Facade thermopanel composition. Choose the best facade thermopanels together

Thermopanel is just the case when combined "beautiful" and "necessary." This is another solution for energy-efficient houses, as well as for those whose budget does not include electricity overpayments, since the thermopanel provides excellent thermal insulation and such thermopanels with a tile give the facade a rather respectable view.

They consist of an actual insulation layer, which uses polystyrene foam or polyurethane foam, the composition of which by more than 90% of percent is air, and artificial stone, and clinker, porcelain, glazed ceramics are used as a decorative layer.

Recently, polyurethane foam, due to its more high indicators, It is used more often than expanded polystyrene. Although polystyrene foam is very popular in the USA, Canada and Western European countries. It is completely safe for human health, because it is made even packaging for food.

It also does not create a favorable environment for the vital activity of fungi and microorganisms, since moisture does not penetrate there. It does not have a caustic smell. It's durable and durable. Due to experiments, it was found that the period of its complete destruction is 250 years.

Facade thermopanels have many options design solutions, and more and more often used when finishing homes. Their diversity is so big that it is possible to choose that the soul wishes, given the tastes of even the most capricious client. Natural shades and textures allow you to harmoniously enter the house to any surrounding landscape.


Today, construction stores offer products of different manufacturers and brands:

  1. A.d.w. Klinker
  2. Stroeher,
  3. Feldhaus
  4. Ceramika Paradyz,
  5. Grasaro,
  6. "EUROPE",
  7. "Izosuding",
  8. Termosit,
  9. "Regent".

The advantages of facade thermopanels

  1. it is one of the most ecologically pure solutions for thermal insulation;
  2. there are no restrictions for their use in facade work, some kind of house did not matter. It is possible to mount them on any coating and in several ways to concrete, a ceramzite concrete, a classic brick, plastered or inactive facades, walls of block houses, aerated concrete, wood, or even saman (unreleased raw brick, produced from clay and any fibrous materials). This gives the thermopanels explicit advantages when it comes to the insulation of old buildings. For thermopanels, even the disturbed geometry of the facade is not terrible. In this case, the lamp is used, adjusting which the surface is leveling;
  3. full independence mounting work from the time of year and weather conditions, so these works can be carried out even in winter, if you did not have time to do it in advance;
  4. due to the fact that the thermopanel carries an aesthetic function and the heat saving function, it can be safely called a multifunctional material;
  5. the choice of color and the textures of thermopanels is simply huge, so any bold design of the architect will be real;
  6. thermopanel will allow you to safely save on the payment of heating. Efficiency is confirmed by quite real figures, which, on average, shown savings from 40%;
  7. the use of thermopadals largely reduces the installation time. And from this directly depends the total time spent on keeping construction work And, as a result, the cost. As you know, the customer carries costs not only to building materials and labor pay, but also for rent scaffolding For the maintenance of facade, payment of freight transport and crane, if loading and unloading works are required and so on. Installation of thermopanels does not require high professional training from the employee, and this is also a considerable article of expenses, and here you can save well. It can be said that the installation of thermopanels can be carried out even on their own, if you have an electric door, a screwdriver, a hammer and a great desire. Before starting installation, you need to make sure that all the walls are smooth. Fastening the facade thermopanels can be used, using glue, foam foam or dowel. More detailed information You can get from specialists, store sellers or familiarized with detailed instructions;

  8. thermopanels are cheaper than brickwork doubled, so simple calculations will show the percentage of your savings when organizing thermal insulation;
  9. facade thermopanels are eliminated from the need once every two years (and maybe more often) to repair the walls of the facade in the case of insulation of the foam, since, depending on the location of the house, you can face some troubles like the oscillation of the soil, etc. Yes, and in the case of unprofessional work or low-quality materials insulating layer May crack on the joints. This will require painstaking repairs with painting, which does not happen to thermopanels;
  10. material is durable. According to numerous tests, the manufacturer confidently declares that the term of the thermopadals is quite high. At least 50 years, although for example, the ABC-KlinkerGruppe concern gives warranty 100 years not only for strength, but also to keep color. It is worth emphasizing that it is precisely unsurpassed durability of color that can be called a business card of thermopanels. Also on it long term Service affects the fact that there are no lime and salts in the external coating. This eliminates the formation of so-called heights;
  11. material is resistant to rotting, the formation of all types of mold fungi and maintaining the livelihoods of microorganisms;
  12. there is no need for a long time and painstakingly select a shade as in the case of bricks when performing brick masonry;
  13. thermopanel - diffusion open and durable material. The combination of thermopanels is highly accurate, minimizing any installation defects, so the cold bridges are never formed in them, and the dew point is always located within the volume of the insulation. This makes it possible to avoid the improvement of ventilation gaps with back side facade. This reliable fastening is not terrible even oblique rain.

