New Year's fortune telling at a desire is the most truthful of all. New Year's fortune telling

Divination for the new year is the most mysterious, exciting and most accurate. When to learn, will your innermost desires come true next year as not under the New Year? Make it help one of vintage fortunes for the fulfillment of desires that are no longer one century on new Year's Eve The curtain of the future.

Fortune telling for the new year at a desire

Some of the oldest and most faithful New Year's fortune tells - fortune telling under the New Year with water. To repay in this way, take two glasses on New Year's Eve and one of them fill with water. Make a desire, about the execution of which you dream next year. After that, quickly break the water in an empty glass. When I break all the water, lift the glass that you just filled out and look at the table under it. If a lot of water is under a glass - the fulfillment of your desire for the next year is unlikely. If there is less than four drops or water is not at all - then your dream is destined to come true!

Fortune telling for the new year with a note

If the divination with the transfusion of water can be carried out at any time of New Year's Eve, then fortune telling for the new year to fulfill the desire with the note is carried out only in the latest moments of the outgoing year - no earlier, no later. For such divination you need to record your most intimate desire for next year On a small paper leaves. As soon as the chimes are started, set fire to this note and let it burn. If the note managed to burn before the new year, then your desire will come true. If the note burned out not completely, you are hardly worth waiting for the fulfillment of your desire in the coming year. It is possible to guess in this way and do not hear the battle of the chimes, but the accuracy of such divination is doubtful, as it is very difficult to get the exact time.

New Year's fortune telling on rice grains

From a long time, fortune tells under the new year on rice grains. To use this fortune telling, in the New Year's Eve, say out loud desire and scoop your handful of grain. Pour the grains on the table and recount them. If it turned out an even number, then your desire to be fulfilled, if an odd - your desire is not destined to come true. For this divination, rice is best suited, although you can use another grain.

The content of the article:

New Year is the most long-awaited holiday, both for young children and adults. Many girls at this time are engaged in fortune track and it is not at all surprising, because a simple rite spent on a festive evening will help open the veil of the mysterious future. You can begin to guess from December 25 and up to the old new year.

Fortune telling on New Year's Eve

Before you begin to guess, it is necessary to remember that the likelihood of the prediction of the truth increases, if it is treated seriously. Any rites of divination love full immersion and silence. That is why if the New Year's meeting takes place in a noisy company, it is worth postponing fortune-telling for Christmas or old new Year. With antiquity it is believed that the probability of obtaining a faithful prediction increases if a cat is present at this moment at this moment. The main thing is to believe in the rite and then everything will turn out.

But, the most important thing is not to rearrange and not to reset the stick. If the result is not satisfied with something, you should not just believe in divination. In this case, it is best to take the rite as a fun time. In addition, if at least once had to visit the reception at the real fortunekal, it was possible to hear that there are such moments when the cards or otherworldly forces simply do not want to "speak", while it does not matter how difficult or simple rite was carried out.

If accidentally discovered the ability to look into the future, and soon all the predictions begin to come true, it is best to stop. It is said that excessive passion for such things can lead to not the most pleasant consequences - the future can be gone. It is believed that the future could be as they saw it, but as a result of permanent intervention in it, a cardinal change occurred. Therefore, you should not be too fascinated by hikes to fortune tellers or astrologers.

It is worth remembering that not all divination can use inexperienced newcomers, as many of them are really dangerous. During the New Year holidays, you can use fortune tells on maps or with a variety of objects. The fact is that this time is considered open to the otherworld, which can tell about the future.

Today it is known a large number of A variety of fortunes, besides, it is worth paying attention to the dreams, dreamed of a festive night. There is a belief that the dream determines the future for the coming year.

Fortune telling at wax

This is one of the simplest and available options New Year's divination. First, it is necessary to melt a small amount of wax, after which it is quick to pour it into a cup, pre-filled cold water.

Now you need to carefully look at the figurine formed - it is she determines the future for the whole coming year. Standard figures can be formed - for example, the heart speaks of love, the ring is predicted by an ambulance wedding, the dog is the personification of the acquisition of a new friend.

Perhaps someone will see a figure that will have some value for him. In this case, the interpretation will be individual.

Dusting on the candle

It turns off the light and the candle is lit, then it takes a saucer, which you want to turn up with a dress up. The top on the saucer is put on the saucer, after which the candle is set on.

