Italian Art Nouveau in the bedroom is a style of bliss, sensuality and harmony. Bedroom in Italian style - photos and advice from designers Bedroom design in Italian style

Increasingly in modern apartments you can find bedrooms in italian style... They attract residents of megalopolises with many advantages that they have. But first you need to figure out what features the Italian style design direction has.

Features and benefits of the Italian style

This style is characterized by incredible coziness, beauty and harmony, which immediately fills the room. Italian design assumes the following features, by which it is easy to identify:

Important! For those who like home comfort combined with a certain rigor, a bedroom in Italian style will fit never better.

Italian design for the bedroom is chosen due to its versatility and the comfortable environment that results. This style is the basis for self-realization. It allows you to show your imagination regarding the decoration and decor of the bedroom with unusual items. It is not necessary to strictly adhere to all the recommendations of designers, but it is worth acting within the framework that exists for the Italian direction. So, for example, white curtains in the bedroom can be perfectly combined with a light green bedspread, you can not make the bed exclusively white. The Italian direction presents a lot of opportunities for implementation, the main thing is to maintain the general concept of style.

Another undeniable advantage such a bedroom is that the Italian style can be created in any room in terms of area. And in small apartment, and in a private house it is not difficult to create such a design. For absolute comfort, everyone can make some individual adjustments to the style, which will be appropriate in this case for a particular bedroom.

Decoration Materials

When choosing building materials to create an Italian style in the bedroom, you should pay attention only to high-quality options that are of natural origin. Usually it is wood, stone or marble. Moreover, it should be noted that most of the wood is used by such species as pine and oak. All such elements in the Italian style must be varnished. Not only these types of wood are suitable. For those whose budget is unlimited, it is proposed to decorate the room with mahogany or cherry, which looks simply incomparable.


The walls in the bedroom of the Italian direction are usually decorated decorative plaster terracotta, yellow or pastel shades. Usually it is precisely the Venetian plaster that allows you to achieve a slight negligence and that individuality that is inherent in the antique style. The Italian style assumes a play of textures, so plaster in combination with stucco will look quite appropriate in the bedroom. As an option, wallpaper, mainly textile, with floral patterns can be used, which will allow you to transfer to the atmosphere of Italian chic. Often used for the Italian bedroom and cork wallpaper, which is combined with massive design elements.

The most active areas in the Italian bedroom, for example, a fireplace, a headboard or a work desk, try to highlight decorative painting or mosaic. When choosing the last option, it is necessary to strictly observe the color scheme. Classic painting in Italian motifs in the bedroom is performed acrylic paints with the image of neat smooth lines.


The surface of the floor in the Italian style is decorated wood material, for example, a dark cherry wood or concrete tiles rough texture. But last option not very suitable for the bedroom due to its coldness. A special chic can be achieved by using untreated wood in the Italian bedroom, which will give it a special flavor.


In most cases, the ceiling is left white. Wherein facing materials for him can be absolutely any, for example, ordinary coloring, ceiling tiles, liquid wallpaper and even tension structures, but only matte type. Decorative rosettes, stucco molding or wooden beams.

Windows and doors

Window openings in the Italian bedroom should have wood frames. Under no circumstances should you furnish an Italian bedroom modern PVC windows... Doors for such a bedroom are used by those that differ in the presence of glass in the design. They can be transparent or stained glass.

The use of arches to decorate the space is not excluded. Moreover, they can have a pompous design, combined with columns.

Colors in Italian style

When decorating a bedroom in the Italian direction, preference is given to light scale... The most popular color is ivory, which gives the decor the desired aristocracy. But there are no definite restrictions here, the choice depends only on the preferences of the owner of the house.

An example is the white or beige finishing of the walls and ceiling of the bedroom in the Italian style, which is in perfect harmony with the stucco. Additional pomp will be added by a few golden accents.

When decorating an Italian bedroom with several colors, it is important to ensure that they all blend harmoniously. Pale blue, green, orange, brown, yellow and even red look great in Italian style.

The most famous combinations for the Italian style are:

Earlier it was said that the Italian bedroom is predominantly decorated in light shades, but you can always adjust this for yourself. That is, it is not necessary to perform all surfaces in white or beige tones. You can match them with the color that the owner wants to see in this room. But it is better to refuse non-standard combinations so as not to spoil the general idea.

Italian style bedroom furniture, placement rules

The Italian bedroom is a place where designer furniture is mostly used in combination with vintage pieces. The main role in the Italian bedroom is, of course, the bed. She usually represents sleeping place in wrought iron or wood with a headboard that is uniquely decorated and more like a work of art. It is best to choose a bed that at the bottom has drawer for storing linen or those things for which there was no room in the closet.

