We clean the drain in the bathroom. How to independently clean the blockage in the bathroom with available means? How to remove a blockage in the bathroom at home

The most common piping clogging problems occur in narrow pipes that cannot pass a strong flow of water through them. Since it is not always possible to clean the sink with the help of specialists, all the work can be done by hand.

Mechanical impact

The most common cleaning tools used by home apprentices include:

  1. Cable (plumbing drill);
  2. Ventuz.

Depending on the pipeline in which the problem arose, the options for its elimination may vary. Kitchen sink most often it becomes clogged due to the constant flow of water with fat and food debris. They accumulate on the walls of the system, which reduces the flow of water or even stops work. A clogged kitchen drain is easiest to clean using a special cable with nozzles.

Photo - using a plumbing drill

Now every plumbing store sells borax with changing tips. Depending on the type of problems encountered, you can find any attachment: with a hook, spiral, bayonet, etc. Please note that if the sewer is made of plastic communications, then you need to act very carefully so as not to damage the entire system.

How to work with a cable:

  1. Carefully install the nozzle on the head of the cord, make sure that it does not fly off during operation;
  2. With rotating movements, insert the drill into the sink and advance until it stops;
  3. If the cable has stopped, it means that it ran into the cause of the blockage;
  4. Depending on the situation, you need to either push the blockage out, or try to pull it out to unclog the sewer.

Often cotton pads or sponges get into the sink, which will be more correctly removed from the system. But if the reason lies in the remains of soap, grease or food waste, then you need to try to push them into a pipe with a wider working diameter.

Photo - cable cleaning

If you did not find a special cable at hand, then you can make a homemade one. It is necessary to take several wires of the same diameter, for example, copper. Twist them together to form a spiral twisted, it should look like in the photo. You do not need to put on attachments on such a device.

Photo - homemade rope

Photo - how to cut a spiral from a bottle

Sometimes craftsmen also cut the cables from plastic bottles but this is only for small contaminants.

Sometimes, to clean the sink in the kitchen, without plunger just not enough. This is a universal device that helps to quickly and effectively get rid of the accumulation of food debris in the siphon, knee under the sink and directly, the mains. You need to follow these steps:

  1. Install the rubber plunger head opposite the drain hole. Many masters say that for more effective work you need to fill the sink with water so that it covers two-thirds of the plunger head;
  2. After that, make several forward movements up and down. With such a sharp change in pressure inside the system, pieces of debris and food will change their position, which will allow them to be washed with a strong stream of water;
  3. After finishing the work, it is advisable to additionally clean the system with a cable in order to remove the remnants of food from the walls of the sewer.

Photo - how to use a plunger

If you have a clogged sink in the bathroom, then it can be quickly cleaned even with the usual hose... Your goal is to insert it into the pipe as close to the blockage as possible and try to flush it off with a strong stream of water. This principle is very similar to the treatment of an outdoor or main sewer by a hydraulic machine.

A clogged bathroom sink is much easier to clean with a cable hook than in the kitchen. The fact is that most of the clogging in the sink is hair, which can get into the drain from the head or after washing pets. They roll into a large ball that interferes with the normal passage of water, reducing the useful diameter of the shell. To eliminate it, you need to hook onto the edge of the blockage with a hook and carefully pull it out.

Photo - types of attachments

Some craftsmen are also for cleaning sewerage system use the power of the vacuum cleaner. To clean the clogged sewer in the bathroom or sink in this way, you need to insert a flexible hose to the point of clogging. After that, turn on the vacuum cleaner at full power in reverse mode, so that it kind of blows out the blockage. This option is ideal for gravity sewerage in a private house.


