Fortune telling by 1 Lenormand card. Fortune telling Lenormand on playing cards

7. SNAKE (Lady of clubs)

KEY VALUES: deception, betrayal.
The appearance of this card in the layout is a serious warning. There is a reason to think about what kind of people are around you now. Remember: "Those who cheat try to appear to be honest people." The SNAKE is an enemy, an ill-wisher, in relation to which you need to be careful. This card steadily symbolizes betrayal and deception. The neighboring cards will tell you what or who you should watch out for. Even when surrounded by favorable cards, the SNAKE warns of danger, albeit far away, but quite real. Be attentive in your affairs and conversations, do not tell anyone about your successes, acquisitions or plans.
The snake has a forked tongue. Therefore, the card can portend jealousy and duplicity. The snake is seen as a threat. She appears as the primary symbol of sin, as she tempted the first human couple in Paradise. On the other hand, we see it as the primary symbol of intelligence and wisdom. Also, the snake means the feminine knowledge of life. Consider carefully the nature of the serpentine influence in your own case. Be careful in everything you do. You must use all your mind to resist the SNAKE.

In matters of relationship... When studying love relationship the appearance of a SNAKE always symbolizes sexual energy. It can be both the foundation of the relationship and the main incentive for action.

In business matters The SNAKE, most often, will symbolize betrayal, an unexpected and strong blow.

V medical issues , The snake is a symbol of Asclepius, the god of healing. When predicting the course of the disease, this map can be considered as favorable. She advises on the use of intensive chemotherapy, in some cases, poison treatment.

Advice: show wisdom.


RIDER - petty mischief
CLOVER - sometimes "simplicity is worse than theft"
BY SHIP - a dangerous journey (or fellow travelers)
DOMOM - unhealthy environment in the family
WOOD - medicine
CLOUDS - deceit, tears
GROBOM - elimination of a competitor
A BOUQUET - "be afraid of the Danes who bring gifts"
KOSOY - cruelty
BROOM - open battle with the enemy
BIRDS - a desperate situation
CHILD - "a wolf in sheep's clothing"
FOX - lies, flattery, sweet deception
MEDVEDEM is a very dangerous competitor
STARS - knowledge
STORK - elimination of the ill-wisher
DOG - an enemy disguised as a friend
TOWER - Lurking enemy
PARKOM is a bad company
MOUNTAIN - "pitfall"
FORKING - forced choice
RATS - big deception, big losses
HEART - strong sexual attachment
RING - conspiracy
BOOK - secret knowledge, ancient wisdom
WRITING - "linden" papers (or made up with a trick)
MAN or WOMAN - a smart, calculating person, but may be of low moral principles
LILY - wisdom
SUN - there is a chance for improvement, healing
MOON - tears, deceitful feelings
KEY - pesticides, medicines
FISH - greed
ANCHOR - bad temper, stinging
CROSS - karmic retribution.


HOUSE OF DECEPTIONS. MYSTICS, betrayal, treason, sex

The Serpent card warns of a real threat. If in the previous map of the Cloud everything was vague and unclear, then here it is already concrete and very dangerous


On this card no timeframe , the snake is too flexible and dodgy, it twists and squirms in response to a clear direct question. You need to wait, but the event itself will happen with lightning speed. Period from May 22 to May 31 Therefore, an auspicious day - Thursday.


Everything is long and flexible - hoses, pipes, wires, dropper. Chains and bracelets. Something hissing.


First of all, this is a person who is trying to harm you. Rival. Mother-in-law, mother-in-law, sister, grandmother. The boss. Neighbor. Colleague. Friend. Witch. Careerist. A woman from your circle who knows you and has views on what belongs to you. For men, a desirable woman or ex-wife.


Winding streets and roads. Serpenatrium. Hospital, pharmacy, honey. institution, homeopathic center. Sewerage or pipeline. Park with slides. Shop of hoses, pipes, wires, ropes. Shop selling leather accessories, necklaces, bracelets. First aid kit, leather item (wallet, purse, glove).


You will meet people who are smarter and more sophisticated than you in some life situations, they deftly play you as a pawn, manipulate you so that nothing can be done, because they are more dangerous, poisonous, more sophisticated in deceit and intrigue. Betrayal and treacherous lies. Backstab.


Like the Queen of Wands in the Tarot symbolize a powerful status woman, she is a wise and experienced person and it is better if you play on her side. In the tradition of fortune telling on a playing deck, the Lady of Clubs has a very good meaning, she is smart, attractive, witty, insightful and independent. If near came out Diamonds cards, then, most likely, we are talking about a colleague or boss, if peak- something about a woman with whom the Questioner has a strained relationship (for example, a mother-in-law or mother-in-law, a neighbor). V negative aspect The Lady of Clubs talks about the troubles associated with the court. The questioner cannot influence the problems that go on this card. If the Lady of Clubs fell for a relationship , it means that they are far from sincere and open; each of the partners tries to dominate, because there are frequent quarrels, and the partners also hide something from each other. A certain person interferes with the relationship.

