Get the pump out of the well. How to get a pump out of a well: such useful tips

Individual water supply is quite convenient to use and has a number of advantages: independence from central systems water supply, and always clean and compliant water is supplied in the right volume. At the same time, the cost of performing work, equipment and materials will fully pay off over time. At the same time, the equipment used in autonomous systems, is not insured against breakdowns and requires periodic maintenance.

A pump stuck in a well can be a serious problem, as improper action in this situation can lead to serious equipment damage.
  1. Slack in the electrical cable.
  2. Silt accumulation in the well.
  3. Casing damage.
  4. Foreign objects entering the well.
  5. into the well during installation.

If the pump is stuck in the well, it must be pulled out with the utmost care and care. Illiterate actions become the cause of the final breakdown of the pump and lead to the failure of the well. In some cases, only specialists with the necessary skills and with the help of special equipment... You can try to eliminate the simplest causes of stuck on their own.

  • An indication that an electrical cable is stuck between the pump casing and the inner wall of the casing is the wire sagging when trying to lift the pump to the surface. Additional physical effort or the use of auxiliary mechanisms (winch, jack or others) will not help to solve the problem and will lead to a break in the cable or damage to the equipment. In this case, it is worth trying the original position, lowering it lower, and carefully select the wrapped cable. Then remove the pump from the well, controlling the tension of the wire.

As preventive measures, preventing sagging, the cable is attached to the pressure hose using clamps. Each time the pump is removed, the clamps will have to be disconnected, but, in comparison with the solution emergency situations, this process is not very time-consuming.

  • If sludge accumulates, the pump cannot be lifted from its location. Depending on, the reason may be stagnation of water and silting of the lower part of the pump (well on sand) or the formation of mineral deposits above the body (well on limestone). In both cases, the pump is swinging with a small amplitude, as a result of which the incoming water gradually flushes out the deposits and makes it possible to lift the equipment. To prevent the formation of deposits, the well should be cleaned periodically, and the equipment should be lifted for inspection and maintenance at least once every 3-5 years.
  • Damage, deformation or distortion of the casing pipe occurs as a result of movement of soil layers, the use of initially deformed or damaged pipe, or a poor-quality connection. When you try to reach the pump, you hear the sound of a blow or the tapping of the body against the pipe walls. Giving the pump a twisting motion during lifting can help pass damaged areas. It should be borne in mind that excessive efforts will not help to pull out the equipment and will only exacerbate the problem.
  • Entry of foreign objects (stones, tools, etc.) between the pump casing and the casing, leading to seizure. In this case, getting the pump out of the well without the help of specialists is quite problematic. The use of special video diagnostic equipment allows you to accurately determine the location and type of interfering object and select optimal way solving the problem.
  • If in the process, together with a cable, hose and cable, you can try to pry the cable using a steel "cat" fixed to a metal wire with a diameter of at least 5 mm. For this, the free end of the wire, the length of which exceeds the borehole depth by 5-7 m, is attached to the boom of the lifting mechanism (crane, winch), and the other end is lowered into the borehole, after which it rotates until the hook is completed. It should be borne in mind that all work is carried out blindly and there is a high risk of damage to the equipment.

To get the pump out of the well with minimal risk of damage to equipment, it is important to maintain the same tension on the cable and wire rope when lifting. For convenience, it is recommended to use a drum on which the selected cable and cable are simultaneously wound, preventing them from sagging.

"Folk" methods of removing a stuck pump

Attempts to save money and solve the problem on our own, with the help of improvised means and devices, are not always justified. Often, as a result of rash and hasty actions, a complete replacement of everything is required pumping equipment, or even drilling a new well. At the same time, there are several "popular" methods to try to solve the problem with minimal risk of irreversible damage.

To push the equipment down, a one-meter hollow steel pipe with a welded metal loop... A separate cable is attached to the loop, and the "native" cable, hose and cable are threaded inside and brought to the surface. If the additional load moves the equipment out of place, all structural elements are lifted at the same time.

Relatively safe is the method in which the tension of the selected cable is created, and the stretched section is periodically tapped until weakness appears. After that, the slack is selected and the tapping procedure is repeated. Such manipulations are carried out from several hours to several days and are not effective for all cases.

