Drawings of the table. Hand Made: Make a coffee table with your own hands

As in the bedroom without a bed, and in almost any other room, be it a living room, a kitchen, or even an entrance hall, can not do without a table. Actually, in the bedroom it will not be superfluous. And it is better to have several of them at once - for different purposes. To make where to put a night lamp, where to decompose the records and books, install a laptop, or even a snack or at all do something more piquant.

Buy the "office" is easy, the choice is now big, but to make it yourself - the case of a special iza. Such a homemade item of the apartment "wardrobe" will be valued much higher than the owner and guests, and they will use it more pleasant.

The case is not easy, but also a simple, requiring, however, a certain aesthetic taste, and carpentry skills. But you should not be afraid and immediately retreat. Certain with this task is quite real, the main thing is to represent what you want.

Pros and cons

The homemade product has both their advantages and disadvantages. Among the advantages:

  • Variability.You can do it with your own hands what, indeed, you need. In all aspects. This is complete freedom in choosing a form, material, texture, size, design.
  • Saving. Purchase in furniture stores will cost significantly more expensive. In fact, for the same or even the worst quality will have to pay sometimes more money.
  • Uniqueness.What is done with your own hands, no one else will do. This will create a stylish and original, and most importantly the unique interior is almost anywhere - in the country, in the apartment, a private house.
  • Improving skills.Work on the table is the ability to practice your locksmith and carpentry skills, learn a whole series of new things. These skills will be useful and when repairing ready-made shopping products in the future.

It is better to solve the design of the tables, it will be possible to more professionally approach the choice of such products in outletsAnd then at all open for yourself the source of additional earnings. And in general, it will always be possible to help close and friends to fix something, bring a fresh idea in the design.

However, the independent manufacture of tables is fraught with certain difficulties. Among them:

  • Time. Be prepared to spend on work one or a few days, and in the case of a large item - even a week. Maximum, as the masters are recognized, - 10 days spent on the big table. In fact, it is possible for all vacation to be made with the material and achieve very scarce results. Therefore, it is better to have psychological readiness To difficulties in the first experience.

  • Trampling. Work, especially with a tree, is fraught with the reference. When working with the old material (beams, boards from fences), you need to maintain maximum care. But in some cases, even working gloves may not be saved from small cuts. Too gentle handles are better not to do similar things.

  • Production defects. The house is still not a workshop, and some calculations do not make easy - from here the roughness and irregularities on, it would seem ready and designed to the smallest items of the product. Salary, if the table is done for the cottage, but in a standardized room the result can be the subject of offensive jokes And just look inappropriate. For the manufacture of an improvised "bureau" or other more complex than the usual table, the designs still need skills and a certain experience. It would be time to work it.

  • Need a tool.If it is not - everything is simple - you have to buy and master. Time - already money, and there are also additional costs at the first stage. However, in the long run, such an approach will lead to economies - the next table will be done in almost the vigoros, especially if there are reserves of material in the country.

  • It is not suitable for all styles. Carefully need to experiment with homemade products In modern interiors, for example, High-tec, where the "ball rules" metal and technological materials. It is difficult to work with them, and wooden products can disrupt the harmony of the room.

Small council. If you decide to make the table, and this is the first experience, - try to find a good adviser who psychologically and with the help of their skills will support the undertaking. The first steps can be done together, and then go to the free "flight".

Features assembly

Types of tables a lot. The most common written, computer, toilet (with mirror or without a mirror). Working tables vary depending on whether they are designed for a laptop or are made for a stationary computer. In the latter case, a special space will be required for the system unit - it can be installed both under the legs and the eye level.

Each options have their own advantages affecting the design of the table. In the first case, the system unit will not be interpreted at hand, but it will not be very convenient to connect the USB ports at the rear. When designing, leaving a significant open space from behind the table, not to put it near the wall. If the system unit is located on top - the bureau must be as stable as possible, and the countertop is better made from a durable reliable material.

If there is a goal to construct the desktop for a schoolboy, including the collapsible structure, it is reasonable to quickly embed boxes for notebooks, textbooks and CDs. Alternative - separate shelf over construction. Boxes can be both retractable and present an open shelf. Relevant and backlight.

Tables can also be angular, transformers; Adjustable in height, collapsible, on wheels.

All this is not a saint, but practical design elements. Among the more complex options are popular, for example, river tables with beautiful, often transparent material embedded in the middle part. Their manufacturing will take more time and will require higher locksmith skills, but will allow not only to pump up their workshop "skills", but also to make a real artifact of the interior. Each of the types of tables has its own characteristics of the assembly and the specifics. Consider some of the most popular, simple and available options Creation of tables that do not require technical training vertices, but allowing you to create high-quality and interesting products that do not look awkward or poorly even in a modest interior.


But before starting joinery manipulations, you need to decide what and with what you plan to work. It is necessary to start a business in full "instrumental" readiness. Do not be afraid, nothing rare and especially difficult is required - only the usual worker arsenal, which is always under the hand of a real man. So, we will list the main. Do not do without the "classic of the genre" - nails, screws, screwdriver, planer, hammer, glue (come true and instant), knife. In some cases, you can use the saw (in nature). Do not forget about working gloves and disinfectants. Be sure to have iodine and cotton wands with you, if, of course, the goal is to make the table, and not to pass a tetanus.

The fact is that wood with grinding (emery paper or other adaptation) can be very "unfriendly" and just stand up. When working with the metal, there are still plumbing tools. And in any case, it is better to acquire a means of protection for the eyes - a special working mask. For subsequent processing of the material and its cleaning, a brush and disinfectants are also useful, including against insects, especially when using old wood. Clean the table can be emery paper.

And, of course, we need lacquer or paint for final processing. To handle the tabletop varnish, perhaps will have several times (after the first one will simply rise), and therefore it is better to buy it with a margin.

Popular Materials

One tool is obviously not enough. There is something, but so far nothing to work. The main thing is, of course, the material. Theoretically, the table can be made of anything, but there are its subtleties. The most popular is wood, but it must be dry! If it is not dry - dry; It will take time, but it is better for the quality of the quality of the product in this case is not in a hurry.

Dry tree table, logs, timber - beautiful and reliable element of the interior. Beautiful, functional and inexpensive. In this option, it will be possible to save significantly if there is inexpensive bars or brica under hand - stored, say, in the country. In stores good wooden tables exactly do not belong to the category of the cheapest.

Tree is now in trend. This is the main eco-material. Without it, do not do in the interiors, sharpened under the natural stylist. In fact, it is a tree that, in one or another, he beats in all classic interior styles, up to colonial or modern.

You can make a bureau and chipboard. The material is composite and sufficiently affordable. But he has a lot of minuses. The chipboard is afraid of moisture - no longer an option for the kitchen. He poorly holds nails and screws - extra difficulty in work. Yes, and generally not too safe - in the apartment too many products from Chipboard better do not keep. However, such a table can be put, for example, in a house or on a veranda in the country - as an inexpensive, temporary option - for the season, for the adoption of guests. Inexpensive, simple and moderately aesthetic, and most importantly - functionally.

We will specify that the LDSP is also found - also wood and chips, only in a specially laminated - polymer film high temperaturesAnd even a special varnish providing increased water resistance. LDSP is more expensive, but these plates are practically deprived of all the shortcomings of the chipboard.

However, no less practical use of plywood. Her species are a lot - there are moisture resistant. So, the spectrum of application is wider. In Russia, this material is gaining popularity and also massively goes to export, which indirectly speaks of his quality. Plywood is quite convenient in processing and not too expensive. Of the minuses - its chance, boring texture and the feeling of unprofiturable. In addition, when working with plywood, it is necessary to fit very carefully to the preparatory stage. Without a sketch, the drawing here is not to do. You can use both ready-made projects and make it yourself.

Easier to make the table from furniture Shield, Suppose, ash. This is a little more expensive, but at the same time will provide reliability of the main part of the table - countertops. Less concerns with grinding, but at the same time somewhat less naturalness and textures.