In terms of work and business The lady of clubs symbolizes leadership ambitions, authority, competence, and the ability to persuade. The questioner is a good organizer, orator, shows himself well in matters where skill, ingenuity, quick reaction are required. In a negative aspect, the Lady of Clubs warns against intrigue at work. You are being watched and any mistake you make will be used by a business partner or colleague to get you out of the way. In your environment there is a two-faced person who deceives you and prepares meanness.

Lady of Clubs points to a person who older in age and more experienced than the Questioner.

Her partner is the King of Clubs (Clouds), and their child is Jack of Clubs (Whip and Scourge). The family is, frankly, not a pleasant one. And it is very bad when these cards fall out together in the layout. Usually these are people in power, having leverage, malicious, aggressive in nature and, moreover, negatively disposed towards the Questioner


  1. Threat, danger:

A latent threat that appears suddenly and will be very painful for you. This is a poisonous injection, both for pride and for physical condition. Betrayal and treason literally soak the air.

  1. Treachery and betrayal, treason:

it dangerous situation which was created by an ill-wisher. Therefore, this card is the personification of the enemy. They are planning something behind your back, such as a woman who likes your husband.

  1. Deception:

The snake has a forked tongue - This filthy tongue does a lot of evil, talks like a broomstick, a person can jinx, denigrate and omit, upset affairs, ruin relationships. This person envies you and therefore tries to harm you. He entangles you with networks of lies, intrigues secretly, giving you a lot of trouble.

  1. Rival:

In the layouts for women, the Snake card is almost 100% indicating the presence of a rival, a lovemaker, this is a third person who interferes in your relationship. But it's still better if the presence of a mistress is confirmed by other cards: Fox, Book... If the question was directly about the presence of another woman, the answer is yes, without any confirmation.

  1. Enemy:

The Serpent card is a symbol of the enemy, a person who builds an intrigue against you, digs under you, uses you for his own purposes, deceives, but at the same time is hypocritical and flattering. The enemy under this card can be either overt or covert, especially if the next card is Clouds or Fish, Tree , also helps the enemy remain unidentified for a long time. It is important with the help of other cards to establish who this person is.

In business or social sphere it can also be a rival or rival, your competitor who envies you and wants to get something that is dear to you, He is next to you, in close surroundings, the snake bites at close range, if you do not see him, then you do not know your well environment, inattentive.

  1. Death:

The snake is associated with the world of the dead, because its venomous bite- this is the way to the other world, from the snake venom a person dies in torment. Therefore, this card also goes to cancer patients. Along with other "deadly" cards (Scythe, Coffin, Cross, Tree and Anchor inverted ) may indicate an unfavorable outcome.

  1. Wisdom:

The snake itself is a symbol of wisdom.

From positive qualities the card itself can indicate a flexible mind, diplomacy, cunning, dexterity, resourcefulness. It is difficult to squeeze a person, he wriggles like in a frying pan

  1. Temptation, temptation:

Any temptations and suggestions for this card are fraught with losses. And it is better to starve than to eat just about anything, and it is better to be alone than with just anyone. Very often these are mistresses who destroy families, and then arrange 7 circles of hell for a man that he would already be glad to return to his wife and children, but he is not allowed back.

  1. Human:

Take a good look around. A certain, intelligent person is watching you vigilantly. The Snake card often indicates another woman who appears in your question and has some influence on the situation. First of all, this is her husband's mistress, a secret girlfriend of your MCH, with whom he has sex, he can think about her or she is active, because wants to take it away from you.

The second most frequent is the meaning - the ex-wife, who actively manifests herself and also wants something from the man. A mother-in-law who does not approve of the choice of her son and tries to ruin the family; a work colleague or even a sister, but this issue your paths have crossed,

10. Manipulation, tricks:

These can be multi-step situations, subtle calculation, sophisticated cunning. The snake sets its own rules and changes them along the way, or simply breaks.

11. Poison:

Both literally and figuratively, a person or event is toxic and dangerous. Next to the maps of the senses (Moon) indicates an unbalanced inadequate person who acts under the power of his negative emotions.

13. Sexuality: The snake embodies everything related to sex.


To this day, the snake is a symbol of medicine: everything is poison and everything is medicine. The snake changes its skin, so it is still a symbol of beauty and rejuvenation. This map is used for polyclinics, pharmacies, medicines, homeopathy, etc.

15.Update, regeneration:

The snake sheds old skin, the card can talk about cosmetic treatments or plastic surgeries.

16. Strangulation, poisoning:

The Serpent's map showed hypoxia during pregnancy. and also indicates entanglement with the umbilical cord, suffocation, lack of oxygen. Also on the map of the Snake are poisoning, intoxication.


Nevertheless, the Snake card will speak of alcoholism when combined with cards (Fish, Clouds).

