A vegetable garden on the windowsill: what herbs can be grown at home. A vegetable garden on the windowsill of the most important herbs

Fresh spices are quite expensive in winter period and quickly deteriorate. Plan to grow herbs for the winter.

Preparing for planting herbs
1. Find a sunny spot, preferably near a south or west window. Often, there is not enough light from the north window in winter for the grasses to grow normally.
2. Prepare a pot or several pots suitable for the selected location. Any new one bought in a flower shop and an old one will do. Choose the size according to the planned volume of the selected herbs.
3. Purchase high quality soil. Lay 2-3 cm of gravel or expanded clay on the bottom of the pots, fill the top with soil.
4. Buy herbal seeds from trusted stores or a well-known brand. It is desirable that their region of origin is near yours. Please check the expiration date when purchasing.
5. Water the herbs with plenty of water. Watering once a week will provide the grasses with the moisture they need and will not lead to root rot.

What kind spices can be grown at home?
Most of the herbs growing in open ground, can be dropped off at home. Choose herbs to your liking. The most commonly grown herbs are basil, chives, peppermint, rosemary, oregano, and cumin. All of these 6 herbs have already been tested for germination in indoor conditions. Oregano needs bright light the most of these herbs. You can also grow: parsley, dill, tarragon, sage, lemon balm, cilantro, etc.

What can you do with these herbs?
Cooking various meat and fish dishes with herbs is the best known method of using them. They are also added to various sauces, salads and soups. Many people drink mint and lemon balm teas and mojitos. Herbs can be easily frozen in the freezer in hermetically sealed bags.
Here are a few more ways you can use windowsill-grown spices:
1. Bags or jars with aromatic mixtures, sachets.

Dry the cut aromatic herbs and mix to your liking. This flavorful mixture can be stored in jars or specially sewn cotton pouches. The dried herbs can also be used in wreaths or bouquets throughout the home, creating a pleasant scent.
2. Spicy vinegar or oil.

Vinegar cooked with spices is added to salads to give an extraordinary taste. In addition, such vinegar in a beautiful bottle can be a great gift.

Here are a few steps to make homemade spiced vinegar or oil.
In a blender, combine 3/4 cup fresh herbs to taste with 1 cup oil or vinegar. Strain everything through a sieve. Put the whole fresh sludge of dry herbs in a clean bucket or jug. And cover with oil or vinegar. You can experiment with different herbs, various vinegars and oils.
Growing herbs indoors can be a great and exciting hobby for hobbyists. indoor plants and cooking.


If you want to enjoy fresh greens, then you don't have to wait for the summer cottage season, you can grow it in your home.

Growing rules:

1. First you need to buy seeds. When buying seeds in the store, pay attention to the expiration date. From several varieties we choose the one in which there is the word "Early" or "Early ripe". For example, if ordinary dill is covered with greens after about 40 days, "early" will delight us with foliage in 25 days.
2. We plant everything according to the instructions on the package.
3. The kitchen is well suited for a home “garden”, it is always warm and humid there.
4. Greens always need a large number bright sunlight, therefore, in winter, it is better to break the "beds" on the southern windows, in the summer - on the east and west.
5. We plant each grass in our own pot, at the bottom - a layer of gravel or expanded clay, on top - purchased soil. Do not under any circumstances use the usual garden land! It dries quickly and may contain pathogens.
6. Greens really do not like too moist soil - it is enough to water the pots with herbs once a week.

What grass seeds grow best on a windowsill?

On the windowsill it is best, and even easier, to grow dill, kupyr, salad mustard, walleye, lettuce, spinach and onions. And watercress can be planted by any homosapian, even a novice swordsman. Onion lovers should give preference to chives, whose thick, thin greens are not only useful, but also very decorative.

You need to look after the basil (the earliest - "Basil green"), garden savory, chervil, marjoram, mint, lavender, kitchen shrubs - Mediterranean rosemary and thyme. Leaf parsley and celery require constant ventilation and replanting.

You can also grow tarragon, lovage, saffron, hyssop and sorrel in the apartment. These will require large pots.

And now we bring to your attention the herbs that can be grown at home:


This is the fastest growing spice with a delicate, pleasant smell and a bunch of vitamins. Watercress is so unpretentious that it is even grown in a layer of damp cotton wool. True, watercress, like other fast-growing herbs, needs a lot fresh air(open the window more often).


