The fastest birds in the world are the speed of the flight and records. What is the bird sapsan

The fastest in the world, we draw your attention to the fact that they can be divided into 2 categories: developing maximum diving speed, and those that have high rates when horizontal flight. With during diving, the bird develops the speed not at the expense of its own effort, and at the expense of the attraction of the Earth. It builds up kinetic energy, which depends on the mass, the height of the flight, as well as the constant value in the form of accelerating the free fall. In fact, during the dive flight, it does not fly, but falls. The speed of this fall is directly proportional to weight and height.

The horizontal flight is a movement in direct or approximate to a straight line. During the horizontal flight, the speed depends on the initial acceleration and mass. The higher the body weight, the more effort is required to develop the required speed. Therefore, massive heavy birds physically cannot develop a large speed of horizontal flight, due to which the championship is obtained by small light feathered, the body and the wings of the wings of which allow you to set a good impulse.

You will learn what birds can overtake the fastest racing carsThe representatives of our top and where they live.

Sapsan is a bird from a falcon family that feeds mainly by other small feathers, but if they are absent, it can hunt a hare, protein and amphibians. Sapsan is found on all continents, except for poles. It dwells in the forest-steppe and forest zone. Before you one of the fastest creatures in the world. A piquetting bird is able to develop a speed of up to 322 km / h, or 90 m / s (in some sources the speed is indicated up to 440 km / h). These indicators are achieved due to the high height of the planning flight, as well as due to good aerodynamic indicators. Separately, it should be said about wings that are used during dive to quick stop.
Sapsana wingspan are 80-120 cm, which allows him when hunting on mammals and amphibians correctly calculate the speed of impact of the sacrifice, as well as control the flight in air flow.

Important! Birds have hollow light bones, so the bulk of the mrennate is muscles and plumage.

This is a predator from the family of hawk, which hunts mostly on medium and large rodents. Berkut can attack even on a deer, roof or sheep, but this is extremely rare. Distribution Area - North America (USA and Canada), South Africa (Morocco), Mountain Areas of Europe, as well as the plain part of Russia, Baltic States and Belarus.
Berkut, like Sapsan, develops the maximum speed during the dive flight. On average, it is 280-320 km / h. Such speed is achieved due to the presence of a considerable body weight - 2.8-6.7 kg. Males always weigh less than females.
Berkut develops smaller speed than the Sapsan, for the reason that he will simply be able to control diving at greater speed. Even the presence of wings of 180-240 cm will not allow the bird in time to stop. The area of \u200b\u200bthe wings of the Berkut in relation to the mass is less than that of Sapsan, which affects the speed of braking about the air, as well as on maneuverability.

Aclared (barrier) Strizh

Eglugged strife is a representative of the stripping family that feeds on exclusively small insects. Distribution area is South and Southeast Asia, as well as the Far East and Siberia. Note that the winter bird in Australia.
Before us is SAMI fast bird Russia, which during horizontal flight develops speed up to 160 km / h. It's just a huge indicator, as up to 160 km / h Streach accelerates own forcesand not at the expense of attraction and free fall from the height. It has a light body (100-175 g), the length of which is about 20 cm. The wingspan is an impressive, on average it is 50 cm.
Eglugged haircut is characterized by excellent maneuverability, which allows her to catch insects on the fly. A feature of this species is almost 24-hour stay in the air. This is associated with the structure of the paws, which are not adapted to move on the surface.

It should be noted that, despite the high speed and good maneuverability, needed strips still become the prey of the Sapsans.

Cheglock is a predatory bird from the Family Family, which lives throughout Eurasia, and also meets in North Africa. Cheglock hunts and nests in unguarded light forests, which alternate with open spaces.
Cheglock feeds on small feathers, but if they are absent, it can do the medium and big insects. On small and large cattle, as well as other echoed animals, he does not hunt.
Since the ration of the nonsense is represented by small birds and insects, it needs to have good speed indicators in horizontal flight. Bird, having a lot of 130-340 g, develops speeds up to 160 km / h, so it can hunt the aforementioned needles. Cheglock boasts a big scope of wings (up to 84 cm), which allows him to better maneuver in air flow than small feathered, which are its prey.

Frigates - the genus of tropical or subtropical birds, which relate to a separate family of frigate. They are distant relatives of Pelicans and Baklanov.
The presence of an recognizable, characteristic of the type of birds of the Birds of the goiter allows them during the hunt to collect and transport a large amount of production. This genus does not know how to swim, so during the hunting of the marine inhabitants the frigates are filled over the surface of the water, catching the fish and small insects from the upper layers.
Fregates can be called birds-thieves, as they often take prey from smaller feathery, and nests build materials stolen from other birds. Since the structure of their wings is not adapted to takeoff from the ground, frigates are nesting and resting on trees.
Since this bird does not know how to swim, during the hunt she needs to quickly maneuver and have good speed in order to catch the prey, or catch up with another bird and take away food from her. The frigate in the horizontal flight develops a speed of about 153 km / h. Its average weight does not exceed 1.5 kg, and the wingspan is almost recorded for our top 230 cm. Such data allow you to set the body a large impulse, instantly increasing speed indicators.

Did you know? Fregates in Polynesia are used as "postal pigeons" to transmit messages, and in the state Nauru with their help fish.

This is a sea bird from the Albatrosovoy family, which nests on the small remote islands in the Southern Ocean (southern parts of the Pacific, Indian and Atlantic Oceans, washing Antarctica). Food with seafood (cephalopod, squid, small fish, krill).
The serogol albatross is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as a bird, which develops the greatest speed during horizontal flight - 127 km / h. This causes questions, as the same haircut or check has a greater speed. The fact is that the albatross can maintain such a flight speed for 8 hours, and the above features achieve acceleration to 160 km / h only on extremely small segments.

This is a wild relative of home geese, which refers to the duck family. An ordinary spitting goose in tropical Africa, where leads a settling lifestyle.
Food a bird vegetable food that grows near the water. Also, the menu is supplemented with insects and small fish. During the drought, the goose may walked in search of food, but does not go beyond the limits of habitat.
According to the speed indicators, the shorttis goose slightly inferior to the frigate. The bird accelerates to 142 km / h during horizontal flight. Given the considerable gossey dimensions (length - more than 1 m, the weight is about 10 kg), such indicators are due to good muscles and the wings of the wings up to 200 cm.

Did you know? Spurs on the feet of ducks contain a poison that the bird gets together with eaten feeding beetles. This poison, when contacting the skin, causes the appearance of strong burns, while the poisonous connection has an amateur effect.

The representative of the duck family, who lives in the northern regions of the United States and in Canada. Nests in Russia and Kazakhstan. At the same time, yearly dwells in the British Islands. The lion's share of his diet is fish. Krochal also eats crustaceans, insects and worms.
In terms of speed during horizontal flight, the bird is inferior to a shore duck, accelerating to 129 km / h. Krochal has a small span of wings (89 cm) with a mass of up to 1.5 kg, which negatively affects not only on maneuverability, but also on acceleration. At the same time, the physique of the feathery is adapted for diving to a depth of 30 m during fish hunting than many representatives of this top cannot boast.

