2 Wands Totes in the relationship. Tarot Map, Two Wands: Values

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      How to get a faithful prediction?

      Saty fortune telling They came to us since the time of the Doharistian Russia, but are also popular to this day. They last January 7th to the Baptism. During this period, the unmarried girls are guessing about the narrowed, and family - for the future, desire, wealth, etc. Rituals on the sagnes usually spend at night or late in the evening. Predictions obtained during this period are considered true and reliable.

    1. 1. To fortune, it is necessary to treat seriously, otherwise it will not work.
    2. 2. Strust preferably in full solitude.
    3. 3. To illuminate the room, use soft lights of candles.
    4. 4. The native cross and other decorations should be removed.
    5. 5. It is necessary to choose a secluded place for divination. In Russia, they were called "unclean." The room should not be icons.
    6. 6. During the ritual is not allowed to cross legs and hands.
    7. 7. No one can tell about the results of the burning.

    Saty fortune telling with cards for upcoming events

    At the junction of the old and new year, the person is especially interested in the near future. There are many types of ingredients that may predict further events. One of them is fortune-telling on the maps. For him, you need a deck of thirty-six playing cards, which should be mixed, remove your left hand and decompose the shirt up. Then focus on your question and remove one map.

    Interpretation of fallen cards:

    WormsAceIn gadgets someone very in love
    KingConceived will be fulfilled
    LadyNeed to hide from all your feelings
    ValetAbout gdessing often remember
    TenNeed to ask a question again
    NineAsking strongly love
    EightSomeone is trying to influence fate
    SevenCare should be taken
    SixIt is worth changeing plans to avoid trouble
    DiamondsAceThe desire will not implement
    KingHigh probability of deception
    LadyAhead conflicts and insults
    ValetNo need to jealous in vain
    TenDiligence will help to avoid sad thoughts
    NineDifficulties will soon pass
    EightOn the threshold joyful news
    SevenChange for the better
    SixGadget expects treason
    ClubsAceError that will not allow to achieve success
    KingNeed to hurry so as not to lose everything
    LadyAwesome waiting for a deserved award
    ValetClose person will become a source of big sorrow
    TenDo not make new friends
    NineSad news
    EightSomeone's disease from relatives
    SevenPraise from enemias
    SixUnexpected events
    PeaksAceIt is necessary to trust people
    KingGood news
    LadyDream will be implemented
    TenGreat happiness
    NineNeed to strictly store their secrets
    EightDanger should beware
    SevenPayback for the past, trouble, misfortune
    SixActs must be deliberate to avoid unpleasant consequences.

    On the near future and fate on paper and egg

    For this simple divination, it is necessary to hide a sheet of paper or newspaper, put on a flat dish and set fire to it. After he feeds, it is necessary to bring the ashes to the wall and at the light of the candles to look at the discarded shadow.

    Values \u200b\u200bof figures:

    • House - very good sign for unmarried girl. Foreshadows a quick marriage. For married means calm, stability and lack of problems.
    • Tree with directional branches is promulit a pleasant news and execution of desires, as well as success in any endeavor.
    • A tree with branches, lowered down, speaks of upcoming troubles, problems in various spheres of life.
    • Candle or ring foreshadow right marriage With a wealthy older man.
    • The ruins mean that in the future you will have to solve many difficult tasks, you await the troubles, experiences. Possible disease or divorce.
    • Any transport promises a long journey that will bring life changes.
    • Bird - Bulletin of good news.
    • The dog predicts the appearance in the near future of a person who can drastically change the course of events.
    • Mountain - in the life path there will be big obstacles and difficulties.
    • Cave, pit - bad sign. He suggests that in the near time of gadget or someone from his relatives will overtake a serious illness. Sometimes this symbol foreshadows death.
    • A person is a new friend who is familiar who will play a role in the life of the gadget. Also, the likelihood of a new love connection is also not excluded.

    For the second divination follows:

    • Take a fresh egg.
    • Take a small hole in it.
    • Gently pour content into a bowl with water.
    • Wait when the protein will come.
    • In the form he accepted, you can learn your future. The church means wedding, ring - engagement, cube - coffin, ship - a fast journey (for a man) or the return of the spouse from the trip (for a woman). If the protein falls on the bottom - the likelihood of a fire in the dwelling is high.

