How to choose high-quality olives (olives). Olives and olives: What is the difference than they differ

What is more useful: olives or olives? If this is the same thing, then is there a difference? As far as they are calories, composition, types, useful properties for health, harm and contraindications.

The content of the article:

Oliva - a long-lived-long-lived family, which is capable of existence of about 2,000 years. This is mighty beautiful tree, revered at all times, personifies the symbol of wisdom, maturity and nobility. From the branches of Oliva, the wreaths wreathed by the ancient Greeks winners of the Olympic Games. Currently, the cultural form of wood is grown in the North and South America, Malaya Asia, North-West Africa, Australia, East Asia, and, of course, in the Mediterranean.

What is the difference between olives and olives?

And olives, and olives, grow on the same tree. Term "Maslins" Used only in Russia and Ukraine, they are called olives in other countries.

Molly color depends on their maturity. If they are torn by green - then they, as a rule, have not yet been dressed (in such fruits it contains less oilthey are more solid). If the fruits leave on the tree to full ripening, they form a dark purple color and a wrinkled look. But in our stores, those that black olives, as a rule, were still collected by more green, and then with the help of chemistry and special procedures they make them dark color (Read more later). Real mature olives of a dark purple color without adding a dye (iron gluconate "E579") cost an order of magnitude more than its painted analogues. So I advise you to buy either green olives, or large, slightly wrinkled with a purple tint, they will benefit.

If the fruits are green, then we call them olives (They go to conservation), if - black - omilli (go to oil production) - that's the whole difference.

How to collect: Green fruits are removed from the trees by hand, after which they are placed in special baskets. Ripe sprinkling berries are collected in small networks, located under each tree.

All fruits are sorted in size, then placed in large containers with a solution of caustic soda to eliminate the characteristic bitterness.

How they become black (unhetatic color - chemical treatment): Berries spend B. special containers And oxygen is supplied, which causes their oxidation. The process lasts 7-10 days, as a result, they are black, have a specific taste and a soft consistency. Production of green olives does not pass the oxidation procedure. They are placed in the brine, with each manufacturer adds its spices and seasonings. In the future, the product is stored in special plastic barrels With a capacity of 10 tons under earth.

Chemical composition of olives and calorie

Fruits are not only tasty, but also nutritious, thanks to the fibrous structure are easily absorbed by the body. Rich in vitamins group B (thiamine, niacin, pantothenic acid,), folic acid, vitamin E, K, Holine (). They contain trace elements: sodium, calcium, potassium (read), magnesium, phosphorus, copper, iron, zinc, selenium, oleic acid.

Calorie canned olives 100 g - 145 kcal:

  • Proteins - 1.0 g
  • Fats - 15.3 g
  • Carbohydrates - 0.6 g
Caloric content of canned olives per 100 g - 168 kcal:
  • Proteins - 1.4 g
  • Fats - 16.0 g
  • Carbohydrates - 4.7 g

According to the urges of Mediterranean peoples, Oliva does not die and those who use its fruits differ in vitality and endurance. Berries prevent the development of diseases of vessels and hearts, liver and stomach ulcers. Olive tree bones are also edible, because they are fully absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract.

Since ancient times, people believed that they serve as a natural means to maintain the male temperament and strengthen potency - enough to use 10-15 fruits per day.

Last scientific research Speak about the ability of Omlin to prevent the development of cancer. According to statistics, a resident of Mediterranean countries is less likely to suffer breast cancer, and all due to oleic acid - the main component of olives and olive oil.

What is tastier and more useful?

For sale, they come only after processing, because fresh berries are inedible due to the rigidity and bitterness. They are marinated, salted, stuffed with peppers, lemons, anchovies, capers. In the Russian and Ukrainian markets are found in a canned form, whereas in Greece can be enjoyed by olives of a dry ambassador. Depending on the method of processing and the degree of maturity, the olives are divided into:
  1. Green and light yellow - collected before the ripening process;
  2. Combined (color from pink to chestnut) - assemble in the process of ripening before they are completely hurried;
  3. Blacks (which we call olives) - assemble after they completely hurt;
  4. Black oxidation (also olives) - they are collected by unripe and, passing through oxygen treatment, black color becomes.
In our country, the main supplier of these berries is Spain. The most popular Spanish variety is Manzanillas (Manzanilla), for stuffing is ideal for Ohiblanco variety, very large size SEVILLANO variety is different, and cavity is best suited for the preparation of canned black olives.