It is important to give paper to burn to the end. Then she takes his fingers, but very carefully, since it is impossible to break the outlines of the ashes and shake up to the wall so that the light falls from the candle to it, and the shadow was discarded.

It is in this shadow that will be predicted what will happen in the new year.

Divination for the fulfillment of desires on the night for the new year

It is believed that the most cepete desires And dreams. The most important thing is to make it right and wish it from all my heart. To find out when the dream is fulfilled, you can use one of the desired ghosts that need to be held on New Year's Eve.
  • Fortune telling number 1. It will take to take paper, handle, saucer, lighter, glass for champagne and champagne. Under the battle of the Kuranta, you need to open champagne and fill the glasses to all guests. On paper (you need to use a small leaflet), the most cherished desire is written. It is advisable to think over everything in advance and as much as possible and in short formulate your thought. Then the paper is burned, and the ashes formed shocks into a glass, filled with champagne. These all actions must be tried to do during the time while they beat the chimes.
  • Foreign number 2. A handful of rice is taken and poured on the table, but you can use any other croup. Now you need to make a desire. Palm is wetted with water, after which it is placed on top in the figure and most closely pressed against the table. Then you need to carefully raise your hand, turn over and calculate how the number of grains stuck to it. If the even number of grains is obtained, it means that the coming desire will be fulfilled in the near future.
  • Fortune telling number 3. For this option, we need to take 2 glasses. One glass is filled clean water to the very edges. Now the desire is made, and water from one glass is blown into the second. These actions are performed only once, and it is impossible to carry out any preliminary training. If there is too much water, it means that the coming desire will not come true, and in the case when it turns out only a couple of drops, a dream will come true.
  • Foreign number 4. It will take to take a large bowl of water and fill it with simple water. Then the paper leaves are launched into it, on which desires and dreams are written in advance. The candle is lit and put in the middle of the bowl. Next, you need to wait until the candle originates one of the floating pieces. The desire that will be written on it will come true in the coming year.

Love fortune telling for the new year

Probably, no girl will refuse to look into their own future and find out who will become sick. And make it very easy and simple if you use New Year's fortune telling.
  1. Divination in the name. There are several leaf of paper on which different are written. male names. Then these leaflets are put under the pillow, and in the morning one of them stretches, but only you can't pry. This fortune telling will help you know the name of your narrowed.
  2. Fortune telling with thread. This option of divination can use any unmarried girl. The fortune telling is better to hold in the company. Each girl takes in hand on one thread - it is important that they were the same length. Then the threads are simultaneously set on out, and whose will grow to the end faster, the first will marry.
  3. Fortune telling on matches. The boxes are taken and on his sides sticks out on the match, after which they are set on apong. As soon as the matches are completely digging, you need to look carefully how they bowed - in the direction of each other or in different directions. If the matches turn to each other, it means that it is destined to be with your chosen one, and when they unfold in different directions, soon waiting for the separation, which, most likely, occurs in the coming year.
  4. New Year's fortune telling. Unmarried girl can find out the name of his future spouse in another way. On New Year's Eve you need to go outside. Having met the first man, you need to ask how his name is - this will be the name of the narrowed.

Fortune telling in the old new year on the narrowed

You can guess not only on the festive night, but also on the old new year. There are beliefs that fortune tells on the night of January 13-14 give the most truthful answers.

Most of the ghosts on the narrowed are reduced to the fact that under the pillow you need to place certain items or perform some special actions to have a single and unique. One of the most interesting fortunes is the following:

  1. It will take to take a few bunch of broom, from which the bridge is laid out.
  2. This bridge is placed on the night of January 13-14 under the pillow.
  3. Before bedtime, the following words are pronounced - "Missed my, muddy, translate me across the bridge."
  4. In a dream should come future husbandwhich will translate through the symbolic bridge.
Also, under the pillow, instead of the bar of the broom, you can put scissors with bread, but you need to be very careful in order not to cut down in a dream.

