Active and interactive learning methods include. Active and interactive learning methods: review, classifications and examples

Material can be used in 3 - 11 classes, it all depends on the chosen theme of the proposed games ..

Rules for interactive learning

1. All participants in the event should be involved in the work. To this end, it is useful to use technologies that allow you to use all participants in the discussion process.

2. It is necessary to take care of psychological training participants. Not all those who come to the lesson are psychologically ready for direct inclusion in certain forms of work. It affects well-known assault, stiffness, traditional behavior. In this connection, warm-ups are useful, constant promotion of students for active participation in the work, providing opportunities for the student self-realization.

3. Interactive learning in technology should not be much. The number of participants and quality of learning may be directly dependent. Important. In order for each child to be heard, each group is given the opportunity to perform on the problem.

4. Deliver with attention to the preparation of the premises for work, with such a calculation so that participants are easy to transplancing to work in large and small groups.

5. Reflect with attention to the issues of procedure and regulations. This should be agreed at the very beginning and try not to violate it.

6. Recover with attention to the division of participants in the event for individual groups. It is possible on the basis of voluntary or random selection.

7. Adhere to the Principle of Privacy.

8. Respect the opinion of everyone, to be polite.

9. To be benevolent to yourself and others (do not criticize).

The game "Legal hockey". Before holding the game, participants get acquainted with literature on a given topic and preparing five to eight tasks. The group is distributed to 2 commands. They distributed roles: attack, defenders, goalkeeper. The team of the attack, which fell to perform the first, puts the issue of the Security Team Protection Group. If the defenders respond correctly. Their team gets the right to raise the question. If incorrectly. The question proceeds to the goalkeeper. If he does not know the answer. The team gets a goal. Both teams numbered points. Scored during the game.

BRAINSTORM. The method of stimulating the ideas of all participants relative to a certain topic throughout the limited period of time. After presentation of the theme, concepts, problems, participants are invited to express their ideas, associations, comments, phrases associated with the topic.

Work in small groups. Discussion of a particular issue in which four-six participants take part in order to work out defined solutions, recommendations, advice. This form enables all participants to take an active part in the discussion, as well as closer to communicate. All workers of small groups are discussed later by all participants in the event.

Training. Form of organization cognitive activitywhich provides a planned sequence of actions aimed at

To help the object of activity learn to effectively perform work or task.

To carry out the training, it is necessary to prepare the premises: arrange chairs in a circle, prepare a sufficient amount of paper, markers, scotch. After each exercise, you must post the final data so that participants see the final data so that participants see the results of collaboration. Training is best started with dating. The next stage is familiarizing with the theme, plan, goals and tasks of the training. Highly an important element Training is the establishment of rules, thanks to which the team work will be more effective, will help to establish discipline. At the end of the training, you must sum up the results, summarize the information obtained.

Auction Knowledge. This is an active form of knowledge check. The question is offered "for sale", the teams call balls for this question. If the proposals are more from the teams, the manager does not come: "Sold". The question is read, the team "bought" answers if the answer is correct to the initial capital, the number of balls that the team called was added. If the answer is not correct, this number of balls and the right of response goes to another team from the initial capital.

ROLE-PLAYING GAME. The educational game during which participants imitate the real situation by performing appointed roles. The purpose of the role-playing game is to acquire the experience of behavior or circulation, as well as certain skills. Each participant must know the idea of \u200b\u200bthe role and the goal of the role-playing game at all. It is important to give a group to get out of the role at the end of the game and everyone - say a few words about your feelings, impressions or thoughts. Role-playing game is used as the most effective tool Visual lighting content and essence topics.

Modeling game. Educational game, during which participants create certain models, algorithms of action. Unlike the previous species, this game does not require participants in the entry into the role, it requires the analysis of concrete life situations or problems and definitions of steps towards their solution.

Training - learning. The method, the essence of which lies in the fact that the object of the learning process turns into a subject, performing temporarily functions and responsibilities. This method is aimed at obtaining information and on its distribution among other members of the group. The information received is not read. And retells. Sometimes several times. This ensures its best memorization.

PYRAMID. The teacher proposes a group to build a pyramid from knowledge on various topics and positive impressions.

MICROPHONE. Using homework, students must speak with a speech, which is designed for one minute. The main rule is not to stop speech until one minute will end.

MOSAIC. Participants are divided into pairs or small groups. Param or groups distribute excerpts with the text on this topic, without a name, discontinuous parts. The task is to fold the shutters and answer, for example, to which legislative act is owned by this text.

ANALYSIS OF THE SITUATION. Participants are divided into 4 groups. Each group is given a situation, for a limited period of time, the teams should analyze situations and answer questions, which rights were violated or legislation, etc.

SUITCASE. A suitcase is drawn in front of the participants of the event, each group in turns must tell what knowledge under the topic under consideration they will take on the road or even feeling from event or communication.


Traditional approaches to the preparation and conduct of training sessions and non-traditional are analyzed: active and interactive. The factors contributing to the improvement of the educational and cognitive process in the university are determined. The definitions of concepts are considered: "Active Training", "Interactive Training". Examples of classifications of interactive learning methods are given. The various interactive forms of the educational and educational process are presented. The algorithm for conducting an interactive occupation is proposed, the rules are considered. required conditionsaffecting the effectiveness of student learning in the university. Installed: Interactive training contributes to the development of communicative skills and skills, helps to establish emotional contacts between students, teaches working in a team, expands the spectrum of educational opportunities.

educational and educational process

communicative environment

teaching methods

activation of educational and educational activities

interactive forms of classes


1. Active and interactive educational technologies (forms of classes) in higher School: tutorial / Sost T.G. Mukhin. - N. Novgorod: NNGASU. - 2013. - 97 p.

2. Bilician N. N. Interactive learning methods as a means of forming key competencies // Electronic Scientific and Technical Edition "Science and Education". - 2011. - № 4 [Electronic resource] (date of handling: 04/28/2014).

