Ancient China: inventions. The most ancient and important Chinese inventions

Four great inventions ancient China - So in the Book of the famous Chinese culture researcher, Joseph Nidem, invented in the middle eyelid paper, typography, powder and compass. It was these discoveries that contributed to the fact that many directions of culture and arts, previously accessible only to the ricers, became the wealth of broad masses. Inventions of the ancient China made possible and long journeys, which allowed to open new lands. So, consider each of them in chronological order.

Invention of ancient China No. 1 - paper

The first major invention of the ancient China is considered paper. According to the Chinese chronicles of the Eastern Han dynasty, the court eunuch of the Han Dynasty - Tsai Lun in 105 AD

In deep antiquity in China, before the appearance of paper for records, used bamboo strips, scrolls of silk, wooden and clay plates, etc. were used. The most ancient Chinese texts or "Jiagwean" were found on turtle shells, which are dated 2nd millennium BC. e. (Shan dynasty).

In the first century, the paper was already widely used for writing instead of more expensive. traditional Materials. Developed by Cai Lenoma, the technology of paper production consisted in the following: a boiling mixture of hemp, the cortex of a liner, old fishing networks and tissues turned into a pulp, after which it was triturated to a pasty homogeneous state and mixed with water. In the mixture immersed the sieve in wooden frame From the cane, painted the mass of the mass and shake the glass liquid. At the same time, a thin and even layer of fibrous mass was formed in the sieve.

This mass then tipped over smooth boards. Boards with castings lay alone on another. They associated the stack and put the cargo from above. Then hardening and fastened under the mold sheets were filmed from the boards and dried. A paper sheet made by such technology was made easy, smooth, durable, less yellow and more convenient for the letter.

Invention of the ancient China No. 2 - Pook printing

The occurrence of paper, in turn, led to the appearance of a typography. The most ancient famous sample of printing with wooden boards is a sutra on Sanskrit, printed on hemp paper approximately between 650 and 670 AD. However, the first printed book with standard size It is considered to be made during the Dynasty of Tan (618-907) Diamond Sutra. It consists of 5.18 m long scrolls. According to the traditional culture of China, Joseph Nidam, the printing methods that were used in the calligraphy of diamond sutra are significantly superior to perfection and sophistication miniature sutra printed earlier.

Typical fonts: State Affairs and Scientist-Erudite China Shen Co. (1031-1095) first outlined the method of printing using a typical font in his work "Notes on the Strong Creek" in 1088, attributing this innovation to the Unknown Master Bi Shan. Shen Ko described technological process Production of a liter from burned clay, the printing process and the manufacture of typesetting fonts.

Binding technique: the emergence of printing in the ninth century significantly changed the technique of weave. Under the end of the Tang's era, a book from twisted scrolls of paper turned into a stack of sheets resembling a modern brochure. Subsequently, with the Sun dynasty (960-1279), the sheets began to bend in the center, making a dressing of the "butterfly" type, which is why the book has already acquired a view of modern. The yuan dynasty (1271-1368) introduced the root of rigid paper, and later during the dynasty of mines, the sheets began to flash threads.

A typography in China has made a great contribution to the preservation of the wealth of rich culture.

Invention of ancient China № 3 - powder

It is believed that gunpowder was designed in China in the X century. Initially, it was used as a filling in the incendiary projectiles, and later the powder shells of explosive acts were invented. The powder trunks, according to Chinese chronicles, was first applied in the battles of 1132 years. It was a long bamboo tube, where gunpowder was laid and then fit. With this "flamethrower" the enemy was applied strong burns.

Century later, in 1259, the gun was invented for the first time, shooting bullets - a thick bamboo tube, into which the porch's charge was placed.

Later at the turn of the 13-14th centuries, metal guns charged by stone nuclei spread in the subway.

In addition to military affairs, the gunpowder was actively used in everyday life. So, the gunpowder was considered a good disinfectant in the treatment of ulcers and wounds, during epidemics, as well as it was used to escape harmful insects.

