Built-in kitchen 5 sq. Meters. Kitchen layout

The heart of any house is a kitchen. Every day all family members will be gathering every day and discussing the news of the past day. Therefore, decoration kitchen zone It is necessary to give special attention, try to make it comfortable and multifunctional.

Especially acute the question of creating the necessary functionality and comfort when designing 5 square cuisine. m., because on such a limited space is very difficult to place the whole required set Kitchen furniture and technology, while leaving a place for the dining area.

However, carefully and competently approaching the planning of such small territoryYou can bring comfort and convenience and for such an area.

Planning solutions

Five meter kitchens encountered in Khrushchev, typical panel houses or high-rise buildings of the old housing stock, allow owners to apply a linear or angular furniture layout during design, as others planning solutions Simple - not suitable for a small space.

The best option to maximize the work surface and leave free place For the dining table, the use of an angular layout will be.

Furniture and household appliances placed along two combined walls will create a compact working triangle, convenient for use when cooking. Looking different photos 5 square kitchens. m. decorated using this option, you will be sure to convenience and multifunctionality of the corner layout.

Linear layout involves the location of the kitchen headset and household appliances along one wall. This solution will be easier for the first, and often it applies when it is possible to install a refrigerator in another room, since if it is installed here, then there is no place for the work surface, it can be disastrous, which is completely inconvenient when cooking.

However, if the kitchen room is used only for cooking, without the selection of a separate dining area, you can consider P-shaped or parallel layout.

In the first case, the headset will be located immediately along the three walls, it is especially good for this option with the possibility of installing the middle zone headset at the window opening.

Parallel alignment involves the installation of furniture on two opposite to each other walls, usually a wash, a cooking surface and a product area, along the other - a fridge, a glass cabinet, a microwave, etc. are placed along one.

Thoroughly understand how harmonious one or another planning move will fit into your kitchen interior of 5 square meters. m., as far as convenient and comfortable, he will be for the owners of the apartment.

We select furniture

Functional kitchen room largely depends on the right choice of furniture for its design, finding optimally suitable options.

Regarding the kitchen headset, it is better to use the services of firms and companies producing this species furniture to order individual sizesor pay attention to modular headsetswhich will allow you to compose from individual modules most suitable for the size of your kitchen furniture.

Remember that in a small space, even an extra pair of centimeters of the working surface will serve a good service, so do not neglect them.

It is also worth paying attention to the length of the top row of lockers, if there is an opportunity, make them not standard sizeAlmost to the ceiling itself, it will allow you to create additional places to store dishes, foods, kitchen trifles. Additional several shelves in small-sized kitchen 5 sq. m. definitely will not be superfluous.

As for the dining area, then the five-meter space, in addition to kitchen furniture and technology, will fit small rectangular table, for example, a size of 90 cm by 60 cm and less, square options with a side of no more than 60 cm.

For families consisting of two or one person, round dining tables with a diameter of no more than 80 cm. Such options will allow you to easily move around the kitchen without hitting the worktop.

Pay attention to dining chair It was unhindered under the table, otherwise you risk getting permanent and interfering with free movement chairs.

Color decoration

Design ideas of 5 square kitchen. m. Have a huge set, but still there are some limitations. In such a small room, it is better to avoid dark shades, bright contrasts, layouts of a set of color solutions, the best option when designing five meter kitchen Will be a selection of light color Gamma. and monochromicity.

Visually increase limited space white color, Therefore, in a small kitchen it should be as much as possible, and when selecting the facade of the headset, and when choosing a window textile.

Of course, it is possible to use not only a pure white color, but also all its shades: dairy, vanilla, pearls, etc.

To prevent the sensation of the sterility of the room, you can add any neutral, pleasant tones to white shades, for example: beige, peach, cream, soft blue, light gray, etc.

However, try not to overload the interior with a color mix, so do not use in the interior design of more than 3 colors.

As you can see, even a small five-meter kitchen can be turned into the most convenient and functional room, the main thing is to correctly plan the space, correctly pick up the furniture, which will be the maximum of ergonomic and is spacious, to unmistakably play on color solutions interior. All this will make a small kitchenette for a truly cozy and comfortable.

Photo kitchen 5 square meters. m.

Small premises - does not mean small opportunities for its arrangement. This formulation is excellent for consideration of the design of the kitchen design of 5 5 kV. m. Places, of course, a bit, but the options for the location of furniture and decorating the interior is abuse.

Designers used to working with rooms that do not meet modern ideas about the standard apartment area. In case of arrangement of a small kitchen, they have ideas that can be useful to you.