This is a kind of haircut, which belongs to the rising family. Belogruda American haircut dwells in Colombia, Peru and Ecuador (South America). A small bird feeds with various insects, which hunts in the air.
The genus of American haircuts includes 8 species, however, it is whitewashing strolls that have impressive speed indicators. Bird can develop speed up to 124 km / h during hunting. In the air, these feathers spend most of their lives.

The species belongs to waterfowl from the duck family. Distinctive feature It is almost a round head, the upper part of which is painted in a light brown warm color.
Distributed on the territory of Europe and Asia, where it prefers to settle near small fresh reservoirs. Nests on cane lakes.
The nodders feeds differently aquatic plants In the warm season. During wintering, animal food (mollusks, larvae, worms) prevails in the diet.
In terms of speed, the dummy is inferior to all birds from our top, as they accelerate only to 116 km / h. Since the bird spends most of the time on the surface of the water, the wings are used only for flights to short distances, as well as for escape in case of threats.

Important! This species is mentioned in the Red Book as such that is under a small threat of disappearance.

Video: Top 10 fastest birds in the world

Even the birds familiar to our climate are able to surprise not only the appearance, but also their capabilities. Each type of this top is able to develop such a flight speed, which cars could not boast more than 100 years ago. The first places were sought by Pernaya, the speed of which is only 3-4 times less passenger airliners, and endurance and ability to experience colossal overloads are outside human capabilities.

For the right to be called the fastest bird fighting two species - -sapsan and haircuts. However, the two of these representatives of the bird world are considered the best in two different types Speed. Sokol-Sapsan develops the greatest speed in the peak, and the black strife leaves no chance of falcon in horizontal flight.


Cheetahs are found in India, Africa and Asia, but the activities of poachers gradually leads to the fact that these unique predators die out, in many countries they have already completely disappeared.

Lion and other cats

Among the predators, the lion ranks second in speed, this major representative of the Feline family can accelerate up to 80 kilometers per hour. The lions are so far behind due to the structure of your body: they are very massive and heavy, but powerful legs with well-developed muscles allow you to develop such a high speed. Although the males lions rarely enjoy their ability, giving the lioness the right to pursue prey. Lions are well able to apply their ability to quickly run, they attack herd, forcing individual individuals to separate them from the rest and driving them into the trap.

Tigers run almost as quickly as lions, especially separate species - for example, the Amur tiger to develop speed up to 80 kilometers an hour, moving along the snow. Leopard is a little slower, up to 75 kilometers per hour. Jaguar preferring in ambushes can move at a speed of about 70 kilometers per hour, but only on very short distances.

Even ordinary domestic cats can quickly run, their maximum speed is 50 kilometers per hour.


Coyote is the fastest predator, except for feline. These animals for the pet family have small and mass, but they know how to accelerate to 65 kilometers per hour, although most often run at a speed of about 50 kilometers per hour. They use their speed to hunt behind hares, crops, gopters and other small mammals, and sometimes catching and pheasants.

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There are many species of birds in the world. Some of them are affecting the consciousness with their beauty and uniqueness, others - miniature sizes. There are also such individuals that are not quite similar to birds. They are ground, however, achieve the most large sizes. We are talking about an African ostrich.

The most huge bird, from now living, is an African ostrich. It is a dense physique with a flat head and long neck. It has a direct beak flat shape. Also, this bird has the biggest eyes from all terrestrial animals - their diameter reaches five centimeters.

This bird has little breast muscles and no wings are not developed at all. Therefore, an ostrich is a bird that can not fly. But she can run great, developing speed up to 70 kilometers per hour.

Head, neck, hips and "breast corn" are free from the plumage, which is curly and loose. Most often, males have mostly black plumage, but light tail and wings. Frams' females are smaller in size and characterized by more monophonic color (usually it is a gray-brown basic tone and dirty white wings).

Ostrichs settle on dry, unborn territories, in Africa or the Middle East. They can be found in savanna or semi-desert, in the north or south of the equatorial forest zone. Previously, the African Ostrich was actively hunted, because of which there were not many places left, where the ostriches live in wildlife. The population of birds save multiple farms of ostriches around the world.

Ostrich, for the most part, herbivores. They feed on escapes, flowers, fruits and seeds. But also these birds will not give up small insects, reptiles and rodents. Due to the lack of teeth, ostrich swallows pieces of wood, tiny stones, parts of iron to grind in the stomach food.

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The absolute record holder in flight speed among all birds is falcon from the species of Sapsan, which is distributed on all continents of the planet, except Antarctica. Depending on the intensity and features of the color, the ornithologists share 17 subspecies of these falcons, but they all fly equally quickly, ahead of even black haircuts.


According to the studies of the Sapsans in the wild and during their hunt, in the rapid and piquetting flight of the Sapsans can develop the speed of over 322 kilometers per hour or about 90 meters in one second. Usually, hunting, falcon is steer in the sky, and after detection, the production rises right above it and almost at right angles literally falls down. Such hunting ornithologists are also called the phrase "rate". Immediately close to the sacrifice, the Sapsan strikes it on tangentally folded and tightly pressed against the palm of his paws. Moreover, the main "bid" does a bird on the powerful claws of the rear fingers of the paws, which can apply a very strong blow, from which even large rodents can come instant death.

Sexanic maturity comes to the second year of life, and the shaped couples remain throughout the life of birds. Salted falcons on the rocks, next to the cliffs, less often - on the roofs or ledges of residential buildings. In modern cities, of course, it is practically impossible to find such birds, but in the Middle Ages to meet the Sapsans in European cities was quite ordinary.

It looks like this bird is very proud and impressive. The body length is about 35-55 centimeters when the wings are scattered almost to one and a half meters. Unlike the rest of the bird families, the female of the Sapsans is usually much larger than the males. This feature is characteristic practically for all falcons. The weight of the female individual - 900-1400 grams, and the male - 500-750 grams. They look equally, without any peculiarities of the appearance depending on the floor of the birds.

The last few centuries of Sokol-Sapsana are considered a rather rare bird, which, although it has a high adaptability to new landscapes and weather conditions, still does not have time to adapt to rapid climate change and the invasion of the city on the familiar habitats of birds. For the first time, the ornithologists began to beat the alarm in the second half of the 19th century, when the situation significantly complicated the beginning of the mass use of harmful pesticides in rural. In addition to extinction of individual individuals, others have significantly reduced chicks, putting at risk whole view. Currently, many varieties of growing agents are already prohibited, and scientists continue to fight for the preservation of Sapsans in the forests, including Russian.

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Sapsan hunts both rodents and other birds of medium sized - pigeons, ducks, starlats and others. Less often, but still can come across in its claws and small mammals.

According to the zoological classification, the vultures are an inhomogeneous group of predatory birds. The fact is that it is formed by representatives of two families: hawk (old light vultures) and American griffs belonging to the new light. The vultures belonging to the first family have a kind of 15 species of birds, and representatives of the new light consist of only 5 species. Scientists declare that both families do not comply with each other in close relationship, but externally very similar to each other. The closest relatives of the vultures of the old world are vultures and beardeds, and representatives of the family of American vultures are akin to Condoras.