The aroma of this unpretentious, fast-growing plant with blue flowers reminds fresh cucumber, which is why it is also called cucumber herb. Seedlings appear after 10-12 days, and after 4 weeks you can safely tear vitamin greens and add them to salads and various vegetable cold snacks.


In autumn and winter, dill can be grown in rooms (additional lighting with fluorescent lamps will be required), and in the warm season it feels great on balconies, loggias and terraces. Seeds are planted in a box and, with the emergence of seedlings, the plants are thinned out, leaving an interval of 2-3 cm. Abundant watering and feeding is required every 2 weeks. After 40-50 days, young dill can be used as food.

For indoor conditions, varieties are suitable - Gribovsky, Kaskelensky, Armenian-269, Uzbek-243 and others.

This pampered southerner is a big fan of the sun and morning watering. With good lighting and constant soil moisture, the indoor basil will contain no less essential oils than the one that grows in the garden. The shoots of the plant are most fragrant at the beginning of flowering. The smell of basil scares away mosquitoes, so in the room with it, night attacks of insects are not terrible.

V middle lane rosemary, alas, does not grow. The sweeter it will be to see it in a pot on the window! To house this half-shrub at home, you will need a cutting (although the story with seeds may also be successful). Place it in water, and as soon as roots appear, plant it in the ground. Rosemary loves the sun, but not too much water, over-watering will only harm the roots. After flowering, young shoots are pruned without touching the old shoots. The aroma of rosemary has a calming effect on the nervous system and stimulates the appetite.


Many people plant greens and herbs, and even opponents of the beds still findin the country place for basil, dill and cilantro. However, in order to season the salad with your own spices, you don't have to wait until summer - at any time of the year, greens grow beautifully on the window.

Fragrant herbs were appreciated at all times. They were eaten, used asmedicine ... And what is interesting, they were always credited with some magical properties... So, the Egyptians believed Dill a symbol of sorrow. V Ancient Greece winners of sporting events wore wreaths fromcelery ... And the wine, infused on its leaves, was drunk by the warriors before the battle - it was believed that it kindles a fighting fervor. The Romans believed that the smellrosemary relieves of bad dreams and retains youth.Dill in ancient times they used to decorate with bouquets of roses - "for the scent". Fromlemon balm preparing a love drink. Twigshyssop moistened with water, the Jewish clergy used it in the ritual of ritual purification. In the Middle Ages, ladies embroidered twigs on the shirts of their knights thyme - so that they remember their beloved. Acaraway in old England was the main component of love potions. Many different diseases were treated as a walker in Russia, and those who drank his broth were strictly forbidden to use foul language.

Of course, all this is a long time ago. But spicy herbs are still bred today - however, mainly for the sake of taste and aroma. And not only in the garden. Quite easy to growgreens in a city apartment. But to fill your room with the scent of fresh herbs, it is not enough just to throw the seeds into the ground. These seemingly unpretentious plants also require some attention. soil and suffers fromlack of light .

Dill seeds, leaflettuce , kupyr, white mustard, walker are sown on the surface of moist soil and sprinkled on 1 mm with light humus earth.

DistillationLuke can be carried out in water or a layer of soil 7-10 cm thick. Bulbs of the same size are chosen for forcing - then the feathers will grow evenly. They are soaked for 12 hours in hot water, and after planting they are spilled with warm water so that the roots germinate faster. When the leaves grow 25-30 cm, they can be cut off. You need to start with the extreme ones - the greens grow from the center of the bulb.

- light-loving evergreen bush. He is quite unpretentious, but does not like sharp changes temperature. Water it in moderation.

Watercress you can grow in potting mix, or you can use paper towels or napkins - they work for watercress.Seeds must be sown quite tightly. The sprouts will appear in just a couple of days, and in about two weeks, when the salad grows to 5-6 cm, the first crop can be harvested. if you sow the seeds fourteen days apart, you will always have fresh watercress.

If you love fresh herbs in your dishes, grow them at home. Of course, it is not worth arranging a greenhouse from an apartment, but a few pots with your favorite herbs will fill your kitchen with fresh aromas and will delight you every day. Along with their aromatic properties, many of them are also very beautiful.

There are a great many spices that you can grow yourself. If you do not like to wait long, buy already grown seedlings in the store. Still, it is much more pleasant to plant seeds in the ground and then watch them transform into magnificent fragrant plants that will bring a special comfort to your home.