An extreme alternative is the use of natural wood: Stumps (they, by the way, can be used in themselves, but this is already designer chic) \u200b\u200bor sleep. With them, everything is exactly the opposite. We'll have to grind, and several times on their own varnish, but as a result, it will turn out a completely unique unique product, which will be able to appreciate all lovers of "natural" design, unless, of course, after the gatherings, will leave without a few bypass in a wide variety of places.

Often, glass or special optical glue, adhesive glue, replacing it is used in the design of the table. You can buy and just shockproof glass - although it will be more expensive. It is stylish, spectacular and safe. This material is optimal for small oval coffee tables, but recently is increasingly used by designers and in models with straight corners.

Also add that the legs and the base can be metallic. It should not be afraid of the combination of wood and metal - it may not be simply harmonious with competent design, but also very interesting. In modern interiors, loft and high-tec without it sometimes nothing. In addition, the metal is effectively combined with glass or its analogs.

Table for kitchen

This is an absolutely necessary element of the interior. It must be comfortable, comfortable and stable. The surface of the table-top often does not have a fundamental value - it is usually covered with a tablecloth or a glued. With independent manufacture, it is important to pay attention to the lower parts of the structure, so that you can sit at the table, and you have always had the opportunity to place your feet with convenience.

A good dining table with your own hands can be done in just a few days. According to homemade "masters," even on very beautiful large models, they left no more than 7-10 days. From the material you can use any - the easiest way to work with chipboard, plywood and wood. The main thing is that the beams and boards are smooth and well polished.

Carefully examine their size, bring it to normal if necessary - the kitchen table is hardly advisable to do more than 80 cm in height. The shape and size of the countertops will depend on the interior and the availability of free space in the kitchen.

A table, although the main element of the interior in such a room, should not occupy all the place. Therefore, especially in small kitchens, it is practical to do it square - you can come from all sides, and more than four people after him is still hardly placed. In large dining rooms, on the contrary, it is better to stay on a classic rectangular format.

Oval or round table top will also look interesting, especially if you choose a beautiful curly legs under it - this will, however, will require good carpentry skills.

When working on a standard wooden model, fasten the beam or board using the planks at the bottom under the table top. Practical option with plywood. DSP is better not to use - in the kitchen there is always an increased humidity, and something regularly sheds something, and this material is known to be poorly withstanding the influence of the aquatic element.

An interesting idea will be the creation of a sliding table.In this case, the attachments should be flexible. But you can proceed easier. Still do it yourself sliding table In the format of one design - the task is nontrivial.

Therefore, make two small rectangular products of the same dimensions. During the day, they can be transferred to different parts of the kitchen or even an apartment, and before coaching food to shift, thereby forming the large table. Very practical option for small kitchens. In the manufacture, pay attention to the lower parts - partitions and beams should not interfere with each other when connecting tables.

If the kitchen is very small, you can do and folding table. Collect the table top and attach a special bracket on the wall. This "Bureau", as a rule, only two legs, which means that they should be placed so that at the same time at the same time a person can be placed at the same time. Another option is instead of one of the legs to build a small cabinet for storing dishes and products. This is the perfect way to save space.

When designing a table with a sink, it is better to apply for help professionals. Make outline and basic elements of labor structures will not be, but the main thing is that they do not interfere with the pipes under it. So without a locksmith and plumber do not do here.

At the final stage, any table is better to process. What to cover it and how to decorate is a matter of taste. It is possible to cover with varnish and set to the tablecloth, or even separate with a special tile or even a stone. The field for experiments is large.

Many will fit in the kitchen interior color palettes, including bright. Do not be afraid to make the table with red, yellow or green - it is fashionable, pleasant and aesthetic, will make it possible to create a good mood when cooking, eating and communicating with households and guests.

And another advice on kitchen tables. If there is a desire to construct a product with a drawer, make the design of the last maximum and sealed so that there is no moisture. Collect it from several boards or slats and securely secure them with special glue or nails. When using plywood, it ideally should not be thicker than 20 mm.

It is important high-quality grinding and processing, including against insects. Remember that the kitchen, as a place of storage of products and cooking, is a favorite environment not only for cockroaches, but also for different wood and loving hyperships of insect species, especially in a hot climate.

For computer

The table for the computer must be compact and functional. It is always better to design it with a reserve. The main concepts are two:

  • Table for a stationary computer.If the technique is powerful, let's say, the game will have to make the table long enough and wide. Many space on it will occupy the monitor. Diagonal from 20 inches and the wide screen speeds imply the user's mobility at the table, which means there should always be a place where to put hands. Separate measurement should be made taking into account the size of the keyboard.

On the table should also be placed other devices - mouse, joysticks, gamepads, and even a gaming role. Part of the place will also take the system unit. It can be installed at the bottom of the table - for this you will have to do special overlaps, so as not to put the technique on the floor. The table should not be closed - high-quality cooling is very important for a powerful computer, and the open space will provide the necessary air circulation.

At the same time, the design of the desk has no fundamental importance - it will in any case be forced by appliances. The main thing is to use high-quality varnish and paint so that the surface is flat, it was easy to wipe it and a lot of dust hazardous for the equipment did not accumulate.

  • For laptop. At the measure, note that it should fit both the computer itself and the hands of a person working or playing him. Often, a full-fledged keyboard is often connected to portable computers, so it is better to use a material with a margin. Leave the place and for the mouse.

We add that the form of a computer table can be made almost any. Previously told the view that it should be rectangular, but practical experience has shown that oval tables, in particular, for laptops are very interesting decision. If you attach wheels to them, turning into an analogue of the coffee table, you can easily move with a computer around the room - to show the rollers to friends in comfortable angles or, on the contrary, if necessary, quickly and quickly immerse yourself in work or correspondence away from strange eyes.

However, there are some specific advantages in the table with straight corners. It is easier to equip boxes and shelves for storing books and disks. Do not forget about the reliability of fastening these structures, as the weight of the musical or game collection can reach 7-10 kg.

Night table

The night table is better made extremely compact. Dimensions - not his "horse", the main thing is the convenience of form. First of all, pon the size of the materials under the height of the bed. It is better to make it in short with a mattress level, but nothing terrible if he gets lower. The tall night table is not too impracticious, although it is found as an example in some design schools. If it is more important for you to experiment aesthetic qualities in this direction. At the same time, the form can be selected any - from oval to rectangular and square.

The designer concept should be entered into the interior composition of the bedroom. For classic styles from materials it is better to choose wood. Moreover, in the case of retro and historical styles than it will be authentic - the better. If there are skills in artistic threadIn this case, it's time to use them. In modern interiors, the wood product will also be relevant - the texture, if necessary, hits with varnishes, paint or tablecloth. Color range depends on the placing color. Color should be harmonized with bed, bed linen, and ideally with floor and ceiling. Radical contrasts are inappropriate here.

Special attention when working on a night table should be given to its sustainability. The leg can be done big. If there are several of them - they should get absolutely identical. Please note that the night table is not only put an alarm clock or desktop book, but sometimes they are based on hands - such loads it should easily withstand. The table can also be equipped with several drawers, or, if it does not allow the level of technical skills or the specificity of the material - an open shelf.

Coffee table

Many houses and apartments have already gone into the past, the habit of launching newspapers and magazines on the coffee table. They were replaced by new means of communication - various gadgets - from iPhone to laptop. But they also need to be placed somewhere, even if they simply put for charging. Before making such an interior item, it is better to immediately decide on its functionality.

The main thing to learn one simple truth: no one works for the journal bureau - in best case Works, so they must be low, aesthetic and comfortable for relaxed pastime. And it is aesthetics - in the first place. Your guests will be remembered, first of all, design and material of the table. Another point is functionality. Well, if such a table will have a space under the table top, where you can put something.

So, as materials, it is better to take a chipboard or board. It should be assembled on the wizards with the utmost, maximum accuracy - so that the locations of the elements are not visible.

Additional crossing will make the table more resistant and reliable. If the design has a metal (legs) in its composition, the welding machine will be required. In the base, you can put a rectangular metal element. Do not forget to strengthen the same sidewalls. A variant with glass (or transparent glue) is very common. Such tables are often found in offices, waiting rooms and other guest sites. However, he, as the experience of many designers shows, fits well into home interiors.

