Step-by-step repair. Stages of repair in an apartment

Do you associate repair with a million wasted nerve cells, a difficult and very long process? We will prove you otherwise! Believe it or not, renovation can be a pleasure if you turn this difficult and, at first glance, rather boring activity into a simple and fun process.

And the main thing in this matter is the ORDER, when the sequence of repairing the apartment with your own hands is followed, and all the stages of repair in the apartment follow one after the other according to the previously drawn up repair plan.

So, you still decided and determined to make repairs in an apartment, a separate room with your own hands. How to make an apartment renovation with your own hands? Where is it preferable to start? When and in what order to change doors, windows, repair floors? What should be the order of the repair work? We will try to answer the main questions in this article.

Stages of repairing an apartment with your own hands: we plan in advance the order of work

Indeed, it is important to know all the stages of apartment renovation from scratch and to follow the sequence of the work carried out.

If you follow the sequence of events, you can significantly save money, reduce repair time, and achieve better result during finishing works

Phase One - Global Preparation

Every renovation starts with a global preparation. First of all, you will need to perform all dismantling work: removing plaster, old wallpaper, whitewash, door blocks, flooring as well as, if necessary, dismantling of partitions and their rearrangement.

A situation may arise that, already completing the repair, during finishing, you will find that you still forgot to dismantle something. Here you have to redo a rather large part of the work, and redo it slowly, carefully in order to minimize new destruction.

Therefore, having finished dismantling everything unnecessary, old and to be replaced, very carefully examine the result of your work: have you done everything.

Stage 2 - replacement of double-glazed windows

This work is rather dirty, especially its first part, when the old window blocks must be dismantled. After installing the window and sill, immediately cover them with a thick polyethylene film so as not to scratch or smear during subsequent work.

Stage 3 - plastering work

When performing plastering work, the following sequence of work must be observed: marking for beacon profiles, priming walls, installing a beacon profile, plastering walls, slopes. Plasterboard walls are not subject to plastering. Ceiling plastering, installation and installation of tension and suspended structures should be carried out only after finishing the wiring on the ceiling of ventilation, electrical cables, and other communications.

Stage 4 - wiring electrical communications, performing plumbing work

The fourth stage activities refer to one of the most important stages of the repair - the installation of heating radiators (or replacement), laying and routing of electrical cables, low-current wires (this includes grounding cables, the Internet, telephone, TV, alarm systems.

Before you start laying the cables, be sure to mark out the outlet of sockets and switches on the plastered walls. Next, proceed to work on gating holes and grooves for cables, junction boxes, socket outlets, install the built-in electrical unit.

Be sure to draw a wiring diagram: it is needed so that later you do not accidentally get into the places where the wire is laid, when you start drilling a hole, hammer in nails. It is very important in the kitchen, toilet, bathroom, before laying electrical wiring, to perform piping, including other related work.

Fifth stage - floor preparation

Underfloor heating device, screed and leveling. When the screed is laid and leveled, it is necessary to wait until it is completely dry. For different materials- different drying times, carefully read the directions in the instructions or packaging.

6 stage of repair - we start finishing

When the floor is ready, you can install the doors, then start finishing work. The sequence of finishing works depends on the choice of technologies and materials used. So, whitewashing or painting the ceiling is performed first of all, but, for example, suspended ceiling it is best to mount when the walls are finished. Laying any floor covering, be it linoleum, tiles or parquet, is done when both the walls and the ceiling are ready.

Then you can install skirting boards, sockets, platbands, all kinds of decorative elements; plumbing fixtures, faucets, and various accessories are installed in the bathroom, kitchen, toilet.

Important! It is better to repair the whole apartment at once and as a whole, if possible. Similar stages of work, this is especially true for "dirty", such as removing old whitewash, installation of windows, not to mention the demolition and rearrangement of partitions, it makes sense to do in all rooms at the same time, in order to prevent this, when carpet is laid in one room, in another, the old whitewash has just begun to be washed from the ceiling.

If it is problematic to immediately repair the entire apartment, you need to start repairs from the farthest room from front door and continue renovation work, gradually approaching the exit. Repair of the corridor and hallway is done last. This is a fairly obvious rule: it is clear that carrying buckets of mortar and bags of construction waste around freshly renovated rooms is far from the best solution. But this rule is constantly violated ...

