Cinema grapes of Kalashnikov. Growing of the Cinema Grapes

Peasant-farming "Climans", more famous in the Samara region as " Kinelel grapes"Performs growing and breeding grapes on an industrial scale. This is the northernmost industrial vineyard in the country. In the Kinelsky district, about 140 varieties are represented in 6 hectares. Of these, for growing on garden sites They are recognized by the best about 30-40 varieties.

Among the table varieties of this grapes are distinguished about 10 best. These are such varieties like Victor, Transformation, Libya, Novocherkasska, Moldovia millennium, Codryaka, Arcadia. From technical varieties is Kineelsky-1. The most large-face variety is a transformation. The largest berries at Victor varieties, the anniversary of Novocherkasska, the monarch.

Kinelel Grapes - Best Sort

Table. a brief description of The best varieties.

Name, photoShort description

Old grape variety. Dachnips have already been tested. Grapes large-scale. Well tolerates cool wet summer. Resistant to bad weather. This grape belongs to dining varieties. Matures very early. Plants in height can reach both the middle and above average size. They have dense clusters in the form of a conical cylinder, reaching 2 kg by weight. Juicy fleshy berries amber or white color Rise large (up to 15 g), possessing the form of the heart. Skin berry is quite dense and well tolerates transportation. Gives a high harvest. Grade is resistant to cold to -21 ° C.

This is a hybrid variety. Ripens early or very early (3.5 months). Grows intense. Gives large pink clusses weighing up to 1 kg with large long berries until 20 g. The taste is sweet and juicy.

Ripens early, for about 3.5 months. The bush is developing rapidly, forming a lot of steps. The shape of the ground is incorrect or in the form of a cone. Breakdi reach 1.5 kg. Pink berries are long, large (up to 18 g), juicy and pleasant taste. Skin is not very dense. Frost tolerates badly, so it is necessary to hide.

The time of ripening is early (about 100 days). Possess large clusters in the form of cylinders. The weight of the covers can reach 1 kg. Pink berries have the shape of an egg and achieve the weight of 13 g. Taste nutmeg, juicy and sweet.

Hybrid variety ripens early (4 months). The bush is growing rapidly, the flowers are perfectly pollinated. Breakdi in the form of a cone comes by weight to 1.7 kg. Large berries pink colourelongated. Grapes are very tasty, sweet, juicy. Gives good harvest. High resistance to fungus.

The variety is particularly resistant to diseases. Ripens early (about 100 days). Plants grow high. Some clusters can reach 1.5 kg, and the berries - 16. This is a dark variety with good taste properties. Gives a good harvest.

Fruit at the end of August. Is an hybrid variety. Large clusters with especially large berries, reaching up to 32 bodies yellow color With a reddish tide. Have a nutmeg aroma. The taste is pleasant.

New grade, led in Novocherkassk. The variety matches it sooner. The bush grows high. Gives major clusters with enlarged pink berries with a dense pulp. Pleasant taste.

Small clusters in the form of a conical cylinder. Reach almost 100 g by weight. Green berries are small, juicy, with durable skin. Taste nutmeg.

Selecting planting material

Grape saplings

On a note! The most important thing when growing grapes is to choose the right seedling.

The seedling should be with normal sheet plates and at least 50 cm high from the start of the root system to the top so that it can be deepened to a depth of 50 cm.

When to plant?

It is necessary to plant grapes from May to October. Kinelel grapes with a closed root system. That is, it can be reached from the container, cut off the bottom of the container, and then plant grapes to a depth of 50 cm in order for the root system does not extinct.

Step-by-step instruction for landing of the Kinelel grapes

It is recommended to plant in a container, as the plastic serves as a thermal screen that reduces the risk of freezing the root system. The moisture always present around the roots always, therefore put crushed clay. Under the roots, the underlining layer of fertile soil, and even lower - the ceramzite by 10 cm. The pit can be digging or drilling a bromide 200 mm. This is enough and the plant is accepted.