Prying birds of vultures can be called conditionally. The fact is that these feathered creatures are rarely feed on with living meat (attack live animals), and more and more - Padalu (animal corpses). The attack of the vultures on living beings can be observed only during the painful hunger of these birds, but even at this time predators choose the weakest or sick animals. In general, there are dead mammals, reptiles and fish, as well as corpses of other birds. It is curious that there are also the bodies of people who live in India in India's menu, which, according to custom, are discarded after death to the Gang River.

Appearance Griffs, to put it mildly, leaves much to be desired: these are unattractive birds. Their necks are long and completely naked, and the beak is huge and hooked. Vultures have large and wide wings, rounded around the edges. Have a very hard tail tail. Paws in these birds are strong, and the fingers are weak, equipped with short and stupid claws.

The most small representative of this type of birds is the American black cathipa: the length of its body reaches no more than 60 cm, and the weight is not more than 1.9 kg. One of the largest vultures is currently considered an African eared vulture, which has a wingspan of up to 3 m and weighing up to 14 kg. The most famous padals are the eared, gray, brown and bald vultures, and their noble relatives - the ridge neck.

Vultures are movable and agile birds. They move on the ground with short and fast steps, and fly well, but slowly. Conditions to climb big heights. The vision of these predators is wonderful, so they easily track down the palm even with huge heights. However, these birds have their own minuses: for complete happiness, they lack a bit of intelligence. In addition, these predators are inappropriate, timid, irritable, hot-tempered, as well as arrogant and often very cowardly. However, such a character does not prevent them from being the fierce of all predatory birds.

The life of the vultures, mostly passes in the wanders: most of the year they fly from one place to another, and then suddenly appear in large numbers where there were never before. While some types of vultures are trying to avoid a person, others almost run on the village and urban streets. These birds are screwed on with impregnable rocks or in dense forests. Their chicks hatch completely helpless. TO independent life The babies of vultures become ready only a few months after the appearance of the light.

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Today we want to familiarize you with the jumps of fauna, and more specifically with the list of ten fastest birds in the world. So.

Chicken-whistle - 109 km / h

Chicken whistles - a small waterfowl, widespread throughout Europe and Asia. Prefers to settle along the shores of water bodies located in the forest or forest-steppe strip among thick coastal vegetation. Most of the feed is produced in water. From other types of ducks is distinguished by narrow and sharp wings. This feature provides the bird of the fastest and silent flight. Length of their body: 34-37 cm. Wingspan: 54-59 cm. Mass: 257-440

Gaga - 113 km / h

Gaga is a large sea waterfowl, widespread in Northern Europe, North America and Eastern Siberia. It dwells off the coast of various marine pools, seas and oceans. It feeds on small mollusks, snails, insect larvae, crustaceans, starfish, sea cucumbers, squid and small fish. In search of food, the bird is able to dive to a depth of 25 meters and is under water up to three minutes. The length of their body is 50-71 cm, the weight is 1200-2500 g, the scope of the wings is about 110 cm.

Canvasback - 116 km / h

The eighth place in the list of the fastest birds of the world is CANVASBACK - a large waterfowl from the duck family, living in North America. He is most large view Among diving ducks on the continent. The length of their body is 48-56 cm, the weight of 862-1,600 g, the wingspan of 79-89 cm. Feed on aquatic plants, mollusks, insects and small fish.


White-Rumped SWIFT is a small bird spread in Africa south of the Sahara. Also found in Spain and Portugal. Have very short legs that are used only to cling to vertical surfaces. Most of their lives spend in the air, feeding in insects, beetles and spider-shaped. Usually do not build sockets, instead they use already ready-made squabbles or haircuts. The length of their body is 14-15.5 cm, the scope of the wings 33-37 cm.

Middle Crochal - 129 km / h

Middle Crochal is a relatively small waterfowl inhabitants in the northern regions of Europe, Asia and North America. Prefers to settle on the ground in the thick herbal vegetation by the pools with sea water. It feeds mainly a small fish (up to 6 cm long), insects, crustaceans, worms, small amphibians, very rarely aquatic plants. Capable to dive to a depth of 30 meters and is under water up to 30 seconds. The length of their body is 52-62 cm, the mass of 0.7-1.4 kg, the scope of the wings 67-86 cm.

Shorttse goose - 142 km / h

In the fifth place in the ranking of the fastest birds there is a Shorttse goose - a large bird living on the shores of rivers and lakes in Africa south of Sahara. The length of the body of an adult shore goose is 75-115 cm, an average of 4-6.8 kg rarely up to 10 kg, the wingspan can vary from 150 to 200 cm. The males are noticeably larger than females. It is powered by water and coastal plants, beetles, termites, butterfly caterpillars, rarely shallow fish.

Frigate - 153 km / h

The frigate is the genus of birds, which includes five species. Completed in all tropical and subtropical areas. Most of the time spend in the air, without moving the wings over the reservoirs for a long time. Are skilled invents due to long and narrow wings whose scope reaches 175-244 cm. The length of their body is 71-114 cm, the mass of 600-1600 g. Despite the fact that the frigates are skillful hunters and can catch even batfish, they often attack On other aquatic birds, trying to beat off their prey. Possess rather strange love habits.

Eglot strife - 170 km / h

The third place in the list of the fastest birds in the world is occupied by a needle-hazard strife - a bird, inhabiting forests and groves with older dumplings in South and Southeast Asia, as well as in the south of the Far East and Siberia. In the air keeps with flocks, never sits on the ground. It is considered the fastest horizontally flying bird in the world. Basically feeds in the insects. The length of their body is 19-20 cm, the weight is 109-140 grams, the span of the wings is 48-55 cm.

Berkut - 300 km / h

Berkut - a predatory bird, a family of hawk inhabitants predominantly in wooded and mountainous regions of Europe, Asia, Africa and North America. It feeds on a variety of game (mainly hares, rodents and other bird species), including large-sheep, roelas, deer and calves. It is one of the most dangerous birds of prey in the world. The length of their body is 80-95 cm, the scope of the wings 195-220 cm, the weight is 2.8-6.5 kg.

Thanks to the hunting qualities, the Berkut are with great reverence and respect in many ancient cultures and tribes.

Sapsan - 350 km / h

Sapsan - a predatory bird distributed on all continents besides Antarctica. Prefers to settle away from a person in rocky areas near various reservoirs. It feeds on almost solely by birds - strokes, sparrows, pigeons, ducks, starlats, etc. Sometimes hunts on small mammals, reptiles, as well as insects. The length of their body is 38-50 cm. Wingspan of 83-113 cm. Weight 580-1000 grams. Females are significantly larger than males.

During the dive, the bird speed can reach 322 km / h, however, in the documentary film National Geographic, the measured dive speed reached 389 km / h. This fact makes Sapsana not only the fastest bird in the world, but also the fastest representative of the fauna of our planet.