  14. the ease of material eliminates the fullest need to further strengthen the foundation. This is very relevant when it comes to the reconstruction of old structures, as it is not possible to carry out work with an existing foundation. This is a self-supporting system that excludes the presence of the load from above. The weight of the thermopanel is 10 times easier for classic brickwork and is only 15 kg per 1 m2.

Disadvantages of thermopanels

  1. the need to prepare the surface, namely, its alignment, that in some cases it can take a long time, because it may be a time-consuming process;
  2. despite the fact that this material refers to the category "2 in 1", however, according to consumer reviews, the use of thermopanels does not belong to budget variant. Especially high the price of angular elements;
  3. also the disadvantage will be the use of poor-quality material.

Method of fastening

Facade thermopanels with tiles are released with different sizes and varying structures. You can also find them as with insulation, and without it.

Therefore, there are several ways to fasten them:

  1. with insulation can be mounted immediately on the wall using shock dowels;
  2. and without insulation, you can mount differently:
    1. first paste the insulation on the walls (for example, foam), and then attach the thermopanels using shock dowels;
    2. first, a wooden bar is nailed to the wall, and then the insulation is put between it and the wall. After that, the thermopanel is attached to the bruus with screws.

The last method of fastening is suitable for uneven walls.

The variety of forms and color solutions for facade thermopanels may initially even confuse because big choiceAs a rule, it causes long thinking. Among such a wide range can always be found something suitable. The facade thermopanels look more than aesthetically, as well as monolithically and neatly.

Facade thermopanels can have a decorative layer in the form of a smooth tile, textured and even with aged. The latter, in turn, has a very presentable and unusual appearance. She will qualitatively imitates the old brickwork, which can very often be found in Holland, the western part of Germany, and in some other European countries. Immediately I must say that thermal stilt with such a tile - the pleasure is not cheap, but exclusive appearance That is worth. Such a choice for their homes, as a rule, make wealthy people.

Now about the most popular types of thermopadals

Clinker thermopanels

So called the panels where the decorative layer applies clinker tile. According to the degree of resistance to exposure ambient Clinker exceeds even some species of natural stone. It has a practically impeccable look and many natural color options. The shale clay is served by the raw material, which is mined today in North-West Europe. Therefore, the clinker is 100-% natural material obtained without the use of chemical additives by high-temperature firing.

Unlike some species of natural stone, which, by strength, can be compared with clinker, it does not "phonite." Its grade of strength is M 800, and the water absorption indicator is quite low - only 2-3% by weight. Thanks to this, the clinker can be said that he is highly frost and is able to maintain its characteristics for more than 300 cycles.

In addition to its thermal insulation and aesthetic functions, clinker thermopanels still act as a noise insulator, and as an additional hydraulic protection.

Apply them today not only as insulation and facade decor, but also for internal work. And also used for finishing fountains, pools and other large and small tanks where water should be.

The clinker has a very noble appearance by which many can easily distinguish it. Such a beautiful external effect and characteristics are obtained by special technology in production.

Installation of clinker facade panels You can exercise at any time of the year.

Thermopanels with porcelain tiles

Porcelain stoneware is another kind ceramic tileproduced from high-quality raw materials by applying new technologies that expose it high temperatures firing and pressure. As a result, the material is obtained, compressed so much that no environmental impacts are terrible. In these indicators, he surpasses a natural natural stone.

This is another kind of thermopanel, especially popular, especially for finishing low-rise buildings. This method was very popular in the 60s. last century. And since those times, the coating of the glazed tile has been perfectly proven. The glazed tile has a smooth surface and inhomogeneity of the color, which gives the facade a noble view by imitating brickwork.

Great view, simplicity of installation, excellent characteristics and minimum deficiencies ensured the thermoclases of increasing popularity.