Most importantly - layout. Interior, repair with all his stages is the second business. For kitchen, it is 5,500 meters that the following tips will be relevant:

  • We use corners - in little space Without it, do not do, the layout in the form of the letter G is used most often;
  • We use the volume instead of meters: the area of \u200b\u200bthe kitchen should be occupied in height (lockers, shelves, maximum useful space);
  • We make a comfortable, but compact dining area - often it becomes a continuation of a wide window sill. Most often, the dining room becomes the window or wall opposite the entrance;
  • Down with swing doors - They steal a couple of meters that we need (alternative - a beautiful entrance, for example, arched);
  • The refrigerator is often taken out of the kitchen, in the corridor;
  • Costrol lockers: the wall area where they hang should be reasonably used. Lockers with a multitude of cells, comfortable roofs for the arrangement of dishes or the necessary containers, transformable, etc.
  • If the family is neglected, a bar counter is used as the dining table, and there is a table in the living room, which in the case of coming guests or celebrations is used for its intended purpose.

This is definitely only a small part useful SovietsWhat can be tapped on the independent construction of the kitchen arrangement plan.

Dining area - ideas

Nevertheless, it is worth first to consider the option of transferring a zone in the living room - often under this solution begin to redevelop, making entrance to the living room directly from the kitchen. But if there are no such events in plans, you can do otherwise.

A good option is to continue the elongation of the windowsill. The windowsolete table top itself is wider and extended, and then the table turns into the angle. Such a dining area is usually done according to individual sizes, and its price will not be high. It turns out the dining table of the letter r, not wide, but not too narrow. Three stools, like bar, quite felt at the table.

Folding table - also from the discharge of a good idea. Little on ordinary days, but in case of expansion of the company (guests, holiday) it is easily folded.

Designers advise in any case the table at the window, and to create a larger interior comfort - above the table lamp, lamp, can even with vintage lampshade.

The kitchen is not a warehouse. And we sometimes be stored there all the fact that you feel sorry. Rarely used dishes are better immersed on the mezzanine, or to take themselves at the cottage, to the village, etc. Kitchen space 5 5 m is used only rational!

It was noted that more than half of the kitchen area just take stocks, dishes, utensils, which almost never uses. We carry out an audit and we endure all over the limits of our small meters.

7 tips how to choose furniture under perfect interior Miniature cuisine:

  • Purchase a kitchen set in the store is difficult - for small kitchens the range is small, and the kitchen is individual project It will be from the category "what I wanted", and it will not be much more expensive.
  • Lot retractable boxesspacious enough - they will save space.
  • The folding table is part of the window sill, such an interior solution, as we see, very popular.
  • Household appliances should be easily integrated into the kitchen set.
  • Hooks I. open shelves On the walls - our layout considers it very reasonable to use such details.
  • Kitchen design 5 5 implies focus on the work area: furniture is built into one line, considering, of course, the shape of the washing and stove.
  • It is advisable to abandon furniture with swing doors, a modern alternative to them - door-blinds.

And a couple more tips from experienced designers. Chic, luxury kitchen furniture in small premises Looks ridiculous. Therefore, the choice should be asked towards comfort, heat, retro style. For example, bright, almost monophonic furniture, which is decorated with homemade napkins, tablecloths and other "Milks".

Or simple, but good quality wooden furniture Natural shade. Often used in similar interiors and furniture in the Shebbi-Chic style. Deliberately lost, it serves as a compliment vintage in the interior. In this case, small kitchens, not the most expensive repair will be saved in such an original, truly home decision.

Choose a technique

When the repair is completed, the layout is defined, you need to choose the technique. Try to be embedded.

Today it is possible to purchase a horizontal refrigerator that does not take extra meters, and it will be a highlight of your kitchen.

Instead of the slab can be used cook surface, and the oven to embed a kitchen headset in a niche.

Bulky household appliances hiding for furniture, and rarely used to be taken out on the mezzanine.

Color and decor

But at the expense of these moments you can hide and pretty simple repair, and the lack of meters, and perhaps not the most fashionable interior:

  • reflective surfaces visually increase space, mirror ceilings, walls, doors will make the kitchen wider;
  • light in a small kitchen is a big deal, so there should be no heavy curtains, but the light design can not be minimal (planning it when it is repairing);
  • light Tones of Furniture (Cold, Pastel, Gentle, From natural materials) preferred;
  • glass and metallic are also remarkably expanding space - it always works on the interior concept;
  • lack of meters compensate for embossed colorless textures;
  • statuette and all souvenirs should not be much, and they all let them find their place on a glass shelf on the wall;
  • but with the photo, it is possible and not limited - the photo within the framework of the opposite is expanding the space, they "love" a kitchen of 5 to 5 meters;
  • planning repairs, you might think over such a solution: one Wall is yellow, and the rest is neutral;
  • brightness in color is good, but not in the case of a small kitchen: repair in such a room using hot colors "Eat" space.