  1. First you need to choose a sapling length not more than 0.5 m.
  2. Then dig out the recess in the ground is 0.6 m in width and 0.7 m in depth.
  3. Fly to float crushed clay at 0.1 m, so that the moisture absorbed faster. From above pour 0.1 m soil mixture (sand, humid, soil, wood ash).
  4. From above to plant a seedling and half sprinkle the earth.
  5. During the summer on the plant, up to 4 sleeves (shoots) should appear.
  6. In the fall, it is necessary to shove the soil to the top of the vertex.
  7. Sleeves should grow horizontally over the ground, and not up.
  8. It is necessary to ensure that the shoots grow parallel to the ground, so that the grapes are comfortable to be comfortable for the winter.

Video - Landing grapes

The figure shows a diagram of a two-plane chopling: 1 - a roof of polycarbonate; 2 - boards to which the reinforced film is attached; 3 - wire for which during the season we will be tied up with a vine; 4 - young vines that grow out of the kidneys during the season; 5 - overwhelming kidney sleeves; 6 - racks Trelliers, supports for the formation and garter of the bush; 7 - Fastening of the Plant to Wedge on Sleere

Fighting Osmi.

It is produced in spring with the help of the drug "Adamant". In the spring, the wasps wake up from the winter hibernation. The uterus is preparing to make offspring, and the wasps fly and are looking for food. A bait made of pieces of meat, fish, mixed with the drug "Adamant", which is poison acting only on insects. He is a long action. The wasps feed the uterus, she dies.


For Kinelel grapes, Italian fertilizers of Vallagro are recommended. Use both root and extra-green subcordsSo that the roots get everything you need, the leaf had good photosynthesis, the vine aging was happening and it was possible to get a stalk. The sleeves should be rided brown, with bunches and kidneys. Such escape is ready for winter, it will turn out of great seedlings.

Important! Grapes need potassium, magnesium and phosphorus. In this case, the fruits will be very useful for the human body.

SAMI early subordinate - When the kidneys burst. At this time, nitrogen is given (content - 30%).

In June, phosphorus is added more, which gives energy blossom. Also at this time, it is necessary to give Bohr (it, by the way, should be given in May). Total contribute 3 times before flowering. This is done so that pollen is not dry. Otherwise, it does not pollinate the plants, the berries is not formed or formed, but very small.

In the second half of the summer it is not necessary to give nitrogen. It is necessary to include potash fertilizers in feeding. This contributes to the fact that the wood itself becomes more dense. Calcium helps also regular formation cells.

In the autumn period increase potassium. Processing is carried out after harvest. To raise winter hardiness, boron, magnesium, calcium, manganese are made in the fall.

Grape seedlings

After planting seedlings behind grapes, it is especially important to carefully care for. Regular procedures need to be produced to obtain strong shoots. Care includes painstaking ground processing, right watering, loosening and feeding, protection against diseases and pests, as well as the shelting of plants for the winter period.

Young plants in the first 12 months after landing are quite demanding of the care. If during this period everything is right, then in the future, the Kinelel grapes will delight good harres from year to year.

The main thing is that efforts should be directed - this is the formation of strong shoots. It is better to strive for the development of one viable and strong sleeve than to try to maintain the growth of several more fragile processes. They may not bring harvest. It is also very important to pruning bushes. It is performed by B. spring period. At the same time cut off the extra sprouts and free the root system.

Grape bushes do not require large number moisture when watering. It is necessary to stop the procedure at the moment when the moisture will no longer be absorbed into the soil. Drying soil near plants can be prevented if you cover it with a layer of sawdust or film. In the summer, it is desirable to add mineral fertilizers. At the same time, they should be selected, taking into account the composition of the Earth. Chuly feeding is chosen for application in alkaline ground. In this case, neutral fertilizers are suitable.

Important! Another important event is a competent building of grape shelter during the cold season. It will help him survive frosts, while retaining the future high harvest.

Kinelel grapes are sufficiently resistant to cold, but many varieties need winter shelterwhich is a difficult procedure. First, feeding grapes minerals. It is produced in the latter summer numbers or at the very beginning of the fall. The composition of the fertilizer is chosen, based on the composition of the soil. Then in the fall produced the soils of the soil around the plants. After 2-3 weeks, it is necessary to rush to water with water, filling the holes in width.

