Nrk games. Games with a regional component

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten of general developmental type" Fairy Tale "

the city of Buinsk, Buinsk municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan "

Didactic games

to familiarize the children of the elder preschool age

with the culture of the peoples of the Volga region

Sagitova Gulnara Ansarovna,

educator of the highest qualifications category

Abdullina Gulia Garavdinovna,

senior educator of the highest qualification category

1. " Ә biemne ң sandygs " "Grandma's little chest"

Target : come up with a project and decorate the room (house) of the Fatima doll.

Equipment and materials : Fatima's doll room, built from highchairs and other auxiliary materials; chestwithgrandmother's products, old utensils of local production.

Stroke : The teacher invites the children to become an interior designer and decorate the room for the Fatima doll so that it is cozy and beautiful. At the same time, he draws the attention of children to the fact that the Tatars have long used lace, woodwork, embroidery for their dwellings ... They knew the secrets of decoration and carefully passed them on from generation to generation. These secrets still live in grandmother's chest. The educator invites young designers to look into such a chest and choose items,which can decorate the doll's room. Children offer their own options for decorating the room, decorate the house with embroidered towels, tablecloths, bright patchwork bedspreads, homespun paths, arrange kitchen utensils and painted dishes. To summarize: the room became beautiful and the secrets of the grandmother's chest helped to make it so. Now the Fatima doll will be happy to invite guests to her place (the game continues).

2. " WITH ө rle tartma »

Target : to teach children to recognize and name the details of folk costumes of the peoples of the Volga region (Tatar, Russian and Chuvash).

Material for the game : Dowry chests of three nationalities, with costumes and details of clothing with ornaments for them.

Stroke : Children are offered national dresses for holidays and weekdays. As well as outfits of different classes and offer to dress a peasant or city dweller. And compare why the peasants dressed like that.

3 ... "G a yl ә »

Target : Continue to acquaint children with the life and history of the Volga Tatars, with their way of life. To consolidate the knowledge of family members in the Tatar language.

Material for the game: A miniature house in the national style with all family members.

Stroke: The game is played in the form of a role-playing game.

4. "Chytly Bikya"

Target : continue to acquaint children with the elements of old national costumes and jewelry of the peoples of the Volga region. Development of aesthetic tastes, patriotic feelings and tolerance in preschool children.

Material for the game : Dolls with national costumes and details for them.

Stroke : The game can be played in free form. Just offer to choose clothes for Masha, Amina and Arina from clothes, dress all the girls in a certain national outfit, or put the details of clothes into chests for each doll separately.

5. "D әү ә nor "

Target : acquaintance of children with the clothes of Tatar girls, the names of details of clothing and ornaments they wore, as well as the way of life and life of Tatar women. Fostering love and interest in the culture of your people.

Material for the game: Cards made of cardboard folded in half. In the upper half, a silhouette of a girl in a national costume is drawn and a certain detail is cut out in such a way that various fabric tabs can be made, as when playing in the "Atelier".

Stroke: The teacher begins a story about what kind of D I hadәү ә neither.

My grandmother lived in a Tatar village and she was the first beauty, clever and skilled worker. She knew everything in the world. And work and sing, and play on the kurai, and dance, dress up and dress beautifully. Take a look: ...

Further, the teacher shows what dresses she wore, what fabrics they were and what colors and patterns the Tatars preferred. The teacher names all types of clothing (Kamzul, Zhiket, Chitek, Yaulyk, Kalfak ...). Suggests to consider the fabric for a dress, which was worn to work, on going out, on holidays and invites children to think about why such a choice (Silk, velvet, chintz, linen ...).

But the most important thing is that my grandmother could do everything. She spun, and knitted, and embroidered, and darned, and cooked very tasty and even raised bread for the table herself ...

Children, together with the teacher, consider what the girl is doing in each case. You can also consider the grandmother's jewelry (Alka, white beetle, chulpy ...).

In line with the implementation of the Federal State educational standard in practical activities with children, the consideration of the regional component is considered by us as a condition for variability preschool education.