18. Yoga, Esoterics:

Esotericism, occult secret knowledge also goes along this map, especially combined with the Book and Tree card.


Snake card intersects by value with fox card, it is also hypocrisy, flattery, they want to appropriate something of yours, but The snake is more dangerous and poisonous, the damage and pain from her is greater than from Lisa. In any case, this was observed in my practice. The mistress on the Fox card is much less dangerous than on the Serpent card, this is already a very serious matter!

Lilies and Snake - both cards are associated with sex and eroticism, but if Lilies is a card of sublime relationships, a deep feeling of each other, then the Snake is an animal that drives magnetism and attraction crazy. This is closer to the Bear card, which also indicates sex as an animal intercourse , but rude, while on the map the Snake is an exquisite process, refined pleasure and a sophisticated partner who knows how to evoke strong sex drive and cravings. Snake sex is also close to the map Rods (Broom and Whip), but in the rods - this is already a deviant relationship of the BDSM type. Another sex map Rats , but unlike the Snake, sex here is dirty, both in terms of preferences and in terms of partners (prostitution, the lower classes of society are both cheap and affordable way satisfy your lust). The Fox card is also responsible for sex, but these are such one-time connections with girls or with a seductive secretary.


The snake is a magic card, it indicates damage, love spells and everything that can destroy your life. When asked about the presence of negative - yes, there is. An envious woman is spoiling.

Snake and Book Warlock, conspiracies, rituals;
Snake and Pisces Damage to money and financial problems;
Snake and Heart Love spell;
Snake and moon Strong female magic, witchcraft. Maybe the mother of a husband or wife walks around the grandmother, makes cuffs to break up the family, because she does not like the choice of a life partner;
Snake and Tower Damage to loneliness, a person is under a hood, people of the opposite sex do not see him;
The Serpent and the Cross and the Garden A lapel from society, so that a person is rejected by society, relatives or collective at work;
Snake and Woman Combination witch;
Snake + Wood + Coffin For infertility;
Snake and Scythe or Tower For loneliness;
Snake and Fox or Lilies Love spell, sex magic;
Snake and Ring and Scythe Lapel
Snake and Broom Breakdowns;
Snake and Cross Ancestral curse;
Snake and mountain Overlapped Vital energy(kundalini), everything is blocked, leads to apathy, weakness, decline, illness.
Snake and Coffin Cemetery magic, black magic for death, necromancy.
Snake and Coffin and Bouquet Flowers from the cemetery.
Snake and Coffin and Clover or Sun Magic for failure;
Snake and Scythe Strong magic, done with sharp objects (needles, pins).


If the answer is Yes-No, the Snake gives Negative answer , although they will never sound it directly to you, they will twist out like in a frying pan and promise something sweet that just about, as soon as so immediately, and many other streamlined phrases, because of which you, hoping, will lose time


Being associated with betrayal in a relationship, the Snake often indicates illegal sex (cheating a partner or adultery) and various sexual temptations. The threat of treason and separation due to temptation. If the question is about how will the relationship work out the Snake card comes out, then this suggests that such a relationship will end treason and betrayal, if the fact of treason is known and so, then the card indicates that the relationship on the side will continue. Having a jealous and dangerous woman as a third party in a couple. Characterizing relationships, the Snake indicates that they are built on sex or through sex they receive additional benefits (career, money, help and patronage), sex as a lever of control, gaining power. But at the same time there is a strong animal craving, no matter what. Intoxicating passion, animal sex, people literally drink each other, acute pleasure, strong addiction like drug addiction, drink and cannot get enough of each other. Such a connection can be remembered for a lifetime. Often, the Snake, as a cold-blooded animal, a reptile, indicates a cold calculation in a relationship. If the alignment was made for a free person , then this card warns that there is a risk of becoming dependent on another, one who has great attractive power. On the attitude of a man to a woman can say that he just wants to fuck, and it is in this formulation, tk. this card is far from sentimentality and tender preludes of loving partners as in Lily's card.

Sexual relationships that are not nourished by feelings, especially if there are Bear, Rats, Fox next to the card - they reinforce the theme of "animal sex" without any romance or affection between people. There is no pair as such. Only mating. Next to Rat or Scourge Serpent cards may indicate sexual problems and perversion, dirty sex, sexual domination, rape.

Good prospects are possible only if the Serpent's cards of stability and reliability overlap - House, Ring, Heart, Stork, then the relationship can develop into love and end in marriage. A man sees you not only as sexually attractive, but also as a wise woman, somewhat similar to his mother. Although even with good luck the forecast with the Snake map is not the most rosy, because all the same, the background will be constantly suspicion and jealousy.

For married couple the Snake card says that a certain female person interferes in the family's affairs, this is not necessarily a mistress, it may be a neighbor or a childhood friend who has an influence on your husband, but most often it is a grandmother or mother, who, regardless of her goals can harm the family. If the question was about what this person in bed , then the Snake is a very good card - this is a skillful lover or mistress who will give you sensual refined unforgettable sex, the danger is that you can hypnotically fall in love with this person and become addicted, you cannot resist. To the question "What is hiding "- hides treason.