Where to begin

Choose a place where your herbs will grow. Ideally, this is a bright window sill in the kitchen (so that when cooking the plants are always at hand), but any illuminated place with good air circulation is also suitable, but in no case in a draft. If you decide to grow them on a windowsill, then you should make sure that the plants are not too cold. My herb pots grow on the corner shelf above the kitchen sink.

Most culinary herbs need at least five to six hours of bright light a day, while mint, parsley, and chives are enough for four. If you are not sure that the plants will receive enough light in winter time, place them under a fluorescent lamp in the evening for at least a couple of hours. From May to October, the plants grow beautifully on the balcony.

Choosing soil and pots

If you want, grow them in separate pots, or if you want, make a fragrant mix in a wide bowl or a small balcony box.

Any pot with a diameter of more than 15 cm and with drainage holes will do.

From possible options choose the largest one so that the plant can grow well and you get a nice tall and dense bush.

Use a special soil for indoor plants - ordinary soil from the garden is not very suitable for home conditions: it is not cultivated and insect larvae may be in it.

We grow and rejoice

This is a very enjoyable and hassle-free activity: in fact, all you need to do is rejoice and water. The amount of water depends on the volume of the pot and the material from which it is made, as well as the season and humidity in the apartment. In winter, plants grow more slowly and consume less water, but dry air makes them dry out faster. Make sure that the earthy ball does not dry out too much, but it should not be too wet either. The best way find out if it is necessary to water the plant - check the ground with your finger. If you do not feel coolness and moisture, it is better to water the plant.

From about the end of February, when the sun becomes more active, every four weeks it is worth feeding your plants - there are both granular and liquid growth biostimulants. The main thing is to use not mineral, but organic fertilizers.

Another helper in growing your own garden on the windowsill is a hydrogel. It can be added to the substrate: it will absorb excess water when watering, and then give it to the roots. You can do it more simply: place the swollen hydrogel in any suitable container and plant seeds on its surface. For planting in this way, watercress, mustard leaves, valerianella salad are suitable. It is noted that the use of a hydrogel brings the time of harvesting closer by about a week, and makes it possible to water the plants less often. Important: only a colorless hydrogel should be used for these purposes.

Choosing herbs

  • Basil

    A heat-loving plant that can brighten the kitchen with its beautiful green and purple leaves. By planting several different colored species in one pot, you can create an interesting color arrangement. Pinching stimulates the formation of side shoots and the formation of lush bushes.

  • Parsley

    A spicy herb containing a unique set of amino acids that can be grown both from seeds and by distillation from the rhizome. The second method will give faster results. Growth conditions - warm room, plenty of light, balanced watering.

  • Rosemary

    Evergreen shrub very unpretentious and fills the house with a stunning aroma, reminiscent of a complex mixture of camphor, eucalyptus, pine and lemon. Rosemary is included in the classic French spice mixtures "Provence herbs" and "garni bouquet", on the basis of which aromatic vinegar is prepared. It is better to buy a young plant immediately at a flower shop. Self-cultivation from seed takes quite a long time.

  • Chives

    It is grown for the sake of delicate, thin, fragrant, dark green leaves. If the leaf is not cut off, it quickly coarsens, loses its nutritional quality, as well as in the period of the beginning of the appearance of arrows, flowering and seed formation, it is unsuitable for food. Therefore, it cannot be overgrown.

  • Cilantro

    It is called Chinese parsley and is well planted with seeds. Growth does not resume after harvest, so it is best to grow in multiple pots at once.

  • Marjoram

    Ideal spice for growing on a windowsill. Used in home cooking not only leaves, but also flower buds of marjoram, both fresh and dried or fried, as a seasoning for soups and meat dishes, salads and drinks, giving them a special taste and aroma.


    An unpretentious plant that needs moderate watering and moderate lighting. Many sage varieties have very beautiful flowers with a fruity aroma.

  • Thyme (thyme)

    The universal noble spice is equally good in soup and tea. Before the first shoots appear, it is better to shade the pot a little; in the future, this undersized and compact bush will not take you much space or much time to leave.