It is almost always much faster and more convenient to independently unclog a clogged sewer and sink with chemical options. The most common folk remedy is considered alkaline baking soda solution... This substance has excellent qualities, is used for different types pipelines and eliminates many problems:

  1. Helps to remove mineral formations on the walls of the pipeline;
  2. Helps dissolve fat and food residues;
  3. Together with vinegar, it corrodes hair and threads, which helps to quickly cope with clogged sewer in the bathroom;
  4. Excellent odor elimination;

Photo - cleaning the sink

Step-by-step instructions on how to unclog a blockage in a bathroom and kitchen sink with soda and vinegar:

  1. It is advisable to use the most common baking soda. Calcined is also very effective, but its combination with vinegar can produce strong and corrosive fumes that will damage the mucous membranes;
  2. Half a pack of the product should be poured into the sink or knee, whichever is more convenient to do;
  3. Then pour a glass of ordinary table vinegar into the hole on top of the baking soda;
  4. It remains to wait 1.5 hours, in some cases, 2;
  5. To remove the alkaline film, it must be spilled into the pipe a large number of hot water... During work, be careful not to inhale the emitted vapors.

Very often, other household cleaning products are used to clean the sink. For example, " Domestos" - this is great option elimination of microbes, bad smell and a greasy layer on the pipe walls. You just need to turn off all the water in the main pipe and fill the drain with several caps of the product. It is recommended to leave it for several hours, be careful, the method cannot be used on ceramic pipes. After the time runs out, just spill the entire pipeline hot water... If, in addition to poor performance, the system receives bad smell, "Domestos" can be left overnight - this will help eliminate the cause of the stench.

Photo - improvised cleaning products

Despite the effectiveness of home cleaners, they are still considered the most effective professional tools... Many plumbers use “ Mole»Is an alkaline composition that removes mineral deposits, grease and dirt from the walls. It is available in three types: gel, powder and liquid, but the form does not affect the result. It is necessary to pour or pour 250 grams of the product into the drain hole, and then leave it for a while.

Most often, metal and plastic pipes are cleaned within 2 hours. After they are washed big amount water. It is very important not to overexpose the mixture, otherwise it can damage the surface of the walls. Depending on the blockage, you may need to repeat the procedure several times. For prophylaxis, we recommend using the Mole in the sink and toilet once every six months.

Video: how to choose a cleaning agent

What is the best way to clear a blockage in a pipe? This is not an easy business, so many owners call a master, whose services are paid. And so that the money remains in your wallet, and you don't have to spend time waiting for a specialist, you can try to do everything yourself.

Why are the pipes clogged, how to unclog the clogging in the pipe? Trash accumulated over time, soap residues, dirt, hair, and more are the main causes of plugging. Blockage suggests that the water does not drain well or does not go down the drain at all. If the pipes are not cleaned in time, this can lead to flooding of the house, and in apartments, in addition to deteriorating the bath, the neighbors below will also suffer. Therefore, before calling a plumber, you must first try to clean the pipes yourself.

Simple ways to clear blockages

If you are faced with a blockage problem, there are several options for getting rid of it at home. Before you start cleaning, you will need to remove the visible causes of the blockage (residues from dishwashing, hair and other debris). Then you will need the most easy-to-use and inexpensive remedy for blockages - a plunger. Such a device has been helping the owners for a long time both to clear the blockage in the bathroom and to remove it in any other bathroom.

  • Regardless of whether the sink or the bathtub is clogged, you need to fill everything with water and plug the overflow hole with a rag. This is necessary so that when using a plunger, when the sewer pipes are clogged, the pressure created by the water does not decrease.
  • You need to install the plunger over the hole for the stack, pressing on the handle to create pressure in the pipes. Water should be pumped several times, after which the plunger should be abruptly removed. The blockage should move to either side of the pipe.
  • If this does not happen, you need to boil the kettle and pour hot water directly into the drain. Then repeat the procedure several times with a plunger.

If it does not help, the second method will definitely break through the blockage in the bathroom, since the blockage will be broken down by boiling water.

In addition, there are many ways to clean bathroom sinks using available tools. It is useful to know them, since such a problem is most often taken by surprise. To use folk remedies, you need a plumbing cable. It looks like a flexible steel spring with a spiral at the end.

  • First you need to place the container under the siphon.
  • Then remove it in order to see if it is clogged with debris, if necessary, clean it.
  • Next, insert the siphon back into the sink and turn on the water.
  • If it also continues to accumulate, it means that the weir is completely clogged and the pipes need to be cleaned.
  • It is necessary to remove the siphon again and place the plumbing cable in the pipe.
  • At the first resistance, turn it clockwise. Most likely, this will be overcoming the first bend. And the very next cleaning jerk will remove the plug. We push the cable and pull it out, collecting debris on it.
  • If the device does not work, you do not need to push it there by force. It can break and stay there, and the pipes in the bathroom become unusable.

