How to clear the hood in the apartment. Maintenance features

Ventilation and hood in the kitchen room must perform their functions effectively. To with the performance of systems that are out of the kitchen bad odorsThe problems did not occur, it takes from time to time to resort to their cleaning.

  • natural, that is, providing for an admission to the premises of fresh air and an outflow of internal due to the creation of a special pressure;
  • supply, suggesting that the fox air is pushed out of the room with a stream of fresh oxygen;
  • exhaust, whose work lies in the stretching of old air from the room and the influx of new air masses due to the discharge of the pressure;
  • supply-exhaust, predictable air movement and metabolic processes due to the installation of a special machine.

In most apartment and private houses, ventilation make natural. Such a system is considered simple, as it allows you to replace through the windows and doors of the exhaust air. In this case, a hole with a grille, through which gas is out of the room, no longer suitable for breathing, is always placed in the top of the wall.

On the channels circulates and fresh, and spent air

Causes of clogging ventilation

The main problem, because of which the ventilation fails is pollution of the system branches, from where the exhaust air goes to the street. The obstacles on the path of air masses arise as a result of sediment on the walls of the ventilation moves of dust, fat and soot. The dirt layer inside the channels is quite thick, since many owners never clean them, limited to the erasing of dust from the outside.

Because of the thick layer of dirt on the walls of the ventilation shaft, the air is bad circulate

In the old buildings, the destruction of brick masonry air ducts can be the cause of poor ventilation functioning in the kitchen. The problem is usually associated with a long exposure to water falling on the walls of the channels from above or from the bathroom. For this reason, the ventilation shaft turns out to be littered, and the air exchange is violated. To the same phenomenon gives penetration into air ducts OS and birds.

Sometimes ventilation ceases to cope with its tasks due to the fault of the room owners. We are talking about unsuccessful attempts to improve the apartment and expand its space due to the destruction of the protrusion in which the ventilation channels are located. As a result of such a repair fresh air It ceases to flow into apartments on other floors.

Ventilation channel performance

Before cleaning the ventilation mines, you must first make sure that the operation of the air ducts is really violated. To do this, you can use a burning match - to bring it to the grille and see if the flame will donate to the side. If this did not happen, then ventilation system Function bad.

Due to the use of a lighter next to ventilation, unwanted consequences may occur

Municipal service workers do not recommend evaluating the operation of ventilation systems in this way, as it is dangerous. The fact is that in buildings with trunk gas pipelines Gas leaks occur in the air duct. If you bring the flame to the ventilation miner, from where the gas has not yet come out, an explosion can occur. Gas workers advise to resort to safe way Ventilation checks:

  • cut from the newspaper a piece of paper with a length of 30 cm and 3 cm width;
  • lay the paper strip to the ventilation shaft grid, closing the windows and the door in the room;
  • pay attention to whether the cut paper is drawn to the grid.

If the strip pulls, then you should not doubt the ventilation functionality. In the absence of the necessary air duct reaction, the ventilation system should be done.

Checking the performance of the ventilation channel can be carried out in three stages

Methods of cleaning and disinfection of ventilation and chimneys

To independently clean the walls of the ventilation channel in the kitchen, you can use different means. Usually, mechanical cleaning is carried out to restore the performance of the air ducts.

Mechanical cleaning

The most popular way to clean the ventilation system. It implies the use of a vacuum cleaner, a small spatula for removing dirt and a lump with a long handle.

Herrh with a long handle Get to clean hard-to-reach places

Stages of mechanical cleansing

Mechanical cleaning implies a sufficiently simple process:

  • from the wall on which the ventilation grille is attached, pushed off the plate and kitchen set;
  • on the floor put newspapers so as not to get dirty other surfaces;
  • provide free access to any duct section;
  • the lattice at the entrance to the ventilation canal is removed and washed with a powder and a scraper or replace to a new one;
  • remove garbage from the mine, putting gloves;
  • dirt and fat from the walls of the channel to clean the scraper, after which ventilation hole Immerse the vacuum cleaner hose and drive around the ventilation mine for about 5 minutes;
  • wipe with a wet rapid plot that you can get a hand;
  • disinfection, and then seal the entrance to the ventilation ventilation channel.

On the left depicted a contaminated ventilation shaft, and on the right shows it after cleaning

Air circulation

Another way to restore ventilation is improved air circulation. The fact that with the movement of the air masses in the room there is problems, can specify the flap of paper, which does not attract to the ventilation grid, when the door is fully opened in the room. The problem with poor air circulation is usually solved by the expansion of the gap between the door and the floor to 4 cm.