It is especially useful to grow herbs in winter, when there are not so many vitamins, and fresh herbs in stores are quite expensive. But even in summer, a small garden with herbs on the windowsill will be able to diversify the interior of the kitchen and make dishes fragrant and tasty. Growing herbs on a windowsill is not difficult and interesting. If you choose the right plants, you get not only an evergreen garden, but also a spectacular floral mix. Today you can buy ready-made containers for growing greens. Typically, these boxes are equipped with separate "pockets" where you can grow greens with a small root system.

Many gardeners transfer mature plants directly from the garden to their home. This is a great way to get a green herbal garden without unnecessary hassle... At home, many perennials feel good, including:

  • motherboard,
  • sage,
  • thyme,
  • Melissa,
  • Caber.

Before transplanting, the plants are well watered, dug out, and the roots are shortened if necessary. After planting in the box, the shoots should be cut off. This will facilitate adaptation and improve the growth of new greenery.

Usually the plants used for growing on greenery are unpretentious. They are easy to master in a new place and quickly grow. Growing herbs on the windowsill allows you to get fresh herbs at any time of the year. True, in winter, spicy herbs need additional lighting, otherwise the leaves will be pale and weak.

Soil selection

The home garden should be loose, breathable and as nutritious as possible. However, you should not overuse fertilizers, because the resulting greens will go for food. So besides organic, there shouldn't be any other applications. Garden soil is usually heavy and acidic, so it is advisable to use a ready-made substrate. A versatile soil is fine. It contains required amount nutrients, it is light, loose and moisture permeable.

To grow herbs on a windowsill, you need a high enough container where you can make good drainage. When it comes to growing 1-2 plants, a regular flower pot will do.

For some plants, soil is not needed at all. Watercress and mustard leaves do well in water. It is enough to create the necessary moisture by placing moistened cotton wool or special moisture-retaining granules on the bottom of the container. It is important not to allow the roots to dry out, otherwise the plant will quickly die. Similarly, you can grow onions on a feather. Usually, glass containers or plastic jars are taken for this purpose. When drawing up a home garden, you can disguise containers with water with moss or sprinkle decorative stones... Then it will be possible to make a spectacular and beautiful garden, which will give the interior a special charm.

What to plant

At home, it is quite possible to grow different varieties salads, sorrel, parsley, dill, marjoram, green onions and cilantro. Compact varieties of cherry tomatoes, hot peppers, early ripening and undersized varieties of cucumbers will be able to diversify a garden bed with spicy herbs. By the way, chives also thrive on the home garden and go well with greens.

Among unpretentious plants, there are:

More demanding plants include lettuce, lemon balm, sage, and rosemary. Much is determined by the varietal characteristics of the plants. Before buying seeds, you should check with the seller how well the plants will be at home. For example, some sage varieties are large and rosemary can be difficult to grow on a windowsill. Lettuce usually requires additional lighting: it does not go well with greens under room lighting. It is worth noting that most herbs go well with each other and are suitable for joint cultivation. Almost all herbs love bright light, high humidity and temperatures around 25 ° C.

Secrets of Successful Growing

All herbs, except onions and watercress, need long daylight hours. Therefore, they illuminate from the garden bed. V summer time it is advisable to place a box with a plant on the balcony; in winter, even if there is a southern window, the plants will have to arrange additional lighting. Often, fluorescent lamps are installed in the kitchen, which provide good lighting in working area... Such a lamp will be enough to improve the growth of green pets. With a lack of light, the plants stretch out quickly and have fine, pale greens. V good lighting need basil, almost all types of salad, mint, rosemary, etc.

To be guaranteed to become the owner of a luxurious green bed at home, you should buy only early-ripening varieties when choosing seeds. It is also necessary to check the seed release date, since many herbs quickly lose their germination.

It is quite difficult to grow parsley at home. However, this herb is very popular, which is why many herbal lovers try to grow herb at home. A spacious box, nutritious soil and good drainage are suitable for these purposes. Parsley grows best in the open air: on a balcony or veranda.

Those who want to grow both decorative and useful beds at the same time should pay attention to perennials: marjoram, mint, sage. These plants can delight their eyes for a long time. appearance, while the clothespin of the leaves will have a positive effect on the aesthetics of the decorative bed. However, if green pets stay in one place for a long time without transplanting, they will quickly grow and deplete the land, so that every year the home garden will have to be updated.

Spicy herbs respond well to spraying and do not like high dry air. Dill, mint and basil will not yield a good harvest if there is a lack of moisture. To increase air humidity you can make a mini-pond, diversify the composition and create an optimal microclimate.

