Constructions of centrifugal pumps for wells. Review of the well pump "Aquarius": device, characteristics, rules of connection and operation

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IN Country houses The water supply system often depends on the well or well, which is equipped at a depth of 8-10 meters. It is not possible to get water from such a depth. Especially, it is inconvenient every time you need fresh drinking water, go out. Therefore, owners of cottages and country housing is worth special attention Refer to the models of submersible devices. They will provide uninterrupted water supply of housing. Let's look at how to choose submersible pumps for wells and the principle of operation of the mechanism.

What does the submersible pump look like

Submersible pump works in water. It raises the liquid even with very deep wells and wells on the surface. It is worth distinguishing well and borehole devices. Well, as a rule, have a more oblong form for working in narrow wells and a higher pressure for lifting water with big depth.

These species have minor differences in the device. Basically, all aggregates consist of the following details:

  • The impeller, which is the main element of the design. It leads to movement all other design details;

Device impeller

  • Wheel blades. They produce a centrifugal force that is necessary for rapid water absorption;
  • Suction area;
  • Housing of the impeller. He protects it from the negative impact of the environment;
  • The valve is delayed in the pump and prevents its return exit to the well;
  • Protective grid is needed to protect drinking water From harmful impurities that can negatively affect the health of residents at home.

Construction of the submersible aggregate

Device in cut

Submersible supercharger works with electricity. It causes the impeller to rotate. Thus, the liquid comes from a well or well to the pipeline, which, in turn, conducts water to the water supply system.

As we see, the principle of operation, as well as the design of the supercharger is elementary. And now let's find out which kinds of these devices exist and how to choose a submersible pump for a well.

Video: Principle of operation and construction of the submersible pump

Classification of submersible aggregates

According to constructive execution, the following types are distinguished:

  • Vibrating - It is a design of a vibrator, an electromagnet and housing. It is widely used in cottage sites not only for pumping and delivery of water into the house, but also for watering the garden and garden. Vibrating devices show good indicators regarding pressure and power. At the same time, their price is small;

  • Vortex - consists of a discharge area and an electric motor. The first element is used to pump fluid, the second - for the supply of water to the house. Such a type is able to raise water from a depth of 12 meters. In this case, the process occurs quite quickly;

Principle of operation of the device of vortex type

Vortex aggregate

  • Centrifugal - Complex of two blocks: working chamber and engine. Pump up to several hundred liters per hour due to the presence of a special centrifugal shaft. However, such devices have one essential drawback: they consume too much.

Centrifugal aggregate

Criteria for selecting submersible devices

To suit your home for your home, you should decide on the following parameters:

  • Distance from well to dwelling. The more distance, the more powerful the pump model should be chosen;
  • The volume of water consumed. As practice shows, for conventional families consisting of 4-5 people, the most common average power supply is suitable. But if a larger number of people live in the house, it is worth choosing the model more stronger;
  • Performance. This parameter is measured in liter of fluid, which pump can raise per unit of time. On average, productivity reaches 4.2 ÷ 4.5 cubic meters. However, if the device is necessary not only for the usual water supply of the dwelling, but also for watering spacious pricework, it is worth paying attention to the model with a capacity of 4.8 cubic meters and above;
  • Power. Designated in kilowatts. This indicator Indicates the volume of water supplied per unit of time. But you should not buy the device according to the principle "the more power, the better." If your family does not need too much water, take a supercharger with an average power, since too powerful device consumes a large amount of energy.

Focusing on these indicators, you will pick up the optimal unit for your home, which will serve you for many years in a row.

What to choose a pump for a well: overview of popular models

Videos: Hemp pumps Grundfoss

If you do not know which one choose a submersible pump for a well, check out the sign below:

Brand name


Who is worth buying


High-quality device from the Italian manufacturer. The housing is made of stainless steel, due to which the service life of the device reaches dozens of years. There are no models with a diameter "3". - Those who want to establish a high-quality import pump for an adequate amount.


German-Danish brand. Exist additional functions, such as "protection against dry stroke" and "smooth start". - Those who are willing to lay out big money for quality.- Those who need an aggregate with a diameter of "4".


Ukrainian-Chinese production. There are pumps with a diameter of "3". Low price. - Those who want to equip a small country cottage areawhere the pump is not needed.


The owners of many private houses prefer water to extract themselves without connecting to urban water supply. Causes can be different - poor quality water water, Saving, etc.

Technical indicators of the pump must be selected specifically for the size of the site used. Sometimes the depth on which underground rivers are very large (in some places it reaches hundred and more meters). Then the standard unit will not suit.

