carbohydrates: 0 g (0%).
  • Fats: 100 g (154%).
  • Protein: 0 g (0%).
  • Vitamin E: 14.3 mg (72%).
  • Vitamin K: 60.2 μg (75%).
  • Fitosterols: 221 mg.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids: 761 mg.
  • Omega-6 Fatty acids: 9763 mg.

Olive oil also contains in a small amount of minerals such as calcium, iron, potassium and sodium.

Olive oil benefits for human body

The use of olive oil contributes to prevention and helps in the treatment of cancer, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, alzheimer's disease, stroke, rheumatoid arthritis, obesity, etc. This is how olive oil for the human body is useful:

1. Olive oil contains mono-saturated fats

Olive oil is natural oil extracted from olives, oily fruits of olive tree. About 24% of olive oil make up saturated fats, and ().

But the prevailing (73%) fatty acid in olive oil is a mono-saturated fat called oleic acid, which is extremely useful for human health.

It is believed that oleic acid helps reduce inflammation and can have a beneficial effect on genes associated with cancer (,,).

Monounsaturated fats in olive oil are also quite resistant to high temperatures, making it good choice for cooking food.


Olive oil is rich in monon-saturated oleic acid. It is believed that this fatty acid has a versatile positive impact on the human body and is a good choice for cooking.

2. Olive oil contains many antioxidants

Olive oil is quite nutritional. In addition to healthy fatty acids, it contains a large amount of vitamins E and K, as well as rich in powerful antioxidants. These antioxidants are biologically active and can help combat serious diseases (,).

It includes antioxidants that can fight inflammation and help prevent cholesterol oxidation in our blood, which is the most important steps in the process of preventing heart disease (,).


Olive oil is rich in antioxidants, some of which possess powerful biological effects.

3. Olive oil has strong anti-inflammatory properties

Chronic inflammation is considered one of the leading factors contributing to the development of many diseases. It can cause cancer, cardiovascular diseases, metabolic syndrome, diabetes mellitus, Alzheimer's disease, arthritis and even obesity.

Olive oil can reduce inflammation, which may be one of the main reasons for its health benefit. The main anti-inflammatory effects are associated with antioxidants contained in it. The key among them is oleocantal, which has been identified, works similarly to ibuprofenu - anti-inflammatory drug ().

Some scientists believe that oleocantal in 50 ml (3.4 tablespoons) of olive oil has the same efficiency as a 10% adult dose of ibuprofen ().

There are also studies that suggest that oleic acid (basic fatty acid in olive oil) can reduce the level of important inflammatory markers, such as C-jet protein (,).

One study also showed that olive oil antioxidants can inhibit some genes and proteins that lead to inflammation ().


Olive oil contains nutrients capable of fighting inflammation. These include oleic acid, as well as antioxidant oleocantal.

4. Olive oil can help prevent stroke

The stroke is caused by a circulatory disorder in the brain due to blood clot or bleeding. In developed countries, stroke is the second in frequency of death, immediately after the disease of the heart ().

The relationship between olive oil and the risk of stroke development was widely studied. A large review study, which included more than 841,000 subjects, showed that olive oil is the only source of mono-saturated fat associated with a reduced risk of stroke and cardiovascular diseases ().

These results are confirmed by another major visual research, in which 140,000 participants participate. The researchers found that those who consumed olive oil were subjected to significantly less risk of stroke ().


There are many major studies whose results show that people who consume olive oil have a much smaller risk of stroke - the second largest killer in developed countries.

5. Olive oil protects against cardiovascular diseases

Heart diseases are the most common cause of death all over the world ().

Supervisory studies conducted several decades ago showed that cardiovascular diseases are rarely found in the Mediterranean countries. This led to extensive studies of the Mediterranean diet, which was revealed, significantly reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases (,).

Olive oil is one of the key elements of this diet and protects against cardiovascular diseases by numerous ways ().

It reduces inflammation, protects the LDL cholesterol from oxidation, improves the function of the endothelium of blood vessels and can help prevent unwanted blood coagulation (,,,,).

