What are the requirements for kindergarten beds, the criteria for the right choice. Labeling of furniture in a group Beautiful numbers on lockers in kindergarten

Kindergarten is the place where children spend most of the day, so it is important to furnish the room with furniture that is comfortable for sleeping. When choosing beds for kindergarten, it is important to remember about such qualities of furniture as environmental friendliness, comfort, durability.

Children's beds are of the following types:

  • pull-out bed - especially relevant for kindergartens without a separate bedroom. Such a model may have drawers, a small chest of drawers, removable sides, special mattresses;
  • single-tier berth with bumpers or with a back. The latter can be straight or semicircular, representing an animal or the sun;
  • The kaleidoscope bed has an interesting stacking layout. One place for sleeping is inserted into another, which is convenient when arranging furniture in a playroom, as well as for easier cleaning of the room;
  • a roll-out bed saves space well by rolling out one sleeping place from another. This option is not entirely convenient for the younger group: the second section is at a decent height from the floor;
  • a bunk bed is two berths located one above the other, with a ladder for greater convenience. This is a good space saving, but not for the smallest kindergarten visitors;
  • the two-row model forms two beds, fenced off with a partition. Thanks to such models, significant space is saved;
  • the three-tier version is boxes with wheels for rolling out, which allows you to save a lot of space, protecting the bed linen from contamination;
  • the roll-out version of the three-tiered bed also consists of three parts, with the only difference being that the upper part slides into the bed body;
  • a roll-out bed with a cover of three sections. Every place to stay different heights and slides one under the other, the covers protect the bed linen from dust. Roll-out models save space well, but are not recommended for younger family members;
  • the model is a roll-out cabinet of two sections - this is a kind of large bedside table with roll-out drawers, which in fact serve as beds. The upper part slides into the cabinet itself. There is an option with a lid for the top drawer.

Despite the variety of kindergarten beds, mostly single-tier models are chosen. Multi-tiered products can lead to safety issues, not to mention the stability of the models. In any case, these qualities are monitored during installation, and the conclusion is given by the head of the children's institution.

Double row




Fencing elements

Cribs need a fall guard. Their appearance associated with the type of construction and the material to be used. Such devices can be made from:

  • fabrics;
  • plastic;
  • metal;
  • wood.

So, for children of the older group, the bed limiter is selected medium in size to be able to climb up without outside help and do not fall during sleep. For greater emphasis, slots can also be made to overlap part of the bed.

Barriers - removable or built-in - are very popular parts with beds. The first type has a horizontal base, which is placed under the mattress and is attached to the bed sides. They are supplied with legs, adjustable for possible modification of the barrier height. Some contain pull-out rails to position the bed rail at the desired distance from the edge. The barriers of the built-in plan are panels that are attached to the side of the bed. They do not have sharp corners, and the soft padding will protect the baby from possible injury during sleep.

The preference for barriers as protective elements has good reasons:

  • feeling more protected and falling asleep faster;
  • wide range of models;
  • mattress and blanket do not slide to the floor;
  • no penetration of drafts.

When choosing beds and their protective elements, you should pay attention to the dimensions of the structure and age group children. The thematic focus of the premises also plays an important role.

Thematic design

V kindergarten it is important to have a comfortable place to sleep. We also do not forget that the bedroom is a place of peace and comfort. But how every child wants to associate his bed with something fun and magical.

You can put drawings of your favorite characters from books and cartoons on ordinary beds. For this, if possible, the institution can invite a professional artist, or you can try to do this by the educators themselves, parents and children. Creative process will add mood, and cute animals from a fairy tale and a princess will be a continuation of a fabulous dream.

In addition to the bed itself, there are many important role plays baby bedding. Of course, first of all, you need to pay attention to its environmental friendliness and stability of dyes. But after all, for the child, you should also choose his favorite design - gentle and charming pictures, interesting stories, landscape paintings. And of course, the image of characters from fairy tales and cartoon characters will make him happy to make out the bed and go to bed. Or are they just light pastel shades, setting up a calm and healthy sleep. But when choosing bed linen, you should still avoid strong brightness and variegation, which will unnerve the child.

The most bold decisions for bed design, a departure from the standard form can be considered. Vehicles will become favorites here. A modern car bed is the dream of any boy, and a bed in the form of a carriage is a little princess. The main thing is that such a decision should be realistically feasible.