For these purposes there are special depth models. They are usually used in large enterprises for the extraction of artesian water.

Device and principle of operation

Deep devices have not only excellent characteristics, but also differ among themselves with different designs that use various principles of water lifting.

All installation with most of the main parts is under the surface of the water. And from the pump in a dense insulated winding, a wire and a pipe for water supplying is running.

The standard equipment assembly, as a rule, includes an engine and an internal filter. The absorption of the liquid is from the bottom or on top of the installation. If the unit has lower absorption, it can well filter sand and il from the underwater river.

Depth pumps consist of two components:

  • actually pumping part with several steps;
  • motor, which manages water lifting and can be both built-in and outdoor.

Pump engines

Built-in engines are usually placed below to maximize corrosion devices due to constant contact with moisture.

The upper part of the design is occupied by the drive shaft device and certain bladeless taps.

U is a special glass and body. There is a built-in vibrator that creates the necessary thrust to create a stream of water, and there is also an electric motor. The vibrator is a rather complicated design, but it plays a major role in the performance of work. It consists of an anchor, rubber shock absorber and regulating washers.

Types of equipment

If you are leying for the purchase of such equipment, then it should be more detailed to figure it out in more detail to choose the most suitable for yourself.

Pay attention is primarily on specifications, quality and manufacturer.

In this section you will familiarize yourself with the features of different mechanisms for raising water.


The devices of this species are used for water lifting for a long time without seasonal breaks.

Such an apparatus has 2 components - a hydraulic device and electrical engine.

Working wheels rotate and thanks to this in the pipe, the pressure difference is created, which causes water to rise with sufficient force. Has an advantage in high performance, good strength of thrust and versatility in use.


This type of unit is manufactured for special purposes. The main task is high-quality water distillation with impurities.

If you pursue this goal and think about buying such equipment, you need to know one important detail.

For uninterrupted supply of fluid, you need to choose a device with a diameter of about 1 centimeter less than the diameter of the casing. Otherwise, the pump will be clogged by various impurities.


The main advantage of such a model is that these pumps even with small volumes of water supply squeeze big Pressure.

The design of the apparatus consists of an impeller with a plurality of blades, which is placed in the cylindrical body.

Due to the circular rotation of the blades and water supply is carried out. Of the disadvantages of this species, it is worth noting the complexity of work when using fluid with impurities.

Other models

The manual unit can only be intended for a limited depth of water extraction. It can be used if the water occurs no deeper than 25 meters from the surface.

The rod pump usually has large dimensions and are very rarely used in household appliances. They can often be seen in oil production places. The design of such an aggregate is quite simple, but with a fluid production function from the depths, it copes perfectly.

The mud submersible apparatus is used for all sorts of liquids of varying degrees of viscosity. Is not the best choice To download the water, but if you need to pump water with a plurality of mud and clay impurities, then it will suit it better.

Which unit is better to choose

What is better to choose pump station Or deep aggregate?

A lot of people living in the private sector faces such a question.

Especially those who live in places where the city water supply system has not been conducted. The market presents a wide variety of those that other types of devices. But the main thing for you is to figure out the pros and cons both.

The pumping station has a storage tank design, or a hydroaccumulator. Such a mechanism has a membrane, a pump and an control unit with hoses for water propagation. The work of the station is based on the injection of water into the tank, while there is no definite pressure. Next, water enters the pipeline.

Principles of work of deep equipment were described in the first part of the article. If you do not go into details, they are not particularly different from the station.

The pumping station, in contrast to the deep apparatus, has a greater duration of the operational period. But the submersible pump has smaller dimensions and easier to install and repair, and also works almost silently.

The choice remains for you, in the end, you should always take into account the features of its locality, the composition of the water and the depth of its location when choosing a water injection system.

Read 5 min.

Centrifugal pumps for wells, the drilling of which is practiced not only in private areas, but also when erected multi-storey buildingsare becoming increasingly popular. In civil, industrial and energy construction, they are used to provide various objects with clean or technical water.

Today for well equipment is offered big choice specialized pumping equipment from simple models Until full for the realization of tasks of any complexity.

Device and purpose

The centrifugal borehole pump is in a short time causes the greatest user interest among the equipment to ensure the reassembly of water from wells and wells. Unlike analogs (vibration or manual models) He has best ratio Performance of durability, digest quality, ease of maintenance and cost.