3. Kruglikov V.N. Active training in a technical college: theory, technology, practice. - St. Petersburg. : Vita, 1998. - 308 p.

4. Panina Ts., Vavilova L.N. Modern methods Activation of learning. - 4th ed., Ched. - M. - 2008. - 176 p.

5. Panfilova A.P. Innovative pedagogical technologies: Active learning: studies. Manual for studies Higher. studies. establishments. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy". - 2009. - 192 p.

6. Saloduhina, O.A. Classification of innovative processes in education // secondary vocational education. - 2011. - № 10. - C.12 -13.

Federal state educational standard Higher vocational education (GEF VPO) places among many requirements for the learning process - the use of active and interactive forms of classes in order to form and develop professional skills of students. It is noted that specific gravity Such classes are determined by the content of specific disciplines and is in general 20 - 25 percent of the audit classes in many areas of preparation.

Purpose this study is the definition of the most effective methods learning to promote the intensification of educational and educational actions of students of the university. To begin with, we should consider the concepts of "active" and "interactive" learning methods.

The educational process with the use of active and interactive methods, in contrast to traditional classes, where the student is a passive listener, is based on the inclusion of all students of the Group without exception, and each of them contributes to the solution of the task with the help of active knowledge , ideas, ways of activity. Unfortunately, today there is no clear distinction between active and interactive learning methods, the same types of methods are as active and interactive, therefore there is no clear classification of interactive learning methods.

According to the researcher V.N. Kruglikov, active learningit is such an organization and maintenance of the educational process, which is aimed at all the intensification of the educational and cognitive activity of students through widespread, both didactic and organizational and management facilities, and activation methods.

Researcher A.P. Panfilova offers its classification of interactive learning methods:

  1. Radical - the desire to rebuild the educational process based on use computer technology (Distance learning, virtual seminars, conferences, games, etc.).
  2. Combinatorial - connection of previously known elements (lecture - dialogue, lecture in together, etc.).
  3. Modifying (improving) - improvement, addition to the existing training methodology without a significant change (for example, a business game).

Researchers T.S. Panina, L.N. Vavilova classify interactive teaching methods for three groups:

  1. Discussion: dialog; Group discussion; Selling situations from practice.
  2. Games: Didactic and creative games, including business and role-playing, organizational and activity games.
  3. Training: Communicative trainings; Sensitive trainings (directed to the formation of the figurative and logical as consciousness).

The introduction of interactive forms of training is one of the most important areas for improving the training of students in a modern university, where teachers are not only its competence of the IRUDITION, but also to know the students with new forms of educational and cognitive activity. For this, individual, steaming and group work are organized, project activities are used, role-playing games are carried out, work with documents and various sources of information. The teacher creates a medium of educational communication, which will contribute to the business interaction of participants in mutual assessment and control.

Interactive ("Inter" - mutual, "ACT" - to act) means to interact, be in conversation mode, dialogue with someone. In other words, in contrast to active methods, interactive are focused on wider interaction of students not only with the teacher, but also with each other. The teacher, as before, is developing a plan and content of classes using interactive methods in order to represent a new material in the most interesting and effective form.

Interactive methods are based on the principles of interaction, the activity of students, support for group experience and mandatory feedback. The teacher at such a lesson fulfills the role of an assistant in the research work of students. The activity of the teacher is inferior to the place of activity of students, its task is to create conditions for their initiative. Participants actively enter into communications with each other, jointly solve the tasks set, overcome conflicts, find common points of contact, go on compromises. The organization is conducted by the teacher in advance, carefully selected tasks and questions for discussion in groups.

Interactive learning is a special form of organization of cognitive activity. It implies quite concrete and predicted goals. the main objective It is to create pedagogical learning conditions at the university, in which the student can become confident in its intellectual consistency, which makes the learning process itself. In other words, interactive learning is, first of all, the dialogue training, during which the interaction between the student and the teacher is carried out, as well as between the students themselves:

The tasks of interactive forms of learning are:

  • awakening among students interest in learning;
  • effective assimitation educational material;
  • independent search for students' tracks and options for solving the classroom task (choosing one of the proposed options or finding your own option and the rationale for the decision);
  • training in the teamwork: manifestation of tolerance to different points of view, respect for the rights of every voice freedom of speech;
  • the formation of students from a student, based on certain facts;
  • exit to the level of conscious competence of a student.

The most common among teachers are the following interactive forms:

  • round table (discussion, debate);
  • brainstorming (brainstorm, brain attack);
  • sASE-STUDY specific situations, situational analysis);
  • master classes;
  • work in small groups;
  • educational games (role, imitation, business, educational, etc.);
  • use of public resources (invitation of a specialist, excursion);
  • social projects and other extracurricular forms of training (competitions, films, performances, exhibitions, etc.);
  • interactive lecture using video and audio materials;
  • reduratory dialogue;
  • discussion of complex and discussion issues and problems (loan position, the scale of opinions, Popps-formula);
  • "Tree of decisions", "Analysis of the incident", "negotiations and mediation", "stairs and snakes";
  • trainings and others.

It should be paid to the fact that during the preparation of the exercise on the basis of interactive forms of training before the teacher, the question is worth not only in the choice of the most effective form of training to study a particular topic, but also in the possibility of combinations of learning, which undoubtedly contributes to the in-depth understanding of the topic. At the same time, it is necessary to rely on the following methodological principles:

  • interactive occupation is not a lecture, but joint work studying on a certain problem;
  • all participants in the educational process are equal independently of age, social status, experience, jobs;
  • each participant has the right to his own opinion on the issue under study.
  • the criticism of the person is unacceptable (only the idea or incorrect information can be criticized).

An interactive class algorithm:

1. Training Classes

The presenter produces the selection of themes, situations, determination of definitions. When developing interactive classes, we recommend to pay special attention on the following components:

  • age of participants, their interests, future profession;
  • temporary framework for classes;
  • the interest of the group in this lesson.