When the air temperature begins to fall below zero, shelter is produced. To do this, do the following:

  • break through small ones on the width of plants (its depth should be about 0.3 m);
  • sleeves to bandage rope and gently put in ditch;
  • from above, pour soil (10 cm), then the layer of humus (10 cm) and cover with another layer of soil (10 cm).

Video - Cinema Grapes

Kira Tsekolova

Popular kineel grapes is characterized large quantity varieties in their series. The main feature is that they all belong to early cultures and give a harvest by the middle of July.

  • Arcadia

    This early table of cartoon grapes is characterized by vegetation in 100 days. The height of the bush is 3-4 m, depending on the conditions of care. Obroet flowers. A variety of arcadia is able to withstand frosts up to -20 ° C.

    Fruits are large, rich green. The weight of a separate berry is 4-6 g. Cylindrical clusters grow to 1.5 kg. The taste is pleasant. Clearly heard sweetness. The composition has no acid, so it is not transmitted in taste.


    This Kinelel grapes is characterized by superranched maturation. Vegetation lasts only 90 days before full ripening fruit. The grade is steady both with drought and frosts, so suitable for landing in all areas of the country. The maximum height of the bushes is 5 m. The leaves are large.

    Cinema grapes Transfiguration is characterized by the average size of fruits. The weight of the berry does not exceed the figure in 4 g, and the cylindrical clusters reach the masses of 1 kg. Peel is dense, pink, with a bright pronounced wax. In taste prevails acid.


    Kinelel grapes of the jubilee variety differs nearby:

    • resistance to frost and droughts;
    • early ripening time - only 90 days;
    • toughness of the bush (up to 4 m);
    • berry size and bunch: Berry reaches a weight mark of 6 g, and a bunch - 900 g;
    • the color is soft pink, the skin is dense, not translucent.

    Principle of cultivation of culture

    The landing is carried out only after a high-quality seedling of Kinelel grapes was found. It is better to buy it in specialized nurseries or in proven private suppliers. The prerequisite is the presence of vaccinations and optimal height saplings - 50 cm. Allowed to buy more high plantsBut it is impossible to acquire seedlings below the specified height. The landing is carried out at a depth of 50 cm.

    Selection of place and soil

    An ideal place to disemboditate this culture are solar and outdoor sections. This variety is considered to be early, since refers to Sun-Sulad cultures. With a lack of illumination, the timing of fruiting increases.

    The soil must be nutritious, therefore it is preferable to land into sublibory or sandy lands with low acidity (up to 4%).

    The optimal time of landing of the Kinelel grapes is the beginning of May. For 2 months begin to prepare the landing well. It should be a depth of 100 cm and a diameter of 80 cm. If groundwater close to the surface of the earth, install on the bottom drainage system. It is easy to make from rubble or crushed silicate. With low nutritional of soil, 5 kg humidia are suited.

    Features landing

    In May, the seedling is placed inside the hole to a depth of 50 cm. All varieties of the vintage are characterized by a closed root system, so landing is allowed in containers, cutting off the bottom in advance. This will protect young plant from frost and provide proper development roots.

    Roots are covered top layer Earth that remained after digging the pit. Seedling watered 20 l warm water and tied to a metal support with a height of up to 2 m. The scheme of planting this culture is 4x5 m.


    Feeding - not the most an important stage in care. This type is able to give a good harvest, even with minimal fertilizers.

    On the next year After planting, in the middle of the spring, the intricient feeding of potassium nitrate solution (50 g per 10 liters of water) is carried out. In the summer, it is superfluous using a solution of superphosphate (40 g per 10 liters of water). In the fall under each bush, 3 kg of humus are made to prepare a plant for the upcoming winter.

    In regular trimming, this kind does not need. It is enough to periodically inspect the plant for the presence of dry and damaged areas. They are removed.

