Distance from chimney pipe to wooden structures. Installation of the chimney "Sandwich"

According to the general classification, the following 3 types of chimney design are distinguished:

  • nazadny;
  • indigenous
  • wall.

The rules of the chimney device of all three types are quite similar, but still it is necessary to understand that each individual design has its own characteristics and is applied clearly under certain conditions.

Wall chimneys

Such chimneys form part of the wall, that is, they pass, like ventilation, in the inner wall space. Such chimneys are most commonly used for fireplaces. At the same time, the chimney device in a private house should be planned at the wall design stage. It is important to consider that the wall in the case is performed from the red brick, which is characterized by high resistance to high temperatures. And even in cases where the walls are erected from another material (for example, a tree), the shifting place is facing in red bricks.

Device wall chimney

In order to create sleeves, you need to take 2 steel corners. At the same time, the corners close in the fireplace at the stage of its construction. They are placed on 6-7 cm below the output channel. The free ends of the elements close in chimney. At the same time, they are placed in the pipe at the same distance from the output channel (6-7 cm).

Corners are placed either strictly horizontally, or with a small slope towards the withdrawal of smoke. According to the resulting basis, the corners are laid by a brick, placing its plastics (this is due to the distance of 6-7 cm.)

The walls of the sleeves can be thick in a brick, that is, the brick is put on the edge. The masonry is carried out with vertical dressing of seams. It is starting with the organization of the base, which is located on the floor or the top of the fireplace. The foundation on the floor should be a smooth platform with a sprinkled concrete. The first row of bricks is put on top of the foundation. Corners need to be aligned. After that, it is embarked on further masonry. At this stage, it is important not to forget about the need to organize free space under the door to clean the chimney channel. IN wooden house For security reasons, it is necessary to bind place in front of the fireplace sheet. The same is done with the sleeves.

Indigenous chimneys

This type of chimney is a separate brick riser, with a separate foundation that does not fit to the wall and, thus, to be on a certain distance from the furnace or fireplace. Indigenous chimneys are built from bricks (read: "").

The main advantage of such a chimney is the possibility of connecting several sources of smoke to one pipe. But it is important that all the furnaces are placed on the same level. That is why such chimney is used for homes with multiple placing furnaces.

Installation of chimney

The chimney device in a private house begins with the foundation bookmark. First, the pit is cut, which corresponds to the size of the chimney. The depth of the pit is about 30 cm. The pits are falling asleep on the layer of rubble with gravel, and then the sand layer. The thickness of these layers should be approximately equal (that is, 15 cm). Crushed stone and sand are rambling and align.

After training "Pillows", you can start filling cement tie.. It is recommended to do this with a liquid solution, since in this case the best level alignment is achieved. Then you should wait until the screed is completely freezing and only after that proceed to the direct chimney masonry. First put the first layer of bricks. Then angles are displayed using a level or plumb.

The masonry raise to the level on which the smoke sink sleeve should be connected. With the oven it is connected using metal corners. The free ends of the corners are inserted into the chimney. The location of the connection is thoroughly wet clay mortar. The sleeve is organized like a wall chimney. Next continues to normal brickwork.

Hoody chimneys

The chimney device with your own hands on this type is the most common. In addition, the resulting chimney is in low weight. Chimney is installed directly on the fireplace or oven (read: ""). Most often this type is used in bath furnaces. To the advantages of chimneys this type It is possible to attribute the opportunity to create it from steel or asbestos cement.


The device of the metal chimney is practically no different from the previous two types. The only difference is that there is no need to organize smoking hoses, since the chimney is installed directly on the furnace. Also, nozzle chimneys do not need the foundation.

In order to achieve the best results In the construction of this type of chimney, you can take advantage of the following tips:

  • chimney must be output so that it is as close as possible to the roof of the roof;
  • Choose on the basis of the distance to the skate. Optimum height Pipes can be determined from the following scheme:
    - During the range of less than 1.5 meters, above the roof should be equal to 50 cm;
    - while the distance to the skate from 1.5 to 3 m, the chimney can be discharged to the height of the skate;
    - Just a distance to the skate of more than 3 m chimney can be below the level of the skate.
  • In the case of close placement of trees or wooden buildings, The chimney pipe is wrapped. This is necessary to reduce the likelihood of fire;
  • chimney should end with a visor that protects the pipe from falling out;
  • at the end of the chimney, there should be a grid that is designed to exclude departure from the pipe of unburned fuel particles (read: "

It is enough 200 degrees so that the wood began charging, so the installation of the chimney pipe in the house from the bar is a complex, serious and responsible process. Installation is necessary to ensure that burning products do not fall into the room, and the construction accidentally not caught.