The national-regional component is part of the content educational process reflecting the national or regional identity of the culture. The implementation of the regional component makes special demands on an organization that develops a subject-spatial environment, one of the elements of which are didactic games.

In order to implement the variable part of the main educational program preschool education MDOAU No. 96 in Orsk, we have developed didactic games aimed at studying the natural, socio-cultural and economic, national characteristics of the city.

Taking into account the principle "from close to far", children receive their first knowledge about their native preschool institution. To get acquainted with the premises of the kindergarten, their purpose, we have developed in the form of a puzzle "My kindergarten".

Target: to acquaint children 4-6 years old with the main premises preschool, their purpose, personnel professions in kindergarten.

Material: real photos premises of a preschool institution (gym, music hall, kitchen, laundry, etc.), cut into pieces in the form of a puzzle

Didactic task: assemble a puzzle, name the room and its purpose.

An equally interesting manual is for children 5-6 years old "Make a picture out of cubes."

Purpose of the game: To acquaint children with the sights of the city of Orsk.

Game task: Create a picture from the cubes according to the sample.

Didactic tasks: train children in drawing up a whole picture from separate parts; to consolidate the knowledge of children about the city of Orsk through the content of pictures; foster love and respect for their hometown. Develop attention, memory, thinking, perseverance.

The course of the game.

The teacher and the child examine samples - pictures of the sights of the city of Orsk. The child names what interesting (architectural) buildings are depicted on them; in case of difficulty, the teacher helps.

The child chooses a picture by which he will collect cubes. The teacher invites the child to examine the cubes, pick up the elements on their sides. The child, with the help of a teacher, collects a picture. If the child tries to assemble a picture on his own, this is encouraged by praise. After the picture is collected, the teacher asks what the child collected. One child can collect all 6 pictures or collect each picture in turn.

The formation of ideas about the architectural structures of the city, buildings and their purpose, monuments and their location is facilitated by a didactic game "Enchanted City".

Target: reinforce children's ideas about architecture modern buildings and structures; to acquaint with the architectural features of the city.

Material: cards with outline images of buildings and other structures of the city; photographs depicting the same buildings and structures.

Didactic task: To "disenchant" the city, that is, to correlate the silhouette of the building with its image.

Game progress:

Before the start of the game, the teacher conducts a mini-conversation with the children:

What is the name of our country?

What is the name of the city in which you live?

How long ago was our city founded?

What streets of the city do you know?

What is the name of the street you live on?

What monuments of our city do you know?

What ancient monuments are there in our city?

What great people who glorified our city do you know?

  • How do you know? Who told you about this?
  • What else would you like to know about our city?

The teacher invites the children to look at cards with the outlines of buildings, then photographs of the same structures and compare the outlines with photographs. For example, the outline of a theater building is a photograph of a theater building.

Note. In the course of the game actions of "restoring the enchanted city", the teacher conducts an extramural mini-excursion to these places (possibly based on the personal knowledge and experience of the children).

Continuation of the theme of acquaintance with the cultural and architectural originality of the city of Orsk is didactic lotto game "My City".

The game is intended for children 4-6 years old.

Purpose of the game: continue acquaintance with architectural structures, monuments and sights of the city of Orsk. To enrich ideas about the industrial cultural objects of the city, the ethnic composition of the population of the territory.

Material: 9 large maps depicting various places of the city of Orsk and 27 small image maps.

Game actions and rules

Game progress: the group of players is divided into leading and direct participants. Players are provided with cards large sizes, and the presenter is given a box with small pictures. He takes out these pictures, loudly says which pictures are shown on the card. During this time, a group of players should keep an eye on their pictures. If it turns out that the named picture and the picture in the picture coincide, then this participant closes this place on the big map.

Acquaintance with the regional component presupposes the formation of ideas about the nature (flora and fauna) of the Orenburg region. As part of familiarization with the animal world of the Orenburg region, we have developed didactic game-loto "Animal world of the Orenburg region"... The game is intended for children 4-6 years old.