However, perhaps the most "bright" invention, which appeared through the creation of powder, are fireworks. In the subway, they had a special meaning. According to the ancient beliefs, evil spirits They are very afraid of bright light and loud sound. Therefore, since ancient chinese year There was a tradition in the courtyards to burn fires from the bamboo, which was hiped in the fire and burst with a crash. And the invention of powder charges undoubtedly frightened the "extinction" is no longer a joke - because the strength of sound and light they significantly exceeded the old way. Later, Chinese craftsmen began to create multi-colored fireworks by adding various substances into powder.

Today, fireworks have become an indispensable attribute of the celebration of the New Year in almost all countries of the world.

Invention of Ancient China No. 4 - Compass

The first prototype of the compass, as it is believed to appeared in the time of the Han dynasty (202 BC - 220 AD), when the Chinese began to use magnetic Zheleznyak, oriented to north-south. True, it was not used for navigation, but for fortune telling. In the ancient text "Lunhan", written in the 1st century AD, in chapter 52 an ancient compass described as follows: "This tool resembles a spoon, and if it is put on a plate, then his handle will indicate south."

The description of the magnetic compass to determine the side of the Light first is set out in the Chinese manuscript "Uszin Tzungyao" 1044. The compass worked on the principle of residual magnetization of heated steel or iron sharpeners, which were cast in the form of fish. The latter were placed in a bowl with water, and as a result of induction and residual magnetization, weak magnetic forces appeared. The manuscript mentioned that this device was used as a course index in a pair with a mechanical "chariot, which indicates south."

The more advanced design of the compass suggested the already mentioned Chinese scientist Shen Co. In his "Notes on the Strong Creek" (1088), he described the magnetic decline in detail, that is, the deviation from the direction to the true north, and the device of the magnetic compass with the needle. To use a compass for navigation for the first time, suggested that Zhu Yu in the book "Feast conversations in Ningzhou" (1119).

For your information:

In addition to the four Great inventions of the ancient China, the craftsmen of the Middle Kingdom presented our civilization the following utility: chinese horoscope, drum, bell, arbalet, violin erhu, gong, military art "Wushu", wellness gymnastics qigong, fork, noodles, steamer, chopsticks, tea, soy tofu cheese, silk, paper money, lacquer, bristle toothbrush toilet paper, aerial snake, gas cylinder, board game Th, playing cards, porcelain and more.

Chinese civilization presented with humanity a lot of inventions, without which we today do not present our lives. Everyone knows that it was from the Middle Kingdom to our everyday use:

  • paper,
  • powder,
  • porcelain,
  • silk.

However, the ancient Chinese scientists and inventors created a lot of other no less useful things. Many Chinese discoveries were secondary and western scientists, but much later.

Inventions of the ancient China


It is in China for the first time began to use the magnetized iron to determine the parties of the world. The presumptive date of creating a compass is still unknown by scientists. According to some estimates, the first compasses could appear between the III century. BC e. and x in. n. e. Initially, the compass was a metal spoon, the knob of which always pointed to the north. Thanks to this invention, Chinese travelers could unmistakably determine their position in space without any landmarks. It was especially convenient if the traveler was in the midst of the desert or the sea. However, the first compasses were used not only in navigation, but also in construction. Chinese architects designed palaces and temples in accordance with Feng Shui Rules. In those days, people believed that in order for the built-up building only positive energiesAnd his inhabitants were happy, rich and healthy, windows, doors and rooms should be correctly oriented on the sides of the world. This rule is still complied with even in atheistic China, many large companies invite specialists from Feng Shui, whose tasks include the right layout of the premises and the placement of furniture.


Residents of Europe and Russia typically associate the invention of the first book printing machine with the name of the German master of Johann Gutenberg, who lived in the XV century. But few people know that the first printing devices in the world appeared in China. However, the printing of books here was not as popular as in Europe. Preference was given to manuscripts. Perhaps this is due to the fact that the hieroglyphic system is too complicated for printing, as well as with the special attitude of the Chinese to the art of calligraphy.