Main construction element The centrifugal pump is an electric engine with a blade rotor, as the unit of the unit is gradually filled with water. As the energy generated energy is received directly to the stream, a pressure pillar with a certain power is formed. When the discharge point is increased, water rises through the pipeline and under pressure is supplied to the water supply system.

Power and, accordingly, the performance of the pump depends on the number of valves that are included in its package. The greater the need for water shower, the large quantity The valve must have a selected model.

Centrifugal pumps for wells are leading in the segment of the country, cottage and country construction Due to the available price and ability to meet the need for water supply small plot or country house.


In the modern market, the well centrifugal pump is represented by three main modifications:

  • submersible;
  • semi-duty;
  • surface.

Submersible models

Submersible centrifugal pump Externally resembles a gas-filled cylinder or a small diameter cylinder - the size of some modern models In the context does not exceed 100 mm. Installing such equipment is carried out directly in the well.

In the cylindrical unit of the unit there is a motor with a movable dry type rotor. To start the equipment, additional steps are required by the wizard or the site of the site, as well as filling the pump housing with water.

Submersible pump is ideal for wells depth from 10 m - in fact, in this case he has no analogue or alternatives. In addition, centrifugal submersible units are universal - they can be used to arrange sandy or artesian wells, as well as to roll out and transporting oily and non-aggressive acidic liquids.

Considering the possibility of buying such equipment like submersible pumps for wells, it should be remembered that their installation and maintenance are associated with the need to disable the system and extract equipment from the well. For diagnostics and devices of this type, it is recommended to attract specialists.

Semi-grade units

Semi-grade centrifugal works on the same principle as the classic deep pump (or centrifugal submersible unit). Nevertheless, there are significant differences in the design and configuration of the equipment of this type. The working unit assembly or engine is completely protected from moisture, while the working chamber contacts it directly. To ensure the correct operation of the semi-duty model, it is equipped with fin stabilizers. They hold a part of the hull in which the engine is located on the surface of the water, the working part of the installation is in water all the time.

In comparison with submersible counterparts, semi-submerged possess less power and large dimensionsthat does not prevent them from keeping their market positions in the relevant segment.

Surface equipment

The surface electric pump is relevant when the depth of the well or well does not exceed 10 m. As it is clear from the title, the surface unit is installed directly above the well, the submersible hose is used as a contact element. The designs of this type are easy to install and maintain, the hose is also easily removed from the well pipeline to replace or clean.

With the pronounced benefits of surface pumping equipment, it also has cons:

  • old modification pump camera, not equipped check valve, needs timely filling with liquid (manually produced), in otherwise The installation will not be able to pump a sufficient amount of water;
  • installation power is inferior to submersible and semi-duty counterparts.

Selection parameters

  • volume of daily water consumption;
  • precise well depth or well;
  • the speed of filling the water pipeline;
  • performance (speed and volume of pumping per unit of time);
  • the diameter of the main pipe of the well;
  • quality and purity of water.


When the model is selected, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the connection of the surface pump is somewhat different from the pump setting into the well.

Installation of the surface pump

Easy to use surface models lies not only in the ease of fixing the unit and its connection, but also in the fact that this should not specifically select a place, since any convenient area of \u200b\u200bthe earth is located in its quality.

Installation steps:

  • determine the placement of the equipment, crush the platform;
  • install the pump in the appropriate manufacturer's guidelines and secure it with fasteners;
  • connect the hose and check valves;
  • before lowering the hose in the pipeline, follow and check the connection to all communications;
  • fill the pump chamber with water;
  • check the performance of the system and configure the parameters of its operation.

Installation of the submersible and semi-duty pump

Despite the fact that the type of placement of the immersion and semi submersible pump They differ, the scheme of their installation is one. The only difference is the need to post when mounting a semi-duty model auxiliary supporting guides and when placing the pump itself to prevent contact of the upper part of the housing (with the engine) with water.

Stages of accommodation;

  • examine the subject of mechanical damage itself pump, contacts and well;
  • install the check valve;
  • connect the device to all the necessary communications;
  • attach the insurance cable to the aggregate;
  • perform a dive or installation in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations;
  • perform a trial launch and configure the operating settings of the installation.

Selection, blockage and installation of the pump in the well with your own hands (video)

To the site and vacation home Water was uninterrupted, it is best to use wells that feed water directly from the deep aquifers. The device of such wells is maximally simple. They are a trunk that can achieve from a pair of meters and up to 40 m. In order for the water supply from the well is uninterrupted, special equipment must be installed.