On matters of money, the Snake card calls you to be careful, you can be drawn into some kind of scam, a financial pyramid, they are trying to deceive. Money problems, financial fraud, embezzlement and misappropriation of money.


On the positive side - this card can portend career assistance from adult woman, but since nothing is done just like that and you have to pay for everything, such a service can go sideways for you. And the one who provided assistance will cause damage later. Usually, the Snake card warns that at work they are digging under you, hooking up, wanting to displace, looking for a reason for dismissal. Beware of intrigues behind your back, which can ruin your reputation. The bosses may look for a reason to fire you or transfer to another position, but not finding a real reason, they will try to falsify it in such a way as to substitute it for you. Who is cheating and for what purpose will be seen from the nearby cards and their sequence in the layout.



The most striking example of the person under the Serpent card is the image of Mata Hari, an exotic dancer, a spy who used her sexuality and attractiveness, through sex, approached many prominent politicians and fished for secrets.

The person under the Serpent card is as attractive as he is dangerous. It is good to learn from such people, but it is better to keep away from them.

Outwardly, on the map of the Snake there are tall, slender people, with dark hair, usually over 30 years old.

Usually under this card are women - fatal beauties, sexy seductresses, bitches.


The falling out of the Serpent card in the layout is a warning, from the adjacent cards you can understand in which area you need to be on your guard. The Serpent card speaks of betrayal and pain, the closer it fell to the Personal Card, the more actively protective measures must be taken and the more careful one should behave. The further this card is from the PC, the better, but if the Snake fell out in the layout, you still need to study the nearby cards in order to understand which side and from whom to expect a blow. If a card lying next to it says that a person from a close circle will betray, then a far-fallen card warns of treacherous behavior on the part of unfamiliar or strangers, be on the alert when someone rings the doorbell, do not be gullible even if you are sure that the other is not plotting against you. This is the insidiousness of the Snake - the blow will be from where you least expect. This is almost always unexpected and unexpected.

For a man, the Snake in the layout suggests that in his environment there is a certain attractive appearance a person who enters his life, she may want to get this man for herself, is jealous of him for a constant partner and wants to break this relationship.

If the Snake dropped out surrounded by negative cards , then the situation is much more serious and dangerous, i.e. this card enhances the negative of other cards. But also auspicious cards next to the Serpent are not a very good combination because The snake remains poisonous, throwing seeds of future problems, suspicion and distrust into these matters. It is important which direction the snake is looking in - at the Personal Card or at the Significator card of the layout, this will give a hint where the danger is coming from. mandatory, regardless of the topic of the question.


The card speaks of deception or betrayal in the past, it is possible that even to this day you do not know about this, or you do not know from whom the trouble was coming.


You have warmed the snake on your chest. You need to carefully study the cards of the layout. There is a deceiving person next to you. You are in danger.


Betrayal. May indicate magical effects


5 Tree Health problems. Intestinal, skin diseases. Both cards are associated with medicine and doctors and reinforce this aspect in the layout. gynecologist.
Deception. Tears. Bitter disappointment. Trouble
8 Coffin Oncology. Dangerous disease... Sexually transmitted disease. Widow
9 Bouquet Bribe Women's Society. Woman of easy virtue.
10 Scythe A very dangerous opponent. Cruelty. Surgery.
11 Broom Rape. Clarification of relationships in a raised voice
12 Owls Justified worries and doubts. Intuition does not fail you. Two women. Trouble from gossip and intrigue. Elderly woman.
13 Child Someone can harm you without realizing it.
14 Fox Businesswoman. A dangerous colleague. Lying woman. Sweet deception, flattery. Verification, unfair competition, counterfeiting, blackmail. Prostitution
15 Bear Strong and dangerous competitor. The boss who wants you to survive. An elderly woman, grandmother or mother. Rape.
16 Stars Astrologer. Magician. Mystic, especially if a Book or Tree card came out nearby.
17 Stork Insidious intrigues that will entail tangible changes.
18 Dog Betrayal of a friend. Lover friend. Infidelity.
19 Tower Intrigue at work. Danger from a colleague or boss. Spine. Single woman. Difficulties in court cases... Hospital. Polyclinic.
20 Park Bad company. Brothel, strip club, place of debauchery. Criminal environment. Carefully! They envy you, there are envious people in your environment.
21 Mountain Domineering woman. Underwater rocks
22 Fork Wrong or forced choice.
23 Rat Deception, big losses. Sexually transmitted disease, skin disease. Perversion in sex.
24 Heart Strong sexual affection. Treason. Mistress. Jealousy. Suspicions. Envy. Love triangle.
25 Ring Infidelity breaks the union. A conspiracy against you. Jealousy, anger crept into the relationship, someone seeks to destroy the union.
26 Book Secret occult knowledge. An unpleasant secret. Secret mistress. Education. Wisdom. Secret knowledge, ancient wisdom. Great life experience. Secret sexual relationship
27 Letter The catch is in the documentation.
28 Male Lying and dangerous person
29 Woman A bitch and an intriguer, she will step over any values.
30 Lilies Both cards are responsible for sex and eroticism, therefore, they increase the emphasis on this topic in the layout. Sexual attachment. Dangerous ties. Prostitution.
31 Sun Strong powerful woman. Healing. All secrets are revealed. Healer. Doctor. A person of high social status .. Alcohol.
32 Moon Fortune Teller. Mother. Mother-in-law or grandmother Tears. Dangerous situation
33 Key Wise correct decision. Access to a solution to the problem
34 Pisces Money received in a roundabout way. Greed. Earnings on medicines
35 Anchor Dangerous colleague or boss who wants to remove you Chronic diseases, tumors Immobility due to illness Prof. medicine.
36 Cross Karmic punishment. Karmic punishment.