Influx of air

To ventilate the room naturally, open windows and doors. BUT B. winter time Update the air in the apartment is so hardly wanting. Therefore, you should think about the additional methods of oxygen inflow in the kitchen and other rooms. For example, in tightly closed plastic windows, you can create a supply slot. Thanks to them, warm and cold air will begin to interact, and the desired microclimate will be created in the room.

Thanks to the special slots in the room improve air exchange

Additional exhaust system

If the improvement of the air intake, the situation has not changed, it is recommended to install an additional exhaust system in the kitchen. To do this, in the ventilation channel it is necessary to secure the fan operating from electricity. This device will add fresh air to the room.

Video: How to remove dirt from ventilation

Cleaning Hood over Kitchen Stove

In addition to the ventilation system in cleaning, a hood is needed above the stove. If you leave the device dirty, then the air in the kitchen will be saturated with harmful evaporation, chad and accordion.

Preparation for work

Preparatory activities preceding the cleaning of drawing over the stove, suggest:

  • disconnecting the device from the electrical network;
  • removing extractors of exhaust;
  • dismantling the top cover;
  • seizure from an air filter device;
  • search for the necessary cleaning products.

Soap and soda - budget and effective option Cleaning drawing

What a means in the power to cope with the mud sticking to the details of the drawing, it happens difficult to guess. With pollution you can fight food soda. In this solution, for 30 minutes, it is necessary to boil the grid and a filter covered with a wave. To prepare such a means you need to use 200 GB of powder and 3 liters of water.

Remove from the surface of the filter and mesh exhaust a layer of sticking mud capable of usual laundry soap With a content of 72% fatty acids. This agent is used in varying and dissolved in 2.5 liters of boiling water. In the finished mixture, as in the soda solution, dirty draw parts need to soak. After a few minutes, the details can be obtained, rinse and wipe with a damp cloth.

Acetic essence is considered an effective means for removing fat and gari from domestic kitchen appliances. To clean the contaminated hood elements, the hostess will need a solution prepared from concentrated vinegar and water in a 1: 2 ratio. This means the filter and the grid must be mixed and left for 7 minutes. Then purified drawing parts are required thoroughly wipe with a rag.

Hooding can be wiped with a dry cloth so that there are no traces

Cleaning methods

If there is little fat on the hood, the hostess should be used by the following instruction for cleaning the drawing:

With pollution, which made a hood completely yellow or even brown from fat, should be fighting in one way:

If the feed from the hood is not deleted by any means, you can use the following instructions:

Resort to cardinal pulp cleaning measures should be as close as possible. Frequent use of chemicals can spoil the details of the household appliance.

Before cleaning, you can not forget to turn off the device from the mains

The air duct of the device is necessarily washed after cleaning the pulp pulmas. There will be no problems with this task, since the diameter of the pipe is large. The air duct is well cleaned from the mud ordinary detergent And warm water.

The frequency of cleaning ventilation and exhaust systems

On how often it is necessary to clean the ventilation channels and exhaust, affects the thickness of the accumulated fat and the activity of cooking. If the extractor works at least two hours a day, then experts advise to wash the household appliance at least once every 3 months. If the slab is rarely used, then clean the ventilation grille and the details of the drawing are recommended every six months.

No dirt on the instrument - a guarantee of its good work

The more often the ventilation and exhaust systems will be rid of dirt, the easier it will be the task of clearing fat and soot.

Video: how to clean the hood grid

Each owner of the apartment is obliged to contain clean engineering systems. To do this, you need to know how to remove dirt from the ventilation mines and exhaust over the stove, and periodically perform the tasks.

In order for the air to the room is always clean, and updated in a timely manner - it is possible to clean the ventilation channels periodically.

We are now not talking about chimneys that are polluted by soot - the usual ventilation system (both inlets and exhaust), also needs cleaning.

Why and what is the air duct pollute?

In the air around us there are always small garbage particles, which can fall into Ventkanal. For the exhaust air duct it is:

    fat (which removes through the kitchen hood when cooking);

    chemical compounds formed when used household chemicals (detergents, washing powder) and smoking;

    at least - other small particles that can get into ventilation.

Since the air in the apartment is usually clean, then the exhaust vent ripple is polluted relatively slower than the trimming.