Kitchen style selection 5 5

Small kitchen - a deposit of comfort, unless, of course, the integer layout will be reasonable. Designers advise to look at Provence style, scandinavian styleretro. Repair is better to start when all possible variations have been studied and "approximate" to their space.

Expansion of the kitchen space in 5 5 square meters. M Video)


Details make the whole image - always in the kitchen perfectly looked needlework objects, cute home crafts, painted boards, bottles, openwork napkins. These things are distracted from the disadvantages of the room, but they also do not need to get involved, so that the kitchen does not turn into a homemade creativity museum.

Good repair and warm kitchen, where to cook and dining will be one pleasure!

Kitchen design at 5 5 square meters. m (photo)

Cuisine with an area of \u200b\u200b5 square meters. Meters are often found in Khrushchev, typical panel houses and houses of the old fund. To fit in such a tiny space, the working and dining area is quite difficult, but it is quite possible. From this material you will learn how much depends on what the furniture is chosen and how it is placed, in what color the walls are painted, how the light is built and what curtains hang on the windows. And here you can learn many super-ideas in design, repair, layout and redevelopment from a selection of 50 photos of real interiors.


To in the kitchen 5 square meters. Meters fit both the working, and the dining area, there is no other way out, how to plan the placement of furniture Mr. or linear.

  • M-shaped (angular) layout It is good because it allows you to place the plate, sink and refrigerator according to the rules of the "work triangle", as well as to use the angle and two walls. Skomponovav. kitchen furniture So you get a spacious working area and enough storage places. True, the size of the dining area will have to "save" and choose a table / rack for 2 people. An example of an angular kitchen of 5 square meters. Meters are presented in the photo below.

  • Linear layout is more compact, but a little less convenient, as to cooking food to the cooking will have to run along the entire kitchen line many times. However, in such a small place it is not so difficult. But the dining table can be put and more spacious - designed for 3-4 people.

If the kitchen is only a utilitarian room, and the dining area is carried to another room, then you can consider the P-shaped or double-row layout.

  • Double-row diagram of furniture arrangement - excellent option for narrow room . As a rule, the kitchen is complex as follows: the stove, washing, the product preparation area and the dishwasher are placed on one side, and the refrigerator, oven and microwave oven - on the opposite.
  • P-shaped layout is the most comfortable, because everything you need for cooking is at hand. The minus is the bulky of the P-shaped headset. Most of all this option is suitable for square cuisine. In the next photo slider, you can see the kitchen interior of 5 square meters. Meters with a P-shaped headcard and a dining area made in the living room.

Designing your kitchen P-figuratively or in two rows, remember that the passage between furniture should be at least 90 cm.

Color spectrum

Cuisine with an area of \u200b\u200b5 square meters. Meters must be bright and rather monochrome than multicolor or contrasting.

  • It is best visually increasing the space and solves the problem of lack of light white color. In a small kitchen 5 square meters. Its meters should be more than any other colors. In fact, the facades of the headset, and decoration, and a dining group, and even curtains can be white. Do not be afraid of the marking of white surfaces. In fact, they are also practical as any color. And so that such an interior does not seem too "sick leave", use a few shades of white (from the milk to the color of the ivory) and different textures (from the gloss to stone).

Design of small kitchen 5 square meters. Meters B. one-room Khrushchev

  • In a couple, you can pick up other light shades to white: light gray, light blue, cream, beige.
  • Try not to use more than 3 colors in the interior, otherwise there is a risk of "overload" the interior.


  • "Slide" walls will help proper laying Floor. If a you have chosen ceramic tiles , it should be laid on the diagonal. Wooden floors and laminate in narrow premises Put the same diagonal or across the room. In the ideal dice outdoor coating Must be small, folded in the disintegration or "Christmas tree".
  • The famous lack of kitchens in Khrushchev is not only a small area, but also low ceilings. "Raise" them will help the wallpaper in Rhombik or vertical strip. But be careful, the narrow kitchen abundance of vertical lines is narrowed even more.

Design project of small kitchen with striped wallpaper

  • It is desirable that the walls are monophonic and without drawings. But if you want to shove wallpaper, cholect the canvas with a small pattern of muted shades. Wallpaper with a large and motley print is safer to glue only on one wall.
  • Create illusion of large space wallpaper will help With a promising image. For example, it can be an urban street leaving the road or a forest pathway.