Fortune telling for the future in the new year

  1. For fortune telling you will need to take 3 glasses, which should be opaque.
  2. Glasses are filled with water, but only half.
  3. Then, a sugar is poured into one glass, in the second salt, and bread crumbs in the third.
  4. Gone closes his eyes and rags takes one of the glasses.
  5. If a glass with sugar is selected - happiness, salt - tears, bread crumbs indicate financial well-being.
  6. You can also put another cup in which the ring is placed. It will denote the wedding or engagement.
For those who have a well-developed imagination, the following version of the New Year's divination is suitable:
  1. Not a very large mirror is taken and covered with water.
  2. At that moment, when the chimes will be hit, you need to take the mirror to take a balcony or to the street and leave for a while.
  3. As soon as patterns appear on the surface of the mirror, it must be added to the house and carefully consider what "painted" frost.
  4. If the circles are visible - in the coming year wealth is waiting, a triangle - good luck and success will accompany in all endeavors, a spruce branch means hard work, and the squares talk about difficulties in life.
Examined various options New Year's desires for love, the fulfillment of desires and the future, you can choose for yourself the most interesting option. Festive fortune telling is beautiful way Have fun in the company.

More about New Year's luck:

The new year is the most magical festival when everyone is hoping for the fulfillment of cherished desires, so the magical New Year divisions can give a special atmosphere to your holiday. And of course, each person wants to know that he is waiting for the coming year, his dreams will come true or will not come true. You can get an answer to many questions without leaving home. Just pay ways that we offer you. By folk custom Many are guessing under the New Year or from December 25 to January 5.

Divination for the new year on December 25

This fortune telling on the old new year is performed only once a year - December 25, the day of solvent! Suppose you stand some kind of important problem (for example, you want to go to new job, Or buy an apartment, or you marry innerpege), but you are not sure if you have enough strength and good luck. Be sure to imagine a favorable result, go to the cherry and break a small twig - 7-10 cm in size, no more. Lower the twig into the glass with water and put on the window. Every day, for 12 days, do the following: Take a glass with a twig in your hands, clasping it from two sides with palms, and keep it for 5 minutes, imagining that your problem was safely resolved. If after 12 days, i.e. by about January 6, your twig will bloom (yes yes, the real borders of flowers can bloom on it, only very small!), You can safely consider it a positive answer to your question. At the same time, you not only guess, but as it were, you attract good luck.

New Year's fortune telling for the battle of the Kurats

This is the most popular fortune telling for the new year. Write a desire on the leaves, google, and the ashes pour into a glass of champagne. Under the battle of the chimes, drink it, and then your desire will come true. An hour before the start of the fight of the New Year's chimes, write our desire on a small piece of paper. Fit it with the first blow, and if he has time to burn to the last strike, consider that the desire is already beginning to come true!

New Year is a wonderful and magical holiday. This is probably the most magical holiday when the hope is great for the fulfillment of cherished desire. And, of course, I want to know, tell me what will happen, what awaits, will come true - it will not come true ... you wonder from December 25 to January 19.

Most New Year's fortune telling

On New Year's Eve, we expect something unusual, magical. We believe that this year all our desires will come true, dreams, all our hopes are justified. Try to realize everything that you dream about what we expect from the New Year with the help of this divination. Perhaps the New Year Tale will be wrapped up? Write on a small paper sheet and all the innermost desires and, sitting down for the New Year's table, put this leaf next to you. When your glasses are filled with champagne, and the chimes will start to beat 12 times, burn this piece of leaf, and the remaining ashes carefully pumped into your glass and quickly drink. All of this you must have time to do until the last strike of the clock, and if you are late for a minute, then your desires will not come true this year.

On the night of December 31, remember your dream. He predicts the future for the whole year

On the night of December 31 or on January 1, it was pouring water into a low vase, throw as a pinch of ash, salt and sugar. Mix and start there 3-4 hair hair (not aimsmot, but a straight) and three or four of whom you love or male. For the next morning, see the position of the strand: together connected - you will be together together - one of you or both will walk to walk.

Wishes are written on small postcards:

- Children will be delighted in the new year!
- Replenishment of the family is provided!
- Your projects will be successful!
- Prepare wallets for big money!
- You will be pretty everyone!
- Mutual love will please you!
- In the new year, two of your cherished desires will be fulfilled!
- In January, be careful and do not miss your happiness!
- May will give new opportunities!
- In July, expects a meeting with fate!
Now every person who came to visit you or members of your family becomes back to postcards, which must be suspended and, focusing on themselves, closing their eyes, answer "it!" or "not this!" To the question of the lead, which the gossip shows on the prison.
Everyone can only pay twice.

