Reproduction of Zamiculkas (dollar tree) at home. Zamioculkas transplant at home

Not so long ago came in in our country, but I already loved! Dollar tree or Zamokulkas - Gorgeous decoration for your apartment or at home.

Gerani, violets, cacti, aloe and calangean - probably you heard about these plants, or they have already perfectly fit on your window sill. What do you know about a dollar tree? It is also called Zamiculkas. The name is not very common, you probably know little about it. Nevertheless, this plant grows very beautiful if it is necessary to care for him. Dollar care is very interesting. The plant will surely respond with lush foliage and young shoots to your efforts.

Check out the article to understand all the intricacies of the cultivation of Zamiculkas.

Dollar tree - Flower Zamokulkas: types, benefits and harm, homeland, poisonous or not?

Like many other plants, the types of dollar tree exists enough to choose from them one-only "its" option.

Zamiculkas carries the following names in common people:

  • dollar tree
  • eternal tree
  • zanzibarskaya Pearl
  • fat man
  • aoid palm
  • golden tree

Partially zamiculkas belong to the kind of succulents. So called plants that grow on dry sandy soils somewhere in the depths of the desert. The birthplace of dollar tree can be considered Africa. It was Africa who created all the most favorable conditions To create such a beautiful and powerful plant.

It is interesting! Zamokulkas is incredibly popular in China. There he is considered a symbol of the new year.

In care, Zamiculkas is unpretentious, however, it requires compliance with some standards in contact with them, we will tell a little later by the article.

Zamiculkas - the name is common. Includes several subspecies:

  • zamiculkas Latzentiped
  • zamiculkas Zamielistic
  • zamiculkas Zamikro
  • variant Zamiculkas

Relatively recently, this beautiful plant appeared in Russia. Therefore, new types while the selection bypassed the party. Despite this in 2007, a mini-zamiculkas variety was derived, which is only 60 cm, instead of a standard 100 cm. His name Zamicro.

It is mistaken to believe that the dollar tree is poisonous. Its leaves contain a substance that, when in the oral cavity, can cause a slight burning sensation, however full outcome definitely will not lead. This does not mean that now Zamiculkas should be used as spicy grass in salad. Just note that, perhaps, the restless behavior of your pet or tears of a child can be caused by the fact that both of them tried the plant "tooth".

Talking about the benefits of this plant will have little. It does not clean the air like chlorophytum and does not disinfect it like a needle. Dollar tree plays a purely decorative role.

It is believed that Zamiculkas brings women's happiness to the house. But for this flower should be presented with clean intentions and without malice.

Why is Zamiculkas call the flower of celibacy, can I keep it at home?

If you believe the signs, then all the colors somehow affect the atmosphere in the house and on their owners in particular. About Zamiculkas walks a lot of legends and rumors, but which of them can be truth, and what fiction? The question is not from the lungs.

As for Zamiculkas, opinions are diverged. Some call it "female happiness", others - "Flower of celibacy". Who to believe? To solve only you. For someone, the dollar tree will indeed be a flower of celibacy, but for someone there is no. Or maybe it's not at all in a flower? Very unwise to blame the plant in their failures.

Most women are confident in the opposite. Zamokulkas brings happiness to the house. Yes, happiness is not simple, but female. Present women's happiness. According to the signs, so that happiness came to the house, the flower cannot be bought, and you need to take a gift from close man. Despite the fact that Zamiculkas does not require increased attention, it is necessary to follow his condition. Slugged leaves, Yellow tips, sluggish stem - any of these signs says that you did not care about the plant and female happiness you will have to wait for a long time.

What Zamiculkas bloomed, crying, died: signs and superstition

And again turn to the signs. According to popular beliefs, besides female happiness, the flower is capable of their energy to attract wealth and prosperity to the host house. What is it connected with?

Historical reference. Another 100 years ago, the flower was only at noble gentlemen who had funds, green papers to cross the ocean and buy this overseas miracle. Perhaps because of its considerable at that time, the plant was called "Dollar Tree".

Fasting - also known to many plants with a nickname " money Tree" But his leaves are much smaller and, rather, resemble coins, rather than large bills.

One of the most important examples relating to Zamiculku can be considered the following: "If the plant cares, the financial problems of the owners are waiting." Maybe it is. After all, the dollar tree still affects the energy of the house. At least therefore should take care of it at the proper level.

Another sign: "Zamiculkas suddenly in bloom - remember, cute, dream." Under the dream is a wedding, pregnancy, childbirth or at least the appearance on a decent man's horizon. All this refers to a female dream, women's happiness.

Hood will have to those people, in the house of which Zamokulkas dies. It is possible to correct the situation, making care, but even if it does not help, maybe soon the problems with money will take a serious scale. In this situation, you can advise to avoid all kinds of financial risks and save the plant as soon as possible. If despite all your stubborn efforts, the flower of worries is possible and all your financial efforts will also go as shock.

But what about the fact that the plant began to "cry"? But you can cry from happiness and from grief. Therefore, in this case, there are any conclusions of the promenade.

Believe the signs or not - the case is personally of every person. For many cultures, it had and has weight.

Zamiculkas: What kind of soil, soil, is needed for landing and transplant?

Usually, the soil of succulents is perfectly suitable for this plant - land with a large sand sand, fine brick or clay, sufficiently dense, not similar to clay. To such land, add peat and soil, taken under deciduous trees During the crown reset. That is, in the fall. This information is useful for you to independent manufacture Soil mixture.

In the store you can ask the soil for succulents, if not very understanding the type of soil for different species Plants.

Attention! Do not forget to pour a generous layer of drainage to the bottom (about 1.5-2 cm)!

For little Plant Choose a small pot, for big - more

The more the root system of the plant, the more there should be a pot, but do not overdo it with the size. Perfect optionwhen the diameter of the pot is 1-2 cm more diameter rhizomes.