If we are talking about ventilation of the supply (running from the street to the room) - then the contamination rate will be tangible above. The reason is that the street air is much dirtier room (if it comes to the city).

In addition to dust, it contains:

  • pollen;
  • harmful connections OT.exhausts Cars, emissions of industrial enterprises.

In addition channels supply ventilation can be clogged and larger garbage: leaves, poplar flock, small insects. Of course, if the ventilation lattice will stand at the inlet to the air duct - this can be avoided, but the air with a mass of impurities will still pass and contaminate the system.

Separately, it should be said about the ventilation of natural and ventilation forced. In the first case (when the air through the air duct passes without using fans) pollution will occur more slowly. In the second case, when the air through the system passes more - and it will also be polluted faster.

What exactly is polluted faster?

FROM the introduction of the air ducts - even in small private buildings - quite large, therefore, in direct sections, pollution though goes, but very slowly.

Where places are faster, where small particles have for what "clinging":

  • ventkanal branching;

    diameter drops;

    filters (meaning not the filter element itself, and the sections near it, where the filter housingembedded in the ventsystem);

  • fans;

    heat exchangers, heaters, coolers, humidifiers, dryers;

    lattices, anemostats, diffusers.

Around these places dirt accumulates faster. Later, when the "problem" sections of the pollution layer had already forcent - it begins to expand further along the air duct.

What is dangerous air ducts?

Ventilation pollution is dangerous for several reasons:

    The internal section of the ventilation channel is reduced. As a result, less air passes through the air duct.

    Accelerated further ingrowth of the dust dust. If small particles were able to hooked somewhere - in this place of deposits will grow faster and faster.

    The load on the fans increases, which means that their wear is accelerated.

    The microclimate indoors deteriorates: the level of humidity increases, malicious connections may be present in the air, which cannot be quickly removed, it becomes hotter and stroke into the room. As a result, it is harming both the human body, and the room itself (the risk of fungus, mold increases).

    The risk of reproduction of pathogens of microorganisms is increasing, for which the dirty medium is favorable. The most common consequence in humans is an exacerbation of allergies.

If we are talking about ventilation not in an apartment or house, but on a non-industrial facility, then the deposition of dust in the air duct is also fire and fire. After all, dust easily flashes, and therefore - in the case of ignition, the air duct can easily become one of the ways of spreading fire on the building.

Especially dangerous such fire can be in objects where work zone There are some combustible substances (and therefore they will be postponed in the ventilation system). At the same time, keep in mind that the dust can be flared out not only from open fire: the reason can be the spark that arose due to a static charge, which has accumulated an air duct.

How to understand what is needed cleaning?

C. to understand that it was time to clean the air duct - it is not necessary to regularly peel into it.

There are several signs for which you can determine that the system requires cleaning:

    The room has become stuffy and hot if other conditions (weather, operation of ventilation and climatic devices) - did not change.

    Dust on the floor and furniture accumulates very quickly.

    A web is accumulated on the ventilation grille and around it (both exhaust and supply).

    Drafts that previously occurred when opening windows or doors, now have become weaker, or in general disappeared.

In addition to the above "accept" exists and practical method Checks for the performance of the ventilation shaft:

    Remove the ventilation grid from the outstand.

    Rinse the grille.

    Install the grille into place. If the grille is not too dirty - the first 2 points can be skipped.

    Open the window or window.

    To the ventilation grid, apply a sheet of paper. If it is "attracted" to the lattice - it means that there is a traction, and the thrust is good. Please note: dense paper is not suitable, because even a good traction will not always be able to "attract" a heavy sheet. It is better to use half a notebook, piece toilet paper Or a newspaper fragment.

How to check the condition of the duct and determine the degree of pollution?

If you notice the "symptoms" listed above - it's time to check the condition of the duct.

This is done visually: inner surface ventilation canals It is inspected, and the number of deposits is determined.

You can carry out inspection in such ways:

    Through a special hole - hatch. Looking hatch in the ventsystems should be designed when laying air ducts. However, the hatches are usually far from each other, so they allow us to examine only a small part of the system.

  1. After removing the ventilation grille (especially relevant, if there is no observation hatch). This option of inspection allows you to see a small part of the air duct, but does not require special equipment. Actually, if you want to check the status, and the hatch in the system is not (or it is, but in another part of the system).
  2. Remotely, with the help of special video equipment. This option allows you to estimate any, even the most narrow or complex geometrically section of the duct.