Term "caliber" Used to indicate the number of olives in 1 kilogram of dry weight. On average, the caliber is 200/300. The greater the number, the less size fruits, and vice versa. So, the inscription 200/300 says that 1 kg accounts for at least 200 and not more than 300 berries.

And also than the ripe will be olives, the more oils in them. It is famous large quantity unsaturated fatty acids needed to reduce harmful cholesterol and maintaining a cardiovascular system. Olive oil is better absorbed and therefore so popular in many diets.
The fruits are perfectly neutralized toxins, so they are often added to alcoholic cocktails.

Many are confused in two names - olives and olives. What is the principal difference between them, how do olives differ from olives? In fact, both olives and olives are the fruits of the olive tree growing in countries with a mild climate. Differences are only as the degree of maturity of fruits. The division into olives and olives is characterized only for our country, in the rest of the world the fruits of olives are called simply olives.

Differences Olives from Maslin

The fruits of olive tree are busting with a fleshy pulp and a small bone. They are called olives. What then are we called olives? Such a term has developed only in our country. The fact is that unworthy, elastic fruits are characterized by green or light yellow, we call them olives. With the same ripening and in the preservation process (processing), the fruits acquire a black shade. They also become softer and oily. Hence, the word "Omlin" happened. That is, the masses are the same olives, only ripened or overripe fruit.

On sale Olives are found only with bones, without seeds, or halves. Their taste is spoiled if there is any ingredient (minced). A completely different situation with olives. They are stuffed with anchovy and other additives, as a result taste qualities Olives are just improving. Therefore, you can find a wide variety of stuffed olives, especially in Mediterranean countries.

How to grow olives

Olive tree, giving gracious fruits, in its own unique plant, whose homeland is a sunny Mediterranean coast. The useful properties of Oliva, apparently, were noted and used by more primitive people. According to the archaeological excavations, olive trees began to grow on the island of Crete three thousand years BC. In the era of the rule of the Mina kingdom and the Phoenicians, Oliva gradually spread throughout the Mediterranean coast.

An important feature of olive trees is their endurance and the resistance that our ancestors amazed. Such trees favorable conditions Create two millennia to live, so in the people they were presented as trees that never die. No wonder B. Ancient Greece Oliva worshiped sacred treeThat gave people the goddess of Athena herself. Collect a rich yield of Oliva was allowed only to the righteous. The same, who for some reason chuckled the olive tree, were sent to core works.

Until now, the Mediterranean region plays crucial role In the cultivation of Olives - 98% of the Earth, allocated to the cultivation of olive trees, is located in the Mediterranean. It also has more than five hundred million olive trees. Olive tree fruits are usually collected from November to March. Most of the collected fruits is intended for the manufacture of oil, so they are immediately sent to the davil. The remaining olives are subjected to a certain processing. The main manufacturers of olives today are Greece, Italy and Spain, but the cultivation of Olives is engaged in Africa and in America.

How to handle olives

Fresh, collected olives are not suitable for food - they have too bitter taste. Therefore, they are subjected to processing. IN different countries Used their processing technologies. But most often the collected fruits fall asleep in huge tanks and poured salted solution. In such a state, they are maintained for about a month, after which the olives lay down on the barrels. There, they are held for several more months, after which they already pack into banks, adding a special brine there.

It is in such a canned form that we buy olives. However, often manufacturers do not adhere to this, tested technology, and process fruits using stabilizers and oxide. Thus, the process of processing fruit is significantly reduced by time. Canned olives in their taste resemble salted green tomatoes, they contain quite a lot of salt, which must be considered.

Useful properties of olives

In principle, green olives are more useful than ripe fruit, but only if their processing was carried out by classic recipes With long-term maintenance in salt solution. And when used modern technologies Processing the benefits of olives and olives is about the same. They are rich in vitamins A, C, E and B, fiber, proteins, as well as useful minerals. In the fruits of olives, everything necessary for the full development of the body of a substance is contained. Moreover, valuable components and elements are present in the pulp of olives, and in the bones, which, when eating in food, painlessly and easily processed in our stomach.