Fortune telling on eggs

The prediction method associated with the recognition of silhouettes is fortune-telling on eggs. It is desirable, of course, to use the eggs of home chickens - purchased in the store are hardly suitable for this purpose. If you decide to experience this method, you need to follow several basic rules.

The fortune telling is made as follows: the glass is poured warm water And there is an egg squirrel in the water. If the protein suddenly falls on the bottom of the glass, it foreshadows all sorts of trouble: death, fire. Unmarried girls This omen threatens eternal lonely life.

But usually the protein remains in the center of the glass and, curling, acquires the shape of various figures that are interpreted as follows:

The figure, similar to the church, foreshadows the girl an ambulance wedding, an elderly woman - death;
- If the resulting figure resembles you a ship with sails, it means a quick arrival of a husband for a married woman, a girl foreshadows marriage and departure to another country, a young man - a long journey.
In Russian villages still enjoy ancient ritualallowing even before the birth to find out the sex of the child. A pregnant woman should be removed from the eggs of an egg, break it and see what germ germin. It was believed that the floor of the unborn chicken coincides with the floor of the future cat.

How many children will be?

To guess how many children be, for this, the girls take a mirror and a month will lead to it. How many in the mirror will be lunar reflection, so much as if, the children will be wondering.

On New Year's Eve

On New Year's Eve, write on small pieces of paper your most cherished desires, rolling them and put under the pillow. On January 1, waking up, the first thing to take at random any of them. What a desire will be on this piece of paper, this will be fulfilled in the coming year.

"Dailed, rich, come to me"

Girls on the issuance wondered on the scallop: put it under the pillow and said: "Durable, rich, come to me - my braid of the calculation!" - And in a dream, the girl was the future beloved. Have to remember him!

How to find out the name of the narrowed?

The girls sat around the pelvis with water, and the walnut shells were allowed. Peluons were attached to the pelvis with male names. And strongly duli. To which the name of the shell comes up, so far away.

Who will marry first?

Having gathered in a circle, the girls lit each in the candle. Whose candle will go out before - she will marry the first, and whose burns to the end - that long in the brides go.

Will you all year beautiful!

In walnut shells lay light items: candy, ribbon eraser, rings, etc. Girls blow again. What the tape for you sails - then you expect you. Colepko - acquaintance, sweetie - gifts, ribbon - you will be all the year, the eraser - lucky in learning.

What a name will be sick?

Girls can all together, so as not to scary, run out on New Year's Eve per threshold at home. That of you, that will meet the passerby, should learn his name. The same name will be sick.

What will be the year?

In a saucer or a shallow bowl poured water. The bowl was left on the Red Porch for the entire New Year's Eve. In the morning I looked at it: the ice took a bit - the year will be kind, the ice froze - the year will be calm, the ice froze the waves - there will be a grief, and happiness; And if the water has died out the hole - the year will be bad.

Rice grain divination

Above the jar with rice hold palm down left And focusing, ask the question out loud. Then take a handful of rice from it and poured on a blinded napkin. An even amount of grains - a positive answer. An odd is negative.

Divination by book

The cover of a closed book is put left hand and ask a question. Then open at random and read a string starting under big finger Left hand.

Dream fortune telling

Before bedtime, it is necessary to eat something salty, but not to drink. Sleeping to bed, go down, saying: "Dailed, rich, come to me and drink me!" Who is - for the marriage go.

Fortune telling on the bulbs

On the bulbs they write the names of possible applicants for hand and heart. Put them in water. Which will germinate before - on behalf of this and wait for the proposals for marriage.

Card reading

Before bedtime, they put a four kings under the pillow and say: "Who is my narrowed, who is my dazzhah, that you dream in a dream." If you dreamed the peak king - the groom will be an old man and jealous, the king of Chervalon means a young and rich, the crusade - wait for the match from a military or businessman, and Bubnov - from the desired one.
Fortune telling on snow.

You need to lie on the snow to the snow, climb and leave, not looking around. In the morning, inspect the place where they went to the snow. If the mark on the snow, all the dashes are desecuted, the husband will be rude. If the trace of the body is smooth, the husband will be a soft and kind person. If the pit is deep, then marry will have to get out more than once, if the imprint is covered, it is not married to go. And if there is a holmik on this place, then in the coming year you are waiting for danger.