The material for the pot can be any of the plastic to the burned clay and ceramics. It all depends on your preferences.

How to plant and transplant zamiculkas at home in the fall and winter?

Plant Zamiculkas in small pots. You can plant for several processes or leaves into one container so that the root system is correctly formed.

Tip! In a large pot, the process or leaf will be very slow to give root and grow. Therefore, take care that the packaging was in size flower.

The primary planting of the plant is as follows:

  1. A layer of drainage is poured into a pot with holes on the bottom under water.
  2. The following layer is pre-prepared land (purchased or "own assembly"). The land is poured into a pot so that a pottery remains 1.5 cm from the edges.
  3. In the ground there is a small deepening of the root or leaf of the plant.
  4. The flower landing is carried out at this recess. After that, the stem is drawn so that the root is not visible at all.
  5. The land is not very abundantly watered in wounded water.

Landing completed! In one pot, several leaves can be planted at once if the volume allows.

rooting plant in pots

Landing can be done at any time of the year, but the transplant can be done exclusively in the spring summer period. In winter, the plant is better not to disturb.

When subsequent transplant simply add a little more land at the edges of the pot.

Dollar tree - Flower Zamiculkas, when blooms at home?

Flower Zamiculkas at home blooms very rarely, like most succulents. These are associated with many factors:

  • soil
  • incorrect irrigation
  • bad lighting
  • poor nutritional soil
  • incorrectly selected soil
  • too close or free pot

Even when complying with all the conditions there is no guarantee that the flower will delight you with its flowering.

Flowering Zamiculkas You may first not even notice. The plant produces several arrows, at the end of which you can see a long spongy cone, like Rhoz. Only Rogoz in this case has a brown color, a dollar tree is light beige. In the end, the decoration of this flower is not blossom, but the leaves themselves.

Zamokulkas how to care for and how often to water at home?

Flower care Minimal: timely watering, competently chosen originally soil and good lighting. If the lighting and soil are chosen once, then watering the plant will have to approximately once a week. In autumn-winter and less frequently.

Important! When watering, focus on the surface of the Earth in the pot. It should be sufficiently dry, but not overporn. Cracks should not be moisture, like stagnation. Succulents are much better tolerant drought than excess watering.

Cutting the leaves plant does not require. You can only occasionally remove old leaves that can interfere and create too much crown.

In general, the plant Zamiculkas has a rather interesting structure. The fact that we are accustomed to conventional plants to call rhizome, Zamiculkas is a stem. And long arrows with leaves are just the big leaves on which smaller are located.

How to propagate zamoculkas sheet, branch?

Zamiculkas has several breeding methods.

  1. Sheet plate. The leaf is cut, for 1-2 days dried in marla, and then plant in a wet soil. For several days are covered with a film or a plastic cup, periodically checking.
  2. Root. The plant is removed from the pot and the root is divided into half. This method is suitable exclusively for adult plants.
  3. Branch. In order to cut a branch along with the kidney, then the principle like a leaflet. This method is faster than the first, but slower the second. New leaves can be waiting for several months.

There is also a way of breeding seeds, but in our latitudes, alas, this plant does not grow, so it is extremely problematic to get seeds.

Dollar tree - Flower Zamokulkas: What to feed, fertilize?

Dollar tree is able in principle to live without fertilizer. Of course, then it will significantly lose in growth and can even begin to reset the leaves, but it is unlikely to entail the death of the plant. Most likely it is just "Zedret". So that this does not happen, regularly feed the surfaculate fertilizers for succulents.

Important! Zamiculkas do not fit fertilizers for deciduous or flowering plants!

Podchar mineral fertilizers It is customary to alternate with feeding organic fertilizers. The fertilizer concentration should be 50% of the one that manufacturers on packages are recommended.

Good fertilizers add a plant several dozen centimeters in growth

How to locate Zamokulkas in the interior on Feng Shui?

Feng Shui put similar plants in the richness zone that in the south-east of the house. Choose a bright place and placed flower there. It is believed that so in the apartment will be the "right" energies that contribute to attracting money to the house and well-being.

Try not to put a flower under direct sunlight, for example, on the windowsill. The plant does not like this very much!

To strengthen the money "growth", which promises you Zamiculkas, we recommend putting a rolled up percentage of $ 1 minimal to the pot of $ 1.

Zamiculkas grows poorly: what to do?

If your flower grows poorly, looks pale and cached, a possible reason can be as follows:

  1. You have stopped the plant. If you do not water it for several months, the flower begins to stick.
  2. You blurred the plant. Stop watering and wait until the soil in the upper bed will dry well. Then wait a little more and renew watering, this time moderate.
  3. You put Zamiculkas in a too light place or under the right sunny rays. The plant does not like this very much. Choose a privided place for it.
  4. You do not fertilize the plant. In this case, growth stops.
  5. Too small or too uncomfortable pot. Many indoor plants require cramped pots. Zamokulkas among them.
  6. You are too often transplanting the flower. Leave it no time alone and, if the remaining conditions are favorable, the dollar tree will move into growth.

This is a list of the most likely reasons why the plant may not grow. The list could be continued, but reading our article to the end, you will certainly determine that with your handsome one is wrong.

Why yellow, dry and fall out of the leaves, stalking stalks, stains on the trunk, launched the tuber from Zamokulkas - what to do, how to save: zamioculkas diseases

Sometimes it happens that the flower water overlooks some kind of item, and the plant begins to wake in front of her eyes. If this happens with your zamokulkas, read below possible causes Flower ailment.

How Nedug is manifested What is Than treat
Yellow leaves, brown spots Burning Remove from direct sun ray
Yellow leaves, sluggish, without spots Abundant watering

Reduce watering, wait for drying

earth coma and resume watering

Strained stem Problems with roots or overflow

Perhaps damaged during transplantation.

If the situation is not critical, it can help time.

The plant itself is rooted.

If a long time passed, but the flower is worse, it is recommended to remove from the pot and inspect the root (stem).