You can talk about the benefits of olives. Their use helps the prevention of the most of various diseases - From cancer to problems with heart or stomach. Pectines contained in the composition of fruits help to remove toxins from the body. Olives contribute general strengthening The body, stimulate digestion, reduce blood cholesterol. In addition, the fruits of olive tree normalize work nervous system, strengthen the bone tissue, slow down the aging processes in the body.

Olives in cooking

Taste quality olives can be different, a taste depends on their variety and processing method. Indeed, in the preservation process, both a variety of brines and vinegar, and spices can be used. Olive fruits can have salty, sharp or tart taste. Olives are traditionally an excellent addition to drinks - guilt, sherry and dry martini. They can simply be eaten as a separate dish, or serve as an addition to various dishes. In particular, olives are perfectly suitable for cold snacks, salads, casserole, meat and seafood dishes. With their help prepare a stuffing for pizza and rolls. In many countries, olives marinate with spices, herbs and citrus. It turns out a very piquant, nutritious dish.

Of course, stuffed olives are considered special delicacies. The selection of minced them is striking with diversity - olives can stuff anchovies, tuna, shrimps, salmon, cheese, citrus, onions, nuts and other ingredients. This is a magnificent snack going to guilt and other drinks. Olive fruits are also used to prepare sauces. For example, the famous Sicilian Sauce Puttanesk. Olives and olives are added to soups. In particular, in Solyanka, as well as in soups from fish and seafood. Among other things, the olives can also be used to prepare various baking - bread and snacks tests. They give any baking wonderful aroma.

Olives are one of the most popular snacks on Russian tables. These small black fruits arrive from Africa and their views resemble green olives. Despite the similarity in appearance, most people consider maslin and olives with fruits of different plants, and the latter use rather small demand from Russians. However, despite the differences in taste and color, black and green fruits belong to one appearance. Even grow on one tree.

How do olives grow?

Olive groves are growing in the inhabitants of Africa, the southern regions of Europe and Asia. Evergreen olive trees belong to the family of oline. Olives and olives falling into Russia in different banks are growing on one branch. For exporting fruits are collected until maturation. This explains the usual dark green And the tartness of pickled olives.

In addition, marinated olives are much softer than their freshly collected fellow. Fruit hardness is very important for prosperous transportation. If there were ripe olives sent to export, most of them after delivery would be unsuitable for sale due to the fans of the appearance.

Those fruits that remain on branches to full ripening almost twice as much more familiar to us and change the color with a dark green on a brown or purple. They are mainly used not to food, but as raw materials for the manufacture of olive oil.

Methods for collecting are also different. Non-existent fruits are hampered by their hands and stacked in the basket. Ridful olives are tremendous under the weight of its own weight. Therefore, they are not broken, but they shake out of the tree on specially stretched hammocks from a fine grid.

What is olives?

The word "Omlin" exists solely within the countries of the former USSR. These are the same unbearable olives, just not green, but black. Maswan has a smaller consumer, but this is not explained by the not species differences, but the peculiarities of cooking. Europeans instead of the word "Maslins" Speak "Black olives".

Where does black come from?

There is an erroneous opinion that the color of pickled fruits depends on the degree of maturity when collecting. In fact, the reason in the other. Collected olives differ only with sizes. Therefore, after calibration, they are separated by 2 parts, depending on the desired final color.

The fruits that should be preserved natural coloration are immediately sent to the marinade, and those that are protected, refer to special canisters, where compressed oxygen is supplied. Under its influence, future olives are from one week to 10-12 days. During this time they are oxidized, and the pulp until the bone becomes black. The resulting olives are removed and sent to the brine.

Store salted olives in the canister-tanks. The canisters are interconnected and placed under the ground, to maintain a constant temperature. Before further preparations (extraction of the bones, stuffing) or transportation, olives and olives roll out of the barrels air pumps. If necessary, hoses are installed on the pumps with a calibration opening of a certain size.

Myths and legends about the differences of olives and olives

There are several false beliefs regarding the people. different characteristics Products. Among them:

  • content useful substances;
  • application of dyes;
  • different varieties and degree of maturity.