A variety of devices are used, including pumps that can be superficial or submersible. Surfaces are installed above the well, they are designed to work with small depths. These devices are good for the well, but for a deep well, it is better not to use them, they will definitely not cope with the task. For such sources apply pumps. They are placed inside the well itself below the surface of the water, can suck water from above or from the bottom. The design of the deep pump is simple, the models are on sale different. For a well, it is not difficult to choose the appropriate option.

Features of the deep pump and its characteristics

The design of the deep pumps depends largely on the parameters, the principle of operation, the engine type. This equipment is intended to raise water with quite high depth. In everyday life they are used for wells, wells on sand or on limestone. The name itself indicates that the equipment is immersed under the surface of the water mirror, the power cable in the protective shell and the pipe that gives water to the top.

Special automatic blocks are used to manage, but they are put in the caisson. The pump itself is usually supplied with an engine, a built-in filter, water fence can be carried out from below equipment or from above. The first option is more preferable, since with the help of such a device, the well can be cleaned from the mass of sand and sludge. It should be remembered that the dive level is usually not more than 20 m from the surface. This is a limit value that is calculated by the ratio of static and dynamic water levels.

The well for the well may include 2 parts:

  • engine (built-in or outdoor);
  • pump multistage part.

If the engine is built-in, then it is placed at the bottom to protect it as much as possible from negative impact water. Next, in the upper part of the case there is a drive shaft of the equipment, working guide wheels, special bladers. The vibration pump consists of a special glass and housing. There is a vibrator creating required pressure, and electric motor. The most complex element is a vibrator that provides water lift. This includes anchor, rubber shock absorber, regulating washers.

The shock absorber is compressed during operation, creates the necessary conditions For the fence of water.

The centrifugal pump is a bit more complicated, but its work is more reliable and durable, which is why many prefer it. ATTENTION Here you have to pay the scuba diver, which is attached to the motor. It is from him that the durability and quality of work depends. Bearings that are provided here are effectively cooled with water, so overheating does not occur. Often the pump has built-in sensors that allow you to immediately stop the operation of the equipment when it starts to be filled too large mass Sand, water drops to unacceptable level. When using pumping equipment for sand wells, it is necessary to provide a filter that will protect the mechanism from absorption of abrasive inclusions.

What influences the cost?

The pump design has a definite effect on the cost:

  1. Specifications, water supply, performance and power. For deep equipment, it is important how it will be water and under what pressure will it happen.
  2. The type and power of the engine has always had one of the most important values. The more powerful equipment, with a greater depth, it can raise water, but it will also be higher than it.
  3. The price with an increase in power rises by 4 thousand rubles per difference in 0.75-1.5 kW.
  4. Resistance to pollution and sand. It is important to use the pump that will not break in the presence of sand impurities in water. Clean sand will not be able to distinguish any pump, but the protection from it should stand, especially it concerns wells on the sand. For limestone sources it much No, but it is important to remember this when choosing. Sand protection provides a special built-in filtering system.
  5. Performance has an effect on the cost, as the pump design is more complicated.

Varieties of submersible pumps

The device of deep pumps depends largely on what type they are. 2 groups can be distinguished:

  • by type of construction and location of the engine;
  • according to the principle of work, i.e. By the way the water fence is carried out.

When using the pump, it is important to note that the design can be of different types:

  1. Rod pumps are maximally protected from the negative effect of water. The engine is not located inside the housing, but on the surface, separate from the device. The thrust is transmitted by a special rod drive to the pump.
  2. Breaking pumps have a motor that is attached to the body, it is also in water. It is this type of pump that is used most often, as it is more convenient in the installation, although it can be higher. Such an aggregate is used for wells of any type, often they are equipped with wells, sewer and drainage networks.

Such pumps are usually performed as a cylinder, the diameter can be up to 140 mm. For dacha wells, aggregates are used, the diameter of which is 100 mm. The cost is optimal, the lineup Presented quite wide.

Selection of pumps taking into account the principle of work

The deep pump may have various design Depending on the principle of operation. Vibrating and centrifugal pumps are distinguished, which differ in their characteristics. All vibrating borehole pumps that are mounted in the wellbore, differ in such features:

  1. They are resistant to environmental pollution, which makes it possible to use it for any type of soil.
  2. Model range of devices diverse.
  3. The cost of the vibration device is not so high, often electrical cable For the pump costs more than the pump itself.

But there is a number of minuses that you can't forget:

  1. The bandwidth of the pump of this type is low.
  2. Reliability and durability can not boast anything special, the timing of the operation of the vibration pump is small.
  3. During operation, the equipment vibrates. This circumstance is one of the most serious, since the walls of the well can begin to collapse, especially if there is no casing. The unit during operation begins to swing, its housing may be damaged. But the cost of the device is low, this circumstance often plays a paramount role in choosing equipment for wells.