Read about - all the secrets and features of the technology for installing double-glazed windows in residential premises.

Watch the video on how to putty drywall under the wallpaper - all drywall sheets before gluing the wallpaper, you need to prepare.

By the way, you should move from the room farthest from the hallway even with a complete renovation of the entire apartment. To a greater extent, this applies to the final stage of work - finishing.

This is how the instructions for repairing an apartment look like. For those who prefer reading the video format, we suggest watching an informative video on how to repair an apartment with your own hands:

So that the repair does not turn into an endless process that takes time and resources to carry it out, you need to properly prepare. To do this, you need to know where to start the repair. After all, repair work, like any others, needs a detailed plan. Of course, in each case there will be factors that will make adjustments to the renovation of an apartment in a new building or a residential private house (inside, outside, with a rough finish), but the general steps can be outlined. Based on them, you can take into account most of the parameters that ultimately affect the entire construction process.

Where to start repairs in an apartment, house and new building?

Instructions for phased implementation repair work.

1. Preparatory stage

Prepare a folder, notebook, pen, calculator.

This is what you need, which should always be at hand. Write down, calculate, sketch something. In order not to look for the necessary information on scattered pieces of paper, it is better to put / write everything down in one place.

Advice. For ease of planning, you need to divide each room into components - 4 walls, a floor and a ceiling (if you plan, for example, two-level ceiling from drywall) and make notes for each plane separately. This approach is also convenient because the exact dimensions can be applied to the diagram.

Determine the direction of repair and its type

Repairs in a new building with a rough finish are uniquely carried out everywhere. But already functioning housing can be partially repaired, i.e. you should immediately decide whether the entire room will be repaired, part of it (internal and / or external) or a separate room. And also to determine the type of repair (major or cosmetic), this will affect the further planning process.

Repair types:

  • Overhaul suggests significant changes in the room. May entail replacement of windows, doors, dismantling of walls and floors, replacement of communications. When carrying out a major overhaul, it is sometimes necessary to contact the licensing authorities and involve repair specialists. As a rule, it affects most of the available space.
  • Redecorating more simple. It can be carried out on their own... Since it allows you to renovate a room at a lower cost, it is recommended to carry it out every 5-6 years.
  • - a separate category of apartment renovation, involves the development of a design project, redevelopment, the use of technological equipment and quality materials in accordance with European building standards.

Choose an interior style

Today when available various materials and technology, it is possible to choose from different styles of interior design. Some prefer outwardly simple hi-tech, others like modern, and many mix styles, creating a completely individual room. The choice of style will make its own adjustments to the applied material.

Search for a repair contractor

You can do it yourself or hire professionals.

Renovating an apartment or house on your own reduces the cost of the project, but increases the degree of its risk and execution time. This is due to the fact that many ordinary people only approximately know what, how, what and in what order to do.

Without knowing the specifics of performing a particular type of work, it is difficult to perform them in parallel. Which, in turn, leads to delays in work. Therefore, even if you decide to work on your own, consult with professionals on the key points, technology and material selection. This will help avoid rework.

Professionals, on the other hand, have experience and the appropriate tool. They can take into account the nuances and anticipate many problems. This reduces the risk of doing the job incorrectly, but increases costs.

Advice. It is more profitable to look for a company with a turnkey repair, it will turn out cheaper than to attract several performers for different types works.

This raises the second question, how to choose a construction company?

  • Select multiple alternative options... The selection criterion will be: the presence of a license to carry out work, the period of activity on the market, warranty obligations.

Advice. The guarantee for the renovation of a house or apartment must be at least a year. This is the minimum period for detecting defects.

  • Get acquainted with the website of the construction and repair company, where specialization, technologies, portfolio (completed projects), etc. should be indicated.

Advice. The versatility of the company and its employees should alert you. Only a narrow-profile specialist can perform the work efficiently: a carpenter, an electrician. Those. there should be several people in the brigade.

Advice. It is worth asking about the repair of friends who were faced with the choice of a company and can give good advice.

  • Visit the office of a construction company and talk directly with a specialist who will oversee the process of work execution.

Advice. If you immediately name the exact cost of the work, and not the range, then you should think about it. The final price can be set only after reviewing the scope of work.