You can make an analogue of a plumbing cable yourself, there is a good and simple way. To do this, wrap the bottle (2 l) with paper (the thickness should be 2 cm). When it forms a spiral on the bottle, you need to circle it with a marker.

Next, you need to cut out the outlined drawing, starting to cut from the top. We make a handle from the bottom of the bottle. Then along the entire spiral on both sides we make notches, the so-called teeth. A homemade plumbing cable has formed, with which you can try to clean the pipe.

Effective cleaning agents

Today, many chemicals can be found on store shelves that will help in the question of how to remove a blockage in a bathroom or sink. But there is a slight difficulty, because you need to decide what is the best way to do this. Sometimes it is difficult to choose from the abundance of chemicals that will really cope with the problem: it will be able to break through the blockage in the bathroom and make sure that the pipes will not clog up in the near future.

Before using chemistry, it is still recommended to try to unclog the pipes. mechanical method(with a cable, plunger). Any procedures for clearing the blockage with chemistry harm the material, which is especially typical for plastic pipes.

Several simple ways and improvised means that will tell you what to do if this has already happened:

We save pipes with chemistry

There are many household chemicals which can be found in any supermarket. For example:

  • Mole for cleaning pipe blockages;
  • Domestos;
  • Mister Muscle;
  • Pothan;
  • Typhoon.

Basically, to clear blockages, such funds are poured into the sink, bathroom and left for half an hour. More details can be found in the instructions attached to the pipe blockage remedies. It is best to leave it overnight or for a long period, so that it not only removes the blockage, but also clears out all the dirt behind it, due to which the pipe is clogged.

Even if the house has been renovated, this is not a guarantee that the pipes will not be able to clog over time. It would seem that new pipes are a way out, because old ones, in addition to the user's garbage, can become clogged with many other products - rust, metal delamination, etc.

It is for new plastic pipes that there are restrictions on clearing the blockage. For example, as mentioned earlier, chemical agents for cleaning can damage the material, especially pvc. Therefore, there is no need to rush to "save" the pipes in this way. If they are new, it is enough to break through the blockage with a plunger.

Henceforth, you need to try to prevent the ingress of food debris, hair and other things, which can clog the drain in the sink or any other plumbing. At the same time, it is useful to periodically conduct preventive actions so that the plumbing does not get clogged.

Video instruction

During the operation of plumbing, each owner is faced with the need to clear the blockage. Plums in the bathtub are more likely to clog. If the water slowly flows into the sewer pipe or is standing still, do not rush to look for plumbing. You will cope with this problem on your own, using available tools, household chemicals and proven pipe cleaning methods.

What causes the blockage

In most cases, a tight plug is formed due to small debris, thread from clothes, hair, pet hair, and even bits of soap getting into the drain pipe.

Facing problems for the first time drain system baths, remember that there are three categories of blockages:

  • Mechanical - caused by the accumulation of debris.
  • Operational - formed due to the lack of regular prevention.
  • Man-made - associated with improper installation of the system, wear and tear of equipment and all kinds of gusts, accidents, leaks, etc.

If there is no blockage, and the outflow of water is weak, check the pipes. Perhaps the reason lies in the insufficient slope of the outlet pipe or in the small size of its section. Increasing the slope drain pipe will get rid of the problem. Lower the flare of the riser or raise the tub.

If clogging is necessary, use a comprehensive method to unclog all pipes, including the riser.

Methods for mechanical cleaning of drain or pipes

Mechanical blockages are removed manually (with a plunger and plumbing cable), as well as using improvised means and household chemicals.

Reliable assistant - plunger

The plunger is a design consisting of a handle and a rubber tip in the form of a suction cup.

  1. Before using the plunger, fill the bath with water (it should cover the rubber tip of the device).
  2. Place the rubber plunger tip over drain hole.
  3. Press down on the handle of the fixture quickly and vigorously while pushing the plug in the outlet pipe.