2. List of prerequisites:

  • clear definition of the goal of classes;
  • clarification of the problems to be solved;
  • training program classes;
  • preparation of dispensing material;
  • security technical equipment;
  • selection of major issues, determining their sequence;
  • selection of practical examples from life;
  • using graphs, illustrations, schemes, symbols;
  • confidence, positive relationships between students;
  • multifier forms and methods for providing information, forms of students' activities, etc.

Entry consists of the subject of the topic and goals of the classes . Participants get acquainted with the proposed situation, with a problem, on the decision of which they have to work, set the goal, determine the tasks. The teacher informs participants on the conditions, gives clear instructions on the rules of work in groups. If there is a need, then you need to submit to the participants (in the event that the intergroup occupation, interdisciplinary).

During the occupation, a unambiguous semantic understanding of terms, concepts, etc. should be achieved. To do this, with the help of questions and answers, the conceptual apparatus should be clarified, the working determination of the topic under study. Timely clarification of the conceptual apparatus will form among students the habit to operate only well understandable terms, avoid unfamiliar words or simply find out their meaning, systematically use reference literature.

3. Approximate rules of work in the group:

  • be active and friendly;
  • do not interrupt interlocutors, respect the opinion of other participants;
  • be open to interaction;
  • strive to reach the truth;
  • adhere to the rules;
  • show creativity, etc.

Features main Part Determined by the chosen form of interactive classes. The definition of the positions of participants should be done very correctly. Interactive positioning of participants is to understand the maintenance of the content, as well as in the formation of a new set of positions on the basis of the above facts and arguments.

4. Reflectionit is conducted on an emotional aspect, the feelings that participants experienced in the process of occupation. Obligatory stage is estimatedwhich determines the attitude of the participants to the meaningful aspect of the techniques used, the relevance of the chosen theme and others. Reflection ends common conclusionsMade students with the help of leaving the teacher's questions.

Approximate questions for reflection:

  • was the impression of a discussion?
  • was the situation that surprised you in the process of classes?
  • what were you guided in the decision-making process?
  • did you take into account the opinion of other members of the group?
  • how do you evaluate your actions and actions of the group?
  • what would you like to change in the organization of such activities?

Consider interactive learning methods, which prefer the teachers of the university, and note some of their features. The most popular among teachers are methods such as:

  • work in small groups, giving the opportunity to all learners to participate in the work of the Group, practice the skills of cooperation, interpersonal communication, resolve emerging differences;
  • r oale game , during which the participants are playing a group of scenes with pre-distributed roles, reflecting certain life situations;
  • m. ini lecture - One of the effective forms of presenting theoretical material set on accessible to the student language, with each term necessarily definitions with reference to authoritative authors and sources. At the end of the speech, there is a discussed relationship, as well as ways to use the information obtained in practice;
  • r project Arabity Allows the participants to mentally go beyond the audience and draw up a draft actions on the issue under discussion, the main thing is that everyone has the ability to protect its project, prove its advantage over others;
  • "brainstorm","Brain Attack" (Delphi method) is a method in which any response to a given question is accepted, and the assessment of the points expressed not immediately, but after all performances, the main thing is to find out awareness and / or participating relations to a certain question;
  • lecture-togetherallows the distribution material of the problem content in the dialogistic communication of two teachers, while professional discussions seek between different specialists, for example, a theorist and practitioner, a supporter and an opponent of a certain concept. This type of lectures makes students actively incorporate in the mental process, compare different points of view and their choice;
  • lecture with pre-scheduled errors Directed to the skill of students to detect errors to put them in the abstract and make a discussion. Such a lecture performs, as a rule, not only a stimulating function, but also the control;
  • lecture-visualization Promotes the transformation of oral and written information into a visual form when using schemes, drawings, drawings, etc. Such a lecture contributes to the successful solution of the problem situation, because The mental activity of students on widespread use is actively involved.

The study conducted by us showed that in the context of interactive learning, students have an increase in the accuracy of perception, mental performance, there is an intensive development of intellectual and emotional properties of the individual: stability of attention, observation, ability to analyze and summarize. Interactive learning contributes to the development of communicative skills and skipping, helps to establish emotional contacts between them, activates the work in the team, expands the spectrum of educational opportunities.


Zhukov G.N., Ph.D., Professor, Director of the Branch of FSBE VPO "Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University", Kemerovo.

Petunin O.V., Dp., Professor, Head of the Department of Natural Science and Mathematical Disciplines GOU DPO (PC) "Kuzbass Regional Institute for Advanced Training and Retraining Education Workers", Kemerovo.

Bibliographic reference

Talvanova G.F. Active and interactive learning methods as a factor in improving the educational and educational process in high school // Modern problems Science and education. - 2014. - № 3;
URL:\u003d13161 (date of handling: 04/05/2019). We bring to your attention the magazines publishing in the publishing house "Academy of Natural Science"

In modern pedagogy, they are increasingly talking about the need to apply new teaching technologies. Today, the school should not only give certain knowledge of Russian, mathematics and physics, biology and chemistry, geography, but also to teach children to adapt to various circumstances, changes, develop the creative potential of the child and its communicative skills. Help with solving the problems listed above will help an interactive lesson.

Three learning models

In pedagogy today, three main training models are distinguished:

  • Passive model which suggests that students receive information on the subject, chatting with the teacher or reading the textbook. Schoolchildren do not get creative tasks, do not work in groups or pairs, discussing theme lesson or a certain question. The simplest model of such a classes can be considered a lecture.
  • Active model It involves stimulating the child's independently cognitive activity. Pupils receive individual creative tasks, communicate on the subject of the lesson with the teacher. But during the educational process, communication between students does not occur.
  • Interactive model She strives for creating comfortable conditions Training in which children interact not only with the teacher, but also with other students. With such training, life situations are simulated, role-playing games are used, group work. The structure of such a lesson differs significantly from the structure of the usual.