    Three mirrors

    This method of divination on the narrowed can be held at home, but it is sufficiently dangerous because it is associated with the challenge unclean power. For the rite, three mirrors are required of approximately the same size and shape, as well as a pair of large candles. Start the rite follows at midnight:

    • Draw around yourself with a chalk magic circle - protection sign.
    • Two mirrors put in parallel to each other on the sides of themselves.
    • Before everyone to light the candle.
    • The third is to install behind yourself.
    • In closely peering into the side mirrors to see how the devil appears in the image of the narrowed.

    In no case can not be turned back, and also look too long in the mirror. So that the frightening vision is gone, you need to have time to shout three times: "Chur me! "- and stop the fortune telling, extinguishing the candle.

The tradition of saccharges with their roots goes to the distant pagan past. With the adoption of Christianity, the stroke and magic began to be considered a great sin. Play with destiny, try to penetrate the future - the occupation is dangerous. It may be that the prediction is false, and the man believed in him. So life breaks for a short one or someone else. However, the year there are days when all the prohibitions are removed, and the provision does not bear the trouble. This is, of course, the shints. In essence, any fortune telling is a fortune telling at desire. True predictions are good, or bad - soon forgotten. Maybe for this reason once a year and you can curly about fate - find out the truth and forget.

Sky - the time of deserved recreation and collective entertainment

The fortune telling on the maps to the desire in Russia was not very practiced. It is much more interesting to know the future in colorful details - from which side will be the groom, what his name is what it looks like. This is all the virgin questions, and older people were interested in harvest, the fecundity of the cattle, the weather in the coming year and so on. You could get the answer to these questions in a batch. When does the soda fortune telling begin? You can proceed to them immediately after the appearance of the star in the sky, hearing the birth of the Savior.

What a young person included in adult life, does not dream of knowing your destiny? The divination for the fulfillment of the desire among girls is, first of all, questions about marriage. What is waiting ahead - wealth or poverty, will children, health and prosperity be in the family? All this is very interesting!

All year in hardworking people are full of concerns: in the spring - sowing, in summer - the blanks, the billet for the winter for the family and cattle, in the fall - harvesting and the codes. The shints fall on the most serefiguous period - from the Nativity of Christ to baptism and water construction. After spending a year, in the post and abstinence of Philippovka, defending the long solemn Christmas service in the church, the people started the fun and festivities that continued for two weeks. In the daytime, the day was prepared for satisfying and abundant foods - borscht, chilly, piers, pies. Pies did a lot, because the shints are hiking, treat, bond. In winter, it darkens early. Traditional gatherings and entertainment come with the sunset when the soda divisions begin.

Shints as a reason to tie new acquaintances

Each location had its own connoisseurs loyal ways Predictions. They certainly tried to call him at the party, because even the simplest divination for the fulfillment of the desire would like to paint more accurate details. The goddes were lured by treat, patted with gifts and affectionate words. Experienced predictors were a kind of actors. Famous submreud prophecies were accompanied by the performance of special jerseys, rounds. Girls, gathering on guests to visit the desire for the shints, dressed up in the most beautiful dresses, the hair was cleaned with ribbons and color scarves - after all, the company will definitely be young people. During such gatherings, young people got acquainted, having fun, married, and on Maslenitsa parents sent a matchmaker to play a wedding on the red slide.

Frontal fortune telling

The most colorful and crowded fortune tells at the desire for the shints were held with the participation of Swhas and were called reflux. There were usually many people for such parties, there were guys and girls here. Guests participating in the action folded into a large water dish of their rings, earrings or other small personal items, the bread, salt and ash lowered the sideways. Young people with a song drove around her round. At the end of each Mutha checkup with the words "what be - not to power!" Removed two subjects. The owners took their own things, and the action lasted until the dish remain empty. If a couple of items belonging to two girls or two young people were removed, then the Swaha could put them back to his discretion, and could give the owners.