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Nature presented us with an incredible number of representatives of the animal world, which are striking with their abilities. So, for example, studying the varieties of birds, do not cease to be surprised by their bizarre color, flight speed and other incredible indicators thanks to which many are even listed in the Guinness Book of Records.

It is curious to know that the fastest bird in the world that never sits down on the ground is an ordinary haircut. Just imagine that this bird is capable of being in the air without stopping 2-4 years, while it can pair, eat and drink, and fly up to 500,000 km during this time. The horizontal speed of this small bird reaches 140-180 km / h. On the side during the flight of the needles, only a kind of buzz is heard, which is created when the air cut the wings of this representative of the pennate family.

No less awesome is the quick bird itself, which runs on the ground. It is easy to guess that this in which it moves is about 50-60 km / h, but in case of danger, this bird is able to develop speed up to 90 km / h. This representative of the Pernaya family is the owner of muscular legs, on which only two fingers are located. In addition, it is the legs of the ostrich that are a powerful defensive weapon of birds, because thanks to them it not only runs away from predators, but also has resistance when attacking.

but special attention The fastest bird deserves, which, according to experts, is Sokol-Sapsan, capable of flying at an average of about 300 km / h. It refers to a group of birds, which are called "real falcons". All representatives of this group are owners of strong physique and broad breasts, hard plumage and incredibly strong muscles. Sapsans have sharp and long wings, which reaches 120 cm, and their tail is relatively short. The length of such a bird is no more than 50 cm, and the males one-third is less than females. Despite the fact that Sapsan is a rather dangerous predator, its weight reaches only 1200 g.

Hunt the fastest bird in the air. Describing the circles high in the sky, the Sapsan is looking for prey, and then the stone dives on his victim, while developing a phenomenal speed, which ranges from 220 to 320 km / h.

When the sapsan falls the most powerful bunch of claws and, if necessary, finishes the victim on Earth. Although most often the victim dies from such a powerful impact, and its body is often just breaking. Capsans hold their prey with one paw, which cannot be said about the representatives of the squad of hawk.

The fastest bird in all continents, except Antarctica, the subspecies of the Sapsana are found worldwide. The main mining of this predator becomes small and medium feathers, although they may well attack on small mammals.

Sapsan's nests arranges most often on rocks and high trees, although there are cases when the nests of these birds were detected on the ground.

In 2005, the record of the maximum bird speed was registered with scientists - 389 km / h, it was at such speed that Sapsan dive to his sacrifice.

The vision of this predator is also worthy of special attention, because the structure of the Eye of Sapsana is reminded of something binoculars and can bring objects. The lens is surrounded which consists of a bone plate, due to which it becomes possible to quickly focus on the subjects, which are far away. In the eyes there are two "yellow spots" responsible for visual acuity. For example, a person has only one such stain. But thanks to the second stain, which increases the subject, the bird looks at the world with the effect of binoculars. It is not surprising, because falling for your sacrifice at such a speed, Sapsan is simply obliged to see all the little things and quickly respond to any change in the motion of potential production.

We were convinced that it was absolutely incorrect to consider that the fastest birds are necessarily only predators. This amazing animal world keeps a lot of curious facts that are forced to admire the perfection of living beings created by nature itself.

When studying the topic "Bird Class" guys first get acquainted with such an important concept as warm-blooded. It is very important that students understand that maintaining a constant body temperature is ensured by the interaction of a number of physiological systems of the body. Good knowledge of this material is necessary to explain complex evolutionary and environmental problems.


- Guys, why in winter in the forest of birds less than in the summer?
(Estimated Answers: Little Food or His at all(for insectivore birds), a lot of snow, cold.)
- Can the feathers protect birds in winter from frost? ( Maybe but only partially.)
The main questions that we must answer during today's lesson: what does the bird body warm? How do they support a constant temperature? Where do energy charge for flight?
- How is heated at all? ( Estimated responses: when combustion of organic substances, which occurs in the presence of oxygen.)
- And at the expense of what car rides? Due to what are organisms moving? ( Due to the energy, also formed during combustion(oxidation) Organic substances with oxygen participation.)
How much energy is required by birds? After all, they can fly long distances, develop high speed. (Working with tables.)

Table 1. Distances overcome by flights
Table 2. Surface area of \u200b\u200bwings and load on them

For comparison, the model of the glider has a load on the wings of 2.5 kg / m2.

Table 3. Frequency of Wings Wings
Table 4. Maximum flight speed

The smaller the bird, the more food for each gram of body weight it is required. With a decrease in the size of the animal, its mass decreases faster than the surface area of \u200b\u200bthe body, through which heat loss occurs. Therefore, small animals lose more heat than large. Small birds per day eat the amount of feed, equal to 20-30% of their own masses, large - 2-5%. The tit can eat as many insects in the day how much weighs itself, and tiny hummingbirds - drink the amount of nectar, 4-6 times higher than its own mass.

Repeating the stages of the splitting of food and the peculiarities of the respiratory system of birds, fill in the phased scheme number 1.

Running when filling out the scheme

Intensive motor activity of birds requires high energy costs. In this regard, their digestive system It has a number of features aimed at efficient food processing. The seizure and retention body serves as a beak. The esophagus is long, in most birds it has a pocket-shaped expansion - goiter, where food softens under the influence of the goiter fluid. Irony stomach has in its wall of gland distinguishing gastric juice.
A muscular stomach is equipped with a strong muscles and was removed from the inside with a durable cuticle. It occurs in mechanical food inheritance. Digestive glands (liver, pancreas) actively highlight digestive enzymes in the bowel cavity. The split nutrients are absorbed into blood and spread to all bird body cells.
How long is the food in birds digest? Small owls (house owls) digest the mouse for 4 hours, the gray forth-way - for 3 hours. Juicy berries in the sparrow pass through the intestines for 8-10 minutes. Insectivore birds fill their stomach 5-6 times a day, graining - three times.
However, in itself the absorption of food and admission to blood nutrients - This is not yet emission of energy. Nutrients need to be "burned" in tissue cells. What system takes part in this? ( Light, air bags.)
- Muscles must be well supplied with oxygen. However, birds cannot provide delivery necessary number oxygen due to a large amount of blood. Why? ( An increase in the amount of blood would increase the mass of the bird and would make it difficult to fly.)
The intensive flow of oxygen to the tissue cells in birds occurs due to the "double breathing": the air is rich in oxygen passes through the lungs and when inhaling, and when exhaling, and in the same direction. This is provided by the system of air bags that permeate the bird's body.
In order for blood to move faster, an increased blood pressure is necessary. Indeed, birds are hypertensive. In order to create high blood pressure, the heart of birds should be reduced with big powers and high frequency (Table 5).

Table 5. Heart Mass and Heart Frequency Frequency

As a result of oxidation (combustion) of nutrients, energy is formed. What is she spent? (Complete the filling of circuit number 1).

