Tap mesh for soft spray. Tap nozzle to save water: reviews, photos

In light of the increase in tariffs for utilities and the decline in living standards due to the economic crisis, most people are looking for ways to save money and how. And here helpful businessmen offer to buy an aerator (a special nozzle for a tap), which, according to them, can reduce water consumption by 40-50%. Isn't it great to buy a thing once, which will pay off in just 1-2 months in the future, and will further save your money? It is with this slogan that marketers are urging to buy aerators.

The variety of models, as well as prices, is impressive. There are also very simple nozzles for 400-600 rubles, and rotating or backlit for 1100-1300 rubles. Some online stores even create colorful selling pages on which they vividly describe the benefits of buying an aerator and invoke by all means to buy the device. True, and their prices bite. The same model, which in a regular plumbing store costs 600 rubles, is sold at a price of 1,500 rubles, or even higher. But can aerators really reduce water consumption and help save money on utility bills? Or is it new marketing ploy aimed at extracting money from the pockets of ordinary people?

What is aerator

The aerator is special attachment on the mixer, along the perimeter of which there are a series of small holes. According to the sellers, water consumption is reduced by sucking air through these holes, which dilutes the water stream.

Internal aerators are produced, which are screwed into the faucet spout, and external, which are a structure that is put on the mixer from above. They are usually made of brass, stainless steel, plastic or extruded aluminum. In addition to simple attachments, models with a rotating head or illuminated are also available. These aerators are cumbersome and can be a problem for those with a mixer too low above the sink.

Is it profitable to buy

Let's assume that the aerator can actually save up to 50% in water consumption. Let's see how marketers are already cheating on this beautiful phrase "water saving 50%" and calculate whether it is really profitable to purchase an aerator, or if you just spend money once more and cannot even beat off the cost of the product.

The main water consumption in the house is shower, bath and drain in toilet cistern... The aerator is designed to be installed on the tap in the bathroom and in the kitchen. The main use of tap water is to wash your face, brush your teeth or wash dishes. Filling a bath, kettle or pot with water will definitely not save money, since it is the volume that is needed. The total consumption of water from the tap in comparison with the volume that is consumed when taking a shower or bath, as well as flushing in the toilet, is only a small part - about 10%.

We will carry out imputation... On average, a family of 4 takes about 24 cubic meters of water. Even if the same amount of cold and hot water goes, although in practice the majority consumes cold water much more. Approximate water tariffs for Moscow 130 rubles - hot water, 35 rubles - cold, 30 - water disposal (Tariffs are approximate, because depending on the organization and location of the house, the tariffs differ. In the regions, prices are even lower). The total is 130x12 + 35x12 + 30x24 = 1560 + 420 + 720 = 2700 rubles. In total, for water that is consumed directly from the tap, the payment amount is approximately 270 rubles. If we assume that the aerator really saves 50% of water, then the saved amount will be only 135 rubles per month. And this despite the fact that there are 4 people in the family. But you were promised 50% savings, which meant that the savings would amount to the entire amount of payment for utilities for water supply, that is, in our case, 1350 rubles, not 135.

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Do not forget that there are at least two taps in the apartment (unless you have two bathrooms) - in the kitchen and in the bathroom. This means that you need to install 2 aerators. The cost of one nozzle is about 500-600 rubles, if you do not buy very simple and cheap options, which will fall apart in a month. In total, if we assume that aerators really reduce water consumption by 50% of water, then with a cost of 1000-1200 rubles for devices and savings of 135 rubles a month, the paid funds will be repaid to you only after 7-9 months. And given the fragility of the structure and the likelihood of rust, they just have to be changed by that time.

So the first deception of sellers was revealed. They claim that aerators save 50% of water, forgetting to clarify that this figure is calculated not at all from the entire volume of consumed water, but only from a tenth of it. But okay, if it were their worst deception. If the family is large, then it would make sense to buy durable and reliable attachments, which at least after a year gave at least some kind of savings. But no! The worst deception of marketers lies in the fact that aerators do not really save anything!