We will analyze these delusions in more detail.

  • Utility. Since the form of one, the initial differences in the content of vitamins and other beneficial substances can not be. The content of vitamins may change only during the conservation process, but it depends rather from the technology of a particular manufacturer than from the product name.
  • Adding dyes. Part of consumers considers oils harmful and even dangerous to health. In their opinion, the black color of olives gives the food dye, which then stains and brine. In confirmation of their words, these consumers indicate that green olives brines always remain transparent. The reason is really B. chemical substanceBut this is not a dye.
  • To accelerate the oxidative reaction together with oxygen in the process of coloring olives, iron gluconate can be supplied. It is his allocation that causes a darkening of brine. But gluconate is used in small dosages and therefore harmless. By the way, the technology of manufacturing black olives is invented in Spain before the appearance of the edible dye. To date, it is adopted by most manufacturers.
  • Ripeness . Traditionally it is believed that black olives are ripe green fellow. As an argument, supporters of this point of view indicate a different degree of hardness and the tart of green and black snacks. However, the excessive bitterness is removed from olives during the processing process by adding special salts. Softness depends on the brine.

Thus, all the differences of olives from olives are due not to nature, but processing technology. Bon Appetit!

Differences between olives and olives. The benefits and harm of olives.

Olive tree in antiquity enjoyed great popularity. Olive branch was a symbol of wisdom and prudence. Now this is the usual village, the fruits of which are used in food and prepare from them useful oil. Among our people there are a lot of delusions regarding olives.

What is olives and olives?

Olives are the fruits of the olive tree. From the point of view of cooking are vegetables, but if you judge the principle of botany, it is berries. But all this is not important, since the definition of fruits does not affect their benefit and nutritional value.

The most interesting thing is that many consider olives and olives with different fruits.

In fact, it is not. These are the fruits of one tree.

The concept of "olives" is due to the fact that oil makes oil.

Ripe Olive or Omilli is distinguished by dark purple and large size. In addition, it is wrinkled. It is from such fruits to get oil.

Olives are fruits from olive tree, only they are not seized, that is, a little green. If the fruits collect earlier, then the oil will be able to collect quite a bit. But for salting and canning such berries are perfect. Such fruits are less and different green. They are elastic and not wrinkled.

Olives and olives are the same thing, what is the difference, the difference?

Olives and olives are the same thing, what is the difference, the difference?

There is no difference between the fruits.
Only in Russia and Ukraine, people came up with the names of the olives because of their relationship to olive oil.

In other countries, this name is not used. Fruits call olives.

These are berries collected from one tree, only in different periods: Some ripe, others misunderstood.

Many, seeing black and green fruits on the shelves on the shelves, believe that black is olives, and green - olives.

This is coarse delusion. In fact, initially all berries that are served canning are characterized by green. Already in the process of sorting, the fruits are divided into two parts. Less mature - enough tarts with a bitter taste give up staining.

Exactly black olives get by staining (olives). They are treated with alkali and iron solution. Such processing allows you to get rid of a specific bitter taste. Since the reagent has a black color, then the fruits become dark.

Black olives, which differ in a large size and wrinkled skin are natural and non-colored olive fruits. These are ripe fruit that are suitable for oil.
They are an order of magnitude higher than the black. You are easy to appearance You can determine the degree of maturity and the presence of Omlin processing.

Video: Difference olives and olives

Olive benefits:

  • Improve the operation of the gastrointestinal tract. As part of olives, a lot of bitterness and terpene compounds. They stimulate the work of the stomach and increase the speed of metabolism.
  • Promote healing wounds. The composition has substances that increase blood coagulation and are characterized by antibacterial properties. Thanks to this, the wounds are heal faster.
  • Improve women's health. As part of fruits great amount Retinol and tocopherol. These components contribute to the normalization of the tone of the uterus. Thanks to this, risk the risk to get pregnant and endure the child.
  • Improve the condition of the bones. It is useful for women after 50 years. Due to the reduction of estrogen, the amount of calcium and magnesium decreases in the body. This leads to the bone breaking. Risk of fractures increases. Olives help to fill potassium deficiency, calcium and magnesium.
  • Improve the work of the heart. The fetus contains components that expand blood vessels. This helps to reduce the stress in the heart.