First for printing books used Woodcut: on wooden board Cut in the mirror reflection text and engravings. Then the board was covered with paint and made a fingerprint on paper. With the help of xylography, the drawings could be applied on silk fabric. To print in this way great works were hard enough, so the first set boards appeared in the XI century. First, the typical prints were made of clay, and then the bronze liteers came to replace them.


With deep antiquity, people knew that overlooked cereals and fruits had intoxicating effect. On the territory of modern China, the production of alcohol began in the VII millennium BC. e. Over time, the Chinese have learned to expose plant rates of fermentation and distillation, receiving different varieties Wine, tinctures and sauces.


It is believed that the first air serpent appeared in China in the V century BC. e. The very fact that residents of ancient China managed to create a similar design, says that these people had an idea of \u200b\u200bthe basic laws of aerodynamics. In those days, the Chinese did not belong to the air snakes as an imperious toy. From the first years of its appearance, this invention was used by the Chinese Army: with the help of an air serpent, it was possible to deliver an important message to the precipitated fortress. And starting by gunpowder and the set snake immediately turned into a formidable weapon. Some resourceful Chinese even learned to fish with the help of air coils. It was enough just to bind the bait to the design and wait for Kleva.

More than two millennium, the principle of operation of the air serpent became the impetus for the development of modern aircraft.


The usable umbrella, made of water-repellent tissue and metal, was patented in the 1850s in England. However, the history of this ingenious invention began much earlier and at the other end of the world. According to scientists, the first umbrellas independently from each other appeared simultaneously in China, Egypt and India about 3200 years ago. Initially, they were intended only for protection from the Sun and there could be only the richest and most influential citizens. Umbrellas made from feathers, paper or large leaves. The owners of the very first umbrellas very rarely wore them in their hands. During walks, the umbrellas kept servants accompanying their master. If the sovereign or the emperor was to sit in one place for a long time, the umbrella was simply fastened to the back of his chair or throne.


People sincecrall took care of the purity of their teeth. The first toothpicks and bridges used for the oral hygiene appeared in the prehistoric era. For a long time to clean the teeth used chewing plates made of wood, mastic or bamboo. But at the end of the 15th century, the first brushes of the modern sample appeared in China. The Chinese guessed to attach to a bamboo or bone handle of the busts of the shepher. Despite the fact that the materials used for the manufacture of dental brushes have changed a lot over the past five centuries, the shape of the brushes itself has remained unchanged.


A wheelbarrow, without which no subsidiary farm cannot be submitted today, also came to our life from China. In such simple device was very long and interesting story. The first cars appeared in the first century BC. e. And they began to be used in military business. There are no branched river networks in China, and in antiquity there almost did not bred the pack animals. Therefore, during hostilities, the question of the ways of supplying the army and the transportation of goods stood rather acutely. In the end, the problem was solved. In the army began to use the structure, which presented a wooden flooring with two handles, was omilized to one wheel. For a long time, cars as a real advanced military technology even hid from the enemy.

Unlike the European car, the Chinese was much more convenient and maneuverable. If the European had one small wheel in front, because of which the worker had to partially take the severity of the cargo on himself, then the Chinese car wheel was much more and located in the center. Thanks to this engineering solution, a person who transported the cargo remained only to push the design in front of him. In some cases, small sails even fastened for the speed of movement: such a design on a smooth road could develop speed up to 60 km / h. Cars were very comfortable and spacious. They did not require the construction of such wide roads as in countries where cargo transported a horse and ox. All China was improved by a network of narrow winding power paths, on which two workers were calmly dispersed.

Up to the beginning of the twentieth century, cars were for the Chinese one of the main devices for the transfer of goods. Often they were even used as a vehicle: on a wheelbarrow driven by one worker, up to 5-6 people could ride.

Mechanical watches

People found ways to measure time before our era. First, the time was determined simply on the position of the celestial shining. The first hours were sunny (appeared in Egypt) and water (appeared in Babylon). Perhaps in separate regions already in the middle of the 1th millennium BC. e. The principle of operation was developed hourglass. Shortly before the onset of the I century n. e. The Chinese borrowed Klepsidra from the Middle East. But at the beginning of the VII century in China, its own absolutely new Type hours. Their creator was a Buddhist monk and Sin. He came up with a complex design that showed the time of sunrise and sunset, the movement of the celestial shining and time. The device and Sina was both clock and a small planetarium. The clock led the power of water. Two and a half century, the clock and Sina have improved, replacing the water to mercury.

