What is PVC painting? What can paint plastic panels and how to do it correctly.

The main reason to change the colors of plastic is to give it a harmonious view with the interior of the room or the appearance of the building. IN currently There are more than 2000 shades that allow it to do. One thing remains - to properly apply paint on plastic panels.

In the photo - staining of plastic windows

Material during operation also turns yellow due to sun ray, losing your own initial View. In addition, physical properties are violated. In this case, staining will protect the PVC plastic from such influences.

Tip: Want to protect metal elements in the apartment from corrosion, for this it is used by the electrically conductive paint Zinga, which can prevent moisture to their surface.

PVC dyes in granules


Coloring of plastic PVC profiles with a water-based polyurethane acrylic system has a number of advantages:

  • fast and high-quality surface preparation;
  • drying occurs in a short time at room temperature;
  • a set of hardness at a temperature of 20 ° C - from 8 h;
  • manual and automatic spraying;
  • large spectrum decorative opportunities - texture "under the tree", mother of pearl, metallic.

Acrylic paint for PVC panels


Below will look at the stage of manufacturing color profiles from plastic. And the most important stage will prepare products for painting.

You must make sure that there are no dirt, silicone, fat spots and other substances on the surface, which will become an obstacle to the good plastic adhesion with paint.

For this there is a small instruction:

  • remove with a dry cloth or compressed air dust, residues of chips and crumbs;
  • pour the rag with a special cleaner intended for polystyrene;
  • declaring and clean your own hands the surface of the product from the residues of lubricant and dirt, while removing static stress;
  • wait 5-10 minutes. until the cleaner evaporates from the plastic surface.

Tip: Use special activator cleaners for this PVC. This liquid also creates micropores on the surface, helping the adhesion of materials among themselves.

Paint for PVC plastic and internal works

Another way that will help achieve good adhesion - PVC grinding, and then his priming. However, this process is more laborious and requires some skills.

Tip: Does not suit the price of professional painters, shall hold the case yourself.

Choose paint

Remember that if you do not polish and primed a piece of plastic, you must acquire only those paints that are specifically designed for PVC staining.

  1. Select a hue. To do this, you can use the catalogs of NCS, RAL or Monicolor, where so much big choiceWhat to find the appropriate color will not make problems.
  2. Determine what items, and in what quantity it will be necessary to paint. This will give the opportunity to calculate the paint volume on certain square.
  3. Make a tinting to the required shade at least 60 minutes before the start of work. Tinted paint will occur by a special recipe with the addition of pigments. The selected shade will be as close as possible to the color in the catalog. There are ate the ability to control the viscosity using the VIS-6 viscometer and adjust, the ate is necessary, its addition to the pre-purified water.

Paint for products from solid PVC


The process should be made in one layer when room temperature without prior applying the primer. When using a sprayer, the coating will be better.

Also paint can be applied with a brush or roller. It dries about 8 hours, depending on the temperature, but it is possible to use it completely only after 72 hours.

Tip: If necessary, you can apply the second layer, but only when the previous one is completely drying.

If you use a pistol for staining, make sure that the temperature of the paint, it and plastic corresponds to the work room - not lower than 18 ° C, the humidity should not exceed 80%. It should also be dry and clean. It is recommended to apply 2-2.5 atmospheres, the nozzle size is 1.6-1.8 mm.

The desired film thickness is at least 60 μm, otherwise it will affect the tensile strength with the basis. With a layer thickness more than 120 microns, drying time will increase and this will affect the decorativeness of the coating.

Tip: Indoors have enough items that may suffer during a fire. To protect them, use modern flame retardant paints on metal polystyl, which are diluted with water.

Polyurethane paint PVC

How to dry

The drying of the painted surfaces from the ABS plastic occurs at a temperature greater than 40 ° C. They should be placed in a heated dryer no later than 5-10 minutes after staining.

They eaten the thickness of the wet film will be 80-120 microns, the temperature is 50 ° C and the relative humidity of 65%, the drying will continue for about 2-3 hours. It is not necessary to immediately check the degree of adhesion, it is better to wait 24 hours, full polymerization occurs in 5-7 days.

Remember that drying time due to the high thickness of the wet layer, lower temperature, large dimensions of the product and high humidity drying can significantly increase.

When storing finished plastic products, they must be protected by film or paper, protect against friction and shocks along the painted surface. Also, they should not be subjected to a long exposure to moisture and negative temperatures to full polymerization.