The centrifugal pump is no less popular today, as it is characterized by a high level of efficiency, which makes it possible to purchase a cheaper device with a power level slightly lower. Centrifugal pumps can be multistage. This allows you to pump water at more high level Pressures, performance in such devices are an order of magnitude higher.

Equipment maintenance is simple, as well as use, but it is the devices of this type that is sensitive to pollution, so you need to use additional filters. The norm of pollution for the centrifugal pump is up to 150 g / cube liquid, but there are also special pumps that can work during pollution 20 kg / cube. The cost of this equipment is high, for small wells, such pumps do not apply.

Using a deep pump for a well suggests a thorough selection of the device. It should be understood that it is precisely the pump, which features of work for it are characteristic. All deep pumps that are used today can be divided into centrifugal and vibration, they may differ in other features.

In this article we tried to collect all possible principles of pumping pumps. Often, in a wide variety of stamps and types of pumps, it is rather difficult to understand not knowing how one or another unit works. We tried to do it clearly, as it is better to see once than hear a hundred times.
In most descriptions of the operation of pumps on the Internet there are only cuts of the flow part (in best case Phase Schemes). It does not always help to figure out how exactly the pump is functioning. Moreover, not everyone has engineering education.
We hope that this section of our site will not only help you in proper choice Equipment, but also expand your horizons.

From a long time, there was a task of lifting and transporting water. The most first devices of this type were water-lifting wheels. It is believed that they were invented by the Egyptians.
The water-lifting machine was a wheel, which were attached jugs around the circle. Blanior wheel edge was lowered into the water. When the wheel rotates around the axis, the jugs buried the water from the reservoir, and then at the top point of the wheel, the water was poured out of jugs into a special receiving tray. To rotate the device to use the muscular power of human or animals.

Archimedes (287-212 BC. Er), the great scientist of antiquity, invented the screw water supply device, later named in his honor. This device lifted water with a rotating inside the screw pipe, but a certain amount of water always focused back, since in those days, effective seals were unknown. As a result, the dependence between the tilt of the screw and feed was derived. When working, it was possible to choose between a large volume of water lifted or greater lifting height. The greater the tilt of the screw, the greater the feed height with a decrease in performance.

The first piston pump for extinguishing fires depicted by an ancient Greek mechanic Ktybiam was described in the 1st century BC. e. These pumps, right, can be considered the most first pumps. Until the early 18th century, the pumps of this type were used quite rarely, because Made of wood they often broke. The development of these pumps received after they began to be made from metal.
With the beginning of the industrial revolution and the advent of steam machines, the piston pumps began to use for pumping water from mines and mines.
Currently, piston pumps are used in everyday life for lifting water from wells and wells, in industry - in dosage pumps and high pressure pumps.

There are also piston pumps combined into groups: double-permanent, three-brass, five-slules, etc.
They are fundamentally different than the number of pumps and their mutual arrangement relative to the drive.
In the picture you can see a three-slot pump.

Foreign pumps are a variety piston pumps. The pumps of this type were invented in the middle of the 19th century.
Pumps are two-way, that is, water is reduced without idling.
Used mainly as manual pumps For fuel, oils and water from wells and wells.

Inside the cast-iron case, the pumping organs are placed: the impeller, which makes reciprocating movements and two pairs of valves (intake and graduation). When the impeller movement, there is a movement of the pumped liquid from the suction cavity to the injection. The valve system prevents the flow of fluid in the opposite direction

The pumps of this type have a bellofone in their design ("accordion"), compressing which produce liquid pumping. The pump design is very simple and consists of just several parts.
Usually, such pumps are made of plastic (polyethylene or polypropylene).
The main use is the pumping of chemically active liquids from barrels, canisters, bottles, etc.

The low price of the pump allows you to use it as a disposable pump for pumping caustic and hazardous liquids, followed by the disposal of this pump.

Plate-rotor (or gate) pumps are self-priming volumetric pumps. Designed for pumping liquids. Possess a lubricity (oil. diesel fuel, etc.). Pumps can suck the liquid "dry", i.e. Do not require pre-filling the body of the working fluid.

Principle of operation: The working organ of the pump is made in the form of an eccentric positioning rotor having longitudinal radial grooves, in which flat plates (seats) are gliding, pressed to the stator by centrifugal force.
Since the rotor is located eccentric, then when it rotates the plate, being continuously in contact with the wall of the case, then enter the rotor, then they are extended from it.
During the operation of the pump on the suction side, a vacuum is formed and the pumping mass fills the space between the plates and then displaces the injection pipe.