Quality and compliance with GOSTs

Two main GOSTs are related to the types of kindergarten cots produced, as well as testing of their quality. Models intended for a nursery group must necessarily have a reliable fence, be able to modify the height of the bed with the growth of the baby. The length of the product should not exceed 1 m 20 cm, and the width - 0.6 m.If the crib has the function of moving the side fence down, then it should go down not less than 13.5 cm.

The bed intended for children from 3 to 7 years old must be at least 1 m 40 cm, and the same width as the previous type. In this case, the width can be made larger.

For the basic directions of testing beds in kindergarten, the following settings are important in accordance with GOST:

  • structural stability;
  • the degree of deformability of bed racks;
  • base strength;
  • overall product durability.

For tests, fresh products should be taken, and the protocols of all inspections should contain possible deviations from the installation standards, which was revealed by the control. Moreover, among important requirements for children's equipment in the kindergarten - sanitary and epidemiological rules for the device and content, confirmed by certificates. And beds, like any piece of furniture, must be resistant to use. various means for wet cleaning.



When choosing children's furniture, parents of toddlers and leaders of preschool and school institutions are often faced with the fact that they need not only to choose the model and color of the product, but also to determine the height group. So what is a growth group? How to choose the right size for a highchair or table? What should be guided by?

Creating children's preschool furniture and student furniture for schools, the designers of our company, of course, are guided by regulatory documents, which clearly spell out all the requirements for furniture, as well as possible growth groups.

Current GOSTs and SanPiN for preschool furniture:

So what is a furniture growth group?

The very concept of "growth group" arose from considerations of the healthy development of the child's body. To form the correct healthy posture of babies, it is necessary that they not only lead an active lifestyle, but also sit correctly at their desks on the correct chairs. For this, growth groups were developed, in which the height of the chair and table depends directly on the height of the child, and take into account the peculiarities of the child's position.

Important! When choosing furniture, you need to take into account that:

  • with knees bent at 90 degrees, the feet should be in full contact with the floor;
  • there must be a space of at least 110 mm between the knees and the table top for free movement,
  • the front edge of the chair should not be close to the popliteal cavities, the lower part of the thigh should be free from the pressure of the chair,
  • the forearm of the hand, bent at the elbow at 90 degrees, should lie calmly without tension on the tabletop,
  • the back of the chair should provide support for the back in two places (lumbar region, lower part of the shoulder blades),
  • There should be free space between the seat of the chair and the backrest.

All of the above conditions are met in growth groups. And knowing the growth of your child, you no longer have to run around all the shops with a tape measure and measure furniture. It is enough just to decide on this very growth group.

Table of height groups depending on the height of the child

Child's height (mm)

Growth group for furniture and color marking

Group in kindergarten or class in school (approximately)

Height from floor to chair seat (mm)

Height from floor to table top (mm)



younger group


junior / middle group


middle / senior group


senior group / 1st grade


Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the device, content and organization of the mode of operation in preschool organizations. The current SanPiN was adopted on May 15, 2013, and entered into force on July 30, 2013, replacing the invalid SanPiN
Excerpt from SanPiN

For children aged 5 to 7 years, among the necessary physical activity, up to 8 hours of recreational and educational activities per week should be provided. In addition, it is necessary to include a complex for hardening the pupils, which consists in airing the premises, washing cold water, exercise and walk in the fresh air.

Exact norms for finding groups of different ages in the pool can be read in the text of the regulatory document. After visiting the pool, children can be taken out for a walk no earlier than 50 minutes later in order to prevent hypothermia.


According to SanPin, the airing of the premises of children's groups must be carried out repeatedly, during the absence of children. The ventilation time depends on the air temperature outside the window and the heating quality in the room. Airing should be stopped half an hour before the children return to the groups. In the warm season, airing in the presence of pupils is permissible; in this case, it is advisable to avoid a draft. The document contains a table that clearly indicates the duration of such procedures in a preschool institution.

According to SanPin, quartzing of groups in kindergarten must be carried out twice a day according to the schedule, and then airing should be carried out.

Washing and processing of toys in kindergarten according to SanPin must be done every day after the children leave home. In the youngest groups - twice a day. Toys intended for outdoor play are washed immediately after returning from the street with them. It is also necessary to handle the toys just purchased, this must be done soapy water for 15 minutes, then rinse in clean water. Detergent the toys used to handle must be safe for children.