Cast iron

According to archaeological research, the cast iron was known to the Chinese from the middle of the 13th millennium BC. e. Already in this era in China, there were many technological innovations and techniques that allowed to achieve great success in metallurgy. Here:

  • built blast furnaces
  • used curvature horn
  • used the stack technology of casting, so that it was possible to receive up to hundreds of identical products at a time,
  • kokili was made - metal molds for casting.

In fact, cast iron is an iron ore enriched with carbon. The greater the carbon content in cast iron and less impurities, the stronger the metal. The mass production of iron products began after the Chinese began to use stone coal as fuel. Unlike wood, coal allowed to support melting furnaces highly high temperature. The iron ore was laid in special pipes, which were then placed in burning stone coal. Since the pipes were closed, the raw material did not contact with sulfur formed as a result of coal burning. Therefore, the Chinese cast iron was pure and durable.

Many useful items were made from the cast iron: agricultural tools, horse harness, guns, dishes, mouthpieces, coins and even children's toys.

Obtaining cast iron led to a variety of new important discoveries. First, thanks to the cast-iron dishes, ideally suited for evaporation of salt, the salt industry began to grow rapidly in China. The scale of salt development has grown every year, new mines have been created throughout the country. Apparently, during salt developments, the Chinese and discovered natural gas. The accurate date of this amazing discovery was failed to establish. But already in the notes of Marco Polo (XIII century) there are references that the Chinese used gas as fuel.


The opening of the cast iron soon led to the appearance of steel. To get steel from cast iron, it is necessary to clean it, including, and from the excess carbon. Chinese masters lowered carbon amounts in metal, blowing in the raw materials oxygen. In order for the products from steel to be stronger, they were subjected to hardening: the rolled screw metal was instantly cooled in water. Multiple repetition of this procedure made it possible to get super-duty products.

Many techniques opened by the ancient Chinese metallurgists are still used in the heavy industry. Some of them, for example, was based on the principle of operation of the Marten furnace.


ABOUT useful properties The resins produced by the lacquer tree, the Chinese became known in the V-IV millennium BC. e. Items covered with such a resin became protected from water and different chemical substances, temperature drops, corrosion.

Varnish was collected, making cuts in the bark of trees. Because there is plenty of water in freshly plated varnish, it was boiled, evaporating the excess moisture. So that the mass does not become too thick, crabs added in the tank with varnish. Their sheculus contains a substance that prevents the thickening of the resin.

Over time in the resin began to add mineral dyes, metals and various organic substances. So the Chinese received a whole range of colored varnishes. In the Middle Ages, in order for the varnish to lay better on the treated surface, the purified resin began to mix with vegetable oils. Laca covered paper products, jewelry, imperial tombs, wooden dishes and much more. Even before the onset of our era, a fashion appeared among the Chinese nobility. The manicure followed both women and men. Long (up to 25 cm) Bright nails were a sign that their owner does not engage in heavy manual labor. In some cases, the nails were an amulet who protected a person from the evil eye and evil spirits.

Most of the things existing in modern world perceived by us as a given. Optivocolonic cables transmit huge amounts of information, and global positioning systems allow you to find our location anywhere in the world. But few-known remain the facts that many achievements of modern humanity are obliged to be an ancient China for their origin.

Passing through time, we often forget about the significance of those things that were invented before us. Surprisingly, in the 19th century, among many prominent minds, the opinion was dominated that the top of the technologicality was achieved, and humanity has invented everything that could. To some extent, these words make sense, because each new global invention used the foundation left by our distant ancestors. In this rating, we will present the achievements of the Chinese civilization that are used up to the present day.