The bed can be supplemented with a canopy, which will allow you to realize a large number of ideas for decor. It is best to select light, flowing, translucent fabrics that fall in neat folds as a material for it.

Bedside tables and an elegant chest of drawers will perfectly complement the bed. Lamps are usually placed on the pedestals so that every vacationer has the opportunity to read before bedtime.

Light sources are necessarily supplied with fabric lampshades, which remind of the classic foundations of this style. If you leave only the lighting coming from them, then the bedroom will acquire a romantic atmosphere.

Functional interior decorations will be coffee table and soft poufs... Most often, not every piece of furniture is purchased separately, but a set of several elements at once. So, most often the set includes a bed, a chest of drawers, a wardrobe. These are the main components, which are complemented by poufs, couches, sofas. The choice depends on the area of ​​the bedroom in the Italian style and the capabilities of the owner.

All currently offered bedroom sets can be presented in the most a variety of options... Here are some of them:

We presented only 3 options, in fact there are a great variety of them and they are all unique appearance in combination with classic design... The Italian furnishings in the bedroom cannot be overlooked and always make the room look stylish. But you need to remember that such furniture will require considerable financial costs, therefore, when planning, this fact should be taken into account. If the budget is limited, it is better to choose a different style of decoration so as not to spoil the impression of the interior with cheap furniture.

When choosing furniture, the first impression always depends on the appearance and, only then, they choose those items that are suitable in terms of functional and quality characteristics. All Italian-style bedroom furniture must be made of solid wood. Classic shades for bedroom set are wenge, ivory, oak, walnut and amber. Due to the fact that such furniture is the basis for creating fakes, it is necessary to carefully approach its choice. In order not to be disappointed in the quality later, having paid a lot of money, it is worth asking the sellers in advance for all the relevant quality certificates.

Important! You should choose an Italian style for a bedroom only if there is a room with a suitable area for this purpose.

The placement of furniture in an Italian-style bedroom is usually done like this:

  1. The bed is installed in the back of the room, closer to the window opening.
  2. Dressing table and wardrobes are located at the entrance.
  3. Sofas and couches are placed near the bed.

Thus organized space allows you to use it comfortably, without unnecessary clutter. This will allow you to keep plenty of room to move while leaving storage space.

Bedroom lighting in Italian style

For an Italian-style bedroom, lighting should not be intrusive. Soft, diffused from one light source is suitable. Most often, forged sconces and different types pendant lights.

Chandeliers are usually also wrought copper or yellow color decorated with leaves or ivy. And also ordinary spherical shades are not forbidden in such a bedroom.

Important! Highlighting against the general background is facilitated by light lamps with elliptical shades.

When creating lighting of different levels, it is important that all chandeliers and lamps are made in the same style. Moreover, their conciseness, harmony with the accompanying decoration of the Italian bedroom is important. In some cases ceiling chandelier may not be used, it is replaced by 5 - 6 wall sconces, which create a slight darkening in the center of the room. Additional lighting can be done with a kerosene lamp. This is a kind of old version of the interior, which has its own flavor and unique appearance.

Textiles and decor

In a true Italian style, every little thing counts, since the overall impression of the room depends on them. Thanks to minor elements, designers create a harmonious complete image. For an Italian bedroom, the following are perfect as decor:

  • ceramic dishes, for example, plates, amphorae, clay cups with themed painting;
  • mirror in an elegant frame;
  • metal or ceramic candlesticks;
  • fresh flowers in vases and pots that echo the floristic ornament on the walls or textiles;
  • carpet;
  • framed paintings;
  • pilasters, murals and reproductions;
  • large bowl of fruit.

Important! In modern Italian bedrooms, bronze figurines are often used in large quantities.

Textile components will help create an Italian mood in the bedroom. For example, curtains made of airy material with an original pattern on their surface, pillows in pillowcases with decorative embroidery and themed bedding.

It should be noted that for registration window openings in the Italian style in no case can be used modern blinds or roller blinds... They will be a foreign element in this interior, which in no way will decorate the design.

The Italian style involves a combination of pomp with simplicity, as well as the use of antique components. That is why in such a bedroom you can use antique elements that evoke the spirit of antiquity and bygone times in Italy.

An Italian bedroom, if decorated according to all the rules, will reign the ideal atmosphere for spending leisure time and relaxing after hard day... An Italian-style room perfectly conveys the sunny atmosphere of this country.


