Organization of the workplace of the embroiderers. Folk textbook embroidery

The art of embroidery is known to people since ancient times. Many generations of women decorated their homes, clothing and interior items. Until this days, the original embroidered parts dated previously dated the XII century, but the images that have come down to us confirm that the embroidery technique of the cross was known to people much earlier. This species Needlework was distinguished by a great variety not only for used motifs characteristic of every people, but also various materials: Wool, silk, using pearls and glass beads and so on. Such art could not pass unnoticed, and as a result, many artists perpetuated the image of a woman with the flats in their hands.

Gradually, with the advent of progress and mechanization of the embroidery process, the art of manual embroidery has lost its meaning, but now, in century modern technologiesPeople are increasingly turning to their roots in search of a quiet island of rest far away from the noise and fuss of megacities. Needlework, cross-stitch, smooth or beads, again enters our life and becomes popular.
Anyone, professionally engaged (or even just fondant) embroidery tells you that the process of embroidery is extremely laborious, requiring patience and perpetuity. And, like any other small monotonous and long work, It has whole line deficiencies in terms of health and comfort. The most common complaints of embroidery can be attributed: frequent spine pains (especially in the cervical and lumbar departments), impairment of vision, pain in the joints of the wrist and numbness of the legs. All these problems can be solved by the right organization. the workplace of the embroiderers in the interior and acquisition useful accessories To facilitate labor. And do not forget that even such an interior detail as a small workplace must harmoniously fit into the overall style of the room and correspond to the rest of the furniture as in color decisionand in the subject.

Organization of the workplace of the embroidery in the interior of the room.

First of all, it is necessary to correctly install the descriptive desktop. You can purchase a standard office table that, in addition to its high ergonomic qualities, is often equipped with drawers, swing doors (for storing all the necessary trifles), stands for stationery and additional features For greater comfort, for example, the possibility to adjust the height of the table and the angle of tilt the table top.

It is also worth remembering the principle of the arrangement of the school table: if you are right-handed, then daylighting should be left, if Left -sha is the opposite. The same applies to artificial lighting. As if we did not want to always embroider with a full-fledged sunlightMany needlewomen can only give time to his beloved hobby only in the evening hours, which means that you need to purchase a desk lamp. At the same time, consider that the ideal option will be a flexible cable lamp, which will vary the angle of falling light and help remove the extra eye tension.
The storage height for embroidery depends solely on your growth and the fives used. The most convenient option will be the hoop with the ability to fasten them to the edge of the table or a rack with an embroidery frame. Such devices will help you not only to free the second hand, but also reduce the load on the lumbar and shoulders. For most needlewomen optimal option It is a small footrest.

Recall that at the very beginning of this section we talked about harmonious combination workplace embroidery and general interior Rooms. Most often, needlewomen equip their working corner in the living room or bedroom, less often in the kitchen (if its size allows) or on the balcony / loggia. Last option It is preferable due to the fact that these rooms are usually better illuminated. Regarding the style of the interior, it is worth noting that the workplace for needlework will be badly combined with such design directions as modern, minimalism or High-tech. In the most extreme case, if there is no possibility to organize an embroidery corner in another room, you should thoroughly think out how it can be hidden. For example, do sliding partition Or put a mobile screen. Best of all, such a workplace will fit into the interior in the style of Provence, English, Shebbi Chic and Country. For these areas, it is characterized by the use of objects handmade and embroidered decor elements. The only thing that will require your attention in this case is a correspondence color Gamma. and furnishing stylistics (desktop, chair or chair, storage containers and so on).

Useful embroidery accessories.

Nowadays, there are many different accessories designed to alleviate the work of the embroiderers. This does not mean that you need to buy them all, but some of them need to have mandatory.

First of all, it is, of course, the hoops. The choice of fives for embroidery depends on your personal preferences and sizes of your wallet. There are round chambers, oval, rectangular frames ... Made from wood, plastic or even metal. Frames for embroidery on a special rack, flooring machines for embroidery, desktop and chamber having a screw mount on the edge of the table. In most cases, if you are not interested in professional embroidery, you will be enough to purchase two kinds of fives (or frames): large (40x40 cm size) for embroidery of large works and small (approximately 15x15) for modest pictures. It is worth noting that the clamp of Five often leaves the halls on the canvas, so many embroiderers prefer to work with the frame.

Canvas. Without it, we can not do. Even if someone from the needlewomen can embroider in the literal sense "on the fingers", without using the chamber, then without canvas, we will not work. The most popular option is now cotton canva special impregnationwhich makes tissue tougher and, accordingly, comfortable for embroidery. Typically, the size of the canvas is indicated by the numbers and the name of the manufacturer. For example, AIDA - 18. The figure in this case denotes the number of cross, which can fit on one inch of the surface of such a canvas. That is, when embroidered on Canva Aida - 18, you will have 18 crossings on one inches. Aida - 14, respectively, 14 crosses. It is not difficult to notice that the more the figure, the smallest crosses you will turn out in the end. If you embroider not for a set, and select the drawing, canvas and thread yourself, then it will be better to consult from the seller of a specialized store relative to the size of the canvas for a particular work.