Structure lesson

First of all, the teacher should be remembered that the interactive lesson has a slightly different structure than the usual. This is due to the fact that before the start of work, students should motivate the result, give them an incentive for further work.

It is proposed to build a lesson according to the following scheme:

  • The first stage is motivation. It takes up to 5% of the total time of classes. The teacher must intrigue the students, bring them to the topic of the lesson with the help of questions, quotes, parable, video phrases and so on.
  • Second phase - View topic, designation of expected results. It takes up to 5% of the time. The student must understand that they have to learn, disassemble in the lesson.
  • Third stage - Submission of basic information. It takes about 10% of the time. At this stage, the teacher reads a mini-lecture, distributes brief circuits or tables on the subject of lesson. As an option, it can be verification homework or a presentation by students of mini-projects specified in advance to the house.
  • Fourth stage It is considered the main and occupies 60% of the entire time of the interactive lesson. This is a practical part of the classes, during which there is a practical assimilation of the main material. A teacher selects one or two technologies to work in advance, prepares a small introductory briefing and limits the time to perform the task.

The last stage is reflection and estimation. It can take up to 20% of the time. It is important to compare the results obtained with expected, voiced at the beginning of the lesson. It should be found that the children learned the new, as they worked, what they liked in work.


A brief list of interactive lesson methods (technologies) is as follows:

  1. Brainstorm.
  2. Round table (discussion or debate)
  3. Cases (analysis of specific situations).
  4. Business games
  5. Role-playing games.
  6. Master classes.
  7. Work in groups.
  8. Work in pairs.
  9. Method Carousel
  10. Lecture with problem presentation.
  11. Heuristic conversation.
  12. Lesson-seminar.
  13. The conference.
  14. Project method.
  15. Method "Press".
  16. Microphone.

Also, a lesson with an interactive board is distinguished as one of the newest training methods. But such equipment still boasts only selected educational institutions.


The simplest method used both in the usual lesson and on interactive. The essence of it is simple. The teacher asks a question or asks to speak out on a specific topic and reports to the "microphone" to students. Each child takes him in hand and answers. As a microphone, anything - a ruler, pencil, pen, penalties.

Interactive lessons in elementary school can quite begin with this method or end them. With the help of the Microphone, the teacher can prepare children to more serious interactive methods, such as work in groups.

Work in small groups

Another simple method that can be used both in primary schools and in high school. The group may include from 2 to 4 people. The method is applied to assimilate and consolidate knowledge, testing learned. Each group gets a task - it can be as the same for all students, and differ. In the course of the work, children are trying to jointly solve the task, together looking for an answer to the assigned question, share their ideas. The tasks may be the following plan: to discuss the situation, take an interview, analyze the problem, test the neighbor on the desk.

Interactive game

One of the most interesting and productive technologies is a game. It allows you to create maximum conditions for the self-realization of students. This kind of interactive lessons at school is rare, as they require high level Training both from the teacher and on the part of students.

The purpose of the interactive game is to improve the behavior models and their conscious assimilation.

The game must have a certain content that meets the curriculum; The plot, developing in parallel, the main content of training; Characters - active participants in the process.

Depending on the rules of the game, students can go to the class and sit at their desks.

Basic requirements for the game:

The didactic goal is made in the form of a gaming task.

Interactive lessons of Russian language linguistic can be carried out in the form of a business game - court. Pupils can both hold a trial on the hero of the literary work, and condemn certain speech errors, literacy, rules. The same principle can be used in history lessons.

Project method

Interactive technologies in technology lesson can be based on project methods. Depending on the topic, students perform both individual and group projects, working on the design of the room, creating an original gift, simulating clothes for the subsequent sewing.

After executing a task, a group or student must submit a folder to protect the project in which the work, presentation, will be stacking.

The use of the method will teach children to think creatively, non-standard, create something your own.

interactive board

Using an interactive boards in the lessons - one of newest methodswho today own far from all teachers. If in big cities almost every school has at their disposal at least a few such boards, then in small towns and villages about such a miracle of technology in best case Just read in magazines and the Internet.

The main goal of the interactive boards is a demonstration during the lesson of text and graphic files, video, the development of an electronic protocol of classes.

Several types of boards are distinguished:

- Active - which connects to the power supply and computer. Working with documents is carried out using the stylus.

- Electromagneticworking with special markers.

Interactive board based on infrared scanning technology is a display equipped with infrared sensors. They can be controlled both with the help of the stylus and fingers.

With the help of a special, a teacher can add the mark on top of the image on the screen, use lesson templates, work with graphics.

Other methods

Other interactive learning techniques in the lessons worth knowing:

The advantages of an interactive lesson are as follows:

How to achieve maximum effect

The use of new methods and teaching technologies is the key to a successful educational process, a deeper assimilation of new knowledge, the full development of the child's personality. To achieve the goals, the teacher can spend a lesson with an interactive board, a business or interactive game, use the project method or a number of other, no less interesting and effective techniques.

and their advantages

Interactive learning methods

and their advantages

The learning process is inextricably linked with such a concept as a learning technique.

Methodik - This is not what books or cassettes you use, but how organized your training. In other words, the learning method is a form of interaction of participating-Sia and teachers in the learning process. Let's clarify our last definition visual examples. As part of the current training conditions, the learning process is considered as the process of interaction between the teacher and students (lesson), the purpose of which is the acquisition of the latter to one or another knowledge, skills, skills and values.

E. if we take a generalized, then from the first days of the existence of training, as such, and until today, there are still three forms of interaction between teachers and students, which can be approximately able to submit to the following schemes (arrows in diagrams indicate activities ).

From the above schemes it can be seen that all methodical approaches to learning can be divided into three groups:

1. Passive methods;
2. active methods;
3. Interactive methods.

Each of the above methodical approaches has its own characteristics. Below we will look at each of the methodical approaches, but we will especially focus on interactive.