The number of those who want to see in their bedroom italian design growing steadily. This is due to the attractiveness and style of such a design. At the same time, the Italian style does not make the interior cold, it allows you to create a truly light, cozy corner in which it will be easy to tune in to sleep and rest.

This style allows you to use a large number of techniques when creating decoration, which allows each person to choose an interior to their liking and furnish it in accordance with their preferences. Italian style - perfect solution for those who want to feel the harmony of design and travel to the sunny distance.

Italian-style interiors are best created using finishes from natural stone and Venetian plaster, or you can paint the walls in the genre of picturesque trompe l'oeil. The main thing is that everything should be kept in a noble monochrome of warm colors.

Bedrooms in Italian style are designed for romantic and artistic natures. To create the atmosphere of an Italian home, it is worth playing in association with Roman antiquity, Renaissance and country style. Indeed, modern Italian or mediterranean style involved in these components. At the heart of everything, of course, lies timeless classic, but classics of a special kind: restrained, noble, not recognizing any ostentatious luxury and flashy pomp. On the contrary, simplicity and loyalty to tradition are welcomed here. And despite the fact that in Italian interiors you can often find memories of the great ancient past in the form of majestic columns and arched openings, the pathos of these elements is neutralized by using traditional natural materials: natural wood and stone. So, the floors are most often trimmed with stone or ceramic tiles and the walls are simply whitewashed or covered " Venetian plaster"imitating marble stains. One of the main distinctive features Italian style is a noble monochrome, and mostly warm shades that give the house a special comfort. That is, the color scheme includes beige, yellowish and pale pink tones. The walls, however, can be snow-white or off-white. Sure, main element the bedrooms are the bed. And it can be either wooden with a beautiful figured back, or metal with openwork forged details. As for textiles, it is not very welcome in the Italian style. Of course, there should be light curtains on the windows, better plain and in light colors, and the bed may have a soft rug, which is also better in beige. And as interior decorations, wall mosaic compositions, pictures with Italian views or wall paintings in the genre of picturesque trompe l'oeil, which was common in the Baroque era for the entertainment of guests, are suitable. Examples of the design of bedrooms in the Italian style can be seen in our photo selection.

    Warm light beige is a favorite palette of Italian-style interiors. Light gamut is an excellent background for graceful openwork forms: headboard, chandelier and sconces.

    An excellent decoration of the bedroom interior in the Italian style is a picturesque copy of the classic Venetian vedia.

    Soft gray-beige colors, furniture of classic shapes, graceful ornate lamps - everything speaks of the passion of the owners of the bedroom for the noble style of Italian classics.

    White painted furniture, blue and white wallpaper and textiles are more reminiscent of Scandinavian style, but the drawing of the openwork headboard gives rise to associations with Italian classics.

    The bedroom is decorated in style modern classics where elements of Scandinavian and Italian traditions are combined.

    The bedroom is decorated in neo-modern style with elements of the classic palace style. Such luxurious ornamental fabrics in curtains and upholstery of the walls could be found in Italian baroque palazzo.

    The Italian style of this bedroom is expressed in clean lines and noble monochrome colors.

    The interior of the bedroom combines features of palace luxury and noble restraint of color. This mix is ​​at the heart of the Italian style.

    The main color dominant of the white bedroom is the curly headboard of the olive-colored bed - the favorite paint of Italian painters.

The bedroom is perhaps the most important place in the house, a secluded corner where strangers never enter, and where you can relax and unwind.

That is why always pay special attention to the interior of this room. You can create an atmosphere of warmth, tranquility and comfort in the bedroom by taking as a basis interior in Italian style. How to do it correctly, we will tell you in this article.

So, one of the most important rules while creating Italian interior in the bedroom is the use exclusively environmentally friendly and natural materials. For this task, wood or stone is best suited. Concerning colors, then it can be absolutely any: there are no restrictions at all, it all depends on your preferences. The only thing that matters is how you feel and how you feel when you're in the bedroom. Walls can be safely finished with plaster, for example, in terracotta, beige or other pastel colors, but you can use textiles, then you will have a strong association with cozy house in Tuscany.

The ceiling can be left just white but it is better if you use a stucco border around the edges, then you will immediately have an association with the rich Italian Renaissance. In general, an Italian bedroom can be described as a play on the contrast of textures, a combination of functionality and luxury, which is why the use of plaster and stucco will be a stylish and harmonious solution.

It is better if the floor is stone, decorated with a mosaic pattern. For those who cannot imagine a stone on the floor, there is an alternative - a floor made of wood, preferably cherry. Most often, Italians do not resort to finishing lacquer finishing, however, in modern variations a glossy finish is used.