Mandatory embroidery accessories can also be attributed to the needles and scissors. Be sure to tell the seller for the canvas which density you get the needle. From the correct correspondence of the size of the needle and fabric depends appearance And accuracy of finished work. Scissors are needed by an embroidery for circumcision thread and unnecessary fabric sections. Best of all will be purchased two types of scissors. Small, in size resembling manicure, to work with threads (remember that such scissors should have very sharp edges) and large.

Sorters or thread holders also belong to mandatory embroidery accessories. Without their help, you hopelessly confuse Moulin and you will not be able to quickly find the desired color. IN currently The range of modern shops offers us plastic holders, wooden and paper.

Magnetic and magnifying boards, as well as magnifiers are not a mandatory acquisition, but can significantly facilitate the embroidery process and make it more convenient. Magnetic boards They are a rectangular holder for a diagram with magnetic rules marking the place that you now embroider. Increasing - additionally help you read small characters. Loupes can be both on a conventional handle and on the fastener-clothespin.

In addition to all the above, shops of accessories for needlework can offer you various fabric markers: washing, constant and disappearing. Their appearance was associated with the need to draw the canvas for greater convenience of the embroidery process, and a simple pencil, unfortunately, not always can be removed without a trace from the canvas. The choice of marker depends solely on your desire.

And finally, all sorts of containers for storing thread-muuline, canvas, needles, sets for embroidery and other accessories. Experienced embroiderers do not advise use for these purposes common now, caskets for needlework. As practice shows, they are more designed for beading or embroidery beads. For embroidery Mulina, such manufacturers such as DMC and Anchor have special containers for convenient storage Bobbies Moulin and other related products.

Rather, two such pillows need two: to change them places when you come to the other side of the frame.

They are inside the porolone, from above - a non-heated calico.

(so that less dirt is visible. Humor).
So that the eyes do not cut whiteness and even more so, different patterns did not interfere before our eyes.

Rear - rubber inches. To firmly held and came to any frame.

Wear simply - riding. On the left pillow, this parking service is glued on the left pillow, the nameplate with symbols and numbers and stuck it in it with threads.

The parking plate I shoved from above with a transparent scotch, so as not to strengthen it, it was imposed on the scotch inside out, stuck. And her itself - on narrow strips of bilateral tape stuck to the fabric.

As for the reliability and strength of fastening stuck needles: you can try, wrapped in the kitchen a sponge for washing dishes by any cloth, sticking into it with a needle and trying it from there to smear your hand, pull it out for a thread. Pull out 2 fingers for a needle and then with difficulty! So everything is very good. reliably.

Parking with inside looks - seam in the middle. In principle, you can do without sewing machine, with the help of bilateral scotch, for example, or a conventional stationery stapler. Dimensions need to be adjusted by its frame: wide so that they can be a little in each other in each other, it is possible to do three of 90 cm for the frame, in the height - how many characters you have, approximately form the grille out of 4-5 in height. Well, to adjust the pad of the pillow.
Now main question: and why is it necessary?
  1. Well, firstly , Sitting in a tense posture of the machine is not for me. I love the frame on the rope, embroider sitting in the chair, legs on another chair, or on the bed, and so that everything is within reach of the hands. Here everything is so. Colors in this embroidery 50 is not so little.
  2. Secondly , I'm not a park to the side, which is not south. And since the thread consolidate in the Aid is completely simple and absolutely not visible under 1 and the last cross, then I prefer to cut off and fasten the thread as many times as it is necessary, and not be confused in endless string tails.
  3. Thirdly , not a park and far up, no more than 5 cross, so it is necessary to plug off a cut off thread somewhere, and then it is no less quick to get it and continue embroidery. This is where the parking lot is needed.
So the working threads are fan.

This is an exhaust, threads hang freely, they do not interfere, because Rama during operation does not turn. Well, or extremely rare - see what is happening there.

Tools are always at hand: scissors on a magnet, and he himself - on double-sided scotch. The nickener was poorly attached to the magnet, because light. I attached a chain from the balls to him.

Tray with bobbanks on rings by numbers and markers,

a needle in a jar from a test strip to a glucometer. Opened by one hand, the needles are fit perfectly, inside has something draining, preventing rust as such.

It has become conveniently with such a hybrid embroidery in colors and parking. I am still a machine to stand the icon in the parking lot with the addition of some details.

Here we are in full growth and details.

