Original ideas for business in a small town.

* Calculations use average data for Russia

What business can you open in a small town with minimal investment? In this collection you will find 25 ideas for your business in small towns, as well as detailed guides on launch.

Key making point

To open a key-making point, you do not need any impressive investments: 150 thousand rubles will be enough, most of which (about 90 thousand rubles) will be required for the purchase of machines. The main service in the workshop will be the production of duplicate keys to entrance doors, garages, cars, entrances and intercoms. Additionally, you can earn money sharpening knives, scissors and drills, selling locks, key rings, emergency opening of locks, etc. You can pay off a key-making point in six months of work. To accommodate a workshop, 4 sq. meters.

Home kindergarten

If you are looking for a home business and have experience in parenting, then consider the idea of ​​opening a private home kindergarten. It is a socially responsible business that reduces queues for kindergartens and is subsidized in many regions of the country. The most in demand are private kindergartens in new multi-storey districts, where local authorities often do not have time to meet the population's need for state kindergartens. In such places, parents are looking for an opportunity to leave the child under the supervision of at least someone. The profit of the kindergarten at home will be 50-100 thousand rubles. per month.

Carpet cleaning

The carpet cleaning business is one of the activities that require minimal capital investment. Its essence is simple - you organize the cleaning of customers' carpets on-site or provide services for the removal / delivery of carpets to your own workshop, where you carry out the cleaning. The second option is more suitable for a serious business, as the number of orders and productivity can be significantly increased. When working at home, you can get by with a minimum amount of equipment, household chemicals and small cleaning devices (you can even keep within 100 thousand rubles). With 4-5 orders per day, the net profit can reach 90-120 thousand rubles.

Production of decorative candles

Candle-making is a fun and relaxing activity that you can do for your soul or retirement. To get started, you need a minimum of funds and skills, and all training materials can be found on YouTube and needlework sites. Simple calculations make it clear that a hobby in this business is much more than a business. If we assume that the price of one candle is about 270 rubles (the average price for decorative candles), then selling 200 candles a month can earn 54 thousand rubles. Then, taking into account the costs, the profit will be about 40 thousand rubles. Another thing is whether you will find so many buyers and sales channels for your candles.

Making handmade soap

A business that can be opened with a minimum of funds is the production of natural handmade decorative soap. The main investments will go to raw materials: soap base, fragrances and essential oils, dyes. Soap making is a creative process from start to finish, right up to packaging and sale of products. Business is possible both as a side job and in large-scale formats.

Selling seedlings

Selling seedlings can be a good seasonal business. The greatest demand is for seedlings of cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, peppers and other vegetables. You can even grow seedlings at home: on windowsills or on a balcony, in a greenhouse or greenhouse. If you grow seedlings at several levels, then even at 18 square meters, you can fit about 7.5 thousand cups of seedlings. If each glass is sold for 10 rubles, the revenue will be 75 thousand rubles, the profit taking into account costs will be about 50 thousand rubles.

Smoking fish

Fish is one of the most beloved products in domestic and foreign cuisine, but few offer it ready-made to customers. Opening a smokehouse does not require large investments. The purchase of smoking equipment, freezers and a container for raw materials will require about 250 thousand rubles. The main conditions for success are a competent recipe and the availability of fresh fish suppliers nearby.

Sale of beer bouquets

A popular idea of ​​earning money today is the sale of all kinds of edible bouquets, including the so-called beer bouquets and baskets for men. Usually this is a beautifully designed set of beer and beer snacks: sausages, fish, crayfish, squid, chips, and so on. The whole thing is decorated with chili peppers, garlic, cherry tomatoes. There are a million opportunities here - you just have to look at the ready-made ideas.

Ready-made ideas for your business

Car rental for weddings and events

If you have a presentable premium white car or a retro-styled car, this is a great opportunity to earn money by renting your car for weddings and other celebrations. You can earn 1-2 thousand rubles on rent. per hour, and get additional profit from the rental of jewelry for the car. All that is required is to find a good advertising platform or ad site so that the client can find you.


Selling donuts is a great option for a mini cafeteria or department in a mall food court. The mark-up on these products without much damage to demand can reach 1000%. Donut baking technology is quite simple, and there are many both manual units and automated systems that can improve productivity. Plus, donuts are a product that will leave you creative.

Gingerbread houses

The gingerbread house business has several undeniable advantages... Firstly, the recipes for their preparation can be easily found on the Internet and mastered for free. Secondly, you can do them at home. And thirdly, the gingerbread cookies are stored for a rather long time, which allows you to make supplies for future use before the holidays. You can offer your products through social networks.

Shawarma sale

One of the best destinations in terms of low investment / high return is considered to be street food. For example, 270 thousand rubles and two employees are enough to open your own shawarma business. When choosing good place a small retail outlet will be able to bring in 100 thousand rubles. net profit.

Mobile planetarium

Today it has become possible to open a planetarium for anyone who has at least 250 thousand rubles. Mobile planetariums are spherical domes, inside of which spherical films with a 3D effect are shown using a projector and a special coating as a screen. As a rule, the work of planetariums is aimed at children. school age... Such a business can be recouped in 2-3 months, and its profitability can reach 150%

Sale of worms and vermicompost

Breeding worms is a money-out-of-nothing idea, if, of course, we are talking only about one-off sales of worms to fishermen. Such earnings can be completely easy: after all, you do not need to monitor the worms, but they can feed on manure and food waste. It is especially good if your personal plot is located on the way to the reservoir: put up a sign “worms” in a conspicuous place - and you're done. You can also sell vermicompost that worms produce. It can even be produced on an industrial scale. But keep in mind - according to the reviews of people with experience, it is not worth relying on one vermicompost. It is better to sell vermicompost only in conjunction with other activities, for example, if you have a farm for raising rabbits, whose droppings can become food for worms.

Fire show

Let's start with the most interesting - all in 5 minutes of the fire show you can earn 10-15 thousand rubles. Fire show is an opportunity to receive orders for holding holidays, weddings, celebrations and get good money for it. Large investments are not required: to buy basic equipment (poi, staffs, fans and other devices for "spinning" the fire), 5-10 thousand rubles will be enough. Stage costumes will also need to be purchased or made-to-order. The main thing in this business is mastering the skill of fire, as well as working on promotion in social networks. Another obstacle is competition. In large cities, it is becoming more and more difficult to surprise people, which forces organizers to look for new directions, combine fire shows with light shows, tesla shows, and so on. But in small towns, you can still become the first.

Ready-made ideas for your business

Mobile 3D cinema

For some reason, when they talk about business in the entertainment sector, they mean only large cities with a population of one million or cities with a population of 500 thousand people. However, a huge audience remains completely uncovered, living in small towns and villages where there is simply no entertainment, but the need for them is enormous. An interesting idea in this area, it can be the organization of a mobile 3D-cinema, working in cooperation with local school institutions, rural houses of culture and other organizations, which are free and happy to provide their space for such events to the organizers.

Meat trade

Meat is an everyday commodity. Even if a large retail chain appears in the neighborhood - “death with a scythe” for any grocery store, a butcher shop can not only stay afloat, but also thrive due to the ability to vary the assortment and offer customers fresh and unique products that cannot be found in a supermarket. A butcher shop can be opened with investments from 600 thousand rubles, the profit of small outlets is 75-100 thousand rubles.

Beer shop

Beer is the number one drink in Russia, which will never leave an entrepreneur without profit. To open your own beer shop with equipment for filling 10 types of beer will require about 500-600 thousand rubles. of which the cost of equipment will amount to about 240 thousand rubles. You can save money by renting equipment from local beer producers. The store turnover of 300-350 thousand rubles will allow reaching a net profit of 50-70 thousand rubles.

Women's clothing store

Selling women's clothing is a business that will always be relevant. Even in conditions of fierce competition, the new store has the opportunity to find its audience thanks to its unique assortment. Women's clothing is the largest segment in the clothing industry, accounting for about 60% of the market. To open a small women's clothing store, 400 thousand rubles may be enough.