It became clear from the article that the painting of PVC plastic and an ABS occupation is simple. It is only necessary to carefully clean the surface from any contamination, decide on the color and necessary quantity material (find out as well as paint old parquet Alone).

You can apply it convenient for yourself by spraying or roller with a tassel. Drying the first to produce at room temperature, the second at 40 or more degrees.

Video in this article will help you find additional information on this topic.

Greetings to the corrades. I will not open America, if I say that furniture from MDF, wall panels And other forms of application of this material are firmly entered into our lives. But what to do if their color stops like? The painting of MDF panels can change the situation, but not all the paints are suitable for this. And if so, then you probably want to ask: what are the solutions for and what is the price? This is us now and find out.

Feature material

Cut, cut, milling, drilling, perforated and, of course, paint. It is for such a set of qualities and appreciated MDF produced from wood waste. All these operations do not represent special difficulties, with the exception of the staining process - with ignorance of the characteristics of the material, paints for furniture from MDF will take a lot and very much, and the result will disappoint you.

Causes 2:

  1. Material is characterized by great hygroscopicity., he like a sponge absorbs the coloring compositions;
  2. When staining from the interaction of the coloring composition, a woody pile rises. As a result, low-rotory and rough surface is obtained.

What is suitable

It is clear that in production these problems are solved, because in building stores, all MDF products are qualitatively painted and smooth to the touch. Will it get to achieve such an effect with your own hands?

Looking ahead, I will say - it will definitely work out.
The secret is the preliminary application of the soil-isolator drinking MDF and creating qualitative foundation, as well as in the grinding of the surface before applying the finish coloring layer.

We will return to the surface preparation process. The main thing is to figure out how to paint the MDF at home. We need special compositions With high tailoring.

These include:

  • acrylic enamels and paints in the form of aerosols.
  • enamel performed on an alkyd-urethane, alkyd or oil basis;
  • polyurethane enamel.

Acrylic enamel

This group is considered to be environmentally friendly, since it is water-based compounds based on acrylate or latex copolymers. Most manufacturers recommend their use in residential premises and even children's rooms.

Another plus is a good protection of surfaces from the impact of moisture and temperature drops, which is quite relevant for furniture and sliding MDF screens in the premises of the bathrooms.

You can most often find the following compounds:

Name Parameters price, rub.
Belinka Aqua email The composition is endowed with good shelterness, and when applied creates a glossy film. The manufacturer allows the application on top of the old paintwork materials.

Be sure to use the soil isolator.

Among the features of this composition can be allocated:

  • high resistance to ultraviolet;
  • time to dry the layer - 4 hours.

This composition can be recommended for products located in the direct visibility of sunlight. If you doubted whether it is possible to paint wall MDF. The panels that burned in the sun, then the application of Belinka Aqua Email in 2-3 layers will make them resistant to ultraviolet exposure.

590 per 0.75 liters; 1720 for 2.5l

Some of the presented compounds can also be used as a soil isolator. For such purposes, the manufacturer recommends that they dilute them with water in the ratio of 70% of the paint and 30% drinking water.

Before painting white door From the MDF under the tree, be sure to:

  1. first apply basic layer light paint, after which it is possible to apply dark tones;
  2. using a special rubber brush, without waiting for the drying of the second layer, process the surface to obtain the structure of the tree.

The captain is an obvious informs: if you choose how to paint the MDF panel of a small size, it is inappropriate to acquire paint in a large litter packaging.
And since the smallest volume is 0.9l, then it is necessary to look at acrylic paints in the canopy.
It is also important that when applying such compositions, wood fibers on the surface do not rise, which simplifies painting.

Important: Before painting MDF alkyd sprays, the surface should be treated with soil.

Alkyd and alkyd-urethane enamel

Another sufficiently large group of coloring compositions allowing you to paint the MDF surface. If you do not know how to repaint furniture from MDF with your own hands, then for self-use I can recommend the products of the following manufacturers:

Important: Do not forget that all alkyd compositions have a sharp smell, which, besides, is sufficiently toxic in the drying process.
It is important to organize staining in a ventilated room using personal protective equipment.

Polyurethane enamel

Polyurethane compositions are primarily interesting to their wear resistance and durability. Agree that if we spend money on expensive paint, then the life of its operation must be maximum. In the case of the type under consideration, manufacturers guarantee at least 20 years!

So, what can be purchased from this group in our country? Below more for more information with some of these compositions:

Process of coloring

With the compositions figured out, and now you know whether it is possible to paint the MDF panels and what exactly.