  • Discuss the exact estimate, terms of work completion, payment schedule.

While repairs are unpredictable, they can be planned and implemented with minimal deviation from the plan.

True, this statement is true only for very scrupulous planning and carrying out work in a short time. It should be understood that increasing the repair planning horizon increases the likelihood of unplanned costs.
Material prepared for the site

An idea or a clear idea of ​​what your house / apartment / room should look like after renovation. This will give an understanding of what kind of work and complexity you have to perform. Don't leave it for later.

To understand what the soul desires, you can walk among the guests, familiarize yourself with catalogs, rummage through the Internet. You are unlikely to find an ideal project, but it is quite possible to get some ideas. A more expensive option is to invite a designer. He will offer several design options according to your wishes.

To visualize your ideas, you can make a sketch, sketch, picture-collage, or even a 3D model.

It is at this stage that it is desirable to get a more or less clear idea of ​​the future type of house - a plan. The plan should indicate: the width of the openings, the location of the furniture, lighting fixtures, equipment, sockets, decorative elements... It's easier to do this rough work... Of course, the choice of the color of the walls can be left for later, but it is necessary to determine in what place the walls should be punched under the sockets in advance.

Advice. It is better to decide in advance what the walls will be finished with. So, for example, walls for painting require finer sanding than walls for wallpaper.

How to make a do-it-yourself apartment renovation project

Design - Additional payable service... You can order, or you can do it yourself. If you decide to do it yourself, then you need:

  • Draw the layout
  • Draw all the walls and number them (make a schematic drawing of the unfolded walls)
  • Place the arrangement of furniture on the diagram and household appliances, as well as switches, sockets, lamps and more. All this should be noted on the plan, and it is advisable to do it on a scan of the walls.
  • Calculate the amount of building material and its approximate cost... (when calculating the material, take into account the stacking margin - fitting, trimming, etc.). With this information, you can look for a repair team. The craftsmen will make their own calculation, the result of which is compared with your own figures (there will certainly be discrepancies that can be reconciled).
  • Draw up a contract with a clear indication of the timing of work, payment methods, garbage collection, delivery of building materials.
  • Control of each stage of the repair. For example, they laid an electrician - checked, made heating wiring - checked.
  • It is advisable to agree on payment on the fact of the work performed, for example, in stages - they did a certain job, accepted, paid.

Repair time

Many repairs are carried out at a specific temperature. Therefore, more often it is planned for the warm season. However, at the peak of repair activity, the demand for materials and specialists increases.

This is fraught with missed deadlines and higher prices. Complex repairs, professionals advise to start in spring, at the very beginning of the season.

Accommodation during renovation works

It is more convenient, easier and faster to carry out work in an empty room.

Repair period

Not everyone has the opportunity to leave their homes for the duration of the renovation, so you need to plan the work in such a way as to meet the technology-based deadlines and be able to carry out the work in parallel.

The order of repairing an apartment and a house by room

In case of complex repairs, it is better to start from the most distant room and carry out work in several rooms in parallel. If you plan to live in the house during work, then you should start from the kitchen or bathroom.

Why exactly from them? Because in these rooms there is the greatest amount of work, which, moreover, is difficult to do on your own. And such a small thing as cooking in an already renovated room can lead to the wallpaper or paint staining.

Advice. Many leave the repair of the balcony "for later" to be able to store materials there. If you do not plan to break in time the repair of the balcony and the apartment, it is better to start from the balcony, and store the materials in the corridor or buy them in parts.

Planning is carried out not only at the beginning of the repair, but also in the course of work. And the losses from improper planning can be reduced to the following: time, money, nerves, relationships with others (family, neighbors, workers, sellers of building materials, etc.)

The sequence of apartment renovation

The order of work:

  • Permitting documentation (if redevelopment is planned), plus, it is advisable to agree with neighbors that there will be noise, because complaints will aggravate the process.
  • Dismantling of partitions, openings and garbage removal (if redevelopment is expected).
  • Installation of interior partitions.
  • Dismantling of old and installation of new windows.
  • Floor screed (it should be borne in mind that complete drying of the screed lasts about a month)
  • Engineering communications (electrical wiring, pipe laying, immediately provide for cable entry for the Internet, cable and television antenna, as well as laying the air conditioner interconnect line, connecting the boiler). This work can be done prior to pouring the floor.
  • Finishing work. The sequence depends on the type and method (plaster, frame device for drywall).