Fortune telling on Lenormand cards is one of the simplest options to comprehend the art of divination and experience great aesthetic pleasure from it. Here, the deck itself tunes in a romantic mood. No other fortune-telling has such bright, lively and understandable symbols as here. Just looking at the map, you immediately understand what it wants to tell you, the values ​​are so intuitive that they do not require any serious mental or mental costs from you. Each of the cards can be conditionally classified as positive or negative, or neutral. And accordingly, the designations will also carry a positive or negative color. Maria Lenormand took as a basis, the usual playing deck of 36 cards and gave them completely new meanings and interpretations. The fortune-teller was greatly influenced by the works of the great Tarot researcher, his way of thinking and the genius of his conclusions. In her work, she imitated this master and always called him her teacher. But if the reasoning and the result of Etteila's works were beyond the understanding of most people, then Maria created a deck that is literally understandable for a child, and the cards breathe warmth. Another feature of fortune telling in this system is giving great attention to the combinations of cards in the layout, which one comes first, which one follows and what can be understood from this bundle. Follow our advice, try to perform the alignment using Lenormand cards and you will discover a new, hitherto unknown world of revelations.

Methodology fortune-telling on our site is absolutely identical fortune-telling in the cabin. The fortune-telling process and the result depend only on you and no one else, in the process of selecting cards, the duration of your shuffling is taken into account card deck, time of entering the site, your personal energy. The selection of cards from the deck you shuffled is carried out exclusively according to the rules of Madame Lenormand's layouts, the cards with the serial numbers indicated by Lenormand are taken out of the deck and laid out on the positions according to the current alignment... Thanks to this, the result of fortune-telling is very accurate. You will be shown the value of all drawn cards of the layout with reference to the time grid, as well as the values ​​of card combinations, if any, and are used in this layout.

A brief description of the divinations given by Lenormand.

Divination Love and relationships:

    Fortune telling on Lenormand cards - gold ring, allows using 4 cards to make out and analyze the feelings of your partner, his (her) attitude towards you and the prospects of the union.
    Fortune-telling your ex on the Lenormand cards will allow you to understand whether your partner still has any feelings towards you and what mistakes were made.
    Divination love on the oracle of Maria Lenormand is used to understand the prospects of love communication with a conceived partner.
    Fortune telling on Lenormand cards The new union is used to clarify whether it is possible to find a new partner in the near future.
    Fortune telling on Lenormand cards - Seven stars will allow you to consider your partner from different angles and understand much of what was still unclear.
    Divination Wedding ring on the cards Lenormand is suitable for analyzing the problems of creating a family, allows you to get many answers to questions.
    Fortune telling - The novel is designed to help the querent understand whether to continue the relationship or whether it is worth ending it, it is performed on the Lenormand cards.
    When there is a need to find out what goals the partner pursues in relations with you, fortune telling on Lenormand cards - the Motives of the partner will help us.
    Fortune telling on the oracle Lenormand - The characteristic of relations allows the most in a simple way get information about the level at which your relationship is.
    Fortune telling A love situation is a variant of fortune telling for the concept of the prospects of your relationship with the chosen one. The Oracle Lenormand will do this very well.
    Fortune telling on the oracle Lenormand Restoring relations will help you understand the possible prospects for restoring communication.
    Fortune-telling The beginning of a relationship is used when the relationship is just beginning to develop and it is not clear where it will lead everything. Oracle Lenormand will help you discover this secret.
    Fortune-telling is the chosen one, the chosen one is considering the possibility of the existence of relations between partners, taking into account their personal qualities, the alignment is made on the Lenormand cards.
    To consider all aspects of the relationship between partners, fortune-telling on Lenormand cards is used, which is called - On the relationship.
    Fortune telling on Lenormand cards - Partnership will help the querent to analyze the relationship with a partner and understand what is wrong. Oracle Lenormand will tell you about this topic in great detail and clearly.
    To consider the possibility harmonious relationship between partners the alignment is applied on the oracle Lenormand - Relations of loved ones.
    To determine how bright and pleasant a relationship can be, we will use fortune-telling - A simple option, it is performed through the oracle of Lenormand.