Thermopanel with clinker tiles is a unique combination finishing material With insulation. This material has perfectly proven itself as a finishing material for buildings facades. If you are looking for an rational option for finishing the facade of your home, then pay attention to this technology. Consider all the advantages and features of the installation of thermopadals, as well as the process of installation work.

Characteristics and advantages

The heat insulator is used for the production of thermopanels with clinker tiles. The heat insulator in turn is made on the basis of polyurethane, polystyrene foam and inferno. As a cladding uses high-quality brand burned brick tiles. When buying thermopadals, it is necessary to correctly make a choice, because each of them is intended for a particular surface. As for the benefits of facade thermopanels, it is one of the most modern facing materials.

  • Due to the increased quality of waterproofing, it is absolutely not scary moisture or dampness. Moreover, thermopanels will not pass moisture at all.
  • The maintenance is very simple.
  • Durable.
  • In addition to the improvement of the facade of thermopanels provide reliable thermal insulation.
  • Thanks to the seamless compound, you can achieve reliable insulation.
  • The panel itself, as well as the clinker tile, is not subject to the appearance and, accordingly, the development of fungus or mold.
  • A small weight allows them to be installed independently. As a result, there is no need for an additional strengthening of the foundation.
  • It is possible to implement them at any time of the year.
  • You can perform their installation with your own hands without the involvement of specialists.
  • Their high price fully justifies their characteristics, as there is no need to additionally acquire the insulation and decorative material. Thermopanel with clinker tiles performs both functions at the same time.

So, if you have already purchased this facing materialThen you should prepare the following tool:

  • spatula for grouting
  • screwdriver
  • level,
  • bulgarian.

If everything is ready for you, then you can proceed to assembly work.

Installation process

First of all, it is necessary to implement a number preparatory work. For example, perform the correct calculation of the material. As a rule, it is enough to know the area of \u200b\u200bthe entire facade of the house. Already pushing out this magnitude, the purchase of thermopanels is carried out. In order not to guess, it is best to make a small margin, because there will be trimming, and perhaps a damage of the material. It is recommended to purchase a stock by 10-15% more than the calculated value. To find out the exact or at least an approximate number of panels, you should divide the area to the area of \u200b\u200bone thermopanel. In addition, it is necessary to check the geometry of the house.

If walls have large drops And irregularities, it may be necessary to make an additional crate. As for the cutting of thermopanels, it is necessary to use a special diamond cutting wheel or a hacksaw for thermopanels.


To check the geometry of the facade, you must perform the following steps:

Reject the horizontal line throughout the perimeter of the facade. Install the starting profile on it, while it is important to check the verticality of each angle. If their parallelism has deviations of up to 30 millimeters, then this can be leveled. If there is a deviation of more than 30 millimeters, it will be necessary to make a clamp.

If the house is built from a bar or round, then the installation of thermopanels is carried out in any case on the framework.


At the next stage, the thermopanels are mounted on the building base. On average for one square meter Material consumption of dowels or screws up to 15 pieces. Such a quantity of fasteners allows you to create a good clamp to the wall throughout the plane.

Corner elements

Next, the angular elements are mounted. This is important because the installation of the thermopanel begins with the corner of the building. The angular elements are mounted at the angle of the building. This will require a dowel-nail 12-16 cm, as well as a screwdriver. In the marked place, the hole is drilled. If you had to mount wooden frame, then the fasteners of the angular elements are performed using conventional wood screws long in 12 cm long.

To prevent air circulation under the trim, it is recommended that the first row of the panels fill the resulting clearance of polyurethane foam between the wall of the building and the base profile.

How to cut

The fastening of thermopanels is carried out with the help of a groove-comb compound. If you need to cut the clinker thermal station, then this can be done with diamond Circle. This is especially necessary if the facade of the building has arched, or other curly elements. For example, it concerns the door and window Operactions. The cavity in such places is also recommended to fill with polyurethane foam.

Design of openings

As for the processing of door and window openings, there are several options here. For example, you can use the original element of the slope. Also can be made cement-sandy solution And put it on the slope. You can use facing tiles and the like.


As for the eaves, the finishing of the adjunct of thermopanels to the sinks of the roof is carried out at the completion of the installation work. The resulting clearance between the sink of the roof and the panel is closed with a decorative element.