Gears with outdoor gear gear pumps are designed to pump viscous liquids with a lubricating ability.
Pumps have self-priming (usually no more than 4-5 meters).

Operating principle:
The leading gear is in constant engagement with the slave and leads it to the rotational movement. When rotating the gear of the pump in opposite sides in the cavity of the suction of the teeth, leaving the engagement, form a vacuum (vacuum). Due to this, the absorption cavity flows the liquid, which, filling the depressions between the teeth of both gears, moves with teeth along the cylindrical walls in the housing and is transferred from the absorption cavity to the cavity of the discharge, where the gear teeth, entering the gear, push the fluid from the depression into the discharge pipe. At the same time, dense contact is formed between the teeth, as a result of which the inverse transfer of the fluid from the injection cavity into the cavity of the suction is impossible.

Pumps are similar to the principle of operation of the usual gear pump, but have more compact sizes. Of the minuses you can call the complexity of manufacture.

Operating principle:
The drive gear is activated by the electric motor shaft. Through the seizure of the leading gears, the external gear wheel also rotates.
When rotating, the opening between the teeth is released, the volume increases and the discharge at the entrance is created, providing suction of the fluid.
The medium moves in interdental spaces to the side of the discharge. Sickle, in this case, serves as a seal between suction and discharge departments.
In the introduction of a tooth into an interdental space, the volume decreases and the environment is displaced to the output from the pump.

Cutting (proven or rotary) pumps are designed for gentle pumping of cattle products containing particles.
Various form of rotors, installed in these pumps, allows pumping fluids with large inclusions (for example, chocolate with whole nuts, etc.)
The rotation frequency of rotors, usually, does not exceed 200 ... 400 revolutions, which allows pumping products without destroying their structure.
Used in the food and chemical industry.

In the picture you can see a rotary pump with three-fledged rotors.
Support pumps are used in food production For gentle pumping cream, sour cream, mayonnaise, and similar liquids, which when pumping pumps of other types can damage their structure.
For example, when pumping a centrifugal pump (in which the rotational speed of the wheel is 2900 rpm) cream, they are whipped into the oil.

The impeller pump (lamella, pump with a soft rotor) is a type of plate-rotary pump.
The working body of the pump is a soft impeller, planted with an eccentricity with respect to the center of the pump housing. Due to this, when rotating the impeller, the volume between the blades changes and the absorption discharge is created.
What happens next is visible in the picture.
Pumps are self-priming (up to 5 meters).
Advantage - Easy design.

The name of this pump is derived from the form of the working body - the disk arched according to the sinusoid. A distinctive feature of sinus pumps is the possibility of gentle pumping products containing large inclusions without damaging them.
For example, you can easily pump compote from peaches with the inclusions of their halves (it is natural that the size of the particles pumped without damage depends on the volume of the working chamber. When the pump is selected, attention should be paid to it).

The size of the pumped particles depends on the volume of the cavity between the disk and the pump housing.
The pump does not have valves. Structurally arranged very simple, which guarantees a long and trouble-free job.

Principle of operation:

On the shaft of the pump, in work chamberThe disk having a form of sinusoids is installed. The chamber is divided from above to 2 parts with chirates (up to the middle of the disk), which can freely move to the plane perpendicular to the disk and seal this part of the chamber without giving fluid to flow from entering the output pump (see Figure).
When the disk is rotated, it creates a wave-like movement in the working chamber, due to which the fluid is moving from the suction nozzle into the injection. Due to the fact that the chamber is half separated by the chibers, the liquid is squeezed into the discharge nozzle.

The main working part of the eccentric screw pump is a screw (totorny) steam, which determines both the principle of operation and all the basic characteristics pumping unit. The spiral pair consists of a fixed part of the stator, and the movable rotor.

The stator is an internal N + 1-nicer spiral made, as a rule, from elastomer (rubber), inseparable (or separately) connected to a metal rope (sleeve).

The rotor is an external N-n-naochety, which is manufactured, as a rule, from steel, followed by or without coating.

It is worth indicating that the most common aggregates with a 2-nicer stator and a 1-hot rotor, such a scheme is classical for almost all manufacturers of screw equipment.