Purpose of the game: to acquaint children with the fauna of the Orenburg region, to train them in the classification of animals, to bring up a caring attitude towards the nature of their native land.

Material: 9 large maps depicting various animals of the Orenburg region and 36 small image maps.

Game actions and rules: fill a large map with cards. the player with the fastest closure of all drawings in the big picture is the winner. When more than two players are playing, the game does not stop until it is found out who lost.

Game progress: the group of players is divided into leading and direct participants. The players are provided with large-sized cards, and the presenter is given a box with small pictures. He takes out these pictures, out loud says "Who has such a picture?" During this time, a group of players should keep an eye on their pictures. If it turns out that the named picture and the picture in the picture coincide, then this participant tells who is depicted on the small card and then covers it with the same picture on the playing field.

The didactic games we have developed make it possible to fully implement national and regional approaches to the development of preschool children. They develop interest in the present and past of the small homeland, acquaint with the cultural heritage of the region, traditions and customs, its national, natural originality, develop a sense of patriotism, expand social ideas.

List of used Internet sources:

  1. National-regional component of the curriculum
  2. the federal law Russian Federation of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ "On education in the Russian Federation" //

Sections: Extracurricular work

  • Teach students to play national games.
  • Develop dexterity, courage, speed, accuracy.
  • Foster discipline.

Venue: gym.

Carrying out time - 45 minutes.

Inventory: tape recorder, gymnastic sticks, jump ropes, balls, hoops, 6 sledges, 2 pairs of skis.

Lining up students one at a time.

Hello dear guys, guests of our holiday! We live in one of the most beautiful places in our Motherland, in Kamchatka. This region is rich in forest, fish, mushrooms and berries. There are many beautiful and picturesque places here. There are many northern peoples are the Koryaks, the Chukchi, the Itelmens, and the Evenks. And today in our lesson we will get acquainted with riddles, national games, legends of the peoples of the North.

Want to learn these games?

We will build our lesson in the form of a competition between two teams.

We invite your parents to the jury.

Class! Pay for 1-2!

Stand in two lines!

1 team. Team "Ice",

Team 2. Snowflake Team,

For the victory in each stage, we give the team one point. Team captains will get ready for the first competition - physical training.

Smile amicably to the sun
Become a warm-up.

Captain: Team "Ldinka", are you ready to warm up?

Team: Ready!

For warm-up step march!

Everything is ready for us, everything is in order.
We are in Atlasovo every day
Doing exercises.
We are with a beautiful ball
Let's start the exercises!

Captain: Team "Snowflake" ready for warm-up?

Team: Ready!

For warm-up step march!

For classes, as you know
We need a hoop.
And beautiful and useful
Exercise to do with it.

Stand in two lines!
Everybody breathe. Don't breathe!
Everything is fine! Relax!
Raise your hands together!
Fine! Put it down!
Bend over! Unbend!
Stand up straight! Smile!
Yes, I'm happy with the inspection.
None of the guys are sick.
Everyone is cheerful and healthy,
Ready for the competition!

Students are encouraged to learn games with elements of the national-regional component.

The first game:

"Merry all-around"

1. Jump over three sledges. (sleigh)

2. Throw a maut on the antlers.

Assignments are graded.

The game: "Kamchatka Races". Hear the legend of a brave hunter who broke his ski while chasing a fox. But he caught up with the beast on one ski. Kamchatka children often organize races on one ski. The conditions are simple: you need to slide on one leg, pushing off with sticks, walk the distance, reaching the line, hit the target with a snowball (ball).

The number of hits is taken into account.

Now let's get acquainted with the next game - " Hunters and partridges"

On the floor, there are several circles - nests of partridges. 2 hunters and 10 people from each partridge team are selected. Partridges fly to the music, perform movements. On the signal "Hunter" the partridges hide in their nests. The hunter catches the partridge that has moved in its nest. The game is repeated 2 times. The team with the fewest partridges caught wins.