Passive methodical approach As can be seen from the scheme 1 - this is a form of interaction of students and teachers, in which the teacher is the main acting figure of the lesson, and students act as passive listeners. Feedback in passive lessons is carried out through surveys, independent, test work, tests, etc. The passive method is considered to be the most ineffective in terms of learning educational material, but its advantages are a relatively unemployed training of a lesson and the ability to prevent relatively a large number of Training Mother Ala in a limited time frame. Given these advantages, many teachers prefer it to other methods. And actually, in some cases, this approach has been successfully operating in the Ru kak skillful and experienced teachers, especially if students already have clear goals aimed at a thorough study of the subject. The most common form of a passive lesson is a lecture. This type of lesson is widespread in 10-11 classes, as high school students can be viewed as well-formed people who have clear goals deeply studying the subject, although active methods would give even more efficient results.

Active methodical approach As can be seen from the scheme 2 - this is a form of interaction of students and teachers, in which the teacher and students interact with each other during the lesson and students are now not passive listeners, but active participants in the lesson. If in a passive lesson, the main figure was a teacher, then the teacher and students are here on equal rights. If Passive Lessons Essoned-Ali Authoritarian learning style, then active suggests a democratic style. Active and interactive methodical approaches have a lot in common. In general, the interactive method can be viewed as the most modern shape active methods. Simply, in contrast to the active methods, INTER-Active are focused on wider interaction of Nikov, not only with the teacher, but also with each other and on the dominance of students' activity in the learning process (see Schema 3). Below we will consider in more detail the interactive lessons.

Interactive methodical approach.

Interactive ("Inter" is mutual, "ACT" - to act) - means to interact or is in conversation mode, dialogue with someone.

In other words, interactive learning techniques - This is a special form of organizing cognitive and communizing activities, in which students turn out to be involved in the cognition process, have the opportunity to understand and reflect on what they know and think. The teacher's place in interactive lessons is often reduced to the aiming of students' activity to achieve the lesson's goals. He is developing a lesson plan (as a rule, this is a combination of inter-active exercises and tasks, during the work on which the student studies material).

In this way, the main components of the inter-active lessons are interactive exercises and tasks that are performed by students.

The fundamental difference between interactive exercises and tasks from ordinary in the fact that during their implementation not only and not so much the material has already been fixed as the new one is being studied. And then interactive exercises and tasks are calculated on the so-called interactive approaches. In modern pedagogy the richest accumulated arsenal interactive approaches , among which you can select the following:

1. Creative tasks;

2. Work in small groups;

3. Educational games (role-playing, imitation, business games and educational games);

4. Use of public resources (invitation of a specialist, excursion);

5. Social projects and other extracurricular learning methods (social projects, competitions, radio and newspapers, films, performances, exhibitions, ideas, songs and fairy tales);

6. Workouts;

7. Studying and consolidation of a new material (an inter-active lecture, work with visual benefits, video and audio materials, "student as a teacher", "everyone teaches everyone", mosaic (openwork saw), the use of issues, a reduratory dialogue);

8. Discussion of complex and discussion issues and problems ("zashimi position (transaction scale)", Popps-formula, projective techniques, "One - together - all together", "change the position", "Carousel", "Television-style discussion -Show ", debate, symposium);

9. Permission of problems ("tree decisions", "brainstorming", "Analysis of the incident", "negotiations and mediation") etc

Under creative tasks We will understand such learning assignments that require students not simply reproducing information, but creativity, since tasks contain a greater or less element of the unknown and have, as a rule, several approaches.

Creative task Makes content, the basis of any interactive method. Around it creates an atmosphere of openness, search. The creative task (especially practical and close to the life of the student) gives meaning learning, motivates students. The unknown of the answer and the opportunity to find their own "correct" solution based on its personal experience and experience of your colleague, a friend, allow you to create a foundation for cooperation, communication, communication of all participants in the educational process, including the teacher.

The choice of creative tasks in itself is a creative task for a teacher, as it is required to find such a task that would answer the following criteria:

    does not have an unambiguous and single response or decision;

    is practical and useful for students;
    associated with student life;

    causes interest among students;

    maximum serves the objectives of learning.

If students are not used to working creatively, then it should be gradually entering first simple exercisesand then increasingly complex tasks.

Work in small groups - This is one of the most popular strategies, as it gives all students (including shy) the opportunity to participate in work, practicing the skills of cooperation, interpersonal communication (in particular, the ability to actively listen to, develop a common opinion, resolve the differences) . All this is often impossible in the Great Team. Work in a small group is an integral part of many interactive methods, such as mosaic, debate, public hearings, almost all types of imitation, etc.

Group work should be used when you need to solve the problem that students cannot solve themselves. If the efforts have been spent and time do not guarantee the desired result, it is better to choose the "one - all together" method "for quick interaction.

Starting a group work should not hurry. If you have or students never had experience in small groups, you can first organize the pairs. Pay special attention to students who are hard to adapt to work in a small group. When students learn to work in a pair, go to work in a group that consists of three students.

As soon as you make sure that this group is able to function independently, gradually add new students. Try not to include more than five people in a small group.

Experienced methodologists recommend to form groups with a heterogeneous composition of students, including there are strong, medium and weak students, boys and girls, representatives of different cultures, social layers, etc. In heterogeneous groups stimulated creative thinking and intensive exchange of ideas. Students spend more time presenting their point of view, can discuss the problem in more detail and learn to consider the issue from different sides. In such groups, more constructive relationships are being built between the participants.

Methods for the distribution of students in groups

There are many ways to distribute students on study groups. It is possible to make a list of groups in advance and post it, indicating the place of collecting each group. In this case, you control the composition of the group.

The easiest way to arbitrary distribution is to ask students to pay "to the first-second ..." by the number of groups. After the calculation, the first numbers form the first group, the second - the second and so on. Instead of numbers, you can use colors, seasons, countries, etc.