After the installation of drains is performed. They are fixed on the wall with screws through the thermopanels. At the same time, it is necessary to perform work extremely gently in order not to damage the ready-made facade.

On the final stage The stamping of the seams between the clinker tiles is carried out. To do this, use a special frost-resistant grout, which is applied using a special culinary pistol. This work should be performed at a certain temperature mode, namely from + 5 ° C and to + 30 ° C. On average, the wipping flow rate is 5 kilograms per 1 square meter. It should be noted that all installation work other than this stage can be carried out at any time of the year.

The result will definitely be excellent!

So, the installation of thermopades with clinker tiles can be done with your own hands. To do this, you need to observe the entire sequence of work. As a result, you will get a beautiful facade that will be perfectly fit into common interior adjacent territory.


Additionally, you can watch a video in which the process of installation of facade panels is clearly presented:

It was time to stay in detail on the technologies of their installation of temponels on the walls of the building - from the correctness of this work will depend on the durability and reliability facade coating In compliance with all the quality-stated by the manufacturer, as well as the appearance of the structure.

The cost of the panels is quite high, and if you still add the cost of paying the work of the installation team, total expenses will be very significant.

The installation of the front panels with clinker tiles is quite possible to carry out 2-3 people - the technology is not distinguished by complexity. Nevertheless, she is replete with nuances that need to be constantly taken into account during the work.

Almost any manufacturer accompanies its products with detailed instructions for the installation of thermopanels, equipped with schemes or photographs with the presentation of each step. To repeat such management does not make sense, and the purpose of this article is to give general view On the method of laying facade thermopanels and highlight some important nuances.

Preparation for installation work

When to plan installation?

Manufacturers claim that the installation of facade thermopanels is not limited to seasonality - it can be carried out at any air temperature and atmospheric humidity. With this, it can be agreed, however, with some reservations:

  • First, probably, few people will occur to carry them out in strong frostWhen the walls of the building are covered in a few millimeters, and frozen hands will not allow the desired movement calibration when marking and fixing parts.
  • Secondly, installation is associated with the use of polyurethane mounting foam - And she has a certain allowable temperature Range Applications and requirements for air humidity.

So, most of them are designed for temperatures above 5 degrees and humidity of more than 60%, and foams with special additives - from -10 degrees and 35% humidity.

  • And thirdly, the installation of thermopanels has a cycle of "wet" works - this is grouting the seams on the mounted facade. It is clear that this should be carried out at the positive air temperature.

Thus, to fall in extremes and plan the "winter" installation of thermopanels, probably, it is still not worth it - it will be more expedient to wait for steady warm weather.

What tool will need?

For installation work, you will need:

  • Measurement and marking tool - roulette, ruler, square, building level, marker or pencil.
  • Drill (perforator) with a drill Ø 8 mm, suitable for drilling holes in the corresponding wall material. Drill length - at least 150 mm.
  • Screwdriver.
  • The corner grinding machine (Bulgarian) with a disk for cutting ceramic tiles.
  • Hacksaw, knife.
  • A hammer.
  • Spatula for grouting seams.
  • Stripping or building goats.

Estimation of the status of walls

Before buying the required amount of materials, it is necessary to carefully "digit about" the walls of the house - it is possible that their small repair will be required or level leveling using the subsystem.

In order for the panels securely attached to the facade, there should be no weak points on the walls - detachal of the old plaster, karst depressions, deep cracks, loose areas, etc. - all that will not give reliably to strengthen the dowel.

If necessary, it will be necessary to carry out minor repair work.

The evenness of the walls is estimated - vertically, horizontal and diagonal.

Thermopannels can be fixed directly to the facade if the local level drops do not exceed 50 mm.

In the case when small bulges of the wall can be eliminated, it should be done in advance. If the differences are significant, and their elimination will be associated with large-scale plastering - It will be easier to level the level using the crate.

Materials for work

  • First of all, ourselves, taking into account the entire covered area of \u200b\u200bthe facade and the reserve 10-15% on the edge.

Corners are taken into account - special angular figured elements can be purchased for these purposes.

  • Starting aluminum profile - along the entire length of the perimeter of the building.

If on the facade - the protruding base, it will be necessary to immediately acquire the pops of the desired size.

  • Speaker shock dowels type DC Ø 8 mm, L200-250, at the rate of 8-10 pieces per panel.
  • Mounting foam.