Now guess the riddles:

There is only one wall in the house
It is very round.
Until then she was round
Not a single corner (Chum)

The game "Who will build the chum faster."

Children take gymnastic sticks and start building chums to the music. The team that builds two chums faster wins.

Who is in the snow, in the grass
Wears wood on your head? (Deer)

The game " Saddle the deer".

Played by 6 people from the team. First, the children march to the music, then they run in a circle, and at the signal, everyone must sit on the deer.

Summarizing. The teacher speaks to the students.

Well guys, workout
You played very well.
Get rewards:
Congratulations! So happy!

Jury members award winners

To grow and temper
Let's go in for sports!
Get hardened, kids!
Good hour!
Physical Education!

Variety of didactic games tailored to your requirements


(consultation for educators)

Language is the main means of familiarizing with the national culture, the source of folk wisdom. Teaching children Tatar language in kindergarten is one of the most difficult methodological tasks. But now it has become more interesting to teach the Tatar language to Russian-speaking preschool children.

If earlier theory dominated the teaching of languages. Now there is an appeal to the practice of orientation, multimedia, learning through games, fairy tales, cartoons. That is, children now learn by playing. Play is a natural form of children's existence. And the most direct way to achieve mutual understanding with a child is through play.

It is possible to maintain interest in the game only while maintaining a positively colored emotional background in the lesson. Therefore, in the classroom, children should not get tired, remain interested. The more comfortable the conditions in the classroom, the more interesting is the assimilation of a foreign language.

In the life of preschool children, the main activity is play. Playing with children requires high professionalism from the educator, awakening many abilities and talents.

The method of teaching a second language is based on the principles of play, fairy tale, imagination, fantasy, comparison, combination of action with a word, repeated repetition and playing out of all the studied moments.

Therefore, in the Tatar language classes, various games are used to consolidate knowledge and skills (verbal, didactic, role-playing, movable, etc.)

In language teaching classes, it is necessary to enter almost every phrase, accompanied by one gesture or another, and accompany them until the phrase is fully mastered.

The workbook is one of the main components of the educational methodological kit "We Speak Tatar", intended for working together adult and child.

Cognitive and entertaining pages of the notebook help children remember the word of the Tatar language, use it correctly in a phrase, in a sentence, go out to communication, on a proposed topic, following the example of a teacher. And for us, educators for teaching children the Tatar language, to consolidate the material, to maintain positive motivation.

During directly educational activities the passed material is repeated many times. In order to consolidate the passed material, taking into account the requirements of the teaching materials, she did many different didactic games for the ages of children.

According to the project, my house: "Kem yuk?", "Paryn tap", "Tupny oleshlerden zhy", "Gilene syila", "Zur - kechkene", ...

According to the project "Growing up playing": "Nerse, nindi, niché?", "Kurchakny kiender (chishender)", "Tosle shakmaklar"

According to the project, We are now big, there are roads leading to school ":" Temle ash "," Kompotka nerse kirek? "," Portfelde nerse bar ", ...

I created a corner of the NRC in the office. There are many materials in this corner to familiarize children with the life and culture of the Tatar people. In order to familiarize children with the samples decorative and applied art, leather mosaic, samples of national embroidery, ceramics, did many didactic games: "Collect the pattern", "Lay out the pattern", "Decorate the apron", "Decorate the ichigi", "Find a pair", "Name the Tatar national ornaments", ..

An important challenge facing preschool educational institutions- fostering love and respect for the Tatar language, I try to solve it with my new ideas and deeds.

On the subject: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Didactic games using TRIZ and RTV elements for children of preparatory preschool age.

Teaching material for development creativity and the imaginations of the kindergarten children ...

NGO "COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT" Didactic games taking into account the regional component

NGO "COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT" Didactic games taking into account the regional component D / AND "TIME CHAIN" Didactic task. Clarify children's ideas about the past and present. Activate ...

the project "Uyny-uyny үsәbez"

1. Working programm groups for the academic year. ( Educational area"Communication" - Teaching children the Tatar language according to the teaching and learning method "Tatarcha sylәshәbez" - "We speak Tatar").