Fortune telling on apples

So guess in the Czech Republic. After Christmas dinner, apples cut across, and if inside it turns out the right sprocket from the bones, the coming year will be happy.

Divination on the phone

Think about the question, mentally focus on it. Looking at the phone, set it out loud. If the first call is from a man - the answer is positive. From a woman is negative.

Fortune telling on the key

Guess in the company. The key is put in a thick book so that his ring (or the handle) remains outside. The book is tightly closed, tied up for the ring suspended to the hook. The gathered around waiting when King will hang motionlessly, and then each calls his name. That on whose name the book will turn to turn, marriage (or meetings with new love) Not avoid.

Golden Ring

At least six people should take part in this fortune. Take golden ring And the big flap of black velvet. Take turns to ride the ring, saying: "I will sing a ring around the city, and I'll go after that rings myself, to a nice daid." Where the ring stops, put mark. Whose ringing before will stop, the girl earlier will marry others, and if the ring will go further than the rest, then married later.

Perhaps, therefore, before the new year, starting from December 25, and to the very baptism of January 19, it is customary to guess. Most of this do not even so much in order to find out the future, but how much for the service to have fun.
After all, some New Year's fortune tells on the narrowed or love really such employee that only the mood rises from the process itself.

So interesting when you are involved in the "game" and are looking forward to what falls, what fate is prepared for you in the coming year. Some even write down the predictions so that after the year to verify, whether everything came up.

Someone believes in New Year's divination, someone considers Blazhly, however, there is something in it. Not in vain in ancient times, the girls were very waiting for these days, so that for the new year and the baptism to pay for the narrowed and, as many people say, all the accuracy came true. By the way, you can see such fortune students. in the article "Christmas fortune telling:" Daughty my, rich ... "on our site .

In our modern time, you can guess as according to old traditionsAnd on the fashionable manner using the technique.

But all in order, I present to your attention several new year scenarios:

Very popular New Year fortune telling at wax.

The interest is that here you have to connect fantasy and imagination to decipher the drawing that turned out. But before you break your head over it, you need to take a candle or wax. Melt it in a metal cup or bowl and dramatically pour into a basic with cold water, which we have already prepared. The wax quickly freezes, and we look at what we did.

Peering in the wax figure, you can see a lot, for example:

- Angel: You should wait for good news;

- Arch: Change in life, work, or some journey;

- Car: The appearance of a new lover, as well as a change of everyday life with absolutely new opportunities:

- Shark: You have a bullish, which you want to somehow treat;

- Butterfly: Changes that are joy, as well as good luck;

- Drum: Get good, good news;

- Banana: intrigue for your back the intrigues of your own colleagues or a favorite person changes you, to see several bananas means the emergence of unexpected difficulties or problems;

- Boomerang: Everything returns everything in life. What you did before, everything will affect you;

- BANT: It must be confused with whom in a quarrel, since in the near future their help may need;

- Tower: to the wedding;

- Bottle: You should follow in all your deeds for moderation;

- Fan: You will fall out the opportunity to show your flirting, flirty;

- Fork: There is a traitor in your environment, and it is better not to trust;

- Grapes: You just need to show your skills and talent, it may be profitable;

balloon: The emergence of problems that are temporary;

- Question sign: in specific situations You are not sure, you have a sense of doubt;

- Hummer: Your business you are doing correct, do not even feel any doubt;

- Dove: harmony in relationships;

- Pear: New new love relationship;

- lips: a strong passion, but not love;

- House: Happiness in the current house or in the new;

- Acorn: You will have a successful idea;

- Star: Your dream will come true;

- Castle: In the near future, you will have a new relationship;

- Bunny: fear of something or anyone;

- Square: Stability in Life;

- Dagger: evil from some friend;

- Key: Changes;

- Ring: a solemn event (engagement, marriage);

- Ship: Get ready for the journey;

- Corona: Your personal success or the achievement of the goal that you set yourself;

- Cross: the loss of a person close to you;

- Staircase: Change your life for the better;

- face with a smile: fortunately;

- Medusa: you keep the mystery of many people, and you are very hard from it;

- Mask: Insecurity in own power, and unjustified;

- Handcuffs: addiction or existing problems with law;

- Scissors: There is some misunderstanding;

- Glasses: In the near future, change your opinion about a person or events;

- Cloud: You have problems;