Powder, perhaps, is the most famous of Chinese achievements. As claim ancient legendHe was created completely by chance at the moment when ancient Chinese alchemists tried to create an elixir of immortality. Very ironic, but attempts to find eternal life led to the creation of a substance carrying death. The first powder mixture was described in the book in 1044 of our era. The first powder was used by the Chinese for the manufacture of signal missiles and flaves. In the future, adding various metals to the powder mixture, humanity has learned to create bright colored salutes that we see to this day.

How possible would the great geographical discoveries and long-range expeditions be without the invention of the compass? As the ancient records indicate, the first compasses were invented by the Chinese in the fourth century to our era, and the basis of their design was a magnet. The first compass models could only indicate on the southern direction, later with the opening of magnetic iron ore called the Lodston, they were able to make a device magnetized both in the northern and south side. It is not for our days to not know who came the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating this mechanism, but it is just known that he has a Chinese origin.

Did not be installed, who owns the idea to record thoughts, using paper, there are different points of view. Among the applicants are referred to as suchmers and harapps and boilers from Egypt. Nevertheless, the first languages \u200b\u200bappeared approximately five thousand years ago, and a variety of materials, such as papyrus, clay, bamboo, stone became the first basis for writing. Naturally, they demanded great efforts to keep records. Everything has changed after the opening by Chinese Central Asia Lenoma in 105 to our era of the first prototype of modern paper. For those years, the technology was rather difficult: the Chinese created a mixture of water and fibers of wood, after which he pressed it with a special cloth. Due to the weave of the fabric, the substance formed leaked out - so the first paper appeared. Unfortunately, it is not known that it was what was written by Cai Leno on the first sheet.

Amateurs italian cuisine, in particular, pasta, in most of them do not even suggest, whose hands are its creation. Meanwhile, in 2006, archaeologists exploring old settlements of more than four thousand years in the Chinese province of Qinghai, stumbled upon a bowl with a tight noodle, buried for three and a half meters. Most experts tend to believe that this is the most ancient pasta on Earth. And it was made from the grains of two different typeswho were grown in China more than seven thousand years, and today - the Chinese use them for making pasta.

6. Tuck
Such a simple, but the necessary invention, like a car, is also obliged to the Chinese by its origin. South Lang, General, who lived at the Han dynasty, created the first prototype wheelbarrow with one wheel for transporting heavy military cargoes in about the second century of our era. An embodious disadvantage of the ancient design was the lack of pens-they appeared later after the initial invention was finalized. The cars gave the Chinese significant superiority over rivals not only during the carriage of goods, they were also used in the form of barricades. Surprisingly, the invention was held in the secret for a long time, and a special code was used to designate it.

It is the hands of the Chinese who own the creation of the first seismograph. Of course, they did not have the opportunity to use the Richter scale to designate the strength of the crushing element, because it was invented only in 1935. But they had their own graduation system, and the device was extremely beautiful. The first seismograph was a bronze vessel, on which dragons were depicted on equal distance from each other. Inside the vessel, there was a fixed pendulum, but the pendulum was immobile until the jacket began to move it in such a way that the many inner levers began to move. Due to the complex design, the pendulum indicated in the direction of the epicenter of the earthquake. This seismograph was used for one and a half thousand years, while Western civilization has created its own, more progressive device.

4. Alcohol
Surprisingly, all modern lovers relax with alcohol, should also thank Chinese-exactly they created ethanol and isopropyl alcohol. For a long time, it was believed that fermentation is a natural process, but in the third century of our era, the Chinese have learned to expose soy sauce and vinegar distillation and fermentation, which has become a precursor of the appearance of alcohol. In addition, the last work of the archelogov suggests that in fact he was invented earlier, because the fragments of ceramics in the province of Henan, whose age exceeds nine thousand years, carry alcohol residues.

Three Snake
The National Pride of the Chinese-Air Snakes. In the fourth century, BC was opened by two Chinese lovers of art and philosophy as entertainment, but quite soon began to be used in many other industries - both for fishing and for military affairs. Interesting and the fact that the air snakes were essentially the first unmanned aerial vehicles - in one of the conflicts, the Chinese used it to deliver propaganda materials to the Mongol camp.