In accordance with SanPin norms, bed linen in kindergarten should be changed as soon as it gets dirty, but at least once a week. Washing of linen and towels is carried out either in the laundry of a preschool educational institution, or by a special organization with which an agreement has been drawn up for the provision of laundry services.

In accordance with sanitary standards, for each child in the kindergarten group, there must be an individual pot, and for children over 5 years old, personal seats made of safe materials are installed on the toilet bowls. Treatment of pots should be carried out immediately after use using detergents and disinfectants. Toilets are cleaned at least twice a day.

Food block

Each kindergarten group should be equipped with a sink for washing dishes with hot and cold water according to SanPin. The dishes are first cleaned of food debris, then washed with a sponge with the addition of mustard and soda. Then they are washed in water at a temperature of 50 degrees with the addition of bleach, then rinsed in water at least 70 degrees and dried on a grid designed for this. Once daily, the dishes should be boiled in clean water.

If there is a suspicion of the appearance of a disease transmitted through food, then the dishes should, after cleaning and washing, be processed and disinfected in a solution of chloramine or bleach for 30 minutes, then rinsed thoroughly and dried.

All utensils in the preschool educational institution must be labeled according to SanPin. Each pan should have an inscription for which dish it is intended, the marking is applied oil paint.

Vitaminization in a kindergarten according to SanPin is carried out taking into account the condition of the pupil, with the obligatory supervision of a health worker and notifying the parents.

If the menu does not include fortified drinks, then vitamins are added to the third dishes - compote or jelly, at a certain temperature

Norms of premises and equipment

In the SanPin for the pool in the kindergarten, it is clearly stated what should be the premises near the pool and what equipped, as well as what kind of staff is needed in the pool. Particular attention should be paid to cleaning and disinfecting the pool. With good water circulation in the pool, a complete water change should be made within 8 hours. If there is no circulation, drain the water daily. The cleaning of the swimming bowl should be carried out by the employees responsible for this. Showers, toilets and changing rooms are cleaned every day. General cleaning monthly. It is necessary to monitor the quality of water in the pool once a day.

Flowers are planted in the courtyard of the kindergarten in order to separate the playgrounds from the household areas. Fruiting, poisonous and thorny plants should not be planted on SanPin.

The size of furniture in kindergarten according to SanPin must be of the same group and correspond to the table given in the decree. The size of the furniture must correspond to each group of children's growth.

The marking of furniture in a kindergarten according to SanPin should be made by color, depending on the size of the furniture.

SanPin for staff

All personnel, including kindergarten teachers, must undergo medical treatment when hiring. inspection and certification for knowledge of sanitary standards. Further, every two years, a test is carried out for knowledge of the same norms, and also tests of educators are regularly carried out. For example, testing "FGOS preschool education". All preschool educators are provided with overalls.

A nurse in a kindergarten according to the new SanPin must have at least a secondary medical education and have at least 3 years of work experience. The presence of a medical book is mandatory, a medical examination must be carried out every three months. When working, it relies on a document of proper instructions and internal labor regulations

You can learn more about the SanPin standards for a preschool educational institution by clicking on the link.

Rooms for children aged 1 to 4 years must have four-seater tables; for the middle, senior and preparatory groups of kindergarten, double tables are used. Tables are placed in no more than 2 rows and in such a way that the light falls from the left. The distance from the blinding zone of the window should be at least 0.45 m (preferably 1 m), and between the rows at least 0.45 m.

For preschoolers, furniture is produced in 6 groups that have the appropriate characteristics (table 1.13).

Table 1.13.

Sizes and markings of tables and chairs for preschool children.

Furniture group

Marking color

Height group, cm

Table height above the floor, cm

Seat height above the floor, cm

Make Children's beds two types: I- a children's bed with a guardrail and a variable bed height for children under 3 years old; II- a children's bed for children aged 3 to 7 years. Their functional dimensions are shown in Table 1.14.

Table 1.14.

Functional bed sizes for children 3 - 7 years old.

For the prevention of infectious diseases, the minimum distance between beds should be 0.3 m (from the bed), the distance from the outer walls to the beds is 0.7-1 m. In preschool groups, folding beds with a rigid bed and built-in single and bunk beds are allowed.