  • Another super-effective reception is the lining of the walls with a mirror. If you arrange the whole wall or a large plot (for example, apron or a wall near the dining area), the space visually will seem more. And if a window will be reflected in the mirror, then natural light will increase.

  • To add small space Feeling sensations and ease, use brilliant, glossy or "satin" surfaces in the finish finish. For example, tile Cabanchik or glass .

Redevelopment and zoning

Redevelopment is always a work, time- and financially costly, however, you can drastically change and increase the small kitchen. There are two redevelopment options: combining the kitchen with adjacent rooms or the transfer of partitions.

  • Transferring partitions and an increase in the kitchen at the expense of adjacent rooms. Pros: Increase in the kitchen for a couple square metersThanks to which it becomes possible to equip a full-fledged dining room and work area. At the same time, the kitchen remains isolated - odors and noises will not penetrate the rest of the rooms. Cons: The living room / corridor area decreases, the repair becomes more complicated and led by the construction of new partitions.

Below is a plan of an apartment with a partition transfer and an increase in the kitchen area due to adjacent rooms.

On the the following photos Presented the interior of the kitchen in a one-room Khrushchev, which increased by living room.

Keep in mind that the redistribution of the apartment even with the demolition of nonsense designs requires coordination with housing inspections.

  • Kitchen union with living room and / or hallway . Pros: The space becomes convenient for family holidays, meals and meetings with guests, the kitchen increases due to the transfer of the dining group into the living room area or the border of the two rooms, it is possible to equip a full-fledged and spacious dining area. Cons: There is no possibility to retire, noises and smells from the kitchen can interfere with vacationers in the living room (and on the contrary), the mess in a particular zone will spoil the general view of the room.

Below are plans one-bedroom apartment In a typical Khrushchev before redevelopment and after combining the kitchen with the living room.

Plan of a two-bedroom apartment in Khrushchev before redevelopment

But I. visual example Design of combined kitchen living room in one-room Khrushchev.

Planning an apartment "to" and "after" alterations

In order for the combined kitchen-living room or a kitchen-an entrance hall to look orderly, it must be zonied. The border of zones can be designated only visual receptions (via different finishes walls, floors and ceilings, lighting, carpets) or physical "delimiters". For example, it can be furniture, low partition, ceiling beam, partition with arched or open door opening, plants, glass partition, sliding doors and curtains. In the next selection of photos presents examples of zoning combined kitchens.


Very much depends on the choice of furniture. Here are some tips to help you plan a kitchen set:

  • Since on a tiny 5-meter kitchen catastrophically lacks the area for storing things, you need to use its height, that is, the walls. Choose a three-tiered kitchen set to the ceiling and place on the most upper shelves those things that are needed in the kitchen not often (glasses, festive service, food supplies, flasks for packers, etc.). By the way, an air duct can be hidden in an additional tier.
  • In addition to the top of the kitchen cabinet, it is possible to use it and its bottom, namely the base. If you build several roll-out boxes into it, excellent storage facilities will turn out for trifles.

  • Ideally, the kitchen set should be ordered by individual sizes, because no centimeter should disappear in vain.
  • To visually ease the interior, the facades of the kitchen headset should pick up glossy or with glass inserts, Solid doors are well suited, and even without pens.

  • Universal color of the kitchen headset - white. He is good even in the event that the kitchen has a gas column . After all, among the white facades, the white box will be practically not noticeable (see photo).

  • Another good option is a headset on the tone of the walls.

No less dampy need to approach the selection of the table and chairs. After all, in the kitchenette, they must be maxi-functional and super compact.

  • The most "miniature" solution will be the bar counter. In an isolated kitchen, it can be equipped with a window sill (see photo examples below), and in the kitchen combined with the living room, put on the border of the rooms.

On an angular kitchen with an area of \u200b\u200b5 square meters. Meters can be carved the place for snacks, re-equiping the windowsill in the bar

Sample side concern

And here is an example of design of a combined kitchen-living room with a bar counter.

Bar mini-rack can also be built into a niche headset, as shown in this photo.

  • Another mobile solution - folding tablewhich in the assembled form turns into a mounted shelf.

  • A small round coffee table for 1-2 people will fit the 5-meter cuisine.

If your lifestyle does not fit with mini-tables, select a table for 3-4 people rectangular or square form - They more rationally spend place. It is desirable that he can easily develop and fold out.