Mini bakery

Bakery is one of the most popular small business destinations. You sell a product of daily demand, investments in opening are small, and in the event of a change in consumer tastes, you can instantly adjust to new trends and demands. You can open your own mini-bakery if you have 885 thousand rubles, which can really be recouped within 7 months of work.

Tool sharpening

To make money on sharpening tools, no special investment is required. At the same time, the service is in great demand both among ordinary housewives and among hairdressers, manicurists, and cafe staff. Investments in the arrangement of a small premises and the purchase of equipment will amount to about 130 thousand rubles.

Geological exploration and well drilling

Exploration and drilling is a business with wide choice formats and scale of activity. With a minimum investment (about 450 thousand rubles), you can engage in private orders - shallow drilling in the construction of wells and the launch of installations for the extraction of groundwater. You can also work for legal entities in large-scale construction.

Ready-made ideas for your business

Installation of split systems

Air conditioners today are almost an obligatory unit of any houses and apartments. Although this business is frankly seasonal, it is extremely in demand: after all, split systems can be needed by everyone. Installation time may vary from 2 to 6 hours depending on the premises. With the cost of services from 1 to 3 thousand rubles, you can earn from 2 to 12 thousand rubles a day on installation.


A barbecue is a one-dish establishment, which makes running such a business somewhat easier than, say, running a restaurant or cafe. By focusing on one dish, you can “learn” all the secrets of barbecue cooking so much that you can gather a base of eternal clients with whom you can not be afraid for the fate of your business. To open a barbecue in the format of a cafe with 12 seats, preparing various types of barbecue and snacks, as well as working to go, it will take about 1.1 million rubles, which can be recouped by the middle of the second year of operation.

Pancake kiosk

Pancakes are a product that is easy to prepare, but extremely promising in its capabilities. You can fill a pancake with anything, and this leaves a wide scope for culinary creativity. His business selling pancakes is attractive due to low investments in equipment and the possibility of setting a margin of up to 300%. To open a pancake cafe on an area of ​​100 sq. meters will require about 1.25 million rubles. For a small town, the format of a pancake kiosk is ideal, for the opening of which it will take about 500 thousand rubles.

6923 people are studying this business today.

392188 times were interested in this business in 30 days.

Business on wheels allows you to refresh standard ideas, stand out from competitors, increase your client base and earn money by gaining access to those locations that are not available to ordinary businesses.

To start a business, you do not always need personnel, premises and capital with big amount zeros. In this collection you will find low-investment businesses and guides for starting them.

Text is the main carrier of information, and there are countless ways to make money on it. We have collected the most trendy and interesting for you in a selection.

How to use a small space of several squares with the greatest benefit: the most popular business ideas in shopping centers in the format of islands.

In small towns, life is more measured, the way of life is traditional, and the population is not too well off. But this does not mean that you cannot open your own business here.

These people are no different from the inhabitants of megalopolises. They also want to eat deliciously, dress nicely and be able to relax in comfort. This means organizing your profitable business in a small town is quite real.

Everyday goods and household services are in demand in small settlements. Investments here can be minimal, the low rental cost allows you to develop several areas of activity at once.

Your main task is to correctly determine which business will bring profit and which will not take root at all.

I must say that business in a small town is no different. The same economic mechanisms work here as in the megalopolis. The success of any enterprise is determined by several factors, such as:

  • profitability;
  • competitiveness;
  • quality of goods and services;
  • personnel qualifications;
  • convenient location.


The first thing to start with is market monitoring. Find out what goods and services the townspeople are more interested in, what is lacking. In this case, you need to focus not on personal feelings, but on the needs of the future target audience.

If your city is dominated by middle-aged and elderly people, a pharmacy will be more profitable than your own nightclub.

“Ask the price” of your competitors: who they are, what range of services they offer, what distinguishes their pricing policy.

If you can give your customers more, better, and cheaper, feel free to get to work. Not sure if you can handle it? Then it's better to do something else. Find a free niche and you will dictate your terms.

Quality of goods and services

The quality and price of a product depends on manufacturers and suppliers.

One of the first things you should ask about before starting your own business in a small town is the opportunity to purchase products at affordable prices near your home.


The professionalism of employees is of great importance. No matter how chic the interior is, a cafe without a good chef, or a store without a polite, competent seller is unlikely to take place.

Finding a place to place a store, club or hairdresser is a daunting task. Unlikely potential clients will donate their own time to learn about you.

Therefore, you will have to take care of yourself to be closer to the target audience. As you know, renting in the city center is more expensive, so with a reasonable approach, you can save on this. It is not at all necessary to open your own store, you can rent a small area in mall.


If you decide to go about your business not for fun, then your goal is a profitable business. It is quite difficult to determine what the size of the profit will be.

Even when calculating on the example of a similar enterprise or production, it will not be possible to give exact numbers. Therefore, it would be more correct to take into account the lowest indicator.

Own business in a small town has its positive and negative sides. When opening your business here, you need to be prepared for the fact that you will have to fight for each client.

But if you are able to offer the most favorable conditions, most of the population will know about it without any advertising.

You will not be able to show off the originality of ideas either. It is unlikely that in such a settlement, an elite salon or an exotic restaurant will become profitable.

What business is better to open in a small town?

You need to do what you are good at. This is a common truth. Do you know how to do something better than others? Then the question of what kind of business to do is already resolved for you.

The teacher will be able to work with children, a good chef will open the best restaurant in the city, and a hairdresser will open a beauty salon. Basic knowledge of taxation, marketing, pricing, will serve a novice businessman a good service.

There are plenty of spheres in which you can start your own business in a small town. Here are just a few of them:

  • Trade;
  • Service;
  • Construction and repair;
  • Public catering;
  • Own production.

You can start from scratch in any of these areas with little start-up capital, enthusiasm, and a willingness to work.

Sale of goods

Shop products- the idea is banal, but quite working, especially in a small town.

People do not stop buying milk, sausage, bread and other food even in the midst of the crisis.

You can supplement your assortment with household chemicals, inexpensive cosmetics and other necessary little things, and the point of sale will bring a small but stable profit.

Stores stock and second-hand are equally popular in cities and towns. The main thing is to correctly define your target audience, so that unsold goods do not linger in warehouses.

The areas of new buildings, as a rule, are inhabited by young people, which means that children's things and original models of clothing will be in demand.

If the population consists mainly of retirees - buy more "classics", footwear, home textiles.

Children's goods store or simply the department of toys, shoes or clothing always attracts customers. Various sets for needlework and creativity are in good demand.

Ordinary or educational toys are also sold smartly. “All the best for children” is the slogan of marketers that successfully works anywhere in the world.

Provision of services to the population

This area of ​​business is considered the most profitable. Therefore, if you can offer the best value for money, you are guaranteed a stable income.

Repair of household appliances- a profitable business for a master of "golden hands". When a familiar thing fails, few people rush to the store to replace it.

Almost everyone, even a wealthy person, first clarifies whether the breakdown can be fixed.

You can extend the life of anything: furniture, household appliances, shoes, umbrellas, bags, an old cast-iron bath. You can carry out repairs at the client's home, in a room specially rented for this purpose, or in your garage.

Salon with good professionals and low prices will be popular in any area of ​​the city. Despite the abundance of proposals, it is still difficult to find a haircut or manicure master with an artistic flair.

Therefore, if you have such specialists in mind, feel free to open a salon, you will definitely not need clients.

Studio for cutting and sewing clothes, curtains, car covers. The latter are sewn both to order and for free sale.

In small towns, where the choice of fashionable outfits is not so great, a good tailor will not be left without a piece of bread and caviar. By the way, a cutting and sewing circle based on the atelier is also a good idea.

Orders for sewing curtains can be taken not only from individuals, but also from organizations. The main thing is not to hesitate to offer your services to schools, kindergartens, and various companies.

Private Kindergarten far from a new business idea. You can meet this in a small town.

But groups for older children, where the child will be fed a hot lunch after school, will calmly start preparing homework, which is still a rarity.