  1. Using quality wire rope and fastening bolts made of of stainless steel.
  2. Hose and wire rope must not have connections or knots.
  3. The greater the distance between the pump casing and the casing wall, the less the risk of jamming.
  4. It is imperative to use a head to protect the well from the ingress of foreign objects.

Pumping equipment stuck in the well is the cause of a big headache for some owners of private houses. That is why it is important to know how to get the pump out of the well correctly. If you do the wrong thing, the structure may be damaged. In addition, in this way it will be possible to destroy the well.

Items that will be needed:

  1. Cable.
  2. Clamps.
  3. A piece of steel pipe.

To remove the pumping equipment, you will need to free it from silt or sand. You can clean the well yourself using special vibration-type pumps. Conduct this procedure it is necessary with great care, taking into account the fact that the pump can clog. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. The power cable of the pump is disconnected from the mains.
  2. The vibration equipment is lowered to the bottom of the well.
  3. The second pump with a hose connected to it is lowered into the water so that it can draw it in. This fixture must be positioned higher than the first pump.
  4. The pumps are switched on, after which they are gradually lowered as the contaminated water is pumped out of the well.
  5. The jammed pump is pulled out smoothly.

Reasons for jamming

The reasons why it is not possible to quickly pull the pump out of the well can be different. Most often, the following situations occur:

Scheme of cleaning a well from accumulated sludge using pumps.

  1. The cable is loose.
  2. The well was covered with silt.
  3. There was significant damage to the pipe walls.
  4. Any foreign material has entered the pipe.

It will take a lot of effort and special training to lift the pump out of the well, so you will need to be patient.

The gap between the walls of the pipe and the equipment can be only a few centimeters, so it will not be possible to see what happened without the use of special equipment. It will be necessary to find out the problem by the symptoms.

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Elimination methods

The small diameter of the well can be a significant obstacle to retrieving a stuck pump.

The most common and easily remedied problem is when the pump gets stuck during lifting and does not pull up despite a lot of effort. The thing is that the cable sagged, as a result of which it wrapped around the pump structure. In this case, it will be necessary to carefully lower the pumping equipment down, identify the weak part of the cable and raise the pump again. While performing these steps, you need to make sure that the cable, cable and cord do not sag.

Avoiding cable slack is easy enough. It must be secured to the cord with clamps. For any lifting of the pumping equipment, they will need to be removed, and then new ones installed. Be aware that these are simple steps compared to pulling out the pump.

If you cannot get the pump out of the well for sandy base, this means that the well is silted up, the pump is held back by precipitation, which in most cases reaches two or more meters. In this case, you will need to “swing” the structure using a cable. It will need to be pulled up, and then lowered until it is possible to pull the pump out of the sludge. Water will begin to enter the lumen, and the sediment will be washed out after a while. After that, the pump will need to be carefully pulled out. This problem can arise if the well is not cleaned for 3-5 years. Regular cleaning will keep the chance of silting up to a minimum.

Proper placement of equipment in the well will help prevent sludge build-up on the tubing and pump end.

It may also be the case that the pump cannot be pulled out of the well onto the limestone. Wells on limestone are not subject to ordinary siltation, therefore this means that there has been a "reverse siltation". The reason is that the equipment is deepened too deep, as a result of which the water stagnates. Calcium and iron salts in the water will combine with oxygen and form a sediment, which will gradually accumulate on the pipes and the end of the pump. In this case, you do not need to try to flush the water source to get rid of the damper. The sediment is dense, therefore it will be necessary to slowly and carefully move the pump. The equipment must be turned on so that the water can quickly wash out the sediment. In the future, attention should be paid not only to the periodic flushing of the well, but also to the thoughtful arrangement of equipment in it.

If the pump gets stuck in the middle of the well, and the sound of a blow is heard, this means that damage to the pipe prevents the pump from moving, which can occur for the following reasons:

  1. The joint has split.
  2. A dent appeared.
  3. The edge will be flattened.

In this case, you will need to carefully start rotating the pump. Equipment may fall into dangerous place, but there can be no guarantees of a successful solution to the problem.

If the pump suddenly gets stuck in the middle of the well, it means that some element (bolt, stone, etc.) fell into the well, which got into the gap between the pump and the wall, as a result of which the equipment jammed. In this case, it is best to turn to professionals, because it is very difficult to solve this problem on your own.