  • Chairs are suitable light, compact and functional. For example, it can be folding "garden" chairs, transparent chairs from polycarbonate, benches, stools or corners with built-in storage boxes.


To save space in the work area, choose a small and embedded technique.

The refrigerator is better to choose a narrow, but high, dishwasher is approaching 45 cm wide, and a cooking surface - with 2-3 burners.

Well, if household appliances will combine several functions at once: a multicooker + bread maker, a combine + meat grinder + juicer or oven + microwave.


Proper lighting is a deposit of comfort. In a small kitchen, it must be a lot.

  • Penetration daylight Neither curtains nor furniture, nor extra objects on the windowsill.
  • Artificial light is important to distribute as evenly as possible throughout the room. This is ideal for such a lighting scenario: spotlights around the ceiling perimeter + furniture backlight of the working area + scaventen or chandelier over the table.

  • The lamps themselves pick up miniature and laconic.


All small-sized cuisines are characterized by grinding and cluttered. Even the magnets on the refrigerator are able to bring a feeling of inorganic in the 5-meter kitchen. Therefore chief Principle Its decor is "less - it means more." However, it is not necessary to refuse completely from jewelry and accessories, otherwise the interior will be too minimalistic. Pairs of small paintings / posters / photo frames on the wall, a pot with a room flower and wall wrappers It will be quite enough to create a coziness.

As for the curtains, short and concise types of curtains are best suited: Roman and rolled curtains, blinds and curtains-cafe as in the photo below.

Functional, ergonomic, beautiful, and most importantly, comfortable design kitchen 5 sq m - myth or reality? If your apartment is a small kitchen, it's not a reason to get upset and lower your hands. Your "thumbnail" is not so hopeless, as it may seem at first glance. Even 4 sq. M Designers manage to create real wonders of ergonomics, and you have their whole 5! Little kitchen can be a great joy for the owners. If you approach the question with the mind, effectively involving each centimeter in design useful Square, on five square meters you can not only place everything you need, but also create an outstanding, stylish and cozy interior.

Design 5 meter cuisine: expansion of space

If 5 m.kv is definitely not enough for you, it is worth considering all possible options for expanding the space of small-sized kitchen. Carefully "block" the kitchen, changing the size and geometry of the room, is capable only re-planning. Where to look for such welcome extra square meters? In the kitchen adjacent to the kitchen, living room, storage room, on the balcony or loggia. By connecting the kitchen with an adjoining room, it is possible to increase its area at least a third and no longer to restrain their design gusts with modest dimensions.

Even if you just remove the door between the kitchen and the corridor, to expand the doorway, install the arch instead of the door, and make a corridor in one style with a kitchen, it will seem spacious and besides a couple of additional centimeters of useful area, which previously "eaten" the door will appear. Operating the kitchen with a powerful hood, you can not worry about the fact that the smells of preparing food will spread. However, note that any redevelopment, which involves the demolition of the walls, the transfer of gas and water supply, requires coordination with the relevant authorities. Therefore, think about such a step, while weighing everything "for" and "against".

To the kitchen looks spacious, sometimes it is enough to remove the door separating it from the corridor, and make both rooms in one style

In view of structural features At home, a redevelopment option may be impossible, and the architectural fusion rooms are not always appropriate. In such cases, you will have to take advantage of the visual expansion of space. Speakingly increase the area, "push the walls" and "lift" the ceilings due to the design of the kitchen interior in light colors, as well as the use of the smooth effect of the color tone transition. Bright colors, sharp contrasts and large patterns in a small room look too obsessively and rapidly bored. Wallpapers for decoration of walls is better to choose monophonic or with a relief ornament or a nonsense pattern repeating the tone of the base.

Cuisine 5.5 sq. M: Design project Margarita Chernikova, Interior Design Studio "Gradiz". Features: glossy facades, hinged cabinets "in the ceiling", refrigerator under metallic, washing at the window, compact Roman curtains

Design kitchen 5 sq m: rational layout

The smaller the kitchen, the more difficult the task is before the designer. Nobody wants to sacrifice the benefits of civilization. The grimaceous kitchen also inspires the culinary masterpieces. How to be, as in such a limited space, place all necessary furniture And everyday technique, without turning the kitchen in the warehouse? Depending on the architectural features of 5 meter cuisine, you can choose one of the rational layout options:

M-figurative layout - optimal solution For a small area. IN different variations It is found in almost every second kitchen 5 sq. M. Usually on the one hand, the corner kitchen head completes the doorway or window, and on the other - the refrigerator. Free space in the corner can be used as an additional work surface or place household appliances there. Adjacent to the door angle headset preferably rounded. Smooth, streamlined forms do not interfere with enter the kitchen and look aesthetically acute angles. On the long side, it is recommended to place a refrigerator and a cooking panel with a brass cabinet, and sink to take short side. On the opposite side, you can place a dining table, hinged lockers or shelves.