50% water savings? Alas…

At one time, having become angry about the next increase in utility rates and having heard enough of beautiful promises about saving water with the help of an aerator, I also bought myself this interesting thing with great hopes. I gave about 500 rubles for it in a plumbing store. Installing it was really easy, as promised by the manufacturer. This is where all the pluses are over.

It was not enough for me to screw on the nozzle and hope that it will really save me 50% of water. So full of enthusiasm, I decided to check if the sellers told me the truth or not. My instruments for the experiment were two three-liter cans and a timer on the phone. 10 seconds to fill the cans from the tap with and without an aerator with water and compare the difference in the volumes obtained. Do you think it really was 50%? Whatever it is! Alas, there was the same amount of water in the jars. The difference was no more than 100 ml, and this despite the fact that both cans were filled to about 2 liters. The video clearly demonstrates an experiment to check water flow using an aerator.

I only had to regret the purchase and the money spent. Later, a familiar plumber explained that in fact the aerator simply works as a water distributor. The same volume of water is poured out not in one continuous stream, but through several holes. The water pressure is the same, the volume is the same, therefore, there is no question of reducing the consumption, therefore, and of saving the cost of utility services for water supply.

In total, having bought an aerator for himself in the hope of significantly saving on payment for water, a person will only spend money, time to buy and install a part and become the owner of an unnecessary trinket. In addition, a massive faucet nozzle can cause discomfort when washing hands or drawing water into dishes, as it greatly reduces the distance between the mixer and the sink.

A faucet aerator is a small device that is attached to the “spout” of a faucet and serves to restrict the flow of water without any noticeable decrease in the intensity of the stream. When using plumbing fixtures without aerators, water consumption can reach a shocking figure of 15 liters per minute. With them, you will have no more than 6-7 liters per minute. But the advantages of these "attachments" do not end there.

The design and principle of operation of the aerator

The advantages and disadvantages of such a nozzle

The main advantages of using an aerator include:

  • low price. The attachment will cost you $ 2-10 (depending on the design features);
  • reducing the noise level during the operation of plumbing devices. Water supplied with air does not make noise;
  • ease of maintenance. The elementary design allows even a housewife to understand the intricacies of the device and the operation of the attachment;
  • performs the function of a simple one.

There is only one drawback - the fragility of the device. If your house has old pipes, you will have to change the aerators on the taps every six months - a year.

The aerator mesh can be cleaned with a pin or needle

How is the aerator cleaned and replaced?

If it is necessary to clean the aerator (and there will be such a need), work should be carried out in the following order:

  1. Uninstall the aerator by rotating it by hand, wrench and pliers clockwise while looking at the faucet from above. If the rubber gasket did not fall out immediately, it must be removed and the condition assessed.
  2. Remove the cylinder with screens by pressing your finger from the side of the jet outlet from the body.
  3. Having disassembled the cylinder for "spare parts" using a stream of water and a needle (toothpick, thin awl), clean its individual elements.
  4. When all parts of the aerator are cleaned, you can reassemble and reinstall it. Do not forget to put a gasket on top of the nozzle - in a word, twist with it (counterclockwise when viewed from above). It is not worth tightening the aerator too much - it will be quite enough if you do it simply by hand. If you see a leak when you open the water, just take a pair of pliers and a tissue and tighten slightly.

As you can see, the process of cleaning the aerator is straightforward. The same can be said about replacing the nozzle - unscrew the old one, install a new one, and that's it.

Cleaning and replacing the aerator can be done at any time with your own hands - there is no need to resort to the services of a professional and not always "cheap" plumber.

More detailed instructions for replacing the aerator you will find in our material:.

Aesthetics is learned in little things

If you have children in your home or you are just a connoisseur of pleasant little things, then you will definitely like the illuminated faucet aerator. The bodies of such nozzles are usually made of chrome-plated brass.