Interestingly, it was also revealed to reduce blood pressure, which is one of the strongest risk factors for the development of heart disease and premature death. In one study, olive oil reduced the need for preparations that reduce blood pressure by 48% (,,).

The truth is that dozens, if not hundreds, studies have shown that olive oil is incredibly useful for heart health.

If you have cardiovascular diseases, family history of heart disease or any other serious risk factor, then you may think about the inclusion large number Olive oil in its diet.


Olive oil is very useful for heart health. It reduces blood pressure, protects particles of LDL oxidation and has a beneficial effect on many other risk factors.

6. Olive oil does not cause weight gain and obesity

Numerous studies have tied a Mediterranean diet rich in olive oil, with a favorable effect on body weight (,,).

In a 2.5-year study, in which more than 7,000 students of the Spanish College participated, it was revealed that the consumption of a large amount of olive oil was not associated with an increase in body weight ().

In other words, significant consumption of olive oil is not associated with increasing weight or obesity in observational studies.

A 3-year study involved in the participation of 187 subjects showed that a diet rich in olive oil increased the level of antioxidants in the blood and led to a decrease in body weight (weight loss) ().


Consumption of a large amount of olive oil, apparently, does not increase the likelihood of weight gain. It can even be useful for weight loss.

7. Olive oil can help fight Alzheimer's disease

Alzheimer's disease is the most common neurodegenerative disease in the world. One of its key features is the accumulation of so-called beta-amyloid plaques inside the brain cells.

One study on mice showed that the substance in olive oil can help remove these plaques from the brain cells ().

Another study, this time in humans, has shown that a Mediterranean diet, including olive oil, has a beneficial effect on the brain function ().


Some studies show that olive oil can help fight Alzheimer's disease, but more studies are required to confirm this.

8. Olive oil can reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus

The beneficial properties of olive oil include its ability to protect very well from diabetes mellitus. In several studies, it was found that olive oil has a beneficial effect on blood sugar and insulin sensitivity (,).

A randomized clinical study with the participation of 418 patients who do not suffer from diabetes, confirmed the protective effects of olive oil ().

In this study, the Mediterranean diet with olive oil reduces the risk of a type of diabetes mellitus 2 by more than 40%.


Observational studies and clinical trials show that olive oil, combined with a Mediterranean diet, can reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus.

9. Antioxidants in olive oil have anti-gas properties

Cancer is one of the most common causes of death in the world. People in the Mediterranean countries have a lower risk of developing certain types of cancer, and many researchers believe that olive oil can have something to do with it ().

Antioxidants in olive oil can reduce the oxidative damage applied by free radicals, which is considered one of the leading risk factors for the development of cancer (,).

Many studies in the test tube showed that compounds in olive oil can help fight cancer cells (,).

In order to find out whether olive oil can really help prevent cancer, it is necessary to conduct more research on people.


There is preliminary evidence that olive oil can help prevent cancer, but it must be learned properly.

10. Olive oil can help in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease characterized by deformed and painful joints. The exact reason is not entirely clear, but it includes immune system The body, by mistake, attacking normal cells.

Olive oil seems to improve inflammatory markers and reduces oxidative stress in people with rheumatoid arthritis (,).

Its use, apparently, is especially useful in combination with fish oil - the source of anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids.

In one study, olive oil and fish oil significantly reduced the pain in the joints and the morning stiffness, and also improved the power of the compression of the hand into the fist in people with rheumatoid arthritis ().


Olive oil can help reduce joint pain and swelling with rheumatoid arthritis. Favorable effects increase significantly in combination with fish fat.

11. Olive oil has antibacterial properties

Olive oil contains a lot nutrientswhich can inhibit or suppress harmful bacteria (). One of these types of bacteria is Helicobacter Pilori - Bacteria that live in the stomach and can cause ulcers and gastric cancer.

Studies in test tubes showed that olive oil effectively against eight strains of these bacteria, three of which are resistant to antibiotics ().

The study conducted in humans showed that 30 g of olive oil can eliminate infection Helicobacter Pilori 10-40% of people in just 2 weeks ().


Olive oil has antibacterial properties and, as was revealed, especially effectively against Helicobacter Pilori - type of bacteria that can cause ulcers and gastric cancer.