Corner 5 meter kitchen with refrigerator and dining table. Raisin - The windowsill is converted under the table top with a sink

  • Kitchen 5 sq m with angular sink or hob

The angular space can be rationally used by placing the washing there. For convenient access and comfortable operation, the car wash should be located in a mowed or radiped corner table, and the short side of the headset is eager. With the angular placement of the washing on the long side, you will have enough space not only for the refrigerator and the plates, but also for a small working surface. In addition, the searched short side of the headset slightly increases the free space of the kitchen, and the radius facades give the kitchen beautiful and stylish appearance. Much less often in the corner have a cooking surface. If you are more suitable for the last option, choose ergonomic angular model A cooking surface that will organically fit into the interior of the kitchen and which will be convenient to use.

  • P-shaped kitchen

With this layout, the placement of furniture is carried out along the three walls, which allows the maximum to use the useful space of the kitchen and create the perfect working triangle "refrigerator-washing plate". In order for the kitchen to be comfortable and comfortable, the free space between opposite sides should be at least 1.2-1.5 meters. Then, not embarrassing each other, several people can move freely in the kitchen.

P-shaped layout of 5 meter cuisine

All high and bulky items usually have in the far corner of the room. This little trick makes them more "elegant" and less noticeable. If you want to have a lot of spacious lockers and boxes, or place in the kitchen a large number of Techniques, "high cabinets" can be somewhat - refrigerator at the window, and penalties or vertical block With the built-in in the middle of the windshield at the entrance. Such equipment significantly increases the capacity of the kitchen headset, but abruptly limits the workspace. With such a layout of 5 sq. M. Meters, you can successfully post a cooking surface, a brass cabinet, a refrigerator, dishwasher, built-in microwave and even washing machine, but the vertical block at the entrance, firstly, will increase the length of the corridor, secondly, create an acute angle, and thirdly, will reduce the free space of the kitchen.

The most bulky object in the kitchen interior is a refrigerator. Therefore, when the owners occur with an urgent need to make his small kitchen as spacious as possible, as a rule, it is the refrigerator "evicted" into the corridor or on a warmed loggia. It is not very convenient from a practical point of view, but it will be possible to organize a full-fledged dining area with a comfortable table and even soft corner, or a comfortable working area with a wide free worktop.

Corner kitchen Without refrigerator

  • Single row kitchen

The easiest I. inexpensive option Planning is a straight single-row kitchen. it compact solution in the spirit of minimalism is ideal for everyone who does not want to overload their "baby" furniture and household appliances. If the refrigerator can be transferred to the opposite wall or take out the kitchen, you will have a large roomy space with the most convenient location of the stove relative to the washing. Leaving the refrigerator in the headset, choose the oven and the cooking surface is not wider than 45 cm. Also note that access to the washing when similar layout On the one hand will be limited to the wall.

The easiest and most inexpensive layout option is a direct single-row kitchen.

  • Double row kitchen

Double row location kitchen headset and household appliances Provide a large workspace. Washing and cooking surface with this layout is better to position on the one hand, and the refrigerator on the other, which will create a convenient working triangle. The distance between the facades of the furniture from opposite walls of the kitchen should be at least 1.2-1.5 meters to provide access to lockers and maintain freedom of movement.

5 sq m kitchen interior: Success secrets

In the design of a small kitchen, everything should be thought out to the smallest detail, and the smallest things themselves as small as possible. If possible, give up littering interior of bulky and just unnecessary accessories. Ideally, each item must carry a functional load.

  • Expand the windowsill, setting the tabletop, and under it a small shelves and lockers. The windowsill with a wide countertop is perfect for the role of an additional work surface, dining table or bar counter.
  • Having decided to expand the kitchen at the expense of a balcony or loggia, do not rush to demolish the windowsill! Turn it into the bar!
  • Maximum use the vertical space of the kitchen by setting high hinged cabinets. On the upper shelves under the ceiling, you can store rarely used items. The depth of the lower tumb, on the contrary, can be reduced from standard 60 cm to 40 cm to win an additional free space.
  • Equip the kitchen headset with ergonomic fittings and other "smart" devices: railways, drawers and cutting boards, "Magic" carousers for corner lockers.
  • To save space, choose small equipment for kitchen configuration. For example, buy a narrow, but high refrigerator. Perfect option - embedded technique. Being part of the headset, it does not "overload" the interior.
  • If you do not like and do not plan to prepare a lot, it is more expedient to install in the kitchen is not a standard cooking surface with 4 burners, but more compact 2-k-konforochny.
  • If it is important for you that the whole family can fit at the dinner table, choose a transformer table that can be easily pushing, and when there is no need for it, collect.
  • For visual expansion of space, use furniture with glossy facades, use metal, mirrors and glass decore. For example, do glass apron Over the working surface or decorate the ceiling with mirror inserts.