In making it is important to pay attention to the wooden or metal base - it will be visible under the glass! Conducting forms are well suitable. Do not forget that the glass can be used and simply as an additional component. For example, close part of the classic wooden table.. The resulting and without that light interior object is advisable to equip wheels. Such "mini-transport" will be especially relevant in a large living room, as well as in an apartment, where there are always many children (then, however, do not once again experiment with glass). This is a good and useful subject for fun and relaxation.

But the mobile table should be easy. Massive - it is better not to equip it with this "bonus", but to make from durable heavy overall boards. He will land the interior, make it more collected.

There is another option with a transformer table. It is practical, but not always aesthetic. However, if you make a double (highest) base, it can be used even as a conditional easel. We add that the coffee tables are usually small and usually designed for one, maximum, four people. Selection of size is purely individual. Principled only height - it can be varied from 40 to 60-80 cm. Do not forget also that in some situations a part-time product can be used and how bookcase - This will require make the appropriate shelf and compartments.

With regard to the color range, you will admit the contrast of the countertop and legs. The combination of metal and wood looks good. You can apply a drawing to the surface or make an unusual ornament, but it's easier to get it anything easier every time you change the mood and taste to repaint products. And one more point - about the form. The magazine furniture can be both rounded and a rectangular-square - a matter of taste. Round products are used slightly more often, since more secure and democratic.

King Arthur's knights, in the end, also sat for round table, Therefore, in the living room, place of reception and guest assembly, each of which often wants to show their individuality and initiative, it is better to do without places at the head of the table and other patriarchal delights, and for children is safer - once again will not be hooked.

Furniture for cottages

The holiday in nature is a wonderful pastime, however, to really relax and sit in the company, - you need a high-quality and comfortable desk. Such furniture is very specific. On the one hand, it must withstand high humidity - if it is in the open air in the rain, on the other, it is very unpretentious about the aesthetic qualities and always to naturalness. In nature, it will be inappropriate glass table or expensive metal product.

So, before doing the manufacture of such furniture, you need to decide on an important point: where it will stand and how much should be mobile. Option, in fact, two:

  • Still-air outdoor table. Usually such structures are set near garden house Or in removal from it in comfortable places for recreation - under the apple tree or other fruit trees. The main thing is that such a subject of exterior is durable and reliable, as fast as possible on the "legs". The legs are reasonably in some cases even insert into the ground. The surface can be any, but preferably a tree.

The main thing is to remove the pile and chips from it, as they can lead to an unpleasant and deep injury or simply bypass. Please note that the surface must be moisture-resistant - the table will be regularly stamped in the rain. In cases of storm sediments or just a long lack of in the country, it is better to cover it with anything, say, the glued. It will not save from high humidity, but protects against direct contact with water.

  • A moving table in the country house. As a rule, this is a more compact option. It can be used indoors, endure on the veranda or outdoor air. The main focus with independent making is best done on the use of lightweight materials so that it can be transferred.

The wheels are unlikely to help strongly (the landscape in the country is not always smooth), although they can also be attached, but it will make the design less stable. A good bonus will be able to push or collect the table. At the winter season, such a table can be addressed at all and remove the attic to not spoil.

What is the best table for giving? Pallets, boards, old logs can be useful, let's say, from the already unnecessary or dilapidated fence, partitions from the boxes, the old car stall, and anything. It is better not to use glass and not abuse metal. The latter has a rust property: it's not so scary, but aesthetically can spoil all the natural harmony, if not, of course, the desire to create an entourage of the postpocalypse.

Boards for tabletops at the cottage is better to fasten from the bottom using the planks. There is also an option with gluing - this is more time-of-time technology, after processing it is necessary to pull the boards and hold them in this state about a day. If the material is old, it is better to compose it in color, align stylistically by color.

Light - to a light, dark - to dark, with the interweaving of color contrasts closer to the center. Do not seek to ideal with constant leveling - naturalness should not be symmetric. The next step is to polish the surface. It is better to make it sandpaper.

When working with legs, the main thing is to make them the same length - otherwise the food is pleasant in the reception at this table will be little. It is important that their surfaces are not mowed, and even. However, if you dig legs into the ground, and at hand there is no saw, a couple of centimeters can always be compensated, but only as a last resort.

Then after the design, the countertop must be covered with varnish. After the first time, it is likely that the pile will rise, so you process twice. For reliability at the bottom of the final stage, you can make an additional backup-mount. It will make the design more stable and allows you to conveniently place your legs.

In continuation of work, you can attach the benches to the table - to make them part of a single design. Connect a bench with a table better with special wooden straps with nails or long studs. For reliability, the washers and nuts will also need. The seats themselves are made along the similar principle, only their height, naturally, below the table, and fasteners should be more reliable - it is better to make cruciform.

Final stage - Painting. It looks good gray, brown, natural tones. Bright colors look too eclectically, unless you do not have the modern design of the country house, and instead of trees - artificial vegetation.

And a few more words about the sizes. As a rule, summer tables are long, but not too wide - it is easier to approach them easier and more convenient. Do not install them too close to the bushes, especially prickly, gooseberry or cherry, will be painful to them.

The distance from the fruit should also be reasonable, otherwise you can repeat the experience of Newton, but it is unsuccessful. The height of summer tables is usually done average, as they are usually sitting as adults and children. So, with the built-in seats, it is better not overgrown with the design.

How to organize lighting

This question is relevant for both small night tables and for work products that a computer is installed. On the night "Bureau" you can put a small floor lamp, the wire with the switch is reasonably stretched to bed so that each time does not pull to the table and do not drop the lamp in the floor. On the desktop also to use reasonably desktop lampbut since we experiment with homemade structures, other more interesting features appear.

If you make a small "superstructure" above the table from several panels - plywood and chipboard, securely attach them to nails, then you can install a conventional light bulb under them, and better - LED. It will be more efficient to use two or three small point LEDs. They will provide high-quality and uniform lighting.

A child who studies at the table, and an adult will be able to read at any time at any time. To work at the computer (so that the light does not hold down the screen) it will be possible to include only one point of the lighting, which is reasonably accomplished slightly away - it will become a source of muted light.

Among the modern design concepts there are also options for lighting tables from below, through the design of the countertop, however, it will be difficult to deal with such a complex "technical task" without a qualified electrician, and the practical benefits of such structures leaves much to be desired.

The choice of light temperature is almost for any design designs purely individual and depends rather from the site of use. In classic small bedrooms, warm color combinations will be relevant.

In the interior of the kitchen, on the contrary, cold shades will fit harmonious. Much depends on style. High-tech, for example, is sharpened often precisely under the cool gamut. Accents in the classics, colonial style and some variations of the loft, on the contrary, it is better to put on a warm segment.


The table can be made absolutely any, completely carved, but the design has already developed several classic and practical ideas of the form. Among them:

  • Rectangular.It is such tables that were popular in almost all historical epochs. In Russia, the boyars were gathered behind them, they served as a place of mead of peasants in the outstands and the basis of the innovative life.

In Soviet times, they are slightly sweating other forms - square, designed to minimize residential space as such. Now rectangular tables No longer associated with the ideas of dominance and patriarchalness, but retained immanent massiveness and hardness. More often used in large rooms. Suitable for giving, living room, spacious cuisine.

  • Square.Products such a form allow you to perfectly organize space. Their use is reasonably and economical. In addition, there is always the opportunity to move such tables. Foreign models are often found, which are converted into rectangular from square.

Alone to make such a product is not easy. However, you can simply make two identical tables. We clarify that in terms of the homemade approach, it is square and rectangular tables for "sample pen" of beginner masters. And make it easy, and the field for experiments is wide.

  • Rounded The round or oval object of the interior will suit the magazine or night table. This is the perfect form for apartments in which families with children live, as it avoids unpleasant collisions with sharp corners. Technically make them more difficult, but the most unexpected objects can always come to the rescue, for example, automotive tires.

  • Designer forms. The edges of the tables do not have to be smooth. Sometimes they are made curvilinear. Products can be rounded on the one hand, having on other straight corners. Extremely distribution is obtained triangular models.