The design of illuminated aerators assumes the presence of a built-in microturbine with an electric generator and a temperature sensor with a diode system inside the housing. The working temperature of such a nozzle is up to 60 degrees Celsius.

Note! Original design jet regulators with LED backlight does not require additional power supplies. Such aerators work due to the rotation of the turbine.

The illuminated faucet aerator can be connected to the faucet spout as easily as a conventional one. It is screwed in by hand, without the use of tools. When the tap is opened, the jet light comes on automatically. Its color, as you might guess, completely depends on the temperature of the water at the moment:

  • at temperatures less than 29 degrees - green;
  • at a temperature of 30-38 - blue;
  • at temperatures from 39 and above - red.

In our next article, you will learn how to choose the right bathroom faucet:.

Beautiful illumination of glowing aerators will impress neither children nor adults.

There are quite a few manufacturers of mixer aerators. Each of them, in order to sell products, often embellishes the capabilities of their model.

Based personal experience I tell in the article how the water saving tap nozzle really works, what results can be expected from its use.

During preliminary calculations and experiments, I appreciated the payback of the purchased attachment, its saving money. This is not written about in advertising.

Modern tap nozzles

Initially, faucets only had a smooth tube tip. An ordinary continuous stream flowed from it. If there was a water hammer, then the jet sprayed with a strong noise all over the sink.

Then there were simple nozzles with a diffuser. Such tips make it easier to wash your hands and dishes. Water, passing through a special strainer, breaks up into small jets with a uniform flow.

The strainer retains large rust particles from water pipes... Therefore, it should be unscrewed periodically to remove accumulated dirt.

The next step in the modernization of water taps was the nozzles of aerators, the designs of which not only finely spray the jet, but also add an air flow to it, creating small savings.

Currently, you can find taps with touch sensors that supply water when hands or dishes are brought up. They have built-in filters, water heaters, and other modifications. But this is a topic for another article.

Review of aerator nozzles for beginners

One of my first purchases in Chinese online stores was a rotary dual-mode nozzle-aerator for a tap.

In the description it was indicated that its use can save about 50-60% of the flowing water. But I was more interested in the additional convenience in its operation.

On the spout of virtually any modern tap mixer a sleeve with a strainer is twisted. As a rule, it only normalizes the flow and retains large particles. House master can independently replace it with a more functional one without calling a specialist.

The modern assortment of aerator nozzles has been significantly increased. Structurally, they can be divided into several categories:

  • with unregulated flow;
  • regulating the stream;
  • swivel;
  • with different modes of water supply;
  • one-click switches;
  • with decorative functions (in the form of any figures, LED lighting, and others).

Models are produced that combine several of the above categories. For example, in the aerator nozzle I purchased, you can not only set the flow mode and the shape of the jet, but also change its angle by the position of the hinge or flexible hose.

Using the attachment allows you to:

  • reduce water hammer, spray a jet to create a more even flow;
  • save water when washing dishes, hands, vegetables or fruits;
  • saturate the flow with oxygen, which improves the removal of soap, chemicals, dirt;
  • reduce the amount of chlorine in water due to weathering during aeration;
  • reduce the noise of the flowing jet;
  • trap large particles from the water pipe.

The design of such a water-saving nozzle is an ordinary threaded sleeve for attaching to a water tap spout. Inside the body there is a cartridge that aerates the flow.

This aerator visually practically does not differ from a conventional water divider, which is standardly installed in the faucet. But the differences in the operation of the aerator cartridge and the diffuser mesh are clearly visible with the generated jet.

This aerator additionally allows you to change the flow with an adjusting screw: you only need a regular flat screwdriver.

The adjustment range depends on the aerator model and is approximately 0 to 6 liters per minute.

Advantage of the nozzle: the flow of one tap is regulated, and not the entire plumbing system as a whole.

Variable angle aerators

There are types of water-saving nozzles with the ability to change the angle of inclination of the jet.