All in one place, right on the machine! In a separate folder, only a diagram and organizers with threads (already sliced). But you can embroider and without them, using a parking and bobbanks on the rings.

Parking here is a whole, because Rama small. We leave out of the position like this: print two plates, and when it is necessary to sew the frame from the other edge, they sculpt it on the Pillow Pillow and the needle of the needle. Everything. I like more plump.

At the bottom there hanging the ring on the rope. This is a "fishing rod" for picking up metal objects: Just take it for the rope, everything sticks out, because This is a magnet.

In the auxiliary bar, screw-hooks are screwed for suspension. The trash must also for storing the marker. The lamp energy saving, does not heat.

Machine-hybrid + . What for? For sustainability!

So that it was not shaking at all this miracle on one leg ... standing between the seats: on one - I, on the other, my legs. The machine can be taken from above or behind one hand and carry anywhere. With him nothing will fall. Functionality Full: under the left \\ right hand there is a slope, the slope of the frame relative to the horizontal is, the removal-removal from the embroidery is, the light is directly on the embroidery, there is easy access to the offline in the same plane, stability is achieved by the fact that we put it between the legs And they hold, putting the feet on his crossed, the lower edge of the frame relies on the sternum, then he does not shake at all. But you can not keep - it's an amateur.
For small frames - the most that you need!

As I embroider with diagonal parking told.

Any hobby requires a certain approach to his organization. In this matter, the need for needlework is no exception. And even on the contrary: Drinking by the same way for a favorite thing for a few hours a day is very important to approach your workplace with the mind, so as not to get tired in the first minutes, do not load yourself and not spoil your eyesight. Only achieving correct ergonomics can be given to sew or knitting for a long time, without experienceing the consequences for the body. Let's see what should be foreseen for this.

Proper Lighting with Needlework - Half Success

Our eyes are the most vulnerable body, which during the class of needlework is subjected to the greatest loads. In this regard, it is necessary to take care in advance that when embroidering light, the light fell correctly.

So, for the right hand, the light source must be left (window, table lamp), for left-handed, respectively - on the right. The ideal is considered to be the direction of rays from top to bottom, but this is possible only partially, and even if you use, to buy who took care of in advance. A special lamp for needlework is attached to it, and now the latter just can provide an almost perfect direction of light.

Also for the eye it is very important to pick up proper distance Before the web on which you make embroidery. Exhibit it so that you do not have to look closely to the picture, the scheme, embroidery.

Watch your back!

Holding when embroidered smooth back for quite a long time - the task is not easy. Sure, perfect option - this is buy Machine Outdoor Embroidery And turn your workplace in a convenient and comfortable corner for your favorite thing. But this pretty bulky accessory is not always convenient to use. And just may not be affordable.

But if you are engaged in embroidery regularly and several hours a day, we strongly recommend buying at least the desktop or sofa variants of this device. Of course, the big pictures on them are not very comfortable on them, but there are a medium-sized work.

And if you choose no more than half an hour a day in order to do the needlework, in this case any holder is suitable for frames or hoops, including - and made on your own.

All threads - at hand

It is very important to position correctly near your workplace thread, which in some works can be ten and even more shades. For a convenient location, so that they are always at hand, there are special, which can always be purchased in the "Needlework Accessories" section. These simple devices are desktop or attached to embroidery machines with a special dresspit-holder.

A simple, but very practical thing can be much easier to ease your work, while the threads in organizers are not confused, extracted to embroidery easily, without damage. Similarly, we recommend to get a similar device for needles.

Small but helpful little things

In addition to accessories, without which it is simply difficult to do (the hoops, the machine for embroidery, the lamp) among the masters with experience are common and other useful little things that will help relieve work and properly organize their workplace.

So, there are, for example, which are attached with a flexible stand directly to the machine. Such a set will help to consider or embroider even the smallest details.

We also recommend to get a special handle with waterproof ink, a scheme holder, necessarily - scissors. And finally, come up with the whole of your scarb, a practical storage place: it should be inaccessible to other family members (especially for young children), and at the same time spacious enough to accommodate not only materials and accessories there, but maybe the unfinished work without harm to the latter

Organization of the workplace of the embroiderers

Some embroiders often complain about back pain, neck, hand fat and eyes. And all these troubles are happening not because the work of the embroiderers is so heavy, but from the wrong posic position during operation and insufficient lighting of the working surface.

In order to embroider it is convenient, it is necessary properly organize your workplace. Table with all devices and tools, or armchair, sofa, should stand so that the light falls to work on the left side. Most best lightingThis is a natural daylight, but it is not always possible to embroider in the afternoon.

Many needlewomen embroider in the evening and even at night, therefore, the lighting should be bright, the most close to the daytime.