For example, according to one scenario, the walls and ceiling are first plastered, then everything is cleaned and the garbage is taken out. The ceiling is painted, the wallpaper is glued, the flooring is laid down and the skirting boards are installed at the end.

Another scenario: if a stretch ceiling is supposed, then the baseboards are first attached to the ceiling, and then the wallpaper is glued, or vice versa, the baseboards are glued after wallpapering (this is done much less often). Here it is necessary to agree with the requirements of the ceiling manufacturer and with the craftsmen, because everyone has different requirements and sequence.

Doors are installed after wallpapering or before. Installation of interior doors is carried out before finishing walls so that you can putty the joint between the wall and the door frame. But, on the other hand, the joint will be foamed, and from above it will be closed with a platband. It all depends on the type of finish and timing.

At this point, you will know the following:

  • what work will be carried out with an indication of the timing, performers and cost;
  • what materials will be needed for this and in what quantity.

Advice. The more information you have, the more accurate the estimate will be.

The estimate must include the cost:

  • finishing materials (wallpaper, paint, flooring, etc.);
  • rough materials (putty, primer, bulk mix etc.);
  • consumables (masking tape, protective film, sanding mesh, etc.). Despite the insignificant cost, these materials form a separate and very impressive item in the estimate;
  • purchased tools and consumables for them;
  • the cost of labor of employees;
  • Unexpected expenses. Professionals advise to add to the total amount from 20 to 50% in order to be able to cover the costs arising in the process of work associated with a change in the project, incorrect miscalculation, fluctuations in the exchange rate or replacement of material with a more expensive one.

Many at this stage are reconsidering some solutions in order to reduce the cost of the project.

5. Purchase of material for repair

It's easier to buy all the materials in advance and in one place. This will give you the opportunity to get a discount and save on delivery. But, in practice, this is difficult to implement, because:

  • different stores offer different prices for the same materials;
  • it may be necessary to return / replace the material, and for most goods this can be done within 2 weeks from the date of purchase (for more details in the consumer protection law);
  • the customer does not always have the necessary amount of money.

Purchased materials need to be stored, and not everyone has free space for this. Therefore, you should buy the materials you need to get started and add them as needed.

6. Apartment renovation - where to start

  • permits. It is necessary to resolve this issue in advance in case of redevelopment of the premises, replacement of heating radiators or drainpipes;
  • protection from damage to what remains in the room during the work. For example, furniture needs to be covered with covers, and parquet flooring should be sturdy. plastic wrap or cardboard.
  • dismantling. Old partitions, unnecessary built-in wardrobes, destroyed screed, peeling paint - all this is removed at the very beginning.
  • replacement or repair of windows, window sills, radiators. To keep them clean after repairs, it is recommended to tighten them with plastic wrap.
  • replacement of wiring. In advance, you need to outline the location of the wires and choose the right cross-section depending on the load. It is convenient to lay the wires in a corrugation, so they can be easily replaced without destroying the walls;
  • replacement of communications;

Advice. At this time, the screed can be poured onto the floors. In order to grab it, she needs several days, and she will be fully fit for work in 2-4 weeks. At this time, you can walk on it and perform the next work.

  • gluing ceiling baguettes;
  • installation of switches and sockets;
  • floor covering device;
  • door installation. Doors are installed only after the floors have been poured and the type of flooring has been selected. Otherwise, the gaps may be violated and the doors will not open well.

Advice. To prevent the doors from gathering dust during operation, it is better to remove them or tighten them in plastic wrap

  • wall decoration. Before finishing, check that the filler and primer are completely dry on them. Otherwise, the likelihood of the appearance of a fungus is high;
  • installation of skirting boards, platbands on the door;
  • general cleaning of the house. Allows you to get rid of dust that gets everywhere during the repair process;
  • installation of furniture and other interior details.


Phased start of renovation in the rooms

We brought general instruction for repair work. Of course, in each specific case, certain adjustments can be made. Especially there will be a lot of them if one or more rooms are being renovated, or even part of a room.

At the same time, the release of the room from furniture will significantly simplify the work and ensure the safety of things.