  • To get rid of muced dewwhich appears due to weed viruses, helps a solution wood ash (200 g of ashes insist in 5 liters of water during the day). Such processing is carried out with an interval of 10 days.
  • The frequent appearance of the OS, ticks, birds and flews is noted. Special mesh barriers or shiny elements on the bushes helps to get rid of birds. In the fight against the wasps - sweet mixes (jam, jam or honey), which are set near bushes. With ticks fight tincture of Cayenne pepper (insist 10 g of powder in 5 liters of water throughout the day). From flews are eliminated by a solution of oxychom (30 g per 10 liters of water). Spraying is carried out with an interval of 15 days.


    Grow a variety at home is easy. The main thing is to study all the subtleties of landing and care to grow delicious and useful fruits.

    Question. Stepan Viktorovich Drozdenko (Kinel) asks:when is it better to put a grape vine?

    Olga Mikhailovna Nechaeva asks: why do you talk a little about growing grape vines?

    Dear daches! Two years ago, we were printed in several our journals about this culture in which our experiences with you were shared by the famous Samara grapes of Kalashnikov. Obviously, you recently began to read our magazine, so we repeat the article from the September 2013 magazine.

    1. Where to buy good varieties Grape vines?

    I took seedlings from the famous grapes Samara - Kalashnikov. I had in the garden, I saw their vineyard, numbering more than a hundred varieties. From the best bushes ate berries. There were many hours of conversations with Valentina and Victor concerning the last, most promising varieties and hybrids of this interesting culture.

    Favoring, having heard and making sure that the highly qualified specialists were in front of me, I took the best in your business, I took the best that there is in the Kalashnikov collection. Although it was difficult to choose, they do not hold bad. Why land by mediocrity when so many interesting varieties and hybrids appear every year around the world (and they have French and American varieties in the garden).

    Sometimes they have to emerge very much good bushes In order to plant a rare copy of a supernovae.

    Kalashnikov believes that September - best time For planting grapes, contrary to popular belief that it is possible to plant it only in the spring, but it is necessary to plant it correctly so that it is not extinct.

    2. Equipment planting grape vines.

    Victor Kalashnikov digging the landing pits with a depth of at least 80cm. On the bottom there is a broken red brick - this is a drainage, on top of it lays a layer wood waste (Old Churbaki, Boards) - In order for the drainage to "swim". Such a flooring at the bottom of the pit is well cut off the deep cold - it likes all the seedlings of fruit and decorative cultures, Keep it in mind. I now do drainage under all landings.

    Another chip is an installation in the planting pit of irrigation pipe. I use plastic pipe diameter in 3-5 cm. Her lower end to cut the damn, so that the water freely passes and install the pipe so that its upper end is tumped over the soil surface by 5-10 cm

    Now it is necessary to mix with fertilizers from the pit out of the pit: two veins humidia, two liters of ash, two glasses of superphosphate and a bucket of claying crumbs.

    We embarrass the fertile mixture to the bottom of the pits with a height of about 25 cm, we put a seedling, fall asleep his land, weanly water, mulch.

    The main mistake of novice dacnishes - grapes plant as a regular seedling, and it is necessarybulk . The distance from the heel to the upper edge of the pit should be at least 40-45 cm. The heel on the seedling of grapes is called the start of the growth of roots.

    Since the landing is carried out by the method of transshipment, it is not necessary to worry about the survival rate of grapes.

    Trimming young sapling We will make in spring for 2 kidneys. We will take the shelter in the winter at the end of October, read about it in the next room.


    Vintage has male and female varieties.

    Among all the hybrid shapes of grapes, a special place in our country is occupied by the varieties of the breeder of Evgenia Georgievich Pavlovsky. The grapes of Rochefort, Super Extra, Monarch and a few more dozen hybrids belong to its undoubted success. From new forms it is worth highlighting the variety effect. Despite the fact that it is at the study stage and is still not so famous in circles of winegartes, the effect deserves special mention, as it is derived to popularize viticulture in the northern regions. Moreover, general characteristics This grapes allowed to obtain recognition in private vineyards of the southern regions.