In the sixth century, our era, the Chinese were able to create such a large and durable snake that he could easily withstand human weight. Through time, they began to be used to punish convicted criminals - they were tied to the planners, and forced to jump from tall cliffs. Sometimes there were cases when convicts overcame several kilometers, and successfully landed. Surprisingly, this invention, the Chinese were able to get out of the representatives of Western civilization for 1300 years.

Silk has become completely opposed to the invention, thanks to its extraordinary properties, he created the world between the Chinese and representatives of the tenth of other civilizations. As a result, the creation of silk led to the emergence of a great silk path extending from Europe to the East, from China to the Mediterranean. For a long time, the Chinese kept secret the process of creating a wonderful material, but lost a monopoly when the monks from Europe got a silkworm eggs, and were able to spread them in the West.

None of our day, does not pass without a huge number of inventions created many millennia ago. We are so busy everyday affairs that you do not think about what it could not exist. The one who, at least once forgot the phone at home, understands how much dependent on him, all everyday life Modern man. And what if it did not exist at all? And what would be if not invented and other things are everyday for us? The lion's share of all the usual household and gadgets is produced in China. Although today, most of the goods from China are not our own developments of this country, many centuries ago China brought the world great amount of valuable inventions, amazing and unknown for Western civilization.

1. Silk.
Every woman knows what kind of pleasant material. He is an impersonation of luxury and tenderness to this day. Silk is a material from a silk thread made from a cocoon of a tute silkworm, thread has a triangular cross section, which is why the fabric is beautifully overflowing and has an attractive glitter. Among all types of tissues invented in our time, silk remains king in a number of textile industry. Its price is still the highest, and afford the thing from this beautiful material may not everyone. The reason for the increased cost is the maintenance technology inaccessible to all. Millenniums, the Chinese managed to keep the method of manufacturing secret. So to create silk, a unprecedented number of cocoons is required. The preservation of the mystery, provided the manufacturers to dominance in the market of silk sales, so everyone is known about the silk path, which combined China and Europe. The demand for silk, provided China to establish trade relations and unprecedented growth of the economy.

2. Alcohol.
The invention of ethanol and isopropyl alcohol, scientists belong to the ninth millennium. This is evidenced by the recent archaeological excavations in the province of Henan, where traces of alcohol were found on the fragments of ceramics. The results obtained finally put a point in the dispute, who still invented alcohol, the Chinese or Arabs. The improvement of vinegar and soy sauce, using the fermentation and distillation method, across this invention. So as a result of experiments, alcohol appeared.

3. powder.
This is the most ancient invention of China, according to legends, he appeared as a result of the search by alchemists, the elixir of immortality. It was created by chance, when creating a mixture by extending human life, but contrary to the hopes of Chinese alchemists turned out to be fatal weapons, which a person can kill in seconds.
The first composition of the powder included Selitra, charcoal and sulfur. It became known from the book of Jen Golianga, who narrowed about arms and military tactics of that time. According to the book, powder was used as explosives, as well as for signal missiles and fireworks.

4. Paper.
Lai Tsun, this is the name of the creator, the first prototype of paper. According to some sources, Lai Tsun lived in 105 BC. And he was eunuch at the courtyard of the Han dynasty. In those days, the subject for the letter was thin bamboo and silk strips. The paper appeared due to a mixture of wood fibers with water, which pressed the cloth. Prior to that, people wrote on stones, papyrus and clay signs and even used shells of turtles.

5. Top printing.
The invention of the paper contributed to the increase in the literacy of the population, which gave impetus to the development of education as a whole. In connection with the growth of literacy, the need for the transfer of longer texts has arisen. The dominant segments of the population, to consolidate their decision and identification certificate, used printing. Creating seals was special art. Each seal was created unique and did not have one of its own analogues. According to the principle of transferring the image on paper using print, the Chinese came to a typography. China did not have censorship and control over the printed publications, therefore this industry was quite common. The first historical references to the printed book belong to the seventh century. During the board of the Sunn dynasty, typography quickly spread. It is known that in the eighth century in the provinces of Zhejian and Fujian there were more than one hundred family publishers.
The invention of typography is accompanied by the appearance of fonts and interlacing. "Notes on the Strong Rouch" is the first work describing the technological process of manufacturing a literator from the burned clay and the production of fonts and seals. Book author famous statesman, and the scholar Shen Co., writes that this innovation belongs to an unknown master.