Where to start repairing the floor, walls and ceiling

Full (major) or partial (cosmetic) repairs to the ceiling, walls or floor should be started with freeing the surface, removing wallpaper, paint, flooring. Further, the previous solutions are removed, the surface is leveled, sanded, primed and becomes suitable for finishing.

Where to start repairing the balcony and loggia

Repair of the loggia and balcony should start with dismantling (if necessary) window blocks and interior decoration. Next, new blocks are installed, the balcony or loggia is insulated. Particular attention is paid to their hydro and vapor barrier. The type of final finishing depends on the wishes of the owners. Wood, plaster or plastic are the most common materials and have proven their worth in practice.

Where to start renovating a kitchen

Kitchen renovation requires the most careful planning due to the fact that the kitchen is one of the most exploited areas in the house. Availability a large number kitchen appliances puts an increased strain on the electrical wiring. Therefore, repairs here begin with replacing the wiring, arranging additional sockets. Attention is paid to the arrangement of ventilation.

Further, the working wall is necessarily tiled with tiles. The rest of the walls are leveled and painted or covered with washable wallpaper. It is better to use linoleum or tiles as flooring. Popular laminate flooring in the kitchen is exposed to moisture, which significantly reduces its useful life. The last to be performed Finishing work- installation of plinths, platbands, painting of radiators. The installation of furniture, built-in and other appliances completes the renovation of the kitchen.

Where to start repairing a toilet, bathroom (bathroom)

Bathroom, bathroom create the greatest difficulties in the renovation. Primarily due to the availability of communications and increased requirements for operational characteristics... During the repair of these premises, pipes are replaced, the location of the sockets is thought out, additional exhaust systems... Device additional waterproofing especially when installing a shower. Most often, the walls and floor are tiled. Plumbing is installed last.

It is worth noting that you need to think carefully about combining a bathroom and a toilet (toilet). The combination option is acceptable only if you have a duplicate bathroom.

Where to start renovating a room

Living rooms, bedrooms, hall do not put forward special requirements. Although in this case it all depends on the manufacturability of these rooms. For example, the technology “ smart House»Requires special engineering calculations and increases the cost of work at times. The renovation of these rooms begins with the removal of furniture and dismantling.

Next, the door frames are installed. Door leaf, at the time of work, you need to remove or protect with a film. Moreover, if several rooms need to be repaired, work in them can be performed in parallel. As for the finishing, it is done from top to bottom, i.e. first, the ceiling is finished, then the walls and finally the floor. The final touch in the renovation will be the installation of furniture, appliances and decorative items.

Where to start repairing the corridor

Corridor renovation is the last thing to do. The work is complicated by the fact that by this time the repairs in other rooms have been completed, and the remnants of materials and tools are piled in the corridor. Thus, first you need to remove all Construction Materials and the tool, leaving only the necessary.

Further, the ceiling is repaired and the floor is filled. It is better to fill in before the weekend and leave the room. This will allow the mixture to obtain the required strength. Then they proceed to the rough finishing of the walls, and at this time the floor will stand. The final stage of the corridor renovation is the final finishing of all surfaces.

  • do not skimp on material. Especially on one that will be used for a long time, for example, pipes, radiators, floor screed, etc.;
  • do not try to do work yourself that you have no idea about. Redoing will cost more;
  • Don't ignore the little things like a primer or using a wire mesh when working with drywall. As the saying goes, "the devil is in the details";
  • you should not ignore the ventilation provided by the plan at home;
  • sketch yourself a wiring diagram so that later there will be no difficulties with its repair or hanging pictures;
  • when lining with tiles, leave hatches in order to have access to key nodes of the sewer and pipeline system;
  • do not lay smooth tiles on the floor, this is traumatic;
  • do not use household linoleum. Despite the assurances of the sellers, it will not last very long. In addition, it will not hide the unevenness of the floor;
  • remember, that plasterboard walls may not withstand increased loads (for example, hanging a boiler, TV, heavy shelf or chandelier). In some places, it is worth erecting aerated concrete partitions;
  • buy finishing material immediately before starting work. Otherwise, a situation is possible when it will not be enough, and the supplier will not have the desired color, tone or pattern;
  • when tinting paint, make a stock of 1-2 liters. It is better to donate this money than trying to match paint to match or repaint the entire apartment;
  • try to allocate space in the apartment for a dressing room and a pantry.