Structurally, such an aerator consists of two parts connected by a hinge or a hose. The lower part of the nozzle is movable, which allows you to direct the water at a certain angle. Such models are convenient for washing the sink, since the flow can be directed to any corner of it.

Aerators with different spray modes

This interesting type of aerators allows you to change the shape of the stream on the fly.

This process is shown in a small video.

A standard aerator simply dispenses water enriched with air bubbles. The models under consideration allow you to instantly change the flow from a simple jet to a shower, or switch from a standard non-aerated mode to aeration. It depends on the specific design of the device.

One Click Water Switches

The principle of operation of such a nozzle is reduced to creating a jet after pressing a button on it.

Water immediately starts flowing from the tap, but after a few seconds, the flow stops. The operating time is regulated on the nozzle with a special wrench included in the factory kit. This trick really delivers savings.

It should be noted that the installation of such a nozzle assumes the presence of water return valves in the water supply system. Otherwise, problems may arise due to the different pressures of the cold and hot streams in the mixer.

Aerators with decorative functions

In some cases, the owner may be interested in the decoration created by the attachment.

These can be figures that are interesting to children or designs that perform other actions. For example, there are nozzles that illuminate the outgoing stream. Moreover, the color of the lighting depends on the temperature of the flow in the tap.

How water is saved: an explanation from scratch

The aerator is a nozzle on the mixer spout that reduces the volume of water passing through it, maintaining the flow head by mixing the liquid with air bubbles.

This can be achieved in different ways: depending on the design of a particular model.

To obtain the result, the stream of water in the tap must be strong enough: with low pressure, aeration does not occur .

Mechanical construction

The stream of water flows through shallow holes cartridge. They break it into small streams, giving them the direction of movement so that when they collide, they mix with air.

Aerated water is created at the outlet of the mixer.

Vacuum design

At the point of attachment to the tap, a narrowing of the channel is ensured by a special valve. An area is created in it high pressure, and on the back of the aerator - low.

Through special holes, air enters the system and, due to the pressure difference, mixes with the passing stream, providing aeration.

What you need to understand about saving

In fact, everything is corny and simple. The manufacturer compared the volume of water flowing out of the tap per unit of time with and without a nozzle in the aerator mode and showed exactly these figures.

Less water actually flows out through the aerator. But in practice, everything looks more complicated, and savings are created much less.

Things to consider:

  1. It is one thing to wash the dishes, and quite another to fill a pot of water: in the second case, the nozzle will simply delay the filling time of the container. Savings will only occur when washing hands, dishes, vegetables, fruits with more comfortable conditions.
  2. The water-saving faucet attachment is most in demand in the kitchen. Its share in total consumption will be different for each family. But it will not greatly affect the total consumption.
  3. An ordinary tap has a strainer, which, albeit not to the same extent, but performs part of the functions of a new aerator nozzle.

We conclude that we will not get a significant effect with this nozzle although some of the water will be saved.

I draw your attention to important point- the payback of the aerator.

When to expect payback: an economist's opinion

The moment a nozzle starts saving money can be determined by dividing the cost for which it was purchased by approximate price saved water per month. Only after the expiration of this period will it pay for itself and begin to really save.

The most difficult thing in this matter is to determine the share of the saved water. You can take the flow rate for the month in which the aerator did not work and compare it with the indicators of the same period when using the nozzle. But these characteristics differ depending on the season and for a number of other reasons.

It is more correct to estimate the share that we allocate to the consumption of the tap, where the aerator will be installed in the total volume of consumed water.

To do this, we need to follow 3 steps:

  • Measure the volume of water flowing out of the tap per unit of time with the old nozzle and a new aerator;
  • Estimate what proportion of water from the tap with a nozzle will be used for washing and how much it will take to fill pots, kettles;
  • Calculate the consumption through the faucet for a month and the share of other consumers: washing machine, dishwasher, shower in the bathroom, toilet bowl, other taps.

I will dwell on these points in more detail.