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Lifting the unit

Owners country houses in an attempt to save a certain amount of money on the services of specialists, trying to pull the pump out of the well on their own, they may commit wrong actions. Most often the following is done:

All actions to pull out a stuck pump must be carried out with a strong metal rope capable of handling heavy lifting.

  1. Too much force, as a result of which the cable most often breaks. All actions to pull out a stuck pump must be done carefully. Even when installing the equipment, you will need to buy a high-quality steel cable that can withstand heavy loads.
  2. Using hooks and other tools to pull out a torn-off pump. If they come off and remain in the well, then the task of pulling out the jammed pump will become even more difficult.
  3. Attempts to move a stuck pump with a crowbar attached to a rope or cable. This tool able to destroy the well with ease. In this case, it will be almost impossible to restore her usual work.

You should be aware that there are some tricks that help to pull out the pump without the help of specialists. For example, you can select a cable, pull and secure it. From time to time, the cable needs to be tapped. If slack begins to appear, then the cable must be selected, pulled, and then tapped again. These actions need to be performed for several days.

You can also try to push the pumping equipment down with a weight. To do this, you need to take a piece of steel pipe, which is approximately 1 m long. A metal “eyelet” is welded to the top of the pipe, on which a separate cable is fixed. After that, the cable, wire and equipment hose will need to be pushed inside this pipe.

To avoid suction of the pump, it is necessary to monitor the health of the caisson and the quality of the water coming from the well.

The device is lowered so that, under its weight, the pump can move from its place. When this happens, it will be necessary to carefully pull out all the elements from the well at the same time. It should be borne in mind that the weight of the structure can reach 50 kg.

If the pump is stuck in the well tightly, then there is no way to pull it out. In this case, it remains only to turn to professionals. By using special devices, such as an underwater camera, they can pinpoint the problem with precision and find the best solution. However, one must remember that these services are expensive. In addition, not every well with a seized pump can be repaired.

The use of a submersible pump has one significant drawback - operation on great depth... In this regard, the owners of water intake workings often face the problem of equipment jamming in the shaft and the impossibility of retrieving it to the surface. How to get the pump out of the well without damaging it? It depends on the reason the unit is stuck, on the type of unit and on the condition of the casing.

In most cases, well owners have problems with lifting pumping equipment that has already been in production for a certain time. Lifting a submersible pump is necessary in the following cases:

  • repair work;
  • Maintenance;
  • replacement with a more powerful or new pump;
  • replacement of the flush pump with a permanent one.

Much less often, the pump gets stuck in the wellbore when trying to lower it to the bottom of the well. The reasons for sticking in this case are, as a rule, a discrepancy between the size of the pump and the diameter of the casing or the ingress of a foreign object into the string that interferes with the running of the unit. These two reasons can be easily eliminated: the pump is sized before the start of the run, and the foreign object trapped in the casing is removed or pushed down.

To prevent the pump from getting stuck when lowering, it is necessary to observe safety measures: carefully inspect the unit and make sure that all its parts are in good working order, avoid foreign objects (stones, tools, packaging) getting into the pipe, use a reliable cable and clamps.

Pump stuck problems usually occur when the pump is pulled from the well to the surface. The most common prerequisites for equipment getting stuck in the barrel are:

  • sagging of the cable (cable);
  • silting of the well "on the sand";
  • deposits in the well "on limestone";
  • damage to the walls of the casing;
  • ingress of foreign objects into the pipe;
  • the pump is skewed inside the casing;
  • broken cable.

If your pump is stuck in an aquifer, then the most correct solution is to call specialists who have experience and necessary equipment to safely remove the unit, but in some cases you can try to get the pump yourself, identifying and eliminating the cause of its jam. Let's consider the described causes and ways to eliminate them in more detail.

When a sagging cable or electric cable used to lift the pump occurs, the unit gradually stretches upward worse and worse, and at a certain point it stops altogether. This is because a slack cable or electrical cable is twisted around the pump housing.