When ordering repair work construction crew costs:

  • draw up a contract for the provision of brigade services;
  • check the progress of work step by step;
  • take a closer look at the tool that is used. Your business is to pay expendable materials rather than buying a missing tool;
  • whenever possible, procure materials together with the team leader. Fraudulent checks are not uncommon these days;
  • calculated only after a certain stage of work has been completed;
  • make friends with repairmen. And then they will respond in kind.


Here, the key stages of starting and carrying out repairs are considered, each of which must be approached with full responsibility. High-quality repairs can be done only when the process is not allowed to take its course, but is carefully thought out and planned out to the smallest detail.

Before deciding which room to start renovating an apartment with, you need to find out the type of renovation transformations, their estimated timing and planned costs. It is possible that when answering these questions, the priority room will be determined by itself, by the method of elimination, thanks to the advice of experienced people or for other reasons.

Where to start renovating an apartment?

The best place to start is with a family council. Even if you have the decisive right to vote on all issues, you are not living alone. Repair burdens fall on the whole family - if not in terms of financial costs, but in relation to everyday inconveniences. And at least it won't hurt to listen to the opinion of your loved ones. The design of the children's room and the functionality of the kitchen area have the right to determine not only the heads of families, wives and children can suggest such effective solutions that designers can only envy.

The more deeply you discuss and think over the renovation before it starts, the easier and faster it will go. The decision of where to start renovating an apartment depends on several factors. And they are all the most important, so the order of our list is relative:

  • What is the renovation budget. After carefully considering all conceivable expense items, multiply the total by a factor of 1.5 to 2. No one has yet managed to calculate the estimate perfectly apartment renovation before it starts, so a financial "safety cushion" will be required... Naturally, if you do not want to give up the whole repair venture halfway through;
  • What is the capital of our repair. Whether it concerns the whole dwelling or will affect only individual rooms, whether it is associated with the replacement of windows, doors, utilities and floor coverings. It may be necessary to change the layout of the rooms or take out the kitchen to the balcony - such global transformations should be planned in advance;
  • Who will renovate the apartment. If everyone is able to perform cosmetic wallpapering in the children's room, then it will not work to install a new bathroom without the appropriate skills. The more serious the renovation, the more versatile professionals in their field are needed... And it would be better if these are masters known to you, familiar from past affairs, and not abstract workers from an unfamiliar company with a "European level of highly qualified personnel, a nasalnik" ...
  • Is it possible to spend the repair time outside the renovated apartment. Live in conditions construction works it's hard even for adults, and even for children, such hardships can be insurmountable.

All these pre-repair problems need to be solved comprehensively - money, time, capital and personnel should form a harmonious mosaic even at the planning stage. Otherwise, you can start such a long-term construction, which you will not be happy with.

A typical list of preliminary construction and repair preparation includes:

  • Purchase of materials and tools necessary for work and their reasonable placement in the apartment itself. The method of storing "we will sort it out later" is fraught not only with the loss of time studying material rubble, but also with possible breakage of the laminate or tile buried under the rubble of cement or sand;
  • During major repairs, it is necessary to replace interior doors and external windows - these products are ordered in advance, and the repair time itself depends on the execution of the order. It is undesirable to put old frames in the trash and “flaunt” empty facade openings for a week or two; it is better to dismantle and install them simultaneously;
  • Construction waste - there will be a lot of it even with cosmetic repair one room. In case of replacement of floors or redevelopment of an apartment, disposal of construction waste will become a serious problem - city services are not obliged to take it out. It is possible to put garbage bags at the entrance only up to a certain limit, limited by the patience of the neighbors. It is most reasonable to agree on the removal of garbage deposits with representatives of city services - alas, but this will require additional costs;
  • If the apartment remains residential, it is necessary to provide for sleeping places and other items for minimum comfort. If craftsmen work in it without spending the night, they will need plumbing facilities and a place to change their "civilian" clothes to work uniforms - organizational issues should be considered in advance.

With a major overhaul by professional craftsmen, it is not so important from which room to start repairing an apartment. Often, repairmen themselves determine the optimal sequence, especially if their material interest is related to the volume of work and does not depend on hourly wages. There are cases when the question "Where to start repairing a room?" did not ask at all, but began it in all rooms at once, leaving the most small room"For later", as a headquarters-base-locker room.