In the first step, we need to measure the time and volume of the fluid consumed. Everything is simple here: turn on the stopwatch and at the same time fully open the tap. After a fixed period, close the water and check the amount in the container.

This is done twice: once with the old nozzle on the tap, and the second with the aerator. To determine the savings you need:

  • in both cases, use the same time period and compare volumes;
  • or fill one container, measuring the duration of its filling.

The second step is estimated approximately. Just decide for yourself how much to use for aeration saving mode and how much for other purposes.

  • washing machine for washing;
  • dishwasher when working;
  • during the use of the shower (the norm is about 9 liters per minute);
  • flushing the toilet and so on.

Knowing the numbers for all three points, we can calculate the savings for the month.

Let's say our savings were:

  • 50% - for washing from a tap with a nozzle, as advertised by the manufacturer;
  • 35% - from it, taking into account the filling of containers;
  • 7% - the share of the consumption of the tap with a nozzle from the entire water supply.

Let the total consumption for the month be 15 cubic meters (1 cubic meter = 1000 liters).

Accordingly, the result will be as follows:

  • We find the water consumption per month through a tap with a nozzle:

15 x 7% = 1.05m 3;

  • We determine in this expense the share attributable to washing, which can be saved, excluding the collection of water in the container:

1.05 x 35% = 0.37 m 3;

  • We calculate the total water savings in the apartment per month due to the nozzle:

0.37 x 50% = 0.18 m 3.

We multiply the calculated 0.18 m 3 by the tariff and we get the savings for the month. Agree, the amount is small. The payback will not come soon: it is necessary to divide its cost by the result obtained.

Considering the price of the aerator and its service life, the savings from such a nozzle are more myth than reality. So you should not purchase this attachment solely in the hope of saving the family budget .

However, even without this, the aerators have enough useful functions to think about purchasing a suitable model.

Replacing the aerator on the mixer: personal experience

The standard nozzle on the tap is threaded. To unscrew it, it is enough to take wrench suitable size and work with them without making much effort. This is done for the possibility of flushing or replacing it.

I am describing how I installed the new model.

Recently a package arrived with the attachment I ordered. The old one served for about three years, but its deficiency manifested itself at the junction with the crane gander. The plastic body could not withstand the loads: a threaded piece just fell off the aerator.

Water began to seep through the tap, bypassing the nozzle. This can be clearly seen in the photograph.

I bought the old model according to the principle: where is it cheaper. If you compare it with a new nozzle of the same type, you will notice a number of differences. The new aerator looks more reliable: it has O-rings that were not there before.

Remembering the history of the first nozzle, I did not just tighten the second one, but for reliability I used an FUM tape, which is usually used to fill the joints of pipes.

This way, I am guaranteed to achieve the absence of leaks at the point of attachment of the crane with a nozzle.

Before purchasing an aerator, pay attention to the design of the case: it can be internal or external thread... To avoid installation problems, select the model that matches your crane.

This information is stated in the description. My aerator model has the ability to install in both options.

If you neglect this trifle, then later you will have to look for an adapter-adapter, and this is not only a waste of time with money, but also an unnecessary connection.

My findings

All these attachments can be useful in everyday life with their functionality, even without taking into account water savings. When buying, evaluate the case material, build quality, consumer reviews. Special attention look at the goods purchased through online stores.

Extruded aluminumStrongly susceptible to mechanical stress and oxidation. Used in the production of cheap baits with short term service.
Plain or chrome plated steelThe metal is destroyed by water, but lasts a little longer than extruded aluminum.
Bronze, brassHigher cost, longer service life.
PlasticInexpensive material subject to mechanical stress. It has a low cost and a relatively long service life provided it is handled carefully.
CeramicsUsed for the manufacture of internal elements of the aerator. The most durable and expensive material.

Newer models are constantly being introduced to the market, differing in the best characteristics, functional.

For example, Swedish company Altered has developed a nozzle that converts water into a stream of solid mist. In this case, almost the entire stream falls on the hands / fruits / dishes. Only a small fraction of it flows by. This aerator saves up to 98% when cleaning.