For many centuries, people are built, so a great experience has accumulated by their use and installation. Based on acquired knowledge, mandatory regulations and the requirements for the manufacture and installation of equipment and ensuring fire safety. All relevant instances and organizations are guided by a single document regulating the rules of ventilation and the heating of premises.

IN Snip indicate prohibitions on the installation of flammable parts on distance 13 cm. from surfaces. Therefore, the installation of furnace equipment in a wooden house should pass through all the rules.

Today there are many modern materialsHowever, most often the chimney device in a wooden house is manufactured. During installation with your own hands you need consider some nuances:

  • Installation of the pipe should occur with the binding of a lime solution indoors and cement mortar on the roof.
  • According to the developed regulations, the chimney pipe must be done. The inner surface of the pipe is prohibited to plaster.
  • capable of withstand a large mass.

To avoid the destruction of the design and saving accumulation, recommended built in the channel asbotic pipe, and the space between it and brick pour with concrete solution.

Bison flooring

  • The distance between and chimney should be at least 25 cm. If as an insulating material, then the gap should be approximately 38 cm.
  • If the house is from a log house, then you need to make a boardy shield, which is attached to the wall of the wall. It is necessary in order to compensate for the shrinkage at home.
  • On the walls below and on top it is necessary to make holes to ensure normal air flow circulation.
  • On the floors of the tree you need to lay bricks, or other materials resistant to burning.

See also: How the chimney is carried out through a wooden wall

Conclusion through roof

  • According to the regulations, the distance between the tree rafters and the brick tube should not be less than 13 cm.
  • Clearance should be filled stone Vata. Without using binders.
  • If the roof covered easily flammable materialsIn this case, the distance needs to be increased twice.
  • The release of the chimney pipe must be covered by non-heat materials at 50 cm. from chimney.

Location over roof

  • The height should be no less than 50 cm If the pipe mounting was produced near the skate on the plane or scath.
  • The height should be at least 50 cm. Over the skate, if the pipe axis is located from himon the distance 150 cm.
  • If the axis when the pipe is output is 300 cm, - That is not lower than the skate.

Modern manufacturers make fireproof and strong structures from high-quality ceramics. The chimney in a wooden house is collected from special elements and consists of multiple layers of material. From the inside the surface is covered with high temperature resistant ceramic material.

Thanks to the smooth surface of the soot, it does not accumulate that provides good craving. However, the installation of such structures for the fireplace or furnace equipment is recommended to trust professionals, as it has a lot of weight, so need a certain experience And with their own hands it is unlikely to get a high-quality installation.

Assembling ceramic pipe

  1. To begin with, it is necessary to prepare a cement pillow, after which it is mounted shell as a base. Instead, you can use cement composition M150.
  2. In another block, you should make a hole for the ventilation grille, as well as secure the container for condensate. Then attach insulating material Between block and capacity.
  3. In another block - do hole for tee.. To connect the pipe used sealant or cement M150.
  4. If the furnace connects via the removal, then you need to make a window on two blocks.
  5. The tee leading to the fireplace must be closed insulating material, and from above put a metal apron.
  6. The distance between the block and the chimney must be minimum 5 cm.
  7. The last block is covered with a special stove, and the pipe is a cone.
  8. If the decoration of the chimney brick is assumed, then recommended take advantage of the console stove.

See also: Cleaning chimney in a bath furnace

Recently, very often for the manufacture of smoking structures use sandwich pipes that possess large quantity Advantages:

  • Thanks to the simple and fast installation work you can make it yourself.
  • Due to the low weight, the installation of a special foundation is not required.
  • Optimal thermal insulation provides a layer of mineral wool.
  • Since the surface of the walls from the inside is quite smooth, then the soot do not accumulate on it, what makes good craving.
  • Chimney it is made of acid-resistant materialTherefore, the service life of such designs is enough.