The harm of olive oil for the human body

So, what is the olive oil for the human body? This product is probably safe if you use it (taking) inside properly. The use of olive oil should be limited to 14% of the total consumption of daily calories. It is about 2 tablespoons (28 grams) per day.

Used olive oil is well tolerated by most people, but some can cause nausea. When applied to the skin, allergic reactions and contact dermatitis were reported. When used in the mouth after dental treatment, the roth cavity can become more sensitive.


  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding: Not enough reliable information about the safety of olive oil use, if you are pregnant or breastfeed. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, to avoid unforeseen side effects, do not use it in excessive amounts (more than 2 tablespoons per day).
  • Diabetes: Olive oil can reduce blood sugar levels. People with diabetes must check blood sugar levels when using this product.
  • Surgery: Olive oil can affect blood sugar levels. Its use can affect blood sugar during and after surgery. Stop using this product 2 weeks before the operation. ()

How to take olive oil

Drugs.com. Reports that olive oil is safe to take in an amount up to 2.7 tablespoons per day. It is not recommended that pregnant or nursing women consumed it in larger quantities ().

  • When laying: 30 ml (about 2 tablespoons).
  • At high blood pressure: from 30 to 40 grams (from 2 to 2 ½ tablespoons) as part of your diet. In other words, if you take so much olive oil every day, do not add it more to your products.
  • With high cholesterol: 23 grams (slightly less than 2 tablespoons) instead of other fats in your diet.
  • For the prevention of cardiovascular diseases and infarction: 54 grams (about 4 tablespoons). To avoid increasing body weight with this amount, make sure that other products that you eat are healthy health and contain less calories and fat. The risk of side effects can increase when consuming higher doses.

If you do not tolerate the taste of olive oil in pure formYou can add it to morning coffee, juice or cocktail.

Olive oil is so highly appreciated during the times of ancient Greece, which for circumcision or damage to the culprit trees could execute, based on the provisions of the laws of the VI century BC. Learn more about this product, how to use olive oil properly, is it possible to use an overdue olive oil, and whether the statement of the Greek Poet of Homer, who used the phrase "liquid gold" to describe it is reasonable.

Olive oil properties

The main components of olive oil include: oleic (omega-9), linolevoy (omega-6), palmitic, stearin and linolenic (omega-3) acid, polyphenols, vitamin E, carotenoids and squalene (Squalene). Let's try to understand the components and their features.

Oleic acid (OMEGA-9):

  • supports softness, elasticity and healthy skin shine;
  • stimulates the growth of thicker, long and strong hair (more about);
  • reduces the manifestation of the aging of the body, for example, in the form of premature wrinkles;
  • eliminates dandruff;
  • enhances immunity;
  • manifests antioxidant properties;
  • prevents the inflammation of the joints, stiffness of movements and pain.

Linoleic Acid (Omega-6):

  • moisturizes hair and stimulates their height;
  • promotes wound healing;
  • it is an effective emulsifier in the composition of soap and quick-drying oils;
  • has anti-inflammatory qualities;
  • fights with acne and reduces the chances of their further appearance;
  • promotes moisture retention in the skin and hair;
  • makes oil mixtures more diluted in consistency in preparation, which is useful for use in the presence of acne.

Palmitic acid:

  • has mitigating properties (at the same time, does not leave the sticky residue after use);
  • it is the most common saturated fatty acid.

The chemical composition of olive oil depends on the following factors:

  • type and quality of pressed fetus;
  • region in which olives grow;
  • growth heights above sea level;
  • weather during the growing season;
  • harvest time and extraction process.

However, at the same time, there remain unchanged 3 of the main components of all types of product - oleic (up to 83%), linoleic (up to 21%) and palmitic (up to 20%) acid, which was described in more detail.

There are additional features that provide other components. For example, thanks to stearin, which is an ideal emulsifier that binds water and oil, produced on the basis of the subject of research products remain persistent with long-term storage. Add exceptional cleansing properties to this.