The optimal will be the use of professional foam with a special pistol. The need is one balloon of 700 ml approximately 15 panels.

Sometimes instead of foam resort to use silicone sealant - 1 balloon 500 ml on 10 panels.

  • If a doom is required - aluminum profiles or wooden bars with antiseptic impregnation.

In this case, fasteners are taken into account for the installation of the subsystem, and the mounting of the panels will be carried out by self-drawing with a press washer.

For grouting seams, a special frost-resistant fugus of the desired flag is needed, at the rate of 1.5 kg per square meter of the square.

The main stages of the installation of facade thermopanels

Installation of subsystem and starting profiles

As already mentioned, if the wall geometry has significant flaws, the subsystem is required to display the panel to one level. To do this, we are recommended to mount a subsystem from a special metal galvanized P-shaped profile with a shelf of 60 - 80 mm.

The location of the guide subsystems is vertical. The distance between adjacent profiles is 300-400 mm.

Thus, the horizontally oriented panel will have an average of 3-4 profiles - quite enough for reliable fastening.

Regardless of whether the subsystem is used or not, the next step is to install the starting profile. To do this, around the perimeter of the building is fighting off zero level. It is recommended to conduct it at a height, 150-200 mm below the floor level of the first floor.

In some cases, the zero level may be even lower than the level of the soil - the physicochemical properties of the panels do not interfere with this placement.

On the conducted level to the wall attached starting aluminum corner. It will not play the carrier role, its task is to give the right direction and cover the possible lumen between the panel and the wall below. If the installation of basements is required, this is combined with the installation of the starting profile.

If the installation will be carried out directly to the wall, but it has minor differences, strengthen the beacons (polyurethane sites, 100 × 100 mm) in the outlined places of the panels, top and bottom.

Installation of panels

Installation starts always from the left lower part of the wall, and moved by horizontally. Naturally, it is immediately necessary to think about the design of the angle.

If curious elements are used, there are no big problems - it is mounted on the zero mark, and the horizontal series is continued from it.

In the case when there is no such element, the panel is cut across in half, or the protruding tiles are trimmed - until the smooth vertical edge is obtained.

The insulating layer is cut at an angle of 45 degrees, and it makes a rectangular sample of 10 × 10 mm for the subsequent filling of the formed cavity by mounting foam. Thus, the angle is obtained by docking two parts of the panel.

The prepared panel is installed on the starting profile, which is pre-applied by a layer of mounting foam. In places of seams between the tiles drill holes under the dowel. Their location and quantity - in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations.

Some models of thermopadals are equipped with metal mortgage plates specifically designed for fastening elements.

In order to achieve the best strength of the design, when facing the facade of thermopanels is recommended in the holes done, through one, introduce a small amount of mounting foam. Here the main thing is not to overdo it - excess foam should not be.

Through the holes made by the holes, the holes in the wall for plastic dowels are placed. They are inserted into the outlined place, their bin ("plate") must be drowned in suture. Then the spacer elements are then inserted, which are twisted with the screwdriver, so that the hat also does not perform on the surface of the panel.

Apply shock mount with a hammer should not.

In the same way, the next panel is fixed, docked it with the first groove-cream castle. The process continues until the end of the series.

After that, it is necessary to fill the mounting foam vertical technological cavities in the insulation, formed during panels. This will give the sealing of the joint and will prevent the formation of the "Cold Bridge".

Important remark! Will asked if it is worth filling out the mounting foam all the space between the wall and the panel? Aerial layer Itself is absolutely small, but under the facing of the air movement should not be, otherwise the thermal insulation qualities of the panels will lose their meaning.

Therefore, it is very important to seal foam all possible places Air penetration from outside - on the joints, corners, on the starting and top finish bar.

The installation of the first row is completed with the installation of an angle (with a figured element of or without it) - similar to how it was done at the beginning. If necessary, a cutting panel is made to the desired size.

The laying of the second and subsequent rows is carried out in the same way, only the guide profile is the underlying row. The difference - after laying each panel, foaming the horizontal technological cavities at the joints.

Installation according to the subsystem is characterized in that the mount is made to vertical profiles with self-draws. And yet - unconditionally, the consumption of the mounting foam will be higher.


Different models of thermopanels can have their own features of installation. For example, in some cases (with an insulation of PPS or EPPS), the spacer dowels with a plastic-fungus-fungus are used, and the attachment points are located on the lock parts of the insulating layer.