Kitchen 5 sq m - design in photos

The ideal option for the kitchen is 5 sq. M - embedded technique. Being part of the headset, it does not "overload" the interior

Ergonomic model of the corner of the hob

Double-row project 5 meter cuisine from DulisovDesign Studio Design. Fishka - dining table half can be pulled under the working surface

Double-row project 5 meter cuisine from DulisovDesign Studio Design

Corner kitchen design without refrigerator

What are the direct kitchens, how to choose a comfortable kitchen set with a linear layout, 75 real photos straight kitchens in the interior.

A straight kitchen is a layout option, in which all the elements of the kitchen headset are located along one wall. The placement of the refrigerator, washing and plates in one row is not always convenient for the hostess: such a layout violates the principle of a triangle - the main for kitchen ergonomics. Therefore, if it allows the area, the straight kitchen set is often combined with an island or peninsula.

Who will fit a linear kitchen

  • if you have a small kitchen (in Khrushchev or other typical house from small-sized apartments), you do not need little and a lot of seats for storing supplies
  • your kitchen with a complex layout is a narrow, elongated, with protrusions, niches, uncomfortable doorway or access to the balcony.
  • you have a studio apartment, or the kitchen is merged with the living room.
  • you live alone / you are a young family without children
  • you do not like to cook a lot, you have the most simple set of household appliances (make a cup of coffee in the morning, heat the bun in the microwave or weld spaghetti)
  • you want to equip on standard Kitchen A full-fledged dining area: put a large dining table with chairs, and even better - a small straight or angular sofa.


- This is the easiest option for design if you make the design-design kitchen yourself.

- Straight kitchen headsets are the most inexpensive. The kitchen with a linear layout is noticeably cheaper than the P-shaped or corner kitchen of similar dimensions, because it has no most expensive modules - angular tumb and end cabinets.

- Such kitchen compact. Occupied less placethan the angular, less rushing into the eyes, and the room seems more spacious.

- Linear cuisine has no angular, where it is difficult to reach. So it will not have to buy expensive fittings like a "magic corner" or "carousel". All cabinets and boxes are in full access, everything is necessary - always at hand.

- If you decide to buy ready inexpensive kitchen or assemble it from modules, single-row headset - the best choice. Its easier to enter into the size of the room. But if the kitchen layout is non-standard, and the walls are "curves" - make a direct kitchen to order.

- Well suits for a small kitchen or small-sized studio, and for a spacious apartment with free layout.


- With a linear layout, the principle of a triangle does not work. Ergonomics of direct kitchen always loses the corner or P-shaped.

- If the direct kitchen is long (more than 3-4 meters), it will be uncomfortable to use it. You will spend a lot of extra forces and time, running back and forth between the fridge, washing and stove every day.

- If the kitchen is small, and it is also necessary to accommodate the refrigerator, it will be difficult for you to make the working surface of normal length.

  • We recommend:

The minimum length of the straight cuisine, which is convenient to use - 2.5 meters.

1. Move the washing from the wall so as not to beat the elbow into the wall

The design project of any kitchen begins with a "wet point". The sink is placed where water conclusions have already been installed - they are usually located in the corner. With the direct kitchen layout, the sink is usually with the edge. And there is a big minus: if you put a sink close to the wall, when washing dishes your elbow will rest on the wall. Presented? Uncomfortable! Especially if the wall is right. Solution: Choose a cabinet for washing to wash - not 600, and 700-800 mm or add a retractable bottleboard-cargo from the edge to stay between the edge of the bowl and the wall remain small plot Countertops. It can be closed with a wing of washing or put a dryer for dishes there.

  • If the kitchen length does not exceed 2.5 meters, if you wish, you can easily transfer the sink to another place. The optimal option for direct cuisine is when the washing is located in the middle, between the refrigerator and the stove. But if the kitchen is long, to transfer the communication is much more complicated - the pump will need.
  • Dishwasher I. washing machine Place as close as possible to the washing. The closer the conclusion is, the better the drain will work. And do not have to wear dirty dishes.