There were other options for lowering divination. In this case, each link of the backlit song contained short description Some events are weddings, traveling, the birth of a child, wealth, poverty, illness, death is all that accompanies human life and stands out as the most significant. For each story marked in the song, the subject was taken out of the dish. The prediction was interpreted in accordance with the heard

Fortune telling on maps

Saty fortune telling is collective entertainment. On the maps in the company is not interesting. This is a lesson for two, because the fortune teller usually tells for a long time and in detail to one person about his future, past and present, and those surrounding at this time can bother. And yet, the demand for such an interpretation of fate during this period is very large. Predickers-Tarology are written by those who want to in the queue for a certain hour, because the fortune telling on the maps to the desire for the Tarot deck is not available to many. This is a whole philosophy, but there are more simple ways. The soda fortune telling on the maids of the French predictor Madame Lenorman is much shorter and more affordable. Pictures depicting a ring, road, rats, coffin, baby, the sun, a book and other items and phenomena, very clearly demonstrate that I prepared the next year.

About marriage can be found in the usual playing dealerUsing court figures taking into account the suit. This is a casual fortune telling on the maps looks like this. In kings and currencies, men are ridden. At night, these cards and one lady denoting the extinguishing itself, put under the pillow. Next, I must say: "I go to bed in the Zion mountains, three angels in the heads. One sees, the other will say, the third destiny me will predict. Everything is good will come true, and bad will not come true and take care. " After that, until the very morning you can not talk to anyone. It is necessary to go to bed until midnight. And the next day, immediately after the wake, the first card fell under the arm is taken. If this is a lady, then, in the coming year, the girl will not marry.

Fortune telling on the narrowed

There is another common and equally simple fortune telling to the desire to learn about the groom. The ridge is put on the pillow, this procedure is accompanied by the following words: "Dailed-dressed, come to me a well-dressed, calculating head." In the morning under the pillow on the crest should be hair. According to his color and recognizes the bride of the groom.

The unmarried girl was postponed for the night of a towel and sentenced: "Daughty-rude, come to me wash." If the morning the towel turns out to be wet, it means that this year, you can meet with my future husband, and if it remains dry, you will have to wait next year.

A simple fortune telling on three tea or coffee cups was told, a girl married will come out, get a fiance or remain free until next year. Under each cup it is necessary to put a ring, flower and a ribbon. If the choice falls on the flower, then the girl will get acquainted with the narrowed, if the ribbon, it will be a free bird all year, well, and if the ring, then everything is clear here.

What are family people gadal

Married women, wanting to find out how sex a child is born, poured water into a large spoon and frozen it. I looked at the morning, and if the ice turned out to be convex, it means that a boy will be born, if a concave girl, and if it remains smooth, it means that there is no addition to the family.

Economic people did not forget about and made weather forecasts for the entire year. For this they took 12 bulbs and immediately after Christmas church service laid out them in a row on the windowsill. All vegetables were consistently designated every 19th of January they were considered. The wet designated the rainy months, and dry - dry weather. Thus, it was possible to plan work, such as roof repair or planting plants.

Scary fortune telling

Bold girls went burning into the bath. There, according to believing, a bath spirit, which could show the maiden of her future husband to the maiden. Bath fortune tells at a desire for the shields were carried out at night, when everyone was easier to sleep. The girl took with him two mirrors and a white plate filled with water without a drawing. Having removed all the clothes, except for the shirt, unleashing the nodes and removing from the neck a native cross, she guessing with two candles, installed a corridor from the mirrors. After counting the twelve reflections, the girl translated a look at the plate with water and peered in her. As soon as the face appeared there, she had to turn everything immediately, and grabbing the cross, escape from the bath. It was a very dangerous occupation, since the bathing spirit could scare a curious and even strangle if she is hesitated. And such cases were.

The most desperate went to church. The fortune telling on the desire for candles was carried out as follows. The girls lit candles and put them in front of the altar. The sequence in which they burned, determined the oddity of marriage. And on nagaru and cod candles were judged about what will be marriage.