The required thickness of the inner wall:

The heat insulation layer must be no less than 10 cmif the chimney is designed for fireplaces and large furnaces, and if it is installed for automated equipment, the insulation layer should be about 5 cm.


It should be noted that undoubted plus designs is what they are sold in complete set. If there are no specific items, you can find them from another supplier and collect do it yourself.

  1. If the pipe takes place between the floors, it is recommended to purchase the finished factory cutting.
  2. It is used between floors and in the attic.
  3. The inner diameter of such a cutting is equal to the external diameter of the metal swam Sandwich Pipe.
  4. Between the beams need to make a square window, the dimensions of which correspond to the size of the cutting. It is recommended to make a small supply to be wrapped in several layers of basalt.
  5. Chimney is inserted into the hole.
  6. Airspace is filled necessary quantity Basalt material.


Through the roof, the metal chimney is displayed in the same way as. To do this, it is recommended to prepare the finished roofing cutting. They differ in the corners of the slope and sizes.

  • It should be noted that the node passing through roof quite complicated, so you need to prepare for difficulties in order to fulfill everything.
  • Distance between wood and pipe must be from 25 cm. With each of the parties.
  • Chimney and hole close Crowd.
  • Then this material must be started under tiled or slate.
  • On chimney next of the covers are installed Podpnik And fixed with a special clamp to protect against natural precipitation.
  • The space between the rafters and the pipe is filled with basalt material, and the bottom is closed metal reflector.

Chimney - an important part proper arrangement Furnaces solid fuel or gas boiler. The efficiency of work depends on its proper design and installation. heating device and fire safety of the heating system.

Chimneys in the house, special wooden, or in the bath must be made of various refractory materials. Brick chimneys have resistant to high temperatures, durability and aesthetics, but at the same time the porous and inhomogeneous structure of the brick contributes to the accumulation of moisture, precipitation of combustion products - soot and soot. As a result of gloss chimney He overgrown, the thrust is worse, and the operation of the furnace becomes unsafe. Especially undesirable to use brick chimneys In systems of hardening smoke from solid fuel, including pellet, boilers with closed chamber combustion.

Black metal pipes are not recommended to use in wooden houses and baths, as well as when installing gas or solid fuel boiler: They are very hot and quickly go beyond what can lead to a fire. Sometimes chimneys from such a pipe are mounted in brick garages and other utility rooms, but they are ineffective there, as they are subject to corrosion and condensate formation.

The most successful solution is insulated sandwich chimneys from of stainless steel and ceramics. The round cross-section of pipes contributes to the passage of smoke and provides good traction. On smooth internal surface Small soot settles. Due to insulation, condensation is excluded. Thanks to the modular system, their installation is easy to make it yourself. Constructively sandwich chimneys from stainless steel and ceramics are somewhat different.

Ceramic Sandwich Chimney represents a system of modules, each of which consists of internal ceramic element Pipes and hollow foam block. For thermal insulation, they are separated by a layer basalt insulation. Modules are supplied in disassembled form, the assembly is made on the spot on special glue and sealant. For the installation of ceramic chimney, the foundation is required due to their significant weight.

Stainless Steel Sandwich Chimneys Sold in the form finished modules. They are two pipes different diameterembedded in one to another, and separated by a layer of insulation. The inner tube is stainless steel, the outer can be both stainless steel and from galvanized tin. They are assembled much faster ceramic. In addition, thanks to a small weight, the foundation is not needed for chimney from stainless steel.

By fire resistance, ceramic chimneys are superior to all the others, they continue to hold the temperature to 1200 degrees Celsius, some models are equipped with ventilation systems. The service life of such chimneys is at least 50 years. But the price of ceramic chimneys is high, so their installation is appropriate only in residential buildings, cottages and other capital buildings.

General installation rules

      Frequently stringent requirements are presented to chimks. Their compliance is required for any designs from sandwich pipes.
    • To ensure good thrust, the height of the chimney from the grate of the heating unit must be at least 5 meters.
    • The chimney, located in the skate, should rise above it 0.5 m, in other cases its height is determined by the scheme below.