Many plant lovers on the windowsill approach the arrangement of a home garden with imagination. For planting compact plants, which include almost all spicy herbs, old cups, sugar bowls, oil cans are suitable, which will give the interior of the kitchen an original look. It is convenient to grow greens in plastic bottles... If you turn the bottle horizontally and make round holes at the top of the bottle, and pour water inside, you can get the perfect container for forcing onions. And if you put the bottle vertically and cover it with earth, you can get a compact vertical bed for growing low-growing herbs, for example, dill and parsley.

You cannot make a bed without a drainage layer. It is almost impossible to shed the soil qualitatively and not harm the root system of plants. To improve water exchange, you can use a hydrogel that is added to the soil during planting. It retains moisture and, on the one hand, protects plants from overflow, and on the other hand, it gives off excess water when the roots do not have enough moisture.

In the garden, spicy herbs always take pride of place, they are almost on every plot of land. Gardeners, even in the smallest areas, find a place for their favorite seasonings! Well, how else, self-grown greens are an environmentally friendly, inexhaustible source of vitamins. In summer, herbs are good fresh, but in winter they can be dried, frozen or pickled. We have prepared for you an interesting list of herbs that can be grown in the garden (with photos and descriptions) as perennial crops.

Perennial spicy herbs in the garden (list with photos and descriptions)

Half a century ago, the range of aromatic and other culinary herbs in our gardens was not so great, more often it was limited to parsley, dill, basil, sorrel and horseradish. Well, now you can easily find seeds of spices and other garden herbs for every taste, the main thing is to know what to look for. Let's go over some popular herbs that don't need to be sown every year. For convenience, a list with photos of spicy herbs is presented in the table (photos are clickable).

Name Description Cultivation and use
Oregano (oregano, motherboard, incense, or zenovka)

Herbaceous or semi-shrub spice with oblong-ovate, pointed leaves;

A plant with a strong aroma and a slightly bitter spicy aftertaste

Oregano is photophilous, requires regular watering, grows well in any soil;

The spice is used dried and fresh in many dishes. The grass repels pests in the garden and helps to get rid of moths in the house.

Hyssop (blue St. John's wort)

Spicy herb or shrub with sessile oblong leaves and blue flowers;

The aroma is very strong, the taste is spicy with a slight bitterness

Winter-hardy and drought-resistant plant, prefers open, humid places with well-drained, non-acidic soil. Watering hyssop is necessary only during long dry periods;

In cooking and folk medicine use fresh or dry. Young plant taken whole, and from an adult, the leaves are cut off from the upper part of the shoot


Branched plant up to 2 m in height, feathery leaves with incised lobes, shiny;

The aroma is spicy, pungent, the taste is sweetish at first, then pungent, very pleasant with a little bitterness

A frost-resistant plant, it develops well in the shade and in the sun, any soil is suitable. A young lovage can be watered in a drought, but an adult does not need watering;

The roots of the plant are popular in folk medicine. In cooking, lovage is used entirely

Marjoram (Za'atar)

Erect, branched plant no higher than 50 cm. Leaves are gray tomentose, oblong-ovate. Flowers are small;

The aroma is sweetish-spicy, slightly camphor, the taste is bitter-sharp

Quite a heat-loving plant, which is planted in a sunny place, protected from wind and draft. Marjoram needs regular, frequent watering and weeding;

Marjoram is very popular in cooking and folk medicine, it is used dry and fresh. Dried plant tastes more distinct.

Melissa (lemon or bee mint, mead, queen bee, swarm or bee)

Herbaceous plant with a branched tetrahedral stem, opposite ovoid, serrate leaves;

When rubbed, lemon balm leaves exude a lemon scent

A sunny or slightly shaded place is suitable for growing, the soil should be non-acidic, loose and well-drained. You can water lemon balm only in drought;

Melissa is widely used in cooking, both fresh and dry. Also, the herb is popular in folk medicine.


The genus contains about 25 species and about 10 natural hybrids;

Almost all species have a very strong fresh aroma due to the high content of menthol

Mint loves loose, fertile soils, grows well in the shade and in the sun. 2 waterings per month is enough, the plant does not tolerate stagnant water. Mint is often grown at home;

The plant is used fresh and dry in cooking (most often as a seasoning for tea, making a Mojito cocktail), pharmacology and medicine


Herbaceous plant with a very large, branched root. Basal leaves are petiolate, large, stems are smaller. Paniculate inflorescence;

The plant is appreciated for its original sour taste.