Delete affected areas, or remove the entire stem, and the leaves are rooted.

Spots on the trunk Infection or burns possible Evaluate the character of the stains to understand what to treat. To seek help from the articles of the Internet, or to experienced flowers.
He started the root Obsoleur-abundant irrigation or illness

Drop the flower, remove the affected parts.

Sprove with a weak solution of manganese. You can slightly sprinkle ashes.

Treat the tool from pest or antiseptic.

These were the basic rules for the care of Zamiculkas. We hope this article will help you to grow a beautiful and large flower!

Video: Big Samoculkas Home Care / Dollar Tree

Zamiculkas or "Dollar Tree" attracts lovers indoor plants For the unpretentiousness and simplicity of care, the only thing that may cause complexity in the cultivation is a change in Zamiculkas at home.

In order not to make mistakes in the cultivation and transplantation of the plant, it is necessary to know its main features and rules for the care of it.

Zamiculkas is an evergreen grassy plant with thick tubers and fleshy pointed leaves. With proper care at home, mature plants can bloom. The flower has the shape of a corn cob and hides in the sinuses of the lower leaves. For similarity with palm, it is called emerald palm or Zanzibarskaya pearl.

Required factors for proper cultivation

Indicators Spring Summer Autumn winter
Temperature mode + 21-29 o with + 18-20 o C, critical limit +15 o with
Humidity Spraying, kneading leaves for a bright gloss, put on the rain Irrelevant
Watering Abundant, but not often. Do not allow overflow and stagnation of water in the pallet, otherwise it is possible to drop the roots and stem rot. In the arid period can reset the leaves Soft water with full soil drying, no more than 1-2 times a month.
Lighting Light place, in the shade will be fine leaves. In a strong sun, leaves of leaves are possible, the light should be scattered Bright scattered light as possible
Fertilizer Fertilizers for cacti - 1 time per month, do not overgrow Not recommended

However, even when complying with all agrotechnical techniques of cultivation, the plant may begin to "crack". One of the reasons for this is late with a transfer of a dollar tree or its absence.

How to understand that Zamiculkas need a transplant

There are several signs, according to which it is clear that the plant needs a transplant.

  • The roots do not fit in the pot, they are closely;
  • Deformed and cracks landing container from smaller roots;
  • The soil has severely seal, not loose, poorly passes air;
  • The plant stops its height;
  • Begins to increase the moisture-free tuber;
  • The leaves are twisted, withering and dry.

There are 3 mandatory transplants:

  • after the purchase;
  • annual transplant of young plants;
  • transplanting old plants every 3-4 years.

Zamiculkas transplant after purchase

Transplantation After purchase is a prerequisite. If this is not done, the plant will perish. This is due to the fact that plants are carrying from other countries and use a special transportation substrate for transportation. It does not contain any nutrients, poorly passes water and is not intended for further growth of the plant.

In addition, there are no drainage materials in the transport package, the holes in the bottom of the tank take this role. As a result, the roots can germinate in them, which will lead to their deformations upon subsequent transplant.

It is not necessary to transplant immediately, but after 2-3 weeks. This is necessary to adapt the plant in the new environment. It is advisable to put the flower into the room where there are no other plants for temporary quarantine.

Important! After buying when transferring the roots, you need to free from the substrate completely.

When it is best to replant

The best time for transplantation and for the young and for a mature plant is Spring, the most favorable months are March and April.

Experienced flowerflowers are waiting for the end of the flowering plants, and only after that begin to transplant, otherwise the plant will reset all the colors.

Young plants transplant annually, since their growth in the period up to 3 years is intensively. It is necessary for them not only to change the size of the container, but also the soil due to its exhaustion.

Mature copies try not to disturb so often, especially since the growth of the plant slows down with age, so they are transplanted once every 3-4 years.

If the moment is missed, the transplant can be carried out at the beginning of summer.

Some fans of indoor plants believe that the autumn transplant is possible without much discomfort for the flower, although specialists consider it incorrect. During this period, the flower is preparing for the state of rest for the winter and all processes in the plant are braking, therefore, there will be no good survival.

Methods of transplant

Any room plant requires a transplant. Transplants are:

  • planned;
  • emergency.

Planned transplants are necessary when the soil is exhausted, the plant is small pot or the growth of flowers has ceased.

The emergency transplant is carried out if there are suspicions that the roots of the roots began or any disease or pests were detected.

According to the transplant method, 2 types are distinguished: the transplant and transshipment itself.

The transplant is moving to another pot with full elimination of old soil.

The roots are completely purified from the ground, washed, cut, if necessary, and placed in a new container with a fresh soil mixture. With this method, the plant is ill long.

Turning is a way in which the earth is not disturbed, the plant moves to a larger pot, and all the gaps fall asleep the earth. With this method, the plant does not ill, quickly increases root system and leaves.

Zamiculkas transplant only transshipment. The exclusion is a transplant from the transport mixture. This is dictated by the fact that the roots in the plant are very fragile and can be deformed with a different method of transplant. For smaller damage to the roots, the ground before transshipment is abundantly spilled by water.

Preparation for transplant

For a change in Zamiculkas to be successful, it is necessary to carry out a number of preparatory activities.

Choosing a pot

  1. The size of the pot must be 10-15% more than the previous one, it is not more than 3 cm in diameter. The root system should be freely placed in the pot, but it should not be emptiness. It is impossible to choose a pot with a margin, because at the same time the plant stops the growth of the above-ground part. It will begin to form new leaves only when the root system fills the volume of the new container completely. In addition, latching land may occur.
  2. The pot must be stable, since with further growth the weight of the plant increases rapidly.
  3. Capacity must have drainage holes.
  4. The most comfortable shape pot for Zamiculkas is a wide vase with a narrowed bottom.
  5. The pot may be clay or plastic.