  • At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the building standing next to the house or bath, the outlet of the chimney should be higher than their roof by 1.5 m.
  • If as a result of calculations height chimney Over the roof turned out more than 1.5 m, you need to foresee its stretching attachment to rigid design elements.
  • If the roof material is combustible - Ondulin, rubberoid, soft roofThe top of the chimney must be installed in the opposite - a special module with a grid 5x5 mm.
  • It is impossible to find a smoke channel, for example, for an oven with a flue nozzle 120 mm, you cannot install modules with an inner diameter of 110 mm. The broadening is allowed, while it is necessary to use special adapters.
  • Length horizontal plots It should not exceed 1 m. In the event that the vertical pipe is at a greater distance from the heating device, it is necessary to use taps to 45 degrees.
  • Taps, tees and other sandwich-chimney adapters need to be unloaded - to establish so that they do not carry the weight of the superior construction. For this, reference sites are used.
  • All junctions of modules must be available for inspection. They cannot be placed in places of overlaps. To ensure this requirement, you need to select the length of the straight sequel.

Sequence of proper assembly

    1. First, connect the outlet nozzle of the boiler or the furnace with the lower element of the chimney - a single-layer displeased pipe. It can consist of several modules and be vertical, horizontal or curled by 45 or 90 degrees.
    2. For the transition to a warmed tube use an adapter. It is put on a laptile tube, missing the joint with a special sealant, withsting temperatures up to 1300 degrees Celsius.

  • Further assembly with your own hands lead from insulated elements. They are inserted into each other so that the upper part is put on the bottom. You can determine the top on the edge of the pipe - it is wavy, which makes it easy to dock. With this installation, the internal channel is connected "by smoke" that is, the direction of the joint is located so as not to interfere with smoke flows inside. All elements are connected to the heat supply sealant.

At the place of installation, the smoke systems are divided into internal passing through inter-storey overlap and roof, and outdoor, located external Wall building. The withdrawal of the chimney in this case is done through the wall of the house or bath.

    • Part passing through heated premises is allowed to be made of single stainless pipe - Her surface with fuel burning is heavily heated and additionally gives heat. Upon passion for the unheated attic in the house or bath or outside the chimney needs mandatory insulation, so the sandwich modules are used for it.
    • Direct chimney can rely directly on the heater - oven, pellet boiler. If there are taps, the bends are required to install reference sites at the level of overlaps, not less than 5 meters.

  • For outdoor installation The system is fixed using wall mounts - brackets with clamps. They are sold complete with chimneys. The lower part of the chimney is based on the console bracket.
  • The pipe is equipped with cleaning in places, convenient for access. They are a tee with a hole on the discharge. If necessary, the cap is removed and produce audit and clean the smoke channel from soot. At the bottom of the pipe, the plug is installed with the condensate receiver.

  • The most attention should be paid to the passages through the walls, overlaps and roof. Longs are used by special modules: "pass through the ceiling" and "pass through the roof". The top of the pipe is equipped with an umbrella to ensure fire safety, improve thrust and ventilation.

In a wooden house

Before making the installation of a smoke removal system with their own hands, you need to explore fireproof requirements for chimneys installed in a wooden house.

    In addition to those listed, they have a number of features:
  • the distance from a dishepted chimney to any combustible surfaces should be at least 25 cm horizontally and 80 cm vertically;
  • the passage passage through the roofs are necessarily performed using the passing nodes - metal boxes filled with heat insulating material, usually basalt mats;
  • in case of connecting several smoke channels One appropriate to position the vertical chimney in a separate box of non-combustible material, for example, foam concrete.
The revision of all sections of the chimney of stainless steel in a wooden house must be spent at least two times a year! When the external damage is detected, the color changes, rust must be verified in the integrity of the inner tube - she could rush!

FROM simple designs smoking for cold smoking and ways of their manufacture in home and hiking conditions You can meet
Details of all stages of the production of smoke generator for cold smoking are described in the following article:

In the bath

Bath - Place elevated fire danger. Heat wooden surfaces In the bath reaches 90-100 degrees, and the temperature at which wood begins to be cooked - 120-150 degrees with long-term exposure. The strongest is heated wooden elementsLocated near the chimney. Therefore, it is necessary to strictly observe fireproof distances.

The sequence of installation of the passage through the wall and the ceiling in the bath, which can be used in the house, is shown in the video.

Since the largest part of heat loss in wooden bath It occurs through overlaps, the pipe is often displayed through the walls.