It's time to pose you and some nuances of the upcoming process, told how to paint the MDF:

  • Any surface must be pre-treated with soil. It fills the pores of the material, preventing further absorption of the finishing coating (paints);
  • After applying soil and drying, the surface must be altered to remove the rising woods of wood. It is best to use for these purposes to shlimphmashashka;
  • The surface should be cleaned of dust, and only after that apply the first layer of paint;
  • Repeat the grinding process again to re-remove rising fibers from the surface;
  • Then apply the second layer of paint;
  • To give a completed appearance, the surface should be polished.

Before painting plastic with your own hands, you need to choose, based on its structure. After all this material Pretty different.

After choosing paint, it is important to properly apply the coating, because it should look and be durable. And it can be done in several versions. Also on video and photos you can see the most difficult moments of doing this work.

How to paint plastic correctly, will depend on its characteristics. But in any case, high-quality surface preparation should be made.

The paint does not keep so well on the PVC surface. Therefore, preparation is quite serious. Coloring plastic, like staining of any other surfaces, has its own characteristics.

ATTENTION: Painting is better done with the help of a spray gun. In this case, the coating can be applied most evenly.

For convenience, we will analyze the entire process in steps:

  • At the beginning of work it is necessary to make sure that there are no contaminants on the surface. The processed surface must necessarily be dry and clean.
  • Before starting color, plastics must be covered with a special primer for plastic with high adhesive properties. It can be purchased in paint and varnish, construction and auto shops. Apply primer with spraying (using spraying device) or wiping. After processing, the product must dry completely.
  • In order for the coloring procedure to be comfortable, and the grip between plastic and paint was as strong as possible, a number of conditions must be observed:
  1. Temperature ambient There must be more than 18 degrees, and humidity indicators should not exceed 80%;
  2. The temperature of the stained surface, paint and snap should be approximately the same.
  • Plastic staining passes into one layer, the thickness of which is 60-120 microns. If the layer is thinner, then the wear resistance of such a coating will be very low. A layer thickness above 120 microns will significantly increase the full drying time, which may worsen appearance Painted product.
  • Recommended drying temperature of plastic surfaces 18-60 degrees, more specific temperature range, as the time of the drying itself directly depend on the thickness of the painting layer. For example, a layer of 80-120 μm at room temperature and standard humidity of 40-50% will dry in 8-10 hours, and at a temperature of 50 degrees and relative humidity of 65%, the drying period will be reduced to 3 hours. The surface of polyamides and polypropylenes at an air temperature of 100 degrees will dry in 20 minutes.
  • Polymerization (final drying) of the painted surface is terminated only by 5-7 days. However, with a layer thickness, more than 120 microns, low ambient temperatures and high humidity, polymerization time can increase significantly. Before the end of the polymerization, the painted plastic is undesirable to expose low temperatures and high humidity.

Plastic Coloring at Home

With your own hands, the coating will be significantly cheaper than the price of specialists. Consider how painting plastic at home.

In order to quality to paint the plastic surface yourself, we will need:

  • Aerosol enamel paint on plastic or enamel for plastic;
  • Acrylic aerosol varnish for the final surface treatment (it happens matte and glossy);
  • Hand protection, eyes and respiratory (gloves, mask, safety glasses);
  • Polyethylene film (in order to cover the surrounding items);
  • Malyary Scotch;
  • Means for cleaning plastic (water, rags, brush, detergent);
  • Solvent (for example, White Spirit);
  • Grinding paper with abrasion up to 180 microns.

What kind of paint use?

What paint can be painted plastic now consider in more detail. It is necessary to approach the choice of paint with a special scrupulousness, since the type of paint and the features of its interaction with the surface has a direct impact on the final result.


  • For products made of mild plastics, it is necessary to use enamel with an increased content of elasticity and plasticity. And universal for products from solid plastics acrylic paint-enamel.
  • In our case, acrylic paint on plastic is best suited, which can be purchased in any construction and paint stores.

ATTENTION: Also when buying should be borne in mind that there are two forms of release such as paint: aerosol (in bells) and liquid (in buckets).

  • It will be most convenient for us to take advantage of the aerosol paint enamel, because It has good adhesion, easy to use and dries quickly. If you need the most homogeneous distribution of enamel on the surface, you can purchase a specialized tip for aerosol cylinders, allowing manually adjusting the degree of paint spraying.