An important point is that the centers of rotation of the spirals, both the stator and the rotor are shifted by the amount of eccentricity, which allows you to create a pair of friction in which when rotoring the rotor inside the stator is created closed hermetic cavities along the entire axis of rotation. At the same time, the number of such closed cavities per unit length screw pair Determines the final pressure of the unit, and the volume of each cavity is its performance.

Screw pumps belong to bulk pumps. These types of pumps can pump high-viscosity fluids, including with a large amount of abrasive particles.
Advantages of screw pumps:
- self-examination (up to 7 ... 9 meters),
- careful pumping of fluid, not destroying the structure of the product,
- the ability to pump highly viscous liquids, including particles containing,
- the possibility of manufacturing the pump housing and stator from different materialsthat allows you to pump aggressive liquids.

The pumps of this type were widely distributed in the food and petrochemical industry.

The pumps of this type are intended for pumping viscous products with solid particles. The worker is the hose.
Advantage: simplicity of design, high reliability, self-priming.

Principle of operation:
When rotating the rotor in the glycerin, the shoe fully displays the hose (the operating organ of the pump), located around the circumference inside the housing, and squeezes the pumped liquid into the highway. Behind the shoe, the hose restores its shape and sucks the liquid. Abrasive particles are pressed into the elastic inner layer of the hose, then pushed into the stream, without damaging the hose.

The vortex pumps are designed to pump various liquid flow environments. Pumps have self-priming (after the bay of the pump housing fluid).
Advantages: simplicity of design, high pressure, small sizes.

Operating principle:
The impeller impeller is a flat disk with short radial rectilinear blades located on the periphery of the wheels. In the case there is an annular cavity. The internal sealing protrusion, tightly adjacent to the outer end and side surfaces of the blades, separates suction and pressure pipes connected to the annular cavity.

When the wheel rotates, the liquid is fond of blades and simultaneously under the influence of the centrifugal force spinning. Thus, in the annular cavity of the pumping pump, a peculiar steam ring vortex movement is formed, why the pump is called vortex. Distinctive feature The vortex pump is that the same amount of fluid moving along the screw trajectory, on the site from the entrance to the annular cavity, it repeatedly falls into the inter-stable wheel of the wheel, where each time the additional increment of energy is obtained, and therefore pressure .

Gas lift (from gas and English. Lift - lift), a device for the lifting of drip fluid due to the energy contained in the compressed gas mixed with it. Gas-lift is used mainly for the rise of oil from drilling wells, using gas, leaving oil-bearing formations. There are lifts in which for supplying liquid, mainly water, atmospheric air is used. Such lifts are called erlifes or mamut-pumps.

In a gas lift, or erlift, compressed gas or air from the compressor is supplied through the pipeline, mixed with a liquid, forming a gas-liquid or water-air emulsion that rises through the pipe. Mixing gas with liquid occurs at the bottom of the pipe. The action of the gas lift is based on the equilibration of the gas-liquid emulsion post of the drop fluid based on the law of reporting vessels. One of them is a borehole or reservoir, and the other is a pipe in which the gas-liquid mixture is located.

Membrane pumps belong to the volume pumps. There are single and two-paved pumps. Two-membranes are usually produced with a compressed air drive. Our figure shows exactly such a pump.
Pumps are characterized by simplicity of the design, possess self-priming (up to 9 meters), can pump chemically aggressive fluids and liquids with a large particle content.

Principle of operation:
The two membranes connected by the shaft move forward and backward under the influence of alternate air injection into the chambers behind the membranes using the automatic air valve.

Suction: The first membrane creates a vacuum when it moves from the body wall.
Digging: The second membrane simultaneously transmits the air pressure on the liquid in the housing, pushing it towards the outlet. During each cycle, the air pressure on the rear wall of the producing membrane is equal to pressure, pressure from the fluid side. Therefore, membrane pumps can also work with the exhaust valve closed without prejudice to the service life of the membrane.

Screw pumps are often confused with screws. But it is completely different pumpsAs you can see in our description. The worker is a screw.
The pumps of this type can pump medium viscosity fluids (up to 800 CST), have a good suction capacity (up to 9 meters), can pump fluids with large particles (the size is determined by the auger's step).
Used for pumping petrochelms, fuel oil, diesel fuel, etc.

Attention! Pumps incomising. To work in absorption mode, the fill of the pump housing and the entire suction hose)

Centrifugal pump

Centrifugal pumps are the most common pumps. The name comes from the principle of operation: the pump is working at the expense of centrifugal force.
The pump consists of a housing (ultimate) and located inside the impeller with radial curved blades. The liquid enters the center of the wheel and under the action of centrifugal force is discarded to its perfira and then thrown out through the pressure pipe.