The blockage is not an obstacle for the cable

If with the help of a plunger it was not possible to achieve the desired result, use a special cable - a flexible steel product with a ribbed metal spiral or a brush at the end. The cable will quickly penetrate into hard-to-reach parts of the sewer pipe, removing blockages and dirt adhering to the walls.

  1. To clean the tub drain, carefully insert the cable into the drain hole.
  2. Combining forward and rotational movements, direct it towards the intended blockage.
  3. To achieve the desired effect, move the rope back and forth, remove it from the pipe and rinse thoroughly in clean water.
  4. Flush the system clean water.

When cleaning, remember that plastic structures fragile and can be damaged due to powerful mechanical impact.

Plumbing cable will allow you to get rid of blockages formed in hard-to-reach places

Video: clearing a blockage with a cable

If you have a vacuum cleaner at hand

You can clean the clogged drain with a vacuum cleaner equipped with a back blowing function.

  1. Remove the rubber nozzle from the plunger handle, and install it on the vacuum cleaner pipe, securely fixing it with electrical tape.
  2. Remove the dust bag from the vacuum cleaner.
  3. Connect a hose with a pipe and a plunger to the blow hole.
  4. Place the plunger tip over the drain and turn on the vacuum cleaner.

The principle of operation of the apparatus is the same as when using a cable

Differs from manual way only by the fact that the cable does not rotate by hand, but with the help of a motor in a special device.

Hydrodynamic method

Based on the use of a jet of water under pressure, the water temperature can reach +120 ° C (superheated steam).

Hot water, put into pipes under high pressure, will wash away any "plug"

Hydrodynamic and mechanical methods require the use of special equipment, therefore, as a rule, only professional teams of plumbers use it.

How to clean a siphon

A lot of dirt, which prevents the free outflow of water, accumulates in the siphon, as well as in the area where the outlet pipe is connected to the common sewer riser... This can cause an unpleasant odor in the bathroom.

To clean this device, carefully disassemble it using the following procedure.

  1. Take a rag that will absorb the liquid. Spread it under the siphon, as water will spill onto the floor during dismantling.
  2. Place a basin under the siphon.
  3. Slowly loosen the device lock nut.
  4. Dismantle the siphon flask.
  5. Rinse the device with clean water, removing plaque and debris accumulated on the walls.
  6. Install the siphon in its original place so that the drain pipe does not rest on its flask. Otherwise, the water seal may be broken, and an unpleasant smell of sewage will appear in the bathroom.
  7. Turn on the water to fill the water seal. Check how tight the connections are.

Disassembling and assembling the siphon is easy

How to remove odor from a drain

A persistent and unpleasant smell of sewage in the bathroom indicates clogged pipes and the growth of bacteria. The reason for their appearance lies in the violation of the integrity of the sealing rings, cracks in the pipes and the siphon, its clogging, the evaporation of liquid from the water seal. To destroy such "odors" it is necessary to eliminate the described defects, to clean the siphon or blockage in the pipes.

You can get rid of an unpleasant odor in the bathroom with the help of chemicals and folk methods.

Method one:

  1. Pour 150 g of mustard powder into the drain hole.
  2. Pour in hot water.

Method two:

  1. Pour chlorine solution into the drain hole of the bath, protecting your hands with gloves beforehand.
  2. After 10 minutes, flush the system with clean water.

How to clean an old tap (mixer)

The reason for a sharp decrease in the water pressure can be a plug, consisting of particles of rust and scale, or a clogged aerator.

Before clearing such a blockage, remember the safety measures:

  • Be sure to turn off the water using the valves located at the inlet of pipes to the house or apartment.
  • Open the taps, checking for water inflow.
  • When tightening the valve elements, do not use too much force so as not to break the thread.
  • To avoid scalding, be careful when working with the hot water tap.

Cleaning the aerator

  1. Dismantle it using an adjustable wrench.
  2. Rinse the nozzles with a high pressure of water or clean the mesh with a needle.
  3. Reinstall the aerator.