Free "prolongations" have been canceled almost everywhere, so the parents of primary school students will probably use the service without risking leaving their child unattended.

Passenger transportation service is in demand in any locality, regardless of the number of inhabitants.

However, the competition among taxi drivers is the greatest, since many have cars, and everyone has known the way of working as a "cab driver" since the 90s of the last century.

A passenger Gazelle is a completely different matter. Such a car is used in serving weddings or when transporting employees of enterprises, as well as as a route taxi.

Photos of the documents anyone can do it. It is not at all necessary to have extraordinary talent. It is enough to master the basics of the Photoshop program, get a computer, a printer, digital and lighting equipment, a tripod.

Having a copier, you can earn extra money by making copies of documents. Add here additional services for the restoration of old photographs, the creation of photo books, personal calendars and you already have your own profitable business.

Weddings, anniversaries and other celebrations in the traditional style are unthinkable without toastmaster and musicians.

Feel your creativity and artistic talent, feel free to offer your services to your friends.

If you think you are ready to work harder, find like-minded people and open a holiday agency.


The way of small provincial cities has always been slightly different from the capital, but this does not mean that backward people live in such settlements.

They also want to have fun, play sports, play bowling. Decide for yourself which option to choose.

Night club will certainly become a favorite place for young people to spend their leisure time. Of course, the audience can no longer be attracted by color music and a pair of speakers. Stylish design, theme parties, invited DJs - all this will raise the prestige of the institution.

To open your own club, you will need a lot of financial investment. In addition, only creative people with remarkable imagination can handle such a thing.

Gym or cardio room, dance class, will become popular with locals if attracted by affordable prices.

Renting bicycles, roller skates, skateboards and other sports equipment, as your own business, can also generate income. It is better to locate it near a park or a working stadium.

Catering point

Cafe, restaurant, coffee shop or pastry shop is a place where people not only satisfy their hunger, but also have a good time. If you manage to organize the work in such a way that it would be interesting to come to you, there will be no end of clients.

Imagine how many events in the life of each person that you want to celebrate outside the home: birthday, anniversary, graduation, wedding, anniversary of living together.

Do not rely on the exotic, it is not known what the reaction to Mexican or Korean cuisine will be, but many will want to taste familiar dishes in an unusual interpretation.

Own production as a profitable business

The idea of ​​doing something yourself rather than reselling someone else's goods is undoubtedly attractive. Especially if your hands grow as you should, but your soul categorically does not lie to trade.

However, it is easier to produce a product than to attach the finished product later. Therefore, first of all, think about how to organize sales.

Making soap at home is most attractive to newbies.

Considering the relatively low cost of ingredients (alkali, liquid and solid oils, fragrances), as well as the lack of expensive equipment, the profitability of such a business is quite high.

Most likely, in your city you will not sell a lot of goods, homemade soap is not cheap. Therefore, look for points of sale in larger towns. You can also sell products via the Internet.

Production of keys- own business that does not require large investments.

This cannot be called a full-fledged production, but the profit is quite good, especially if you open several points at once in “busy places”.

All you need is a machine, costing about 2 thousand dollars, files and various key blanks.

Home workshop for sewing bed linen, original fabric packaging, kitchen accessories and other textile products in a small town is not difficult to organize.

With jobs here a big problem, and women are more willing to agree to work on the job. Which product is more profitable to produce depends on the sales market.

Mini bakery will also be a profitable investment. Everyone, without exception, loves hot bread. In addition, even if you get tired of doing this business, the equipment can always be rented or sold.

As you can see, it is not at all difficult to open your own profitable business in a small town. The choice of ideas is quite rich. It remains only to decide what business to do.

Hello, friends! Today we will talk about such a popular topic for many as business ideas for a small town with minimal investment.

At a certain time, many people think about starting their own business. But together with this desire, a number of important questions arise: where to start your business , what business ideas are best for a small town and how you can minimize risks ?

This article will be devoted to giving detailed answers to these questions! 😀

⭐️ Checked!
It is much easier and easier to start a business in Russia (and the CIS) than for residents of developed countries in Europe, the USA ...

Note that statistically about 70% of successful entrepreneurs started their business practically from scratch! I myself am confirmation of this. It is not always necessary to have an initial capital (all the more so)!

Main availability desires, and everything else will follow!

Imagine that with the help of your business you will be able to work for yourself and not for your uncle, do not need money and spend more time not on work, but on your family and hobbies! You will have freedom!

I'm not even talking about the fact that doing your own thing is very interesting and in addition it will allow you to self-actualize!

By the way, we also recommend reading the article in which we have collected the most actual ideas in the field of production:?. From it you will learn about the many in-demand and profitable niches in production, including those in which the competition is still low (now is the time to take them)!

So, from this article you will also learn:

  • What business idea to choose for a small town?
  • How can you start your own scratch business?
  • What mistakes do aspiring entrepreneurs often make and how to avoid them?

Let's not delay - let's go! 👇

1. Why is it important to start a business with minimal investment?

Before we get into business ideas, I will explain a couple of very important aspects of starting any business. Believe me, this simple and key knowledge will save you a lot of money and time (tested on yourself)! 🙂

First what you need to understand - any business starts with small! In the beginning, all you need to do is find out if the business idea will be in demand in your city, i.e. will it pay off and bring money!

Therefore, in the beginning no need to invest all your money (even more so if you do not have many of them) into a business idea - especially if you are still a "newbie" in business. In the first stages, you should have only the most necessary what it takes to get your business up and running!

For example, many start their business right at home, in the garage, at the dacha, on the Internet ... - there is nothing unusual in this!

⭐️ The bottom line is that the most big risks of failure arise precisely at the opening stage your business, so first try to minimize your investment as much as possible. Because until you try, you will not know whether this business idea will be profitable.

If you have very little or practically no money, then choose such business ideas that only require an investment of your time (there are such ones - usually this is a service sector)! Some of these business ideas from scratch will be covered in this article!

Now about second important aspect : whatever it may be, but any business primarily exists at the expense of sales. Without sales, there is no cash flow and, accordingly, there is no business!

Therefore, when creating your business, you need to seriously think about how you will sell your products / services. Many aspiring entrepreneurs do not think about this moment, and then they wonder why the business "does not work"!

❗️ « Sales"- this is the primary task when starting any business. You can produce the best products / services, but if no one knows about them, then such a business will be of little use. Think about it!

You can only forget about sales a little only when you have already gained regular customers who appreciate what you do and will not exchange you for competitors.

And from this it follows third principle - for a business to be successful, you need to do your job well, and for this you need love what you do ! That is why it is so important to choose a business to your liking!

More about these and others important details Be sure to read the "correct" opening and running your business towards the end of the article! You will find a lot of useful things !?

By the way, about how easy it is to register an individual entrepreneur -. And if you plan to open an LLC -.

For now, let's finally get to the business ideas that are usually great for a small town! 🙂

2. Business ideas with minimal investment in a small town: TOP-30 proven ideas

There are really a lot of business ideas - you can't count them in one article, but we tried to select the most relevant for you and with minimal investment!

Of course, very detailed description each of the ideas will not be enough for one article (and you probably won't be interested in reading everything?), so we will provide the basic and most valuable information.

For your convenience, we have divided all business ideas in the following areas:

  • Trade;
  • Services;
  • Agricultural business.
  • Construction and repair.
  • Seasonal business;
  • Internet.

We have already described some of the business ideas for women in one of our articles:. Therefore, do not hesitate, who is interested - read! 👍

- Direction 1 - Trade

⭐️ Pay attention!
In trade from the location point of sale sometimes depends on whether the business will be profitable or unprofitable! Therefore, it is very important to analyze the "passability" and the presence of competitors.

Business idea number 1: Auto parts store (on order)

One of the least costly ways to start your own business is to open your own auto parts store to order (this idea will be especially relevant for men).

I am sure many of you have noticed that there is really nothing on the windows of such stores - almost all spare parts are taken to order from warehouses in large cities.