Omega-3, in turn, controls blood coagulation and soothes the joints. Polyphenols protect OT. ultraviolet rays, increase the level of humidity of the skin and improve blood circulation and cell growth.
Vitamin E is known due to the stimulation of antioxidant activity, the delay in the aging of the body and protection against toxins, as well as smoothing the surface of damaged tissues in scrata, eel and wrinkles.

Carotenoids are on guard of hyperpigmentation due to UV radiation, acne and hormone activity. In addition, they reduce water loss and are responsible for moisturizing and regeneration of skin.

Finally, the squalene is similar to the chemical composition on the secret produced by sall glands, and helps, like skin fat, soften and moisturize upper layer epidermis.

Harm and benefit of olive oil, contraindications

If we consider "liquid gold" based on the information specified above, it seems that the product has only useful properties. But, for the objectivity of the assessment, it is worth mentioning about the shortcomings and cases when it is better to dose application.

Usefulness of olive oil

To understand whether olive oil is useful, briefly summarize, based on the following advantages:

  • indispensable beneficial properties, skin, moisturizing and increase its elasticity, regenerative abilities;
  • the formation of antioxidants and useful fats to combat free radicals (defective molecules trying to return their composition even at the expense of other tissues) and facilitate healing;
  • smoothing wrinkles under the eyes;
  • the possibility of applying and proximity in composition with skin fat.

But the benefits are not limited. It is rich in monon-saturated fats, which helps reduce the risk of heart disease. It can benefit when adjusting the insulin level and blood sugar control and, therefore, potentially reduces the risk of type 2. Diabetes. This product is considered softer for the digestive system, prevents the occurrence of gallstones and soothes ulcers.

Possible harm

Now about negative impact. For people with sensitive skin or a disease such as dermatitis, outdoor use is not recommended, as this may worsen the state. It is necessary to test the test to the reaction of a small area of \u200b\u200bthe skin to test allergic irritations before applying on more sensitive areas.

It is also worth completely excluding the use of infants during massage, since studies have shown that natural oils can contribute to the development of eczema, especially in people with genetic predisposition to this. Those who suffer from asthma, atopic dermatitis, it is also desirable to avoid using olive oil, because there is a possibility of allergies. With outdoor use, the extra quantity should be removed after applying to avoid clogging and holding bacteria inside.

When eating in food, pay attention to the fact that this product is high-calorie and its excessive consumption will negatively affect the health status of sedentary people. The choleretic properties are dangerous in the presence of formations and stones, therefore, with a diagnosed cholecystitis, caution will not be superfluous.

Like any vegetable oil, when heated is lost useful characteristicsAnd when high temperatures achieve, harmful carcinogenic substances begin to stand out. In this case, we are talking about the indicator of more than 200 degrees.


Diabetes medications are used to reduce sugar levels. Therefore, when they are parallel with olive oil at home, it is better to ensure the blood glucose numbers.

Similar situation with drugs for high blood pressure. Antihypertensive preparations often include captopril, enalapril and furosemide, and when they are jointly consumed, the numbers can change too sharply. Cholecystitis, diarrhea and obesity will complement the list of contraindications.

How can I replace olive oil?

Whatever expensive and useful product, it is sometimes necessary to replace it. First of all, because of the price or specific taste. But what butter can I replace olive?

Consider five alternatives for those who are used to using olive oil.

  1. Linen. It is made of flax seeds and applicable as medicine, not just to cook dishes. Due to the pronounced taste and smell, usually used to refuel salads, porridge and boiled potatoes. Short term The shelf life (about three months) and the price tag do not allow it to consider it as a full substitution.
  2. Sesame. It is a popular substitute in view of the microelements and antioxidants contained in its composition. It is produced from either raw seeds or roasted. Accordingly, the color varies from light to a more dark, and the first species is used in cold dishes, and the second is filled with hot. Fry on sesame oil is undesirable.
  3. Mustard - distributed due to resistance to high temperatures Without loss of useful properties. Contains a decent list of vitamins (B6 and B9, A, C, D, D).
  4. Hemp. The easily dismantled, does not contain contraindications when frying and cooking marinades and soups. According to the composition of Omega-3 and Omega-6 approximately to olive.
  5. Sunflower. The most common substitute. The fat content is approximately the same, but in the refined sunflower, the indicator will be significantly lower. The price tag for two products in the CIS countries differs 5-6 times in favor of a domestic alternative.