The centerpiece of any bedroom is of course the bed. She will become the real aesthetic core of the room, so her choice should be given great attention.

Most often, Italians prefer the classic options - beds with trim on the headboard, however, now it is also very often found in bedrooms in Italy wrought iron furniture... In any case, whichever option you like, it is important that they are combined with the rest of the decor.

Special attention should be given to the textile design of the bed. These can be rustic fabrics that are reminiscent of the Italian provinces, in green tones that create a nod to olive trees or a vineyard, or in shades of blue, which are associated with a calm sea surface. In general, Italian-style textiles play an important role. Therefore, it is very important that the bed linen is in harmony with the color of curtains, pillows, bedspreads and other elements. It is best if the curtains you choose are made of dense fabrics of light colors, for example, from linen. Recently, there has also been a tendency of a sharp transition from dense fabrics to translucent, so you can easily hang light tulle and heavy curtains at the same time, and “play” on the resulting contrast.

Very important factor Italian style are also the decoration of other interior items, for example, lamps made in the same style, mirrors, paintings in forged frames or dressing table made of the same types of wood as the floor, etc.

The finishing touch interior in Italian style there will be paintings that depict olive groves, classic Italian rural landscapes or baskets full of fresh fruits. The graceful bronze figurines, which are placed in the bedroom in any order, will look interesting.

If you follow the advice given in this article, you can create a unique design for your own bedroom, which will turn into a cozy corner of fictional Italy, where you can relax and unwind from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

Bedrooms in Italian style - photo

Every day, returning home from work and school, we feel tired. Italian bedrooms are a quiet and cozy place where you can relax, unwind and recharge. At the same time, the room will look stylish and elegant.

Italy is a country fashion trends and bright sunlight... Europe is largely guided by Italian designs, and interior design is no exception. The Italian style has two directions at the moment: classic and modern. But centuries-old traditions take their toll: no matter how they attract the attention of bright and courageous people, the classics invariably remain in high esteem.

The main thing in the bedroom is that you feel comfortable there.

Colors and light in the Italian bedroom

For many years, doctors and psychologists have been researching how the color of our environment affects a person's well-being and mood. There is even a whole scientific direction about color treatment, which is called chromotherapy. Perception depends on many factors: age, ethnicity, etc. The room where we sleep should be comfortable, so we need to choose correct colors, but in line with the general design. So what interesting combinations can you use in an Italian bedroom? What will be most appropriate?

  • Yellow and red. It may seem to someone that these colors are too flashy, but you just need to use their warmer and more calm tones in the bedroom: Italy is a southern country that is very characterized by such a range. Red color increases the tone of the body, and in the light table lamp creates a mysterious atmosphere. Yellow is saturated with the sun and happiness, with which it charges those around;
  • White combined with blue, bronze, chocolate or honey yellow. White color is able to refresh the room, in such a bedroom it is even easier to breathe. To prevent the interior from looking boring, you can add the color of chocolate to the design. Warm shades just give the feeling of family comfort. Psychologists believe that brown color speaks of stability and reliability, gives calmness and pacification.
Although it is believed that the Italian style should be decorated in light shades, in fact, there are no restrictions. You can even use not the most popular combinations, the main thing is that you are the one who is comfortable in the room.

Also important when creating an Italian bedroom. It must necessarily be muted. But in functional areas where the bed, paintings are located, the light should be brighter. The use of table and floor lamps with lampshades is also encouraged.

Real bedrooms in Italy use only natural materials

Finishing and furniture in the Italian bedroom

The decoration of the room involves the use of only natural materials. As floor covering you can use marble, granite or, for example, put a mahogany-colored laminate, you can decorate the floor with mosaic patterns. The ceiling, which is painted in light shades, is usually decorated with stucco, and the walls - natural wood, textiles or simply covered with plaster in warm colors.

Differs in high quality and superior comfort. It should be placed so that one of the design features - grace and freedom of space - is clearly visible.

The main place in the room is occupied by the bed. It should be wooden with a rich and luxuriously decorated, carved headboard. Italian bedrooms allow for availability, but this is not so typical for them. In addition, you can, a cute dressing table, a soft and comfortable ottoman. Pay attention to the glass doors, which can be either matte or glossy.

Accessories for creating an interior in Italian style

The Italian bedroom is characterized by a combination of expensive designer furniture and vintage knick-knacks. This eclecticism is the sumptuousness of design: the simplicity of lines and design is elegant and sophisticated.
Indispensable accessories in an Italian-style room are copper or located at eye level, which depict landscapes or still lifes.