Cleaning the single-lever mixer

If you want to increase the water pressure in a tap equipped with a single-lever mixer, do the following:

  1. Remove the handle of the device, secured with a screw (it is hidden under a plastic cap, red and of blue color) on the front side.
  2. Pull out the plug carefully.
  3. Unscrew the screw and remove the handle.
  4. Dismantle the housing cover of the device, under which the mechanism is hidden.
  5. Unscrew the clamping nut using an open-end wrench.

Determine what type of mechanism is used in the crane.

If the valve is equipped with a disc cartridge, pull the stem with a light and careful movement and remove the cylindrical mechanism. Such a cartridge cannot be repaired and requires a complete replacement.

When disassembling the ball mechanism, it is important not to lose small parts and springs. The body of the device itself should be thoroughly rinsed. If you find serious damage to the parts and when the ball loosely dangles in the socket, it is better to replace the mechanism. After cleaning, reassemble the mixer in the reverse order, carefully tightening the fixing screw.

Preventing blockages in the bath

Mechanical blockages can be prevented through preventive measures:

Taking advantage of simple methods and means, you can independently cope with cleaning simple blockages of the sewer system. Do not forget the algorithm of actions: find out what material the pipes are made of, select suitable methods and means to remove the blockage, do not forget about safety and prevention. Let the water in the shower and bathtub bring you only pleasure in the future.

Most of the residents of high-rise buildings meet with a clogged sewage system, and more specifically with a clog in the bathroom. With this unpleasant phenomenon, stagnation of water is observed, accompanied by the appearance of a nauseous odor and the inability to use the bathroom. Therefore, sooner or later the question arises of how to clean the pipes in the bathroom.

Often, the formation of a blockage is associated with violations of the rules for using the sewage system. However, keeping track of items entering the stock is challenging. The occurrence of blockages most often occurs due to:

  • rolls from clothes;
  • hair;
  • various small debris;
  • animal fur.

These components form a compacted lump, which prevents the free movement of liquid in the sewage system. This results in the appearance of pipe blockages. To clean the pipes in the bathroom, you need to understand some effective techniques.

The most common ways to clear blockages are:

  • plunger cleaning;
  • the use of chemicals;
  • the use of a plumbing cable;
  • cleaning the siphon.

Plunger in the fight against blockages

If the liquid in the bathroom began to slowly leave, it is necessary, first of all, to apply a plunger, represented by a rubber cap and a plastic or wooden handle... This method of cleaning pipes is considered the most gentle, simple and most effective when the blockage is located close to the drain hole. Before starting the manipulations, it is necessary to plug the overflow hole. The plunger is installed so that the drain hole is completely covered by its rubber part. Before cleaning the bathtub, it is advisable to fill it with water, that is, manipulations should not be performed "dry". Otherwise, the water stream will push the air stream, and not the debris particles, which will reduce the cleaning efficiency. In addition, to ensure good adhesion of the plunger to the surface of the bath, it is recommended to lubricate its rim with petroleum jelly or other grease with a greasy texture. The procedure consists of moving the device up and down with several strokes. In this case, there is a sharp entry of air into the drain hole and pushing the blockage further along the pipe. The cleaning is completed by turning on the water and rinsing off the debris. It is recommended to run several times this procedure before complete care stagnant water. Possible external exit of the collapsed waste, the removal of which will not be difficult.

The use of a plunger is also possible as a preventive measure. Regular use of this device contributes to less frequent clogging of pipes.

Cleaning pipes with household chemicals

This method is favored by its long history, which has improved the composition and provided free access to funds. Effective elimination of deposited blockages occurs when using special powders, gels and liquids, the choice of which is determined by the compatibility of the pipe material with the active components of the chemical preparation. Such cleaning of pipes should not cause their internal deformation.

The scheme for eliminating pipe blockages with chemicals consists of the following stages:

  1. The choice of a specific drug (from liquid to powder).
  2. Acquaintance with the user instructions to establish the possibility of using a particular product for the existing sewer system.
  3. Pouring or falling asleep (according to the instructions) of the drug into the drain. After using a dry powdery product, it is imperative to fill it with hot water (at least a glass).
  4. Keeping the drug for some time, stated in the instructions.
  5. Washing of pipes with a "hot" water stream, which helps to wash off deposits of various origins and debris.