For example, the kitchen will find a rectangular table with respect to seating and rounded to the sink and cabinets. Guests can comfortably chat, and the hostess or owner, treating them, will not constantly hit the corners. Naturally, more high technical skills will be required to make such models. The main complexity will be to cut the appropriate form. This imposes some restrictions on the materials used - beams, boards and bricn in many similar designs are technically not applicable.

How to make from girlfriend

Sometimes it is difficult to restrain the fantasy, then very interesting options for improvised "desktops" are born, which can be used both in nature and in modern high-tech interiors and not only - even at work. It is not difficult for example, make a table from a car wheel, more precisely - tires. Fake it on one side of the chipboard - a little less than the radius, and on the other - the legs. You can decorate the side surfaces and the lid on your taste.

If you drag the table with fibers or ropes, it turns out and the emblem - immediately two in one. To create more efficient mounts, stock liquid nails. The lid of such furniture can be made removable and subsequently stored in the "wheel" everything that your heart. With a competent approach, such ailepture will become a mini-safe, where it will be possible to protect things at least from children, and not every unlucky thief, bursting into your home, guess such a little trick.

No one bothers to assemble the useful design and old drawers: it will be a kind of interesting table-labyrinth. However, here you need to be very attentive - many craftsmen who posted their creations from the boxes on the Internet, it turned out something rather reminiscent of the urn. To avoid this, do not leave too much free space in the center of the structure.

Another, perhaps, even more extreme option - designing a table based on an old suitcase. Such Soviet Mahina is waiting for an hour of their disposal at many balconies of the country, and, perhaps, it was now that their starry hour has come. Just do not rely in the literal sense of the word to exclusive Soviet quality - it is better to strengthen the product with sheets, let's say plywood. There will be more legs and wheels.

Before starting work, disinfect the product. At the final stage, it can be covered with varnish, paint or plane cloth. This option is suitable for colonial and various retro styles, and indeed in any room will look at at least original. With benefit in work on a table, you can use old frames - the main thing is to strengthen well. With adequate design, you can achieve all the advantages of the effect of pop art style.

Loft style pallets will decorate almost any interior of the modern living room. You can also make an interior object from pallets, from the old window sill or countertops (with an antique effect), from ceramic tiles, proftrube. A table made of profile or tap pipes is at all a fashionable idea. And in general, it will be suitable for creative furniture to create creative furniture: from old chests and barrels to mirrors, rolls of wallpaper and batteries - the main thing is to trust your fantasy, feeling of style and technical skills of working with material and tool.

Beautiful placement ideas in the interior

And finally, consider some interesting examples of homemade tables in various interiors. Let's start with the cottage. At a distance of several meters from the landing, a large table made of lacquered boards will be fitted. It will be perfectly harmony with greens will be light or dark brown. The tabletop is separated by five parts along a narrow part (by the number of boards). Creaping them from below, keep the effect of naturalness and naturalness.

On the bottom, the table will also be bonded by two overlaps, which will be convenient to put legs. Benches are also attached to the table (consist of three boards each). Favorable design is emphasized with additional neat threads on the sidewalls. As a result, before us is hardly a sample of the most pre-revolutionary royal Russian style of the middle of the XIX century or even modern (how to see).

It was in such an entourage that the connoisseurs of rural idylls met guests at the beginning of the 20th century, organized creative meetings, exhibitions and even theatrical performances. Such a table does not look old-fashioned, he keeps the interior of the classic country house, where, minimum, glass and metal.

Another example. Table river for the living room. The transformer is the easiest way to do, making it imitation, that is, not to use a plug-in design, but to paint the product accordingly. In essence, it is a classic wooden table with a relief surface that will successfully stand next to the sofa or seating.

The color is better to select depending on the stylistics of the room. Light wood will be harmonized with light light tones and vice versa. The scratched part (blue or its shades) should be harmonized with a chandelier or ceiling. On this table, there will be a nice vase with flowers or greens. Than simply design Such a table, the better - it can be used and as a journal, and as a dining.

The following idea is for an angular computer table, is also quite real for exercising with your own hands. Corner parts we will make rectangular, and protruding on us an arbitrary but wide and comfortable form, so that you can put a hand on it, put the keyboard. Materials use Faneur or LDSP.

The usual wood is suitable, as well as old table tops, but it will be somewhat more complicated to work with the form. If still chosen "difficult" material, pay attention to the varnishing and painting, these stages work is better to pay increased attention.

Color gammas We use homogeneous, not by abusing light shades. In our example, the table will be brown. However, for the perfection of the designer idea, the color of the table with the color of the monitor, keyboard and system unit should be harmonized.

Among the night tables, the two-level option will be practical and uncomplicated. It is easier to make it rectangular, but if you allow skills, it is better to do it all the same round. The lower overlap is placed at 10-15 cm from the floor, the top is at the level of the mattress height.

For the bedroom, decorated in dark colors, is suitable for soft dark texture. The table can be painted even into black paint. It will thus become a color spot in a room that attach an additional contrast of the bed and the floor. A pleasant visual effect will appear if you place a decanter with water and a glass on it.

And the last example is a compact small night bureau with two drawers. In this case, we will pick up dark colors. Wood will need to be well treated and covered with varnish. The design of drawers - the most simple.

To begin with an amateur independent manufacture Furniture should learn how to create a stool because it is the easiest. And then the time to study the question of creating a table comes.

Table designs are different, however, the simple version is very similar to the process of creating a stuff.

A simple table for use in the country or during a departure to a picnic you can collect just a few hours. To do this, you need a hacksaw, a hammer or drill.

However, a table based on a similar approach can be made for residential premises. Since it is able to replace the current very much large option, bought in the retail point of sale or furniture store.

The process of self-creating the table is interesting and on the other hand, since the freedom of creative expression of the author appears with the help of it. It can be represented as a noticeable element of the interior of the room.

The creators of manual amateur furniture are not just called joiners. It does not apply to the usual definition like: Sounders or bedside beds, and maybe lockers.

Having gained experience in this direction, over time it will be possible to create exclusive types of tables that are characterized by advanced characteristics.

Now consider the question of the independent creation of wood-based tables.

Wood is characterized by cleanliness and accessibility, in addition, it is not so difficult to process, like other materials. It transmits the maximum energy of the aesthetic filling of the style of the residential room.

At the expense of its properties condescendingly refers to the mistakes of beginners in the field of independent creation of furniture. However, thinner versions of the tables will require an advanced level of skill.

To begin with, learning to work with wooden things, then it will be easier to use as a material: glass, plastic or even metal.

Selection of tools and room facilities

To do independent creation tables or others wooden elements Furniture, it is necessary to use only a non-residential room.

This is due to the specifics of working with wood. It leads to the formation of a large amount of dust, chips and other waste.

And the process of toning or creating protection for material based on the simulation is capable of forming dangerous release into the air. Actually nitroleki can also be dangerous.

Because of this, for a personal joinery workshop will have to take care of the air ventilation. Specialists advise creating artificial ventilation premises.

Many for this use a garage, however, waste production can pollute or damage the car because of this is not the best option.

Joinery tools belong to modern and traditional species

For the most part, for a start, it is possible to limit the simple carpentry tool, however, it may be necessary to see modern versions in the form of:

  • The swivel version of the stub, helps to create a sleep based on two planes, adhering to the required size.

  • This tool will open all its beneficial properties, first of all, with an ampace saw. This couple is considered universal, it can come in handy for the fulfillment of many works.

  • Manual version of universal electric jigsika, distinguished by a tilted shoe that helps create a propyl based on the necessary angle with respect to the vertical plane.

  • Disc version grinding machine. It will help newcomers to process the tree surface approximately for 5-15 minutes. An experienced joinear together with the skin will be able to perform the same work for about an hour.

And there is also an ordinary grinding ribbon machine and for grooves with in-depth places, characterized by a protruding option for the working part.

Such tools are highlighted by the price and a narrow specialization of work. experienced masters Recommended to take them on a short lease term.

The best specialists using, various grinding machines can even create an effect of artificial aging wood, however, it is a very difficult job as for beginners.

What tree is suitable best?