- Spider: the appearance of money;

hourglass: Do not need important things to postpone in a long box;

- Pyramid: Mystery, which does not allow you to live peacefully;

- Pistol: A quarrel arises or you find yourself in danger;

- Horseshoe: happiness;

- Bird: Good news;

- Airplane: Journey somewhere;

- Heart: Serious love relationships and love;

- Sickle Moon: the beginning of a new one;

- Dog: You have a friend who is devoted to you;

- Spiral: You need to fear fraud;

- Arrow: Letters with sad news;

- Chair: In the near future you will be promoted in office, promotion over the career ladder;

- Baranca, Drying: Your time you spend on the unworthy of you; - Ax: misunderstanding, disputes and future problems;

- Snail: You should, before you make any decision, everything should be weighed;

- Egg: pregnancy and success in new affairs;

- Apple: Temptation;

- Tree branches up: comes a favorable time for new beginnings, down - sadness;

- Snake: Danger;

- Fish: betrayal.

By the way, in the old days, if a drawing was drawn in wax, which does not bode anything good, wax figure I drove into the ground. And if the drawing is good on the figure, it must be saved until next year.

New Year's fortune telling With a branch of Cherryukha

There is one divination that can be performed only in a single day per year - December 25. What is his essence: this fortune telling will help give an answer to a concerning question that concerns any sphere, even though love, even professional. By the way, fortune telling - great idea For a bacheliness. If you soon plan this event, consider this option for its pastime. Other ideas will find in the article "The scenario of the student club before the wedding" on the site " Solar hands» .

So, mentally imagine a situation with a positive outcome. Find a tree to the cherry and break from her a small twig. At home, we lower it into a glass with water and put on the window. Now for 12 days we do the following manipulations: keep a glass with a twig with two hands, mentally presenting that the situation in your question is solved exactly as you want. We think about five minutes. If by January 6 (after 12 days), the cherry twig will bloom, give small flowers, then we can safely believe that your question will be resolved in favor of you, will be so as conceived.

Desire for the battle

About this fortune telling many of the many heard. However, I want to recall it once again, since the reviews about it are only positive!

Its essence is that in the New Year's Eve sit down at the table, cooking a saucer, matches (lighter), a piece of paper and a pen (pencil). As soon as the chimes are beginning to beat, they quickly write their desire on the sheet. Burn the sheet, and we throw ashes in a glass with champagne and drink to the bottom! If you have time to do all this to the last hit of the chimes, the desire will certainly be fulfilled! But, it is clear that it is necessary to make real things. Probably, everyone watched the New Year's film "Christmas trees", as the heroine of Mary Poroshina, even went to another city in order to have time to make a desire for the battle of the Kurats. By the way, if you do not know what to see, I recommend that you pay attention. the article "I want to advise you good films with meaning" on the site "Solar hands" . Be sure to find the picture in the soul!

Water transfusion

Find out whether your desire will be fulfilled with two glasses. Moreover, one must be filled with water to almost the edges. We make a desire and overflow water from one glass to another. It is necessary to do it only once, without prior training. If you spend no more than three drops of water on the table - the desire will be fulfilled. If a whole puddle was formed - alas, but nothing will happen.

This fortune telling is suitable for the new year.

Four Tuisa

Divination at a desire for the New Year. We take the usual deck of 36 cards and thickening them well. Maps shirts down decay on 4 equal handhes. Now from the first remove the cards until you see ace. Put it aside. We look at what card goes for him, if it is again ace - we connect it from first and to the side. We look at the next card: Ace - to the side, another card is not suitable. Our task to collect aces that go one by one. Similarly, watch three other handhes.

The desire will be fulfilled, and very soon if you manage to collect all 4 aces. If 3, then the desire will also be fulfilled. Not soon, but there is a chance to fulfill the desire, if you have collected two aces. Well, one ace - no chance.

Through the water in the mirror

New Year's fortune telling

Very simple fortune telling, which can be held on January 13, on the old new year. To do this, it is enough to take a glass, pour water to half to half. Looking at the water, make a desire. Leave the glass at night and go to sleep. We look in the morning: if the amount of water in the glass has become more than yesterday - the desire will be fulfilled; If less - no.