Algorithm of action when a cable or rope sags:

  1. Lower the pump to the bottom and carefully align the formed loop by slowly swinging the cable in different directions and pulling it up.
  2. If only a rope is used for lifting, then do not forget that the pump is also equipped with an electric cable and a hose, which must be synchronized with each other in order to avoid sagging of one of the elements and the formation of loops.
  3. Secure all three elements with hose clamps. Fastening must be carried out every 1-1.5 meters.
  4. Lift the pump slowly and carefully.

This is the most common and easy to solve problem. It is very simple to prevent the sagging of the cable; for this, when lowering the pump into the well, it is necessary to tie it up in the casing every 2-3 m so that it always remains under a slight tension.

Silting of wells with a sandy bottom occurs due to infrequent or improper operation. In this case, the pump is in a muddy "trap" and you can get it by alternately pulling and loosening the cable, while slowly swinging the unit in different directions. Thus, it is possible to free the equipment from silt deposits.

In unused workings, the sludge can solidify, therefore, before removing the unit, the sediments must first be washed out. For this, a fire hose or flexible hose is taken, through which water is supplied to the bottom of the well.

Sludge can take 2 to 48 hours to soak. To check if the pump is free of sludge, it is necessary to periodically try to lift it, swinging it from side to side. If the device does not give in, then do not use excessive force, let the soaking of the sludge continue.

The problem of pump overgrowth with silt arises if the well has not been cleaned for several years. Annual preventive cleaning of the hydraulic structure and the downhole filter completely eliminates the problem of siltation, and hence the equipment jam.

The water extracted from a limestone well contains many salts and metals, which, interacting with oxygen, form a solid sediment. Such sediment can be seen on the casing walls. Exactly the same deposits accumulate on the body of the pumping equipment, forming salt build-ups, the layer of which can reach 5 cm. It is clear that when the pump is lifted, its increased dimensions due to deposits will not allow it to pass through the casing pipe.

In this case, there are three ways to solve the problem:

  1. Well flushing with water. It is directed into the barrel under high pressure... This method is good when there are few deposits and they are amenable to erosion. In this case, after the high-pressure washout has been carried out, the pump is lifted upward by means of a rope or cable.
  2. The use of "folk" anti-scale products... Instead of special powders, citric or acetic acid is taken, diluted in water and poured into the wellbore. The acid breaks down the salt deposits. This method can only be used on a pump, the further operation of which is not planned, because acids can damage its internal mechanisms.
  3. Of use chemicals ... For this, descaling agents for washing and dishwashers, teapots. The powder must be dissolved in hot water in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and pour the resulting solution into the well. To increase the effectiveness of descaling agents, it is recommended to turn on the pump (if it is working) so that the water starts moving.

Disadvantage last way its high cost: you will need at least 20 packs of anti-scale products, and in some cases, you need to repeat the procedure 2-3 times.

When lifting the pump, it can get stuck due to mechanical damage to the casing. Such damage includes:

  • dent in the casing;
  • flattened pipe edge;
  • roughness of welded seams;
  • displacement of welded parts, etc.

A characteristic symptom indicating that damage to the pipe became an obstacle to the upward movement of the pump is a dull knock and jamming of the unit, which until this moment moved along the alignment without problems.

In this situation, a slight change in the position of the pump can help; it must be tilted and slowly rotated while lifting it up. Please note that it is necessary to tilt just "slightly", otherwise you risk breaking the cable, dropping the device into the well. Do not use excessive force when trying to push the pump through a difficult area, this will lead to complete jamming of the unit inside the well.

Practice shows that with minor casing deformations and small pump dimensions, this method helps in most cases. If the dimensions of the device are slightly smaller than the cross-section of the casing or the damage to the string is significant, then it will not be possible to get the pump on your own, and in some cases it is beyond the power of even specialists.

To prevent equipment sticking due to casing deformation, it is necessary to perform quality installation casing strings in compliance with all technological standards and the correct size of the unit.

The most unpleasant and dangerous situation which, however, is very easy to prevent. Most often, tools, fasteners, debris, trimmings get into the casing plastic bottles... To escape this, you need to carefully prepare for lifting the pump, removing all unnecessary in the work area.