Finish mounting stage

When the entire wall area is closed by panels, it is necessary to think about the design of door and window slopes.

Here you can choose to apply several technologies:

  • Using PVC Sandwich Panels.
  • Application decorative plaster The surface of the slope is pre-insulated and the glass-reinforced glass.
  • Laying of clinker tiles (slope will also require preliminary insulation of penplex, reinforcement and priming).
  • The use of special metal decorative boxes with a heater layer of mineral wool.

All work on the design of slopes requires the most thorough sealing of all conjugations - air penetration under the panel cannot be allowed.

And finally final stage - Neat and thorough scatching between tiles.

This procedure will not only give the wall completed - a layer of resistant to moisture and frosts Fugue finally sewers facade system, hobs the head of the screws, protect the polymer insulation from the impact of ultraviolet sun ray. The color of the grout can be chosen to their taste so that it harmonized with the overall design of the facade.

Work on the insulation of the facade of thermopanels is the work requiring attention, accurate calculation and special accuracy. No special rush is needed - although this facing at home by thermopanels and is positioned as one of the most "high-speed" houses middle size It will take about three weeks.

Today many different appears construction technologies - Some disappear almost immediately, not justifying the hopes of developers, and some are coming up and serve quite a long time. And the point here is absolutely not in their effectiveness (although it is also important) - so that the finishing or building material has recognized as a nation, it is obliged to have many advantages and exceed its analogs in many indicators.

Unfortunately, this happens not often, and in the modern market, many innovations remain unclaimed or minimum of little in demand. No exception here and thermopanels for the facade, which, although showed themselves with positivestill do not have universal recognition - all the reason their exhaust price, forcing the main half of people to turn their eyes to more inexpensive and familiar technologies. We will talk about facade thermopanels in this article, we will analyze the material and compare with the rest of the insulation and finishing of the facade of the house.

Characteristics of facade thermopanels for outdoor decoration

In fact, considering specifications Facade thermopanels for the house can be definitely concluded that this material is useful and in terms of finishing and insulation of the facade. For many indicators, if he does not exceed, it is not at all inferior to the rest similar materials. For some reason, it is surprising that he has no such broad recognition. See yourself.

As can be seen, everything is very serious, and technical indicators simply open the way to this material to people. But it was not there, it was not enough for people to be the above-described qualities. Needless easy mountingSo that all work can be performed with your own hands, or at least an inexpensive price for their installation. Also need an affordable price directly to the material, which lacks thermopanels - in this plan, the panels for the facade of the house never managed to get around the foam and the rest simple technologies Finishes and insulation.

Facade thermopanels with tiles

The main advantages of the insulation of facades by thermopanels

In principle, we have already figured out the main part of the advantages of this material, and those who understand the properties of the material have long been realized, with which it will be necessary to deal with. It remains to add not much.

And, of course, a rather attractive appearance - these panels from the outside have a polymer-sand coating, it can be given almost any texture, including to make it under a brick or natural stone. It is the polymer-sandy layer of plates that distinguishes them against the background of other similar building materials, making it almost non-external influences.

Globally, all the facade panels manufactured today can be divided into two large class of materials made on the basis of polyurethane, and the materials where polystyrene is used as insulation. The differences between them are pretty significant, and you need to know about them.

The only thing that is positive in this materialSo it is its price, it is unlike its analogue made of polyurethane, less than 50 percent.

If we consider other types of facade thermopadals, then you can still allocate differences in the type of external decorative layer - there are polymer-sand and metal thermopanels. The latter appeared later, and their appearance is due to the attempt of manufacturers to reduce the price of the material. In fact, it did not come out of this, since the analog of this material is already there, and it has the name of the sandwich panel.

Also a sign that the thermopanels for the facade of the house are classified - there are their appearance - for example, there are clinker panels for the facade (or speaking otherwise, under the brick), thermopanels under the tree, under the stone and for many other artificial and natural materials. With the problem of the appearance of the house, we think we'll figure it out.

Thermopanel for the facade: the issue price

Today, thermopanels are offered by almost all companies that are engaged in finishing facades. They can be seen almost in any construction store. Prices differ very much with the manufacturer. Finnish, Dutch and German panels are the most expensive at the price, worth up to 3000 rubles / sq.m. In part, this can be explained by the fact that many of them are made with clinker coating.