When self-repairing an apartment, one can only dream of such wide maneuverability. Here the options for the first repair steps are as follows:

  • A distant room, isolated from other rooms with a single door. You can take out all the furniture from it (pack the too bulky with cellophane and move it away from the walls). After clearing the space, you can safely proceed with the renovation transformations;
  • Bathroom, kitchen and toilet. The complexity of the work in these rooms is great, plus they need to be done quickly (no patience will be enough to live in an apartment without a toilet bowl). Replacement of mixers, installation gas stove and plumbing equipment must be completed in a few hours, for reasons of elementary comfort, and not at the expense of quality. Cladding for a new sink ceramic tiles or installation wall panels Pvc they do not have such time limits, these stages of repair can be extended over several days. Functionality is primary, and design beauties are secondary in terms of timing;
  • The hall and corridor should be recognized as categorically unsuitable for rooms of the first renovation. These premises are the last to be repaired, when the finish of the entire major cosmetic undertaking is already close.

How to start renovating a room - step by step instructions

General repair sequence"Top-down" is valid for all types of residential premises, but with some caveats for common areas:

Where to start renovating a room - a step by step diagram

Step 1: destructive

We take out furniture, household appliances, interior items such as paintings or sculptures - everything that can be moved to other parts of the apartment. By the way, repairs are a good reason to deal with unnecessary things, which can be taken out not to another room, but straight to the trash heap. In the room freed from the "remnants of the old", we dismantle old finish... Rip off rags old plaster, we beat off the tiles, we scrape off the wallpaper, etc. We do not touch the floors yet, they will be altered later;

Step 2: fundamental

We transfer partitions and cut down arches (if planned). It is necessary to avoid cluttering the room with construction waste, it will have to be removed periodically. In the kitchen-bathroom-toilet, sanitary and gas equipment must remain operational to the last. Let the stove in the middle of the broken walls look surreal, running for boiling water to the neighbors is even more surreal ... Heavy, "dirty" work - building new walls, plastering arched openings etc. - are carried out before the replacement of plumbing. Otherwise your new acrylic bath from the cement and Doctor Proper will not wash;

Step 3: infrastructure

Communications. Replacing the electrical wiring and sewerage is necessary at the stage of "bare walls", it is convenient, simple and clear. The risers of heating pipes and the radiators themselves are mounted at the same stage. A lot depends on the quality of communications, whether you will have to open a newly laid tile or re-prepare the walls for wallpapering - so for such a critical repair stage it is better to hire specialists;

Step 4: basic

The ceiling and walls are repaired according to the chosen project - wallpaper, drywall, tiles, panels with or without insulation, etc. etc. Renovation options are limited only by the imagination of the occupants and the degree of their budgetary freedom. We install plumbing and household equipment. Before installing a bathtub, dishwasher, shower, gas stove and toilet, it is necessary to repair the floor under them, and partially. This site will set the level for all new flooring;

It is very important to determine the real scope of work and relate them to your financial capabilities. All design and design decisions must be made before starting the actual renovation work. Redoing is expensive, long and sometimes impossible.

Where to start renovating a room?

Having dealt with preparatory process and finding yourself in front of bare ragged walls, you still do not fully imagine the entire volume of forthcoming expenses and work. However, you can already find out where and what will be located, what colors are optimal in a particular room and where the computer, TV and other electrical equipment will be installed. Be sure to pay attention to the location of the windows and the need for additional lighting in the rooms. What for? Because repairs should begin with equipment or re-equipment of the electrical network, including the location of the lamps - basic and additional.

This should be done both in old apartments that are being completely renovated and in new buildings. It's no secret that in new houses, wiring is installed without taking into account the wishes of the owner. Each newcomer invariably has a desire to adapt housing to their needs as much as possible. The abundance of electrical technology requires an optimized, high-power grid with many branches. Very uncomfortable in new apartment unwind all kinds of extension cords and install additional sockets.
In parallel with the electrical network, an air conditioning system and fixtures for fixing devices should be installed heating network... It is also necessary to perform work requiring chiselling, drilling, grooving, grooving, recesses and other disfigurement of walls, floors and ceilings, accompanied by the formation of dust and fragments of brick, concrete and plaster. Then we calmly remove the debris and start preparing the foundation of the future floor.
There are several options:
installation of a rough plank floor;
pouring a concrete screed;
preparation for the installation of a warm floor;

What's next?