In addition, all orders are made on a prepayment basis, which means that the initial investment can be reduced to a maximum to almost zero.

The only thing that should be purchased is only some of the most popular auto parts and consumables (although they can be purchased after the business has already begun to make a profit):

  • bulbs, first aid kits, belts, wipers ...
  • brake fluid, anti-freeze, oils ...

❗️ The room in this case is quite suitable from 30 to 60 sq. meters - depending on the city and location, rent will be released on average 5,000 - 45,000 rubles .

The purchase of shop windows will still go away from 3,000 to 20,000 rubles.

Another important point - you will need to discuss all the details of cooperation with suppliers of auto parts and conclude an agreement with them.

To avoid misunderstandings, initially choose trusted suppliers who have a good reputation and supply quality goods (both original and substitutes).

Delivery of ordered spare parts is usually carried out once a week (if there are many orders, the frequency of delivery can be increased).

Business idea # 2: Household goods store

Household goods will always be in demand, the main thing in this business idea is to find the best place with good traffic and low rent.

Often, the customers of such stores are residents of nearby houses (sleeping areas), so it is advisable that direct competitors are absent altogether or be away from you, for example, ideally if the competitors are located in another microdistrict.

Thus, the main thing in this business:

  • find a suitable place (outlet from 8 to 40 sq. meters );
  • negotiate with window manufacturers on deliveries;
  • find a measurer and installers of windows.

Moreover, measurers and installers often have piecework wages - from completed orders!

Your main expenses will be on rent and equipment of the premises.

Although the competition in this niche is usually above average, it is nevertheless more than possible to open a successful business!

💡An example of a successful business!
In our city (about 100 thousand people) we have very successfully opened a small office (only about 10-15 sq. M.) For the sale of installation of windows, as well as roller shutters, stretch ceilings ...

But most importantly, it was opened right next to a large store. building materials- that is, where there is directly the target audience! Accordingly, some of the clients who came for building materials order windows from them (by the way, I am no exception, I was also their client😀).

Yes, and if you do not have your own suitable window delivery machine, then you can use the services of freight carriers.

Business idea # 7: Stock and second-hand clothing stores

Many people have a desire to buy quality clothing, but most cannot afford it.

Therefore, more and more stores appear that sell fashionable and branded clothing mainly from Europe at discounted prices (stock and second-hand stores).

Stock stores offer discounted collections of previous seasons, and second-hand shops - seemingly new clothes (without visible wear), but which were already in use.

This is a great idea for a small town, as the competition in this area is usually very low.

☝️ Note!
To open this business, a room with an area of from 30 to 100 sq. meters... In this case, it is important that the store is in a walkable place.

You also need to carefully consider the choice of clothing suppliers in order to form a suitable assortment. Suppliers, by the way, sell clothes in bags (usually from 20 kg.) At a price from 100 to 500 rubles / kg .

This is a very profitable business that does not require large investments and pays off quickly enough!

Business idea # 8: Mini bakery

Another great business idea is to open your own mini-bakery.

Nowadays, the bakery is very popular among the population and all because there you can always buy fresh bakery products for every taste.

Even in small towns, a mini-bakery can generate a good income, as competition is usually low here.

☝️ If you choose a suitable room (so as not to invest a lot in its reconstruction and even more construction from scratch), then you can invest within RUB 200-300

Average cost of one wash 250-600 RUB(depending on the city), the cost price is about 100-250 rubles. Total income on average 150-300 p. from one sink .

The income of a car wash directly depends on the location, so you need to take this seriously and analyze the main busy highways near hypermarkets, residential areas and choose a place with the highest car flow and optimal rent.

Also, additional services will increase the profitability of the car wash:

  • car polishing,
  • interior cleaning.

Payback 2-3 months - depends on the flow of customers, make discounts for regular customers.

Business Idea # 12: Hair Salon

Hairdressers are very popular and in demand among the population. In addition, large investments are not required to organize such a business.

Despite the fact that the competition in this area is usually great, but nevertheless there are still "blank spots" on the city map, where you can profitably open a hairdresser.

In our city 2-3 years ago we opened a network of hairdressing salons, which began to position themselves as budget (that is, they are aimed exclusively at an audience that is trying to save on everything). This positioning was the key to their success!

This is about why in business it is important to be different !

It is better to place a hairdressing salon in a residential complex or a shopping center, in general there is traffic and at the same time the rent is not greatly overpriced.

By the way, it is often people who have taken courses / training to become a hairdresser who open hairdressing salons. In this case, you do not even need to look for employees at first.

Mini hairdressing salon with 2 seats can be opened in total from 150 thousand rubles... Investments mainly involve:

  • Costs of renting premises;
  • Purchase of the necessary equipment (hairdressing tools);
  • Purchase of furniture (armchairs, mirrors, tables ...);
  • Barber shop decoration.

Optimal margin 200-250 percent , the main expenses will go to rent and salaries of employees.

Payback from 3 to 4 months in case of successful business organization.

Business Idea # 13: Children's Playground

Many parents often have no one to keep their child with. A children's playground is a great and inexpensive solution to this problem.

In addition, open a nursery playground much easier (and cheaper) than organizing a private kindergarten.

❗️ On average, it will take from 200 thous. rubles. The costs will be mainly required for the purchase of rope ladders, bungees and rent.

Average ticket price from 100 to 300 rubles .

Rope parks can be located both outdoors and indoors. Rope parks on the street, that is, in nature, are in great demand.

The cost of opening a rope town indoors is usually higher.

- Direction 6 - Business on the Internet

💡 The Internet is good because it erases boundaries and therefore it doesn't matter what city / town you live in! Plus, the internet is a great place to start a business from scratch!

Business idea number 26: Business on the Avito site

Avito is the largest free classifieds platform in Russia at the moment, which is visited by millions of people every day. Almost everything is bought and sold here!

It often happens that Avito is the most important source of sales for a business, and in most cases it is free. That is, the biggest advantage of Avito is that you can build a business here without any investment at all.

There are 3 main areas of how you can make money on Avito:

  • sell goods wholesale and retail (both new and used);
  • provide services (what you know how to do);
  • engage in mediation (find clients for the business and take your own reward for this).

⭐️ Personal example!
By the way, I started with exactly 2 options: I looked for clients, worked for myself on average 2-3 hours a day (about 10 days a month) and earned about 15-30 thousand rubles per month , while all I had a lot of free time!

As for me, it is great alternative hired work.

But not only for private traders, but also for Avito's business, a powerful source of attracting customers. Many simply hire people who submit dozens or even hundreds of free ads a day (the more ads, the more calls, the more sales).

Here is an example of how even students managed to get out of debt and earn 300 thousand just with the help of Avito:

As for mediation, this is also a rather profitable business line. All you need to do is submit ads (find clients) and negotiate partnerships with those who already own a certain business.

Business idea # 27: One-page (dropshipping)

Another very popular business idea on the Internet today is the sale of goods for dropshipping through a special site - one-page (landing).

In this case, you also do not need a large investment, since you do not need to have goods in stock - all goods will be sent directly from the supplier to your client. In this case, you will receive a profit from the mark-up on the goods.

To do this, you will need to find the best-selling products (bestsellers, usually sold for 990-2990 rubles), select several of them, create one-page pages for them and set up advertising (in social networks, teaser networks, contextual advertising, YAN ...).

Some people, instead of one-page pages, open groups on Vkontakte and other social networks and sell goods through them.

However, in this case, it is very important to be able to work effectively with advertising (or find such a specialist), because she is the only source of sales.

Business idea number 28: Information site

Another common type of business without investments on the Internet is the creation and promotion of information sites on a specific topic.

The topic can be almost any - besides, if you already like a certain direction and you are already well versed in this, then it is best to choose this topic (eg cooking, tourism, construction, finance, gardening ...).

❗️ The bottom line is that you create a site (you can create it yourself within 1-2 days), register the domain name of the site (usually it costs from 99 p.) and place it on the hosting ( ≈150 rub / month). This is all, however, and costs (if you do everything else yourself)!