If a foreign object nevertheless falls into the pipe and interferes with the lifting of the equipment, then the following steps can be taken:

  1. Gently and slowly, without applying force, swing the pump from side to side, if possible - a small object can slip into the well, freeing the way for the unit.
  2. If the pump cannot move upwards, and the device goes down without problems, then it is necessary to lower the pump a little and try to get the fallen object using a net, a hook or a rope with a loop.
  3. In some cases, you can try to push through the fallen object using a rigid cable or crowbar. This should be done very carefully, because there is a high risk of breaking the lifting rope and damaging the pump housing. You should not make excessive efforts in this case.

If these measures were not enough, and the pump was completely stuck in the well due to a foreign object getting between its casing and the walls of the casing, then it is necessary to stop trying to solve the problem on your own and call a team of specialists who will remove the obstacle and raise the pump to the surface without damaging it ...

The reasons for the skewing of the pump can be a sagging of the cable, a sharp jerk of the lifting cable, lifting the unit using an electric cable, etc. The following signs indicate the presence of a skew: the pump rose without problems, but at a certain point the rise slows down and stops, while there is no shock. In no case should you continue to pull the tool out of the well, because this will lead to even greater distortion and jamming!

The only solution to the problem is to loosen the cable tension and, lowering the pump, try to return it to its original position. To do this, the lifting cable must be rotated, gradually pulling the pump up, if the unit is stuck again, then you can try to rotate the cable in the other direction. When lifting is done with a cable and an electric cable, then by manipulating them one by one, it is quite easy to return the device to the required position.

It is advisable to do all this if the pump runs freely in the well before a certain moment and goes down without any problems. If the unit is stuck in the well and does not have a free wheel, then it is necessary to call specialists who will remove the device using special tools without harming the pump and the well.

Hoisting rope breakage is the most difficult case in which the pump falls to the bottom of the well or gets stuck in the casing. First aid in the event of a cable break is to stabilize the unit. For this, a hose and an electric cable are used. If the pump has small dimensions and weight, then using a cable and a hose, it can be carefully pulled to the surface, despite the fact that these elements are not intended for this.

If the pump has a lot of weight, then it is impossible to pull on the electric cable, this will certainly lead to its breakage. In this case, you need to act quickly: take a thick rope with a metal hook attached to it. Then carefully lower the rope, trying to hook the pump with a hook and pull it up. The hose and electric cable are used to secure and level the device during lifting.

When the cable broke suddenly and the pump fell into the well along with the hose and the electric cable, then you can try to get it yourself using the following method:

  1. We take a metal rod of such length that it reaches the fallen / stuck unit.
  2. We attach to the rod special attachment in the form of a corkscrew. Such a twisted nozzle can be made by a blacksmith, a milling turner, or any ready-made suitable element can be used as a nozzle. In this case, it is important that the diameter of the nozzle turns be such that the rod passes freely through the casing.
  3. The nozzle is attached to a rod, on the other end of which a metal rod is put on, which makes it possible to ensure the rotation of the structure.
  4. We lower the rod with the nozzle into the well and use the rod to screw the “corkscrew” into the pump housing. We lift the unit together with the broken cable and hose.

This is a rather complicated and difficult to implement method, suitable only for shallow wells. Naturally, further use of the equipment lifted by such a "corkscrew" will be impossible. It is impossible to remove the fallen pump so as not to harm it, and the services of professionals in this case can cost you dearly.

If you raise submersible pump to the surface is in no way impossible, then there are two ways out:

  • conservation of the well and drilling of a new one;
  • crushing the pump into parts with a special drilling rig and extracting it in parts.

Which way to choose? In each case, the well owner decides for himself, taking into account many factors.

It happens that a well has exhausted its resource or its operation is difficult for some reason, then it is easier and faster to drill a new one.

It is easier to prevent a submersible pump from getting stuck than to correct the problem later. To do this, you need to follow a few simple guidelines:

  1. Use a reliable, durable and rigid cable... The cable supplied with the submersible pump often does not meet these requirements. Do not skimp, purchase a quality cable and fasteners(clamps) to it made of "stainless steel".
  2. Do not use multiple hose pieces... If the hose included in the pump kit is not long enough, it is not worth prolonging it, it is better to buy a new one in one piece. This will reduce the risk of breakage and serve as additional insurance in the event of a break in the cable.
  3. Select the correct pump size... It should be 2/3 smaller than the casing diameter. Thus, the risk of unit jamming will be significantly reduced even if the pipe is deformed or foreign objects fall into the well.
  4. Be sure to install the headband... It will protect the well from falling debris and various objects.