    Fortune telling:

      An unusual layout, called Numerological, allows you to disassemble a lot of any questions, relying on the numerological component of Lenormand's cards.
      Fortune telling Prediction on cards Lenormand will tell you how events will develop and the influence of various external factors on it.
      Divination your light will shed light on hidden sides life of the querent, and the oracle of Madame Lenormand will help in this. With the help of which the fortuneteller will be aware of all the upcoming events.
      Divination Rainbow on the oracle Lenormand disassembles big number issues related Everyday life querent. Having worked which you will become more prepared for the unexpected.
      Fortune telling on cards Lenormand Horseshoe will give advice on how to act in order to achieve best result at the lowest cost.
      The priestess divination by the oracle Lenormand, its second name is Lunar divination. The situation is considered in the context of the lunar cycle.
      Fortune telling Exit on the cards Lenormand is often used to understand what situation the querent will be in in a very short time.
      Fortune-telling Volnitsa analyzes what Lenormand's cards say about the development of the situation around the querent. An uncomplicated layout allows for a detailed interpretation.
      Fortune-telling of 9 cards will predict the querent all the little things that await him on the road of life. And Lenormand maps will be the perfect guide.
      Fortune-telling on the situation in the simplest possible style. No extra cards, only the most necessary ones, and the oracle Lenormand will help to interpret the result.
      Fortune-telling - Simple analysis is designed for a superficial analysis of the situation without a serious investment of time and effort. Performed by the cards of the oracle Lenormand.
      Fortune telling The state of affairs will explain to you the state of affairs, as well as the material and spiritual sides of existence with the help of the Lenormand oracle cards.
      To consider the questions of the future querent, General Fortune-telling is used, it gives an excellent interpretation of all dependent questions, with the help of Lenormand cards.
      Fortune-telling the Way is used to know what events the querent should expect, and perhaps be afraid of. Oracle Lenormand will allow you to consider this topic in detail.
      Fortune-telling Forecast will help you understand the complexities of love relationships, find out financial prospects and get advice from the oracle Lenormand.
      Divination Lenormand - The full alignment considers many issues of the past, present and future. And gives simple and understandable answers.
      Divination Short spread built on the elaboration of combinations of Lenormand cards and an explanation with the help of this all that awaits the querent in the near future.
      Fortune-telling. A long alignment with the help of cards Lenormand reveals to the querent a map of events that will occur during the period of time agreed upon before the fortune-telling.
      Fortune-telling Lenormand Seven houses is an option for a very detailed examination of the situation from all sides and in all angles. It requires concentration of efforts and a serious investment of time.
        Fortune-telling Road on maps Lenormand will explain to you whether it is worth going on a journey or it is better to postpone the planned trip.
        Fortune Telling Lenormand - For Success will describe what you need to do in order to succeed and what is a hindrance on the way.
        Fortune telling on cards Lenormand - Karmic situation describes the aura existing around the querent.
        Fortune-telling Council of cards is performed if the querent feels the need to ask the Lenormand cards how he (she) needs to act in the current situation.
        To search for an object, or a person, the Search for the Lost layout is used. It is performed by Lenormand maps and allows you to determine the location or direction for searches.
        In order for the Lenormand cards to answer your question Yes or No, you must perform fortune-telling, which is called the Question.
        Divination An open book on the oracle Lenormand can perform two functions. Either give an answer about the fulfillment of a conceived desire, or describe an event that will soon await the querent.
        Divination Yes or No is used when there is a need to find out from the Lenormand deck the answer to the question posed.
        Fortune-telling on Lenormand cards The goal helps the querent to figure out what is an obstacle on the way to the goal, and how to act.
        Fortune telling on Lenormand cards The problem of choice will help us if we are at a crossroads and do not know which of the roads should be taken.
        Fortune telling on cards Lenormand - The event will sort out everything that concerns the event in question in the life of the querent.
        If you are at a crossroads and do not know what answer awaits you, you can turn to the oracle Lenormand and perform a Yes-No divination. After completing it, you will receive the desired prediction.
        You can determine the identity card by the oracle Lenormand assigned to you by the very fact of your birth. To do this, the numerological calculation presented on this page allows.
        Fortune telling The compatibility of names will allow you to understand how compatible you are with your partner, you can find out through the cards of the oracle of Mary Lenormand.
        With the help of this fortune-telling, we can get advice from the oracle of Madame Lenormand how to act in a given situation.
        Fortune-telling One answer fortune-telling on the cards Lenormand will tell you what event will await you at a given time interval.
        Fortune-telling Mystery, or in another way it is also called - Fortune-telling Attic, allows you to carry out, with the help of Lenormand cards, an analysis personality traits the querent and the situation in which he (she) is.
        Fortune telling The attitude to alcohol will show how the conceived person relates to drinking, while using the cards of the oracle Lenormand.