Another way - in position (or desire) students.
The preservation of the stable composition of the group for sufficiently up-things contributes to the achievement of students in group work. At the same time, the change in the group's composition allows everyone to work with different people And learn them.

Distribute roles inside groups.When working in a small group, students can perform the following roles:

    facilitator (mediator-organizer of the Group);

    registrar (writes the results of the work);

    rapporteur (reports the results of the work of the group in the whole class);

    journalist (Specifies clarifying issues that help the group better fulfill the task, such as those questions that the other side can ask in the discussion or in the court hearing);

    active listener (trying to retell in his own words what one of the members of the group has just spoke, helping to formulate thought);

    observer (The observer analyzes the effectiveness of the Group's ra-bots and can arrange estimates or points to each group member);

    stronometer (monitors the time released for the task).

Other roles are possible. The distribution of roles allows each group member to actively engage in work. If the group retains a stable composition for a long time, students should be changed.

By organizing group work, pay attention to the following aspects: Make sure that students have the knowledge and skills necessary to perform a group task. Lack of knowledge very soon will make himself felt - the students will not make efforts to fulfill the task.
Try to make your instructions as clear as possible. It is unlikely that the group can perceive more than one or two, even very clear, instructions at a time. Record the instructions on the board and (or) cards.

Provide a group of enough time to perform the task. Come up with how to occupy groups that will cope with the task before the rest.

Group work should become a rule, rather than a radical, a single departure from the traditional practices for changing passive learning methods. At the same time, you should not use small groups in cases where the task requires individual work.

Think about how your promotion / evaluation method affects the use of group work. Provide group awards for group efforts.

Be careful to the issues of intragroup management. If one of the students must report before the class of the Group's work, ensure a fair choice of the speaker. Try to also pay attention to how the rights of each member of the group are respected.

Be prepared for increased working noise, characteristic for joint training methods.

In the process of formation of groups, beware of "hanging labels" on students and a group as a whole. As a rule, heterogeneous groups are desirable.

When preparing a task to work in small groups, consider the expected learning results of each group.

1. As a rule, it is worth reporting the task of the entire audience before separation into groups.

2. Discuss with students, is it clear to them the task.

3. Work out (or remind) the rules of work in groups.
Above you familiarized yourself with the characteristic of such widespread interactive approaches such as creative tasks and work in small groups. The names of the other approaches are spoken for themselves.

Below is approximately givenone of the most common structures of an interactive lesson , The named flask scheme:

1. Motivation and announcement of a new topic - 10% of the time from the total duration of the lesson;

2. Fastening (repetition) passed - 20% of the time from the total lesson duration;

3. The study of the new material is 50% of the time from the total duration of the lesson;

4. Evaluation - 10% of the time from the total duration of the lesson;

5. Summing up the lesson (debrofing, reflection) - 10% of the time from the total duration of the lesson.

The temporary distribution in this scheme can be considered conditional, the teacher may, at its discretion, and depending on the characteristics of the lesson, extend or shorten the lesson stages, but it is desirable that all the listed qualitative stages of the lesson are preserved.
Let us explain each qualitative stage The lesson is more deployed:

Motivation - The initial stage of the lesson, designed to concentrate the attention of students on the material studied, to interest them, show the need or benefit of the material study. Motivation largely depends on the effectiveness of learning learning materials.

Fixing - An important stage of the lesson, not only increases the effectiveness of the mastering of the material as a whole, the involvement of students, but also forms students a consistent logical structure of knowledge and methods used in this subject, and not fragmented placer information.

Studying the main material - The main target stage of the lesson, on which students directly receive new knowledge. At this stage, as mentioned above, the teacher should be chosen by tasks, when performing whom students receive the necessary knowledge, skills and skills. When a selection of tasks, the teacher is also preferably remembered by the Chinese saying: "I hear and forget, I see and remember, I do and understand."

Evaluation - An important stimulating component of the URO-ka. Evaluation should be flexible, visual, unbiased and fair. Only in this case it will act like a stimulator in otherwise - It can serve as the main reason for rejection from the subject and fall of interest, so it is necessary to be particularly careful here, applying the methods of collective assessment, self-building, team estimation, etc. The most common way to assess interactive lessons is a set of points and team estimation.

Debrofing - Summing up the lesson. The final stage The lesson, on which the teacher is usually asked what was liked in the lesson, which - no, collects wishes, comments, and in the end summarizes the past and encourages further independent and deeper study of the material.

The classification of training methods for the activity of students includes the following groups:

- passive;

- active;

- Interactive.

In the process of use passive methods learning learning acts as object learningHe must learn and reproduce the material that is transferred to him by the teacher  source of knowledge. Such techniques are called reproductive. This usually occurs when using a monologue lecture (unidirectional transmission of information from the teacher to the learning), reading, demonstration. In this case, do not cooperate with each other and do not perform any problem tasks.

When applied active methods Training learning becomes a subject of educational activities, enters into a dialogue with the teacher, performs creative, problem tasks. The study establishes individual contact with the teacher, but not with other members of the group. Such techniques today are the main place at seminars and in the process of performing independent work.

With a change in socio-economic conditions, human activity is transformed, which actualizes the problem of finding new approaches to improving the education system. A person must have appropriate abilities, knowledge and skills to master technological innovations. A modern specialist should be able to work in a team, to take both independent solutions and coordinated with the team. In this regard, for modern teaching methods, it is characteristic that students work individually and in the team.

Traditional learning methods provide training for learning to perform certain functions based on well-known algorithms (norms) of performance. But for the productive implementation of complex functions in constantly changing socio-economic conditions, a person needs to apply a creative approach to solving problems. Therefore, students should not only assign knowledge and skills, but also acquire the experience of creative activity and the necessary personality qualities, such as independence, collectivism, responsibility, mobility, creativity. It is important to form a learning critical attitude to information, the abilities take optimal solutions, education of senses of solidarity, community, involvement in common cause. To implement such purposes, it is necessary to choose the methods that are based on constructive, partnership relations, and the formation of knowledge and skills occurs in the process of interaction between the teacher and students as the subjects of the pedagogical process.