What is the olive oil better than sunflower?

Is it worth looking in favor of substitutes, refusing olive oil? Consider on the example of the last, fifth name.

Our olive latitudes do not grow, and the organisms are not so adapted to them, like residents of the Mediterranean. Due to the duration of the cold season, the need for omega-3, struggling with cold and atherosclerosis increases. Utility sunflower oil It is that containing 72% of such fats in the composition, it is almost seven times the digits of a competitor. But olive, in turn, is better in the following components:

  • vitamin to more three times;
  • it is easier to absorb due to the unique combination of unsaturated fatty acids (Omega-9 affect the production of proteins and struggle with thrombosis and cholesterol);
  • economy in consumption;
  • high resistance to higher temperatures and smaller carcinogens when heated.

Of course, olive oil is not a medicine in the fight against obesity, because with unlimited consumption the problem will also appear. But in comparison with sunflower, the risk is lower at times.

How to take olive oil?

Some of the most confusing issues that are found on forums and web pages about nutrition and health: how to use Extra Virgin olive oil. Many people advise only the product of the highest grade or only slightly heat it. For example, sprinkle vegetables, add to already ready-made dishes or refuel salads. For others, this is the main tool in cooking, both in extinguishing and frying and cold snacks.

The problem is the combustion temperature at which the olive oil is on, becomes vocom and, in turn, produces free radicals acting as carcinogens. But, if you do not do your affairs and keep food for a long time on a big fire, it will not start anything. For example, when cooking eggs, potatoes and other dishes that do not occupy a lot of time, up to 200 degrees of the pan will not have time to warm up.

Refined or unrefined?

Refined and unrefined olive oils have their own characteristics affecting their application. In the first case, the product is cleaned by neutralization, bleaching and deodorization. There is no point in taking a bottle of past processing of the product to refuel cold dishes and salads: the desired fragrance is lost in the cleaning procedure, the taste is also changing somewhat. If the heating is not done, it is better to stop the choice on an unrefined version.

The refined process, in turn, adapts the product for heat treatment. Extraction of moisture allows not to burn in a pan and not foam. The combustion temperature of purified oil rises, smells are removed, when heated affecting cooking food, and harmful elements that turn into carcinogens.

What else to pay attention to?

The quality is important. See what the product is made of fruit or cake. Never use the highest grade product for long frying fat meat dishes long cooking. This is the transfer of money, and the benefits are not even talking. Whenever cook with olive oil (or any other vegetable), gradually increase the temperature and do not lift it up to the critical burning mark. Contrary to popular recipes where it is necessary to warm up the frying pan is almost hot, do not just turn the useful ingredient in smoke.

How to use expired olive oil?

Finally, let's talk about how to use overdue olive oil, and is it possible to use it. If the recommended expiration date is expired, the beneficial properties of such a product will decrease, and in some cases the flavor and smell will appear. First of all, it is undesirable to use overdue olive oil into food. However, much depends on the storage conditions. If the temperature modes are met, the insertion of sunlight is excluded, and the bottle is tightly closed, the period specified by the manufacturer can be safely increased by a third.

The use of overdue olive oil is possible in the following areas:

  • in cosmetic purposes: Various leather and natural soaps require the desired content of fats and consistency, not odor and flavoring qualities;
  • "Paint" for wooden products. With protection function from sun ray And from the wear of the surface, the oil is quite cope. But it is worth being careful if we are talking about furniture not to leave stains. Although the outer elements will gain shine after polishing;
  • grease for creaking parts;
  • "The refreshment" of leather things, especially shoes.

Olive oil has long been popular not only in the regions of the Mediterranean, but also around the world. It is valued for the taste and range of health benefits for the body. This article is intended to help you learn more about this plant ingredient - its properties, health values, how to use olive oil properly, is it possible to replace with sunflower olive oil, and what to do with expensive purchase, the shelf life of which has expired.