When choosing the right chemical, you should make sure of its ability to dissolve hair. Keep in mind the dangers of chemicals, so before handling it is necessary to protect the skin, eyes and respiratory tract.

Cleaning measures for the siphon

Before deciding how to clean the pipe in the bathroom, you should pay attention to the siphon located under the drain hole of the sink and serving to prevent disgusting odors. Before starting the manipulations, it is necessary to spread the moisture-absorbing tissue with the subsequent installation of a pelvis on it, preventing the possible leakage of dirty liquid onto the floor. With gentle and slow movements, the bolt nut is unscrewed and the bulb is removed. This process is accompanied by the leakage of the hydraulic seal liquid. After it is completely drained, the siphon should be thoroughly rinsed, flushing out debris and removing plaque. When reinstalling the structure, it is worth excluding the pressure of the drain pipe on the siphon flask. The process ends with the inclusion of water and filling the hydraulic seal with a check of the connecting tightness.
Siphon cleaning is recommended as a preventive measure once every two to three months.

Cleaning pipes with a plumbing rope

With deep sewer blockages it is recommended to use a flexible shaft represented by a strong, sufficiently flexible spring about three meters long. One end is equipped with a holding handle, and the other with a spiral protruding replaceable nozzles(ruff, scraper, hook and other) fasteners. Thanks to such a tip, either partial destruction of the blockage occurs, or its partial catching and pulling out.

The process of cable cleaning of pipes is characterized by the following stages:

  1. The spiral end of the shaft is directed to the sewer.
  2. The cable is introduced by rotating movements with its deep pushing. Due to the translational movements, the tool overcomes pipeline "convolutions". It is necessary to measure the degree of pressure on the shaft to prevent breakage or damage to the inside of the pipe. Rotation of the knob should only be clockwise.
  3. When a blockage is reached, the rotation of the shaft becomes more intense, which helps push the debris. With a hook attachment, debris is caught and pulled out.
  4. When the liquid begins to drain into the sewer, a hot water flow turns on. Pipe flushing begins with a weak water flow with a gradual increase.
  5. The correctness of cleaning can be determined by the formed funnel.

During these manipulations, the cable must be taut. If it gets stuck in the pipe, it is necessary to rotate the shaft left and right until the obstacle is overcome. When choosing a cable, one should be guided by its diameter, which should be smaller than the sewer pipe.

Cleaning pipes from complex contaminants

If the use of "standard" methods fails, there is no more effective cleaning of pipes in the bathroom than their hydrodynamic and thermal washing. With both methods, debris is removed by water flow. high pressure... The difference between them lies in the temperature index of the water. With this effect, butt and seam tightness is maintained. It is rational to supplement such procedures with chemicals that disinfect pipes.

Fight against blockage of pipes "folk remedies"

With absence chemicals or a plunger, you can use a mixture of 300 grams of baking soda with a bottle of 70% vinegar. The composition is poured into the drain hole. At the same time, there is chemical reaction with a boiling vinegar. After that, the drain is flushed with hot water. Soda-vinegar washing is effective for fatty blockages.

Preventive "anti-clogging" methods

Preventing the accumulation of deposits is possible:

  • Installing small nets on the drain hole, trapping small debris;
  • Periodic use of household chemicals;
  • Prophylactic use of a plunger.

If none of the methods for self-cleaning the pipes gave a positive result, you need to contact the plumbing services, which will help to accurately identify the problem of stagnant water in the bathroom.

How to remove a blockage in the bathroom?

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Moidodyr, come back, or how to clear the blockage in the bathroom and sink

No one is immune from minor domestic troubles. Sewerage blockage is a problem that everyone faces sooner or later. This article is about how to unclog a bathroom, washbasin or kitchen sink.


Dear reader, we are adults and we understand that any, even the most simple job requires a clearly formulated terms of reference. In our case, before starting to clear the blockage, you must:

  • If possible, find out what caused it. For example, sand and grease require a different approach;
  • Locate the blockage. Agree that it is pointless to disassemble the siphon under the kitchen sink if the comb (intra-apartment sewer) in front of the tee or the sewer riser is clogged.