Polish panels for the price in the range 1500-1800 rubles / sq.m. And domestic, even with clinker facing - in the area of \u200b\u200b900-1200 rubles. / Sq.m.

Features of the installation of thermopanels do it yourself

Like most others modern building materialsThermopanels can be installed in several ways - with the help of a frame and directly on the wall. The best way to install this material is the installation on the wall surface, but it is not always possible - for example, if the walls have a significant deviation from the level, it is desirable to install a framework. Consider more than more than two options for the installation of thermopadals.

  • Frameless installation option - As already mentioned above, it is possible only with smooth surfaces of the walls. The meaning of this installation option is that the panel is simply nailed to brick wall Dowels through the velocked holes by the manufacturer.
  • Frame method It looks almost exactly the same, but the panels are screwed or nailed not to the brick, but to carrier beams The frame - the difference is small, in addition to the possibility of aligning the surface of the walls, the frame does not give anything. You can even say - at the same time, it will even hurt the installation. In the space between the thermopanel and the wall, the air will circulate, taking the heat from the house - that is why after attaching the first row of thermopadals, the space between the wall and the panel is sealed construction foam.

In the whole, the finish of the brick house with the front panels is made in the same way as any other building materials.

Initially, the base is established - in this case, the panels are deepened into the ground no less than on 10-20 cm - The upper part of the base thermopanel is obliged to be sealed with construction foam. Then they are attached to the base, and only after that the laying of the first row of plates is made - everything must be done in terms of the level and clearly, without any deviations.

As mentioned above, the first row of plates is sealed with construction foam to prevent air circulation in space between them and brick - sealing is required as frame version Installation and in the case of a frameless installation. And then on the rolled one - the second one is stacked, after the third and so to the end.

Much attention should be paid to the slopes - they are installed standard with corner elementThanks to which all the angles are mounted. There are internal and external angular parts. But the meaning is not in that - before the fastening of thermopanels on the slopes, they must be pre-insulated. In all other difficulties, it does not appear when installing - sometimes they are even surprised, for which builders take such money, if it comes, so to speak, about the assembly of an ordinary designer.

By and large, it's all, and add about the facade thermopanels for exterior decoration There are almost nothing at home - just once again mention that the panels are going on the principle of children's puzzles. One stove is started on the other side, then fixed to the crate or wall.


  • Types of facade thermopanels
  • Installation of facade thermopanels

Facade thermopanels - Description, constructive

Facade thermopanels are composite materialdesigned for simultaneous insulation and facing of outer walls without intermediate processes. Unlike the "wet" facade, when installing thermopanels, the device of the reinforcing and decorative layers is not required, and unlike hinged facadesMounting is made without a ventilation gap, most tightly to the base. Facade thermopanels consist mainly of two layers:

  • the foundation - heat insulation material with a spike-groove or quarter fixation system;
  • facing (Decorative Protective Layer) - Imitation of Brick Masonry or Teaching natural stone separate segments or casting.

Began to produce facade thermopanels in Germany, from where they spread to European countries, and later appeared in our market. In the original form, the surface of the panels imitated, which is considered one of the most durable and durable, but also one of the most expensive building materials. A more affordable clinker tile was used as a cladding in the panels, during the production process, the footage of the characteristic protrusions is "Lastochka Tail".

Modern panels are produced as integration to the basis and the adhesive method - cladding is glued special compositions With high adhesion. Also appeared thermopanels with a monolithic decorative layer with imitation of seams.

ILKUZMIN Member Forumhouse

Design is unposteen - the consumer gets warm facadefully imitating good facing brick. The main difference is that the thermopanel is made with a solid decorative layer. You can argue a lot - the advantage is or disadvantaged, but the practice shows very good results.

Today you can find not only classic, clinker thermopanels, but also other species.

Types of facade thermopanels

Facade thermopanels are classified according to several features, but first of all they differ in the material from which the basis is made. Most often it is:

  • polystyrene foam (PPS);
  • extruded polystyrene foam (EPPS, XPS);
  • polyurethan (PPU).