The above requirements are satisfied interactive methods Training, which are built on the organization of creative communication between the participants of the pedagogical process.

A feature of interactive learning methods is that communication is organized not only between the teacher and studying, which is typical for traditional methods Learning, but also between all students.

The main concept that determines the main feature of interactive learning methods is the concept of " interactive "(From English Interact - to interact; to be in collaboration, act, influence each other).

However, the interaction, being a fundamental element of any educational activity, is largely or less present when using almost any of the learning methods. Then what is the feature of interactive learning methods? To clearly define this concept, it is necessary to refer to the ideas of interactionism - theoretical and methodological direction in foreign sociology and social psychology.

American sociologist and social psychologist George Foreign Ministry, which is the founder of interactionism, considered the development of society and social individual (social "me") in an inseparable unity. He believed that the origin of "I" is entirely socially, and its main characteristic is the ability to become an object of self-observation, self-reflection and self-control. Representatives of later interactionism (M. Kun, T. Shibutani), exploring the nature of social processes, saw on their basis developing and changing social values, continuous determination and override the interaction situations by their participants.

Under interactivity is understood not just the process of mutual impact, but specially organized cognitive activity, wearing a pronounced social orientation.

Output. Only those learning methods that organize the process of social interaction can be attributed to interactive methods, on the basis of which the participants have some "new" knowledge, born directly during this process.

Interactive methods involve joint training (training in collaboration), that is, students and teachers are subjects of training. All participants in the educational process interact with each other, exchange information, jointly solve problems, model situations, assess the actions of others and their own behavior. Students are immersed in the real atmosphere of business cooperation to resolve problems.

Interactive techniques allow us to use not only human consciousness, but also his feelings, emotions, village qualities. This allows you to increase the percentage of material assimilation.

The main advantages of interactive learning methods include: a high level of assimilation of information through an emotional and value attitude to activities; the formation of skills to listen and hear; Training through mutually exchange experience; Activation of thinking; personal growth; Formation of the skills of work in the team, increasing the activity of each; setting new problems; Creating situations of unknownness for participants, etc.

The disadvantages include the following: there is a risk of a collision of personal ambitions; The high competence of the teacher (coach) is required; Large duration of time, etc.

For interactive learning methods are characterized by somefeatures associated with the activities of the teacher and students.

Self-determination of students based on internal motivation. In the activity, internal motivation determines the targeted nature of the actions of students and acts as an active incentive of development and achieve success.

Building a strategy of your own training activities.The strategy is an image of organizational actions and management approaches used to implement independent activities. In the learning process, the student acts as a full-fledged activity and at the same time he develops a strategy of its activities: forecasting, goaling, identifying short-term and long-term tasks and ways to achieve them.

Achieving success.It is important to organize a positive psychological climate, which ensures the joy of knowledge in the process of fulfilling creative independent and collective activities. The desire for students to achieve success is an important stimulus for self-improvement and self-development. It is known that the Pedagogical Situation - component Training process, characterizing its condition at a certain time and in a certain space. Situations are always specific, they are created or arising in the learning process and, as a rule, are allowed immediately. Success situation is such a targeted, organized combination of conditions under which the ability to achieve significant results in human activity is created. Success is the experience of the state of joy, satisfying the fact that the result to which the person seeks in its activities coincided with its expectations. Success can be short-term, frequent, long, short, sustainable, significant. Situations of success are designed in advance teacher or can be created in the learning process.

Creative communication.Creative communication between students is aimed at creating a collective product (intellectual, material). Creative communication is a complex process of establishing and developing contacts between the subjects of the pedagogical process, generated by the needs of joint activities and includes the exchange of information, the development of a unified strategy of interaction, perception and understanding of another person. As part of the dialogue, an individual opinion is expressed on a specific issue and developing a collective decision.

Creating problematicsituations.The solution of problem situations is characterized by the greatest emotional glow, disputes, discussions, a collision of various opinions. The solution to problem situations is possible if there is a support on the individual characteristics of students, their intuition, fantasy, freedom of argumentation. In the process of discussion and justify the choice of solving the problem, students come to "insight".

Organization collective and individual self-government. Distribution of management functions between all the subjects of the learning process. In the teaching process, the teacher delegates some managerial functions of the student, while collective and individual self-government is carried out. Effective commands are created, the algorithm of their work is determined, roles and functions are distributed, the choice of methods of interaction of actors.

Exercise self-control. The implementation of training self-control in the process of training activities is associated with the manifestation of activity and independence. The self-control is based on the feedback system, which makes it possible to evaluate and regulate activities. During self-control, students make mental and practical actions on self-esteem, adjusting and improving their work.

Positive estimation.The positiveness of estimation is the lack of negative estimates. Students detect and evaluate their own achievements when performing learning tasks.

Reflexive attitude to activities.According to V. I. Slobodchikov and E. I. Isaev, it was the reflection that is the "central phenomenon of human subjectivity." Carrying out activity reflexion, the study reveals its own reserves, opportunities, driving forces and contradictions. The student comprehends the idea and the consequences of the need to change actions.

It can be concluded that a feature of interactive learning methods is that the assimilation of the subject of new information, new experience, new identity qualities occurs in individual and collective activities based on self-organization and self-government.

- identifying, satisfying and developing personally, socially and professionally significant needs and interests of students;

- development of abilities of students, their critical thinking, creativity and mobility;

- positive impact on the emotional, volitional, intellectual sphere of personality;

- realization of cultural, activity, personal-oriented approaches in educational process;

- the formation of gnostic, design and design, organizational, communicative and reflexive skills of students;

- organization of creative communication, since communication generates the exteriorization process, in which the thought is objectified and becomes accessible to reflection and criticism;

- formation and development of a subject position;

- Education of a responsible attitude towards its own activity based on reflection.