The next stage of renovation work concerns the windows. If replacement is required, we change. If the windows have already been installed and satisfy your request, then we skip this stage, not forgetting to inspect the condition of the slopes, the presence of thermal insulation, and the sealing of cracks. It is worth checking how the doors open and close, if there are any distortions, what are the vertical and horizontal levels. It is very difficult to eliminate these seemingly obvious imperfections after plastering and painting walls or pasting wallpaper. It is also advisable to install internal window sills. A plastic wrap will help protect them from splashes of paint and putty.
Of course, this work can be done later, when installing interior doors, but this option is more practical.
If the walls in the room require additional leveling and a significant amount of work before painting, then calculate the total building mixtures required to process all the walls to be repaired. Building materials, despite their high cost, should always be taken with a small margin. It is very inconvenient to run after a bag or two of putty, which, as a rule, ends at the most inopportune and crucial moment.

The sequence of work on the repair and decoration of the room: frequently asked questions

What comes first: floor screed or plaster / putty on the walls?
The answer to this question is unambiguous - before starting the wall decoration, it is necessary to complete all preparatory work with the floor. It should be ready, after cleaning, to install decorative flooring.
The floor covering is installed last, whether it is laminate, parquet or a self-leveling 3 D effect floor. The prepared base of the floor is covered with cardboard or foil - this will make it easy to remove traces plastering works, and such appear inevitably. Before starting the putty and plastering work, you need to complete all the manipulations with the drywall, if any. All partitions, niches, decorative and functional details must be done before the start of the "wet" finishing phase. All work of this kind, including leveling the ceiling, must be performed in one technological cycle, so as not to return to them, remembering, for example, that “somewhere here” a niche for storing skis or installing a safe has been conceived.
Which comes first: flooring or installing doors?
Any type of flooring must be installed prior to installing the interior doors. This will help to avoid mistakes during their installation and to achieve a minimum gap between the threshold or floor plane and the door leaves. Door installation is a clean and precise job that does not require the use of mortars, glue or other substances that can stain a clean floor. The tools used in this case cannot damage it, with careful work.
But this applies directly to the door. The door frame can be installed earlier - before leveling the walls. This will remove all cracks and irregularities near the opening. If the walls and openings are initially ideal, you can postpone the installation of the box until later.
When installing the box ahead of schedule, it is important to take into account the height of the future floor covering!
What comes first: to glue the wallpaper or lay the laminate (parquet, carpet)?
Any type of wallpaper is glued to the prepared walls prior to the installation of the decorative flooring. This is also true for painting walls.

True, there are different opinions on this issue. Supporters of the second option answer this question in the same way as the question of what first: paint the ceiling or glue the ceiling plinth. According to their position, the wallpaper is glued after the floor has been installed and ceiling plinth, because you can replace the wall decoration at any time without touching the baseboards either from the bottom or from the top. And the edges of the wallpaper are just enough to cut exactly to the level of the plinth.
The ceiling is painted after the installation of the upper plinth. In this case, it is very convenient to eliminate all irregularities and leaks in the connection, and then the plinth and ceiling are painted in one step and look monolithic.
What comes first: stretch ceiling or wallpaper / painting?
The specificity of stretch ceilings makes it possible to install them at the final stage of renovation work, after painting the walls and pasting the wallpaper. This is a very clean job and it is difficult to damage walls or floors while doing it.
The top-down priority principle does not work in this case. It concerns mainly traditional renovation work. New technologists are making their own adjustments. The specialists themselves who assemble stretch ceiling, recommend inviting them to the end of the renovation.
If you make a short list of the sequence of repair work in the room, then it will look like this:
wiring; heating and air conditioning system; preparation of the sub-floor; dismantling / installation of windows; preparation of walls for wallpaper or painting; ceiling (all works); painting walls or wallpapering; clean floor; installation of doors; thresholds and floor plinth; stretch ceilings This order is not an axiom. Each master chooses the sequence that is convenient for him. But in general, the order looks something like this.