Clay pots

Plastic pots

pros Minuses
When transplanting you can cut a pot Long retain moisture, root rotting can begin
Low price Overheating in the sun due to plastics structure
Diverse color color, the ability to choose to any interior Fast deformation from smaller roots
Easily wash and clean Air access is limited by artificial material
Lungs, comfortable in carrying Light, may tip over, damage to the plant will occur

Preparation of soil

Basic soil requirements:

  • Must be light and loose, with good air access;
  • Have drainage properties (the land is mixed with small clay or explosive);
  • The composition of the soil: turf, leaf land, peat, sand in the same proportions, or soil for cacti and succulents, it is possible to introduce a small amount of humus;
  • Do not use clay soil, it leads to reinforcement of the roots due to its bad pavement;
  • Do not use very nutritional land, the plant may get sick due to the overdose of fertilizers in it;
  • Before transplanting to be disinfected with boiling water or calcining in the oven.

The transplant process is step by step

  1. Prepare a new container, drainage, soil mixture.
  2. For 24 hours before transplanting, shedding the plant with water so that the earth is wet.
  3. When using a new clay pot, soak it in water for a few hours so that he does not take water from the soil, the plastic pot is disinfected.
  4. Fall asleep in a pot of claymzit layer 2-3 cm.
  5. Pour prepared land. It is desirable to heat it up to 25-30 degrees, it will reduce the stress for the plant.
  6. Carefully get a dollar tree from the old capacity.
  7. Conduct a thorough inspection of the root system. Damaged or releavened roots remove, cut roots to divide for further reproduction.
  8. Lower Zamiculkas in the pot, straighten the roots and fall asleep with a soil, slightly tampering, while tubers must be slightly on the surface (0.5 cm).
  9. Next to the soil lay a small amount of clay.
  10. Plant Do not water within 2-3 days.

Caution!In the leaves of Zamiculkas contains poisonous cellular juice, so it is necessary to be careful and work only in gloves, allergic reactions are possible.

Caring for the plant after transplantation

After transplantation, the plant should be alone in order to adapt to new soil And to the new volume of the pot. Then renew the usual care. Zamokulkas does not like increased attention and excessive guardianship.

Dollar tree enjoys at the flower deserved attention not only for the puff and brightness of the leaves, but for the fact that it reduces the symptoms of depression, improves the mood, it is not for nothing called "female happiness", flowering Zamokulkas Attracts a man in a single woman's house, and girls promises an ambulance wedding.

Every year, domestic flower products will be seen all new indoor plants. No rarity is also Zamiculkas, who won love with its elegant appearance. The homeland of this plant is located on the Mountain Stony Plateau of East Africa and Madagascar Islands.

This plant looks like a socket, from which it takes the beginning of complex long leaves of dark green painting with a gloss effect. On each side of Rakhis, which is the central part of the sheet plate, turning into the stuff, are located miniature fleshy leavesDecorated with a pointed tip. Adult specimens look more impressive, in which leaves can reach 1-1.5 m.

If you create favorable conditions for zamioculkas, then it will delight the owner every season abundant blossom. Despite the fact that decorative properties are more pronounced in the leaves, and not the flowers, most of the Floristics professionals also enjoy the flowering of their pets. Flowers of Zamiculkas are elegantly hidden in the sinuses of sheets that form complex inflorescences: they are presented in the form of a combination of cream card and greenish grain.

Everyone who at least once seen an adult zamiculkas, noted him decorative properties. However, this plant is wondering not only the attractiveness of its juicy leaves. In connection with it, it should be mentioned about the legend, according to which this flower can bring well-being and increase the financial state of the owner. This belief led to the emergence of another name of Zamiculkas - "Dollar Tree". Therefore, this flower can often be found in the premises of banks. However, the majority explains the similar name of Zamiculkas its unusually high cost.

Believe it or not this legend, everyone's business. What can be not doubtful, so this is that by bringing to his home Zamiculkas, you will get a spectacular decoration, in the process of cultivation of which you will not need to spend a lot of time and effort. However, if you want to engage in the reproduction of Zamokulkas, then you will not hurt to get acquainted with the main features of this plant.

Methods of breeding Zamiculkas at home

To get new busts of Zamioculkas, you must first determine with a suitable reproduction method.

Division of an adult plant

If you are ahead of the planning transplant of this room plant, you can use the opportunity that you have imagined and divide it on separate fragments With a point of growth to get new bushes. The reproduction of Zamiculkas tuber seems to be a fairly simple event. All you need to do for this - divide into separate parts Mother plant.

However, it is necessary to be as accurate as possible here, trying not to injure CornCong. After finishing the plant dividing operation, the fragments obtained must be placed on the air so that they can dry. In this case, the cuts must be treated with wood or activated carbon.

For transplanting, use tanks filled with light soil. It may be a universal soil in which it will not prevent a little vermiculite to add, because it will help to give the substrate a more loose structure. Within three days after landing, the "dry" mode is observed, after which they can be sprayed with an accumulated water from the sprayer.


This breeding method provides for conducting a specific set of actions With a leaf borrowed in an adult plant.

  • initially, it needs to be cut off, and then give it to dry in a few hours;
  • after that, the location of the cut must necessarily be treated with wood coal or root stimulator "Korniner". On this preparatory operations Completed, and the sheet can be transferred to the prepared universal soil. It can also be replaced by soil for succulent plants;
  • three days after the landing, the soil can be sprayed, not forgetting to moisten and leaf.

Next, you need to be patient because the formation of roots on the club is a rather long process, which will take about 2-3 months. Zamiculkas refers to those rare plants that grow extremely slowly. To be able to form new leaves, you will have to wait approximately 6-7 months.


Among the available methods of reproduction of Zamiculkas at home, the most preferred is the shilling. As planting material used shootsBorrowed in an adult instance of Zamiculkas. The reproduction of the sheet does not allow to prepare so many cuttings, as one adult sheet from the uterine plant is used here.