To create a wooden table, any wood, which has an average resistance to the rotation process, however, should be refrained from soft versions like: poplar, willow, wood of ailant, aspen and more alder.

Of the domestic types of wood it is best to use:

  • soft versions in the form of pine, fir, cedar, horse chestnut, plane, juniper or ate.

  • solid in the form of an ideal oak suitable for many works of beech, maple, nut or ash, larch, as well as fruit rocks represented by apple trees, plums, pears, apricots and quince. And also here should include Elm and Ryabin.

  • pretty solid views based on acacia, tees, stone birch, dogwood and says.


The table and probably all kinds of furniture created by their own hands, I want to decorate with an artistic version of the painting, and not ordinary stripes.

However, over time, the drawing can be spoiled so that this does not happen to rub the paint into the depth of the tree to the varnishing process. This can be done on the basis of equipment - lesing. We are talking about layer-by-layer rubbing, using paints.

Photo tables do it yourself

Creating furniture with your own hands is not only a great way to save money, but also the ability to implement your creative potential in practice!

It will be about making coffee tables with your own hands. There is no too many adrigatory tables. They can be placed next to the sofa to put a vase with flowers or a coffee mug, use as a bedside table or as a stand for pots with indoor plants. However, monotonous wooden tables are unlikely to live in a sad interior. I want something stylish and unexpected ...

Stylish table of wooden rivers with their own hands

This bench can serve as a coffee table, additional seating or place to accommodate indoor plants. A similar piece of furniture is well "fitted" in almost any interior!

coffee tableiR do it yourself photo



Step one: With the help of the knob, cut the ends of two 2.5 × 7.5 cm boards at an angle of 45 degrees. Of the 2.5 × 5 cm of bars, drink fragments, the length of which will correspond to the internal length of 2.5 × 7.5 cm blanks.

how to make a coffee table with your own hands. Photo

Step two: Place 2.5 × 5 cm blanks in the middle, and 2.5 × 7.5 cm around the edges. Ensure that the ends of the internal plates are aligned.

Step Third: Measure the distance between extreme 2.5 × 7.5 cm Brucks and cut down two blanks of this length of 2.5 × 10 cm of the board. They will serve for benches by lower supports. Secure them by screwing the screws into each longitudinal rack.

Step fourth: Using the KREG JIG conductor, drill two pocket holes at each end of the reference crossing. These holes will be used to connect from 2.5 × 7.5 cm by extreme bars.

Tip: It is difficult to give specific recommendations regarding the distance from the edge to fix the KREG JIG conductor. It depends on the length of the screws used, the exact thickness of the board, etc. We advise you to pre-practice on unnecessary cutting boards.

unusual coffee table do it yourself. Photo

Pitch Fifth: Place 2.5x7.5 cm blanks on the edges of the design. Making sure that their ends are on the same level, fix them with clamps.

Tip: If for the manufacture of the table you use soft wood (for example, pine tree), put unnecessary bouts of boards under the supports of the clamps. Otherwise, traces from the clips will remain on the wood.

Step Six: Securely attach the extreme 2.5x7.5 cm of bars to the base of the bench, screwing down 3.5 cm screws into the countersunk holes that you have been done a little at the ends of the reference crossing.

coffee table of wood. Master Class

Step seventh: Measure the width of the manufactured base to determine which length it is necessary to cut 2.5 × 7.5 cm of the workpiece for the ends of the bench. We recommend that you do dropped with a small margin along the length, and then it does not harm it too much until you achieve an ideal fit.

Step eighth:Moisten the ends of all the plates with water and apply a small amount of Gorilla Glue glue.

Step ninth:Install the end boards to the place intended and cover the entire design with the belt so that it does not break down until the glue is dry. For reliability, you can additionally fix the ends with several finishing cloves.

Step tenth: Collect the surface of the bench sandpaper 120 grain, to eliminate all irregularities at the joints. All gaps in the seams and deepening from nails hats (the latter must be drilled in the wood) fill in putty. When the putty dries, abandon the surface, this time the sandpaper 220 grain.

Step eleventh: Paint the bench. We advise you before painting again to polish the surface using emery paper 400 grain and water.

Step twelve: On the lower support crossbars, install special mounting plates for fastening the legs. Fixing them, make sure that you drift the holes in places where there are no already screwed screws. The distance from attachment to the edge of the base of the bench should be about 2.5 cm. Screw the legs in the mounting.

Coffee table made of copper pipes. Master Class

Material for the manufacture of the next table can probably be called the most unexpected. This time we decided to tell you how to make a table from ... copper pipesoK.

Materials and tools:

The figure below shows all parts (pipes (A-E) and various connecting elements (F-H)) indicating their size and quantity. All you have - take in hand truborez And sitting in front of the TV, which will slightly screens up the tedious cutting process. It is not difficult, just somewhat boring. 😉

When all the blanks are ready, you can proceed to assembling the bottom of the table. How to do it - shown in the picture.

Collecting the bottom tier, you can start up the top. The only part that is not listed in the list of parts is the four piece of pipes with a length of 2.5 cm, which are placed in tees at the top of the corner racks. Without these inserts, you will not be able to wear decorative caps, because The latter have the same diameter as the tees.

Reliable connection of tubes with each other will provide glueBut we advise it only after the preliminary assembly of the design, i.e. After you make sure that all carved tubes have the desired length and are well joined with each other.

Wooden shelves, which, if you wish, you can pre-paint, are fixed using special homutics that are placed on the underside of each board. Now you are ready to decorate your home new, made with your own hand table!

Lightweight cement table with their own hands

Made from concrete countertops and other interior elements recently become increasingly popular. However, with all its appeal, they are not deprived of a number of flaws. First, pouring a large amount of concrete can sometimes be quite expensive. Secondly, if we are talking about small inlet tables, another serious problem is revealed - such furniture is too heavy. On the one hand, there is a desire to get a good good thing, on the other hand, I want to be able to move the table made by your own hands without the help of professional movers. The solution found can be considered insight.

Materials and tools:

Step one: Mark and cut the foam sheet. Of the 120x240 cm of a piece you can cut 18 squares of 40x40 cm. After folding them on each other, you will receive a parallelpiped 40x40x45 cm.

a table of foam with his own hands. Photo

Step two: Glue cut fragments. Ideally, the 3M Super 77 aerosol glue is suitable for this. Perform this stage of work is better outdoors. Do not forget to put on gloves and a long sleeve shirt. Apply a smooth layer of glue on one side of the first square, then do the same with the second. Lose ~ 15 seconds, then connect the squares, making sure that their edges are docked. Repeat it until all square blanks are connected to a single integer. Look for about 30 minutes before proceeding to step 3.

Step Third: Now the most interesting ... giving the output of the future table to the resulting parallelpiped. We decided to make a table in the form of a cylinder. You can come up with something more original or, on the contrary, save the source block with straight corners. Cut foam easily and fun. At first, your design will have a rough, angular view, but do not worry! After the table is attached fit form, Grinding time will come. Using sandpaper 36 grainability will help to quickly smooth out all irregularities. As you approach the ideal, gradually move to the sandpaper with more small size grains. Do not strive for the achievement of the surface superfolding, at this stage it is important for you to achieve only the preparation of the necessary form.

Step four:The surface of the future table is polished, the time has come to cement it. The first layer applied throughout the foam form will fill the emptiness and texture of the foam. You have only ~ 20 minutes, so act quickly so that you have time to smooth out irregularities. When the applied cement solution is dry, you can apply the following layer. The number of layers depends on how much smooth and smooth surface you want to have in the final (as a rule, four or five layers are required). It should be remembered that the smoother there will be the surface of the final layer before it drying, the less it will have to grind!

Tip: When preparing a cement mortem, follow the manufacturer's instructions. Do not prepare the solution more than you need to apply one layer (for example, we used 220 ml of water and 450 g of cement). Make sure that you have not forgotten covering the surface of the desktop or floor in the workshop, because this work is quite dirty.

Pitch Fifth: After drying the last cement layer, you can deploy the surface if you wish. We wanted to achieve a glossy surface, at least in the upper part of the table, therefore stole it using sandpaper of various grainies - starting from 100 and finishing 2000.