New Year's fortune telling on the narrowed

Also very popular in ancient divination, when the narrowed can be seen in a dream. But for this you need to put a bridge before bedtime under the pillow, made of broomer spots. Speaking at the same time: "My narrowed, muddy, translate me across the bridge." A man who is treated for your fate must dream.

You can also put a comb on a pillow, saying: "Durable, muddy, taking my head." Only before bedtime is not combing yourself.

They say that the groom dreamed, if you spend such a ritual: we take a decline with water and a glass. We pour with good thoughts slowly water from a decanter into the glass, saying: "You get tired with the road from the road, I have a lot, come, narrowed, let you get drunk." Send three times.

Ice fortune telling

Find out which year is expected, ice will help. On New Year's Eve, we take a spoon and score water into it. Put it on the night of it in the refrigerator. In the morning we look at how water was frozen.

If with a deepening, then in the coming year will be trouble, and if evenly or with a tubercant - the year will be successful. The main thing is to believe in yourself, that everything will work out. If you can't call yourself a confident person, I recommend ordering book of Rashid Kirrova "How to become confident in 3 months" .

By patterns on the mirror

Interesting New Year's fortune telling, which is also associated with ice. We will need a mirror that needs to be pouring water and at midnight to be taken out of frost. Wait until it covers ice crust. Now you can decipher the pattern.

If the circles are visible on the mirror, then all the next year you will live in prosperity, if you see a fir branch - you will work a lot. Squares foreshadow various life difficulties, and the triangles prophesy great success and luck in any affairs.

New Year fortune telling on subjects for the narrowed

With the help of various items that put in a bowl, you can wage, what life is expected with your future husband. Do not looking, get a thing from a bowl. If you got: ash - bad life, sugar - sweet life, Ring - marry, bulb - To tears, a glass - a fun life, the gold ring is a rich life.

Divination "Talking Snowflake"

Merry and unusual fortune telling. To begin with, cut out of paper a snowflake, who can do, the pattern is not so important. Now, if you have a high tree, get up on the chair, so as to get the top, and omit our snowflake into the free flight. We look at what Christmas decorations it will affect. If the snowflake fell on:

beads:perseverance and perseverance will entail career growth; (Successes in the work will also provide the article "Career Growth" on the Sunny Hands website)

- Naked branch: In the new year there will be many happy, but fleeting moments;

- Rain:spend a lot of time a gap;

- Star:meet your love;

- Girlands' light: You can hope for help friends in any case;

- Ball:wait for a fateful meeting;

- Bryer:lack of health problems, good money income;

- Clapper:unexpected changes in life;

- Some other not listed toy: It is better to follow the advice of relatives, close people.

If the snowflake flew past all toys, then be tolerant to others.

If the snowflake remained on the floor during the flight, then the coming events will be fleeting, and if on the Christmas tree, the coming year will give a good mood and a sense of confidence in the future.

Divination "Magic Snow"

Very easy fortune telling, which determines whether the conceived. We just need to bring a handful of snow from the street and put it in a bowl. When the snow is melted, we look after it remains.

solominka or twist: Cases will be allowed not soon;

- Pebbles, Sor: conceived will come true;

- lumps of land, feathers, glasses: Wishes will be fulfilled, but you have to wait a bit.

New Year's fortune telling "Herringbone answer"

This fortune telling will open the light on your personal life. But there is a condition: not to tell anyone about him.

So, come to another unknown Christmas tree and mentally determine its upper, lower, right and left side. On each side, select three branches and numbers from 1 to 12.

Next, we take 22 christmas toys, among which one special for us should be, on which the question is coming. Now ask someone to dress up a Christmas tree, using anyone 12 from 22 toys. If your assistant chose a mandated toy and hung it on a non-smoke branch or did not choose the toy at all - it means that in asked question Nothing is clear yet. And if the desired toy is hanging on the numbered branch, well, you can begin to decipher.

Branch 1. - Listen to the advice of your loved one, even if they seem ridiculous;

Branch 2. - A loved one will be re-educated you. For the sake of him will have to change;

Branch 3. - Acquaintance with man during a business trip, the trip suggests that he is your fate;

Branch 4. - This person will always give you money in debt, at any time, irrevocably;

Branch 5. - Man secretly. Will hide your thoughts from you;

Branch 6. - In the new year, a loved one is waiting for change for the better, which will affect you;

Branch 7. - He will be a good business partner, but no more;

Branch 8. "A loved one will offer you something very important." But before agreeing, think well;

Branch 9. - This is not that person, do not waste time in vain;

Branch 10.
- Whatever he speaks, he will be just a friend;

Branch 11. - We'll have to live in the interests of this person, if you can;

Branch 12. - He will be you good friendwhich in the coming year will need your help.