Hygienic requirements for school furniture.

The furniture of modern educational institutions is divided into the following groups:

1) for classrooms:

Student tables, single and double with chairs of the corresponding group;

Student laboratory tables for specialized classrooms (physics, chemistry, biology);

Computer tables;

Cabinets for teaching aids;

Pedestals for technical means training and blackboard stands for teaching aids;

Chalkboards of various modifications;

2) for libraries:

Library racks, two- and one-sided;

Library sets;

3) for the dining room;

4) for training workshops;

5) for changing rooms;

6) for assembly halls.

The main school furniture (desks, tables, student chairs) has various sizes, depending on the indicators of the child's body length. Each student is provided with a comfortable workplace at a desk or table in accordance with his body length, vision and hearing condition. Seating students at desks (tables) is carried out taking into account their body length (in shoes). For schoolchildren, furniture of 6 groups with color marking is produced (table 1.15).

Table 1.15.

Sizes of school furniture and its markings.

Furniture numbers

Growth group, mm

Height above the floor of the cover of the edge of the table, facing the student

Marking color

Height above floor, front edge of seat



Furniture must have digital and color coding ... The color coding of school furniture must be visible from the aisle side; it is applied on both sides of the table (desk), chair in the form of a circle with a diameter of 22 mm or a horizontal strip 20 mm wide.

Table 1.16.

Currently, the school uses chalkboards of several types:

For writing with chalk;

For writing with a felt-tip pen;

For writing with chalk with a stave (musical);

For cork ads.

Convenient are boards made on the basis of enameled steel sheet.

Depending on the color of the enamel, chalkboards (green) and dry erase pens (white) are used.

When equipping classrooms, the following walkway dimensions and distances must be observed:

Between rows of double tables - at least 60 cm;

Between the rows of tables and the outer longitudinal wall - at least 50-70 cm;

Between the rows of tables and the inner longitudinal wall (partition) or cabinets along this wall - at least 50-70 cm;

From the last tables to the wall (partition) opposite the chalkboard - not less than 70 cm, from the back wall, which is the outer one, - not less than 100 cm, and in the presence of revolving classes - 120 cm;

From the demonstration table to the chalkboard - at least 100 cm;

From the first school desk to the blackboard - 2.4 - 2.7 m;

The greatest distance of the last place of the student from the blackboard is 860 cm;

The height of the lower edge of the chalkboard above the floor is 80-90 cm.

Desks, tables and chairs are numbered in the classroom: smaller ones are closer to the blackboard, larger ones farther away; for children with reduced visual acuity and hearing, desks, regardless of size, are placed in front. With sufficient visual acuity correction with glasses, students can sit in any row.

Schoolchildren with rheumatic diseases, who are often ill (tonsillitis, acute inflammation of the upper respiratory tract), should be seated further from the outer wall.

At least 2 times a year, students sitting in rows I and III are interchanged, without violating the correspondence of the furniture to their body length.

The teacher's observation of the child during the lesson allows you to note deviations from correct posture and subsequently establish their reasons.

The width of the workplace at the table should be equal to the sum of the length of the two forearms with hands plus 3-4 cm for freedom of landing. The height of the chair should be equal to the length of the lower leg with the addition of 2 cm to the height of the heel.

The depth of the chair should be at least 2/3 and not more than 3/4 of the thigh length.

It is necessary to pay special attention to cases when the size of the desk (table), chair corresponds to the size of the person sitting behind them, and the position of the child does not correspond

hygiene requirements. This indicates the lack of a developed skill of correct landing.


Choose furniture according to the height of the children. Kindergarten furniture is available in three sizes. It is possible that chairs and tables will have to be filed or, conversely, knocked out. Typically, tables and chairs are labeled geometric shapes... Mark the table and a set of chairs designed for children of the same height with the same shape - a circle, triangle or square. Draw an icon on the corner of the table and the backs of the chairs. You can use a variety of materials for this. It is best applied with oil paint. Figures can be cut out of colored paper, glued and varnished. In this case, you should not use colored tape, since it peels off very quickly. Make a list of the children who are sitting at the same table.