2. Plan of educational work of the group for the academic year. (Communication - Tatar language: Topic; Vocabulary work; Didactic, plot-role, word games)

3. Long-term plan distribution of GCD topics for teaching children the Tatar language according to teaching materials for the academic year.

4. Report on the work done on the teaching materials.
5. Didactic, plot - role, verbal games for repetition of the passed material on teaching materials.

6. Visually - demonstration, handout on teaching materials.

7. Workbooks for individual work children "Tatarcha suylәshәbez" authors: Zaripova Z.M., Kidryacheva R.G.

8. Diagnostic material according to the CMB.

Information material for parents:

1. Information about the TV program for preschool children in the Tatar language “kiyat ilendә” (aired on Sundays at 9.30 am, posted on the site after the broadcast on the TV and radio company “Novy Vek”).
2. Instructions for entering and registering in the system of the on-line school "Ana Tele".

3. Vocabulary minimum for children studying the Tatar language according to the educational-methodical set "Tatarcha suylәshәbez" - "We speak Tatar".

4. Anthem of the Republic of Tatarstan.

5. Information "New approaches in teaching children the state languages ​​at a preschool educational institution in the Republic of Tatarstan."

Card file to the national corner "Tugan Kirem Tatarstan" (NRC) senior group

3. Informational and visual material about the hometown (album, books, a set of postcards, illustrations).
6. Information material about Tatarstan, Russia, Bashkortostan, Chuvashia: (samples of ornaments for fine arts activities, didactic, outdoor games of the peoples of the Republic of Tatarstan)
7. Portraits of G. Tukay, Tatar writers, translation of their works and Tatar folk tales.
9. Didactic games to familiarize yourself with Tatar national ornaments (4 games), for example: 1. "Make a pattern" (on a saucer, cup). 2. "Find a Pair" (domino ornaments). 3. "Find and name" (ornament). 4. “Decorate the skullcap and kalfak”.
10. Toolkit Burganova R. G. "Tatar ornament of fine arts for children from 3 to 7 years old"
11. DVD discs with cartoons: - "Tukmar belәn Chukmar"; - "Ike kyz"; - "Өch kyz"; - "Kuyan kyzy"; - "Su Anasy"; - “Kәҗә ben saryk әkiyate”; - "Tөlke belәn kaz"; - "Altyn Burteklur"; - "Bүlәk kemgә"; - "Agachlar yes avyry";
12. Fiction.

Card file to the national corner "Tugan Kirem Tatarstan" (NRC) senior Tatar group

1. Symbols of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Tatarstan (coat of arms, flag). Information and photographic material.
2. Dolls in Tatar and Russian national clothes (boy and girl).
3. Informational and visual material about the hometown (album, books, a set of postcards, illustrations).
4. Information and photographic material about the capital of the Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan.
5. Informational and visual material about the Republic of Tatarstan (cities-4, fauna, flora).
6. Information material about Russia, Bashkortostan, Chuvashia: (samples of ornaments for fine arts activities, didactic, outdoor games of the peoples of the Republic of Tatarstan)
7. Portraits of G. Tukay, Tatar writers, their works (according to the program), Tatar folk tales.
8. Samples of Tatar national ornaments 5 elements: - tulip - lalә - leaf - yafrak - bell - kyңgyrau - carnation - kanәfer chәchәge - trefoil - өch yafrak
9. Didactic games for acquaintance with Tatar national ornaments (4 games).
10. DVD discs with cartoons: - "Tukmar belәn Chukmar"; - "Ike kyz"; - "Өch kyz"; - "Kuyan kyzy"; - "Su Anasy"; - “Kәҗә ben saryk әkiyate”; - "Tөlke belәn kaz"; - "Altyn Burteklur"; - "Bүlәk kemgә"; - "Agachlar yes avyry";