Frost-resistant and unpretentious plant, loves the sun, but takes root well in partial shade. The soil must be permeable and fertile. Flower stems are best removed;

In cooking, petioles of leaves peeled from a thin film are used, jam is made from them, candied fruits are dried, and wine is made from the juice of the petioles


The tapered, linear rosemary leaves grow opposite each other. Flower - ovate-bell-shaped calyx of light blue-lilac color;

Strong sweetish-camphor aroma, reminiscent of the smell of pine, the taste is spicy, slightly bitter - an irreplaceable seasoning for cocktails

Rosemary loves warm, sunny areas with loose, calcareous soil. Watering is carried out regularly, in moderation, the plant does not tolerate waterlogging. Once every 7 or 8 years, the bush is cut off completely for rejuvenation. Formative pruning is done in the spring. Shelter is required for the winter;

Dried young shoots, leaves and flowers are used in cooking; the plant is also used in the perfumery and cosmetic industry and folk medicine.


Herbaceous shrub or semi-shrub plant. Leaves are pinnate or trifoliate, densely covered with translucent glands with a fragrant essential oil... Flowers are yellow;

The spice tastes like a mixture of onions and garlic.

Photophilous, drought-resistant plant that gets along well in any soil. Ruta tolerates a haircut well and does not like moisture stagnation. It is better to work with the plant with gloves, it can cause irritation and burns on the skin;

In cooking, dried young (collected before flowering) leaves are used

Thyme (thyme, thyme, Bogorodskaya herb or matter)

A semi-shrub no higher than 40 cm with a recumbent or ascending branchy stem. Hard leaves from round to linear-oblong shape;

Young shoots have a distinct lemon aroma and a bitter, pungent aftertaste.

For thyme, choose a sunny location with light, loose and non-acidic soil. Monitor humidity, water sparingly and avoid stagnation. If you trim the shoots of thyme to the lignified parts, the bushes will be more compact;

Used dry and fresh in cooking and folk medicine, thyme is also often planted to decorate the garden (rockeries, alpine hills)

Korean mint (agastachis or wrinkled multifilament, northern ginseng or lofant)

Herbaceous shrub up to 1 m tall, oval leaves with serrated edges, small purple flowers;

The aroma is reminiscent of mint, oregano and anise

Unpretentious and easy to grow plant, but requires shelter for the winter;

In cooking, the plant is used (dry and fresh) for the preparation of salads and teas. Korean mint is popular in folk medicine and cosmetology

Ramson (bear or victory onion, flask or wild garlic)

Elongated bulb up to 1 cm thick, petiolate leaves, elongated, up to 5 cm wide. The stem is tetrahedral, the flowers are greenish-white;

Tastes like a mixture of onions and garlic

The plant loves the sun and moderate humidity, does not tolerate acidic soils. grows well in partial shade;

Used in folk medicine and cooking (young leaves, stem and onion are used) to prepare various dishes

Sage (salvia)

Leaves are simple or feathery, flowers are lilac;

Seasoning with a very strong, pleasant, tart aroma

Sage loves the sun, non-acidic, light and fertile soil. Pruning is carried out 2 years after planting, the bush is cut 10 cm from the soil. Watering - regular, moderate;

In cooking, the herb is used (fresh and dried) as a seasoning for various dishes, alcoholic beverages and for making tea

Tarragon (etragon or tarragon wormwood)

Herbaceous plant no higher than 150 cm, few stems, glabrous. Leaves are oblong or linear-lanceolate, pointed, flowers are pale yellow, small;

A herb with a light spicy aroma and a pungent, pungent, spicy taste

Tarhun does not like excessively humid and wetlands, the plant can be planted anywhere, the main thing is that the sun's rays fall on the bush;

In cooking (various dishes, salting and alcoholic drinks) the entire aerial part of the tarragon is used, dry or fresh

Asparagus (asparagus)
A plant with long and dense stems, needle-shaped leaves are located at the tips of the shoots

Asparagus is very fond of the sun, the soil is fertile and sandy loam. Water the plant often, but not abundantly. It is advisable to feed asparagus at all stages of growth. For the winter, the bush is cut and spud;

Asparagus has many useful properties, young stems of the plant are used in cooking. Dried ground berries replace coffee. The root is used in traditional medicine