6. Pasta.
The oldest plate with noodles was found in China, her age is more than seven thousand years. It is made of two types of millet grains, the same technology for the manufacture of a modern Chinese noodle. But so far, various excavations are confused by scientists, and forced to doubt, who would give the championship. Italians and Arabs are basic competitors, China in this matter.

7. Compass.
Travel and military campaigns, maps and marine swims, all this would be complicated by the course definition, if there were no such object as a compass. For the fact that we can get from one point to another, it is worth paying a gratefulness to the inventors of ancient China. The first compass, made it possible to determine the southern direction, the most important part of the world, according to the Chinese. The material from which the first compass was made was a magnet.

8. Seismograph.
One of the most important inventions of ancient China was the first seismograph invented by the Imperial Astronomer Zhang Hung. The first seismograph was a vessel with the nine dragons depicted on it. Under each dragon, frog figures with open mouths were made. The pendulum was hung inside the vessel, which in the event of an earthquake would begin to move and report everything about trouble. Thanks to the complex mechanism, he could even show the epicenter of the earthquake.

9. Air snakes.
The laws of aerodynamics, allowing aircraft to take off, were already known to some degrees and the Chinese. In the fourth century BC, two amateurs of philosophy Gongshu Ban and Mo Di, built a snake like a bird. It seemed to many that it was just a toy, but for humanity it was a promotion in science. The first aircraft and aircraft are obliged to the experience that the Chinese gave us, launching an air serpent in the sky.

10. Deltapalan.
This modern device, for entertainment, was invented in ancient China. Experimenting with the size of the air snake, the device was created capable of raising and retaining in the sky of a person. Authorship of this device is unknown.

11. Chinese tea.
Each person on this planet, at least once tried tea, and many of us drink it every day. In China, tea is known from the first millennium. There are mentions of the healing infusion, from the leaves tea tree. The invention of the Chinese is the method of brewing and receiving a tea drink.

12. Zesta
The homeland of the folding umbrella, according to some sources, is also in China. The existence of an umbrella is known from the 11th century. In China, the umbrella was used to protect against the Sun, high-ranking dignitaries. So the emperor and his approximate, took him on his walks, so the umbrella was a symbol of wealth and luxury.

13. Tacket.
The Chinese are great builders, the invention was helped in this invention. Wheelbarrow The object that facilitates the manual freight, and also allows a person to raise and move the greater weight. I came up with her in the second century, General named South Lang. He came up with a basket on one wheel, later his design was supplemented with handles. Initially, the batter function was defensive and used in hostilities. Over the centuries, the Chinese kept their invention in secret.

14. Porcelain.
Porcelain, used in everyday life and is considered to be the best material for the manufacture of dishes. Porcelainware has a beautiful, glossy surface, which perfectly complements the design of any kitchen and transforms any dinner. Porcelain is known since 620 in China. Europeans experimentally received porcelain only in 1702. In Italy, France and England, tried to make porcelain for two centuries.

The inventions of the Ancient China also include: horoscope, drum, bell, crossbow, violin, gong, military art "Wushu", "qigong" gymnastics, fork, steaming, chopsticks, soya tofu cheese, paper money, lacquer, playing Maps and more.

Ancient China is one of the brightest ancient civilizations that has become a cradle for the development of many sciences. This civilization left huge inheritance, scientific ideas, inventions and technologies that the entire modern world uses to the reinground.

Ancient Chinese civilization is attributed to a lot of discoveries and inventions, such as opening a powder or technology of paper. Other significant technologies invented by this culture were firearms, a seismoscope (an earthquake prediction device). These discoveries are attributed to Zenge Henge, who also called Houfeng Didong Yi. Inventions that are regarded as the greatest discoveries of ancient Chinese civilization - a compass, paper manufacturing technology, printing and powder, and to this day are one of the most important achievements of humanity.