Next, you write articles on topics popular for people, thus helping people to understand certain issues. For those who do not want to write articles themselves, you can hire copywriters on freelance exchanges, who will write you articles on order for a fee.

As soon as the first users appear, it will be possible to connect advertising (for example, from Yandex Direct or Google Adsense) and receive income.

Over time, site traffic will grow, along with this will grow your income. Thus, doing what you love and sharing useful information you can make money with your readers.

In addition, you can buy a ready-made website that already generates income (for example, on the Tender site - telderi.ru). Here you can also sell your sites!

Business idea number 29: Online store

Today, literally everything is sold via the Internet: from pens to large-sized appliances.

In addition, there is a clear trend that more and more people are choosing to buy goods over the Internet.

An online store, unlike the same one-page pages, is aimed at selling not 1-2 products, but a whole group of products.

⚡️ Opening your own online store is much cheaper and easier than a regular store in the city. At first, it is not even necessary to have goods in stock and your own warehouse (you can work on dropshipping).

And, in my opinion, it is even stupid to spend a lot of money on the purchase of goods and a warehouse if you do not yet have a well-built sales stream.

In general, 2 things are important here: SEO website promotion in search engines and literate ad setup... If you are not familiar with them, then it is better to find a trusted specialist.

By the way, the well-known Yandex Market platform can also become an excellent source of sales.

Business idea number 30: Infobusiness

Infobusiness is the sale of valuable information via the Internet, that is, training for money.

By the way, info business is one of the most profitable businesses all over the world that you can start from scratch.

☝️ Infobusinessmen can earn hundreds and millions of rubles by simply sharing useful information with people.

4. The most common mistakes of novice entrepreneurs - TOP-7

Many aspiring entrepreneurs do not fully understand how a business works and, accordingly, often make mistakes when opening it.

Therefore, I decided to write a small section in which I highlighted the most common mistakes of novice businessmen. I really hope that this information will be valuable for you :?

Mistake # 1:

Fear of competition. Do not be afraid of competition - having competitors is good! First, it means that products / services in this niche are in good demand. Secondly, there is an opportunity to assess competitors (their strengths and weaknesses) and gain valuable experience. Thirdly, competition forces you to develop your business!

Mistake # 2:

Take out loans and borrowings. If you are starting a business for the first time in your life, then you certainly should not take out various loans and borrowings. You still have not enough experience! It is quite another matter if you have been in business for more than one year and understand how it works from the inside.

Mistake # 3:

Setting business priorities incorrectly... Let me remind you once again that business is not your personal office and not your status " general manager", And this is, first of all, sales! Everything else is add-on. This is especially important to understand when you are just building your business!

Mistake # 4:

Selling what no one else has heard of. Many newcomers to the business think that you can make good money if you sell some new product that is not yet on the market. This is partly true, but many ignore the fact that 8 out of 10 new products crash !

If you have experience and money, then please! But if you are just starting your first business, and there is not much money to test different niches and suffer losses at first, then this is not for you!

Mistake # 5:

Acting like everyone else (not being different). You need to understand that consumers are primarily looking for those entrepreneurs who offer them “ maximum benefit» .

But consumers are also different - each of them has their own interests: some want cheaper, others of better quality, third in general, speed is important (manufacturing, delivery ...), etc.

Therefore, your task is to understand what exactly your "target audience" wants most and give them this maximum value.

Try to imagine "portrait" your client and think about how you can improve your product / service to differentiate yourself from your competitors!

💡 For example, even if you sell the same thing as your competitors, you can offer a better service (attitude towards the client), expand product range, do fast / free shipping

Mistake # 6:

Sell ​​substandard services / goods. Attempts to quickly cash in on the sale of low-quality goods and services will not lead you to anything good! Treat others like yourself and you can easily build a successful business.

Mistake # 7:

Not be able to delegate. Being a jack of all trades and understanding all the nuances of your business is good, but for the time being. Business should not become for you a place where you spend 24 hours a day!

At first, while the business is not strong enough and is at the stage of development, then perhaps it is better to do everything yourself.

But when he already brings a stable income, try to find suitable people, whom you can trust and delegate some of your responsibilities!

☝️ Important!
Business, like everything else, should be a joy and take only part of your time, not your whole life! 🙂

And finally: even if you make certain mistakes - take them as incredibly valuable experience, learn from them! As a rule, only those who do nothing do not make mistakes! 😀

5. Conclusion

I hope now you are convinced that it is very possible to open your own business with minimal investment or from scratch!

Again, the guaranteed way to succeed in business is really love business, which you are engaged in, then no competitors are scary! Moreover, then you will never "work" again, but only do what you like!

At the end of the article, I suggest you watch a short video:

I wish you good luck and success in starting your future business! 👍

Friends, leave your opinion in the comments below! I will also be very grateful if you rate this article and share it with your friends on social networks! 😀👇

In the internet era, starting a small business is easy. This requires only courage, hard work and patience. And the main rule is to give up self-pity. It is then that any small business will go uphill.

Culinary business

The main thing in this business is the ability to find customers plus recipes. And it is also important to learn how to advertise yourself and your services, it is thanks to this that customers appear, and then the demand for services and, accordingly, profit. To begin with, you should choose a narrow specialization and develop and earn a name along with it.

Baking cakes

In order to establish yourself in the cake market, you need to choose the most delicious and unusual fillings and cakes... In order for the buyer to choose, there must be at least three types of fillings, then - to expand the range. Cakes with mastic, in the form of figurines for weddings, cartoon characters for birthdays, etc. are in demand.

First of all, you should register a company or register as an individual entrepreneur. And you should also follow all the documentation so as not to violate the law. Find suppliers of fresh baked goods and so that raw materials are not purchased at exorbitant prices.

To begin with, it is worth developing in small steps, let acquaintances and relatives become tasters and begin to grow this way in ascending order. Create yourself a social group. networks and showcase your achievements. With an honest attitude towards the client and a conscientious attitude towards baking, customers will appear quite quickly, and a business from scratch will quickly go uphill.

Making macarons

This is a hot new business trend for beginners. Fashionable, relevant, customers have not bored yet.

It is possible to learn how to cook macarons the second time around. The main thing, in the confectioners' language, is that a skirt appears, there is a lot of "meat" inside, that is, pulp, and they do not fall apart. Over time, you will be able to find your own special recipe.

Usually, there are a lot of customers for this type of cookie... In order for buyers to line up, you need to learn how to decorate macarons beautifully and ensure delivery to the client's door. And also it is worth concluding contracts with flower shops and ensuring delivery there. Macaroons are placed in a box along with flowers.

Glazed cookies

Another field for creativity that will allow you tirelessly surprise and attract buyers... To run this business you will need a cookie cutter, piping bags in order to make the pattern. For biscuits, piparcuas or ginger dough are commonly used. And for the glaze, proteins and icing sugar are used. Dyes are used to add color to the liver.

In order to learn, you should see how to make patterns on the youtube channel. Figures of animals are in demand. If it's Valentine's Day, the demand will be for hearts. And so on. In order to sell the cookies beautifully, a decorative straw is placed in the box at the bottom, five decorated hearts on top, possibly with inscriptions, with a declaration of love, close the lid and pack with a beautiful ribbon.

The cost of the box will be from 1000 rubles, 200 rubles apiece. A cooperation agreement can also be concluded with flower shops, send offers to firms, as they often congratulate workers on holidays. There is a great demand for March 8 and New Year's holidays.

Opening of a flower online store

A fairly new and complex business, buyers are still reluctant to take flowers over the Internet, but there are forecasts that this market will grow.

The first step is to open a web page. You can create it yourself on wordpress or using wix. When creating a site, you will need to spend on buying a domain and links to promote the site, but this is not very expensive.

Next, you open a company and register a card with the bank for transferring money through the site when the buyer makes a purchase. Look for flower suppliers. Let there be several, unnecessary ones will go away over time.