        Fortune telling for the period:

          Fortune-telling Querent's Day will be your guide to the events awaiting you tomorrow. And it will allow you to live this day without problems
          To understand what will happen tomorrow, fortune-telling on the cards of Lenormand The Coming Day is used. You can be as prepared as possible for any event.
          Fortune telling on cards Lenormand - Your day will reveal to you all the secrets of the day to come. And it will help to be ready for any pleasant and not very pleasant surprises.
          Fortune telling The forecast for the near future will tell and tell what awaits the querent in the near future, good luck and failure, prospects and failures, all this with the help of Lenormand cards.
          Fortune-telling card of the day performed by the Lenormand deck will tell the fortuneteller about how the querent's day will go. To do this, you only need to remove one card.
          Fortune-telling for the day with the help of the oracle Lenormand will help you find out all the details of the events awaiting you. With just a few cards, you can visualize your day in detail.
          Fortune-telling Partner's Week allows you to understand what kind of events will happen with your partner over the next seven days, your guide will be the Lenormand deck.
          Fortune-telling on Lenormand cards Your week will be an excellent option for a fortune-teller to receive a detailed forecast of all the events that will accompany the querent in the next 7 days.
          Fortune-telling The time period on Lenormand's cards will help the fortune-teller determine after what time interval the conceived event will occur.
          Fortune-telling Seven days will present you a picture of the coming week in all colors and with maximum detail. Oracle Lenormand will allow you to easily understand the interpretation of the cards.
          Fortune-telling for a week will reveal for you all the secrets of the next seven days. With the help of Lenormand cards, you will analyze all the events awaiting you and learn about the surprises.
          Fortune-telling The period of fulfillment of a wish will predict how soon the wish you made will happen and whether it will happen at all. For divination, the Lenormand oracle deck is used.

          Fortune-telling about the problem:

            Fortune-telling The influence carried out on the cards of Mrs. Lenormand will help you determine whether damage, love spell or other negative is aimed at the querent.
            To consider the problem from all sides, fortune-telling is used - the Problem, it is performed by Lenormand cards, and allows you to get a very detailed description of the negative.
            Fortune-telling - Achilles' heel will help us understand the querent's vulnerabilities and understand what needs to be done, and the card oracle Lenormand will help us in this.
            Fortune-telling Tower is an excellent assistant in solving problems, and the use of Lenormand cards greatly simplifies the process of interpreting the alignment.
            Fortune-telling Pyramid is used to consider the querent's problem, the reasons for the appearance, the ways out, with the help of the deck of Maria Lenormand.


            Fortune-telling Finance and work:

              Fortune telling on the cards Lenormand - Finance will very professionally explain your prospects in the financial sector, warn and help to cope with difficulties.
              To determine the querent's chances of finding a new one workplace fortune-telling Lenormand - Applying for a job is applied, here many different aspects of this action are analyzed.
              Divination New job on the cards Lenormand is used if the querent intends to change jobs, this divination will give advice on whether it is worth doing something or the time has not come yet.
              Divination Employees can be carried out when there is a need to clarify relations with colleagues in the team, the oracle Lenormand will certainly help you with this.

              Madame Marie Lenormand (1772-1843) was a famous French soothsayer and fortuneteller. At one time she predicted the fate of many famous personalities... For example, Napoleon, Alexander I, Honore de Balzac, King Louis Philippe, composer Gioacchino Rossini. Lenormand cards refer to fortune-telling cards and many mistakenly call them tarot cards. This deck differs from Tarot cards in that there are no major arcana in them. Information on the divination system of Maria Lenormand after her death has not been preserved. She is believed to have read cards in a special way known only to her.

              There are two main decks that bear her name. The first is called astromythological, the second - gypsy. The gypsy deck of Maria Lenormand consists of 36 cards. For this reason, it can be replaced with a deck of playing cards, which makes fortune-telling available to anyone.

              Alignment for the situation

              This layout is done using Madame Lenormand's deck of cards. He helps to get Additional information about the situation of interest, whether it is related to love affairs or business. He will also tell you what the future holds.

              First you need to choose a personal card for the questioner. If the fortuneteller is a man, then this is the 28th card, denoting the ace of hearts. If a woman, then the 29th card is the ace of spades. This layout is for 4 cards, which are opened sequentially.

              1 card - information that clarifies the reason for the question.
              2 - the possibilities of a fortuneteller. Help from outside loved one or vice versa obstacles and troubles.
              3 - advice from the deck of Maria Lenormand.
              4 - what the future holds, how the questioned situation will be resolved.

              Relationship alignment

              First, you need to concentrate on the question and think about what you want to learn from the cards. Then mix well and remove the deck with your left hand.
              We take the deck and from left to right we lay out the cards face down in rows of 8 cards. The last row will have 4 cards.