If the inspection is carried out by experts - they have an equipment for the video inspection. This may be an endoscope with a camera and illumination that transmits video to the screen, allowing you to evaluate all parts of the ventsystem.

Ventshacht inspection method using video equipment (video)

How often do you need to clean the ventilation system?

In practice, it happens that in many buildings, ventilation systems are not cleaned years (and in ordinary apartment buildings - even decades).

In fact, strict timing of checks and cleaning exist only on some industrial enterprises. First of all, it concerns buildings in which the production process leads to rapid pollution of the system. For example, this is relevant in the food industry - the hoods in such enterprises are tightened with fat and flour particles. For such survey systems and cleaning can be carried out often - and several times a year.

In residential complexes with managee companies, as well as in commercial real estate, in which there are no factors that accelerate ventilation pollution can be established for regular checks, usually - once every six months-year. Such works are engaged in the employees of the management company (or specialists who operate on the order of the management company - if there is no such profile in its "their" employees).

An independent inspection of ventilation channels in their homes and apartments is recommended periodically, too, about once a year. Cleaning - is needed.

Methods and cleaning technologies

FROM obizive air duct cleaning on the principle of deposits on deposits can be divided into:




Chemical cleaning It is intended to remove fat deposits (which mechanical method It is practically unrealistic to remove completely).

The principle consists in spraying throughout the surface of Ventkanalov special compositionwhich corps the flare. After that, the detachable deposits are carried out with air,or suck with a vacuum cleaner. This method of cleaning it is usually used in kitchens of restaurants, bars, cafes, canteens, and other catering facilities.

Mechanical cleaning (I'm simply scraping by the floor of the canal)can be performed using various equipment:

    Metal brushon the cable (in fact, it acts on the same principle as the cable to clean the sewage). To increase the efficiency, the cable may have an electric drive. Suitable for not too serious contamination, if there are no deposits large number Fat.

    W. formation consisting of a mechanical cleaning device andvacuum cleaner . In this case, the brushes of the cleaning device will scrape the flare, anda vacuum cleaner - immediately sucks him. This method allowsclear more serious pollution.

    Robot equipped with video cameras and brushes. Allows you to work not "blindly", but control the process on the monitor.

Mechanical Cleaning Scheme with Application vacuum car (vacuum cleaner)

FROM cleaned deposits can be removed either naturally (carried along with the air flow) or using vacuum Installation (In essence, a powerful vacuum cleaner). It connects to the air duct and sucks all the dirt.

Cryogenic blasting - The method is relatively new, which is the most gentle and "clean".Cleaning It is carried out with the help of "dry ice", which is supplied to the ventilation channel from a special installation.

Contact with the walls of the duct of the "dry ice" granules instantly evaporate, creating micro-sized. It is they who scroll from the surface of the whole flask, while not damaging the walls themselves. When micro-sized granules, only carbon dioxide remains, which is removed from the ventilation channel.

After such a procedure, the sediments are either removed from the duct naturally (carried along with the then air), or removed using a vacuum cleaner.

Ventilation cleaning mechanically (video)

Residents of apartment buildings: how to clean and what can be cleaned?

FROM once the main rule: tenants apartment houses can clean independentlyonly a plot of Ventkanal, running away from the apartment to the "total" mine. Mine - belongs to general-purpose property, and only employees of the management company or housing can be engaged in its cleaning.

If you have noticed that ventilation in the apartment has worsened - you can first try to clean the "your" site of Ventkanal.For work it is recommended to use personal protective equipment - gloves, glasses, respirator- "Petal".

Stages are:

    Remove the ventilation grille.It needs to be cleaned and washed.

    Free the space around the ventilation hole.

    The floor around the hole is better to cover with something - since dust and other deposits can be sprinkled from it.

    With the help of a flashlight, visually inspect the area as possible. If at home there is a monopod and an action-camera - these gadgets can seriously help with inspection. Run the video shootingand shoot the camera on the monopod inside Ventkanal.

    Manually (in gloves, of course), close a large garbage from the channel - if it is. It is worth working CAUTION: inside the ventkane can also be nails and glass, and protruding sharp parts of the stone or frozen solution.

    Using a metal brush squabble deposits from the entire surface of the duct.

    Using a broom, take the garbage.

    With the help of a vacuum cleaner, clean the canal from small dust.

    Install the grille.