To multiply Zamiculkas with young leaves is not recommended, because due to underdevelopment, as well as the fact that they have not yet formed a full-fledged sheet plate, the chances of success are extremely low here. Young leaves contain little nutrientswithout which it is impossible to get full-fledged plants from cuttings.

  • for the workpiece of cuttings, a well-developed middle-aged sheet is used on an adult plant;
  • next, it needs to be divided into separate cuttings so that everyone has two opposite leaves;
  • a stalk cut out from the top of the sheet is allowed to have three sheets. After cutting cuttings, it is necessary to give a couple of hours to lie down in the air so that the covered layer appears. Hurry up with cuttings immediately in the universal soil should not be taken, because due to high humidity they can bend and die;
  • the ends of the branches must necessarily be treated with activated carbon or other stimulant growth roots - zircon or rhoin. As a result of this operation, they will be protected from diseases;
  • for the landing of cuttings at home, the universal light soil should be used, which must be added vermiculite. This substance will help make the soil mixture more loose. So that the branches can rather have to be rooted, they can be transferred to the micro-plane, which must be closed with glass or polyethylene cap. Considering that the reproduction of Zamioculkas is rarely in the method of shifting, most of the flower products often transplanted them directly into plastic glasses, not transferred to the greenhouse;
  • the first watering of the cuttings is carried out only in two or three days. This is done by spraying the soil using the sprayer. In the next 1-2 months in the soil on the branches, large nodules with roots will begin to form. For the next 5-6 months, the flower industry will have to be stockpore, since it is through this time the first leaflets may appear.


Get new bushes Zamiculkas at home can not only from the branch, but also with individual small leavestaken from a large sheet of plants. In this case, it is necessary to prepare the leaflets that are prepared for rooting from the sheet. But at first they are placed for a couple of hours on the air so that the location of the cut can dry. The lower part of the leaf should be treated with drugs that stimulate the formation of roots.

In addition to all available activated or charcoal, you can use modern drugs - Korniner, Zircon. When using the latter, you can prepare the mixture by adding coal to them.

On this, all major preparatory activities with leaves are completed. You can move to rooting. To do this, you need the bottom of the sheet to put in a wet substrate, cooked on the basis of sand and peat. On top of the tank, it is necessary to put the glass, thereby creating the effect of the micro. Before the appearance of germs, it is necessary to periodically carry out.

Also multiply zamioculkas can and by planting leaves without a greenhouse. In this case, a universal primer or soil prepared for the cultivation of succulents can be used as a substrate for rooting leaves. After two or three days from the moment of landing, watering leaflets and soil by spraying from the sprayer. And a month later, you can observe the first changes: where the callus is located, under which the sheet fabric is understood, which occurs on the location of the cut, small tubers form. Subsequently, they will actively grow, over time, white roots will appear on them.

The size of the used planting material for the reproduction of the zamiculkas is in a vegetative way directly affects how long it is necessary to wait for the formation of new leaves in the plant. Therefore, it is recommended to use as large-scale instances. If you use small leaves, then there are cases when new leaves are formed only in a year.

In addition to the above methods, it is possible to obtain a new plant of zamoculkas by placing a sheet into the water in which the root system will be formed. But before the location of the cutting sheet must be processed by root-forming stimulants. These can be such drugs like:

  • Corneumine;
  • Zircon;
  • Heteroacexin.

They will help accelerate the rooting process. However, if you rely on the experience of flowerflowers, the most preferred reproduction option is the rooting of zamiculkas in the ground.


Zamiculkas can diversify the green corner in the apartment of any sophisticated flower. If desired, it can acquire several representatives of this plant, for which you only need to know how to propagate the zamoculkas, and choose a suitable way. Undoubtedly, the most simple and successful is the reproduction of cuttings, which in most cases guarantees the success of this event. However, still in color lovers immediately need to be patient because Zamiculkas refers to a group of slow-growing plantsTherefore, waiting for the formation of the first leaflets will be on average six months.

Zamiculkas is a popular room plant, appreciated by flowers for the decorativeness of dark-green leaves. It can not be called a capricious, but it breeds it rather reluctantly. It is almost impossible to get seeds, so you have to resort to vegetative methods of reproduction (you can use all parts of the plant), while stupid by patience.

What a zamokulkas looks like

Zamioculcas (Zamioculcas) - Rod, which is part of the AROIDEA family. From the point of view of most botany, it is monotypic, having a single representative - Zamiifolkas Zamiifolia or Liddjesii (Loddigesii). Others allocate from two to four varieties.

The birthplace of plants - plateau in the south and southeast of Africa. Conditions, human standards, there are extreme. But the plant has successfully adapted to them. Like most local Flora representatives, Zamiculkas is a succulent that for the aid, in principle, atypically.

During the short rainy season, he accumulates moisture in thick fleshy cutters of leaves, stems and underground tubers. This "NZ" helps him survive a long drought. If the plant accounts for quite badly, it drops the leaf plates, leaving only cutters and streaks (axis-rahis). It helps reduce evaporation area.

The name of the flower is obliged to the fact that its leaves are very similar to the leaves of another African plant - Zamia (in the literal translation of "Zamiculkas" - "Zamyep-like"). The final name was not immediately approved. The first option ("Caladium Zamielistic") belonged to a well-known British fan of exotic flora, a conrad of Luddjesu. He first described the plant in 1829, but not being a specialist in the field of botany, mistakenly included him in the genus Caladium, although he was not mistaken with the family of the Aoid.

Inaccuracy was fixed only in 1856 an even more famous botany from Austria, Heinrich Wilhelm Schott. He allocated a plant in a separate genus, "dubbed" Zamokulkas and called in honor of the discoverer. From the beginning of the 20th century, the intermediate version was established in the literature - Zamiculkas Zamielistic.

In addition to the official name, the plant quickly got a multiple nickname - "Dollar Tree", "Eternal" or "Aoid Palma", "Zanzibarskaya Pearl". Especially loved Zamiculkas in China. There he is considered a symbol of the new year, and Fengsui's doctrine connects the welfare of the owner.