Fortune telling with fire

Candles were used for another way of predicting fate. So, the long thin candle was lit and firmly, without moving, kept over a dish with water until the small grill remains. Dripping, wax created a variety of patterns. For their interpretation, there was an incomplete imagination. To help your girlfriends should count with caution. After all, each has its own fate, and they can see something related to themselves, and not to the one that kept the candle, and the willy-no leaves to distort the prediction.

There is very busy at the desire to learn the main events of the starting year. Prediction occurs in a 3D format. It will take clean white Wall And the large leaf must be smiszy in a big soft com, put on a tin tray and set fire. Lighting must be disconnected, as the image is read by shadows on the wall, which throws away the burning paper. To fortune telling, try to first spend it with a small paper sample. When you make sure that the shadows are visible well, you can start the main action. This fortune telling is accurate, because subconsciously each person knows his fate, only we do not always know how to use our own intuition.

Fortune telling with glasses

Events of the year can be identified in another way. Take four identical glasses, number and spread the four elements in them - the ring, salt, bread and sugar. A girl or a young man, that is, who asks the question, closes his eyes. One helper is unwinding the axis gadgets around the axis, the other changes with places of glasses. Then the questioning is summarized to the glasses, and he, without looking, chooses one of them. If it turns out the ring, it means there will be a wedding or a gain, if the salt is sorrow, bread is a rich life and good jobSugar is a serene and fun year. The one who chose a ring can find out when he happens significant event - Marriage or engagement. For this, the glasses empty, the person is spinning again. The glass at number 1 means January, February or March, number 2 - April, May or June, July 3 - July, August or September, 4 - October, November or December.

Merry fortune telling

Pets also took part in the burner. In former times, they loved, the so-called bird fortune telling. A desire will come true or not, depended on what kind of chickens either the rooster will cross over the threshold: if the right, then the ridden will come true, and if left is not. The bird was afraid of a noisy gathering of outsiders, ran away, the grain piled her, they persuaded to go.

The company of friends and girlfriends can be pretty to have fun if it decides to fortune telling with a large chest filled with the most varied utensils, or Chiffonier. To help fortuners, you need a child of five-seven years, which is not very good in things. Youth tie their eyes, and the baby takes out different items out of the cabinet and asks: "This is whose?" To those who answer: "My", unleash the eyes and give the selected item. When all participants are surveyed and endowed with things, you can take care of the meaning. Since any batch division applies only to the coming year, then on subjects determine the main events of this period for each of the actors. Threads, belts, ties Shoes or suitcases always foreshadow the road and travel, the key is the acquisition of real estate or car, the trousers that girls, even if they are female, promise a new acquaintance with a man if the young man got a skirt, then he will have a new girlfriend, glasses And the bottles indicate a lot of festive folk with alcoholic drinks, dining room dishes - to communicate with friends and guests, beautiful decorations And expensive fur - on wealth, socks, sneakers, unproventable things - on poverty, books - to study, the weapon symbolizes the war, toys foreshadow the birth of a child or pregnancy, etc.

Divination by books

For this take six foliants of different subjects, for example, the Bible, fairy tales, novels and some directories. Questions are formulated by approximately such: "What do I need to do or what to do to implement my desire?", "What will happen to me the most significant this year?", "How will my professional life be?", "What will happen in my personal life? ? ". Without looking, Tom takes and opens. Next, still not opening the eye, the place is indicated by the place where the prophetic text is written. It must be read and comprehended. The topic of the book indicates the main concerns of the coming year, and the selected text is the answer to a direct question.

Modern divination

With the transition of the calendar on new style New ways of vorogoby appeared, for example, the desire is riddled in advance, and under the battle of Moscow chimes, it is recorded on a sheet, set on fire and rushes into a glass with champagne. During fireworks, everything is dropped, hugging and drinking champagne together with ashes. In order to work this New Year's fortune telling, the desire must not only have time to write and swallow, it is very important that the paper burns completely, and the ashes did not wake up on the tablecloth. This ritual is usually waiting for a feast. Not everyone believe in his effectiveness, so laugh, looking, on how their friends are fussing, counting on such magic. With this fortune, the residents of the Kaliningrad region were very lucky. Recently, they hear the battle of the Krarants of the Moscow Kremlin and the speech of the president twice, because the New Year comes to them later in Russia. Accordingly, fortune telling on paper for a desire is done twice. For the second time they, usually, prepared better - and matches at hand, and the paper is not very hard and not too easy (so that the burned quickly and did not figure it out before it gets into a glass). In general, it is possible to guess for each desire only one time, otherwise there will be contradictory answers to appear and you can get confused. Although, if we treat it as a joke, the game, you have to have fun, then why not ...