As a rule, it is not difficult to identify the cause by recalling your last actions before the sewer blockage and interviewing family members. Deduction, Mr. Watson: If the bath water stopped leaving after a very dirty dog ​​or wet boots was washed in it, it's not hard to guess the reason.

In addition, there are typical causes of blockages:

  • Bathtubs are dominated by hair, pet hair and threads... They are collected directly on the outlet grille;

  • The bath siphon is often clogged with the proverbial sand;
  • For kitchen sink food waste and body fat.

The fat from the plates, which has settled on the walls of the sewer pipes, is the leading cause of blockages in general. As a rule, it is collected in sewer sections with minimum slope and where hot water actively cools down, draining into the sink - in the sink knee and on the first meter of the comb from it.


If water does not leave only one plumbing fixture and at the same time sewage pipe with the siphon knee removed from it is not overflowing with drains - obviously, the problem is outlet, knee or siphon... In the case of a bath, you will have to rely on circumstantial evidence - the work of the sink and sink is on. You will hardly want to crawl deep under the tub and disconnect its harness from the comb.

If the water drained into the sink or washbasin enters the bath through the outlet, while the toilet is functioning normally, it is clogged comb in front of the tee... If the toilet does not work either, while the drains of the apartments upstream of the riser do not enter your sewage system, it is clogged tee or cross behind the toilet... This can happen if you drop a rag or paper towel down the toilet.

Finally, if the water level in the bathtub and toilet rises even with the taps closed, there is blockage of the riser or bedding... As a rule, locksmiths from the organization serving your house during the day and from the city are called to deal with them. emergency service- at night. The work is done free of charge.

Captain Evidence suggests: on the top floor, the water level will not rise without your participation, even if the riser is clogged. Just because of the lack of neighbors upstairs.



How to clear a blockage in a bathroom if its siphon is clogged with sand?

An ordinary plunger.

In the photo - an ordinary plunger. Price - 150 rubles.

  1. Put some water in the bath;
  2. Plug the overflow tightly with a damp cloth. If you do not do this, the plunger will waste air between the outlet and overflow;
  3. Cover the outlet with a plunger and pump it with several strokes;
  4. Drain off large amounts of water to remove any remaining blockage.

What to do if the bathtub is clogged and you don't have a plunger?

Open the siphon for cleaning. In new straps, for this, it is enough to unscrew one plastic cover, in old ones - remove the union nut connecting the outlet and the tubular siphon.

How to break through a blockage in a bathroom with an old-style cast iron trim? Obviously, it will not work to disassemble it for cleaning: after half a century of operation, it is not always possible to turn the outlet out of the cast-iron siphon even after annealing with a blowtorch.

Place the hose from the washing machine on the mixer and direct a strong jet of water into the outlet. The stream will easily pass through the metal grate and wash away the sand that has clogged the siphon.


How to remove hair that clogs the outlet grill?

Option 1:

Option 2:

  1. With continuous rotation, we feed a thin plumbing cable through the outlet grate;
  2. We take out and clean it from the coiled hair;
  3. Repeat it several times if necessary.

Option 3:

  1. We substitute a low basin or any dish of a suitable size under the bath siphon;
  2. We unscrew the release. The plastic grill is turned off with open pliers inserted into it, the metal one is removed after unscrewing the fixing screw in the center;

  1. We clean the outlet grate from hair, wool and threads;
  2. We put the release in place and check for leaks.

Food waste

What to do if the kitchen sink is clogged, while the rest of the plumbing fixtures are working properly?

Cleaning the siphon

As a rule, small food waste is collected in the siphon sump. How do I remove them from there?

  1. We substitute a bucket or basin under the siphon so as not to flood the floor or cabinet with foul-smelling drains;
  2. We unscrew the bottom of the siphon and carefully, so as not to lose the O-ring, shake out its contents;

  1. We collect the siphon and check it for leaks.

What if the gasket has lost its elasticity and after assembly the siphon leaks?

It is enough to wind up the thread on the siphon body. For winding, you can use FUM tape, ordinary electrical tape and even a strip of polyethylene cut off from an unnecessary bag.

Household chemicals

A severe blockage in which the water does not leave at all can often be cleaned with specialized sewage products. The most famous of them is the domestic Mole, a preparation based on sodium hypochlorite.