2. Give preference to deep couch

If you have a narrow elongated kitchen, and you decide to order a kitchen set with a direct layout, make the bottom cabinets at least 60 cm. This compensates for the shortage of storage spaces. But keep in mind: There should be no less than a meter between the headcard and the opposite wall / dining table - otherwise the kitchen will become too close.

3. Main working surface - Between washing and stove

According to the rules of ergonomics between the sink and hob There must be a basic working surface for cutting vegetables and other work with products. Its optimal length - from 40 to 80 cm. Less - you will be uncomfortable, more - a lot of strength will spend in vain.

  • If the kitchen is quite small (for example, in a Khrushchev or mini-studio), pay attention to the compact cooking panels with two or three burners. The latter have a width of 45 cm instead of standard 60 cm, but are not very losing in functionality.

4. Between the stove and refrigerator, leave the "gap" at least 15 centimeters

The working surface between the cooking panel and the refrigerator performs several functions: first, you need a place to be where to put products, secondly, such an indent protects the side wall of the refrigerator from fat splashes and heating (especially if you have a gas stove).

5. If the straight kitchen is long, use high column cabinets

They can hide the refrigerator, integrate spacious retractable storage systems, oven, microwave or coffee maker. If you wish, you can even put a washing machine in such a wardrobe.

  • Wardrobes are perfectly fit into the design of the kitchen studio: they are less crushed space and better harmonize with cabinet furniture for the living room.

6. Order a kitchen with high upper cabinets or Antresol

Instead of mounted cabinets standard height 700-720 mm Prefer high - 900-920 mm. Storage space will be more, plus high cabinets visually pull the kitchen up - valuable propertyIf you need to visually increase the height of the ceiling.

Alternative option - plan a straight single-row kitchen with hinged cabinets In two tiers. At the very top, it is convenient to store what you use less frequently. Plus, the facades perfectly masked the pipe from the drawing and make the design of the straight cuisine solid and harmonious.

7. Peninsula or island will make one-row kitchen more convenient

If you have a studio apartment with an open layout or a kitchen-living room, and the area allows you to plan a straight kitchen headset with the peninsula (it requires less space) or island. Usually they serve as a desktop or bar counter, and you will have additional storage cabinets.

  • Between kitchen Garnitur And leave the Peninsula / Island. Leave the passage at least 100-120 cm, otherwise it will be uncomfortable to use the cabinets.
  • Direct kitchen with a bar counter can do without a dining table, but it is very important for this to choose comfortable bar chairs.

8. Choose a narrow household appliances if the kitchen is small

In a straight kitchen, each centimeter is a jewel. Put a narrow dishwasher with a 45 cm wide, and you can carve space for a comfortable wash with two bowls.

9. Let the furniture merges with the wall

Would you like in the kitchen-living room or studio kitchen "dissolved" in space? Order deaf smooth facades headset in the tone of wall decoration (light shades are the best choice).

What kitchen is better - straight or angular?

Definitely answer this question is difficult: it all depends on what your family habits and what data is your apartment. According to readers of our website and visitors to popular Internet forums, we made such conclusions:

- Direct linear kitchen is more convenient if you need a full dining area or a mini-living room with a sofa

- A small direct head disciplines: makes it regularly get rid of the rubble and buy only the most necessary thing - useless things just nowhere to storage.

- Linear headset in the kitchen-studio or in the kitchen-living room looks more strictly and neat. Especially if the interior is decorated with minimalism or Scandinavian style. Corner cuisine occupies more places And stronger stronger.

- If you have a lot of small household appliances, you always buy products with a reserve and spend a lot of time in the kitchen, choose the corner planning headset.

Straight headsets for kitchen-studios

Built-in kitchen in niche or linear kitchen with bar steels or without it - a good option For studio.

  • For an apartment with studio planning, a design-project of direct cuisine with two polarkets along the edges is well suited: in one - a built-in refrigerator, in another - oven and built-in storage systems.
  • Look at the design of kitchens with mounted cabinets in two rows. The first tier can be made standard depth (usually it is 300-350 mm), and the upper case-mezzanine can be as deep as the lower stands (570-600 mm). Examples - in the photo below:
  • If the studio is very small (19-30 square meters), are good small straight kitchens up to 2.5 meters long. Direct layout on small-sized kitchen is sometimes the only possible variant. Examples B. real apartments See the photo below:

Direct kitchens with a headcard 2.5-4 meters

There is enough space for drawers and household appliances, and a block of high wardrobes-columns often suggests without hinged cabinets.