Christmas traditions and rituals - a wonderful reason to diversify the routine of everyday life, resume communication with old friends, tie new acquaintances. Such traditions should be preserved and cherished. Many people will say that any magic is a dangerous occupation, it's not by chance that the church blames a burner and fortune telling at a desire for a shield, but should not be treated for this very seriously and scared such sin. There are things and worse. Perceive the softy games with the share of humor. Our ancestors, having played with fate on the sagnes, on the night of the 18th to the 19th of January dipped in the same blending sins of two festive weeks from themselves. After that, an ordinary life began with her simple concerns and interests, and the shints remained in mind the bright and fun episode.

The tradition of guessing the shiny is the most ancient and most likely will live for a long time and long. For, in addition to the natural desire, to know what is hidden, the sacrament of the sinic fortunes is very spectacular and exciting, and sometimes frightening and frightening. The shints last in the period from 7 to 19 January. So if you did not have time to go out on Christmas night when magic sessions have the greatest strengthYou will have at your disposal for almost two weeks when you can spend sachas.

Divination for the shints are very popular among young girls and family parks. Late in the evening or early at night, the girls gather together to find out the name of the future groom or the date of their wedding, and family ladies are guessing about wealth in the house.

During the session, everyone had to stick certain rules and conditions.

1. You can not cross your arms and legs. One explanation for this is that it can be how to confuse those things with which you measure the rite

2. Be sure to remove all rings and other items that are tied or squeezed some limbs. It can be straps or bracelets. In some cases, hair bloom or even remove shoes and clothing.

3. In the room it is impossible to noise, there must be complete silence. Eliminates all other lighting, except for candles.

4. During the soda gadas, the girl should not be protected by his religion. Therefore, they definitely remove the native crosses and remove the icon from the room.

Special attention was paid to choosing a place that had to be considered "unclean". One of best places Ban was considered. After all, it was here that the legends lived perfumes, different territies and other evil spirits. Very good for ghosts on the shields approached any abandoned an old house, basement or attic. Especially courageous was dare to guess even in the cemetery, because the places at the junction of two worlds were considered valuable - border places. There may be thresholds, gates, corners in the house. But, perhaps, intersection was always considered one of the most sinister places. It is said that each of them belongs to some kind of demon, and in this place anyone will feel the presence of dark forces. (When this offer was written for the site, in the corridor suddenly fell a cat tray, which stood sideways near the wall and dried ...)

1. At night, go to the crossroads and asking the question of my future groom, outlines around yourself. After that you should carefully listen to what is happening around. Merry conversations, laughter, singing, any other positive emotions will mean a rapid marriage. Rugan, quarrel, crying will move away your marriage for a year.

2. In one of the speakers on a couple of week is going funny company Of several people. On the table there are special items specially prepared for this: a coin, ring, needle, earring, handkerchief. You can show fantasy and add several other items. Then the man does not look low left On the table. This dusty division is to understand the meaning of the thing to which the hand fell. For example, a coin - to wealth, a scarf - to the sorrows and problems, the key - new flat. Ring to the wedding. Girls can change a bit this fortune telling and find out the profession of their future groom. Coin - banker, passport - lawyer, driver's license - driver of minibus, flash drive - programmer, scissors - builder, spoon - cook. Here again everything solves fantasy.

3. For the next fortune telling on the shield, a cat or a cat will be required. Let the animal stand behind the threshold of the room. Make a desire and call the cat. If it crosses the threshold of the left paw - the desire will surely come true, and if the right - there will be obstacles that you will have to overcome.

4. This is a very famous fortune telling, which can be used on any day, not only on the spanime week. Take some book. Fight the page and the number of the line from above. It remains only to open a book and interpret read.