Chimney for buleryan

Connecting a buleryan to chimney with your own hands as a whole does not differ from other species heating devicesBut at the same time it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the combustion regime in this type of furnaces.

Due to the effective afterburning of flue gases, their temperature at the exit from the furnace does not exceed 200 degrees. As it moves along the pipe, it decreases even stronger, the pipe warms weakly, which is why condensate may occur on the walls of the pipe. When deposition of soot on the wet walls, coalic acid is formed, which negatively affects materials such as brick, black metal, asbestos.

    Therefore, additional requirements are presented to chimneys for the buleryan:
  • the recommended height is from 3 to 4 meters;
  • the length of the horizontal section is strictly no more than 1 meter;
  • the material of the inner surface must be resistant to acid - stainless steel sandwich chimneys or ceramics;
  • it is recommended to the insulation of all sections of the chimney except the exit from the buleryan;
  • the chimney is mandatory equipped with condensate and cleaning collections.

Effective booleric operation is possible only when accessing the firebox fresh airTherefore, it is advisable to use a modular ceramic chimney with ventilation channels, its installation due to the team modular design can be made with their own hands.

For solid fuel boilers

Normal solid fuel boilersWorking on the corner, firewood or having a pellet burner, differ in high flue gas temperatures. Pyrolysis boilers with regime long burning more efficiently burned burning products contained in smoke, so there are more low temperatureAnd, as well as buleries, prone to increased condensation.

    Before ordering components of chimney for a solid fuel boiler should be clarified by technical passport The following characteristics:
  • type of boiler;
  • the location and diameter of the flue pipe;
  • the temperature of the outgoing gases;
  • the recommended height of the chimney, providing good traction;
  • the need for additional ventilation device.

It should also be inspecting the design of the boiler and assess the complexity of cleaning the flue pipe. If access to it from the inside of the boiler is difficult, it is necessary to provide an audit tee in close proximity to the exit from the boiler.

If the pellet boiler is equipped with a closed combustion chamber, it is more expedient to establish a coaxial chimney with a ventilation system.

For gas boilers

Gas boilers belong to heating units with a closed combustion chamber, so the most effective will be installed for them. coaxial chimney. It is a construction consisting of two pipes of different diameters, while the smaller pipe is inserted into the large and fixed in it using jumpers.

By inner contour coaxial pipe The flue gases from the combustion chamber of the gas boiler on the street are distinguished, and the air is moving between the chimney pipes in the opposite direction. It enters the combustion chamber and supports burning, while the air fence does not occur from the room where the gas boiler is installed, which significantly improves the microclimate in the house and eliminates the installation of an additional ventilation system.

Air is a good heat insulator, so outer surface Coaxial chimney heats up slightly. In this case, the air is heated in the ventilation channel, and the combustion chamber of the gas boiler is already warm, which increases the efficiency of the boiler.

Installation of a coaxial chimney for a gas boiler is most often produced through the wall, less often through overlaps and roof, as it increases costs. Safe distances OT. building structures When installing the coaxial chimney, are shown in the picture.

Video on the installation of a coaxial chimney

When installing a conventional sandwich chimney to a gas boiler, you must make your own hands an additional system. supply ventilationSince the oxygen required for burning will be absorbed from the air.

The correct installation of the chimney is a pledge of long and safe work heating system Both in the house and in the bath. It is possible to make it with your own hands, but if there is at least the slightest doubts in your abilities - it is better to entrust this task to professionals. They will make calculations help pick up best view The chimney, mounted a system of gases and ventilation, and the owner of the house will remain only independently perform an audit and cleaning of the chimney.

When designing wooden house It is important to consider how it will hear. When connected to the system centralized heating There are no problems. But if it is decided to design a more economical autonomous way of heating rooms (boiler, stove), then you need to think about how to bring combustion products from the room. The main problem here is how to spend the chimney through the wall in a private wooden house. To prevent unpleasant consequences, it is necessary to comply with the recommendations on fire safety when designing and installing with their own hands.

Methods of making chimneys

Installation of a system, with which the combustion products are output, can be performed from the following materials:

  • brick;
  • ceramics;
  • metal.
Varieties of external chimneys

Chimney in a wooden brick house is a solution that is practically not used now. Application is justified, for example, in the process of restoration, when you need to recreate the initial appearance of the house, which represents historical value.