The compass was one of the most important technological discoveries of ancient China, which promoted and helped the studies sponsored by the Government of China. The invention of the compass made China one of the mighty countries of the world. The Chinese Empire was really called a mighty and overdue in this rank to the end of the monarchy in China.

The origin of the compass can be attributed to the 4th century BC. The book called "The Book of the Master of the Devil Valley" is appropriately describes a natural magnet. "Magnetite was the first substance used by the Chinese for compass." And this compass was first invented for the Board of the Song dynasty. The entries were dated between 1040 - 1044, describing the invention made from magnetite as a direction pointer. This invention or correctly called the compass was similar to a small fish and saved on the tree chatting in a bottle with water. The official records of the Song dynasty say "The stone in the form of a fish, which pointed to the south."

Chinese researchers used a compass for many centuries, helping to conduct trade affairs with distant lands. The compass was also widely used in research on land. Chinese writers describe it as a "landmark in the darkness of the night." Writer, philosopher and scientist Shen Kuo, first described the structure of the operation of a dry compass, which had a magnetic needle, in his book published in 1088. The principle of work was the same, but the dry compass did not swim in the bottle, but was attached in a wooden box. And although such a compass was more convenient to use, the cost of etcoat was much more expensive. The wet compass was used as long as the Europeans did not enjoy dry.

Paper making

Unfortunately, the dynasty that owns the invention of the paper is not known. But it is known that this discoveries far ahead advanced the development of science and created many advantages - contributed to the preservation of the works of philosophers, scientific and writers of ancient China. The paper that was invented in ancient China was not only used as a means of writing, but also creative Chinese innologists also used it as a raw material for production bags as well as banknotes.

The history of the invention of the paper presumably falls during the reign of the Khan dynasty, which reign from 202 to 220 of our era. Court scientist Kai Long set a goal - to create paper. To do this, he used mulberry, linen fibers, used material - old rags and hemp marriage, and even fishing networks to tie fibers together.

Some archaeological data, however, testifies that paper in ancient China may have been invented during the 8th century BC.

Initially, this immature form of paper was not suitable for writing, and was originally used as a means of wrapping. At the end of the 3rd century, our era, this raw material became a popular material for the letter, and in the 6th century it was even used as toilet paper.

Tea was a favorite drink of Chinese people even in the tenge dynasty (618 AD - 907 AD). The Chinese invented the use of packets for the manufacture of bags for tea, which retained the taste and smell of drink. The Government of the Song dynasty (960 N.E.- 1279 AD) was the first to use paper for the manufacture of banknotes.


The invention of the print is regarded as one of the most important inventions of humanity, due to the fact that the books have become cheaper and more affordable. Cheaper books guaranteed the prosperity of culture and science. Many dynasties, courtiers and scientists from the ancient China contributed to the development of printing. Print technology Dated about 868 BC. With the release of the first printed book diamond sutra. The book was printed by wooden keys. It was considered one of the most important contributions of the Song dynasty in the development of technology. The writer Shen Kuo, who was also and courteous, announced that the printed craft would be used to spread knowledge. Bi Sheng, artisan, invented mobile ceramic seal.


One of the devastating inventions of the ancient Chinese civilization is powder. The invention of the powder led to the invention of firearms and the emergence of new wars in the Asian continent. In the 9th century AD. Chinese alchemists who were looking for an elixir of eternal life, accidentally discovered the explosive property of gunpowder. In the 10th century, Asia began to apply grenades on the battlefields, the first imperfect bombs and firearms.

Among all the invented technologies of the ancient China, gunpowder and firearms are regarded as the most useful, popular and, of course, the most destructive. Many scientists and inventors played significant roles in the development of the science of ancient Chinese civilization. Also the Chinese showed their technological development and in the area agriculture, textile industry, design different facilities, medicine and even archeology. Unfortunately, many of these discoveries have not been preserved until our time.