Lovers of houseplants appreciate him for the beauty of the leaves. They are glossy, dark green, thin, but rather rigid to the touch, in the form of complexity. The sheet plate is disseminated by 8-12 separate "pynes" - for the aroid, it is also a unique phenomenon. Small blurry spots of ink-purple color stacked normal. Missed the flower in general seems artificial, because the leaves are very smooth, one-dimensional.

The growth rate of Zamiculkas is no different, but at home is rather an advantage. Often, old leaves he drops faster than new ones. The maximum height in the "captivity" is about 1 m.

Zamiculkas is characterized by a developed root system. It consists of powerful tubers and thick-shaped roots from them. If the plant does not reset the plant for a long time, a close pot that prevents further growth may even be closed under their pressure.

Flowering Zamiculkas not only at home, but also in nature - the phenomenon is extremely rare. It can be expected only from adult plants formed. Then the pillage is covered with large berries, each one contains one seed.

There is an alternative almost unique method of breeding at Zamiculkas. The base of the leaves fallen to the ground is gradually thickened, turning into the tuber, which then forms the roots and goes underground, releasing new shoots.

But get upset about the lack of flowering is not worth it. The spectacle is definitely not outstanding. Small yellowish-cream flowers are collected in thick pillars, tightly wrapped with a pale green or light beige bedspread. It is the inflorescence at the bottom of the plant, in the sinus of one of the leaves, so almost imperceptibly. FROM emen at home is not tied in principle, even if "helping" the flower, artificially poling it. According to the experience of most lovers of indoor plants with experience, bloom often means the ambulance of this instance.

Video: Appearance and other characteristic features of Zamiculkas

What you need to know before the start of the dilution procedure at home

Taming Zamiculkas at home, first of all, you should be patient first. The process is guaranteed to stretch for several months. The fact is that at first the plant forms a fairly powerful tuber, and only then begins to build a green mass.

It should also be remembered that, like all the aid, Zamokulkas is poisonous. The leaves contain juice, which, when entering the skin and mucous membranes, causes irritation, redness, rash. At a tendency to allergic reactions, even serious burns are possible, and in the stomach in the stomach - strong disorders of the digestion. Therefore, in any works with a plant, it is projected only in gloves, and finished, thoroughly wash your hands.

Despite the theoretical presence of seeds, at home the plant multiplies exclusively in vegetative ways. To get them problematic, and the procedure of germination is very complex, time-consuming and ineffective.

The straws of the plant picks up a mass, sucking nutrients From the cutting, sheet, parts of the stem. Therefore, what is wrinkled is a normal phenomenon, not a sign indicating the failure of the operation.Waiting for the appearance of fresh swords will have for quite a long time.

With any selected method, the future zamoculikus provides warm and bright diffused light. Capacity put in a homemade mini greenhouse or covered with glass caps, cropped plastic bottlesplaced in a tightly tied plastic bag. The landing is carried out daily, but watered very moderately, wetting only the substrate around the edges of the pot.

It is important to choose the primer for young plants. In severe clay soil Zamiculkas degenerates, the leaves are minced and deformed. The substrate is suitable for cacti and succulents or for decorative indoor plants. But this is not the perfect option, so it is better to mix it yourself from a sheet of land, peat and sand (1: 1: 1). Useful additive (5-7% of the total volume) - vermiculitis, perlite, chopped pumice, crumb of old red bricks, small pieces of wood coal (best of the barking). The material absorbs the excess moisture, preventing the development of rot. It also makes the soil more easy, creating the possibility of good aeration.

Do not forget about drainage. The layer of clay or fine pebbles should be at least 4-5 cm thick.

Step by step instructions

At home, leaves or parts of them, stem cuttings, tubers are used at home for the reproduction of Zamiculk. Each method has its advantages and disadvantages that need to be appreciated before proceeding to the procedure.


Zamiculkas cutlets - part of a sheet plate with two opposite or three "pyrs" (if it is the top). You can land and separate sheets, but the more stalk, the faster the rooting will go. The best time to get planting material - late spring or early summer.

The "donor" plant should be an adult (at least 5-6 years old) and absolutely healthy, the foundation of the escape from which the sheet is taken to be semi-respected. Not suitable just acquired Zamiculkas. In stores, flowers are often treated with growth stimulants and other chemicals. Such drugs reduce the likelihood of steel rooting almost to zero. We'll have to wait at least a year to count on success.

  1. Cut the leaves, divide them on the cuttings acutely sharpened by the disinfected knife.
  2. Give the planting material to dry 2-3 hours. The slice should be covered with a thin layer of "plugs" (torn).
  3. Fill in small containers with drainage material (1/3 of volume) and wet sand, perlite, vermiculitis, finely naked moss-sfagnum. Special soil is also suitable for growing sensipoly (violets) and cacti. Alternative - rooting in water room temperature With the addition of multiple tablets of activated carbon, potassium permanganate crystals or any fungicide.
  4. Plug the base of the cut by a powder biostimulator. Square it into the ground, blocking about 2-3 mm. Gently construct the substrate.
  5. Provide landings lower heating, high humidity (70% or more), the temperature is about 22-25ºС. As the substrate dry out, moisturize it with a weak solution of the stimulator of the root formation, but very moderately. The first time is no earlier than 3-4 days after disembarking.
  6. About two weeks later, the first roots should appear. Then watering can be slightly increased.
  7. New tubers are formed in 7-8 weeks. After that, rearrange the Zamokulkas at a permanent place, take care of as an adult plant.
  8. The appearance of the first leaves can be expected at best in 5-6 months. Norm - 7-8 months. If they are twisted and covered with a reddish film, this is normal.

Video: Detaculation of Zamiculkas with cuttings

Rooting sheet-"Pyryshka"

A significant drawback of the method is the slow development of a new plant. Even if you create a landing material optimal conditionsFor the year no more than three leaves will appear.