Pumps are used for pumping liquid media. There are models for chemically active liquids, sand and sludge. Different cases of housing: for chemical liquids use various brands Stainless steels and plastic, for sludge - wear-resistant cast iron or rubber coated pumps.
The mass use of centrifugal pumps is due to the simplicity of construction and low production cost.

Multisective pump

Multisective pumps are pumps with several working wheels located sequentially. Such a layout is needed when there is a large output pressure.

The fact is that the usual centrifugal wheel gives the maximum pressure of 2-3 atm.

For this, to obtain a higher pressure value, several consistently installed centrifugal wheels are used.
(In essence, it is a few successively connected centrifugal pumps).

Such types of pumps are used as immersion boreholes and as high pressure network pumps.

Three-ventrent pump

Three-voltage pumps are designed to pump fluids with lubricity, without abrasive mechanical impurities. Product viscosity - up to 1500 CST. Volume type pump type.
The principle of operation of the three-linked pump is understood from the figure.

Pumps of this type apply:
- on the ships of the sea and river fleet, in the machine branches,
- in hydraulics systems,
- in the technological lines of fuel supply and pumping petroleum products.

Inkjet pump

The inkjet pump is designed to move (pumping) of liquids or gases using compressed air (or liquid and steam) extending through the ejector. The principle of operation of the pump is based on the law be born (the higher the flow rate of the fluid in the pipe, the less pressure of this liquid). This causes the shape of the pump.

The pump design is extremely simple and does not have moving parts.
The pumps of this type can be used as a vacuum pumps or pumps for pumping fluid (including those containing inclusions).
to operate the pump, a fitting of compressed air or steam is required.

The inkjet pumps, working from steam, are called steady pumps, water-based water pumps.
Pumps, suction substance and creating discharge, are called ejectors. Pumps injecting substance under pressure - injectors.

This pump operates without electricity supply, compressed air, etc. The operation of the pump of this type is based on the energy of the incoming gravity of water and the hydroedar, which occurs with its sharp braking.

Principle of operation of the hydrotaran pump:
According to a suction inclined pipe, water accelerates to a certain speed at which the jackhaft spring valve (right) overcomes the spring force and closes, overlapping the flow of water. The inertia of a sharply stopped water in the suction pipe creates a hydrate (i.e., the pressure of water in the supply pipe increases dramatically). The magnitude of this pressure depends on the length of the supply pipe and the rate of water flow.
The increased water pressure opens the top valve of the pump and part of the water from the pipe passes into the air cap (top-end) and the discharge pipe (to the left of the cap). Air in the cap is compressed, accumulating energy.
Because The water in the feeding pipe is stopped, the pressure in it falls, which leads to the opening of the jackhaft and the closure of the upper valve. After that, the water from the air cap is pushed by compressed air pressure into the discharge pipe. Since the jackhaft opened, the water accelerates again and the pump cycle is repeated.

Spiral vacuum pump

A spiral vacuum pump is a volumetric pump of internal compression and gas movement.
Each pump consists of two high-precision Archimedian spirals (sickle cavities) located with a displacement of 180 ° relative to each other. One spiral is fixed, and the other turns the engine.
The movable spiral performs orbital rotation, which leads to a sequential decrease in the gas cavities, compressing the chain and moving gas from the periphery to the center.
Spiral vacuum pumps Categories "dry" forvacuum pumps that do not use vacuum oils to compact the conjugate parts (no friction - no oil is needed).
One of the applications of this type of pumps are particle accelerators and synchrotrons, which in itself is already talking about the quality of the vacuum being created.

Laminar (disk) pump

Laminar (disc) pump is a type of centrifugal pump, but can perform not only centrifugal, but also progressive stripe pumps, blade and gear pumps, i.e. pump viscous liquids.
The laminar pump impeller is two or more parallel disk. The larger the distance between the disks, the more viscous liquid can pump the pump. The theory of the physics of the process: under conditions of laminar flow, the layers of fluid move from various speed By pipe: The layer closest to the fixed tube (the so-called border layer), flows slower than deeper (close to the pipe center) layers of the current medium.
Similarly, when the fluid enters the disk pump, a border layer is formed on the rotating surfaces of parallel discs. As the discs rotate, the energy is transferred to consecutive layers of molecules in fluid between discs, creating gradients of speed and pressure across the width of the conditional passage. This combination of the boundary layer and visco dragging leads to the occurrence of a pumping point that "pulls" the product through the pump in a smooth, almost non-pulsing stream.

* Information is taken from open sources.