And remember: using the methods described above, in no case use brute force trying to pull the unit to the surface. This will aggravate the problem: the pump will get stuck inside the wellbore even more tightly, the cable may break, and the wall and casing may deform.

How to remove the pump if it is stuck in the well and how to prevent it from getting stuck:

Removing a stuck pump with a lifting rope:

A submersible pump stuck in a well is a serious problem that needs to be addressed immediately. In this case, like nowhere else, the rule “do no harm” applies, therefore, when attempts to remove the equipment were unsuccessful, the best solution there will be a call from specialists. Be sure to follow the rules for the installation and operation of the well, clean it up in a timely manner and then you will never face such problems.

Normal functioning individual system water supply of a private house with borehole pump depends on many factors, including how correctly and in a timely manner the equipment is serviced. External inspection of pipelines and joints, pressure control and accounting for the volume of the pumped liquid, changing filters all this significantly prolongs the service life of the equipment, but among all these operations, the maintenance of the deep pump remains the most laborious, during which non-standard situations are possible, for example, when the pump just might get stuck in the well.

Deep well pump stuck - the main reasons

Most often, the pump stuck in the well casing is associated with several factors, each of which is unique in its own way and the ability to solve the problem of stuck equipment is not always justified by a universal technique. On the other hand, the situation when the pump cannot be raised to the surface is not so unique, cases when the equipment is hardly removed from the ground happen quite often and therefore this is not a particular problem for professionals.

Schematically, the situation when the pump somehow gets stuck in the well cavity is quite simple, and can be considered in the most common situations:

  • Jammed by a loose electrical wire;
  • Breakage of the cable on which the equipment is suspended during lifting;
  • Ingress of a foreign object into the cavity between the casing wall and the pump casing;
  • Deformation of the pump casing or pipe walls;

Most often, as practice shows, one has to deal with such situations with equipment that has not been serviced for a long time, so when planning maintenance, it is necessary to pay attention to this factor as well.

What to do if the pump is stuck in the well

A pump jam during lifting, as already mentioned, is not such a critical situation, and if the lifting is not done by professional well maintenance specialists, then the first thing to do is to be patient and pull yourself together, panic in this situation can only exacerbate the problem.

A simple analysis of the situation will help you quickly determine the causes of equipment failure and choose the best way to solve the problem. This requires:

  • find out the total depth of the pump installation;
  • roughly determine the depth of the jam;
  • analyze how tight the cable is, determine if there has been a disconnection of the pipeline and pump and the integrity of the power supply cable.
  • inspect the casing head;
  • to prepare necessary tool for work;
  • clear the area from foreign objects.

Such an algorithm of work makes it possible to significantly reduce the time required to prepare for lifting equipment and prevent further major mistakes.

From simple to complex

For submersible pumps having large diameter and a small length, the connection of which is carried out by means of a flexible polyethylene hose, and these are most often vibration pumps, during lifting, a situation may arise when between the pump casing and the wall of the casing electrical cable pump.

Such pumps most often rise by the cable and hose, but the cable, the entrance to the pump housing, which is located below the level of the hose connection and the cable attachment, is simply pulled up periodically. At the moment when the cable is most weakened and has excessive length, it fixes the rise of the entire structure. The small distance between the case and the wall into which the cable enters, becomes a big obstacle to removing the equipment to the surface.

In fact, this is the simplest of all possible jamming situations when lifting. The problem here can be solved quite simply - it is enough to lower the pump a little into the well and at the same time pull up the cable. After tightening the cable, continue lifting, observing the tension of all elements - hose, cable and cable.

The situation when the cable breaks and the whole structure slides down happens quite often. Usually, the metal cable does not break, just the fixing elements, over time they are unclenched due to metal corrosion, the thread is not able to fix the mount and the cable is released. For the metal of the wire rope or wire rope, alloys that do not corrode or structures that have an additional protective plastic sheath are usually selected. But the usual steel rope being constantly in a state of tension, abrasions and a focus of active corrosion can form in the place of fixation, because the pump experiences vibration during operation, which is transmitted to the cable.