Mole - a means for clearing blockages.

How to use this remedy?

  1. Pour it into the sink outlet. Do not be too lazy to first scoop out water from it: a decrease in concentration reduces the effectiveness of the Mole;
  2. We are waiting for 1 - 3 hours;
  3. We flush the sewer with water.

Any chemical can only help with organic blockages. They will not dissolve sand or debris in your drain. A mole and other means will be useless even with large size grease plugs in the pipes.

Chemicals at hand

Instead of specialized drugs to combat blockages, you can use numerous improvised means - as long as they include acid or alkali in sufficient concentration.

Here are some examples of such substances:

  • Plain or caustic soda;

Caustic soda, also known as caustic soda NaOH.

  • Preparations for cleaning the sink from scale (Domestos, Sillite, etc.);
  • Battery electrolyte;
  • Hydrochloric and oxalic acids;
  • Citric acid in sachets.

How to apply these folk remedies? Just like specialized household chemicals: pour them into the sink drain and leave for several hours to dissolve the organic cork. Dry preparations are preliminarily diluted with water. Better - hot: this will dissolve the blockage faster.


What is the best way to clear the grease plug?

If the water drains at least slowly, it will help to get rid of fat. simple instruction: open hot water and gradually increase its pressure... The water, however, must be really hot - at least 60C. In the summer when DHW temperature barely reaches 40 degrees, the method will not work.

The sewer comb, which is deadly clogged with fat, is pre-cleaned with a plumbing cable; then the remaining fat is again washed off with hot water.

Plumbing wire is another inexpensive and very useful tool.

How to unclog a blockage using a rope with your own hands?

It is more convenient to do this work together, with an assistant. One person pulls the cable to prevent it from folding in loops, and rotates the handle, the second feeds the cable into the sewer through the socket closest to the blockage. The cable runs through the fat plug with noticeable resistance.

Finally, the most versatile and effective method the fight against fat plugs for owners of plastic sewers - to disassemble it and shake out the fat. In the same way, obstructions of the knee under the sink are eliminated.


How to get rid of systematic blockages, or at least reduce their number to a minimum?

  • Replace the cast iron drain with a plastic one... Its walls are not overgrown with deposits (except for fatty ones);
  • Eliminate counter-slopes... Any section with a negative slope is a place where debris will accumulate, gradually reducing the pipe clearance;
  • Put in sinks and tubs nets for issues... Hair, wool and small debris will remain on them, and not clog the drain;

  • Wash the dishes with the hottest water possible... I have noticed for a long time that the peak in the number of blockages in the intra-apartment sewage system occurs in the summer, when the temperature of the hot water decreases;
  • If the layout of your apartment allows it, install washing machine on the kitchen, at the maximum distance from the sewer riser. Each time hot water with dissolved powder is discharged, the machine will rinse the comb, removing the slightest traces of grease from it. Thanks to this simple recipe, for 8 years of life in my last apartment, I have never encountered a blockage.

Not only sewerage

It is not only the sewer pipe that can get clogged. This problem also concerns the water supply system. What can be done if the pressure of cold or hot water suddenly drops?

Often it is possible to clear the blockage without using a tool and without leaving the apartment:

  1. Unscrew the aerator from the gander (spout) of the mixer. It includes a filter - several small stainless steel meshes that are easily clogged after water outages. From six to eight grids, one or two can be left. The plastic aerator itself is cleaned of sand and scale with a pin or a sharpened match;

  1. If the pressure drops on one of the faucets (in the bathroom or in the kitchen), the second is working normally - turn off the valve at the entrance to the apartment on the water with which there are problems. Then open the appropriate water tap on the mixer with normal pressure. Plug the jumper of the faulty mixer with your finger and open both taps or lift the pressure adjustment lever.

With a high probability, the debris from the constriction of the water supply system will be washed out by the thus created backflow of water and carried away into the sewer.


I hope that my experience will help the dear reader in the fight against minor everyday troubles. To learn more about how you can clear a blockage in the bathroom, the video in this article will help. I look forward to your additions and comments. Good luck, comrades!

August 7, 2016

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