Sorrel is a common garden plant with arrow-shaped, sour-tasting leaves and a long stem bearing a paniculate inflorescence;

By the way, there is another species of this perennial - this is Uteusha spinach, which has nothing to do with spinach. Nice because it drives out very early greens in spring

Sorrel is unpretentious, grows well in the sun in loamy, neutral, slightly acidic and fertile soils. It is advisable to update the beds every 4 years. The plant loves moisture. Peduncles should be cut off;

In cooking, sorrel is used to prepare salads and hot dishes. Young leaves of the plant are used

Popular and common garden plant with large leaves and a powerful, tangy root

For horseradish, it's better to highlight the distant small area, the plant grows very quickly and clogs its neighbors. It is better to plant horseradish in the sun or in a small shade, light soils are well suited;

Horseradish has wide application in cooking and traditional medicine, leaves and root are used, fresh and dry

Perennial fennel (voloshsky or pharmaceutical dill)

The root is fleshy, the stem is straight, strongly branched. The leaves outwardly resemble dill with a bluish tinge;

Taste a little like anise, but sweeter. This herb has a really pleasant, refreshing flavor.

The plant does not like acidic soils, grows well on sandy loam or loam, likes open or slightly shaded places. Watering is moderate, regular. Quite allelopathic plant - suppresses neighbors. Careful shelter is required for the winter;

Used in cooking (dry and fresh), cosmetology and traditional medicine

Chives (chives or skoroda)

A plant with filamentous roots, bright green leaves and purple flowers;

Spicy, tangy taste

The plant loves moisture and loose soils, and is responsive to fertilizers. It is better to plant chives in the sun or in a light shade, you can grow at home. Watering is frequent, but not plentiful;

Fresh, young leaves are used in cooking, and chives are also grown as an ornamental plant.

Batun onion (Tatar, fist, Chinese or sand onion)

The bulbs are oblong, underdeveloped, the stem is thick, full. The leaves are large, fisty;

Many varieties taste sharper than greens. onions

Frost-resistant plant, grows well in moist soil, in light shade or in the sun;

For eating, take the whole plant or only the leaves

Multi-tiered bow (horned, Egyptian or viviparous bow)

The name of the onion reflects the peculiarity of the arrows of the plant, air bulbs are formed on them, which do not have a state of dormancy, they immediately throw out greens;

Delicate pungent taste

It grows well on both heavy and light soils, the main thing is to follow the rules of agricultural technology, in the first case, the bulbs are planted at a distance of 15 cm from each other, and in the second, they indent 25 cm. Care is simple - thinning, loosening and regular watering;

Leaves are used in cooking

Allspice onions (branched or Siberian onions, dzhusai, Chinese garlic)

The bulb is small, the arrows are ribbed, flat, the flowers are white. Leaves are flat, thin, up to 40 cm in length;

Taste - a mixture of garlic and onions, a very popular herb in Central Asia

Plant in dry places, loves fertile, loose soil, grows well in the sun and light shade. Dzhusay watering is carried out only when necessary, during dry periods;

Fresh and dry leaves are used in cooking

Slime onion (drooping or ferruginous onion)

The leaves are flat, thick, smooth, and remain tender for a long time. Flowers are light lilac, inflorescences drooping or twisted;

Onion-garlic flavor with a slight bitterness

A very unpretentious plant, you need to remove weeds on time and water in a drought;

In folk medicine, the whole plant is used, and in cooking - leaves and bulbs

Spicy herbs are tasty and healthy, and if you give free rein to your imagination, you can come up with interesting options planting such plants not only in the garden, but also in the garden (informal and rustic styles). Even more possibilities are provided by the fact that most of the listed herbs can be grown in containers.

Of course, the above list with photos of perennial spicy herbs in the garden is by no means complete, and not all plants may be suitable for the climate. However, based on these data, you can pick up such spicy-aromatic herbs that will grow in your region, and you yourself will be able to prepare spices for your needs.

Of course, the ideal diet should include fresh herbs, but in the winter season, its choice is not very large: if parsley, cilantro and dill can still be purchased, then, for example, basil, thyme, mint, oregano, rosemary, sage and other spicy herbs are often sold in dried form, and even then not everywhere. But why depend on weather conditions and the range of stores when you can grow everything at home?