Classification of interactive learning methods

The following groups of interactive learning methods are distinguished:

- notion;

- imitation (game and non-game imitation learning methods).

TO n. emitting Training methodsinclude the following : problem seminar, thematic discussion, brainstorming, round table, etc.

When using imitation learning methods, an unreal situation is created or a situation that helps the student adapt to the real professional environment.

TOnon-player imitation training methodsinclude the following: Solution of production and situational problems and exercises, method of cases, method of microsituations, incident method, game design, information labyrinth, group discussions, watching video recordings with analysis and discussion, modeling specific problems, etc.

TO game imitation training methods Take the following: "Playing" situations in roles, simulation games, role-playing, business, organizational and activity, innovative, search and approbation, problem-business games, creative interactive methods (syktics method, method of association, Delphi method), computer game simulation Methods, etc.

The need to apply interactive learning methods can be explained by the fact that at a lecture supply of the material, no more than 20% of the information is assimilated, with discussion training - 75%, and during the conduct, for example, the business game is absorbed about 90% of the information.

Models of interaction between participants

pedagogical process

Training is considered as a joint activity of the teacher and students, that is, training as a process becomes complicated compared with the teaching through the inclusion of the teacher's activities, which manages the activities of students. Management as a process of information impact of a subject to an object aimed at achieving the objectives of the subject. The management subject should know the state of the object so that the managerial impact can be corrected. In the ideal case, the objective of the subject and object may coincide.

Considering that miscellaneous methods Training are based on the application of various management models of the interaction of the teacher and students can be considered m.eTD learning as a system of methodological techniques and rules for the effective interaction of pedagogical process subjects based on determining their responsibility and efforts to achieve didactic goals and objectives.

For example, the management model in traditional learning methods is based on a subject-object interaction (Figure 1).

Picture 1 - Typical Pedagogical Control

as part of traditional learning methods

Such a management model can be called directive. Manages one person - teacher. It develops solutions, coordinates and controls the activity of students. But at the same time, the quality of learning will mainly depend on the information that the teacher possesses, from its ability to make optimal solutions in various pedagogical situations. On the one hand, such a model of control is simple and operational, but, on the other, it leads to a decrease in the level of motivation and activity of students.

The directive model of the pedagogical control is not quite effective and because the control object is a study, its training activities, and this is a complex object that can be in several stable states and move out of one state to another.

In the learning process, the study assigns new knowledge, skills, needs, norms, values, develops its abilities. The process of knowledge, which underlies the exercise, refers to processes with internal determination. Therefore, at the present stage, interactive learning methods are increasingly used, which allow you to consider personally, socially and professionally significant needs and interests of students, their own experience and creative potential.

Management models in interactive learning methods are based on the organization of individual and collective self-government, since the distribution of management functions is carried out between all participants in the pedagogical process. Such a management model we call cooperative.

Individual self-government assumes that students become full-fledged subjects of educational activities. In the process of self-government, they carry out the following activities: predicting the results of their activities; Goaling (conscious self-implantation: I recognize, I will understand, I will decide); planning; self-organizing and self-regulation of own activities; Analysis of the results of its activities and self-control; evaluating the results of their activities; Reflection. It must be borne in mind that the student will become the subject of educational activities only in the presence of internal personalities, socially and professional significant motives and only if it becomes the value of self-development and self-education on the basis of a reflective attitude towards its activities. There is no doubt that the moral condition of students and the degree of their satisfaction is significantly higher than within the framework of the directive management model.

In addition to individual self-government, it is also advisable to allocate the level of collective self-government, when the active exchange of information and the decision is made collegiates. There is an opportunity for all participation in the discussion of problems, free expression of an individual opinion, reflecting its position in the framework of the dialogue.

Dialogue - (Greek Dialogos - Conversation) - an informative and existential interaction between the communicating parties through which an understanding occurs.

This model is embodied in collective activity, where everything is functionally connected with each other with common cognitive interest. The team becomes a mechanism for developing a person. The success of common search is determined by intellectual, organizational, morals of each.

A managerial resource in interactive learning methods is the intellectual potential of students, their needs and interests.

A typical circuit of pedagogical management in interactive learning methods is shown in Figure 2.





resource learning

their professionally, socially and personally significant

needs and goals


common goal







Search and educational






- self-determination of students, their vision of the problem;

- collection of information;

- search for solutions, brainstorming;

- decision-making

Presentation of reports


and reflection




Collective intelligent (material) product,

new professionally, socially and personally significant

the needs of students and goals

Figure 2.- Model Control Control within Interactive

training methods

The problem of managing the pedagogical process is determined by the fact that the student team is a complex hierarchy of groups and personalities with their inherent interests and goals. The objectives of the students often contradict each other and are unstable. When resolving problems in the group, differentiation arises, due to individual characteristics of each member of the group. Some of them have "wide" knowledge and are able to find analogies from other problem areas. Others perform certain roles, for example, "critics", "ideas generators". The optimal solution to the problem that satisfies all members of the group is achieved through the conflict.

In this case, the objectives of the pedagogical management are the following: involvement of all students in internally motivated targeted educational and cognitive activities and an increase in communicative relations between trainees, which will lead to various opinions and ideas, fluctuations (deviation from the norm) and improving the efficiency of the teaching process.

The basis of this model is to manage the process of assimilating educational culture, during which domestic needs, ability, consciousness of each are developing. Objectives, content, methods of activity are determined by the teacher and studying together, taking into account their interests and abilities. The main goal of the teacher is to train student activities. The teacher organizes the interaction of those trained in the cognitive process, consciously creating such a social infrastructure that causes them the need to act on the norms of social relations.

Equal, democratic interaction in knowledge stimulates every desire to show the initiative and creativity. At the same time, the attitude towards another person is significantly changing as a person: alienation, indifference is inferior to the place of interest, mutual understanding, and involvement.