It provides a second regular dialing mode. The Altered attachment may be of interest to many, but it is currently priced at € 31 or more.

A fairly common offer that is found on the Internet is to buy a tap aerator in order to install it at home and significantly reduce water costs. The device is quite popular and has a relatively low price. Aerators are an integral part different systems... Consider the features of the version that is suitable for the tap of the water supply system.

Why install a water aerator?

Many modern faucets have a special tip at the end, which is the water aerator. Why is it included in the design? Many aerator sellers claim that this structural element needed to reduce water consumption. This is due to the mixing of the water jet with the liquid. Some studies conducted indicate that every minute at standard pressure in the water supply system about 15 liters of water is consumed, when installing an aerator about 8 liters of water.

A mixer aerator is a small filter-like device designed to mix water with air and restrict the flow without noticeably reducing its intensity to the consumer.

In this case, the pressure does not decrease. In addition, the following design features can also be distinguished:

  • The aerator reduces the noise level coming out of the tap when the water falls. This effect is achieved due to the fact that the air bubbles act as a kind of pillows. Air bubbles are able to soften the falling of water droplets, thereby reducing noise.
  • Falling water also reduces splashing. This effect is also due to the fact that air bubbles soften the fall of water.
  • The mesh structure of the structure determines that it can act as a filter rough cleaning... Of course, the established norms determine that in drinking water such large particles should not be contained, but still a similar situation occurs quite often. The lip filter also reduces the likelihood of contamination of the ducts with various debris, which will create strong pressure in the system.

The above features of the device in question can be called its main advantages. Considering the low cost and simplicity of the design, it can be said that the installation of the aerator on the tap is profitable.

The working principle of the tap aerator

As previously noted, the design of the aerator is quite simple. In most cases, it is made of three main parts, represented by a body, a small cartridge and a seal. Note that on sale quite often you can find versions that do not have a sealing gasket - it is best to refuse such an aerator.

Installing an aerator is the easiest way to save water by replacing part of the outflowing liquid with air bubbles.

The secret of the high efficiency of the aerator lies precisely in its cartridge, which can be produced by different technologies... The main production schemes can be called:

  1. Slotted type of aerator - in this case, the formation of an air-water mixture occurs due to the passage of water through a disc with thin slots, after which the flow cuts into the deflecting disc. As a result of such a complex movement of the water flow, it breaks up into small droplets, which mix best with air. After mixing, the water is passed through a divider, which increases its stability
  2. Disk version with reflector. The principle of operation of such an aerator is somewhat different from the principle of operation of the previous version. In this case, the water flow is divided into small jets by means of a disk with small slots, which then crash into a small reflector. It is at this stage that water and air are mixed. The metal mesh acts as a divider that stabilizes the water flow.

Important! As practice shows, both versions of the aerator are highly efficient, which determines their widespread use. Determining which type is installed in the mixer is quite difficult, since both types are similar to each other.

Crane aerator structure classification

Exists great amount varieties that differ not only in the principle of action, but also in many other indicators. An example is the classification by the type of material used in the manufacture of the body and the main elements, technical features, dimensions and much more.

Aerators are different types by material of manufacture: aluminum, plastic, brass.

Aerators can be roughly divided into the following main groups:

  • Recently, aerators made of extruded aluminum have become quite widespread. However, as practice shows, these constructions are the worst choice of all possible. Even with a slight mechanical stress, such a housing can quickly break. Also, despite the fact that the material in question should not react to the effects of water, it oxidizes over time. As a result, a situation arises when, during installation, the structure cannot be removed, but at the same time it has increased fragility. As a rule, extruded aluminum aerators are the cheapest, found on inexpensive mixers.
  • Plastic ones have also become quite widespread, they can hardly be called durable, but unlike the previous version, they are easier to remove. However, do not forget that even a slight mechanical effect will damage the structure. Besides, the plastic tips are not attractive. Some plastic versions have an unusual finish that imitates aluminum.
  • Brass aerators are rare due to their high cost, but this version is the most reliable and practical. The structure is not exposed to water, that is, corrosion does not appear on the surface, while it can withstand significant mechanical stress.