Ceramic products are a more advanced solution. It is a construction of a special chimney brick, insulation and an inner ceramic pipe. Their installation allows the smoothness of the inner walls and reduce the sedimentation of the soot on the inner surface of the pipe.

Metal chimney is a composite pipe consisting of two shells with the insulation laid between them. For each type of construction, they are placed on installation and design. Therefore, without a detailed consideration of each individually, it is difficult to understand the technology of the device through the wall.

Ceramic chimneys

In the manufacture of the inner chimney, the following requirements are presented to it:

Ceramic pipe device
  • minimum distance from chimney to carrier beamsIf laying is provided between the pipe and the overlap of the asbestos sheets in two layers - 250 mm, without laying asbestos - 380 mm.
  • in the presence of insulation from asbestos, the distance from the pipe to wooden wall It is taken equal to 250 mm or more if the insulation is not provided, the distance is taken at least 380 mm.
  • when used for insulation of mineral wool, the distance from the pipe to the rafter is taken at least 130 mm;
  • when using light-grained materials - 260 mm;
  • for roofing in places of contact with the pipe, high temperatures (steel, steel, ceramic tile, slate). If materials are used as bituminous flexible tile, It is necessary to prevent its contact with the pipe. The distance from the bituminous coating to the chimney in the plan should be at least 50 cm.

All requirements described above are relevant for the manufacture of the inner chimney, but sometimes it is better to choose an outdoor output. It avoids difficulties and improve the safety of the design, since combustion products cannot get into the room.

Combustion products are immediately displayed out

This installation is suitable only if the boiler is located directly on the outer wall. The design will not allow the extended horizontal area. The advantages of use can be attractive appearance building. Best of all option will suit For boilers on liquid and gaseous fuel. The minus structure will be the increased formation of condensate, which leads to sedimentation on the walls of substances that destroy the pipe.

Outdoor chimney is manufactured in the same way as internal, but the insulation of its walls in contact with cold air should be envisaged. The thickness of thermal insulation is up to 10 cm and is assigned depending on the climatic features of the area. It is important that in most cases the pipe will still pass through roofingTherefore, it is necessary to comply with the recommendations for internal conclusions. At the bottom it is possible to test the hole for checking and cleaning, and the dropper is installed. Under the brick tube will have to do separate foundation or ledge support under the house.

It is worth considering the following masonry requirements:

  • providing dressing;
  • manufacture of ceramic full-time brick on limestone (cement-lime) solution inside the house;
  • after withdrawing through the roof, the masonry is performed on cement solution;
  • the thickness of the seams should not exceed 10 mm;
  • walking the inner surface of the pipe is prohibited.

Metal chimneys

Here at installation, besides what the distance is taken into account in order to protect the wall or overlap, a different thickness of the inner wall is taken for heating devices, of which combustion products are derived:

Smoke displacement system via sandwich tube
  • boilers on gas, diesel fuel, pellets - 0.5 mm;
  • fireplaces and furnaces - 0.8 mm;
  • boilers at the coal - 1.0 mm.

The wall is made of stainless steel. An additional advantage of such a chimney is that the elements go to it in order to carry out the hem of chimney through wooden overlap, roof or wall.

Installation through a wall fence avoids the need to pass through overlapping and roof. This method enhances the security of the system, since the pipe is located on the street and combustion products cannot get into the room. For the campaign of the metal pipe through the wall, ready-made details are used. It is important to remember that the horizontal section appears and it is necessary to provide a sliding seal that will not allow damaging the chimney during the shrinkage of wooden structures.

Montage through outdoor wall Metal pipes are the easiest option for the manufacture of chimney with their own hands. This method allows changing the direction of pipes without difficulty. Work lead in the following order:

  1. Marking of the gasket track, determination of the point of the output through the wall fence. Production of holes in the size of the chimney.
  2. Fixing the inside of the nozzle, passing through the hole in the wall, insulation.
  3. Changing the direction of the chimney at an angle of 90 degrees using a special tee with a cleaning valve that provides the ability to revise and clean. The device is installed at some distance from the wall.
  4. Build a pipe in height. If you need to change the direction, additional tees are required. Fixing the chimney to the wall is performed using special fasteners located 2 meters.