              Among the laid out cards, you need to find two main ones: a man - an ace of hearts, a woman - an ace of spades. They represent the fortuneteller and his partner (husband, loved one).

              All cards must be removed, leaving only the key cards and the cards that surround them on four sides. After that, you can watch the interpretation of the cards of Maria Lenormand.

              Interpretation of Lenormand cards

              Madame Lenormand's deck of cards can be divided into 4 suits: hearts, diamonds, clubs and spades. The interpretation of each card has a special meaning, reveals the necessary information that is necessary for the questioner.


              6 - "Stars". Auspicious card that portends the repetition of pleasant events, special impressions. In combination with good cards portends a number of successes, with bad ones - failures and mistakes.

              7 - "Tree". The value of this card is health. The farther it is from the questioner's card, the less you can worry about your health.

              8 - "Moon". Close to the fortuneteller's card, the meaning of this card portends reward, success, recognition of others, calmness and harmony. Away means indifference and non-recognition of the people around.

              9 - "Messenger". This card means a message or message. Sometimes the arrival of a guest from far away.

              10 - "Dog". The interpretation of this card is very good. Means a true friend, a good outcome of a planned case. Combined or surrounded by bad cards means unfaithful friends.

              Jack - "Heart". If a deal is made for a relationship, then the card promises a strong and mutual love with a partner. Harmonious continuation of the relationship with a good ending.

              Lady - "Stork". The stork is considered by many to be a harbinger of happiness. If it goes in combination with the "ship" or "messenger" cards, then its meaning is travel, getting new sensations. Near the "house" - moving to new apartment... For a woman, it can mean the birth of a child.

              The King is "Home". Its meaning: family, house, apartment or piece of land. Auspicious card in any respect.

              Ace - "Gentleman". When a woman is fortune-telling, the card means a loved one.


              6 - "Clover". The meaning of the card is expectations, hopes and plans for the future. Next to good cards, it portends the fulfillment of hopes, and with unfavorable cards, the collapse of plans and desires.

              7 - "Owls". Wise thoughts that come to mind and haunt. But the main thing is that these thoughts are not fruitless, they help to sort out internal problems.

              8 - "Key". In this case, the key has a figurative meaning. If an alignment is made for a situation, it means finding a solution to the current situation, a change, a new stage in life.

              9 - "Coffin". Points to possible illness or death. A very unfavorable card.

              10 - "Book". Self-study or admission to educational institution... May indicate an important discovery, a solution to a difficult problem. Perhaps there is information that is being hidden from you.

              Jack - "Spit". Warns of the possibility of accident, accident or injury. May also indicate a major fight.

              Lady - "Fork". Gives the fortuneteller to think and make a choice in relation to something.

              King - "Pisces". Auspicious card in every sense. Good luck is waiting for you, no matter what you do.

              Ace - "Sun". Promises a good mood, good luck and luck. Help and communication with people around.


              6 - "Cross". In the deck of the Maiden Lenormand, this card means that each person carries his own cross. Everyone has their own problem, their own problem that needs to be solved.

              7 - "Rats". Damage to property, theft or loss. If this card falls out, you need to be on the lookout: check if all the locks in the house are in order, if the wallet is in place in the bag.

              8 - "Mountain". Obstacles different kinds character. These can be people or adverse circumstances that interfere with the case. Advice: bypass them or wait until everything is resolved by itself.

              9 - "Fox". Means deception or betrayal.

              10 - "Bear". Close to the questioning card, speaks of its strength. It can also be a patron.

              Jack - "Broom". He talks about an upcoming quarrel with parents, loved ones or acquaintances. Combined with "tree" means disease.

              Lady - "Snake". In the girl's deck, Lenormand indicates a danger, an ill-wisher, an enemy or an envious person. You need to be more careful in conversations with people around you.

              King - "Clouds". The card interprets about troubles, malaise, unwanted events.

              This way of laying out the Lenormand tarot cards is universal, easy to use, extremely informative and covers a wide range of issues of almost every life topic that interests everyone. The name of this fortune-telling comes from the person who invented it - the soothsayer, writer and fortuneteller Maria Lenormand.

              Based on this, this fortune-telling is similar to methods such as the "Celtic Cross" or "Oracle", but it also has its own peculiarities inherent only to it.

              This alignment is carried out as follows. Nine cards are involved in the layout, and the whole deck is involved, that is, both the senior and minor arcana. It should be noted that the central column of three cards represents the present, the left one - the past, and the right one - future events.

              Due to the fact that the straight or inverted position of the card is not used by all tarot readers, in this way this concept is not used and the cards must in any case be laid out in a straight position.

              The first card symbolizes the recent past, the second - your present, the third - the near future. The fourth card represents your actions that need to be taken, the fifth - the relationship between the past and the present, or the means that need to be used. The sixth card symbolizes your karma, that is, those events that affect you from the outside. The seventh is the general aspiration and direction of life in the future, and the eighth is your potential and the strength that you have at your disposal. The final, ninth card is the result of all your efforts.