On the shield you can pay online, sitting at the computer. We are confident that we have on the site you will find a few cute your heart of fortunes. We hope you will benefit from us these holidays!

Each girl dreams of a big love that she will give her a beautiful young man, so the most popular - fortune-telling for love for Christmas and the shock, because I want to know when she knocks on the house. There are many predictions about this beautiful feeling, but the most common is fortune-up with a candle or mirror, to find out who is not indifferent to you on the shadow or image. However, there are other ways of coding divination for love.

On the night of January 6, January 7, you need to go to sleep for midnight, while putting on a clean night shirt or pajamas, preferably light tones, and cook clean bed linen. As soon as you lower your head to the pillow, tell me: "Sleep, come, show the groom. He who came in love with me. " At night, the one who loves you very much to remember the dream, as soon as you wake up, do not look out the window, focus and wipe your dream out of my memory. Do not be discouraged if you do not see the narrowed or forget the dream, you can still try to pay out from 13 to the 14th number and from 18 to 19. Then the dreams can also be prophetic.

Divination for love for the current year

This fortune telling will help you find out if you will meet your soul mate this year. To do this, cook 5 identical cups or opaque glasses, put it for each by such a subject - ring, onions, ribbon or thread, candy and pepper. Then you need to move the cups in chaotic order, then close your eyes and take any, without looking. Now see what is under it.

  • Ring - This year the wedding is waiting for you.
  • Onions - you will not meet your destiny, so you will be sad.
  • Tape or thread - you will meet him on the road or while traveling.
  • Candy - You will meet it at a party.
  • Pepper - he will be a sharp guy, but he is your fate.

Fortune telling in the snow

It is necessary to make at midnight so much snowballs as you have guys who claim your attention, remember what kind of snowball is what kind of guy. Then put them on the balcony or the windowsill and, without talking to anyone, go to bed. The one that will be the most dense in the morning, you lovely loves you.

Cat in the maps

We must put four card king under bed under a pillow and say such words: "Favorite, come and I will invite me." Early in the morning, without getting up from bed, choose any king, without looking, he loves you and loves you.

  • King Peak is a solid man older than you.
  • King worm is your peer, but at position.
  • King Tref is young, but lazy.
  • King Buben is an attractive young man.

Divination by ring

It is necessary to take five rings - gold, silver, plastic, copper and stone, then throw them into a bowl with millet or buckwheat, mix and pull out the first ring. In this way you will learn who loves you.

  • The Golden Ring is rich and not greedy.
  • Silver ring - middle wealth, but when position in society.
  • The plastic ring is not rich, but hardworking.
  • Copper ring - poor and lazy.
  • Ring - rich, but greedy.

Paper clock

This prediction will help you find out if you will meet your love this year and under what circumstances. Draw a clock and build an arrow, you can even take advantage of an ordinary pencil, it will need to be twisted, and what figure will indicate a pointed end - there and look for the answer. If the arrow stops between the numbers - see the one that is more.

  • 1 - This year you will definitely meet your love. It will happen at work.
  • 2 - This year you will fall in love twice. Every time forever, but, alas, they will all be unreal. It will happen in the same place - in a nightclub or disco.
  • 3 - You fall in love at first sight when you go to public transport, but you will have to compete for your love, as it will not be free.
  • 4 - alas, this year you will not meet your true loveBut the lungs will be plenty.
  • 5 - Your love is very close, you just look around. Maybe this is your neighbor or colleague behind the wall?
  • 6 - You are not ready to fall in love yet, apparently, past feelings have not been fed.
  • 7 - Because of your character, you will not be able to fall in love and most likely it will never happen.
  • 8 - You fall in love, but unrequited, however, you should not despair - in a short time you will meet your soul mate.
  • 9 - You are an attractive person, but with your criteria in choosing the second half it will be very hard to find it soon.
  • 10 - One person loves you, only you do not pay attention to him, and after all, he is your fate.
  • 11 - It's hard to answer the question whether you will meet your love this year, since you have already met it.
  • 12 - You begin with a love marathon. It will only take to choose the best.