Tip: If you are planning this operation, get a protective mask that will help you protect your lungs from cement dust

(The table made in this project turned out to be very durable and sturdy, but at the same time he weighed no more kilogram.)

Table of stump do it yourself

The material for the next table sometimes in the literal sense of the word is lying under the legs. Even residents of megacols, if desired, can find a suitable stump.

table of Polane. Photo

Materials and tools:

  • wooden chubban;
  • white acrylic paint;
  • manual grinding machine;
  • chisel;
  • a hammer;
  • decorative upholstery nails;
  • molar Scotch.

Step one: Find the basis for the table! It should be not an old drunk stump, but freshly churgak. Give him the opportunity to dry for at least 6 months (there is nothing worse than waiting, but it is necessary to do it) until the bark starts separated from the barrel.

Step second: Using the chisel, descending movements, carefully clean the chumbach from the crust. If the stump is sufficiently succeeded, you do not have to apply too much forces for this.

Step Three: Using a grinding machine with sandpaper medium grain paper, pass the surface, removing the rest of the cortex and smoothing sharp corners. Do not forget to polish the surfaces of the lower and top spins. Wipe the tree with a wet cloth.

Step fourth: It is time to paint. We used a white peeler paint, which includes a primer in its composition (it took three layers for the full coating to be applied). You can choose another type and color of paint, focusing exclusively to your taste. Do not forget to prejudice the surface of the wood. Make sure you have not forgotten to handle bottom sleep.

Pitch Fifth: Prepare decorative nails. Along the upper edge of the side surface of the Burbak, make a strip of painting scotch, thereby noting the place where the first row of nails will be located.

Step Six: With the help of a hammer, hammer the first row of decorative nails. So for all the lengths of the nails, the distance from them to the upper edge was the same, use as a guideline with you before the strip of painting scotch. After the first row is completed, repeat the same with the second and third number of nails (we needed almost 150 carnations for three rows).

Tip: Observe the bottom surface of stump with furniture felt so that you can move the room on the room, without damaging the flooring.

The work is done. You can use the new piece of furniture and be proud to have done this charming coffee table with your own hands.

Coffee tables: do it yourself

Wooden table: how to do?

Many people are interested in how to make a table of wood with their own hands to get a model with the original external species. Consider one of the options.

To make the original coffee table with your own hands, you should take bar. With a cross section of 5x10cm. It is collected on the following length: 130cm - 9pcs, 21cm - 12pcs, 34cm - 2pcs.

The prepared timber is placed in three rows, leaving a place to fasten the legs.

The upper two rows are removed. The bar in the third row slightly shifted to get an interesting appearance. Next place places for fastening transverse parts.

Putting the extreme bars of the second row and noted the locations of the propyl. Then the propelles are performed circular saw or handwheel with a chisel.

Brucks of the second row are fixed with screws.

Put the third row, displaced parts and fix them.

Under the tabletop forms an empty place in which they fix legs.

Wood treated protective composition , preserving wood texture.

Original model of a wooden coffee table do it yourself

First, for the manufacture of a table, do it yourself prepare digger: 6pcs - 22.5x45cm, 2pcs - 22.5x41cm, 8pcs - 20x4cm, 8pcs - 40x4cm.

Red, 20x4 and 40x4 glued pairs. So that they bumble securely, they are clampedclamps.

While the workpieces for the legs dry, collect box From the other details. They are connected by joiner glue and neiler.

Legsthe drawer attach secret screws. At the bottom between the legs put crossbars.

Cover For table from wood, also make using a plate 22.5x45cm. They are glued, and then the resulting square is cut into two triangles.

One triangle is fixed with screws, and the reiki is fixed on the second to be removable.

All parts are grinding and painted.

Stylish coffee table. Master Class

Start the manufacture of a stylish table with their own hands with a sheet markup Chipboard 16mm thick. The sheet find the center by intersection of two diagonals.

The center is driven by a nail to which a thin rope or harsh thread is tied.

A pencil is tied to a free end. This allows you to draw a circle.

If you want to make a table with your own hands not a circular, but more interesting form, then the form of a circle is changed, drawing the bends.

Tabletop cut out electrolzik or saber saw.

Edges are treated sandpaper.

Legs Fasten with screws. If they are located obliquely, the slope must be out.

Table surface collapse in the desired color.

Coffee table simple form

To make the coffee table do it yourself, take boards 40x15cm - 2pcs and 50x19cm - 2pc. In addition, the legs and plates for installation will be required.

On one of the boards more fix platesfor fastening legs. From the edges should be a little retreat.

The side and upper part of the table are fixed with joinery glue.

It dries approximately half an hour.

Little Table with your own hands

Made by your own hands the coffee table with such an appearance will be the decoration of the cottage or country house. Start working from the build assembly. For this take sheets plywood Two centimeters thick. Of these, the base with dimensions of 60x80cm is cut. To the base, the 68cm length is fixed with a length, 45cm width and 40cm height.

little table with your own hands. Photo

After that, thirty pieces are cut Founders 45 cm and twenty-four round rounds, the thickness of which is 3 cm.

Completed lamps are fixed around the perimeter of the drawer. Bottom to base fix videos. They are installed by retreating from the edge of three centimeters.

In addition to glue, it will be useless to consolidate the lamps on the screw from the bottom.

The box is installed plywood cover. She sticks to her. The space between them is filled with putty for wood, which does not sit down when dried. Apply it in stages so that the previous layer manage to dry.

After drying putty surface shlify. For this, a plane oarsal machine is used. After that, the lane table can be used.

Rustic table

If it is interesting how to make a table from the spikes of a tree with your own hands, then you should familiarize yourself with the instructions.

Start the manufacture of such a coffee table with their own hands from the choice of a suitable material.

Selected spil We inspect the presence of interesting details or parts you want to delete.

Over rough, protruding parts are cut. On the other side where the tabletop will be, the surface align.

To work are used Teszwhich moves at an angle of forty-five degrees.

Side parties should also be aligned.

All surfaces grind Using all the decreasing grain.

Glossy varnish Mixed with a resin in equal shares.

The resulting composition is applied on wood with a thick layer. Dry it will be long. If slots appear in the drying process, they need to be filled.

Night side clean. If there are empties in the tree, they are filled with resin gradually until the hole is filled.

If there are air bubbles in the dried resin, then the surface is heated with a heat fluff or burner.

Apply the second layer of resin and again leave to dry for two days. The whole surface of the table top should be glossy.

Handles of the ax are cut off part at an angle of 22 degrees. The surface is grinning and stained in the desired color.

Place places for legs And make holes.

The glue is poured into the holes and set legs. On each fastening special linings.

White coffee table

Make such a coffee table do it yourself from plywood and glass. First prepare the drawing and determine the size. Then proceed directly to the manufacture.

coffee table with your own hands. Blueprints

As a countertop acts plywood box With partitions, closed on top of glass. Triangular legs are fixed to it.

The box can make the door to access what inside, or lift the glass.

Legs For the table with their own hands it is better to cut out of a sufficient fat plywood. It must be remembered that the double legs make it easier than large quantity Single.

When all parts are ready, they are collected together and fasten. The table is stained or covered with varnish.

Table of pallets do it yourself

If you know how to make a table from pallets do it yourself, then you can get interesting option Furniture for home. Pallets are required first to open, cut into parts and primed.

table of pallets. Instruction

From the prepared material collect a table. For this, the legs or wheels are fixed. As a lid of the table, the pallet can be used directly or the surface assembled from individual sheets.

After all parts are connected, the design is required to paint or cover with varnish. After that, the pallet table is ready.

Second version of the table of pallets

For the manufacture of such a table, one or two pallets will be required. It should be pre-draw a sketch of the future product taking into account all sizes.

The table will be with a shelf under small things under the table top. The design is collected from the prepared parts.

The surface is painted with black paint, but this is not the only possible option. There are many other decoration features.

Coffee table stand

Option how to make a table from copper pipes do it yourself, can be interesting to many craftsmen.

Pipes first place and cut. Then they are missing epoxy glue and collect the base for the table.