Scarching Olives:

  • Can cause diarrhea. If you have a weak stomach or dysbacteriosis, do not abuse olives. Otherwise, diarrhea can develop.
  • Can provoke exacerbation of cholecystitis. Olives themselves contribute to the allocation of a large amount of bile. Thanks to this, chronic cholecystitis can move to an acute form.

In fact, the benefit from these fruits is much larger than harm. Therefore, we advise you to enjoy the specific taste of olives.

Video: Olive benefits

People often often add olives into them in the preparation of different salads. Olives are required in some recipes green color, and in others - black. Based on this situation, many begin to think about whether to buy olives specified in the color recipe, because, despite the color differences, this is the same fruit, and, accordingly, the taste must also be the same. But everything is not so simple, because, despite the similar shape and the same name, these fruits have a lot of differences.

What are black olives?

Black olives are fruit growing on trees such as olive or olives. Black color these fruits are acquired only when they become mature or overripe.

In the whole world, this fruit is called black olives, but in the territory Russian Federation There is a separate name - olives. Since when, black olives got their second name for certain unknown. It is worth noting that in all cases, black olives are mature fruits, for a faster sale of these products olives "are crossed" by oxidation.

Have a soft and rich taste. They are used only in canned form, since in the raw form their taste is incredibly bitter.

By their state are soft and oily. It is from this type of olive it is created, known for its useful properties, olive oil. People who suffer from diarmen are strictly forbidden to use black olives, as they have some laxative properties.

Features of green olives

Green olives are fruits obtained from trees such as olives or olive. As a rule, green data fruits have in the period of incomplete maturation. Grow olives only in countries where there is a mild climate. These olives have sharp and sharp taste. Like black olives are used only in canned form.

For their state are quite elastic. For the manufacture of olive oil are not used.

What is common between black and green olives?

Black and green olives have both common elements and differences. It is worth noting that common elements Much less than differences:

  1. Both types of olives grow on the same tree.
  2. Black and green olives in their size are divided into six groups - small, medium, large, very large, giant and colossal.
  3. As part of both types of olives are a large number of minerals - sodium, iron, potassium, magnesium, iodine, vitamins A and others.
  4. Black and green olives in raw form have a very bitter taste, so they are recommended to eat them, only pre-vested.

It is these similar elements that make people think about the fact that black and green olives are interchangeable, and when cooking dishes it is not necessary to buy olives of this color, which is specified in the recipe.

Main differences between black and green olives

Despite the fact that the olives of black and green color are very similar in their form and the composition they have a number of differences:

  1. Not paying attention to the fact that these types of olives grow on one tree, there is a difference in their condition. Black olives are already mature and overripe fruits, green olives are fruits that have not yet reached the state of maturity.
  2. Green olives do not have some other name, but black olives in the CIS countries are called "olives".
  3. Black-colored olives have a very soft and sufficient taste, but the taste of green olives is sharper and bitter.
  4. Green olives are more elastic and hard, and black olives are soft.
  5. Thanks to its oily, black olives are used for the manufacture of olive oil. Green olives for the manufacture of olive oil are unsuitable, so they are used only for canning.
  6. When preparing olives, they are absolutely treated different ways. Green olives are wetted in the alkali-containing solution, and then kept in the brine from 6 to 12 months. The longer the green olives are withstanding in the brine, the less bitter they will. After exposure in brine from green olives (most often), the bones are removed and stuffed with pieces of garlic, anchovs, pepper and other products. Black olives, in turn, are also wetted in a glittering solution, but then not maintained in the brine, and marinate or canned in oil.
  7. Due to the difference in taste different types Olives are used in various dishes. For example, black olives are mainly used both for salads and for basic dishes. But green olives are most often used as a snack.
  8. Difference in calorie. Green olives are less calorie, rather than black olives.

After studying all the differences between green and black olives, it will be very hard to confuse them. It is also worth highlighting that they are non-violent. It is not recommended to use green olives for salads and basic dishes, because they will betray a dish of some bitterness that will not always go for the benefit. But if a person wanted some kind of snacks, then green olives perfect option, because they are small, but at the same time satisfying.