The leaves selected for roouging should be absolutely healthy, not deformed, uniform color. What they are more, the faster the plant will develop.

  1. Sharp clean knife cut the leaflets at an angle of about 45º. Let them dry during the day.
  2. Sprinkle the lower third of the mixture of activated carbon chopped into the powder or thusshing chalk with any biostimulator.
  3. Slide the leaves into a wet substrate - a mixture of peat crumb and sand (1: 1). They need to burst into the ground for about a third. In water, they are not recommended to root - tubers and roots are weak.
  4. Cover the landing. Provide a temperature of 22-24ºС. Daily ventilate the "greenhouse", as the soil dryer spray it.
  5. After about 2-3 months, the leaves are dried. But small tubers are formed, about the size of the pea.
  6. After the first new sheet (on average, after six months), transplant the plants into the pot in a diameter of 7-10 cm filled with soil for ficuses or palm trees. Do not forget about drainage. Further care is ordinary.

Video: How to root separate "Pynes" -thlists

Reproduction of parts of the stem, breeding branches

The method is practiced relatively rarely. Zamiculkas leaves are located on the stem is quite tight, therefore, to get a piece of 5-8 cm long, they will have to get rid of their number, ensuring itself, thus, more "traditional" planting material.

The procedure does not differ from the rooting of individual "Pynes" in one exception. Parts of the stem are put on the substrate, and do not stick vertically. Dense leather is pre-in several places carefully cut off with a razor blade or a thin scalpel. The depth of the ring extrem is not more than 0.1-0.2 mm. These places are sprinkled with soil.

How to divide a tuber

For this, the plant is suitable for a minimum of 50 cm. After its purchase, there must be at least a year. The best time for the procedure is the period from mid-April to the end of September.

The division of tubers is made simultaneously with the transplant. The roots of the plant extracted from the pot are neatly scattered with their hands, separate tubers are separated. Damage applied to them, try to minimize. Any "wounds" immediately process.

If there is only one tuber in a pot, it can only try to cut it if you have a minimum of two growth points (peculiar "kidney"). But experienced flowerflowers Recommend not to risk the loss of Zamokulkas, and still wait until the plant shall form a few tubers.

  1. Sweep the planting material during the day. Particularly large tubers may need 2-3 days.
  2. Fill the pot with a diameter of 10-12 cm with a mixture of fertile rod, leaf land, sand and peat crumb (equally) with the addition of small clay and humus (5% of the total volume). At the bottom, the drainage layer is required.
  3. Slide the tubers in the tank, drowning into the substrate for no more than 3-5 cm. Care, as for an adult plant, completely excluding the feeding and replacing wiring spraying. The first time the fertilizer can be paid in 4-6 weeks.
  4. Two or three sheets per year for the rooted tuber - this is normal. After about a year, transplant Zamokulkas to the soil for adult plants.

Care for young plants

To speed up the growth of a new instance of Zamiculkas, you need to care for it.

  • Young plants are not very like a transplant, so the procedure is carried out no more than once a year and only the method of transshipment. After that, the tree is not crowded 3-4 days.
  • Lack of moisture The plant transfers better than its excess. Regular overflow will quickly lead to the rotting of tubers. Even in the heat just two irons per month and that if upper layer Soil in the pot dries.
  • Direct sunlight and light shortage are equally disadvantaged for young plants. In the first case, young Zamiculkas will get burns, in the second - the shoots will stretch, the leaves will lose the intensity of the color, crushed. The perfect option for it is bright, but scattered light.
  • The feeders are preferred extraxnealing. They are carried out no more than once in 15-20 days, spraying the leaves with a solution of any complex mineral fertilizer for decorative indoor plants. As a result, the cuttings are compacted, the leaves acquire a very beautiful saturated shade.
  • Save the decorativeness of Zamiculkas will help regular warm shower. But only an overhead part is wash, covering the substrate with a polyethylene film.

Possible problems and their solution

Based on the fact that the Motherland of Zamokulkas is hot African tropics, it is possible to correctly conclude - the plant is very hardly. In fact, the only danger threatening with young copies is rot. Often in its appearance is to blame the flowering itself, turning the soil in a pot in the swamp. If at the same time in the room is pretty cool, the appearance of the pathogenic fungus is almost inevitable.

Young zamoculkasa need to visit regularly. The alarming symptoms are black and brown "waving" quickly breaking spots on the tubers, stems and cutters of leaves. Save the plant is possible only at an early stage of development of the disease. If damaged parts are easily separated from it, the soil is covered with mold, acquires an unpleasant reel, there is no chance. Such a zamoculkas can only be thrown away. Therefore, you need to act quickly.

  1. Cut all the leaves and shoots affected by rot. The knife should be sharp and disinfected. "Wounds" spray with an impellent chalk, activated carbon, colloidal gray.
  2. Remove the plant from the pot. For 25-30 minutes, soak the tubers in the bright pink solution of potassium permanganate or in 1% solution of any fungicide (burglar liquid, xom, downtown, speed). Give them to dry 2-3 hours.
  3. Pereure the plant to the new soil and sterilized pot. In the soil, add granules of glyocladine, Triphodermina.
  4. For 2-3 months, water the zamioculkas not with water, but 0.5% solution of alin-b, foundazola, prejudice.

Zamiculkas or "Dollar Tree" often grows at home not only because of beauty, but also due to accepting and superstitions associated with it. The plant is considered an excellent gift. At the same time, there will be no money to spend money on it - the flower is quite well multiplied in the "captivity". We only need to study the nuances of the procedure in advance, give him enough time and carefully handle the young plant.

This plant is unusual, very beautiful, has dark green leaves. In our country, he began to grow not so long ago, but this flower has already gained great popularity due to the fact that he is unpretentious and undemanding to care, it feels good in a slightly lit room. Zamokulkas loved I. professional designers, and many flowers. Since the flower is beautiful and not capricious, many are asked: how to multiply Zamokulkas at home? You can do this in different ways, this article will consider the main of them.