This foundation is applied to the board and diverge the places of fasteners. In these places it will be necessary to live holeson the diameter of the pipe.

Four holes are drilled, but not through.

The board is impregnated polyurethaneand cover morilka.

From the pipes are collecting the remaining frame.

Legs and base covered paintin the color of the tabletop.

Make a piece of fabrics pocketwhich hang on the transverse parts of the legs.

All parts are collected together by adding epoxy glue for reliability.

Label in the marine style with their own hands

Such a table from old window Rama It looks very romantic. The frame is purified from dust. If required, then the glass is replaced.

Wooden surface collapsewhite acrylic paint. The layer of paint after drying is treated with sandpaper to make wood. A variant and in blue-white gamma is possible.

To make legs, take trenok And they are cut into parts by 34 cm. After that it is processed by sandpaper to remove roughness.

Billets are drilled in four places. Next, each leg is fixed to the base, and the base with the legs to the frame. All this makes self-drawing.

The legs are covered with a rough rope.

On peeled and skimmed glassprint sea souvenirs and seafood. From above, they should be closed with glass, which is cut into the workshop in the size of the frame.

At one end of the rope make a loop. The rope is glued along the perimeter of the frame, leaving the loop free. When the second end comes to it, they tie an interesting sea knot.

The coffee table is not the subject of the essentially in the house, but without him the interior is devoid of comfort. Such a minor item changes noticeably atmosphere indoors.

A table made of wood with her own hands makes a hop of home heat. Therefore, it is better to make a coffee table yourself than to purchase in the store.

Before starting work on the preparation of materials, it is necessary to determine which model will fit into the interior of the room. What preferences in form, color range, height, etc. If a person has a sense of taste, he himself can create a coffee table project. Or refine it with your own hands the appropriate option found both on the network and in specialized magazines.

Modern design solutions suggest so diverse in the form of the model of this element of furniture, which can be confused in this abundance. Last years In the interiors, not only standard geometric forms of tables, but also bold exclusive solutions appear.

  • square Tables. Pretty familiar to the inhabitant version of the coffee table. The traditional shape of the tabletop is acceptable in the room with a similar set of furniture, which is all withstanding in one style. This form is quite functional, if you equip the table with additional shelves and boxes. Countertop dimensions may vary, depending on the location and wishes of the owner. But usually used 80 centimeters size;
  • rectangular Tables. This form requires more space in the room, so it is not recommended to have rectangular coffee tables in small rooms. Width of this standard Table. It is usually 60 cm, an arbitrary length, but not more than 160 cm. For such tables there can be a small company;
  • round and oval Forms countertops. Most often, this form of a coffee table can be found in the house where there are small children or old men. The rounded edges of the countertop will not be injured and injured their owners. For an oval or round table, it is pleasant to make an evening tea drinking;
  • non-standard Forms. Very fashionable now to have furniture with non-standard solutions in the interior. Couples in love acquire tables in the shape of a heart. The triangular table looks fantastic, as if it is a gift from alien creatures. The coffee table in the form of a curved snake, gives the room uniqueness and extravagance.


The height of the coffee table is of great importance, if not to say, the main one. Standards applicable to such tables, suggest that the height of them should be at least 40 centimeters, as well as not exceed 50 centimeters.

These norms allow you to comfortably use it, sitting on a chair or sofa.

But these recommendations are relative. The height of sofas and the docks today is arbitrary. There are models that have a high airbag location. And there are models in which a person sits almost on the floor. Therefore, low table models today are pretty in demand. They resemble the eastern customs, where it is customary to sit on the floor during the meal.


The main criterion in the choice of table top width is the area of \u200b\u200bthe room where the coffee table will be. A small apartment involves the presence of compact furniture. And in the spacious room it is appropriate to place a large table.

Important! Standards for coffee tables suggest that the width should be about 60 centimeters, and the length is 120 centimeters.

In many ways, the shape of the table depends on the functionality, which is assigned to it. The presence of attached wheels at the bottom is appropriate with frequent move from place to place.. It should also be considered whether the wheels will not harm the flooring. A large number of Shelves are necessary for those who like to keep all sorts of little things or want to use a table for creativity along with the child.

What can you make?

The most common material for the manufacture of the table is natural wood. This is environmentally pure MaterialFrom which beautiful furniture turns out.

But over time, the tree can dwell and fade, change its structure and shape. Therefore, it is undesirable to have furniture items from it near the heating devices.

In addition, such varieties of wood as a wenge have a high price, which pursues on the idea of \u200b\u200bmaking from wood only countertops.

MDF, laminated chipboard , Special furniture plates covered with plastic are cheaper options, from which you can make a table. This also includes shields of glued wood, which are made of less valuable breeds Woods that allow substantially to save, but at the same time they will resemble one piece expensive tree. Making the foundations of the table from these materials, are veneered with veneer.

Very fashionable to have a table with transparent in the interior glass table top. Such a table gives the room luxurious and expensive view. But there is one weighty minus in such tables.

Important! The glass surface is very marking, any traces of fingers or cups immediately remain visible. Therefore, glass tables require increased accuracy in use.

In addition to wood, MDF and glass can be used non-traditional materials: cork material, stone, ceramics, metal, plastic and other materials, which can be found in building stores.

Tools and materials

Before you make a coffee table with your own hands, you need to collect materials and tools:

  • Glue (preferably PVA),
  • Brush for applying glue,
  • Workpiece under the worktop,
  • Billet under the feet of the table,
  • Wheels (if necessary),
  • Shpuntes,
  • Hacksaw,
  • Electrolovik,
  • Roulette,
  • Corolnic
  • Marker or pencil,
  • Drill,
  • Grinding nozzle on a drill,
  • Self-tapping screw
  • Screwdriver,
  • Clamps
  • Plane,
  • Chisel,
  • Bit,
  • Kiyanka.

How to make your own hands?

How to cut the elements from the tree?

The main elements of the coffee table is table top, planks and legs. For the manufacture of countertops, you can take such materials as a sheet of MDF, boards, glass, Phaneur, etc., but the traditions are told to make their first table from the tree.

The main rule in the preparation of the elements of the table is to make a markup correctly. As it is impossible in this case, the proverb "Seven times will die, once again."

Cut the electrolovka countertop on the planned markup. This tool will allow you to make a smooth cut and give the table any shape, from a simple rectangular to figurehead. The legs (4 pieces) can be cut off with hacksaw and in the further jigsaw give them any shape. Planks (4 pieces) are also cut with hacksaw. Then we perform in the legs of the hole, and in the spikes planets. In the future, it is necessary to strengthen all the blanks of the future table.


We produce a preliminary assembly of the table, with the subsequent fit of all the details. Connections must be tightly into each other with a small arm force. If the coffee table turned out to be like you yourself, you can move to the gluing details.

Important!To increase durability, the design should be disassembled and wrapped all spikes for final assembly. Clamps fasten the details of the table and give glue to dry during the day.

The next day, we clean the legs with the planks from the remnants of the glue. Then we attach the worktop to the plars with the help of screws and glue. Self-tapping screws should not pass the table top. After drying, it is releasing all the seams from glue residues.


When the coffee table, it can be faded well to work, which will protect wood from moisture, rotting, the appearance of fungi and mold. As well as to decorating the home interior element created by their own hands.

Protection is made by antiseptic means that will protect the table from moisture and exposure to sunlight.

The most popular and affordable product for wood products is morilka. It prevents material from deformation, fungus and mold.

Morilka is a water-repellent deep penetration. Exists big choice Color Tints this meanssimilar to different rocks of the tree. After drying the veil, the colorless varnish is applied, which gives shine and gloss.

Yacht varnish Protects the tree from swelling, drying and posting. This lacquer forms a film after one-time application. Repeated processing should be carried out in two years.

Important! Yacht varnish does not have decorative properties, its main function is to protect wood.

Polyurethane lacquer Pushes moisture and prevents deformation, drying and wear of the material. This lacquer is two species - matte and glossy.

Acrylic lacquer Helps secure the surface wooden table From the impact of external natural factors. Such a varnish is best to handle furniture items on cottage plot. He protects wooden product from moisture. The main component of the acrylic varnish is the aqueous dispersion of the resin. It gives the decorative properties of the finished product.