Divination on glowing windows
You can guess both on the street and at home.

How dark, make a question. If we are still on the street, we spin several times in place and, opening your eyes, we consider all the glowing windows in the house that will be in the face. An even number is a positive answer, odd negative.
If we are in the house: everything is the same, just not need to spin. It is enough to make a desire, standing back to the house, visible from your window.

Fortune telling on the phone

The easiest way to find out the name of the narrowed is to call the arbitrary number and ask the name of the interlocutor.

And there is such an option of fortune telling using the phone. I call the fictional number if the phone took a man - the answer to the question is positive, if a woman is negative, and if no one takes the phone, it means that the decision on this issue is worth postponing.

Divination on tv

Meniate the question. Turn off the light in the room and light the candles. Then turn on the TV and listen to the first replica that they say there. It may be a song, news, whatever, the main thing is to catch the essence of these words.

Fortune telling in Word.
First we write in the "Vordovsky" file in random order all men's names that will come to mind. Then close your eyes, a few seconds drive a rug mouse. Start the cursor. Open your eyes and look at what name the cursor stopped. So will call the narrowed.

With chicken egg

This fortune telling must be held on the night from 6 to 7 January. We take a transparent glass with water and one egg. At midnight, pierce the egg with a needle and gently pour into a glass of protein, only so that neither the droplets of the yolk in the water fell. We put a glass into a cool place for 30-40 minutes.

The water should form a figure made of protein. Here on it, we will decipher that waiting in the future.

The value of the figures:

- Angel: happiness, joy, peace of mind;
- Watermelon: HAPPINESS IN LOVE AND family life;
- Bracelet: Sign slow marriage, and if the bracelet is broken, then you will be separated with your fiance;
- Butterfly: Opomatic life, well-being;
- Bottle: You will soon wait for a feast. You will spend time with cheerful company;

- Fork: not good signwhich means humiliation, longing, poverty and fear;
- Fer: False, hypocrisy and betrayal await you. Be very careful and do not trust your friends;
- Mountains: High aspirations and success in achieving the goal;
- Dove: peace, love and bliss;
- Pear - treason, family troubles;
- House: You will achieve success in your endeavors;
- Toad: Be careful, beware of flattering and vigilant people;
- Star: You are waiting for dizzying success and glory;
- Cell: imprisonment, property, power;
- Ship: interesting trip;
- Crown: A very good sign that foreshadows happiness and execution of the most intimate desire. If the crown is inverted, it means different obstacles to the intended purpose;
- Swan: wealth and kind fame;
- Spoon: Infectious disease;
- Sword: danger and successful self-defense;
- Bridge: You will find a very dangerous and exhaust road with various barriers;
- Knife: quarrels, troubles and discord, it is also possible to divorce;
- Circle: safe out of dangerous position;
- Clouds: Change for the better;
- Spider: Beware of a tricky and cunning man;
- Fish: A good sign in all matters is a great luck;
- Arrow: Monetary difficulties;
- AXT: Your works will be in vain;
- Watches: excellent health and successes in affairs;
- Flower: sincere love;
- Chain: Happy family life.

Fortune telling on thimble

This fortune telling allows you to find out if you marry this year. B.
ering three cups, under each put flower, ribbon and ring. Mix the cups and choose one of them. I turn over. If a ribbon was under the cup, you will remain free this year. If the flower is a bride, well, if the ring - marry this year.

Fortune telling

Write the name of the lover on a piece of paper and set fire to it on a saucer. If the paper is not completely burned, then the desire associated with this person will be fulfilled.


This method can use the owners of the fluffy creation - cats. I make a desire and call our "Murku". If the cat crosses the threshold with a left paw, the desire will come true if the right is not.

There is a lot of predict your fate of methods. In any case, the most important thing is faith. Whatever the alignment you do not fall. After all, it is not in vain that even the most bold dreams come true for the New Year. The main thing to believe that in the coming year you will be fine!

You have a great new year and the accomplishment of your desires!

Sincerely, Mila Alexandrov.