How it works? The client orders flowers according to the picture on the site, for example, 101 roses and pays. You call all the suppliers and ask if they are there. If there is, take the flowers and deliver it to the client with your business card, if not, call the client back and offer another option. Perhaps, draw up a small business plan with a list of colors for the first time of sales.

To begin with, post bouquets of unmixed varieties of flowers on the site, since there is no experience in drawing up bouquets, over time, it is possible to place other bouquets and, with the growth of the company, hire new employees. In the same business, it is possible to use and hand made, and cooking.

Great demand for flowers on February 14 and March 8. These months beat off the revenue for the entire year.

Opening of an online store of children's toys

Initially, you agree with suppliers, not everyone agrees to supply goods one by one for sale, as a rule, toys are provided in bulk, but there are exceptions, so you should not stop and look for a person with whom you will work. There must be certification for baby products.

The demand for goods is huge during the New Year holidays. You can organize a good demand yourself by placing ads on facebook, vk, twitter, instagram, etc. Create a group where you will advertise new items. Follow the fashion for toys in children, for example, now the paw patrol, peppa pig, robocar and others are fashionable. With such goods in a small town, you will become the most demanded.


This is an easy way to make money suitable only for the initial stages of development... Since if you work independently, he brings in a rather small income. First you need to register on copyright exchanges, work and acquire skills, develop discipline.

The next step is to start looking for customers yourself by making job offers on websites, various companies. Take it to the next level, creating commercial offers and landing pages to create advertisements for companies. Having recruited a track record of customers, it is possible to expand.

Copywriting will bring good income if you create your own team. To do this, create a page with an offer of services and prices and recruit a team of responsible copywriters. Accordingly, register as an individual entrepreneur.

Website development

In order to learn how to create websites, you will need to gain knowledge by reading many forums, watching videos on YouTube, you may need to find a mentor. Create a few websites yourself and get started. To get started, register on the exchanges free-lance.ru, freelancer.com, freelance.ru. Here you can find many clients for work, as well as see the work of professionals and learn something.

As soon as self-confidence appears, it is also possible to create a team and open an IP.


This is another of the areas of business, where later, you can also create your own team and go to the world level.

Knitten things

Knit fancy hats, scarves, and mittens. To do this, look through fashion magazines, what patterns are in demand, what styles, pumpons, develop your own chip.

Let it be mittens with a warm inner lining, a cartoon character pattern and small pumpons. For example, if you chose a niche with a focus on children. To begin with, it should be a narrow specialization that will bring its customers.

When there are too many orders, create a team of needlewomen, and you will receive interest and develop further, creating your own unique network of knitted products for children.


Learn this craft, perhaps on youtube. There are descriptions where you can learn from start to finish. For a book you will need: cardboard, fabric, glue, beautiful stickers, buttons, badges.

They make beautiful albums for photographs (wedding, children's, to remember significant events). Made in the form of a diary as a gift. Albums at the birth of a child are often in demand, where you can insert photos and inscriptions about the first steps.

The buyer should always have a choice, so you create a website with a choice for a boy, girl, parents, etc. In a small town, it is good to offer albums for newborns in a maternity hospital. With the appearance of a large number of customers, you can expand.

Homemade toys

Now a new trend is fashionable, the creation of rag dolls in sneakers with only eyes on the face. Children are delighted with such toys, so they are in demand. A little sewing skills are required to run this business, although everything can be learned if desired.


This income is suitable for both girls and men. By the way, male makeup artists are valued more. Firstly, this is unusual, and secondly, the man is not afraid to experiment.

It is possible to fill your hand by training on an ongoing basis, for example, watching videos on YouTube, and practicing several times to learn how to apply tone correctly, draw several types of eyebrows, be able to apply shadows and lipstick at once. At first, cosmetics are not used the most expensive, but with the influx of customers, cosmetics are purchased at a higher price.

How to develop, besides the income from one-time clients? Make a portfolio, collaborate with aspiring photographers who need photos for their portfolio. Look for work in modeling agencies, but for a fee. Never agree to paint 20 models for free at a modeling agency for advertising, so you will be known as a free master. Free only with a photographer for a photo.

Gradually develop and open a studio, invite workers, get a percentage. The next step is to start selling cosmetics in the studio.

It is important to remember! In order to develop and grow, you should move step by step every day, you cannot stop and feel sorry for yourself. Business must be clear only discipline and a step forward, no matter how much you want to turn back... If you get out on this path, fight and go to the end.

Fish farming

This is a great way to earn money for those who live outside the city. This will require an investment of effort, but in the future it will be rewarded a hundredfold. First you need to dig a pond and start raising fish. Thanks to fish farming it is possible to adjust wholesale or have a trading place in the market.

As time passes, new and stable customers will be found, and the business will begin to generate a steady income.

Love for fishing, perhaps, turn into your favorite business and a good, steady income. The greatest demand among fish is for carp and trout. The easiest way to grow carp, as it is unpretentious and lives in any body of water. For trout, you will need a professional breeder angler, since carp are more capricious fish.

A reservoir for trout requires at least 15 meters and the heat of the water is 19 degrees, at a different temperature the fish dies. Although, when selling, trout is more expensive. And also for the growth of fish, you need to know when and how much it needs to be fed, since an excess of food stops growing.

In this entrepreneurship, all the subtleties are important. For example, to determine moisture and acidity, a specialist is called for checking. To start a business, perhaps from a small reservoir, even from a personal pond in the country, constantly expanding over time.

Dog food production

This is a great way to start producing food. for their animals and for business... In order to start a home production business, you will need a feed formulation, molds, and products for manufacturing.

If you make food for sale from natural products, then soon there will be a lot of customers, since all owners want only good for their animals.

At first, it is possible to produce food to order, and in the future, perhaps, to negotiate with wholesalers and pet stores. Pick a good one recipe for making(in this case, this is half the success), so that it contains all the necessary trace elements for the animal, and in the future supplement the feed for improvement.

Tire fitting

If there are no initial funds, then you should do mobile tire fitting, that is, with a trip to the client, for example, on the track to eliminate a breakdown.

It is best to buy new wheel replacement tools, even if they are Chinese and cheap. After the first earnings are earned, invest in a stationary business. Buy little by little all the tire fitting equipment. From the equipment you need absolutely everything: rolling, vulcanization, etc. Since this is an extra plus to earnings and cash.

This business will require an initial investment to purchase equipment, even the smallest. It is best to open this business if you yourself participate in it, know how to change tires and have experience in operating time, then, accordingly, from the very beginning you will have your regular customers.

As soon as the business begins to expand, it is possible to hire additional people and start expanding, open other tire changers, and buy more expensive equipment. If, to work conscientiously, then the business will start pay off in four years and there will be regular customers.

The profit will begin to come in the first month. The flow of clients depends from place, advertising, quality of work.

Transport service

If you have a lorry, you might want to take on a trucking business, such as an apartment relocation service.

As well as transport services, it is possible to provide shops, expeditions, by concluding an agreement with them. It is advisable that with the provision of this service movers are attached and accordingly calculate the price in advance. Expanding, perhaps buying a second car, etc.

If there is no car, it is possible to work as a mediator... For example, to have contacts of loaders and trucks in stock, provide work to them, and take the percentage for yourself. It is possible to negotiate with large companies that you will provide clients and negotiate a percentage with them.

Courier services

Delivery of any goods to the specified address. Place an advertisement about the services offered, as well as call the company and offer courier services, having negotiated the price in advance and drawing up an agreement.


If you have a car, it is possible to organize excursions for longer transportation. If not, do hiking excursions. It's important to stand out original idea, interesting stories to get clients faster. This idea does not require investments at all in the presence of charisma, the ability to find and present interesting information.

Today, chicken meat is in greater demand than any other type. Meat is considered dietary and more useful, which is why there is such a demand for it.

In order to organize this business, you will need initial investments for renting premises, raw materials, freezer and paperwork... This is a relatively small amount.