ATTENTION: Plastic products with labels PS (polystyrene), PC (polycarbonate) and PE (polyethylene) are not painted!

  • We will finally fix the paint with the help of acrylic aerosol varnish.
    If you work with a new surface or use liquid paint, then you will also need a primer for plastic, for example, "ETEX" from TM Ticcury.
  • If you are going to paint the old plastic, then there will be a surface grinding.

The process of coloring aerosol paint

Conditionally the full process of staining of the plastic product can be divided into 6 steps:

Cleaning the product
  • At this stage, it is necessary to carry out full cleaning of plastic from dirt, dust, fungus, oil and other things. If this is not done, then the paint will be bad, and the surface after dyeing will be shameless.
  • From dirt and dust we get rid of soapy water, and from fungus and mold - any bleach. After complete cleaning the surface, the product must be cut.
Surface degreasing Degreasing - an important stage Preliminary processing of products under painting, so on. No paint material is closed with a fatty surface.
To delete old paint and degrease the surface of the stained product, it must be thoroughly treated with a solvent. After processing, working surface You need to thoroughly wash and dry.
Surface grinding Grinding is needed in order to increase the roughness of the painted surface and facilitate its adhesion with paint.
  • For this purpose, it is possible to use grinding paper with abrasive indices up to 180 microns. The coarse sandpaper will make the surface very coarse, which will directly affect the quality of the result.
  • Coloring is subject to all upper layer Plastic, it is advisable to achieve a matte surface. After grinding, the surface must be carefully cleaned with a damp cloth or brush, dry and re-degrease.
  • If you want to paint not the entire surface, but only its part, then use the painting tape. For this, all areas that do not have to be painted with scotch.
  • Immediately after painting, the product is a malarious tape must be removed. If you miss this moment and the paint will have time to dry, then remove the tape will be problematic.
Coloring Features of surface coloring aerosol paint:
  • Before staining, the canchor must be shaken for 1-2 minutes;
  • During the staining, the canopy must be located strictly vertically;
  • Caller and stained surface should be at one level;
  • After each press, remove the finger from the nozzle, otherwise, the paint can start leaking;
  • To apply paint with wide circular movements from left to right;
  • Each next layer of paint needs to be applied after complete drying of the previous one.

The number of layers is directly due to the quality of paint and the degree of surface preparation to staining; When using any aerosol paints, do not forget about protective facilities For eye and respiratory organs.

Varnish, fixing the result After a complete drying of the painted product, it usually occurs in 25-30 minutes, treat it with an aerosol varnish. The principle of processing is the same as when applying paint. Ready product Dry.

The process of staining with liquid paint

An alternative way to paint, is staining using liquid paint and brush. Painting brush has both pros and cons.

The main disadvantage of this method of staining is a long drying time, during which the deposition of dust / dirt should be allowed to the treated surface. Since at home it is impossible to do this, such a coloring method is applied only in cases where perfect coating not necessary.

In many ways, this process repeats the above method:

  • Cleaning the product.
  • Degreasing the surface.
  • Grinding. At this stage, the processing of the product of the primer is added, which will significantly increase the adhesive properties of the plastic surface and improve its grip with paint. After processing the primer plastic, it is necessary to dry within a few minutes.
  • Staining.

Painting brush has a number of their special, which must be considered if you want to get a good result:

  • Paint-enamel should be applied with a thin layer, continuously pressing the brush to the surface;
  • When the paint is set, do not immerse the brush in it completely;
  • During the dyeing, it should be carefully monitoring the angle of applying paint, it should not change;
  • First, apply enamel wide stripes, and then delete it. This will make it possible to fill all the surface roughness and achieve the most uniform coating.

Lacquering, fixing the result. Consider that Varnish in this case should also be applied after the surface of the product surface is completely drying, in the case of liquid paint This period is quite lengthy. Do not forget that the aerosol varnish is driving much faster than the usual one. Drying time of ordinary varnish is about 2-2.5 hours.

How to paint plastic, you now know and the instruction will not allow you to allow you to make mistakes.

There are situations where motorists and owners of houses or apartments are decided to change the usual interior and color of the room or car, as a result of which they will put an interesting question in front of them: how to paint plastic and what materials for this can be used?

Mobile plastic

As a rule, the technology of performing painting works for any surfaces remains the same. But except general requirements, there are also some subtleties, without which it is simply impossible to perform a high-quality finish. That is why such additional information should be adherent.