Thermal insulation pipe

To bring the pipe to the outside with your own hands, it is necessary to provide for its insulation. The situation here is similar to the heating of the chimney when passing through cold attic And after the conclusion on the roof is made. Installation of thermal insulation can be carried out using different materials.

Thermal insulation with the help of minvati

Mineral wool is convenient when installing and not lit. The market presents special elements for insulation of pipes, which will greatly facilitate work. If you wish to save, it is better to choose glass gamble in mats (rolls). It is characterized by high efficiency. You can choose a material suitable in thickness and density.

Basalt pressed cardboard - durable material that is able to withstand up to 2000 heating and cooling cycles. Basalt fiber does not burn. Positive aspects Always will be low and the ability to withstand high temperatures.

Asbestos fabric is distributed in our country to comply with fire requirements, but not used in Western countries due to the content of carcinogens. When used in external chimneys, a person's contact with asbestos is minimal, so the material is not dangerous.

Installation of the insulation for brick tubes is performed in the same way as the thermal insulation of the outer walls. For metal smokers there are two options. The first is the easiest - purchase of pipes by the type "Sandwich". The design already includes insulation and consists of an outer and inner tube. The second option is the manufacture of outdoor stainless steel casing and laying between it and chimney effective insulation. The easiest way to use in this case mineral Wat. The thickness of the thermal insulation is received no more than 10 cm.

Installation of the outer chimney is particularly relevant when installing the boiler in the already operated house, since it allows not to affect the overlap and roof.

One of the most important issues here is enough insulation of the pipe.

Chimney in a private house is most often constructed invisible to the eyes. This can be done at the planning of the construction of the house. If there are several chimneys in the house, they are combined into one or two devices.

Device of steel chimney in a private house

The design of the chimney depends on functional features Devices for which they are intended. The complexity and configuration of the chimney depends on their location and power.

Chimney Types:

  • ventilation,
  • gas-rods
  • smoke.

Ventilation systems

The main function of ventilation pipes is that they help out the room to output contaminated air masses.

Original Completed Brick Ventilation Chimney

Ventilation channels must be required in those places where the room is less ventilated. It is especially important to place such pipes in kitchen zone, Bathroom, toilet.

Gauge systems

Gatal chimney pipes are used if the house is used gas system Heating. They derive combustion products outside the room, and thus ensure the safety of the use of the heating system. Pipes must be able to withstand a variety of impacts. harmful substances. As soon as the combustion products go into the chimney pipe, they immediately react with moisture, which is already in the pipe. As a result, the process of oxidation is carried out, which can cause destruction or internal strain of the pipe. Also, such chimney contributes to an increase in thrust.

Device diagram and chimney tube design


Chimneys apply in the case of installation in the house heating equipmentrunning on solid fuel - It can be furnaces or fireplaces. Their house is most of all, it is for this reason that they are often combined in one or more.

Device diagram and brick chimney design

Pipe smoke

The chimney device is quite simple, it implies use for this special pipes through which the withdrawal of contaminated air or combustion products is carried out outside the room.

Pipes are:

  • brick
  • metal,
  • ceramic
  • polymer.

Distinctive features of a brick chimney

Despite the fact that today is very a large number of Materials that can be used to build a chimney are still very popular with brick chimneys.

Brick chimney

This type of chimney has its advantages. It can not be inside plastering, which will help save on finishing materials. It is also worth considering that the laying of a brick chimney should have a seam of 1 cm. If indoors are recommended to use cement-lime or mortarIn the upper part of the structure, it is already possible to use a conventional concrete mix for masonry.

Council. In order to use a brick chimney in the house, you need to make a more powerful foundation of the structure - the brick will add an excessive load on the wall walls and on its base.

In addition, there is still a certain number of disadvantages of the design. Brick due to its rough surface can accumulate pollution. That is why such a pipe is very quickly clogged by soot.

Since the combustion products go through the brick chimney, the oxygen condensate is formed, from which the brick tube is susceptible to destruction. It happens that a piece of bricks is chipped and falls into the pipe. All this largely can narrow the channel of the chimney and make it difficult to reach the air masses.

To provide long term The operation of the brick chimney, is recommended inserting an asbetic pipe. The gap between the brick and the tube is poured with concrete solution.