Output. The active oxidative process contributes to maintaining a constant body temperature.
High body temperature provides high level Metabolism, rapid reduction of the heart muscle and skeletal muscles, which is necessary for flight. High body temperature allows birds to reduce the development period of the embryo in the emergency egg. After all, causeing is an important and dangerous period in the life of birds.
But the constant body temperature has its drawbacks. What kind? Fill out the circuit number 2.

So, maintaining the constantly high body temperature is beneficial for the body. But for this you need to consume a lot of food that you need to get somewhere. Birds had to develop various adaptations and traits of behavior, allowing to extract a sufficient amount of food. Here are some examples.
Further, students make messages on the topic "How different birds produce food" (their preparation could be a homework to this lesson).


Pelicans sometimes catch fish together. They will find a shallow bay, clarify it with a semicircle and are taken to clap the wings and bears, gradually narrowing the arc and approaching the shore. And only coasting fish to the shore, start fishing.

Sovic hunting

As you know, owls hunt at night. The eyes of these birds are huge, with a strongly expanding pupil. Through such a pupil and with poor lighting, there is enough light. However, seeing prey - various small rodents, mice and voles - from afar in the dark is impossible. Therefore, owl flies low above the ground and looks not around, but straight down. But if you fly low, the rustling of the wings scares prey! Therefore, Owl has a soft and loose plumage that makes it flying completely silent. However, the main means of orientation in night owls is not vision, but hearing. With its help, Owl on a pisch and a rustling learns about the presence of rodents and accurately determines the location of production.

Arming stone

In Africa, in the Serengeti Reserve, Biologists observed, how the domestic food was mined. This time the food was ostrich eggs. To get to the delicacy, the bird took the beak stone and threw it on the egg. The strong shell, withsting beak blows of even such large birds, like vultures, crashed from stone, and the egg could be destroyed.
True, immediately the vulture was pushed out of the feast of the vulture, and he was taken for a new egg. This is the most interesting behavior later noted in the experiment. Vultures threw eggs and expected what will happen. Noticing a delicacy, the bird immediately picked up suitable stone, Sometimes weighing up to 300 g, the vulture dragged him in his beak for tens of meters and threw it on the egg until it was cracked.
Once the sulfurian put fake chicken eggs. He took one of them and began to throw him about the Earth. Then he took an egg to a big cliff and threw it about her! When it did not bring the desired result, the vulture began to fragile one egg about another.
Numerous observations showed that the birds tried to split the stones to any object of the ovoid form, even if it was a huge size or painted in unusual colors - green or red. But they did not pay attention to the white cube. Scientists have found out, except that young vultures do not know how to break eggs and learn this from older birds.


Bird ink - Beautiful fisherman. Seeing the fish, she rapidly rushes into the water and stuck in the body of the victim's long sharp claws. And no matter how neither the fish breaks out of the claws of the predator, it almost never succeeds. Some observers note that the bird caught fish holds head towards the flight. Maybe it is an accident, but most likely that the right is trying to catch the fish so that it is easier to carry it easier. Indeed, in this case, the air resistance is less.

Conclusion according to students - Progressive development of the brain and leading organs of feelings (vision, hearing) is associated with intensive metabolism, high mobility and complex relationship with the conditions of habitat.
And now explain why the birds are distributed in all climatic zones. What are birds are connected with? ( Warm-bloodedness allows birds not to be afraid of frosts, remain active even with very low temperatures ambient. However, the lack of feed in winter time Forces them to migrate into more stern places.)

Conquered air

Speed, distance, bird flight height

Relative to the flight speed researchers adhere various opinions. Atmospheric phenomena are very strongly influenced on it, so with distant movements of birds then fly faster, then slower, then do long breaks for recreation.

Having released a bird in some place, it is very difficult to say when she arrives at the "destination", because it can fly far from all the time of its absence.

The speed calculated by simply dividing the distance at the time of the flight of the bird is often understated. In especially "responsible" moments - pursuing production or escaped from danger - birds can develop and very high speeds, but, of course, they cannot be held for a long time.

Large falcons during the bet - pursuit of the bird in the air - reach speeds of 280-360 km / h. The usual, "casual" velocities of birds of the average size is much less - 50-90 km / h.

All the above concerned the stuffing flight.

The speed of the sliding flight is also difficult to measure. It is believed that Cheglock plans at a speed of 150 km / h, Borodachnik - 140, and a vulture - even 250 km / h.

The range of non-reprehensive bird flights is discussed for a long time. Just like the speed, it is very difficult to measure. Falcon released near Paris, a day was found on Malta island for 1400 km. He was delayed on the way or flew all the time, unknown.

In general, birds stop in the way quite often, and the segments of non-foal flights are small. This cannot be said about flights through water obstacles, where there are no place to sit in the birds. The record for the distance of the restricted flight belongs to the Kulikov - Booocryl Rzhanka, annually flying over the ocean with Alaska in Hawaii and back 3000 km.

Birds fly without landing through the Gulf of Mexico (1300 km), the Mediterranean Sea (600-750 km), the North Sea (600 km), the Black Sea (300 km). It means that the average distant flight of birds is about 1000 km.

As a rule, the height of the flight of birds does not reach 1000 m.

But individual major predators, geese, ducks can rise and significantly large heights.

Flight rate of birds and insects (km / h)

In September 1973, African vulture collided with a civilian aircraft at an altitude of 12 150 m above the shore of the ivory. The neck brought one of the engines, but the plane landed safely. This, apparently, the absolute record of the height of the flight of birds. Before that, Borodach was noted in the Himalayas at an altitude of 7900 m, the span geese in the same time at an altitude of 9500 m, Krakawa collided with an airplane above the Nevada at an altitude of 6900 m.

Bird speed

The fastest bird

The fastest bird in the world, not counting the extinct pterodactile - it is Sapsan (FALSO Peregrinus). In short sites during the hunt, it is able to develop speed up to 200km / h. The overwhelming majority of feathered are unable to move faster than 90 km / h.

This does not mean that they are not capable of other records. So, for example, black strid (APUS APUS) can be in the air of 2-4 years. Throughout this time he sleeps, drinks, eats and even pairing on the fly. Young haircut that got on the wing flies about 500,000 km before landing.

Black string has a number of records from the world of birds.

The bird can be in the air without stopping 2-4 years, all this time it is, drinking and mates, during this time can fly 500,000 km. Black and needled stride has the largest horizontal flight speed, it reaches 120-180 km / h. The flight of the needles is so rapid that, in addition to a devil, the observer is also heard a kind of buzz - this is the sound of a bird of air.

In some sections of the flight, the needles must develop speed up to 300 km / h.

Valdshnep is considered the most slowly flying bird. During the marriage games, this little buoy of the bird, referred to in the dictionary of the Dahl, is not otherwise as "Krechtun", can resist in the air at a speed of 8 km / h.

The African Ostrich is generally not capable of flying, but he runs so much that many flyers would envy.

In case of danger, it can accelerate to 72km / h.

Bird capable of making not just long flights, but to do it incredibly quickly, discovered Swedish ornithologists.

In their opinion, such stamina can be compared unless with the aircraft. Keep speed close to 100 km / h throughout more than 6,500 kilometers - not a joke.