In this case, it is recommended to continue lifting if the well is shallow and the pump is lightweight, using a hose or pipe as the main lifting device. The upward feed should be smooth, without sudden interceptions and jerking. The use of a cable as a lifting element is not permitted! With this method, it is necessary to prevent the pump from rotating around the axis, since if the pump is jammed, a pipe or hose can be disconnected, which will further aggravate the situation.

A broken pump at the bottom of the well is also not the best the best way to operate, but if the power cable is intact and still attached to the pump housing, the chances of lifting the equipment are greatly increased. For centrifugal pumps, screw pumps and vibration models, the cable, as a rule, has an entry into the housing slightly below the outlet and practically at the level of the holes for fastening the cable.

For lifting, a device from a segment can be used here metal pipe and welded wire on the one hand and a hoisting rope on the other. The cable is threaded into the pipe to the bottom, with which the wire is welded and bent in the form of a hook. The hook is lowered along the cable and, having reached the lowest point on the pump housing, is inserted into the cable eyelet. Such an operation is somewhat similar to winter fishing when the bait is slightly tugged to attract fish, the lifting hook should also go into the eyelet with small up and down movements and hook the pump.

A well in clayey soils, a sandy layer is most often prone to siltation. The situation when the soil enters through the drainage holes into the inside of the casing and settles without allowing the equipment to be lifted is most often characteristic of wells that are held for a long time without maintenance.

For circulation or screw pumps, this is quite painful, since they have rather impressive dimensions, and the sludge does not just settle, but is compacted tightly between the pump casing and the walls of the casing. In this case, when it was not possible to pull out the pump the first time, it is necessary to apply the tactics of gradual release from the bottom sludge.

The pump is alternately raised and lowered, first by 5-10 mm, and then. When the mud plug begins to saturate with water and erode, gradually freeing the pump housing.

Intrusion of foreign matter between the casing and the casing

The problem of small stones, pieces of metal or fasteners getting into the cavity between the casing and the borehole wall can have very large consequences, such as wire breakage or deformation of the casing at the splice.

Most often, a small stone or fastener element falls into the well during repair or installation of equipment. The operation of the electric motor with a slight vibration can contribute to the passage of such a foreign object through the cavity until the moment when it does not finally fix the engine.

There are two main extraction methods:

  • pushing a foreign object to the bottom of the well;
  • release the pump with a powerful jerk.

The first method allows you to free the equipment if it is possible to lower the case down a few centimeters. It is important here that there was an opportunity to "swing" at least 1-2 cm, so that the structure began to move, and the stone gradually moved along the body. A rise of 2-3 cm to the next place of stupor should alternate with a lowering of the structure by 1-1.5 cm.

The second method must be used very carefully. A sharp jerk can damage the cable, therefore, if the fixation is rigid and the movement is not traced, it is recommended to lift it with a uniform force, literally "pulling" the pump along the well.

The process of deformation of the casing quite often occurs due to the displacement of the soil or the activation of underground sources, the transformation of a simple underground stream into a bubbling stream and even a river. Such changes in the structure of the soil in the area from the surface are not immediately noticeable, but relative to the well, then here there is a large number of problems.

For wells with metal casing, deformation is most often expressed in a change in the internal cavity of the pipe - collapse, bending or fracture. For wells with asbestos-cement casing, there is a destruction of the material, crumbling of couplings, ingress of soil into the well.

For wells with casing pipes made of PVC pipes bending or compression is most common, making it difficult to lift the pump.

The optimal solution under such circumstances becomes the solution, turn to professional builders to retrieve equipment. Only having all the necessary arsenal of search equipment, from a remote video camera to a multi-section bar with hooks-hooks, in such a situation, it becomes possible to get the pump.

However, when the well is relatively shallow, only 8-10 meters, it is possible to extract equipment from shaped pipe design a sectional boom with hooks at the end and try to explore and retrieve the pump yourself.

Usually, first, the distance to the point of deformation of the barrel is determined, then an approximate calculation of the internal cross-sectional area is done and an analysis is made of the possibility of extraction through the narrowest point of the pump bend, and only after that it is lifted.