    Bush effect with harvest in early August

    Characteristic variety

    The effect is the hybrid shape of grapes, which was obtained as a result of the selection activities of EG. Pavlovsky. Parental varieties - Talisman and XVII-10-26 (Superradia Red Muscat).

    Another name of this grapes is the Kineel Early.

    The purpose of the effect of the effect was to obtain a grape variety, which will be adapted to cultivation in the northern regions. With the task of experienced Pavlovsky, on whose account there are dozens of hybrid forms, coped.

    Grapes have the main qualities necessary for the "Northern" varieties:

    • early aging vine;
    • frost resistance;
    • resistant to fungal lesions and diseases.

    In addition, indices of yields and taste properties make kineel early in demand and in the southern regions.

    Description of the basic characteristic features of the variety effect

    Refers to early and very early grades in maturation. The boathing time varies depending on the region (the end of July is the beginning of August). The period of active vegetation is 100-115 days.

    • High yield, characterized by stability.
    • Obroat flower. High pollination.
    • Good "holds" high loads on the bush. The norm is 2 trunks on the shoot. With such a load, the level of sahara accumulation does not suffer.
    • The bushes are distinguished by medium or high greenery, depending on the conditions and region of cultivation. When forming a large number of inflorescences on the shoot, 2-3 pieces, the general germination of the vine slows down. For this reason, the indication of grapes to the low growing effect is not separated. Vine ripens well over the entire length.
    • "Issues" inflorescences in stepsing.
    • It is good and develops with a kinsevocological cultivation.
    • Resistance to mildew, oidium and gray rot - high, but requires clarification, since these indicators are currently at the study stage.
    • Frost resistance - high. There is no accurate data at the moment, the estimated indicator is minus 24 degrees.
    • It is not serious about the OS.

    The effect is desirable to stream in the early years

    Features of care

    The variety in question is unpretentious in care. In descriptions there are no special requirements for the choice of landing sites in terms of lighting and quality of soil, which implies compliance general requirements For these parameters.

    The average rose, the possibility of its regulation due to the control of loads on the bush, allows you to grow grapes in places with less free spaces. The distance between the plants in the row is from one and a half meters between the rows - from two meters.

    Preparation of a plot for winter - disease prevention

    The big advantage is resistance to diseases and exposure to the OS. Such features allow you to minimize processing and limit the standard preventive measures Spraying and processing. The effect does not require excessive attention to circumcision, sufficiently autumn and spring procedures. During the season, you can control the load on the bush, depending on the desires of the grapeter.

    Despite the fact that the variety is different high rates on stability to cold, requires special attention To hiding in the central and northern regions.

    Effect perfectly multiplied with cuttings

    Varietal signs and fruits

    Description Brozdy:

    • Beautiful clusses of medium and large size.
    • Middle Weight - 500-800 grams. It is possible to form a slope weighing up to two kilograms.
    • Breakdi can stay on the bush for a long time, do not lose their qualities to taste berries and appearance.

    Description of berries:

    • The weight of fruits from 6 to 9 grams. Size - 28x26 mm.
    • The form of fruits - rounded or rounded-oval.
    • In size, the fruits are small, which is often indicated as minus, from the point of view of the market.
    • Color - red-purple. When saving on a bush until mid-September, the fruits acquire a pronounced black color with a very high content of sugar.
    • The flesh is solid, juicy. The skin is dense, when eating food is not felt.

    Berries Grade Effect Large and Tight

    • The taste is sweet, with pronounced nutmess notes.
    • Perhaps a small penetration. In most of the descriptions, it is indicated that the effect is not susceptible to consideration, but many grapes indicate such a feature, although its insignificance is emphasized.
    • Berries are not susceptible to cracking and rotting, even in seasons with alternating rain and arid hot weather.
    • High rates for transportability and marketability. The effect is in great demand among consumers, and the popularity is noted in the markets in the southern regions, despite the small size of the berry.

    It is grown for food intake. The effect often becomes a choice of grapes as a variety for sale.