Fortune telling on the coins on the beloved

If you have a photo of your favorite person, then you need to put it in the middle of the table and ask a question: "What awaits us ahead?" Then throw 10 coins over the photo and pay attention, how many of them fell up, and how many eagles. If there is no photo, you can draw his portrait, keeping external data - the color of the eyes, hair and hairstyles.

The value of coins

  • 10 maps - you are waiting for a big and strong love for years.
  • 1 Eagle and 9 Siggers - he loves you insanely, but you, alas, do not always answer reciprocity - it is strongly offended and can cause a quarrel.
  • 2 eagles and 8 grills - now he spends a lot of time, doing business issues, but very soon you can spend time together.
  • 3 eagles and 7 maps - he has some problems associated with money if you do not help him with the Council or an action, then your relationship can come the collapse.
  • 4 Eagles and 6 maps - you are waiting for replenishment in the family.
  • 5 eagles and 5 maps - strange that you consider it with your second half, he does not even know about it.
  • 6 eagles and 4 rivers - you need to spend more time together, then your relationship every day will be stronger and stronger.
  • 7 eagles and 3 rivers - one event will happen in your life, which will completely change you and it. Possible gap.
  • 8 Orlov and 2 rivers - you think a lot about what will be ahead, but you do not have a joint future.
  • 9 eagles and 1 rush - for you black lineShe will also affect the relationship with her beloved.
  • 10 Orlov - you are doing wrong towards your beloved person. Review your behavior - and everything will work out.

Fortune telling on her husband

Although the Christmas and diligent divas usually conduct girls unmarried, but there is one excellent prediction for women who are married. It is necessary to take a domino "face down", mix and ask a question: "Does the spouse love me?", After which, without looking, pull out anyone.

  • Two empty - yes.
  • One is empty - no.
  • One one - so far yes.
  • Two-empty - he loves the work anymore.
  • Two-one - no, he has another.
  • Two or two - and you?
  • Three-empty - he loves you insanely.
  • Three-one - you are just parents and no more.
  • Three or two - of course, loves what doubts.
  • Three and three - you are in second place after children.
  • Four-empty - never loved and does not like.
  • Four-one - you are more.
  • Four or two - he does not like anyone, besides himself.
  • Four to three - he has one love - his car.
  • Four to four - loves, although with you and hard live.
  • Five-empty - go back again.
  • Five-One - he has more important person - his mother.
  • Five or two - Rather, he regrets you.
  • Five or three - loves and very much.
  • Five to four - difficult to answer.
  • Five to five - loves, but as a friend.
  • Six-empty - your feelings are mutual.
  • Six-One - hates.
  • Six or two - you stop cutting it and find out the truth.
  • Six or three - you are his meaning of life.
  • Six or four - he loves money very much, and you are an application to them.
  • Six-five - of course not.
  • Six-six - you will always be your favorite person for him.

The fortune telling for Christmas, fortune telling on baptism and fortune telling on the shields use the same ways. Now the soda divisions are increasingly called - New Year's fortune tellingAnd these fortune tells are different.

What days are better to pay? Days from January 6 to January 18 is a shirt. Saty fortune telling - time in the interval of Christmas forever to the Epiphany Christmas Eve, the most best time For all sorts truthful gadas. But you need to share this time when you can guess everything, and this is a divination for Christmas to the holy in the evenings from January 6 to January 13, and the time when the uninitiated is better not to guess, these are terrible evenings before baptism from January 14 to 18.

Particularly things for fortune telling for the future, Vasiliev evening, which happens to the old New Year January 13 and also the Epiphany Christmas Eve, the night of January 19th. Although on the narrowed, according to ancient referenceThe last time you can pay on the night from the 13th to the 14th of January. And, nevertheless, the main time of the sinic fortunes was always considered evening and night from 18 to 19 on the eve of baptism or, as they were called, the second Christmas time, the time of magic and magic.

There are several simple ways:

for the future;

Miscellaneous Divinations on the page

You can pay on simple playing cards Or on Magic Maps Lenorman. On our site you can get acquainted with maps and defolds for fortune telling on playing cards and divination Lenorman, to pay for the future online for free. And now let's talk, as before Rusi wondered to the shield.