How to get the pump out of the well

During the operation of a water well in the country or at personal plot after a certain period of time, it is required to remove the submerged pump for inspection, prevention, and even for repair. However, it is not always possible to remove the pump from the well without problems, because there are cases when the unit is jammed for one reason or another. What are these reasons and how to get a pump stuck in the well, so as not to break the cable and not damage the power cable, we will consider below. It is worth noting that all problems with removing the pump are primarily related to the human factor: violation technical requirements fastening of all pumping equipment.

Causes of pump jamming in the well

Here are four main reasons that lead to pump jamming in the well:

Lack of proper tension on the cable

Sagging cable is perhaps the most common cause of a jammed pump. The pump is entangled in a loop and is firmly stuck in the pipe. The first thing to do, or rather, not to do, is not to pull on the cable, which can simply break off and then there will be consequences that are even scary to think about.

A device for retrieving a broken cable and a pump from a well

The second step is to try to push the pump downward by some means until you feel a slack in the cable pull. Then you can try to gently pull it up.

In order not to entangle the pump, you need to firmly fasten the cable to the hose with special clamps still at the top, during the installation of the entire system. Do not attach the cable to the auxiliary cable as pulling on the cable may break the clamps. When lifting the pump, make sure that the cable and hose come out together so that the tension on both the cable and the hose does not release.

Well siltation occurred due to long downtime

There are often cases of well siltation due to its long downtime, that is, for a long time no one has taken water from it. Silt becomes so much that it clogs the pump tightly. To get it in this case, you can try the swinging method of the unit.

Vibrating submersible pump stuck at casing outlet

It consists in the fact that the pump is carefully lifted and also released. Together with the device, silt starts to move, which from below can begin to wash away the water. Thus, the plug will gradually liquefy and release the pump, which must be carefully, slowly pulled out.

If this method does not give a positive result, you will have to negotiate with the firefighters, who will pump water through the sleeve into the well, which will wash out the silt and release the pump. One conclusion from all this suggests itself: you need to pump the well on time, that is, periodically take water from it... How often this is done depends on the composition of the bottom layer of the well.

Presence of solids in the casing

There can be many reasons for the presence of solids in a pipe. Among them are the following:

It is easy to determine the above reasons: if the pump moves downward easily, but when it moves upward, difficulty is felt or, at all, does not go. The reason may also be a solid object accidentally dropped down, blocking the lift of the pump with a wedge. In these cases, you will have to seek help from special teams of specialists who have devices for extracting solids from the well.

Reverse siltation

Re-silting occurs in wells in limestone rocks. In this case, for long-term operation wells at the top of the pump, a sedimentary layer forms, which clogs the unit. In order not to reach such a state, it is recommended to periodically clean the well: once every three years.

There are some ways to retrieve a stuck pump in a well, ways, one might say, suffered by the people, which are given below:

  • You can try to pull out the pump or the broken cable or cable using a device with pins at the end, called a "cat". With this device you need to try to grab the cable, and if you're lucky, the pump itself. Then the "caught" parts are carefully pulled up.
  • Some " craftsmen"They tie a crowbar to a rope and try to push the pump down with it. The idea is inherently feasible, however, if the scrap is not attached firmly enough, it can remain in the well with the pump. In addition, this method can be used if the well has a shallow depth and if you do not mind the pump.
  • The third method is interesting for its design. A meter-long pipe is taken, an earring is welded to it, to which a cable is attached. Then a cable and a cable are threaded through the pipe and it is lowered to the pump, which, under the pressure of the pipe, can slide down and thus gain some degree of freedom. Then you need to try to pull the pump and pipe out of the well using a new cable.
  • If the fixing cable is in full condition, it is pulled and tapped on it periodically. Feeling a certain weakness, they pull up the pump and again tap on the cable. It should be noted that this method is for patient people, as it can take several days.

Well equipment specialists advise not to skimp on the quality of the cable to fix the pump. It is advisable to use a stainless steel cable. Do not use the hose and cable from parts that are fastened together, as when lifting the pump, these connections may "come apart". When choosing pumps, it is necessary to give preference to units with a small diameter to increase the clearance between the pump and the pipe.

In conclusion, we can state: there can be no trifles when installing equipment for wells, everything must be done thoroughly and thoughtfully.