Species of paints for PVC products

Mobile plastic

Today, the market of paints and varnishes are presented a huge variety of paints, which can be qualitatively covered with PVC designs. They can be both in the form of an aerosol and spray and the form of the usual paint for applying a brush or roller, which can be both matte and glossy or pearl.

Specifications suitable for plastic paints are shown in the table.

  1. Maraplan is a wonderful example for PVC works.

Finishing works of such paint are performed using a roller, sponge, brushes or sprayers. If such a plastic paint is applied at a temperature of 20 ° C., after 20 minutes, you can begin to apply the re-layer, and even after 4-5 hours, the product will be absolutely ready for use. Maraplan's paint is very resistant to the effects of ultraviolet rays, as well as durable to mechanical damage. But it is better not to expose the film with mechanical overload until the coating is completely drying.

  1. Rainbow-180 is an absolutely white glossy coating for PVC cloths.

Such paint on plastic is used to design windows, window sills, plinths and other hard plastic, which can be used for both exterior and for interior finishes. In addition to PVC, the aerosol is suitable and different surfaces, as well as putty and wood. You can work with such paint at 15-75 ° C, and the next layer can be applied after 1-2 hours. Such paint is great for outdoor decorations.

  1. Snowball - Enamel based acrylic for the decorative framing of hard PVC and other materials.

By advice experienced masters, apply such a coating is better in 2 layers. After applying the paint, the surface of the plastic will be matte after 5-15 hours, but to use this coat It is possible for outdoor, and for internal works.

  1. Amelight is a coating that is capable of dark or green in a dark room.

Pray plastic with your own hands

This paint is widely used for works on PVC, ABS, polystyrene and polypropylene. She has increased level Strength and weather resistance. Such paint has proven well when restoration of pots, furniture, souvenirs, window and door blocks using a sprayer or a dipping method from 1 to 3 layers, as indicated in the instruction manual of the material. Before entering painting workAlso in the process of their execution, paint all the time need to be mixed thoroughly, because the additives are prone to settlement, and the time for drying the finish varies in the range of 2-4 hours.

  1. Gamma - acrylic paint, is represented as an aerosol.

In the palette of this finishing material There are about 25 shades that are applied on plastic, wood and steel, it is also perfect as a spray for applying graffiti. Obtained in this way decorative coating It will be atmospheric, have a deep color and muffled glitter. For achievement best result It is better to select a white foundation (if we are talking about a fluorescent version - this requirement is mandatory). Sometimes it is necessary to increase the contrast and strengthen the color to adjust the material in 2 layers, but re-apply the material is allowed only after 30 minutes, so that the lower coating has done properly dry.

It is also worth highlighting a separate category of paints, which includes chrome. Chrome are also called as "mirror paint" most appropriate in mechanical engineering. To apply chrome on the surface of the product, both an aerosol and a galvanic method, the difference will be practically imperceptible.

To date, such a finish, like chrome (especially in the form of an aerosol), is gaining more and more popularity. Chrome mirror features, fascinates the eye of passersby, so it loves to use Motto and car enthusiasts.

In addition to high strength, chromium withstands high temperature differences, and it is absolutely not important that it is used to apply an aerosol or painting was produced at the factory.

Chrome may have a gold or silver color, which can also be an interesting detail when making the interior of your apartment. In addition, chromium is characterized by excellent physical, chemical features and a democratic price.

How are painted work?

Before starting to paint work, the plastic should be pre-purified and dried, because it is allowed to paint only with a good level of adhesion, which will be achieved only on a skim and purified basis.

To prepare the surface and its purification, in no case use the usual solvents or long ago all familiar White spirit. Today, specialized compositions are presented on the market for plastic cleansing in a wide range.

Please note that not every plastic needs a primer, and sometimes it happens with accuracy, yes, on the contrary, it is impossible without it. To understand how to act you in specific situation, There are 2 simple check methods:

  • Buoyancy

For such a check, it is worth taking a piece of plastic and lower it into the water. If he starts sinking, then the primer will not need. If the material on the contrary will lie on the surface of the water - without priming anywhere.

  • Combustion

If, during arson, the material begins to smoke - the primer does not need to be applied, and if "purely" is burning - the imposition of the primer layer is inevitable.

If you need to paint not new detailIt may be that it will be eaten to span, for which the sandpaper will be required at number 320-400 and water, to remove slots and cracks.

Mobile plastic parts independently

When painting, the paint is applied to the surface with brushes, paint rollers on a woolen or mohair basis. Aerosols and sprays for small-scale production can also be used.