An example of using an asbetic pipe

Ceramic structures

Ceramic pipes are ready-made structures for the structure of the chimney. They are sold by a modular design. Her inner trumpet from acid resistant, heat-resistant and durable ceramics.

Ceramic chimney pipes have a number of advantages and have a very smooth surface. Due to this, it is not assembled by soot, which is formed as a result of the passage of contaminated air masses formed during the combustion process.

Ceramic pipe device for chimney

Like brick chimneys and ceramic possess a rather large weight. It is for this reason that it is worth using the foundation for the design.

Metal chimneys

As for metal pipes for the structure of the chimney, they, thanks to the easiest, have recently become greatly popular. They also have a smooth surface, which eliminates the accumulation of soot. Accordingly, the air will go much better.

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High-quality thermal insulation is performed quite simple. To do this, use basalt wool, which is paved inside the pipe. Only it will be necessary to determine the thickness of the material correctly, since the large thickness can completely or partially block the pipe and air masses will be very difficult to come out.

Device of the metal pipe chimney

As a rule, metal chimneys are made of stainless steel, which is very resistant to all climatic, weather and other effects.

Modern pipes for chimney are polymeric structures. The pipe itself is very soft and has a rather small weight. Chimney will differ in his practicality and durability. The installation of the pipe can be carried out on its own, and will cope with this any newcomer.

Modern polymer chimney

Most often used polymer pipes In the event that there is a system in the house gas heating (Boilers or columns). Such pipes can only be inserted into the chimney, which is lined with bricks.

Types of chimney

To date, there are two types of smoking structures: a design located inside the structure and chimney outside the house. They differ not only by materials from which they can be constructed, but also sizes and types.

Drawings and design of the internal and external chimney in a private residential building

Usually, in order to build chimney inside the house, brick or ceramic pipes are used. On the street, rational use metal chimneys, as they are resistant to temperature differences and are not exposed to moisture.

Chimney inside the house can also be made in two ways, more about it - on video

Chimney can be used both in a brick and wooden structure. Only the chimney in a wooden house must be properly cooked, as the tree is very quickly charred. There is a special technology for the construction of chimney in a wooden structure.

Construction of chimney in a wooden house

Most often, there are several chimneys in a wooden house. But the number of such structures in more than Depends on the amount of equipment used in the house. In the house, there must be a heating system with a separate chimney and may be a fireplace that also has a separate chimney pipe.

All smoking facilities in the house should be removed on the roof of the structure and are made in compliance with all norms and standards.

Chimney in a wooden house

In order to correctly build a chimney in a wooden house, it is necessary to draw up project documentation and refer to specialists in this area, which can correctly compile the chimney project.

The safety of the vital activity of all living in the house depends on the correct chimney, the equipment will also work better. The latter relates to boilers of gas heating and pipes for fireplaces.

The chimney in a wooden house should be only in a vertical position. Of course, there is an exception to the rules. It is possible to build it with a deviation, which is not more than 30 degrees from the vertical position. If you need to withdraw the pipe to the outside, and for this you can not do without the transfer of the chimney pipe, then the size of such transfer can be no more than 100 cm.

Variants of the chimney in a wooden house of timber

As for the debris of the chimney on the roof of the structure, it will largely depend on the type of roof and the kind of roof itself.

Council. During the construction of the chimney on the roof it is necessary to take into account the focus of the wind, which is most often found in this region. This is necessary due to the fact that if the chimney tube is connected to the heating boiler, the wind masses can fall into the pipe, and thereby cause interrupted burning of the fuel substance.

If there is, then the pipe for removal of smoke must be built high quality. This will not allow the smoke inside the room, and give it the opportunity to go out.

Recently, the chimney for the fireplace in a wooden house is a rather complicated design, which uses the tube technology.

The chimney pipe itself consists of three components:

  • stainless steel pipes;
  • layer of heat-insulating material;
  • steel pipe.

Initially, the stainless steel pipe is winding with thermal insulation material, which can be fastened with wire or any other material. Thereafter finished design inserted B. metal pipewhich will have large diameterthan internal.

Methods of pipes for chimney in a wooden house

In addition to this method of the structure of the chimney, there is another way, for this is used plastic stocking. Its main advantage will be that it is very quickly heated and cooled quickly. It can also be used when it is necessary to make a rather large amount of chimney transitions.