If there is no box, threads and tools can be stored in special boxes, containers, caskets, which should always be at hand. If you embroider with an outdoor machine, it is better to equip it so that the organizer with threads, scissors, the needles were attached directly to the auxiliary parts of the machine and were in a prominent place.

It is very important to the correct position of the embroidery during operation, because Improper pose leads to shortness, spinal curvature, myopia.

During operation, it is necessary to ensure that the chest is not compressed. The housing should be only slightly tilted forward, the legs should be on a small stand and better in the stretched position so as not to be shown.

The distance between the eyes and work should be from 25 to 30 cm. Sometimes for this purpose, the flats or frame are installed above, using different devices - stands, holders, etc. If you embroider sitting at the table, the chair or chair should be moved to the table so that you can get back in his back.

The most convenient posture during embroidery can be achieved using a sofa machine. The legs of such a machine are adjustable in height and can be freely rely on the back of the sofa or chairs, without tilting the head and do not strain the neck muscles. Rotation and tilt of the frame is also freely adjustable on such a machine, which allows you to choose the right distance between the eyes and work.

Of great importance is the correct handling during operation: left hand Must be downstairs, right - top of a fivehow or frame. This is especially important for those who embroider with two hands. The right hand holds the needle to the sharp end on the wrong side of the embroidery, and the left, taking the needle for a sharp end, takes it on facial Needle's eye. For the convenience of embroidery, two hands can be used by double-sided needles. Thread is tightened with his right hand.

In this way, embroidered on canvas with holes, on rare tissues with uniform interweight, tapestry grid and the like. Performing embroidery on dense tissues, the needle from the wrong side is removed by a sharp end. For this, before bringing the needle to the front side, it is turned over with your left hand.

The method of embroidery with two hands allows not only to get tired less hand, but also increases the embroidery rate.

In order for embroidery to deliver you the maximum pleasure, equip your workplace so that you can comfortably and comfortably while working.

Beginner embroidery gives little importance to the organization of space for embroidery. And in vain - the competent organization of the workplace not only provides comfort (both moral and physical - prevents back pain and shoulder belt, eye fatigue, and even possible migraines), but also contributes to improving the quality of work.

So, we list those aspects that allow you to properly organize this most workplace:

1. The embroidery process requires mandatory support for the lower back. Wherever you were sitting during the embroidery, be sure to put a roller pad or a small and elastic orthopedic pillow. Sofa decorative pillows They do not fit - they are too soft, which will not allow them to really support the lower back. Also, you should not experiment with conventional large pillows - you will simply be inconvenient.

2. Good and properly directed lighting - a mandatory workplace organization. You can use both special lamps for needlework, which are easy to fix on the machine or near the spaced surface, and any compact models. table lamps. It is very important that the legs of the lamp be and flexible and allowed to vary lighting at different angles and at different remoteness from work. The direction of light is a very individual nuance. Experiment with the location of light on the left, right and above. Depending on, right-handed you or left-handers, your equipment embroidery, size of work, frame, and a number of other factors, experienced by you will pick up the desired angle. Do not allow the light to be at least partially "beat" in the eyes - it is very harmful and tired. With competent lighting, embroidery becomes an excellent simulator for eye muscles. Translating a glance in different points at different distances, you carry out the prevention of age-related changes.

3. In addition to the previous item, we recommend that you use the magnifying glass located above the canva. Perhaps the first time you will be very not familiar, and it may even seem that the magnifier interferes and slows down the process. But leaving the time to get used to, you will soon appreciate the possibility of repeatedly integrated viewing by even the small canvas.

4. Most needlewomen can not embroider in silence, i.e. Embroide the TV, movies or videos. Easy in "isolation" and the truth is hard - embroidery begins to tire. Organize ourselves "Sound source" (perhaps you enjoy embroider for your favorite music), and how the options are downloaded by the rollers-needlewoman. Looking through embroidery successes, achieve and buy like-minded people, you are even more inspired, emphasize new ideas and your desire to embroider. In addition, when watching such rollers, many embroiderers learn many secrets, techniques and tricks of technology that can be applied right in the process.

5. Before starting each new process, prepare in a separate organizer (plastic box, folder with files, box, etc.) absolutely everything that can be useful to you - the necessary numbers of color Moulin, markers for marking, pencil for working with a scheme, thikchitel , needles and so on. Place this organizer at a distance of an elongated hand so as not to make big breaks during the work.

6. Before the next "session" of embroidery, an embroidery should be put next to the workplace of a glass of water or juice, a large mug of tea or coffee. This will help you briefly "switch", as well as make the process cozy and pleasant.

7. If you fan aromatherapy, burn aroma candles During a session, which, as in the previous case, will give the process a special comfort.

Of course, these recommendations are general and each needlewoman over time produces its mandatory workplace organizations. However, all of the above suitable for each embroidery and allows you to get a maximum of pleasure from your favorite hobby.