Biologists from the University of Lunda fastened in May on the backs of 10 males hanging (Gallinago Media) Special geolocators weighing only 1.1 grams.

A year later, they caught three of them and removed the data collected. It turned out that birds travel from Sweden to Central Africa and back.

One of the individuals flew over three and a half days 6,800 kilometers, the second 6170 km in three days and, finally, the latter overcame 4620 km in two days.

At the same time, the wind did not help the birds. Biologists analyzed the data from the satellites and found out that there was no passing winds on the path of the flight of the wrapper.

It's amazing that they don't make it on their way of stopping, because their flight is mostly over the land. Usually terrestrial birds sit down to relax and replenish their energy reserves (on the surface in the sufficiency of rainworms, insects and other invertebrates).

The bird can fly if the mass of her body is no more than 20 kg.

Some birds are missing, such as drofs and chickens.

For example, in India, when determining the speed of the flight, it turned out a hundred seventy miles per hour, in Mesopotamia - one hundred miles per hour. The flight speed of the European Falcon was measured by the stopwatch at the time of diving, and the result was from one hundred sixty-five to one hundred eighty miles per hour.
But most scientists put these figures in doubt. One expert believes that the record holder among birds is a postal dove, and it cannot develop speed over 94.2 miles per hour.

Here are some generally accepted digits regarding the flight speed of birds. Falcon can fly at a speed of sixty-five to seventy five miles per hour.

The speed of the flight of birds

A little inferior to him in the duck speed and geese, which can gain speed of sixty-five - seventy miles per hour.

The flight speed of the European Strege reaches sixty - sixty-five miles per hour, about the same as the golden rzhanka and mourning pigeon. Hummingbirds, which are considered very fast birds, are gaining up to fifty-five - sixty miles per hour.

Sklourtz flight speed - forty five - fifty miles per hour. Sparrows usually fly at a speed of twenty-five miles per hour, although they can and faster: forty-five - fifty miles per hour.
The crows usually fly at twenty - thirty miles per hour, although they can develop forty - fifty miles per hour.

The speed of the heap is thirty-five - forty miles per hour, Pheasant - thirty five - forty miles per hour. And, oddly enough, the wild turkey can do thirty - thirty-five miles per hour. The speed of pigeon covers - twenty - thirty five, miles per hour.

Freight speed

It is hardly on any question associated with bird flights, assessed such erroneous views as on the question of the flight speed. The opinions of most people about the speed with which birds fly are based on random short-term observations, and therefore it is usually greatly exaggerated.

Others compare the speed of the span of birds at the speed of the car, train or aircraft. However, they will not even find such speeds even the fastest flyers known to us. For example, the haircuts fly at a speed of 40-50 m / s (regardless of wind), which corresponds to approximately 150-160 km / h. (Compare: the maximum express speed is 39 m / s, or 140 km / h.) This, of course, does not mean that birds do not know how to fly faster.

The haughs in one another, the hazing strings develop speed up to 200 km / h, and Falcon is sacrificed at a speed of 70 m / s, i.e. 250 km / h. But these limit speeds for a very short time are exceptions: they are in best case They characterize the ability to fly some species, but they cannot be used to estimate the flight speed during migrations when a long voltage is needed.

With long migrations, not only the ability to fly, but also the wind.

Depending on its direction and force, the speed of birds can significantly decrease or increase. Especially large speeds in flight can be explained only when supporting support from the wind. Thus, in the above example, the speed of English chibisms during flight across the Atlantic Ocean, equal to about 70 km / h, increased to 150 km / hour due to the passing wind, the speed of which reached 90 km / h. Given the delaying or accelerating influence of the wind, it is possible to accurately measure your own bird speed at short distances and in accordance with this calculate the true speed of the span.

For the first time, such calculations produced a tinman on the Kursk Spit. Subsequently, they were made by Meinshagen, Harrison, and DR

The numbers shown in the table give a clear idea of \u200b\u200bthe limit flight speeds of birds.

In general, it is obviously equal to 40-80 km / h, and the speed of small singers is approaching the lower numbers. Birds flying at night, fly, apparently faster than migranting day. The small speed of the migration of predatory and other large birds is striking. The same types of birds fly in the nesting area are usually much slower than on the span, if at all these velocities can be compared.

Once neatually the speed of the flight of birds, or rather, it seems to us, it seems to us, it is quite sufficient to have some kinds of sizes in a few days and nights. Moreover, at such a speed, provided that there is a passing wind (as, for example, with the flight of the ocean chibisms), many migratory birds for several days or nights could fly in the tropics.

However, birds cannot retain the specified span speed longer than a few hours; They almost never fly for several days or nights in a row; As a rule, their flight is interrupted for short rest or for longer stops; The latter give the flight in general the character of a leisurely "walk." So long migration arise.

When considering exactly established by the ringing of medium-sized day or night flight separate species It should always be borne in mind that they do not characterize the ability to fly and the speed-developed speed, but indicate only the duration of the span and the distance between the ringing and finds of the collapsed birds in terms of one day.

Numerous discovery of the collapsible birds prove that birds quickly fly most of the path, and the rest of the time is used to relax in rich in the stern places. This type of span is found most often.

Significantly less frequently observed load distribution and recreation.

In birds flying at a large distance, the average daytime path is approximately 150-200 km, while flying is not as far as possible during the same time and 100 km.

The duration of the flight in 2-3 or 3-4 months is consistent with these data. Many species that winter in tropical and South Africa. So, for example, a stork, usually departing from Germany at the end of August, reaches wintering in South Africa at the end of November or in December. These same terms also apply to Zhulana. Swallows migrate faster - from September to early November.

However, in this case, individual differences can be seen in this case, it can be seen on the example of 3 surgel-born-lysuski, one of which covered daily 167 km, the other is 61 km and the third - only 44 km, and these numbers decrease as the time segment increases, For which they are calculated (6, 30 and 47 days). Based on these results, it can be concluded that the daily speed most of all corresponds to the true flight speed in the case when it is calculated on the basis of the overall indicators in a short time.

This conclusion is best proved by the following examples of the speed of spanters of individual birds: the stork covered in 2 days 610 km, the Slavk-Chernogolovka in 10 days - 2,200 km, Lyshuha for 7 days - 1300 km, another ladies for 2 days - 525 km, Krakawa for 5 days - 1600 km. This data can be opposed to the daily speed of the singing drosk - 40 km (calculated in 56 days of the flight), a finch - 17.4 km (calculated for 23 days of the flight) and the Yastreba reseller - 12.5 km (calculated in 30 days of the flight).

Bird speed

These data are comparable to the above information about the citys, on the average speeds of which, with an increase in the duration of the span, the long-lasting stops for rest are strongly affected.

When assessing the daytime path and speed, the flight can not be overlooked important factor: Any digital data can be calculated only for the perfect flight path, i.e., for a straight line connecting the scene of the ringing and finding the poultry.

In fact, the translucent path is always greater, deviations from straight are often very significant and performed work and speed is significantly higher than the calculated one. These errors are almost impossible to exclude, and therefore they must be taken into account, especially with very long flights.