    Check if the thrust did not improve.

Usually, if the traction in the air duct apartment has deteriorated - the cleaning of the "his" site can help in rare cases. Therefore, after you have cleaned Ventkanal to a public mine - it is better to call specialists who will deal with her cleaning.

Disinfection of the ventilation system: why and how is it done?

In the complex with cleansing of the surface from deposits, disinfection should be performed - neutralization of microorganisms that could multiply in the ventsy system.

For this, after cleaning, another procedure is performed - spraying inside the system of means based on hydrogen peroxide, reflexus acid or other reagents that kill bacteria. Such procedures can only be performed by specialists - they will not work independently.

Tsugunov Anton Valerevich

Reading time: 4 minutes

On normally working ventilation, the inhabitants of apartments are rarely remembered. But if the windows are started in the premises, the smell of preparing in the kitchen dishes freely spreads throughout the apartment, water constantly appears in the bathroom. In order not to risk the health of people living in the apartment, the state of furniture and other interior items, it is better to eliminate the reasons for these problems as quickly as possible. To do this, require cleaning.

Ventilation system check

Before proceeding with active actions, check how ventilation works in the house. It is not difficult to do it yourself.

On the forums are advised to check with a burning match or lighter flame. With a normally working hood, the flame must deviate towards the ventilation grille. Many remember such pictures of Soviet times, calling for checking the craving in the gas column and the hood in the kitchen.

Representatives of utilities, especially gas workers, are sharply against the method of verifying the ventilation work in the apartment lighter. IN residential buildings Gas leaks are quite possible with trunk gas pipelines, which should be pulled out into the total ventilation pipe. In this case, you can trigger the burst of a combustible mixture, which will lead to the saddest consequences. Therefore, it is recommended to check a safer way.

Similarly, you need to enter all the ventilation lattices to get a full picture. In most apartments, they necessarily have in the kitchen, bathroom or bathroom.

Causes of clogging ventilation

The most common problem leading to violations in the operation of the ventilation system is to clog the channels conductive. Most often, this is due to the long-term accumulation within them fat, soot and dust, because most residents of apartment buildings are limited to the wip of the outer part of the lattices.

In old houses brickwork The air ducts are destroyed under the influence of time and entering the water, seeping from above or evaporating out of the bathroom, and brick fragments can fan the ventilation shaft, having air exchange. There are often cases when unscrupulous tenants, wanting to improve their apartment and expand the living space, destroy the protrusion in which the ventilation mine passes, overlapping air access to the apartments of the remaining inhabitants of the house. Unquanded tenants are promoted by ventilation polls: birds or wasps.

The inhabitants of apartment buildings should remember that representatives should be engaged in cleaning the main air duct special Services. So if the ventilation does not work because of its clogging, you should contact managing companywhich serves the house. The maximum that residents can do on their own is to clean the ventilation channels leading from the apartment to the total duct tube.

How to clean ventilation

After checking each exhaust in the kitchen, the bathroom and the rooms will become clear which channels are clogged. If the ventilation does not work in all rooms, most likely the problem in the shared channel and do nothing independently, if only in one - there is a local zoom that can be eliminated. For this you need:

  • Remove the decorative grille and clean it from accumulated deposits. At the same time, neutral detergents can be used.
  • Dust, dirt and soot from the walls of the ventilation channel carefully consider the scraper, and then stretch with a vacuum cleaner.

You cannot use aggressive reagents when cleaning, which can corrode and spoil the shaft walls. It is unacceptable to getting garbage from the ventilation channel leading from the apartment, in a common air duct. When cleaning, caution should be taken: sometimes in ventilation there are OS sockets or horses.

Ways to improve ventilation in the apartment

What to do if the cleaning of ventilation did not help? It is possible that the circulation of the air inside the apartment itself is broken. Having understood with the causes of this violation, you can improve air ventilation in the residential room.

Violation of air circulation between individual rooms

First of all, you need to repeat the check using a paper strip, but at the same time open everything interior doors. If the paper is attracted under such conditions, the circulation of air between separate apartments is broken. To improve it, it is recommended when installing doors to make a gap between their lower edge and half a centimeter.

If the doors are already installed or do such a gap does not want, for example, in the bathroom or bathroom, you can chop the holes in the door, with an inclination inside. Subsequently, they should be reroyed with a fine grid. Such a design will provide ventilation with tight closed doors And does not break the privacy of people in the bathroom or bathroom.