Do you want to return romance to an established marital relationship? An interesting solution will be the use of candelabra in the interior. Still, the bedroom is a rather intimate part of the apartment, so candles will be quite appropriate here. They will create an atmosphere of mystery and mystery.

In Italian bedrooms, every little thing is important, they complement the picture

Blinds for decorating windows are not very suitable, as the Italian style is sophisticated. Therefore, focus on textile design. Light-colored curtains in plain fabric or with a light green check print are more welcome, in modern version they can even be translucent. The pillows should be in the same color as the curtains.

It is appropriate to put an elegant vase of flowers on the bedside table, which will overlap with the floral design of the walls, or an elegant metal figurine.

All the accessories you choose must be matched to create a sophisticated Italian ensemble.

When creating an interior in the style of Italy, the bedroom is transformed: soft and warm colors, translucent curtains, stone floor. If you want to feel natural harmony and comfort, then this is the most suitable room design for married couple... If you get creative and Creative skills, then you can create such an interior bedroom in Italy, which you never dreamed of.

When discussing rooms in an apartment or house, one cannot help but talk about bedrooms. After all, this place is the most secluded corner of the house. It is here that strangers are least likely to enter, and it is here that each owner can truly relax and have a great rest. For these reasons, it is necessary to pay close and specific attention to the design, and create the mood for the interior in the bedroom. As a rule, the atmosphere in the bedroom should be as comfortable, cozy, and even a bit intimate as possible.

In view of this, a good and vivid example for creating such an interior is the Italian style. Today, we will consider how to properly decorate a room in this style, and show what results can be achieved.

Italian style in the bedroom

The most important criterion for creating a mood, in the style of Italy, is the exclusive use of natural and ecological building materials. To achieve this goal, you will need to use wood or stone materials when renovating your bedroom. At the same time, it practically does not matter what color and shade your bedroom will be. It can be a bright bedroom in beige and blue tones, or the use of dark shades - brown and dark brown woods, and dull stones. In general, everything here will depend only on your mood. It is clear that one cannot get off with only wood and stones. For example, for wall decoration, you may need to plaster and / or paint the surface.

As for the ceilings, here you can go the most simple option- make it white. As a rule, this color is universal for ceilings, however, some transformations can be made in the Italian style. So, you can use a stucco border, which will always be associated with the rich Italian style, the Renaissance and so on. In general, the design of the bedroom in the Italian style can be described as a struggle of contrasting shades, a combination of luxury and filigree, the prevalence of luxury and wealth. Therefore, all the techniques described above will be very useful to harmonize in the Italian bedroom.

As for the floor, its decoration and arrangement should not differ too much from the process of wall decoration. So, a stone floor is best suited, or at least a stone stylization, and also a mosaic pattern will be very relevant. If you simply do not want to make a floor in the form of a stone or mosaic, you can also allow a wooden surface. So, the most suitable would be a cherry-colored floor, or, in fact, from the cherry itself. The Italian style allows you to make the floor both glossy and matte, and there are no complaints about this.

The bed occupies a key place in the bedroom, and it is clear why this is so. In view of the fact that she will be the "heart" of the whole room, she needs to be given special and close attention. The approach to choosing a bed must be carried out not only with eyes and preferences, but also with the mind. To do this, you need to know by what criteria Italians themselves choose beds. As a rule, they prefer options in the classic, wooden style. Other Italians opt for metal, wrought-iron beds. And only ordinary Italians, or rather Europeans, stop at modernity and minimalism, since these styles are modern today. But, we need Italian beds, not European ones, so focus on the first two options. One way or another, having chosen only one bed, you cannot stop there, and therefore you need to focus on the details.

For example, you need to properly approach the choice of bed and bed textiles, and the bedroom in general. Rural-style fabrics are well associated with Italy, as they remind us of provinces remote from large cities, located among the mountains, or vice versa, plains. Also, green shades are highly preferred, reminiscent of endless olive and vine plantations. In fact, it is textiles that are the second component to look out for, after the bed. Curtains and bedding, carpets and bedspreads take up a large area in the room, so their color will immediately catch your eye. Thus, when choosing all these elements, combine them with each other, and try in no case to choose one element without considering the color and material of the other element.

Also, you remember that you need to use only natural materials. Therefore, when buying curtains or tulle, make sure that they are not synthetic, but best of all, from materials such as linen or cotton. An important role in the design of the Italian bedroom is played by details with accessories that emphasize the overall style of the room. So, carefully choose lamps, shelves, paintings and so on.

Bedroom in Italian style - 35 photos