Firstly, fresh herbs will always be at hand, and secondly, it does not hit the pocket so hard. Thirdly, it is useful, because fresh herbs contain a maximum of substances necessary for the body. And fourthly, fragrant herbs on the windowsill will become a piece of summer against the background of frosty patterns on the glass.

the site will tell you which herbs are better to choose for growing at home and how to properly care for them in order to get good harvest.

Spicy herbs: choosing plants for the "home garden"

Before purchasing seeds, determine which herbs you need depending on their application:

Anise: the leaves are added to soups, sauces and salads, the seeds are good for baking.

Basil: leaves are put in soups, sauces for pasta, when cooking meat dishes added to vinegar to flavor it.

Caraway: the leaves are added to salads, tea, sauces and soups, the seeds are used to flavor cookies, breads, salads and cheeses.

Chervil: leaves are added to salads, soups, sauces, as well as tea.

Coriander (cilantro): added to stews and sauces, soups , used in preparation meat dishes, seeds are added to sauces and meat dishes.

Dill: add to the first, second courses, salads, pastries. It goes well with meat, fish, pickles and marinades. They even make tea with dill!

Parsley: put in soups, side dishes, first and second courses, salads, seasonings, sauces, etc.

Sage: the leaves are added to omelets, pancakes and stews, and flavor alcoholic beverages.

Green onions added to egg dishes, soups, salads , oils, cheeses, sauces for fish and meat.

Fennel: the whole plant is edible, the seeds are added to sausages and bakery products, the leaves go well with fish, vegetables, cheese.

Marjoram: gives flavor to meat, it is added to salads, omelets, jellies and tea mixes.

Oregano: added to meat, poultry and pork dishes, sauces, goes especially well with tomatoes.

Rosemary: added to tea, baked goods, meat and vegetable dishes .

Sorrel and spinach: they prepare first courses, omelets, and use them as a filling for baking.

Tarragon: added to sauces, salads, soups, omelets, meat, vegetable and fish dishes.

Thyme: added to tea, it is a good seasoning for poultry, fish, stews, soups, tomato sauces, cheese, eggs and rice.

How else can herbs be used

Many herbs are used not only in cooking. Where else can you apply their healing and aromatic properties?

    Fresh and dried aromatic herbs can be added to the water while taking a bath - for example, lavender, mint, chamomile, sage, verbena.

    You can make a sachet with dry, aromatic herbs such as lavender or verbena. These sachets are usually placed in a closet to give clothes a pleasant scent and to repel moths.

    If you want and have time, you can make a face mask with herbs or rinse your hair with a decoction of chamomile, sage or nettle.

    It is possible and necessary to use medicinal herbs in the treatment of various diseases.

    Herbs can also be used as a natural coloring agent, such as chamomile or sorrel.

Choosing dishes, soil and planting seeds

Herbs grow more slowly indoors than outdoors, but when proper care they will give good harvest and at home.

Garden on the windowsill: growing spices / shutterstock.com

The easiest way is to take a few plants straight from the garden before the first frost or buy seedlings in the store - this is especially true for oregano, rosemary, thyme and tarragon, as they do not always germinate well.

Anise, cumin, chervil, coriander, cumin, dill, fennel, and parsley are easy to grow from seed at any time of the year. For this you will need suitable dishes, good soil and our recommendations:


You can choose ceramic or plastic pots, but containers or boxes are better. Cookware should be wide and shallow with drainage holes to avoid stagnant water. It is imperative to fill the bottom with drainage - expanded clay, shards, coarse sand.

The soil

For planting plants it is better to buy ready-made substrate in the store. It is desirable that the mixture includes sand or perlite. Before planting seeds, it is recommended to bake the soil in the oven for additional disinfection.


If the seeds are small, they can be sown immediately into moist soil; soak the larger seeds for several hours in water. It is advisable to first check them for germination: those that surfaced are most likely empty.

The seeds are planted in moist soil, shallow, covering with only a small layer of earth, then moisten the soil and cover with a bag or glass to maintain heat and moisture. The first shoots will appear in 7-10 days.

Spicy herbs: place and care

After the first shoots appear, the bag or glass is removed. Once plants rise a little, you need to remove all weak shoots along with the root, leaving only strong specimens.

Delicate shoots must be protected from drafts, provide them with enough light, moisture and maintain a comfortable temperature. Do not forget to cut the inflorescences if they appear over time.