In addition, attention should be paid to when this data was obtained.

The fact is that with the spring flight indicators in many cases are significantly higher than with the autumn. In isolated cases, it would be confidently to prove that the spring flight is twice as fast as the autumn, for example, a stork, American delibean and Zhulana.

Schrtezman (1944) accurately found that the spring span of Zhulana lasts approximately 60 days, and in the fall - about 100 days. On average, these birds fly about 200 km per day. However, they fly only at night for 10 hours.

at a speed of 50 km / h. After such a span, they always rest, so the distance of 1000 km is covered with them in 5 days: migration - 2 nights, sleep - 3 nights, feeding - 5 days.

A few more words about the maximum speeds and the duration of the span, characterizing the possibilities of migratory birds: a stone coach, a small coastal bird, heated on Gelgolande, was found in 25 hours.

in Northern France, 820 km south. Numerous small singing birds are regularly flying for 12-15 hours. Mexican bay of 750-1000 width. According to Moro (1938), some small falcons (Falco Concolor and F. Amurensis), as well as Asian sickles (MEROPS PERSICUS and M.

aPIASTER), wintering on the coast South AfricaAlso fly at least 3000 km above the sea. Hawaiian Islands serve as a place, wintering for a number of northern Kulikov, which, migrating from the Aleutian Islands and Alaska, where their nestings are located, are forced to fly 3300 km over open.

sea. Golden Rzhanka, especially a strong fly, to cover this distance at a speed of about 90 km / h, would be required approximately 35 hours.

Higher speeds are marked with another type of rzhanok flying from New Scotland to the northern tip South America 3600 km over the sea. Almost incredible seems to be a span of one of the nesting in Japan Bekasov, which winter in Eastern Australia and should cover almost 5,000 km to achieve wintering.

In the way, he probably does not rest at all, since in other places they never marked him.

You can equate the span over the aqueous spaces to the span over the aqueous spaces. Such a break also, undoubtedly, passes without a break, for example, the span over Western sugar minor patches, shaking and skates, requiring 30-40 hours. Continuous operation, if the speed of their flight is considered to be approximately 50 km / h.

Higher Path in Svіtі alive in Zakarpattі

Maukovtsi Kazhutsky, Shah, for Schwidkіstyu, Maoma Dyvniki not Tіlki Sered Ptahov, and Ya Usii Zrіv.

"Sapsan Building Up to 300 km / year, Rospovіdaєda ornitologist Visitor Palinchak.

- Yoy woven the hi-svidniki serd Ptachivid, but a serous grandfather of the creature. Roshikh Kril Syagaє бли Blisko Pivutor meter, Choja Tіla did not translate $ 50 cm. Yak і in Bіlshosti Ptakhiv hijah, females Sapsanіv є Know the Bіlshi for Samtsіv: Write Blisko 900 - 1500 g, Todі Yak Samtsі Menshі for rosemir i wrap 450-800 g "

Sokil-Sapsan is to be protected by the holding of the i-book to Chervono, Ukraine.

The speed of migratory birds

On Zakarpatti, beyond the words of the ornitologist, I can zousti temoxo in the mountains. Here Ptahi is gnipped І wrapping. "For the ardumanna, Sapsani is inhabited to be lowered for people of Mіsci Z Vіdkitim to look around with space, - Ban Visor.

- Nicestysha stitching in the valleys of the gіrski r_chka, here for them is Niikratsi for a stay for a stay. CRIM, SAPSAN UNIQUE Yak Dіlyanok Iz Sutsilnimi Heschmi, so І Blessish Schosikh. Not Rіdko Sapsan Loan is already observing Gnisda of the Ptachiv, Zokrema Raven, Grajv. Vlasnі w Domіki Filly Abi-Yak: from the dec_lokh gіlochok Ta Pіr'a. Yakschko Well Gnipelo Zbudovana good, then there can be a living І dec_lka bed (scho traply to drop Rіdko).

Belz Skin Couplea Maє "At Vlasnostі" for 2-3 Gnizda, Yaki to serving їM with stispies from the majority.

"Swanin Vіrnіst" Pritamna I Sapsanam. All the lives of Ptahi live with one para. "Slakhnі Іgrzych hijakіv Drop Tsіkavі," like Sciences. - PDAH HOUR HOURSNETY PTAHAY ZDIYSNYYUT Acrobatic tricks in politude, glooming Zi Zdobychu. "

Sapsani - Tse Hizhi Ptakhi, the pigeons, pitching, Gorochtsi, Drozdi, Lastіki, Іnkoli - Lіsі Zvіrі: Zaiteni, Bіliki, often.

Punching digest in extrcetes. "PTAHA PTAHAH HOUR HOUR WIND WORK OF Vococene (on the tree, the rocks of Abo Litayut in the sky). Pomibivsi Zdobych, Sapsani Sapsani to fly to Nyї, Zneshkompyuzhuyuyu at the estimated curl of Aboy Gerube Puzurіv. Yak Rule is sufficient one impact of the І victim is not vivative. "

Klimm, Shaho Sapsani Naisvidschi, turning out to be proudly proud.

Ptahi is easy to focus on the victim, neby, Yakschko vona to face the great Vіdstan. "Comely, the Zejaki, Scho Krishtalka of the Feeds by Special Kiltsi Kіstkovo, the plates, Yak is stynowing where the Crimson Crivizna Crystalk.

Before that Sapsana Oco Volodіє yard "Zhovyiy Damami", Zb_lshuvati vessels, Zb_lshuvati, Yaki, mean Vіdstanі (type of binocl). "

For the words of Nakhukovtsіv, Popytsia Sapsanіv Hotel is so farodwati.

Zinagen Square near the minimum tablett, if the fashion of the river ripping is Polvi Pesticides. "Sapsani Delivered the increasingly tolerated by Cyu. Vonie Masovo Hynuli, and females could not hang a vsidati eggs with ptasyati. And now Kilkіst Ptakhiv Suttєvo zb_lshilsya, їx of Gnizda can be pushing in the great m_stach. "

Olga Bіley, Green Zakarpattya

07.08.2013 14:38:49

Sokol-Sapsan is a strong and fast bird that has no equal among predators. Sapsana has long been used in a falcon hunting.

Falcon spread region is significant: it lives throughout Europe, both on rocky coasts and in non-shine mountainous areas. Bird report with video and photo

Squad - Predator birds

Family - Sokolina

Rod / View - Falco Peregrinus.

Basic data:


Length: 40-50 cm.

Wingspan: 92-110 cm.

Mass: male 600-750 g, female 900-1300 g


Paulic ripening: from 3 years.

Nesting period: March-May depends on the region.

Masonry: once a year.

The magnitude of the masonry: 2-4 eggs.

Situation: 30-35 days.

Picking up chicks: 35-42 days.


Habits: Sapsans are held by pairs.

Food: mostly other birds.

Life expectancy: up to 20 years.

Related species

Substitutions differ in size.

The largest subspecies of Sapsana Sappsana live in the Arctic, the smallest - in the deserts.