Lockers in which children leave their clothes also need to be labeled. Plexiglas pockets are very convenient for this. They are attached to the cabinet doors, and then a picture is inserted into them. But the pockets are not always included in the package, so they need to be cut out. Thin plexiglass will do. Cut or order squares about 6x6cm in size and screw them onto the doors. It is advisable to buy or make 3 identical sets of pictures so that the markings on the lockers in the dressing room and washroom, as well as on the cribs, are the same. Now special sets of pictures for marking are produced, they are made of self-adhesive materials, so plexiglass pockets are optional.

Cribs, as well as washroom cabinets, should be double-marked. Pictures serve to help children find their things. But cribs and towel cabinets are also labeled with numbers. Paint them with oil paint. Lists should also be drawn up and posted in a prominent place. The first column of such a list contains the number of the crib or locker, the second - the name and surname of the child.

In a childcare facility, it must be marked kitchenware... In a typical municipal kindergarten, children usually eat in a group. The nanny brings dinner. Each pan should be marked with what dish it is intended for. The largest ones are marked "1 dish", "3 dish". A slightly smaller saucepan is set aside for a side dish and is signed "2nd course". In it, the nanny brings porridge for breakfast. Separate dishes are needed for meat dish, for salad and for bread. A corresponding inscription is made on each item. The marking is applied with oil paint.

It is also necessary to mark the buckets that the nanny uses during wet cleaning. The same bucket can be used in the playroom and in the bedroom, but the toilet should have its own, appropriately marked. The same applies to doormats. The one that is used to wash the floors in the toilet should have a red mark. It could just be a piece of red fabric sewn onto a rag. The mops should also be marked.

In nursery groups, the teacher examines the children in the morning. He measures their temperature and looks at the throat. There should be 2 cans for the spatulas. They also need to be marked with oil paint. One has the inscription "Clean spatulas", on the other - "Dirty spatulas".

The substrate consists of ceramic element high in alumina. This gives very good insulation on which the resistive element is mounted.

Connections also play an important role. They must create reliable contact between the resistive element and the resistor chip, and also provide a high level of conductivity. This is achieved by using a nickel-based intermediate layer and a tin outer layer to ensure good soldering.

Surface mount resistors are available in various standard sizes. Technologies do not stand still and therefore the size of radio components is constantly decreasing. In 2014, the usual size for an SMD resistor was 0.05 millimeters.

SMD resistor characteristics

SMD resistors are made by various companies. Therefore, the characteristics of elements with the same denomination can differ greatly from each other. There are several basic parameters that you need to pay attention to.

The rated power requires special attention... For resistor designs using surface mount, the level of power that can be dissipated is less than for wirewound components.

Due to the fact that SMD resistors are made using a metal oxide film, they have relatively close tolerance values. At the same time, deviations in the range of 5, 2 and 1 percent are the most common. For special parts, the values ​​can be 0.5 and 0.1 percent.

SMD resistors usually have a good temperature coefficient. The most common values ​​are 25, 50 and 100 units of pulse modulation at 1 ° C.


SMD resistors are used in many designs. The size allows them to be used not only for compact boards, but also for automated assembly methods. Another advantage is that they work well in radios. Due to their small size, such resistors have very small spurious inductance and capacitance. Nevertheless high levels power dissipation must be taken into account when calculating the electromagnetic circuit.

Ekaterina Tepikina
Furniture labeling in a group

As you know, according to SanPin: "Chairs should be complete with one table group which should be marked... Selection furniture for children should be carried out taking into account anthropometric indicators " (Sanitary and Epidemiological Rules and Regulations, Clause 6.6).

In different industries marking serves for different purposes. In kindergarten, it is necessary for children to use furniture, suitable for their height, did not confuse personal hygiene items. It is necessary for both nannies and kitchen workers, since every item in a kindergarten, school or health camp must be used in strict accordance with sanitary standards.

If on group a new teacher comes and does not know where to put the children in class, where is whose locker, where is the bed? And the kids who just came to group, they feel much more comfortable and calmer if they see something of their own there, even a picture.

Going through different variants, made up my system markings which seems very comfortable to me. children 2 junior and middle groups happy to navigate the picture, older children by letter.

Submitted by marking with numbers and color used for tables and chairs; for a locker, a towel, a crib, plasticine, pencils in a tube - only a picture with a letter is used. The guys can always help the teacher or friend find the necessary subject.

I would be glad if my experience is useful to someone.

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