Fortune telling on the shints

An integral part of the Church was always considered a fortune telling for the future. Saty fortune telling for the future with its roots go deep into the times of pagan Russia. The time of winter solstice during the density period was considered the most active for the otherworldly forces, when the more subtle borders between the worlds contributed to the more truthful result of the Christmas, Epiphany, New Year and Saty fortunes. Now a lot has changed in our lives, and New Year's divordations begin with a Catholic Christmas Christmas Eve to the Orthodox Christmas Eve on January 18. I would like to advise to guess in the evening to Orthodox Christmas on the divination that it is customary to apply all year round.

For the Epiphany fortunes for the future it is necessary to apply the original Orthodox divanies, which were used to the shields of centuries. These are traditional fortune telling: fortune telling on the mirror, fortune telling on the egg, fortune-telling on a floating candle, fortune-telling on the book, fortune-telling with the blindfold, fortune telling on the flour, fortune telling on the shoe, fortune telling on a narrowed, fortune telling on fate, fortune telling on crying candle, fortune telling on raspberry songs and divination for the fulfillment of desire. However, other fortune-laws for the new year equally true and work - it is not checked by one generation. As time has shown, the soda fortune telling is really manageable to predict the future. With the care of paganism in Russia and the arrival of Christianity, the soda divisions have acquired a mystical meaning. Our ancestors in Rus, daring to the baptismic fortune telling, after that they bathed into the hole and passed a special rite of purification to baptism. The church always forbade any divination, considered them harmful to the soul. The struggle of the church with superstitions and fortune tells did not lead to the oblivion of the Epiphany and soda fortunes, they were carefully transferred from generation to generations, and they were not only preserved and reached our days, but also changed little since then.

Find out the future and look at least with one eye in the coming, see your fate during fortune telling, its narrowed, fulfill its cherished desires Wants each of us. This question worries especially women, they are trusting men, consciously or in the depths of the subconscious woman want to know their future. But you need to remember that fortune-telling on the shints only help to extract what you already know, and what is hidden deep inside the consciousness. Saty fortune telling for the future helps to extract this information, it is worth only to believe in magic power divination, and move from standard thinking to secret depths of the subconscious.

Although there is another danger here, it is important not to become hostages of this prediction. Here it can work the power of suggestion, faith in predicted. I felt something for Christmas and on the shield, we can involuntinately inspire something connected with fortune track, believe it and thereby attract events in the future. To listen to the prediction, of course, it is worth it, but you do not need to take blindly all that you will die yourself. The methods of fortune telling on the shields in Russia are invented a huge variety, but the main topic of fortune telling on the shield is a fortune-telling on the groom, or as they said before, on the "narrowed". It is understandable to us, because in the older times, like now, the future life and the fate of the girl depended entirely of the groom she would find and how goodly she marries.

Fortune telling for baptism

Few people believe in magic to our century of technical progress, but the presence of some unknown forces that affect our life is unlikely to deny anyone. In the shit, the intuition is manifested, the energy channels are opened and this night each person opens magic abilities, Shot prophetic dreams. According to legends, it is known that the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit have come to the baptism, and the Epiphany Night since then is considered a mystical. Aura Mystics of this baptismian night allows you to open the veil of the mystery of the future, look into the coming and learn about the fate of a gadget person. On this night, you can enter into collusion with the unclean power, to make something forbidden, namely - to pay for the future!

But it should be remembered that at this time the dark forces coming into particular power and can take advantage of the trust of innocent. In antiquity, starting to the Epiphany fortune, to protect against unclean power so that it does not drag into the otherworldly, when magical portals are opening, some precautionary measures are opened: the belt, the native crosses were filmed, dismissed all the strings, unleashed the nodes on the clothes and broke their sprues. During gadas on the table there should be nothing except the objects intended for fortune telling for the future. Well, if several people are involved in the fortune telling, which may form a magic circle. Close people, friends or acquaintances take part in the fortune telling, the main thing is that they are not enemies and positively belonged to each other. It is necessary to be located in a circle, face to each other. During fortune telling for the future, you do not need to be distracted by foreign conversations and calls. It is necessary to guess the shields in a good mood and believe in fortune telling.