All of these basics are characterized by minimum thermal conductivity, resistance to biological lesions and high hydrophobicity, which makes them the optimal base for facade panels. The main difference between them is vapor permeability - if the foamed expanded polystyrene can be used even for insulation, then extruded, with almost zero bandwidth, is no longer suitable for such a base. As for the polyurethane foam, the opinions disagree.

Kostya9 Member Forumhouse

The insulation of the facades of the thermopanels on the PPU, in my opinion, can be applied on steamproof structures - skewers, hangars.

albach_Viktor Member Forumhouse.

Let's start with the fact that the polyurethane is different, first of all, depending on the density - PPU 10th and PPU of the 25th density of absolutely different materials in their characteristics, not to mention 40 density. This is the question of vapor permeability - for some reason most people have the impression that PPU and EPPS are almost the same. And from here I went myth that polyurethane foam, like extrusion, does not miss steam and moisture. So, the 10th density, it is almost like Minvat, and it has the same problems - excessive vapor permeability, etc. While 45-50 PPU density, which goes to thermopanel, has vapor permeability approximately as PPP 35 density.

I will not give figures or theory, only the facts - we are making thermopanels based on PPU for 8-9 years, in the Altai Territory about 1000 objects as brick housesAnd wooden and aerated concrete. With most customers, we try to keep in touch with one way or another, and often visit the facade and the house itself. There were never any problems with the accumulation of moisture in the walls or in the house itself.

The facing layer is no less important, since the durability of thermopanels will depend on its strength and resistance to external factors, and their appearance. Thermopanels today are stoned with the most different materials. Multiple species are most in demand:

  • Clinker tile is a classic look, like a clinker brick, clinker tile has a minimal hydrophobicity (2-3%), the highest strength (M500) and frost resistance (more than 300 cycles). Clinker thermopanels enjoy the greatest demand, despite the emergence of alternative facing materials.
  • Ceramic tile - imitates a smooth or textured facial brickwork. Ceramics is inferior to the clinker according to the characteristics, but also its parameters is quite enough to get for many years. The problem of verbs, characteristic not only for ceramic brick, but also for ceramic tiles, is solved by the use of specialized compositions. One of the subspecies of the ceramic tile is a porcelain stoneware, is also fairly widespread thermal facing.
  • Decorative (printed) concrete - due to special additives makes it possible to obtain any texture that almost indistinguishable from the original is characterized by high decorativeness, durability and durability. A variety of decorative concrete is a ceramobeton, a novelty among the facing of thermopanels.
  • - a mixture of acrylic polymer with natural components (quartz sand, ground marble, etc.). Novelty, surface of the panel rough and without individual "bricks". To prevent contamination of the textured surface, the panel is covered with a hydrophobizer. Looks like such a large format unusual, but all the tastes are different.

Drinkerbeer Member Forumhouse.

Flexible stone is the casts from the sandy field, where there is no clear symmetry, and each panel is at least a bit, but differs from others. These are not bricks that are almost indistinguishable one from the other. Here is an idea in masonry imitation natural materialand in nature not all symmetrically and congruently. The seams are quite noticeable, but the clinker seams are divided, and problems with them are not as an example less than with the same tile - and rub smaller, and the length of the seams is less. The gaps between the panels are less than a millimeter, closed with a mixture of acrylic and sand-mix from the same batch.

As for plastic and metal (with a polymer finish layer) of thermopanels, they are more often used for. On the facade, the polymer texture looks unnatural and little better vinyl sidingBut this is what they want to avoid, choosing thermopanels as a way not only to insulate, but also to transform the house.

Installation of facade thermopanels

The effectiveness of the heat insulating layer depends not so much from the thermal conductivity of the material, how much from the correctness of the installation.

To ensure that the thermopanels provide sufficient heat resistance, they must most closely fit into the base.

In most cases, this is achieved by combining the mechanical and adhesive method of fixation. Depending on the type wall materialare used by specialized dowels (fungi) and glue-foam in cylinders or adhesive mixes Based on cement. The number of fasteners depends on the mass of the panel, usually fixed along the edges and in the center. Glue-foam is applied to the panel, and it additionally seal joints.

Ssuhov Member Forumhouse.

It is necessary to fix it mechanically, it does not matter whether there are locks or not, at least 6-8 pieces per 1 m². I recommend a dowel with a fiberglass nail and anchor element 100 mm - it is ideal for GB. The PSB-C 25 F - polyurethane glue, after 24 hours anchor.