Hunting Sappsana. Video (00:02:03)

Falcon hunting

Sokol Sapsan (see photo) belongs to the most clever bird hunters. For this reason, it has long been pursued by Sokolniki, which devastated the nest of Sapsan.

As a result, the number of his population sharply decreased.

Where dwells

Favorite scene of Falola-Sapsana hunting - open areas, such as peatlands, steppes and semi-deserts.

In Central Europe, Sapsan inhabits highly mountainous areas. It suits the nest on the sheer rocks in the valleys of rivers or in old quarries. In winter, the Sapsan settles close to large water bodies, where the birds are hunting, which live there - greens. The species name of Sapsana Sappsana translated from Latin means "wanderer" or "Pilgrim". Sapsana can also be seen during his journey to the place of wintering and back, near the lakes and the mouth of the year.

In Central Europe, only young Sapsans are moving, the oldest is settled. Birds from the northern regions migrate over long distances.

Sapsan and man

Feather predators, such as Sapsan, are the top of the food chain.

It was proved that according to the supply chain (insects - small birds - feathery predators) The toxic components of DDT and other pesticides were accumulated in the Sapsan's body, hitting its reproduction system (the proportion of fertilized eggs fell) and calcium metabolism (egg shell was tamed and crackled).

It caused a reduction in the number of Sapsan. The measures taken in the 60-70 years of the last century to preserve the birds of prey and the prohibition of the use of DDTs had a positive effect on his populations.

Sapsana has long been tamed for use as a hunting bird in a falcon hunting. Not all birds of the falcon family can be learned by the hunt for certain types of animals.

For example, the Kestrel received its name even when the falconians were evaluated only by whether they are suitable for hunting.


Sappsana's falcons create couples for life.

As a rule, they nest on hard-to-reach rocky protrusions or rocky cornices. The nest is quite spacious, parents and chicks are placed in it, it is reliably protected from predators.

Flight speed of some animals, km / h

These falcon nests do not knock, on the ground they lay eggs in shallow scratched holes, on the trees they also occupy the nests of other birds. The females begin to postpone the eggs at the end of March. Most often lay 2-4 red-brown eggs with red dots.

Locking begins only when all eggs are demolished. Both parents take care of the chicks.

Food and hunting

Sapsan eats mainly birds.

In winter, these feathers inhabit the territory around the mouths of the rivers and hunt mainly on gulls and ducks. Most Sapsan victims catches in the air. Noticing the victim, he makes a sharp acceleration and in the diving flight rushes to prey, grabs her for the neck, the smyster cervical vertebrae. With a small prey, he flies into the nest, and large birds kills in the air and lowers on the ground. Sapsan eats about 100 g of feed per day.

During the period of upbringing and feeding chicks, its needs grow. The hunting area of \u200b\u200bSokol is fluctuated from 40 to 200 km2.

Sapsans are very rarely hunting for mammals, however, even rabbits are sometimes becoming their victims.

Observations for the Sapsan

The best time to observe the Sapsan is a nesting period.

At this time, the birds do not fly away from the nest. Falcons are circling high in the sky, then quickly waving the wings, then a grain in a smooth flight. According to its sizes, the Sapsana is somewhat larger than home doves. This bird is easy to distinguish in flight along a strong body, long pointed wings and relatively short tail.

At another time, Sapsanov can be observed near the mouth of the rivers or near other large water bodies, where they hunt for ducks and other birds. A certain sign of the presence of Sapsan is disturbing voices and rapid, unexpected takeoffs of birds frightened with these falcon.


A real falcon, which is often called "Sapsan," in Ukrainian and Russian songs, lives in many areas of the globe.

It can be found from the Polar Skandinavia and Taimyr in the north to the fjords of the fiery land in the south. Falcons set up nests on cliffs cornices or in abandoned nerves of ravens and eagles. Food in the main birds (slices, crowns, seagulls, moldings and ducks, less often - geese), which are enough on the fly. In the pursuit of the prey of the Sapsan at the time of the dive can reach huge speeds! The maximum registered Salol-Sapsana speed in the peak is 389 km / h!

Not every aircraft flies at such a speed! This record was recorded in 2005.

Persecution by man and non-harmony use of eradicates in agriculture led to the fact that this beautiful bird was rare everywhere else or completely disappeared.

Lucky only the Sapsans of the Arctic. In the north of Sokol, they call a goose shepherd and no wonder: Wild geese willingly settle down next to his nests. After all, on Earth, he does not hurt anyone. But in the sky of insane attacks of Sokolov, no one will endure!

  • During World War II, Sapsanov killed, because they hunted the postal pigeons that were transferred to military messages.
  • Male Sapsana is almost one third less females, in addition, it is distinguished by a dark plumage on the top of the head, on the sides of which the dark "mustache" is clearly distinguished.
  • This falcon has big eyes and acute vision. Sapsan can recognize his victim even from a height of 300 meters.
  • Sapsans have long been used for hunting. Nowadays, the hunt with falcon is only a sports.
  • Sapsan threatens disappearance. The population of these birds is steadily reduced.

Marriage Flight Falcon Sapsana

In the first part of the marriage flight, the Sapsan transmits the female mining.

The female at this time flies the ridge down and takes extraction from the claws of the male.

- Where Falcon-Sapsan lives constantly
- Places of wintering
- Nest sites

Where dwells

The distribution area is significant: from the Arctic to South Asia and Australia, from the western part of Greenland almost throughout North America.

Protection and preservation

Couples nesting in dangerous areas are protected. In Europe, about 5,000 pairs of couples live in Europe.

Sokol-Sapsan. Video (00:02:23)

Sapsan hunts with speed lightning: after watching prey during a slow guy, it is awaited right above it and rapidly, almost vertically an angle falls on top.

From a strong impact of the unfortunate sacrifice, the head often disappears. If she managed to stay on his shoulders, the bird's prey breaks the neck of the poor beak or puts his sharp claws into the course.

Falcon hunting with Sappsan Sappsan. Video (00:03:22)

Sokolina Hunting, Cottric Birds - In this video you can see how the hunter catches game with the help of falcon, or rather Falcon catches for his owner.

Falcon Sapsan.

The fastest bird in the world. Video (00:03:53)

The fastest animal on Earth is falcon Capsan. In the dive, it reaches an incredible speed - 90 m / s (over 320 km / h). In 2005, a record was registered - Sapsan dive at a speed of 389 km / h.

He falls for a sacrifice from the sky and knocks it down by a blow of clawed paws. The blow is so strong that the sacrifice often leaves the head.
Sapsan is a major falcon and in its group it is inferior in magnitude only to Kertetam. The dimensions of one wing from 30 to 40 cm, the scope of the wings reaches 120 cm.

The total length of the bird from 40 to 50 cm, its weight up to 1200 g.
It is worth noting that Sokol-Sapsan has the most sharp vision in the world.

Sapsan attacks Labrador. Video (00:01:41)

Sapsan attacks Labrador when he wanted to approach its prey.

Falcon Sapsan, speed 183 miles per hour. Video (00:03:01)