All these tools are easily applied with a roller or brush. To work with them, you do not need to be a large specialist in paintwork. The main thing is to armarate individual protective equipment (mask, respirator).


Useful video


The coffee table in the interior of the room is always a winning option. A hand made with its own hands is a doubly pleasant thing than purchased in the store. Pride and satisfaction from the contemplation of their skills and masters of the master will appreciate all guests at home.

You can always purchase or order any furniture in the cabin, but completely embody your dreams and wishes perhaps only if you do everything yourself. Moreover, it is possible to guarantee the exclusivity of the product. Such a product will save the host aura and attract the warmth and comfort of a homely hearth.

In contact with

In the era of electronic media, a few bother reading printed publications. Despite this, the coffee tables still occupy an honorable place in every home.

In addition to direct destination, they can be used for other useful cases: serving light breakfast or dinner, small repair and home creativity.

Simplicity of design, variety of shape and design, minimum of the instrument - all these advantages of coffee tables attract the attention of homemade masters. In our article we will do detailed review Popular homemade and give practical advice on their manufacture.

Constructive options for coffee tables

The easiest way can be made coffee table with your own hands using shields from edged board, veneered chipboard or MDF.

In order to hide the stove connection points, a classic method is used - an assembly on round wooden spikes (wanks). All that is required from the home master in this case is to accurately place the places of installation of spikes on the ends of the sidewall and drill the planting holes for them in the lower and top cover.

The simplest coffee table from the MDF Plate

To increase the stiffness of the structure between its side walls, you need to install vertical crossbar. A small niche for storing magazines and other little things here will not be superfluous. It can be made of the plate remaining after cutting the covers and sidewalls.

Mobility is a useful feature of the table. It is implemented by installing furniture wheels on the bottom. Compact transport wheels can be hidden, but you can buy larger and deliberately allocate them. So we will get the original table on wheels from polished bars that support the massive wooden table top.

Those who mobility does not play a big role, and I want to see in my house a solid table in the rustic style, you can offer an option from powerful boards. This table will no doubt become one of the main decorations in the living room of any country house.

Reasonable laziness, connected to the thirst for creativity often leads to interesting discoveries. One of them is a table from the old auto stroke.

He is going very simple:

  • Two circles with a diameter of 3-4 cm with a diameter of 3-4 cm are cut into the chipboard with a diameter of 3-4 cm.
  • Four metal legs are screwed to the first circle.
  • The bottom and cover are fixed with self-drawing to the sides of the wheel.
  • The sidewalls and the lid can decorate the rope from the jute.

Homemade design from the old auto stroke looks excellent

So it turns out an unusual coffee table, which, if necessary, can be used as a banquette.

The idea of \u200b\u200busing "random" items to create home furniture It turned out to be extremely productive. She gave life to numerous homemade from boxes and pallets. A little imagination and minimum costs are required in order to collect a coffee table from a tree based on four standard boxes.

The assembly algorithm looks like this: drawers put on the edge, having them in a circle one by one. By connecting the design with the help of self-tapping screws, in its center make a shelf. Here you can put a floral vase or pour the decor from the river pebbles or shells. The wood treatment is completed with sandpaper, mourn and varnish.

Natural wood does not need a sophisticated decor. Using it for finishing the interior, add the situation with a simple table. It will require several planed bars and slats of the intake stakeholder.

The base frame will look reliable and massive when using a contrast color combination with a tabletop. For this, the bars should be toned with a dark verse, leaving the lid in the natural color of the pine sawmaker.

Wood in furniture is well combined with metal. You can make sure that you can make a coffee table in the Loft style on metal legs. Its cover is assembled from three pieces of a t-shirt "Sockeys" board and framed by a cornice bar.

For the manufacture of legs, a welding machine is required, a piece of steel plate with a thickness of 1.5-2.0 mm and several cropping of smooth reinforcement steel with a diameter of 10-14 mm.

Having bent the four bar on the template, they weld the square pieces of plates (or thick joinery corners as in the photo) and alternately fasten to the tabletop collected from the headboard. For final finishing, you need to pass, toned and open the lid, side and paint the legs.

Instead of a rod for the manufacture of the base, you can use the profile tube rectangular cross section. Holding two rectangles from it, cleaning the seams and covering the metal of silver paint, we get reliable supports for the tabletop collected from thick oak boards.

To increase the stability, metal sidewalls under the lid are combined with a segment of the profile pipe.

Major tables with a tabletop of wood spike look very impressive. Find this basic element is easy. On any panel, you will be offered "semi-finished products" desired size. To bring it to the Condition you will be helped by electricians and ribbon grinding.

The feet of the table can be made of thick bars or use the reinforcement rod for them. The contrast between the massive countertop and a light metal base will give the design with a notch of an exclusive design.

Another interesting option to combine materials - wood and glass. The tabletop can be oval or round, resting on the cruciform base of two bars frames.

Mobile coffee table made of wooden pallet and covered with square glass, looks stylish and modern.

The glass gives a rich view of the entire design and closes the gaps between the pallet straps through which small items can fall to the floor.

Those who put in the chapter of the angle of functionality, probably like coffee Table Transformer. By simple manipulations, it radically changes not only its height, but also appearance.

In the assembled state, this is an ordinary stand for magazines and newspapers. Having lifted two sidewalls with legs, we increase the height of the table and expand the surface of the table top to the "lunch format".

The basis of another transforming system is two metal carcass-stands. Each of them is hinge attached to the tabletop. In the assembled position, they lie horizontally, and when lifting the lid turns on the hinges and get up vertically.

The height of the design in the unfolded form is 73 cm. This is quite enough to use the transformer as a computer table.

It consists of two plates that can be shifted horizontally. In this case, one plate turns on the hinge around its axis. If necessary, such a transformer can be turned into a dining table for 4 persons in seconds.

Coffee table transformer "Three in one"

Someone creates folding adaptive systems, and someone successfully experiments with conventional plywood trimming. The result of the search for new forms was such an unusual coffee table.

It remains only to be surprised by the scrupulous accuracy of the calculation and its talented embodiment in the visible image.

Theoretically, everything looks simple: the base is consistently glued out of three dozen plywood frames. Each of them has a certain angle of inclination of the legs.

In practice, for the calculation of all elements of the plywood stand, you need a three-dimensional modeling program.

The posted plywood "pie" attracts the view of an unusual futuristic form. The glass cover crosses this sample of innovative carpentry technology.

"We would be something simpler, but also beautiful" - will say the home master. Please have no less elegant, but more affordable table. It consists of three packages of thin planed boards.

Numerous gaps in a set tabletop can be covered with a glass lid.

Regarding the connection of glass with wood, you need to say a few words. The best decision - Use of transparent "optical" glue. To drill in the home the thick glass, without applying it to the irreparable damage is quite difficult. Therefore, give up the idea of \u200b\u200bmechanical fixation and allow modern chemistry to show their best qualities.

Independent manufacture

Speaking about the material for the table top, we completely forgot about wooden eurogram. This is an excellent girlfriend, equally suitable for creating a cover, sides and legs.

Countertop from Euro woman - beautiful and reliable

The shape of the tabletop from the lining can be any. The cover assembled from wooden planks is trimmed with an electroll over the specified circuit.

For the manufacture of a coffee table from the wallboard, we will need several tools:

  • screwdriver;
  • electrolovik;
  • ribbon grinding;
  • hacksaw;
  • roulette.

Dimensions finished product And the design of the docking nodes should be thought out in advance and put them in a sketch drawing.

The decoration of the table is performed in two stages. Before the start of the assembly, the surface of the lid, the bottom and legs are grinding the sandpaper. After completion of work, wood is covered with tinting vest and colorless varnish.

It is even easier to make a coffee table from chipboard. This material immediately performs two functions: forms a solid surface and bears load. We advise you to use a veneered slab, since the "bare" chipboard paint and varnish can not hide the texture of wood chips.

After completing the assembly, you need to close all edges (countertops, bottom and legs) by plastic furniture ribbon, having warmed it with a construction hairdryer before sticking.