In addition, some manufacturers of aerators began to use stainless steel as the main material in the manufacture. Like brass, stainless steel can be called the most suitable material for the manufacture of aerators for a number of reasons: high strength, no corrosion or oxidation appears on the surface.

Installation classification

Aerators for outward appearance there are internal and external.

Another quite important classification is the installation method. On this basis, aerators are divided into two main categories:

  1. The internal installation method requires external thread... In this case, the structure is placed in interior spout. One of the special features of this version is that it does not change the design of the mixer, which means it is suitable for almost any application. In addition, the structure itself is protected from mechanical stress, which means that you can choose plastic aerators that are cheaper.
  2. The external type of installation is widespread, the body has an internal thread, the aerator is screwed onto the spout. Most often, external aerators are made of brass or stainless steel, since these materials are less susceptible to mechanical stress. However, in the case of outdoor installation, the dismantling of the nozzle is greatly simplified, since when indoor installation For example, it is quite difficult to remove the aerator made of extruded aluminum after oxidation.

Determining the type of installation is quite simple by the location of the thread.

Classification of aerators for cranes according to the availability of additional functions

Also, like diluting the water flow with air, some designs can illuminate the water for an unusual effect, or redirect the water. Swivel option performance has the following features:

  • In some cases, such an embodiment of the aerator is called flexible.
  • The design is represented by a small flexible ball that allows you to redirect the water flow in one direction or another.
  • Also on sale you can find a version, which is a structure with two separate parts, connected to each other by means of a hinge. The hinge has a flexible hose that is able to fix its position.

The illuminated faucet aerator has the following features:

  • The design has a powerful light source, often represented by diodes.
  • Diodes can be of different colors.
  • The backlight turns on when water flows through the nozzle. This moment determines a significant increase in the service life of the structure and a decrease in energy costs.

The backlit design creates a rather interesting effect, as the divided stream of water overflows and becomes itself a light source at night when the main lighting is not on. However, the inclusion of a backlighting element in the structure becomes the reason for a significant increase in its cost. Therefore, this kind of aerators are installed only on expensive mixers.

The aerator diodes react to the water temperature and change their color accordingly.

What are the disadvantages of a mixer with an aerator?

In general, we can say that there are no significant drawbacks to the mixer with an aerator. An exception can be called an installation of a poor-quality design, which after a while will begin to be covered with corrosion or oxidation. Also the lack of some with outdoor installation lies in the fact that they spoil the aesthetic appearance of the mixer itself. Purely theoretically, the presence of a baffle in the structure causes an increase in pressure inside the valve, but this does not manifest itself in any way. Therefore, there are no unambiguous reasons why the installation of the aerator should not be carried out.

The aerator is one of the reasons high blood pressure inside the valve, which can shorten its life.

What the experts say

On sale you can find a large number of different options execution of aerators, the cost of some is in the range of several tens of rubles. Some are effective, others are not, despite the use of the same production technology. You should choose an offer renowned manufacturers, since in this case it is possible to be in the resulting result.

When looking for a way to significantly reduce water consumption, attention should be paid to aerators. I note that 1 liter of water remains 1 liter of water, but consumption is reduced at the time of washing dishes or taking a shower. The effect has been proven by numerous studies.

I bought a backlit aerator, installed it, and just couldn't see enough of the result. However, as it turned out, in practice, the backlight is not needed, since it is poorly visible in light, and it makes no sense to use a crane in the dark.


Summing up

At the beginning it was said that on the Internet you can find a fairly large number of proposals for a significant reduction in water consumption. As practice shows, installing an aerator reduces water consumption by about 30%. Considering the cost of the nozzle, its installation is justified. Important enough to hold right choice designs, since there are a very large number of them, each variety has its own advantages and disadvantages.