Further, whole, chilled carcasses are purchased. You shouldn't buy fresh ones, as it is much more difficult to cut them. The chicken is cut into legs, backs, legs, wings, drumsticks and minced meat. Butchering the chicken is profitable, since the chicken is not always bought whole, and the remaining meat can always be marinated and sold on the barbecue. It is also possible to conclude contracts with restaurants and supplies to shops or private traders.

IP is registered from the documentation. Sanitary books should be made. Certificates for chicken carcasses are taken where they are purchased. There should be price tags, a seal. On sales, there must be a notification to Rospotrebnadzor. Register with the tax authorities and buy a cash register and a receipt book.

To begin with, you should find suppliers and a place where trade will take place.

Video ideas

Seven Ideas for a Business That Doesn't Require special costs and suitable for a small town - from the video blog "Original Ideas"

It is possible only in big cities where money and highly qualified personnel are concentrated, but this is not the case. Of course, the specifics of entrepreneurship will be different from that inherent in megacities, but income will not be long in coming. Moreover, the costs of organizing it will be significantly lower, and if you calculate and come up with a development strategy well, you can completely capture the market in the region.

A business from scratch in a small town can be profitable for several reasons:

  1. Small start-up capital. In small towns, the costs associated with renting premises, utilities, advertising and personnel are significantly lower.
  2. Low level of competition, because many niches are free due to the limited presence of goods and services.
  3. Small business in an "average" regional city can be easily developed, reaching new frontiers.
  4. High efficiency of free advertising (word of mouth). In small settlements, the demand for a product or service largely depends on the level of customer satisfaction. If an entrepreneur offers quality goods or provides good services, then rumors about his activities will instantly spread throughout the city, which will attract a lot of new customers.

Advice: word of mouth situation can work in negative side... You should not skimp on quality, this can lead to a drop in financial profits and bankruptcy of the enterprise.

Speaking about organizing your business in a small town, one cannot fail to mention it. weak sides:

  1. Low cross-country ability. In a small town, an entrepreneur has a limited number of clients. It is better to choose those places that are convenient for the client (walking distance, driveways, etc.).
  2. Low salaries... Small towns have little purchasing power.
  3. Lack of qualified personnel. It will be right to choose a promising business that does not require the involvement of specialists - they are very difficult and sometimes impossible to find in a small town.

What kind of business can you open in a small town?

It all depends on what goal the entrepreneur pursues. If money is a priority, then it is necessary to consider the most profitable areas of activity. If the whole venture is for the sake of pleasure and earning a living, then everything is much simpler here.

In pursuit of extracting the maximum profit, the first thing to do is to analyze the market and identify the 5-10 most profitable areas in the region of interest. Then select the most optimal option from the list provided and start implementing it. There is one unspoken rule to follow. If an entrepreneur wants to succeed, then his services should be of better quality than those of competitors, at least they should not be worse. After all, the determining factor influencing the choice of the client is the price and quality.

If the priority goal is "business for pleasure", then you should choose the idea you like. This may be, or other interesting solutions. It is better to give preference to a business that will make you want to do business in 2-5 years or more. It should be noted that even "business as a hobby" can bring in quite good money.

What to start from when choosing a field of activity?

When choosing what to do, an entrepreneur should rely on his own knowledge, skills and desires.

  1. Experience. The person gathering should be familiar with hairstyles, hair cosmetics, equipment and tools. If a businessman wants to engage in trade, then it is in his interests to know the answers to the questions: where to buy a product, what assortment is most in demand, how to arrange everything correctly, etc. Before opening an unfamiliar business, you need to consult with more experienced professionals or take information from books and forums.
  2. Availability of free time. In the first year, you will have to devote all your free time to business, even if a staff of employees will work for it.
  3. Presence of interest. Doing business is always accompanied by risk, headache and endless worries. If you can easily quit your boring job, you won't be able to quit your own business. The owner will have to fight all the time for a place in the sun and solve the issues that have arisen. At least at first.
  4. Demand for goods and services. An entrepreneur should answer two questions: whether his services will be popular and whether he will be able to ensure himself a sufficient influx of customers.

Advice: going to do an interesting and unfamiliar business, the first thing to do is to study this area in more detail. It will be helpful to get a job like this. 2-3 months of employment will allow you to get the missing information and experience "from the inside".

How to start your business from scratch in a small town?

Starting your own business from scratch is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. There are many ideas available for starting a business with no start-up capital, and almost all of them are in the service industry. To start making money with your own hands, an entrepreneur should determine which area is closest to him.

Each person is a specialist in something. Some people are professionals in several fields at once. If a future entrepreneur is good at sewing, then it is high time for him to provide services for the repair and tailoring of clothes; if he is fluent in Photoshop tools, then provide advertising services; understands the device of a car - offer assistance in car repair; knows how to bake - make cakes to order, etc.

The primary task of a novice businessman is to become independent from the employer. This will allow you to devote all your time to organizing and developing your business. It is also important to take care of the supply of funds so that there is enough for life, at least for the first time.

A prerequisite is the high-quality provision of all services, it is desirable that each of the work performed be accompanied by a guarantee with a minimum period of 6 months.

At first, there is making money and creating a customer base, which in the future will become the backbone of the business. They will buy goods and services in the future.

For the further development of the business, it is necessary to start accumulating savings, otherwise, bring the business to new level will be impossible. In the course of work, certain expenses will arise associated with the purchase of materials necessary for the provision of services.

It should be noted that services are always in demand, regardless of the season. It's just that during the season the demand is much higher, but during the year there is also work. And the main task of a businessman is to attract clients to himself.

Small town business ideas with little investment

The most popular types of small businesses are trade and services. For a business in a small town with small investments, a store is not the right decision, because the purchase of goods in one way or another will require large sum... It's easier when a person knows how to do something with his own hands and at the same time does it well. For example, the services of plumbers, hairdressers, masseurs, seamstresses are in demand always and everywhere. Registration as an individual entrepreneur will allow an entrepreneur to provide professional services on a completely legal basis.

It is unlikely that such a business is capable of making its owner a millionaire, but a small and stable income is an expected prospect, especially if it manages to acquire a permanent clientele. If, over time, your own efforts are not enough, then you can think about attracting helpers. The main task of this business is to transfer business in the future from the category of "handicraft" services to a full-fledged company for serving the population. Often, this is exactly what the path of most successful local businessmen looks like - owners of repair and sewing workshops, hairdressing salons, etc.

Business ideas - services for the population in a small town

The service sector is always relevant if we consider it as a business project: investments are at a minimum, the main thing is to have the necessary skills.

The organization of any business implies the presence or absence of initial investments. Some ideas do not require any investment at all.

Business ideas without investment

  1. Tutoring. This area is suitable for people who are fluent in musical instrument or those with experience in educational institutions. All you need to teach is to post an ad and recruit students.
  2. Mini atelier and clothing repair. This work will require sewing machine and relevant work experience. Data, especially in small towns where buying new clothes is associated with substantial cost problems.
  3. Cleaning service. Each housewife has a specific set of cleaning products. Cleaning the office, tidying up the premises after celebrations - all this is a reason to offer your services and get paid for work. If you wish, you can attract several assistants who will help turn the "handicraft" business into a large cleaning agency.

Business ideas with minimal investment

  1. Husband for an hour. The higher the professionalism, the richer the client base. Small-term household chores, repairing damaged things and appliances, plumbing and electrician services - all this requires the necessary qualifications and a modest set of tools, which will be the first investment. At the beginning of work, the amount of costs can be 1000-5000 rubles.
  2. Creation and sale of handmade goods: bijouterie, soap, invitations, postcards, bouquets of sweets, designer toys, interior decor. The cost of materials will be about 2000-3000 rubles.
  3. Hairdressing services (haircuts, hair styling). The cost of tools and hair styling products will be about 3,000 rubles. If you wish, you can complete hairdressing courses. But you need to be prepared for the fact that this will entail additional costs.

There is a premise - what kind of business to do?

If you have a garage space, it can be considered an ideal place for organizing your own small business. Such a business can generate a steady income. However, the amount of profit will depend on what the entrepreneur intends to do and how much effort will be invested in promoting the business. Having your own free space is a big plus, because there is no need to rent immediately. Of course, the garage is not a very suitable place to open a bakery or cafe. But there are many other options as well.