Airproof double glazed windows

Another reason for the violation of ventilation can be the installation of plastic windows with double-glazed windows. In the houses of the Soviet buildings, the influx of fresh air was externally implied through small gaps and gaps in wooden window Ramama. Qualitatively installed plastic windows In a fully closed state, excluding such a feeder. As a result, ventilation in the apartment is disturbed. Therefore, if the installation of double-glazed windows is thinking, then preference should be given to models with a micro-level system.

Already installed double-glazed windows devoid of such functional featuresIt is easy to modify yourself. There are inexpensive ventilation valves that are installed on the frame and windows rims.

HELPFUL INFORMATION: How to collect a shower cabin with your own hands: Installation and Connection Rules


The concept of ventilation was known in ancient Rome and meant measures to ventilate the premises. Currently, everything is much more complicated.

For example, many residents of apartment buildings, where common ventilation mines are installed, sometimes there are very serious problems with the condition of air in housing.

What is the ventilation

The main task of ventilation is to maintain clean air in residential premises. It is necessary to maintain it in good condition and on hygienic considerations. With poorly working ventilation, not only the state of the apartment worsens, but also the health of people living in it. The exhaust air, which goes into ventilation, takes the dust particles, a variety of harmful microorganisms, unwanted substances contained indoors. Thanks to normal ventilation, it is possible to adjust the heat and humidity in the house - with timely ventilation of the surplus, they are left, not allowing the occurrence of mold and rot.

With timely, the ventilation process is obtained regular, which is correct in sanitation. With additional equipment, with differentty fans, cleaning is possible to carry out less often, but it does not cancel the need to regularly clean the ventsy system as a whole.

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How to determine what time it is time to clean the ventilation system

If dust or a web has accumulated around the ventilation inputs, then it's time to clean the entire system.

Pay attention to the signs that indicate the need to regularly clean the ventilation system. Here are the simplest of them: small dust, web, other trash accumulates around the ventilation entrances. IN summer time The room heats up faster, even after the most thorough cleaning, dust quickly appears. This means that you need to do something as soon as possible to clean the atmosphere indoors.

Apartment houses in this regard are the following feature: Since the ventilation system is general, pollution from a variety of apartments falls into a shared mine, and it may be gradually to score.

Determine that it is time to clean ventilation, in other ways. Pay attention to drafts that occur when opening entrance doors or windows. If the draft was rather noticeable, and after some time it disappeared or weakened - it's time to cause workers of the housing.

Ventilation performance can be checked using a lit match.

It is possible to use this way to determine the degree of purity of ventilation and in this way: bring a lit match to the ventilation hole. Do not get carried away - if you bring the match very close, and a web has accumulated in the venting mine, it can flash. A similar check can be carried out with a strip of thin paper - the simplest, newspaper is suitable.

On a flat flame that does not deviate in the direction of the decorative lattice, covering the venting hole, it can be concluded that the mine has been scored and needs urgent cleaning. With normal air circulation in the houses, the flame bends towards the mine, and in some cases it just swells. With this behavior, the cleaning of ventilation is optional, but if the last time it was cleaned at least six months ago, it is still desirable to carry out a small job.

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How to clean ventilation in the apartment

At first glance, with a timely fulfillment by representatives of utilities of their duties of the need to independently take measures to clean the air ducts. But in fact everything is somewhat different. The ventilation design must perform the following functions:

Diagram of ventilation in the apartment: 1 - air flow zone; 2 - air flow zone; 3 - Air hood zone

  • ensure the index of sufficient air;
  • give together with air worked out in the process of cleaning, harmful microscopic particles that are capable of rendering negative influence on the health of people;
  • perform the functions of the thermal regulator, carry out control of the moisture content in the apartment.

Clearance of ventilation risers in apartment house only specialists should be carried out, but to urgently clean the air duct in own apartment You can and independently. With a small efficiency of these actions, the fact of the need to clean the ventilation riser is confirmed. This means that you need to ask this request as soon as possible to the serving building.

To clear the ventilation well inside the apartment, remove the protective grille from it and wash it well. It is advisable to take advantage of the detergent that can split fat: it will create a film on the surface of the lattice, which will help her to stay clean longer. Remove dirt and garbage with outside open hole. If deposits are added to the wall, use the spatula, but do not use chemicals Cleaning.