Reproduction of the division of root

Flower Zamokulkas is fairly easy and quickly can be multiplied by tubers. How to multiply Zamokulkas at home with tubers? Rhizome need to be very careful to divide into 2-3 parts, it is possible and more, the main condition is that each part has its own point of growth. The damaged place must be slightly adding, for this, the tuber is enough to put in the shaded place in the air, you can sprinkle wood coal, and only in a couple of hours you need to pick up tubers in different tanks.

Important! In no case cannot be cutting the tuber with a knife into several parts, since Zamokulkas will die in this case.

Reproduction of Zamiculkas tubers- is not the best way Dilution this flower, After all, it will be necessary to wait a long time that the bush rumbles.

Reproduction of Zamiculkas leaf

The reproduction of Zamiculkas at home by leaves is a fairly simple and easy process. Sheets from the plant for the purpose of breeding must be cut off a disinfected, sharp tool. It is advisable to cut the leaflets with the stem. How to grow zamioculkas from the sheet? Some flower products first have leaves in water, and some immediately plant them into sterilized soil. Most often, the reproduction with the help of a sheet takes about 2 to 6 months, you need to wait for a small tuber to appear on the basis of the sheet.
After cutting the leaves, you need to leave to dry out for a couple of hours in the air, then the location of the cut must be sprinkled with a special drug that will stimulate the growth of the roots, and zircon or corpering is perfect for this, and some flower products use the usual activated carbon. After landing sheets, the container must be covered with either glass or cellofan film, To create the effect of the greenhouse. One or twice a day, the film must be removed to ventilate sheets. It is desirable to take large leaves as a landing material, which are rooted much faster than young leaves.
Significantly rooted with a branch or stem with leaves. Reproduction with a sheet with a stem is enough fast way receive adult plant. With this method of reproduction, the flower periodically needs to water, but it is desirable to do not from the watering can, but with the help of the sprayer. The sprayer is needed and the ground, and the leaves, this method of irrigation will not give the opportunity to pour the plant so that it does not die.
How to send Zamokulkas when it is grown from leaves? You need to take small containers, at the bottom of which you need to lay a layer of drainage, suitable for this pellets of foam or clamzit. The nutrient layer of the substrate is embanked on top of it, which must be moistened, and the leaflets with the stem must be searched into this soil.

The reproduction of Zamiculkas Chenkah

The shilling is best to spend in spring and summer when the flower is actively growing and developing. The cuttings must be cut off a healthy, adult plant. It is better not to cut the branches from the bush, which was recently purchased in the store, such cuttings during seeding will be very poorly rooted due to the fact that the flower in the store is often treated with all sorts of growth stimulants. After purchasing Zamiculkas in the store, you can breed it with the help of cuttings only one year later.
Cut the cuttings from the bush is best when the plant is at rest. Before planting the branches in the ground, it is desirable to hold them in water tanks. The reproduction of Zamiculkas branch in water is a very fast way to get a new plant. It is desirable to add one tablet of activated carbon to the water, thanks to which the water will be transparent. It also does not prevent the drug to accelerate the root formation in water. When the roots are on the cutken or on a cut-off stem located in the water, it will be possible to plant it in the ground.
For clearing cuttings, small pots will be suitable, on the bottom of which you need to pour a layer of drainage. Substrate some prefer to buy in the store, and some mix a few components, namely: Dern, sheet primer, river sand and peat. Insert the cuttings preferably deeper into the substrate. Zamiculkas multiplies with cuttings much faster in conditions high humidity, especially at the first time, when rooted stalks have not yet allowed roots. The pots with cuttings are preferably put on the shaded windowsill. Once in three or four weeks you can feed young plants with mineral fertilizers.

Best conditions for rooting

So that Zamiculkas is ingrained as quickly as possible when growing from sheets, tubers, stems or cuttings, it must be planted in a special soil. A suitable substrate can be bought in a flower shop, good option There will be a soil for cacti or violets. Some flowerflows mix the purchased substrate with river sand in the same quantities, and you can destroy young zamoculkasy in pure sand. River sand It is good because it perfectly passes the air and moisture. So that the cuttings, stems or leaves are faster than roots, they need to be treated with a stimulant of the appearance of roots, for example, rhoin.
Seared very comfortably cuttings or sheets in ordinary disposable cups, which need to be placed in a warm room for quick reproduction, where the air temperature is about 22 degrees. In order for the rooting to be successful, scattered light should fall on Zamokulkas, it is impossible to make direct rays of the sun. Disposable cups are good because they can see the appearance of roots. When the first roots are visible, the soil moisturizing must be increased.

So that Zamiculkas raise rapidly and was healthy, it is necessary to adhere to such recommendations:

  • the substrate for a flower is better to use a bought in the store, either a universal soil, or soil for succulents, in which there is perlite and vermiculite, these components break the soil and serve as a good power source;
  • without a drainage layer, the root system can be installed, because of which young plants die;
  • young bushes It is advisable to translate once a year, without disturbing the root system, the transplant must be carried out by transshipment of a bush with a lump of a pot large sizes, after transplanting, watering is performed only after 3 days;
  • both young and adult bushes do not like excessive watering, it is better to moisten the soil less than excessively that the tubers are not lit. It is only necessary to water when the top layer of the substrate dries;
  • zamiculkas does not tolerate the straight rays of the sun, as well as a dark room, when the sun's sunspheses hit, burns appear on the leaves, and in a dark room, the plant loses decorative properties;
  • you need to feed the flower with fertilizers twice a month, you can also spray the leaves with fertilizers, thanks to which they will get intense green;
  • plant sometimes need to arrange shower warm waterHowever, the soil must be closed by film, thanks water procedures Leafs will be attractive and smooth.