When thinking about what kind of business to open in a garage, many make the same mistake. Oftentimes, people use the most common idea. Often, auto repair shops are deployed in garages. However, this option can be considered obsolete and it is better to discard it right away.

First, because this area is highly competitive. Auto repair services are provided by many individual entrepreneurs who have large premises and expensive modern equipment... Those cars that are covered by insurance are repaired in workshops cooperating with insurers.

Secondly, because the required space is usually not available. At the same time, no more than two cars can be accommodated in one room, and this is subject to a double garage. But in order to provide quality services, it is necessary special equipment, which, as a rule, has large dimensions. Which means it won't fit in the garage.

Third, because of the "impassable" location. To ensure an influx of customers, the auto repair shop should be located in a convenient and accessible place. To popularize such a business, large costs are also required.

Small business ideas can be divided into three areas:

  1. production;
  2. trade;
  3. provision of services.

Garage production for sale

  1. Cabinet furniture. Manufacturing and assembly of kitchen sets, wardrobes, wardrobes, etc. This job requires financial costs, tools, and experience with chipboard and wood. These items have a mark-up of at least 100%.
  2. Garden sculptures. It is not at all difficult to organize a small production of flowerpots and sculptures for a garden in a garage. The required materials for manufacturing are gypsum and concrete. The production technology is quite simple and does not require large investments. You can sell finished products both directly and through intermediary stores.
  3. Artistic forging. People with experience with metal can produce small forged products in their garage that are in steady demand, such as grills, lamps, candlesticks, balcony railing, etc. Of course, in order to equip a garage for a small smithy, significant investments are required, but this should not confuse a novice businessman, because this business is characterized by a quick payback.
  4. Airbrushing. Even if an entrepreneur lacks artistic skills, this does not prevent him from turning an ordinary machine into a work of art. In addition, drawings using this technology can be applied to almost all objects, giving them a great personality.


  1. Warehouse services. Customers can be owners of online stores or managers of small businesses. Seasonal services can also be provided. One way or another, you will have to build a large number of shelves. In addition, this business will require the cost of installing an alarm or insuring property.
  2. Rental. This is not the most popular service, since the proceeds will only be enough to pay for the membership fee and electricity. Renting out a garage is usually the concern of those who do not have enough time and desire to deal with it.
  3. Tire service. It has already been mentioned that the garage is not the most the best way for a car repair shop. However, an entrepreneur can provide seasonal services for "re-shoeing" cars. This business is capable of generating good income. During the season, the demand for such services increases sharply, and car services cannot cope with a large influx of customers. Necessary equipment can be rented. This will help you save money and make good profits.

What can you trade in a small town?

Despite the fact that trading has always been a profitable business, it has not only strengths, but also weaknesses. What is profitable to sell in a small town is an eternal question that is asked by almost every novice businessman. You can answer it only after conducting marketing research.

An entrepreneur who wants to make an effort in the trade field must clearly understand what he wants and what is profitable to trade specifically for him.

For example, food trade has always been and will be a profitable area. Food is a constant cost item for every family. And if the prices are lower than those of the neighbors, then this will ensure a stable profit. However, this business has its drawbacks. Firstly, products deteriorate over time, and for their safety they need special conditions... Secondly, this activity is under the scrutiny of the sanitary services.

Goods industrial use do not have an expiration date, but they are not bought every day. Thus, the demand for office supplies increases in August and September, while in other months there is a lull.

When starting any business, demographic and geographic factors must be taken into account. It is also worth taking into account that a business that will bring large profits in a large city can go bankrupt in a small one.

Which store to open in a small town?

By far the safest option for any community is to open a grocery store. But there are other promising solutions:

  1. Goods for kids. This is a stable business that does not depend on the season and the scale of the settlement. As a rule, parents do not skimp on their children, which allows them to set higher markups on children's products. This determines the good profitability of the business and the possibility of pursuing a flexible pricing policy. You can trade anything: children's shoes and clothes, food, toys, strollers and other related products.
  2. Goods for pets. The greatest demand is for products for cats and dogs, as well as everything related to aquarium keeping. You can sell food, litters for trays, toys, decorations, vitamins and minerals, cages, carriers, sunbeds, etc. Such a store should be located in a walk-through place: near a bus stop or in a busy place.
  3. Hardware store. The range of these products is wide enough. The main groups of household goods include household chemicals, goods for the garden and for the house. Trade profitability ensures high turnover.
  4. Car accessories store. In the modern world, where every family owns a car, business in this area is very relevant. The list of such products includes deflectors, windshield wipers, video recorders, interior and luggage mats, navigators, radar detectors, etc.

Business for a woman in a small town

While on maternity leave, many women begin to feel an acute shortage of money. But at the same time, they are not ready to send a small child to kindergarten or do not have such an opportunity, as a result of which they cannot return to work. The only way out for them is a home business, which will allow them to devote time to the child and earn money at the same time:

  1. Home manicure. Having the necessary knowledge or having studied in special courses, you can start accepting clients who want to improve the quality and appearance of their nails. The high quality of work will ensure a large influx of clients, which will allow you to get a full-fledged city income.
  2. Babysitting services. Sitting at home with a child, you can take another one for the upbringing and, most likely, he will not become a burden. The main thing is to love children. Each has the right to set the amount of remuneration at its discretion, based on the average cost of these services.
  3. Taking photography. Knowing how to take beautiful and interesting pictures, as well as process them through special programs, you can post your work on the websites of photo banks. There they are most likely to be noticed by the site creators, where they will be sold out for a certain amount. Of course, the payment is not high, but with daily posting of high quality images, you can make good money.
  4. Handmade. Handicrafts are in good demand. You can sew, knit, embroider, bead, create soft toys, soap, etc. Even the lack of experience is not an obstacle, since everything can be learned on the Internet.
  5. Online consultations. If daily communication with people by phone, skype, etc. does not cause embarrassment, then you can get a job in some company selling goods through the network.

And this is not a complete list of "female" business ideas. For example, a businesswoman can start, etc. These projects are more suitable for those who live in their own home and have at least a small plot of land.

The most profitable business in a small town today

Below is a brief overview of the most for a small town with a population of up to 100 thousand inhabitants. Here, new projects and know-how will not be affected, but only proven solutions, which, with the proper approach, will surely bring profit:

  1. Internet business. Having a computer or laptop, as well as certain knowledge, allows you to open your own business on the Internet. This is a profitable and very convenient business idea: an entrepreneur does not need an office, you can work at any convenient time, because the business does not affect the location in any way. A person can choose any option they like: website development, SEO optimization, copywriting or an online store.
  2. Flower shop and indoor plants... Flowers are not essential items, but, oddly enough, they are in high demand. Especially during major holidays: September 1, February 14, March 8, etc. Also, flowers are often needed on ordinary days - for dates, as a thank you for the service.
  3. Beauty saloon. Beauty has always been and will be a successfully marketed product. There are several business models. One of them is economy, this is the most successful option for a small town in which inexperienced residents live. Services can be as simple as possible (haircut, painting, styling, nail service, light cosmetic services).
  4. A fitness center. Many modern people pay great attention to their health and, in particular, physical development. This is a rather specific type of business, therefore, before opening it, you need to consult with experienced people. You should also study all the features of sports equipment in order to buy the right exercise equipment and other equipment.

Summing up the results, I would like to give several recommendations aimed at the development of business projects in a small town. First of all, you should tackle what is well known and does not raise many questions. This will allow the first time to cope without personnel. It is better to choose those spheres of activity that maintain a stable demand for goods and services for a long time. Their list includes food, entertainment, medicine, etc. Do not forget about the pricing policy either: products that contribute to savings will always be a priority for residents of small towns.

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It should also be remembered that the basis for the promotion of any business is competent advertising. The Internet can provide considerable help in this matter: a rich target audience and the availability of resources will allow as soon as possible earn the trust of potential customers.

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