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Removing contaminants from within

Each of the ventilation vents available in the apartment must be checked separately. If you check using a lighter, bring it alternately to all holes and check whether the direction of the flame or the angle of the newspaper is not distinguished if the newspaper strip is used. Deviations can signal that there is a blockage in the middle of the room. Here you will come to the aid of the dishwasher or thin steel ropeThat should be placed in the outlet and how to clean everything from the inside. You can use fine aluminum wire. The cleaning procedure should be carried out along the entire channel. The remaining garbage can be removed using a vacuum cleaner. Place the hose in the mine and try to cover as you can more spacemoving it in different directions.

Industrial method of purification of air ducts implies the use of professional equipment. It will not only allow a well to see pollution, but also more carefully cleans the channels, and also allows disinfection. This method Cleaning makes it possible to remove any garbage, whatever its origin.

If it is not possible to use professional equipment And it was decided to clean the cleaning yourself, it is necessary to observe precautions. Sometimes inside ventilation channels osin nests With alive insects or other no less dangerous creatures. But, accepting for such work, you must remember that cleaning ventilation apartment house - the responsibility of the owners of a building or an organization that serves it. An ordinary tenant can not be done within the main duct. The relevant instances should timely clean the central air ducts, and if they neglect their duties, they need to write a complaint.

The microclimate of the apartment depends on the intensity of air circulation, which is ensured by natural or artificial ventilation. Most apartment buildings are equipped with natural exhaust system. She often fails. A fungus appears in the bathrooms, mold. Humidity in the apartment rises, the walls in the kitchen are quickly darker. There are several ways to improve air exchange, but the main thing is cleaning the ventilation in the apartment.

Causes of unsatisfactory operation of the air exchange system

Cleaning ventilation in an apartment building does not always change the situation. Therefore, the first stage is to determine the source of the problem. Allocate a number of main reasons:

  1. Plastic double-glazed windows or new hermetic doors. Venting an apartment building occurs due to the temperature difference and pressure inside and outside the room. Old wooden windows And the doors passed a lot of fresh air. Due to this, there is ventilating room.
    New double-glazed windows and doors are tightly closed the room, disturbing the natural movement of the air exchange. Correct the situation can microbrowing system installed on plastic windows.
  2. Ventcanal clogging. In an apartment building, the ventilation system consists of basic and adjacent branches. The main channel is clogged due to the partial collapse of the masonry or hitting a large garbage.
    The adjacent branches overlooking the apartment reduce air bandwidth due to the mud and soot accumulated on the walls of the mud and soot, an old grid or a rolling piece of plaster.
  3. Connect a powerful hood. If the neighbor brought the accurate forced hood in the main ventkane, then the balance is broke in other apartments, the air movement is almost completely stopped.
  4. The deterioration of the air masters in the summer. Associated with a small temperature difference between the residential zone and the street. Help the installation of the air conditioner or exhaust fan.
  5. Design or construction errors. There are cases when neither cleaning nor forced ventilation Will not help. The reason is the violation of the structure of the ventilation channel.

There are several ways to independently determine the performance of the ventilation system:

Ventilation options in the apartment

After clarifying the reasons for bad work of the system, consider how to clean ventilation in the apartment.

According to the housing regulations, ventilation in an apartment building has the right to serve only organizations, with permission to conduct such types of work. Residents are strictly forbidden to perform any actions with general-purpose engineering networks.

On the other hand, no one places the cleaning of the ventilation channels to the connection site with the shared riser. Consider several ways:

Events on disinfection

After the ventilation cleaning is completed in an apartment building, it can be disinfected. Do not necessarily cause specialized services. Simple processing of the channel walls with grille with a chlorine solution will kill all microbes.

It is an integral part of the ventilation system. The extractor is rapidly contaminated with fat, which reduces its efficiency.

Clean the hood in the kitchen

Briefly, cleaning is performed in several stages:

  • Disassembly. Removed cover, metal grille, air filter, air duct.
  • Flushing parts. Metal and galvanized parts are clean warm water With the addition of cleaning agent or soda. Then they are rinsed under cold running water.
  • Drying details. Each part of the hood is wiping into a dry towel.
  • Replacing the filter. Air filter is erased in weak soap solution Or replaces new.
  • Assembly and setting up an exhaust place.


Cleaning ventilation in the apartment is possible without attracting third-party organizations. All necessary means, materials, tools are sold in business stores. The main thing is not to rush, follow the instructions, do not invent a new one.